-tVl rm " if 4 Ml .$ I THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-IOiN DAY, SEPTEMBER aa, 1!)UI WEST SCRANTON M'KINLEY AS A STATESMAN SUBJECT Or AN ADDRESS DAVID J. DAVIS. BY Dcliveietl nt the Memoilnl Seivicea in the Fiist Welsh Baptist Church Last Evening Welsh Addresses by Jnmcs A. Evnns nnd John L. Jenkins ruueinl of the Late H. C. Hinman Franklin Engine Tested. Meeting of Republican Club. Notes and Peisonnls. Tin' inembeiH of tlu Vut AV lull Hdiitlol i lunch, .Sniith Mulii nciiui, lielil iiu'tnoil.il setvliei limi i-vi'iilni; In honor of the Into iiieililcnt. Wlllliitn McKlnley. The thunh vvns ujipto jit lately Uecouted, mul hi iiont of the PiRiui luuiK a life-like poitralt of the nmityrcil ntnti"iiiiin Tin- putor. Hev. U. U HopKlii. .pioMlili'il niitl nil tt es0i were ilcllvc'i I'll h D.ivld.I Uj e In KuitlMi nl bv .limit's A. llviini ami John 1.. .Ii'iililns hi Wlili. .V leutinc of tin cile' wii" the hIiirIiii; of "l.pii'l, Khullv MkIiI" bv the i oiiKifK.it ion, which wui lende-inl With lllMllllllIK cllcft. .Ml" .iHllllIf .Icnhltii lend the SulMine 1imoii ami John J! Jones otfucil piacr Mi. ImvIi lefe'iu-il to I'lesldt-ni .McKluli-v jm a fitiiti'iiii.tu; Mi. J!vuii ipoUo on tho cotiilltlon of the uiiintij at the indent time ami Mr. .lenkln dui'lt upon Mi-Klnlcy an a Clulstl.in. At the i lo"!', I!c. Iloiikliii uNo poKf liiletly ami '-.ilil all should Inmoi the niiiii on aiioimt of liN e linnet ti'i Ml. PivW !iildioM vif a liillllnnt flint, .mil was lHtciiHcl in with iii.uheil attention hi the I.uki nu illcllie. wllli ll neill tilled llle vp.ll iinix iiliilltotltiin lie JpuKe, In p.nt as fol lows. of nil the iniini s lcioiilnl upon the IMRes ()f AniMliiin hlstinv, none stienil out inoie liiiKhtly, M.iiiclv none Is inoio lo('il today than the naine of the lllustiloiis ili ml. our iiluimimI jne. liltut, Willi nn Milvlnley How tine It i that ever Mnee the lonnilatlon of the win lil, wheneei iieeccltv demands' tlie seniles of .1 Kic.it uitnil the skill of ii mastei hand to IiiIiik milti out of i linos, (PmI in ills kii, mips hiis htm ftlw.i. it.nl.v. Jcn man cvpei t an luilueni c fur Rood, hi tot ml. The i I'lOll- of -vorv histoid M il He ihhei bv tin Rie.il ileeili lli.it hue feiimril the nalloiini ih.iliutri In uthi i wind-, ivetv Kti it n.itdm ones to thus, men whose lives hi fni nnd pail of its su-itnics not onlv tin mat il.ii .If-el of what tho ildl but iiNo tie linmeiis. Inn iimd lln.ihtc SUNBURN lio n Almonil Oram rrmoM rtdncu of the tUn snil soothes the pain el (unburn In one night. Tills t bottle with jou on four vacation. I Oil SU.E BY 0 XV. JKNKI.NS. IE Our First Complete Showing of New Dress Goods and Trimmings for Autumn and Winter Wear, Opens on Tuesday, 24th September and Continues for the Balance of the Week. You Are Cordially Invited to Call and (lather the Latest Fashion Ideas, :1 i GOODS fll HI S Shnik Skin Suitings, Diap D'Almas, Fine Wool Poplins, Bioncl Clothb, Pedeatrian ClOths, Aimuie Suitings, Show) Days, Tiiesday Globe Warehouse tnoi-al Inllucnce produrod by their deeds ami wot ds themselves upon the mi tloiiiil charai tor. In the Fame way that we mo tidier for the deeds of the great iiieii, alas' o wo hip the wotse for those who luive striven und are stuv ItiK to sptead the influence for evil upon our land today. , , 'Ph.. irnmi mul irronl men who nave Improved tlteinselves most upon the thought of the nation have left behind them ciueem wbkh must tell fot Booil. It in not only the inuiitrv which these men helped to make and save that Is otllH b IiiIum Itiim . but we natuiallv lllheilt nil that Is best mid nohloKt In tin lr lives and chin ni tei . The fit tine will iindoiibledh puitl.ty to the woild the went Kiatismanwhlp of the man In whom the Aliieilum people es. peel.lll.v Wt'ie wllllllK to pl.uc their tllist. After iniikltiR a utiefiil nnalvsW of his pi I vale and puhlli life the hlstoilan of the futllie will tell us of a matt who was a stntetiinaii of nunc than ot dlliaiy ahlllO. Hefoie we dill he sm . ce-sful In nti of the vailotis walks of life wc must inrefiH.iilly to a icttaln iIori.0 llllili istntiil the ieillllellli llts tit that In whdb we aic eiuMKed and If possible bo master of the ultim tlon The sime ptliiilple must also of Iteiesjjln upplv to ii st.ltesin in. He inle one i an be eminently suutssfnl as ii sliitesmati he must be Well eIeil In the affalts of row tiiments and cspe- l.illv In tile Rovci ntueiit whit h he Is lioiioied to ieiesellt I'leMidcnt Mellnle posi Mi d that stioiiK s,.f.iesttalnt whli h Is uiRelillv te(iiiiei in the life of a smtesmnn, an example of wbldi we haw when that beiutltul battleship "The Maine ' sank illideini ath the wateis of HiiMiua. Tlie iDillitn Riew wild with eptemciit. Nwsiunm iliinmeil foi H'M'iik''. ' MliRe win w.n. iiROlnst the kliiRiloni of spiin lint Mi Ivlnley im a stutes inin a riiilstlan and a man had the sclf-H'sti tint and roiiiaRe nut to b uijM'd to n b!ood iiinllkt b the itles of linpiiNi .mil passion, vet he was statestiifin enoiiRli to pinpaic for win He Riitheinl his battb ships, moved tin m ptfpuici his uiinv foi an enier Rtflu and when all pe an fill liie.isuies leMiili'd to lould not auit the l.ishlni; of niniti and sinkiiiR of ships, he deeph lilt tint tin iitbltrameni of the sword wn neiess.m )ih(.hiisi. Spain failed lo nppii i i.ite the fait that untiniis ns w 'II us Individuals innnut foiRet Hod and li.nnple his i iRhtMiiistn s ninler tout Cuba was to be iele,i-ed fioiii Span ish chains of tiaun W.n wis de i lined mill iiiethlnlic 1 i.in sp.. the si hooi bm. the teicbir, the .voldlei, the l.uwei. the i onKivsnun the I'liiNtlaii the siati sman, the i oinmand ei -In-chiel RIllillllK the slilp of sute thioiiKli the suirIiik wateis of Hie and liloiiil. He was not olisiinite, lint when nsv.dlnil b tlie ihs Ioi w.ll, If It niilld be peai t fllilv incited, he stood ii' hillelble an a nick Clothed with puwei as pusiiiiMit of the i'nlted Slates he ,is a st.iti.sin.in epilseil It with iiiiiileinilun, litinillttN. iIIrhIU, loievlRlit ami iiiiiiaReoiis yeal. He ioss,ss,. (. humllltx ul a i lill'l. ami (lie llllllitN of a plislilelll. II illst'u Rillslnil anil self-,sai i Ith Iiir patiiut iin tine iiobilltv ami intcllei mill Rir.illiess . man of patient e, a man wiin had the i mini Re of his i un i tlons, a in in who ni'M'i Mi.neil 1 1 (.mi the pi ill of lllt. s a line patt lot and able stalc-nnn In liixed the I'liion tin whli h he foiiRht to ilereiiil ami ovei wliiih he snbse iliiiliih tilled in peaie anil in wai A i slmeie and linnl I'luKtlan lie in know ImIrciI (Jod as hs i oiiiihellor a ul -iipieiiie Hud I and was In pni loiuid snipatli ulth liN fellow man, wliii b 1 1 suit! i In wlnnliiR tin istieui Distinctive Novelties la weaves are comparatively few this season in dress materials, Solid color ings and for the greater part plain weaves are most in demand for suiting3, while quiet mixtures, indistinct patterns and solid colors have firot choice for Walking Skirts. New Waist Cloths In fancy wool weaves and mixtures ol wool and silk, etc., are as new as any thing can be, They're pretty, too, and their possibilities are so great that their popularity is already assured. Stripes with cord and tuck effects take the lead, but there are others. The Most Fashionable Weaves may be summed up thus : Piincess Cloths, Hand Cloths, Mehose Suitings, New Venetians, Whip Coids, Seige Waist Cloths, Aud many of the favorites of last year in new shades and finishings. The truth is that common sense ideas prevail iu the materials while New Applique Trimmings Will be used more extensively than at any time in the past twenty years. A description of the new trimmings is simply out of the question. Their num ber is legion, and choice, as personal fancy may dictate, to a very large extent at any rate. This line Is the most com plete we have ever shown. and Balance o! Week. nnd filendshlp of the American nation, toRcther with the civilized nations of the w oi Id. , , , Ills American mnnhood nnd hlRh statesmanship won iPLORiiltlon throtiRhout the entlns nation. In Ills (ympnthy nnd love for his fellow man he was not a lepictor of color, need, or nationality, and upon the hlRhcr plane of n unlveiwal biothcrhood nf man In the Fatherhood of tlod. he piefidi'd over the Anieilcan people a pattern for the kliiRi, Milt'ciis and einpPtois of the win Id, nnd the pilde of impels, scatti't IllK tile blesshiRs of libel ty III lavish piofiiKloti on cvciv hand. May bis lelRit be an inspliatlon aiul rampie to the mleis of the wot hi. May o never lose hIrIU of his steilltiK charac ter, his executive :iblllt, and his bril liant life tilled with the deeds of n tine Cliilstlan man. Muv the well known name of William McKlnley be iheilshed lu the tablets of fame as a statesman, honored and loved by his minimis of people May the lu lliieine of his life he our life, Ills Hod nui Hod, that ultlmatelv wc may not he ashamed to pass thioiiRlt the dark shadow of death piaicfully sIiirIiik "Neaiei Ms Hod In Thee. Nealei to Thee ' runeial One or ilie sliins seen In of II. C. Hlnman. lniRist flint i al pimps Wist Hcianlon In many months follow oil the remains ol the laic II. C. tllnman to Hall tlnal tost liif place estciday nftein.iru. A fhoit seivlio was hi Id at the family ies. detiie on Tenth sttcet at 1.30 o'clock', and a h.ilfhntit hit' I the lorleRe moved to Simpson .Mthodlst Kplsiopal chinch vvheie a la i Re asHeinbluR" R.itheied to pa their icspiiis to the dep.nted. Memlii'lrt of WntliliiKloii camp, No. 17b, l'atllotle Oidei Huns of Amerlia, and West .Side Conclave, No ill, 1 in pioved Older of HeptaMiphs, wele ptes ent In laiRc nuinbeis, toRi'ther with a ileleR.itloi: fi mil the Hlllldeis' V. thaiiRe, with all of whli It deic.isi d had In en iiiomliieiitlv IdeittlliMl. The sei- ! s wen- In tliaiRe ot Hev. II. C Mc Doiinott. issttd bv Hev. .lames l'iii iiIiirci and Hev .1 1 Hue. and eat h spoke in I'lidi.nliiR teuus of Mi. llin m in as a nioilel I'liilstlm husband and f itliei. The pall-lic.mi s wne .1 (1 Sandeis nun Joseph .1. iJieen. of the I'nti lutle Uidei Sons of AiupiIim; C. Ii. Hill and Mm riiii Daiiiils. of tlie lit ptasoplis, .1 li ii Uiimi ' and Wllllinn 11. Williamn, of the liuilileis' KxiluniRi' The Ilowei be.ll els wiih Alfied 'I'vvlnillR. .1. H. Ah old and John Hev niild.s. The tholr of tlie Shnp-on M.thodlst l'pisiopal iliuuh assisted In the set vice Thei? vvetH ii lnnnber of beautiful Ibual offei Iiirs liiteiment was mind; In tlie Washliiiiu stunt lenifliiv. Republicnn Club Meeting. spu lal meetliiR of the Went Side C ntial Itepllhlli an t lllb was held nt the looms Satlliilav evenlliR to make llnal ai laiiRcinenm I'm .utendlUR tlm invention of Hepiilild an lnlhs tomoi low and Wnlnesiiuv It was ilei Idul that all nienilnis who an do sit will miet at he idiuinitei s In the cential It v and attend the sps slons ut the convention and llle mass nieitlnR at the ainioiv. Hillllth T. I) iv is, wlio was elected a deleR.ite I loin the i lull, will bo unable to attend Hip (invention and .lames J.evshon will t ike ills pla The ilnb in Res all Wi.sl Si l anion ll-piiblli nns to attiml the mass mppt Iiir at tin .n nun v lomoiiovv evenlliR. When Sell Itol Thuilon will be the plliiilpal spp.ikii of the evenlliR. l.livvelhii Davis w ho has b. i h Hie an iloi of the i lub tin a number of ji ais, teiideiPii his i sjRiiatlmi at tlie meet Iiir mi Satlliilav i veliiiiR Two Other Funeinls. lb v II C MiUeimolt, pastor ol the sriipson Methodist HpNiupal bun h olid kited al til' flilieial of the Ian Mis Mat l.a Hue on satlliilav nioimiu' at 111 house on Hawthorne stt et Tlie i mains win- lulu n to It i tis ill. fin Intel merit The llllieial of the late lMwaid .lol d ii. whose death lesiiltpil fioin Iiijiii les hi mi lived III the Villi ul lllllit's oil until vtstciilav aflci noon Horn iht house on I'.nU stn'-t, HellcMie. Mcm beis of the iViiii.il Mine riiiul weie In ntti'iiiluiii t Intel nieiit was in, nle in the i atlicdial 1 1 metei Washburn Stieet Chinch. l)i .Molfat i hutisp tin lll'IOllls,. Id, fllllowlllR pi kite tei 'should It his moinliiR ii.v appio- he accoiillnR to tin iniini .ioi) ::i r, Net Sabbath will be obspivcd l.illvliiR ila.v with speilal senium in the moinliiR on bible stndv and lu n la. Ion to Riovvth in ibn Cliilstlan lite. 'I in IJilile Mlionl sisslun w be made spiilall) InteiistiiiR Ioi all loiniet attindauts llvciy lamilv will lie lnaiulv weliomeil. I. Itelti limit i ii-slnid his post, ton as assistant Hiitt,iiv tsi'iilav He will entei a I'lilladelphki iiiedlial lOlli'RH ihls week. Toiiimiovv evenlliR the Cluisiian Hn di.ivoi si,'tv win itiiuiiiit tlit It busi ness seion and soi lal at the paison iirp Hi and .Mis, Moffat eMcnd a niiillal vvcli nine to all the voiiiir peo ple. The .Iiindii ciitUthin Ihuleavoi mj clet have MKiimtil theii lneetliiRs t ai h ?aiiiain aiieiiioon at .; ;;ij . miv lOinpetell and tllinable lad. Miss Susan 1 'mult Is In tliaiRe Patents will do will to s,t that their ihlldien attend thitSH nieetiiiRs e.ii Ii Sabbith Among the Cluuches. IhiRllsli s'lvlics weie c omliif led at the Helleviii' Calvlnlstic Methodli-t ohm eh veMeidny ihoiiiIiir. und at ii oilock Ihepihtoi, Hev. Willi, nn Uavls, pieacned u Weslh hiimoii The membiis of tlie Iliptlst Mlnlv tcil.il loiifeienie will bi entei talned today at the .IiuUmiii stieet Haptlst i Inn eh. The business meeetinR will be held at in 'il o'cloi k nnd the ladles of the c hui i It will sive iiliuiHi nt noon llcniv A Paisons. the well-linown llielltlatc, occupied the pulpit of the Couit stieet Melhodlst Hplsiopal i Inn ill at both seivhes yoi.(i.idii. Tin- usal M'tvlris vine h-ld at tip. Washhuin stieet Piefb.v teihm chiiiih esteidav. j- Molfat picnhliiR nt liolh hui vln-s At tho llamptoit Stieet MthodlHt M'ethndlst HplMopal iliuuh e.seidnv iuohiIiir. the panor, Hc .James Heti nliiRei preached a senium on 'Labor and ItH Law." Mlhs Doiu "Wllllains led the Dpwotth League meetliiR at ii !0 o'clock, and Prof. James HiiRhes. of the HlRh fchool faiultj occupied the pulpit In the evenlliR. Tlio Sim da f-ohool freivico w.ih omitted, ovvIiir lo the fiiiioi.il of the late II. C Hln maii Hev i: 11 HIiirci assistant pastor of th Hlin Pa ik Methodist Episcopal chin ch. occupied the pulpit of the THE HOMLIEST MAN IN SCRANTON It nrll aa llio liamhomcat, ami itlicn ire invited lo cdl on an clriiccUt ami kh tree a trial dottle ol Kemp' llilsain fur the Tliroit a li J Lung, a rriueily Hut U ciurantccil to euro ami relieve all Cluonlu ami Aiulu C'uught, A.thim, Urniiilillli and Cuimimpilon. 1'ilic i'iv. and Wc. Klmpson 'Methodist Uplscopal church last evctiliiR. Hev. Alu S llobart, D. D., of Cm yler semlnaiy, occupied the pulpit of the Jackson Street Haptlst chuieh Inst evenlliR. The Xorlh Knd Cllee i lull niiK "MmtyiH of the Aieiln" effec tively. GENERAL NEWS NOTES. .The friends of l'uif Henry i:niin, of Hellevue, will tender him a compli mentary conceit at Weber's link, Tiiyloi, this eveiiliiR. A iiumbei of local siiR,.m will piittlclpale lu the event. Hev. and Mih. S V Mathews and Hon, Chillies, of lloclc stieet, will leave today for TitimausbuiR, Pa., to attend the wedding of Walter A. Mathews und Miss M. l.eona llatita, which will iK'Htr tomoirow Uiltiei's oic'besti.-i has been eiiRiiRed to play at the lmlnle club dance, lu Meats' hall tomoiiovv evonltiR. Nearly tluee hundied Invitations have been rIpu out by the committee. The postponed taces of the West Side DtlviiiR dub will take place on the Speedway next Thuiday after noon. A meetliiR of the club will bo held this evinliiR, (o complete, the ai iiuiRi'iiW nts Hev. A. I, Hainei, I'll 1), pastor of the Ht Maik's l.utlieiau i hui ell, will attend the elRhth annual Sun day school convention ot the AVIIke Huno confeienre of l.utlieiau c hutches at llaIeton tomoiiovv and Wednes ila. He will deliver nn nihil esq, on 'The Place foi the Cutei lllsin " .lames Holmes, a l."-veal-old boy ie rldliiR on Hampton stieet. was tin own fioin a lib M'le on South Main incline teieiith, and sustained spvcic In juries Tlie wcik of leinovlliR the llitec liouse block lioni the tear of Clarke lircis' Is 'iinv under wu, A Iiiirc ex tension will be built to the Rieat de lailmeiit stoic AllllollllCH'lU ut Is made of the up ptoachlntv m.niiiiRp ol lleibtit I), .loliiison, of liebeicu iihiiic, nnd Ms Maiv Paean, of Plttstoii. A foity bouts' devotion will IorIii at St P.iliiiks ihiiich next Siindav. Clii-s No. T of the I'hsl Haptlt cbuitli will hold an entei tiilnuient and sm ial at the paicouiiRe 1111 Hock stieet on Tuesday evening', October I An admission fee of 10 cents will be chaiRid, and lie cieiim and cake will be set ved The (Ktoul lllee i lul) will inepl net Thill sdav evenlliR lu the Khsl Welsh Cr.iiRieRiitloli.il c lunch South .Main avenue, to M lit in se lor the competi tion on 'The PIlRilnis," which will tike plnie at Ninth Si I ulitou cm 'IhauksRlvliiR !. William Phillips, who has been ihoilsti't ol the I'lv mouth CoiiRicRa tlolial i lunch foi the past two .veins, M'slKlli'd estena nnd Piof. I)a Id Owens was chosen to sun ceil li In t The Slliuliv si hooi will hold a lally net Siindav Chit f lVibi'l made a iniiitlc.il lest of the Fiatiklln tlie piiRiue Satlliilav at lliile P.nk avenue and .Ini ksou stieet, and found It to lie In Hi st-i lass shape The veteian eiiRlneei, Thomas II Allen, was In ihaiRe of the eiiRiue. It Is the opinion of those who know, that the I'laiikllll sltamel Is the best I ill tile l il With the ei ppUoll Of till new one in "nil pun based The b isp ball Riillie bel w t ell liacht'lois mid Anthiacltes win pla veil nel Satuidii afti I iioini on the be the Humus' Riounils All menibeis o tin. )pwI "sunt lodRe, No .VI Ainoili an Ti ut Ivoi lies, ate n nuested to niei't at their hull this evenlliR. as thete is business of hll poi lam p lo be Ii ins.ii hi The William Council lilte i lub held a ihcss lfheaisal jesteidaj afteinoon, cm h meinbet appeal Iur In a HrIiI suit ami white v t s The) will hold an othei iPhp.nsal this evenlliR, sIiir at the Arminy iniiiiu ion i venliiR and rIvc a conceit at the Phst elsh Hap t Kt c lunch cdiii'siiu) evtmiR, IcavliiR on Thin sdi foi PouIliiPv, Veiniont to compete at an eisteddfod on Salui duy. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Pi a nk Koons of South Main avenue, sou ot .Mis John T. Hd Hauls, das eu tt'ied u nautical m huol al Huston, Mao laud, to piepan- Ioi a naval i aieei. Mis. I.' M sp.nliain. ot Oloveisv llle, X. Y.. Is visiting hei diniRhtei. Mis M. J. Kioniei, ot Noith Biomley avenue. J. II. Poiisl, ol Ninth Main avenue. Is lontlneil to his hoinii witli Injuilts, Miss Mville Kioniei, ol Ninth Itiom lev aveuilc, Is sp diuslv III at bet home. Mis. it S Phillips, of West Him stiel. Is vlsltinc- hei husliaiiil at llcniv, West Vlmlliia Ml. and Mis. liavld l)a Is, of Sun. bm aie the Rui'sis of Mi. and Mis. Unbelts cif Lala.vette slnel Mis. lln.vilu I'vaiis, ol Caibondale, Is si1iir m lathes on Ninth Itionilev avenue. MIssMiuv Hi'vnolils, of Huioklvn X V, is the Riiesl ot hei ssler. Mis. Sei dell Pawling of Xoith Main avtnue. i:-Ciiuiiilliiiaii Ud'hani II Williams, of Ataditny slieel, has hi en leinoved to Hie Musis Tavloi hospital lor tical lllellt. He lias hi en 111 tin sevcial Wicks Chillies Hail I.,.,.. o Ninth Hioin le.v avenue spent vesteulay with fllclllls III Honesilllle SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. ti lllusliatid Iciiuie on ' Poinpell" will he rIviii b .Mi A. V How hi to liioiiow iiIrIu at the lldkoiv Stieet Picsbv icihlll i hllli ll The pioieeils will be lor the benefit of llio new palish house Hesldc s the lei Hue. the follow -ItIR piORi Jllillio will he leiitleieil Solo. lleiuy Pihiii htd, viunl duel Missis Maltha Xoidt and Maiv Wlith Inst l n -mental duet, llcniv Pieitihtel nnd William Ijlllhelllf, telioi solo, sins Hcppeit The flilieial of ISuilolph Win hei or, who died Wednesdio at a New ink hos pltnl, look placH esteida afteinoon at J o'eloik fioin the lesidoniH of his step father. Julius Piityeninelei. sill Klin stieet. ScivIips weie c ciliilliiled at the himsH bv Hev, Xielmaim. of the X.lon Lulhci.iu iliuuh. At the coiiiliislou of the set vices the leinalns weie taken to Poiest Hill leiui'ln), vvheie Intciineiit was made The pall-beaieis weie Will lam Sthlik, Chailes Si lid k, Michael Vitithttl und Oustuv Hoesih Lieutenant 55ant; and squad on Sat uiduy uliested Mis. Hva Casper, of I0IK livltiR avenue, and Louis Piant. of Sid Maple stieet, for sellliiR ldiuoi without a license. At a heat lilt' befoie Pollen MiiRlstiatn Stou. they weie lined Jio eat h, wllli h tlioj paid. L)dla, the S-months-old diiURhter of Mi and Mis. ileoigo Hchant.. of 211 Maple stieet, died Satin day iifteiuonn, lifter a brief Illness. The f uncial will take place this afternoon at " o'dock, with Interment In Potest Hill etmetciy. Mis. Philip Koch, nf Willow stuol. baa Rime for u week'H visit with ll lends at While Mills, Wano loutit). 'J'ho ineiiiboiH of Camp 410, Putilotlo Older Sons of Amcilca, will meet In rcRiilar session this evening In Halt, man's hall. Michael Kins, ot Klngvllle, AV. Vu Is lsltlnR fili'iids cm this side, Louis Koch, of Willow stteet, Is visit. Iur fi lends lu Hrooklu. Mis. 1). It, y.attinaii nnd sou Hairy, of Stiliblliy, Pa., iiie the Ritcstfi of Mi, mul Mis. limit llonii, of Plttstoii nvi 11111'. Mis. M. Lally. of ItmO Stone nvcniic. and Mis. M. Mangim, of I'-'JU Viosppct avi'iuii'.weie anestid Satuula.v fin sell Iur Ihiiior without a license, h I.Umi teiiant SCunB and Patiolmen Osihelille and Weber. MiiRlsttato Stoir lined thu vvnincu JiO each. HIrIi mass was lesuined In St John's Until h yesterday. 1 Lilly Kilday inoinlii'- buiRlais en tei eel the house, near the old Dium Ice pond, formerly occupied by Mis. Drum as a lcsldenee nnd stole a Iiiirc amount of fiiiiilluio which had been left In tho place. GREEN RIDGE. Tlie Hi ecu HldRe iIiiirrNIs have combined lu an eaily cIosIiir move, tuent to take effect Tuesdii) , Oi toljei I. On ntul after that date the business places of Chalks Thomson nf Muikct street, C. P Jones of Dickson avenue, 11 M. Colo of Capniiso avenue, 1 J Johns of Ol ecu HIiIro dieet und C. Loienz of AVaslilneton avenue will bo ilnspd at ' o'eloik lu the evenlliR In stead of 10 as at pn sent. The s.u'raiui nt of the Lord's Supper was admliilsteieil nt the moinhiR sei ke of the Capouse Mission chapel Nes. tiicla by Hev. L H. Postet. Two niembeis wule leielved Into the chuieh bv lettpi, t'hai les li. l'oinl and Chailes I! Joins ni at Coxtovvn pond. Wavne county, Dottctlvc Itohoii Wilson unosted a newsboy vesteiday foi distill biliR the pe.uc bv the noise he made while sell Iur his papcis Aliletuiaii Hailej lined the outiR man ', and msts, and In de latllt of p.iMUPlit r.ivc him llfleeu daH lu the omit j ill. Mis m IS. Kavs of Satulcison ave nue Is ImpiovliiR hei icsldence bv havliiR a wide vtianda built. Tlie Asbuiv Methodist llpNcopnl and Uiien HIiIrc Piesb tei Ian ihiuihcs will have their annual t.illj dav eei clsis nest Sabath Hiautiful decoia tlons. Intel mlltiR evciclses nnd music cspvecl.ill.v piepiittl foi the occasion will be nmoiiR the Icatuies of the dav. Miss Maud Cap well ol Adams avenue has cnieMil Km knell Instltiitt ToniRlit the (Jieeti HldRe tastle ll'ij. Am lent Older ICnlglits of M.Nstlc Chi In, will rIvc a sinokei Xo tin and mi enteilnlumeiit at tilth HrcakPt hinc't. louins DUNA10RE. Tlie Italian iltlelis hi Id tenilcd memoiiiil mass i larRi lv at nieilliiR in l.allv s hall, on day moiniiiR W lllovv sliei t, v estei -At litis time st-viial pioniiiit'iit spi akei s weie pieseiit and voleid l in- patiiotlsiu and lovaltv of tlie Italian icsldents At the i lose of the lueetliiR thi'v p.it.uhil ovii the pilmlpal stietls, beliiR led bv the Homa baud. JSiillv day will in- obs, ivnl b the Pie.sbv tei Inn Siindav si hooi nt l Sun dav At this lime It is hoped that all I'm mil m hoi, us will inaki an cllint to lie pie-sent and bv lliell pleseilie lend 'in iilllacemi 111 lo the falthlul woikus now eiiR.iRid lu the Wotk. 'I In Vomit; Lailiis' Mission tlicle ot tlie Picsbv li'ikin i Inn i li will hold a i .ike and nut s lie lu the i hui i h p.n Ioi s nest Satlllda) ntti I iiooli. Oideis foi 1(11 speilal klllds m,i) deleft with Miss l.ih v Piikei ,in. Unit hi line Wednes day. .1 A Wateis, whu has In en tin i III i lent Ibiamlal m'iH'I.uv ot Hie 1m piovifl Oidei of lleplasiiplis tol M'. i i al jcais and who leaves hi a tew clavs tin It ll ua. w hen- he will leslde 111 the filline was picsi-nttil with a hand sonic "llvci lia Ml b tin" niiinbeis of the oi ili i as a toki n of theli appitil .tt Ion ol his sei v li es. Mr. and Mis H W lilshop. Mis Dlllev and Miss llopi Plmiell leave lo ll. iy foi Xlatsm.i Palls, vvheie Mi. lilshop tjois to attend the "Miiiw of Ihc Intel uiitloiuil colivelltlou of lac ten V llispi i tens Miss Matjoile Lewis, of Plttstoii, Is llle Rllesl ot Miss Coiliella linlplll, of j;ini stieet i'iI.iihI Seiiol.iiv I' II Miliuiie will be ptisent at the meeliiiR of the Yoiiiir Men's Institute tills evenlliR Lttteis lem.llnlllK Ullilalinid dllililR the pel did endlllR Septeiilbt I S, l'H) Pel sons cullliiR for these let lei s please s,i lulvtillsed MissIIllii: Hlul. IT to Jeiiiison iiveniie c ii Conn. Pieti Colliiis John IMdv, OioiRe lluinbell, John Kdlv, Clove stieel. Mis. i;eii Miilidv. M. J b Intvie I'hiia Miiiphv, Patilik Mini. iv. .'i.'l Oak stieet, Thom as D.Ntlll, I, inn Mieet II) James P.iRRS. Ailhur Seelev, W 11 'I'att. I!. C U.iRliei Ml- J J Williams, Jeflei siill llVHllie lllnl (been HIiIro stliet: Julian Waged', linii Cuailaiai (V). Piaiiicsio 1 Mi oi i li, Poilimatn Tntfu (P), Doiiellili o Cosio, iilln ,n lie Cal liou i iimpaiiv NORTH SCRANTON. A M Illid meliliinal setvde Will be held this e' iilny ut the I'iiiv Ideiii e Welsh CoURicRiitliuial e bund, oil W'i st l.llltlt slleet. OBITUARY. HDWAHl) O'COXNP.LL, of Ihls city, illtd .vtstitda.v In a Philadelphia hos. pital w licit' he has been foi sonic time iliidei tlPtillii ml 'I he leinalns will he tiiiiiin'ht to this c Iti. and the flilieial will he held fioin the lcsldenic of his motliei. Mn- Cjtheilne O Connell. ID'i iit ens pliice. The lime for the lu nei.il has not .vet been fixed Mi. O Connell wis a compaiatlvcly ouiir mini ami had leslded In tills i lij ilm iiir the Rrcater pait of his Jlt 1 In Is sm lied by two ihlURllteis, Hose and Kva a mother ami a sister and bi oth er, Kate and Daniel U'Couuell. The ie liiallis aiilvpil heie at 1 Ul o'i lm k this tnoinliiR and weie taken In thaiRi bv 1'nilci lalii'i Cuslik. AVOLP JOHNSON died .vcsienlay inoinliiR nt U o'eloik nt his homo, .'i.'S P. nn uvcniic lie was initv-ilve yeais of age and had licen a lesldent of Scian. ton foi tvvcut.twi) jcais, dllililR the ri eater pa it ot which lime he had been eiiRiiRed In the hotel business In this ult). A wlte and sK e hidden .-m vivo li 1 oi He was ii member of Lilly LodRe, No. M7. KiiIrIUh of the Mystlo Chain. LodRp No II. Odd I'ellovvs: LoiIro No .n.'i. KnlifhtH of Pythias: Lodge No 105, lied Men; Lodge Xo, JJ.-i, I. A A. A . LodRo Xo. UP!, KiiIkIiIh of the lioldcn H.irIi. Siiatitnn City LodRe. Xo. 47. O. H. A. The f uncial will do held Tuesd.ij afternoon at L' o'cloi k MISS IHSIDlSHT PLAXXHISV. iiRid Jl jt'.ns, dliil mi Satiinlay at her home, III (limit avenue. Shu Is suivlvnl by hei husband ami sevcial ihildtcii, Tho funeral nunouiici incut will be madu later. I JONAS LONQ'S SONS. Interesting Display of Seasonable Dress Goods These re gal.t days for women with heavier clothes in mind. Our Dress Goods Department just now is radiant wl'h the newest productions of Dame Fashion. Beautiful shades and colors enriched with the color Hushes of auiumn abound throughout this section of the store. Thev suRRest the nimble approach of October. It k both prudent and thrifty to buy now. We can't render the materials justice no matter what we say, so a few quotations indicative of the values must be the limit ol present advertising. Dress Goods and An early glimpse ol the latest weaves is delightful they represent dress stuffs of wonderful goodness and great popularity. Dress Goods at 69 Cents We name only a partial list, as there are many other styles In stock Armures, Worsted Serges, Black Henrietta Cloth with satin finish, and Pebble Cheviot. The width of these goods is 45 inches and the finish and wearing qualities is unquestioned. If our buying opportunities were not great the price of these fabrics would be $i a yard instead of 6qc. All Wool Black Cheviot at $1.00 Of 6i inches in width and splendid in style and appear pearance. The goods are thoroughly shrunk and sponged ready for use. Suitable lor neatly tailor-made suits and priced wonderfully low. New Fall Silks. Black Taffeta Silks These suits are absolutely guaranteed not to split. They possess a rich, fine lustre and beautiful finish. A veiitable green in the world of silks. Prices as follows: iQ.lnch at "0 24. Inch at 89 36-lnch at $1.10 The department has many other styles and weaves to exhibit and ladies bent on fashion inspecting can pass a profitable and an agreeable time viewing the display. Jonas Loos's Sons BEER TABLOIDS. A Geininn Tiim Said to Have Se emed tho Invention. 1 1. in 11 m rn.i Wben tile liellllilll W ll"t Mill! iiiik fiuni tlm nightniaie of an Anieilc.m tiaele Invasion of some Kind, lie- i tnisv iiii'iarlnK an nllllitlon of Hie Hiiue Kind to cause tlie Ameiliaii to have ns inipleiit-aut a time as ine-slble. once n train It I" leiiotted a (iiinian til ill li.i" pel fee ted and obtained con tiol of a trie at Invention It i tin In vention well woi thy the title old le (ommendatlon "It will till a lonpr Jelt want" In fact, that will b it c lilef claim on the lommcicial and tan lul win id its lllllnp qiuilltiep Tlie Invasion Is imtlilnir hss 1I1.111 a "h'ei tabloid' a small tablet Unit di ripped Into a filiiss of watei will tin it It Into beei' ,i lie-h a- If JlM .It. 1 n 1 1 Iti .1 . I, d t Ken yeui It hasi been a saline of lianNhip In ileimany, espeelallv in Hie 111 in v, that men aie iftei.v now and atrniii railed upon to abide lot davs at il time In placet win if llleie s im bie we 1 v Tin new tabloid will lelicve tlm oti.ilu In nidi casts as thtce Mllltaiv nuihoiltii'x hall It with unl.iliii. ami it will vetv HKel.v soon he madu p.nt of the temilil iiltliili-itlie- C'theeis ex ilic t It to inline tll' liuinl'i'l of dtsei tons matei iall.v Now, .sonu setptlis lien- and tbeie lllliv he dubious nboill lids lieci tab loid Then inn.v even east lellei tbui oil the fiualitv ol the beer it mitilit be epei ted to develop Hut no one cum iiuesilou tlie tieniendiiu value of tho Invi'iiilon If It will icall.v worK TuKo a ti vv lliruiesi an to lieinianv alone: lu lieiinnn. aecoidliur 10 of tlelul statistics, ibeie aie 'J" fill gallons of beer consumed jeailv fot em li man woman nnd child lu the whole ioiii tiv. Tbeie ale 3J "mi bleweiles and thev" ate busv liinvv till? all the while Xow. iieim.ni.v constltute.s Inn 'I flBlltcentli p.nt nf Ihliope Wen the hieweiy to continue necesitii to I and were tlie othei niitloiin of Ihiiei" tnconipa.-'s tlie- Delltsill heel niilellv -and they aie iippioNliuallnir It inoi' and niuiM neaih all the while i:uiope would mioii have 10 Mippolt .'isjlieo luevverli's Allll fllltllU. (ielllUlll) lolislllllli 1-2."rt of the vvoildV laud suifiue The woild, on a (ionium hoei Mipplj ba-l.s. would have need of S.I.'.'.Ono bievveii-. And, hlttliur tin; ileiinan lick tliece bieweileu would lmve to Inew .Wl.non OUOOOii ir.illoii. of beer cat ll eai No body 1 .111 cnnipiell' ml those, ilsuie.i. Tlle.v'ic too lilj,' Hut think ot the (I'oliniu.v in Moi.tgo alone thai vvoi'ld tnllow the Minifs of the hei'f tabloid f ve 1. v man his own beer ban el' it w a hltr thine " think of. TlicieM nilllloiis In li One Think Coming. I n III 1I0 iirnuinr Iiu.iih cum In' pf, ' Uiulicil llio poill) pnl) 'IMiui I I'ft 111II1K1 I 1I01I1I01I Hi 11 imlliuiu- bill 1'ililiull.ni vifiull calfr tu llio kin 1111 nn lite ilut I priepoMil In lojil In I Kiuif cnffi lli- ultiiilinii. I ml ldl lint llio 1.UU111 lie-lei iui " iianipc-il li 1111 i.Fltliiu: iiiililiiuii " I elesleleil upun liie tu mil IhiiiiiIIcw ni'H ti il cnl pol hIii-ii inv Imil line irrnliw hjuIiI proecil,v rxpiiKl -m. Iiiinpiliil la Ilii- iinaeiilii'lulllie- ul tin 1 11, hi u-a "Well. I (iiiml i mi ill ,nii in die i''t wluie tlirrn v h hi pjpri, iml piore-nleil jt nmi In till I Iniiir frit vwnt xnn nib I I Iml e tilili.lieil no fiie.it in ml b r ul iiniiiini i l,vinh Inu' leiiK I'Ijh', mul I fell tint t li- sitiiiiimi liIIhI fur li ft' liuuiinir "liU npnn tin- miIi,-i I Tin H -nil hi. h two ciililinil Ir-nlei, when ill I liimllnl Hi" null tec ccitli.uit ul mu, I cimi. t nM in, ill wlul ( ejlil. rvcipl I lie- mil, vlileli nail tuincililui; like llilm 'laiillciiun, think Silks for Autumn. Persian Silks Suitable for fancy waists, The designs are exquisite and the blended shades are glorious one marvels at the richness and beauty ot color here so deftly brought out. These Persian Silks are quoted at four different prices, nainelv $1.25, $1.50, $a and $3.35 a yard, and every one a notable value. AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre VI III s I ., in Vtoieu I V I lit I I llll VUIUKT. Thursday Night, September 26, Hoyt's Happiest Hit, A Day and a Night An Appetising Dish ot Men mien t Piices. 25c. 00c, 75c aud $1 00. Seat& on sale Tuesday nt 9a. m. Academy of Flusic M l!l Imm 1 Dull Minip r. On n lul i k f !inmniii I jiid Tv S pt 2. I NUJ' inctit of King Drurantic Company II r iiK-.r i(pnlir in k ts imjtion tt.flncr. (n.iimi; in t miiik if hHotdliil j 101I111 turn. ' tti 1 1 M ( nit ii cis-01 11 puui'rftil k tin? (oinpim, iinliiliiu M I n Mi hIm iiid )ti Milillr lKut Iti m riuio On Mir ilxn ' lhl nill l iii"t Iurli HHiinn V. W ii1 if Iiiikp," luvljt iiulii ' I mloi tti 1'liu ' uliii"h imiiiiM jHiitiii, Hut m" .(lnt-i i nilit I it ! Min, ' ihuiilii nut imc. I hur rukii- lltuixln mil u Noll (iXWIilH1 ' linlt niiuiur lUuo It in I ri. ihv liii.lt. ' V Uiul ut I 1 inn ' Mtuiddv in t Hint, "llir Oi toi ui( ittiultt 11 uht Mdtlllf! I III 1 '") L tit - m iiuiu 1 m U '"I 0 n nt- STAR THEATRE VI I 1. Ill IIIIIM.ION Millie ' vii wniv VI 1 I V In. 1 I 1 s 1 I, -en j "Dainty Paree Burlesqaers" $15,00 TO $18.00 A WEEK nelull I 1 t ll I l Jl 1 I k 'I "un " nl'l Ul I."!! 111 11 . .nn n m pii (mi r ii r Vial 11 j 1111 11 s rilllvltlllllll. Prf.G.F.f HEEL,527 sV.?hh.l I Ml.lrlhl, l imlj ll.rnia hf.fl.li.l laf Irarrlri C.mrl.eli t.r al.oby mall l-rlmlt. llUrtar. KirntM, Abu.... Illoeil I ol.o, R.ru., Urhllll.leel Xtabaad.Tarlfo.au .VStrlrlurr ' .iilllaxi. Inil.f.luDni.nla to Sbmnk.a Orinas Ifrtsl k-e1. ror.d I Co 111 di;. in Jtin prkrtlrkl I CI JHnl . ...I..ul.l. ., Mas A ttm hank ,.T.i,,k'( 1 I nv. ,, .ri .----.--,..-- ..--- -.- a Dutinc .rrr n.tll.kl L klfrCrirkl rrtuils Bl.ktloei cbl. papr. hnailtkl tut hi ' 1 J. I 11 i IU ll ' ll.llll- 01 1- I, i mill ii I luiiifi u . .i i .ii i lii ik'i il i" mul llii-iditl n 1 1 nt hiiiii n v iiii-i i 1 ni'l leu i mu' i ' U lue luulb i ueej vvlui 1 1 el A a I li in c il-he mini nt in fellim eiiu i Mini cm I ilo fui V" Si iilldin n 1 1"k ll rrjluim: lint 1 w.n Uiliu' coiulu on i i v llirmi " We.'if k i in jn ,' Mini the pe i -nun o infiiirn jciii tli.it we clou l lakn no ! inf - li.it llur arliclo ul uiin 'hunt It tu Inn Our nrkt iiiiireMuii j to uiin,: 4 rope alone in , Iml we iiinriiihriiil Mini ton oili Moil iliinkin' Ittlic-, ) wr'vc (ok callril to Irt vnu kn ilxt wc'in li ul our tlii think Me-11 lip vein asj n lomoiion ' "I took till" him i'i Hie lut c i n out ol leiVMl " Funernls. 'I lie fnnieinl of MIsb Annie ljnntt will tnhe ibiee fiinu hei laic home, cm Ver.r MmKet stieet, this niornlnc. A ssciloiiin blsb nuiriri nf iri.iilein will lm Mini; ut Tlnly llns.ny clninli nt ii) o'eloik. Huil.il will In' In the C.ithi' ill.ll il llle lei v Siiccinl Tnies to Alloutown, r via the Lehiph Vnllcy K. H., Account tho LehiRh County I'nli. 'I'lcheiH em Kile Sc nicnibri j-jki (Q I'Mll, limited fin' lelillli to Keiti'liibor "Dili. Hou jscnta rui liaptkulurs. rS! k , I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers