THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1901. xxxxxxxxxxxx; the modhtin iiardwaih rroiu. $ Fixtures for tlie Bath Room The ones we sell iuc made from brass, nickel plated, the kind thnt do not rust. Wo hnvo Towel Racks, Soap Cups, Sponge Holders, Sprays, Everything ueccssnry to mnko your bnth room com plete. Foote & Shear Co. H9N. Washington Ave :xxxxxoooooc Every tiling for tlie Baby Airy fairy graceful-dainty chnrming little garments es pecially designed to cnptlvato the mother nnd win trade we've a growing demand for such goods wo want to moot you. A few moments inspection of these garments will convince you of their merit. A lino to us will bring a catalogue. Th? Baby Bazaarj" 510 Spiuce Street. f&srasKia NIGHT SCHOOL Katvauna ItU'inr ( ilIeRe flood light. Good initrui lion, 1'rues rljflit. The chief function of a bank is to receive de posits and to loan money. These things wc are prepared to do in a man ner acceptable to our patrons. un,qniM!abel1 -"ffuTiW PERSONAL, l I. Taylor returned Silui t.i fiom .in r ' wird European trip. Mduinan and Sir. sV. S. Millar Irft .vcstriday ( 'i .i wi'fk at the lVin-AtmrUun. Mi- Tliotius .. IlccK and Sir. .Tolm (5, HooVer n- n-itiug fiiend In New 01 k. '.n .1. KanlTinfin is Mtlns tin" Pan-Vineriean nion, Niasara 1'alN and Toronto. Mi.i Italic1 Moat, of I'.yuon street, is peiidiiii: i ilatK with Mends In New Vnrl. inc. V ''i.l Mrs. I "ml Sialtli. of IVankliii, ' unlaj for Itullalo nnd Niagara l'.illr. M. and Ml. Ilaild .Mm, nf Ila.t ll.nkrt U' eiitrrtamtiiK Hip lalln's sinter, liom In.i Mv Lillian nnd Klltahetli Stnre. of Wilkes. Ii t.. lie the guests of Sir. and Mis. William II. 1 i-uiiin. Mi ami Mm. (War Van HusLIrk, of Itald SI nt. left jci.tiTd.ij- morning for tlii Pan Aiiiriiian. 'I i,i onsagriiient is annour.eed of Mks lMnina It P line, lio!mrj', .la.v In llelfoid llairis, or this .ilj Mr.. li.iWd Hill, of llailrton. Is sMtlnc at the Lome it licr M.ter, Sirs. Kr.ocli llarrK on Mam aenue. Ul.eit p.nla, of .uitli Main avenue. Is spend ma a fin-'ilajj at llio Pan-Vini'tliaii, llutlalo and Maura I'M, ' "iCf l'.iain, of HhirfirM, W. Va., I the tiu.i cf Id. Muter, -Mm. licoise lla.Uile, of North MininiT auntie. Hut Dimaii, of the Iitk.iuaimi ear leoonl de- I mriit. Is quite HI at his home en Hi mhI.j cvenuo. Mks Ida liobcif, cf Nottli Lincoln aciui. has I hi iied homo fioin New S'oik, h"ie the u, Lie K'li't of telalhrs. Mi- .lolin Slonalian, of Shallow! nwriuo, l.m- i n lliiahtu, is entertaining hrr mother, Mi. I iin. iHilaii, of sugar Notch. and Mis. .1. II. Itirbfr, of Wyoming e- Mi i.ieen Illd;e, haw ittuinril fiom a inn i. IMI ... Niagaia I'alln and Tuionln. II. II. Waie led Je.teidav for lMi.tiiiii? Hi wliii. he will attend the meetings of the Slu'c Sh'li. il MHiel.v, in eeaaiuu there this week. Thomas It. Phillips of Went lllm itieet. and in cii"-t. .1. I.'. Wrlcht, of Mmdiliigtnn, II. ('., . ieudim; a few dajs Hitli fiicnds in Caibon iia M .l.ntirct Oir irlurnril to hrr home in Pitts tin Ut eenliiff, aftrr , two ilaj' visit at tlm liiiino oi Sir. and Sirs, Iaae Williams, on North Milliner ,icmic, M W. (1. 1'ulten rd'iincd jelenl.ija fiom a " i tn ( diiada. She w.u pie.rnt in f'lichoi' and Mnnniai diiims the rrrdnotilrs in honor of tin link ami Diiclinu of ComHall. M .- S l.onUn lhidcnhrich, hn hjirnt la-t -k vviih her luother, Auditor fiennal Harden lie ci. Hiid 1 1 i.t (,,milv, at the Pan-Anieilian '-x. pi -mini, In. letuincil to her (lulled in thin city. Waller I), fhasf, of la Plume. left thh city KmiifUv ninriiiic lor nullaln. After pending a few ia.i theie he will proieed to Ann .ilr, here lie will purme a (our jeats' courbO fit the Inner.- ly of .Mulligan. We Have For Sale Clark k f-nmrr Tobaoo l'o. nock. Consuiiiei' lie ami C. f'o ttoc;. Sctanton Iteddinc I'o htoik SVatcr liond. miIi tork lienip. rtrewerj' bonds jnliinc nlintvi 7e;. Kionmnjr I., II. fc ' . hon.l.. Ilr lland'a Cond Milk Co. Hoib Title duarantre Tiittt o. i-loik and nought, nld and cxclnniifd. R. E. Comegys & Co. Iimio IUnk rtulldlnsr, bcranton. We Want to Buy I nltei) Stated Lumber Co, itoek. Colliery Kwrlnrer Co, itotk. Hrranton Hcdditig Co, stock, f'litk k r-nour Tobaieo L'o, nteck. Kcranton Holt and Nut Co. Mock. Kcranton Iron Fence .Mljr, Co, tlock, Krinton AMe wotu uoi k, Lackauanna Dairy C-o, atnek, Rrranton Drllllnc Co, ilnik. New tleilro lly and t'. Co. stork I.acka. Trint and Safe lirti, C'n. toi County Savings and Ttut n. tuik. inme urpon anq ma liariK hock Traden.' National IUnk Hoik, l'ccple Hank ttock. THE PEOPLE'S BUNK. I P CS BONDS AN IMPORTANT DECISION. Judgo Archbnld Rules That a Tat cut Has Dccn Infringed. Jutlgo Atchbald, of tho United .States court, has forwarded to tho Circuit court clerk nt Philadelphia an opinion In tho patent Infringement case of the Duyllfiht Prism company 'nualnst tho Marcus Prism company, In which he decides that tho plaintiff's patent Is valid nnd hits boon Infringed by the de fendant. Tim parties nro nitinufitrlurers of Klass prism umlt lvalues deslRiietl In IlKht dark Interiors, by flret refracting und then dlffustne the sun's rays. Tho decision Is an extremely Import ant one from a commercial standpoint, ns this new-fangled Idea has already bcRtin a revolution In building plans In tho larger cities, lleforo the practical Introduction of this Idea Into building plans, It was necessary in construct ing largo buildings to devoto a large amount of space to nreawnys to light the Intorior tiiiiiiiiiieiits. This prism contrivance! timkcs It possible to con tract Uipso nrenwiiyf Into compara tively ti.i-iinvlilei'iible space, l'y nir:iiin of tin- ptisins, lli?bt can be carried tibntlt mill delivered quite as tcaillly as air or water -around corners or angles or upstairs, downstairs and In my lady's rhnmber. Tin' case will now go to n master lo havo the datmiRes ascertained. lnbert N. Kenyon, of 49 Wall street, N. Y represented the itlulntirf. nnd Krnest Howard Hunter, of Philadelphia, the defense. WILL CLOSE TONIGHT. Atlantic States Conference of Ger man Baptists Nearly Over Ser vices Conducted Yesterday. The diil.'Eates to the Atlantic Slates ciitifcience of German Iluptists spoilt yestorday In attendance at special t-er-vho.M loiiilttcted In the First tint at. mi lliiiitsi church, on Jllckoiy street. The morning service was conducted by Itev. U Jloenlg, or New Haven, Conn., who preached a profoundly im pressive dncttlniil senium on tlie di vinity of Jesus Cln 1st. taking for bis text John i: 1-14, "In tho beginning wns the "Word, and the Word was with Ciod, nnd the Word was fiod. And the Word was made- flesh nnd dwelt among us (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Kit titer), full of grace nnd truth." The members of tha Sunday school were addressed In the afternoon by several of the clergymen, including Ilcv. A. P. Mlhm, of Hrooklyn; Kev. Marsehner, of New York; Rev. C. Schmidt, of Newark. N. J., and Itev. ii. Alvor, of Passaic, N. ,1. Tho congiegntioii of the Herman Presbyletlnti chttrct united with the Haptlst congregation at night. The church was crowded to the doors and great interest was taken by all. The set mon Wits preached by Ilev. H. I.. Dietz. of llrldgeport. Conn. He spoke of the great love of Cod for sinful mankind as revealed In Jesus Christ, ami as part UuiUii ly exutnplllled in the Apostle Paul, The sermon Wits fol lowed by exhortations by Itev. II. Truinpp. of Hrooklyn, N. Y., and Ilev. J. C. Schmitt. of this city. A feature of both the morning and night ervlees was the singing ot hymns bv a double male quartette, ((imposed of ei 'it clergymen. Todnv will h- ilio closing day of the conference. The several committees will make repot ts at the morning ses sion and Kev. O. K. Plstor, ot Boston, illl rend a pap"r on "Original Sin." The afternoon will be devoted to wo men's' missionary work. A sermon will be dellveted at night by Rev. H. C. Hauin, of Wilmington, Del. This ivill be followed by a love feast. The visiting delegates wete taken In chnrge last Satin day afternoon by a conimtnlttee from the church and were given a trolley ride to all parts of the elt Parties were taken through the Axle wotks and a number were permitted, through the courtesy of Colonel K. II. Hippie, to Inspect the In. terlor workings of tlie National mine. "Nearer My (iod to Thee" and several others hymns were sung In the bowels of the earth by the party. BINGHAMTONIANS VISIT US. Large Excursion Comes from the Parlor City. About tinO Hltighaintonians untie here yesteid.iy on an excursion conducted by the Painters' Union. They nrrived here over the Luckuwanna at 10 o'clock a. in. and remained until 8 o'clock In the evening. Their announced des tination whs Nay Aug park, but the majoiity of them spent the day In lo'iklt.g about to see what a real live ciiy is like. Klght thousand Sernutonlaus went to the park during the afternoon to "have a look" nt the Parlor City peo ple. The Hinglinnitonhins found much about the, city and in the park to mar vel at. This Is especially true about tho park. The moving picture exhibi tion was particularly well patronized. The proprietor had arranged to show a picture of the latickuwunna ear shops In fun operation on tho beautiful banks ot the Chenango, tho whole framed In a wreath of poppy smoke, but through some nilscarrlngo of the mechanism the thing wouldn't move. SABBATH DESECRATION. Manual Labor, Performed on the Loid's Day, Is Unlawful. Alderman Millar rendered his decision Saturday 1n tho ease of Henry Bur ger against George llmlmer, In which the latter had Hurger arrested for per forming manual labor on Sunday. Hur ger was lined $1 and costs In one ease and dismissed In tho other three brought against him. Huehner alleged that Hurger worked on four different Sundays "cutting grass, pulling -weeds, trimming grnp vlncs, cutting props and putting the same under the fruit trees." Tho offemsa was a violation of tho blue laws. New York State Grand Commandery of Knights Templar, Blnghamton, N. Y., Sept. 24th nnd 25th, 1001. Kor the above occasion ticket agent of tho laackawanna railroad In Scran ton will sell special round trip tickets to ninghamton, N. Y nt rate of $1.90 for tho round trip. Children between tho ages of 5 and 12 years, 03 cents. Tickets will bo on sain good going Kept. 23rd nnd 24th, and returning to and including Sept. CSth, 1001. There Is Still Time. Students aro registering dally for tho Conservatory's courses In piano, Ofllcc, CO! lalnden fctrect. Open all day. Smoke tho new Kleon Be. clgur. MONUMENT TO WM. M'HINLEY TO BE ERECTED ON THE COURT HOUSE SQUARE. Thnt It May Be nn Assured Popu lar Movement tho Subscriptions Aic Limited to One Dollar Pi o ject Is Launched nt n Meeting of Citizens in tho Board of Trado Rooms Luther Keller Elected Chairman of tho Organization to Hnvo the Affair in Chnrge. Serniitnn H to havo a MeKlnley monument. It Is to erected by the citizens of Lackawanna county by popular subscription, and will likely be local d on court house squato. movement to this end was limit Bti .ited at a citizens' meeting In the board of trade rooms Knturday night, and ft out tho enthusiastic manner in whicli tho project wns taken up tho erection of tho monument is almost absolutely assured. On 1'Yldny last a number ot citizens met In the olllce ot Secretary Ather ton, ot the board of trade, and decided to Issue tho following call: Hcranlnn, Pa , Sept. 2. 1001. Hear Sir: A meeting hai been called In ths board of trade rooms at 8 o'clock fillip Nitunl.iy nlchl to (onelder plans to form an orjanlratlon tu iale funds for a MrKliitey Strmorlal monument. It is tho earnest leipie.t of the committee that j on (In not fail to attend. A lull im clitic W derired. Colonel II. II. Hippie, I.iiy S. Hi. hard, I). P, Atheilon, C. i:. iMnlelf, .!. I!. Sandcuon, Cap. tain W. A. Slav, ( . II. S.inderon, l. K. Cdcur, John Schrurr, Jr., elf-ionMlfulnl committee. Theie were sent out to representa tive men, whose names occurred to the (ommlttec as being men likely to i ike an active Intetcst In the move ment. MA.NV HHSPONSKS. All of Saturday. Secretary Atherton was In receipt of telephone messages from the recipients of the cards, an nouncing their hearty approval of the project and their desire to further it In any. way In their power. Oeorge 11. Smith sent word that he would gladly contribute whntever amount the committee might choose to assess him. Others made very lib eral olfers of assistance. AVIien the hour for the meeting ar rived, there was a large and repiesen tutlvo attendance nt the .board ot trade room's, and the sentiments ex pressed were a continuation of those that were messaged to Captain Ather ton during the das'. It was not only it hearty willingness, but nn anxious desire to help along the movement. After K. 1,. Wortnser, director of public s.ifetj', had been elected tem porary chairman and C. R. Sanderson, secretary, Captain Atherton and Mr. Hlchatd explained the anonner in which the meeting had come to bo called and the details of the commit tee's purpos.'s. Mr. Richard added n suggestion that the subscriptions be limited to a dollar, to Insure that It would be a popular movement. OKKICKHS CHOSICN. There was an enthsulnstle discussion of this and other suggestions its to procedure, and then the chair, on mo tion, appointed l.lvy S. Richard, Hon. C. P. O'Mnlley and Mark K. Kdgar a committee on nominations. The com mittee's recommendations were adopt ed, as follows: President, I.uther Kel ler: vice presidents, W. A. May, A. W. Dickson, 1.. A. Wntres, William Cou ncil, Rev. Roger Israel, I. D., Right Itev. M. J. Hoban, Judge II. M. Hd wards. Judge John P. Kelly, Charles Robinson; secretary. C. R. Sanderson; tt eusurer, D. U. Atherton. . On motion of Magistrate W. S. Mil lar, seconded by Hon. Alex. T. Con ned!, permanent organization was ef fected with the above ofllccrs, and on motion of Hon. C. P. O'Mnlley, second ed bj- John Gibbous, the ofllcers were empowered to add to the vice-presidents nnd appoint committees, James G. Sanderson moved to make It. exclusively, a Scranton affair, but .1. AV. Smith, of Pcckvllle, protested, and, tifter fotno discussion, It wns de cided to open the subscriptions to the whole county nnd country. All the newspapers, dallies and weeklies, are to be asked1 to receive and acknowledge! subscriptions. TUT: CONTRIBUTIONS. All present at the meeting paid a dollar apiece to start tho fund, some contributing both for themselves nnd other members ot their families. These first subset ibers are: AV. S. Millar and Mrs. Hattle A. Mil lar, Mr. and Mm John Gibbons, Misses Theresa, Annie and Alice Gibbons, James and Kdgar Gibbons, Mr. and Mis. C. P. O'Malley, Mrs. John O'Mnl ley, Mr. and Mrs. J. AV. Hownrth, Misses Marlon and Helen Hownrth and Miss Bridget 'Kahcy, Rev. K. R. Patemun, Mr. and Mrs. James Gard ner Sanderson, R. h, Levy, AA'llllam O. O'Malley, George S, Atkins, Mrs. Mary M. Atkins, Oscar Myers, George AVahl, John Carl AVahl, D. ill. Atherton, K. t,. AViiriiKjcr. M. K. Kdgar. A. T. Council, James AV. Smith, Pcckvllle; Llvy S. Richard. H. II. Patterson, .1. U. Hope well. Itev. Dr. D. S. 'Hentley, pastor African Methodist Kplscopnl church; J. AV. Houser. M. D., and Rev. H. II. Harris, Taylor; A. la. Carey. C. R. Sanderson and 'P. AV. Gnllagbcr. Smoke the Pocono Dc. cigar. 1 MI Garcia Conchas, Vence- .! dora Conchas.per box ip4t5 Marie Jansen " Sweet Violets $3.50 La Silvia J per ioo Fine Havana Cigars made in America. Finest Key West Ci- gars, per box 3M.UU Porto Rica Cigars, equal to finest imported, one-half the price. E. Q. Coursen 1 CITY TEACHERS' INSTITUTE. First of the Monthly Meetings Held In the High School. The city school teachers were assem bled at the Auditorium ot the High school on Saturday In the llrst of n series of monthly Institutes, Inaugur ated by Superintendent Howell. Near ly till were present und manifested much Interest In the discussions. Tho teachers of the various grades were assigned to different rooms, whete Instructions were given In fractions, spelling, long division, declmnls, geog raphy, and other studies by Prof. D. A. Stone, Miss Sarah Clarke, Miss Kllza Jordan, Miss Florence Colvln, Prof. Howell, Miss Martha Phillips and Miss K. G. Olmstcnd. Afterwards Mrs. Ilnrnes gave a talk on "Muslo Work." Miss Brunduge read a pnper on "Spelling" nnd a general discussion followed on "How Shall AVe Touch Good Manners,'' Tho following resolutions were unanimously adopted: In tlila, the nation' crr.tlct bereavement, be It lleaobed, That we, the teacher of the public achoolj of the city of h'crar.ton, In Institute as aembled, this twenty-flrat day of September, 1U01, express through the public piem, our deep sorrow nt the death ot our bcloted nnd martyred pte. dent, the Hon, William MtUinley, and ltesohed, triondlj, That we express" by tele gram to his tnot tenderly loted and cherished, bereft and hurt-broken wife, Sits. MeKlnley, our united eyinpathy and prajeit; and Hesobeil, thirdly, 'Ihat we place oiirebes on recoid as the present and everlasting enemy of atiarilit, or anj- other aoclety or pi.llij which lias for Its object the oeitluow nt , ' i.mlltU' tlonal got eminent, of our cruiitn . any putt thereof, and that wo will iloubl i dlilgenee and efforts in teaching the foundation principles of gxiod citizenship and ttue gotemtnvnt. REV. BALLHORN RESIGNS. He Severs His Connection with St. Paul's Lutheran Church, of South Scrnnton. Rev. Alfred Hallhorn, pastor ot St. Paul's Kvnngellenl Lutheran church, on Prospect avenue, has tendered his leslgnntlou to take effect on November IS. The resignation has been nccepted and the congregation Is now looking about for available candidates to suc ceed him. Rev. Mr. Bullhorn said last night that his health has been poor for the last year or more and that he decided some months ago thnt the climate here was disagreeing with him. He said thnt he has three calls from as many churches, but refused to tell the names of the churches. Rev. Mr. Piiillhoru came to this city a little over two years ago fiom New ark, N. J., and has succeeded during his pastorale In freeing tho church from debt. He has become very popu lar with the members of his congrega tion, who ate loth to have him de part. PEAST OF YOM KIPPUR. It Is Being Observed by the Jews Today. Tlie Jewish festival of Yom Klppur, or the Day of Atonement, began last evening at sundown, and will continue until this evening at sundown. It Is being religiously observed by all the Jews in tlie city, who are abstain ing from food nnd drink for twenty four hours und praying for those who died during the last year and for for giveness for transgression. Yom Klppur is celebrated In observ ance of the commandment of Moses to observe one day as a day ot fasting and of prayer. Services were conducted last night In the Jewish temple on Linden street, commencing ut 7.30 o'clock, nnd will be continued till day today, commencing at 10 o'clock this morning. In the Penn avenue synagogue special prayers will be offered by the Independent Order of H'litli Abraham for the Into President MeKlnley. The dead president's two favorite hymns, "Nearer, My God, to Thee" and "Lead, Kindly Light," have been trans lated into Hebrew by Rev. Nathan Druck and will be sung. SUNDAY SCHOOL MATTERS. Will Be Considered at a Convention in Hnzleton This Week. The eighth annual Sunday' school convention of AVllkes-Barre Conference of the Lutheran church will be held Tuesday and AVedncsday of this week nt Huzlelon, in Christ Lutheran church. A number of Sunday school workers of the Lutheran churches of the city, to gether with the respective pastors, svlll attend the convention, Tuesday morning, Rev. C. G. Spleker, of Holy Trinity Lutheran church, will speak on "How Can AVe Get the Teacher to Prepare tho Lesson," nnd In tho af ternoon Rev. A. L. Tinnier, Ph. D., of St. Murk's church, AVest Scranton, will talk on "The Place for the Catechism." Itev. limner and Rev. AV. C. L. Lnuer, nlso of this city, will take part in the exercises Tuesday night. For Allentown Fair. Tho Allentown K.tlr Is by all odds on of tho most unique exhibitions of the country. Its attendance Is simply enormous and why you ask. Kvcrythlng Is complete to the minutest detail. The entertainments are exceptionally fine. Tho live stock show has no equal. The fruit and vegetable exhibits are among tho finest procurable, and with tho genuine good time ahvujvt found at Al lentown, thctc Is no reason why the fair should not bo popular. On the days of the fair the New Jersey Central will sell reduced rate tickets to allen town and special trains will be run from various points. A Challenge. Messrs. Levi Lewis nnd Thomas II. Jones, of Taylor, will shoot AVIII nnd Clem Marsh, of Scranton, a double pigeon mutch for JtOO n corner; con ditions, 2t yards rise, go yards hnun diry, each mini's gun to bo held at his hip, and eleven shots per man. James II, Jones, Sept. 2'. 1001. m One Fare to Gettsyburg nnd Return via tho Lehigh Valley Rnllrond Account the Union Veteran Legion Encampment. Tickets on sale, October 0, 10, nnd 11, good to return till October 15, Inclu sive. See ticket agents for particu lars. Delaware and Hudson Pay Days. Following aro the 'Delaware nnd Hudson pays for tho first 'half of Sep tember: Hrpt. 23. Jlanillle, Marline, I.egcetta Creek, Dlckaon, Von Storcli, Sept, 21. Olyphant, IMdy Cteek, Oiay !land, Whllo Oak, Jerinjn, Sept. 23. (Irtcmvood No, j, Uiccnuooil No. 2, lanmlirTc, I.aflln. Sept, 2d. Delaware, Baltimore slope, Baltimore Nn, 2, Baltimore tunnel, Conjngham, pept, 2". Clinton, Coat Brook, Caibondale No. I, I'owdeily, Sept, 23. Boston, Plymouth No, 3, f'lj mouth No. 3, Plymouth No. 4, l'lj mouth No, 5. NOW FOR THE CONVENTION EVERYTHING READY FOR THE MEETING OF STATE LEAGUE. Tho Advance; Guard of tha Visiting Delegates Will Arrive Today. Preparations for the Big Mass Meeting in tho Armory Tomoirow Night Are Completed Senator Tlntiston to Euloglzo the Dead President Looks ns If Hon. F. W. Fleltz Will Be Elected President Today svlll see the arrival of the nd viinco guard of the Republicans from nil parts of tho state, who nro coming to Scrnnton to attend the annual con vention of the State League of Repub lican clubs, which Is to be held In this city on AVedncsday, nnd which Is to bo preceded by a monster mass meeting to be conducted In the new armory to morrow night. President J. Hampton Moore, of Philadelphia, will urrlve In the city this afternoon and will bo accompanied by some of the more prominent Philadel phia Republicans who are to attend tho convention. State Secretary Kelley has been In the city for several days assist ing In the work of preparing for the reception of the delegates. The Philadelphia delegatlor. it bout 700 strong, will arrive tomorrow after noon nt 3 o'clock and will be met at the Lackawanna station by the reception committee and members of the Union committee will meet at tho Hotel Jer myn at 2.30 o'clock tomorrow after noon. All the young Republicans of the city nro requested to meet at the same hour at the rooms of tho Central Re publican club in the Price building, to assist In giving the arriving delegates a rousing welcome. KSCORTKD TO JERMYN. Tho delegates will be escorted to headquarters, which are to be estab lished at the Hotel Jermyn, und will there register. The delegates nnd all tho Republican dubs of the city will gather on Sprit. street. In front of the Jermyn, at 7.,'M o'clock tomorrow night nnd will march to tho armory to at tend the mass meeting. The meeting will be called to order ot S o'clock. The order of exercises will be as follows: Selection by Bauer's band. Invocation, Bev. Bobert F. A. Pierce. Opening remarks by .Milton W. howry, eq., chairman of general committee, and Introduc tion ot .1. Hampton Moore, president of State league. Music, by William Oonnell fllee club. Kulogy of William JIcKiniej-, by Senator Jnh.i SI. Thuintun, of Nebraska. Selection, by Bauer's band. Addict, by lion, .lo.epli St. Huston, of Phili- delphla. Music, by William Connoll filee dub. Addrt'M by Hon. Boies IVnroe, 1'niled Slates senator fiom IYnn.-yl.uiia. Selection, bj ll.iuii'e baud. Adjournment. It Is expected that Governor William A. Stone will also lie present to make an address. The governor assured Deputy-Attorney General Kleltz last week thut he would make every effort possible to attend the convention. The committee earnestly desires thnt every good Republican In the city nnd every Democrat, who tespeeted the late president, turn out tomorrow night and assist In making the mass meet ing a big success. The ladles are In vited, too, and special accommodations will bo provided for all who may at tend. IN THI3 LYCKl'M. The member of the executive com mittee have decided to hold the busi ness session of the convention In the Lyceum theatre on AVednesduy morn ing Instead of In the armory as orig inally planned. The convention Itself will be attended only b.v the delegates and It wns decided that less than a thousand persons vould be prnctlcally lost In a building as large as the ar mory. In the Lyceum the delegutes will be neuter one another nnd it will be easier to conduct the business ot tho convention. It Is thought. The convention will be called to order nt 10 o'clock and after the delegates have been welcomed by Recorder AV. L. Connell, the election of oillcers nnd the transaction of general business will be taken up. Following this there will lie brief addresses by Senator Penrose, Major Kvcrett AVarren and other. On Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock a reception will be tendered the delegates and alternates in the city hall by Recorder Connell. Tho more active members of the gen eral committee were engaged yester day afternoon In preparing the sou vcnlr badges for distribution. The badge Is a very nttractlve one and con sists ot a large button containing a picture of tho new armor', hung by a silken American flag from an enameled bur bearing the name "Scranton." One of these badges will bo given to J!'l' 0&-. 7lWXW" f- v i --jur- Select Your Neckwear From n stock like ours, mid you Ret everything that Is good new nnd stylish. Here nro new Imperials, netv Puffs, new Ascots, new Hows, nnd, best of all, some narrow Four-ln-Hunds In Roman stripes that nro the best 50c value over shown. Oils, Paints . ni1 t ! T,W' .. (mm ViilulilNU, Artir iucno.y uu a iianuiariunng tonipany, J 141-149 Meridian Street. X TELEPHONE 26-2. WE OFFER $200,000 First Mortgage Five Per Cen t. Gold Bonds of the ' United Power Company Of East Liverpool, Ohio. Dated Jan. 1st, 1901. Due Jan. 1st, 1926. Coupons payable January and July. Denomination $1,000. These Bonds are recommended to the public as a safe and conservative investment. Circular containing full in formation on application. Title Guaranty & Trust Company, OF SCRANTON, PA. 516 Spruce Street. each delegate together with a piece of black ribbon to be worn In memory ot the martyred president a card giv ing members privileged nt live locul club houses nnd a ticket good for nny number of rides on nny of tho cats of the Scranton Railway Company on Tuesday and Wednesday. The clubs at which visitors' privileges are to be accorded delegates are ns follows: Scranton City club, Klks, Scrnnton Bi cycle club, Qreen Ridge wheelmen nnd Klcctrlc City wheelmen. THK FLKITS5 BOOM. The boom started by the friends of Deputy-Attorney Gcneial K. A Fleltz, of this city, who want him elected state president, continue to grow nnd nt the last report he was tlie only avowed candidate for the place In the Held. There may be one 01 two dark horses, but Mr. Fleltx's friends are confident that they will be left at the post when It comes to n ballot. Among the delegates who will attend the convention are about 200 colored men from Philadelphia, who will repre sent tlie several colored Republican or ganizations In that clt. The members of the general committee desire that the members of the Keystone Republi can club and of tlie Klghth ward Re publican club turn out and assist In enteftalnlng their colored brethren. The popular Punch cigar Is still the leader of tlie lOe cigars. JKKKX5KUKn Blankets I Jj These cool Fallnigts JJ 5 make one think of 5 K blankets, so don't put JC JJ off buying too long as X ?5 assortments were nev- J5 ft er better than now. A 0 COTTON BLANKETS Ex- V C5 tra large and extra, heavy. C3 Full 12-4 size, and almost ns 5J heavy as wool, fine, fleecy 5C H goods, fancy borders. Spec- M ial, pair S pl.aZ3 ii V WOOLEN BLANKETS Js U Good large size heavy wool- ' J en blankets, fine qunlftty, gj JsJ fancy colored border, worth JsJ g $4.00 pair. Special, pair g $3.49 g All kinds of Blankets, J5 every grade, every price, SOrKKKKMKMJJOCXK Our Fall Stock of Shoes Is Now Complete THE DORCAS, for ladies, nt S3.D0 Is the best shoe bargain obtainable. LADIES' OXFORDS, $2.50 and $3.00 kind. Now 1.50 MEN'S OXFORDS, $3.50 nnd $4.00 kind. Now 2.00 SCHOOL SHOES, gunrnnteed, for 75c Many other bargains too numerous to mention. L?u)is, Riiddy, Dauies & Miirphq, 3.30 Lackawanna Avenue. ! and Varnish ,.. .. X UE II l-M''iss).aMai.aj.4,aaH,aaa4Ha4 aMIU .A I The Famous t Columbia Yarns are superior to all others and the stand. aril for excellence. ; Columbia Shetland Flos contains mote yard to the pound, Is mora at'toktlfl. anil Loll (avllioa. Ilisn atnu ntkae ifiici ilia nioin lai iiivi iitau , uiirt lienrt the rhrapeet. Colors aro aolt, brll ' ' llJiit and desirable. h; Per double Skein 18c !)i not rnn found this fuptrior fliji villi other Inferior brands. f Cramer-Wells Co., f i3oWyomlne Ave. Ladies' Tailoring Jackets and Skirts made very reasonable. Rainy day Skirts 5.50 and up. Goods furnished. King Miller, Merchant Tailor, 432 Spruce Street. Lathe Turning We have equipped our re pair shop with the latest im proved automatic screw cut ting lathe and are now pre pared to do all kinds of turning in brass, steel and iron. Give us a trial, all work guaranteed. f iW l la-" Florey .& Brooks. 213. Washington Avenue. f Every Lover ; of music 1rn1 . a. '. win ate-our offer, in Music Racks. This Rack is 40 in. high. 18 in. wide & made with twisted posts & spiral fin ished in nahotT- , any and has 4 helves. 2,10 Go On Sale at $1.35 each KXAcrrv mkb cur. CREDIT YOtTP CERTAINLY1 a cqmm 221-223-225.227 WYOMING AVBNTXB. tS'bJi. umn C yw Tffi vsi WvSfrr tx ri ' y- 3---"fTTTi mi V if vs. top, '' !'LJ'?it-!l-"1 11 i.m-J i ( U, A H
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