THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1001'. 3T t tine IMblUhlns Company, at Vitiy tnt Monti,. j.i v s niriiAito, JMitor. O. i llV.XIll.K, HuthiMi Manager. htw York Office! 1W Nuu SI. S H Mirr.l.ANIJ, Sole Agent (or 1'orelRii Ath eitlMnn. InUtfil at the PoMoiUcc at 'icrjnton, Pa, a Bciond CI us Mall Hatttr. When tM- lil pimlt, TIip Tribune I Uay Rial to print hort littera trom ll lrlnl ' Ins in ititrrnt topic, hut it rule i tlut thi'j must b alttnoil. tor pulillraMon, bv tin writer a real ti imp; itM the ronllllon pr inlrnt to a' eeptanrc li tint all contrlbutloru liII be iuljeii to nlltnriil rcUilon Till II.VT ItVTi: KOIt AI)VKnTIlNO. The fnllnwinjr table how the prlrc per Inch earli Insertion, vpaie In be imil ulthln on jcarj linn "I rdfnn on "I'ult !!!8PMY. ; I'M tlun SOO InihM MO Inches. inon riwi , , , mjoo " Paper lleadlne .275"' ol !l7'i 17 t5 io.ltlon 2j .lit n .to 11 l- 1 IVi (nl c.1 tlunlta, rewlutlpna ol lOnJnltnen an I ltnltir cniilribulloin n the lutnre of 'l rlllne The Tribune male a eh use ol 5 ienti a line, . , Ttatr (or Clmineil ilwitliimt luinUI'il on I plication st mi a.n ton, si:pn:Mnt:n ss, 1001. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. nr irinp f.nirl MIIIMP PtTflMU 1irimi-r-ltM II IIMIIII1- County. .In lie -I ( Mll'rNrt II. frntmllor--l . JOU. (Vronir-Iilt T I r fmir.ur-t.lOltl.l. 1' sTh l.H)N 1 lection Not .. "When the Dcimirrit ent out ot power in nir Mate II lelt to the llepubliian party a les ail of ilinii'l .0,utOiXl nt debt This debt, ly vl.e a linlnltiitl(ii tinder llriiihlic.ui rule, hit tK-en 1llnnl rnllliU pild Ue bite lnneieil the appreprUtinn to the lonunon nhooU until ne Mnl lit tin beid of the milk,in utiles In nippert of pipulir illicit ion Under llcpubliun admlnl-lritlon there hn been paid eitb cn tor cdortthnal purpic nioto Hull w la a; prupiitted It the IIiiiichi an pirt) in their quarter ot a ifntim of inUrule Ue have Inireaied our ap ioprlitiori to ill mill li and lnli tutlcn until e c in make the boat that no Mile between the two noan taippoitH thee institu llon a well i dM our own Our 7 tVi(iX) ol jicople are linlntrlou honest, liw abidlnir and bappj. et, furiotiniled we mo on eterj ude with properou htiinew tondltion", wllh people lapjt. rinplotifl and tontinUd. and with eir aicnue of biiMUOM ind ti ide lully oitupieil, atnl with the pro-pect of the future brlRhteninif and Ctnwlnc more hopeful the old bl.lorlc put) of ohitructln ind necatloti up a bterie'l el f fale preteme lit puri't and Imincentj for the urpoe of mUletdiiiff the people and reffnin irtr lot power" I torn tho ltrpublican SUtc, 1'Ut form Thei otiBht to bo, in Stiautou nnd vltinily, fiO.OOO poisons nt least, willing and able to lonti Unite a dollar .tpletc foi a inemotial statue of William Mc Kiulov. People's Memorial to fl'Kinley. I N ni:Sl'ONSi: to oveiwhelmlns pulilli sentiment, steps have been laktMi lowaitl .t. lotal metnoilal of William MiKlnley. An oi w.ini.tllon has been lormcd and will snon be pei lei ted to tolled and have tlnrce of the adminlstiation ot a fund for this piiipiv-o. It has been thnuKht best to i.tNo this lund by impular sub si liptiou. The experiment will bo tiled of lltnltlnpr all lontrlbutlons to one tlollai, no mote, no lc. In this way iieltlur the Ijuitlen not tho itedlt will lie to-ti liMoil within liimow limits, hut iv civ man. woman and child In Notth tasiciu I'cnnsjlvanla, If dcsltotis of KlvltiK lunctlml proof of esteem fm inn milt t red president's memoiy, may participate on a footing of t .u t eiitallt. tine dollni apleio is little enoiiRli for tho people of our N.tlley to kIvc to put hefiuc their chlldun In visualized to . Ken tho lemons of MeKlnlo's clean and ti'-elul life and of his iinftil teririK death; but If Riven jtromptly and beat lily by all, It will suillce to net l a beautiful and cnduiiiiR me mo) IhI. The vciy fait of the co-opcia-tloii In Its piomotlon of all our people, lnc-peitlve of patty, taie oi need, would make It a beautiful monument, wliativer tho Unit, titer of Its sculptuie. An Immediate response by the people Is invited. Let Hepubllcans, Demoeiats, I'lohihlllonlsts, 1'rotestants, t'atholics, Jews, Ameiicans of native hiith, Anici lians of foielKn hit th all who look with love and honor upon what was noble and manly in tho life and vvoik of otu late piosldent, and who petcelve In the talth and fottitude of his death (in InspliitiR example to all .ircs ol mankind, help to nittk? this people's luemoilal the success It should be. Dollars sent or handed to Tho Ttl buno will bo acknowledged promptly and as promptly turned ovei. Senator Ilanu.i Is collect. The only leintiry for sensational journalism Is awaKened p.ililotlsni. It lenialns to lie seen It this will prove peiinanently elfictlve. Tomorrow Night's Alnss Meeting. I'RUST that every cltl- r V t loupdl jf Scranton and stit- Dupdiusr vicinity will s- .attend without fall tho r,niass mcc liner at tho Atmoiy tomoi iow night held lit connection with the n annul convention of tho State League ol Republican clubs', vvhlih lias chosen Pcranlon as Its nbidlnrr place for Tues day. Wednesday and u p.tit of Thurs clay. Wc ask thia for 11 number of ieaoiiH. The chief one Is that United States Henator John M. Thurston, of ha," w ho has consented to deliver a 'eulORy of ricsldent William McKIn . ley.yis entitled, on account of both his u(viirtorful ability ns an orator and tho excellence of his theme, lo ho heard bv an many as can como within sound . of his voice. Sciunton has hcaid with VAjmpathotlo Interest and pleasure pome of her dlHtlnqulshed local oratois uiipou this Innpliliifr theme; this will afford a chance to hear one of tho finest and most effective oratois In the world j a man who piesldcd over tlie .national convention at which William MoKlnley was first nominated for president; who throughout Mr. Me Klnley's tcun In the White Houso was his fctauiit'h and zealous supporter; nnd whoso fame ns an eloquent Fpeakrr Is not Burpnssod by that of any contemporary American. Another leason why our citUens should turn out Is that Scranton's nor pltftllty Is at stake. This Is a state convention comlnr; hero upon tlic rep resentation that our city Is pic-cmlu-cut for nttcntlvo couitoy to vlaltoi. It can nrfoiJ to go nway with a dif ferent Impression, but up cannot nltortl to let it do HO. Heln? n ilctmlillciii gathering there -xa 111 nututally bo porno politics In the iptecliw. I tut wo think up f iiu unsure our Democratic filemlH that their cinii tesy In nttPiullnfr thin maw mei'tlnr? tomurrow iiIkIh, to heir Senator Thurs ton's eulorjy and to betoken the hos pitality for which Scranton 1ms loner since become and which 13 pioperly non-piithun, will not bo nbtif-pd. I'ndti the shadow of the na tion' lecent iilllletlnn p.nlv llii ate for the time tihitoxt lux Isllilt The speakers tomnuon nlRht will be Ameri cans llrst and IlejmlillcniiM only ro far in the polltlrj) of their mission hero cannot he laid nsldp Snm rrltlrtern Is heat I Uiil l'iei dent Hoocplt should nioe about without Ktiatdx It N natuial bill uti phllosophk. So Ioiik as tin to I a do lei mined put pose In the tiilml of any in in to kill tlu Anieilcair thief cxicu- tlvo, Rttattls tan not ptevent its ovectt tlon. Uy lloltlrJ couraRo in the fate tif daiiRci, tho new ptosldcnl Is nun li irioio IIUeH to aott miplea.tnt t onse iinemt'M tlmli by adei tMnu that lie is l)os'esed of fear. Teachers' Salaries. I N Till! Southern Ti'iuhcl of New Di leans. t H. I)ko of Hampton institute piesonts a suniinaiy of a bulletin Issued by Columbia uulveisiiy whlth Is of piofountl lnlii tst. It teqnlics no comment "Society lias its minimum ietiilie liienls, below width the Individual tlaio not ro. That phvslihm would not lie tolciutod foi a moment vthose homo, footl, clothing, and niannii weio those of the mtihanlc ot the laboiet. The teacher, pteiuhei, philosophct, lawjti, pliMtlclmi, have vaijItiR needs anil tle slres, but, as a ilass, thelt stiindiud of living Is wldelv tllffeient front that of tho prodttcets of material utilities. The teacher's standaid of living comptlsts not onlv the ploslial neiessltics of life, but also books, tiavel, i hut ill, the atei, opeia, ait galletlts. The iiupen ter is satlsllcd with fewer of theuc util ities. 'Although lt'iiulied to maintain a liiuih hlRliei stund.ud of living, the aveiago teacher of the Tnlteil States Is paid less than the aveiago wotket in the prodtiitive industiles Tine, his salary has gieatly incieased duting the last forty jeais. C'oitunls- .sloner Hauls estimates the Inn oae nt 8b :!-10 per tent, in t Itles, and "I '"-1U pi l cent, in lountiy dKUIits. 'J'hls In trease of teaihet'.s salatles has merelv followed u Rcneial rlso in wagts, nnd Is itmsldeiably less than In some ol the niiihanlcal linde. Of the twenty-twn industiles enumeiated In the 'Aldihh Itepoit,' all hut seven have lKon moio than i.O pet ttiit. in the lemuueiatloii to the woikois, 'Wage-uoikeis. in ale, beer and potter iccelvc 1J4 7-10 pot tent, moio than in ISCO Slnie that date, also, wages have iien In c.inlage-maklng 10- 1-10 pir tent, la gimtiles, it 7-io percent , In sidewalk-building, 7tj pu cent , in tliy goods, S3 fl-10 per icnt ; in pnpei, SJ .1-10 per lent., in luinbei, 77 11-10 per cent. still liltue stt iking Ison Is made betwien tho wages ot the t ottou opetatlves and those of the male teacher In sixteen states of the I'nlon. The cotton opeiatlve Is selet ted he taiiho ho is iiopuiaily suppostd to be espoclnlly tlestltute. Many novels owe their pathos to tit stiiptlons of seems In his povert.v -stilt ken home 'J he male teacher Is selcited foi tho purpose ot showing what his homo would be, should lie many and le.u a fainllv on the basis of tho silai.v tiuoted. Sin prlslng as are these icsults, the fall to do Justice to the supeiior financial posi tion of tho (ottou opeiatlve, foi the reason that the salatles ot women tcachets aie not included in these data. In only live of these sixteen stalts, MuRsaihusetts, Ithode island, Conniiti c nt. New Yoilc nnd New Jcisey, docs the teacher icetlvo the better pay. Comparison bitvten Fihrin of t iiliim nnd vwijes uf ejtton ipcit'itii in eivttut ttatie Col ton Male Opel line, Vtmge siata. bin iiiu c r l'niiib Mime f 510 .! Xcw llsmp-lilie 57J.ll M iiJchiisctti J:I'i Ithodo bland f,ii oi Connecticut 7,:. New ork :'AM cw" lcicv rA'.ri'i lVnnsclv.mi.l SII17 Maolmd 411 'i.I Virginia 377 M North Carolina va J South Cirollna ,"inui, Ml-Iippi 4V17 I oul-iaiu Oi'is henluckv .11 V) Tcmicvto 4iil JJ 'leu In r wri3 liuonio, S L'7iTk" Sl'JI 1,11'i'jt til.' T S.t li ui.' 22 710 ixi .11, .4 4il t) 1M l Jl 1 rt 7j H.7 ni 1-7 '17 j vi n 111 p. "Wo (Ind, again, In 1he stiito of New Yoik, that of sixty-four ptmluetivc liidiiHtUes inuineiated by tho lonimls sloner of labor, foity-four pay to their w oil. nun 11101 e than tho aveiage teachei of tho stalo leieives It 111 eds no argument to piove that tho aveiago patent values his son's education 11101c highly than any mateiial commodities. Hut If we should guugo tho public valuation of education by the Balat les paid to teacher", we should decide that tho aveiago patent of New Yoik places a hlg'her value upon the tos with which the ihlld plays, tho piano which adds to his accomplishments, tho watch which decorates1 him, and tho liquors which sometime ho may drink, than upon the school-ioom teaching which affects his life, tor good or for evil, most pioiouiully. Aveiaeo annual wao in selected ouiipitloiu, ;cw Voik state. Liquors (.piilts aul malt) V"f 11 hbip bulldintr (iV)5.l Liquors (unfetincnted) 071 7 J Clocks and watches ,17.10 Mnsl1.1l imtrumcriti CO (V) l'l'lntlnc binding, etc ,1s3 11 Amu and ummunition i-il 'oi Driics rv,oci Soo 004 11 Toja 4MI01 idueatlon 411 Si lltt)clo 40s",l risrars, cigarettes i-, Ml Clothlue Jol 77 "Ah has hen said, society demands of the teacher n high utandnrd of llv hifr. compaicd with that maintained By tho aveiago wago worker. Kstt mates of 'goad living' In tho state of New York were bent to William A. Mc Andrewa, of Urookljn, by olghty-thre poisons llvlnrj In cities arltiK In jiop ulittlun fiom 1.0W) to 3,i;o,000. Tho Ntttallest eHtlmato of u neeiletl Income was J.OiJT. nt Tort llion. ItitttasliiK to $I.MfJ In New Votk city. In each estimate there was a piovHon for a. slnklmt fund of $700 per ear. Oppoxed to iulil's tkmaud that teaehuis lle wtdl, both abstirtllt and ciuelly fcom luvolvetl In the fat t that the uventKi male teacher of the state of New York li paid WJ0 The 'Aldiich Report' lu i seats the oxppndltutes of a 'notnial' wotUlriKiiian'A t'ainlly whoso Income Is i.'fi, that l a family with not tnoio than the ihlldrn, in which the wife Is not u wiibo catner. Tho wife in this noimal family spent for her dresses, rliiaNs, and shawls duilntx the yeift, isM' fin her other clothliiB, H f0. Should the to teller adopt such n Ftand aitl of lMnj?, the IndlRiiatlon of society would cost him his position. It Is ob lottrt that the moi.uro male teacher iiinnut mair. Ills only iiltcruntlvo Is to mtoi some other piofesslon which will insuio him a livelihood The le sult Is a. pioccs of selection between otcupatlotis nnil professions, much to the disadvantage of tho teaching pin tension." The value of education Is sm h as to demand thnt tlioso who tmpat t It shall bo pild what their services are woith. AVIien close to his last hour, the gieat I'lench phllosopliei, Kenan, wiote that he should like to survive tho middle of the eentuiy so that ho might know the ultimate fato of tho then .voting and "Impetuous" tinpeior of (icimaii). T. P. O'Connor thinks that If tlie great philosopher had sur vived to this houi, he piobably would have lotind a subject of equal curiosity and unoet Utility in the nctesslon to the ptcsldciicy of Tlicodoto Koosevclt. Hell, if Hoosevelt does as -well as Kaiser William theie will bo no special giound for lomplaiut. In the Matter of Baldness. AI.i:.VIISi:i) London tioitor annoiinves he has found the cause and the una for odor I r bildnef. Sh tllow bieath Ing i the taiise nnd deep bicathlng ii the cttie lie has boon expeilltieiitlng on Rilliica pigs and liens which baiamo bald or not as tho learned tloctor elect ed. 1 Is the impure air remaining in. the lungs width docs all the mischief. Tills It, ot'itainly a suiptlse. Almost all the evils that have l-lallon woman since the npple Incident have been nt t libit ted moio oi loss diiectly to the vlte of Uglit-laiing wlildt has prevent ed deep bioathtng anil brought on oth er tllsoideri Kut one of the Ills of life fiom which Mio is eiunpaiatlvely fieo is b.ildne-s 'I he btld-hc.ided womun Is almost an unknown quantity. In fact. It mnv conlltlently lie said that "ho Is an unknown quantity fur 5011 never tattli her bild headed: that Is, die is not apt to advertise her iiuilction as does 111.111. Hence this dlscoveiy of the U. lined London tloctor comes in tho wav of .1 levchitlon. If anbody should be bald headed, atcoidlng to his theoiy, it should h Woman, because he weais eoisets and tan't bioatho to nnv exlont. hut, contraiy eieatuio -he Is, l.eie she f,oes about, luxuilatilig In a oluiuliioii3 and exttiislvo ioinpa 110111", antl linglets, waveM, ctinklets and things on the top ot lier head whieli it l)ecomes not the pen of man to attempt to tleopiibe. And hei hus hTiid or her fatlier, "who never wore a t losp fitting gatmenl 01 was able to tlellne his waist line tluilng' tho iv lido of .1 well spent life, anil who M populaily MippoMcd tt bteathe al mest to tlie end of bis toes, s like unto the familiar bllllaid ball as legaids tho top of his head "v have alwavs h.uboiotl the tlelu slons that the leason .1 woman escaped the ml unity of li.iviug an expansive 11 ml shining' jioll instead of her own unwti of glory was because ho has such 1 0111.11 kablo agility of lower jaw that ill' home way It pievents a deple tion of h.iir on her head, but this If lined London tloctor tip-et till our thinly ihed laws of natuie. It will now be In order for him to begin the cx.imln itlou ol the c)t to discover a means ot avcitiusr 1 01 ns on tho toes. Tlie evidence In tho Schley iuquiiy has thus far illstlnsisl no seandaN, but It Is nipldly onakinp plain why the navy d. p. u Uncut fedt unulllliiK to en tuist tho thief naval command in tlie Spaiil-li-.iiK 1I1 an war to .1 man of Sihli) s vaclllallufr and unit Haute tompei anient "He, Bing Dead, Yef Speak(?fh" IN III l'(isl In nun) rcqueels we print fnce 11101 1, 111 a manner loimniciit 1 r nlcicme, thai I '.nt of President MiKinlev'k l.(t uli lie adiliiM in which is iinbodlrd whit has inco lictrno known ns Hie "lluiltlo plitfirm" the "lh ami prosi iinmn whhh President llooeceli has 1 lnl(,"fl hlm-ilf locall) to tarr foi . ml 'Vic Mlow iltiztiK, tiadi iiIi-iki ludli i'o thnt His country is in t ftilc of unevatnpl d piopcm 1 In tifuics me alnio.-t appalllm;. Him show tint wo aic ul.lirin: our fields and f ucrts 111 1 mines, and tint we aio fuini.-liins prolli ilile eniplc Miient in tho milllors of work liiKincn throiuhout the l lilted .States, brlncini; toinfnrt ant liaiiiios to th ir hornet and link Ini; it pos'.ihlo lo lay l taln.-s fcr old ago anil dUahillt). 'I hit all the pec 1 Ir aro parrui. piling in this cieit properity is tcm in oiery Vmcrican cnnimunlty and thoun by the ruounous and tinpicicdtutrd ilrposlla in our a iiiR3 banks. Our duly Is tho ciro and wcunly of thcfo de poblts, nnd their sifo Imrttnur.t demands the lilghcet lutcRiil) and the hist IniklnesA capicity of thoo in iIiiiko of these depositories of tho pcoplo caiiln.'i. 0 "We into a vat ir.d lnlilnte limine!, built up throuuh .vcars cj( toil 1) ml struc.tie. In vhi li rtiry part of the tommy his its rtake, which will not icrinit nf ilibtr tieslcct or of iindua kelltdutr. o lnriow, Kordld policy will sub serve it Hie greatest kill nnd wisdom en the part of manuftctunra and pioduccrs will lie re quired to hold and it Our Industrial riitcrpriAca, which Into kuwii to such propor tions, alTcct tlie linnirs and occupations ot the people and the wcltaro nf tho countrj Our capacity to produce his dot eloped to enormou ly uml rur irolmts Into multiplied that the pre blent of mors markets lequlrea our urgent and immediate attention Onlv a Pro id and enhght ened polby will keep what wa have No other pollr) vclll set mote In iluso times of marvel nus IminoM ciur.'j and Riin we ou'lit to be looking to the future mid strcniitlenlurr tin) weak places in our indiKtrhl and tommerclal tjstrm, that wo may bo uaily for an) storm or strain . 0 "Ily tensiblo tride arranjtments, which will nit interrupt our home rioductiun, we shall cvtond tho outlets for our intrruini; mrplus ) trin tvhltli providtv a mutual cxchingo nf com inodlties V nitilnil cMlnuwe is niauifikllv cs sentlsl to tin lontinued and healthful fc-rowth ol our export trade We muvt not rcpoe in flnan. clal aritirlty that we tin foretcr tell everjtlilnu' hihI but little or mdtiln If 9111I1 a tlilnrr were piwalble It would not he. liret for tn. or for tlioso with whom vvc deal W'e riiouM latf from our iiiti.imr audi of their proiluctu a wo rtn tic without barm to our livdunlrlej and labor. Ilitlproilly i the nittiral uulgrontlt of our wonlerful lndulrltl tletelopment undtr the tlo tnoMlo pulley now ttmily ratahliahnl. What we pimlme bejoml our domestic lOimitnp'lon must lute a vent abroad the evieM mut be ie I let ed throuijh 1 forclmt outlet, ami we fhotild ncll ever where we can and buy wliciever the bit Ins will enlarue our falej and priHluctlotu, mil thenbj make a, urealer demand tor homo labor. 0 "lla of rvclmitriieM 1 pat The ex painlon of our tiade and ctminerie is the prcn Ins problem Commenhl war are unprofitable A polh) of good will and friendly liadc rehtlona will pretcnt reprlal. Iteilproolty tteatlra ara In hariiionv e.ltli the spirit oi tho times, meas ure oi retaliation are not, "If penhinee some of our ttrlrTi are no long rr iicded, for revenue or t1) encouraite and pro ted our Imluitrim at hone, why altmilJ thev not ho employed to extend and piomote our in 11 km abroad? ' Then, foo, we luve Iraileipiite teamMii ivirc New Hum of steamera hate alieady been put 1 1 coiunilloii between the Patlfle coast porta of the United "tttet ami those on the. wrstrrrt routs of Vlevleo and Central and Soutk Vmerlia Iheve ehoiill lie folloncil utJ with direct steam- uhlp lines bctwein the eastern coitt of tho trilled Mates and Central and South Ameri can rmb Ono of (he needs of tho times is direct cornimreiil Hues fiom our vast fields of production to the rltds of eon Fiiinptlon that we lute btit birely touched. Next In adtanlage to havintr the llilnff to kII Is to bate" the convenience to carrj it to the bitter. Wc nttiat entourage our ittetiliint tnatinr Ue mint Into more ships, they mtbt be under the nieriCJit Our, built and manned an I owned by Vmcrkans Tliefe will not onlv be profUabla In a coinmerclil seme: -hey will be messengers of peaie and nmlly wherever they co "Wo mint build the Isthmian canal, which will unite the two oceans and Rite a straight line of w iter tonimtinicatlon with the western coaata of Central and South AmrrUi und Mexico. The comtrucllon ot a I'ulflc cable cannot be longer puslponcd o- ' In the furtlicnnte of these obiccts ol national Interest arid concern tou arc pciformiiiR an im portant pirt. This evposltlon would hato touched the heart of that Am-rkan Matesman whrwe mini was ever tlcrt ind thoujltt ever constant for a 1 irger commerce and a truer fraternity of the republics of tho nev world Ills broad Vmerkin spirit is ftlt und iniulfestrd here. He needs no Identification to an aimblaj ol Viuirlians aitwhero, for tho nime of Illaine la ltifeparibly a.otiitnl wlih tho Par. mcrlcan tnoteinent which Htidt this pnctlial and snhtan tial evproi-'ion, anl whtih we all hope will be fundi advanced bv the Pin American ronErcs.s that as'eiiibles this autumn In the capital of Mcmco The irood woik will no on It cannot be stopped These buildings will duappeir. this iiettlon of art and bemty and Indmtry will pirWi Ircm sisht, but their Intlucnce will remtlii to '"'Mit.e it live bejoni Its ton short lis ins, Willi prilsci. und tliinks;innf ' o Who cm tell the new thought that have been awakened, the imbltlcns fired and the lileh achievement that will b wrought through this cvposition? ' (jcntleinin, let in eter teinrmber tint our Interest Is in loncord, nit conflict, anil that our real eminence rests in the victories of pctec, not ihote of war. We hopt that all who are icp risented heie nui be niovid to hleher mil nobler effort for their own and for the world's good, and that out of this titv miy come nor onlj Rioatcr loiniiierce and tride for us .ill, but more ecntUl than these, relations of muluvl icspect, confllcrice and filcndJnp which will deepen and endure Our earned prater is that fiod wilt voucliMfo trospcrltj, ln piruss and peace to nil our neighbors, and like blevinss to all the peoples and powers of eaith ' Mr. Riis Taken nt His Woid. In n Mi"aihu ctts town lt winter lamb V Itiis was iUftl i t ciiint, tuneii-tl sort of 11 11 what he Mmtild Kaj b wit of intiodm Ins him to ill ieniblaee, fits the ( liicii;n Tiiburie 'Oh" Slid Mr Mils lu a spirit of lc ti, "it anjthitis ou like Siv I mi the most il tiiiiruMied citizen in the countn lliej ceiui alb di" Whereupon his funereal friend maithed up-ai the stace md eiliulv announud to Hie null enie thit he did iut know this man Itiis, whom ho w 1 charged with intiodiieinir, ncter head of him. "Ho tills me," he went on, with net.r a wink, "tint he is the mot.t diNtiiiKtiisI ml cilir-n lit the countn. Ion tan jude for v outsell win 11 jou Inve In ail him " SLEEP. Of nil the thouchts of (.ml that aio Horn inoird unto souls alar, Amone tho IVIamlst'a music deep, Now tell me il that nn l, lor rrltt or crice, niipasitu: this "Ho Kitctli IIU Icloted sleep!" e What wouM we rIo to our beloved? The hero's heart, to be 1 nmoved The poet's star tuned harp to snrcp Tho pattint's soice, to teach and ton e Tlie inoinrib'a crown, to licht the brows? "He Kiteth Ills beloted sleep?" What do we cite to our beloced? A little faith, all tindtproted A little dii't, to ovcrncep, nd bitter memories, to make Ihe white earth blated for our sake, "He giteth lbs beloved slccpl" ' slecp soft, beloved'" wc sometimes say, But havo no tune to charm away Sad elretnis tint through the eyelids ciecp, Put never doleful dream ociln thill breik the bappv kluniber when Ho tfiveth His bi loved sleep. O, eiilh, o full of dn irv noiw! O, nun. with w ullnsr In .tour voice! (), delved poll the w itcri lirip! 0 strife, O, cuiro. tint o'er it fill! tied striken 1 silence through joti ill, And 'givcth Ills beloved sleep" His dews chop niutclv on the hill, Ills cloud above it nlhlh still, Though mi its slope nun nw and reap, Ioro softly than the dew Is hed, Or cloud is fl ated ovrrheid, "Ho givcth His beloved tleept" 1 01 me, mv heart, that erst did to Mvt like a tired chilli it 1 eliow, lint sees thnsiah tears the iniiinmein leap, Would now its weirleil vlion ilee. Would child like on His lotp iepoe Who "givcth His beloved sleep " Vnd friends, ileir fnuuls, wlm It shall be Tho last long sleep on earth for me, nd round my birr .sou ionic to weep, la-t one, most lnvin? of von all, bav "Sot a ten niii.t o er her fall, "He glveth His beloved sleep'" -Hinhclli Baiielt firow-ninj From Shoe Strings to BOOTS NO ORDER TOO SMALL, NO ORDER TOO LARGE. NOT PROFIT BUT BUSINESS INCREASE. LOWER THB PRICE, LARGER THE TRADE. SEE THE POINT. ALWAYS BUSY. Lewis & Reilly "ALWAYS BUSY." 114 116 Wyoming Avenue. See our School Shoe Window. 1 FINLEY ' S Fall Opening Display of Ladies' Muslin Underwear. There Is that (Something Indescrlh oblo about our line of V idles' Muslin Underwear that distinguishes It from tho ordinary. Th Fit nnd Finish Ferfect, Our styles Are Different. The Embroldeilcs Aro Finer, The Laces Aro Ftettler. Our Tall Kxhlblt of rine Lingerie Is unusually attractive, showing many new nnil novel designs, beautifully trimmed in neat und pretty patterns of Fine Embroideries, Point do Parrio Laces, Point de Gene Laces, Vrtlenciennes Laces, Renaissance Laces, Real Torchon Lace. CORSET COVERS, DRAWERS, CHEMISES, At 10c to S2.65. At 25c to S2.D0. At 75c to $2.05. NIGHT GOWNS, At 85c to SG.50. LONG SKIRTS, At S1.00 to S11.50. SHORT SKIRTS, At 45c to S2.75. CHILDREN'S DRAWERS, At 10c to 85c. CHILDREN'S SKIRTS, At 00c to SI. DO. 510-512 Lackawanna Ave To use furniture In your that is not up-to-date in and quality. You meet prospective customera in your office nnd they will Judge you by your surroundings. Your office furnituie should be such as to make a good im pression. We carry the flnest stock of Office Furniture in the city. If you -want Desks, Chairs or Tablea come in nnd see what we can show you. Hill & Council 121 N. Washington Ave. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Etc. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereaii & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machine Business ot Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton and Wllkes-Bai re, Pa, Stationary KhrIiics, Boilers, Mining Machinery, Pumps, Smith and Company, 316 Vine Street. Iloutr and (umltuie flnishir. cheapest rates. C lis Irs scaled it IL CstaV'4aWaaaaaK (VaW atSsBaVBBBBBBBBBW ! BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBillHH& To use furniture in your office I T i that is not up-to-date in style I I and quality. I SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS OAN SUPPLY YOJ.9 NEE . OF EVERY OHARACTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. L. SOMMAR. llullellng Contractor. Fmplojs union men laitlmates cheerlully given, rtcmodcllng and repairing a specialty. 320 WA3WNQTON AVE. EDWIN S. WILLIAMS, CONTRACTOR. BUILDER ROOM SB COAL EXCHANGE, SCRANTON, PA. (lold Medal Photographer r FOR SALE Ili'tll.llS and OVS ot all kinds! alw Houses and lluildlntr 1ita at largalna II0US1 b t'l.iriM'D and UltOOVlH) at "V Children'! Artist, F'ARRELL'S Tra nsfer M. T. Keller's Moves' freight, turnl tore an I Iliggue, bates. Pianos and Ma ihinrry. , :17 I-ackananna Aio I stkawaiiraCirTisgo Wcrks. J. B. WOOLSEY eg CO COWTRlCrOffS AND BUILDERS. Dealers In Plate Glass and Lumber OF ALL KINDS. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STORE Will sell all their simples of flna Imported Madras bhlrts for men at 69c: worth fl to ?.! So WALTER E. DAVIS. 214, 216. SIB PAULI BLOQ. Attorney-at-Law, Scranton, To.. MRS. SARA ALLYN. MANICURE. CHIROPODIST AND SCALP TREATMENT (A1 601 Mears nuilding. Parlors open Monday, Thursday and Saturday evenings E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear 611 Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer of Wire Screens of all kinds; fully prepared for the spring season. Wo make all kinds ot porch screens etc PETER STIPP. fieneral Contractor, Ilullder and Dealer in llullding btone. Cementing of cellars a spe cialty. Telephone 2SW. Olflce, Si7 Washington avenue Fall Designs In In announcing the opening of our new stock, j call special attention to the fact that our Entire Line has been made to our special order, thus giving us an bxcluslve Line ol designs and colorings from the :; world's leading mills. Never before have we been en- abled to offer a stock so complete at such tempting J; prices. A superb stock of all the leading fabrics. & Wilton - Velvet Tapestry An Early Inspection Is Advised Williams 126 Washington Avenue. I Carpets Wall 7. 111 THIRD ffRIIOtl BH OF SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus 525,000 United States Depositary. Special attention given to BUSINESS, PliRSONAL and SAV INGS ACCOUNTS, whether large or small, Open Saturday evenings from 8 to 9 o'clock. Wm. Conni li , President Henry Ruin, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm.H. PtCK, Cashier. Hanlevs Bakery. 420 8PRUCE ST, Successor to HUNTINGTON W make a specially ol flno bread stuffs Orders for Salads, Ojsteri, Croipieltes, ate, promptly filled. A full line of Lee Cream and Ice, W. A. HARVEY, 1 lectrle Wiring and Hstures Hettrlo Hell and 1 elf phono Work. 309COAfMO WE TH BUILDINQ FRED H. WINTER. asa capousc avenue. Stspln Groceries and Provisions A full Una of Vegetables, etc, received dally. THE SCRANTON VITRIFIED BRICK AND I ILE NIANUFACTURINQ COMPANY Makers of Paving Ilriek, etc U, II Dale, llereral Sales Agent. (Hfice !iil Washington ate. Works at Nay Aug, Pa, Ik L W V R It WILSON a COMPANY. lavhlonable Tailors (Hotel Jennjn flullding), oli bpruco street, bcranlen, Pa. bulls pressed, TS eenta; pants presned, 10 cents Clothing re paired, called lor and delivered. New Thone, S60J Kingsbury & Scranton, Manufacturers' Agents MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES, Districts' Agents for John K ltoebliicK's bons Co 's Wire Ttope snd llcctrlcal Wire, (.utta rercha and Itubher Mfg. Co 'a netting, Packing, Hose and Mechanical Ilubher flood. lvnocvltou Packing Carter's Oil Clothing Koom J10 Paul! Hldg. SEOURITY BUILDING ct SAVINGS UNIOKM Home oflice, S0&209 Mears llullding, transacts a' general building and loan business tluoughout tho state ot Pennsylvania JAMES J. MURRAY. Smeeor to tic Hunt 4. Cornell Co, in tin snd sheet metal work and ventilation. Carton furnaces, repairs an I general tin work a specialty. No 4.2 laikawanna avenue. -M-M Carpets! Axminster Brussels Ingrain Paper Draperies ' Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Screen Doors, Gas Stoves, Window Screens, Hammocks. 325-327 Penn Avenue, Mniilty, g i in i
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