THE SCKANTON TlUBl'NK-MOXDAV, SISI'TWMBKK 23, 1001. 3 To the Uncomfortable Wcni pis nf qIhhaoh, wo extend this luiicllt of lirti'on yearn' iwiicrli'ticp, uml a tlinuitiKlily oili)t'(t nhni In niitUliiK and ii'p.tlrliiK Hiicctiiili'i. lit till Jp.iitltliltir uc me ii lone III Hirantoti. H. TWINING, 131 PENN AVCNUC. I MAURIS' Opt ician ltiKUKMOKc CITY NOTES. Ill IIM. roVMlM',) - llic (Mitnu ttllllll 111!" fl uli ii M nl ll,r llnini' for lln lrlnnllii wire lu t.n.t nru WciIihmIjv, li.n lifcn iii'lnunl. Ill I lot UN iMIIYr.-ltir c 'II ImiiiMiiii-nt -U Hi, I ounlij dull IicrIiiI tiliiiiliv Iho Un m llir i luh will t-rrvc lu rn- .illiiiimin, .inJ, in Hrilnodi) IliriHifin, lliori will U miili. Iil'lkv t.i: IIINC- Hie iliirnun for th f- riiitmi (tiiiint! II Mi'f auniUlliiii, fur wick llnlllU Mit. 21. I'lOI. rii' a (olli. Jli'llilJ.V. Hi Hi. 'Iiir-ilu, s.'iA'iti l': Wlni"iln, JJI'i.lifll II. 'IIiuimIji. cliwil; 1'rtil.ij, JIV fAi il. "-iturdi.i . UI0.imi 1'! Tnlal, 1.l .!. ?1ii'i iiirMpoiKlnii; rik, O'; 1,7. i t t imiim-is i.i:rr iii:iiim- imt n 0 rn JHIU15 turn liotn lllnisliainlon. who cnni I, irnut.,n fMrily on t lit lilnlrr' .nut 1'jpn ll.uiEir' rvciirnlnii, mlrd Hie cxuirun tulii lit tiUht, .Hi'l ite tlll In the ulj None if ilirin lift rnnim'i tnnni'i to m thoir fjtr hi mr umI hii'ltig f"i n nullum" from lli'ir fr.ciiii GRACE TURNER. ARRESTED. Young Dili Committed to Jnil Yes terday. 1J1.110 Tllll'i'I. the Hi-Vl'lll-nl'l Kill. v hum the iiolke liml licon lunMiiK for iei .'hue TlmrMiliiy iilKht. u ur riMlul on S.itiitiln.v in Sehtiltxvlllp hy 1)utc live I .mm Day. Sh" vms wanted for the Inii'eiiy nf n im l-vtbouii ion tnliiliiK; Si. .ind hihii. wp.irlim uiimipI, Hum the Iioiikc ol .Mis. Homer Nichol son, of N'oitli Win-liliiKlnn .ivenup, by iv hum mIip vvu i'lil)loPd. Shi wiih kIm-ii n heaihi'i yiMonl.iy inoriiliiK hi MunNtinte Hovvc She ml- 1 no ut- inltted 1km kuIII fieoly .mil mach totnpt to deny the uhuiRPK. Stn was lointnlltPil to the eoiury foil !' default of ;.0U hall. Ii is claimed that the gill w .is 1 1 in Hy tii'.iied bv her father anil that she was foiled to leave home as a oiiM'qiienro. Her downfall wan lapid nflei that. She has hi en an Ininnl" of the l'loreiue mission. LATHROPE PROMOTED. Now a Member of Non-Commissloned Staff of Seventh Cavnhy. Coinoral Willlaid A. l.athrope, son f II. Use U'lilunpo. n meniher of Oill ,i' post C. A. It., and a former prf-l ii i t of the Union l;-l'ilooiiers nf War association, who was a member of '"liinop U, Seienth Caialiy, stalloneil Havana, Cuba, has been itientl 'onoied hs a inoniotion to the posl i on of leRlnieulal t -er-'i' Jilt whkh tiansfers him to the nun- omiiilssioned nllh en' stalf. SLi'Me.iut l.atluope's piomotlon caiiles .i nil it more than an imic.tae of sal on It H an honor of wlibh anv so 'Jiir iciiild be pi oud, lor to be a inein m i of the non-iomnilssloned staff means that he Is consldeieil to be one He most iiitplliRPtil and most voithv men in the leRlment of tvvthe anilnd men. POLICE AND ALDERMEN. ' ini l impholt. I'.itn K ll.nipr.v, 1 tlw,a,l V I , t'li n l'.iliiik Vli l.uiic ami I on, s NivmII win t , rnh situiihv liiiitnini; m ,i toll uiniv I, lniunu In tin IhKi.v mill lion .mil stirl mm -ill lii. v I.4HT1P.I llul llti.v liol, mm tlir i I' luvc ,i trinnllv i;..iuc of i iiiR uml i- II ' I. , Im tolllll III' plulili .Ullll't til, Ml till vi i, ii li tuifil '. I w Itixlii, wlii w.t .i wi'll Unin lumr n ii t mile uilil loiintlv. wu ititMul M s ii In nil ii wjliallt IMInl III 1iiliull Itml ii- a tlio hi-lilK,' nf I I' I!i0ilni;lin, ,i ' llitilli llflllM, wlio.l J 1,111' of llt.,l-4 l nil 1 mi ivtiini ItribtniLr i li.irair. UjxIm uitli r l.p putrni lie ! tn pioiiinil oltm Itn 1 ni f. mil him on unlit, pirtiniliiii; in Ii l i Km t .i liHdl lulior llir irooil 1 .i i ,i ii.,) Iimii piht tin vn hoirlii. ..ill 1i lu'ld collie tUi t lti-4 wtik in Hi" RELIGIOUS NEWS NOTES. VI -. Pj oiim llmnw4, of i him .I'll.,. v...inli lllolllllij .,1 llir ihltviird in Ht.iM'h lljp- l lllllllll I lii fi.-pc I inriiiiu ill tiio h .i 1 1 1 Wotmn'g I ' -inn .in 1 On n ro.,ni ,ii ntji iii.inonti w i. w.l h . Wooil i I Itnwri, , . Oil, iinl .in ititn4 in " Nation's Sotiovv," .it tin' lnii it mi i- i I pi-innl iliiiuh viMiht' inniiiinu I! - Hush Mi bullion, ot tliup'on Mi iiilut I pii il i t,nri tl. unit li t I' It ini;it. f ) Ini Pnk imIiiduiiI pnlpii Ui iviiniu I! I I. Itohilisoii, I) p., (lit iiluil ii ll,. S m I'lr-liiti ll ill Inn t'li. vr.liiiln iiininiiiu, luul j t lii I .tpoii.i clMpel, in tin cvrnint. I' ' .1 mud ItiiKhi-,, A. M . of lli I lluli Mh.,.,1 r. iH t iltlivriiil tin' ovrnitm Minion lit II imp. 1 n ttn't Milhoilltl Ipitiopil ilniuli vt'.tuiliv ii.inhj .mil Kinilml llndiilr. ' w.t tin' .uli ti i i.t .in liitui'linc iliKiiin In lt"i I. (n. at tlii" I'niviilPiiii' Mrflioiliti Ipl.i.pil i i ir Ii 1 it (vunni; t l he I ir..l l'uli till in rlinr.h. o-l . i in., linn.', tho pa'tor, licv. Isold Mili'ml, ll i , ,'Ji lll'il ill I 111- 0III, "III- lli'lll. II, .nl. . so ,ik lit " Ii nan an iloipictit mlugi .it in tn itvitd piiltiini II nil (nilv. iui'luu of tln HjiIi.'hI Vimiij Mm ( j.iiiruliiiii jl U. ilnu, itn, S. i 4 'In' ii'iUi at vfJtuiljv aiii'inoiiu' niui .,. , i In' lijlhuail Vnuiij Mi'n' I'lnivilm i. -.. alum iiioint, llili i in I in IliptiM Mltii.tnial HitilPiiniK ol siati i ii mil vii'inli will ii'in.ini" its inn tli, n Mllll.' at Iho .1,11 1. roll Mil ft lllplirt ilniuli i I'liluvi vvii' lii' ili'lUricil l.y Itn, l,i II I'm. ll U , ol I'l.vir 'I Iniilmlial hunniaii. i in I'tiiiiui; .orvlii', in t ! .Ink., a Mint lupi i-i ilniuli. tp.iiriln, tin' Noil, i 1'nil I. Ion uh winnir ol Hie Lalior llav lotni-.t jt Lata" 1 ilni. irulPii. l lie loiiipititlli' plrio, Mli. tn of tin Win, ' .mil lul in Ilic 10114111; Hi.iinl DKAliKHS IN Bonds and i Investment Securities ti Droidwaj, N. T. TTIllie.'Pirre. (lrbondl. I 6 (I CommcnwfaHh bid'?, Ecr.nton, Pt. &. UkkMUViM'rtKVtMVtKMMMMW ' ""' Sl .li-?T'" I SHE KEPT THE DRESS. It Entailed Somo Encuinbinnce. but She -Kept It. Last Tueoduy .liillan Wiglnsihl and faiolhie M Inac of Klfteonth strert look out a iiiiiii'I.iri' lleetiKc They weie to hale hoen married Friday. In kecnlnc With the itiitom of their eoillltiy leo jiIp. Julian niovltlcd Caiollnc with a Mi'dilitiR Houpfpau. At Hi" hint uiln ti I p. I'aiollue rpfused to Iip mauled and, fiirtheimoip, dpi lined to rIvp up the tiospau. Julian was lery niueh wiolh. not so iniiili at lolliK t'arollne, hut at the 1om of the troospnu. AeiordiliKly he linil liH hilde-thal-wai-tn-be ariested for ohtalnliu? buoiN under fiiUo pre-teiiHi-M. Satmday nluht the parties were at MiiRlstiatp Mlllut'H oIIIpp. Caroline was steinly Informed by the magistrate that she must rIvp up the wpddlnff out fit or ko to J, ill. Caroline's faee diopppd. Part of the MPildliiff tro'seall was ft 'cpipip satin shlit waist and a eannry eoloied Mk skill. To RlVp thrse up was nioie than Cutollno toiild make up her mind to do To ro to Jail was quite as lin)iislbp as the eolor combina tions. "Ih there no other allot native? shf i rled In her pel plexlty. "Yes, bur RpMed the ninRl'lratc. ' marry the fel low." Ii i r tullv n uilniite she stood litpso lut', l'list. her thoughts were on the loss of the (ercsp and ealiaiy duss; next, i hey wandeied to the eruel, told eioss-hars of a convict's cell. "Kiep tin dies evcape Jail" she mused. Then with a low, Rind iry she tlnew lieisidf into the arms of her erstwhile hethrothed exclaiming, "Julian, my Julian " She was Julian's ami Julian's dress was heis IS A SOLEMN WARNING. Rev. Di Geoige E. Guild, of the Piovldence Prcsbyteilnn Church, Tieats of Anaichy. At the rioviili.'iice I'lesbytoilan M'huu h ipsteid.iy inoinlilR, the pastor, "''u eoiRi" 12. Otillil, 1), ) delivered a most llinelj and scholarly dlscouise on "Our National Humiliation and C01 oiiation." basing his talk on tie U'Nt, "I'einembei tlieni that have tip' lllle ovei you, whose l.illh lollow" -Hibii'W xill. 7 In p.itt, Ii. itlild said. Then hip at least four points In the thtiue of the mottling, which we toiild vet profitable meditate upon as the essiMiti.ii niifi useful lesson ot the tiagli. death of Piesident MeKlnle, I'lrnt This illtetul (iilamity has welded all hearts Into a mighty bond ol lenewed patiiotism in behalf of, and In fervent stalvvait devotion to our loiintty and Its institutions Set olid Hv It tup of the evppilPiiies of the past two weeks, oiu Viiliolis siiiles with their many titles uml low its. with their multiplied and dl veisilli'd Intel ests, have nil been unified as never liefote. Vo ltave been dtavvn togethei. he.ut to heait, by til com mon and sonows caused by the dentil of the pieslilent of us all. Third This lit o and 111 lilevement of I'lesldent .MeKlnley as a Chtl-tlan and a patiiol. and as a model son and hus band, should be an example of Inspli allon to the .voting, and to all thloiigh out our count!',. I "0111 1 h Aiiaielilsni, the foe of the 1 bun h and of the state, must be driven 1 1 0111 our land. The Ihst tluee of these piopositlons I puss by Willi til ii- meie nientlnil, lor I speak of them ut another time. Tills Is our opiiottuiie dnv es, It Is the lipeness of time to speak of the hist of these font points. I'lesldent McK inle.v was tissassiuated bv an an arihlst. Mmk the fait, assassinated by an anarchist. Not by a petsonal mal content. Not bv a lop ot tin- at my nf the etieinv. Nni b a sp fioni a hos 111" iiiiiutiv. Not b.v a gtieillla in am bush In a skitmlsh lampalgn No, not so would to C.oil sin h llllgllt have lieen tin 1 use, If on that lata I day a bullet must liavi. been the Instrument ot death. Hut no, an aitanhist shut him, a man who. aflet his part was done, di'tliiiitly deilated that he was an ini iiichiM and said. "I did Just vvliat 1 In tended to I am nil aitanhist." ' -The all.llihlst Is the avowed elieiuy of the chilli It, and shall the pieaihei in the pulpit, and the worshlppei In the pew keep silent e, while In nti onlaili e with the tea 1 hlng of auaichistn the anau hist "tealllill and witli Judas- like tlPiiihciy takes tlte Hip of the thief pxpi utive of sevenl-slx- millions nf people" Shall the ihuiih hen- in Siianton and all pood iltlzetis wltli holil their volies of indignation mid lomleinnatloii when some of 0111 tepti talile nelghbois ,11 p lei civ lug thiniigh the mall a thiPiiteiiliiK note wtitten In the following language, 'I!.. n-ad . AVe will soon fix oil tot the ( cutler tele glaph pole. You me iiiinked, and will soon be lead lor Inquest." Ye, mentis, the time has evin now imiii' lot Ameika and all the thillih to sttike 11 dei Islve, final blow at a system which deciles law and oidei and luges lupine and mtiider In iaiiiug out Its ends The seed of anaichlsiu Is not lu dlgeuious to Ameilcan soil It is not native to out lepublii Au.iii IiImii has no ilaim iijiou us. It has no lights among us. It Is in no near or remotp wav 1 elated to us. It mil give no valid lensnii fin being toleiated in our bodv pnl ti, li is autl-Ameilcaii. It is anti Clnlstlall and the soonet It Is extei mluated. toot and luatu h, the belter lor the ihuiih lu wlili li Is all our hope, and I'm out icpuhlli, wlilili distin guishes between llbeiiy and license and glories in a 1 onsiltiitlonal and I'htlsiian govei mucin. I'loui that tear-vvet scpukhic In I'.in I1111 then 1 iimes todnv a solemn vv inn ing with h should penetrate eveiy hon est lieai t in all the laud, and ulilih should move the nation of vvoild-lead-lug lank to take the wotld's leadership lu assuiing, mi hit as liiiuian wisdom and human ciieigv tan efl'ei t It, this latest tiaegdy of .maiiliy shall be the Inst. HOSPITAL CASES. John lloiun, lit. of I'lL'll'UlK. ia It tlif laik.i waiiiu iuplial. ftUlfuiiii; tioin .1 toiiipoutitl frv nni' it II," ii,-lit ami, uliiili In' tiiilitil wlnlf at work in tin' .Minion nilni at tint phi on Mtiinlii I tic ami wm ua-lidl liilnun a tar .inJ the dip of llii- cluniliT, in wnnh Donsli euv vv.i. woikn),;. liank of I'lliriniii,, wit Injun) in the Hi rr" unlit' on Pv the pr, mature o. plosion of ionn' poiltr, whlili ho ai orcliig lulu ,1 holi Ifo nil liully Imiiirrl ihout tin) fuo anri U it at I Ik' Mi ,111114 wirp icvcnl liuuiril lie i't '1 itloi hospital On Death of Piesident. U ilio icsiildi inrctltiK nf Iviivi toiler. So. Jn'i. Iiiiiiiiu Onlu ni Mami'iil, tin folloniny r,oi,lnliniL vvcri" itil,'jiHil. Ulirir.ii, Our lutlun ln Ih-mi iiuiccr Into iltcpi.t sittl ainl iniioiniiu, tliiuuitli tin i-vi,ik mn ut our liilmul jn rl'Icnt , Willbtu M.-hinli-v, llirnforr li! It llixilii-i, 'Hut In Picl'iiit MiMnli'.v inir i'iiniti luio liwi 11 uiojt cui utile, .1 Bii-dt n.ilfk nun uml .1 noblr t(iicent.illvc of Ainnlun IIIJIllllHJll lli'-flvcil, 'Hut m- iUiloi tin ilj.tinll) .ituik nimn thr Im of our iirnlili'iil, ami wn lioulij ii'iulfiiiii jiijulii uml It. iniiiilplrn, Fiiilliir Ik. It IIcvjImiI, mi, ivfriul our niu.t lirJitu-H niutli In Mi.. .VhKliili), llijt ut 11 lillmti' nf iifput In lii. iiitmoty, our iluiitr lie iluiuil In iiii-iiiiiiii.' for llilit) il.ij., .mil Hut thr.i iimi. Iiillnii; Ih irrji on our mint i -a. U IIIIiiiii lllttumli, I'. IfTl.ii.l, r, Wiil.iml-' 1 ('olllllllltft. YELLOW PRESS TREASONABLE SO DECLARES REV. DR. ROBERT F. Y. PIERCE. In His Sctnton Last Night He Snltl Thnt tlio Yellow Journalists Have Been Colnlup Conscience Into Dollars Wondetftil Stability of Our Government Shown in the Change of Ptesldents Ptesldent MeKlnley Was Gicnt Because He Was n Child of God. One of thp laigest coiiRrpgatlons that the t'entt Avenue ltnptlst church ever held, dithered within that edllke last night to listen to ti sermon beniing upon the assassination of President MeKlnley, preached by the pastor, Rev. liobert K. Y. I'letco, V T. A laige jilcture of the dead piesident, suriounded with Incandesi ent lights, was hung over the pulpit, while a huge American llag, caught up with ti black ilbbon, was huiiu across the front of thp oigan. I5r. l'leicp devoted bis sov 111011 luigely to 1111 expression of some of the Ipssoiih which the assassination has taught, lie took his text from the. ninetieth psalm, twelfth veise: ''So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our heaits unto wisdom " in beginning his s-ptmon, thp dot tor iPiuarked that the light Is bpglnnltig to break through the dark clouds of gloom and that peeling thloiigh the darkness the observer may already see the guid ing hand of Ood behind the aw fill trag edy. Continuing, he said. Pel Imps Mr. MeKlnley. It he had the powei, toiild not have chosen a mote opportune lime to go home to (Jod mid to lay down the woik committed to his trust. There are many who may feel dlffeiently und may think that this Is the one time when his life should h.ivo been spared, but Cod makes no mis takes. HAS TrriNIJD Tllorc.HTS. "His death has turned tlte thoughts til the wot Id away Honi the mini 011 iiish In the busy ncthlties of life, nvvity 1 1 0111 lommerclalism ami national ag gression to a new f.utor In the civil ization of the vvotld If has tinned the thoughts of the woild to tlio monster nl anarchy, which kept Its head hidden until It suddenly lose up and stiuek 'Hip foiemost man in all this world.' "The death of President MeKlnley has given the world 11 vision nf a gieat piesident, gieal not because nf Ills diplomacy, not because of bis culture, not beiauso nf his wealth, but because nf 11 power from heaven, even Jesus Christ. A e have shown to the world that we have had as our 1 tiler 11 trui ihlld of (Jod, whose life lias been typkal of many, lunnv other Clnlstlall American lives. It has taught the world that heieafter Jesus of Nav.ateth must be taken an mint of in national and International affalts. It has turned Hie thoughts nf the woild toward the Savior as they have never been turned since Up himself hung on Calvary s 1 toss, "Tli death of the piesident has taught us and the woild the les-nm ol the stability ot our gov eminent. The other nations, whit li have seen us in sectional strlfo In onis gone b.v, now sees us changing piesldents In the midst of an Intense national gloom without the slightest lar to our govern ment's life. Theie Is not another na tion lu tlte woild that iiiitld 1I0 that. 'The death nf the piesident hits taught us another lesson. It has taught us that we must ehei I; and slump out of existence the tiPasonable prc-s. it has taught us that ive must ileal seveiely with thee journalists who are voinlng const lence into dolluis. Their tieasonable sheets with their vile cat toons, have held the piesident of this nation und our great minuter. 1 ini interests up to lidkule. They have belittled the piesident and men in power, but it will never be done again. "If the papei 1 huv.-' lu mind ever times again to piliu the pit tines It was pi luting three weekt; ago, the people of New York city will mob its nlllie. It Is Inteiestlng. but disgusting, to see how anxious this sheet Is to get on the light Hide again., AVhnt sweet things It has been sa.vlng this last week about the man It plumed 11 few weeks ago as Little AVIIIIp. Why Is it saing these things' Hecause tin sentiment of the Atiieiiuiii people iloinniids that never again shall a paper speak idly or Illy of the man chosen by the people to bo president of this gieat laud of outs "Another lesson which Pieslilent Mi Klnlev's death teat lies us Is the doom of aniiuhy. Theie will be no mine of anarchism In tills country. Theie will be no nioie piocessions, headed hy the red flag. It has taught us tluit we must say to the atianliKt and to the foreigner who 1 nines to this toun tiv. 'We uie a law-abiding people. You dale to Hit Hie at Hie law and the law will sttike ou hack' Theie Is one more thing that this awful tingedy has shown to the woild. It lias placed the other nutlons for the first time 111 tlose tutu h with the chris tian Ameili'iin home. President Mi Kin ley's home life was ideally peifeit, and the wondeitiil stiength and beauty of his devotion to his invalid wife is Just beginning to be lealled." FIRE IN DUNM0RE. Enily Morning- Blaze Desttoys Bam and Damages Chuich. A (he In P. W. Munle.v'H bain in litinmuip at 2 o'clork this inoinlng do st toyed the lontents and damaged the st 1 net 111 e to the extent of seveial bundled dolluis, The llanus Ignited the loof of the Sunday school room of the Presbter lan chuich and damaged It lonsldPi alii. The Independent and Nleilrle com panics 111 lived eaily on tlio siene and pievented the (lames fioni spieadlng. THIRTEENTH BY THIRTEEN. Ninth Regiment Rifle Team Defeated in a Speclnl Mntch, The bpoiltil ninti'h at tin- DU-Kmiii flty i.time. S.itiuil.iy, between tcuum leiirecfiitlliK Iho Tlilitfentli ninl Nlnih rrBlnipntn.vvas won hy the loi-nl ni.tiKs mi'ii. ,t tin1 L'OO yuiilH liinei. tho Thli- The Test of Strength I- lir.t iiiiJi. in rnin IK in ton , frw hourn ol viscrotn vvotk will ui a (ONSCllW mm ruiobiriiip. Oui vvoril 1 mill si VMll prnvldn llie op iiiltnilty. ni pro ililc li Imluitr) iiml vim .1 M'ri"1 I'riiiiui. 'on, ll.ii toi. S&fcRjgS leenth led by four points. At f.00 yaitls, the Ninths team made up the four points uml set uied a lead of llftecu. The Hunt contest, at the WW vaiil range, tesulied lu the Thirteenth wlnnliiK the match by thliteen polnl.t. The totals were: Thhtoeuth, IK); Ninth. 4W. The. teams weie made Up as follows: Tlihlrrntli rcsltncnl- Major I'miiI; Unlitinc, l'rivnte b. ' llrlnk, Corporal 1'rnnk It. Coffin, l.linliiiniit W S C011M, I.Uiitriuut I. II, Cir It r. Mu.liUn (hirlet Mimrr Ninth ii-Klinnit Cnpfnin I'rtrnnnt "tnlif.. Sor prmil lllaiik. I.ti'ittinint Darto, l.trntrnaiit t ol onol WalUc.o, ( aptaln llnrn. The highest Individual score, S.", was made by Musician Moore. Captain Stokes was next, with 11 mark of 81.' A return match will bo shot at Pitts ton, two weeks film Wednesday. DR. BENTLEY'S SERMON. Spoke to His Congregation in the African Methodist Episcopal Church on Divine Direction. In Hie Howard place M. 12. church last night the pastor, Rev. 1). S. elliit ley, D !., preached n sermon on "Di vine Direction." "I will lead them In paths that they -have not known," Isa. 4'J.IO wete the word of his text, in part he said: Ill ininlfifM'ioni, In intfrnal Influence tn the kiiiI on! external control of the firtiin of life. That there U .in oiuruling Piuvldmcp lonttol lint; the henvent and the earth; the spiikling waters of the orlny ileepj tin' air; Hie forkul liphtnini; anil mutteiiiiir tliumlrr, ail men ate forcid to lonccde Irom 'vlut the tee, hear and fcil. Itttt the (.rut flit tint till owrmlltic power wotks tnletnally in well 1 ixtetnill. U neemlngly hinl for peo le tn itnlrntantl et, the fait rriiulnt nnchani'.itih., The ticirt ilirictlon ot l!oJ mini(etf i'el( In relitlni; Ili v.tll and wiy i,( lite, to the Mm and iIuikIiIi is of men. 'niit ernt tt wllli tlicin tint feir Illm Tlie ilU'inrtlon vvliieh find makei liitwreii the linmtile, lovliic, lojal people und thov? wlio wilfully negl it llii tominandtncnn and viol lie llii li. It tleailv Ket fortli in lioly writ lianijrestois lan lind tlir-ir wiy dirt, and thoim We, too often in I lie nlnmtt hiunlr even. of life nii'lake lie divine tur the human. The Turin, tin. llii nnd Out of Hie .ne not ill known In 1 lime incisure. Sly friend, there ore teciiti in Jour boionH tliat weie d.-poiltid bv some tirir Iriunl whhh will neiT lie fully ItitoAii, until revelled v the lli;ht it da, when 1 lie snret cf all hearts slnll be ili-cloiM. Tlio uli.inu; inilinition i.'lm'i ieulli In rlnnein; our uum' eien ut Ih? tutu of a lttet lorner l nit alwiti. jfioiini'l trr, In the lmok ie sliidi, vet tlioii'iud of ixperienn Rile thn tt stimoiij to the fart t'ut iniili chanties hive wiomjlit wonilrui 111 mo'.il. lull llei luil ami i bi;loui ill ithipinent of naulii and tn bier (liar- m lets Hie promise of divine direrlion wliuli preenU it'elf to in Willi treat force l.adt linn. "I will tfuide tliee with Mm-" eie" The tone ( tl'i truth it increied .1 we Uam the si cret of Cod. lie leiihei ly lli evr, the net rat Ire tiiniiioin of Hit will, 'n tlio limn and turn" of IIIh nnjrtii' pov,r Itui Cod auiiointed ivnit the Rteat IM-im nolilermn lie (.trenat'i rued bis ii;ht hand tint be mlglit mibdiii' n.l-linn-, mil anrnl him of divine direction. Tli aiuie uin.hatiBe.ihl.' Iieln? Kpeaks n Ihe great hnuit of the Amirnin people todit In the inv plmty of Hit tin hills'!, giving renewed nuir aim 1I1 it Ilni liai.r of divine tnitli tllninins the puhwii of ill who tnpt I'irn. X'otliins i nion loniolinu; tint tlie firt tliat intinitc ii'dem fill-i In lfi own time mil wav nil the v icaneie ol li'iderhip whlili have ocruired in licth eliun h and flate. Whit lie has none in the put He will lepiat in the tiitiire. 11 iondition ilennn I. Tlimush pmlif llpi th'j. tunitorttni; ine-sage toine to lln peoph "o fearful lint", fu'li tonrniro tike 'I lie tlniul v. m tiiurli dread ate tun Willi tuiiv and shall bleak, In lileitts on vour hidi" lie nukis known In men lli w.. in the de ert at well a in the ineluarv. Hi fint to Atiiihim, tlie filtier of nalloiw, "I will 1.0 I e. fore tine," and In the text he mi! "I will h id Hum In pithi Hi 1 have not kinmit In tlie I lul-lrni wtl ileum to v ilk upliEh ly lie fur. Hi- .od. hut rtitiitalnt ilouhti .11 to Ins Kirplanie wall bun. and it perplixed about 1 ir oiiuit.iliie ovir whhh le ixeuliv. no tonliol, but sulluiiu; piiiitnl i.-sn't in snirowdil wiak niivJ. for mill. I make a liututile plea ul the throne of linn wliu prniuUr' to li'id in pithi vim hive tmt known Ml tbtnes work ti Keller (t.i eood to them lint love i.fnl llie rikiiiiLituI nun Is led bt the -jntli of Cud. iirt fonid, but led. And what it Hue in the lite of 111 iiidivldinl iJ true in llie life if a nation. Tie fpiril of I Soil take-i bold of llie will und (111111.111-1 it. 111 nee llie mnvliig t.f 'lie will towanl- tied i-i liv. "Wlia-oevef will," i tlie 1I11 latation ot .liu tluet to the world of iiiuikind. V Knod fitlier wall 't iiil ut winloni fn bit (hild t ike a i-lep tiiillni when he oflirt ait ,1111 e tn cuule it little feet over (tie rouuli .unl il'nrnv plue-i Hut, lununlnr. ni fiirnds, Iho prmuptc of inoli'iii it m tlie thihl and mil-1 In' esrrelte-t, iliv-t . with the will Cod, liv llii; Hob spirit, dilute; tun we ituitt willingly go lij' Hit ilirei lion. MONDAY Just a Few of the Many Attractions Offered to Monday Buyers. One Case Fine 10c Eiderdown Outiugs... One Bale 6c Brown Muslin Good Bleached Muslin Best S'a'c Hill Bleached Muslin 7c Best S-4 Loclcwood Brown Sheeting 15c Best 9-4 Lockwood Brown Sheeting 17c Best 10-4 Lockwood Brown Sheeting 19c Best 9-4 Lockwood Bleached Sheeting 19c Best 10-4 Lockwood Blevched Sheeting 21c Best 45 inch Lockwood Bleached Pillow Casing 10c Best 50 inch Lockwood Bleached Pillowing Casing 12c Best 45 inch Lockwood Brown Pillow Casing 9c Best 50 inch Lockwood Brown Pillow Casing 10c Best Apron Ginghams.. 5c 6c Shaker Flanuel 4c Light Lawns for Com forts iy2c Garments perfect in fit 5c goods obtaiuable. Ask The Best MEARS&HAGEN 415-417 Lackawanna Ave. WARM TIME IN DICKSON CITY TAXPAYERS LAMBAST BOROUGH OFFICIALS. Lcxowlng tlio Municipal Authorities In a Way Now to Reform Move ments Councllmcn Come Befoic a Mass Meetltif; nnd Are Subjected to Catechising on Alleged Misdo ings Ono Offlclnl Admits a Charge of Crookedness and Tells on Two Others Ticnsuier Called a Rogue. There wus an exceedingly Uiely lltne In Dickson City Saturday night when the taxpayers to the nuinbut1 of 100 asspmbled In the borough hall to dis cuss and tnke action on the alleged ciookedness and cxttavagance of thu borough odlclals. Tlio council Increased the moi levy tluee mllKs over that of l'JOO, mak ing It twelve mills. It also bought 11 lot of f limit tlie for the biuotigh build ing at pi Ices the citizens believed were exoibltnut, and, as a lesult of pique on the purt of one nf the louncilineii, a motion was passed to cut from thu corner stone of the new boiough build ing, the names of the couiiPllmanli bulldliK; committee nnd otheis engtaved thereon and substitute therefore the Inscription, "Dickson City Horough Pullillng." These and other alleged wtntig-dolnga loused the citizens to arms, and a mass meeting was called for Satin day night The hall was lilted to overllovvlng and thp air was full of Indignation. Nl'MKUOPS CHAROnS. James Miugctsou was clcitcd chair man and by way of opening the ball read the following prcpaled by -i com mittee of the citizens: A mectiiiB t ilkd to protent airaintl the aitiom ot the irccnt louuelli in the following nntt'r. Kirst The ilaintilng of the borouitli h'lltdini; by Uofuciiif; the rotnur ulone ut naij builduij;. an ait Ion whlili should nut lie toll rated 11 it a spite uiliott which cannot citiiv he overlooked on the put ot Couiieilinati Mid' rut) and It i watte of money Vuind 'the hill for bote punliavtd bv the rounell leientlj. Cuiimilmiu Sn,vikr .aid tn puhllo that an ex rouucilin-n told him that .1 percentage was rceriied by the.e who puiihuid the hie, and wat divided anioni; them Tlni-d Treatiirer Is duiuidln; and faking i discount from parties for ettlun; bur oiuh ordcti. We w ml to know about ii I 'mirth The bill for Ciiinilute, for chain and nitelntli for boroiiKh buildlns It -S'J0 ii It i said tint n reasonable eliinate of the bill should bo ibout KiOO or lint I'iflli That rnitint; lav levli't higher thin lboe of Tif it an injutllie and should not be done Slith The ra-e now on in whlili I mini ilium Hi ipar i d"priii'd fioni Ini I'll in inuncll ii unU-t N vriitli Tnt IturcrK Krnnedi hat nei;lei led to linn over tines ini bet fil bv h tn to the tt vis urv. I iKhtb llie rilizent of the Dn k'on t'ltj her otigh iliinmd an evplanatioii from lhec .nruied Vermont, and further tint a tonuni'tee of three be appointed to inveitlite tlie thire;! (Signedl .1. tl. lliiifnivel, (,iorji W. Weil linn, .lames lteid RICHARDS' HXPI.ANATIOX. Councilman Richards was rilled upon to explain the reason for Intending to deface the cui ner stone "You don't want to hang a man be fore he commits the defacing, as you call It, do you? leniatked Mr Itiihaids. "Some of them out to ne hung," ie. ponded the (halt man. Councilman Kit hauls ald that Coun cllinen Sunder and Ttcnton got a "divvv" on a hose put chase tills eai and that he could piove it. Mr. i.enton aiosL- and said he wasn't the only one: that l.aikln nnd Mctli r l Jl v also gut In on the "divvy" "You can't piove It?" shouted Me Genity. "I can," lesponiled Itenton. "You and l.aikln made the deal lu my p.iilni " Ticasuier Hldilgau was called upon to explain thp niattpr of "shaving" hoi nitgh nrdeis. He admitted having "sliaxed" sixtv cents' worth but pio tested that was all "You are a logtie." diclaied Mi Clrason. Hurgess Kennedy was charged Willi evuhltunt llne and not making a pioper accounting. The burgess was not present. Hx-Morough Treasurer O'llnifi was also hccummI of Illegal acts. BARGAINS 8c 4y2c 5c i 1 Best Dark Prints 4c Good Russia Cottoti Crash 4c Bright Cotton Plaids... 8c Ladies' Knit Fleeced Underwear. 25c Ladies' Black Cottou Hose 25c Children's Knit Fleeced Under wear 15c to 30c and guaranteed to be the best to see them, MMWmWMMHiMMWMWMffliYi I Fruit Jars Mason Oilchrist Extra Caps Rubbers If you want the best we have them. Honest Rubbers, 10c Doz. CVvx"MA, Geo. V. Millar & WrWrWWWiWWWWWiWiWiWfWMrWfWWI ESTABLISHED 1866. F. L. CRANE. l-'or Reliable Fur Goods call and examine onr stock of Seal Jackets Persian l.auib Jackets Beaver Jackets Electric Seal Jackets Near and Seal Jackets Fur Capes Neck Scarfs .Mulls ami All Oilier kinds Of Furs Also, ii you wish your old Furs Repaired, bring them in as soon as possible. All kinds of fur repairing done. 324 LACKAWANNA AVENUE 324 INEW BUILDING Black Suits for Youny Men. We are now showing the finest line of Young Men's Black Suits ever seen in Scranton, This line was especially made for us and has the full guarantee of this house. They are made of Vicuna and Finished and Unfinished Worsteds, and are the product of one of the very best manufacturers in the world. i We ask no more for these Special Suits pai lor the ordinary kind. John D. Boyle, 416 Lackawanna Avenue. t W viri I Scranton Carpet & 406 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. i 444.4.44- - - The Celebrated Elastic Felt Mattress made by The Scranton liO(I tlln? CoilipntJJ. We make and sell all kinds of mattresses, pillows, box divans, cushions. We carry large stock of fine Brass and Iron Beds, the best made. Whltcomb mill BcnistlCll. Upholstery. We do the best in town. Let us fix up your furni ture now, while you aren't using it. Lackawanna and Adams Both 'Phones cuiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiin.ininnmnnmnii lTheWalkOverShoei mm I $3.50 and $4.00. Mi I Fall Styles Now Ready. MM , m JT A W L JWW mr WTZ W rfjL ft B M W - . mmaOI m 1 ll wrjiFiririmn mm W m fl JWi.m. f D ia km km h J ammr tm tmkmmm 0 tkr mr kmr W" SkiituciiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiNiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuniiiiuv EMPTY HOUSES CAN BE READILY FILLED IF ADVERTISED A THE" FOR RENT" COLUMNS OF THE TRIBUNE Lightning Jelly Glasses Co. 1S4 WjmitT Arcane Walk In ami Lank Around. H. D. CRANE SPECIAL MENTION For Well Dressed Woman Silk Lined Suits, from $14 up. The $14 Suits are in Pebble Cheviot, Swiss Taffeta lined. We would also invite you to the attention of our RAGLANS From $10 Up. tli in ou arc obliged to Charming. 1 ' iint'iis pl fli tirr hrt ttll'n 1 )i hk,tt ik! 'it li 1 1) n mini; n 11 unlin,- FURNITURE 1, I ,.ii , jnl ruintv tfv tin Ii.ll va 1 r innro t it , 1 ill-ij , f li 1 ' lint.' I hi 'Ih. 1- Hi lr mi In I tun'' ti In in. in 01 li 1 'luii ihn neck, ' i i in I'm,; tin ip. Furniture Co Registered - -m M4- 4. , 1 THE PERFECT MATTRESS, 'juris I 7I Ml 11 v , u 3 s mm
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