TFTE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- 3 ION DAY, SEPTEMBER 2l, 1001. I ' 1 I i I - - OHIce: BURKE BUILDING Catbondale Department Phone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 LACK OP LIBERALITY MAY LOOSE INDUSTRY Caskot Manufacturing Concern Would Like to Locate nt Simpson, but Hcsltnte Because Fell Township Officials Don't Seem Inclined to Exoneinte the Piojcctoit, from Taxes Details of tho Deal. A luck of libcinllty Dr. nunc likely, Miblle uplill. will ptobably lose to Ibe MlliiBi "f Simpson mi Industry that pimnhcs to ininiiienee will, If Minted, nnd to riow to a tin l In and prosper ous ontoiptlso. one vvhlili would Incal culably bcneilt ibo loiullty in which It Is desired t(i locate. I A casket iiiiuiuliu turhiK eonccin, now established In Philadelphia. cmnlit n loiatioii In this vicinity and linked tho (illicit of Alderman William Mntrl Miii, whii Is also the well-known funotul dliectnr. Tin uldi'iiti.iu W tho owner of a pint of "I'M' lines of hind, limited Just ninth of tin- Simp-cm tdlk mills. lit 1'hll.ididphl.t ioiumii n tf.liilcd lhl .c an Ideal location and hoped foi tin io-opiiiitlon of tin' "III el.ils nl 1'idl township n Hi'' I'Mi'iit tlnil thi- ioliipnn'H plant and Bimiml would I" exempt tiotn tnitlmi tin a few .veins The iiiuipau.v It Is unilei hIihhI, will ctcit Its' own plant and buy ItH own Mto, mi that all of the outside tmlhliiiirc bojjtfcil Is thai of exemption lion. tiiNHlitm fin 'i li'ttn nl Mats. One i'i tin stipulations wan tit ii t tin- iiiin i m 1 a nviiioiatcd unli"-s It em- po nt least twetitv men It uiih .'.vpiiti'd thi' piiipiisUinii would be Invimiblv ii'n'Ucil and thu nflw fii'.'i'ih ki iispcd. but. Instead, the township i.tllilils sbow a halting pol hv that will piob.iblv mean tho loss of tin- luduiliv and the Incalculable benu nts it wniili InliiK to the loinniunlty. 'I he eotnpaiiv Is desirous of locutlnK in .-nine f and that it will not wall mi an unreasonable holillut; bat K wan luilliated b the following dls patih leteivnl b. Aldi'inian Munl'-im on S.itiiida mniiiiiiK tioin "Hi ot the pioli'i'tois ol the enteipli'!' IwllIK to the lllliei tullll ol iMitli'l allons on taxes tin a term ot eam in join town. 1 in tlu't negotiations in il lation to iiitlln manulni toi. will ease lor the piL'seut. M. J. Seaiiioie It In up to the township's nllhets to s-ay what the fate of the ptopOMil In ilustl will be, s,i tai as Its coming this wnv Is eonirrnod. Theie Is little, if nn.v. loom to aiRiie mjulnst the nd Klhllliy or beMlllltiR to haute the lu.iiiiif.tdiii'y. paitliulaily when It Is the put pose of the i ompaiiy to enliiiKe the plant to m.iuufai lure tiinleitiikeis' supplies. DEPOT LOITERERS WARNED. Loiteiers at City Station of D. and H. to Be Vigoiously Dealt With. A warning not lie comes fiom the compaio'H ollielals to loiteteiri who hanu about tin- city .-tatlon of the Dekivvaio and Hudson foinp.ui until their rnesoni.o becomes an Intoleiable tiultauce. The w.ii nine Is that tho-o ofiondeis will be iRcuously dealt with If they pei'lst by their uninvited priseme In anno.vini? p.isseiiKeis and ItitoifeiliiR with the emploies In the illschniKo of their duties. The company has posti 1 In a lousph nous place at tin station that pel sons who have occasion to slt the depot have due tCR.iid lot Rood older and luhaloi, but this leasouabh advho s-eom to have no ctfoei and aie dlsie K.iulcd and dlsobeed, when nuouiliic can do mi with iinpunlt. There aie iiuiiiciiiii. hunKois-on who aie sine to h on band when a tialu Is about to leave or enter the depot and it Is a dlllieult matter tor pas-enseis to 1011 oulouil ko on el oft the .station iplnt lniin oftrnihiife Hit. Ret In the way of the depot einplojees and enibaiiass tin in In the illsthatRc ol theli duties otlieis have taken to commltUnR- nul-(-aiu es about the ilepnt lis nien lionetl bofoie. ale well iiiRh Intoleiable and i Is thlelly this misbehavior that caut-es the waiuinR- to come lioni the ollielals at tills time. Tho IsMiance of the wainhiK is not piopuiteil by a mil urn spltit. urn with llie mow to tiepi ive tlie public ot the ntioiiiliindatloiis ot the depot, bill Is Intended loi that class who fiequent tho htatlon anil wi'iii to haxe no .scum.' of brhmioi. Suit Against Pell School Boaid. Tho action In assumpsit brought by .los-eph II. Hieniuui, of this clt, aKalust tlin school boat el of l-'ell township Is marked foi tilal today in the tomt of common ideas, now In sehsiou in Scian- ton, and will likely be called before tho day Is over. This case Is unite an tmpnrtnnt one and has often been discussed since the action to lecovei was commenced over a year ago. Mr. ftri'iiiiiin has mud to iecocr un paid salary duo him as pilnclpnl in Fell township, aii en oh was nunie n cently by the w hool boanl to settle with hint, bill tho tender was about i , luiinlriwl dotlais less than Mr. Utcnimu'H claim. The orfer was ae coii1IiirI lepudlatid, and tin di ter mination to pi ess the suit thioiiBh a trial was iidhet tl to TURPIA'S PREDICTION. Mind Render Declnics It Is His Tm piession That the Mineis Will Not Go Out This Spilng. Anions the queiles' Hied" on Sat in tla nlRht at Sit lleiirv Tinpla, who a woiideiful evhlbltion ol inhnl leadliiR' at the CJiantl opeia house last with, was one of paillciilai lnteiet to tlie people of the coal leRlons anil one which will be sure to be kept in mind b the icsldents heieaboulii. The iniestlou was, "Will theie be a mlneih' stilke ill ApiilV asked b u voutiK man named l.ofius To this Sir Henry answeied that it was his im piessioi: that thtti will be none.' Another inn 1 1 si, hk tpieiy was. Who w lit b. Hit nel iilesltlent?" Tom 1. Johnson i line Sir Hetuj's le- Theie was a multitude of iliestlon asked Mr Heni and In luunoious cases I p.utli ulaily about the location of l.n- nfi )tisons, tlie answeis pioet to lie collect. Altogether the enlei lalnnu nt and pel foi manic eausrd the latRe audknee to man el. The exhibition was on the older of tin one rIm-ii by the 1! ihl wlns, lb- White Mahatmas." who i .lTwed a Kieat Stir when thev appealed at the I.jielllii In Seianton MWeial e its iiro Sir I lent v Tinpla will be nt the Claud iikiiiii thlw evenltis'. when h will tout hull bis pnlilii appeal ante in th.s ( n lb will leuialn beie, how tin. at tin Aineiieati holle foi the ii in limit i of the weik to ple piiuite ailtllellics tor the lcatlltlR ot p ilms lor Willi Ii he has a t,'lt.,n lepntntion, THE LIGHT CONTRACT AGAIN. Hudson road, formed n. party which left last nlcht over the Krlo for tho Pon-Amerlcan. Miss Lorctta Coleman, of the Lender composing room, leturncd on Snttirdny from u ten days' visit among Scranton nnd Plttston relatives. AMUSEMENTS. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delawaie and Hudson Railroad. jHiif 0, 1 KM luiui u nl lcjt. CjiIioihIuIi at cil.v ftjtion as fi lln: fer .srrjnhm and Wilkes lUrre-0 0U, T 00, SO), (MM. lli'U. II il in , l-!4i l, -01, 'W, Am, 7.(, mill, 10 it p m Mind.n trtliH Uao nt t 5h, II 1 a m ; 1 1, Cl's 5 SO, (0i) in I ox Ibam, artegj, Montreal. llotnn, New l.tiRlan'l points, etc , T 00 a in , i JJ in (ilail ) III I.aWc Lodotf. W'ajmatt mid Honosdilc, 7'Ji, II oj ,i in , a si, o.l i p. in snnili trains lean for l.aU' bodore, Wajmavt ainl llmiiHlali' nt 'i M a in.; 1..I0, I 4"i n in Tialni .i r r 1 1 c at TatliondJlp (rnni likes It.trt e and .seianton follow 0 .VI. 8 17. UM), 10 60 it in., 1 37. J 0i), .121, I JS, 0j, 7 01, b .11, 0 51, 11 A7 p m . Ill a in Sundav tiuln airhc at 9 37 a m , 12 10, 3, t .'?. I. 'J9, lIMp in Iralnk arihe ilailj lioni Albany at 3(8 and 9 5b p. ni , art! on hundav at 2 .m p in 'Irjliu arrive from lloneidale and Wajnurt clllv dlM.ii in , 12 Itl, 4 in, 6 47 p m Minda) 1 1 unit arrive nt Carbondalc from bake l.oilote, Wjjirurt and llonevlale at 1J 17, 4 10 and 7 53 p ni 'A Day and a Night," Tuesday. An appellzlliK dkdi of nie-iiiiiieiit Is HoM's "A Ha and A Nltsht " wlueli will be scon at the ciianc! Tuestlay nlKht. This is the popular authoi's litest iltoit. A ouiir man. leliRl ouslv Inclined, lcaes his home anil t?oes to N'e i'oi k to emjiiKC s-lllRets for bis chuii h choir. His fnthei, who Is a man of the woild, accompanies his Min and Inti odutes him to an old friend, a theatilctl manage!, who astces to furnish the cholt .sliiRers, and IntioducL'S him to somo of his chut us Kills. AiuotiK lliciu is the jouiiB man's sweethe.ut. who H an acttess, and who has been Mtintf old fiiencls but t-he denies hei Itlentlty, anil sas he 1" mistaken, but nmeos to lent h liini how to make love. The yontiK man pioves himself to be a thni otiKhbied. much to the dellRht of bis lilt lift . and anno) ante of his mothet. The fane Is lnicipei(-ed with lalo sours and bilsht and cateh bpeelal ties Wednesday, "The House That Jack Built." limine II Hioadhui.sU t mill t of humor seems Inexhaustible, for In no one ot hlb fat ces does It rusIi fmih mote copiously than in "The lloitso That .lack .Unlit," Ills latewt inusUal pioductlon, which will bo seen at tho til and lor the Hist time on AVetltn sti.iy UlKllt. Km Innately loi llie i otuplete success of the piodtie lion, he has pin- vided a cast of e Mtaoidluaiy mull, IneluditiR such famous laiceuts as (Jpoijjp II Suimneis, St CJeoiRo Jlus se, C 1". l.oiialtie, l.etuiie, l.ockwood, HiiKh ('ainemn, Ma.v t'outtne.v, Mildteil Keith, I). W. SIcRtist and a number of otluis eai h of whom is addition to tlteit at tins abilities aie clever vaude ville at lists "The Piide of Jennico," Satuiday. The lomautlo sucte", "The I'tlde oC Jennie o,11 will be kIvui beie on Sat in da net, AH the wot Id loves a lov -er and is no less cnamoied of a llght ei, and in Kasil Jenulcn they will llml a heio who lights as well as he makes love1 and he is an veit lit the kuiIIo aniatni.v ait The heiolne is the; ehaimliiR' l'llncess ottlllle, ami she Is the same inch, tnntall.lui; ami alto Bethei delleloiis little witch, as she ap peals in the w ell-known novel ol i.M Keiton Castle fiotn which the pl.t) was taken. It Will Como Up Again Tonight in Common Council, When tho May or's Veto Will Likely Bo Disposed Of. Thu llKhtiiiK contract of the city streets, which should hnvo been award ed in May last, which has been cnter- t.'lned between both councils since HUH date, will be In hand tonleht for tho custoiuaiy attention bestowed on It at lPRitlai l-iitcivals for tho past four or live mouths. It ni'D bo disposed of tonlRht, for posltlona depends on the temper or pleasuio of either one of tho two sides anayed iiKulnst the measuic. "What phase of the contiact l cumins to bo acted on Is the veto of Mayor Kllpat tick, who Is opposed to contracts ot nunc than otio year, on tho Ktoimd that the city mlRht be a possible loser, thete b). iefueil to sIkii tho ir-solutlon awaidiiiR the Job ot llRhtitiR the sticets to the l.aekawanna Valley company tor a peilod of tlueo yeais. Select eoiiin II at least all but two menibets, did not seem to think theie was much If an) met It in the niaor's objection and pioinplly passed tho veto over his honor's head. Then tin; veto received the attention ot common council. The menibets In this body did not appear to think the same and sue li opposition was manifested as to pioloiiR Its dis position by dlfleretit com see, for sev etat weeks. It so continued until today when the veto l.s to be lound In the hands of the llRht. llie and water coin mllte'O of common council, who. It Is expected, will make a lepmt this ev- eiilim Hut moie than one lepoit is lo'iketl for and at least tho appearance of a inlnotlty and a minority would be no sinpilse, foi on the commlttco ate two en nicue nicnibeis who uic de- teiinlnedly opposed to a tluee eais i initial t. It is known how the mem- beis ot council stand on the veto, with the exception of Ml. I'tiRhano. All but he weie pipscnt at the last nieetlnR when the 'polled Mite showed seven iiRiilnst the veto and four In ItH favor. It leiiultis elRht votes to teject , the veto Xow Mr. PtiRhano s mlRht make the t'lKhth vote, ot It mlRht make the llfth as oipijsetl to the eemtiaet. How tills may be no ones can say posltlvcl), lor Mt. 1'URliano was not present at the last mettliiR nnd nt tho nieetliiR piior he was wavcilUR as to his choice, it mlRht be said, then, that It Is on his vote that llie fale of the contiact depends. Whatever may be the lesult, Itls bopttl that the matter will be llnally disposed nl this evenltiR, for while the clll.fii-, an- divided somewhat on this question as are tho cnuncihucn, et they aii imiti tl on one paint, and that Is the wish tint the vexatious matter be disposed of foi thwlth. The Lackawanna Valley company, to xv li iu the ccintiaet was awarded, lh out with n statement, which contuins ainntiR other thiiiRs the claim that If common council i eject tho veto and Rive the ccintiaet to them, the owneis of the plant heia will expend sW thous and dollms tot new niachlueiv and lamps to lniiiff about the i hatiRO fiom the old st.vle ot eaibon lumps to the turpi ovcd tjjie, known as the cucIomcI sysluu. OBITUARY. JERMYN AND nAYFIELD. Tho Jcrinyn boroURh council held a special meothiR on l.'rlday cvcnlnu for tho purpose of piisshiR an ordinance to authorize tho Issuing of J4,W0 woith of bonds, to pay off tho bonds nnd Intel est Issued at tho time of tint sink. Iiir of tho aiteslnn well, tho holdcin ot which have Just won a verdict iiRiilnst tho boioiiRh. Attorney Mill holland was ntosent and presented tho nidlnance, which ho had drawn up, which was afterw arils lead, adopted and oidered to bo published. The or dinance! provides for tlie lssiilnp of eiRhteen bonds of $:k'0 'denomination, which nro to bear five per cent, in tirest annually, free of taxation. Kour aie to matitio In lOOil, six In 1911 and olRht In 1916. All tho bonds will bear Interest from October, 1901, and for the put pose of pnylnR the principal and Interest of snld bonds, a levey of two mills will be made each and every year upon each dollar of leal and peisonal property tnxntlon In the bor ough. If tho two mills bo insutllclcnt, the rnto will be Increased. Tho bunds will bo advertised and sold to tho hlRhcst bidder, scaled bids to ho sub mitted bcfoio October -I. Ilev. M. D. Puller, pastor ot tho Methodist church, returned home on Saturday nnd officiated nt yestet day's services. A daughter was yeslcidny born to Mr. and Mrs. fieorgo Williams, of West Mayfleld. Mlno Koi email Marlon, of the Tem ple company's HdRcrton collleiy. Is stilfeiltiR f i inn a slightly spialned ankle, the result of n accident sus tained whllo attending his duties Satuiday. liev. C. K ressenden. of St. James HpNcopnl church, olllclated at Ster ling and Salem, Wayne county, yes terdny. Mrs. Muiphy. of Scranton, Is tho Riiest of her daughter, Mis. M. V. Mc Heiniott. Artlnif T'owlcr, of Philadelphia, Is visiting his patents, Mi. and Mrs. Hosmcr Fowler, of fifth stieet. Misses Maiy Penrose and Jennie Oieenslade are spending a week with Seianton fi lends. Mis. Maiy Osboine, of Candor, N. J , a former Jerniyn lesldent, Is visit ing her daughter, Mis. Thomas Wil liams, of Second fctieet. Hllhti Nicholson, of Cistnl lnke, spent yesteulay here with relatives. Mr. and Mis Peter Speicher, of South Main stieet, left yestetday for the Pan-Ameilcaii exposition. Mr. Speicher was one of the lucky ones, who, few da a ago, chew one ot the tlikcts entitling him to a fieo trip and hotel accommodations for a week, Readyto Wear Clothing Was never so near perfection in every detail as this season and an inspec tion of the varieties of colorings and patterns is all that s needed to convince you. Consistently pi iced from $6.00 up. Fall and Winter Styles Fall Styles in Shirts Great plenty of patterns and color ings, made of Oxford and t i (( Madras Cloths vv Neckwear Is one of our specialties, and you'll al- ,,,rt,,'(. ft r el tlr nAlitnrt Wtiy a iiuu lilt: iicvvcoi goodsjiere. Shapes and shades enough to please the most fastidious. 25C -nd 50c Hats 11 J. I Have undergone a most radical change, and the high crown is the "real thing" for Fall and Winter wear ing. We carry these goods in Exceptionally Good Value The styles are always correct. Ask to see our Derby at $3. Clothiers. Tailors, Hatters, Furnishers, 324 Lackawanna Avenue Custom Tailored Garments BHPfga We make aie the best tailoring art can produce. Made of imported woolens the best the market affords. Our Patterns Are Especially Desirable Great care and good judgment having been exercised in purchasing. GIVE US A CALL. J1I5S IMHUliHT M'noNOi'OH, widow of tho la to Michael Me DiiikiukIi, un climbed at her home, on Dnndatf Htteet. at an e.tlly hour S.itliulay milium;;. Diopsy, funn which nho Mif feied for many months, was tho cuie of death. Mii. McDnnougli w.m well advanced In e.iii.. She was a native of li eland, but lived In Caihond.ile ne.uly half a lent in v. Her husband died about fif teen j,enis aim. The Mlivlvois of Jli, Mi Onunuxh ate. .Inhii MeDiilioush. of C'lieontn, N. Y. Hilvvntd MeniinouKh, Mis Ah - iinder t'opehind and Mis. Michael Kei Inn, of this city. The tuneial jiiniesilon will leave the hon-,e on Monday utter noon at .! ii'iloeK. At St. Hci'-e chinch seivieei will be held, after vvhlih the bndv will be laid in Its final testing place In St. Ito'-e cemeteij. New Yoik, Ontailo and Western. June SI. 1001. Tuliu leave l Jiboinlile tor Seranton at ' M, . 1 ol a ni i I 00 p m Minday lialni at 7.00 a. m i 6M p in - 'um l(jo Cnliondalc (or iiointa noitli at It in a m : 4 tl p in. On Surnljy at i m. 'Trjltn kdilii; at 11.10 a, in. nerk ilajt uml 0 10 , in, Siiiula) iniko icnnrctlona (or .Now VorK, -'('iiitmall, rli Tinlm nirlvc tro-n Scranton at 11.10 i,in; II P. 4(1 . in, ; fiom points north, JO 00 j. in , 4 no i in, bumlaja Iroin hcranton at 9,10 a, in J ml 7.4' . ni s (rem I'jdosli at 0 09 p. in, f Erie Kalhond. June 2J, 1001 Irabu have eh) (Utlon, Cnlinmlilt, ilally (ncrpt Sunday) at TOO a in and 4 31 p m lor llranclt and Mnrvrli; al l u i m , iljlly (ov irpting bundir), lor lllngliamton, niakliu con iifctlonj for Ntw York clly and Ilufljlo, and at H.10 p. in, fur huiquclianna, niaklni; (onncilions fcr wfatfrn pelnla. Sunday train at 0 43 a, m (or Surii(liaiina, mllh utitrrn icnntdlonr, and 0,27 p. in , with lime lonnettlom. lYolm arrhu at FH . in. anil 3,(5 p. m. Butidaja al S il a. in. News of Funeials. The lute (ieoiRo .Stephens, who mot si tt.iRle death by falling dnw iihtahs nl the home of his daiiKhtei, in HaulwiiK, Vt., was laid al iol In Maplewood eemeteiy, this ell, esteidav alter noon. Set vices weie loudlicied in tho Flist Methodist chinch, whlih weie well atlended by li lends of tho de ceased and of his sons In L'aiboudale. The funeial of the late Miss Maiy vaiiRhey )1 take placo this foienonn. At 10.1.1 the pioceshlon will leave the lesldenie, on Imitoln avenue, for Hi. Hoho (hutch, wheio a hlsh mass of ie iilotn will be suiiff. Collection Due Mr. Buidette. Ily an uiuioyliiK enoi on Satuiday In tho stoiy Willi lefeienie to tho visit of Doirance DucKley Ilutdette, It was stated, in the head of the article, that he was better Known as 'devil" llui dlck, when It should have lead "Hoile" Huulich, as It appealed in tho body of tho ai tide. No ct eater mistake lould have been made, and had tho t(H said "angel" Iluidlck It would havo been no mistake, for Mr. lIuidetto'H dlspnsltlon Is nun i on tho oidei of tho angelic than otheiwlse. At the Churches. .1. M (Minnie, oigaulst at the Set olid l'iesb tellai' ililiuh, gave the leiltal hiit evening at Tiinlty ihuiih at the loniluslon of the ser vleis The i hui i h organist. Chillies Unci!-, un, was at the oigatl duilllg tho set vie os Ilcv. J. P. Manwell of the CoiiRiega tlonal eliuich, llaitotd, spoke je.tei day at tho lteiean HnptWt ihuiih at tho 11101111117 and evenltiT un v It es, and aim eipeilnllv ndilii "-"ed the .voung people at the ii :',il p. in meeting. HoEen-Hogle Nuptials. u iiiiiiounieuieiit that will i.iiim' pleasiue iimiillK a wide ilnle ol tileuils Is Unit ol the iniitllage ol Miss Alleo Haen and lesaiidet llogle, of this city, which look plan- on Wednesday Ian at Wlndnii. N Y, They will le hide al the Iniiue ol the bible's mother, on lilt Kelt stieet Until have many sin i en- tl lends In this clt Mr. Hogle is ii Helawaie and Hudson passenger tialumau. Mectlnpa Tonight. Coniuiou Ciiuin II. (Hive Leaf Lodge. No IT.tJ, I. O. O. V, I'edeial I'nlon, No. "-'01. 1'atllotle (inlet Sons of Ameilia, Caiboudalu Council, No. ,!J!i, Knights of I'olutubi.i. At the Hospital. Mis. Toolln, of 17 Woodhiwn avenue, Is at Hmeigency hospital, and Is In a diingf'inus Londltlon, duo to a phjslcnl tioublo of long stnnillug. "Johnnlo" Haker, n well-Know n e imr acter about town, has left tho hospital, gieatly Impinvcd, after a haul blcgu of Illness, Mr. Tlghe's Illness, Juiuch McTlghe, propiletor nf tho Kit;, on South Main street, U danger ously HI, To Close in Honor of Holldny. Today bong the Day of Atonement, the most mpoilaut among tho trusts ot the Jewsh laleiidar, the stoics of all ot the Hi hiew mei chants In tho city will be closed. THE PASSING THRONG. Miss Teiesa iighe spent .Sunday wlln fi lends In Aichbald. Mr. and Mrs. C Oltchiniin t punt yes teulay In llenlc 1; Cei'tte. W. G. Sun i y bus i etui lied ft inn n business trip to New Ycnk city. Hline! riiltmiin has accepted a posi tion as teamster for (liocer Chailes M. Seaman. Mr. and Mis. John Cliine of Canaan stieet, are spending a few days In Now Ycnk it. The Misses Hoitlgaii and Devlin, of Wilkes-Dane, weie tho guests yuslei day of tho Misses Tighe, of rallbtook stieet. Itcstauiant-kecper Thomas Ii. Camp bell, of Salem avenue, and Thoman Iheunan, of Main stieet, and Passenger Engineer (Jillis, of the Dclawuio and 0LYPHANT Itev Father Hcfferon, who has been assisting Huv. P. J. Muiphy at St. Pat He k's i hurch foi u few months; has been appointed to a parish at Great P.end, Pa., by Rt. Itov. Hlshop Hoban. Father Hcfferon left beie for Great Head on Satuiday. Miss .Mai gin et McHugh, of South Seianton, spent yesterday with l da tives heie. Anthony Hogan, of Scotch stieet, while in the act of uncoupling some mine at the No. - collleiy, Satur day, had his head taught between the mis and was Injured badly. The fact that the cms weie barely moving at the time of the accident probablv saved Ills life. Di. Pi be. who Is attending the injuted man, expects no horlous ic sults. The poles of the Lackawanna Tele phone company aie In plaie, and the woik ol stiiuging when will bo com menced In a few das. Pennington's Uiogiaph of Living Plc tilicH will bo seen at tho Father Mathev opera house tomorrow and Wednesday ev tilings. Tickets, 10, 20 and 110 lents. .Mis. John Piohett, of Susquehanna stuet, who lias been seilously 111, Is slow l Impinvlng. Mis. William Ainer, of Maueh Chunk, Is the guest of Druggist and Mrs. H. H. Hush, of Lackawanna stteet. Li o Lnch retutned CHtetday, after spending ten days at the exposition. .Mis. S. J. Caw ley nnd Mis. John Da vis left Satuiday to spend a week In Philadelphia. Mis. Catherine Davis, of Kingston, who has been visiting i datives heio, returned homo jesteiday. TAYLOR. The testimonial cnm.cU foi Piof Hmiy llvnns of Wales, befoie his de pailiue lor home, nnunuuicd lo be held this evening In Weber's link, has been postponed until Tuesday. Oetobei 1. The piogiamuie vvhhli is now coiu pleled, Is made up of lite town's best talent Pint. Uvalis, vi ho is a baittnue slngt i of loiiMdciahlc lame, will lilni--II appeal ill soveial nilinbeis. Tho Anlhiailte Glee i lull nnd the Moait ipiaitette, who ate counted tho best In their lino In the valley, havo also been engaged to take p.ut. Chailes Feat, a well-known joung man, aged 18 yeais, died at the Hahne mann hospital, Seianton, after a Inlet Illness of typhoid lever. Deceased ic sidetl with Mr. and Mis. William Hvnus, of Old Forge, fiom whlih place llie funi'ial will take placo Ibis aflei noon. Seivlies will be held at the bolide at 1! n'lloik nteinienl wilt lie in ide In Man y ( I'luetei v Tho vnuiir;i"-t ihlld of Ml atid Mis. Cbnilei llodaes, ot Pallioad stieet, died .vesteiday, altei a In lei Illness. The Tayloi Choial union met for re heaisal lasi evening, at the Calvaiy Haptlst i hill ill, fin the Piovideuie cls teddloil, to ii held on Thanksgiving day Thne was a number ol new slng ets piesent. Tho'-e wishing to Join tho choir must linnd In their names as einl as possible. It Is lequcstcd that the slngeis bo piesent lor lehenisal piomptly at S o'dock next Sunday evening. Miss Kate Sl.ippl and Mr. John A. Negley, both popular oimg peoplo of this town, will bo united in man logo In tho Geimnn Hvangcllcal church on Thill sday, September 1!G. The caipenteiH have coiuincnceil weak on tho new siuglo dwelling of ltichard 'Wllllaiiis, coiner of Keser and Noitli Main streets. Tho mission nt the Church of thu Ini maculato Conception, which has been In piogiess dm lug the past week, came to u successful i lose last evening. Ilev. Father Hoban, nf tho Iteilemptoilst or der, was In chat go of tho mission, Itev. Hoban Is an eloquent speaker and his tenuous vveio foulblo and Intcicstlng. Foieiuan mid Mis. John It. Johns mid ihlldien, Norma and Hector, returned Satuiday from a week's trip to the Pan-American exposition, Emblem division, No. OT, Sons of Temperance, will meet In tegular ses fcion this evening. Misses Annie und Minnie Raker, ot Main street, have ictutiied home tiom a tlnee months' vacation, spent at Kc nom Lake, N. Y. Anthony Schulthles, of 'Wllkes-Baire, called on his parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Schulthles, of 'West Tjylor, yes teulay. Mi. and Mrs. "William 11. Stone anil son, Clarence, of South Main stieet, spent tho Sabbath with relatives In Wllkes-llanc. Mis. James P. Doyle, of Starrucea, has leturncd home, after spending a few weeks with her mother heio. Henry "Wilson, of Forest City, called on i datives In this borough, yestcrduy. Tho Archbald mine of tho Dolawuie, Lackawanna and Western company will resume operations tomorrow, after a five days' Idleness. Sad Intelligence was lecclvcd hero from Gicenvvood yesterday, announc ing the death of Mis. Isaac Davis, who was well known In this town. M00S1C. Quite a bcilous accident occiuerd at the Fouith stieet ciosslng ot tho Dela waio and Hudson ralhoad Saturday noon. Tlie Plttston ,11c company's wagon was stunk by the l-'.i- south bound tialn and completely demolished. The dtlver ivas badly bhaken up and received a seveto cut on tho head. Tho escaped unliijmcd. Lewis McCiiwioy and Miss Carpen ter are being entet tallied at the home of Miss Vcrtle DK. Mis. John Itobeits of Mlnooka ave nue is 111 Mr. Balt, foreman at the glass fae toty, is visiting Ills home nt Ocean Citv Tho entet talninent given by Miss Haiiett and Mr. McCaully was well at tended and highly appreciated. Miss Hatiett deserves great ciedlt for each of her leadings. "Bowers Heilew Is impioving slowly after a brief serious operation for ap pendicitis. I SBfWL3m, Opening Day Today I Splendid Showing of Fall Clothing For Women, Men and Children. Right at the beginning of the ad. we want to state t as emphatically as possible that among all this grand h stock ot rastiionable ana worthy Uothing, there isn t a garment that quality for quality isn't as low in price as any cash store in the state. Today is our opening day, and we want you to feel that you are perfectly welcome to come and look and ask as many questions as you choose without buying. If you buy you will find it easy to pay by our Easy Payment Plan. PECKVILLE. Sunday with Will Williams bpont Avoe.i friends', Joseph K. Hell will leave soon for Winchester, V,i t-o as to be on hand at the opening of the deer season, Mrs. Jull.i Haines nurt Mrs, J. D. Hioad aie the guests of Mr. and Alls. Andievv Hale, of Yatesville, On Wednesday night thieves relieved Benjamin Piosser of his poultry. D. W. Williams expect to have his coal bleaker hi operation this week. The bte.ikcr Is located on tho Powder Mill road. William Allen and 11. J. Heese ac companied by seveial other gentlemen are fishing on the Delaware near Han cm k. NO TURKISH BATnS IN TURKEY. Neaiest to Them Is tho Hnmmara, Which Has Some Resemblance. 1 mil i In 1! uik ol llir Wick Is i " Turkish bath known in Tuikij This curious question Is not Iniieiiuuitly put to travellers fiom the Hast i people in this countiy. It Is tine tbrio is not much resemblance b 'tween thi external nppearnnee and management of tho so-called Turkish bath In Ihlgluud and thoso of the ' Ii.iinniain" in Tut key. Outwardly tho "hainmam" usually piescntH something of tho appcaranco of a" domed bcpulchral cdlllce. of the little domes or cupolas which ilse fiom Its mof that In tho middle Is tho high est, and Is set, with many small win dows for tho pui'iiose of lighting tho bath Tho niasslvo walls that form ths sides of ho "hammutn" have no windows and It is thought that if tho walls were pierced tho outsldo nil would penetrate Into tho iutcilor nnd cause vailatlons In the evenness of temperatilio which it Is held desliablo to maintain, Tho inter lor thus often becomes very close, as ventilation is very slow, being thiough the opening by passei s, to and from of tho tioublo dooia of the passage which lends to the cool entiauco hall. Hvcry now and then tho attendants burn fianklncense In the interior of the bath with the Idea ot purifying the nh The great w.iun hall under the cen tial dome has gciieiallj three huge, niches, two on each side and one In front, as well as two little chambets. Hach of these, niches and chanibern has ii loof In the shape of o half hemis phere, which contains a few tiny glass apertures, and which Is Joined to the central dome loof, In nil thei-o niches mid chambers there aie, according to the sUe of the bith, one, two or thtee marblo basins which nrr fixed In tho low pnrt of the wall, each bnslii lie- For the Men. If you want a really worthy and stylish suit you can get it here. All the New Fall Styles are here in plain and fancy weaves and the prices are low and payments easy. Settle the Fall Overcoat ques tion here if you want satisfac tion all good all colors very latest styles. Hats and Shoes for Men, and Sturdy Clothing for Boy 5. For Women. Beautiful garments that only the most skilled tailor can du plicate. All the present day designs, nnd all the popular col ors and materials. But we mustn't pass hy the Handsome Silk, Flannel and Satin Waists, or the graceful Skirts with the perfect hang. Or the Petticoats, or the Dainty Millinery Creations. 317 Lacka. Ave. Second Floor. Open Evenings. PEOPLE'S Credit Clothing Company. FINANCIAL. I FAVCL. gjjxuiwHUJafafB WE OFFfiR TO YIHLD ABOUT si, 000,000 BUTTE ELECTRICHEPOWER COMPANY of Butte, Mont. (Unite 11 the pieite-t copper pioiliinns t it y In the worlii), 5o First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds Ilenonilniitlnr $1.W. miUurlnir 1 to TO venw. Amplj provide! for bv rrvrvo Rod slnklnir f unci. Net e.irnlniis three ami thrre ipmrtiiK times inUrct ehnnifc Wrlto for report of Mi. Smmiol Instill, 1'rcpiilcnt of the Clilcapo lMiou Co., ani ppreiul 1 ireulai. fl RUDOLPH KLEYBOLTE & CO., 1 NAbSAll i.I, ISnW 0lik. Ins pioiileci with hot mid i"lil water tnp.-t. Itouiiil thrho linsiiii people hii on nun bio or wooden hems which 1110 t.llHPil iilioiit llo or Blx liu hiM above tho lioni ; and fconlet! thereon tbej have their bith. The llttlo chambers can bo etiKiiReil for prlate 11.10 on application. The ennanee hull H sipiauil hhnpul, nnil luiH Ritlleileti iiinnlni; nlmiR on each shio In which arc many beds. Tho bath Keeper In always to bo peen In bin phife ilose tu thu iluor. HmnkliiK hit- pliie or nuigullch, ami nilntlnK the 1 nstoini'tn who 1 oiiii' anil ro. In the inlilille ot tho entiance hull Is a, foun tain, the pure nnil cold w liter of which Is ee.isolen.sly plaHhiiifr Into Its marble tank. In tbW w titer ficHh frultH mid bottlea of lemon hiiimhIi mo Kepi 100I In niiintner time fur tho une nt cuhtoin rtH. Nuar It a mini niuy 1m seen al ways bus inakliiK eolfee on the cliui coal file, fin moot peoplo nro eei ready to take a tln cup ot coffee at almost any time nf the da. Many of IhoTinklsh baths me built ilouble 0110 portion belnp; iihnlt,'iieil for the tiho of ladles, In tome places ladles go to j tho baths only on certain duys of tho vvi.k which me coiim'. rated to ihem. C- r t 1 itl baths, attain, m- led hi them ivcr) ctai mull I o e luck In tlie even ire, after wlihh hour tho mo made over foi the use nl men The ih.liKCS a'o very i-eiiHonable. A man inn hao .1 loinplcto bath, nnd may hi.i on the prenilHes of the an loiif? an he pleHPcs, b.v pajliiK about Is hit. Ladles pay much Ici-h- man this sum. their oNpunfH enn haidly bo much over aUpence, as tho take all their own tonph, towels anil iloi; with theui. What they pay Is really the "water feo" and a penny or two tor tha attendant. A new foatuio which has been Inllo diiec'il Into the old Tutklsh bath is tho cold water douche which it Is beinmlni; cut-tommy for tho people to tuko after theh hot hath. Pncifying Her. Ili, W iIp It tin miiihIiI In liu 'miily In c- In.' in liukr mil ilinriuui lh urn nul ),(VltlJ II will lip molt' il in I 1 j 1 In ir I liii.ic.i viiiitnuilii Hoii't let that orr u I'll II it 1 !"'. vvc'U move tu ,Sfv Vi lliuivr'. llaiar,
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