nbutte. jorantwt THG ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. TWv, CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., .MONDAY MOKNlNd, SEPTEMBER 21), 1001. TWO CENTS. 1 ' NOW CHEERFUL AT BUFFALO Pan-American Prospects Recover irom the Blow ol the Great Trauedu. M'KINLEY'S FOND HOPE It Was That the Exposition Might Be n Gicat Success, Both Finan cially and as nn Expiession of the Pnn-Anieilcan Idea, Which Occu pied n Lai go Place In His Mind as a Statesman His Wish Should Be a Command to the Ameiir.in Peo ple Now. l'.timtlo. Sc-jit. 2j. Till c in is pull lug Itself together again lifter u foit nljjit of imxlety and sot low, such as it has never Known. What was In li tided to be tin' gain pi i did of lt! ll (-1 r- was tinned into ll11pe!lUlllil gl o f. ivhhh has gone Into every home ti Itli it fono lint l for any one not lieie to loall.o. Iluffalo was full of nelson, il loillltv 1111(1 enthusiasm fH I'l evident MeKlnlev. It has lieeti n linn-? of MeKlnley sentiment nil 'liiuiiglt Ills public ciueoi and theie miis no rlty in the countiy wIipip filendship and devotion foi lilm was iiioie niarki'd. Xiitutully. his ti.iglo end while Its guest depiessod t e i Ity beyond expiession. There never was a eoniinunltv tli.it as so engiossod In u great millet tak ing .is Hu'alo was with the Pan Vinrilcan exposition tlnee weeks ago. l;ei' in. in, unman and child In the llv hud a dliect Inteiest and pi die 'i tin uiidoi taking. It seemed that " erj Imilj w Ith w horn n sttailger spoke had In uillid the pilgp (deal of the uat good which the ileniontialon of ill. woiulPiful i .".mines and abilities I UlP western lloiiilspheio Bin to do foi th lountry Hllffnln people seemed I ithp tmilld th.it the whole expense of Hie ih-nionstintloii had fallen upon idem and their fellow -oltUons They u 1-1 tall attention to the f.n t that a I of the funds hail been raised In Kuwaiti, without assistance fiom the nation the state ot eeu the eltv uii pniution. Buffalo's Honest Filde. It s the tlft exposition whhh has had no subsidies," so slriiiigeis were ill Citizens said: "The I'nlted ites has furnished a wonderful ev I ilill fin moie nttinitlvo than has ever been seen betoie; the state of ew Yolk has elected a beautiful inaibli palaie; the elty of ISlllYnlo has built a hi idgo. and has luiuMicd n and llle ullll indite plolei Hull. b tie funds to eiei t the ( it of light '' M ill tome fi inn llle pliialc if - i it . s ol I'.ullalo ptople " V lir ii ill Ills iiiPinoiable nihil t"-s the 1 -Klr-ni emphasized the Pan-Ann il- in exposition Idea and made It pait n In-tni y the people of Hllffnlo ic.ll-l-"l that theli elloits weie appie- ateil Tliey seemed contented and pioinl that as Individuals of one iitv thp had done the wot I; which might well hae been the nation's undoi tak ing A Teirible Revulsion. The i evuNlon was ten Idle, and now that It is paired the iiuestlnt' of what l to loilie s lutricsllllg. Tile public for ling Is stioug, and all one way. i;! one -(.ems to ie,ili.e that the stoikhohloi of the eposlon have met a 'iient loss, piolinhly of not less than n million dollars. That practdally means the iltlzens, for about eveiy lhiftiilomaii lias stot K In the exposi tion iim oiilliiir to his means The dot. hii's ami tents seem pi elty thninuglily to be ellmlnatpd t'oui the tali uhitioii now but the woik to be done ami the end to be achieved seem foieinost In (Vt-iv man's mind. They foel now that the exposition niiisl be tarried to a glorious (lnish as n labor of pnttiotisni and Ioe. Pieslilent .Mllbuin put this thought Very stiollglv. lie said Tdeie must be no fnltoilug In our ittoits now, tonsblciing how mm h the mil ess of the Pnn-Anioiluin exposi nun means In the development of i loser political and tomineitial relations be iwppti the peoples ot the vvphUm'U henil spluie. That vu a policy eninoslly taxored by I'lesldent Sit Klnlev and vhbh Interested him so tleeply In the t xposltiou from its llrst liueptlou. It Is a strange stioke of fate that the sin -i ehH of the exposition sdould be lineal eiied thioiiKll this leal fill tiugedv. We should be lacking In lo.vnliv In his uicmniy If we tlid not bend all our en eigles tti clowning the woik width he had so close to his lieait. Mr. MeKlnley 's Deep Intel est. The position In which the tuigcdy found mo gave me the nppnitunlly to know what was In that gie.it soul (lining the holllH Just befoie the ex ecrable shot. The iiiesldent had taken the tleepest Inteiest III the exposition from the sunt its Ideal and concep tion aie In haiiuony with hl wile and beneficent ptihlli pnllc). Tlie years that bine hep spent In the evolution and development of the Idea of the es Plltlill Intel dependence of the n.ltlniiH ,it this hemlspheie whlih we cull Mm I'dii-Amuiicin idea hae thdi lull ex (reflon In this i Nposltlon. it pine he oppoitunlty which he utlllxed in that Ki-eat sppei Ii which has nliendy pafsed into lllstoiy as thp highest note of Ameiican stiitcsmanship and the most pet feet expulsion of the Pan American Idea. The way In wlidh the idpa Iibh Iippu devplnppd bete and the Ilnrlous HPttint; which art and Indtis tile have given It gratllleil and even nuprlspd the president lie was deep y Impipssed by the beauty nnd nuig iliudo of the exposition, Mm wtinder 'ul display ot electilcal Illumination i nrt the evidence on every clde of the hearty co-opeintlou of the, govern- jieiits and peoples of thn North, South nu i.'intiai AtncikuH In rimUIng It tiu- i-an-Amerlean. He tuld me that above everything he wished that he could have had time and opportunity for an extensive nnd iinintPirupted In spection of the gioumls, the buildings and the exhibits. 1 know that had In.' been Bp.trcd to conclude Ills vllt ho Intended to conimend the exposi tion In his powclfiil nnd convincing way to thp suppoit of the public. As to the rutuie. "Theie ale six week? mote of the life of i lie exposition and It Is in the mil bloom of Its beauty and Inteiest Kvei.v fpiituie of It hurt been developed to Its highest point and It Is being operated in n more elaborate scale than ever. It Is a complete mass of varied activi ties and entPrtninedinenls mote Mum atlpiUately inriylng out Its alms and purposes it Is u national cnloipiksc and should be suppoited as such for tlie nodlt of our countiy as thu lead ing nation of this hemisphere That stipptiit I feel certain It will have In fullest and ovci rowing measure." Iteferting to PieslilPiit Mllbuin' statement. Ulieitor (leueial lliiehnniiii said that at no pievlotis exposition had (be tountiies of South anil Central America taken as deep a peisonal In teiest In the siu cos of the exposition as they had in this one that this was especially title of Chile, which hail ex pended upon a building anil an exhibit here half a million dollais, and finally so of Cud.i. "which for the 111 si Mine In hei hlstoiy stood Independent In a gieat exposition, within n liiagnlldeni building of her own, Illicit with her natural resoiiries ami piodiiels. Attendance Growing. "This one feat tit e of the exposition." said tlie tliieetor gtMiPt.il, "lias uttiact ed gieater t omiuendalloii from the millions who have visited It than has been tlie case before at any plate." He said, fm ther. that the attendant e at the exposition now was lemaikublc, when till the t Iicuinslances sun mind ing the present weie taken Into ton sldpratlon. From evpiy ipiai tei tele graph lissut nines weie being leielved of the pin pose of tlie tlllTeietit states and of munbeile.ss oignulxutions to do everv thing In their power now to give exptesslon to the vvnilil genet al feeling of Inteiest and commendation In the gieat woik- which had been uudprtak'eli and m sin tessfully and magnltlcentlv tan led out by Buffalo. All state days and otbei special days set heretofore for this month and postponed on nt lount ot the sad events nt lending the tiagd end of tlie president hcie were now being to-nslgnpil anil taken up by the illffeieut states and localities Intel pstotl with Ineieaspil Inteiest and a purpose mi the pait of eveiy one to make Miein mine billll.int and spliMidld in every wav than would have been the i asp had they been i allied out as 01 Ig Inally Intended. He added that the onlv piobleie now i onfiontlng the exposi tion w ? how to find days enough with in the ''losing wepks to aiPti.itely take aie .' Mip tn.inv attr.it tlons autl fe.i tin now being planned. He piedd ts a gieat htlciiduiiip during Hie month of October autl one tar in ei ess ol th highest estimates that have been made by tlie most sanguine. in answti to the liuiuli.v as to whether or not Uuf falo t olild take tare of the cinwds that weie toiiiing. he said theie was no illfll ' nlt whatevei in tills icgatil that Ituff.ilo could easilv i.ue for L'Oa.noO sti.mgeis ev -rv ilav toinfoitabh and at reason.tbli pi d w NEW YORK POLICE RAID ANARCHISTS Clubbed Theii Way Tluough the Ciowcl and Captured the Famous Heir Johann Most. B FitliiNfr Wirr turn Dir AoiUtnl Tim, New Yoik. Sept. 1'J The polite of Newton, Uoiotigh of Ijueeiis. tonlglit anesteil Jolialin Most, tbe jinaiehlst, as a distudeily petson. They suspectetl that he was going to tonduit an au aiihlst meeting In a saloon In i 'inula, 1.. 1 , and followed him up. They also imested chiistlau d'llilj. who Is said to inn the saloon, on the charge of vio lating the Honor law ami keeping n dlsoiderl.v house. Heir Most Was galheied In while hni aligning a ciowd of r.Oft people, Theie was a scramble f,,, the tloor when the police upppaied, but the olll lets stici ceded In enptuilng Most, ns well as several men who they claim to be pioinliicnt In getting up the meet lug Captain ll.mlv nnd bis foice of inld eis weie all In plain tlothlng. and pu ttMPd the .saloon without (mention. Thev weie inside of the hall befoie their pipspiup was suspectetl. Most was on the stand at the far end of the hall, tlepl. liming loudly. Tile polite did not Intend to act Immediately, but to wall ami bear some of Mm pioieed Ings. Thev weie let Denized, however, and llle ti of wauling was tiiisid. The call t.iused mitnv to make a bunk tot the doots and for the win dows, and theie was a llvelv si ene. Most dest ended ftoin the platform, whoie he had been HpeaUlng, and for a lew minutes was lost In the rmwd. Captain Haidy kept his eje on the giuup of men Into whlih Most hud been seen to step. Hacked bj his men lit began not king bis way tbinugh the rmwd When the pollie weie (lose upon Most, some of the gioup about the leader attempted nctlvo leslstanio and In an Instant the police had their stltks ill awn. one or two of those about Most went down with blood flowing fi om sculp wounds nnd nthets gave way so that Captain Iliudy &ot a hold on Most. All lesistance then ceased and Most and the otliPi pilsoneis weie led to the police station. District Attorney Men ill was summoned and questioned the pilsoneis In seciet Ho declined to say what. If anything, lm had liainud rt mn ihein The polite seized a lot of pnppis and a iod (lag, which was displayed in the room. BULLET FREE FROM POISON Ghemlcal Tests Show That Gzol- qosz, the Assassin, Shot Only an Ordinaru Gharue. TESTING HIS SANITY Noted Alienists Visit the Muideier in His Coll nnd Remain with Him nn Hour nnd a Half, but Give Out No Hint of Their Conclusions. Annngements Mndc for the Tilnl, Which Will Begin Piomptly in the Supieme Couit Room Before Jus tice White This Morning. llv I'x. 1 iil Wiro frdtn Tlif Vttucl.inil Pros, Huffalo, Sept. L'2. The most Impoit niit development In the Czolgosz ease today was the nnnnuiiLeinent that no poison had been found on the bullets or the levolver with which the anaieli Ist assassinated I'ipsldeiit McKlnle. Ch'inlcal uiiil bacteilologlcal eMiinlna tlous were mn Jo. and both levelled the latt that no poison v.is used by the liuiiderei. Another examination to ilctei mine the exact mental condition of the ptls oner was iniiile in the Jhie (ounty Jail this nftprnoon by Dr. Chillies V. Me lionald. of New York, the alienist who was In might here lor the defense by the Kile iiiunt.v Jlar association, and Dr. Althur W. Husted, supei IntcudelH of the Huffalo state hospital The alien ists weie wltli the assassin lor one hour and a half, and when they left both de clined to dlsiusH the. ease. Ulstih t Attorney Penney and his en tile staff spent nil or Sunday at the city bull, piepuilng for the tilul of Colgos7. which will begin befoie Jus tde While in l'.ut ;: of the Supreme i outt tonioi row mottling. Mr. Penney had cont'd ouces with the alienists and with City chemist lleibcrt M. Hill, who submitted his lepmt upon an ex amination of the bullets and levolver. Examining' Czolgosz's Pistol. Immediately aftt r the death of tlie president one of the staff of physician In attendance on the president fx jnessed the opinion thai the bullets niiir have been poisoned. Dlstidt At torney IViuiv, "who had possession of the assassin's revolver, oi deled fateful and thotoiigh examinations maid' Dt. Dill was directed to make a tin luteal examination of the bullets and the cli.inibets and bairel of Mip ipvolvcr, and Dr. Hoiniaun O. M.itsslngei, one of llic suigeons who peilnrmed the au topsy upon the president's bod.v. was in del oil to make a bat topological ex amination This afternoon Dr. Hill it potted to the district attorney that Ids woik showed that no poison had In en used. He also piesented a vviitteii ii mi L but it will not be used on tlie tii.il as that itiustlon Is now eliminated i loin the i asp. Dr Matlnger has finished his b.n -teilologlcal ex'iimlniitlon and his woik also levelled the absence of nnv poison. The illstilit attorney h bien Inform ed lo thai effect, although the foim.il lopoit has not been submitted. Au thorities on this question stulo that the two examinations form n iiiinplete test ami that the slightest ti.ite of poison would have been revealed. itv. Mt Donald and Dr. Hurd, alienists for the defense, called on Dlstilct At torney Penny shoitly befoie I! o'clotk Milt, afternoon and lenialned with him until SI,", when they wete escotted to the jail by Detective Solomon. The insanity exports went in to Czolgosz's cell In murderers' row and were locked In Hie loll with him until .: o'clock when they returned to the eltj hall and held another couteiciiie with the dlstiict attorney. Fifteen iiilmup.s later Di James Y. Putnam, a local allonl.-i, appealed and Joined the ton feieiice. Question of Insanity. Although gieat sotiecy was main tallied nt the dlstrkt nttornov's oillto, it was learned this afternoon that Dr. Allen McLano Hamilton, one of the most noted alienists In the I'liltcd States, and who was nn experl witness at the tilal of Oulteau, is In UuiTalo. Not a doubt as to Czolgosz's sanity ex ists In the mind ot the dlstiict ntloi nev. so that It Is piesumed that Dr. Hamilton Is here ineioly to meet tho question of insanity should tho defense deteimlno to make u light on thut giouud. Although tho delenso declines, to make any definite statement on the subjptt. pending tho final opinion of Dr. McDonald, It is the cmuonsus of opinion among those luteicstcd In tho uiso that no Insanity plea will be In let posed by Judges Titus unil lewls. Tho dlstiict attorney Is ahoady fniti lled with the opinion of Dr. Joseph Fowler, Dr. James AV. Piitnani and Judge Crego, the nuffalo alienists of Koine note, that Crolgosz Is peifeitiy sane, The conference between the tlottois, Dlstiltt Attorney J'onnej and Assist ant Dlstiict Attorney Hnlleck lasted until fi o'clock this evening. At Its closit Di. McDonald paid to an Associated Piess leptesentative: "I laimot say a woul upon this sub jeit until I have lepoited my tlclinlte coiKiuslons to the t ouiisel lor the tip. I'ense. Judge J,ewls Is out of town over night, so that I shall do nothing until morning. I taiinot te whether or not I will bo a w Itness." Tilal to Begin Today. CViilgosz's tll.ll will begin at 10 o'clock lomoriow nioinlug and the 'ouit has requested thai all who ex-P-ot lo attend the trial be in their noats at (ISO o'clock so as nut to delay tho imnmoncement for a moment. Pre parations have been made to accommo date over 50 newspaper men and tho (ouit room Is so small that It Is fenied that not moie than 100 spectator can secuie admission. Those who appear first will ho admitted alter which Mip iloert will bo cdwed and the city lull lieaied of all except those having bus iness with Mm city or county depait- lllellts. Police lines villi then bo established on the streets nt both ends of the city hall and they can be passed only b t'u i.icsentatlon of passe to tho court mom oi good business, excuses. The Delawaip avenue eiittanee. which faces the Jail, will lie locked thioiighout tho tilal and tlie elevatoi.s will not stop at .he mi outt Hoot, on whlih the couit loom is totaled, Whin the pilsouer leaches the city hull end rf the tunnel from the Jail, be will lie nn rounded by u guard ot po licemen and the stall ways and lotrl dors lending to the court loom will bo entlieiy cleared to prevent any possi ble denu munition against the assassin. These ; hi tuitions me to be taken ow ing to the fact that when Czolgoz was oe'r g taken back lo the Jail upon the ocnslon of his nialgnmenl the crowds In the conldora suiged about the n lienor and hissed him. PRESIDENT SCORES A CAMERA FIEND Said It Was a Disgrace to Tiy to Tnlte a Mnu's Picture as He Was Leaving a House of Woiship. Uf ExriM Wr fremi TIk- Ar-oclit.d Prm. Washington, Sept. 'Ji -President ltooseveU'H lltst Sunday In Washing ton as chief executive was compara tively uneventful. Ho went nut twice dining the dux, In the morning attend ing leligious set vices with his bt other-In-law, Douglas Itnblnsoti, of New Yoik, and In the afternoon taking a long sttoll thiottgli Hock Cieek J'ark with (Jem nil l.eon.iid Wood, military govoiiuit of Cuba. In tlie evening he lunched with the family at tho roM urnie of Captain Cowles. of the navy, at whoso resilience he Is staying, pie- I paiatoiy lo moving into tho white house. This Mr. ltooseeii probably will do on Tuesday, his family Joining him Mieie a tlav or two l.itei. Tlie president did not visit the white housL dm lug the ln. Accompanied bj Mi. Ilobinson. Mr. Itoospvelt left the Cowles lesdlencc shortly befoie 11 o'clock lor the He foiined (dim th, located on Fifteenth and o .stuct. which, as vice president, lie those ;is his chinch just after the Inauguration. ltoachlng the chimb Just hi foio the hour of woiship. Presi dent Koosevelt was met nt the door by llev. J. M. Slid k, the pastor, who ex tended a tot dial greeting, to which Mr. Jtoosvelt lpspoudcd, at tho same time ltitiodlli lug Mr. Ilobinson The two wcip then esioited to the piesl dent's pew. the second fiom the liont In the center sei tlon. The church, whlih has a seating capacity of pci haps jihi persons, was HUed to over flowing, and many pet. sons weie un able to gain .'idmlltaiii o. The piesl ilent p.iitlolpated in tlie services anil at the i lose the tongiegatlon lemalnod standing until he and Mi. Itoblnson left the edlllte. A lather uuoxpoi led liuldent oc ttuipil Just as .Mi. Koosevelt and Mr. Ttobiusoii left the tluiiib. A fifteen v cat -old bov. anxious to obtain a. photogiaph of the ihlef executive, had stationed himself on the sidewalk about sixty feet fiom tlie entianeo to the chiiiih. As soon as Mi. Koosevelt leached the sidewalk he savv the boy with his big box imnieillatelv and, raising his baud In a signal to :i bi c.vclo policeman standing item, said "Stop that, stop that." Tho ollliei Jumped in ft out of the camel a, and the piesident stiode foi vvatil almost on a inn. Coming up to the boy, ho shook his linger menacingly at lilm, nnd declared: "You ought to bo ashamed of om self. Tr.v lug to take a man's pictuie ns ho loaves a house of woiship. It's a dlsgi.iie. You ought to bo ashamed of yourself." With Mi. I'.obhison. the piesident then started acioss Fifteenth stieet, with head eiect and shoulders back. A blcvcle ofllcer, under insti actions pievi ously given lilm, started lo follow, but Mr. Koosevelt tin nod and. with an im patient wave of the baud, said. "I don't need jou." The odlcer theioupou tin nod b.u k, and the piesident anil Sir. Itoblnson continued their walk, going In a lound about way to Captolu Cowles' house. Many poison passed and lecognlzod tho piesident. The lattei pleasantly it sponded to their salutations. Two b lyelo polkeuieii, who kept at a lospoii 1 it 1 distant o in the lear, had followed the president when he wont tp chinch, The piosldent's walk witli (iPiiprul AVood coveted six miles lu all. The i leueial called for Mr. Hoosevelt with an autoinoble. The two got Into tho vehicle together ut the Cowles' lesl denco but tho chaffeur was dismissed when the outskirts of tho iltv weie leached and tho two men, 'who had teen much of eiuh otbei as commtindliig olllieis of the Kough Kldeis In Cuba, footed the tilp the rcinninder of the way. They weie gone about two bonis. During that time lleneial Wood went over much of the Cuban situation with the piesident. He infoimod him In de tail of the londltion of nffnlrs and of the piospects of tho futuie of tho Isl and. The remainder of tho day was spent nt home, the piesident dining at tho Cowles' lesidince, those pn-ent he lug (oiiihiPd to the niPiubciH of tlie liPiifehold. (Julio a iiumbtr of poisons called il tiling the afternoon to pay their le. spects, nniong them being Admiral and Mrs. Dowev, Adnilial Walker. Ad itiirnl and Mis. Hvans, Admiral Tay lor. Assistant Secietary and Mi. Hackett, Mis. Mile and Mi. and Mis. James (1. Hhiine. Senator Quay Not 111. llv Iviludvp Vine from 'III .vniutnl l"irv Jji'kwmille, 111. sit. I-' 1'rotn Infvriiuiinn roiilvfil Iioip tmilulit from St liuu', lij , S,e nlnr fjuiv I. In gmul liMllh, with tlii- rmptian uf ,i lllit tulil. He Ii njoi uiC tiltinr-If at hli m Inter litinif Willi a put of ovrnl frlnuU ami n (until of liU i'Tion. llliir- aie not well f.tinl. .1 Movements of Steamships. fly l.'vilmivi lri fiom 'Hid .Vimnihli'il I'nv. Mvrrpnril, Sept. 'Ji Vrrlvdli I'mlirU, .Sew Vnik vii (Jurfif.mvii, (Jii.'onstmvii Sjllfili Tain, piul.i (Irniii l.ivrip.iul), ,Xov orU. (iilirill.ir Mllnl 'lijie ilium (iinni atul N'aplc.i, ? I") STATE POLITICS BECOMING LIVELY Campaign lor Delegates tor Gov ernor Next Year Opens and Excitement Begins. MR. C0NNELL TALKS OP HIS CANDIDACY Has Been Uiged from Many Quar ters to Enter the Race with a View to Healinp; Sores Without Preju dice to Republican Stalwortism. Has Given the Matter Careful Consideration nnd Will Doubtless Be a Candidate What He Did Tluce Years Ago Opens the Way to a Favorable Issue Next Year. Tho lecont action of the Hoiks t ounty nepubllcan convention In In doislng Attorney General John P. Hl kiu, of Indiana county, for governor and hi Insli noting the delegates from that county to support Mr. Hlkln in the next Htute convention, stints the canvas? for delegates for this olllce. From now on, the situation will bo likely to grow steadily In Interest. Mr. Hlkln is the fli st open and avowed candidate to appear In the field. Othpi have boon talked of. but only In a tentative way. Mi. Hlkln ropip Pelits the western pait of the state, a section alto represpntPil by tho pies out governor. Since the time of Homy M. Hoyt, Northeastern Pennsylvania ha not boon lepresented lu the execu tive mansion at Hnirisburg. Tlie ncaiest it came to It was tlnee enis ago, when Congiessmau William Cou ncil, 0r Mils city, held tlie balance of lower that enabled the candidacy of Av'llliani A. Stone, a regular, to pievall over that of Chailes W. Stone. vvhoc principal suppoit caine from the ele ment since known as "Insm gents." because of their lefiiMil to abide by Kepubllcan piuty tilbunals. Mi. Cou ncil saw then that a disruption of the putty would bo u pi nimble lonsequonoo of the eledlon of a governor at odds with the oig.inl'.atlou, and, to avert It. tin civ his strength where in his Judgment It would do the most good, both for paity Interests In general and for the lutetcsts of this section. Hy that action, ho established a position In state politic whlih litis ill awn to L.acknvvannnit nnd the adjoining coun ties a liieasuie of (onsldointlon In p.lity councils nol pieviously iiim- CONDITION OF MRS. M'KINLEY Dr. Rixey Says She Still Seems to B Holding Har Own Gift from the Czar. IP I JCthiMVp VViip Irom Tlio A'oilatfil Vtef Canton. ()., Sept. T2. I)r. Itlxey said this ovpiilng that there had been no material change lu the condition ot Mis. MeKlnley nnd that she Is doing as well as could bo expected. He said: ".She went out for two hours' driving today, and .seems to bo holding her own." There was plsu ed on tho MoICItlley casket today by Judge William It. Day a l.ugo floial wreath from the em pel or of Russia. Judge Day received a telegram fi om Cbaige d'Affalres Do Wollante, of the rtusslan phi bassv at Washington. leiiuest lug him to have Mils wicath placed on the casket of the late piesident. It H oval In shape and seven feet by six. It Is composed on one side of American beauty roses and on the other side by orchids. Tho base Is ot sago palms, the entire wreath being Inteispeised with small cocoa fotns, told with on hid satin ribbon. Tho rcbting place ot the late piesi dent was visited by thousand of peo ple today piob.ibly over 20,000 people entering the gates ot Westlawn teiue tiry between the early boms ot the mottling nnd the late hours of the eve nuig. The attractions weie the not.il t. Unites ,ont for the funeral, which have been arranged at either side of the vault. They aie still In veiy good state of pieservatlon and piobahly wlll be for spvim.iI davs longer. The guai d of tegular soldleis pati oiled n veiy wide ciiclo mound the vault and the (low cos today so that it long Hup could view Mm (lowers ai one time, and thus they prevented seilous congestion. A tiuniber ot beautiful lluvveis weie nldo placed on tlie gi.ues of the Mi ICiuley ihildien, width also ait pin touted by a paliol of soldleis. Many of the rtovvd vvamloiod fiom the vault tn tho pilvuto lot. Many also climbed the high knoll lu the new pint of the cemetery the piospectlvc siL t tho pormunont MeKlnley loinb ami monu ment. The thousands of visltoi at the cemetery oere not fiom Canton alone, but huddled came fiom iielgbboilng towns. The mint house was kept iipuu all day for the accommodation of bun dled s of people, who had not yet seen he catafalque and miin.v people paK-cd through the corildoi of that build. Jug during the duy. ANTI-ANA SCHIST CONGRESS. fli I'viln.lvp vlirp fiom 'II c Vniitn iVv. Ilrmnptii, Vpt. SJ.'Hie Mrnioriil l)lpl.in.illqiip vorti tint mi lntfrniitlon.il .imII-.iimii hl.i ton. frnntc will noon inttt in Home. CONGRESSMAN WILLIAM CONNELL. mantled. He took Mils ionise unsel fishly and without baigalu or price, but the action naturally established obligations of a political i blunder. Mr. Conncll Intel viewed. Kor sov ei.il mouths loiunient in tin state piess and among pnlltli Ian has connected the name of Congiessinan Council with the nepubllcan nomina tion foi governor next year. Mr. Con ned on Satuitlny was asked what theie was in this talk. He replied: "I am being urged by many Influen tial Republicans to announce my can didacy for governor. Argument has been brought to bear upon me that a candidacy 'by me would bo calculated to heal some of thp sores that have ailsen because ot the bitter factional conten tion of the past low yeans, without pie Jlidlcp to stalwart Republicanism. This hits been put foi Mi not onl by expe rienced polltlilans n v.ulous set tlons but also by many lepiesontntlvo lie publicans who have no persona! inter ests at .take but who have In view the lust Intel osts of the party. Personally I feel that they ovei-iato my .suitabil ity for stub a mission. Hut the assur ance which come to mo aie of such a nature ns to Iniprcp me with their gen uineness. 1 have given the niattei caie ful consideration. You ninv say that If the situation develops along this line, as now looks probable. I shali be a ian tlidate for governoi, and shall bo giati - PLATT ON THE MAYORALTY. Thinks Republican Convention Will Endorse Seth Low. Di I.vilniivp Wire Irom Tin A.oilnul l'rp- N'pvt uiK, Sipt 22 -suitor I'litl tniniilit i fiicil a stitrmcnt In whlih ho sits- "I tin not iloudt that Hip Idputilu.in utv on vrnlion will Mfit tip juiUmint ol the .inti T.inimany confprpnie nml noniliutr Vlr. Low. t notltp tint sonip ptupli ate trilne to iiuki tionlilp mion Inilt m ntlorits .mil II, mo'iaM dv tiptCMiitlinr thn I hmuulit jdout tho thoiio ot hU lump in thp toitftrpiKC loinnulpp 'llio.j who diiiPVP thU will ill t-o mnpli dpiaup tliov want to. I ilnl not fttor Mr. I,m, ami tlm-o nipindor of tho tonfirptup muting who wpir it till Intlth iKi'd dv tnv vlpv .udoi-ilp't tin Hum nation of an Irnlojn-tul.-ut Dimon.it idlt pvcrjdoilv who ha tollowril thp pun ppid lns of Hip rontorrnip louiiniltrp umst h.ivo mi lh.it Mr Low vvjit thp otil min ntonu; t li,, vliop mmPs wrre c .inv.ifs. l who inwd wh.it i( called Mat Ing povvir' "Tho flrpndllrnn oicanlation, if I imilpri.iiil onrt rpprcdiit its tptnpei anil iuipop, htjiulii witli re'pptt to Vlr. Low preclude where it was pnpiri'U lo si mil In tho event of jn othtr ri (pfct.ihlc camliJiti wluther tint of ,i llepuhllun or pemntrat lie will lie nipjiui to.f licntilj, enllnnljtu jIU- anil Willi m iitiiu-t strenctb. "If he l rletteil we tlull evppct linn to do lut m the platform ilnlan gne to the nv uoKrrsivc, bum. like ami nonpjitiMii Jid lnlnMration uf allin. ' CLEAR THE COUNTRY OF ALL ANARCHISTS The Ameilcnn Patriotic Educational League Has Been Organized nt Milwaukee Purpose in View. lljr I uln-iie Mae Hutu 1 ho VMi'i.ihd 'ie .Milwaukee, Wis.. Sept. 22. A national oigaiilutlon, having for It put pose the dealing of the countiy of aiinichists, has been organized lu n small way In this city. The organization Is to bo called "The A mot hull Patilot IMuca tlonnl League " A (ousMtutlnii wus adopted, lu which 1 set forth the belief that the ouati uipfit of law to pi event tho spiead of aniucblstlc doitilins Is pracflcally In effoitual, bill that those tloclilues tan be extirpated by appealing Muoiigli ediitatlonal menus to pnblli sentiment and by making those doclilnes so un popular and contemptuous that no que would have the liaitlihood to promul gate Miem. It I the put pose of tin piniuoteis to begin at live oigaiilatlou tluougliout the I'ulon, A button will be adopted, and I'lety poison opposed lo amiKliy will be asked to weal It. Conference of uiiltaiiaus. Hi Diilmlie Wirt from Tne Aitooiitnl I'rem SiraloL'i, N V . s,pl 'ii - I'he nillonal ion firinie of the iilnrtertitli tinellni; of 1'nltaruu (ImriliK will Ik mn II dlinnlal aoMlnn litre tomorrow. Vn lnfuiiii.il nervlie wit hihl fota. The llev. Ihonu. II s,P1, f smU' chnrcli, New- nik lilt, tlehveriil an aiMreM on "l'on Miuttive t'ailli," nrt . n. . "- m LWHSH V: -"- -m iwm fill for united support from my fiiend.i at home " Colonel Wntres Says He Is Also a Candidate. Ilr l.ulutbe Wirr (mm Tli Asoclatnl PifM. Philadelphia, Sept. L'.'. Colonel l.otils A. AVutieH of Lackawanna county, has sent the following letter to active pai ty woikei. Sept. .'! Vl ,lur nr Nn ilti'ui nrcil lu ilMtnrd 'o own in ambit ion tn irve tho Mite ai Iiit ililil vnuilvK I mnj thnrfnrp, witlioul lirilt,itlin, lnfiitiii iu tint it i m. ilc-fro to ntiua t ti- EttlllltlltOlill It tit. I lino lltril all mv Iifi In I.ul, luniin.i iimntv, ami Into nTVcd riulit ;. . irx in tlm nt.iti' vni" nml four jpirj In tbe olllrp o( Hi utrn.uit bovp' hoi. Vlt l.iisiiir.s ,inil ijlloi il i xpei It ore his Iv tii mi Mime iiifomutlnn ef the nruN ot the stJ'i I hop fit veil .it eliiiiniin of the Itipuhlii ei i oiiiiiiltiro of Jiil.it.ihiti tonnt, tlulini.ni iif llii Itipiihlii.in ht an Mitinnillip .init tor ft'i vi ii i luiinlai of thp iMtntlvp tonimltlpp ttf tin jit.itp titmnittpp I pntpiHp IipIhc a i tmllriitp of thp prtite ldptililli.ui pol un.l not of ,in fr.it I ion thirpnf. s il viouhl not dp prt,siililo to pi toil in poooti t wish to tiivic on lint I will .admit in) n.inip Hip liott i:piiiMli.in intiMiiHon .n ,t ijndlihtp lor Rovi'innr .iiitl to riy Hi it I rlull ln clnl if tin Mill aMt mp wild voitr .uppon atul intliniiti in Muirtnir ih'ltmti. fiom jr liWrn t Vn itTjsvx . r KiutiiT or u of rlie sitMHlior will dp fir. if I v iipir, i itt'l . I V II Hlv VollM I V VVjii NEWS OF THE DEFEAT IS NOW CONFIRMED Colombian Libeials and Their Vene zuelan Allies Had a Hard Time of It at La Hochn. He llvidi-iie l ne fiom'lhe Voi i.itul l'rp Willonistiidt, Island of Ciuacao, Sept. 22. The Vcneuelan gnnho.it Miiniid.i has ai lived at Cains fiom Ciiadajuin, badly in need of repair. She c .intuit go to sea again until she ha been ovet hauled Her toiiunaiider brings news tonfll tiling the tepoits of the tlefe.it of Colombian libeials and their VeneziP -Ian allies, m ai l..i Iim ha, Scplciuber I.I and II. It appeals that the Colom bians, the logiilais, withdievv atul scat tered as the libeials and Vcne.iUPl.iiis advanced, and then giitheieil iigiiln in linger nnmbeis, surioundliig (loiioial (lavilns' lomin.ind Jusl pi lor to the en gagement of the llth. Thole I Mt 111 no tellable infoiniallon as to the number killed. An Indian thief named .lose Uoloroh, whose follower aio lighting Willi the Colombian goveiiiineut. Is reported to liiiv'u cut oil' Ooneial Cavil, i'h ielir.it to Vene.uolan toultory. Ii Is now poislslenlly leported that the C'oloiiibluus have captuiod and shot (ietierul Hchovcrila. The Venezuelan government has just ntiiulied 3,"0 toux of coal in Caracas, whlih was shipped today to Knit San Cailos and Mum raibo. It was not paid for before de p.u Hire, and the owner vainly attempt ed to stop the shipment. Congiatulations from Spain. P Kuiimve VMie ficm The Aorutfd Pr.w. sin sdi-lian, spiln. s, pt 2." -The national ita of the lliue innintii luie wilt v iiipv.j;, to Pre-hli nt ftnokeielt roiiKrauilatini; him upot liii uie'kion nml ivprrwltig their hit wlnhei fir lie ii rln re of the I nlted Si.nr ai the "dc ft mil r tif opinied peopli.. ' Comniissioner Wiight Honored. fly l.tdiive Mire ftoin The vk atnl rre Wi.hiiiElon. s,i ij 'P InieiiLiiiotiil Inttl lute of shIoIorv. whlih tontlitji of the Itadnil ii ioloiiiM of itie wnrlil, with headquarter at Pain, ln eltitid I nihil st.a, Ctnmik'lonr o' I. .bur ( .ti mil II Wtluht lo memdenhli YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. I., t nl iln i f.n sept. '.', llnl HiKhti t mpintiito 71 d'etfl Iim it tiiiipei.iiniu iZ drcrrei IMalive llutnldil.t - s 'i ii 7a per eent P- 1" M per ernt I'reupltailon, 21 lioiirn endtd 8 p, tn., none. ' fU Ut-r-r, t-r'4- f WEATHER FORECAST, -f Ma'lninjt f pt. 2.'. rorecvut Ut vioniliv mil Tueediji Ktttcro rennyl" 4 viinU I'alr, warmer Mondajr. Tuiadij, 4J ' fair: freth tn brisk outhrly iflndv 4i tt ttt t.-tjklt.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers