it -r THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- TCESD A V, SEPTEMBER 10, 1901. 3I. NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA AlONTnOSE. Ireelal o the rranten Tribune Mntrijp, Sept. !' - T' iimvi f thf dnst.iiillv nnnttlt upon l'i o.lilniit .Mi Klnlry vcns te-eclvevl In "cleititriipe the Minn ns in ivpiv ntlifi iiiiiiniiitiliy. Our prntii vvi'tr iivprhi'linrl with Knrrott rni mif li.'lovnl rulor nnd bl v lf.. Willi" tlle'V rf HIlPll Willi IHRO i't til niNentbli' vvie'trll who hml she'd Ihlt liiriiicoiH liluoel, 1-Vir n number nf haul. Iiii-diirvn jurn-tli nlly w(i" nt .1 iiimhtlll iiinl until nililiilRlit I'lliiii;. tli tfrri8 wi'ie mini with mi miNlmis Ihrnnc. Their whh 11 bnRt ihiikitkh tlnn nt the I'rli.vtriliin I'lmrrh M'S t"M.i.v ii'innliiR, liimiy nf the Mrtlin ' dipt I rtihren licinc ium-piH, nf, mi in court nf rcp.iliM now In pror-ross, thne ne-rr nn i.eM-vlcee In their hnuj-e uf vvcir fhlp. A solo by Mr. l'liitrls .Shaw, nf Hrnnkl.xn, N. V.. was very cffrrtlvrly lPndeiP'l Hi llrntnn tlcllvert'tl nn ft hie rllM-nuiM' upon tlii theme. "The Now- until. Win 7" In thn hitter pint nf his trillion. Ir Heiilou treated In 11 tourhlnc flrnl Instructive innnnrv the ti' tlbtc tiHRfdy In which tho pipslilcnt ImiI ler Mlrl low. 'Lust pvpiiIiijj. Hi I ulpit vens" most -ntltitPtnilly n ml ;ill fltlP'l hy Mi. Frederick N. .le-wip. o iha Auburn Thenloj-lcal seminary. Mr. nnrl Mie. Joseph llltchner. nf "A'pFt Plttsnn. mv j-ucsts nf Or. and Mi P. V. II. CnnUllli. Chnrle.t Swift, nf Srr.intnn, a a uiifFt nt n. ri. Scott'.1 thr last of th v -rk. Mlf-FPS (irapp ntifl Ubblo Lenox were RUfts of Hush friends nvpr Sunday. DnuclafS and "TIip I'utlerlllrs" will n"trar-t 11 bircp house at VIII.iro Hall toninrmw PvenliiK- The forty, linuii elf-voliem at St '.ny'.i church opened yesteielay i-imn-lnp at ln.SO. JaPniinrd'e hlch mass was mlriPcl Tlu'i" wpio three soloists, Ji.s. Kr.iui-ps li'.tn and Mlssey Hps fie Miller and .leisle O'NpIII. TIip spr 111011 was prrai IipiI bv thp pastor, Rev. I'.itlici A. T Hioderlck, explaining the nhlrrt of tho sprvk'ps. At the ex.-nlntr service, tho sermon pi .u IipiI bv Fntlier Mi Cube, of bi.ili his -uibject belllR "Love." W't-I Ail- H0LL1STERVILLE. Fretsl In the "( r.intnn Inliunr Ilnllisteillle, Sept. 0. Our si hool opened the 2nd lust., with Ml-s (iloer, nf Pleasant Mount, at teacher. . Mrs Kllzar Kessenden, who h.ts been rv ill, at this wiltiiiR Is slowly n (alniiiR her health. The fo'lowliiR- deleRatet from the Haptlut thuich heie have been clnc-en to atli'inl the AhlHRtou Haptlst iLs-to-1 intlon. which convenes in the Heiean IiiikIi. v"aibnndale. th ltth and 12th illt l!e. .ind Mrs. tieniRp P. Cilb snii. Mi. and Mrs. Floyd l'V.-seiiden. Mrs Albeit Mci.s Mnoie. Mrs. .lohn V.111 mid Mis. Ileitis Sli Mi' i-pent lat v 1 ek In Scranton Mr. I1.1 Orr and family, of Si rim tnn. haxe been enlertalneil for the past tun i eks al the home of her sNttT-lll-lnw. Mis. Cinie r.lnwii. Mr and Mis. oirln, nf Mnple wond. weie(Riiests latt Sunday at the home 01 I tnther, II H. Oliust utl. 1;. C. Ilnllister. nf Scranton, visited 'ict sui.ilay nt the home of hli par 1 nt". K. H. Milliliter and wife. Mis Willi. 1111 K. l!eck mid daiiRli-iii- MIm ll.iit-y. of .Moscow, visited one day List wed; at tin Inmie of her lather. A (!. Ilollls-ter. M's Cinn . thes a Miss Dais- Pierce, of Hock Mill, has been visltliiR aiuoliR lel.i nd f 1 lends beic. Smith, of Scr.mton. was a re- 1 RUPs-t at tlie home of Mr. and Mis. h. Moliist-r. FOREST CITY. (pn 1.1I m th siriiitmi Tilliunr. Forest city. Sept. ''.A large num bci nf Forest Clt people attended the futiertl of l'dwaid A. Pentecost, nt P'nmptnn eMeriln. Ml Pentecot ilifl on Friday after a slim t Illness u'h typhoid fev t r lie was .!.! ears of age and leaves a wife inee Ida Jen 1 Iiikn of Forc-t Clt 1 and two chll 1 .fn Ills father thice broihers and tin -e f-lstcis also survive him. He 4is until li 111.11 riape a lesldent of Kp'pfi r.i .111 I was- hiRhlv esteemed h'i Ilev Mr Karshner. .if Wa.v ma.t i onducted the serv i e. and I Could You Looli Inside Yourself You Would see Why the Nerves Have Such a Wide Inllucucc Over Health. The influence of Neive Control over health was mver fo fully tecognlzed us now it cleaily Illustrated In the thnuanil of iiiies made by Dr. A. V. I'hdfp's Nerve Pills a medicine that nun leaped Into public favor solely on its wondeiful Nerve lesiorlng Ptonei- ties The icon Nerve Pills bteak down the bairiets of III health, is he cause they icstoie Notve I'netgy the main fpilng of health. They mipply the soniethlng that is wanting which makes the human machinery run HTioothly. they att throiiRh that gieat netwotk of human organism, icaclilner every part uf the body the Nerves, Ur A. W. Chut-e's Nerve puis do not art as a iituiueiituiy Kllmiilaut that ex cites and whips up the Neivcs foi the time being only they nisi slop the wtisting process and then build up Nerve Knergy by icpluilng Xtrt waste with active, tesponsive tlhsue the kind that vibrates health to rnlnd and muscle. Mrs. Joseph Mitchell, of No. f)c -,n. den utrpet, West Scranton, Pa, nas: Or. A. W. .Chiihe'fl Nerve Pills 11, n line. I was all oul of order, nervous and could not sleep weak and ml, crablc. The klndneys weio sliiggiKii and the back lame nothing seemed to help me until I got a box of the nerve pills al Matthew Mum.' ding btore, Lackawanna avenue. Slnte I took them I uleep well, don't Jeik and talk. My nerves 1110 steady I feel htrong and the klndenyH me working well again. I am mom Hum pleased and glad to recommend the niedlolne " Or A. W. Chase's Nervo Pills, 50 cents a box at druggists or Dr. A. W. Chase Medicine Co., Buffdlo, N. Y See that portrait and frlgnaturp nf Dr. A. Chafe are on every packuse. i I . iiumiiIipik of I'llffnrd loiliip, independent I'nler of Odd Fcllcievji of Finest City, v.i-m p.ill lipniPi-i. Itcv. U'. IlollpusllPd pipiichod nit 'Aiiiuchy and AmurhlMx." In the I'tfsbytrrlnn church Sunday evnlim. Miss Mlntilp Itllpy spptil Sunday at lior hoinp Iji I'Ip.isiiiu Mmint. .lohii MltrliPll. pipxldpni of thp I'nltpil Mlnp Workpis, tnnilp n very fiiMniiblp liiums'ilon hoi" hy lilfl pleasant deinrimni and ijood address. Mli statement irlatlve to the pIrIu hour niovpinent cuuicd rmislderahlo dleliK-loii. V. T. JumliiRs. "f Ni w Voik city, Is vIsltliiR his iiaieiits. TUNKHANNOCK. Spinal in the Amnion f ritninr. 'PimmiiinnnPk.Srpt. !. Mr?. K. Y, Km rei. of Nlehidson, Is Hip Riipst nt Mr. and Mrn. Norval Hpynolds, on t'n t nn m t-tipp'. Hriijaniln M. Stnne, of Stull. will ho In iitlPiidauto nt the Mnitland fHlr, nt WhIIsvIIIp. this wrrk. where he Iirm nn p.hlblt sppelliien of an apple, whlrli lie detiniiiinntPH "The MlhsliiR- I. Ink." PICTURE 11 1 1 1 What two seasons are represented bv this pi;turc- These apples, from the tree he i lalms. weie picked in the autumn of 1!MV. and they arc pi enervation. still In a Rood state of Mr. Stone is taking or- tiers for these tiees, to be dellveied next spilng. Miss Josephine Stalk left on Monday for a three u-"ks' visit at S.iyie. Mr. mid Mrs. Pattlck Hoyce. who have been visiting fi lends al Stinnton, let 111 ned home on Monday. I!ev. Smith Mnitlln. a young Florida divine, occupied the pulpit at the Methodist chin ch on Sunday evening. William Foot i, of Scranton. who was fotmerly engaged in the meicmitile business nt tills place, was 11 caller In town on Monday. Miss Nina Carney, nf Scranton, spent Sunday with her aunt, Mrs. Joeph Line, 011 Pine Mieet. .Mr. lictteily. nf Wllkcs-ltano, wns 1 ailing on fi lends in town on Satui tlay. Mr. and Mis. Aaron ltinwn leave to da.v for the Pnn-Aincrlian exposition al Huffalo. Pennington's moving picture enter tainment will be given at Piatt's opein house this evening, for the benellt nf the Ti Htm Hose company. The annual teuulnn of the Flfly-scc-nnd lvglnient. Pennsylvania Volun leeis, will be held heie on Thursday of this week. Miss S.lrah Pratt, of Nicholson, who has been s-pendlug the past week visit ing friends at this place, returned home on Monday. A large niunbnr of Ttiukhatinnck pen pie attended camp meeting nt OicutlV grove on Sunday. l'-County Auditor Loten Ttavls, of T-innu, was lining business In town on Monday. PITTSTON. cp( ut tn th- si'ranion Triburr. Pilttston, Sept. 0. The seventeenth annual convention nf the Women's t'hlistlan Temperance union of Lu erne county will take place In the Methodist l'plscopal chinch, at West I titslou. Sept. 12. The thief speak iis of the occasion will be Mis. I". Noilne Law, of Detinlt, Mich, and Mis. L i: Halley of Stateu Island, N Y The oIlcis of the union are: President Mrs. Annabel Morris Mol vey, of West I'lttston; vice president, Mi-. 11. W. Palmer, of Wllkes-Ilane; honorary piesidcnt. Mrs. Ttuth K. Cool, Wot l'lttKin. lecoriHng ecletary, Mrs. C. II. Chainhpflaln, Kingston; rnnpaponding sccr"tary. Mis. Mar gaiet A. Altken. West Pittston; trcas liter. Mrs, L. !:. Newton, Wilkes if ripsldents of Inkcrniau. Seha.stnpol and Poit llilllltli. settlements In Jen kins township, have from time to time p-tltloned the olllclals of the I'rle Coal company, to endeavor to abate the nulniuce eieated hy the tremendous volume of coal dust which arises from the big No. 6 breaket. Last week II communication was received from .Supilutendent Sidney Williams, to the effect that an effort would bo made to devise t-ome plan whereby the dust could he disposed of In some other way than that used at ptesent. The dust Is now, by means of a fan, blown fiom the breaker Into the air through a large wooden air shaft. Flying through the air, the dui-t llnally Hetties down on the properties within n radius of a mile, doing not 11 little damuKe, especially to the clothing hung on the drying linos nfter the weekly wash ings. F. .7. Kuas nnd son. Charles, of West PI Mucin, "te vlbltlng In Cleveland, O. W. M. Hrown, formerly a cleik em ployed in the general store nf Frank T. Pattethon & Co,, run In connection with tho Newton collieries, linn em Liu kid In the giocery business, open ing .1 htote today In the Stroh building on Lurerno avenue, Weft Plttston. At an early hour Sunday 11101 nlng ffven Pomona were captured by tint Wed Pltthon police, while they vvcrj Hi the act nf stealing fruit. Three of them were nipn and they were fined JS eneli by HurRess Poster. The others were I'hlldieu and were dlschnrsed with it reprlumnd. Trlphts were burn today to Mr. and Mis tipoiRp Chuba, of .Mason avenue, Kxeter bnimiRh. The patents me I'ol l;h people Mr. Mpwltt. the West Side veterin ary wiin culled Id lluryea Satllidiiy nmrtiltiK to attend 11 slrk horM', which he fiiuid to be suffevliiR fimti 11 severe ease of rabies. The anlnial, whb h wan owned by Walter .S'ealon, of tlinN place, had been blttpti by u iIor over n fiit nRo. The lints? wns In n lcious imidltlou wlii'ii cxaniliied hy the veleilnnry. and bore all the symp toms of hydinphobla. beroniliiR espec ially restless at the approach or bark ltiK nf a diiR. The Icrs weie badly tut niul torn wh-re In Its madnes.'t It hud bitten Itself. The dnetnr ordered It shot. CicerRo I.aui'ln. jhe t'pper I'lttston r-nmiible who sol'd liquor llleRally at the Labor Day picnic of the Central I ulii.r union, will llktdy hue Ills nlll 'inl position, niilelnls of the Central Labor union, whlrh liu-thliiR HiIiirh numnst him. took "The preliminary steps for such action before Alderman Luftus today. HONESDALE. Spwlil to the Scrtnton Tribune. Monesdale. Sept. !. Mrc. Frank It. Council, of Scranton, visited Mrs. "'. S. Carey, of Thltd street, on Saturday. Mr. W. S. rieiUerstlne. who for the past car Iihm been the genial host nt PUZZLE the Lake Clenio hotel, will letlie fiopi the hotel on September hi. Mr.M, ;. B. Manletibergh and sister, Mis. Ada Wnlte. nre spending n few tlays in New A'ork tity. Miss Mary A. Muinfoid. tl.uigliter of V.. C. Muniford. will enter the National Paik seminiiry, near 'Washington, D. C . nctnber 1. Mr. and Mis. Augustus P. Thomp son, Mis. Andiew Thompson, daugh ter Hebecca !". and son Charles, left this inclining via the Krle for the Pan Ameiicau. Park Schoonover, of Pateison, was a visitor in Monesdale over Sunday. Among those fi nni Honesdale who took dinner at the Lake Clenio lintel nn'Sunday weie Mr. nut! Mrs. .1. Atlnm Kraft ami daughter, Lnulse; Mr. and Mrs. .1. It. Neilson, son Louis and daughter, Miss. I'tla. "A Countiy Merchant" at the opera house on Thursday evening. September 1'-'. a laughable comedy, by the peer less i omediau Charles Covvles and t nm p.iny. Hcflucd specialties, tunny band paiade; the cutest actiess; the Jolllest Irishman. A pronounced sin cess. Mrs. A. C. ".Vlleov wus quite seriously Injured nt lief hnnie.,nu upper Main street, Satuiday afternoon. AVhlle en gaged in her domestic duties, she fell down the cellar stairs, breaking her mm near the wrist. She also iccclved seveie biulses about the body and head. Mis. It. W. Mam and son, Hubert, have returned fiom their summer out ing; on Long Island. The Lackawanna piohteiy, whhh meets In the Ilnuesdale Presbyterian church on Monday next, will bring tn- gethcr a large number of ministers mid elders from the seven counties which comprise the ptcshyteiy. On Monday evening Hev. J. S. Stewart, 1). P., of Towanda, will deliver an address: Tuesday evening, Hev. I. .1. Lansing, of tlreen Hltlge, will speak nn "The child Center nn Christianity;" Wed nesday evening, nddtess by Mr. A. W. Dickson, of Scranton, mid Hev. W. H. Marshaw. of West Plttston. The day sessions will be devoted to the woik of the ptcsbyter . PRAYER. IN MARYLAND. All Municipal and Stnte Buildings to Be Closed from 11 to 12. Br Eirlmlirf Win term The Awoclit-4 - naltlmoie, Sept 9. All the munici pal and state buildings will he closed thiniighniit the city nnd state from 11 to 1J noon tomorrow, pursuant to the rot '(.mat Inn of Governor Smith and the itciucHt of Mayor Mayes that the day be observed either In whole or In part at a day of prayer for the speedy recnveiy of President MeKlnley. The thnnihsr of commerce, the stock ex change, the cii'toiu house and many other public buildings In this city will do likewise, and It now seems pinbable that theie will he a general suspension of business during the houis named. Services will l hcldi In all the churches and In the open air, at Druid Jilt' park, 11 ttie present plans are uinled out. - . .. PATRIOTIC LEXINGTON. A Remarkable Semonstintion by the Citizens of the Town. tly Kirlu'l VVirf (roni Pie V-iraul-il Prr. Lexluginu. Ky Sept. fl. , rt-mark-able denioustriitlnn hy the citizens of Lexington and Fayette lounty, was held hero today, following the nttemptd assassination 0r Preslclpiit MeKlnley. Major P. H. Johnson, ma jor of Confederate nitlllcry under Pel ham In the Civil war, callpd the meet ing to older. Colonel w. c. p. Hieck onrldge, who fought on the Confeder ate side, read lesolutlnns of sympa thy with tho picEldcnt and condemna on of anarchy. Leading paitnrs of th city ad (Irpuserl the large audience. Tho reso lutions were unanlmou-ly adopted. THE MARKETS. Wall Street Hevlw. Xew Voik. Sept. 0. The number of limo). of stocks sold on the atoclt ex cliaiiRt' duilliR the five houm of to dnv't sesclnn was no Rieater than was sold tluriiiR the two hours nf Sntur tlay'H session. This fact In Itself would be Indlintlve of 11 uimkeil sub sldt Pi e of the nervousness mid fe le-nrss which pervaded the stock mar ket 011 Saturday, but the table of icinverles which resulted from the dny'rt tradliiR. makes 11 ically teninrk Hhle showlliR of the recuperative power of the lint. The confident opinion of the president's physicians and ft lends that he Is In n way toward safe recovery fioni his wounds was of course the primary cause of the buoy ant re bound In prlies. The effort was cliown not only In New York but In all the Rient securities markets nf the wnild. The secondary caue was. the coinpfhemlve and effective measures conceited for the protection and sup pott of (he market by the clearing house banks and great llnancler of the metropolis. The effect of theso measuies was ccn In the succest with which the call money rate wns it preifecd to a ix per cent, level Some expectation of action by the sccritaiy of the treasiny for the re lief of the money market nln plajed its part In the day's stretiRth nf the niotket. The mmket closed strong at near the top, net Riilns for the prin cipal stofks running frnm 2 tn t points, and St. Paul, ti't. Thus a laiR- part nf Saturday's lnscs weie retrieved. Total sales today, Sl.l.&no shares. Ttallrond bonds showed recoveries nUo, but in much Hinaler degree than In Mncks. Total sales, par value, J.'.'.OfiS.OOn. I'tiited States- bonds weio uni'h.inged on the la&'t call. Thf (cllntlm quotation" ir turnUhcd Th- Tnhiinf hf M S Jrdn Co., tonmt T0S-7M Utiri buildlngr, Scrtnton, P- T-trphory- &0O": Opfn, Hlth Low- Clo- in? nt. Mt. int. Anirrii-n su2ar 120 U ,v.1 r: Ainrr. Tolacio Ml 1.(1 M 111 Alihinn Tl's Wj 7l'a It'' Alrlilon. I'r 0V4 fii',1, !)i3 pf.i, rttnnl.. Trnctlon I17'i fi'i rmf C."H Hilt, k Ohio ("' tni'j 'n lOPj ( Iim. A Ohin ii2 ; -ji; r, Chic A- fit. Vt 'Jl "U, -il 2(i St. lnil l.'.'-'a IHIU l.-i7Nl Iftl'i Rnck Waml I Hi IIJ'i HOI, li:"i hjn A Trx . Pr M'i " !i .VI IiiK .V S il H tnii4 iil nv.H Mm I Ict.itrcl lit: 1 17 11V 111,' Met. iMctlon trtl'-j I'.fi lei! I1.P4 Mio. I'Jcifl c in.1 IftlH nil tlK'ii SouHirrn Prfc ifio Ti'i't 57 .11 " ,riCi Norfolk A VVct W .'ilU i'i4 .'.i4 V. (rutMl IV! Ilj 1V)" .l.VJi, Ont. A Wmtrtn i ::i"i :i.l' .1I' I'cnni. 1!. It l'l'n til IliU ll. I'-tlflr Mid 3'i'i tl .I'' 4F llfiicliiig It. It 41 1J"t (l 4JIJ IIp-iIihK It. It., I'r 71 7d Tl's 7fi souilimi it. It 11 j:' 3t' :i'U snuili. n I!.. I'r s-.3 S7", S'.'s 7', Trim. C0.1l A' Ir1.11 h.'ij r.O, np", rt.lij P. s l.r.ulirr 1J'3 pr, IJI, 1 ", P. l.oitlicr. I'r sU sT " k7 P. s. Itul'l'cr IS l-.i I- 1-, t llioll '.iclfln ifili !l , 17I, I'nlon fdoifl.', I'r MiJ fi; ' "i Uiluuli, I'r :;'2 :?, sU :i"', Wrtrrn t'lilon it 'i' ''I i4 Col. Kiirl A Iron HVJ 'i;'j Vi, u; nitl Coipor 111 IIP, 1lt4 1li9 IYmiiIp'- liH I'" llil'-j li llOtj 'IVJ, I'JciflL' 4l'i 4.'-1, 4P, 4'4 in. C'.ir I'ounclry f'i S'i'vi ;' 'J1'1! Col. S,,,inn (4 l4 ut 14 t. s'. siorl t'.i II 41 li'j 41 P. s step), 'r t)M fi- ', Hiij KEVV YORK OHAIK UHKKr. C'pfn- High- r.ow. Clew- WHEAT. Im -t. t Inc. pctrinlicr 7cMi 7f., 7ci'4 7il:i M.i 7" 7'i' 7'i 7'i CORN llcinnl'rr filT, t.J t.l'4 t'..''4 M.11 1.1 f.t'j i4 t'.i. Scuinton Bonul of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCK?. 1iiU.iiiii- I'"1' r ''r Onuntv Sa)ltiK H'liV A- Trut Co, I'lr-l National rtJiiW (I'Jrhondalc) , Standard Drillins Co Thiol National ltanW Dun'' Pcpo-it and Ilicount Dank lVonomy I.lRlit. H. - I'- t'n Viist Natirnal Itink I.acka TnM Safe Co Claik & Snntcr Co, I'r , Scranton Iron Fence & Mfg. Co. ., Scranton Aile Work Scranton "-avInRs Itank TradeiN Nat ion d Hank Scranton Holt A Nut Co Teople'd Hank New Mexico It.v. & C. Co HON'Ds. nirt Asked 5"i 3.1 40 -" . 46 1.W) l"'n l-'S 100 41H ITT. lot 75 IIS US 115 100 10J Scranton Pawniser Itailway first MottEace due l People'i. street Hallttav, first nmrt- cace, dim 101? I'eople'5 Street ltailccay. Oencral nioiti;j;e, due pvjl l)lcl-on Jlannfa' taring Co I.acka. Tonlilp Scliool S per rent. Ciij of Scranton St. Imp. 6 per lent Scranton Trail inn ti per cent 102 115 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Corrected bj II 1. Di1. -7 I.aekawaniu Vte) Beans-I'er h'i,liel, choice mairci'V, ji.,.60a2.h5 Huttci Fieih creamery, 2la-J.'c; dairy, fiesh, lilc. Clieeee riill cream, lu;-ialle. Fffjc. Wetcm tiesh, lo'ald, neaiby state, I'k.it7iac. Mediiini Heant- Tcr luishel, $- 50 (liecn Peas Per bushel, 51 40al 45, Fiom Best patent, per lurid, 51 4V Beans Pel biinhcl, cliolce manow, $3.10. Potatocs-Per buhcl Ul.J0. Phllndelpliln Ornln nnd Produce. Philadelphia, Vpt f Wheal Finn, He. hisli. ri , coutiact crade, Sepl , 7.1'sa7le. Corn lie. lilBlier. No. ! mixed, .sept . liOafintc. Oats Quiet luit -teauji No. 2 while clipped, ll4Je. Flour rmhaiiKnl. Hiiltet -Firm and tendlns hiljlier. fancy western cicau-.ti', Sli.j do. near b) prims, 'J.K. Fats Firm, tood demand, frc-li neaihc, llc.i do. weste.n, Hi j do. coulhwest ern, 11V ; do aoulhern. Jllc ( heeae fjulet but steady; N. 1 full rteam-. fain ) mull, fi'i a1",i.; do. do. fair tn choice, ffijj'i'v. Pe nned impin liuharced Coiton -sieadv lal loct Firm and in fair demand, city pi imp in lihcU., be; counlr.) do. do, bbls., 4"4c; cikes, St.i'i'ac poultrc - I'nrliatiKed: fowla, 11 allV t "Id roofers, 7a7'8r , kpilns chlektli", llal.te ; ducks, litallc 1'irveil poultry Fiinij fowl, diolce, 1 1 a lic . : do fair to eooiI, 10'j lie j eld rnoiteia, iliac ; liroilera, nearb), 12 alh ; treslern do , llal-ie. Itecilptn-l'liiur, 2,0cV) bariels and lIJ,00il lhs, In -acka; wheat. 74, UK) Im.hels, corn, IO.011I bii-hels, oats. 10.CO) bushels Miipmenti Wheat, Ki.lKO liuihelsi oat-, t.'.tino. New York Grain and Produce. New York, Sept. .- Flour nuikrt was fairly aetiie ind tirnur, Wheat Spot tirin ; Nu '2 reel 7UV (. 0 I afloat and ifc eleiatur; No. I northern Duliiih, "ii'ac f o. b. afloat. Op tions opened eailei, but qtin My recciicred and (or the balance c.! I lie da.l wiic flrm, 1 livid linn at r. net adtame la closed 70", c ; sept., 75c; Oct. 7l',e ; lire. 6, t orn-spol firm: No 1. fii'jt. clecalor, and ',S'c. f. o. Ii afloat. Option market cm Keneially firm all cb). ( os-d firm and 'sa'je. nit hither; Mvy cWd (HV'.i P-pt-, "t'ac; Dee., H2'ic. Oats spot tirin. Opiums flrm and lilnher Willi torn, lluller Firm; cieamei, l'l'iajtiijc.-j tailory. June packed, llil'i'si , Imitation 1 reamer;, It a!7e. , tale dairy, I43l?i8e fhre' strad) ; fancy large colored. Oo ; fancy large white, 0c ; fancy small coloied. 0'te . finey small white, O'ic l-siis Steady, slate and I'cnni,, lta2iV 1 western, uncandled, 14al7c ; vrcitern tindled, lTalSc. Chicago Live Stock Market. fhlnc-n, rept (1 -Tattle Receipt, 25,rsV, in cluding 2,) Texani, J.orni ueiternt; choice THE TRIBUNE'S " WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thin Four Linen, , Cent for Cich l"itr Line. For Rent. VNAMVWWA.M For Remito About 1200 feet offloorspnee on 4th floor of the Tribune building, su'table for light maufacturing. In eluding heat, light and power. Hrquire at office of Tun TRmuNi. lint'si: rott iiiat-'ii; Mitiwii. t- ini, nlnile or In iurt: nil tiiodrrn tniproieinfnt: tlnee minute fiom iixnt hnci-e. Apply on prrniln. M'ItMsi:il IIIIVIi; (or rent. Ifill s,nderon e nue, between tlierii ttll(-c and Delaware -treetn. VOrt ItKNT Vine-room houe In C.recn nidi-e; II conienlente,j large lot. Hcnt. 51 M' drew S (1, Tiilmne. rOH TIKNT -Klclit room-, 7.H all modern lemenlences. .lefter-on avenue; For Sale. "--, -"bV-W FOIt SVI.K- Mo-ler a(e and n luhe at 1..1S Mon.-ty in me . Port SU.i: Tlirre loom, one lull and tlr htie c irpet. nrirlt new. lll aell cheap. Apply 0 II. stoehr, III Vehtrr nvenne. rort SM.K- harnctJ, ftreet. -Two light prinit (inn and omc iheap. Kvan, lear 11.12 I.cierne FOR SM.i: Car loid of dravlre liore and Bflod family howea ford court. .1. M. Field. and draught 2-221 Oak- FOR SI,i:- Cottrell A- Son- ryllndrr preti, Mx til, In good condition, new rollers, W. Apply WIllceiHarrc Time Offlce, Wilkes Harre, Pa. Renl Estate. VVc ofTc-r the follcmlnit liargaln-; i.,iiii VMI.I. Ill Mimle lioiue. f'ulnry aenue I'llce iidiiceil from s7,:o). M II llolcaie l,'l VVII.I, Itl'V nr house and lot. litre n llldse, worth 5.'..V)0 t)ner leadnir. Inwn. M II. Ilnlsite $1,00(1 VVII.I, ni'V two lioue and two lot,, (itren Itldee. rovt. "i.ixni. MiincaRo due, owner r.innol pav inoiteajre Vl II. HcdRite 5t5fl VVII.I, Ill'V ten loom lm;le house, lot iflt s fret, .leffcixin acenue. 1'ine reclui "d from V,,j(l VI . Ilolgale, lommnnweahli I'ltilcllnt. THO HOI sKS mid tola in t'.linlmrft, will lie wild In the litcltr-.! Iiidder on Oelolwr l.llh TeinK to iciilt i:amliie and end in ntiR Dr aleon, .117 VVa,hiriEton aenue. FVIIVI t)l' aliout tvi aiie; good hou.e unci bain; near Vfontnte. Vcldrck-i Hox .tl, Dnnock, Susquehanna Count) , I't. steers, slrrne tn 10,-. higher: others, flrm ; bull Ii era' stock, sieadv to strum;: Texins, firm: choice western, steers, Mrniu and artnp, Rood to prime steers. ".75af..iO; poor to medium, $1 i" a5.7ci; stinkers and feeders, about steadv, ! 2.t al.i'ij cows, 2.t0aj. heifers, J2oHi!0. can ners, l fa)a2 to. bulls, 2..10al is); calves, eas ier. 5'ail; Texas fed steer", 4.tnr -25, Texas trass steeis, 5-1. Itl.t I. JU; western steers, sales 4 cars at f . 5s.-0a" Vi. Ilocs Itocelptic toli). :t2.cnsi: tomuirnw. l, nou; estimated left oc-i. :i. usi. ce.od to c-iioiee htronir to fc. liiKlier: oilicis, stead), Miomr, tops, $7, mixed ami butchers, ShiC. in), uood to elioice lien)), c!li7, ihiikIis, lieao, $c); lielit, -t'.iii 71; bulk ot files, "lir.Oifi 7"i Slieeji llei cipts, -is, 00). sheep, stead) to slow-; choice lambs, about stead) : ntlieis, weak, Rood tn ilioico wethers, fl7"al.l0; fair to choice mixed, .l 401.1.70. weslerii sheep. rt."a4. in titc lamb', 't-lil '",; western limbs, 5la4 ". Oblcago Grain nnd Produce. Chicago, sfpf n 'Ihis xcas a dull do on chance, but lusher prices weie xcoied Decem ber wheat closed '-jc, corn te. and oals, tRi Ue hlRher. Provisions rancid from " to 1,'s'. Iililher at tlic cle. Cash iiiuctailuns were as follows: Flour stead) , No. 2 spring wheat, lal'ji , N'o. 2 red, 7cl,a7ft,.ic' : No 2 jellow-, Wjirnc ; No. II while, .1ni;a !iX,i ; No. 2 rye, 5'icjVjc'.; fair to choice miltlncr uSiSlc . . No flax seed, 51 44: Nn. 1 noithw-cstcrn, II 15. prime titnothr seed, J.I'i: mess polk, 5H.7(lall 75, lard, i 40 a't42'; short ribs, s .liiaR 70; rirc salted ihnul ders, 7'ga74C. ; short clear ide, $)dja'.i 15. East Liberty Cattle. Fast Liberty, Sept. 0 -Cattle s(ead) ; ehoire, ?.)fi.Va5s0, prime, 55.4 ia3 IJI; (food. .15a.'i )U. llriRS- ll.ther; prime hea)les, 7a7.(V, best mediums, 47; Let jorkcrs, ?fi!)'a7; common to fair )orker, 5i".f0afi.5; pms, "cl..)0att 50, skip-, $mO. roiitrli-, 5)0 21 slirrii l.owir, be-t wethers. V.Sla'i. culls and trunnion. l 'la J 25, jcarlincs, 52..Vtil, xeal cal)c, M.50i7. c a J BASE BALL American League. xt Cleieland - ft rinlaclelpliU no 0 00 I 0 110 I I loclaiul 0 .1 0 0 1 0 0 0 x- I Batteries Bernhard and Powers; Dow Wood. I'mpirc Connollj. M lietiolt II. Ballimoie 2 0 0 Q 0 J J S D.lrnlt 0 .1 It 1 t 0 x-S Batteries MtOinnity and Bicsnahan; and Shaw-. I nipire lltrt. xt ChiciKO (first camel R. Bo.ton 0 10 2 0 0 0 0 0-3 Uiliano 1 I 100 00 1 x 4 II. i: 4 II II -2 Int.- and 11 1:. 11 1 11 0 1 eager H. K. 2 in 0 flatteries Mitchell, Lewis and s(nrf, kenRost; Callalian and Sullivan t mplies -Sheridan and Haskell. At ChlcaBO (second tame) R no.trn O00OO0 1O3-4 II fliic aco J 0 0 I " (I O 0 i-ii j Battcrita -Winters and CiiRer; tinfflth Sullivan, t'mplres bliciidan ami lla.kel). 4 I and Jlilwiukee-W'aihinEton, not aeheduled. National League. M Boston- It II K. Cincinnati . Bo-inn ..010020000- . .11 0 11 0 A 11 0 0 x 10 Batierlea-siithotl and PciU; Nithnl and Kitliidne. I'mpire Hiown. . Philadelphia-- II 11 F Plit-hmu' " I e on 0 0 1 .1 -11 11 2 Philadelphia - . -.1 0 0 II (I I .1 0 0- 5 II 1 llalleiie.-Tannelilll and Yrjgrr; ( lirstuo and O'Cunnor; White, DiiCk'Irby and DouglaM. I in iire Kmslie. M New- Vork (flist Eame) It. II K. New- Voik II 0 t 0 0 (I 0 t 0 5 1.1 I St. I Km U 0 I) 0 0 1 0 0 0 U- 1 4 .1 Balterica Matthewaon and W'amer; Vluiphy and Nithula. L'inpirt im-er. At New Vork (second came)-- II II 1. st. Louis '51000(112 II 17 3 New York 001000 0O-..1 'I Balterlra-i-udliolT and Nlchola; Maul and Bowerman I'mpirc ijer. At nrookl-n- R II F. Chliak-c noon 000 on-o 'i Brookljn U 1 t! flOOl 1 -A II (I Hatlerl-i !'.unn and Kahoe; Ktt"ii and Ml. Culre, Umpire N'asli. Eastern League, Worcester, S; Hartford. 1. Buffalo, fl; Rochester, S. rrevidsnce, 10, Brockton, !. Tcionto. 6, Montreal, 5. SITUATIONS WANTED FREE. Help Wnnted Mule. W WTKIl man In rtpirarnl, Icualh it Iiwhiii,Iio iiiiimlatliiilni; tmnpant 'ilnri, ll(l"l per week xplendid rppoilunll.v foi ad vaineinrnt. tl I'VMAsslStl, Vddtev,, ccllli irfeiniie. VI innfae Intel, 7'1 Clie-lmit smei. Philadelphia. I 'a VV1i:i Vten ui,i rlir In aclieitl-e and ntnn rime Mnnanh I'oullij VIIMinr. lrluli il ry j(l wreklt ard rp-ne. Vildi"-" itn lainp, Mtmaiili Vlaimfatlurlnir to. Hov .'" Sprlnddeld. Illlnnn llltll'KI.AMIIH W VSTI'.ll-1'c.r fln- l.rlck itk Coinniunli ttton, anil pervmil ,ipiil!i.uiiM will tie recehed at my otrti e In Hancock, 1 II .1 HiiMtnan. Help Wanted Femnle. WAN I FI)-Ti limner, at Mis. Ackerman's, II W'omlnjr aienue WAN rKD A c-ompetent Elrl for a faintly of two, reteielices irqulrcd. Call todsy at Wl VVjth liiEton acenue WANTKII Vn experienced -ecnnd Rill must le Rood waitress. Ml Wa-liiiiRtnn avenue W'VNTIID Oiil for seneral hniitcwork at Dalton. Address II T.. rare Tribune Agents Wanted. (!A.Vsr:n-t or sentleman outside Mi- clly ofs(raiiton can liavr a perminenl ace .. for the petfume of the centui.) Plicnonicnct sales tinods in lucre clem ind F.vcrjlldnu f'-l nlthrd on rrrdll l.lbei il aiiansrcmrnl Willi "1 rlchl paitv Vddresd -Cut ltots," 2c'tli in" ' and ltth atrnue, New- Vcul. BRANCH WANT 0FFICKS. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M. Central City ALBERT SCIILUTZ. corner Mulberry rtreet and Webster isenue. CUSfAV PICIILL, C50 Adami avenue. West Side OLORGK VV. JENKINS. avenue tOl South Main South Scranton FRED L. TKItFI'C. 720 Ccdsr avenue. North Scranton OEO. IV. DAVIS, corner North Main ncnuo and Matket street. Green Ridge CHARLES P. JONES, 1557 Dickson avenue. P J. JOHNS, 020 fircen Ridse street. O. LORF.NZ, corner Washington ave nue and Marlon street. Petersburg W. It KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. Q. BONE & SON'. Wanted. WANTED-A large show Gilford. 1547 Dickson case. Apply Denue. William WANTED An Intelligent (Catholic) lady or gcu tlcman to fill a light, pliisant position; good pay, It suitable. Addic! P. O. Box '-", Scranton, Pa. Lost. LOST A lil it k spaniel. A libeial renanl for (is leturn to MieuO" Ilobliwni, 1501 Noitli Wa.-li ington acinue. Money to Loan. $50 tn riO.OOO-AT ONCE 1 and C per cent tere-t. Eay terms lo icpay. litoige Okell, Coal Exclungo building. JO.uOO TO LOAN" Lowest rates; straight or monthly pa) incuts. Stark & CoTradcrs' bldg ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-Quick, atralgl t leans or Building and Loan. At from 4 to t per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 31I-J15 Ccinnell building. Miscellaneous. sl'l-LIII'l.t Ol s HVIlt, warts and moles pamlov. I), pcrmanentl), si lentlfl'all) removed b) electric needle: noscais IHruutoioKual Pal lors. ,112 VVa-.hliigtcu avenue SEALED PItOPOsI.-i for a four room sc lio d building tn be built at Thinop, Pa llicls to be In hand) of senctarj mi 01 befcue 12 o'clock noon, Mondiv, Scil ltitli. I'sil VII bids mii.t lie accompaniicl he a teriirieil check tor 2o. Tlie boaiil re.-eivc Hie light to icjcct an) cu all bids. Plans and spciilicatlnns mi) be rem at the oltiio of Percival J. Moms, an Intnl. Mil Connell building. VI VIII. VN hVsE, PicMdent. Atlet. C. I. KmUer. LEGAL. NOIKE Is line lie given that an application will be made to the lioveinoi 01 rcnni-elvant 1 cu Tuesdjv. sept 17. Iiail. b) I .1. Fomci, II I I '.Kin,' I II l.awall. I K. linlhili. nnuiiis Fishei, W I. (mini II, I' II Wat Mm, sinili.e 1' Vllrn and II Did (nttle.- cindet lb. act 01 ,1,. erinbi.v, entitled " V11 ait to pinvide lor the 111 iiupiiiatiiin and irgulaiiou or certain rcirpnia tions." appinvcd Vpill 2'', 1871, and the nipple ments llie-ietu, for tlic chiller ol an iiitiuilnl lollinlalliili In be lallccl Hie "l.h'ellollieiapeiil 11 niul lla.e II11111.' 1I11 eh.ii.iclci and i'hee I ot which is to uppl) elecliiclt) ia and huh'. 111 their vaiinu. iies, in 1111 dliln,-, K,,ignv and cle'iitiili.v. b) lihvsn l.ins clulv ouiIIIImI and utic tried uiiciei ihc laws il ilie stale of I'ontue It jiii 1 nd foi tliesi' piupoeCs In luivc. o.n and 1 njov all Ihe lights, bun fits and privileges of xid ,11 1 of assemble and siippl'-menls and aiii'iidme-nis thricto. WILI.A1ID, WAIIItlA A IvNM'P. Sel.mlon, Pa, s.llg. 21, l'SH snllcitcus Till. VDIOI P.M'.D NNI VI MII.IIN'i: .if Ihn -leu kliolclcrs ol I In' siunlun Vkle Woik- will bo held nu Fi idae. N'pi "1, l""l. nl ihe oiltie 1 1 l.ia II Ripple. I utinell B.iilriiiig. r.uili. 1. P.c, 111 I p. :n "'c lcc k. feii lie 1 tec 1 ion 01 iuImin or the en-ning )iar ard the tianaction of s Ii t.llier biuelnrsi as 111 iv pinpoi Iv .nine b (on s i.c meeting. It I II MID It UIIIM.M ,l 1.. .sec I el ui WELSH HILL. Speclsl to the Scranton Tribune. WelMi mil, Sept. 3 William Hitt ler and MIrr Lna Owens vveie ninrrlod nt the houm nf tlie- hrlde'H paiouts. Mr, and Mif. .1. S. Owpiih, 011 WediiPitlav, Seiitembrr . by the Itev. II N. ll.irilsi. nf thl.s place. Thc left on Tliuistlny for tilt' r.iii-Aliit'ilrnn oxpotiltlnii. MIms I'liiinii n.iulelK, nf llazlPton, is VlHlllllR' filnuils In this plnco. MiH. William II. O.uii'.J haw ip tiiinpil Imiiit' .iftt'r Hpoiiclinp a vvoek In New Ymk city. Mr. unci Mm. Tlioinan Carituii. nt Went Ke'iiiutDii, were vIxltliiK nt tlit' home of Henry Huile-r elnrliiK the pant week Tlic fHruii'iH hip luiny llitpsliliik' their iiHlf. The crop Ik lint l.ii'Re in this hC'cllllll. Tlitiniiiis i:ans, of Uraclfciicl, wns a a cnllpr at this iilnc-r ipceutly TheiiUHfl OrlfnthK. nf Jenny 11. has re turned huiiie aflpp ftpenellntj a month at the home nf .lohn Moen. At the marrliiRp of Mls Lena Owen tn William II. Hutlcr. th Broom' father gavn a rherk for $100. and the unclett of the bride made them a press ent of nn elegent mahogany chair In laid with pearl. A list of the other val uable Rifts vvsts printed In Haturday Tribune. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Thin Pour Llnei, A Cents lor L'ach Gttri Line, PROFESSIONAL. Certifled Publlo Accountftnt. I'.nwAiin c. DulUlng. SI'.M'I.DINO, 23 TRADERS BAN'S Architects I'llWArtl! II, Imltdlni. DAVIS, AltUHTKCT. I'ni'.iiHuicK i, nrtowx, micii, n. reaij Ktte Ht-h-nxe lllrl-r , 1M Waahlnuten av. Civil nnd Mining Engineer!. II. L. llARDIN'n, mt CON'N'ELt, BtJILDINO. Dentists. I'll- C. E FII.F.MiEltoKIt, Spruce street, slNnni PAL'LI BUILDING, PR. C. C. LAUOACII, 115 WYOMING AVENUE. Lawyers. fimnk 1; Roonu j. BOVLK. ATroit.NEYATLAW. 14. ID and 1? Burr hulldmir. V- K. TRACY.An'l.lOMVtONUEALril BI.DO. "'ill, Jn-Vl0",Uy- A n0ltNEY-I.OAs NECO. ratlf., 'f1 0U,' "Uf-ly "'" hullJIlli. corner Washaigton avenue and bpiuct atrect. W1M.ARD, tr.inni'c -. KN'PP. ATT0RNR3 Republican bulldlnf, and counsellora at-iaw. "ashlnRion acenue. :.m .'KSt'f. 'ITOllSEVa M1 COUN. in -il "'" Commonwealth building, Ronj it). "0 and 21. I'n... . - -' -' -. fiaVZ" ;V ATIORNIIY "" 1X14, Ctli floor. Mears hiiltillnar. ROOMS '' W"ATI1K!. ATTORVEY-A1-LAW, BOARD 1' Trade building. Scranton, Ta. ,'1,TTJ:n,S0N' W'ILT0, TRADERS1 XATIO.NAij n'is building. C CQMEOVS. Ji-1,1 REPUni.lCAV BUILDISO. A W ni'RTIIOLF. OFFICE MOVED TO N'o! 211 Wyoming atenue. Physicians nnd Sugeons. Dtt W K. ALLEN", 5U NORTH acenve. WASHINGTON DR S W. I,,AM0Rr.M;.. OFFICE S.M WASH Ington avenue. Residence, 13 H Mulberry Chronlo disease, lungs, heart, kldnejs ind genito-urlnary organs a specialty. Hours, t to 4 p. m. Hotels nnd Resturants. THE Fl.K CAFE. 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN' avenue. Ratca rca-onahte. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D . h. & W. TAS- sengrr depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B. BIHGCS CLEAN'S PRIVY VAULTS AND cess pools; no odor; only Improved pumps used. A. B. Brlggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1110 North Main avenue, or Eickc's drug store, cor ner Adams and Mulherrr Both telephones Seeds. G. R. CLARKE & CO . SEEDSMEN AND VVRi crymen,. store 201 Washington avenue; greco houses, 1050 North Main avenue; store tele phone, 782. Wiio Screens. JOSEPH KUE1TEL, REAR 611 LVCKA. AVE., Scranton, Pa . manufacturer ot Wire Screens. Miscellaneous. DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER; al-o ladies' waists. Louis Shoemaker, 215 Adams avenue. MEGARGEE BROS.. PRINTERS' SUPPLIES. US xelopes, paper bags, twine, Warehouse, IjC Washington ascnue, Scranton. Pa. 1I1K WILKESBARRE RECORD CAN" BE HAD in Scranton nt tlie news stands of Reisman Bros, 409 Spruce and 50J Linden; M. Norton. Hi Lackawanna avenue, I, S. tichutzcr, 211 Spruce street. Boarders Wanted. WANTED-Table hoarders. Washington avenue. Mis. Tompkins, Ml Situations Wanted. sl VIIIINWVNII'.II V -.iipriinlend'-nt or foie man at coal niiiiia: hllccii war- txpeiiemr and he-l icfeiencc. Box V, Inbuilt tlthee. Mil V'l'liiN W VNIEII pnsiilou, hotel or Wllkt'e-Balle. I'lisl 1. etc. e la-s cook li2 Vulcan )e-h-S stiret, sll'l VI'ION WVMIH BrlBlet, IndiHriniis hoe, 17 tens old, clcviirs ituaimn. Woik In th) civil lUKineriiiig "i elit trie al line pirteiied Ad 'lii- . 1 , 'liibune tllhec. SlTI VTION W VNII.Il -lie- a nhiall laiuilt. tail l-lcae 1 ill at 511 Ibbeeia a icspoe taiiie virl in give good leferenee. .Dinuc. II Mie I'nl. sl VIIHN W VNTI.II- good, hone-l and r'li able gtil woiilil like a .llualloii .it genet il l.iiili'Onik with 1 III" laillll). .V'l'ile-s VI, II. sii.iiiinu Tiilmne. sill V'llliN WVNU'.li I'll It., uglslereil. wanu permanent 01 rrllef io.itii.n. Pills, Iilb'jns Ulllee. Mil VIIIIN VVVNIKII-II' .1 wciuin to go out washing 01 111, 1. Inc. I'leiso call or addreti I2PI Octal ateliuo, I'll) MTI'M'ION W.VN'IED It.) man as meinan, had c'vpc lie me IS2H t town avium. has SlTI A'l'ION' W.VNIEIl-V widow a position as limisckeepc 1 bousewolk, Hist 1 lass expennne, anv kind id woik. Vdihc Mi-. Oitlcc. woman wants or al genei il willing to elr V. V , lnhuni sill VI ION WANTED- VI B'lvihing vvheie thne is 11 chaiee In work up. by a 'oung man who has had eieriiner as nuokkeepri and cfi lector. Vddicest'. eaie ol Ihe rrilmne. FINANCIAL. -t.-s1aS'Ssa-ii-e,s'v OLDEST! SAFEST! BEST! WALL STREET Vloney Will Earn Bij- .Monthly Kcturnt. The Investor's Fun I Fa vs Semi msnthlr The oldest cstal lulicd tn Vmeilca No reitlflcate holder tss oer loit cent Paymtnti made tn all subsciibers ever.) U dajs No tioubl. No delay. Money icfunded on demainl Write to day (or pailiculaii, lire lo any address C. L Mackey & Co , Hudson Bid's:.. Neer York Spencer Trask & Co BANKERS 27 & 29 Pine St., New York Now ready for distribution,' nnd mailed upon tequest, Setcpmber Descriptive List of INVESTMENT SECURITIES Members New York Stock Exchange. Branch OtVice 65 State St. Albany 4 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers