THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER HO, 300T. WEST SCRANTON ARABIAN WOMAN BADLYJNJURED ItUN DOWN ON THE RAILROAD YESTERDAY. While rnsslnp Under n Ttnln of Cms the Tiain Struted Up nnd Caught Hoi Lutheiftii Pnstoi's Meetings Yestei tiny West Side Driving Club Races on Thuisdny, Sept. 10 Aldennanlc Cases An Aiablnn Wedding Funetals Yos tciday Notes and Feisonnls. An .Aiablan nmnii whose name could not l)o learned, ni inn ovei by a tt.'.lu of tats mi tin- Hampton brain h of tin- I...11 kavwm'i i l.illinatl osenlay afternoon mil h ul a liar ioiv i scape f i nm Instant 1 ill). As It was nIio fuiffcieil the loss iir her iIkIu .mil I'liil n fiattuie of lli' tlulil low. ntiil hoi diath nia )it i f 1 1 1 1 fiom In i Jiiiiiiles Tile woman ii' .1 t II1 1 anil bail let n soiling K(o(ls in tbi' lvsei vat bv On In 1 viav linini' sin- einouii teied 11 tl'itu of iiii" suimllng on th" Hampton Im.iihIi. Hie iitlemplod to ernwl umlemeatb tin- tin ami when balf way 11111111 the ttatkx tin; ti.iln Mat tnl tip, In.liulli bci In a tiUhtl'ul miinii' unc nf the mini' siniliiilnin 1 s was suniinnnr (I ami the Itilnnil woman nii t ikon to the West Side hospital Time It was learned that in 1 1 lnht aim hid linn nit off iiciii the "hoiililti anil lliete was a 011 1 1 u 11 I iiminlnutc d fiiiilllin of tli 1 Unt let; 'I'lie woman 11K0 siufeied xiieiplv fiom the loss of blooil. Met t omlltloil H ( ritli ,il The woman leslelts on Ninth stieet In the colon), anil Is "J vents of af,'0. Lutheinn Passtoi's. Meeting. The Si 1 iiitiin ami Wllkes-Hatre W01 i.illnii met at 1 tnli. Tilult) 1 11111 c Ii MstiMilav 1110111 1 nt? In theli ii'Kiilar nioiithh m"-sciu Tin 1oik men piosent weie t I, in- Iriivtitiih. I'.tv. II. T .1 Mueller. Itev. lames liaetes of likes-H 11 IP. Uev. A 1.. Ituniei. Itev A (' 1. I.iilei, lllirl U( . ( (i plekei The Mibjpi t foi Htuilv was Mathew i .I-..I In (iieik. lid li lif A f Knluei p.tpei 011 the "IIMoij of tin Theiiiai wax u ul b Ke I.ln ientiiitli afit t whii li seviial inisitl latieoiis Imuiiii ss malteis wen ills 1 usul anil aeidl upon. Tin next mot- SUNBURN T!ov and Almond Crrim rcmovn tfdncti ot the sWIn and toothes the rain ol (unburn in one night. Take a bottle with you on jour Mcatlon. FOR SALE DV O. IV. JENKINS. The Chilly Winds of Yesterday Suggested Fall Flannels .... All right; we're with you. Take a look at our large center show win dow, and you'll get a good idea of correct fashions in all the popular Flannel Weaves. The assortment shown includes: Riga Flannelettes, Antoinette Flannels, Lovely Eiderdowns, New Daisy Flannels, Fancy Teazle Downs Pretty Panne Velvets, Plain French Flannels, Nice Outing Flannels And other desirable makes, in all wool, wool and cotton and fine cot ton. The shades run the full gamut of the color list, while prices to early buyers are considerably lower than last year's qotations. 1 i Have you bought Fall Blankets yet? Extra values this week. Globe Warehouse - amttitkr tMiHitik 1 1 mil Iiir of the nMorlnllnn will bo held nt Noxeii at Itev. J. it. Miller' lIiuuIi on the lh"t Monday 111 October. The visiting iliTRjiiicn weie pntei tallied nt dlntipr nt the Holland. 'I he Wllk-es-Uarrp Lutheran rnnfer enre will meet t Ht. Mtilk'K fliuiib, West Sctuntnn, on Septeinbei ."0, Oe -tobei 1 mid 2. Uev. A. I. Humer li is been appointed hi notary of the run feienie Vlspei seivlifs wpip held at St. Minks Lutheran ohtiiih laot evening, when the aboe naiiKd t leiK.vmeii were pieent Aildi esses weie dellveied by I!e MtidiTKtliltli liov. I.auel. )!e. SpleUor mid Itci. 1' Khlnuei, of ('id boudale lte 11. II Itiunnlnir. 1 1). of White flaven who was epectiMl to pieach the evening senium, wn unnvnldablv iletalneil at home A leiillloli of the milllheis of the rlnilili was belli nftet wariN. nt which lefioxlinients were 01 tvoil. West Side Dilvlng Club. A lOKilllll llieetltiK of the AVest Side 1)1 Mm; i lull was belli last eeiiltiK ' lotnplete the mi.illReinents foi the lines on the Speodwiu. TIiuihiI.iv. September 1'1. All of the details have been attended to. ami a kooiI iifiu ninm'H mit Is nntb Ip.ited. The dub Is now 11 pitiiuiuent oikiiii liitliin. with llfi month) is. ami Ha V have an option 011 a tuentv-iuie tiait of land. Willi ll thev expfil to roineil Into a halt-mile tin e ti.n k, w lib kihiuI stand, stables, ete. The In Idle to be rIwmi as a pi le In one of the lines is nil exhibition at Walille's meat inaiket, ami the k!ops ami boots me on exhibition at Vills, In the 1 ential 1 ll. Aldeimauic Cases. Piril Sluing the lauinli.Miimi who was aii'stoil at the Instance of Aiiki bv .Masni 1 I, for an alleged (bteiitiou of 11 p K kaue of 1 iuilili. wasmiaiKlied be fote Ableimau .I0I111 last owning, ami eiiteieil ball foi bis nppt uiani e at limit John It. Kdwmds bei.inie his hpi lit lt .loseph Vi'lli ciiino, of 1nuT Jiukson stieet, iore out .1 w.niaut last iiIkIiI befoie Alileiiuau .lohn for themiest ot Mis .losepli Wallow of 1 lit Noitli Main ineiiiie, 1 hm Kin;; hoi with Ke pliiB a ilNoibil house The itoi( utoi was also .11 tested foi ass.iult and bittety and m ikliiR tin eat. TIip li'ailiiK was ailjoiiineil until '2 o lot k this after noon An Aiabian Wedding. on Satiinla last Moses Abiloohana, or lleniKs couit and Miss Sadie Malbut. ot Ninth stietl, weie unit) d In mintage bj the pi list at the fhtlHll on Chestnut stteet The weddlmi festivities weie benun at the limit of the In Ide on Sattinlnv em Inp. I) mi lug, singing, di Inking ing. and othel (IImmsIoiis liuldental to the A1.1l1i.111 tiistom weie Indulged lu all night, and rath Suuilav morning a uiimboi of the p 11 tit Ipauts engtgid Hi l fue-tin -all tight. Some of tile b( lllgeli nts landed in the polh e sta tion, while othus weie taken to the hospital The ttsthltlts weie then hhiftpil to n.M i n i fttwi mmmUm&ULL tho home or tho Broom In Hcnnefiy court, where nil day Sunday nnd until some time ycsteiday tho nennco win continued, until tho pnrtlplpantH wcip well-nigh exhausted. Theie they sat In a cliulc lu the open nil, singing mid rhnntlng some unearthly dlfge. while the waiters passed lliiild and solid to fieshmeiils among them. Immediately utter the wedding eeto ninny on Satin day the In Ide was tnken nwa fiom the gloom, who was not )oi milled to i ntumunleate with him until .ostonlay, neltlipt was she al lowed to associate with niiv nf the pal th Ipauts The gloom In tho meantime was placed on exhibition, mid sit like II statue for niativ bonis. The distill bance on Suuila. bail the effei t of putting 11 damper on the eelebiallon. Annual Haivest Festival. The loial imps of the Salvation Aimv me now mgaged lu totidiiitltig their annual Inmost fpstlwil, wbleh Is finite an liupoitmit alTali In the iiinn mil eai. (lifts of OVPIV ile scilptlon me leielved fiom alt sourcn, lliolllilltig ibithlng. vegetables, fnilil 11110 eti , mid thin thev ale disposed of at what othei people ale pleased to 1 ill n ' iitiniuai;e sale " The at titles me inn limn d off to the highest blddois, and the money thus lea Ibid Is used In laiivlug on the wink of the m my. Last evening a ale was bold 111 the bmiaiks on I'rlre Stieet, and It will be 1 otlt lulled this 01 enlng Washington Hall Building, it Is lllldei stood .lovic, the III met, will nuiiiiv the Mitant store loom lu the Washington ball building, touimemiiig on October 1 The (llolie lodue ot Odd IVIIows Will relebiate Its aillih ersai j by nun lug Into the lodge loom oil Oitoboi I ('.imp 3! I. 1 S of A has engaged the lodge 100m fot Tuesday evenings. The lull i in be icnteti foi eutottain mouts for $14 pi r night, with the use ol jtl 1 110 $J t xtia Dam ing lassc uiti obtain the hall foi G limn s to II o'( lot k li. 1110 lneluded. The Colonial rltib will oi cup 1001ns on the serolld tlooi flout ('.imp ITS meets In tin hall on Thins d 1 j evenings. Hecent Accidents. "While AVilllam Ueose. of South l'll inore .iveiiue and John Jones, of llamptou stieet weie diivlng down South llvde I'.uk avenue lecenth, the (milage lollldod with Williams' lie (loam wagon and the foi nier weie tin own out, Uoese had his bead badly cut and Jones sustained bodll.v Ionises. Hoth men weie attended to bv Di J J r.iennan of Jaekson stteet. (ieoige Ciamlou the 4-ve.ii-old iliibl of Mr and Mis Samuel Ciaudon, of I 'I 1-" 'IVntli stieet, while phi Ing on a pouh teientij 111M1 his home, fell oft mid fi tunned his Millar bone. Dr U A Ciist, of South Main avenue was tailed and attend! (1 the bo). Husband Was Punished. Hugh Keirlgali of ,".J"i Noitli Il.vde I'.uk avenue, nillid at a houo 011 Pi lie stieet ineiitlv to see his wife, with whom he has not been living for some time. Theie he met (ieoige liildwln. of linen's plan', who was sitting on the pouh with Mts, Kenl- gilll H.lldw ill's pieseine align id Kenl g.111 and tile lattei tiled to even things up by slapping Mis Kmigan's face This nettled Italdwln, who piotieded to punish Kenigiii, knot king him down Jtotb men had a fiilthei altei tftllonon r.tlivlew avenue Kenlgali then swoip out a wanaiit liffou Aldeiman Kelluw foi Baldwins on the ihmge of assault and battti.v, and at the healing Baldwin was held In $Ji'0 bill foi his appeal ante at uiurt Funeials Yesteulay. Itev J It. Moffat. I) t) . pastor of tho Washburn stieet Piesh tei lin i bun h, offklatid at the of the late Kugoue l.ongshote lu the 1 ential oltv xextoidiij afternoon Theseiviies weie held at the home of iloteased's slstei .Mis. j, i; Hughis, on Quint y nvonuo The lemnliis of Mr and Mm William SlutteiV child weie lutened lu the Washburn stitet toniPtoij jestordav iifKinnoti, The ttei lees weie held at the house in HircK iniii t Sonlios ovoi the lemaliis of the late Mis Cmoline Moigau weie 1 ontliii ted at the fanill) lesldeme on Hampton stieet jesleitlav afternoon, bv Itev IJ P Jones, p n-toi of the Tabeinnle f'ongiegatlonnl ihtiich Inteinient was made lu the Washburn stieet ccin etei.v The pdll-beaiei s weie Joseph lle nobis, Hoianrt Tollows. John Kv iins John Wlllliims, Willliim 1) iv Is ami 1) iv Itl navls Events of This Evening-. The Wist Side U0.111I of Tiade will tesunie theh ngular meetings this ov -filing, iittoi a suspension dining the summer months. Meeting of the mkI.i! committee of Division 4 Daughtds of Kiln, at the home of Mis (labag.iu, .'.!! Pleasant Miot to .mange foi a social. Meeting of the KxipWIiii Ctlee 1 lull at the home of William IJ. Jones on Snvdei avenue, lb Uev no The West Hdo assenibl.v No :"1, Itov it 'sinlitv ol O001I TMIows will bold a legubu nieeting this evening lu Moigan'x hall, Mirnei of Main ave nue and Jackson stieet. M Paul's Ploneei Co ps will bold a full di ess it heai sal In St David's halt this evening Ittgulnr tebemsal of the William fnnnell Antbiaclte (!be club at Ivoi lie ball lie cieaiu nnd rake social at the Salvation Aliny hall on Pi bo street. nntPitalnmeut and social at the hnnie of Mis Heniv Jacobs, of lyifay ftte .stieet unibi the ausplifs of the Knights of Malta The Wallsvllle fall will open today, and will be attended b) a huge nuiu bei of West Siianlon peoplp LINCOLN HEIGHTS. Mi (iiifllti, of Xevv Yoik cltj and Ml McKenno of tlip Patk. weie cnllets at I.liiiolu Heights, Sitndav. Miss Mmgaiet KeniiPdv. of ( 'lib ago. Is vIMtlng Mi ami Mis Piank J Nenvo of Watt-cm avenue, Lincoln Heights Mr Ptuden fonueih of imlton. has lenteil chip Hide of Mi Stiles' new double house on South Main avenue, Mtuolu Heights, Albeit Newton, of Watson nvt'iiup. A SENSIBLE MAN Would me Kemp' DjUam lor tlio TliMtt and Itinsa II ia cuilns more C'oujln, Colili, Aitlmia, Iliondiilii, (loup and all ard Lung Tmublci, than an) oilier inedkinr, Ihs prrprirtnr lua atitlioiizcd any druceW in cltt jrll a Stnplo Motile lice tu iriiivlnio )ou ot the niirll ol tliU triil una J). I'tlio 'Jic, U11J So, i in 1 1 itil iMim TMmm f -r muama Cured 32 Years of Awful Pile Agony. Sioux r'alh", S D IV b IS, lnoi. 'Par Si veais I suffoietl eoiiMautlv fiom prott tiding piles and flu.illv had to abandon mv trade of stone mason I'tun months ago I began using ,our lotnedy, mid befon I had used up one f.Dc box. the dls(,ie had Ptitholy cllsap peainl and there W no sign of It over letutning I mn toinplelel) out ed. T Caprvs. ' Jlfi X Minnesota Ave" I.lnioln Heights. Is camping on the mountains in Hip vblnltv of Wpst Plttston. I.lndt-ev liiotheis, of I'm toi.v llle, weie (ulleis at I.lnioln Heights on Mondav The Dodge lueakei Is to lesume op eiatlons In a shoU time, after an Idle ness or about tpn weeks, dining which time until) ipp.ili have been made T'red lte)nolds s still unable to te sunip his duties as III email on the Helawaie, Lackawanna and Western load, owing to his painful nioltlont of Week befoie last Mis David J Hvmis and fainilv mp .spending a week at St Luke's home Lester Nvhait, of Noitli Tavloi, will oc cupv the (itiflln home 101 ner of Sttatfoiil and South Main avenups, some lime this month .Mis. Jennie N.vluit, of Tnyloi, xls ilnl at the home of Supoi Impudent A. Itunille. on Watson avenue, )estenla. Thomas Jainos. of Stint foul nvoniie, left vestenlav nioinlng foi a week's solouin at New Yoik iltv and Ocean Ginve. With the opening of the school sea son conns the iiuestlon of making pio vlslou for out school ihlldton The school boa id of Lackawanna township bus now 1 01110 to lenlle the gloat nils take In electing a two-100111 Inilldlng foi siith a growing lomiuiuiltv as Lln 10I11 Heights In the toiiltoiv immcdl ntelv suiiniinding the school building me about two hunched 1 Illicit en Of this uviinbei mil) oiie-b ilf me pioviiletl tin Th it stiino veiv attlve ine.isuies v 111 have to be taken at nine Is eiv v blent. Mine loom and mine torn It em Is the onlv lonudv. and It is up to tile school boa ul to take action at onto. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. Di M J Williams of Smith Main avenue. Is spending a few dn.vs at the Pan-Ainei Ic 1111 Imposition ltocleilck Jones, of South Sumiiot avenue. Is piijojlng a list at Like Wi nola foi a few ilav s, Mrs. Thomas i.ejshcin, wife of the ox-county detective, s quite III at her homo on South Lincoln iivpiiup John T. Williams and mother, of Lock MippI atp the guests of fib mis and lelatlves III Slatlngton Mis P.iilimtl Thomas, of rouileenth stieet and Mis Hleaei Jenkins, of Tlilrteonth stieet ,110 home fiom .1 pleasant sojourn at Lake Idlewlltle Aithur Davis, ()f Not lb O.nllPld ave nue has leturued home fiom the Pan AniPikan Lxposition Pi .ink Hughes, of Noith (Smile Id av enue. Is home fiom a visit with itla tlves in Wilkos-Ilane. Mrs 11 Coons, of South Siimnei avenue is visiting her tlaughtfi. Mis ttootge P Thomas, of Pittsbuig. Mis Pi auk Washburn, of South Main aveiiiit, Is entt 1 talniiig Mis. Lldla Poland, of Pittsbuig Miss Hannah Jenkins, of Luoine stieet Is studvlug the fall mllllueiy vt) les In New Y01 k Miss Ttachael Xcclnilah, of Hamp ton stieet spending her vacation with fi lends at Hath. N. Y John P Lewis, of Howell & Han is' cigar stoio, Is at the Pan-Anicilian Miss Maine Phillips, of Jackson stieet Is sojourning in New Yoik foi two weeks Miss Jessie lleaveis of Ninth He bepca avenue, his as hoi guest Miss Mmy Algiuin, of Dovei, N. J Mi. ami Mis William II .Moigau. of Vlntontlile have been spending a few da)s with West Scianton lelatlves ami fronds Ms ("ietliutle Iteaveis nf Noitli l!e becca avenue, Is honip fiom a visit In New Yoik and New Jciso) Miss Minnie Itobei 1", of Ninth Gar field avenue Is spending a few tlavs at Lake Sheildan. ('latent p N.vheait, of Sttoudsbuig Is tho guest of lelatlves heie durlllk his school toini at a local business college. John ndwaids, ot Ninth ISebuci avenue, has lottuned home fiom ,1 visit with ti lends at Pallsbuig. N Y Joseph Itcese ami fanill), of Ninth Llniolii avenue, me .spending a few das at the Pan-Aineikan Miss Annie Davis, of Pom let nth stieet. who has been lu the Globe Waiehou.o foi a number of veins, has ate opted .1 position as assistant innn ngei of the inlllluei) clepai liueilt of Jonas Long s Sous David Williams ami son William of Lifavette stieet. will loave today for a visit to Ituftalo and othei plates of lntPiet. A daughter was leieutlv hot 11 to Mr and Mts iMwanl llai 1 lugtoii. of South Giant avi nue Uev. A L riHliier, I'll D. of St Maik's Lutheran chimb, has boon ap pointed temporal) spcietiuy of the Wilkes-ltai 10 Lutheiau 1 ollfeieni p, which meets September 30, October 1 and i Thomas Baldwin and daughter Har tlet, of Koiiitoenth stieet. have re tuinecl home fiom an extended tour thinugh Hngland Mi ami Mis. Dagger, nf South Main avenue me entoi tabling Di. Hales nnd mother, of Hnnnvei Douglass Waul, of Pateison, N J, fonneily of Noitli Siimnei avenue, has been spending a fpvv ela.vs with fi lends lu town, James II Davis, of H1a7.ll Indiana, is visiting i; a. Jones, of South Main avenue. The opening dance of the KlPttilc Pltv wlipplniPti will be held at the dub house Thiitsdny evening It will be an Infoimal affair. Tim dub will hold a "stag" on September Ifi FiedPilelc 11 Jones, "Ity editor of the Dunklilc lleiald, is visiting at the home of Ids parents on Jackson stieet ('dinner Itoboits was notified lat-t night of the dcuth of an Italian, a 4- . jr WIMTT. . taU'iMB n II llllll KT months-old Infant, nt 1027 Lafa)ette street, wheio there wn no physician lu attendance. He will Investigate the case todnv. "L'nlono" Kate, who was miatRiied b( fine Aldennan Kelly on nahaige of latcpnv, was allowed to go fiee, the pleisotutor wlthdiawlng the oluiigp Constable Timothy Joins luul his foot spialtied )ostci(la) while stepping fiom 11 stieet car. Ills foot caught In the step and the ear was stalled be foie he became exit hated Miss Ihnimi Hills of Lafavette stteet, has 1 etui tied home fiom Haleton, win 10 she spent her v motion. A summer kitchen lu the of Mis, Gaugh m's bouse, It" South Sev enth stieet, was on Hie )esteiday mottling. The Haglos extinguished the Haines before much damage was done The inenibeis of the tempo! ante re union choir, who will sing at Nay Aug pin k on Prlday next, held 11 reheaisal In the Plist Welsh Cnngiogational 1 bin ib list ev enlng under the dlieoilon of (.'.oiuci D Iteose. t'pwalcls of l.'O siURots will p.ntltlpate lu the clicnlNcv. Tile police found two palis of new shoes lu Kevsei valley .vestenlav, which 0.111 be obtained nt the station lioue bv the owner pioviug piopeit) The Slsteis of Heth.inv ot St David's chinch will meet tonight lu tho vestiy at S o'clock. Wind was received jiMotdav fiom Middle Gimivllle to the effect that G A Williams' condition had changed for tile vvoise He Is In a ciltltal con dition SOUTH SCRANTON. Funeinl of Mis. Mmy Bhd Yester day Moinlng Doings In Aldennan Biady's Couit. Yestei day moinlng the lemalns of Mis. Mmy Hcst, whose death oceuned Satttidii), weie given ouilal hi the Catholic ceineteii. Tho i(xdime on Main stieet, Mluooka, was thiongetl with sonowing rileiicls and lelatlves who gtlieitd to pa) thei last lospeits to the dec eased. At 9 o'clock the casket was 1 losed mid the funeinl pioccsslon, which was one of the l.ugi'st tei seen in Ml uooka, moved to St. Joseph s chinch, wheio 0 high mass ot requiem was cole butted b) Itov. Piancls I Cmiavaii, after w hiih the Inttiinont was made in tho IJniinioie ccmetei). The pall-beai-ers weie P. H Coiinoll). William Huiko, Aiithoti) Hail, Patilik Co) lie, Thonns O'Udiii mid aPtilck Mullen. Aldeimnnic Happenings. Mis Mary Devois was mialgned be foie Aldeiman Hiadv last evening on the ehaigi' of disouletl) coiitluct pie fened b) her nelghboi, Hiutlv laghei The altleiman after hearing the i ase lined her $" which she (ould not piv She was then sentenied to 11 davs In the count) j ill C Hinett was aiialgned befoie Al eleiman Hiady last evening oil two c lunges slantlei and Isouleil) oonduct. The plaintiffs weie Mis C.iiney and Mis Mangan The aldennan lined hlin $'1 on Hist ihaige mid $.'"'0 on the sei -nnd I. itoi Itanott had Mix. Mangan aiiosted foi being a common si old and making tlueats she was held In' J 100 ball on the two ihmges Nubs of News. Comet lodge. No III Knights of Pvthl.iM. will met t In n gill 11 sfssjon this evening 11L Haitman's hall The me mbeis of the Young Men's In stitute lie ll 11 lugi I) attended meet ing 'ast evening at Phaiinuy hall. The i.inil seciet.uv of the Penn-)1-xanl.i luilsilie tlon, P. H '.Moduli o, of Pittsbuig, was pioont at the nuoting and ilebviieil a biief atlchess to the nunibois piesent Aftn the meeting lefioshinents wtie sened. Mr ami Mis John smith of Pltthton avenue, had tin Ii lioiin glaildened by the at 1 mil nf a babv gill Mis Geoige MlltZ, of hi.' Plttston avenue. Is quite ill Hx-ltecoielei of Deeds Chailes Hues, ti r was taken 111 with ci.uups Satin 1l.1v and Di. Kolb was called, He Is much liupiovid Polite Seigtant ltobr 1 1 Dieter 10 tuined fiom the P.iii-AinoiUau last evening. Albeit Wosiphal and Chailes Die s Ing have letiiuied tiom the Pan-Amei-Ic an. NORTH SCRANTON. Lieutenant Palme 1 Ofllcis Loss, Salliv and Ma). 1 aided a speakcasv lllll b) Ann 1 Thointoil. oil Geoige stieet Satuidav evening, anil aniMe d the propiietiess of the place, who was taken to th Piovldeme polh e .station and left a deposit tor he 1 appeal. line last evening she was given a healing bv Magsltiate Pldloi, who Until In 1 $.' p, vv huh sio paid Lb'iiti nant Pal mei said last ev -nlng th il he Intended to continue the i.ildlng of speakeasies anii iiiscuiieiiv iiousi s uiitii e'veiy sec tion was 1 Id of these nuisances Tomoirow evening the mmsoii of the basket ball elubs will open Up at the Audltni I11111. when the funous Ninth Hud Stai s b isket bill team will meet the rati lots, of West Seianton. It Is expected that the Atidltoiluin will be oiowcied to Its utmost capacity. The Patilots aie a veiv stiong team and me well compaio.1 In weight with the Mais' plaveis The game will begin pioinptlv at s 11 o 1 lock All those who wKh to have seats must 01 c upv them ten iulnut"s befoie the game stmts as theie will be no leseivetl seats on s ile this season. Ml Mai. shall Pie.ston, of Couit stieet, and daughter Mis Chailes Hint), ot Lam asti i, i( turned hemic last pv Piling fiom a few da.vs' tilp to Buffalo, Palls mid Lake Ou tailo The latter will visit heie a few davs befoie going to hei home Mi ami Mi.s Hemvi Atheitou of Vmlli 1;iln nt nnllA .tie sliitnctlnp' i few davs at Allnnv, N. Y, aftoi which the) will take an extensive tilp thiough the state of Maine MHs Hthcl G Chub, of Ninth Main iivonue, attended the Clark ir union at IMella, 011 Satmday No doubt her pleasing musical v. oho was heaul din ing the ilav, ninth to the pleasun ot hei numeious lelatlvts GREEN RIDGE. Mi. N. L. Polger. of AmoKhui.v.Mass wmh the guest of John W. Ha.vle.v, of Giee 11 Kltlgo stieet, over Sundii). Ml. mill Mis ('bilk and on, licit land, of Saudi ion nvonuo, have to tnitiid fiom n two weeks' stay at Heading Mr. Ta) lor anil Inmllv, of Cm bou dale, mo visiting at tbo home of ,1. p. Hopnwell, on SaudeiMiii nvenue. John Illtchcoik of Pittsbuig. Is vis iting at the homo of his p.uenis. Col fitiol anil Mih, P I. Hltuiioik, of Washington nvenue The bowlhifc' seat-on of I'.inl ami 1'mij will be openotl this p enlng b.v the Gieoil Hlilfc'e Wheehueu lu llle club house, 011 Wyoming nvenue, by tho t '.JONA8 LONG'S SONS.'. Tempting Offers From 2 Departments Of the Big Store FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY Each of these departments have something exceptionally attractive to offer you in seasonable goods at unusually low figures. Compare our prices with those prevailing elsewhere and you'll realize the supreme values which are yours if you avail yourself of to day's chance to trade profitably. Reliable Furniture Astonishingly Low in Price Toilet or Medicine Cabinets, 91c Sle 23x16 wide, double side shelf and (1x12 bevel mirror, useful for house or ollice and always sold lor $1.25. Price here V 1 C Dining Room Chairs 04c Solid oak, seven spindles, brace arm and bent back, part cane bottom and neat carved panel. Regular price, $i.2S. . . Price here 94C Sideboards Genuine U.ik Sideboards with golden finish, French bevel plate mirroi, ser pentine standard, roomy china compartment and linen drawer, double dresser top, extra silver ware provider. Reg ular $12.00 Side- board. Price here... py.JV The above items are only hints of the store's bar gain capacity. Abundant chances are to be en- counteied throughout this mammoth establish ment. Whatever you need, come here for it, and save money. Jonas Long's Sons eoniineiueinent or n nmtet ror n bill, offeied by Colonel Omgo S-vndeixmi, fin- the ineniliei miiKliiB the hlRhest uveinKO seme ill six Rallies (lieen ltltb,e IiiiIko, Hi 00 and Acce pin! Miixonx. held theli lORiilar montlilv mcetiiu: l,it evening In Mnotib ball, Dlt Kson avenue. Tho til st clegiee will lie ennfeiml nt the ienul.ii nieetiiiK of (tieen ltltlpo lotljje, Intlepeiiilent Oicle-r of Otltl l'el Ictvis, '1 Inn flnv eveniiiK In Mnonlc ball. Hit Ksou avenue. The I.enil-.i-Hanil Minion Itaml nf the Itieen IJIcIro 1'iesb) let Ian dumb will meet iit tho homo nf Mi ft P 1. Illttlumls, of W.lHlilllKton nvenue, tills evening. OBITUARY. I'ATUK'K CAWI.IIV an aKftl nsl tblit of 11 Ic e s-tlcet aiiel (liant avenue, pas.eil away cm S.itiiiday afternoon, after a IIiirpiIuk Illness, at the nil. vauietl age of 7S ejih Hetoaseil was lioiu In lielantl, and hail leslded lu Anieika tvei since be was n small boy. He Is survived li) Ills wife, tluee hoiis ami one dnuKlitei, James, John ami IMwanl nnd Mi Hugh I'lajnc The funeial will be 1 nuiliii tetl fiom the bonne at 'i .'0 o'l lot Iv this afternoon. Services will be held lu M Patilek'B I'athttlle e bin eh, and Inteinient will be made In the C.ithedial cenietel) The fnui nioullis' old child of Mr. and Mm. I'netleli tlletl .vesteidiy nioinlng at th-lr lesitlente on Moue aM'liue aftei a two wecUs' Illness The flint 1 al will tal.e plate Wetlnesila) al tciiuinn Funeinls. Tbe funeial of Mis Hem v Hlnes, of 2!1 I't nn avenue, will taKe pl,u e to luol low iifteiunou al 1 o'clock. iiiHteail ot this afteinooii ns aniioiinitil )ts. ti idav IS SERIOUSLY CHARGED. Lwzancla Lnugo Accused of At tempted Ciiniinnl Assault. I.wandii Kongo 1111 Italian, wan ai ltstetl )esteidav lit tile tiiKtillli.o of bin HUter-lu-law, Mis l.ui) IViottl, who cbaigts him with uxHuult and Inttei) ami attempted ciliuinal .thsault Mih. Peiottl Is ovoi SO )eais old. and she nlltges that l.oiu,o knorknl hei clown inil attempted the nhKiult l.iht nidav at hlh home on .s Htioet Maglsttate Mill. 11 lommittetl I1I111 to the count) Jail in il' fault of I'OD ball IS PRONOUNCED "CHAWLG0SH' Couit Inteipieter Tells How to Say Czolgosz. Attending (0 Couit Intfi pit lei .Mat tin Wo.vshuei. who enn be taken as an atithnilt) on the suhjet t. the name of tho man who attempted to assassin ate the pnHilelil Ih pionouiited as If Hpellcil "Chawlgouli ' Mi. WoMinei f..i)H the ii'ime Cgol. gos. Is not 11 I'oiuinon one, but ho has heaid of It lu ltoumiinla POLICE AND ALDERMAN. Ii iinltiliL IV'-jnti, a Mninu luluii l.i ktiiiirni, uhci Ihi. acini it, tuiifi liitriinriir eti i trial 1111M111", c.MiIj) t, tin artki t jn IUIIjii niiiiotl MttU I'li-.u.a, h. m i, ,Uliu, U 1 1 11111.UI1111I iiilinl VI1I1 tnnii llmlili, a In r .1 In ti ink.', iiillililllliil I'rrlnci tit tin utimi linu.r In aH til nit ruiiilii.ilnn At tu hl uniit l,v I lie 1. 11 r Ii'diiI k 1 1 1 1 j-i 1 1 .i 1 1 I11I111 Wihiil, el 1'ilri.lnim, ii.iirilat iuvil Ha- Jtusl c( Acjuljili lhi"Jol.-kl, whgiii lit, iliiigi'tt m&u- ,,-. Remarkable Specials In Upholstery Goods For Tuesday Buyers White Ruffle Swiss, tac Yard Double stitching with 5 Inch ruining, extra length and width, suitable for sleeping room curtains and splendid i quality for this price ; yd 1 xC Sllkollncs at I2c Yard For quilts and comfortables. This goods is 6-inch wide and comes in the prettiest colorings of the season, tho patterns are handsome new creations, ex ceptional value at, t 1 yard 12C Poles at 15c Gach White Corrugated Poles with white ends, lust what you need to hang the curtain. Spec- ul low price lOC AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre M HI IS Irvif I Jtl 11-, MuiHrr Friday Night, Sept. 13. Him nihilist.-, Latest Musical C'oiuptly. THE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT Uellltn nf I.a-t Stason's C.ieat t'oiiietl) lilt VI t. M W 1 V 1 1IVII M'HUI Ills I' Itl , , H lllll S Ol s( itn ill ule n it 'I l til S Academy of Husic Vt HUs I we V I III in, MituRfr. MATINEE TODAY THE SON OF NAPOLEON" t TONIGHT "THE VIRGINIAN," BY THE The Wolford-Sheridan Co. Suppoiting Miss Sheildan Wolford Mitlnre I'rufS Id nml 20 Pi nM Hrnliu; I'm en-in 0 mil M Lutts 7. 3 Willi ili'orilnlr tnniln t In inlki li 1 1 Writ or tun iltil t U nuk.- uo iliitcini: Ihiii tiU'l dn-tnll inl liiiten Weiiir n it Hut tiinf In Id in lull le Vliliiinjii lluilil) hn tiUPildy titiril plinlul-kt i In din itlc ill tit ilit I W'l it. r kailiu tiiii"il Ihiii tif tiMiis mIi an i uo ante lnu'iiigi llw litur nf itcl to pav n I i( mtoiillnelt tniiiinltitil ti tin iuiiiiI) jol fui ten clii" Vim I'hiloiniiu I cilia mil ihnr Mnall Imti, liixpli lonet, I'eti-r limit nml Km Ki niu ( ill win .mii-lc'l plircjt ilinunl tittli l Iir Iir inn ot lint tier trom Hit' I ru ianl in Ihtiininri Vliuli-irilf Villi ir tlir Unit Im. lull liiietl Ir I'frlt i i le inrn hluc llirir niino s,un an k-niiufi Mere nne-tcil Im niklit in I nVawHiim jMittn In sninilntrntlrnt of 1'nlim Hi lilinc UK' liLiitlm Hi), fit mi-ili Ion fit bring implltMIri in ilie tlitft of n lni; nf fiom the hol t-ali Inn i' of iKnalil Jtnr-i MUSIC HATH II i n ' a Inl) I know c In lilt irrirl mill mi nnr, I r li liws in lltr vcij next flat dtnn hr'n And iIiih no I nl irniif azjiivil .aunt. i rov kn u i, litvr jov t. In iU I Iir lullio nil tilt, Vn I In lift up lii-l piiltul t ilir in i u-tt lint frlclitciit mv iour Unlet nui-n lin HM. Vnil !rir Im ilriiiintiil. titan fi'U nf I ot vt t, ml ini iiiio wonl I'm nnjliln to innilnr ThniiL'li tle'cl intainlv nock ino It llsrd b in nilirr ( ! ( n lianiintr .lie Wlnle k loudl) ttlr line t a t flit 1 'Id ulilili 1 rrpl) illi vny .hup P. V V i .hi" nil) plat Wlntr Iter lube l at 1! " "ill furihri imri .Vnl Iho tir.itrr Hm diMoidi. llut mine fi"m hrt Tlic l hi In ilie lwno lite uiiformnilv h"lr llll nn pimi bill" mu.i iIjivj lirr iisnli to he rjra Vnil tllra frrm mi itai in a turrtnt ol (tat When her threat hai cnt fore Vn I tan ipuiir nu innrr, Mic tit(l tor Hit' tiiiur.4tiil aliiimi libio lin n it Hull' ininiilMii i.ti I" tin iKwr I tear lit-r rniupliin In a nun It ak'.titirit irtln: "I lilt vtirliln-il iaiiii vv.inU Innils j:iii'" fco ihf mill lilllf Innrr lltr latliMiil thlli tr'- lit llilir It Inn llnl Ii plltlit II lilelt lu Ih. i tli r.t t ( ill ul. Il mirr ulll to In Unit. Willi I lie miic. ot I lie lily tcl jm -runeh. L.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers