V- fb - t -VHV-f? C i-IW t 8 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10, 1901. OPENING DAY OF THE FAIR AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION AT WALLSVILLE. Annurtl Mnltlantl Fnlr Piomisea This Year to Be Moie Interestln-- Thnn Any of. Its PicdecesBois Theie Will Be a Good Pioginmnie for Ench of the Four Bay's Fio Rtnmnie Airnnp-ed foi the Races. A Number of Good Homes Have Been Entered for the Events. The Miiltlaml Pair. H" n-milnr iKrit'iiltuiiil inhibition if KiiiKiittHiina nuiilty. will 1h-kIii today at Willi villi?. Tin- iiHtial xhllill t iiroilli-liim faun jiii)iliu-lc iIik- initio anil poiilny. 'louiipw 1 c' t-iillnaiv and lain woiK. ulioiil rhlldirnW exhibits' and ill-- III'' nit- inoniltnd In bctti-r ittilit and KiratiT quantity than I ln-foii-. IaibI ynn'rt i-xhlliltloii at Vitll- III" aiis a Ktoat vu roxf, hut tin- illti-i tin rlnlin that till tliiif tln- koIiik to eclliiMf all inuvlotix rffmt 'I'ln- lav ms of sport and of hainc- im-i". In espd-liil tuo to he n-Kiili-il din Inn the next four U.i.vh li a kuoiI pioKratuine, to which the owiii'ih of hlKh-cla-iS riiulties In till lclnlty and i-lHinvlx'tr-HiiotiKhout Nnillie.i-tein lVniiO lvanla w ill lonttlhllte. Ilotuci-n the iihh k.h" of foolh.ill lir-twecu t'-inii nilili- foi the loc.il .lialnpnllhlp will he plaed on the ftii-loiiii- within the laie iiiitk. Con-i-i'lnlifi li.if heeii ui.mt-'d to ,t num ber of ptivate ililhltoi- The -ni'l-clent of the Miiltlauil l-'.ilr and DiIvIiik IMlk ooinpany I" .lohu I' Hopewell ,,f Provilenre and the seiiet.uy Is Wil li, till . Smith of D.iltoii A rull ii-iHitt of th'' fall, with le i llilloli of the exhibits limP lai-es nnil font ball k.i mi" will be kHi'II e.iell nioiiiliiK In 'I'hu Tribune n ohsrived by a staff i oriexpniident on th" KiomiiR Appended ale the entries for the four tl.ij' im-lns: 'II r.li -IT1I Mill II ID C -.'t h-s I'ur" M.i'i I eilrlh .. . v' " -i' lei . hiiiitniiie xtajor I l"'i'. "".eii'iti Waller .1 . 11 - .el in Hi. S ulilini liitM c-ppritu bl . .1 II l.nlrtiE. Miinien Hill llrMirr .. I. W. Iiiinun. l.rk'- Miinniit lurj lllje- limes I'iioI, H likes Uane 1 nile yi 1'ftlnri l.ii t-iliiilltille liant.es. I ' lnrln onmll. -ujiiim HI llMiV. "I PI PMIll.lt II ; in ("Iks- Pilli-V !! rinlil Huko It'ilml In "-.Inili-nlle l'it llt H N . "num. Niinn-n I nde Neil llob"tt Lit. i liiil"i i'Ip MineVlii H II. PIoh . I illlCMIillto l.mip lll.uk i:. Pattii. WilLmdlinr M Mik V. I'hnninrjn, n.iiil",i Minnie !? I". -tinier, I all-iino I .ill II t. V IIjIkiiI. I'n-e-np .Ininlo It li It roeirer. ( ailmnilale Mis .lilinl- Ijiiim (rnl, Wllli-i. Ilinr Jli"a I.I-U 1J W. riinni, "iifliir.nille Till ltll. M'l'IIMIII.n r ( ell llacp l'nrw $.'iii. t.ilirrt II V IIiiiim. M' : Mnntrni liir! I.I Inn. Mimim-e l.unatit O'll M I "imlir, l.il'liuiii- T!-iifiliih '. . llo.il. Menu i" Uumoiul ' W. "If. Dloii i !'. 'Uh I'uim. Jl'.'l Alninklii II II Pli-ur. riiliomlilc t'mle Strt Uiilwit lin, 'ihullillc l't IUte II. - fiitmin. -vrHinen lUriy II K voni-. Ijjflh V. ' Mill- I". I lull. Mitllinv .oc I'lrl " W. I. Ilimill, i i !!' .loniiii- Inii" mil. WiUii-llaiif I arl II I V lliisiii. Iiiz-i'ii- Prrr fer Ml I'ur.o 4N) VllllllllIP I" I' Willi s Mill HI .iliur II P Miller. iril Mnl-I CeiprihPlil I. II l.iilnlc. union W. V. (, (! Dunn, -i rjnimi W ill rr .1 II s i.'fiiiniii. -iriutMi Mat Tark.v I vliin-ll. sijimni 'hnkpr I'. W vnili, Ntaiii-n 1 in .v llavps Mmr, I ool, W ilUm ISne htVP llo.c W. I- llnuill. "i Hh ltd V f Nouoii, Mnrniillr I IIIUW. -I.PHMIII.I( 1. -.-j: riaM-i'ui'P Mr, OOi-IU M 1) Nil. I, i, Puimii'iP iirr (I. II inn. -naiilen )vt lint r II l.oiiniii. N rniii hi t..ilr Iick V. t' Noilmi. MiIiiimIIk- 1'unrci .1 1 luilo Ceiiuill, -m iant'ii W 1, Mavpj- r I luit, M,nnii.p llitr.i II I. -I. in, lililU Tlir c riplihir .. .1", W Tun mi claiL'i Niininit Jiuy lh,p . . . . Ijiiim (mil. U ill,,.. Banc The way for Si i, niton people to lprtdi the Ki-oiiinls i to take cither the ' or 1'i-U a. m. or l.a' p. tit. tinln." mi the Delaume. I.,u Uawnun.i and 'rl (in and kii to Daltoii. when muikcx will nu'ct the.-e ti.iins and eoiive ilie p,i-j-onserx in tin- Kioumlx .ilimit four ullrx ,iw.i. NEW CLERK APPOINTED. Eugene Cosgtove Is Now Stntioned in Conttollci's OIHce. r;m;piip Co-kiim sun of Selei t Coun cilman C06RI"e, of the I'miili oillll nprd, liai been .ippnuiti d ,ix I . U In What Motherhood Means Motherhood tueatix either happme-w or miscrv. There is scant luppiiieis for the motner, who in patn anil weakness brings into the world a weakling habe whiclt she can neither nurse nor nourish. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription fits women for motherhood. It strengthen the maternal organism It trauquilizes the nerves, encourage the appetite and brings refreshing sleep, It makes the birth hour .practullr painless and giet the mother the nouriihment to give her :hild. There i-i no alcohol in "Favorite Pre icription," and it ix absolutely free from opium, cocaine, and all other narcotics, " Word cannot cxprru how gratrful t am for ?our kind adrlc and your 'Favorite Frscnp ion,' " mites Mra, D. u. Barrlclct, of l'crrowi Campbell Co , Va. I fell that it Ua cared me I hirt been in poor bekb for four yeart, Suf fered greatly with my right aide, Uo with bearing-down palm, and my scnes ware in n dreadful tate After tiling lour bottlta of your ' Farorlte I-rectlplIon ' I am now well I am the mother of two children. With the 6rt child I auOered twenty-eight hours, and with the aecond 1 uaed your medicine and wai lick only three hours I believe Dr. Hrrce'i Fatcr Ite Preiciplion to be Hit btit taedldne In the world for aulTering females I with you grtat succeu, and hope that Cod will blest you in your noble work," Dr. I'ierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent fret on receipt of i one .cent Urap to ray expense of mailing only, Audresa Dr. R. V. Tierce, Buffalo, N. V. jfinliSs the controller's ortlce y Controller Howell. The controller has hern ilcninnillng the services of an c.xtta clerk eer filnci- the city went Into the wonil c-hixo, i laltniti 'that tho cxtta ne poitx, etc., renultod hy the tipper hill leriiilic an c-xtia man to look after them An oidltiunce npptopi latlnfr Mini for the salary of the additional cleik In now pending In council", lie. center Connell having (ertlllpd Hint the ai'ptnprlatloti in a neeefix.ir one. MORRIS ENTERED BAIL, He Is Chaiged with Not Turning Over Stakes to Winner of n Bet. William (inland, of thin city, made a wiiRer of $."H hint fall with a man named Nlemyer fioin W'llke-H:iiie on the t-exult of the Pieftldentlnl eleetlon. William .Mollis of IIiIh city wan made slake-tiolder. (Inland cailxed the airet of Morilx enilv thlx imt Kiimnier chaiKlng that he did not tutu over the Makes to him (Roland) as he should have. Moitls i lamed that he paid the money to Nle nieer, whom he said won the wager, l'.olnnil wanted him to plow llilx and liRieed to Imve the i-iim- coilttlllleil in order to ulc him an oppoituuliy to piodllee Nlemeyei. Thlx had not been done up (n jpxler d.ty when Aldei'inan lluddy wi.x iixkeil to haw- Mm I -x btoiiKht III. Thlx wax done mid the defendant euteied ball In the xnni of MOO, hlx fathei. Samuel Moiilx, (tiifillf.M'ig as hlx beii'lxman. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. The DelawAie. Lackawanna and Western Bonul for Today Notes of Vnilous Kinds. Follow lug l the niake-Ui of the I)., 1.. .V W. Iioaid for today. III1MUY, H'ii:mhi r n. Witit i I'jI - i ill. .1 II Mj-IrM, 10 p in . 1 4 Will mi I II l.xl, -I I'D. Mill It HI WIM ( JH I a. I I .,l i in , II llldilhk'. I in, T. I It7iililil. i in. I' llallrlt in a in . i: M IIjIImi. II i mi. . V. II. Item ; I p in. O hiauip.i; i p in. M I iukIiii, j, (i i in. I" (W, IHi II l)o!itt' ip siiinniit-. In, ( a. in. red, I I, Muri.u . I in, writ, I.. I iniinliRii : II i in. m -I. M I n in ill, il p in. (.1st, ,1. I .itiluc, 7 p in, i ii:. I' MiMIUli-i, ' i. in. I imi.m, M, liiiitPt ; 7 p in , l.iMifU, 1liniiipiiii. I'ikIipm 4"i .1 in . I iniiprly, j hi . Ilnmrr, ll."n i in lnrin 7 p in, Mniplii, -i p in, W II ninlinldiiipn , 10 p in,, . Wlilninr. I'jpni;pr Inclncn-T i. in, fliftmi, 7 a in, xiiikfr, in a in . Naiinim- )0 . in , I' I V'int, 7 p in, WllllJtii Unfa, 7.W p. in. Mi (nnn. Willi I l WmI '. i in. V II. K.tiliiin. 7 in, M I'jiiiMiH: Hi I mi. .1 II. Mil inn. II i in. i;.ilu:ui; I p. in, (I. U r'ii?uii ilil, ' p in. I' Will; .1 p in, P. I.naniiuli I p m , It Celini; .'i p in, Doiiilirin; (i p in , O Kjr,ilolii .NOTICE. .1. Mil),, hml) will tkp lii rim, ft a in Wrillifiilir, Xfpt. II. 1' Millititioll u ill inn P IIIIIieiii'" (row mi C, 1 in mid in, Sppt ii. Iliakriiiin W .1. Cn.lar rfpnrtu fer C. W. Iliinti. Iliikniim It l..iti ippoil 1'ir I'lizpitilik ( miiliiPlnr II. (illllBin will run 1 1. SO p in uilil rat. -ipl. ID null l!iitliiii.imu' run ,nu1 i.nul fiirtlni tiuti r This and That. Chief Special Agent AilaniMin. of ihe I.ai l;u .iiiii.i rallioad, x at Syiacue fm a few (lllx. Air Hiake Jnspedor 1. .1. I.angan, of Ihe i..i(kawanua lallinail, letuined home .vesteiday fioin an Inspection tour ax fai as Hnhoken. S D. Hixhop. foimeilv npei.lloi In the i hi- xliops. has uiceptrd a position III the (IKpaltlier'x ollh e. He x sue-lei-ded nt Ihe car xhiipx bv Mi. C,m ,sld. MaMei Car llullder Canlield mnl family, who Iiuvp been nn-upylng their (Ottage at .Maplewnod dining the sum mer moiithx, inoed baik to the lty yesteida Master Car llullder C.inllehl hax an eTtia foiie of men at wm k for the net t hit t y ila.vs dining the night time, to iolie( tin- iiixh of work In the plan. Ing mill at the ( nr hhopx Chief Kujjineer W. K. McKailan, Pi IncilMl Assistant Hugineei I., Hush and Superintendent of Hildgex ami Itiiildlngx W. H. lllKin left yexteiday alteiiiooti In Supei Inteinlent Claike's Pilate iat "Mlnuekahda" for a lour of Inspection oer the load. A special train of four cuts, innu-y-Ing th.- .Muster llakeis' assorlatlon r. ..... i I..1...I .... ... t..v .... . 1IIMII IMiiiiilirii III 111111,11(1, p,SS, thioiigh on the Lackawanna uillio.iil estet(lay afteiiioon. One of the num ber. Herman Schneider, was leit heie, and had In be Milt thiough on an nlllei 1 1 .tin W'oiknieu ate engaged In leailng dow n one of the old i oal poi ketx in the l.iu kawanmi yard, w hit li has tnitllxed llx in-eflllnexs The "inal Jillllllies" villi h whip iieil lu hnullng the i oal up tin- plane to the pockets will now In taken out of sen he The change is 1 being made to make mote vanl loom. I Thomas !'. Hiuklev of Wilkes-H.n-e, who was foimi-ily In the employ of the I Lehigh Valle conipan., has Ik-pii up. i pointed foieinaii at the Delawaie, I Lat kiiwaniia and Western blat ksuiitli 1 ul.iiii .. o.,..n.,,l i It AX'llll...... ,. . ninij., ... .-it, v.-.-w . ji. it Illinois, WHO tetflitlv lexlgued to adept a position ni tin- NMlex Tool wmks, Hamilton, Ohm SATURDAY SEPT. 14. That Is Kallroad Day at the Pap Anieiicnn Kzpobition. Cied I I'o, division passeiiger agent of the d . . ,v v. i;allio,id. and located at lluffalo, who Is cluilr man of the committee ( haiged with tlie ilut of adei Using railroad day, Sat tirdaj Sept 14. at the I'liii-Anieilcaii, xax of tlie iittijctions fm that day A full iirogramme has noL yet been piep.tied and perhaps will not be until the nth as so many good things aie being offeied that it Is haul tu make a selection. W'e aie suie of something doing eeiy minute, Theie will be Hupp monoter parades combined In one, the Halltnatl patade. the Midway par ade and Buffalo Hills Wild Wext par ade Following this theie will be a water parade of nil the at range boats of Nil tinge peoples. In the water cai ntrtl tluee oi four motiNter elephants will be turned loose in gala watei ami will give a mile swimming nu-e. This Itself is worth a trip to the exposition. Senator IX-new will make the pilncl pal addiesa at Music Hall In the after, norm, there will be a public bone tide 5 wedding In u cage of lions on the Hs. planade, Mitrveloux Mni-i in the Stadium will tide bis wheel off fioin a precipice ICO feet high and dho into a tank of miter. ThP committee In arranging for the most sensational act aeen lu 100 yearn. It carmot announce thlx feature as yet. Jtemember all thlx Is free to all. Theie will he many other fice features FIVE JUDGES ON THE BENCH (( 0lii1uiil Irelii P.iii- i ! 1-oisky and (leoigp I'lesko ate selling on Sunday, but I have no pi oof," This wax tefeiled, with the olherx, to the dlMilct attorney. Case of Ferber Against Bair. Judge Carpenter jpxteulay handed down an opinion deciding for the de fendant lu the case of Mix Susan J. IViher against Alexander (lair. The parties aie htnther nnd sister ami chlldieti of the late .lames and Maigaiet Hair. The father died Intes tate, leaving a widow and lle chll then. When the mother (lied she left a will bequeathing all her ioiity to her daughter, Suxan, the plaintiff, lu her lifetime the widow bought the Intel est of her son Alexander. Ill the piopeity In dispute, supposing she wan buying It lu fee simple. Alexander claimed that under the terms) of the agreement, she bought only a life Inter, ext and that after her death the Inter ext i everted to him. Judge Carpenter upholds this contention with the fol low Ing (list uxsioii: lu this iKtion of ejeitlllint the only matter fot our cousldeiatlou Is the t onstiuctlon of the following wilting: 'County of Lat kuwiinnu.Clty of Snan- ton, ss, "Itecelved this "Sth tlay of Manh. A. 1 ISS-i, of Mis. Maigaiet Halt widow of the late Jimiex Han. the sum of JSIm ill full, paid to Hie Ibis tlay by the said Mis. Miirgniet Hnrr: s.ild amount being In full of all claims I have or inn heieiifter have as an heir to the estate of Juines Hal i, deceased. And I do hereby i enounce for injself, my belts, crediliiis, administrators or as signs, now and foievel, and heieiifter any tlalin whatever on said estate, and in know ledge the aforesaid amount, JJil'i, to be in lieu of all legacies, or any claim whatever on said estate. "Alexandei Hair," It appeals Alexander Hair was the son and Matg.net Hair the widow of James ll.it f. deceased, nnd as such, path had an Inteiest in bis leal es tate. Thlx paper Is undoilbtedlv suflh lent to itiiney to .Maigaiet Han- an Inter est In the laud lu dispute, which be longed, at the time of his death, to James Hair. Hut the tUetlon x whether It con veyed it to lift In fee simple. It may be that the actual Intent was to comey a fee. but It Is the legal In tent of the language used. In other winds, the Intent as indicated h the legal i-onxti tit Hull of the w hole In stilliuent, whltb must pievall. We aie unable, In any phase of tlie tase, to anlp at any other coiuluslnn than that the wilting under totislder ittloii !oneed only a life estnte to Maigaiet Han, and. theicfoie, lu at--ctiltlante with the agieemelit 111 the tase stated, judgment is cutcicd lu f.uor of the defendant. J. W. i 'at punter, A. L. J. Answer of Borough Council. The Olyphaut bomtigh council, thiough Attoinev 1. M. Lnch, es. teiday filed an answer to the applica tion for a writ of mandamus applied for bj the 1'ennsylvanla. Coal t om l.inv and the Delawate and Hudson (ompiiiiy. to compel the hoiough coun til to force former Tax Collector 1. J. Hnb.ui and foi nier Ticasuier M. .1. La- ln to settle with the hoiough, jn- else have suits Instituted against their bondsmen. The couticllmen miv their Is no law which lequlie.x them to jnoceed against either the tax collet tot or his bondsmen Immediately upon dN( liv ely that the tax collector has not tol lected the full amount of his duplicate. The law permits the hoiough council to (incise Its discielioti a.s to the best eouise to pursue. After the leoigan lb.it Ion of the count II this year, tlie matter of the Indebtedness of Hob.in was taken up and telenet! to the fl naiite committee'. His cxnneiation list was taken up and pas.sed upon and nlsii the uncollected pait of the dupli cate. After certain exoneiatlons weie (Mowed, the duplicate was tetilineil to Itob.in, with Insliut tloll I to pmcccd to ( ollet t the balance. The answer states that the borough s fully protected, as HobanY bond. In the sum of MftO.onrt, ha not hen released. With leference to Ti eaxuier M. .1. La Ill's account, the anxwei Mat"x that the delay has been due to falluie to iiai li a basis of settlement with him This was aiihed at on Sept. .". when Lavlli agieed to pay JL'.'.iiTM oei to the hiiiough. Gtaud Juiy Begins Wotk. Alter heliiBl ch.ngetlt as do their 1 "i- atltl p.iWPIS h Judge C.npentt I, I'm j. .ml jut oi x. .wetitv '.- numbet, it-T'ei! under the forenianhti of ex Itiiil'lliiR .'sppelor John - I" mi, nip. ! rri etled ;ti take up the t oi side i hi '. n of the lnuitecu hiiuilied bills Dislrit t Attorney W. 15. Lewis has piepaied The new system of tlhiding the c.t.sis by da, according to alihahe c.il ottler. was ImiugilMited esteiday Cases In wfilih the 111 st letter of the s tin ini.i of the pinxet ntor beglnx with oi H weie heanl yesterday To il. ihe Jin will heat c and ) casi-x. The absent Jin oi s wue 'I' ,1. Mat- I thews, (leteased, and David 11, Jones. ot Set, niton: Chailex Hamilton, of Seianton, and Mlthaei Ilaiued, of I.e. high, weie cm used. Suit Against Coal Company, John Kaiolun, who runs a hotel at I'lliebuig, is the plaintiff in an action for tlninages brought against the Kile Hill coal and Iron company yester day. Ills attorneys ate John It, I'M w at dx and Joseph O'Hrlen. Kaiolou owns a piopeity on Main stieet, prlceburg. A stieain Hows In the rear of It and Into this the plain tiff alleges that the detentlant com pan pumped huge iiuautllles of sul phur water and cillni whlib oei-liowi-d on Kaiolou's laud, damaging It and mining the foundations of hlx house. Kaiolou also tletlaiex that his health hax been gieatly Injuied b the unhealthy condition of hlx pieiulsex, due to the o Pillowing of tin- i-lieam. Deciee In Haivey Equity Case. detiee wax handed down ester day bv the touit In the equity case of Vliglnla llaie. atlmlnlstratrix. against Alfred Haney. It directs that the pat tiK-l ship be dissolved ax of Oct 1. lflftl. and finds that Mis. Harvey x the owner of one-thlid of nil the piopeity of the flim and Alfied Har vey of two-thirds. Alfred Harvey Is tlliettetl to comey to Mis Harvey a deed for one-third of all Ihe pioperty, that an nccount bo tnken fioin Jan. I. 1S0S, to Oct. 1. 1901. and tlieieupon Alfred Hatvey shull pay to Virginia Hare, atlmliilstra trlx, whatever sum shall be due her. Yesterday's Maniage Licenses, IMinund V. Williams I'crkvllle Otella Wldcman reckvlll- Joseph Halok Irsup Mary Sleboda Jcssup Martin J. Rattle Carhondnln L'tla V. Flnnnlgan C'arbondnle Julian 7.uv Scranton Caroline Itotmiloxkl Scrantou John W. lleagle Scranton Mary Worrell Scranton Itohert Deiney Tlnoop Maria Vuiens Throop Charles M. Little Sctantnn Hllzaneth L. (teed Hast Newton ('rank Sponlukh Olyphaut Stiihitt oi now ski Olyphaut COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. Oscar Pollock, of fi4! Kynon street, wat yexteiday gi anted n detective liceii'e. ouit yexteiday granted a charter to the Accidental' Kunil of N'os. I and 'i mines of the Pennsylvania Coal toni panv, of Duumoie Joseph Mcnrall wax esteiday giant ptl a retail liquor license for the bal mice of the yeai. Hlx place Ix at ."37 Chestnut xtieet, Duumoie. Leslie S. Krulchy wax yeslenlay ap- polntetl constable of the Second ward of Tnvlor to fill n vaconcv rauxetl hv the removal fioin the waul of ndmtind W. Carter. In the cax(. of Mux Itoxenbliith against Metropan tlauibol a mle was gianteil to show cause whv the Jinlg incut shall not be opened mid the de fendant let Into a defense. .lainex P. Wilson, tax collector of Scistt township, ye.xteiday tiled hlx bond In tln sum of $11,000. The siiip tlex .tie James Wilson and F. S Hone diet. The bond was appiovetl by Judge Caipentei. t 111 the tase of the cnmmouwealtli against H. P. or P. P. Johnson a rule was giautetl jesteitlny to show cause why the forfeltiuo of Hie lecognlzauce shall not be stileken off. proceedings to be stayed until disposition of the i tile. William P. Spelliuiin was jesterday appointed state nnd county tax. col lector of the Seventh ward, Ice Thomas Alotils. leslgued. The ap pointment was made b the county c-o-nnilssionc'-s. The case of Pet k ami otlieis against the City of Carbondale. In wliltli the city's light to establish a municipal water wftilcs Is questioned, was culled for u healing yesteitlay. before Judge ti. L. Halsej, (if Luzerne, but post lionet) until Thursday, for the ;u coin niodation of .Mi. Toney, of counsel for the philntifl', whose daughter is to be man let! toila. Mlthaei Hill ley, owns pioperty on l-'ig st'.eet, which the Scranton and Norlhe.isK-tn 15iiIIvmi company wauls to use for railroad put poses. They cannot come to teims ,n to pt'ce and yesterday the rouit ppnnltted thp com pany to fl'e an Indemnify, ing bond In the sum "I $:',000 and it can now en ter upon the land and allow the dam ages to he Hxetl b the courts, M. K. .Mt-nonald and J S. MtAnuIty are the suietlCB on the bond. THEATRICAL NEWS. u vumv vvoiimi si,-iii,uii cniiinii. f tcmnon jti'l msltt. "The Son of Napoleon." The Academy of Musk was filled to the doom last evening to witness the lit i fm ma nee of "Tlie Son of Napo leon" by the famous Wolford-Sherldan Slock coiiipanv . Miss Mamie Slieildan-W'olfmtl bead ed the tonip.iny and displayed niaiked ta'cnt as a clever aittss, her cffoits being gitittly .ippieclated and loudly applauded hy the laigp audlencp. The action of the play hinge on the tlra- l .atlc episodes In the life of Napoleon Hona pane's son. who was known as L'Alglon, or the Kaglet. "The House that Jack Built." 1'ioplc who enjoy clean. Inesponslble fun of the genuine III oailhursL stump will tloubtless Hud much that pleases them at the Lyceum timing the en gagement of "The House That Jack Hullt." which opens on Filday night next It Is an amusing collection of people that ate assembled in this little stoi. anil eveiy chaiactei in it is ex cellently taken by some of the best known and most popular of Ainciltap farceurs. Heading tlie tast aie Ciemge II. Siiinmei.s, who, ax "Willie Slab," the paper-hanger, cuts up all soils of until s. Miss St. (ieoige llussey anil Miss May Couitney, both aitlsts in their own Inimitable way, beside sev eial others, all of whom do some veiy t lever specialties. "The House That Jack Hull!" Is full of very witty lines, and the situations i.inge fiom wild faice to something which approathes leal comedy. COLLIERY ENGINEER NOTES. Miss Maiy 'Sklnnei Ix home fimu Lake Winola. Ml-s Daisy Dixon Is home fioin Buffalo and Nlagaia Falls. Miss charlotte Skinner Is home fiom hei vatatiou at Binghamtoii. Jlhs Faust has teturned from a mouth's sta at Ashury Park. Miss Heitha Sander Is home from an uxtenclptl li hi to Mahoney Oity. The new building on Ash street will be ie.id for use hi less than a year. Miss Anna Sang has left the Col lieiy Huglneci company and Is with the Tecni-ltal Supply company. MI--S Hattle Morse, who has woiked for the company a year, has left for Minneapolis, where she will lemain. The name of the schools has recently been changed from the International Cm i expondenc-o Schools to tho Intel -national Text Hook company. .Miss Margaret Palmer and May Hughcx, of the Technical Supply com pany, lift esterday for a tilp up the Hudsin. to be gone two weeks. Miss Floience Seward and LIU Phillips aie both eniplo.ved at the Technii al Supply company now. In stead of the ( 'ninety Knglnoei. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. New Yoik, Ontario and Western Tune Tolili- In 1 "t Sunday. June 21, 1901. sonni-noi mi. Li-sve l-ap nnr Traliu. Hrauton. Caibondal I adoala. ho 1 .. W 0 a in 11 10 a in. 1 00 p. ni. No 3 ... oo p ni 4.44 p. ni 6 00 p. in. No. 7 ,. 6 1" l1 ' '" C'ariiondalf, b lfl p in vOntlllOl'.Mi t.paie !"! Virhf f'ado.ia. Cailiondulf. Siranlon. No. ti ... m " I" 7 10 a in No. 4 ...Sios in. loot a. in. 10.40 a m No. 2 ... 2.15 p ni 4 00 p ni 4.45 p. in. SUNDAYS OMA, NOltril I10LNIJ Leave Uiw Arrli Suanton. Caihondale ( ariosla. N'o !) ... f- .40 a. m. U 10 a in 10 45 a in. No. & ... 7 00 p. in Ar ('arhontlale. 7 45 p. m. ROtlll-ttOt Ml. I.t I,rae Arihp C'adcula Cailmndjle Si ranton .No . . 7.00 a ni. 7 40 a. in. No. 10 ., 4.1(1 p m 8l" p. in fi 45 p, ni. Traln Noi, t, on week daw, and !', mi Sun data, mako main line innnfdlona for ev VnrV, lit-, I'tlci, Oneida, O.wfRn and inteiinrdlata points, Train No " and I make H ilton, Delhi, Ham. den snd Mdne.t (onnritlon. For fnrth.r Informal Ion (onnlt tlikrf a.-enls I C MlHfOV, (I I'. . .New Voik J. II tt hl.Ml, T. 1'. A Stranlon. 54lfatnft'aK 5 m v IT X It it U Hayes & Varley, 421420 Sprncc St., Between Wellington nnd Wyoming Fall Opening of Silks, Dress Tailored Suits Our various departments are laden with the choicest and most up-to-date merchandise that experience and study of the people's wants could possibly ac complish. We aim to carry only the most reliable and dependable goods, and we can assure our patrons that every ar ticle purchased of us leaves our stamp of approval. Our Silk Department Is replete with new shades and colorings, consist ing of plain and fancy weaves of every description, in cluding Peau de Soie, Duchess, Taffetas, Louisine.Wash Taffeta, Poplins, Etc., Etc. Dress Goods This will be another Plain' Dress Goods season, and we have made extensive preparations to meet the wants of our patrons in this growing department. Among the favorite weaves may be mentioned. Broadcloths, Mel tons, Cheviots, Venetians, Melrose Cloth, Prunellas, Canadensis Twills, etc., etc. Ladies' Tailored Suits This department has received the most careful at tention, and contains the newest and best things, at prices we are confident will bring it more prominently before the eyes of the public. Our Motto Always High Grade Goods at Popular Prices. HKKK'K'KH'KKKKK'KKitVl'M'N'M'AU'stM'rtkMMUil'd'st)! RAILROAD TIME TABLES Delaware, Lackawanna nnd Western in rnvct Am it. toot. TuiM lfie scranton fur New cik U t Id, 3.(10, & ,'ij, 7 .'-0 and 10 03 j in . ii P, .! .0, 3 11, 5 00 and 0 p. m lor New nik ami PhilailPlpliU -7&0 rfnrt too:, s in , nnd 1-' 19 and .111 p m. rr rut.thamu t CIO p. m Fur DtirTdlo 1 li, 0 12 and 0 0U . m ; 1 jn. .1 fij ; Hi and 11.15 i. in Kur lllnclutnton and ar t-ta tlnn 10 20 a in anl 1 0i p in lor (Nreo. .wacu- and I tic i 1.15 and 0.J2 a in , 1 ".0 and tl 5 - p in. OjM.tfo, Miatue and L'ha train at 6' a. m dally. rrpl Snndat tor Montro-r POO a. in , 1 Oi and 7 Oi p. m. .Sifholvm arrommoditini. i no nd h li p in Hlnotnstmrff Diwinn lot Nnithmnhcrland, at rt5 ami 10 Oi a m , 1 ..0 and 0 10 p m. r'oi Plwnoiitli, at 8 10 a ni : .". ii and 'Mii p m Stinda- Tiami I'oi r ioik. 1 in. 3 00, ' ii and 10 0,5 a in : 3 'JO 3 15 and 5 Oil p in. tor liufTaln- 1- and f, J2 a in 1 .to, 3 V.', 7 05 and 1 35 p. in Tor llinliainton and ua ia tkn- 9 00 and 10 JO a ni fllnoin-lunc; diUu.n l.fae Scranlon, 10 05 a m ami 0.10 p. in. Lehigh Valley Knllroad. In Fffect June 2, t"01 'lYalni lrae Suantnri: For Plillailrlplda and New 101k til D A- II It. II , at t) 15 and I).- a ni . and 2 IS, I iT (HI uk Diamond l.prei). and II !0 p in. m dam. D k II. It It , 1.5-., X J7 p. in. l'or White ll.nrn, ILarlt ion and ii Inclp.t point in the roal lejlons lu I). & II It It., t.,45, 2 IS and 4 J7 p in. l'ur I'ott-ulle, 0.15 .1 m , 2.IS p in. I'oi Itethleliem. I'a.tnn, rteailins, llairi.'hiiri; and primipil imeimeillatc sljlidii- ii I) k II II It, G45, 0..IS a in ; 2 IS 4 27 (lllick Dm mond Kxprev), 11 0 p in niidj'fi, 1) k II. It It,, !.IS i. m ; I 5s 8 27 p m lor Tiinklnnnoik, l'n,iainlj. Flnilia. Iihaia, Renet.1 anil primipal inlriinediatu lallon., m D . I. k W It It . ! 10 ,i in nnd .1 10 p in For (irnna, Itmhe'-lti. Ilullalo Nimua tail, riiliato and all polnu nrt, tla II. A II It. It, 7 IS, 11 .ii a ni , I J. .I.'IJ (llluk Diimniid I pin-.), 7 l 10 II. II.. 0 p. in Mind i-, D A. II. It It . II 55, ? 27 p m Piillnun p n lor and aleeplng or I.ihluh a1ly pailoi caia on all tialii" tn-tuorn Uilkeiltirre and New Wk, Philadelphia, Unflalo and Su penslon llrlilge. 1101 LIN II Wll nt-!!, Oen. Mipl , "0 Cortland fctrrel. New 5 oik I'll MILKS l.l'l . (ii'ii I'm tt . "fl Coillind stifot. Sen Viirk A V N0NM:IA( III II. Ill I'J.. jl . v., iih neilileliem. Pa For llikrtu and Piillinan r""erialion" apply to SO-I l.aikaionna airline, Suanton, Pa Delaware and Hudson. I li r.ffcot lunc !). l'htl. Train" 'or Cailiondale liaie hiiaiiinn at t, 0, SHI, Pit, 10 13 a in. 12 on, 121, 2 44 3 ij. 6 "J, f. "5. 7 i7. ' I". II M 11 111 ; I 16 a m Vol llonrwlale and Lake Lodou, ti JO, 10 1) a. m . I It anil 5 2') p. 111 For Wilke, Dane Ui, 7 4. s , ) ,s, n H a m. ! I J 0.1, 1 , -' 1. l., 4 i7, 10, 7 l 10 41. II 0 p in For L . It It. l"oliit-b 13, 9.!.i in , S.H, 4 27 -ml II : l m For Pennliaiiia ft It polms 6 15, 0S, S IS, 3.3:: and 4.27 p 111 For llu115 and all point noilli-0 20 a. 111 and 3 52 P in "I'MMV lltMNS lor Cailiondale - in, ji:l, a in , 2 II, .1 jj, 5.V and 10 52 p ni Foi Wilkes llairr 3S a 111 ; 12 01. 1 .is, 3 Js, C.IJ and S 12 p in l,r Alliint and point, nouh 3 52 p in I or llonenlale and Lake Lodore - 50, 11 .! a m and .1 5J p m New Jeroey Central. Station. In New Voik root ot l.iLnty m.u, N It . and South I'enj. TIMF TM1I.F IN I i'l ITT ,11'NF .0, 10 Tialns leate Mianion for New nrk. Nenaik I'lizabelli. Philadelphia, Fa.lon, llelhleheiii, l lenlonn, Maurli Clmnk and While llaiin. al e i a 111 . expiiM, 1 10, eipita-, 4 00 p. m Sun dam i 15 p. m For PilUtnn and iluea Ilane 55 a m . I i) and 4 00 P in Sundays, 2 15 p 111 lur Ilaltimoie and j.-hnijlon and poinn South snd We.t tla netlilehem, e 55 a 111 , lo and 4 fl p m Simdaju, 2.15 p m. For l.onc Urandi, Ocean (iune, eu , al S 55 a 111 (thiouuli toaili) and I 10 p. in I'oi Headlns, Lebanon ind HjiiUhur,-, iu M lentomi, b 54 a 111 and 110 p m .-iindai., 2 15 p 111 For PolUillle, 8 5. a in , t 10 p in I' or Mountain Paik, 8 55 a ill, 1,10 anl I () p in Ihrmu-li llikit. to all pulntt eal, south and et at lime.l 1.U1" at the station. C M III III-, (ion Pa l J II Ol.ll.M-SD.S. (,m Nipt Eile Railroad, Wyoming Division. Tialn." (or llanlrt and liitrrinedlale pulnia leaie Ivianlon as tullous: No. 2, 7 10 a in , So I 8 60 a .in. : No. 0, 2.25 p, 111.; No S, 5 20 p m No. 2 and 11 Ihronli tialns for New Voik Arrl-al--No, 1, h IS a. in ; No ,1, 10 , 0 a in No, 0, 3,15 p. in i No. 7. II 15 p 111 I rains Sos 5 and 7 aie thinush trains from New uik. SL'.MIW TI1M.NS liepiilurea- No. -.n, 0 a, in ; N. SS. ! p ni Arrnals .No. 21, 12.13 p. ni.) Nn, 23, M3 p 111, Goods and I EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition IU a lfient n. t oC thf IorIsU tuio. doe tuition 1& now 81 anted at the Literary Institute nnd State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. to ,ill tlinr- ifmi IliK to toiu h. TI1I1 tlnml lliulllt.ilns imiiftPS nf Ptllilv for loai'lieis, foi tho'-e juep.ililiK I'oi 'iillci1'. dtnl for tlliic stuil.iilif lllllli II will ill to lite f ,r pirtu 1' l No ritlnr lllool ofTii. n ti .in,, 1 or id nnlJKn al Kiuli low u-e. AddiLsi J.P.Welsb, A. M, Ph. D.,Prin CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY Wissaliickon Heights, Chestnut Hill, Pa. A lion ni me school for !oy in Hie leo!ed andlxaiitifnl open cmniii nouh of Pliila itelpl in -o imniite from l'.road St Station l'or cat.ilopie' nililie--JAMHS I. r'ATTr.KSON, Mead-Master. 8INGHAIY1TGN TRAINING SCHOOL. por phih Hi k ml uui !'.if Mtr ( Inl dint rhis.i-.il liHMinii;, Njintil liuiiiiin. At i ulit inn Mum. Ii,iv. uiff. Kitid ipuiuu Op n pjr uii und t i.ftila S. A. DooUttle, -.' lamew Xmiiii llml, union, N SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, hCKAMON, lA. 1. J Fo"ier. Presldint. I Imrr II Liwa II, Treat. It J I osier, Stanley P Alun, Vke Pusidcnt Sureiary, RAJLROADTIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA "AiLROA1) Schedule in Effect June C, 1001, Trains leave Seianton: 0.45 n. m., week days, through ves tibule train fiom Wilkes-Bnrre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsville; stops at principal in termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Hariisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Fittsbmg and the West. 0.38 a. m., week days, for Sunbuiy, HnirisbuifT, riiiladelphn, Baltl moie, Washington and Pittsburg and tho West. 8.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.D8 p. m.), for Sunbuiy, Harris burg, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 0.33 p. m week days, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Bane. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia vlaTotts vllle. Stops at pilnclpal inter mediate stations, 4.27 p. m week days, for Hazleton, Sunbury, Hanlsbuig, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. 1 R Hl'll'ItlN'ON, nm Mjr. J, II, WOOD, Cen Pass, tfl. Men Scott & Co. Fall Opening of New Dress Goods including Choice line of Black Goods in Staples and Fancy Weaves of Foreign and Domestic Manufacture. Exclusive Novel ties in the Famous Priestley Fabrics 126 Wyoming Ave Lager Beer Brewery Mannftcturors or OLD STOCK PILSNER 488 to 455 If. Ninth Street, .PI Telephons Call, 2333. NEW YORK HOTELS WESTMINSTER HOTE? Cor hixlrrnlh St and In Ing Place, NEWYOEK. Ann nun Plan, .) 50 Per Day and t'pwatds 1 uiopean Plan, VI 00 P-r Day and Lpnardi Special Rates lo Families. T. THOMPSON, Prop. I HOTEL I JEFFERSON NEW YORK l03.iot.lon Knul l.iih Ntrei-t. Tbe.l 1,1- I'l.ItSON K 1. thnroiiKhlj drsl-rUis a iTauxitnumnfIuiiir,T and comfort. On 16th Street jutpt ?at of Union Square, it is within iow minutes of tbo leading shops, theatres and cludk European Plan, SI, 00 up. American Plan, $2.50 up. Suilei with Private Bath, $2.00 up. I or spot inl rate snides or in formation write JOII K, i II Til 1.1,11, l-roprlctor nra -- X For Business Men . In tho hearl ot the wholesal. 4. district. , For Slioppcis t mlnutec' walk to Wannmakers; S minutes to falegel Cooper's nij f Btore. Unsy of access to tho great T f Dry Goods Stores. 4 t l'or Slplitsccrs I 4- One block from B'way Cars, flv- 4, i tnc easy transportation to all T T points of Interest. " I HOTEL ALBERT : t NEW YOKK. 1 ror. 11th bt. UNiVF.nsiTT pi Z Only one niock from Broadway 4 t Rooms, $1 Up. PXXL : " fr&A faWOIJIWIW r'vt nunru tscnirnisCfav 5 ? s va iiimereiuiri4tiwiaEDMv sr K aniii lao wwmHini frVaS 'l MARVEL Whirling SStm Si cv Sti s llienew 1sslrl-. yfV h n iti 1 .iweiion. iri arj el losi t onTrmtnw w llllriaiMlsltlSHr.' U'alfnted ,u t at flif tl tr hifiiini,iHiiititv Hie 'I it 1:1,, .,.i 1 in. 111,1 r, iiui enil kiamp irr 11 nstnifii tKHik rill II Kiies II iisilp iilmsnnd .inn iionsm -til.- .H'.IIIF. s'MIs I l, l, Itoom CM, Time nds New Yrr Pfof.G.F.fHKLMTan'liil rktlidlihti, la. Only Utrm hpfrll(t laf tntrrita, nuarKiirrt iu rur ( "j pm rriRirs lirtri.rfrrhririil',li4sit)KiPfiM,4hitet, liHitXl rl,1't rniia I's-himi;, is a-iBasj( Wrlm!- A tnlrtrlum fulllnia, I -Ktttttant. ibriiiike OrH.Hf1fupMnrn r-lltMnUUs Bicli ntrr7 ms-tllriit kad tlflrl;il frmit. MfHai yipr.; Imp.l Iftposli sssr --b-s- - - - r- - w TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS, i is m in ilMiSVa i' V
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers