,S, f,r- ,P- , ,,, "S I ' .l' " ;l Till-; SCBANTOX TRIUL'XK-FRIDAY, MARCH ir.. l!)0t. 5J r V M-v-T . ,. l.-. v , -j lVM.l"-- I''T " NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA FACTOYVILLE. Special to tit Sctantoii fritnine. Furtoryvllle. March 1 . MIU Js Awiy illril lit Ills lioniu In West AliltlKtoli vViIiiimIh. urtcriinnit (if imcutiiolilu. Tin fiimr.il will is- conducted tit Mill City Siitui'ility at 1 nVlnifc. The mem lint ot Itml ,ni'Kot lodge. Independent Onkl of Utlil I'ellows, of tills (ilnce. if, whit li It" wni a member, will ntteii'i the funi'ial. Mr. II. .). t'llMiimi left lieie till? nuimliiR tu ultend 11 tuneiiil lit llr iIhIhu'k:, N J. P.lVld AllllHttnll-T IS UKtllll COIIIllie.l in tlie lioiifi liy MliifiH. As.-lstiint VimtmiiHlrr Hlieuy Taylor linn roiio up (iniiitiy iikiiIii, iiflcr 11 few dues' Htay licic. vvlicre lio will spend 11 nioiiih with the i'xitt'Ptntloti ill' llii'itiiviuu Ills lieultli. befoie enter Ihk upon Ids' ilutlis 11K11I11. It In expected Hint Hip Imkciy llmt llK" llPPII HUllC('lllicil 1KIW for Millie time will lie opened HK'ilii iilx'Ht Apt II 1, mull lirsl-i lurs iip onnnoiliitlons will lip nlveu tlie public. In eolineellou with Hip btkeij, tlicic will ho tltHt ( Ins.s Mim li niiiniN mill Ice eicaui pur lore, and till UI111N (if IcinpPiaiicP drlnkn will In- dispersed fidn 11 first- l'l'lH Hilda fouiitalll. t'ostinuiter Peter I!. AVicller huts hiic- roiled In v,.,iitliiK' uiinlliec tu.iil ior vlcc I'oi till town, which will ho Kienl ly appro-luted. It arrives oil train N'o. J". rcn liintr lion- al T 11. in. I'mni snutli 01 n points. This rally iiiumlns" iiiall SIM" 11 loiiK-foli want here, and now mail I Mini S01 anion and Now York urn lie ifii-Uci! In time to make a I'Ply at '' o'clock. If licccssiiiy. Kucn nnttcts on the p.tlt,of our postmaster should he appicrlutpil mid commended. Sexual of our townspeople are nt ti iidiiii? Mm 1 of appeal today at Tun!'- lllUllU'l l ru toi v v Hie em ampmciil, No. 2H'. Independent Order of Odd Fellow. niFt in hku1.ii' session last nlKht and plei lid Iho followhu: ollleers fur the coming term: i 1'., Joseph A. Hi It ton II I'. licit .1. I'llsman: S. V A. (i Woodtull': .1. V. Charles Packer; si 11I1. I'.. H. Hinds: tilistee. S. V. Suinlun Tin water hydraitts for lire pin poses rtpio tested yestciday by ieprrenl" M(S ot the boioiiKh louneil and of the watei company, and were found to lie In Hood woikliiK older. None won' found to bp fiozen, and, with the ex cciiilou of two, the pressure Is falilv uoorl. i niR- lxt-fle pounds. V s '"race, the Renlal Insuiaiue tmin of Claik's fit ecu, was doliiK busl in ' lieie today. iienriie nershlnier. of TuiVkuaiiii'K'lc. cms n ImslnesM visitor lieie today. KINGSLEY. Fpriul in Iho Klnsxk'v. New Yoik. Si union Tiiliur.f Maruh 13. F. P.. Titus, of Is .. guest of his p.ueuts. Mi and Mrs, K. K. Titus. "Mis. Whit lilt Wednesday foi an fMinded visit with lelatives in kl 1 1 1 j 1 1 Mrs. ileotge Kmer.son, of Cilenbmn, is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mis. C Uoodiioh." M'ss Daisy Nutt. of Athens, Is a g'list of her sister. Mrs. .1. IS. lloss. Mi and Mm, A. J. Adams visited Klati s In town Wednesday. Mi and Mrs. F. K. Mooie icieiitly hsiImI tel.itlves at New Mllfnul, Mi and Mrs. .1. I. Adams Rave .1 iur' Wednesday Hxenlug In honor of lie mi ii1-tirst blithday of their son, Hai 1 II Jeffeis spent 11 f"v days with Ills imihiim last wcelc on his leturn (ni 1 kiiu'U unlveislty. wheie he was ..lib 1 to deliver a lecture befoie the oil . of Asileultuic upon the suh- le. I of specall7.e(l woik 111 milk pio. .In. 11. ni He 1ms loturned lo New Yi'ii SUSQUEHANNA. tM' .ii mr siuiilnn Tlllnilir MiMpi-lianiM, March II. A jun.i guiph in a lilnghamion afteiuoou p.ipn mi Tuesday stated jhat the Hin-fiueh.inna County Medical Pension i:Jiiiliung boaul had been suspended. Theii was no foundation for the ie poit The iciii.iliis of the late Hi'inv Sp'il sr nf Caiboudiile, will arrive lit r. on Filday, mi Pelmln's "Hyci." Thej , 111 be eseoited to the lirand s're.'t cemeteiy by the Knights of Houoi Hill nl school examinations will b held iliiougliout riiiMiuehaiiua county, Mn h 1.1. 'I'le tuneial of the hilt Thomas Fltz gcriilil will take place ftoni St. .lolm's 1 iiihnii 1 huiVli on Filday inoinlug. vhfii ieiiicm lilRh mass will bo ceie V n tul Intormeiit will ho made In l.aiiiel Hill cemetery. jSherin U'llllam .1. Mic:ey. of .Monl-iiim- as oll'cially engaged In town on "Wvuiu day. llss Mamie o Ni 111 will soon taho up h 1 jphldenoe ill New Yoik city. I F Perkins, of Poit Dickinson, Las .old ids stoek of goods In this pia. t li- Messi. Fonnor & firooks, has i' tun ed lionie. lillic birds ,ue liecomiui; niilte mi inerous lieieabouti. Mlm l.stliet Sltuplaud. of the Oak- TO PREVENT LA GRIPPE. Timely Advice from the N. V. "Magazine of Sanitation and Hy giene." The New Yoik Miig.iaiue of Sani tation an' llgiene says that a moio merltoilous iiinllclne than Ki.uiho'rt Cold Cure for the prevention anil cure of Ja Orippe lias never conio under the examination of tho chemical und ineuiui! ONports of that magazine. As foon iiH you begin to take told or feel th tu t s.sniptnins of the CSilp tuko a KralifcCH Culd i'uio Capsule evqry a In ins dining Hi" ia,v and 2 Iiefoie ie tiling at night. This will Insuro a good night's rest and 11 tioo niovemint of On bowels next inoinlng. Continue 1I10 treatment tlio next day and you noml have no fear of tho Grip. Krause's Cold Cure Is guaranteed to break up I-.t Grippe In a il.iy. unit to uiro nu ordinal. v cold 001 night. Jt is .1 iiimv principle In medicine pie pared 111 sol'l. soluble golatluo cap sules which arc easily unsolved liy Hie w. ninth mid fluids of thn stoin- acli Tliev iho far uuiioiior to haul, knigar':o,tied pills or tablets, They do Inot ttfiect tho head as Uoph quinine nor kipvct the Hioniach. They coiilaln no Lilonid, and can f taken with safety Mi most delicate woman or child, ansa's Cold Cure In for sab bv lip jinx ut "."1 ( cuts .1 b'-v IhiiiI side, Is the iiui'Sl of Ml?, A, v. IV-ok, In Deposit, Mif. V. H. Mitchell rnlcrtnlnuil a 1 cdro party on Wednesday cvenlnp. Mr?. William llvans will ruteitatn tho Tlilinble club 011 Saturday after noon Conimt'.ulou tervlces weio held this mortiliiR In Christ lOplseojial church. The Susquehanna County Medical Pension KvimlnlnK board met In this plnco on "Wednesday. No veterans ap lieared lor exnnilnallon. The Cannwactii "Water Supply com pany, wnlch supplies .Susquehanna and J.anesboin, will soon socure 11 nuinber ni additional sprliiRS In tho vicinity townships. "New" maple hiriu, principally of the vluinRo of ino-. Is m living In the uiniket. Misses JlrGniiiey and Mllsh, of IJIng hamlon, will hold a ne!nl hop In Jlo. Kan Opcia House on Monday evening net. A. 1j. Sflilller will soon remove to Soranton. Colonel sci lotinly hlnel. William H. Tllfotd Is still III nl his home on llrond BROOKLYN. Bpfpl to 111 Scrsntnn Tribun. Hronklyn, .March 115. Kev. Wilkes, of Nicholson, occupied the Presbyterian pulpit last Sunday 11101 ulug and th plllplt of the M. :. eliuieli Sunday evening. Itev. I). C. Harm's pieaihed In the M. I;, chinch Sunday morning. The pas tor, Itev. Van Woerl. hns been seri ously ill with the gilp. but Is inipiov lug. C. 11. ICIy Is still confined to the bed, but Is gaining. Mr. and .Mrs. A. S. Waldle, Mr. and Mrs. N. I Tiffany and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Stcillng celebrated tlielr wed ding annlversniies last Satuiday at Mr. Tiffany's. Itev James Tlllllisliasl. state supei -intendent or the Pnlvcrs.illst cliurcli, Is expect 'd to on upy l)r. Sage's pulpit next Sunday morning and evening. The Ladles' Aid society of the M. K. ciiuicli met at O. M. Dolaway's last Thursday. The Pnlversallst Ladles' Aid society will meet with Mrs. W. L. Kent this wepk Thursday. The Llndavllle school doses with an entertainment this evening in thai go of the teacher, Glenn Tiffany. The town auditors bepan their woik last Monday and will resume the woik tomoi row. Mrs. Chambeiiln and Miss liesslo Ciiambeilln visited Sci anion Satmday and Sunday. Kail Aluey, of Keystone Ac. idem;., spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mis. Lee King have begun housekeeping in part of A. O. Sterling's: house. Miss Viiglo Smith, of l.athiop, is visiting Mis. A. L. Tiffany. AVOCA. Mrs. .l,uy MuIIale, mother uf Mis. .1. 1. Clatk. died at the Clark lesldeiue on Plain .stieet on Tuesday evening of general debility. Deceased was a kind old lady, and although of a venerable age, her Intciest In the welfare of all about her neer abated. The luner.it will tak plate this moiniug at ti o'dock. Intel ment will be made In St. Mary's cemetery. The pioioeds of the 1 iniiiiiage sale netted Jl:W. George Itolls and sister. Mis. .loliu Fine, aie visiting friends at Niagara Falls. Misses Viola Donuneiiuiiih and Ma. bel lllncs attended the Finger lecltal at Wilkes-l?,ii ic Wednesday evening. Tudor the allspices of tin- Junior Christian Endeavor society of Lang illlte church a supper will bo served in Odd Fellows' hall this ewyilng. Apions, lionio-made uindy and ice cream will bo seived. At Hie iouikII meeting on .Mouda evening all menihets weie piesent e cept U'lloyl and Munley. The follow ing bills weie ouloied paid: Flank Parks. $."iii- high constabli-, $14: Avoca Pubtlshlim company. .c512.,.2."; electric light conipan. for thioe months, $mn.n9: M. J. Dixon, SJIO; .James Dnraii. JJ0.SO. Tin- leslguatloii of .I0I111 Mun ley as councilman was accepted. The uppiopiliitlou tiom th- State Firemen's Hellef I'unil was oideiotl paid tu the hose company. Tho following commit tees weie appointed: Appiopilatlons, Deveis. O'Hoyle, McNully; bills, fill, toy. Flaw and Devrs: stieets. (lllroy, Osborne. Devers. Tile People's Tele phone company's oidiuance was lead and lefeired to the company lo make tlielr plans more explicit In logaid to the erection of the poles. The salaiies of the c lilef of police and spptetary leinain the same, but the salaries of tho inombei.s of the board ol health Is not yet llxed. Miss Anna Callahan is puichasiug goods in New York city. Michael McDonald, of the North Hud, has accepted a position as salesman for tho IkiUcnliue. Ui owing company, of Philadelphia. Itev. J. J. CuiTltn pleached, nil ex cellent tempernuei sermon In St. Mary's church on Tuesday evening. M. M.cAndrew, of Catasaiifua, has been railed homo on nccouiu of the serious illness of his mothei. WALLSVILLE. 6rilal to llif Scranlpn Ttibunf. Wallsvllle, Mai eli IS. Tho annual donation supper for Hev. U, n. Hantou will be held at the M. U. paisonnge Wednesday, March 20. All aie most cordially Invited lo attend and spend an enjoyable time. DURYEA. All thai was mortal of Alfii-d, tho fourteen-year-old son of Mr, and Mis. For I was intoned lu the JIarcy come, teiy Wednesday nftornoan at .1 o'clock. The deceahed died Monday ut his hoinn lu Lawiencevlllp of complication of dlhoaFes. Tho Dtlawau Lackawanna and Western company has posted notices saying that tho ten per cunt. lucre, iso will be continued until April 2, una, and that other (oncesslons will be made to their employes, Gieat progress la being made In thn election of Hie washory at tho Hul Mood culm dump. Tho framework Is nmv eomplotpd. The name of this wuslieiy l the Hlakcly. Longtelu llios, are preparing iho postolllce building for a Htcnc, Thp woik of rcuiudrllng It has stinted, and Mr. LonsHtfin hopes to open a first class dry goods stoie on Apill 1, Tim postolllco will be moved to the Mc Nlsli residence. Here tho postmistress will leslde, and a building will be elected for the postolllco. Margaret and William, chlldion (it Mr. nml Mrs, William Hrown, are III. A MODEL TOWN. Always Has Been and Is Now as Near Terfcctlon As rosslble. Kmin Hie lit Poiaili ltqiulilirjn. It lias been for years a source of ex treme gratification n matter of contin uous self-cougratulatiou that we have been permitted to spend tho greater pait of our lllc lu a town that Is never coarse, vulgar or sloinleky. in early days It was not unfashionable In snuff the candle at bed time, with a revolver, but the revolver was al ways silver mounted, and It was not considered Impolite for one lo ihle Into a saloon and take one's drinks on horseback, but when people weie lu a big hurry they didn't have time to dismount and hitch between drinks. When saloons were going, while other towns bail 11 half dozen, Kl Dorado had but one or two. ll has from the Mist absorbed Its stimulants, but it al ways did It iillctly and In moderation, nnd It always gets the very best to b" had. If it Is wine It Is the native product or the purest 11uigund. The town has always played poker, but It does It on carpeted floors, with gen uine ivory chips, while the high uit pictures on the wall ate sutllcieiitly draped so as not to offend tile eye of the stranger. The town was never a fiuir-lluslicr. Another commendable chaiacteiistlc of tho place Is that It Is clean. It never neglects to regularly wash nnd scrub Itself and change Its lingerie of linen. While It tjeeks (list the king dom of heaven. It gets itself ready to be a successful seeker by a vigorous application ol soap and water. Drum niois: say the town buys more hlgli- pilced soap than any other place lu tile Stat.'. Tile town not onlv dresses well, but feeds attlstlcally as well as sclentlllcally. In fact. It Is a place wheio trullles, caviar, tobaseo, ltoiille fort and dialing dishes are the icgular tiling. No gulf products are eer sold lieioj black bass, shad, blue fish and blue points fioin Hie north go leadlly. Yel lowish, reddish, stilngv beef Is never hung lu the butchers' stalls; spring pullets sans pedigree remain uniullon for and the 101 Dorado skillet Is neer gi eased when the charcoal hi oiler can be substituted, and when It Is gi cased it Is witli the lionie pioduct, tested, inspet ted and O. K. il liy the oldest and most expel fenced Judges of the ait of sensible and polite feeding. In church, club and society life the piety, brilliancy and refinement oil panicle Is phenomenal. Mllmlnate a .few people a ciy few people and' 11 pocketbook lull of bills dioppod anywhere on the stieetwonl'l bo lotuined to Its owner In an hour. Kllmlnate a very few people and the banks would need no time looks, publics and pilvato buildings no locks or keys. Kllmlnate a few people a picdmis few and the 4,000 lemainlng would not only dally and hotiily live up to 11 stikt ( onstl notion of the golden Mile, but would at tho same lime acknowl edge the fallicilioiiil of lind and the brotherhood of num. And, pel adven ture, there be ,1 few leiualnltig who cannot or will not live up to the high Ideals dally set by their fellow -citizens and will not be good, should we be called hence no sooner do we cios.s the liver Styx than we shall make it our pleasurable duly to cull the attention of the saint al the sate with the keys to tile unblessed town from whkh we so leluctantly tool; pas-age, dwelling enthusiastically nnd at length upon the fait tli.it it was born, nuituied and matin ed In it chcumsciibed mllennluin. where the devil was nover unchained or ever peimitted to loam aiound seeking whom he might devour: wheie, In fait, lie can never put up a ilaiiu that he was ever aii orded even stand ing loom. Of com so It is 10 us a iiever-eiidlns Joy to be peiinltteil lo live lu such a lovely town. We have no ambition to go elsewheie, no deshe fur life In a big dly. We do, however, have an evei piesent wish that tho town shall go to (1,(100 or S.liiu) people thai is. piovidod tliev are of the same character and standing of those who aie uliendy here, Beauty Hequhes Sleep. Ni.nli .ill ilii- ;nu l.e.iul 11 -, el 1 1 ii- wuilil li.ivi ttMiticil In I lit. .i4'it' nf k. i. I lulu Im inlHii'Mi' cini iiaixlc I- icljvcl ,iinl .,11 uie i1lH'llcsl. The licut be it sinurr. UJluliii; new licm for tin u.iKins li'mii. V mliliUi n.ip, if niil,c ni .1 lett minute' iliii.nlon, i wniiilit lnlh iftuliitiir. ami 11 it irviiPiaUi (nmrilrd 1 1 j.i r ship iliiitii tin. c.uliYr limiw of Ilic nlclil h Mr lucre liilnlnl.il linn tlnl obi jine.l .if I .-r liiiilnislit. -M1111I0 I. M 1 1 1 1 .1 Millci In iho U'.i. ni.ui's llr.inc CViuji.oiloii poooooooooooooooo - . o S THfcAiKItAL. t 0 0 00000000000000000 TODAY'S ATTRACTIONS. 1.1 PKt'M- "I lie Niw liuiiiniluii " Nigln AC Al)i:.VlV hej.loni llumaiii' ir.inpjii;. Matinee and nigh'. iH'.l Maiicht -in's "( laikiijaiUs " a- Ince and niglit. "Justice." V (uui-.nt diauu, Inilk upnli Ihr iiiiil'iiil hi;, tivcm capUtl" ni'd lahor and lallfd ".lu-tiie" as pieMiitcd nt the byciuni last night. It wji. h fluy Aldidotto, and I- somewliat of a nou'ty In tho vv,iy nf pl.lyvvrltlii'., a seilet of piclmo tablcaus mivlug tu Illumine the tcM 01 the play, 'liie lli.l piifainianco .u sluii a I'.llabi tli, N, .1., lYidiifMlay ul.ht and lor u n'ccnd pciiarne mica last night's pl.i; uioitd with coninii ndablo aioootbiiccs. company ot w-nie ineill pir-eiitrd the play l.ut night, hul Ihe aildlei co was lunl In move It could not 1 1 1 i le hi lie up its mind at to what. It thought ahout ".fiMlce" nnd co eadi pei 1.011 ussuinisl ,111 altitude ot judldul utaihy and watchid hl iiiighhoik Keystone Dramatic Company. 'Ihe liejtoni' Piamatie hihiuii, gale iwo i"r fi.rnianie.s al the Veadeno of M11.I0 jektciila,' , tor tin- liutlneo perloiliiiiuce "The Pool nf Ihe 1'anill.v" was gbeii, ami at night, "I'-ciped lioin Ihe Law" was the hill. 'lids alleinooi, "teaped fiom liie l.tw" will he pie-eiited and lonlsld ihe iiiliaulou will hi "Divle Land " f Manchester's CiackerJacHs. Hub Vluidie-tn's "I i.iclit 1 j.itl.s" higin a Mm e dajs' engagement ut Ihe Xiw- Calely jt--tculaj utti'iiiiKiii, mid pirMiilcd .1 clean pm KUinme, liuhhllti't wllli Itiu fioin klcrt tu ilui.h. Mjlitliestu' Is In 11 iniaiuie jihtltlid In d.lllili it to hating the hamUoiupit ami iint el.ihurately lostunird chorus upon the load, 'nml hl coined. i.'iis too icnut.iiitly at work iiupnalng the pin. ci limine and hilghtiulng the oj.i'tchcti heic and tin ie. new cniucdy aet of Hindi tueiit wat Klicn in tho olio by Milnliie and lllcc t lilc.li c.iptivatccl tlfe audieiiir. llllier ejaelldil luiiiiln'u wrir pipsinlrd bv the Vlaui M.lfi, vncalbts, VlePnuhl lhnthi'i, V, llfllr Wilton nnd Wntlnii and Allfii, 'I Ik iImIiic rvti.li.1gjn 1, "Ilic (oiuiiinil.il Drum Mir"," It i.m nl I lie lift. Hie prrlnnname u ilur.ulfrliil h) in 1115 plditlnu inittlril iiumlid cililcli ftp nsvmilrril Pi vljtntom nppLitKr l tin1 rprttatnii Hli'i llllcd Hie Iioik- nftrniotin nml pit nine, 1 lie' "( ui U rj.it lj" lll lc at I Ik (ulrty lor (lie IiiLiihc ol Hip ttrcl., jltrrtionit mill rvrnliig. "The New Dominion. '' 'I lie Heading l-mlr .) nf "Hip N'(W P"HiIii I0.1," ulildi cvlll lip fpi'ii at tlic l.irfiiiu tonight iiihI loinoiioiv nllriimuit unci tilglil. "Till' New Doinlnlpti' 11 tlic cxlil tlllr or .1 tciv rrfrplilns (li.mutle ppifnrnianir, tlip (lilrf Inli'Kt nf wlilrli i foiiiirtcil iip'in tlic liiigii-Uc cf lloiicrii mill tlic Imp (ot a iurp moiium, 1I1.1111 atbril lij Claj 1 leinnit, nml villli Unr- ami Itintlont nut nf the nnllu.iir .mil huliMlin mrr M'ith 11 (Irllduii iiicpptiirtt tli.it upl'ilt Mith iftmli plputiiro tu the nilinlrrr n( honor uml ln irillv hi nun. ( l.iy CK'irrnt pipscntpil the plac lit Hip Armlfinc four vpi,r nuo, nml nm-i nf Iho pcrront wlio rnj.v c l II llicii m re pipwnt liel ccdilni'. tnilliii'P 'Vjh altcti toilay nii'l iho pirfnun.intc will he ii'pcatfil Hilt rifnlnit. An Aincile.ui .nlor, lull, himboiiu, Rtat rfnl. hoin etui bird line. Mi. ( lenient I1.1t given lo the fluiiP on origin il. lie.ic.UMl. veiy ln,prettp cr. llon nl the Renlle (lirni.in lluon Von Itoher. nt.iurTrn, n rc'illl tli.it will long linger In th; liiinoi.v nf alt fnitniutp , enough In M-e It. V lilrli inii'ilrcl, (lliailllPil. i.oiuph.it phleginitlr, I1.1t ('iiir.igpout A omivt lliriii.ui, who It lie ihnlie nl (ailing, .1 liotniiM. while pl.mt hiiullni; In Mr Utiil.i f.illt In Iocp Willi 11 beautiful flowrr nf ihr New II11111I11I011, 01 e ol her tjlr vnuns women Iho Imp in.iktli? helwiTIl llieie two fnini llu nvirt .iikI I.iughalile feilllllrt nl Ihe ilellglitdll pl.i,i, ot whli h n.iuli iiiIkIiI Ip VMlltm. Mr C'U mi rl' lonieplloii of the part impreives nne .it hiving lieen tilin from life (Hint, o lutui il If It vi.iler .ill (oiiillimii'. ' "Ihe niamgfiiienl inoiliVlv it.teil In-the n ! -ttieiii(iit 'with nn .iileijintp nippoit.' It w,i " In iter .harirler nml p.illli ul.oly l.ult Powell, nt 1 lou M.ij liimlnlpli' (irrttinlc O'Vlil iec, .is M.ulh.ii Mm. ( Ini Clement, at Vli liul.ii'i'.i, nnd T. I'. O'Vhlh'j, at Ihe mloiei! (.pliant. j11 nf whom iceelied well merited ,i pinl.itlon. Vlr. (hment w.it twlie (ailed at toe 1 .nl of the Kecond ad, Iwtie it Ihe end nf In, lliliu and ni.iile an appiopilite ipeedi. The lie pi'l.ll (julntetlo nf Lilunnn pl.mil hrlwiPii lln tliiul ,md toiitth arts on inindnlin, gullar, Hut,. nnd frnv.iphnne, leeeivhu two rnrorrt. The 'oinpanv ape .ned in l.rlnnou 1jI week, a,il Ine ipilnlitti 1 mi" line it 11 compliment of .lppiMl.llll'11 of lliil vllt " May Flske Company. (.oud plait pir-enled hy real aetott, ,ne piom ied In the lil.tlnigeuietlt of Ihe Ae.ldttilji ot Vlutli Mt wed,, nl en they will pimrnt tlie liv I l-ke conip.in.v in a leperloire of up lo ci. ite (omediet and ill im.t. Wheirver thej h.oe appe.iiid thit ,-o.imiii Ihe pir.t .aid puhlle iiuiti' In npinUiic In wonlt of lilghett praise, reganl ilif, tlipir piniliiitinii'. 'I hi! follow lug l.t n clip ping finni the livening (all ot Wnon-oiVet, It. 1.: "A laifce .milliiiee 1 flr-t-el.iM peiformancs is I lie coniphie .ttii of liie initial appe.1t.a11 e of MUs Vlai l'il,, , the toinidieiuie, Mippoitcd hy tlir ri.llil.je ( aipenlel Motv 1 tliip.ui , who opined 11 wnl' 1 ngagrinent at the Wmuituc ket Ojuia house 1.M eifiilng. Long hefoie tin i ,11 lain rcifc (icrj i-eat In the Im 1 wat filled, and the (.landing loom lgn was dhpla.U'd ui Ihe ho nltite. 'Ihe play was "'Hie ('uiisou (Jill. Willi Vli l'M,e in Ihe leading lole. si. nn liiediati 1t i.ipluied tin' .iiidiiiii" ami heeame n (a ni lie. s1L, j a ilmr ciinKiliiiine and it M'lipoilid In a lnt 1 las lompauc. 'the pl.1.1 It lull of inteiistiug i-llll.itl"ii-. 'Iho coinp.iii it M good as ani n'en 111 tipeilolii. In tliU il VII Hit- Minet m mw. Pilling the ai tit -.pe dallies ot a high otiKr wue lulindiued, inoi piking the following: Waldo Whipple. inglng ..ml il.uniltg; lahnund I.ilnh, in illieliatiil I'lig'.; Mi. l'i-.l.e 111 nn and daim-. ami inoilng piduip-.'' Kellai's iVevv Illusions, Vligiditi liillai, wlio U wllhuut i-UPsliiiti the (.ipitt-t niiiniiiin, ei- 1 1 iiimleiu 1I11111, will ap pear at the l.jcetim thealrr with an enteitaln luenl wliuli pioiulMt In ellipse Ids foiniu it I01U in ncry detail. lie deals this jear In the inipteiles of the Hindoo inagidaii-', ahout whom so Hindi hat 1 f 11 willtm und nlnw evplolts he filily out rivals. I lo villi "tin .1 (Inin new llhiIous and a linl of new lliil.s in ..null 1 1 1 . 1 1 al the l.i ceiim tin .iter nevt Tue-d.ij night. THE MARKETS. Wall Stieet Eavlew. i Voil,. Mai h It 11 ..I11I t illlll II ill l.i I I ikl l III III III I lllg III -inn 1 1 -ii ul i ' 1 i.e 1 t lluMill l.l III, 01! (I 1 fieii wa- 10 a, ai 1 limn uf tml.ij -, Ilii 1 n in I 1 I I lie i tin I I ii- -Mm K-i ihl- i.lli-ilt hull-, .ill llltilllnl 11 g ihiim nu 111 .inning 11 I nf ill. Mud .1 -In 111 11-1 le-i.'l il Ihe in ,11 1,11 s hi ii and tin i, -tulii 11 hi In .1 .,11,1 I mild -Im '1 to 1 ( h( 1 Iho .iih.ilu e .lull HUM Hi. the I lo-i si Paul's illijili ml in. 1 Hied In fall II. tlie Ili.llkil. 'Ihe i Mm tation ut the nil 111II011 had held ihe 111.11 1.. I lu .lmk all ilnuin. the dal. 'Ihe i-tnik wai lull lip Inn p illil- tlm lug Ihe l-ioiullig, hut whin Ihe ltnle.ee in 1 ie iliiidind was .umoum id, edhnu In teallv wipnl all hut .1 1-111.11111,11 liuu nl (In ll-e. It IihiIi.i n thougli the lu .tv In. ss In M, Paul wnuld cau'i llnWIl the whole llilllit mill tin li-e ill lie III let htillined (he lone. I'm' ihe nM tin urn Irl w.i- lathci dull and natiouu. Il itiutiiiuel tn he diai.ii leilnl hy tlie movement ot i-pnii His In a huge estelll. 'the s,,jilm,j-f,. tl r.t'. I -. ii.nilnuid in huge ih inaml on the ctiii'l kiomid of the pu-p"lll ol llut lealon pni-ilile aiuikiuiatioii ot piopuiles ihei VV,di.i-h 1. uiie (u 1I.1 Hum and via- hougliL on a veiy lalge m.iI". il inv ,f the lufnor lailluad piopirths (ouiiuueil iiuu-nillv inn-piuiuii'i i tin Mote-id hdiel 111 Hull lolllilig .ilmol ptiuii In Ihe gieiL evstiui-. sviial nt Ihe Mib-iili.ti Valideihitt lhn-s wete judiided in lids tiioiei.uu today, C'hiiai.o, ludiaiupuli ami I.oiiimi mtivcd up I In re points, and nthci xtoiUs ot inn i la- betuieu I nnd '' tiuint-. I.ake 1, 11 M'c-triii, unci .111 tail .nivalin ut a point In.1, 'J, and elo-ed undiangiil. .Minueapnlls ind '-i I. mil- lose :i poluK Main -loiki, wlihli .nl v.iiiiid leaded on pioiit l.il ing ihuiiii.-' the 1011 n nt Hie d.i. Vnialgauiited Ccppei, .llln ul Mi.iklie-,- tiiiuid viiy liong, ilu-liig v.illi .1 ml gam ol l' I011ll111i1l.il I'nliaiiii picleiuil i"-e il't. Total s.iIin s7."i,:ni h,aes. ilusinins in lallioad bonds (untittt.es vi'i.i l.ugi Im' ) 11 -tit taking In the pe, illative l--ur-1.111-11I Mime liiegulaiity ill tndi.i's pihe nm 1 Imul Tnlal ".ih, pit' value, --.11 ."i.Ko. 1 in Mil Mates 11 fiiinllnu '!. the Ji and new l il i.mied s I'll nut. nil Iho ll-l mil Ihe folloaing quotations um i'n'li(d Tl Tubule by M. S. .Ionian A- Co, rooms Tn.VTO'j Mi.lt building, S-uanlin, l'i. 'Iiltp'iono r.O'l (ipein nigh- Low, t lit. nig. est. llu'j I J.I ''s Til's l 1 ou Is", '.'I v.i' ni'u t.'f. 1U7J, Wi I l'i '!' '. W'j 111 It 1SI? ir.i l' a KKi'd IV. Il't .11', ePl SsU S.1 lli'i .--".14 .'Wi ut. I id l-'I'j 'a M O-J'i 7l.i v fU ll'a ir -M I. 1311. 1 1'J'i VX, llsl iw,i tl NlH .Ml', Ill's V IM (I'M', 1IJ.il J I'M II M''i Ss 111 ll'li l.'d-is ni'i tit. 21 7-'.. ;.i " I'-i'i T'.'t !Sl' M it'g IHl'i lei !!' f't t' " ' "i't r.'a Is', 'I't 1V.I', IMl'i 12-. ', IU7 lis." I. (.a. Ainiliiali igai ., All ilii an 'IuImku . Mil. Slid .V lie Atclil-on Vleliltun, l'i IllntlU. Tl.it in f. ... II lit. &' Ohio (out, 'l'i hue 11 ,... I lies. ,V Hhh Chic, .v 111. Wot. . ( Id'. II. k- (J. .. 't. Paul l'i..'.. hl.itid .lii-Mi .I'.-;. I Wi .. 15'i .. iri .. w-i ..l'i ,1,'iU ..I2cl' ..ll-i'a ,,1U11 .. hi't Pel. .V; Ilncl-iiu l.-iLawsmri It II. rVih'Ul Meet l'i dual Steel, l'i. Imii, .V Ten.. I'l. . loult, .V Niith ... Man. l.levuleil .... M.I. Tiaetluli .... MIo. IMelflc . . People's Has ... . X. .1 Ceullal ... 'nullicili I'.irlliP .. Noifoll, 4: Weil. . Soithiin I'.irlllc ,. oilh, Paeitli. i'f. V. V. C.l.tlal .... iim. .V Wool 1 ill ... Pi una. It. II Padfli) Mall Heading liy Heading llv.. I'r. . Southern II. P. . South. II. , I'r. . 'IVtiii. To.il li lion P. . Leathir I . I.ealhei, Pi. I 11 lull I'.niii. . . Iiiiuii t'ai Im . I'r V,.li,l.l, l'i Wi.lein I iileii ., MVj . at .. HI l'.i ..IIm's .. uni ..loi'i ..i.w .. I5i .. -l'i ... si ... Ml j ..H ' .. .'12' i ..15;'; 1 " .. MHs ... TtU .. il', . . 7pT . '.I . 12J.4 . . 7.i . IM I. .. M ".I Pi IJi'j lis. (a, lri-.v. l.l I'.'s l's St lll'a .1: r.! U's TJti ai'j 70 .ip, li's 7.-.1, til'i . 2I till M , li'. FINANCIAL. For 3ale. Ketsuf Mining Co. bonds at 80. Bid wanted. TOBEY & KfRK, liroad St., New Yoik. lJri!ZIlr1 ful of engine. In each Iwcntj-fnur hours tlic dual heart movers approximately fix tons of liloml, which is equivalent to about two barrels of blood every hour. What atua.inj' labor for mi small an organ, woi king as it doc's without rent or pause from the tir.l breath of infancy to the last sigh of old age. When disciiM' attacks the heart it attacks the very citadel of life, and every organ of the bodj Kcctns to tremble with ttpprebension. The sliTiiuousiiess of modern life, which overtaxes tho heart is every day increasing the list of thic whoso sudden end is ascribed to "heart, failure.'' It is hardly possible lo pick up a newspaper without seeing mention of the death of some well known man attributed to that cause. And for every one prominent man who falls a victim to heart failure, how many are there, unknown beyond their homo village, who perish from the same caue. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is a medicine specially designed to cure diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, and to purify and enrich the blood. But the ingredients which enter into the " Dis- cover-,"' include one of the best heart tonics known in medioine. Thus, while the diseased stomach is being cured by the action of "Gulden iMcdic.il Discovery," it strengthens the heart and enables tho pumping of an adequate blood sup ply to the stomach and kidney, thus improving the action of these organs. "In the fall of 1897, I was taken with siiiotliiTinj; spells, palpitation of the heart and a disiicsscii feeling in my stomach," writes Mr. II. V. Kiuiicv, of Kniulil, DcnlilriclRC Co., V. Va, " I consulted a doctor anil lie said I had organic heart trouble. He jave nit- some medicine but it did me no good. I thin tried different kinds of patent medicines but they only helped me a little I quit taldiij; tiii'dii'itic in the winter and (jot so bad I could not wall; any ili'ianci, was shnrt of lire.itli, anil my legs would get so weak 1 could not slaiiil. Consulted annlliei doctcn. ami he said I had indigestion of the stomach and bowels. 1 doctored with him all sumiuer, and he only helped me .1 little. 1 then unite, asking von tor advice, ami you advised me to take Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discoverv I sp-it ami ot 'tin: bottles mid began taking i'. Hefore the first bottle was gone I fell t change. When the live bottles were gone 1 began to wot k. I had not vvurkid auv for ,1 year before. I wailed awhile after 1 took the five bottles ami iheu got some inoie and continued the medicine. I took in all sixteen bottles, and vva-. ctiiecl. I believe if I had taken it legularly I would have been well befoie." After consulting two doclois and taking vaiioiis-niedicino without any lastiug benefit, Mr. Kinney wrote tu Dr. Pierce and was euied by taking his advice and using his medicines. Any sick person is invited to consult Dr. Pierce, by letter, ici'tint charge, or fee. On these terms it is evident that il is ccoikuiij of time, money and health to consult Dr. Pierce first befoie experimenting with those of less experience and skill. Addicss Dr. Pierce, at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute. Buffalo, Js. Y., of which lu-lilulion he is chief consulting physician and surgeon. "Have taken Dr. I'ierce's Golden Medical Discoverv audit did me more good than auv thine; I could ct," writes Mrs. Itilia A. Wiicov. ot Cvunet. Wood Co . Ohio, Box 52. "I doctoted with three different doctors for weak'he.ul, but tliev did lite no ?;ood. I was so lired and discourage! if I had my choice to live or die, I would have prc erredtodie. My husband heard of 'Golden Medical Discoverv,' and lie bought a bottle. I took that and the first half seemed to help inc. I look six bottles befoie I stopped I am perfectly welt and am cooking for boarders ( I have six 1, and am taking in washing beside. I will truly say I think your medicine will do all it is recommended to do and more. It has been a God-send lo me. I will be willing to answer any letters ol" numirv that auvoue wishes me to. If you think this will be the means ol helping au poor suffering woman to obtain relief you may print it and make any honest use of it jou wish to." The stomach may be called the nutritive center of the whole physical organ ism. I'.very organ depends upon tin stomach lor Us iiotirisliinout. Marve a man and in time his heart ceases to beat. But if you hull' starve a man iheie is a pio portionatc reduction of ilal power. The hotly with il -. organs make up the physical man, and when we say the man is half starved, we are practically saying that the organs that aie vital to the phvsical man are half starved uNo. " This is the condition of a great many people who arc 11111 down ami debilitated. They get enough to eat, but the food eaten does not nourish the bodv, because it is topLE'Silf asmscmmWB&MZBWtSSBWmWXSKEEMi ( UK cllO i.ltWV uiiiki:t Oiiei lllel,- I ov Will M' l c .lull ( DUN. Vl.n . luh O.VIS. U.i.1 l'OIIK. Hay I..MIP M.iv .... ' IIII1S. "Mj.i . . . it t .1 1 1. 1 ,1 (l'i Si's H's -r. Ji M T.ci". T 10 l.i. Ml li id IM 7M l.i... ' .111 1.7 7 11 Clut. Illj 711', ".II-"' 7,.il) Ni: 01!IC r.HAI.V M.MIKIII' Ol'di- llli.li- l,o vviii:.m'. flit,, pt. i. M.iv vii'i k,''t '' ,iiii 'i-ii : 1 1 7I"1. (.oi:n Mj.v li t t'.'s In i Scrautoii Bonul of Ttnde Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Hid, A.Ud. I'lul Natioral IIjuU linj Scianlon Savin;.', llanU J30 ,,, 'llilnl NJtlou.ll ll.ink I'll Dime Ucpnnlt and Uiacount Hank.. Si'il ... Ktciiiomy LlKlit. II. & 1'. C'u 41 l.al.J Tliut safe Dcinv.lt Co 100 I'lurk & Snaver Co., I'r 125 bcraiitcn lion Kcnco & Mfg. Co jco Scratilcm Axle Woil.s ai I.ai-ka'Miiira Dsit Co.. I'r. ;u Connt Savlinri Hank .V Tiutt Co,. 'M l'lrst National Hank IC.iiLom'jle) iV s-tuTiiUid lrilllntj Co to Vi Tiers' National Hank 14V biriuton Unit iinl Nut Co luj IlONIlii. Scranlcn I'ajt njcr Ilailvcjy, flint Jloitsuse. due IWO 113 I'cpplc'a strcit ItJlImy, tint mort- KU-c, Uiu' 101S 113 l'ec pie's Stieet llailwa), (Irncral mort;auc, due 10J1 1)3 IVclaon ManuMrtiirlnir to nm l.ac.la. Towmlilp Bcl.ool S pel cent. . . VJ! Cily et 8d anion St Imp. C per cent 101 bcrantoii Traction 0 per cent 113 Scrnnton Wholesle Mi ket. (luilicled In II, CI, flalc, 27 I..H k.iwjnn.i m-; llnllir I ii'iiiicrj, "I'VaJi'c; clalrj, IsjJOe. ( I, i.( 1 'nil 1 re 1111. lillic. Itus Wi.li'lll lli.ll, 15''. In l'i, ,; iic.ui.y Ulc, IUil7i, lloiiis-l'r'i Im., diulio malum, SJ.jiaiirt, I 'ci Dears -I'd tm , m.i'Ml.lM. viulliiin Hcanv-I'.'r Im.. I'.'. '012.11. 1, icon I'fat-I'fi- Im., ll.10al.lj. Oiiions-I'cr Im., Irl, lOil. fill. ' I Imii lli'-t patent, pri Mil,, MAi Itcd Kldtifi Ilcans -I'.'i hii., Ii lia'i in. iho' stout and bravo, Still, llko ntufflotl drums, aro boating Funeral marohoa to tho gravo" The litunan heart, than ,'i man's fift, is the impcrtoctlj digested and but part I assimilated. The result is a half starved condition shared by all the organs of the bodv and developing into heart "tioubic," kidney "tioubic," etc. Dr. Pierce's Golden .Medical Discovery cures ihe diseased stom ach, enables the perfect digestion and assimilation ol food, and thus tlie biidv and its organs are rcstoied to strength bv the only nie.-iiis known to nature: that- is, liy lood prope'rh digested ami couvcited into nutrition which is perfectly assimilated. QVER 2QQ P&&E& formation aro contained In Or. Hlarco's Medical Adviser. Thlm grant medical work Is sent FllEE on receipt of stamps to pay expense of mailing ONLY. Send 31 ono-cent stamps for the cloth hound volume, or only 21 stamps for tho book In paper covers. Address t D!t. ft. V. PIEROC, Buffalo, N. Y r - Phllndelpliin Grain nnd Produce. 1 , . 1, l.li V,. 11 ,1,, 111 In lllil . 111 II 11 I ,11 11 VI . I 11111. ti 1111,1 1 111 .il ,1 Hit. si, , ; , vi ,. . ii,i,. Itillli t stimli I 11, . I I. .11111 II. - '1 . 'I-' Nl il I 1 S(t 1 K , ll, -I Ml lllil V 1 Ml H.lil ill I . - '1 1 . I ' I . -li III III (III. Ill . 'In - Ml 1 V V . mil 1 1. .111 - I .in , I ', I III.. I HI ... .11 l.l.. .1. .". -' ". .",.'." I ti. ,li. 1I1.'. Hi 'i.il .1 '.III',! PI.4.II ..nn 1 I otluii linlun;;..!, l.ill.iu -McaiVi iit 1 .1 tint- In I1I11U . Ci. : i.nniti.i pitn.i' In t 1 . . I'liil'ii'. III.' I'lHlllli 1 ill", U'usl ili'llianil; InwU. Hal'-'..: old in lti, .'jaM.: ililik.-n, llul I'.'i ; dinks, 1'J.il.'..; uti-, llal'J . Illi'-M (I inmlll.1 I'll III. xutld illliuml! fi.lil' .Iinl..'. In. .1 it... Ian li. kix.il, flafHi , ulil i.'ii.lri., "'ji,: m.iiI.v iiiiikrii,, 1'ial.l. , ! nil, t'.il'i..; luiki, ',1-liin ili.itin l.i famt. 1'i.ilJi.; dink.. iiiMilit, llil'"(. ; ,1 1. 1 im 11, in .il'Jc ; s i"'1. "a. Hi-irlpts -liuiii 'J.msl l.jinl-, und WAi Hw. 11, a.k: mIu.ii, ."-iVm li.lnl-: ...rn, mI.ii; niW, . J.0.U1. siilpiiuiiu-Wlu'ji, i,c)isi, ism it, ::.i,ii, na", W) Im-liels, New York Ginin nnd Fioctuca, Niw k uilv. Vl.mli ll.-1'iuiu -Dull und mi iliaiiKCil. Wli.jl-spul la-ii No. 'J u-d. sa,i, t, 0 li. nl'u.11. Oplluns opriuil tutu and H.r 11 tlnic Ii.-til ilu'Ir i.'iuniiil. bin vceakiii'Mi divcluicd .iltilidod liv .1 paillil li "f rally linii.iieiiiiiit. 1 I'rful cii-.i and inn liaiijiil llai.li 1 1. 1, nl i'H 1,1.! "lav, 7nTi : .lull. itiV. 1 fin spni itad.i, Nn. ". I"i, I'leialui, and -.-ji. 1, , li. .iilj.il. ilpllim- k'i.iiu 1' Im u 1 luii', .111 1 vl liii i l.i, puilly H'.uliil; doMct t'dii, 1,1.1) in iluiuisl. .Man li tl.cd I'Mv Sliiy, 11. .: .lull. lii'f, i s.pl.. I'likC tUiV-spol uli'osh 1 Nn.' ', ill' ; N". .1. i'ii!-(.: No.'J uiilii, .t'i :l.i..i.i N". 1 vcliltc, M,.'tj,i11Vti'.i tiai U niKftl wciliin 'u'saUii'. Oplluns ip'lii, lint tin.lv l.cld nu illit ofU'llus-. Ilultir nun; iiesli iiranui.i. Ikitii ' fjitnij, ii.illi.: .Iiine 111 mcrj, 1,'aLP. iiiiiiatlnn i'ii-uiinii, in Is'.c.i lali" daiij. l.laJj.. ( lierse-struiij, iati.i laig". ."Im oil .iinl iilili", 1 1 1 1 1 w 1 . : tanit Miial'l, i.iloii'd. li'ic.; Iani null, ivhiti'. I'i l.'i,i I.s'as sirjili ; ,i.ili- mid I'.iuu.. IMja l. , Ml-I.lli. .'lllt. . Slillllll in, 1 1.1 1 1. Chlcnpo Live Stock Mm ket. i liii aii', Muili II t ailli' -lluiipis, 7..isi, ,,H I-. frUailj I" ' I HIS lllllli!'H' Itlotk, llllil, .IKiii.tr I 'JVvai., .Iiii.li. liluliH 1 poor to medium, ,ju In cluiili- luvvi'i, .'.i.ial.in, iiiiv., tJ.iiii.1,13; licllris, SJ.7iiil..'Mi iaiiu.il., slaj.iyi: Imii., ue.il. In Id... Iiiwir. si!.(il.'Jil Mlvi-s, is(',iijiij Ti'v.i. fid Kfi, uliSi 'I'cvas kiw.1 tct.'is, Slj3al, 'IVmil Imlls, t'..Aii2.i.1. I loEr Iti-t -it. -J.nn"; ollnialnl Iouioiiiim, JI.Wsl; lelt ovn, .",ii npened ,ie. I.ljilur, and .lu.nl m-aki top, ''.f"l; lulvrd and Imii In l", sjvij.siii p."..! loilmlcr, si..i;,.i.ii.i'ni nmali lieuvj, l?,i..Viaiis)i llr-lit, si. tf'iai.TU: Inilk "I niles, s.i.i,Ha,i,;ii. -Iii-cp -lli'ielpts s,ii, fliifp slimiK '11 I'l' i n-mvely larger mini wonder nf most yplua- o hla modlcal In mmtMTFrifinmxmsm 11 -1,111 111 l.iiutis Chicrtno GiHln nun Piaduce. I 1. 1, lln.l II V pti.ltl lealllux ui'. -1111 nl mi . m I .ilia. I-.l.i .it.i lid a dipro-sinii 11 1 mil uhiiii in. I pi. 11 l.l. in-, pii'iaillni: .main 1 I111IIW1 iiiiiiIIiii.ii- vldi 1. iii-if ihe miis 01 im -i.l.'ialile -ti.uatli ..ill. Win al ititsnl '. Inn ci ; .urn and nit. u IimIh d..n. mm pit..'- I. n, ' j I.. IUi. d'iii.iil. lush iilot.i'i' 1 wili u ti.ll.ni-. I'liiill -lull illicl li.de: No '-' liiB Vlniai 7Jil. , N". -' i"l. il'' Nt. i 101 11, Pk ! u -J u.11.11, l.'i , Nn. " tuts, "Vji ; Nn ' villi... i't .. Ni. .1 ulille, J7a2v,; V. 1 111, .i-'aWi., I.ail.i. I'll,! N.(. I ll.iN'flil, tl.i N... I linii.ili.i, sl.-'fi: i.iik, sl.iJ'l: (lanl.jsiH'j u".7ii! III'". 7.5.Vi7.l,ii .IlonldfrE fitfti.'1, .; side,. ;.Jili7lti; nld.U.i. Uyi. jNJovv Yoik Idvo Stock, V., V..ik. Vlai.li II - Ili'Mi-s- n liailllur HI Hie iuiiIi'! iiiiiultiall.i m.ad.ii teal call -H.-iniy: llllli mill, low 1 i lli, l.,ViiS i, ilii.lii'. 7.7.i. Ilille lul.M, .i. Slmp-Huii: lanil", ." . Iilitlif-i ; lieep, -i .-, vt; mil-. i.l.'Vi: laiubs, "ri.icl.CO. Iloss I'll 111 : luniiimn iiMtrtn lings, Vi -0; sluii- !me. "a" !''. Knst Libel ty Cnttle, I... 1 l.ilmli, M.'iili 14. (Mile .i,iMil ; evti, S.i.'si.iJCki, pi line, VJiUS IH; culiililQU, M I'm I .'.'. u-. sfad,i , l.i'ai.i in l.i is and mriiiuiu-, hb Hull! ..il.ei. i'lMt; litavy ligs, S3.si.ii '" pi-, -i,;ii,iS,7i; i.iunris. StaS.'irt. simp siead.i . iliiilr iiellirrs. I.I'US; ."'. n.iili, s'li.'.iSUi iliuim latnli, M.7li.i3.J,3 n .uiu-.. Ni.iDa7'.'i Cntmi'U Cannot Be Cuied villi I.111 vl. Vl'l'l II VllONs, as tiie caii'H r. mh tlie seal nl ill" disia-p. I jt.illll it a til" "I ur ml liiiitluiul iIim'.w. and in niilu to nil. 11 ,1.111 nm. I lake inli'ilul lenirilles. llall'i C" l.nili ( mi' is lakil) liilmialli, ml nils ililiM'y (11. tlin Idouil .mil iiiuvuiK -urtlKS. IIjII'. I 1 tniili t ,t 1 1 9 Is 11uu.11 iiuacl. in-'dliinn. , Il at piodl!"!! ! clie-l'I t'lii lia.t pli.ixli'l.Tni'lli tli cmuitiy for 'eai, and is a rcsulai pi(i liptlnn II Is loiup'ed of Ine !!( Ii.uii kiiiiun, .01 Mind viltli die Is.t lil.i.id puilllein, uitini ih lei'tly nn Un 1II1IIUII4 Hiifaio. lln' ptifril ten l.lmtiui nl llv.4iiii IruikIIchU Ii 11I1.1I pi 1 i1iiiis.iiii II injiiil. Hul liHjlIU in cuiillt 1,'sUrih. si nd Im twllii'iulals hie " I'. .1 t IIKNIIV .v I 0.. I'fi'p, , 'lulnli, 0. si.td I'V dmsRlclii. jirti .'. 'kj. Hall's lani'b I'lll" iie'ilic b'tU m 11 ir I YV 1 f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers