r . rm .-n.jfFpfl tk?l -f .. V iTTJ tin i& -' s'3p ", v .." V V -V " x THE SCRASTOX TRTBUXE-FRIDAY, MARCH 13, 100i'. WEST TALK ON SHIP SUBSIDY BILL GIVEN BY T. H. DALE TO WEST SIDE REPUBLICAN CLUB. Intel cstlng- nnd Instructive Addiess Bcfoie nn Appreciative Audience. Coroner's Inquest in Colvln Case. Two Weddings nnd Tour Funerals Yesterday Sons of Tempernnce nnd Fiohlhltlon League Willnrd Howe Entertainment News Notes nnd Personals. Thiunus H. Dale, a fiumcr l trident of Ninth .Mulii avenue, fr.ive ii veiy In teresting anil Instructive talk last evening to tin.1 membctri of the West Side llopilbllruii. club mi "Tin' Ship Subsidy lilll." which li.is nf lute In"1!! ho erioiisly coiisltli'icil in the Pulled Mates senate. The speaker was- very happily IntrodiiPi'il ly Attorney W. (iiiylcj'il Thomas who spoke briefly In I H'.spujliijr Mr. Dale to lil iiiidleiiii'. Without niiii'h ii'ii'iinmy. the In iliirnt cx-piothonotniy delved deep Into Mm subject, ami if ally amazed hi luniPi'M with Hi-' iinpoilnnci- of the illiestlnii. lit fild In- had selected t Ii " subject, "Tli. Ship Subsidy I'.lll." lit ennse uf 11m liiipni tant'p. and It N one 'hli Ii the nntlotial political parties will make an Issue of iliiiiu,; the next eain- JlllB". liicNIt'iitally. Mr. Dale paid an Im pressive t film to In the lutf ex-I'iesl-flpnt l'eii.liitiiln llim-lsim. Mini iiiiinl lpstfd keen intcie.t In the ship Mtb Mltly lilll I If also complimented Sena tor "William 1. r'ryc. chaiiinan of th" ' oiniiiltti'p on eoniiuerce, who has, Ii alil, dpvotpil the past twonty-llv years to tho study of the- subject of restmlug the Amoilcan meicliant nui" Iiip. TIip (Ui'tlon of how the decline of AuiPilcan shlplpns; tan he siiee.esstitlly n nested, l. tif Kfeat Imptotnneo, Mr. Pale said, and the title Is somewhat of a misnomer. It is for the purpose of Inercnshur the Ameilcan exports:. Aiiieiipan shlp-hulldln;; and Ametlcaii seamen. There It a cryliu. need for tho enactment of legislation do attest the decline along this line. Kporls must he carried hy Anierl tnit ship", manned hy Atnetlcan sea men anil sailing; under the slar.s in ml .it ripen, and this jiiojeet deserves the sttppoit of every believer In the fun damental principle of the Itcpubllcnti party. The change in ship constrtn -tinn walk final wood lo Iron llsiltes lniKilv In the expense Incuirod, and ABOUT THIS TIME LOOK OUT FOB, f COUGHS I and COLDS TAKE DUFOUR'S FRENCH TAR. TWO BABE 25 Today and tomorrow you will find a windowful of Gentlemen's Hosiery and highly finished Suspenders that are really worth attention. The Hosiery 9 Consists of line imported goods, in colors and black, and the famous "Shaw-Knit" line, which looks well and wears better than any hosiery that ever comes to market, All Sizes in C Either Kind Ot The Suspenders Come in a large variety of styles offering a more than sufficient choice for the most fastidious buyer Any pair in the lot is worth more than we ask for them Globe Warehouse SCRANTON Hie Introduction of steam iih a stib.tl tute for tho all has been nn Impott ant factor hi the cnnsldetutlons of ec paw. The start licit Ihltaln obtali.pd ycaiM nfco III the I-hip btllldltiK trade has made her the premier ship builder of the win Id, and there Ik no icasoti why America Mluuild nut be superior In this iipeft, as In many others, ir the people will nwnkt'ti to that fact. The decline Is till" to the Increased cost of imitiur,tlou. uallitt'iiaiipp nnd WiUlpment. hut with the apparent In ditstilnl artl'lty and tisuttd ptntei llim to Amctltmi Inclusti le'. this name Mil, or ii similar hup. will be passed Just ps .milt' as the mm will shine una Hi. The .speaker umwcird ,1 nuin bei of iiuostlnn at the close of hl address, to the satlsfaetli u of all pirn nl. Last nljtlil's iue"lliiK v as the lli.t of a K'lles which the West Side Cent i nl llepulillcaii club piopoicM holdlim, 'Mid while tit" alteiiilancp was not aa laiKO ail eVpePtt'd. the Inti'ieM uinlllfcxti'd b Ihiwe iireftent wan xiilllt lent lo as. Mile tile coianiltlep III i li.ie lll.i. their t tl'oi'tn weie nppici lated. and that theie will be nil 111! I enseil atli'lld ame and aililllloniil tntt i -t In the fil mic nieetlnijH of the club. Inquest in Colvln Case. Colonel' liobetts held all liniliest eaily last evening at TaKiie's under taking eHtabllshnieiit In the case of the late Allien Colvln. the young son or Mr. and .Mis. Charles Colvln, of '.'OJ.: li let street, who tiled on Sunday, Maich "!, Iroui burns tccelved by fall ing Into a tub of scalding hoi water. The Jur.v censured the child's grand mother. Mrs. O'.Malley, for mlsiepie seining l lie fiuisc of de.itli, and Im 1 dentally eNoneiutcd her fiom blame. rnricitaker Cuslrk and Se.lon Keel, or the Cntheilral cemetery, weie also censuicd for huiylng the child without a permit, and ,the Jury reituested tins board of health to take ciiRiilzauce of that fact, and enforce Hie law In this respect. Wedding' Announcements. AVIlllaiu Jones nnd Miss Maltha W.il ters were unltetl In mnnlagn yesterday afternoon at t o'eloelc by J Sew Thomas ile liruchy, 11. 11., pastor of the Jack son Street llaptisl iliuich. The tcie mony was perfonned at the home of the bride, No. L'.T Bloom slipet, Helle vtie. In the presence of lelativiM and frlt'inh. The bildu woie a steel grey gown and carried while eai nations. Kefreshnieuts weio served. Mr. and Mrs. Jones will reside on lllooni street for the present. John F. Pavis, of J 16". West Locust .stieet. and Miss Maignret Itlcliauls, of ::.'2 lMwards court, were united In m.ir rlage "Wednesday evening at the home of the groom's parents. Presentation of Cnaiis. Two beautiful rocket weie sent to Misses Jennie and IMIth Iteese, of Jackson street. Wednesday by the Sons of Temperance filee club as a token of their appreciation for the valuable services rendeted the glee club as accompanists at leheaisals by the Misses Ueesc. Jt is needless In say that the ladlea CENT LIES Your Choice of the Lot 25c wete surprised, never for n moment expecting such a thing for the llttla assistance they gave, which they gladly gave to such a deserving organization. The glee club met ill their IliilllD Wednesday evening for lehcarsal and after ri'heatslilg for some time, pre paitttoty for the meeting to ho held In Morgan's hall next Tuesday evening, the stirpiheil ladles spiling a suipili'e on the glee club by serving appetizing IPfle'lllliellts. Pioliibltlou League. The West Side I'lohlbltloil league, ail organization composed of all persons, men. women and chlldieu, who hate the legalization of the iionie destrocr, body destioyer, nation destroyer anil soul destioyer, and tleslie to dissem inate facts Votieeiiilug this Institution, evteinl mi Invitation to all peivous who have the slightest loe for their count! y or their fellow -beings, to be present at a public meeting held by the league, Tuesday evening, March l, at 7.1." o'clock, at H. (i. Morgan's hall, collier Jackson stieet and Main ave nue. Tlie pioguimine will be as fol lows: "Uv I'liiiiiti.i Th i,f ihrr" ... . n,!iiinf 1'r.iior I!, i. ( . limn INllUll.4 li.l lIllllllMII II. ('. lllllliuil "it'll live" vm if I'llllpCIJI.IC l!if (lilll l.riilnMm Wllll.iiu licit l'iiri mi "Uiujii' Siilli.isi" Iliniv .ImUin V.lilir... "Wlij ii, ,, piulillnllmiM" lli'i. '. II. Hem . P'in In llit l.lirn-iil oiliiuii" soli tit 'lilnlirnil' l (llrii ( llll , ltiniikt . . iiuiiry Duunlrrr ' or Ii Itci -,. iIiii1hiii lite, Miliums in .ill. Willnrd Howe's Entettaitunent. The entettalninent for the benellt of the West Scrniitiin Vuung Women's Christian association will be held this evening In the Washburn Strct I'res byteil.ni chinch. Willnrd Howe, the entertainer, will give n very atti active programme, which will be as follows: I'Mtr nitsr. iieilnii, "Mil- lliM.il I'.utj" Wtl'llliuill lltit I hull I. llii In .lui t.n "ttlin'll liny , l..irinlt i".'.I.iIh.ih1 limn'ii ll "Utile ll.ii Mine" Iliuikn Ml-. I.illiin .liwpli Ki'll.r. 'olfftloli Wltlaid Ii Ilniiv I'Mtr SI I (INK 'It llii Miln, 'iuiil v. l" Timlin ll.lllfl .1. 111.11 IiUihkI. "IIIhh! Illow limn tuler WlmN"..l SiiRt-ni 'fliniius Hall, SflflllelH WIIIjiiI II. Mown "tlic lliiiiiiilom" tJic lir-tlr.1 Four Funerals Yesterday. KeV. Thomas tie Oriiehy, 11. I), of the Jackson Street IJaptlst i liureli, ofll cl.ited at the fiiueial of Mr. and Mis. J. J. Thomas child yesterday morn ing. The services weie held nt the home, tin North Main avenue, and In terment was made in the cenietei v at Dalton. The remains of .lames, the young son of Mr, nnd Mrs. James O'Hoylo, of Mellevue, were Inlet rod In the Cathe dral eeniet'ry yesteiday afternoon . The lemalns of the late William H Davis, who was killed in the Archbald mine, weie Interred In the Wnshlmtn stieet cemetery ysterday afternoon. The funeral services wete conducted by liev. Mr. Walker. The funeral of the late William Wil liams occulted ysterday afternoon liom his home on Washburn street. liev. David Jones, pastor of the Thst Welsh Congiegatlonal church, ofllelnt ed. Interment wns made In the Wash burn street cemetery. Til" pall-beaters and llower-beaiois weie: Jienjamln Jtllllths and J, 1:. Jones, fiom Keystone lodge: Will lluniphieys and David S. Ueesp, from Camp No. ITS, u. S. of A.: Ii. S. firlllltlis and Thomas Tlerney. from the Mine Fund; Harry Davis and (ileason fiom the club: C. M. Stoiin, W H. i:ans, D. How ells, C. Maddocks, Alex Joiii's. Hariy Seauiore. Itert Dunn. John Watklns, Joe Thomas. !. W. IJieese and I.. Jones NOTES AND PERSONALS. lleiir.x C. lit lining, the obliging i l-ik at i. W. Jenkins' drug store, spent yesteiday with his patents at Carbon dale. . A rumor was current last evening to the effect that four men weie entombed In the I'yne mine, but Imiuiry failed to loveal Bitch an unfortunate occur- ente. The l.adljs' aiiNiliary foniiuittee of the Simpson Methodist Hplscopal church served a clam chowder stippei to ii number of patrons at the home of Mrs. Ktank lityant, on Academy street. The West Side Dancing class will meet In Mears' hall this evening. Lackawanna council, No. IV.'.l, Uoyal Arcanum, will iclebralp their twel'lth anniversary In Ivoilte hall this even ing. Miss llelle Wan en, of Seventh stieet, Is sllff Ming from the effects of the grip. OBITUARY. Mrs. It. E. Weed. 'Hit' -uililiii tlulli ..! Mi. It. I Wicl, aii ou until at the liuim- el Ii.m con in-law, i,i,n;i lolili, Wi'Jiuvl.iv iiUlu, wilt hr a khuil. In In r iiuiiv tiltmh In till, illj ami ),. i i.i)l to thou in whom lu a nt ,.H laimui ami t mIhiui -lit tnili.ui'il lier-cir l.j It. i nimj ai i of iliirlli mil l.iiulney.. su w.k ,i mihhi (lirli.ll.iii in in enp vt the nun, ami . un rvnuplai Mi.it iluilly that uiinlilli n..i. lu. h. 1 hi inoie lli.ni lurty .ipart ln ii"thlnl at I'ar .n m. whfir her liiti-li.ilul ij in Ihi' inilnv ot i ii Pi'lanmp anil lluil-uii until tlm alun'loii infnt ot the (iraill.i. .t ml fm Hit- la.t in .wait ii.i lucil Willi lici iIiukIiIci, Iht litinluiiil Wlnif uaiisli iii'd hfic h, the fomtiai. John Reese. I. tan HIT'S', 1 1 Wjinr muiui'. ru'ilii'tl a hurr fii'in .'ran I'Miii'lito etcril.i,i , .itmoiim ins Un ili'.itli el hl Iiialhri. Julin l(if.n'. at tin Mi .Nult' hu-lilul. 'I lie iKii'.i-ul who ua Hfll known 1 1n imlt ont till- union, M.nt a iin.italis toll mlnri lll it'muliia will lif hliiMtl lo Vliimij, nlirto Inli'iintiii will In' in mIi' Funeiala. 'II,,- fumial uf Mik I I. llurKt'o will l Ik-I.I liom thr li-liUnro uf her miii, II, ,1. IIimiiiiii-. -',ii WiiiiiIii' aiiinii'. Silmilai at i. in. i lentil lit 111 Pnmnuii' miKtiii. ' 'I In fiiueial of . I'jtrlil. MiiiiIii will lake plaif lit in oMnk sjniul.n inuiiuil, iillh a n.,..-. r, iliUlii in I In Holt I lo.. .lnm ii. Il. I il ill. lit In Ihe ( .ilh.ill.il iuiiiIiii ROCHE FOR CHAIRMAN. Demociatie Select Councilmcu Have Agreed Upon Him, The tight tor the chaliiiianshlp of the select i ounell piomlses to be a lively and an liitercsllnti one. Tim ten Demo tints have caucused nnd have tig recti to otts for John K. Itoclte, of the Sev enth waul. Mr, r.ochu didn't want tho honor, bin as he was the only ciuidi date all could iirico upon, he unwill ingly accepted It. Thii eleven Itepubllcans. compilshig a majority of one, have agieed to vote for Wado M. Klnu. E. Robinson Sons Celebrated Bock lller on tnpFnturday and nil nest week THEOKIKS AnOOT FOOD. Also a Few Facts on the Santo Sub ject. We heiir much nowadays about health foods and hygienic living, about vegetarianism and many other fads along the same line, ltcstntiraiitH may be found In the large cities where no me'at, pastry or coffee Is served and the food crank Is In his gloty, nnd arguments and then lies galote advanced to prove that meat was neer Intended for human stomachs, and almost make us be lieve thin our sturdy ancestors who lived four score years In lobttst health on i oast beef, potk and milt Ion must have been grossly Ignorant of the laws of health. Our forefatlieis had other things to do than formulate theories about the food they ate. A warm welcome was extended to any kind from bacon to acinus. A healthy appetite and common sense n iv excellent guides to follow In matters of diet, and a mixed diet ot gialtis. ft nltx and meats Is undoubted ly the host. As computed with grains and vege tables, meat furnishes the most nutri ment In it highly concentrated foun and Is digested atnl assimilated mole quickly than vegetables und gtulns. Dr. Julius Iteiniiisoii on this subject sitjs: Neivoiis pet. oas. people Hill down in health and of low vllnllty, should mil meat and ph lit y ol It. If the digestion is too leoblc at tll.st It may by easily collected by the regular i!e ot Stuait's Dyspepsia Tablets al' let each meal. Two of these excel b nt tablets taken alter dinner will digest several thousand grains of meat, eggs or other animal food In tin en hours, and no mailer hew weak the stomach may be, no trouble will be PNpeilenced If a legular practice is made of using Stunit's Dyspepsia Tab I -Is because they supply the pepsin and diastase neiessniy to pet feet di gestion, and every foim of Indigestion will be overcome by their use. That large class of people who come under the head of nervous dyspeptics should cut plenty of meat and Insure Its pi oper digestion by the dally use of a safe, hnimless digestive medi cine like Stunit's Dyspepsia Tablets composed of the natural digestive piin clples, pepsin diastase fruit acids, and salts, which actually perform the woik of digestion, Cheap cathartic medi cines, liiasqtiaradlng under the nanie of dyspepsia cutes nie useless for in digestion, as they have absolutely no effect upon the in ttinl digestion of food. Dyspepsia in all Its many fmnis Is simply it failure of the stomach to di gest food and the sensible way to solve the riddle and puip the dyspep sia Is to make dally use at meal time of a preparation llkp Stuart's dyspep sia Tablets, which Is endorsed by the medical profession and Known to con tain active digestive principles. All druggists sell Stunt's Dyspepsia Tablets at KOe. for lull ticutment. A little booklet on pause and tute of stomach trouble mailed flee by ad dressing V, A. Stuait Co., Marshall, Mlrh. SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Miss Hemietta Tins nnd Albeit Marmnu Man led nt Home of tho Biidc Other News Notes. Miss lleniiittii Ttus and Albut Mni mn:i weie united In marriage last night at s o'clock, at the home of the In Ide, at 137 Alder street, by 1U. W. A. Xordl. pastor of the Illekciy Street l'resbyteiluu chinch. The bride wns atllied In a steel tolored satin gown and cat rled a bouquet uf initial rose.s. The htldesii'tild. ivho was Miss Dar baru Maimiiu. a sister of the groom, wore a gown similar lo it. The groom wns attended by Henty Mollet. Alter the ceieiuony. a bridal supper was ferved nnd the couple left on the midnight liuln for Now Yolk and othet points of Intel est. Mr. nnd Mrs. Mbiman will be at home in about ten days, on Klin street, w lit re ii pleas n nt ly furnished home awaits tin in. St. Patrick's Night. Division 2. Ancient Older of Hiber nians, will celobiate the annlveivaiy of St. I tit i Ul; with an entettalninent and lecture In St. Joan's Hull, South Side, Sunday evening, March 17. Kol lotving is the programme: Piano solo, pianist: vocal solo, Ml Mnrgarel Arinbs; voi.il solo, Michael Heap; lectin c, lion, John I'. Qiilunaii; duet, McCiitmlck Hioiluis; ictilntltin. Miss llai. nah Callahan: Irish specialties. William lteai: vocal solo. Master l!lt litihouse. The eiitei Inlnmeiit will stun at n o'clock shin p. Nubs of News. I''ied, the two-year-old sou of .Mr. and Mir. Albeit Westpfuhl, of t'ittston avenue. Is seiloitsly 111. The South Side ltiowns base ball club will meet Sunday afternoon ui X. liinscn'H barbershop, on I'tospect ne lllie. All lilelilbeis aie lequesteil to ho present. The Voting Wimii it's chilstlan aso tiatlon's regular Sunday tifternoun go,-,, pel pipeline: at their looms will be led by John U. Wagner. Tlieie will he spe cial music for the occasion. All .voting women who wish to Join tho Friday night cooking class of tho Voiing Women's christian association should lcpoii this evening at ",!tn at their i minis on Cedar avenue. Mis. William Holder and son h ivo lettitnetl fiom a week's visit In New Voik. A handsome ( lock was rallied oif last evening, under tlic auspices of tho Oriole base ball club, at Hotel Uosar. Mis. C. A. Dlikman won the clock, holding tkkct No. HI. Tho membeis of Cuiieial (itiiut mm inaudery, No. i'JU, Knights of .Malta, will meet lit lliirtman's hall lids even Ing. The committees of the iVnttir. Nep tune and William Council Hose com panies, whkh were appointed to look for grounds for the big joint llrciueii'.s exclusion, will go to hake hodore Sun day aiteitioon to Inspect the grounds. Mat tin Harrott was at rested Wed nesday night for disorderly ronduet, on liltKtou avenue, by Oilleers Sailor nnd Jones. At n heating betore Alder man Storr lie wns discharged with u reprimand. Tim Klcctth City Tourht tilth will meet In special session Sunday utter noon ut their rooms on I'Yont street. All members iue requetti'd to bo pres ent IliB HOulLIEST MAN IN SCRANTON li iidl at ihe haiiitioiiiriil, ami ether) arc It.illrd n tall on mil iIlUKeUt an. I net flee a trial holtle el Kemp' IIjUjiii tor ihc Throat ml lames, n irninly Hut U EiurantfrJ to ruin anil iclleio all rinonie ami Aiute Cough, A.lhiii., til otic lilt j ami (.'i'iiijni.lon. I'llic i i aiiil 'JX FIRST REPORT OF THE JURY QASES PRESENTED TO COURT BY GRAND INQUEST. Few of the Gmvor dimes Weie Rep lesented in the Bills That Weto Handed Down Yestcrdny Wns De voted to n Consideration of the Liquor and Gambling Cases of the Munlcipnl Lcngue Today tho Per jury Cnscs of the League Will Bo" Presented to tho Jury. The grand Jtny made Its Hist letuiu to court yesterday and a large batch of true and Ignored bills were prps"nt ed. The greater part of yesterday was devoted to u consideration of the liquor and the uickel-lu-the-slot machine eas?s of the Munlcipnl league. Today the perjury chatges of that organlza ('im against former city olllclnls wilt be heaiil. Yesterday's tetttrti follows: Till I llll.I.s. A--.. ..II .mil Itiltiit ll.oiiu (.int. n In, In Oliorwl-e .mil Viui'.l UIiciwIm i I'tullluinl lliti- ell, iiim Niitlit'ir 1'iTiln lliil Cooige Cillllii. lute Slii'l-Kit .ie. Miih.'i'l lli-klit IMtwiil I'mil. in nn. ".wcl Militkt nnil Warl i.ini hit-: Miiio rih.inll'l.l. pni-t Julin ll.irtvt It ' Mhi II.iiImIiI-. 1'ioN, V.iil liiikn; Pinko Ktti. lin. II. 1'. W.i.nli M.ir U.t.itt. pin. II. in si.intuiii Milliu (lihidihl. pit.s. Win. M..r Kin: l.lzlc Mniz.iii, uo. Ili'inj lion i iil.il . iMlli.i: .lr(.1i C.,,iKi, ,v. I'.ili lil. 1 i M'll; I him .Noitnii, in, .Inll.i Cliii'tint'. liill.ni sir.ml, jinx, l'.itilil. I'otlii'i Mnv Wil'el. y. no llf.ij .mill I liom.ix; Wllll.iiu ilrcn, 1'iot. I'i'trr .lmli;i': .Inhn t, (our-, iii- llnn lit ntu i1.t; sur.ih Kiinidly, irn. I'llnil. MinJi"., M.it' MillnlloM, in" , il. nt liu'ls; .Mini' M'tlunk, t'lni. .1 ihn S,ii-ilii'i-.kl.i: Mclnil.1 Win Imii, in. .iKsminUil A".iiilt nnil llntnrj Vllo t i CIi.im. Iif.il-c. tun-. t.'nttth'li Khinil; .Inhn NiiuoiiiMitt!, pro. ,I.i-iiii Pfrtcfnr; Win. l',iilllii. pii.t I..IIH1I.I .iti.I Itert i' Intj II.-iijji.iIii Ilnwh'; .Inlla Coollik, 1'iov. .Iutih Sil.nltkl; Win. lihlr. intit. .tnuli CilUm. Mii.i.i.' Ili-ltilni,', llitni t-ilt, .luliii Sailor, Hun sillnr, Win. II, y nnili, .Inhn .Inriljn. .Inhn 'Inrphv anil IVtrr !l.i liain;li; I mir Alnirn.t, sr., piii. .titllii-t s.in. fintlt Mlll.ni Howli'.i. 1'iox. .losluli Whli": Will V. l'lillir. pin., Henry Piuce .mil .. . (Illiy; .lo-ipli (iKirr, l'io. lljton Minirll; C.iiolliip Pan npiirl, pm. Silllni: l.lqnnr un Siiniln - lloiiiinitk eciiiiii; . II. Willi im.. pit... S llliii- 1.1'iuni Without ,1 l.iirmi'-M.ry M i lino .mil Aio In Millim, . II. MllllaiiK, pre' (.inline Ciiiiiciltil Wt'.ipnii-i t hil.tl.in A.h man: Iti'ijiniln ll.nri, pin-. .IimIiIi White, II. It. I'n up, tiro. I.iiniiy li.l Hillcc .tcnnlr Smllli, .illat .leimle llille.t: (Iirtie .Iniic,, iro. Iviic I.. 1 1 iriis I". 1 iit'ihnaii, piot. . II. tn.ft. r ; llinlly 1 Clinic, plO. i:illlie7lenieiit - IlelliJIil .1. Kflli: stepln II liiei. prcw. t,poigi Mr Mll'iei , .Ijnir T. inn mini;., pint. l'erjiirj Million1 Untlm; II. Atl...', pin. n tluw ftoiiloii; Simon Nirnlus, pun. I I'ordlih' Kntr.i .ni'l IMjIiier llmry Pieiee; .tiHcph Cooper, pios. Jlioniii t arey. Mlch.o Uliriiirlsn nnd Anifii-t (ihervtel,.: I'tiilliiaii't llmkelt, pp.. V.. I'.. W le." ami IMwaril ( hap in. in, .l.wph Walker. rn M.iliticiH Ml.ehlef 'Ihr.iiiii ('jie.i, Mdmlii ()l'(iile anil Auiiii.t Oheiiw I..., 1 Vitlin im llinkfli, irii-. IVinli .itioit anil lli.lanly-.Tanin Itnaulj Mari I'ltriMlrlfk, iio. limn I'uiwick: Maiy Whiltiiicten. pinv. .lol.n Phillips; l.aui.i !,. l.tnett, fuex. I 'ixli.iigliig I'lie-niiK witli Inlent tn Kill- Vn. iliiw siikn; I rjiil. ltol'll.kj, piti. Itoaiin 1'eilcitu; Pj.ipnle .liiiilan, jiro.. l'r iiululi nl Pi.pnil ot l'inprrtt tn P.'lianil (itilltr.i. Hi nolo Si'lniin.i'nt nii'l He utile Itoih: I'. I.iiiillil, p.u-. lllical I'r.iillio ot iliiitlstij ( S. l'aau; . A PnllliiH. plot Itnliberj- l'.itriik Mi Nrt'lej ; l.u.luli,- sun koltiH. pros l'ljinlnltnt olli.L' 'I I.., in, i Miiiciy; .lol.n ,1 (ti.tiit, pin.. (1.11)1 tt llouii.i; .Inhn .1. Co.iiit, pio. Ihoiius .liltilet; .Inhn .1. ( uitie, pm?. 'Ilinin.n lll.kln; .lolm .1, (ntne, prus. iiit.tltiig i:iei I ion I, inn M. it iii.iik; .lol.n I. Cowie. no... I'atiltk .1. PMilii; .lolm .1. 'e lie, pi o. I r.ui'tnlriit iilnu - luliii ( rjni : .Inhn I ( ti.im , io. W II11.1H1 Hart; -l.ilin .1. intii., pun. li.Mdli:i llll. I.i. .Hlt ji.'I llatti'O-Vn.. .lolm W.ill.iii'; .1 din ilniau'li', inn. Itece T. Lewis, Ann.inl.ili I tali., j.ios. itreB T. I.cwi.; Ilinlel I'nlau, put. Kinllo feliMirje; TlietMlore ltacholui, noa 'I I, .. li. ,ii II. .U; Ilinlel P'tity, pin-, l'eny Ikt fit funk I', t-rnrn,, pio.. Minlii Ilalll.l.i; Plank lilKtnella. pin,. .Inlli hain;; Inln Chiirti, pin. M.iiini M. NI.Ik.1j-: M.is'i" llitniian, nn. .lolm tuilui; .InlU Ufilui, .i... haiieni ami llrieliiiiic llu.li;el lle.lku; i.nie sloilinlik, prut. .Mm l.nl: Mlil.nl sniiih, lnm, l.uui Mhoii: V.. T. sniUir, pio., Jnnn W jtn nit W. W. Wllll.iiu, pru.. Ilatiil .lui. nli.R; Manila ,liin.li.s. ,iu. Win, I ul In; ( h.i.. I.ttt., pin., M.iliilnn Jll-uhltt -MjiI.i ur: 1'i.ink I.I..M-. piu-t. .I.lili iiomii Mhlml Tin. nl.'. pu... suplnn Piik.iin; .loM'p.i -lmiiniUkt , pio. illiiic l.iiiuir Wnliutii a Liiiiwe Aiitoinu lliit.ii.lii; W. , Pliilllp., pro, Ain,tn k....; W. . IMiilllpi. Pio. ciliu t fell laiikr I'lombe of Maitlanf icplitu I'lllu; I 'Im nice Honey, pm. KaUe Pii,tnifp-lttrr Nijilrri IlitoJoio stipp, pun, I'oiiiliiig .1 I'i.tni Kinilo -iiatiRri 'lliiuduie lliihofui, pro, .aitt'iij h.v llailit t,. Itcitfr: , lliti... iio, law ii int shrniiiiixkft ; .lul.n llnliii, pro.. riaiiilnlcmlv MaUlng u Writtrn liittiuinent NiihoU. ( iipllln: 'Nlai.t Pino. prfi. Pi'fiaiulliis lluuKllut llnusi- Kinl ( arr) ; Jen lilt' t'alr., piov Yesteulay's Mairiago T,iceuses. I'ltil f. Miller . Ilailit'l May .luia. (.enlt.i WilllaiiK , I.IJ7.I.' Wllllll .... Willi un .lone. .. Mailha Wall. i. .. , ,,..vt.r.iitdii ...iraiilon Iriiutn ... iihli.,. ....Seianion , .siiatiluti COURT HOUSE NKVS NOTES. In tho IJ.I- nt .lolm T. t'ltzpatiiik und nttit i. lUaliel II. II 'fhrfiop, uli.l ulhu, the prntloii tn InUltt'iit' u.. jt.tiulai tl.iiii.ei tij tho totii i, Atlomej Jul ii M. Haul, lesti'iilit appILd foi n tliiitu lur the I'llnulpt' M.nl. ii lllturhio Atin lUlitri', n lulicflilal oii;alilr..ulun wlilili prupomii tii do lin..nc In the tiumngli ot Uiiniiiurr. In the ull n .lulin T. I'll.'p.ilili'l, uu.l titluri a;.iln.t II. II. 'I In oof, anil otlit'i n lulo to hhuw tall." Ullj tilt' lilll .llUlllll 1.. I In ll.!lla.ij li. want ol ilue pio.ic uu,.i. va tiu.li. ali ilum mil hill illfl.u.-r.l. In tlm ti.' nf die m' ini'.i.ivraiili .ijiin.l ll.uiy .liinlkuiiu, a ruh lb rriiinn' iul Im pn.ul en lliti pi,,-., i.ioi, I, I'ui'ihiiaii, .a ii. lerJav ill.th.iueil b. .Imlji Airlilulil. Ih -aid llio Jmj iik 'ull'iiil n ill-iii..lii- tl(. ,uii, in the w l.t it ilhl DUNiHORE. I itge giillioi'Ing Riveted Km. M. ri. Weeks, of Sayre, last night m tho Methodist Kplseopal chtiich, when ho delivered his famous lectin e upon the I'asslon I'lay. Those ptesent spoke In high terms of the ability of Hip speaker tt.t Ills p'jwet of ilesu'lptloit In su ite lb. The flint till ul Mis il. T. l.oughii'iy will take place fmni her lulu homo en Willow stieet this nfteinoon at n o'clock. Interment will be niude lu St. Mary's cemetery. The ICpworth l.ptigue of tho .M.nlio dlst I'hilscotuil church defiro to pv- " iliH aula- To-day's Milk is not se good tomorrew's cream will not bi bttter than Dr. Hand's Phosphatcd Condensed Milk. Reduced from' the unskimmed milk of clover-fed cows canned in a building scrupulously The addition of phosphates hypophosphitcs to Of. Hand's Phosphateti Condensed. Milk makes it ideal food for children building strong bones, teeth, nerves, rich blood, solid flesh; the greatest restorative for workers; aging persons, invalids ertttal to u diet oi . whole wheat. Makes cotfeo hnrmlfM; maltes evorythltiK belter. (i ltutiUlct lij miillfrfe. OR. HAND CONDENSED MILK CO.. Scranton, Pa. lie who so liberally patronized their recent loan exhibition, nnd take tlil.s mentis of so tlohifr. Hev. A. J. Vun Cleft will deliver a. lectin e ."it l.'iko Ailcl this evenlnt". .lames I (none, of I stool: ntreet, whi has been III for some time, is iniptov- illK. AV. .1 ('nine Is suffering fiom an at tack of tluo.it trouble nt his home on Cherry strct Horn--To Mr. and Airs. Thomas O'JIota, of Webster avenue, a son. NORTH SCRANTON NOTES. Music Kccltnl Promised in Hear Future Meeting at Provideuca Methodist Church Notes. 1'iof. (leotKe WtilkcnslMM. tlie well known musician of this section, will Rive a recital In the near future at tho Auditorium. Ho has about fifty piano and lollu pupils, and this will no doubt be one o'f ihe most pleasing re citals rIvcii iu this section for it num ber of yea is. In his classes of violin nnd piano he has several yottiu art ists who have shown their talent upon the Instruments befote.ln a very clever manner. This will be the second teelliil .Mr. Wnlkenshaw has kImmi, and It Is ex pected the Auditorium Mill be crowded to Its utmost. At Methodist Chiucn. A business meeting and social weie held last cvenlm In the Providence Melhodlst (hut ih. A laiKV litinibt r were in attendance, and considered the llnances of the chtiich. The ollhlal bo.nd made Its tepott for the year. After the business mcctlm, 'litulcs W. IXiwsou teatl a very Inter estllifr paper, and reficslmients wete then servid by the Ladles' Aid society, Endeavorers Will Meet. Tlie joillltf people of the 'ill lt.ll.tti Kndeaor society of the I'lovlileiKo I'rcsbyteilan church 'will nlve n iecep tlon to nil the Kndeavorets of the city this evenins' In the church pallors. Uttritis: the cvenltiK' the following pio Braninie will be tendered: Piano solo. Miss (let It tide Culld: vocal solos, Miss Smith and .Mi s. Nor ton; lecltatlon, Miss I.ulu I'oiiHtuntlne: plnno solo, illss il.trsarul Mortlsoii; leclttitlon. Miss .leannette Okellj vocal tlliet, ilessts.C.llIld and (lllltsple, plnnn duet, Misses Fteas and Smith mm al solo, Josiitm Johns; lecltatlon, Mli.s 'onstiintltie: violin and iiliuin dint, Misses Ili'itwood and titilld A Pleasant Party. At the home of Mr. 'and Mi- A .1. Clink, of Chin fit avenue, a mm pli ,is ant party was tendered their dauKhtn. Miss l.ulu. hist nlKlit. the oti.islou heliijl her iilnetenth birthday. (lames and music weie IndulKed in until a lute hour, when refieshmeiits weie scried. Those presmt were: Misses I.ulu Ilnywaid. .lennle Smith, .lennle Clink, tlrace Putney., Nellie Mottjun. Ilartlcl .laikson, lira Iteese, Ma" (llll. (ieoi'Kla Carpenter, of ('lalft; .Miss Helen liven, of Clll'foid, and Messrs. IS. l,eo Campbell, Kt-.Nfoid Van (loider, Albert Kellow. Will Keese, II. C. Murphy, Will .loues nnd Fred erick Holly. BRIEF NOTES. lu'iuslst (i. w. lnls has rctinued from Il.tt rlsburt,'. Mrs. U. V. P.tlniei. of Nuitli Maui avenue. Is lu Counecllciit, itltenilltiK the funeral of her hi other. Mis. Wlllhim and l.dwlii Hraves, uf .leriuyn, aie iidilm nt the 'ionic of Alderman Myers, on church incline. The ciiiiRrcKatloii of th" Court Street Methodist ihureh are inaklnr. pteparn lions toi' their coming fair, which will b. held Mai'ih :'il. 27, 2S and L'.i. Mltis lb fee Slikler, of Provlileuco t mil, lui. teturned Irotn Now- .Jersey. The West Kldf;.' Coal company paid Its employes jestenlay. AH news matter for The Ttlluine win locelvo prompt .Htentlon If 1 ft at Da vis' dm;? stoi '. corner ot Main avenue and Mnr't't street. The PioiKlcnee tent. Kulffhts of M. limbecs, will meet tomorrow even liii: at ihe Audltoiliiui. An ciiicitaliiment and social were held at the Pmitan Conffienatlonal church lust evcnliiK under iln .itisplces of the christian l.'nde.tvor soii'.t.". Af ter the entei taln.iteiit an Ire ere.ini so. cial was held, rother slniliat nffalr will be Riven In the ( nurse of the next few welts. The date will be announced later. SCHOOL ATHLETIC BENEFIT. Students Will Give nn Entettain- incut Tonirrht. The students of tho School of tho Lackawanna will Rive an entertaln- jjumt. i'riaaj' March ii (ok Uio clean. and fa AMUSEMENTS. I YCBUn THEATRE Itins . lU'litit'VilUlt, hctcc.. . .1. Ill I n , Jlan.iKcr. I'Klli.W S11 1 1 U M) SVTl'HDAV, 1.V1I.U:. MVIK'll 1,. AND 111. MR. CLAY CLEMENT In His l.'Miilll.J'le l'ri-.iii!-lan ot Baron Hohcnstauffen. In lb (Mn hiillii (uiiii'ly, th NEW DOMINION Willi jii di'ii.jt suppoii,,, i oMipunj. Villi l.s l.wtilmr. '. . v . 7.V ami ll liiillrrc, 'i'n mill .'il. ; ihlhlnu tn any i.ilt ut 'I the llOUM'. 1 M . .alH eii m1i Wrini .i1.ii At 'i a. in ONI. Ml.lll' (IMA Tuesday. March 19. tip t.iii r KELLAR 'Ihi' .t nili.hr nf Ml N.lllnll-, ITri-uti,- 111111 exlriiiiiliti.ir.v nniclilit In tin' nuirtc ait. -trii's of mn .mil Inlllnir lllmioni In. Miil.il lit Un- (till: IT hi. 1. 1 Ml ,iml siiipassuvi .iiitthiiu Inthiiln ,ii (i'itiili.lnil Nr M.il'h . r ..in til-. New lllilion, Nrw .Mj.iniii. Nnv I (lilftin-il IliMiivrrlra In Ihe Koilm if the M,neltiut 1'IiK l y, milk m 1 im N.lt ell .lie Slllllihi Jl 0 H. 111. ACADEHY OF riUSIC, lilS& llllltflUMHii: IIAHRV A BROW Manager and Ih.'sck. Loial Minagcr. M.I Mils W I K MlilM I UMI.V. The Keystone Dramatic Co. IN 111 I'l ii'inllll i' lnr-iln In miii, I -i i I ii'nii the I..1 ''" Tiiilji t:v. l.niLT- Divio Uml" Sinn. kit I'litnni. inilti scahil Orili ji' M.I Ni M ttl h MAY F1SKE COMPANY, IN III I'l l.tnlltl NewGaietyTheatre .M.I (. Ill IIIIINI.'IUN- M gir, Tluee Days Commencing' Thursday Matinee, March 14. Manchester s "Crackerjacks." HISTORIC Places in Virginia i an he oiiilurt ihl and easily lea.heill'y the StcamiM! .ail tUilv "crpl Smiilay frem Pier ti8. Not tli ititii, uml ot II' iih .ton N. iv York, foe Old Point Comforf Norfolk Richmond, Ua. and Washington, D. C. Cuiiiiectnii; lor Ml I'omK oUth anJ West.' Tluougli ri;Uts letufniiiRlruiii Wa-.hinsiuf hi nil or water t'vi full liilonr.ation apply to OLD DOMINION STEAMSHIP CO, 81-85 Beech St.. New Yoik. Il.ll.W'.M.Ki:H,Tral.Jlr. J.J.rtltOWN.U.r.A. , henellt of the St hool Athletic associa tion A pioiiiniun' of imi.su ut and elocu tionary nilfdloiiH has been arrnnf-eii, Thoce who have been selected to tnko I'ait are. Miss Kniipp. Jllss Kiln", MIsh I'owell. .Miss Mimtci. .Miss CooU IdRf. Kloience Kline. Helen I'owellj I.ulu llatiHen nnd Miss OUclI. .Mr. Dim ii'lik. Harry Julie. Joseph 'Well.s, llolj. in ltepu. Jr. Cilitls I'l.i Lt (lardlner I'liuuley, llan l.of,-.ni and Taj -lor I'-oster. Tin- eiitertalnment will h held lu the school liouce and inetuheiM of the school will well the tlcketa. E. Robinson Sonn' Celcbinted Bock Hler on tapSatutday anil all next weoli LIN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers