t .r- I c f, i -,isVV. . ," f . , " r H- - X l " ,' ribtrae tmtitott -iIK BqSmslij-1111'1 the only scranton paper receiving the complete news service of the associated press, the GREATEST news agency in the world. TWO CENTS. SCRANTON, PA., THURSDAY MORNlNa MARCH 1-1. 11)01. TWO CENTS. PT57VrTv5 V -Kftri' -.JjvV-'!:5.'T"W'i'' ( THE DOINGS AT HARRISBURG Considerable Amount ol Business Disposed ol In the Senate and House. BALLOT REFORM BILLS Tocht BUI Recommitted House Elec tions Committee Tnkes Action Upon Other Ballo. Measures The House Kidnapping Bill Is Amend edMr. Bliss Intioduces a Skele ton Appiopilntion Bills Passed riunlly New Business Consldeted. 11 ,. Illlvr Will flOlll Hie Xl lialfll I'leSI Iluri fsl.'ti pr. Pa.. Alarch 13. Tho sen ni met -it I o'clock tlilH afternoon nnd disposed nf om,ldorable business In Its wo hours' session. Mi Fo, uf Dauphin, leported favor nlil finni the committee mi public ginund.- nnd buildings' the bill ptovlel Ing for tho completion of the state capital Ijtillflltirr. ns nmotided. Tho amendments i educe the amount uf iinmcv neocssaiy to complete tho bulbi ng tiom fi.fioi.fioo to r.0O,tii)n. and 'Units Iho life of tho commission In c lunge ot llio eoustiiictlou of tin liulld Ing to .l.miMiy 1. 191J. when tho struo tmo must ho finished The Foe-lit ballot lofciiin bill, whlih iuii on tin- tnlPitdm for llt'st renting, was looonnnltti d lo Iho connnlttoo on olortlon- on motion of Mi. Cochran, of l.vronilng. Mi FiicM. of I'lilmi. I"sc nndul tin inotlon. lit o.plalnod that ho untiled hi.- bill thoroughly musld fnl by nil pd'h and amended If nce-'-s-s,ny befoie b"itig placed in llnal pas- The bill pU'Vontlnt? the multiplica tion of jios, poles and conduits, and ninwin:,' foriioiatlon"! to enter Into c nti.ut with oil' h other for Joint usT ot the wni", "as .iln ucoinnilttod. Tin hcu.-o bill hlih miikea death hi- uidMmuni penalty for kidnapping: ii .'imoiided o that tho inlnlmiim I unNliment shall do Imprisonment for Mte or Mich term of years as tin court ti nt tit to imposo. Tin bill was i'omi laid ovei foi pilntlr.K. Tl.e.o bills iijfKpil llnrll ll'litniu to tlie Is-iiins of v.iu.iiit lo Miiir.r itiuarraiilnl tell r-t itc. tallilillni: vairanu liditoii'K liued and 'LintiliR of patent on in vetiirni of riiiney on i -li n-arrauN. ttoii-r 1 III (tiilillni; tllj. lounti, waul. ton- i'T. Mliool and IioiuiirIi ti colleitoii to ml. ei tlr foi Hie patmepl lor mMiIi tiny b.ie br nut iiirv.nilb llatilc, ii for wlikh tlie.i -liall Ijilrnr l'"H become perv.nilU liable without !.- m lolltiied tlie viine by the ixplration of theii 'rni ol i .Kite and to rMtwl tlie time toi ol 1'iiion 'if the Mine for a hho1 of one eir IiiioipuilliiK the Mllainille lliblui ooinpmy in tj;iu (omit,. I ui.un all faun limU Milliin I lie limits ' an lioioiiffh fintii the av...intnl and lollei- ii ot oi tac toi tlie puip..se ot llhtlni; or ppl inc the sum ullli 1I11. The bill piovldlliK for the establish, nint of a eoiitt for the tilal of Juvonlln offindus wan advuiHod to thlid tead- Bills Intioduced. Ii iniii'iln.'i, , nun PruMdme Ihdi it i I'l lllmx. Ol III, lllt lllss. f-tl ill lill pul I ulilo Hi irdki tlii-iii I. and to iiiiim mi'- I IteltllliK and n-iiiltl(. ti'l Iho lion i.ii ! .m.i iinlinii ii .ili-l in 'Ii fault ol pi.. in in t.i pniihU Ii r "Millennia In tin tin I mi piImjIi hi to ImiiI lahu' upon tlie tuei i i In wliili Im tin liunllt ol the illl II Mi Cue In .Hi. I.j i online 'llu (tiifle.i ballnt r in in bill, ind a bill ippio 1I1II1114 i2,(tV to 1 e llniiKi' (litteiitoii Ini'iie of Wllllnuvpuit H Mi 1 men-. Mc-uei - Illl lepeallinr 'he iiip!.iiirii to the lit ienl.-itlni; Hie praijlce of oi 1 m. i, .ipproifd Miy it. 17, nnuliliic pit. in 1, lrep (heir ii.itllli.iti. of leglstrallou In 1 iip iuii plue wliiih w.i apptoiul .Inno ii , . lb Mi linlit, I ilpti ( teatitm and iliMiln llu ofltio.e 1 1 dNoidiil.i i-nduil b priot oil 'iilio.nl and lallwae ism. uhth 01 piii.ue ,il... and tild.le ti 111ml, k(H lur lb imii-i 'i' ot of the fiublii npd tiim tin pciultin P 1 ie s.cne; empoHeuii tuH pjeivei rallu.i 1 in rpoi ited tmdi 1 tin law ot tlie ttate to .in. poin' polliemeii lb Ml. -inil(i, ( Iii.Ipi -II0111I11111, le.i."H and . ml nit ilamiiiK piopiMtv and otirii.ilp in 1 am.-, melodiaits and oipjiis n them leanl or il'l upon the Instalment pi 111 to rIic notbe of their ildlln b. pnntlii',', tjinpini.' ot iiiRtav mu in 1 ioii I1111111. plue nioii tie fionl of 'I mull In.itiiment tho ninio of the lifor or lor pieiidid in the Moid., "piopirtj of am iml In." anl fin- .1 eii,ilt,i for failure 01 'Cleii to (.tie Midi iiotln- .ml .rentiblnj a iiinkhmfiit fer Iraiidnlentli m tiulldoul- ile i.i--IIK or remoilni,' Midi notlie. Ilv Ml. M.,011, Clis VutlKiiUliiK the on in 11 Vtvees and ocenpantk of liml to foilml inlu 11K thereon fot the pnrjia-e .)( hootlnif or ta. tntr wild animal. blid, same 01 Ibh, ami piu. ildlntr 1 penallj for n ilolngt nNo a bill pro. splint; for the pintctlkii .unl iinuse ..1 lull In mull uit of boiindaij lake, of nioie tlui, i,m) acic, and In water on 'my ieiiliiiili, or In my 1 sv adjice.it tu or comstnl ilth U;, Jjl.,.-., iml decliilntt the pidi. of tl.'i In mhIi wwlirs til'U .ire sum' nrd tho'e whhh ui nun. tipichll) uluahle toi tuoil, It was decided that tin stwlnn of the senate on Tites-days shall boirln nt I p. m and on Wednesday's nnd Thursdays nt 10 n. m. After the senate hud cleat ed the calendar. It adjourned until 10 o'clock tomonim. IN THE HOUSE. In tin hou-p thlt. attetuoon the Hed ford, Vandyke, Ciuffey. Chew and Ar nold ballot tpforni bills wcie teported fiom the elections tommlttuo fop print ing, after whkh they will Iw reioni. rnltted top a. lte.tt inpr. The Beacom bill, icquliinf- counties to pay the expenses of election con test, vuh tavoiably icpotted. A 6k.flPton.nf the Keneral apptoprla tlan bill was Introduced by Air. Jlllss, of Pelawaie. The Kame commission bill was lecon sldeicd and fuither consideration post poned for tin picseut. fu motion of Air. Call, or IMilladel phlu, tin icioluilon to appoint a com mission in draft a eoipurutlnn law was considered find laid ttbldo for the pros en I Bills Tossed Finally. '"iipplfinenl to the 11 1 ol Mil 2.S, 1J, relat In; 111 the lanail'in of ity and Ih" pintritluii ( tlirrp, pioiidlti Hut (lie fund raised by the taxation of docs be applied In addition lo the loss of nhifp (or the lis ot other domrktlc ani mals bitten by mid Kk. Liiconrtitliu; the urn of wide ilrc upon wmroih vipon public: lilRliwa, Xallditlnj prlMlc ulc? f Teal e.lalc of de cedents heietofere made tinder authoiltx' of or phans' rourts upon petition of executors or ad tnlnlstrators for pa.inietit of debts. 'Ilie Coopcr-McClaln libel bill. Amendltiir the net of ,prll ". ISJl, irlalliu; In liornujht, o ptoitilp a method of la) Ins nldc walk". Detiulilnir homeirft count from the Sixteenth judlclil dbttlel composed of llctlfonl and Som erset connllci, and erecting It Into a beparjie district. ladabllslilng H separate otpliaus' (ontt In Wfntmoicland conrilj. The house adjourned until in o'clock tomorrow morning, SENATOR EMERY'S NEW APPORTIONMENT BILL Arrangement of House Members. Lackawanna and Luzerne Dele gations to Be Increased. By lAeln-lie Wire from The .Wotlnlril I'reK. JlarrlsbiirR, Alarch lo. Senator Kin cry, of Mcrcct, tills nfteinoon itilro iIuppiI in tin senate a bill apportioning tin It'Klslatlvi dlsttlcts of the state. I'ndor the bill the house will consist of iio members instead of 201 as at present, t'nder tlio bill Philadelphia's meinbeishlp will bo increased lrom ."! to tl membcis. with ":. instead of is districts. Tin llrst cluht d'sttlcts, each of which lll have one member, have not been apportioned. Tho others ara as follows: PNtrlct Olli .. lot tl . mil .. itii . tiiii . nth . r.tu . l"ih . triii . Mli ., lsth . .Mil . "let. . J.'d . '.Mil . '.'Illl . -'.Ill . '.'nil . ixtii . 2Mb . 2tlli . :10th . KM . 'I.'.l . WanN ... iih, bull. .. IMt K.th, 1MI ITU l'Jlli 'i'ltb !1 'j:d r.ih '.'Ir, '.'tth Sid. l-.ti ''Itli :;n '.Mil Metnheisi, 1 1 :.mi :m ftM :d uuii iiith :-t:i ..sth . .ith tii.ti. iti The Allegheny county delegation Inci eased from sixteen to twenty-four nieinbets. The Fltst district shall con sist of the First. Third, Fourth, Sev enth. JClKhth, Twelfth nnd Thirteenth h arils of AllPRhcny city, and shall hao two members. The Second illsttict Is nude up of the Second, Fifth, Stth, Ninth and Kleenth waidn of Allegheny city, and shall luive two membeis. Tho Second. Thlid. Sixth. Seventh, I'lBhth. nteventh and Thltteentli wards or PittsbuiK shall bo the Third dlMilot, but the bill does not say how many members shall topic-cut It. The Fouith dlstilet Is to consist of tho First, Fouith, Fifth. Ninth. Tenth and Twelfth wards' of the same city. and shall have one member. Tho bill does not define the Fifth and Sixth dUtricts. The city of AlcKcespott will bo the Seventh dlstilct, with otto member. The ptescnt Sixth dlsttlct. with two member, will be the Klglith district, and will have lour membeis. Tho pres ent Ninth dlsttlct will be made the Seventh, with three. Instead of two. inemhets. The ptc-enl Highlit district, except .McKeiV-pott, will bo tho Tenth dlsttlct, and will have two, instead of one. loprer-entntlvi'S. 1 hestr-r c cuntj's iopri"s ntatlou Is 1 nt fi mil fiur to tin 00: T.ancas-ter and Schuylkill from six each to five each; Alontgoinciy fiom five lo four: r.rad loid, l.iuks. I'rawloid. l.uhtgh, L (omlnirand Meicer from thfco inch to two earh' Adam", Center, elation, Co lumbia, Ftnnkllp, Huntington. Indiana, Susquehanna rind Wayne, fiom two i.tih to one each ,1c ffet son's lepietontfilioii Is inetcastd fiom one member to two. Rlnli, Cam lit In. Cleni field and Nnrtlniinbetlan.l will h.ne thiee mcmbeiM oacli iustoad of two each, a at ptesont. J'nvptlc's memboishlp will be Inct eased fiom 'hue to lour: Iacltawanna's from rout to Fix; I.iirerno from Plx to elsht, and Westmoreland, fcur to ftve. Tin rcmcfeiiuilnn fiom nil Die other ci unties leiiiains the r.ime n-' at prep cut. PLAN TO REDISTRICT WYOMING CONFERENCE. U Kuluihe Wit from fin sioelaled Prc, T1n1l.l1 innocV, l'a., Manb 1,1 A piojeU 1. on tool to ifdUttlet the Uiotnlnc iniifeiirni ot (hi Mi'lhodt-t I'pi'i-opal 1 hutch at the vcv-ion In be held at Went lilt-.lcn In tprll 'Ihc ion fiience ! roinpoMil ot tin dMiiita and the plan now tiiapp'd out irdi'oes tho nuinbei to lour. Iftiiesftile .111.I nienanijo ilKtihN will be ibol Mini and a new dull lit created with -uanioit .11 the lenlei. Ihe Wjomlns ilLtnil will be nuiicilalU te I iluieil In fclze. Tin ip 1 lll.il" to be iiuuli oppn.i. Hon when the plan is unfolded .11 loilufi.ie time Rev. Hi. Moigan Declines, fti fAchilip Wire from The sjorjted Pie'f New VoiK. Maieli 1.!, 'Ihe Itei. U. II Mot. Kan, of the finll.ll Metliodlnt, i;pIm.o,aI il.uuli of Newuit, N J lias drcliiud the i all to tin l'ltt Mithodbt i:plnopal iliunli ul Willi v nne, l'a Sheimnn Hauls Hanged. B.r Ctcliuh Wire from Tlii AuocUted IMeji. spellnun, f!i , Maiclt 11. Tlio body of s,er. man Hauls, colored, was found todaj kwlnglni; fiom a tier. lx miles fiom line. He was ac ciwd of Mllinz Mdiicy King:, a inetcliaiil, jes teid.i.1 Postmaster at South Aubuin, tie Cicliu-lvr Wire from lh Associated l'rfs. Na.hhicloti, MjicIi 13.- T. W. .laelion wjs o. dai uppolnlnl potlmastei at South Aubuin, Sut quchanna cnunl.i, l'a. No Woman's Suffrage. By Enelushe Wlie from Th stoelted Vltn, 1ic-tr.il. Man h 13,-lly a into ot Ui tu t lii)" loilai irjeiled the piopilllon foi ex truding Minute ill this klati Id uoima MR. CARNEGIE'S GREATEST GIFT Celebrates His Retirement with a Donation o. $5,000,000 lor Dis abled Carnegie Emuloues. MESSAGE TO PITTSBURG He Hopes Friends In That City Will Approve of His Action in Rtlvlni fiom Business, and Assures Them That Pittsburg's Iuteiests Will Ever Bo H1b Interests A Deep Debt to the Worklufjman. Ily I'irlii.hp Wlie fiom 'Ihe soilted IV Pittsburg. Alnrch IS. Two connnuni cations fiom Andrew Carnegie, which aro otliclally made public tonight, toll of the steel king's rctltement fiom ac tive business life, nnd of his donation of $0,000,000 for the endowment of a ( fund for superannuated ana ellhniiioel employes of the Carnegie company. This benefaction is by far the largest of the many created by Air. Caiiiegie, and Ispiobably without ti countei part anywhere In the- world. This fund will In nowise Intel fere with the continu ance of the savings fund established by the company llfteen yeats ago for the benefit of Us employes. In this latter fund neatly $:',000,000 of the em ployes' savings -ate on deposit, upon which the company by conttnet pays six per cent, and loans money to the workmen to build their own homes. His letter referring to Ills letlremeut fiom business 1. addressed "to tho good people of Plttshuig." and in it Air. Carnegie says, In patt: An o'lpoitnnily 10 retire turn bii'lneM iame to me unsought, and I considered II in, iliit In oeccpl. My refolve wis iraile in soi.th to t Hie before old ar, and 1 hope mi friends ot PilMmrir 'illl apptove of mj ai licit. hlle Mill in lull heiltli and sIroi, and I fin nasonaldj I'Vpect nuny ears foi ti-.efuliie.s-4 In field-, wnnh line otler thin perianal alms. The fain of cliaiuro and epaiation tiom bii.l tie ss jv-r-il.illiil.s .'.ml emploies Ij indied lain iniclate who at at once the best o pattn-rs ind the bcl of Inend-.: unplojes who nre net only the bifl ot woihmeii, but the inot respei t. ini; bodv ot men whleli the woild lias to khow. Of this 1 (im assured nnd scrj proud. I lull hae iivirr lime now to ileiole to the instltuli .Hid teclinlc d r hool whleli .Hi in tin blether ilmtiiln of VitUbtug'a life. I'itulmu fr'e'ul the i-oto of in lieart when 1 tu J bov", and .-iiMiot be loin oni Mj tieasun Is Mill with .sou, in. heart is till with son, and bow b.st to true Pitt-butt, is tli qiteMlon nbidi l.nin In me alnio-t ift, dsj of ill life The Donation. The letter anuoutulnK bis donation is In pan kis follows: e ieil.. Man li V, l'XI To the 1'ii.ideiit and M nut, 'I', the cannKip Compani. I,entle-i-itn Mi Kraiil.. in asliier, will IimMI o er I i sou upon sour acceptance of the tuist, Vi.lso. 000 of Ihe Catnecip lonipiny bonds, in InM tor the folloveinj purpo-s-.. 'Ihe Inioine nt l,nil,l' to be spi in in main li'iuln.' tin llhinles b..lll b im in lb iildm K, lloiri"le.iil mid lluiii"tn. 'lie Inisilm- 1 I the ithei s.ImHI,ojii I, lo be ip piled: I'ii-t, to pio1de fer Ihe empluii- ol the ('.ittionie eompim .in nil its work, iiiliie-, iall-wii-s. hhor etc., itiiuud in it ersici', and Ii 1 tho-e depsndcnl upen nail rniploics -. a e hilled S'lO'id, to piouili .mill pcii-iotn 11 ihls lo Mich emploee- as ailii lout, and ued iUlde enit tliH'iikh PMfptlniil ilreunistanees need Midi blip in thdi old mo, and who male I .rood use ol it. Niould ilne uses not 1 -liiiio ill of Ihe inetnie and .1 siuplus ol Vitsi, loo be lilt altei tin eu-' opeiatlon. then foi alt out this wirlnrr in mills ollur than ihe ( .inii'giP compiny in Mhnheiw eounti shall be 1. mie ilisilde fer the participation In the tun I, tho mills lie ire-t the wolKs rf the f imctjti Meel couipaiit belt's t1il cmbived. I'acli MiMrliitendiiil will lipotl -.iidi iaei 111 his ih pal ttiu nt as ho tliluh- worths ot ui.l fiom the tniid, ami Ihe ptrildent will in turn II poll lo the diieilois with hu leeoiiilueiiditlon fi r action npirl lo be nude nt the t ml ot ivuh sen, i;ilnt( ,111 mount ot the tund and of Us di tltb'itlcm, shall bo pulill.-liril in two pjpira in I'lltsburir, nnd c-opns poMed It eel at the es ual worls lint eurr rmploi inis Know wmt Is lielnif done. I'lildiilly In this nnltu will, 1 am uie, h.lio .1 bendlelal itlirt 1 male this fliM ue of Miiptus wiatili upon nllriiiff fiom bit!iiiprs as an aikuowliilitmeui of tlie deep debt whidi J owe to tin woilmtn who hue lOntllbutcsl mi Kieail to mr miiciks, I ln,e the lonliil trillions whidi plt between iinplo.icia and unplojcd throuehout all the l.u litijii' cempan works mat neier be dltmbed; In 111 ernploseis and emplovod reuiimheilu; what I nahl In my la.t cpeeeh lo the 111111 it Iloniu. -lcd : baboi, capital and hu.lueos ubiliii, ne Ibe lluec less of a llnro-lemtrsj utool neilhii Is lint, neither U econd, neither thlid: tin re U ro pneeditKP, all bring erjuallv iicceK-cin He who would boh ill'iord is an enenn of all. PRESIDENT MITCHELL AND MINE WORKERS Six Hunch ed Delegates Respond to His Call at Hazleton Proposals for Joint Conference. B.r 1'iilu.lie Wiie from 'Iho sssoelated l'ies Hazleton, Alarch 13. President Alllch ell railed the T'nittd Mine AVoilters to order tit 0 o'clock. There were tiOi) dele gates present, lepreseutlng HIS local oiganlzatlonH, nppnitloned ns follows; Fiist district, iJl-l dolegates.it,:; locals Seventh, lot delegates, Id locals, ami Ninth. i delegates, H locals President Mitchell paid this moinlng. "As tho convention has not yet taltcn up tho matter, I cannot talk of the possibility of a strike. AW ate entitled to a-joint conference, bemuse Hint Is the only humane, sclentlllc and up. to dale method of settling labor elllll eultlCB." I'lesldent Mitchell was eleited per manent chali man, nnd John Onllaglier, of Din trie t 7, permanent secretary. After lepeatlng the call Issued on February IS, In which the various locals In the anthracite field were notl llpel that the object of the crnncntlon would bo to agree on a. scale of wages for the, ensuing year nud holding a Joint fonfeience with the opciatois, Piesldent Atltchcll read a telcgiam sent seveinl days nrteiwnrd to the piesldents of nine of the coitl-cnirylng rallioads, Inviting them to participate In a conrerence. Only one reply, that ot rtesldent Olyphnnt, of the Dela ware and Hudson, declined the Invita tion, This wus followed up a few days later with 11 letter from Air. Olyphnnt to Pifsldent Mitchell. In which the for mer said tin company had no Intention of deviating from last fall' ngieemenl; that he did not believe In nn arrange ment thai would lie- a binding con tract, anil that If the emptoyess wished to have any grievances adjusted they could nt all times confer with the nffl tlals of the company. The convention then went Into executive session. In executive position this uf tot noon the convention considered the wage scale and tho refusal of tlie opeiator.s to enter Into a conference. The fol lowing committee on scale was pji pointed: Dlsttlct No. 1, Theodote Pat rick, (lien Lyon: John Honey, Ply mouth: John Reynolds, Plttston; T A. Wutklm. Providence: W. Collier. Oly phraut. Alarlou Hatlle, Cnrboudale; Jesse llilttan, Hanover: Uetij.tmln Da vis, Wllitis-llaitv. James Smith. Dun tnoie. Dlt-tliet No. 7. W. II. Detttev. Nttiombing; James Cavnnnugh, Coal dale; Flunk It.iy, Jeddo: John Aielil bald, West IJustlolon; Michael Mctlugli, Coletaliip Daniel Doyle. Froeland: Hugh nallaghei. Inttimer; Tlionias Duffy. AI1A1I110. Dlstilot No. 'I. James I'-tnnol Dykens': Chnrls Farmer. Shi'iiiindoitii; Frank O. Doyle. Alalzo. vllle. William Tlley. ShainoKlu; .Mar tin Nash, (lien Carbon; Thomas Davis, Pottsvllle, AVIlllam Alaitln, Alt. Car mel; John Huckewlt'3, Shenandoal'.; John Wlnoflty, St. Clair; I.eon Tntsa, Alalianoy Clly. A telegram was lead fiom Repre sentative (iarner Infoimlng the con vention tli.it thei w.ih much opposi tion to the enactment of the C.nrner mini Inspection bill, owing to the piop ositiou to tedttee inspet tins' nlarl(s Itom JS.OOO lo S1.200 per year. The con vention expressed a willingness to per mit tlio ptrsent salary paid Inspector lo be Inserted 111 the bill. Immediately nftot the adjournment of the sess'on the scale committee went Into secret session, Their leport may bo presented tomorrow. Piesldent Mitchell gavo out n statement this evening, but ii was moiely a synopsis ol the day's proceeding's. ANOTHER ACCIDENT NEAR MUD RUN Thiee Trainmen Are Killed By the Explosion of a Lehigh Valley Railroad Locomotive. I'v 1's.ilioleo Wur from The si.oelat d 1'ieis Wllktis-Iiiitre. Pa.. Match 13. The boiler of an engine on the Lehigh Val ley railroad exploded this moinlng while Iho engine was pulling a coal tialn uear Alud Run, and three men were killed. They 111 e: Knglneer Wil ton Albert. I'll email Ale ijmii Alonls and Braheman Robot 1 AIuAlullen, nil of Pitthton. Tho engine was blown Into the Lehigh liver and the men In stantly killed. Tho train was not nf fcclcd. and ran top 501110 distance with out the engine. It Is now known what canted the boiler to f-cplodc, as 11 was a comp.uatlvoly new one. All tho men killed were man led and le.ue fami lies. Tho bodies of tin- engineer and tli'i mnu woie badly manglid. AIcAIullen was .standing on the rear of the tendei when tho explosion ociurietl. The bodies were all blown into the liver. Tlie locomotive was 1 ompletelv wree Ic ed ANOTHER NEGRO BURNED AT STAKE John Hendeison, Muideiei of Mrs. Younger, Ciemated on Coisicnna Couit House Squaie. 13 Ks. laslee VUre fiom The vstciatcd I'icss Coisleana, Teas, Alntcli 13 -John Hendeison, coloied, who biutally as saulted and muideieil Alls. Younger, a lannei's wife, living just outsld- this city, soeral days ago, was but nod to death in tho court house squaie hero tit noon today A wiitten confession 01 tho eilme, at tested by Justice Unbelts, was seemed tiom tho prisoner. Five thousand peo ple witnessed the binning, and busi ness was practically stispondoti foi a time. Henderson was capuued osuidfiy near Hlllsboio. TT was hi ought here and placed In Jail. A committee was appointed to sop lilm and pass finally upon Ills guilt or innocence. Finally he made a written uinfesslon that he had muidered tin woman. It was then decided lo bin 11 him. A r.illio.id 1 nil was e'ilen Into the ground In Iho comer of the omul house squaie. Doxes and diy timber worn piled around It and nittnati'd with oil. Just befoto noon about forty men lush ed liom the jail across the squat e to the place whole tho all had been planted, In their midst was Hon tor ton, handcuffed, lie was Listened to Ihe rail with wire and chains. Cans of oil weie I'lnplloil nv.er his clothing, and dozens of lighted matches touches lh Inilammable mutcilal, Tho flic ulaims veio kimg, and tho stoies were de- p?ited as thelt oecitpants lushed to the seiuaic to witness the running, lust tts the pile was (lied Comvnv Voungei. husbaucl of .the inuideied wo maii, junipeil at Henderson and slash ed him ucroFs thu face with a knife Henderson showed no Indie utlnn ot bain or siiffeilng. Ho rolled his eyes to get a gllinps of tlio angry mob which sntiouniled him, find there was a slight movement of the hands. In ten minutes Henderson 'sas dead. At no tlmp did ho make nny outciy other than p 11 occasional groan. Gill St 1 liters Chanted Inciease. Ily I;hIiiIi Mil" from The ,sort,itn I'rrM Vw Voil, Illlll t.l.-Iho llalednn irhet iillla ill I'aliiM'ii, N'. !., line Cltnlf-l the till' kill Miilirs an .nivalin of l'i rents on inry bundle of two liiunlreil anls of ebet lliey handle, ami the irlrl. hle tillilieil In work, llili' Is no change In Ihe allitallnn at the nth r mill atlreled. BENJAMIN HARRISON DEAD The Ex-President Expires f at His Home Indianapolis. in HIS LAST HOURS WERE PAINLESS Stiff eilng fiom nn Attock of Pneu nioula nnd Intercostal Neuralgia, He Sank Into n Semi-Comatose State on Tuesday Evening from Which He Did Not Rally Uncon scious nt the Time of Death His Son, Russell Havilson, nnd Oldest Daughter, Mrs. McKee Weie Not at His Bedside Sketch of His Pub lic Services His First Case at tho Bar A Promotion on the Field of Battle Caieer as United States Senator An Oitttor of Ability. By EieUwse Wire from Ih- .Woeii'id Press Indlaiiapolls, Alaich 13. General Denjamln Hartlson died nt 4.15 o'clock this afttrnoon, without icgalnlng con-fcciouh-ness. Ills death was fitiet and lalulefH, there being a gradual sinking until tho ond came, which was maiked b a single gasp for breath as lite tie pnrlod lrom the body of the states man. Tho tPl.itlpK, with a few ex ceptions, and several of the old and tiled friends, weie nt the former ptes Ident's bedside when lie passed away. The- general's condition was so bad this morning, ntter a lostlcs night, that the attending physicians undei stood that tho end could not bo far off. and all bulletins sent out from the sick room wcie to this effect, sn that tho t, unity and fi lends weie picpated when tho tmnl ilow came. The grad ual falling of strength shown by the patient become mote noticeable in the afternoon, and a few moments befoto the end there was nn apparent break down tts the suffeier aitteiidered lo the disease against which h hid hten so brnvply battlfhg Tin change was noticed by tin pftv blo.l.uis nnd the 1 datives and ftlend! who had tollied from Ihe sick room lo the libraiy wen- quickly fiimmoned and leached the bedhide of the gen'tal befoto he passed nway. News of tho dentil ipiead fpilckly thiotigh the city, and revetal of the 11101 o intimate fi lends at 01100 hunted to tin1 Hnrilson icsldonce. The word was Unshed from tho bulletins of all the newspapeis. and (hus 1 ommunl ' uited to Iho peopl.' on tliolr way home In the evening. The announcement produced Ihe great oil soiiow. Within it. few moments the '.lags on all the public buildings, and most ol the down town business blocks wcie hoisted at half mast and other outward mantles t.etioms of mourning wore made. Nbne of fiuneral HanUou's chlldien wetr present at his death. Neither Colonel Russell Hartlson not Alls. Alc Koo bad leached the city, although loth were buriylng on tl-ilr wa. to die bedside of their ciylng patent as last as Fleam could carry them. I'lbabclh. t"!eneifel Hanlson's little ctaughter. had teen taken fiom Iho tick toom by her nurse bofoie the end catiio. At the Bedside. The 'gioup at tho bedside Included Alis. Dni risen, W. II. H. Miller. Sam uel Miller. Uv. Dr. AI. L. Haines, pastor of the I'll si Presbyterian church, which Oeneinl Harrison had attended Torso many years; Secretaiy Tlbbett, Drs. Jameson and Dnrsoy, Col, Daniel Ransdell, sergcant-at-arms ot til? Dulled States senate, and a close personal friend of the dead ex-piesi-dent; Air. Cllffoul Aulck, and the two nurses who have been in constant attendance. Oenernl Hanlson's two sisters and nn aunt were also pnspnt. Airs. Haulson kneeled at tho light hand side of tho lied, her husband's right hand gtasped In Iipis, while Dt. Jameson held the left hand of the dy ing man, counting the feeble pulse boats. In n few moments after tho friends had been summoned to the room, the end came, Dt. Jameson an nouncing the sad tact. Tho gieat si lence that fell on tho sorrowing watch ers by the bedside wan broken by tho voice of Dr. Haines, raised lit prayer, suppllc atlug consolation for the be. leaved wife and famll. Steps -wet" at once taken lo notify the friends and relatives outside the elty. The first telegram sent to Wash ington was by Colonel Ransdell to his wife. Other telegrams followed to piomlnut men at the national capital, Including Senatois Fahbanks and Ucv erldgp, of Indiana. Cicncral Hanlsou had been uncoil- scions fot houis befoiei his death, tlio exact llmo when he passed Into a com atose state blng difficult to dplermlno. Ho spoke to no one today, failing to iecognls:o own his wife. The greater part r Tuesday, also, hu was In .1 soml-coniatose condition, although ho wiih ut times ubl to lecngnlsto those at his bedside. At that tlmo he spoke to Alis. Newcomer, his aunt, and also to Mr. Millet-, the words, however, be Ing very Indfstinct. "Dot.toi" and "my lungs" were the only words under stood. Almost tho last words h- ut tered wcte addressed to his wire, of whom he Inqiiltcd. shortly befom he be-camn unconscious, If the doetois were present. A Pathetic Incident. One of the most pathetic Incidents of tho Illness of the genet al occurred on Tuesday, beioie ho became uncon scious. Thu Rpnpral's little daughter, Elizabeth, was brought Into tho nick 100m for n tew moments, to see her father, and olfcred him a small apple pie which she herspf had made. Gen cihI Harilbon smllpd his 1 recognition ot EX-PRESIDENT BENJAMIN HARRISON. ..-4.4,.4.4...'..t..:.4..:--i--fT't-r.4--t-t the child and hoi gift but the e-lforl to speak was too much, and ho could do nothing more lo e-Npiess his appro elation. Today all erfotts toatoil'-e the slowlv dying 1111111 to e onclousnoss failed, and ho died without a wind of r-cogultion to any of those who sun minded his bedside. The Funeinl. The funeial will take place in t Sun day afternoon at -.' o'clock. The ser vices will be held In tho Fltst Picsb terlan cliuich, of which Cionctal Hni 1 Ison was a member for neai ly llfty oais. Rev. Dr. AI. L. Hiiynos, pastor of the Chun h, will have charge of thu services. The bodv of Ocneial Harri son will lie In state In tho rotunda of tho state capital all day Snfurd.iy. The highest honors which ni In the power of tho state to pay will bo tendered to the lemnlns. Tomonow iniunlng a meeting will be held In tho oltlco ot" Covet nor Dm bin to perrect the details of tin funeral. It has been decided thso- the honoraiy pall-hearers shall be the membeis of his cabinet. It Is not known positively how many of them will coiue, but It is supposed by tho metnbeis of the fam ily that all will be ht-io. As far as they eotild be reached by telegrams, the living members of President Harrison's cabinet weie ptomptly notliled of his dentil, and mosL oC them will attend the funenil. Foimer Scoietiuy of State John W. Foster Is traveling In Ali'lco, and could not bo located. A telegtam lrom AIisAI.uv Hani son JIi'Kfe, received tonight. announces that she will arrive at noon tomorrow. She will he nicompanleel l her hus band. Alts. P.i.-in. of Ottumwa, Iowa, !cn etal HnniMin's sister, will not bo able to attend the func-uil on account of 111 health. Had Sympathy for Boeis. From one who was piese-nt at th -deathbed It was learned that the al legation.! of cruelty nud Justice dealt can by Dnglaiu! to the Moors in their snuggle lor llb-itv had boon a sub joct lor though In the mind ot Con-e-tal Hnrilson. To his ft lends ho had ollon spoken of the pltv and --haine as he vie'M'd thai the luavo nud sturdy lainKr.s of South Af lea should If lobbed of theii country, ol all iht'v have in tin- vnild, nnd foi cod to .sub mit lo terrible' miboiks in totlsiing tip oppiesslons of a woild pown lc-n-etal Hnirison, It Is stated, voald .a-p l'kid nothing bolter than to come out frankly and stiougly and sav to ovetv oiio wno would hear what he thought of Dnglnnd's cruelty. H was Ir. his mind com-tiintly. but In believed iliut an es-presle'i-nt should observe the same propeitles 01' -speech which ate obseived by a pi est lent of the United States. Uo was at all times caicful lo .say nothing which 1 mild lie miscon strued or twisted into a seeming dis regard fur the dignity of the high of fice which ho once held. In his renil-tousclous 1 onelition, when the "cnllnols of ellF'Totlnn and propil etv had gone lion their po-ts and tlio mind of the man was wandering, he be gan to speak of th lloers nnd their hopelos.s .tiugslo for national life; but the listeners bonding over him could heai word" if pity for the dying far mci icpubllcs. TO ATTEND TUNERAL. Piesldent McKinley and Pnity Make Arrangements. Ily rxtluslip Wire from The Wcicialed lV's. Washington, Alarih 13 President McKinley will attend tip luueial of tieneral Haiiison. He- will lc-ato hero THE NEWS THIS MORNING. Weather Indications loJay, SVOW OR RAIN. 1 r.eiifrjl i:-PiPnlJfiit IfaiTifOii Pies at lie Uaiiipulls. Wmk of tlie sl.ae Lei-laloit. Murilfhent 1,111 of nrlnw ( .lineulp Comrniion of Autliiaclte Mineix. .' tieneral ( ail ondale Depailiiient. .1 Local-Thrllllne: I'xperlinn of itslumrv Hijir In Chin. 1 ouit I'roeicdlii-js, I Kdlloilal. 5 Local WiefcllT l.istei llelcitol In .1 Local Man. Pioposed llcmlip-f 'loiiinaniiiit. II Local Wish Set. in 1 011 and .-iibiul'ati, 7 fieneral Xprlliw'iitfui I eiuwlianli, l'in.iuelal and ('omiiicrelal. l.oeal-l.he News of the Incimtrlal Woild. mm ' llH i r probaul lonioitow nlglit. aceompanlect by Alts. McKinley and Secretary Cor telyou. The party will stop tit Canton for a day or more, and Airs. AIcKlnley will remain there while the piosIdenL nnd Air. Coitelyoit pioceocl to Indian apolis. Although expected; the death oCOen-oi-al Hanhon was n distinct shock to tho piesldent. the two men having .seen much of each other while the foituei was In the executive olllce. The pi evi dent sent a telegram of condolence tu Alts. Hanlsou MR. CLEVELAND'S COMMENT. None Should Fall to Realize the Lato Benjamin Harrison's Services. Pilnceton. N. J.. Match 13. When In terviewed tonight bv tho Associated Puss conespondont. ox-President Cleveltind 111. ido th" following state ment 011 the death ot foimer President Unit ison "I am exceedingly moved by tho sad Intelligence of All. Harrison's death, lor, notwithstanding the hile diseout nging renorts of his condition, I hoped bis life might yet be spat eel. "ot one- ot our countiymcn should for a mo ment tall to realize the son Ices which have been poitormecl lit tin ii behalf b the distinguished dead In high public olhcc In was guided by patriot ism and devotion to duly, often at tho sacrillce of tenipotaiy populatits. and in pilvute nation his Intlucnin and example 10 always in tlio eli lcctlon of dccoiti' and good citizenship Such a rat eei an 1 the Incidents related to it should leave a eUop and useful impie"-lon upon ooi section of our national life " LirE OF BENJAMIN HARRISON. Thiity-Four Yeais in Public Office, and Twenty-Third Picsident. I t.-nj iini ti ll'iiri.-mi w i-. bom on i Kii-t ll.l, at the I111111 of ins cruiilfalher at Notili II ml, i. hltien mills firm ( im limits' IV wis tin m n 11 ot 1 1 11 o lauioun foi dceoltou to pilliile, saliil, iiicntallly mil i"ipiblhl. Ma .01 lieiieial lliiil-in, .111 I'lull'li aneestor. boio m. ns Willi Olbei fiomvell. and le-e with him to pioiiunetiip In the lleveimimi It fell lo lis lot lo -icn tb" d atlt wiii.ml of Charles f. nml litter I'll- ipstotltloli he paid 'he peelll IT this let, belnc hink'iil on Oeteliei- II, liafl lien jiiinn Hani-oil, the hist de-srciidiut of Inn cell's treii'iil vim ippeitf ill Ann in in hl toi, was .1 iiieinbet ol the Misuila llou-e el IIiucikU's, later 11 lelnritp lo ilie 10ln1i1.1l ion. iiv, .1 i.ic,mi ot He dii I nation of imleprml- in . I hire limes uoieiiioi' c'l Mrglnli. and I ii'enibei ot the couee'itlon tin' lalllind ihe con ttitr.tlnii. Ill- 1.011 wis Cenrril William Ibni llirn.oii, who-o lioiu lable uieei- aa i old r .mil stitpsniiti ciiliiilKilid in ids 1 let t ion m liintli piesldent ol ill t idled Maies In 1H. 10 he lollo.Mil Ia his ili'ith In the while houv one niontli alii 1 his In.iir.m.iuoii Ills f-ou I '- 11 Sioti Itm 1 i-fli. Iwlie a imnibei of eoiiRie , mi the falliei ol lli'iij.imni llirtlstin, who wa. his feiiml son lv his mowl wile, who w 1, a Mis I llnbrtli Irwin, olnn: llnainin r.i-. ei1 iieatrd In 11 mliool ho -i op-olti Ids falhei's inr.i and e,uilooUlnr Ibe Ohio riier llunm. Mil Uien time In- led the cattle and did liilll.lni,-. e.iwcil wood mil did olhfi thiiiss whhli in after lllo In- said lit did 1101 ean epeeiill im 'Ilie farm was lonplrlei isolated fi in tie world, .unl .oiitig liuijimlii ery seldom ki uranrfers, Whtiieui he did I o rvuiilncil Hi 11 sen cutloit.l. When II r.ns old In- was lent lo ( in") eadeine, on Walnut Hill, a sutnnli of Uiiein nitl, when he rem lined foi Iwo oai, and lien ciin- ol his tla.siiutPS was Mniat Hall stiail. The ear aflrr ho Jrll nhool In lost lee mother a bUs that albclu! Ihi Impieselble ul inn of ihc miuc mm fm u limit lime. In tlm fill of Js-,0 In- beeaine 1 stiideul at Miami inn Mrt.lt V, tUforil, II. lie riitued j a number '( tlio luiilor eli-, inn I li .lim. Isii, he '8s kiaduatnl fiiiuth In u ilas- of bl. ftfl leuliik Ihe nnbeislty llurlsnti lnftati llu stiidv of Ian III .litiltfu Ih I mil Kotei's otflie. In I'liii Ir.iiall, while he iiinilnnl toi two sen, hi llitohei, s"i.l. In fore leiihlnir hl inijoriti, hi nuiiicil Mlit (ailie J. Soott. ilauuhlcr of the Itei. J. W. ki-oll, of foiil. O , and .uti r ot e.iieli;o John V. volt, a pop.ilai- iuetii in.j attoinei of Indian ipoli. lb- Ins two chlldien In It-ll llemul Haiiison uihomiI to 1 1 1 I i J 1 1 .1 1 oils wih ,1 toi 1 nns of iil tnliiiltul (rum one uf Ids nlatlies. Iiiirinir the ueM fiv scan Hu ouiik lawecr uu'luill.i oli'-ilunl n I11111 pin fcwloii.il lootliold. be'couiinit 1.11011 os a sis nous, paliietakui; alloirn- .ii.d an clorpirnr adeoc lie. Ills ei.ei; and applliallon in i-hown by the following imldfiit .Man..- eara ao, be foie Im bad .ittjlned pioinineiien In I1I1 pro. le.slon. In was iippnlni. d t" jirioeiulc i nt?r ihaued witli .itleniiitini. whole. lie inurdei bt pillllni; polwni Into lln lofleo at ,1 liulil lie bad enlv one iiIrIiI in wliiih ti plipar" for the tilal. Ho bad not ,1 pnllile ol esperlence In II out limed en Picro I I r -f t -f WEATHER FORECAST. -f n.nliinlin Minh in. I'om il for 'Ihituilay and I'llda lor eutirn Penu el'. nil 1, ii"W 01 1 dii Ihui'dis, lirltV. to lileli werlnhn wind,, beioiiuni; south crlv. I'lbli, oica.lonal lain or "nos sV sj-sysy-f-ft-f-f-t-ttttt-fsy ')"? si H iy . V aMSrXr J 'i 1 'Mumt jrJ , x- t 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers