mzSL ." .'.'-Mi nn l . c-- .f . 10 THE SCK ANTON TKIBUNE-FMDAV, MARCH 13, 11)01. NEWS OF THE LABOR WORLD TWO NEW LOCOMOTIVES ARC RECEIVED. They Will Bo Used in the Passenger Service of the D., L. & W. Griev ance Committee of the Lnckawnn ni Conductors In the City Lnckn wnmw Ncwspnper Speclnl Will Go to Buffalo Today Mnke-up of the V L. fc W. Bonid Weekly Con fciencc Held. Nn. '''' untl Nn. '.'7(, two of tin- m-vv pai-ccnsii' lutonmtlvcs IicIiik built ly tlio Si'lirnrctiiily I.ocntiinllve workH for ilu- l.iirliinnim Itiilliniiil ionipnn. unlvtil In Hip clly ywui'irtiiy uml wove minutely luipiM'tnl by tin1 nillc-liilft ami ruiployoM nf tlif company. They ill ilpi-liloilly roinmii-t In foint, uml i-m-bltu'p nil tlii' ut'ci'Kfiil.v fi'Mtuiff of a tlmiiiiinhly up.lo.iliilo i-iikIU''. In fiiot. it 1 1 tin- di-hlKiiH woiki-d out li Siipprliitcnili'iil l.loyil lniVf Ih'oii cllllioilltil ill till' coiifll Ucllnii w in k, ji'iidciliiK lit'1 locomotive riipiiblo of miiiuimiiiiImk the muny hIim-p ri'ikIcm on ilie l.arkawuiiiui tnHronil with nun psiratlve i-iisi'. No. i:l wus sle.imoil up jit l'.iio o'clock yi'ti'iiliiy uftuinoon. unit utter lirlm; mippllcil with coal. ett. miiilc a dial ttlp to H.iili'.x Summit uml letiiin. In Ilie cab weir Ti'iivcIIiik lOiiKlucer "V. A. Iluckliee. of tli" Srlielleetiuly .ocoiiiotlM wink; II. . l.nwllier. i lilcf ileik to Sui'i liUendi'iu l.lnyil: IIiiKliU'i'r .Mnivlu Xcudcr anil I'll email Ki'bcit llui'iie. and a Tilbuui' man. A notlcc.iblc fcatlin of the tali Ik tlio loriinliicss of Hit' Intel lor, ami tin ii piiifill IhoiubtfulneiH of the billl(l"is in behalf nf the moil bohlnil the lever mid the mIiovcI. KlKht pukIiii'i of thin s.-rle.i li,io lieeii unlet oil, two mnio of which will be Iipic till week, and the ones ale eNpectPil lit the lale of one ,. day. No. SOI will be llnlshed up to the "(Hlpon's taste," mi to speak, and will lie placed on exhibition at the I'mi Aincrlcaii epo.itnn iluilnq; the mini" iner, and placeil In -eivlie next fall. The eiiBliieH have an etiliit'Keri stale li i en and heotliiK seivlce, the tlre-bov belli).' the laiKi'Ht on iiu, pu"MiKer en tine In the fulled Slates. It Is 10 feet S Inches loiitf. anil S lee( i! Iinlir wide. The hollpr Im i'.h liuhes In dlumeler. and ihcre nie LSI.' lubes or Hues, 14 feet I Indies Ions. Tlip evllmlcis aie i) Inches in ilUm ler. with a I'll Inch stroke, and the four steel dilve wheels are each i; im lien In dlametei. They are supplied with four-wlieelt'd enfflni1 ti in ks. with .".'i-liich wheels, 'Chi. mtal weight of each liKoniotlve Is JSvuiii pounds, and there Is '.i:ntiii pounds wcIkIh on Hie lll'elK They bae 1C pounds pre.-Mire, and r..ooii. y.illon tanks, and ate constiueted to bum line anthracite The dl Iv Iiik ale journals mm .) Inches In ilhim etcr and i:i Inches lutnf. The enslne iiucU Jouiuuls ate ii. Im lies in diam eter and IJ Im lies lonn. These locomothes un- eipilppcd with all model ii appliances, Mich as alr inakes, automattc hidl ilneis. luliil cntois. pupiiniatle .sandhiK (b Ices and lnipiovod shaklui? kiiiii-.. The eiislne nicn are enthusiastic over them, anu lake much inlde In behiK pcimitted to "pet ate such up-to-date machinery. All of this seiles will be utilized by lb.- Lackawanna rallioad In their nialii line jinnsiMiKi-r serxlce. ami If the trains nn. not on lime It will not be the fault of the eiiKlnps. T,he Tilluine expects to prim a cm of one of these lucnino tlxcs as soon as It can lie made n-ndy lor the piess. Lncknwnuna Newspaper Special. Tile l.atknwanna newspaper spi'c lal will arihe heie at U'.:::i today, .stnp. I'litB twenty-llvp minutes to i liable the Nmv VorKtrx to lake lum h at llnn 1 y's. It will leave here at i;.:,s. ar JlMnif In litilfnlu at C.Vi p. in. The tialn will be made up of four Viillnian loaches and inn imnblnailon bnsase and smokliif; mr, Theie will be between two and thiee bundled Kiiesis on the tin in. A llobuken crew will be In i tntrse uf Hi- liiilu as tar as llliiKhiiuitou, when another .-lew will there i.iko chaine of tn train and inn It tliiouch to Iluf falo. niiBim. !0 will pull the haln out of Seianton. Concluctois' Grievance Committee. "'hah man .lohu Oowupv. of I'tlca' Secretary .lohn Walsh, ,,f Klnili.i; John Slack, of Iloboken: .Mr. Dean, of Svra- use; IMwaid I'alpln. of Nortluim'hpr. land; Thomas Law. of Kingston, and .lohu Flnneitv. of Scranton. iiiembers of the Rcueral Kilevan-.- connnltlee of v,-s ""' ''ider of ltallway Conductois ,n Hie Uickawanna r.illread. weie in the i Ity yesterday. What their mission was could not be bariied. but they either succeeded or failed, ns. the niHJoiitv of them de inn t pd for their homes last niKhi When The Tribune riian appioacheii 'hah man Duunoi lw had iioIIiIiir- I,, s.iy for public atlon. Biicklayeis' Wages Adjusted. The Wilkes-Han,. bibUlavers met with their emplojcLs last nKht ami ml. .lusted a new scale of waf;cs. They wei" receiving $.ii:, fr ni, hours work. They (M(. t,, hdeifter ie. lelve thi .ciii.c pay for ..Bj. h'nuts vi 1 1;. Today's D., L. & W. Boaid. The makeup of today's d l and W. board is as follows: lliniMl.W. MAIlt'll U lil. fjl. l'j.f-S p. m. .1. . liMlur, 11 i, in. T. .M(fuitli. ' ' P' mil) SI. MMH II U VIM (uU. j in., r, j Ucmncr: :i . in.. .1. .1. Jluiu.1. null (. im tlinluinew , lmiii .) n. in. . I'. Mullliit H .i. in., .. .1. Mi IMincll; S..MI u. in.. .1. II.'i.; i) ,i. , I .1. ClntClh'' II II. III.. I'lillil. Wall; p. ,,, 1 V. SloriHi 4,-i p. i,i r, HjII.i; u .,. , ' M. Iujlmt-. Miiumlti, i:tc.- .1, in., j.i. .linift t uufsir: t . in., unit, II. rieiiufrllii I ii p. m . tj.i. ,1 llrniilRiii; H n. in., cut, . . V.lmU; ; p. n, fit ircnu .jy An, 1' i Mli.iu, T ii m tutt lieni ,Sa Anj. IMnjnl XI. illi.iu: ; ' , lt flelil l'.l)ll44, Mll.ahtJ 7 i Hi, cal f,,,,'. ( I1MI5.I, lillllt). I'nllfi 10 t, in, I', ' snur ruihcm-8 a, ,in., Hoiufii lu a. m . . I ae Hflljl 11.10 a. in ., .Morani 7 i. in., Jluii.ln, a I' I jnui'inc; Hi p. in (j, 'Ihoina,. I'JUv-Hu'ii Lnslnct- ; a m,, i.jOm-ri T p. n, Mneii Sif) p. m stjiiloui J P. in.. MiUiUfiii. .J'.1.!'1 ''., wi.t-4 J. in., lilickloi B u. in, l lilrpalikk, 7 u. in., . IIjukciM s II u, in., .1. II. JUluiii: 11 p. in., 1'. U Iti'irrw; 3 p. in., W. A, 3 p. in.. M. C'diiiKnlr; y, in., .1. II. 5lalrH . p in., o, H, Viir;i'uU Ii p. in, Uli by, wllli llulirilj'. in.-ii soi in:, (uiidiulnr flioref 'llioinai will take in p. I'liMnr. In pljtp ot ComliKtw T. Xtnm Mie-lll II. in, luiun, Iliakiinni M. tapl(n h1 gu cm vvt, Con. diuter M, fiuliUn mt lrli, 4'unilu.liif A. J, McDonnell and crew en 0 . in., Wild Cut, Friday, Manli Hi .1. II Mi nil and ircM, Slarih P), will allcuulo unlll fmtlicr iiollcc. 'II1I1 iuii will not be marked In rr.iller, llrakciiian M, M(Ciltli) trpoil for duly with .1. I'fxtrllo, llrakomaii M, Ciwlry iroi tn for duly w-itli J. .1. ('(Mtrllii, llrat.ctM in drors" ( talk will go out villi (nn. duttor l.alUrr noM lilp. This and That. i. T. t'nntlclil, niattpr cur hullder of the l.ticku wan tin uillroad, left last nlfiht for New York and will ko Uiroinjli tn HuffHlo tonlRht on husltiess for the company. Superintendent V.. I', l.onmls, of the Lackawanna coal department held lilt usual weekly conference yesterday af ternoon with District Superintendents IteC'p A. Phillips, Kviiii .1. Kvatis, T. .1. WHIIaniH and Montrose Hat nurd. Tlio meetliiRH nie held for the purpose of (HscussliiK the condition nf nffiilis around the iiiIiipk. A. I;. .Mltrlicll, superintendent of motive power on the Kile railroad. with headquarters In New York, and W. II. Taylor, master mechanic rr the New Yotk, Susquehanna and WoMein and Wllkes-Hiuie nud -Cattum railroads, Willi tiead(tiaitPis at SlroudsbuiR-, w-cie inllers at the I.arkawauua rail road olili es yesteiday. LETTERS TROM THE people. II ml-r (lili l-idliig ihott Wtri ol Inler-it will t publidipil ttlim ai'rompinkd, lor publlca lien, by tli writer' nim. The Trltmrif doci not uurne rcpon-lbillly for cplnlonj l.ere cxprcucd.) Caid from Samuel L. Moigans. I.dllnr nf Tlio Irlbime sli: I vuiild inpeiltull) j.l, rpjir In jur wldi 1.1 ukt ti explain no p..ill .n hi n Kird m tin" i.pup In Mblih nn- iLiino lu bocu piemliiriill.i bilnre llio pnbllr nirnlli, inuplrd llh Hi il nf tli. runlnnliii I lll 'iln this In litlrf .1 ln.intiil- ,i po.iblt', ulllinnu'll til.' leiy U a lonjr mn" and liiilra man i In inn Manrn uhlrli (,ir bicill) ukr inut be wnlttwl lll'IC. I ulllliisl". .i.Iiiiii llial I tiuiiMieil Iln" s,.in t"iim villi tin- iqwit nt tlio IjIujkMIIIc ion loialon mid .Himir.i , mil, h, IHt n I hup iallrd nihil- inlilrs jppi.iilni; limn tiinn Id him" In lint pjpi'i, .illliuugli th" siu'iHlui." hive bom Mllhlirhl Iiuiii pliblli.itnin in mint ln.fjtiM, I will al'ii kiv Hul I nm u'lllliiir in line .1 roiifrniii't" oi linrf.tir,illi,ii Into ill nf nld inlhli'n .ipproliiif In thi sir.iiil.iiil in. pi thh'd I tan hoc II on j lair lu-l". Hue l Ihr I made bohiir Ihe mini nlioii .it tllvlolAM .1.1 llt..1.. I... ll ...j I...1... I 1... ' " .... -.... ..-., ...,- i.'.ir.i. ... Ihr Mount I'lci-sinl Im.i1, lo ulibli I a buns pi-ifp, ilv lair: Mi. lihlii'Il li.i- ii 1 a ill .lie M plan" lin in c HI alliens and Winamp, mid. i ilie "iMiihlluia nf mi imi-lli:.ilivii, iiinl 1 ha tin nbpi llolis In sink ,i innup, pniud.d it I. iiiiiod nn In laiiiu's. mid Impiiilility wlibli ciiiKht In ih.ii ii In In- ill .mil iiiq'ihlr", I Mill k.iv Hut I will clipriinlli auppt uiir pli-l-drnl' piiipoiltlnn iiiidrr the fnib..lns loiidillolH: I'll it 'llial aid ltiuti,.itl.,ti .hall imt take railier than f.nii da. ileal nf Hip llabtmi eoiivftition. h., In onlrr thai I tiny bo able to v't the ticicpf.ay ltiie.e4 losilbir. s'in)tid 'Ihal file ileal ilijn'' -hall be Silpll tif the tlnip llipil toi thP lme.fRjli.l. and Hill It 'hall nol tike plan- mi a "vnm.i.n or H Mind i). Ibiid I Ii u tin- Muinil7jiuii -hall cniiaiii.e ill ppiiee iiicinird in (oinhieiiiii; Ihi Imivli f i Hen. IVnlli 'Ihat i mnianlee -lull lie jirn ulmb will Jltnlil prllefl ploteitl.m fmiil the intilill ilitioli Hid inlenptiliip In all lie 11 who may sie rridctiii- lufoie the lonimtltfi appoinled lii In .11 ti-lllllOlA. I itlh Ihat nil que.linl.i. to eulne lllulei di . iH.liui ai HiU liuinr.i -lidll be vihiiiliiid in witlinu'. whin ilie imiliitme I ulled, and ihit lie ftirHiili net In Wlllllij .lull be idmivuhlp 101 iI1mii.!oii. "I hit tn pirtpiil eprn uraiiirlliiir, and In i ruble me In know where I on .ii, and to lid tin ewdrncp nn t-mi i In niiir I he point at iu-. SKtll 'llial tl.i hi'illliu r. I . . II I n,e pi.,. i sraiiioii In Ilie s. ( luile. h.,1,1 .mil n a tiinlame shall be llnniril to Ilie minium. . i. ii'enl.itie of the Suantoii ilillt pipit, mi 'r md Hltne-p. II I'l.-ldiiit Mil. M.ll i, .,. . with hi pie-rnip be mil il.i -.. S'wiilli lie iiiiiimlttie -hall In . i in) I .i lee luiinhu" Mr. Mil. Ik II. nt the . ,nn , m ,, i. nuj Mlt two, 1 .lull Mh,i two. and in. m fu'ir -hall vlirt a Hub. l.islitli Hul lh( llm " i.Ml "hall mil .i.i ""ff .my iiunllviM wbiili in t l miI.iiiiii.iI i , tne I'm ili. Inline tin inniui i. hi lull hall jlo Iniluilo Ilie neweilm; ,.f i,n, ti ,. lliKi'l-.'h Ihe loliiliui" u! I In' .i run .in hi In me lliiir wfk Off", anil 1 1 1 ipmiiinug un-ati--wi ml. Mnili llnl a intnt 'liim.'i iple'i -hill Im pIKUlt t" make a imnplilp lenold nl tin pi iiilltiei, and Ihat inples uf ihe -aim -lnH l. fill it lii I'li'-M. in Milihrll md mi ( Mi. Mill hell declined In piitrit.nn -u. h a pie pii'ltinii ,i Ihi. altliousll (1 ha' Ih.ii itnl.Ki.l bj my Imal j. a talr ba.i inr an in ei-l icsitioii mid 1 Ma oidi'leil luil. In si int. .ti lo jj. i im wltnec and biinj; llion .. jit..n ,ii m. nun rprn-p In appear lirfmp the mil. I la in plp nf ihp fart thai I had Mi. Mn, U'. mini. -Jibptl in the (iie of a wltne-., tint Jip wonhl pae my ppm-i- .m Hi cinlitinn wiiithl Mind Ihe ii-l nt an in- 1,'iin. I hid Hi. Ii.uil.-.l I.iml in urn), t,, a,.t ln late li.itn Mi. Mlli hi II and in. ilhinamr i t ppetep wa. in. I mi i nn-. jIlhniiRh it . o-i me upmijI time that, lip-hli. mi b. nt time m, wmkh. 1 will not tnp in ptiiuliti nn tii.n.l, Tom NldioN, In plejilms im mi win .m.l i-lnl don a." a k.i-cii w'h iihIiiIl-i in .. uhl be -iiown l,", bit 1 will M HlP Mi-t "I I nil. Inar a dorpn oi inoir wline-o- tn lladdmi. m In Hull hoti I bllN, ami tin .urn mil thai w mid l' h).t 111 wajff lo till III. 1 Iln. IP thai) ,ju tjnd, mid moie than 1 bonid be expi l , , J t pi.i. Wurlilni; mliiPi hae nol ,, hiitulinl ,., lai billi. Iiln- h hoi" In Hull i loth,- in.l i , Ml. .Mill hell la.own Ihat jn-l a- will a I do, ami win n Hi'" cuiidltliii of pnlns for mv wltin.i,' espiliM' u,i" impo-rii nptiii me he Unix, mi a nullity Hul I w.i ptlnlitilb rhm . ui. ami I am ot Hie pillion lint lid- ,i- whil In had ill llew when he made Hie in -lipnl.ii m Thne I line- have I . iiikhiiiiI utimiiUn- m Nl.llitell, mill lime tn -limihlii nrini.i blllli lot lllllhlliL- I in.o Inu do .ml iixl i .nil time have l.nhil l,. u,t , , h,n, , mil "111) ujib In fan- a Km i i.tuiniiti , ,,i IM. t) in .sialitun .md .ill Hip ti'int- -tiptilitiil ili,,i I .l"l. no lliole 111 ill would In 'j! mini me n lieen Klllllj il -limp iilbn-i' malli-l I ir i" ,,i Ihe land. I will imi nppar on v mi !uilii -,i p tin i In r. ami wmilil I n, tii.n ;-,., ,, ,,,.. hilllatloil Ii IliuWtl I ill lint Im i n-il,. I tliyiiilt i; I base il on , i- it w i- d i t i i, it d nf Ihe md, i, mil inpuMin ,mi ,v,j iji m. i ,, nf It iihhli ii.ii-i it, iiii .ti w .i. i. i tl lt -i. K ill i ii . -1" .'I. M . ,. Sv IIII tll'.SMry. Stl Spimc ii.pi sniim, In. All Aiutp and ( liinnli lllfjsp(i of Mm, Women and Children LViiwnlutloii and p- liilliatlon fiep i)fD, Houu D,y Jmi smjay a, m. to 9 v. in ' BUY THE GENUINE ' SYRUP OF FIGS ... MANUFACTURED DT . . CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. w. . .. ir KUTK Til K XA !U K. "K wmBmmamsmm COAL COMPANY IS NOT EXEMPT Kniiilnddl from I'aifc il.i fmrpopp. it lpnt of taviilluii. I), k II. jnal (. mp, S I'minty It, llep 4fl. Ily tho pjyintnl ol an iimual la lo tlt ilalp It admit- It'plf lu be rngdKPd In a Inrimntlli" pnmtilt, but il-ilin not to bo piliidpilly igsd in lindp. It N (nnlrlnlnl by enured, mid o I old In Mn Habrlrl Sanitarium Co. 'J .Mil. II. II. in Hint the wind "prlnelpalli" a ikmI In tin! ait due not mean (he clilpf or luitrt lmliiPM, when n corponitlon I (iigaaul In ipipral lilnd (if bioltip of more or l dhow ilMiaibr. It I not Intrndpfl that Hip conil 1iatl no Into mil nl(( (abulatloii to ditrimliip whbli pll' Hit lar brandi of the buniiipu mn flpirp Hip tmatcr nninbrr of Irai'itptlons nr Hip l.ujrct in vplni(iit; but I pinloiid lo ill-tlni;iiili .1 l.llllliR o." Iltt.ll en itatlotl f i mn nn lolaipd !" ul" liaiiarlou. Hut a 1 am of tl.e opinion Hut Hip IniyliiK nnd rtllitiir of mil by tbl lorpoip lien, w.i ei.traijlnir in a luru.iiiUlc pumu'r, It I iinpfnuai-v tn dpteiuilue wliPtlur or not the pun hate ,dp of ponder and olliei Mippllcn i -iii'tilntpil the loipnralhni ,i trnl-r. T'ti piln ilal objnt of a Iniilaitpt !; i io pre 'til im ln-.iMiit delilor limit slilnir ptileirtrp.; and III ippakinic or Hip niiitrii(ll-n w Mi Ii hoiihl be (;lM"ii to Midi ,n i, II was ftd In He Mullei. In 1I111I30 in irfinme In a (iiiilriitloli lint Hip nt nf 1M,7 t"ntt l. dl,, u mod tit' .iinlii'1 Ihe uedilor mid in faior nf Hie I. um "in mi Jiidjiiiuit thl i(W- ol Hie i.utler ii not Mi....ilnl In- ipnon nr hiitliiiiltv. 'Ihp ml dond imt ult.'mnl in pmibh ihp liinl.mpt l.i.t to ilMillii;lr lill piiiidly f.ilily and Im piitiilli between hi iiedllnii tn whom In ill (In. Ii brb,re. It l uml mKh l linliil the borip.t (i ihinr lioin bKitnr ovii ! ip1i.iI iMinndi'd by the miMitipiiIoii. skIi a l ilnlp I not lo bo mmlitipil Mrtilly n If II i ip :in im pnlal pinil pp. a. uiipnf. The nit p.t.iblldiri a K.utrm end irn. in all ila deliill the lelatlip light and ilttlle of the ilehlor and eirdllnr, Snili nil .lit iinol Ip iii,tinil .ipcciuliiiir to tb- fair lnioit of In trim Willi ,i view to pffm t a. uhjni and to puiiioto Jntli.p." I'iiiii.ciio.v or i itnuiniK I nie" Hip pip-eiit la,v be o iuiitniril in nil il piniMi.ii. u to proliit tlie erpilllrii. wiiilo lellpvltn; the ilnblur fiom hi nbllji Hon. Ihe mom r II ipppal i( jcrniiiidMiPil Hi" bdlei. Ill mv JiiiKmrtit the Ijiku.i;p nf mi lion I I Iniiad Piumuli mnl I belli ip It was the iiilen lion nf innnri-1 In It.dnde nil (nipoi.Hlon nf .1 priialo nature niiratiU'il fur peeimlaij piotil. In none nf He leporled in-p whidi luve i-ome iimlir nu (iMinriallui i Hipip ,i tenon im why tonlex inlpiilid tn pmIiiiIp our Ii inipm nlloii in. in Ihe 11)1(1.111,111 nf Hip ait. It It,, eotncb.ible (hit uiiy iecWallie bmb Mmuld intention die fi.ilin a Inlille In pieenl an in wdinil lndiiliiil limn piifiiliij; .i indlloi, and et ieiml an liwil'ii.t eoipoiatlon, nin.u'ed III I lie i-atiie 1ni.iiiv, in pc one iiiilltnr In full alnl .ill nihil" in.lhlli.. 'Iiip KlP.lfinjit.lhe of Midi .1 Jiw U made liiililli-l lUnn appllnl In till I.H.". -uppi,.i Mr. limine, wlm inlu'ln- iiii p.i"n th in. 1 1 lind-. had iipited a birnl,,-!', uml, ii ,,a(i in, Hip mil, piqnied it for iiiiiiImI and -nhl It at n pinil,; and In -ii ilidtis tiKiiiird il.l.l, utlli lent to make him llombetit. It he .iltimpltd In plitpi a iiditnr b nmld Imp I'fiii fniipil into th: by Imoliml.ity ptnirpiiiiic lu baiikuiplri Hi' nppo.i .lisiln. atter i.lil.iiniiiu the-i lea-e', Diidce bad a--oi iatnl w.lh h in, iiikIpi ailldp of nepaitiipiihiji Hu -aim men.whii iieoipoiatpd the Kei-iine ( i i.mpaio .llnl then iniiihirlid the mat bil-ihie-v, n ll h.. ever been (allinl mi: ii tin piriuii-hip beiaiiip iuoluiil, anil .ilieuipinl In tli fraud It .nilnm In luiiilm; mn nil i'- pioperl in .'lie. upon pinpei .how. iiiu-. lid- inn i Mould ui prnniplli inleilin' m pifieiii -uih iliyrat'l lulii-tn.. tnl l n i loiiirnihd Ihn whfl" netihr lludqi a an o 1 - 4- JO?. 1 ..,-' .v. - rCteQ32 "" 1 111 I "If J il) J NS-f Watch our next advertisement. In every package of LION COFFEE you will find a folly illustrated and descriptive list. Np housekeeper, m fact, no woman, man, boy or girl will fail to find in the list some article which will contribute to thetr happmess, comfort and convenience, and which they may luve bv simply cutting out a certain number of Lion Heads from the wrappers of our one pound sealed packages (which is the only form in which this excellent coffee is sold). .Special llairaiiis 1 I'rldiij and i i Sat iinla). I 1 BigS SB T unifies anfl K lOnerS LOOK I -ill! ' IlUt ltljlll ll1,l,Ml, Klall tOl uiil I' .1. mnl mi", .IV. t iiilil'n iiuliKr iluutu iii ;.'io, Mu.'. An li niit,i ifi olllll' Itltllllr UllllM J !"", , M.ii'" llulilirr ii.miu ji : m.l ; '. i.j' i ..ii l-iillc' in hull Iion i.,i ni. i j.i. IjIji l .'..'j uml .i,vi .dm. ul I.iai ill jlM (..ullo' rim f c I Kill. klU lmcil ji liiuilliiiiinl Miih., wiuili .ji Mt tl.v T'l uii Uilli' I'jiriil ;,.-.illici l,ji"c Hi t urn i V Hunt. ,ii ! ;), We invite you to call and set with your own eyes the best shoes for the least money. I-vcry shoe guaiMnteed, anil every item as advertised, and you will surely save money by it, MYER DAVIDOW, diMdtial, nor Hip nlotklioldern ul llil coiporallon a ii urtnnhli could coininll Hip tut nf tunl: mptcy roinphlnrd nf, without imbjrttltig- them felip to Ihe iTiiiltrmenb of llip law, el Hi samp peoplp, carrjlnu on Hip mo Inulnp un der a di.irler Aurd by Hie tlate, ran purcltav SVyinri worth nf mmhlnpiy and luin ll. oicr lo miiiip powdir evnipaiiy, fo piy a debt for powdrr wdilili had Ippn fold to It PI1IPI0.1P, In ntlipr wonl. "rob 1'iter to pay Paul," mid irli n trjiuadloii would not make It ainptnhlp lo Iho bankrupt law-, ConitrpM nevtr Intind'il lhl liw lo work piidi rank InJildleP. ea diihlrd Iwp tlip Jiibtc iiI (lie act of IS?, had been iltrd n Mintalnliiir tip (etitdilloii of Hip respondent; but lu none of I Ik m ha Ihp (iielloti litre piPv-nlcl In-eu do Icimlned. TIip nillnir in Klk I'.irl. Mlnlnc loun pany t Am. ll. II. 1.11 I In no way applluble In Hip raie beloic u. Hip Ik-I ioih eriiltut the lmlneM enndiidPd are not iflipii. Judge llallclt ai! ",V inliiliiK loiiipmy whidi I ontanlrpd (or cpnatint; a mint and Kdllnc prrcloat itielnl firm ll, cannot lie ahl tn br enused in any fjirdp nf tradlnir." 0I'I.1 IIU A TIUDIlll. 'lint may bp IniPi but if II boitshl Ihe prpi lou tnelal honi cup who owiiod the land, and after minim; them Fold Hieni with ,i liw ln profit, nnd nidi wii tlio cowpaiij 'n litl-inc, then Hip JmlRe would pildently bold the ((iinpiiiy to lip a Irader, or pnif-ued In .1 iiipumitllr" pur-nil. for lie ,i.i: "To 1111 mind, inrgiri" ele.irli intended to lirlnpr witliln the term of thl ,11 1 Ihooe eoipoiatlon wbbli en'e ill tin" genetal builnr; ol Imi Imt and sell -Ilu.- KOOik" 'Hip iledion nf ttefelec IVmlh-lnli In lie Ibdlln Hold nnd Mber Mliilnjf loinpany 2 Nat. II N. Ii it, t'-S Is lia-p"l upon the iUPAtoii of wlietlur nr not Hip 1 (.nip mv ".i rnsmi'd in luimifadiu Int.'. The question nf the lonipni.i'n piirikIiik In tiadp or a meipaulilp pur.-uit did not arl-e and w.n not comldercil. Nrllher doe Hie diel-hni In I'p ( hieago an-1 .b'pllii la;,id and Zinc ( o ;i Sat. II. N. a II IIU, bear tipnn the ea-e imd(r ronsldcrntion. Tlnro w.i 1111 pioof I li.i 1 Hip rompinj bought or cold; nud Ihp mull hrld th.ll Im prPMiniptlou nio-u ot Imping and -dllu;. the ronip.inj had that powir under It (bailer. 'Ihat it w-a-noi whit ll the iimii- lo do, but wlnt ll iicluilly did, llial dntrrminril nhrthrr or nol (i ramp within Hip pioiHon of (.Pition lb. 'Ihp ipaniiiijs ul .Indue I'IiIIIIm in Up I amproii Town In Co., Am. II. It, :i72, would -rein to mv lain tltp ciuirbtion at which I hai.p nulled: tlip ih-ddoti, howpipr, I In 110 wip applhablp lu Ibe (ap at Ihi, In lli . V. and AVrrlilintrr Water Co.. 1 m. II. 1'. .V)-". .IiiiIkp llnmn miihlpr rry fully 11 Hen th. but the iln l-lon lu that cu-r cannot b hahl to i.u-talu Hip (ontpiitloii of Hip re (M'iiiliiit Iipip, Tli" romt deelildl that Ihp water (emp.iii.i did not mini" within the unMom nf M-1H011 4b beLMit-e It did Imt coll wapr, but "rented out prMlr'c to draw- walu fiem it' p;pi " Mbit Hip mnrl wimld haip itrrldPil hul it appiaiiil Hul Ine watei- company fur IiI'IkiI water ly 11,1 ni ol a iiu'tn as hijiij wali'i 1 uipalihi do, does nol apptar. Hut Hip que Hun Hide dpdiieil in im way lontinb tld ca-e Of all Ihe ciniits whidi line mnideiel tin ipi(illon. I belipp .liiile Wdlbmup in San Habitrl I.... '' Am. II. II. di)'. In- i,1.,t if r 1 1 llin 1 111 1 ii. I to, i 1 lii-1 lli.t ti. i 111 Ii viiHki llIVb' fll ll'll" 1. ! i rvill 111'- - IMHII lit"-! pMi.tually!, If equal Jtntlip i lo bo ad mlulalned tn ail iindei the present lunkiiiplrj law I tlipnfoip Kioiiiinrud that .1 diriep bp limb' ded.uln-r tlip KpjhtotiP Cnal (ompanj bankiupl MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS for ( Itildrrii Mollrr (,r.n, lor jpr.r .1 uurp in llm Children' lioine In New Iiii,, Heated d.ll (IlPtl -,U(Ci-.-flllh with .1 iPtmdl, now- prepiied .mil pl.11 ed in the dill'; -ami'-, tallpd Moihn l,r.o'M "-wept 1'iiwilei-i t ,r Milldun Thp a-. Iiuimlc .1 milk, pli.i-.inl in take i.rd unci til V lertain tine for leiirl-hiii-v., mn-tipath 11 teelhmu .111 1 -.tout 11 Ii ilinidei atnl iniiuNp W111111-. t all drucL'Ut. '. ""iinple -em lllKI. iMi-m Allen Olinl(d. I.rlloi N A LUXURY WBTHIN THE REACH THE lion docs picket duty for you and prevents adulteration and impurity from entering into your pack age of LION ST When you buy ot LION COPFEE you havo coll'eo that is absolutely pure, strong and invigor ating. A single pound makes 40 cups. No other coffoo will go so far. You will never know what it is like till you try it. LION COPPEE is not a glazed compound, but a puro coffee and noth ing but coffoe. Myer Davidow 307 Lackawanna Avenue. AT THE BIG BARGAINS: ;"ii pjir I iiliffi. i i Kii liiitlon .m.l I..i i i'li'iilili' Mil(. riinu.i I'IjuI i n j l.i. Mnitli hi pjii, at H.:. All Um. vliltli". II, C ll jiul I.. Jk uli I.a'lln' Hui.' Million ami Iik l.umlujl vsill If! mi ai M.ll' l.VI aiM l.jillcV D.mvili llniUMi ami I. an i jl flfn Jl !'" . A m uln l.aill'k' S-1..M) fpiiiii; k!iok ji .'ii, Wl palit IjiIIi.,1 4I..VI llii(t liiwn at 'im. Ml lu. I.aillen" Ki Mlpiwu al .VK". ml "' . I.ailirj, llluc t-Jllii 0 Mli'pru ai o.' Connolly The New Hosiery Men's. Women's. Children's. The preference is clearly for the fancy sorts more of them sold already than in. any previous season. Upon their predicted popularity we planned for and gathered ex ceptionally large assortments. We believe ours to be the leader among hosiery stores. Simple, plain, quiet sorts, in plenty, too prepared for all tastes. Aud every style from gravest to gayest is of good quality, and prices are right not fanciful, nor iust about even with the market, but mostly below the prevailing prices for equal grades. Here are some splendid values in plain, serviceable Hosiery. 19c 25c 25c a Pair Of cotton, in black, tan, blue and red, printed iu wliitc designs, stripes etc. Seamless and fast color. ' a Pair Fast Black Stockings, full regular made, in three weights, light, medi um aud heavy. Positively the best value iu 25 cent Hosiery ever offered. Si ;S per half dozeu. ' a Pair Fast Black Lisle Stockings in drop stitch and lace effects. Some of them are very light aud fine. $1.38 per half dozen. I Or i;r Mett's frist Black Socks, with uubleachcd feet, the best wcariug sox that -w money can buy. $r.oo for half dozeu. OGZn Fast Black Hose, all black, in three weights, light, medium aud heavy. $1 ?S half dozen. 25C JIeu's Half IIose iu droP 3titcl1 aud lace effects, very fine aud entirely new. These colors tan, black, blue, grey, red and purple. $1,38 half dozen. Children's Hosiery 1 2ic a ,a'r'Boys' and Girls' Serviceable School Stockings iu two ribs narrow 2V and medium, fast black and seamless, sizes 6 to 9'. 25C a Pajr Kys aud Girls' Iron Clad Stockings, the very best made for hard ser v cc, in two sizes rib-;, narrow aud medium. All sizes 6 to 10. Misses' Fine Lisle Stockings, fast black, with spliced knees, heels and toes. An exceptional offering in fiuc goods. ',es 5 V, 6 6'A 7 7;; S SJ 9 I Price.... 18c 20c 22c 25c 28c 30c 33c 35c 37y2c CONNOLLY OF ALU COFFEE an unbroken package W0L50N SPICE CO., TOLEDO, OHIO. Special llargalns Fi'ldii) ami Sal unlay. At less than cost of making for men, women and children: All styles and sizes 3lcn".s Shoes. Ti. i.iii Mi n j l!n... i .in J III at K l.nalii.! S.I Miihp., Jl JI-U" I '.il pain .Mi'n' lu I all ami 1,'iiwl, liallicr IIi.kI, iiiIiIui IiihI. irJ .-hw-. m l.'.i. Is palia Mfir laiiinil sli V hh", ,ii .. Irt lull-. Mili'n llu t ul, Viliiin l , Jn, , j Kill Ki.'AI Sli, t I".' -. .ii iuli Jli'ii'n llii". ""li.a. umlii iii. al '. Mi"ii' Huikliu Mm.., iii., anil l .".D. Min' .Mining Miucj, only iin . Ilu.i' Mum"., ul I'v. llv"cs uml C'liUiIitnV !lii, all .mi. The Cheapest Shoe Store. 307 Lackawanna Avenue Ifallac SCRANTON'S SHOPPINO CENTER. Women's Stockings Men's Half Hose & WALLACE, J Special Rug; For one week only we of beautiful high pile YAL UTOPIA RUGS oi.e v reet rji. These Rugs are positively the greatest bar 4. gains ever offered in a high class, well made, up-to-date rug. For One Week Only Your Choice, Fifty Patterns ; $25.00, $25.00. $25.00. Wc Will Hcscrvc (ioods Unlll You Want Them. iWILLIAHS&ncANULTYl .!. ! 129 Wvomine Avenue 129 Wyoming Avenue 444' $ ,t HENRY BELIN, JR., Ccnertl Agrnt lor th: Wyoming Diltrict lor 1 Mlnlnj, niantlny, fportltiff, Fmokelm nd th Ilrpauno ChcmUul Compins High Explosives. Sitetj Fine, Cjp (ml Iljplwlfn. Room 101 Con. ncll Iltillilim, t-'iunton. AUK.NCII.3i iiios. ronn JOHN D. SMITH k EON W. I'.. MULI.10AN lMHtnn I'l;niouih WlILes-njrrt New models now in. Spaldings.Cleve lands, Iver Johnson and Crescents. No better selection ever made. Call and see them. They're beau ties. 21 1 Washington Ave. DUPONT'S POWDER. 1901 BICYCLES J' 127 AND 129 WASHINGTON AVENUE Sale offer a limited number 4 - r- j oy iz.vcax. 4,,I,4'4,4, !,4,,H,r,lJ,4, t Ills ft Lag-er Brewery HnmifticttiroHor OLD STOCK LSttER 4S6 to 4S5 . SCRANTON, PA N. Ninth Street lelcpliona Call, 2:W3. THB INSIC POWDER CO. Hooms 1 and.2, Com'llh WV&'g. B0RANTON, PA. Hining and Blasting POWDER Midi kt iiooilo and lluiti Jal Workt, LAFLIN RAND POVVDUR COfl ORANGE GUN POWDE! Wsotrlo Huttsrliu. Klaolrlo Kxploilirit xploJIas bljt, Hafety fu Ha Rsiauno Chemical Co.'s rxpR
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