THE FCRANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 21, 1894. Southern Democrat Objects to Mr. Hoar's Remarks on Webster. GIFTS l'KOM NEW HAMPSHIRE Statues of General Sturk onJ Daniel Web stcr Ara Received with Appropriate Ceremonies by Congress- House Talks ou Currency. By the United Press. Washington, Doc. 20.--The senate de voted the entire time of lis ulttlnK to day to the uddreases in connection with the acceptance and pluclni? in the stat uary hall of the capltol, of the marble Btatues of General John Stark and IXaniel Webster, presented by the state tf New Hampshire. There were four speeches made in eulogy of Stark, and ten In eulogy of Webster. The one that attracted most attention was that of Senator Hoar (Rep., Mass.) in relation to Mr. Webster, whose speeches, he said, were the literature of American nationality. They were to the American what the Psalms of David were to the Hebrew, what the songs of Uurns were to the Scotch man. Up to the seventh of March, 1850. When he made, his speech in the senate In support of the fugitive slave law, he was the oraclo of New England. Hut on that day he put himself in oppo sition to the conscience of the north. The voice of law, as he Interpreted It, and the voice of God, speaking to the Individual soul, then for the first time In the nation's history seemed to be in conflict. Nothing, said Mr. Hoar, could have resisted the dominion of Daniel "Webster over New England until he provoked an encounter with the inex orable conscience of the Puritan, Mr. Hoar's concluding sentence was warm ly applauded. It was: "He is the one foremost llgure in our history between the day when Washington died and the day when Lincoln took the oath of olllce." Mr. Morgan (Dem., Ala.) followed Mr. Hoar and took an opposite view of Mr Webster's defence of the fugitive slave law, regarding it as the most conspicu ous evidence of his moral courage, obeying the constitution of the United States rather than the clamor and sen timent of New Kngland. Ceremonies in the House. Pursuant o an order adopted last week the hoase turned aside today from its consideration of matters relating to the statues of General John Stark, the hero of Bennington, and of Daniel Web ster, the famous lawyer, orator and Btateman. Speeches were made by Representatives Baker and Blair, of New Hampshire; Powers and Grant, of Vermont:-Everett and Morse, of Massa chusetta, and Curtis, of New York. The ceremonies closed with the adoption of resolutions of thanks of congress for the gifts. Before these exercises the house spent three hours In further discussion of the Carlisle currency and hanking bill; a speech for it being made by Mr. Sperry (Dem., Conn.) and against it by Mr. Brosius (Rep., Pa.), members of the committee on banking and currency. Mr. Brosius, in speaking In opposition to the bill, said the discussion had de veloped the remarkable fact that friends of the pending measure, while advocating Its passage and declaring Uimselves to be In favor of it, were ' yet opposed to every single line of It. This condition, he said, invited some reflections arising from matters outside of the merits of the bill Itself. An urgent deficiency bill was passed appropriating "$300,000 to carry on the work fit closing up the eleventh census and $100,000 to pay fees of 'Jurors and witnesses in United States court." The senate bill granting a pension of $100 a month to the widow of General Nathaniel P, Banks was unanimously agreed to on motion by Mr. Sickles (Dem., N. Y.) INDiSlALTOPICS. Beginning with ithe first of the your, the Central Railroad of New Jercey will 'take charge of the now line recent ly qoiwtruoted by A. S. Van Wlckle to his colliery at Culciulne. The Central Mil keep the line In repair and will ob tain the largest proportion of the ton nage. The rumor of a prospective gigantic roal combine Is current anew, and It Is claimed negotiations are now In pro- Kress between the coul operators of Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia and Virginia, to form a trust that would control the bituminous coal of the east and south as absolutely as the Stand ard OH company does the oil product. Carbondale Leader: "There will b plenty of coal at Wllkes-Barre long af ler that at Scran ton has been mined Jut. So all prominent geologists and fxperlcnced minors say. There ' ihe soal runs In places to a. depth of 2,200 Tect. No other basin In this soptlon lies deeper ithan 800 feet. The seams bo'i'jr to far from the surface Is the reason Why they have not been worked long Hlnce. Jt will cost more to get this coal than ithat composing suner- flcll veins, but that factor no longer paramount." The engineers on Superintendent Mitchell's division of the Lehigh Val ley railroad want nn Increase of wages. The engineers on this run formerly re vived $6.50 the round trip, but were a liort tlmo ago roducod to $8 the round trip. The' commlbtee claim that engi neers on the other runs receive $;i.23 for Ijms hours' work per day than they r.ava for $3, beside they are off one day out of tlliree. It is further claimed by the mon that the engineers on the Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey are paid 17 for the round trip to Easton and re turn. Superintendent Mltohell has re ferred the matter to President Wilbur. Shamokln Dtajnateh: "Big lmprove-l ments are under' way ait the Enterprise Coal company's mine at-Excelsior and it Is probable that the operators will soon alnk a new elope there. This new opening will be made on the Mclmtyre traot as soon as the location of tha Mammoth vein is definitely determined upon. The production of this mine will be Increased very materially when the Mclntyre traot 4s once opened up and developed, as it is a mile In length and comprises the North dip of the Mum-. moth vein measuring twenty or thirty feet in thickness well as the Skid more ind No's. 9 nd 10 veins. It Is estimated thnt this traot nlone holds 6,000,000 tons of cotil that can be mined and shipped." Dhlladelphla Stockholder: "The point has been made by the opposition to the Lehigh Valley management that no good will result from the election of Thomas McKuam, as he Is the second largest Individual holder of Reading stock, and a director of that company. The Inference from euoh ail assertion is that Mr. MfKwin would allow his personal business to Influence him In favor of 'the Reading as against the Le high Valley, the companies being na tural competitors. Suoh a plea is not tenable, aside from the reputation for fairness which Mr. McKean possesses. In the first plaoe, he Is not only one of the largest Individual stockholders of the Reading, but 'has equally large in terests in the Lehigh Valley, and It Is reasonable to mssume that he will do nothing personally to Injure either of his Interests; on the contrary, It Is evi dent that he will endeavor to prevent any clash between the two companies. Ills election to the Lehigh Valley man agement, therefore, muy be regarded as a benefit, as the tendency will be to operate that company In harmony with the Reading, not only as to coal prices, but ojs to coa.1 raites as well, from which sources the two companies receive their greaitent Income." Philadelphia Stockholder: "The so called Lehigh Vs-rSey stockholders' pro teotlve committee 'has not abandoned hope 'that John Wanamaker might con sent to head Its ticket as candidate for the presidency of the company. Ac cording to a otory In circulation the committee, or representatives of it, called on Mr. Waiiamaker and asked him to become 'tlhelr candidate for the ofllce. He replied, It Is understood, that if the conimlbtee would guarantee him support' to the extent of 150,000 shares lie would consent to the use of his name. What answer was made to this proposition we have not learned, but it is believed 'that the guarantee was not given. There is little doubt that the management's ticket will vote at least two shares for every one voted by the opposition. It Is known that the management controlled upward of 300, 000 slums before the committee an nounced Itself, and since then proxies have been coming In steadily. Unofll flcral eMtilmates place the number of shares the management could vote at me presem mnie ai irom jiiu.uuu to Jii), 000 Bhares. This is a larger number than Was voted last year, and will be further Increased before the election; Indeed, friends of the management as sert positively that President Wilbur aiiid his associates will have voted for them a majority of the entire capital stock about 800,000 Khares. Shamokln Dispatch: "On dark nights the beautiful 'illumination produced by the lighted gases escaping from the smoke stacks around the collieries pro duce a weird but fascinating effect and but few people are moved by the con templation of the enchanting peene to the refleotlon that the illumination in question is simply so many dollars and cents going to waste, By inserting a pyromuter Into the base of a. smoke stack leading from some cylinder boil ers In the vicinity it was found that 2,000 degrees of flie tieat was actually going to waste and with facts staring us In the face, such improvident waste ought to be prevented In Borne wav. The question of just what to do is by no means unanswerable and has been already solved 'in the. Wdlkes-Itan-e and HaaleUm districts by placing n vertical water tube boiler In the rear of the cylinder boilers and instead of allowing the waste gases to go up the stack, conduct them by means of brick flues to the vertical waiter tube boiler and convert that into a smoke stuck. Results obtained by this simple process have exceeded the most tianguine ex peotatlons of those who 'have followed this plan. In one Instance at Nantl coke a 400 horsepower vertical waiter tube boiler developed 5S0 horsepower from the wnwte ihut alone, making a total of 980 horsepower, Instead of 300, wunoui using an ounce more coal or the employment of an extra hand These figures will Apeak more eloquent ly for the utlllzaitlon of waste heat from cylinder boilers than anything else, and will give some idea of the vast amount of heat going to waste all over the country." STOCKS AND BONDS. By the United Press. New York, Dec. 20. Business was ac tive at the Stock exchange today, sales aggregating 179,054 shares. The Increase, however, was due entirely to the re vival of speculation In Sugar, the sales of that stock alone having amounted to 82,900 shares. At the start the stock was heavy and fell 1 to 88Vs. The weakness was the result of Washington advices that the efforts making to take away the differential duty now enjoyed by refineries will be successful. The stock clased at 90. In the other Industrials, Consolidated Gas and Chicago Gas were erratic and Cordage weak. Chicago Gas moved up to 72',4, and for a time displayed great strength. Near the close the stock dropped to 71 Vi on the revival of the re ports about a reduction in the divi dend. Cordage dropped to 6Vt, not withstanding the official announcement that the interest money on the bonds due Jun. 1 Is in the bank. The declara tion of the regular dividends on the Vanderbllts induced covering of short contracts in Lake Shore, and the stock moved up 2 to 138 on light transactions. The railway list yielded i to per cent., but when Luke Shore rose to 138 thero was an improvement of Vi to 1 per cent., Reading being most promi nent In the recovery. Speculation left oft steady to firm, except for Chicago Gas, which was weak. Net changes show gains of Vi to 1 per cent. Chi cago Gas lost on the day. Tlio range of today's prices for the ac tive stocks of the New York stock mar ket are given below. Tlio quotations are furnished The Tribune by G. du U. Dlm-mk-k, manager for William Linn, Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street, Scrunton. Yes. Op'n- High- Low- Clos- ne mil WANTS Or ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR. IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO CHARGE WILL EE LiEHB THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARE INSERTED FKEHJ. Agent Wanted. X MAKE I11U MONEY 8EI.L1NS OUR -1- Eluctric Telephone. Host tllur on earth. ivnt nil comDletu reudv to sot un. linen of aiiv distance. A practical Klactriu Telephone. Our ugonts ma 1"K ! to $111 a day easy. hvoryuudy buys; But uionoy without -work. Pilous Low. Anyone oun make (Taper mouth. Address VV. P. Harrison Sc Co., Clerk No. 11, olumbus, O. GENT WANTED EVERYWHERE TO Kell the lutiMt aluminum novelties, enor mous protlttt. Nells at sliiut, delivered free, s- uro territory, bamplu in velvet lined case Uth full information. Hie. ('ataffuue fref. Aluminum Novelty Co., 1135 Broadway. New York. VaNTKD - ACTIVE SALESMEN TO ' handlo our lino, no neddlinir. Balarr, 75 per month and uxuonnHg tmid to all. Uoods entirely new. Apply quickly. P.O. Box, 630S, ihcoii. hus. Help Wanted Male. liN IN LV15KY TOWN. PERMANENT position. Uood pay. Experience utilise- usury. Cuautauuua Mirsorv Co.. Portland. N. Y. A ITANTEt) UOOD SOLICITOR TO SOLICIT V the limiting trado of Hi'mnton and vt cinity. Apply to J., Tribune office. YVANTED-AN EXPERIENCED BOOK canvasser. Address T. B.. cure Tribune ollli-e, Huranton, Pa. Clos. lug. est. est. Itrnr. A. M. T W! 'i ar.'i Ufi'j A. T. & 8. P... 4'4 4;'8 4 4'; 4:;4 A. 8. It. C 89 iid'i 90'i fj.S'4 !K) A. C. t) 21' 2i 244 2I"8 c. m & s. P.. r,s f,7T4 fctti r,7','S tx C. It. I. & P... (117,4 Hi's filiii 6l7s B-'-a C, H. & Q 71i 71'4 n 71Hi 71i C. & N. W 7!4 97Va UK 97' !S C. C. C. & ft. L ftil'4 39 3H'i, 39 3!), Can. South.... W4 WlVj WM, Chos. & 0 17'4 174 17r's "7'i 17 I). C. V. Co.... H'i ft' U 9'i I). & II 12(l"'i 121134 1 24 I2HJi (Sen. Klee 85'i 3T 85i K'.i !1.''4 Jersey Cent... 92" 9:1' 9;i;l4 92'4 W 1,. & N M-'i, B3"i W'i M Lake Shore.... VJf IMiVi MH ISlPa 137 Man. Kle HM'i 10l'j 10T,'4 lOI'i HO Mo. Pac 2S 274 27 -T:. Nat Lead 3S SX'j, 3s'i ;( 38 Nat. Cord 7" 7'- 7 ll'i 7'4 New Ens 32 32 32i 82 82 N. Y. C 9!l'i W4 9!l'a 99'4 WVj Ont. & West.. 1.V4 ir.'i lr.'i l.Vi P. & K lo 13 14?4 Mi MVs Tex. Pae 9n Union Pac ll-j U"4 UT Jl"4 1174 W. & S. 1 0 , .... W. & 8. I,., Pr 13 .... ' W. Union H S7'4 8714 SOli 87 Ex-dlvldend Pi per cent. CHICAGO BOARD OP TRADE PRICES Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. . rr' m r.s . 04 C4' 0:1-4 03 WHEAT. May lecembor OATS. Muy December January ... CORN. May .. 32'4 321-i .. 2!t'. 29' .. 29! 29'.4 .. 4!'4 49U December 4i! 4i! iinuury !',4 4tl4 LAUD. January C.8r 0.8.1 Muy 7.07 7.10 PORK. January 11. SO 11. SO Muy 12.12 12.15 Scrunton Board of Trade Exchange Quo tutions. Tar Val. 100 CO No. Shs. Buffalo Stock Murkct. By the United Press. Iluffulo, Den. 20. Cattle Receipts, 1,120 head; on asle, 100 head; market dull rough steers, $3.25; mixed butchers, $2.8V 3.10; fair to choice fat rows, J2.4on3.'i"i; fat bull, $2.(t)U2.90. Hogs Receipts, 10.050 head on sale, 11,450 heurt; market steudy to firm; "heavy weight Yorkers, J4.35n4.40 Yorkers, 4.30u4.35; pigs nnd light, $l.30a 4.35; mixed packers, $4.30u!.40; gnoil me (Hums, $4.40a4.45: choli'e heavy, $t.45a4.fii) roughs, . J3.Wa3.iir; stags, 3u.H..1o, Sheep and l.amim Kcceipts, B.2U0 heart; on sale, 8,(100 head; murkct very dull; Canada. Jl.1llu4.20; extra prime nutlvo lambs, J4. 4.35; good to choice, J3.tWa4.10; fair to good, J:!u3.40; culls und common, J2.2.'u2.75; mixed sheep, good to prime, J2.30n2.75; eommon to fair, S2u2.25; export wethers, J1a4.75 export ewes, J3.25a3.50. Oil Murkct. By the United Press. Pittsburg, Dep. 20. Oil opened and low est, ViW-., hlghost and close, 954e. Banta Cmus rouldn t make a wiser choice of a gift for his little friends thun to present them those funny, droll and mlrtli-eommnndlng "(Jueer People." All parts can now be had ut The Tribune buMlnesd ofllce, THE PRODUCTION of.a.TONIC EQUAL in BLOODand FLESH PRODUCING QUALITIES CHE GENUIN Pi Vi i A mm f . T id EXTRACT. W j i r, if LOOK FOR SIGNATURE K2'4 29 29'.4 49 4.V4 40 C.R2 7.00 11.77 12.10 mi 29 21)1,4 49'4 45 4, 0.82 7.05 11.77 12.10 10 25 10 4'i0 30 78 2 200 350 WW Bid. Scranton Parking Co .... Providence & Alding ton Turnpike 75 20 KiO Scrunton Ulass Co 6 Kifl Traders' Nat'l Bnnk 110 1 1000 Mt. Jessup Coal Co.. S00 10 CO Mooslc Mouut'n Coul Co CO CO Lnckn. & Montrose Railroad 100 Reru'n Savings Hank loo Third Nut'l Dank.... loo First Nat'l Hank 50 Scranton Trac. Co.. 100 Walker Automatic & Steam Coupler Co 100 Allegheny Lum'r Co C00 Seranton Glass Co (lionds) , 450 8 100 Wyaluslng Water Co (llonds) 7 COO Stevens Coal Com'y (lionds) .'. 8 100 Scra'n Jar and Stop per Co 0 CO Dime Dep. & DIs. Dank 02 CO 1 100 Seranton Axle Works .... 20 100 Nutlonul During un Drilling Co 20 100 Ei-on'my Light, Hunt and Power Co 4 23 Crystal Lake Water Co 100 Lacka. Lumber Co... 1U0 Cent. Penn. Tel. & Supply Co 00 100 Spring llrook Water Co '. 6 100 First Nutlonul Bank (Carbondale) 5 100 Lu.'ka. Trust & Safe Deposit Co 15 1(W Scrunton Bedding Co C5 im) Bonla Class Co C 100 Scra'n Lace Cur. Co. Ask 120 0 CO '875 ' io sr. 100 coo 100 coo 100 09 75 20 100 100 110 133 100 100 250 103 :'o 100 I New York Produce Market. By tho United Press. New York, Dec. 20. Flour Dull, easy Wheat Moderately active, drm; No, 2 r store lind elevator, 59afi0c. ; alldiit, (lie.; o, b., ti1aG2c; ungraded red, 57a(13c. ; No northern, (K'iiWUr.; options closei steady at unehuiigcd prices to i,t dc el I no with a fuir trade. Coin Dull, firm No. 2, ri2u55c. elevator; 03n5lic. alloat steamer mixed, 49VjC.; No. 8, 480.; or Hons were dull and steady at '4c ilcclln December, lc. ; January, CUic.; Feb- ruury, icc May, fe. oats Fairly uc tlve, Bteadyj options dull, llrm; December, 31c; January, 35c; February, 3.l'4e Muy, 35'.; spot prices, No. 2, 84c; No. white, 3iic; No. 2 Chicago, 35c; No. ai'Ae.i No. 3 white, 37c,; mixed western, 34 STi'ic.j while do., IWalHic; while state. 38a 41 'Ac. Heef-gulfl. Beef Hams Dull. Tlerced 11 eef --Inactive. Lard (Jub firmer; western steam, J7.15al.l7',4; ell li-'Sic; leceinber, J7.15. nominal; Junuar J7.17, asked; refined, dull: continent, J7.00 South America, $7.90; compound, 5a5 Pork Oulct, Btendy; mess, J13.27al3.7i Butter Dull, weak; state dulry, 10a2O. do. i-rcamury, 17a22c; Pennsylvania do, 17u22c: wustern dulry, lOulac; do, cream ery, I5u24e,; do, factory, loairic; i-.iitiiiH 24c: imitation, creamery, 12ul8c; Jun creamery, 15n2lc. Cheese Quiet, stoudy; stale large, 9ulll4c; do. fumy, ll'o. ; Uo, white, lua1lc; do. Ninnll, 9V.nl2i-. ; part Bklnis, SliiUllc.i full skims, 2Ujii3c. Kggs Dull, lower; state and Pennsylvania, 21'M 22c.; refrigerator, 14n2Sc.s western fresh, 21c; do, per ennn, J2u3.f0; southern, IHa 2UVjc; limed, 13ul3Vc Word. For Rent. LX)R RENT FL'KNIHIIED AND UNKUB X nlsbed rooms at -mh) Lackawanna avenue. OR BENT-SIX ROOM HOUSE ON WEST Lackawanna avenue. Address 'i llOMAS KVANH, aear 1132 Luzerne, Hydo Pari. L'OR BENT-NICELY FURNISHED HALL l n,.i,.i,u ., tiiixT ir.'u MVN, 111 Wyoming ovenu. F For Sale, iVOR 8 ALE-SAMPLE PIANO. USED FIVE x months; maker a uuarantoe for Ave rears must be sold regardless of cost; can be seen as u. w. Williams, bcutc township, near Jor mini's farm. 1 Special Notices. 'HE ANNUAL MEETING- OP THE Ktocicuol tiers ot t ho Thud National Hunk or seranton, will lie held in their directors' room on Tuesday, January Mil, Iti'Jj, between mo uours oi ;i auu o i-iock u. m. 1JENKV BELIN, J it., Socretary, All NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH Ex hibitions and l-cturo uuon nnv siihicct ili. sired. These exhibitions will bo Illustrated. havutff in lnv nossessinn tha moMt nowerful (tissolviiiK BtoreopticoiiH made. li. m. UAl.L, Tribune onico. (onnollv) 8c Wallace INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE The five following numbers are the Greatest Value we have ever been able to obtain We offer them at the following CUT PRICES: NO. I. 50 doz. Fine Lawn, hem-stitched, put up doz. in a box. Price, 75c. a box. NO. a. 40 doz. Pure Uuen, hem-stitched, full size for gentlemen, 25c. each; very fiue letter. NO. 3. 40 doz. Pure Linen, heni-stitched,in ladies' size, 25c. each, or $1.35 for box of l2 doz. NO. 4. 100 doz. Jap. Silk, hem-stitched, size adapted for either ladies' or men's use. The greatest handkerchief bargain ever offered in Scranton. 29c. each, or $1.50 for i doz. NO. 5. 50 doz. Jap. Silk, large size, for men's use, or for ladies' mufflers, 48c, worth 75c. Kvery letter represented in above lots. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 Ave- m Better Bedding Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN THE CITY. VOU WANT THIS RELIC REPRINT 1 Frank Leslie's Illustrated Wuolt.y War llhistratious iMil-lfHio. Two Volumo Folia 81G..V); payable monthly, $!.C0. Delivered by exproas complete, Prepaid. Addioss P. U. iiuuiiv, oib uilKion btroet, Bcranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAQA zinos, etc., bound or rebound at Til if Tiiiiil'nb oltlce. Quick work. Reasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 141 corner .Spruce stront and Fnuikllu ave nue. Twenty meal tickets (or 13.50. Uood ablo board. Sealed Proposals. SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RE f cuivad at the olllce of tho K.-rnntnn Roai-il of Health until Saturday, Dee. '.II, 1MI4, at 12 o'clock, for fiirnUhini; pea coal delivered at the crematory; tho contract to intinuo from Jan. 1, IMi5, to April I, IstW. The board will noid between twenty and thirty tons per month, and resorvo the rijfht to reject any or nil WALT EH BRIGliB, Seoretarv. Real Estate. ARMS EXCIIANOEI) FOIt HOUSES: bouses px-lmiiL'cd for farms. It. ER NEST t'O.MEfl YS, Real Estute Agont, lii WasliinRton, Price BiilldmK. Lost. T OST-A SATCUF.L WAS LOST 1J ovonlnft botwoen the P., L. & v. LAST dooot and tho rasidenoe of Valor Everett Warren on Madison avunuo. The Under will be re warded by roturniuK it to Mr. Warren. Strayed, "? STRAYED TO MV PKEMISES A L1VEK 1j color setter duu: white snot on forehead and urrust. 1 no owner can nave aamo by pay luK cost. JOHN JUHU, William street. Assignee's Notice. )LEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT JOHV Walter nnu fciiwara waiter, co-partni-ra tradliiK as tlio Waller PrintiiiK company, latoly tradinic as Walter, 'lhorai nou & Co.. bave this day made a gonerul assignment to me of their property iu trust tor the benefit oi tbeir creditors. All twrsona Indebted to toe Walter Print- liiK company or to Walter, Tlinnipsan & Co., uro lierouy notineu io mane immediate lay incut to me, and nil persons having claims will i resunt tliam to mo. juii.n it. ituir, Aasiijnee, .'ln'i Lackawanna ayenuo, SUlj Center stroet 1 LAGER BREWERY. S Manufacturers of the CelebratoA P1LSENER LAGER SEER CAPACITY: 100,000 Barrels per Annum HnUtrftiel info .vir REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a iVi-ii as.. $f of Me. Charter Applications. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN aiiiilicatiou will Ik) made to tuo court of Common Pleas of Lackawanna county, or one of the law judnea thereof, on Monday, the lUtli dny 1 1 Decuinlwr, imn. ut Uo clock a. in., under the proviuioua of tho net of aciieinbly of tlin commonwealth of Pennsylvania, en titled "An act to provide for the ineoporation and remilation of certain corporations." ap proved April ill. A. D. 1H74, and Its supple ments, for the charter for an intended cor poration to bo culled tlin Scrunton Social chili, thx character and object of which Is for tho purpose of the maintenance of a club for social enjovinenla and the literary improve ment qt Its member from fuima collected therein, aud for the.-ie purposes to have, roiaessand enjoy all the ritfbts, benefits and privileges nf the said set of assembly and its Biipplumont. The propound churter is now on lllo in tin. prntuouotsry's ofllce of Lacka wanna county, to No. HID January torru II Ui. JOHN It. JONE. Holicltor. IN THK COURT OF COMMON PLeTs 1 for the c mnty of Laokawauua: Notlcoia hereby K!ven that au application will be made to the said court (or a law judg-1 tlereof) on the thirty first day of December, A. U., mi, at V o clock a. ni. under tno "Cororattou act of Ki." and tile supplements thereto, by Joseph Kowalski, Mich el Schnittor, Matthias Howka. John Nowickl, Andrew KuruhiHky and MI'-lme) lanuttln, for the charter of an Intended corporation to be called "The Polish Citiwiia' Society of Uie Twentieth Ward," the character an 1 object of which is "for the purpose ot tho maintenance of a club for social enjoyments," and for these purposes to have, possess, aud enjoy all the riRlits, boiieflts, und privileges conferred by the said act and its sunplon rllta. WILLARN, WARREN A KNAPP, Solicitors. 15th Day, Trie uitcAr soth Day, prodnres the above rosults la'30 days. It acts powerfuIlT and quickly. Cures when all otoers tell Young man will NKStu their lost miubood. and old mou will recover their youthful vigor by ualnv KEV1 VO. It quickly and surely restores Nervous ness, Lost Vitality, Irupoteuoy. Nightly Eiuluions, Lost Power, Falling Memory, W'wtioa Diseases, and all effects of ell-abuse or exoesa and indiscretion which unfits oue tor study, business or marriage. It not only cures by starting at the seat of disease, but Is s groat nerve tonic aud blood builder, bring, trig bank the pink glow to pale cheeks and re storing tha Are of youth. It wards off Insanlt; and Consumption. Insist on having KICVIVO, no other. It can be carried in vest pocket. By tacll 9 1.00 per packtue, or six for SS.OO, with a posl tlve written guarantee to core or refund tno money, circular iree. aaarcss ROYAL MEDICINE CO., 63 Rlvor St., CHICAGO. ILL ' rhlcnso Stock Mnrkct. By the United Press. Union Stock Yards, III., Dec. 20. Cattle IlecelptH, lu.ubt) heud; murkct nonerally Rtvudy; eommon to extra Hteein, li.soi G; atockors nnd feeders, Vi!iti3M; cows und bulla, fl.i!fiii3.5l; eulves, f2a&. Hors Heeelpta, SH.tKJO hend; market firm; heavy, M.3lla4.r5; common to choice mixed, f-t.Km i.Ui; eholco assorted, f4.:t(ia4.4i; piKH, Xi.'M.n S.tH). Hhcep-lleeelpts, 18,000 !t'ud; market firmer; Inferior to choice, fl,60a3.30; lumbs, f2a4. I'hlladclphln Tn I low Markot. fly the United Press. Philadelphia, Dec. SO. Tallow Is steady nnd quiet. We quoto: Ulty prime In hhrts, 4'Aa4')ic.; country, prime, lit bbls, 41". 1 country, durk, in bbls, 4Va41jO.; cukes, Oc.J grease, 4o. Situation Wanted. pher or any kind of olllce work by a U At., of ribuus office. experience. Address young man V VOCNO MAN (III) DESIRES POSITION IN I dentistrv: three years' experloucn as drnpr clerk; can furnish reference. Addrtss A, Tribune olllca. SITUATION WANTED AS CLEKK OH O any kind nf work that a Hood living cau uo niaoo. r . it., uox o, oiontruse, ra. WANTEU - POSITION IN PH1VATE funillv, by middle aued woman: good washer nnd Irouur. AddriiHs ELIZABETH JACKSON, m Hampton street, ulty. A GERM AN OIRL WOULD LIKE"APOMl I V. tlon ns nurse or lielit housework: aued U yea iv. Address M. T., HUB West Lackawanna avenue, West ttmo, otty. CITUATION WANTED IN MEAT BUbl O iiohb, by an ex)Hirienced yining man, sobsr and reliable; will board with employer, if necessary, and lurnisii tiest ot reiorunces, Address A. 0., '1 ribune ofllce. , CITUATION WANTED BY AN INTELLI O pent young man, Ul yearn of sget fair ed uentioni well acuuulnted with city and under stands horses: good references. Address WiL- L1JS C, ear Tribune. for sale by Matthews Bros., DratJitst Sorantoa . Fa PmiB UnOK CO., Inc'p. Caaltal JtjMfi BEST 91.60 SftfOK I!f TUB WORLD. "A dolLir land o ifoHar iwif." t ThtsIJuHns' Solid French Dongoln Kid Bt toa Soot delivered flee aaywhera In the U Ji oo roGeipioiaa, aioney vruer, or l'oeul Note for t0. Kqtttls svory war the boots sold la all null stores for J.W. We make this boot ourselves, therefore we guar anttn the j, sty's aad vtar, and If any one l not saUened we will refund tna money oreendauotherpalr. upera Loo er common Bene, widths 0, P.B, kKK, ilios 1 to 8 ana nan Stnd your tit; mill nt yev. inuairawa Cata- W 'TW fff: -t- " - I" I til T logue FRCC l.iW:,.l,i: y FEDERAL ST., BOSTON. MA8S. Special terms ( iMur, Dexter Shoe Co, What is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexiont For it, use Pouonl's Pqwder. Legal. VOT1CE.-NOTICG IS HEREBY U1VEN thutat a Court of Quarter Uesslons of ine f cove, in ana lor tne county or l.acKa wanna, imann Oct. II, lhlil. tho undersigned conimissiiiners were appointed to lniiilre Into the propriety of dividing the First ward of the uornugn ar invpiiant into two waraa. Haiit coiiimlKNioners will meetimg ut David R. Davis' hold their first Hull, in ssld Hor- oughcif olyphant, on Saturday morning, the ', into, at V o c1ck , at wlilnn tend and bo heard. Oth day ot January, time and nlaco all persons intorosted may at FRED, W. FLEITZ, J. D. EVANH, A. B. DUNNING, Jn , Conviitsslonors. "I N THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS OK X Lackawanna County, No. oKlj rwpt. term, 1804, Margaret Turner vs. Josenh It. Turner. The aliaa subpoena lu divorce in tho above caso having been retiirnod "non eat Inventus," J'ou, Josepli H. Turner, are horeby notified to e and appear at the next term of Common Pleas of said county, to be held In the elty of Huranton on the 14th day of January, ItiOfi, to annwer toe plamttir a complaint In the above case. jum j. caucv. Buenu, W. GAYLORD THOMAS, Attorney. to our patrons: mm Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that thev will this ycur hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the murkct, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding,. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s flour far above other brands. MEGARGEL & GONNELL Wholesale Agents. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shlngle9, Michigan White and Norway Pine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Juniata County, Pennsylvania, White Oak. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Homlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props aud Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING, SCRANTON, PA. SHAW, EMERSON, KRAKAUER, NEW ENGLAND, ERIE. Pill 11 f CLOUGH & WARREN, CARPENTER, WATERLOO, CROWN, I PALACE. J. LAWRENCE STELLE, Music Dealer, 134 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, TiJTfvWrWt9f Tha only BUM an . JTT.Vs 77 . "Sr rellable F8m,klo mnVfll HUB I 0 eroffored to L&diei, KIITDI HIII.Nl especially recommend I1U I ML I ILLUl ed to married Ledlc Aek for SB. HOST'S rSVITTBQTAXi MIXB and take 1 no 'Other. ''Mill" Bend for olrouler. FrU'o il.00 per " w , jJ2tw UIl. MOWS CIIKMICAL CO - Clevoiaad, Ofato, For Sale by C. M. HARRIS, Druggist. 127 Penn Avonuo. RESTORE LOST VIGOR Imms tea ui twig 3 KfWdiMofori, Will brtcs jm opts s wms, Poli wllk WltlTTM '(IDA RAN iKE 10 Curs htiTOsiDvbllily, l.iaoof Housl Pow.r in llh.i hi, liiTolnuiirf imimosf iKoUTuf. 11 kgicim, iuc iroiioiw tounuiilnn er laurll;, ll.oii ir lu by mad. t. tm f.i. i). 'ilb fnitr e Siva a wrltioa suarauiri. iu ouiuur rfuud tUa siaaa;. Asdr.H UkU MthiClnti 0O-- Olatalwiii.OUw. arafla ty JOHN H, PHI IP 3, Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Xvanua and Spruca Street, Seranton, Pa.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers