THE SCRANTON TRIBUNEFRIDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 21,' 1894. 1 HI At NORTON'S Webster's large dictionary, cloth cover, A reprint of the old edition, 97c Large pocket edition, cloth cover, 15c. 50-cent books, cloth cover, 35c. 5o-cent books, cloth cover, 25c 35-cent books, cloth cover, 17c. 25-ccnt books, cloth cover, 15c 25-cent paper cover novels 5c. Children's picture and story bot)ks, Fancy pasteboard covers, 10c. upwards. Holmes' Autocrat Breakfast Table, New edition, half price the old, 75c. Webster's new international dictionary, Increased in size and quality, And reduced in price, Small library alone. Tcloulebs notes on Bible lessons, 1805, Subscriptions received for all periodi cals at the publishers prices. New store, 115 Wyoming avenue. Old store, 3:2 Lackawanna avenue. GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR ' And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INITIALS .- ' G. B. &CO. IMPRINTED ON EACH CIGftB. Garney, Brown & Co. Mf r's Court House Square. PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE All forms of Tleniift a specialty. Wall known Scranton iihyslclansin charge. SCR ANTON GERMAN RUPTURE CORE CO.. LIB., 2Q? Washington Avenue. PEHSOML. Mrs. R. Ii. Cowser, of Three Rivers, Jlich., is the guest of Mrs. E. A. Scull, of Z.i Ash street. Corfcncr Kelley will enjoy a well-earned rest during Christmastide with his rchv tives at lJittston. , County Treasurer D. W. Towell, cx Post master J. M. Jones, Poor Director JJanlrl Williams, T. II. Jones and Counell mun K. K .Itobathan left lust evening for rottsvlllu. I II. Kvans, who is now staying at the St. Charles hotel, and is a reuresen tatlve of the Turkish Drug company, of Ualtlmore, Mil., Is one of the best known men on the road. Mr. Evans has a num ber of friends in all the cities ho visits and Is always welcomed in Scranton. IN LIBBY PRISON. Great American War Drama Presented at Puvls' Theater Lost Night. The American war drama, "Llbby Prison," was presented before a crowd ed housa at Davis' theater yesterd y afternoon and last evening. Many vet' erans In the audience showed their a- prestation of the play by warmly ap plauding the actors. The scenes are laid in a southern home, in the United States of America camp, Libby prison and the return again to the Urahame mansion, where everything is satlsfac tonlly arranged. The scene in camp is well enacted, and Joseph D. Clifton and Miss June Agnutt play the leading parts to perfection. Those interested In the late war will appreciate this excellently-written dra ma. The large attendance of old war rtors at the theater testifies to the faithful manner in which the scenes are reproduced. Great variety of Sleds, Clipper Wagons ana Doll carriages. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Vtscar in Trouble Again. O. D. Ehrgood Is born to notoriety and evidently has a sulllcteney of that ar tlcle. Some time ago he left his wife and went to live with Mrs. Carey, a well known character of the city.. Mr. Ehr good and Mrs. Carey lived on Penn ave nue until a few days ago, when they iIIr solved partnership and he celebrated the occasion by blacking Mrs. Carey's eyes He afterward went to Dunmore an treated Mrs. Ehrgood In a similar man tier, accompanying the beating with a smashing of windows and destroying of furniture. Hoth ladles have sworn out Information against him before Alderman Fitzulmmong. 1 0,000 Pulrs of Xmas Slippers at the D-Bros. , Gold Pens and Pencils. ' PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Are Voti Going to Buy on Opera Glass? Dr. Shlmberj? Ib selling now fine pearl Gamier opera glasses for $3.85, worth $7.60, 105 Spruce street. . The 5 Bros. That's the place for Slippers. 10,000 IS A Foe to Dyspepsia 4 $ The Weston Mill Go. FOR ft PAID FIRE SYSTEM irst Official Move Made Lust Night in Select Council. ' COMMITTEE PAYORS THE PLAN Assurance That tlio OrJlnunco Will Pass Select Council with Possibly a Few Amendments Corporation Says City Is Too Greedy.. In select council last night was In troduced the ordinance creating a paid fire department. It was presented by Mr. Finn, and, ccordlng to the rule, was referred to the lire department committee. No comment or discussion accompanied the introduction of the measure, which was read only by title. The lire de partment committee favors the paid epartmont Idea and will report fa orably at the next meeting. There is not mui'h doubt among the supporters the ordinance about Its passage in the select biianoh, and, though it may e amended in committee or in coun cil, it will probably become a law sub Htaivtlally us drafted. In substance the rdinance is as follows: Section 1 provides that the ordlnunre shall take effect April 1, and that the do- irtmenl shall consist of live engine com panies, one chemical company, one hook mil ladder company and seven hose com- aides. Section 2 provides for a chief engineer and four assistants, und for each engine ompany one foreman, one engineer, two drivers, one stoker and four call men; for the chemical company one foreman, one HKlneei', one dnvcr and onu plpemun; for ' the hook und ladder company one foreman, ono tlllernian, one driver, one luddenimn and four" call men; for each hosu company ono foreman, one driver, one plpemun und four call men. How They Will Itc Appointed. Section 3 provides thut members of the re department shall be appointed ac ting to article 7, section li, municipal act of ISsil (It is under this act thut per manent llremen, policemen, contract In- pectors and other employes not employed in department olllees ure at present nomi nated by the mayor and confirmed by council.-); that appointments shall be con tingent upon perfect physical condition crimed to by the police surgeon. Section 4 provides thut the chief und as- istantu shall be appointed us soon ns practical after the passage of the ordi nance and are to serve a term of three years beginning April 1, WXt. Section G provides that If not removed for cause oitleers and members will not servo ufter arriving at the use of tiO years . .. ' Section C provides that nil officers and members, excepting assistant engineers and call men, shall devote their time to lutles which shall be prescribed by the chief and the rules of the department. Section 7 provides for compensation as follows; Chief of the department, Jl.uOU; assistant chiefs, $150 per year; engineers of steamers and chemical engine, $00 per month; drivers, stokers, plpemen, tiller men and laddermen, $L.O per month; fore men, 00 per month; call men, $1U0 per year. Section 8 provides that tho fire depart ment committees of councils, the muyor und the chief shall assign officers and members, distribute the members Und up- puratus und locate the companies. Division of the City. Section 9 provides that the city shall re divided into live districts as follows: l'lrst district, First, Second, Third and Thir teenth wards; Second district, Kourth, Fifth, Sixth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Eighteenth und Twenty-lirst wnrds; Third district, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Sixteenth and Seventeenth wards; Fourth district, Eleventh, . Twelfth, Nineteenth und Twentieth wards; that ono assistant engineer shall be assigned each district, Section 10 provides that all ordinances neonslstent with this ordinance are re pealed. 4 The mayor's nomination of Rev. Dr. W. H. Peatve to succeed himself as a member of the board of trustees of ithe Hcrar.ton Public library for a term of five years was confirmed. The mayor's appointment of Sterling Slmrell as permanent man fir William Connell Hose company, and 'William Sprouits permanent man for the Frank lln Engine company vice Marvin Stein beok, resigned, were confirmed. The appointment of Joseph Cardon as permanent man for the Hook and Lad der company vice John Peuster, re signed, was confirmed. A resolution was adopted directing the city solicitor, city engineer and councllmen from the Seventh ward to arbitrate the differences of property owners arising from a dispute over the street Ines of Green's lane. Wunts to Do Released. The petition of the Scranton Illumin ating Heat and Power company which. In effect, asks thait thait company h released from its present service to the city was referred to committee along FDR Tl I We Are Showing Complete Lines of Silks. Ki Kia (wash), Fancy Taffetas (for waists), Haskell's Black. DRESS PATTERNS AND SUITINGS Fancy Handkerchiefs and Fans, Pocket Books, Ff id Gloves and Gents' Furnishing Goods. Store Open Evenings. M E ARS & HAGEN, 415 LACKAWANNA AVENUE "A FAIR FACE MAY PROVE A A PLAIN GIRL with the resolution of, common council providing that the city clerk advertise for proposals to light the municipal building and fire company houses. The company in its petition remlnHs'coun cils 'that when it secured IU franchise it agreed to light only ithe olty offices and three fire company iliouses, a total of seventy-two lights, but 'that now it furnishes free o the city BOO lights and illumination in six fire company houses. Tho company cites the present condi tion as unjust and mentions recent franchises given the Suburban Electric Light company and the Scranton Light Heat and Power company, from which companies the city receives no returns. The petition presents the company's willingness to furnisJi all the lights It originally agreed to furnish and to-pay its pole tax of $300 or submit to any other fair arrangement with the city. Considerable minor business was transacted before adjournment. I coy Aon council meeting. AlluooKu Annexation Meets with Favor in That Body. The project to annex a portion of Lackawanna township to the city In cited a good deal of oratory at last night's meeting of the common council. The matter came up when Chairman Hlckey, of the Judiciary committee, presented a report favorable to the an nexation of the territory. Captain Molr opposed the adoption of the re port. He was member of the commit tee, but refused to sign the report though not from any sinister motive. He thought that the matter should bt! carefully considered by councils, as it would necessitate the outlay of a great deal of money on the part of the olty to give the territory to be annexed the conveniences and protection en joyed by other parts of the city. E. E. itobathan and Fred Godfrey opposed the annexation on the ground of the great expense 'to the city. They did not think the time was yet ripe for such an extension of the bouudei'les of Scranton. Buttle Grows Eloquent. D. 1 Battle and James F. Noone fa vored annexation. Mr. Battle ' made two speeches, in one of which lie lik ened Milnooka- to a Texas prarle. He ulso extolled the condition of the streets there, the willingness of its citizens to pay taxes and dwelt at length on the fact that M'lnooka was the birthplace of many men who are leaders in various walks of life. After tho spceoh making was over, the roll was called, and tho recommendations of the committee to allow Mlnooka to come in was adopted by the following vote: Yeas Golden, Grier, Regnn, McLean, Robinson, Sweeney, Neulls, Sehadt, Noone, Hlekey, Buttle, Norton 12. Nays Morris, Thomas, Itobathan, God frey, Molr, Wenzel, Howe, Duvles 8. Later an effort was made to have the ordinance reported by the committee called up and passed on first and sec ond reading, but the chair decided that it had not yet been introduced and that It would first have to go through that process and then be referred to commit tee and reported favorable.' Mr. Regan, of the Sixth ward, -intro duced an ordinance directing that on all work let by contract by the city the contractor shall pay trades men $3; rockmen, $2; and labor ers, $1.50. They will forfeit a sum of money, to be placed In the hands of the olty clerk, before the contract Is n ward ed, in case the provisions of the or dlnance are violated. Mr. Howe Intro duced an ordlinnnce for the construction of a lateral newer on Capouse avenue, Doth measures were referred to com mittee. About Opening Ninth Street. Mr. Davies Introduced resolutions di recting the street commissioner to as certain from the Delaware, Lackawan na and Western company If It is the in tentlon to remove the culm which now prevents the opening of Ninth street near the Oxford breaker, and directing the park commissioners to report . to councils the result of efforts to secure the Round Woods for a public park. Both were adopted. On third reading ordinances passed providing for the grading of Parker street; for the construction of a sewer on the West Side; for the heating of the Municipal building by steam. The Beetem-Grahain contest for a dia mond ring la moving merrily on, and from present indications a large sum will be re alized for the Church of tho Wacred Heart, at Plains, from the friendly rivalry. The S Bros.' beautiful "Slipper Palace" Is worth ad miration. 108 i.acku. ave. Oxford, International, Bagster and Hol- man s Bibles. PRATT'S BOOK STORE FOI L BARGAIN." MARRY IF SHE USES jIBAY ...11. . 1 IN LOCAL TIIEATEBS. Cornell enthusiasm has not . limited ltRelf to Soranton, but has extended to Carbondale and outlying towns, where a large' number .of tickets have al ready been sold for the concert of the Glee clubs next Monday evening at the Frothingham. Mrs. J. E. Burr and W. T. Colvllle, two of the lady patronesses of the concert from Carbondale, " will chaperone parties from that olty who will attend the concert. The sale of seats will be gin at 9 o'clock this morning. The fol lowing Interesting programme will be rendered by the clubs, interspersed with Christmas carols given as en-?' cores; PART I. Tobosco March Chadwlck Banjo Club. Alma Mater ....Carm. Cor. The Boy In the Apple Tree" Clark Valse Souvenir d'Espagne. Leon Mundolln Club. "The Wandering Singers Patrol"... Clark The Country Band H. T. Smith Uleo und Mandolin Clubs. PART II. Intermezzo Vergismlchnleht, Arr. by Henderson Mandolin Club. "Nelly Was a Lady" Foster-Smith Mr. Clinton and Club. Rebuked Murray Vloletus Waltz Waldtenfel Banjo Club. Medley Arr. by II. E. Dann Evening Song Cann. Cor. Miss Marie Jansen comes to the Frothingham on Christinas ufternoon and evening in Glen MacDonough's comedy, Delmonleo's at G," and that she will have a hearty welcome may be reasonably predicted. Her experi ence as a star has proven that she is us bright, piquant and vivacious In comedy as she was in comic opera, a field in which Bho had few equals on the American stage. As Trlxie Hazel more, she has charmed all those who have ever seen her, and established a lasting reputation. A carefully select ed company will assist Miss Jansen In presetHiing this delightful comedy. Ward and Yokes as PoIVy and Harold in their funny farce comedy by Charles K. Hlaney, called "A Run on the Bank,'.' will be the attraction at The Academy of Music Christmas Day,, giving two performances, matinee and evening. "A Run on the Hank" Is said to be Mr. lilaney'a best effort. It Is full of bright and catchy music and funny sayings, and thecostumesnretheflnest ever used in a similar attraction. The following are a few of tho people in the cast: Harry Hlaney, Tony Williams, Charles Jerome, Sydney DeGray, Clara Bell, Inez Rae, and Gilbert Lecarock. The $40,000 School House, for Columbia avenuo has been let and will bo commenced Immediately. There are still a few more lots left at a low price. Arthur Frothingham, Office, Theater Lobby. Fern baskets at Clark's for Xmas pres ents. Brush nnd Comb, Manicure, Toilet and Shaving Sets. TRATT'S BOOK STORE. We Open Toduy Another New Stock of Ladles' .and Gen tlemen's Umbrellas. FIN LEY'S. Santa Clans couldn't make a wiser choice of a gift for his little friends than to present them those funny, droll and mlrth-commundlng "Queer People." All parts can now be had at Tho Tribune business ofllce. Davis' Automatic Inkstands. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Those Queer People There's No Better Christmas Present for the Little Ones. All parts on sale now at The Tribune business office. NOVELTIES FOR THE HOLIDAYS.., Books, Booklets, Art Calen dars and Xmas Goods or all descriptions. High Class Framing a specialty. PRATT'S, ' 312 Lackawanna Ave We've had a big trade on Smoking Jackets during the past week. Folks say our prices are lower than other dealers ask. Our styles are all new. They make very appropriate gifts. Materials are Flannels, Cheviots, Tricots, Velvets and Im ported Figured Silks, lined with Silks and Satins, some quilted, others plain. Drop in and look at 'em. No charge for that. mlkim PEI I S. L GALLEN, s You intend to make some one a Christmas Present. DO Not Worry Do not lose your temper, but make a bee line for China Hall As they have such an array . of Goods suitable for Gift Making that it will be a pleasure instead of a worry to make such selection. SILUERWflRE, DINNER, TEA and TOILET SETS. Bric-a-Brae, Cut Glass, Lamps, Tables, Ckafiiip- Dishes, 5 O'Clock Teas,7tcr 116 Wyoming Ave. gCHANK gCHANK fCHANK QjctlANK gCHANK gUHANK jjcHANK CHANK JCIIANK CCHANK fCHANK gCHANK CHAHK CCIIANK ICIIANK CHANK gCHANK gCHANK jCHANK gCHANK gCHANK NEW. NEW STORE, NEW COODS, NEW PRICES. jEi'tnDccn IF, You buy your shoes of Schauk you wear the lat est styles. 4i0 SpruceSt. UGGESTION Of course you are in a quandary what to give for a Xmas present, rlow yeur mind will be great y, relieved by visiting either of our stores, where our lines of Bath Robes, Caues,Umbrellas,Leather Goods, Neckwear, Gloves, Suspenders and Night Shirts are complete. Our assortment is cer tainly the largest and best in the city. Christian THE HATTER 412 SPRUCE ST. AND 205 LACK. AVE. ' . .Jf .' mm - r-vv - -v.- OfilljifOSft flk M mM Iff lii 'dSf Ptei m mm Ai wMw mm A. Sir jmw . mmmm A STORY WST We're pleasing an A Pair of Genuine Steel Clab Skates accompanies each Suit, 137 AND 139 REEFERS LARGE VARIETY, GOOD STYLES AND LOW PRICES. We want to show you MEN'S STRICTLY ALL WOOLEN Colors, Grey, Black MARTIN & Custom Tailors THE :. FASHION 308 Lackawanna Avenue. GREAT REVOLUTION IN PRICES, MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Felt Hats, worth 49c, for - 25c Velvet Hats Trimmed with Jet and Tips, worth $ 5.00, for - $2.98 Frosted Egrets, worth 39c., for 15c CLOAK DEPARTMENT New and desirable, goods in Jackets, Plush and Cloth Capes, Fur Capes, etc., arriving daily and are sold at the Lowest Cash Prices. HAIR II FOR Something nice for a Christmas Gift. Chains made out of your own or some dear menu's hair. Lieave orders as eany as possiuie. E. M.HETZEL, FREE TICKETS TO WITH EVERY TAIIl OP ICE SKATES SOLD BY US BETWEEN NOW AND NEW YEAR'S, WE WILL GIVE FREE ONE TICKET GOOD FOU ONE ADMISSION AT ANY TIME TO EITHER OF THE ICE SKATING RINKS. i , ". 1 C. M. FLOREY Y. M. C. A. BUILDING, 222 WYOMING AVENUE. army of boys with PENN AVENUE, Complete Outfitters. REEFER our and Oxford Mixed. DELANY, and Clothiers, WYOMING AVE. I CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. 230 Lacka. Ave. i. NEW STORE, 133 FRANKLIN AVE. We ure now flolnp n Kcncral Drug, Pnlnt nnd Oil buslnens at the ubove location, durltiK ine erection of our more buikluig recently destroyed by tire. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. ' OUR TELEPHONE CALL, NO. 23. All orders prompt ly ailed and delivered ta any part of the city. 133 FRANKLIN AVENUE. our pift presentation. . Overcoat or Reefer, . . - pairs for half price.
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