EIOIIT PAUES---5G COLUMNS. SClt ANTON, PA., THURSDAY MOttXIXO, BECEMIIElt 20, 1894. TWO CENTS A COPY. QUEEN OFJGREA FAINTS Her Majesty Paralyzed liy the Plain Talk of Count Inouvc. t'XEASY FEELING AT CHEPOO Cliincso Generals Who Could Not Win Victories Aro to l!o Piinluhcd-OM. clulsuith t'nprunounciiMo Names Will Suffcr-Army Discipline. By the United Tress. Yokohama, Dee. 10. The First Japa nese army, operating from Chleu-I.en-CheiiB with detachments thrown out toward New-Chniitf and Moukden, is making but little headway. The coun try Is dillleult to traverse and the enemy offers repeated resistance to the ad Vance of the Japanese troops. It ap pears probable, however, that the Flrnt army is not nnxia'is to Ret to New Chang or Khans-Hal-Kwaiif,' before the other forces of Japan are ready to stri!:e. Shanghai, rc. 1!). The local news papers of date publish imperial decrees of Dee. 17, ordering the arrest and the handing over to the Hoard of Punish ment of Kuntr, the Taotal of Port Arthur, p.nd Generals Wel-Wu-CheiiK, TunE-Sze-LIn, CliianR-Kue-Ite and Chinjj-Yunh for losing Tort Arthur. The decrees also order the arrest of Tsao-IIu-Kyi, the commander of Tttllen-Wan, near Tort Arthur, for cowardice, and the arrest of We-Yu-Kwel, commander of the naval division, for incapacity and for losing control of his nun and permitting pillage. The arrest is also ordered of Yeh-Chiah-Choa, commander In chief of Chlhli, for sending false reports of victories, whereas he retreated from Yashun and lost Ping-Yang and Anchow. The arrest of Admiral Ting, who was In command of the Chinese force at the battle fought between the fleets of China and inpnn, off the Yalu river, nnd who retreated with the remnants of his fjree to Port Arthur, is ordered on the charge of cowardice and falling to protect the harbor of Port Arthur from the enemy. Chefoo, Dec. 19. An uneasy feeling still prevails here owing to the threats of the Chinese soldiers against the resi dents in the event of the Japanese forces succeeding in capturing Wei-Hal-Wei. It is reported here that the Chinese authorities have refused to grant the passports asked for by the Russian minister for a detachment of Russian marines intended to be sent to Pekin in order to guard the legation of Russia. Korea's (,)uecn Denounced. Victoria, 15. C, Dee. 19. The advices from Yokohama up to date of Deo, 7, brought by Che steamship Empress of India, Include the following: The con troversy between Count Inouye and Tai W'on Kun has resulted in the resigna tion of the aged Korean statesman and his return to private life. This solu tion Is not altogether satisfactory, for secret Intrigues of the king's father have always been more dangerous than his public actions, and in retirement he may succeed in doing more to thwart Japanese projects of reform than he would 'have openly attempted as Prime Minister of the kingdom. It Is appre hended, moreover, that his withdrawal my be followed by, an effort of 'the Mln faction to regain ascendency, and their reappearance on the political Stage In the present unsnttled condi tion of affairs would be little les than a calamity. Count Inouye'a labors will not be lightened by the removal of Tai Won Kun. On Nov. 2G, he had an interview v. lith the king, which lasted four hours, and In which not only the relations of JUpan and Korea were discussed, but the condition of the kingdom was ex posed wllli a directness and earnest ness (hat could nut be misunderstood. By her own request the Queen was present, but this circumstance did not prevent Count Inouye from denounc ing the corrupt practices which It is veil known that Her Majesty has been Implicated In. As her own personal complicity In the schemes for the resito ratlon of the old system of misrule was laid bare, she pleaded Illness, and with drew from the apartment. The Queen was go overcome that she fainted. Count Inouye is understood to claim that his plain speech was an Impera tive necessity and the stability of the throne depended on It not less than the welfare of the whole country. At the close of the Interview, the king signed a decree for the encroachment of sev eral measures of reform, trusting H to the Japanese minister for execution at the moat advantageous time. RIOT IN A COURT HOUSE. Clubs und Revolvers Drawn und Six Per sons Injured. By tho United Press. St. IjouIs, Dec. 19. A miniature riot broke out iln Cie court of criminal cor rection at noon today. William Wright, a negro, hiad Just been dlsoharged on a chiarge of misdemeanor and was hav ing tlhe court room. Oltleers attempted to arrest him on another charge, when his friends, believing that he wa-s a vic tim of police persecution, resisted and attempted to release the prisoner. A furious struggle ensued, during which clubs were freely used nnd re volvers drawn. As a result of the riot six persons were badly Injured and two detectives have been suspended from the force pending an investigation. . STOCK NEEDS PURE WATER. Milk Should llo Dolled lief ore Being Isc J on the Table. By tho United Press. Reading, Pa., Dec. 19. At a meeting of veterinary surgeons of eastern Penn sylvania In ths city today Dr. J. W. Saliade read a paper, entitled "Purpura Hemorrhagic." He said pure water should be the principal consideration for the keeping of all animals. Dr. Otto Noack, of thin city, read a paper on "Meat and Milk Inspection." He advocated an Inspection of all meat and milk and advised the boiling of the latter before using on the table. Dr. Sallado offered a resolution calling for a "live stock commission" to bo ap pointed by the legislature, whose duty it shall be to look after the health and welfare of all live stock. The resolution calls for the appoint ment of the state secretary of the board of health, state secretary of the board of agriculture, breeder of live Btock and three veterinary surgeons. An appro- ' prlalion of $50,000 will be asked to carry out the work. GUI 110 IS SANGUINE. Docs Not Think He Needs to Train to Tight Dixon. By the. United Tress. Philadelphia, Dec. 10. George Dixon und Young Grlffo were matched today to llhgt twenty-live rounds at catch weights for the house receipts before the Seaside Athletic club on Jan. 13. The winner will take all the receipts, while the loser will get nothing. Tim Hurst, the base ball umpire, will prob ably otllclate os referee. Each man will put up $rU0 as a guarantee that he will appear In the ring on the night of the contest. Grlffo will probably weigh above the light weight limit, 113 pounds, while Dixon will not go over 122 pounds. That Is about his weight now. Dixon will begin active training on Jan. 5. Grlffo does not think he needs to train for Dixon. K1DKTLE9 BY THE POPE. Tho Action Tukcn , by American Arch bishops In Reference to Secret Societies Not Approved. By the United Pr. ps. New York, Dec. 10. -The Brooklyn Kagle this evening prints the following: Iilshop McDonnell had a surprise In store for the clergymen of the diocese when they assembled yesterday in tho diocesan seminary to participate in the regular quarterly conference. The bishop announced that he .was In re ceipt of a communication from Mgr. Satolll. The communication was writ ten in Latin and It stated that the apos tolic delegate had been Ininstructed by Rome to notify the archbishops, bish ops and priests of the United States that the action taken by the American archbishops relative to secret and semi secret societies, at a meeting held by them in Chicago, has been ridiculed by the college of cardinals and by the pope. The meeting In Chicago was held at the residence of Archbishop Feehan, and though it was known that one of the topics to be discussed would be the attitude of the Catholic church toward secret societies no Information as to the results of this meeting was given out. The letter read at the conference was received by the papal delegate. This letter contains the Information that the Knights of Pythias, the Odd Fel lows, and the Sons of Temperance are now under the ban of the Catholic church, and the Catholics who join any of these three societies will be excom municated. Those Catholics Who are now mem bers of one or more of these societies will be exhorted to sever their connec tion with them, and if they refuse, they will, from that moment and by their re fusal, cease to be Cuthollcs. The de crees affect no other country save the United States. FINE DETECTIVE WORK. Thirtccn-Ycnr-Old Colored Moy Tortured by Sleuths, By tho United Press. Wllkes-Rarre, Pa., Dec. 19. John Bird, a 13-year-old colored boy, today accused Thomas Quigley and Thomas Langley, acting detectives, of stringing him up to a tree twice to make him tell what he knew regarding the blowing up of the Hungarian boarding house, by which four men were killed. The boy knew nothing and say3 they hauled him up twice for severaJ seconds each time and then, when, they found they could get nothing from him, he says, they threatened to kill him if he told about them hanging him. There is a reward of $1,000 for the ar rest of the murderers. Qnlgley, who Is a wealthy merchnnt of Miner's Mills, denies the story utterly and It Is sup posed some man reported himself as Quigley and tried to get the story from the boy. DINED ON HORSE FLESH. New Jersey Citizens Masticate Trotters and Pacers at a Iiunquct. By the United Press. Newark, N. J., lc. 19. Richard S. Hopkins, of this city, entertained about 100 of the most prominent residents of Newark at a banquet of horse flpiili at hlshome tonight. Dr. Hopkins Is a veterinary and the purpose of the din ner was to show the utility of horse nV.s-ih as an article of every day diet. The attendance Included nearly all of the leading physicians of the city. The meat was served In various forms and all pronounced It excellent. Dr. Ohes- tor Viandci'verat slated that a horse flesh marktlt would soon be opened In Newark. Dinned In Effigy. By tho United Press. Richmond, Va., Dec. 10. Students of Richmond college who were dlssnllslied at the election of Professor lioatwrlglit as president of tho college, met early this morning nnd hung tho young president elect in clllgy. l or tlio Seventh Term. By tho United Press. Baltimore, Dee. 19. Tho board of direc tors of the Baltimore and Ohio rullroad today re-elected Charles F. Mayer pros! dent of the company for the seventh con secutive term. STATE NOTES. Schuylkill county has 1.071 applicants for license next year, an Increase of 80. Wllllamsport people arc agitating In be half of a local National guard armory. United Mino Workers' District No. 2 an nual meeting will bo held at Phllllpsburg oa Jan. 8. Vuynesboro burglars blew open the safe In B. F. Welly's distillery only to get away with Woodpeckers have burrowed Into and ruined many new cedar telegraph poles near Reading. Thero are forty-eight counties repre Rented In tiro Hlale Farmers' Allluuce, In session at Harrlsburg. Lycoming county has issued bonds for $130,000, mainly to replaco bridges swept away by the spring flood. Tottsvllle citizens will be given chance to vote to establish a borough elec tric light plant at the February election. It Is estimated that 1,000 Poles und Hun garlans have left Shenandoah the past year and their places are being filled by Italians. Mrs. Washington Shatters, of Reading, the mother of six children, has mysteri ously dlKappeured and Is supposed to have drowned herself. While Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Mepslner celebrated their golilon wedding at Tut- amy, near Seaton, their granddaughter, Miss Clara Messlnger, and H, F. Doeh, of Flleksvllle, were wedded. iffl-PAIUAW POINTS A New Jersey Attorney Seeks to Ikfog the Learned Court. TO SAVE A MURDERER'S NECK Lawyer Scmplo Attempts Original Jug glery in tho Effort to Defeat tho Ends of Justice in tho Caso of Theodore Lambert. Camden, N. J., Dec. 19. A' peculiar legal move was made today by Lawyer John L. Semplo before Judge Garrison in behalf of Theodore Lambert, who is under sentence to bo hanged on Jan. 3. Lambert was convicted of murder on May 27 last and enitenced Oct. 13 to be hanged on Dec. 13. On Dec. 4 Lawyer Semple obtained from the governor a reprieve for Lambert until Jan. 3, pending application to the board of pardons for a commutation of sent ence. The board of pardons on Thurs day laut refused to commute the sent ence. In court today Mr. Semple de clared that his client, although not Slav ing been executed on the day leg.Uly designated Dec. 13 .was legally dead. Being dead, tho law had no more con trol over him or 'his body. Such being the case, Lambert was now being Illegally restrained of his liberty, and a writ of habeas corpus was therefore asked of the court to set him free. "Humph," ejaculated Judge Garri son, as the application was made to him, "legally dead and yet alive; got no life and yet wants his liberty." Semplc's Peculiar Points. Mr. Semple went on to argue that ac cording to tho laws of New Jersey the governor of the state possessed no perorgative to interfere to prevent an execution unless he exercised same witlhin ninety days from the date of conviction. The ninety days had passed when Governor Werts granted the reprieve. The stay of execution being, therefore, invalid 'and 'tlhe legal day of execution having passed, the law has no more control of Lambert. In arguing with the governor for re prieve w'hen the governor contended that the ninety days limit had expired, Mr. Semple claims that the conviction accompanied the sentence and not the verdict, .amd that, therefore. It was then within the ninety days. Judge Garrison set down next Saturday to hear and determine whether ihe would grant Lambert the writ asked for or not. Lawyer Semple declares he has a fed eral supreme court decision as a prece dent forSiis motion. 'ROME BANK DEFALCATION. Methods by Which Cashier Biclby und Teller Gillett Concealed Their Financial Operation's. By tho United Press. Rome. N. Y., Dec. 19. The further in vestigation of the defalcation of John E. Bielby, cashier of the Central Na tional bank of Rome, and of Samuel Gillett, the teller, discloses a total short- ige of nearly $40,000. of which amount $3,000 Is traced to the teller, who re ceived the money on deposit, credited It on the depositor's pass book, but did not enter It on the books of the bank. The cashier's method included tho forging of individual notes In sums of $1,000 to $4,000, and of crediting out standing certillcates of deposits as paid up. His peculations were all sunk In stock speculations during the past year and a half, except that he claims to have $S,000 to his credit In New York which he will turn back Into the bank. Iileiby was arraigned this afternoon before United States Commissioner Roland. He demanded examination, which was adjourned till Thursday afternoon. Mayor Gillett, who was the teller of the bank, lias not been seen since Monday. There Is no longer any doubt that he has embezzled some of the funds of the bank. The bonds of the defaulters amount to $10,000. The directors today voted to close the doors of the bank pending the investigation of its affairs. This also temporarily closes tho Oneida County Savings bank, of whose effects the Cen tral bank Is the custodian. Nothing wrong has been found In the ease of the savings bank, but ns a precaution ary measure estate name uxuminer llackus has caused all of the pass books of depositors to be called in for com parison with the accounts.- I!y the removal of the mayor from the city his office will become vacant und the comoinn council will appoint a mayor pro tern. DEMAND NINE HOURS. Erie Employes Claim They Cannot Exist on Present Wpgcs. By the United Press. Lima, O., Dec. 19. The employes of the Lake Erie and Western jnilroad main stoops In this city have demanded an Increase In working hours. They claim they cannot make living wages in eight hours and want nine hours work. The demand was made In writing and a failure to comply may cause a strike. Commander l.awler at Louisville, By tho United Press. Louisville, Ky., Dec. 19. General Com mander Lawler, of the Grand Army of the Republic, and his stuff aro la Louisville to consult with the local committee re garding the encampment next yeur in this tlty. A meeting of tho executive council was held at tho Gait House this morning. Entertained a Lurge Audience, By tho United Press. Greenville, Miss,, Dec. 19. Steve Adams was hanged In tho Jail yard here today for the murder of James Ivorson on tho night of April 1, 1SDI. Two thousand people, mostly colored, Including hundreds of wo men and children, witnessed tho hanging. Operators Victorious. By tho United Press. Masslllon, O., Dee. 19. Tho finding of the board of arbitration appointed to closo the mining controversy Is a complete vic tory for the operators, Tho board pre sents a unanimous report placing this district on the sumo basis as tho Hock ing valley. - I'.iiRcno Kelly Dead. By tho United PrcBS. ' New York, Dec. 19. Eugene Kelly, the millionaire banker, dlod this morning at his home In this city. Ho was SO years old. Paralysis was the cause of his death. H h liiliiii ralil m$p INTERMANNJ PERJURER Admits That He Testified Falsely to Save Kis Comrades. STEEKS IS VEHY INDIGNANT Declares That He Never Knew Santa Clans In the Person of u Suloon Keeper, llattie lioss Wus Protected. Schinittbergcr Arrested, By tho United Press. New York, Dec. 19. The usual crowd was present when the session of the Lexow committee opened this morning. Policeman Intermann was the first witness today and he admitted he per jured himself, when previously before the committee, to save two other police men who are accused of taking bribes. Intermann said that it was an under stood obligation on the force that the police should stand by one another and that was why he had perjured himself. Sergeant Patrick Byrne testified thnt money collected by the police on duty around the steamship wharves from the owners nnd agencies of the different lines was given to Inspector Steers. Kx-lnspector Steers was present when the committee met. He was served with a subpoena. There were rumors afloat thut indictments had been found by the grand Jury against Policeman Intermann and others. Captain An thony J. Allaire was called and detailed his Investment In real estate. He was worth $:!4,000, the savings of forty years. He declared thnt any one who testified that he had received Christmas pres ents from liquor dealers swore falsely. Hattie Koss, colored, keeper of dis orderly houses, testified to paying for police protection. She ran hIx houses and had not been disturbed in six years Police Captain Schmlttberger was ar rested shortly after K o'clock this even ing. No new Indictment was found against him, but tho district attorney had been notified by Mr. Goff that he had learned that Schmlttberger In tended to escape. from the ctly. It was deemedadvisnble, therefore, to Increase the amount of his ball In order to in sure his appearance when desired. Tho arrest was made at police head quarters, to which place Schmlttberger had been summoned, and he was at once taken to the district attorney's odice. The new ball was fixed at $20,000 and the captain's friends are now seek ing bondsmen. It had been expected thut Herman Oelrlchs would become surety. M NULTY LOST HIMSELF. A Pugo in His Memory Wotted Out by n in ink. By tho United Trets. nnthcrford. N. J.. Doe. 19. Borough Clerk Alex McNulty, who disappeared on Sept. 12, when he went to New York city, returned, to Kutherford on Mon day night. Today It was learned that he was at his residence on Home nvo nue, and, to a reporter who visited him there he made the following statement regarding his disappearance: On Sept. 12 he met a man calling him self H. C. White, In New York. They had a drink together at a saloon at Third avenue and Fourteenth street. McNulty remembers leaving the sa loon, but has no recolleotlon'of other In cdents of the night, and next recalls (Hiding himself many miles from New York. Struck with remorse he con tinued to dissipate and again lost his memory. On recovering he tried to get work in vain, and would have got home sometime ago had ho possessed the money to pay his fnre. He wrote to his wife, and she sent him sufllclent money. McNulty would not say where he had been during lis absence, but ex pressed a determination to clean up all his debts. : FATAL SALOON BRAWL. Sam Haskell Perforates the Wood Boy's w ith Lead. By tho United Press. Anderson, lad., Dec. 19. In a saloon brawl this morning Lon Woods was shot and killed, and his brother, James, has several bullets In his body. Sam Haskell, Who did the shooting; In self defense, was ptruek on the head by a brick which made an ugly looking gash His housekeeper, Mrs. ltebeeoa. Tegan, had -Over skull fractured, by a mlswile thrown by one of the Wood boys. The Woods and Henry Ford, all ftteel w-orkors, tried to clean out Haskell's saloon after drinking and refusing to pay for $2 wortih of beer and whisky. THE BOY RETURNED ALIVE. Hoppy Ending of uStransoCnso of Mis taken Identity. By the United Press. Chlcngo, Dec. 19. George II. Har bour, who was supposed to have been murdered near Pana, Ills., turns out to be alive. The body found naked near tlie railroad tracks at Pana several days ago was sent to this city several night and preparations were being made by the Harbour family f tho Club House of the Green Ridge Wheelmen. funeral. At noon today William II. Barbour, the father of George, was In the undcrtakng establishment where the body lay. "There is no doubt," he said, "as to the Identity of my son." While he was speaking the boy, who Was supposed to have been murdered, walked Into the place. Father and son were clasped in each other's embrace for a moment and then they left, the boy refusing to stop to say anything until he had seen his mother. One man has already narrowly escaped lynch ing on suspicion of being the murderer and several others are being closely watched. A dispatch from Pana says that Cummlngs, Incarcerated In the county jail as the supposed murderer, has been released. The officers will not give out anything further than that they will have the real hurderer In forty-eight hours. The body of the boy was Identified as that of Arthur L. liinnion, of Vernon, Ills. STOLEN GOODS IX A MINE. Bond of Kohbcrs Near Pittsburg Secrete a l.urgc Amount of Plunder in Abandoned Coul Chambers. By the United Press. Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 19. The Pitts burg, Virginia nnd Charleston railroad station at California, Pa., was broken into last Thursday night by masked men. The company's ugent, Peter Poor, was forced Into a small room and the door locked. Poor released him self after several hours' confinement. In the meantime a large quantity of goods was removed from the building. Detectives finally spotted men coming from an abandoned coal mine, and yes terday arrested two of them on sus picion. Kills Halshouse and William Jane are the suspects. An examination of the abandoned mine was a revelation, it being fitted out with astonishing elegance and com fort. The stolen merchandise from the railroad was but u small part of the plunder found, which will aggregate many thousands of dollars in value. The discovery will lead to the arrest of a number of people and the breaking up of a gang of thieves that has been operating In the vicinity of California fur over a year. Ralshouse and Jane were sent to jail. Mr. Stevenson's Southern Trip. By tho United Press. Washington, ,Dcc. 19. Vico President Stevenson lef tWashlngton nt 11 o'clock tonlnht by til" Southern Pacific railway for Ashevllle, N. I'., to spend the holidays there with his family. The condition of his Invalid daughter remains unchanged, but Mr. Stevenson hopes she will bo strong cnoicli to be taken to the milder climate of Florida. tanners' Alliance. By tho United Press. Harrlsburg, Dee. 19. The state council of tho Farmers' Alliance devoted the morning session to discussion of matters recommended us subjects for .legislation. The revenue bill prepared by the state tax conference will bo approved 'and strong resolutions will be uodpted opposing the repeal of the antl-oleoinargarlno law. - - Death of Captain Reynolds. By tho United Press. llackensaek, N. J., ' Dec. 19. Captain Kdward McDonald Heynnlds, for tho pimt few years a resident of Maywood, died this moiiihig of progressive muscular atrophy, aged 70 years. Deceased served with honor In the marine service durin,; the Mexican und civil wars. The .Mob Wants Him. By the United Press. Morganlield, Ky., Dec. 19. A young man named Yamlull was brought to the j.nl hero last night by Marshal Wilson, of Princeton, to escape a mob which warned to lynch him for murdering a inun mimed Baker und assaulting his wife. CABLE tX'LLINUS. Amsterdam diamond cutters have gone out on a strike. The sultun Is said to bo prostrated with acute neuralglu. General (Jourko, late governor general of Warsaw, has been raised to tho runk of Held marshal. Forco will be used by tho Indian gov ernment td subdue tho Wuzirls, If they do not nt once submit. The supreme council of comraerco of Franco has pronounced, by a vote of '!' to 11, against a ourlux on non-Europenn sugar. Tho death of Itobert Louis Stevenson, tho novelist, was very sudden, his health having been unusually good fur some time, previous. FROM WASHINGTON. Tho flagship Philadelphia Is being In spected by Han Francisco visitors. The bill appropriating $100,414 for a na tlonul mllltury park at Gettysburg, Pa., has been reported to tho house. An adverse report will bo mado to tho senato on Uio bill to forfeit land grunts where railroads were not completed in proper time. Congressman Altken, of Michigan, will fight tho Washington lawyers who get Si per rent, commission on sums allowed po3totlle employes for extra time. Tho postoltlee department has Issued "fraud orders" against Sears, ltoebuck & Co., Alva Manufacturing company and A. Curtis & Co., operated by W, 8. Ab bott and Fred 1211, at Minneapolis and Chicago. TO CHIUpEffil Scheme to Use the Kivcr for Gencr atimj Electric l'ov.cr. A 1JIG DAM AT COXOttlNGO The Wcstinghouso Llectric People Said to lie Behind the Project to Utilize tho Stream und Are Prepared to Put Millions In It. By the United Tress. Baltimore, Dec. 19. The scheme to harness the Susquehanna river and utilize Its waters as a means of gener ating electric power took definite shape today. Certificate of Incorporation of Che Susquehanna Hiver Electric com pany was filed for record. The incor porators are Moses H. Houseman, George K. McGaw and Winficld J. Tay lor, of Baltimore, and Charles B. Mc Conkey, of Peach Bottom, Pa. The capital stock for the present Is placed at $100,009. Mr. Houseman W'as chosen president and Mr. McGaw treasurer of tihe preliminary company. It is the purpose of the company to dam the Susquehanna near Conov.'in go, Md and to erect a large oleotrls power house similar to that In opera tion at Niagara Fulls. The power thus generated will bo transmitted to Balti more, Philadelphia, W.ilmlngtdii and In termediate points for street railways, electric Ilg'hts and other purposes. Large tracts of land have been pur chased near Conowlngo and the sur veys 'have already been completed for an Immense plant. Work will be com menced on the dam as soon as the spring fro-hets are over and it is ex pected Uhat the company will be able to furnish power to Its subscribers by Jan. 1, 1S9G. It Is said that tlhe Westinghou.se Elec tric peoplo are biMnd the project and t'hat the capital of the company will be Increased to several millions of dollars when preliminaries ihave been ar ranged. CAPTAIN DREYFUS WElT. The lrench Military Speculator Has Crown Gray. By the United Press. Paris, Dec. 19. The epurt martial ap pointed to try Captain Albert Dreyfus, accused of selling military plans and secrets to the Italian nnd German gov ernments, has decided to hear the case In Camera. The trial began this morning nnd Captain Dreyfus wept ns he entered the prisoner's dock. He has aged greatly In appearance since his ar rest, his hair having become very gruy. SIR I KE TIIREATENED. lied not lon from the Slxty-ninc-Ccnt Huto ut Pittsburg .May Cause Trouble, By tho United Press, Pittsburg, Pa., Dec. 19. At this morning's, session of the miner's dele gate convention a vote on the wage wale was taken, resulting In 26 to 23 In favor of the present 69 cent rate. Im niedately a motion was passed to re consider the action just taken and tho entire question was re-opened. A general strike against a reduction from the C9 cent rate Is Indicated, NEWS TIPS. St. Louis' first test of .nntl-toxlne saved a child's life. Will Meyers, tho 18-yenr-old assassin of Forest Crowley, of Atlanta, Gu., hus been sentenced to hang Feb. 8. On account of a fraudulent Issue of $100, 0110 worth of bonds, the Halifax Street railway is In a bail plight. Left In charge of a honso near Den blg, Out., John Gregg und Wilson Hughes, aged 15, were burned to death. In a fit of despondency, Mrs. William Jones, of Dry Hollow, .Mo., cut tho throats of two children und then her own. Philip Pernio, of Indiana, vice presi dent oftho United Mluo Workers, will probably succeed MeHride as president. Guilty with a recommendation of mercy was tho verdict against four Birlkers who stopped trains at Trlnldud, Col., lust July. ' Shortage of $0,0) was found in tho ac counts of Treasurer C. Wellies, of Mc Cook county, S. 1)., who has been ar rested. For embezzling $S0O, ex-Trcaurer W. W. Allen, of the Order of Track Foremen, at St. Louis, was arrested and will mnko good tho shortage. " To test her rights, Mrs. Helen M. Gougar is suing tho Lafayette (lad.) elec tion board for $10,000 damages, because re fused a vote on election day. Tortured by Burglars. By tho United Press. Bethlehem, Pa., Dec. 19. Information was received here today that musked burglaiB. hud secured several thousand dollars from Thomas and David Athold, hermits, residing In the backwoods near Bursonvtlle, Bucks county. The burg lars numbered six and received the plund er by torturing the men with hot pokers. WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, fair; variable winds. Rnleys noadai goods A Short Story Is Best. Silks mid Satins Black aui Colored, iu. latest designs. Housekeeping Linens Are always acceptable, Fancy Embroidered Linens in Scarfs, Squares, D'Oylies, Pillow Shams, etc. Elegant Hand Embroidered Handkerchiefs. Real Lace Handkerchiefs In Valenciennes, Buchesse and Point from 08c. up. CIR LINE OF UMBRELLAS Is unsurpassed, from our 43 cent School Umbrella to the Fino Spitalfield's Silk. Kid Cloves, Fans, Perfumery, Etc., Etc. FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave. H. A. KINGSBURY ACEXT FOK , H. SCHiEREH S CO.'S Rl THE VERY BEST. 313 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON, PA. LEWISJEiLlYSDAVIES FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT for your boy get hint a pnir ot Storm Kiiig Hoots or u pair ol Shoes that will stnud till sorts ol sport and protect the hoy's health. LEWIS, REILLY 4 DAVIS, Wholsale and Retail. STORE OPEN EVENINGS Our doors arc open to every lover of the beautiful, aud we welcome all to see and enjoy the largest display of Holiday Goods that was ever put oil exhibition in this city. Take n Look nt the Diamonds in Our Window Can show you many more inside. W. J. WEI CI! EL 408 SPRUCE STREET, NEAR DIME BANK. n Yr Holiday Goods r
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers