1 EIGHT PAGES 5G COLUMXS. SCRATOX, PA'., FMDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 21, 1S94. TWO CENTS A COPY. IS Insists That He Never Paid for a Promotion. FUN ON CROSS-EXAMINATION Follccraan Mooncy Gives an Interesting Account of Ills Interview With "Rep." . How Crcedon's $1 5,000 Was Divided. Cousin Jacob a Cautious Witness. By the United Press. New York, Dec. 20. The Lexow com mltteecontlnued its work today. Walter II. Harrison, a contractor, testified to being compelled to pay the police $250 to erect a bridge over the sidewalk not withstanding he had a permit. Other witnesses gave testimony showing that the police attempted to break up the Society for the Prevention of Crime. Captain Allaire was again called and again denied that he had nny knowl edge of corrupt practices going on in the steamboat squad. Policeman William J. Mooney took the stand. He was asked by Mr. fioff about his visit to lleppenhagen con cerning Captain Creeden's appointment as captain. He testified that he went to see lleppenhagen by Captain Cree den's request. "Iteppenhngen was In bed when I called. I told him that Captain Creeden wished to be appointed captain. 'Hep,' said I should have come sooner, as Sergeant Wlegand was going to put up $12,000 fur the position. I said I would raise the ante $3,000 for Creeden and would give $15,000. Thafri good, said 'Ken;' that means $5,000 for me, $5,000 for" Martin and $5,000 for Voorhls, and that will help us to pay our election expenses. Reppenhagen also said ho wouldsee Martin and make It all right." The witness then said that he Baw Iteppenhagen again the same day and the latter said that Wlegand's appoint ment had been put off. The witness then t.'.M how the money was raised from John Howard, Harry Miner and others. , Strauss, Sticks to His Story. Captain Strauss was re-called. "How did you get your appointment?" . "By asking for it and by means of the letters of recommendation." "And you never paid for It." "Not a cent." "How much money did you borrow from Policeman Wallenstein?" "Two thousand dollars." "Why did you borrow it?" "When 1 was going to become a cap tain I wanted to buy furniture for my house." The witness said he borrowed the money a few days before he became captain. Then lie said lie was mis taken, that he borrowed it a few days afterward. The witness said he gave Wallenstein $1,500 back in four or five weeks. "I did not spend the money," he Bald, "as my wife and I agreed not to furnish the house." "Why did you keep the $2,000 so long In your house?" "I don't remember." "Now you know you are lying and any sensible man won't believe that tory." "I am telling the truth." "What did you do with the $500 you kppt?" "I bought articles of furniture with it." The witness said he had never heard that a captaincy had to be paid for un til Captain Creedon so testified. "Now, Captain Strauss, I don't want to bring a number of men here to swear you are a perjurer. I want tu give you a chance. Did you ever complain of the heavy assessment made on you?" "No sir; I never did." He was then excused for the present and Policeman Jacob Wallenstein, of the sanitary squad, was called. He Is a third cousin of Captain Strauss. "Explain why you loaned money to Captain Strauss In December, 1S91?" he was asked. "I could not say what he used It for," replied the witness. The witness corroborated Captain Strauss' story as to the latter's paying back the $2,000 In two Installments of $1,500 and $500. He denied ever having collected money from houses of ill fame or from liquor dealers. "Didn't Captain Strauss tell you he wanted the $2,00(140 pay for his promo tlon?" the witness was asked. "No sir;" he replied, "he did not." UNLOCKING THE DOORS. Board of Pardons Recommends Release . of Another Hutch of Criminals. By the United Press. Harrisburg, Pa., Dec. 20. The board of pardons tonight announced Its ac tion In a number of cases as follows: Pardons recommended: Edwin Both eras, Luzerne, murder; Walter B. Mc Mullen, Philadelphia, forgery; Powers Pittertturf, Adams, larceny and receiv ing, and Charles Beymer, Allegheny, keeping gambling house. A commuta tion of the death nenitence was recom mended In the case of George Dukovlc, Allegheny, murder. . These were refused: Edward Dillon, Montgomery county, murder; Lena Amallng, Fayette, selling liquor with' out license; Joseph Itagan, Phlladel phla, rape; Robert B. McKee, Craw ford, breaking and receiving. A nunv her of cases were held under advise menit until a special meeting to be held early in January and others for re argument before 'the newboard. Among those held under advisement for the special meeting In January Is the case of Hugh Dempsey. DESIGN SELECTED. A Monument to Alnrk the Birthplace of Washington, y the United Press. Washington, Dec. 20. Secretary Gresham today selected the design of John Crawford & Son, of Buffalo, N. Y. for the monument to mark the birth place of Washington, at Wakefield, Va. among thirty-three proposals submit ted in. competition. It was stipulated that the monument should be visible from vessels passing on the Potomac, from which the site of the homestead is distant three and one-half miles. The successful competitors offer, for $11,000, to erect a shaft of light Barre,.Ver mont. granite fifty-one feet in height on a base twelve feet square. The monollthHs to be 42 ft. 2 In. high 3 ft. 10 In. square at Its base, and will weigh thirty-five tons. It is similar in all respects except ulzo to the smaller monument erected by the same firm at Fredericksburg, Va., last spring In memory of the mother of Washington. BARNIE REINSTATED. National Lcaguo .Mugnntcs Say That lie JHuy Play Hull. By the United Press. . New York, Dec. 20. The national board of (arbitration of the National Base Ball league, met In executive ses sion in the Fifth Avenue hotel for the purpose of straightening out minor league difficulties and to consider the statements of Fred Pfeffer and Billy Barnle, the suspended base ball play ers and manager respectively. President Young said JUMt before the board went 'Into session that after the minor grievances' of the different leagues were disposed of the board would take up the cases of Pfeffer and Barnle, Barnle was present and presented his claims in person, while Pfeffer sub mitted a written statement of his case. This evening a long type-written statement was given out In which the board finds in the case of Pfeffer that his written statement is lndeflnSte and unsatisfactory and, that they find no reason for removing the disability Im posed in his case. In the case of Barnle the board, after receiving the testimony taken, finds that In the absence of any positive evidence affecting Mr. Barnle's loyal ty, this board has no other alternative but to remove the suspension Imposed on him on Nov. 10. SNAPPED LIKE A DOG. Police Have a. Hard Strugglo with a Vic tlm of Hydrophobia. By the United Tress. South Bend, Ind., Dec. 20.-Wllllam B. Smith, of 50 Laurel fitreat, Fall River, Mass., Is locked in jail here. He wa3 found today in the Chicago and Grand Trunk railroad station biting at the floor and snapping like a dog. The po lice overpowered him after a fierce Ilgiht. In a lucid Interval this evening Smith said he was bitten by a dog five months ago, and has 'had four series of these attacks. He says he has been examined by prominent physicians, who pronounce his maludy a form of hydrophobia and Incurable. Smith says he was educat ed for the priesthood at St. Mary's, Baltimore. He came 'here from Otta wa, 111., and will be 'held to await word from friends or relatives. In jail die snaps and hops In the bed on all fours. WILL GROW LEMONS. Newspaper Men Propose to Develop North Curollmi I'ruit Districts. By the United Press. Bradford, Pa., Dec. 20. Southern Pines, N. C Is attracting the attention of western Pennsylvania and western New York fruit men. A syndicate headed by B. H. Butler, editor of the Bradford Era, and J. N. Perrlne, business manager of the OH City Derrick, has purchased a tract of 1,500 acres of land at Southern' Pines and will go into tire fruit Industry on a large scale. 'TWAS NOT JOHN KOCH. Mystery of the Man l'ounj Dead at Pl'ts burg Not Solved. By the United Press. York, Pa Dec. 20. The man found dead on the railroad near Fort Wayne Is not John Koch, of this city. Mr. Koch la living Tiere. He says that al though the description of the dead man tallies with his own, he does not know who the stranger Is. He doo3 not believe It Is a brother of li's. either, as the description does not fit him. I . Highbinders at Work, By the United Press. San FrAnolsoo, Dec. 20. Chinatown Is again in a state of terror because of tho lawlessness of a band of highbinders who have been driven by poverty and their criminal Inclinations to commit all kinds of crimes. The chief victims of the rob beries, shooting and stabbing affrays, are disreputable women and small trad ers. More Grief for Debs. By the United Press. Chicago, Dec. 20. Although President Dobs and the officers and directors of the American Hallway union will bo In Jail serving their sentenres for contempt. thoir trials, together with sixty others on numerous Indictments for conspiracy, will begin Jan. 8. Violated the Election Law. By tho United Press. Chicago, Dec. 20.-The grand Jury this afternoon voted to Indict thlrteon persons for violation of the election law on elec tion day. Three of the number are po licemen. Prohibition Convention, By thellnltcd Press. Harrisburg, Dee. 20. At a meeting of the State Prohibition executive commit tee toduy It was decided to hold the next Btate convention in Harrisburg on Juno o, Nino Ships Overdue. By the United Press. San Francisco, Deo. 20. There are now nine marine ships carrying nearly 300 peo' plo overdue on this coast. Tho storms on the Pacific have been terrible. FOREIGN SNAP SHOTS. Wayne MacVeagh, ambassador to Italy, win give ins omeial reception today. Berlin Socialists have spent $35,000 to maintain the beer boycott, which is now in collapse. Cotton manufacturers- of Manchester. England, are much concerned about the proposed Indian duties on cotton cloth. STATE TOPICS CONDENSED. The Stato Music Teachers' convention will be In session three dnys in Harris- uurg next week, beginning Wednesday The Philadelphia and Reading canal men will have steady work nearly all winter In repairing the canal and bridges. The Central Pennsylvania Alumni as sociation, of Princeton college, will have its annual dinner at Harrisburg on Jen. 3. Thloves chloroformed Postmaster J. U. Roberts and his wife ut Sheridan, Ve nango county, and got $10 In cash, $50 worth of Btamps and a gold watch. Postmaster Stetson, of Reading, has ap plied to the Washington authorities to have tho malls between Reading and Adamstown carried upon the trolley curs. Plucky Mrs. James Kugle, of Royalton, Dauphin county, dealt a burglar a blow over the head with a chair and knocked him down a pair of stairs. He then es caped. '. Tho congregation of Immanuel German Reformed church, Wllllumsport, declared their pastor, Rev. Augustus E. Shade, "a fraud, a nuisance and a liar," and dis missed him. . A T What the Photograph of 8 Dead Woman's Eye Revealed. THE FORM OP A MAN VISIBLE Theory That the Eyes of the Dead Retain Pictures of the Lust Objects Looked I'pon in Life Is Demonstrated in a Murder Case. By the United Press. Jamestown, N. Y., Dec. 20. A start ling development was made in the Shearman murder case this morning. A photograph of the murderer has been discovered. Both Mrs. Shearman's eyes are believed to hold pictures of the man Who murdered her. Chief Jen ner and Coroner Bowers on Wednesday discussed the statement often made that the eyes of the dead retain pic tures of the last objects on which they resit before the last breath, is drawn. This morning It was decided to pro ceed on that theory, and taking Fred S. Marsh, they visited the Shearman farm. Mr. Marsh with his kodak photographed one eye of Mrs. Shear man, and the form of a man was found there; a big, burly man, wearing a long overcoat, with the cloth of (his trousers badly wrinkled. The face of the man was not obtained. Both Mrs. Shearman's eyes were removed and taken by the coroner to Jamestown for further examination and ito be photo graphed. Mrs. Davl3' eyes were photographed, but no image was found there, conse quently It Is believed that the murder er came upon (her from behind and dealt tho deadly blow without showing himself to her. This revelation caused a sensaitlon at the farm house. Under taker Partridge was present and says the photograph of Ithe man's form and clothing on the one eye of Mrs. Shear man, which was exposed to Mr. Marsh's camera, was perfectly distinct. it Is hoped the other eye will furnish the means of Identifying the murderer by giving his face. EFFECTS OF ANTI-TOXIN. The Diphtheria Cure Sometimes Produces a Knsh 1 pon the Puticuts. By the United Press. New York, Dec. 20. Rumors have been current in Yonkers for several days that a patient treated with anti toxin serum had been poisoned by It to such an extent that his body, had broken out In sores. The patient was Alexander Laird, of Yonkers. He had lost his three children from diphtheria within three days, and ten days ago he was taken sick with the disease. . . Dr. J. Llndsey Porteous suggested the use of anti-toxin and secured some of the serum from this city. Mr. and Mrs. Laird were both Inoculated with it. In the case of Mr. Lailrd the result was beneficial at once. Mrs. Laird, al though constantly exposed to the dis ease, has not contracted It. The ad ministration of the serum results in the breaking out of a rash, which to an unprofessional eye appears much like chiicken pox. ' Thla is accompanied by an itching. Dr. Porteous said last evening" there Is nothing to be feared, that the remedy had worked with per fect success, so far as he could see. Other doctors agree In this statement. DAWN OF PEACE. A Cessation of Hostilities in I'icld Between China and Japan. By the United Press. Washington, Dec. 20. The late hour at which cable advices f mm London were received in this city tonight Indi cating at least a cessation of hostilities In the field between the governments of China and Japan precluded a very thorough canvess of diplomatic quar ters as to the tenor of advices received by tho officials of foreign governments. While some of the ambassadors were courteously willing to be Interviewed na to information received by them, no one could say more than that the lat est advices in their possession would lead to hopes of a very early peace be tween China and Japan. CAPTURE OF STEFANKO. Wanted for a Murder Committed at Perth Aitiboy, By the United Prcs. Pottsvtlle, Pa., Dec. 20. Chief of Po lice Patrck J. Burke and Special Offi cer Joseph 1. Stuckle, of Perth Amboy, N. J., arrived here last night. They had located George Stefanko, wanted for murder, at Perth Amboy, of Stephen Nagy, at Blackwood, a small mining villnge near here, and he was arrested this morning. Stefanko was given a hearing before Justice of the Peace Batdorff, where he waived the formality of a requisition from the governor and was taken to Perth Amboy on the 2 p. m. Reading train. A BOMB EXPLODED. Efforts to Blow I'p tho Austrian Consul ate in Home. By the United Press. Rome, Dec. 20. A gun powder bomb was exploded at the Austrian consulate here this evening. No Injury to life or property was done. The persons who placed the bomb are not known to the police, and none of them ave been arrested. Their object Is supposed to have been revenge for the death of the emigrant Oberdan, aa this is the anniversary of his execution at the Austrian gover ment's orders In Trieste. Million Dollar White House. By the United Press. Washington, Dee. 20-Mr. Richardson, Dem., Tenn., introduced in tne nouse lo day a bill appropriating $1,000,000 to pro vide a suitable residence for the prosldent of the United States. The bill proposes to locate the structure at the head of Four teenth street, known as Columbia heights. Treasury's Balance. , By the United Tress. Washington, Dec. 02. The treasury's stated balance today was $154,740,132, of which 190,848,641 was In gold, a slight in crease from mintage sources over yes terday. No gold withdrawals had been reported up to the close of business to day. Wlfo Murderer Convicted. ". By the United Press. Columbus, O., Dec. 20. Tho Jury In the case of Oeorge Qeschwilm, uxoricide, uf ter being out all night returned a verdict of murder in the first degree this morning, h J (0 01(7100 1 s Council Room 7 EI-SFEAKffiCROWS PLAN Proposed Amendment to the National Bank Act. AX OUTLINE OP HIS MEASURE Susquehanna Statesman Unfolds a Schcmo Calculated to Keep the Gold in . tho United States Treasury Notes to Be Deposited Instead of Roads. By tho United Press. Washington, Dec. 20. Representa tive Grow (Pa.) lnetrodmied a bill today to amend the national bank act. "Tho purpose of my bill," said Mr. Grow, "Is to allow the banks to deposit United States legal tender notes in lieu of bonds as security for their cir culation, the treasury to Issue on every $100 for value In such treasury notes $110 In circulation bank notes In the same way that bank notes are issued now; nil the treasury notes thus depos ited to be cancelled; the circulating notes Issued In their place to have all the legal qualities of the bank notes now in circulation; the government to be liable for redemption and final pay ment, Just the same as now under the national bank act. ' "There will be no tax on circulating bank notes. It would be t the Interest of the bunk to deposit these treasury notes Instead of bonds at tholr pres ent premium. The advantage to the government would be that as soon as all the treasury notes should be de posited there would be no demand notes to take gold out of the treasury as fast as it is put in." ANOTHER DIPHTHERIA CURE. A St. Louis Doctor Claims to Have .Made a Great Discovery. By the United Press, St. Louis, Mo., Dec. 20. The discov ery of a new diphtheria cure is claimed by Dr. Heine Marks, chief of the staff of physicians at the City hospital. Speaking of his discovery, Dr. Marks says: "For over a year I have been experi menting with two Incompatible chemi cals. If I could once pet them united I was certain thiat I had the best cure In the' world for diphtheria. Several months ago the secret of amalgamating them was discovered, and I sot about testing my theory. The union of these two chemicals produces a straw-colored liquid resembling whisky. The medi cine has a plea&iant aromatic odor and a peculiar pungent taste. "My method of administering It with the hypodermic syringe and swab bing the throat. Tho effects of the in- Jectton are to reduce the temperature and destroy the micro-organisms. Swabbing the throat destroys the false membrane. Thus all the remedial qualities claimed for antl-'toxlne are contained In my discovery, but my remedy has several advantages over the antl-toxlne cure." The doctor refuses to make known the formula of the new discovery until its eflloacy has been satisfactorily demonstrated to specialists in throat diseases. OLD FORTS LOCATED. Markers to Be Pluccd in the Vicinity of Stockades. By the United Press. , Harrisburg, Pa., Dec. 20. The report of the commilsaion appointed by Gov ernor Pattlson, under the date of May 23,' 1893, to make inquiry in relation to the various forts erected by the early settlers o this commonwealth prior to the year 1783 as a defense against the Indians, has been formulated and will be presented to the legislature. It was recommended that a marker be -placed at each of the defences, to consist, wherever practicable, of a sub stantial rough boulder of stone, having one face sufficiently polished to allow of an Inscription giving the name of the fort, when built, etc.; that the marker be placed, when practicable, by the side of a public road, and that $300 be appro priated for each marker. FEE FROM BOTH SIDES. Judge Clarke's Law l'lnn Charged with I'nprofcsslonul Conduct. By the United Press. Washington, Dec. 20. The senate held a brief executive' session today to permit Senator Harris, of Tennessee, to enter a motion for a re-conslderatlon of the vote by which the nomination of Judge Clarke to be district judge of the Eastern and Middle district of Tennes see could be confirmed. In entering the motion Mr. Harris said that he had been informed of serious charges against Mr. Clarke, which he thought should be investigated while there was yet opportunity. This opportunity wns found In the fact that the time for the reconsideration had not elapsed since his confirmation, which took place on Dec. 18. It Is charged that the law firm of which Mr. Clark Is a member had been guilty of unprofessional conduct In ac A Let the Purging Begin. ceptlng a fee on both sides of the case. The case was referred to the committee on the judiciary. WANTS THE MINNEAPOLIS. Japan Desires to Purchase Undo Sum's New Cruiser. By tho United Press. Washington, Dec. 20. The Chinese government is negotiating for the pur chase of the dynamite cruiser, Niothe roy, of the Brazilian navy, and It Is re ported that it also wishes to secure the Brazilian cruiser America. Both these vessels were formerly 'Stdamers of the Morgan line and were purchased by Brazil and fitted as men of war in the recent revolution. In connection with tho proposed sale of these two shlpe it was learned, through excellent authority, that the Japanese government made overtures to the Cramps, of Philadelphia, for the purchase of ships under construc tion by that firm. The United States cruiser Minneapolis was nearly com pleted at the Cramp ship yard and the Japanese agents were so pleased with the vessel that they expressed them slves as willing to "pay a round price, stated us high as $1,000,000 over the con traot price for her, If the United States government would consent to the Bale. Charles Cramp came to Washington and saw Secretary Herbert on the sub ject, but the secretary would not con slder such a proposition claiming that ho had no ngnt to o so. . GROWING STORM. Decision of Board of Arbitration May Ouse Trouble at .Mussillou. By the United Press. Massillon, O., Dec. 20. The decision of the board of arbitration was not generally known throughout the dls trldt this morning and a storm of wraith that is (hourly growing will culminate In a meeting, for which, a definite date has not yiit 1een fixed. . Thoughtful miners, who have ithus far expressed themselves, are In favor of accepting the verdict In good failrh, at kaiat until May 1, but they have no Idea of holding to It as a permanent settlement. The operators declare their Intention of working the mines every day ond will try to furnish steady employment ho as to prevent dissatisfaction. IS STEVENSON DEAD? Relatives in Scotland Doubt the Heport of the Novelist's Death. By the United Press. Edinburgh, Dec. 20. Dr. Balfour, uncle of Kobert Louis Stevenson, has written a letter to the Scotsman In which 'he saya that the relatives of the novelist believe that Hubert Louis Stevenson is not dead, but that his wife Is. Mrs. Stevenson, Dr. Balfour writes), had been treated for aneurism of the brain while in Scotland. More over, she said to relatives in Kdinburgh last spring: "Do not believe any report about Louis unless I write you." No message has been received from Mi's. Stevenson, although ithere has been ample time since Mr. Stevenson was reported to have died. JOHN L. IS RESTLESS. Ho Desired a Little Excitement Over in Ohio. By the United Press. ' Lima, O., Dec. 20. The John L. Sulli van company arrived this morning from tho south en route to St. Mary's. John was drunk and abused Agent De Iioo, of the United States Express company, shamefully. De Roe went after his gun, while Ofilceir Wlngate at tempted to quiet the burly ex-cham-plon, but he turned on the officer and threatened to knock his head off. He was finally put In the smoker by mem bers of the company and bystanders and made to behave himself. TELEGRAPHIC WAIFS. Tho stevedores' strike at New Orleans has broken out again and tho cotton trade Is paralyzed. Mistaken for a burglar by his own dog, George Hageman, of Flatbush, L. I., was terribly bitten and is now in a hospital. Suing to recover $3,000,000 in uncollected taxes, State Comptroller Harris will ac cept 15 per cent, of the amounts in set tlement. ' Charges of embezzling $25,000 against ex-City Treasurer Hoggs, of Tacoma, Wash., were found unfounded and he was asqultted. Charged with embezzling $4S,000 in In vested stock from Mrs. Amanda McClel lan, Joseph D. Iowo, a Boston broker, was arrested. Anti-Kolb Alabama editors propose to omit Entirely publication of the name of the defeated Popullst-Kepubllcan candi date for governor. A "free show" organization at Mayn ardsvlllo, Tenn., threatens to break Into Jail if John Stanley and Clarence Cox ore not hanged publicly. WASHINGTON CHAT. A favorable report has been ordered on the commercial treaty with Japan. Bland will offer a free coinage bill as a substitute for Carlisle s financial plan. Secretary Herbert will have a sub marine boat built on designs by John 1 Holland, of Newark, N. J. j YOUNG TRAlNyRECRERS Endeavor to Kill a Teacher Who Had Whipped Them, THEIR SCHEME DISCOVERED Boys Put I'ish Plates in a Switch in Hopes of Wrecking a Train Upon Which the Teacher Usually It ides Home. By the United Press. Peabody, Mass., Dec. 20. Kenneth Belmar and Chester Palmer, aged 13 and 10 respectively, were In court this morning charged with attempting train wrecking at Lynnlleld, on the Boston and Maine road, several weeks ago. Four fish plates were found tightly wedged Into a switch In such a manner that trackmen say would have derailed a train if they had not been discovered In season. They were found and re rtioved Just before a train was due. Young Belmar made a statement con fessing that he attempted to throw the train from the track, and Implicated the Palmer boy. He said that his object was to try and kill a lady school teacher, of Lynnlleld, who had assisted another teacher in whipping the boys and who rides dally to her home In Wakefield by a train. Belmar said he and Ibf Palmer boy, after talking the matter over, went up the track and drove the fish plates between the rails. They then went to the,lr homes nearby and listened for the crash which did not come. The teacher was not in tho train that wns endangered, but In the one following It, some ten minutes later. Young Belmar came here with his parents from New Jersey about three months nfco. Belmar was adjudged guilty nnd turned over to the State Board of Charities and Correction and will be lommltted to a reform school. The Palmer boy was placed on his pro bation. SOCIETIES UNDER BAN. The Pope's Decree Will Do Published from the Altars. By the United Press. Wilmington, Del., Dec. 20. Bishop Alfred Curtis has received a detree, written In Latin and signed by the Pope, putting the Knights of Pythias, Odd FelUws and Sons of Temperance under the ban of the Catholic church. Vicar General Lyons tonight stated that when the bishop returns tomor row the work of translating the decree into English will begin. If completed In time the decree will be published from the altars of the churches In this diocese on Sunday. HER LOVE GREW COLD. Tho Man Sues a Woman for Breach of Promise. By the United Press. New Haven, Conn., Dec 20. At Man chester, In this state, Kobert Edgar has brought BUlt for breach of promise and $2,000 damages against Sarah Edgar, his cousin, claiming that she became' engaged to him In Ireland, that he paid her passage oyer, and that she re fused marriage after all preparations had been made, Including the license. The defendant Is 27 years old, and the plaintiff 4, a widower with several children. It is said to be the first case on record in this Btates of a suit of the kind by a male plaintiff. Ex-Governor Alcorn Dead, By the United Press. Jackson, Miss., Dec. 20. Ex-Oovcrnor J. L. Alcorn died at his home at Eagle's Nest this morning at 1 o'clock. He had been In a very low state of health for months. He was elected governor of Mis sissippi In 18G9, defeating Judge Lewes Dent, brother-in-law of General U. S. Grant. , Still Hunting Ducks. By the United Press. Georgetown, S. C, Dec. 20Tho presi dent did not go on the deer drive today ns anticipated, but Instead, ho, Captain Ev ans and Mr. Jefferson went Into the marshes hunting ducks. Hart to He Hanged. ' By tho United Press. Defiance, O., Dec. 20. After pleading guilty, Judge Snooks this afternoon sen tenced Charles Hart, the murderer of the Good children, at. Paulding, to hang on April 20, 18U5. In Jail for Contempt of Court. By tho United Press. Pittsburg, Dec. 20. Georgo M. Irwin, the discretionary pool operator, was sent to Jail this uflcrnoon by Jmlgo Ewlng for contempt of court In refusing to turn his books over to the receiver for his firm. Ilicyclo Kuco Score. , By the United Press. Philadelphia, Dec. 20. Thd score in the six days' bicycle race at midnight was: Ashlnger, 1,04(1; Eorster, 900;, Gannon, 842. WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, fair; warm er; variable winds, becoming southerly. RNLEY'S Holiday Goods A Short Story Is Best. Silks and Satins Black and Colored, in latest designs. Housekeeping Linens Are always acceptable, Fancy Embroidered Linens in Scarfs, Squares, D'Oylies, Pillow Shams, etc. Elegant Hand Embroidered Handkerchief. Real Liiee Handkerchiefs In Valenciennes, Duchesse and 1'oint from (J8c. up. OUR LINE OF UMBRELLAS Is unsurpassed, from our 43 cent School Umbrella to the Fine Spitaliield's Silk. Kid Gloves, Fans, Perfumery, Etc., Etc. FIN LEY'S 510 and 512 Ladawanna Ave. H. A. KINGSBURY THE VERY BEST. 313 SPRUCE ST., SCRANTON, PA. FOR A CHRISTMAS PRESENT for your boy get him a pair of Storm Kin Hoots or apuirof Shoes th.it will stand all sorts of sport and protect the boy's health. LEWIS, REILLY & DAYIS, Wiiolsale and Ratal!. STORE OPEN EVENINGS. oliday Goods Our doors are open to every lover of the beautiful, and we welcome all to see and enjoy the largest display of Holiday Goods that was ever put ou exhibition in this city. Take u Look nt the Diamonds in Our Window Can show you many more inside. U. WEIGHEL; 408 SPRUCE STREET. NEAR DIME BANK. AGENT FOR fflUSCHO HER III LEIiyiLySDfllS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers