TIIE KCEANT01T TIUBTTNE THCTRSDAT MOITNTNGr, DECEMBER 20, 1894; DEBATING ON THE CANAL Mr. Turpie Continues His Pierce At tacks Upon the Measure. HOUSE TALKS OX CURRENCY Carlisle Bill Is Denounced Because of the Indecent Haste Exhibited in Present ing It-The Silvery King of Mr. Bland's Voice Is Heard. By the United Press. Washington, Dec. 19. The debate on the Nicaragua canal bill was continued In the senate today, occupying 1 over four hours of the sitting. The attack upon the bill, which was opened by Mr. Turpie on Monday and continued on Tuesday, was concluded by him today, when he offered a substitute for the bill providing for a board of three civil engineers to make a survey and estl mute, declaring that that was as far as the senate should go at this session. Rome of his strictures and censures on the bill were resented by Mr. Morgan, who Is In charge of it but this did not restrain the Indiana senator from declaring, in his picturesque and Vehement language, that there was no certainty, und no provision for a cer tainty, that it ever would be finished, lie argued that the reason why the work was not to be constructed and paid for in sections, was that the first section construction of the harbor at Grey town and of the two miles sea channel In it would cost over one fourth of the seventy millions; and that as soon as that section was undertaken the bubble would burst and the scheme would be abandoned. Mr. Allen offered resolutions for the appointment of a select committee to inquire as to whether the Btate of Ala bama has a Republican form of govern ment and as to the conduct of the re cent election In that state. The resolu tion went over, Mr. Allen stating that he would address the senate upon it after the holiday recess. House Talking Currency. The speakers in the second day's dis cussion of the currency bill In the house were Messrs. Johnson, (Rep., Ind.), Warner, (Dem., N. Y.), and Ellis, (Uem., Ky.), all members of the com mittee on banking and currency. Mr. Warner advocated the passage of the bill because of the proposed rehabili tation of state banks and because of the fact that it took the government out of the business of issuing a currency. Mr. Johnson opposed it because he believed it vicious and because of the indecent haste that was exhibited in presenting It to the house. Mr. Kills' opposition was largely based upon the fact thait the bill provided for a re organization and extension of the na tional banking system, vlen eve.y state ami national convention of the democratic party for years 'hod de clared against it, and this at a itime when 'the necessity for their services as f.scal agents, if it ever existed, had been absolutely p.issed. Mr. I'.land gave notice that he would move to amend by substituting for the bill his free coinage of silver and coin note scheme. The house adjourned at 6.20 o'clock to meet at 11 o'clock tomor row. At 2 o'clock the debate on the currency bill will be suspended and the ceremonies of unveiling ithe statues of Webster and Stark, presented by the state of New Hampshire, entered upon. PIG THAT FED ON METAL. Regular Junk Shop of Iron In a Hog's Tough Storaucb, By the United Press. Pottstown, Dec. 19. A hog with a wonderful appetite for iron and other metals was butchered In Whitpain township by T. J. Rile a day or two ago. An inventory of his porkship's stomach showed that it contained sixty-two screws of various kinds, some of them an inch and a half long; fifteen copper belt vints, eight iron vlnts, three metal lic belt hooks, two galvanized Iron sta ples, seventeen nails and pieces of nails, one stay key, one brass hobk, a broken door key, one Iron washer, three pieces of wire, one brass door key, one Iron nut, a brass cartridge shell, an um brella ferrule, an Iron carriage knob, a one stay key, ane brass hook, a broken email stone and seventeen pieces of brass, tin, zinc and lead, which bore evidence of heroic attempts at mastica tion. Santa Clans couldn't make a wiser choice of a gift for his little friends than to present them those funny, droll and mlrth-commaiullng "Queer People." All parts can now be had at The Tribune business office. CLEAR EYES, clear skin, a clear bead, a clear tys. tern come from the Carlsbad 8pruIel Salt Partly, because of its cleansing, pur ifying action upon the blood, and be cause of its solvent, strengthening, stimulating action upon the liver, kid ncys, stomach and bowels. It brings them back to a healthy, natural condi tion, In a natural way. Habitual constipation, biliousness, loss of appetite, defective nutrition, dyspepsia every one of these has time-tried remedy in the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt It is the actual water of the Sprudel Spring, solidified and put into powdcr.form on the spot. For chronic catarrh of the stomach and other stomachic diseases use the im ported Carlsbad Sprudel Water, and add a small dose, of the Carlsbad Sprudel Salt to a tumblerful of the water whenever a laxative action is desired. Do not be imposed upon by unscru . 1 1 .; t tea fiuious ucaicre, wno win sell you a mixture of Setdlitz Powder or Glauber Salt as "Improved Carlsbad Salt," or "Artificial Carlsbad Salt,:' "German Salt," or under other names. Insist upon the genuine article, which must have the signature of "Eis ner 4 Mendelson Co., Sole Agents, JJew York," on every bottle. 11 nf INDUSTRIAL TOPICS James Bell, of Brownsville, has pur- chosed a one-third interest .in the Cam bridge colliery near Shenandoah. William Fillmore, of White Haven, has been appointed Lehigh Valley freight agent at Plttston Junction, vice C. P. Emlgh, resigned. A casting weighing lOVi tons, to be used for a scale car for the Reading railroad, was shipped from the Pott3- vllle repair shops Tuesday. The Weatherly bicycle factory is about completed and the company will begin operations 'on Jan. 1. The new concern will employ about fifty handa. lieglnnlng Tuesdny the employes of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Bal timore railroad shops In Wilmington were placed on nine hours a day time, an Increase of an hour per day. Important changes will be made nt the Johnson (Company's Steel works nt Johnstown soon, giving employment to many more men. Congressman Tom Jj. Johnson is directing the changes. Tho coal shipments over the Reading railroad d it the week ending lec. 15 were 290,37 tons, a decrease of 20,991 tons as compared with last year. Since Dec. 1 'Che shipments 'have been G14.01S tons, a decrease of !6,9!ti tons from last year. Philadelphia Stockholder: "Over- zealous friends of John Wanamaker, parading him for either the Lehigh Valley or the Reading presidency, tend to place him In an embarrassing posi tion, owing to the fact that It is ton late to elect him to either office." The Elliott-Washington Cold-Rolled Steel company, of New Castle, P., lias planned to so largely Increase Its plant as to give work night and day to five times as many men as at present, with four sets of large rolls and a first-class mill in general. A large open-hearth furnace Is soon to be added. Philadelphia Record: "The mines In the Wyoming and Lackawanna regions will shut down on Saturday next for the rest of the year; but the brief sea son of enforced idleness will cast no shadow on the miners' Christmas hearths, since it will be but the pre lude to an active resumption of work with the new year." The Monarch Coal company will open up an extensive stripping where the slate banks are being removed at No. 1. Honey Brook. A valuable vein of coal underlies the slate banks there and as fast as the banks are removed and pre pared at the washery, the clay will be taken oft the new vein of coal. The stripping will start in a few weeks. Mine Inspector John M. Lewis rays tfliaiC his report for 1S94, like those of all otlwr inspectors, will not be ready un til some time in January, but he recent ly Informed a Hazleton reporter that during the last eleven months of the present year there was dn the Fifth Anthracite distiiot 140 accidents, of wihich 53 were fatal, leaving 27 widows and G4 orphans. Considerable mirprise Is manifested, according to the Wilkes-Ilarre Record, that Calvin Pardee should take the presidency of the Lehigh Navigation company He has so many Interests and Is so busy that an additional re sponsibility, and a serious one at that, would seem to be rather unwelcome. But, of course, he means to take up the burden and no doubt will make a rood many substantial improvements in the affairs of the company. Philadelphia Times: "The anthracite coal trade is quiet, with no change In conditions. The demand is light, owing to continued mild weather. From now on it will be a weather market almort exclusively. Sentiment In the trade Is in favor of radical restriction during, January and February. It Is customary In January to reduce prices, but It Is probable that no such attempt will be made next month. The regular monthly meeting of the sales agents will be held between Christmas and New Year's." Ex-Postmaster General John Wana- maker, who has been requested by Henry Clews, of New York, represent ing a number of dissatisfied Reading railroad stockholders, to permit the use of his name as a candldute for the presidency of the company in opposi tion to Joseph S. Harris, has not as yet replied to Mr. Clews' communication. He says he expected to give Mr. Clews an answer In a day or so, but beyond that he absolutely declined to disc-tins the subject further or to even hint as to the course he will take. The drag-net cnnvnss for proxies that Is being made by the Reading manage ment surpasses In Its attention to detail anything that has been known In this line since Mr. Oowen's famous battle with the MeCalmonts. Not content with mailing blank proxies to every stockholder, the company's agents have personally waited upon stockholders whose holding was as small as twelve shares. And yet In spite of these ex traordinary efforts the present prospect is that Mr. Harris will poll a smaller vote than he did a year ago. Person ally Mr. Harris Is popular and he Is universally- esteemed for his scientific attainments and his strict personal In tegrity, but he Is- weighted" down by the fact that he has Indorsed the Olcott plan 6f reorganization. The agents of the company, who have come In contact With the stockholders, all report .that this plan is very Unpopular. A Bothltliem dispatch says: A ban quet whkffi President Linderman, of She Behldhom Iron company, tendered to Russian dignitaries on a visit to this vicinity In May, 1S93, Is now said to have been the main Incident which In flueneed the royal guests In procuring for ithe Iron company the now famous oontraot )to moke 12,000 tons of steel armor plate for Blie czar's new war ships, at a cost of about $4,000,000. In May th ofllcars of 'the Russian fleet were In New York to participate In the Columbian naval oeeratlon. When the Russian and Austrian vessels visit' ed Philadelphia they left one morning under the escort of Charles H. Cramp, bread of the shipbuilding firm, for Bdth lahem, wtoen they witnessed a test at Redlngton and wore afterward splen didly entertained by President Llnder main and other officers of the company, In that paiity were his Imperial High noss, Grand Duke Alexander,' a cousiln of the present czar, and Admiral Kaz niakoff. This royal banquet opened .the way to the subsequent satisfactory tests of airmor plaite In the visitors' presence, and to the later sending of Lieutenant Meigs to SI. Petersburg to bid for the big contract. Chicago Stock Market. By the United Press. Union Btork Yards, 111., Dec. 19.-Cattle Receipts, li.OOO head: market easy: com mon to extra steers, $2.80a(!; Blockers and feeders, $g.5Ca3.f0; cows and bulls, J!.2T,'i S.GO; calves, 2a5. Hons Receipts, 37.0 K) heall; market barely steady; heavy, 4.2'a 4.55; common to choice mixed, X.lOal.50; Choice aanorted, $4.2Ta4.35; light, J3.90a4.25; plges, r..25a3.90. Hheep Receipts, 17.0U0 head; market weak; Inferior to choice, fl.2&a3.2G; lambs, 2u4. Oil Murket. By the United Press. PltJsburg, Dec. 19. Oil opened and high est, 94c. Jowest and closed, 93 lie STOCKS. AND BONDS. By the United Press. New York, Dec. ID. Speculation at the Stock exchange today was quiet, and tendency of prices except in a few Instances was downward. Chicago Gas rose U4 to 72. Subsequently it reacted to IIYj. Sugar was a weak spot and fell under moderately heavy sales from 91 to 89, Distillers was heavy, selling down to 2S!4i on the publication of the official circular, which clearly shows that an assessment cannot be avoid ed. The railway list lacked sup port and the Grangers lost to 't per cent. The selling was most pronounced in the case of St. Paul. On rumors of u reduction In the dividend of Jersey Cen tral the stock sold down to 92j. Read ing touched 13'i, the lowest point for a long time. Speculation closed barely steady with prices anywhere from 14 to Ivk per cent, lower than yesterday's finals. Sugar and Jrrey Central scored the greatest losses. Total sales were 1C4.000. Tho range of today's prices for the nc- tlvo stocks of the New York stock mar ket are Riven lv lmv. The nuotntlcns aio furnished Tile Tribune l.y (!. du 15. Dim inlc k, manager for Wil'.lr.ni Linn. Allen & Co., stock brokers, 412 Spruce street. Seiunton. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. lint. Am. Cot. Oil 2l i'l; 21'4 2l',j A. Al. T nj ! 1)4 91 Am. Hugur Co. 11114 si'i sin; Atch., To. L 8. f... 4'j 41 a 4'2 4'i Can. South Hiiu. CO'-', 5u', G0U ('lies. & Ohio 17'i 17i .... Chlcugo linn 71 72'a 71 71 (Mile. r N. V IK 93 97i D"; Chic. H. & Q VIS 1 71 'i 714 C. C. ('. & St. 1 :i SM'i) ID US' Chic, .Mil. & St. I'... fist &v.-. 57 09 Chic, U. I. & P (;-",. 22 61'$ Gl'i Delaware & Uuil....l:xVj lafia 12li0 lar-j, Dlst. & C. F K'4 M Slj .... Gen. Klectric aV-i 3W4. 83 B14 111. Central Mt f.9 I) S9 Lake Shore 1 1 yja Louis. & Nash .YS'i M'3 QP't KPk Manhattan Kle HH'i lor lot 101'., Mo. Pacific 2SVi 2i'4 27'h 1W " Nat. Cordage 8 8'-j 7"i 7'4 Nat. Lead ,(!;, S3 1:8 N. J. Central ft:)'., , V. Central 99K W3 M' N. L. N. K Sl"-4 32 31r's 82 N. Y., L. K. & V,'.... 10 10 ? 974 Nor. Paellle, Pr li'V, Ont. & West l.""8 j.V'-:, 1514 ir.'i Phil. & Read 14'. 1 M 13'.. K Rich. & w. p ir,"4 iw, k ?:-(, Texas Paellle !7B ;:i, i.7(. 1'nion Paellle 114 IP4 11 Wubash li 0 6 11 Wnbush, Pr 1.T4 is; 1;5 Wi West. Tnlon ij' j Ks'st S8-8 8W, CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. Op'n- High- Low-Cuts- WHEAT. Ing. est. ent. Ing. Hay W, r,s-)4 r.s'H .w December 5S'4 u4'a u3''a 54'i, OATS. May ?,2 3.!'i 31'a 324 January 2M1; 29'4 2!l'4 2'J'i coax. May 49'i 4:1', 4'vj, 49i December 4,"8 41! 4fc8 4ii January 4'j' . iHK K 4i;4 LA no. January C.S2 fi.S2 (i.77 G.S0 May 7."? 7.07 7.0D 7.O.") pork. January 11 "3 11.77 11. Ci 11.7:. May 12.10 12.10 12.10 12.07 Scranton Hoard of TrjJc Exchange Ouo- tntion.s. No. Par Shs. Val. Bid. Scrnnlon Packing Co .... Providence ft Abins- Ask 120 10 () 10 50 ton 'Turnpike 6 100 Serunton Gloss Co.. 6 loo Traders' Nat'l Bank 1 l'rdo Jit. Jcssup Conl Co.. 10 60 Mooslc Mounl'n Coal Co CO CO Lucka. A Montrose Railroad 10 100 Scra n Bnvlnas B::nk 2.- 100 Third Nat'l Bunk.... 10 H! I 'll nt Nai'l Rani; 400 f.O Scranton Trac. Co.. 30 100 Walker Automatic & Steam Coupler Co.. 7S 100 Allegheny Lum'r Co. 2 500 Scranton Glass Co (Ilonds) 8 100 Wyolusliig Water Co 10 iio 6'J0 f0 CO 50 '375 ' 10 25 100 COO 100 500 70 200 SM WW 450 (Ilonds) 7 500 Stevens Coal Com'y (llomls) 2 100 Scra'n Jar nnd Stop per Co 20 50 Dime Dep. & DIs. Rank C2 50 1 100 Scrnnlon Axle Works .... 20 1U0 National Boring an Drlllim? Co 20 109 Econ'iny Light, Heat and Power Co 4 "5 Crystal Lake Water 75 20 1C0 100 100 2:0 Co 100 100 I.ai'ka. Lumber Co... GO 1WI Cent. I'enn. Tel. & 100 no Supply Co 50 11.0 Sprlns Brook Water Co 0 1C0 First National Bank (Cttrhuivlcle) 6 100 La l:a. Trunt & Safe Deposit Ca 1C3 New York I'roJiica .Market. By the United Press. New York, Dec. 19. Klonr Dull, steady. Wheat I Mill anil firm with the options; No. 2 red store end elevator, OJalUV.c. ; nflout, G0',la(ilc.; f. o. b., l.luCc; unuraded red, 5iu(i2c. ; No. 1 northern, Ci'.Sic; op tions were fairly active and firm at kar'sc advance; sales Included No. 2 red January, OOVic; Kebriiury, Cl'c; March, 02c; JPiy, G'J'nc; June C2:'ic; July, i.ic; December, 00c. Corn Dull, steady; No. 2, 52',inE3c elevator; 63'4n.Wc nllout; steamer mixed, 49'.c; No. 3, 4SV,c; options dull and steady nt unchanged prices to '.ic ad vance; December, filvi.c. : Jrnunry, 52c; February, M'tc: May, 5.V. Cits Qnlot, eanler; options moderately active, firmer; December, 34c; January, 31V1C ; February, 3.V)ic: May, 36c. j No. 2 whito January. 3S-,c; snot price's, No. i, TST.I.aSI".; No. 2 white, SSiiSDc; No. 2 Chicago, 34"(,c; No. 3, 33'ic; No. 3 white, 37Vtc; mixed western, !K'ia.3V.p. i while do., 3i12V. ; white slntu, 3Sa42',jc Beef-Dvll. Tlerced Beef-Dull. Lard Quiet, lower; western steam. K.lo; city, G-V.; December, i'.lO, nominal; Jan uary, t7.15, nominal; refined, dull; conti nent, $7.G0; South America, J7.!M; com pound, 5li!ii.i'V. Pork-ModHrato dcninnd; steady; mc.su, $!3.2.'al3.73; extra prime, nominal. Butter Dull, fancy creamery firm; stnte dairy, 12a21c; do. craamory, 17 a23c; Pennsylvania do., KtiZic; western dairy, 10Vsal5c; do. creamery, 5u24c; do. factory, lOalGc; Klftlns, 21c; Imitation creamery, ISalSc. ; Juno creamery, IfcUle. Cheese Dull, nominal. Epcs Dull, weak er; state nnd Pennsylvania, 23i;21c. ; refrig erator, liiniuc; western fresh, 22 'Ic.j do, per ence, 2a3.50; Eutithern, 19a22',4c; limed, Hli-aluc. Puffnlo Stock Market. Bv the United Press. Buffalo, Dec. 19.-Cnll'.o r.ecelpts, 1,700 head; on sale, 20 head; market opened dull und weaker for all kinds, with some ex tra herd, but held above buyers' views; veuls strong and active at fi.50a7.50; fair, $r.5ouG.:i5; market eleoscd with weuk feed ing and tho few offerings un.-.old. How Receipts, 10,050 head; on sale, (1,050 head; market opened dull and lower for good grades, closed dull nnd 5c. lower; early sales, Yorkers, Jl.40a4.45, mostly H.46; good mixed, $4.45u4.50 medium and heavy, $4.5(4.55; few extra, S4.G0; pigs, Jt.40at.50; roiiKhs, $3.50a4; staKS, $3ti3..10; Into sales, Yorkers, $4.40; good mediums, Jl.45u4.50; pltfs steady. Sheep and Lambs Itocolptn, 7,000 head; on sale, 12,000 head; market opened steady and firm, closed steady with about all good stock fold: good na tive lambs, J3.G0a3.S0; extra, J3.10;' fair tn good, ;in3.50; good mixed sheep, J2,45a2.75; choice, J3; export wethora,' J4ul.45: extra heavy, $1.59; export ewes, f3.50n3.75; culls to fair sheep, J1.25a2; Canada Iambs, (1.15a 4.35. Philadelphia Tallow Market. By the Unlteii I'ress. PhlladelpftuDoc 18.-Tullow Is quiet and steady. We quote: City, prluie In hhdfl, 4u'.e.; country, prime, In Iibls, 4c; country, dark, In buls, tlial'ici cakes, 6c, ; grease, ic, CUT A Word. wants of all kinds cost that much, when paid for, in ad vance. WHEN A HOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE, NO CHARG10 WILL BE LE93 THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO SMALL WANT ADS, EX CEPT SITUATIONS WANTED, WHICH ARB INSERTED FREE. Poor 1 axes Are Due. L'. UNPAID JANUARY 1, lbOj, WILL bo collected with coits. J A WILL AMS Collector. Agents Wanted. rpu MAKE UIO MONEY SELLING OUU I KI.M tnu 'I'clepho 0. Most sullur 011 e:irih. Sent u 1 loiuplutu ready to set up, llu of any distunco. A practieiii Klectric 'l'eleyllono. Our agent 11 n i it 35 to $1; a day easy. EvciyiHuly buvs; Bit nicmey witliont work. i ncui low. Aayoii.'ciiii unuo ipur moutn. Aililrcss W. P. Haiiitou : Co.. CLrk No. II. CcliinihuH, (. AOENT WANTED EVEiiYWHEKH TO i pull te latiMt uiumlnum iiovi ltifH. ono tnoui pn Ills. mf.U at Kluht, Uiilivcivd free, so- curn t 'rntoi'v. .s. itii'lo 111 velvet lined easti with lull .uliini, atu, 11, li'c CutulnuuH lro Aluiniuiuii ..uviltv Co.. 3o3 Iiioadwav. New Yi rk. UrANT D -- ACTIVE SALESMEN' TO liHiulli. ir.ir line, no liciiddni?. Fn'lirv. f 75 per liioiith and expensed puld to all Uundi nitilcly new. Apply tjulukly, P. O. Bjx, oM, Hi Ktivt, Ma. Kel? Wanted Male. MEN IN hVEKY TOWN. I'KH.M AN K.NT BOil'.loe. Good Dav. Klberluiiea uiniec- issiiiy. Cl.niituuyLa .ursery Co., Poi tlund, N. Y. WANTED GOOD SOL1C1TOHTO SOLIl IT tile nriiitin trade or Hcrmituu and vi cinity. Apply to J., Tribune ollluu. ;ANTED-AX EXPERIENCED BOOK ' ciiiivHsser. Address T. B.. ciu'o Tribuue otllce, Senintnii Pa. To,- Rent. L Ult tir.Ml'-Tno HOUSES, 1 modotn iinnrovemonts, with or without hum. Apply to 1'T.ANK UHIFFEK. 138 l'l iiiklin av nue. VOK UEXT FURNISHED AND UNrUlT X ninhi'd rooms at ,rHi Laukawannu avenue. L'Olt HENT-S1X ROt)M HOUSE ON WEST I l-nckMV.'auiia uvmiuj. AUdresi 1 IIOllAS E. EVANS, ucar 1W2 Luzerne, Uydo Parit. j ,'OR RE M T X I t!l' L Y FUKXISHEI) HALL I r Huitalile for lolyo rucms, JOHN JErt MX, 111) Wyoiiiinu uvonue. For Sale. POU SALE-CAMPLE PIANO USED FIVE X lnoiitlia; inukoi 'a L'liarantao for Nvo vear: must Lo sold reRiirdlt'flH of coHt: can be suuu as D. W. Williams', Smtt township, near Jer iiian's farm. I.'OR SALE CHEAP-A OOOD WORK I I'ormi. AnnW I,, l lilKk' I.Hil.'lH'll Cm Franklin avenue. ' Special Notices. 1 AM NOW PREPARED TO FURNISH EX- 1 IllUltlor.B anil lctuiu lltlon nnv ruMi!!-. iIm. Hired. Tlieso uxliibitioiis will be illustratod, having in. my posscsiiiim tho moitt powerful diyeulviu st'jfcoptieoiis made la. 11. !vl.ij, iriDiiue ince. you WANT THIS RELIC - REPRINT I Frank Lcfillc'n Illustrated Week y War lllUKtratio. s JaOI-ISUTi. Two Volume Folios payable monthly, $2.10. Delivored by express complote, Prepaid. Addiess P. O. MOODY, GIB Gibson street, Scranton, Pa. T)LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA JJ zincs, etc.. bound or rclxmiMl at Tnu TiiiuiNE olllce. yuick work. Reasonablo prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 141 corner bpruce street and Franklin ave nue. Twenty lu'.-al tickets for J3.50. Uood table board. Sealed Proposals. VEALEO PROPOSALS WILL BE RE t eclved nt the olllce of the Scranton Hoard of Health until Haturduv, Uec. 'Si, 1S1I4, at 12 o'clock, Itt furnltrLiiiK pta coal delivered at uio cnm iiory;tiio coutructto continue from Jan. 1, IxWi, to Aoril 1, lH'JU. TI10 board will ne d between twenty mid thirty tons per month, and resjrvothurlKlit to r'jeotaiiyor nil bids. WALTKK HKIGGS, Swretarv. Real Estate. EXCHANGED FOR HOCKKS! 1 liou-es I'XcliniiL'ed for farms. R. ER NEST COMEGYS. Ko.nl Estate Afout, lii W.inh!n";t(iii, Prire Buildinif. Strayed, I,' BTllAYED TO J1Y PREMISES A L1VEH 3 . ,,1.1.. U...,., .1 ..1. I, A ....... ... 1 11 ""h- "uncj.". vii luri-UL'UU and bi'i n.it. The nwucr can have same by pay imciiMt. JOH .HJHU. William treet. Charter Applications. VOTICEIS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN .....I.'...... ..Oil... - l i " '." w.i win mi iiiuuu 10 mo eovernor of t'lM state of Pi iinsylvnnla on .Monday, tho II. It .in.. ..t T ........... 1... I M """'"I w..liui.. in,-.,, uy U. ,11. 1M1I1UCI1, William S. lloyd, Jr., V. H. Mcars. John W, uitiim', s. i n'urwni' r, r,. ji. iewKi bury, J diii S. Cox und Edward H. Lyndo, under tlio i:ct of asicihbly of tho Com monwealth of 1 tniisylvanlu, entitled, "An act to nrmide for the incorporation and lok'ulatlou of certain coriKiratioiin," approved April 2:1, li-il. and tliomippleinuiits thereto, for tile charter of nil intended cor poration to lie onlled. ' The Diamond M icn i ', ,1 Itt til I IV. " 111! nil:. P.lftt.t- 11 11,1 ,,l,i.t.,l ...I.1..1. is the u n 11. niul ipnu ryiui?of mica mid t'tli r 01 us or iiiiner.iN. iirepa iiiK tho unit for mar ket and markoii'i); the Hauie, and for tin so purposes to have, iKiwens and i-nji y nil the rijlit, lieiielits anil privdc(i.a o B ud uut ol aamuihly and Itt siippl'-nieniH. .1. AL'ION DAVIS. Solicitor. yoTRE IS HEltKbY GIVEN THAT AN 1 npplicntinn will be ma In to t'.ui Court of C miniiiii 1 luh of Lueknwniiua roiintv. or one of the judiii n tiiir.-of, on .Monday, Juiniary . IWii'i, at 0 o'clock a. in , under an act of ame'iib y of the Coinmouwnaitli or Henn mvIviiiiIu, entitle I "An net t provide for tile iiicorpor ti in and rendition of certain Our I orations." npproved tbo SOlhot Apiil, 1874, a dsupnlim nts t ereio. for tlin charter of nu Inieel'd ci 0ii:luii to bi ci d "The Voni.t Sloti Piliuiiivii .Mo lioJIst t lirr li.or P n n i ArcMuld." th 1 clmra. teraiul ob.le t of hili is to provide lor 1 nd promote ti'e uoiidilp of jihniuiitv God, accord' hi; to the faitii. doolrlue, ilheplnn and i-hii-oH of the I'limitivo M'tlio .Nt Clmrel', ni d for tliom Jjiirp is t l ave, pas-n an I enjoy a,i t e r t t. a id lion -tits m mid act of ns mlily a'm iti anpidi :nei.tt Said appllra t'oii in 1 ow on tile in the 1 ro;li n 'lrv's o:llo. 01 iiieiauiinn n iiniiit- ut v. .Inuai v ti m. IMi.V ( IT KLEH 1 U.VEi;, fcol citor. Kcreiitoii. Pa. D 11, KH !tuatiom Wanted. W AN TED-POSITION AS STENOTRA- V plier or ai.y kind of offl-o work bv a yoriig mini of experience AdJicis C. II., Trillium ollli'p, youMt manTiiI) "desires prfoNiN I d i.tistrvi th fo voars' exparloitcn' as diU7 ol Tk; e.1.1 furuiah reference. Addr as A. 1 r:liino ofllco. CIIUATION WANIED-AS CI.ERK OR J nnv kind of work tlmt n (f:il living can b made. F. B., l or HI. Montrone, Pa. U-A VI EL) POSITION IN PRIVATE family, by iniiiUla nifnd womm: bihsI wns'ier pud Ironer. Addros'i ELIZABETH JACKSON. MM Hampton ineo city. A-GERM AN GIRL WOULD LIKE A i Q-h J tion a iiur.-Hi or liuht lintmework: nsed 14 year-. Addrcm M. T., 101N Went LaiKnwauuii avenue, W cut Sida, city. cFruATioN wani edTF'meat HUhI- O iicaa by nil experinn od voung man, sob r and nlliiblc: wdl board with vmplover, If lii'ceiiHary. nnd famish host of reful'OLoos. Aiiilresi A. U, 'ir.buuo ollieo. SITUATION WANTKD- BY AN INTELLI- 0 r,-iit yomu man, Ul yen-s of age; fair fd ucatioii; well acquainted with city and uud'r staiKla luirsw: cood rufurcucea. Address WIL LIE C , one Triluiiio. iMPlToYMENT WAN TE D B YA N""Tx" 1 J poricne d pruct cal double nti-y lx)o -koep.ri cnialile of taliina fill clim ; hitch est 1 pfereno. s J. C. BY lt.NE, Diiiiinore, Pa. Y' ANTED-BY A YOCNO MAN, 8ITU Vt tioa as a baikeoper; live years export enco; can fun ish Unit class reference as to eliniacter and ability. THOMAS U LUSTER, Wisiminstur. WIT CATION W A NTFD A POS1TK NBY O an oxper-no3d snuiiioar as practical enl. neeronloe motive or stationary euultia. The brut of r.ferenoe givou. Address It, A., care Tiikuas, INITIAL HANDKERCHIEFS FOR THE HOLIDAY TRADE The five following numbers are the Cireatest Value we have ever been able to obtaia We ofter them at the following NO. I. 50 doz. Fine Lawn, hem-stitched, put up 2 doz. in a box. Price, 75c. a box. NO. 2. 40 doz. Pure Linen, hem-stitched, full size for gentlemen, 25c. each; very fine letter. NO. 3. 40 doz. Pure Uueu, hem-stitched,in ladies' size, 25c. each, or $1.35 for box of doz. 1NU. 4. 100 doz. Jap. bilk, hem-stitched, size adapted for either ladies' or men's use. The greatest handkerchief bargain ever offered in Scranton. 29c. each.or $1.50 for yi doz. NO. 5. 50 doz. Jap. Silk, large size, for men's use, or for ladies' mufflers, 48c, worth 75c. Kvery letter represented in above lots. CONNOLLY & Is anywhere made than is manufactured right here in Scranton by the FURNITURE UPHOLSTERED. BEST AND ii's 1 LAGER BEER BREWERY. Manufacturers of the ColobrateA PILSEN LAGER SEER CAPACITY: 100,000 Barrels per Annum DUPONT'S INNING, BLASTING AND SPORTING Manufactory at tho Wapwallopen .Mills, Li lorna comity, P., and at Wil mington, Uolauaro, HENRY BELIN, Jr. General Agent for tho Wyoming District, 113 WYOMING AVE., Scranton, Pa Third National Bank Building. aokjicik : THOH. FORD, Httston. Pn. JOHN n. SMITH & SON, I'lvmonth. Pa. K. W. MULLIGAN, WilkevUarre, Pa. A (rents for the lu'imuno Cbemical Com pany a illRU Eiplosiven. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. JFK" ineuKLAr .10th Imy. proilnrra tlin aliovn re.iillii In 30 days. It arti I'owciiully (ml quickly. CureH wlifn all othom fall Youiiii men will refaln tliuir leat manliooil.and oK lueu will recover theii' yoiitlilul viuor by ualni KI;VI VO. It qnli'lily and surely rentorea Nervoui noB, Lost VI'alltT. Iniiiottner, Nlgbtly Enitselonv, Lott l'owor, Fallini Mi moiy, Wantiuv ntscasci. oui II efl'ncta ot KcH-abiifw or oicufaand inillHcmttoii K'hieli UDllth ono tor 'urty. biwlnnan or marrliao. It not only cures by stnrtlnjr at tho mat of dt araae, brl la a reat nerve tonic aud blood builder, brlas leg back tliu pink glnir to pale rhcrlca and rc atorlr.K tliu tiro of youth. It ward off 7nuult and Consumption. Inalkt oa liuvlon IlKVIVO, 11. other. It can bo carried in imt iiocket. Dy mail 1.00 pfr pankane, or all for 3.00, with a poal tlvo written Riinriintee to euro or reiunc tho money. Circular free. Addrcat 'I.U MEDICINE CO.. RWer St.. CHICAGO, III Yot aal by Mattlmica Broa., Drnrsl.' Scruntou . !. MvIteh biiob co., rm'p. rapitii, ti ,000.06 ltKST St.no HIIOH IN Tllli WORLD. UA dollar titcrtl it a dollar tarnid." i Tola Ladle' Solid l'rnnvh loiiKOlnItldBN ton iloot tlelivcrcii irro niiywhiro In tlio U.S., on reuciptoi uan, Monoy order, nr I'uaiai nolo lor fl.au. Kqiiala every way the boon anld la all retail itorea for t:M. We make thla boot ounclrca, tliorefore we guar- unit mo jii, iiiju ana wmr. and If any one it not antlalleii we will rotund the mnnoy or aetuiaiioiherpair. opera ioo or voumon eeuan, wltlttia u, l 1, K au. . onea i to a aoa nan ii:oa. Stntl your tUt; xcm tit oa. llluatratcd Cala. Iniriie PREC Dexter Shoe CCiSlfir Spteial ttrmt to Jjcaui'. For Delicacy, For purity, and for Improvement of the com plexion, nothing equala Pouoxt'a Powder. POWDER MEGARGEL m?Mkk 4 Made a K M W Jtf Wp!I I MJ v JJVZ mm mm Int3 lr)J "I'VilViHA LV Cft it Ri?t FKIi Ki't 1 1,1 tiL;,.-f ' iflW.T'.:'i'. jr. i! ..iii CUT PRICES: WALLACE 209 Washington Ave. cr CHEAPEST IRON BEDS IN M .:SMii2r- to our patrons: Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pat rons that they will this vear hold to their usual custom of milling Sl'RICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers aro of the opinion that it is already cured, and in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threo months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed Washburn-Crosby Co.'s "flour far above other brands. Wholesale Agents. We have the following supplies of lumber secured, at prices that warrant us in expecting a large share of the trade : Pacific Coast Red Cedar Shingles. "Victor" and other Michigan Brands of White Pine and White Cedar Shingles, Michigan White and Norway Fine Lum ber and Bill Timber. North Carolina Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Miscellaneous stocks of Mine Rails, Mine Ties, Mine Props and Mine Supplies in general. THE RICHARDS LUMBER COMPANY COMMONWEALTH BUILDING. SCRANTON, PA. SHAW, EMERSON, KRAKAUER, NEW ENGLAND, ERIE. nimiAt unuiuiu i J. LAWRENCE STELLE, Music Dealer, 34 Wyoming Avenue, Scranton, 101 EVERY WO ill AM Boaetlaiaa needi a reliable, monthly, ivgnlatint medicine. Only haralea tH the orot drup should be uhM. If Jon want the boat, eet Dp- real's Pennyroyal PSIls Ther are prompt, aate ae1 eertaln In malt. The main (Dr. Feal'a) oarer dlaap nwut, fjwitaurwuim, fl.uO. Ad.'joaii'SALiisuiuiKaCe., UeTeiaBd,0, For Saleby JOHN H. PHELPS, SprucoStraet. Scranton, Pa. Thoirn'OtrmtKidr atiaipUon and Mkt'iiRU and aitmi utuho. anwe loriire ornnufn mr monrT. mi n at tni.oo pweei, aexea) For Sale bl C SI UABK14, Uroskltt, it auu Arenue, Carpets Cleaned. Feathers Renovated. THE CITY. Juniata County, Pennsylvania, Whit Onk. Sullivan County Hemlock Lumber and Lath. Tioga County Dry Hemlock Stock Boards. Elk County Dry Hemlock Joists and Studding. f CLOUGH & WARREN, CARPENTER, WATERLOO, CROWN, I PALACE, Pharmacist, Cor. Wyoming Avenus and & GONNELL is I SIGHED pilifS MlwiiaiaHlllMtomimM rlLL.O fornrrrona pruatmilonnnil RllrmrronadlKMwa of the fiotiermitru oivano or vuncvr nix. pii.'ii a8 nvoll frtiatraiiru. fhii I Inn or l.nst Manhaud, iinpouinny. Niehllr Kiulnloua.TnnUiiul Krrora 1 Xlanral Wn ur.n.nl DU nwi ... IV.-.m..n m . ..l. hLih InOil If, TltW lnranttT. VfliU ever J (l inter wn ilTrowmicnuuaf" i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers