THE SCBANTON . TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING."' DECEMBER 20, 1804. 3 Norton's Holiday Display Is now ready fur inspection at the temporary new store, 15 Wyoming avc., near the Globe. Cooks, the best of gifts, In our usual large variety, To please all tastes and eruditions All the desirable new I ooks As Well as the standard ones In various styles of dress Suitable for Christmas presents, Booklets, calendars and diaries, Prayer books and hymn books, Bibles for pulpits, teachers, the home, The pocket and Sabbath schools, Fancy stationery and art goods, Leather lap tablets, wallets, Portmouies, Gofd pens, pencil cases and novelties, All at popular low prices. Open evenings until Christmas. At NORTON'S -o A Foe to Dyspepsia 9 GOOD BREAD t USE THE t-LUU And always have :-. ; Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY Th3 Weston Mill Co, jKEjEHUiaeropuum Punch Cigars H6VE THE WTIflLS G. B. aCO. IKIPBilPED ON E&CH C1GSR. Garney, Brown & Co. Mf r's Court House Square. PERMANENT CURE OF RUPTURE AH forma of Herniiv a spociftltjr. Well known Scranton iiftyslclansln charge. scr Anton GERM R8PWRE CORE CO., LIfflL, zuj Washington Avenue. rClSSONAL. J. J. Curtii terdny. 1 Charles IT. a, of Iloneydule, was here yes Slater, nf Tvlniratnn. v.-n horn yesteriiayf. Kzra H. Connell, of Yale '!)5, la home for ine nollilhyg. H. r.Cooper, of I'ottovllle, Is at the i esmiinsier. W. S.j Tompkins, of Flttston, was yes- leruay in scranton. O. Jfiiison, of Curbomlnlp, was cnganed ncre yesterday on business. Taylor and P. K. Renson, of Smb- cjuehaipna, are at the Valley House. lonuraetor (ieorso H. Carson, of the Fifth (ward, Is 111 at his home, Wash burn filreet. J. il. Hardlnu, II. W. Talmnr, Isaac H, Hamh and Thomas Graeme, of Wilkes. Ban, wore yesterday In this pity. ly I'.mtor llichard J. IVamlsh. of the londulo Anthracite, was In town yes. ly afternoon on Usnl business. . and Mrs, II. M. Williams, of South nth street, will spend the next few :) as guests or friends ut Pulton. rds are out announcing the apnroach- marrlago of Mian Amy Mullcy, dauyh of Mr. and Mrs. Ambrose .Mirllev. of iwcnce, to Jticnard llaymond Cowles, falifax, N. C, The ceremony will be pnrijorincd on Tuesday cvenimr, Jan. Cowles was formerly a resident of Jliomlale. v. J. Twyson Jones, now pastor of the t Congregational church of I'lttsburg, Aiur nearby towns, Is particularly for- mie in me matter or new calls. He. e he went to I'lttsburg he was wanted three congregations, and now the Mtsburg Times notes that ho hns Just re- ved a pressing Invitation from a ehurrh Wales, to become once more Its pastor. Jlr. Jones was the minister of this Ramn his countrv. and is now nrfnrfwi n mn..i larger salary than he was paid before lie preached to the congregation last summer when on a visit to England, an so delighted the people that when the pul pit becamo subsequently vacant they lie- elded to forward him a unanimous rail to his former charge. It Is not yet known Whether he will accept. Conrson Is Scllins fine mixed randies In handsome boxes al 2uc. per lb.; 6 lbs., $1.00. . Fern baskets at Clark's for Xmas pres. ems. Gold Pens and Pencils. tKATT'S BOOK 8T)RE. to. lino . buy your fathers, mothers, brothers, Bis ters anu sweotneart a pair or the 5-BroB' slippers for a Xmas gift. Are Yon Going to Buy an Opera Gloss? Dr. Bhlmborg Is Belling now fine pearl I.amler opera glasses for $3.85, worth $7.D0, auu (spruce sirei, ; Prices of Sllppors "Scattered to the winds" at the 6-Brog, All $2.00 slippers for $1.00; all JI.50 slip ARCUINC FOR A NEW TRIAL Case of Mutual Life Insurance Coin- puny Against Johnson unci Wioton. STATEMENTS MADE BY COUNSEL oners Taken by iho Court. Which Will Puss I'pon the Case Later Other Coses That Were Argiied-Thoso' Con- . tinued unj Settled. Judge Gunster heard arguments for and against a new trial yesterday in the cuso of the Mutual IJfu Insurance company, of New York city, against O. S. Johnson end Mrs. Catherine Wlnton. City Solicitor Tonvy opened the argu ment on behalf of the plaintiff. lie held that a new trial should be granted because the court erred in passing upon the law points submitted by the plain tiff. In 1880, Mr. Torrey said, Yv. AV. Wln ton gave two Judgments to his wife, Cutherlne Wlnton, one amounting to $:!4,200, the other to $14,000. These jmlg- meptH were given when W. "IV. Winton was shown to be Insolvent, Mr Torrey argued, and the purport of them was to defraud Mr. Vinton's creditors. Sub sequently unother note wan given by Mr, Wlnton to his son-in-law, Thumps Llvcy, for n sum a little over $5,000. Mr. Torrey nttutked the good faith of this transaction nlso, and road a tran script of the testimony of some wit nesses whoso evidence supm-ted the theory of fraud. Kx-Attorney General Palmer, of Wllkes-llanv, made the reblittlnir ar gument and was followed by ex-Judge Garrlck M. Harding. Their argument was that Mrs. Wlnton was Juutlllod in accepting the two judgments from her husband, as it was proved by com petent witnesses that she held a mort gage ugainst her husibrtnd's estate fur money she lent to him which was be queathed to her by her father. Court Took tho Papers. And, as it was shown that thoro had been a money transaction between her self and luwbnnd, under -the law and by virtue of the trnditloriM.of the su preme court, Mr. Wlnton had tho right to nnmo a preferred creditor, nnd that one very naturally would be his wife Further, the sale of the thirty acres of land In dispute was not made on the strength of the notes held by Mrs. Yv in ton. but upon the note of $r..000 given to Thomas Livey. The papers were submitted to court and Judge Gunster will pass upon them and hand down an opinion. ' An interesting; case was that of J. M C. Hands against G. W. Watson, ini application for a rule to satisfy judg ment. The plaintiff Fold a building and lot on Spruce (street to Mr. Watson the agreement price being $5,700. The latter claims that in the deed Mr. Hanck agreed to convey a frontage of fifteen feet, and that only fourteen feet were delivered. This ia all he said he would pay for and he made out his check for $5,450, which Mr. Ranch: ac copied. They compromised the matter yesterday, Mr. Watson agreeing to pay the remaining: SMO. Oth?r cases argued were: New York and Ontario Land company vs. Laura Weidner, rule for a new trial; George Seal vs. John Gllboy; James Mack vs. C. L. Hell; George Seal vs. Michael Leonard, certiorari; Pottsvlllo Iron company vs. John Coniff, certiorari W. II. Davenport vs. C. K. Patterson rule to open Judgment, and Julia Con ley, S. Iluifrka, Mary Welrlch, Jacob Kline. Mary L. Clark, Charles Monglo, Patrick Kearney, D. Mahon. Adam Welrlch, Frank Yakus, Michael Ken nedy, II. S. Knapc, Charles Xellerman and Fred Brown vs. Vilkes-l'arre and Seranton Railroad company, rules to set aside service of summons. These Were Continued. Cases continued were: James Kin ney vf. Mary TlglKi, certiorari; M. Powell & Co. vs. Joseph Iladdy, rule to open judgment; Buck waiter Stove com pany. Gaule and Town Manufacturing company, Merchant & Co., and liassot Presley & Train vs. Henry Hattin & Co.. rule to dissolve attachments. Cases settled were:' M. Raker vs. A, M. Jaggard, certiorari; Prudential In surance company vs. Patrick Ilennl gaii, certiorari; W. A. Mullanc-y vs, Samuel Crowley, certiorari; W. K. Gil- hool vs. George Fllhoar, certiorari; C. Skepenaitis vs. August wardu, cer tiorari. Judgment was reversed in the certiorari case of Catherine BurU vs. Michael Moran. In re adoption of Ethel Jones argument was submitted. The demurrer was sustained In the plea of abatement of P. Derby & Co. vs. J. Gardner Sanderson und others. 100 lioxcs I'uncy I'loriua Orungcs, Direct fiom our grove ut Oltahumpka. Wholesale und Retail. K. O. CUL'liSKN. . . 1 0,000 Puirs. The 5-Bros. have more slippers than all the Btorcs in Scranton put together. Oxford, International, Bagater and IIol mun's Bibles. PRATT'S BOOK STORK. FO We Are Showing Complete Liues of Silks. Kl Kla (washy Fancy Taffetas (for waists), Haskell's Black. DRESS PATTERNS AND SUITINGS Fancy Handkerchiefs and Fans, Pocket Books, Kid Gloves and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Store Open Evenings. MEARS & HAG EN, MICA MINE PURCHASED. Scranton Men Will Develop a New Hump shiro Industry. A number of prominent Scranton business men have formed a prelimin ary organlzartlon and invested a large euin of moriey in a mica mine in. New Hampshire. Extensive mining and building operations ore already In progress on tlie property purchased and application has been made for a char ier. The men lntercnte-d are Dr. J. W. Coolldge, William S. Boyd, . J. Alton Davis, E. Tewksbury, E. Lynde, Jo!m' Cox, M. Robinson, William Mears, John Stanton und Mr. Ilarker, of Plttnton. The company's purchase is in the granite region near AVest Rumney, Gnafton couraty, N. II., from which dis trict Is mined about 70 per cent, of the m'ua usod in tho United States. In North Carolina ithe mineral Is procured in limited quantities and outside of the United States the East Indies is the nuift extensive mica territory. Seiwniton will be tho haadquai'ters of the company, although the crude ma terial will bo irreparod for market In the building now being built ut the mines. In case it is decided to manu facture Insulation fixtures for electri cal wires and appliances that process may be performed In this city. OFFICERS INSTALLED. Meeting of tl.o Hiram l.odRC, l". and A. JMasons, Lust In the presence of a large attendance of members and visitors the officers of the Hiram lodge. Free and Accepted Masons, No. 201, w.jro installed at the lodge room on West Market r.treet, Providence, last night:. A. i. Holmes, of the Hyde Park, lodge, was installing oiiicer, nnd the following were formally invested wilh the honors of office: W. M., C. J. Gillespie; S. V Enilyn Mor ris; J. W., 11. 8. Koblnt'on; treasurer, C. W. Zleivler; secretary, T. S. Moigan. When the iiiHtnlletlon ceremony was ovjer th'l members nnd visitors sal down to an excellent banquet, when th" new oll'.cers returned thanks for tho election, and the retiring worthy master, D. B. Atherion, thanked the member!) for the kind expressions ten dered to himself nnd his colleagues Taxpayers Take Notice. That your city and school tn:;es ore' now due. Councils, by resolution, ex tended tho time of collection until .Tun uary 1, 1U5. If not paid within the time allowed tt penally of 7 per cent, on tho city nnd 5 per cent, on the school will bo added, and un additional 1 per cent. ueh nnd every month until paid. Don't put oil' payment until the last day, as It may be Impossible to receive It. It. (J. BROOKS, City Treasurer. 10,000 Pairs blippers for half price at the 5-Bros. Clamoring for Their Pay. Employes and others to whom money Is duo from the estate of Contractor Fergu son are clamoring for back pay. Mr. Fer guson had been doing contract work for the city in the Fourth nnd Tenth sower districts, and at the time of h'.s depth in theLaekawannahospllalabouta week .".go left hlrt affairs in mi unsettled condition. The work he had In hand is not entirely completed, but payments were withheld by the city to an amount sufficient to pay outstanding claims. Standard Diaries for 1S93. PRATT'S BOOK STOR13. The SlO.OtlO Sahool House, for Columbia avenue has been let and will be commenced Immediately. There aro still a few more lots left at a low price. Arthur Frothlnsham, OHlce, Theater Lobby. Brush and Comb, Manicure, Toilet nnd Shaving Sets. PRATT'S BOOK STORE: Santa Claus couldfft make a wiser choice of a Rift for his little friends than to present them those funny, droll und mlrth-commnndincr "Queer People." All parts can now bo had at Tho Tribuno business oilice. Davis' Automatic Inkstands. PRATT'S BOOK STORE. Those There's No Better Christmas Present for the -Little Ones. All parts on sale now at The Tribune business office. NOVELTIES FOR THE- HOLIDAYS.., Eouks, Booklets, Art Calen dars aiid Xmas (iooils or all desiTlpUosis. lEI.cli Class Framing a specially PRATT'S Lackawanna Ave 1EI BITS ONACULMHEAP Anthony KullicVs Body .Found at Jcrmyn No. 3 Colliery, Triceburg. THE LEFT SIDE BADLY ROASTED Coroner Kcllcy Will Hold a Post .Mortem Examination Todcy to Ascertain the xuet .Manner in Which the In Xortunutc .Man Died. Anlhony Kullick, a single man, ase J about 30 yearn, was found dead yester day morning in a shanty on the culm pile ait the Jermyn No. 3 colliery at Pvlceburc The fxaot cause of deaitih ia unknown as ycit, but Coroner Killey will hold an autopsy today to ascertain tiluut fact. Kullick was a Polander nnd resided with his brjoher-ln-law, Stanislaus Ok novltch In a ihouse in the rear of Lin oolif street, Prioeburg. He was not fond of work and was Idle a gwud portion of the itlme. He worked about Jermyn No. 3 breaker urJtll two months ago, when lie was laid of;'. Since then he has done nothing. Tuesday morning Kullick left his boiu-dlntf place about 8 o'clock nnd went to Jermyn' a nlore, where he re mained for Boms time. So far as could be learned yett'jrday nothing la known of his whereabouts after he left the store uniil he v.-jiu found dead. rinding of the HoJy. Jirtia (lolKskl, one of Uie men cm rluyoil on the culm pile, was horrllied yifiterday morning on opening lha door of the fihanty on the top of the heap in which to:ds are keit, 'to see Uie body of Kullick lylnp uiirtnr a bench, lie had on only an umlt.-.iilrt, Irouyors, s.hoes and stockings. The coat oovercd.Kul lick's iluud and an outing flannel tsliirt end vest were lying on the bench above (loiuskl .uoiified Kii!rin?er Peter Mse lian' und the body w?.s taken out of the phanty. The left -ilde was found to be b:wlly burned and lb? misers of the I l'iS'lit tand wero i.'i tile same comlitlon. CoiMi',:T KiJley wa3 lutifled and wont to tho Ecene Biid ompnnclcd a jury on- sLV.Ing of James J. Lotcan, Dr. W. P. Kennedy, Edward Maw son, L. W. San ford, M. C. Donnell and John WclKmd. A number of thy dead man's country men were examined but no informa tion could bo pained from them a.s to hov.' or when he roaa'.icd the spot where he was found. l!nr Agninst the Door. It seems probable that Kullick went to the culm pile Tuesday nlRht and entered the shanty bcuise It was warm there. It contained n r.tove that had a little lire In it nnd yesterday morning a number of half burnt sprags were found protruding from the top, show ing that some one had placed them in the rtove during the night to revive the lire. A heavy iron bar was found against the door outside yesterday morning. This could have been placet there by a man inside of tho shanty if he was sober and a trillo ingenious. Kullick was not Ingenious. It remains to be Ascertained if he was sober. Having placed the sprags in the stove Kullick partially disrobed himself and laid down on the culm, which con stitutes the floor of the shanty. The center of tho heap is a mass of lire and the unfortunate man was either roasted to death by tho hot culm while ho slept or was suffocated by sulphur ous vapors. There are no visible signs of violence on the body to Indicate that he came to his death otherwise. Stories That Arc Current. Many stories were afloat in Prlceburg yesterday. One was that Kullick had been poisoned and then placed in tho Bhanty, and another wa3 that he had been takon there in an unconscious con dition and left to die. Those who believe In tho violent death theory say that it Is entirely un likely that the man would have climbed to the top of a lonely culm heap at night to find a place to sleep when ho had a homo to go to. It Is al30 urged that a man In the possession of his right sences would not have lain on tho culm until he was roasted to death. Kulliek's brother-in-law did not want the body taken to his home, but it was done notwithstanding his protest. Thi3 afternoon Coroner Kelley will make a post-mortem examination and continue the Investigation. 10,000 I'uliw. Visit the C-Iiros'. "Slipper Palace." - Great variety of Sleds, Clipper Wagons and Doll Carriages. PKATT'9 ROOK STOUK. We've had a big trade on, Smoking Jackets during the past week. Folks say our prices are lower than other dealers ask. Our styles are all new. They make very appropriate gifts. Materials are Flannels, Cheviots, Tricots, Velvets and Im ported Figured Silks, lined with Silks and Satins, some quilted, others plain. Drop in and look at 'em. No charge for that. - Issifeff-&N iSSiSlI 137 AND S. L GALLE ( CEIRISTPS PRESENTS You intend to make some one a Christmas Present. DO Not Worry Do not lose your temper, Imt make a bee line for As they have such an array of Goods suitable for Gift Making that it will' be a pleasure instead of a worry to make such selection. SILUERWflRE, DIMMER, TEA and TOILET SETS. Bric-a-Brac, Cut Glass, Lamps, Tables, Chafm? Dishes, 5 O'Clock Teas, etc. mwm fi im i a 116 Wyoming Ave. gen AN K gCIIANK (CIIAKK gCHANK gCIIANK gen an k gCIIANK eeiiAXK 0 gCIIAMK geilANK gCHANK gCHAXK gCHANK gCUANK gCIIANK gCHANK geilANK gCIIANK gen an k gCIIANK gen AN K EW ST03E, . HEW GOODS, KEW PRICES. -r-; You buy your shoes of Schank you wear the lat est styles. 410 Spruce St i Of course )rou are in a quaudar'' what to give for a Xmas present. Now your mind will be great ly relieved by visiting either of our stores, where our lines of Bath Robes, Canes,Uiubrcllas,Leathcr Goods, Neckwear, Gloves, Suspenders and Night Shirts are complete. Our assortment is cer tainly the largest and best in the city. I II T5-SC SlIBIL HATTER 412 SPRUCE ST. MS 205 LACK. AVE. 1;,-, If We're pleasing an A Pair of Genuine Steel Club ill NEW. LARGE VARIETY, GOOD STYLES AND LOW PRICES. We want to show you MfcIN 'fc OlKlwlLY ALL WOOLEN Colon, Grey, Black Custom Tailors MARTIN 308 Lackawanna Avenue. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Felt Hats, worth 49c, for , - 25c Velvet Hats Trimmed with Jet and Tips, worth $5.00, for - $2.98 Frosted Egrets, worth 39c, for 15c CLOAK DEPARTMENT New and desirable goods in Jackets, Plusli and Cloth Capes, Fur Capes, etc., arriving daily and are sold at the Lowest Cash Prices. Something nico for a Christmas Gift. soino uear mend's Mir. ijeave oruers as cany as possioie. E. M.HETZEL, READY FOR SANTA CLAUS and Is tpkltiK no rhancrs on not bavins a i-cceptiiclo lurge enough to hold a pair of thosu KkutL'S that lio puw at C. il. KIArtiHY'S, or oven a Sled. We have a nloe line of Games, Ma;rlc Lantern, l'ockot Cntltry, Sweaters, AluOuns, etc., for the Holidays. 2?2 WYOMING AVENUE, Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. 'mk mm Pp i w t hY.n mj mmm$a army of boys with our gift presentation Skates accompanies eacl Snit, Overcoat or Reefer, 13 PENN AVENUE, Complete Outfitters. our ? M. CHIT and Oxford Mixed. and Clothiers, WYOMING 'AVE. 8 DELANY II PRICES. 11 1 KI!S PRESENTS. Chnins made out of your own or 230 Lacka. Avg. NEW STORE, 133 FRANKLIN AVE. We are now dolns a prenoral Dims, Pnlnt anil OH business at the ahovo location, UuriiiK 'he election of our store building recently destroyed by Are. IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. OUR TELEPHONE CAL.U NO. Hit All orders promptly ailed and delivered 14 any part of the oily. 133 FRANKLIN AVENUE In Sends 415 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. pera for 75c; all Jl.W slippers for 00c.
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