TIIE SCKAXTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 18, 1804. GENERAL NEWS . OF INDUSTRIES The now electrical worki of the Westinghouse company, euet of Brlu ton itation, will be dedicated next Sep tember. Preparations Are being made for a red-lotter dar. as the comrmnv will not spare energy or money for its success, it nas ueeu urrnnt'-'a to Have the dedicatiou take place during the national encampment, and all the vet erans will bo Kiven nil invitntion to attend. Prebident Cleveland und tniinjr other notables con nected with the national govern ment will be invited, and llon.'fliomtg B. Heed will be asked to make an ad dress. The wires of the Vstinjrhovne employes in the Pittsburg shops will serve the 3i iner, and it will be spread on tables iu the upper stories uf the new Driuton works. There are to be a uuiaber of bands of music; the dec orations will be complete and the elec trical display will be worth goiug utiles to see. These works are perhaps the largest elestrical worki iu the world. A falliug off of 23 par cent, has al ready been noted by the large carriage fuclories since the trolley cuna in vogue; and now comes a London in veutur who wants us to believe that bo has devised a rchetue which will make horses back numbvrs altogether. His scheme is for an electrical ourriage. The sells, which weigh 500 p unds, are stored nuder the seats and suflicient power on be carried to propel the ma chine upward of 80 miles at the rate of eighteen milos an hour, over average roads, and with four people aboard, any intermediate speed being attaina ble. The "striker." at th driver's loft band sets the motor at work, the lever in front of the driver applies the power totho car by a oarefully graduated and ingenious friction genr; this is pructically the very esseuce of the construction. The car is steered by ineaus of a small wheel on the front lever, and there is unlimited brake power at the driver's foot. Tue tires are built to the design of the inventor by the Leyland com pany. They are twenty-four iticbes In diameter by four in width. The total weight, including cells, i 1,000 poauds, and it may be moved by hand with the greatest eose, the fruuis being of cycle material throughout, including ball boariugs everywhere. The body is of ordinary wood. I: is the general impr ssion that no coal is mined iu Mfxico. Tnis it n uiis take; the fant is that Mexico ieuJj coal to the United States. It is not s-nt in large qii.tutitios, but a consid erable portion of the output of the mines nt Salinas, Siu F-'lisse, Hondo Mid A1.IU1') is sent to the United States over the Mexican Iaternuiional rail road, and outers thronirh the port of Piodras Negras. Thu difficulty or min ing.the poor quality of tue pro-luct, nud thelack ottrauiiportation facilities have delayed and evn stoppod operation in the coal fluids of soum districts. The most valuable coil mines yet found in Mexico are near S in Marci.il, nloii the Gulf of California, xtondin north to tne Arizona line. Tne coal from this region is all anthracite or scuii-anth-r.icitf. An English company was ur.inted a concession of 4 IWO.OM acres in the district, but failing to comply with the Hjjruemii!s, the concession was givuu to a M.-xic.tn omruny. One reason for the loyalty of the Pennsylvania liiilroad comptny's em p'.ovi's, as Bhown by the fact that in B-vnieen years mere nas not been a Btrike of any magnitude on that sys tem, is explained by John F. Miller. g-Mier-il sup-nntendeut of the Pennsy's xouth weett-ru lines, to be due to tbo co incidence tnat not in tho lift twenty yrars had tho pay car f.iile I to be nt a crtaiii point on a certain day of eac'.i mouth, and tho pay train did not from in until to man ill fail to beatsnca point on the tnni scheduled. The pay trains on tne Pennsylvania lines ur bcht duled to run on certain days, and on time as cirtTully as are other trains, and every employe knows just what hour of each month In can ut lis pay. While nil over the country the railway compinios are paying witii much greater regularity than a few y curt) ago, thsro is not on many roads as much pnins taken to hava the pay car at certain points regularly each month. Another point in favor of Pennsylvania methods is that it is bet ter to rednco the force than to cut the pay of the men; consequently through thu depressed times the Pennsylvania lines have made no redaction iu pay of trainmen. Pittsbnrg advices say: For the ficst time in more thnu a year there is a genral operation of the iron and steel mills of this vicinity, and the same is true of other iron districts. This week there has been more work done in Pittsbnrg mills than in any other one week during the past fifteen months. With very few exceptions, all the mills tire running full time, employing all their hands. Iu addition to the general resumption among the mills, the blast furnaces in blast have been increased from six to iifteen in the Pittsburg district, and the in ciease in output amounts to 21.110 tons. Tiw increase here of furnaces in 1 1 ist was 9 of the 15, and the increased output of pig iron was 1S.1H tons in the Pittsburg district. Secretiry John H 1 I mm "THIS2 ARE MY JEWEL3," said tho Ilouiau matron, pointing to her children. The joy of moth erhood is often paid for by the loss of strength. The Hammer is so weakening to the motherso trying to the child. A little of Johauu UolFs Malt Extract taken by the mother gives her strength and allays the peevish ness of the child. Look lor t he signature of "Johanu IloiP' on nock label. None other is ,enu ino. Eisner & Mendelson Co., Sole Agenta, New York. i I i IL . "It" I I II ' I V - I C. Killgallon. of the Amalgamated as sociation, states that there is more work being done in the mills, and more mills in operation tlian since March and April 18!):i. There has been con siderable improvement, he says, al though neither the manufacturers or men are satisfied with the conditions. The manufacturers are inclined to br lieve that tht improvement will con tinue, and probably expand into some thing better. Minor Industrial Notes: It is now estimated that seventeen lives and H'W.OOa worth of property have been lost tlirougli the strike. It is feared there will bn a coal famine in the northwest next winter, unless a cuttltMiient of tho strike difllcnltlos is soon reached, as tie stocks aro very low. A nw style of coal car is iu use on the New York, Kuaquehnnuu and Western. It is what is known as a brainless brake car, one iu which tho hrako beam is Bbjlislied and tho brake shoe ij attaobed to the framo. The aggregate of gross earning of all roads in the United States reporting for the first week of July is $1, Us I, TOM, a de crease of 27 per cent. The loss is wholly on roads affected by the Pullman sympa thetic otnke. For the first half of 1S94. wholly or in part, the earnings of KIT roads, operating I'.'WU miles iu the Ctiited States, were 5-Xi'.l,f22,4."ili, a decrease of 17.0 per cout., and if six Canadian and Mexican roads are adilivl, tho earnings for the year thus far are $,177,'.70,77S. aud the decrease 10.5 por cent. Tho big stack at No. 3 furnace, of the Carbon Iron and Steol company, Parry ville, on which work has bson in 'progress for some time, has boon completed, "it is 1WJ foot high. Other improvements are to bo made to this furnace, among them be ing two large new ovens. William K. Reinhurt, iuside foreman nt the Hickory Hidgo mine, near Hliamokiu. has boon trantferrod to Punnaylvunin col liery to tako the place mndo vacant there by the doath of iusitlo superintendent Pe ter K, Junes. John Ho wells, one of the under bosses at the liulge, is now rilling L'oromau Ueiuhsi t's former position. it is bold thut a factor of considerable importance to tho Heading is tho recent decision of the supreme court of Pennsyl vania, by which a corporation Holding the stocks or other corporations is freed from paying tho tuxes on these- stocks. The l!nding holds a larL'e number of tuesi. and has beou paying a double tax, so to speak. The now class "P" enciues on tho Penn sylvania are making line record?. They are built at the Juniata shops, especially lor puinng truius on tne mountain, but recently one lias baen put in service be tween Philadelphia and Jersey City, where it is surprising the mechanical department wicu tne ease it reaches a high speed with utav.v express trains, itollin H. Wilbur now hns charge of the operating department of tho LeuigU Val ley system, 11. 11. Kincston, in tho ab- sruco of (iouoinl Traill a Manaser John Taylor, is nt the head of the traflio depart ment, subject to instructions from Vice President Uarrett, and the pnsseuger de partment nas as its chief executive Cnarlos E. Lee. All are young men. There are those who profess to believe that tho big scheme of an electric trolley system oetween iuw lork nuU Philadel phia is a move on the part of the Pennsyl vania ranroau to Ueaa olt competition from electric lines which might bo hostile to tho company. Humors to this effect have beeu repeatedly denied by Pennsyl vania railroad cltici'ils, but those who first formed this theory have not had their views changed by these denials. A deal has just been closed nt Ellwood, Pa., which means the opening up of v;;st cuai miuoii ami limestone quarries which for years have remained uubroken. Sev eral of the largest mauufai-tuiing compa nies in that part of the part of tho am in terested m lite buildlug of a connecting railroad; from South Ellwood to North Sewickley, thereby reaching the immense co.il beds and limestoue quarries which extend for miles undsr tho surface of the lirouud from .North S6wickley to the lower end of Ueaver countv, and upward to But ler couuty as far as Evans City. Two Liv. s Eaved. HrB. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had Con sumption and tnat there was no hope for her, but two bottlos Dr. King's New Dis covery completely cured her and she savs it mvt-d her lire. Mr. Thos. Eguers, l";J3 Florida St., Han Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, npproachiug Consumption, tried withont result ovcrything else then nought one bottle of Dr. Kiug's New Dis covery and in two weeks was cured. Ho is naturally thankful. It is such results of which these are examplos, that prove the wonderful eliicacy of this mediciue in Coughs and ;('olil.s. Free triaH bottlos at Matthews Uros,, Drug store. Regular size Mc. and $1. Ci iik poh Cituri'. Use Dr. Thomas' Ec lectncOil according to directions. It is the best romedy for all sudden attacks of cold, pain and iutlammatiun, aud in juries. FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. Stock! and Bonds. Kfcw Yonu, July l7.-0f today's totnl sales of UliV-.'iO sbnros, 4".700 Hhares were In American Sugar, 4V-15 in Distillers and iu Chicago (ias, leaving a little over 52,uuu (-hares for the entire railway list and other industrials. Tho featuro of tho mar ket was the heaviness of Distillers, tho stock breaking from to 18. There was a rally to I'JJf on covering of short contracts. The weakness was duo to Wash ington advices that the compromise on the distilled spirit schodule will bo unfavor able for tho trnsf. Chicago Oas dropped to 74' on the nnoniicomeut that tho Chicago common . mncil has given a fran chise to the Uui rsal (ins company, the latter to furnish the city with gas at 70 cents por thousand. American Sugar foil to U'J;, recovered to 100' and declined to nud closed nt 9:Ji. Tue stock is still sensitive to Washington uews. The rail way list held well until the Inst hour or so wheu a doclino of to 1 percent, occurred iu sympathy with the weaknoss in the In dustrials. The fenling on railway stocks is by no means bearish. The closing was rather weak owing to the heaviness of the Industrials. Net changes show loises of 4 to V,i por cent. I'ii9 iijiiiiwinif cnmpieto talilo snowing the cly a-.ictiiations m active Blocks la suupllnil aud revised dally hyl.aHar fuller, stock urokoi-s, 1-1 Wyumitiis avenue: Open- Hlirii- Low est W4 f,'4 4(1 lil iv4 7-1 ti Cloa 1". 'J' ii 6 VI), . (Ht. Am. Tot. OH 27 Am Htitiar. lulU A. 'f. S. ' r,H Cau.Ka fi Con. N. J ....lOiaj Chie (t H. W Q U. y 7(1 Chin. Ma Tli C.C.l'. & St. L.. :ttl 27 liWh, Tii :i7 t;oi., hock. vai. a i. D. & H Wi-M , 11114 im ?8 ia 4ll: 117 IU U., L. & W.... I). 3s C. F Krle . E. (i I.tko Hhore.... Ij. ft N M;inhnttati Miss. Pan Nut. Lead N. Y. K. K.. N. Y. Central. 1HI 14 il, Mi mi IH4 mif, lst-H lmi HIlU 11.':",) ai 'iVi l'i7!4 I.1I4 114 'l m mi iK 1 irrii I.Ha 14U -'H4 i4i 34 7 7i lt.'Mi no IKHfc II Wi ml Mi (ITi-4 N. Y O. VV VM N. Y 8. W mi It u n i' j 1 -ii t ... win,, -K'-l North 1'a.a 1 North Pao. uf Omaha Mil 17H , ti7-M Vi tun u n ttry mi, mi tnua ti 11 r5 ' M'i m mi 17 ;'' r: ui 114 M 1034 Mi IIH. m 1'ao. Mail itnailliiir Hock Island M.T St. Paul T., C. &. I Texas & Pao L'niiiu I'aclllo Witlnwh pf Wesp'l-ll lllltnli HI W.& L K K aT W I I. .... 7 - J IUU l.lVfe Chicnao Grain and Provision. Ft nAXTCW. .Ililv IT Tha flln,l tlousars supiillud aatl eorreoted dally by La Itnr H fuller. stock: brokors,Ul .Wyoralaavs uue. WHEAT. J,,i.v o.4 r. Ot.onluu &fl" 6744 (Uti Hliibest. tx) 67J mi Lowest tfili 57U Closiug CUKN. OueimiB 'i ' Highest 44i Lowest 4:i'4 Closing 4H!-4 4 OATS. Opening Ji.U lliiihest ll"4 1.14 Lowest 'M -!i L'losinir ol -u 1'OKK. 0HmnK , J-"5 l-'iO llilthest liVi Uul Lowest li'ni IM) Closing lii i:uu LAUD. OuenliiK IS-,, IS7 Highest (JV, tlN) Lowest lis-.' i;.-r, Cloaine , liJ ifj I HUOUT K111S. Opening I'tn mil HiKheMt tiii.l IM Lowost l,il Uil) Closing WrU New York Produce Market. New Yokk, July 17,-Fl.ouit-Dull, easy. VnttAT Fairlv active. iz,ta. lowers No. 2 red store and elevator, fiS'c; aiioat, wiirAiiifl.; 1. o. u., DVaf''J4c. ; ungraded rtd, oOuMc; No. 1 nortuern, 07c; options cloeil weak at below yesterday; No. 2, ivil,July. 5Sc; August, SSJh'c.: September, tWc.JJecoinbor, (14c. , cokn Dull, easier, closiuir firm; No. 2, 47;,4'a4!ic,, elovntor; 4Sa4M.jc. ; alloat; op tions were dull and lower; July, 47'xc. ; August, iS:. ; aoptemhor, 47).jC. ; December, 45c, Oats Dull, nominally Initio, lower, oiitn n', dull, lower, weak; July, 4il';4c.; August, t3;c.; September, 3'J;';e.: No. 2 white July, lljo. ; spot prices, No. 2. 48c; No. 2 white, fiUcj No. 2 Chicago, 4Ui!.; No. 3, 4!)c; No. 3 white, 4.1c; mixed westeru,4sa5Dc.;whlte do. aud white state, 4SU.10C. Ukkk Inactive, firm. Tiukceu llKiiv yuiet. Cl T ilKAT.s-yuioi, steady. LAiiu--(Juiet, steady: western steam J7.3U; city.tiJiC.; July, $7.25; September, 7.2i1; rellued, dull; continent, 7.il0; South Amorica, 7.S.1; compound, CaO'c. PoitK (Juiot, tlriu. llUTTeu yuiet, fancy, firm; slnto dairy, 12.-17c: do. creamery, 14Vtfal7c.; Penn sylvania, do., H!al7jo.; western dairy, lOnl lc. ; Uo. creamery, 13al7Jc.; Elgi.is, 17al7Xc ; imitation creamery, llJinHVjC. Ciikksk Cuiet, steady. Eons .Moderate demand; fancy, firm; state and Pennsylvania, I2al2c; west ern frtsh, llall.' j'c; do. per case, Sla2.SU. Philade'.phiu Tallow Uarkst. Thiladem-hia. July 17.-Tallow was dull and uunhuuged. Prices were: Prime city in hogBlieuds,4ia4,c; prime country, in barrels, 4jgc; do. dark in barrels, 3;i4a 4c; cakes, 4'ac; grease, 3c. while using beef-tea, calfs-foot jelly, and various beef extracts made by application of heat. They contain no nutrition whatever, and cannot restore vitality. holds in solution the . albu- moids aud salts of lean raw meat, prepared by a cold nroc- ess containing the life-sustaining and tissue-building properties of meat itself, yet in the most condensed form. Endorsed by 25,000 physicians. For sale by all druggists. THE BOVIN1NE CO., NEW YORK. Is an Improvement in Soap. In the Trolley Soan old mellioiln and materials are superseded by new ones. The Trolley Soap leaves the clothes sweet und clean and lusts lonirer than other soaps. Ask Your Grocer for It. If lie does not keep it send us order for 20 BARS FOR TRIAL FOR $1.00, or for a Box loo cakes 75 pounds $4.50. Joseph p. Thorny Elinton, 227 Chestnut Street, Phila. ilKIIMMMtK it' RtGISl tREDi Made a well Man of we." IiluArU Vl a mm 1IIK flKfcA'i1 HINDOO REMEDY I'KUDl'CKSTIIK AHUVK ItKsl Mrt n no iur. NttrvuiiH 1Ihv iiwb nil fl. hull hi rt Mi.,,..-.. X "I tt)chnuikt'iniifniiK,ana qnU-kly but miii'ly rcMtori'it """" nmn mi oiii 111 umitf, 1.(1 HI IV fan ll'll HI wn porkft. lilfo.M Hpnckniff. Kixforri.OwltUn writ ten tfiinrfliitcf future or mmtey rffimdrtl. P-Jti't Iwt , nuy uiim mi l.U d dnifrvUt w'H you kiml fj fniffiriii. lntilftunlmvinBlNlAI-noTuothcr. fl ll HIIX MOT II t It. Wll Will t-nil ii. I.v nll m..i f. .(.. nfinleo, riimplili't iHHi'HWaimTf'lupe fret?. AtJlro:M 4)rluiil4ilMdlfttlCu.,tnitM.tUilavgt III., troarMni bUi-D uy Malthcwn Hru., Wholesale and Retail '"fv"-, o,niwwn, ri,( uia oilier Lead lug Urufigists. JO 0dyf uidtrfiitnntf, btckxl fcj ('JU,lxiut,.j. ; ' p. 4 niiiviru'iif ana iw-puv bnok, illmtrMftl tron Bir ; 9 n hUtrntn lUNAl.Hiral hvih.n.ll Wh.. 11. lit u4 rtrjiiui, our Mnslo Runiedv win Ij n f-fUlK Ulrn.'i.v .... ... V' iiiiluiulii.j'irii)iwB-Muiu'''lw-'JWir'-r"." i.-,- w.- - " - - r'-f--'--"rliJnriMi J HANY f Starve ) TO DEATH The Original Raw Food ! ..1. 1 O 9 m BLOOD mmi """Xj $1180i G'ven Away g On August 15th, 1894, to consumers of Gail &Ax's NAVY Lons Cut TOBACCO. ALSO 50 KI.KOA.NT GOLD WATCHES. 75 1IANDSOM10 MANTKIi CLOCKS. 100 KI.EGANT MCKKIi WATCH ICS. Save your Empty Paper Wrappers. Your Dealer can furnish full particulars. f0 Kf M ID PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT iMn PnTA5CIIIM nnu i vinuuiuiti Makes Marvelous Cures Str in Blood Poison Rheumatism ftrand Scrofula P. P. P. purlllos thciblood, bnlldsnp tlio uruk umj (lehllltulQil, (jlvos ttretiKtli to wi-akciietl iiurvna, eipel (lisHusLH,KlvluKiho pittliint houltQ und ii:tii'lrit.-t whoro Blcknenn, i;lui)iny fculiuxmnd luxaltuUe Urt prevullod. l-'or irliiiary.Hi-tionutiry und tHrtinry iyphllis, lirl)lootl pulHunliiK, niorcu rial tiolson, iiialarin. ily.ipi-;isiu, and In all lilutnl itn-.l Hkln tliieutmit, Ukv bhituUes, pltn',ilt9, uhl chruulo uluorii. tottt-r, m--ald hi;iil, bulls, eryHlitflau. fcfzi'iiui- wo tuny Hiiy, without fiar of C"j;itruOk-tk)li,tli.it P. 1'. P. In the limit blood I'tirllliT Wi llio world, hiiU niHku po.-Altlvo, Hpeudyaud puriiiauuut eurus Iu all u:ien. Jji'lloi whtise sy8i.niH nre tiuisoned mid wiioBe blood ih in an iiupuru oohoI tlon. dun to immslruul lrnKUluritlr9, nm peuullarly bont-lltod by tho wou-dt-rful tonic and blood c-luuMiiir iiruij-ortii-sof 1. P. P. Prickly Ann, puke Hoot and poia.Hsluiu. H1-11INOHEI.U, Mo., Aug. 11th, lh'JII. lean Hpeuk In tho hlKln-.it turm.i of youruiHdiuiuu from my own nerHoual knowlodKe. I witMaliei.-ted with boarC (lni-it, (jloarlsy and rheumutlrm for 115 veurs, was trtmted by the very best jihytii'iana una spint hundrudK of dol Ium, tried tivery known remedy with out UmiKiK rollef. I huvu only takua one hottlo of your P. P. P., und can cheerfully my lb haa done me mors food thun anything 1 havo ever taken, c.-iu rucoiumund your mediciue to all uufiercr ot thi ubove dlaeanes. MRS. M. M. YKABY. 6pr jglluld, Green Couuty, Mo. MT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. Coal of tho boit quality f jr domestic use, and ci nil aizea, aenyereu in any pari oi in citj i lowest price. Orders left at my office, XO. 118, 1VVOMINO AVENUE, Roar room, first floor. Third National Bank, or sent by mail or telephone to the mine, will receive prompt attention. Special contractu will be made for the aaii ml delivery or Kuckwuoat CouL WM. T. SMITE Maloney Oil and Manufac turing Company Have roinoved their oflico to their Warerooius, NUMBERS HI, 143,145,147,149, 151 MERIDIAN ST. TELEPHONE NUMBER, 8034 JiniEU 8R0E CO.. Inc'p. rapltnl, $1,000,000. B12ST (tl.fio SHOE IN TUE WOULD. A dollar tuttd it a dollar earned." Thla Ladles' Solid French Dungola Kid But ton Uoot delivered freennywhoro In tho U.S.,ou roceipt ot Caen, .Money iirdor, or I'ustal Nolo for tlM. Kqttnls every way tho hoots aold la all retail stores fur t.MI, . inuku this bnot ourselrrs, thereforo we guar' anter tho lit, itult and wear. and If uny one is not sal It ll i d o will refund the money or seud another pair. Opera 100 or l onunun uenite. widths (.', I E, S IiK, sues 1 lo I und half Izes. benduinirniat; Ik. Wt U-if tit vtm. rjlVIIIuMratcd cata-log-us Dexter Shoe SAMliTs:- Enooroco bt Th( HroHtsT Medical AuTHonmu SfjEllTTiOLlNHiTO .'SMaCATARRH if- nEpCHESK iuia uiriiuui lxrrAi.FR will cure you. a frein Colds, Unru'l'liroiit, . - . ..UCIIII IS, orHA V t'KVKIt. Al'ont' fmmrttlattrtM. AuelUclent . , n-iucMy. convenient tocarry In pocket. rendT to n on But tiniicaiioii of cold, t'onlliined Vto KBV-cIs Icrinnnrot Cure. HI ceuti H. V CUSHMInV iifr.: Ihrei fifflTi OUSHUAN'B nlLNTHOL 1,,,l"J"'r','"t f'"1 rfmody for gudsor hyniiiil i-repwd. Ail.lremnl)ov... dALP.1 I'm- anlo by Mattliotra Uros. und John II. I'liolps. SPRING ' HOUSE HEART LAKE, Susquehanna Co. U. E. CKOFUT.... Proprietor. mlllS IIOUSK la strictly toinporancfl, la new I und well furnished and Ol'ENKD TO '11IK 1'UUI.K; TUB YKAB UuUND: Ii locnted midway bjtweon Monlroieun I Heran ton, mi Montrose nud Laukawiinn Riillruad, six niiloH from I)., Ii, & W. It R, at Alford Bl at lou, and live in I lot from Mmtroio; -a-luicity, Hiu-hty. live; three minutes' walk t rum It. it. atntiou. iOOI IIOAT. 1 IS1IINO TACKLE, &c, IK IK TO O L'lCS 1 8. Altitude abuns 2,0110 foot, aquallinir In this reiuct the Adirondack and Cattkill Moun tains. Hue grovei, plonty of ahnle and beautiful scenei v, milking a Hummer Hesort uuez celled In beauty and oheipnoas. LliiuciiiK pavilion, awinrs, croquet ar nund-i, &i: I'olU Mpiitigr Water and plenty of Milk. Kates, 7tu 10 per week. til. SO uer day. r Kxcnrsion tlckata aold at all stations on D L. Si W. lines. Porttr in outs all train. Pimnlps RlntP.hns Catarrh, Malaria and Kidney Troubles Are ntlr'Jy ri'inofou by 1M.S. Prickly Ah, Poke Hoot und Potas Blum, tue greatest blood puriUor on earth. ABitinnN, O.. July SI, Mnsaiei. Ln-fMAN HiiOH. , baviinnuh. Ou. : DFAit Mus I buuiihi u bottle of ?our P.P. P. ut Hot HirlnKx,Aik. ,nnd than done me moru t,n th.-tn three DioittbH ti-eutmeiitut the Mot Hprlui;. Hend three bocdea ( i. U. lltauectlully yuura, JAM. M. NKWTON, Aberdeen, llruwu Couuty, O. 4'Ult. 1. It. JolllltlOE. To oil vhoni it vt'iy ro'ji-er.'i I horo bv testify to the wonderful properties of P. P. P. lor eruptlou.i of Mienkin. 1 Buffered for everrtl yo.ira Willi un un ttlKbtlyend dlnaim-euhle eruption oa my face. I tried every known reme dy but In vain, until P. P. P. was used, uud am now entirely cured. (tilgued by) J. V. JOHNSTON'. Bavuuiuu, OH. Skin Cancer Cured. TuHmony Jrotnthe ihyorof SiqulnJex, 8KQU1N, Tex., January M, IM-.x. MK.isua. LiPfMAN Khos. , havannah, Ou. : lhntUmtn1 havo tried your P. P. P. loradlseaHoof theHkin, usually know n ai bkln cancer, of thirty yi-ai-s' BtnTiiilriK, ami fouuil isreuz rcllif: it punllea the blood and reiuove-uill Ir ritation from tiie eat ot the dou-aso uud preyenti any apreadiutr of tho eorei. 1 huvo taken llveor lx botih-3 und feel eonndenl that Another course will etlect a cure. It na: ul!o relieved me from Indication uud ututuucli troubled. Your.i trulr, CAPT. W. M. RUST, Attorney ut Law. Book on Biocd disgogcs mu Frcs. ALL UltUQUISTS BELL IT. LIPPMAN BROS. PROPH1ETOH8, Llppman'a Ului-k,StiTitnDolt, Gn I9 O i$!9 ?? jfl 1 Bank of Scranton, ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL $200,000 SURPLUS. $250,000 1 Tills banlt oirora to depositors every facility wan anted by tliolr balances, basi ness and responsibility. Special attention (,-lven to btisincsa ao couuta. Interest puld on time deposits. WILLIAM CONNF1.T, President. GEO. II. CATI.IN, Vlco-l-nsldenr, WIM-IAM II. PttK. Cashlofc DIUKCTOItS. William foniioll, Genrirn If. Tntlln, Alfred Hand. James Arcbbuld, Henry llelln, Jr., HIlliHiu T. K.uitlt Lather 1 iii TUB TRADE National Bank of Scranton UlUAN'IZED ltfJi CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $30,000, FAMCEIi lUNKSl.tProIdent. W.W. WATSON, Vice President. A. B. WILLIAMS, (.'ushior. miir.cTons. Samuel Hint., jamk m- EvrnnAnT, JitviNti A. Finch, I'ikhcr a Kim.ev, JOBKI'H J. ,Ii:HtlYM, Jl. ti. KKMKItElt., ClUU, t'. llAil'uiiWii, John T. fomiiii. W. W. Watson. PROMPT, ENLRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL This bnnk InvHostho patrotiRgo of busiuoss uiuu und tirms gnmiritlly. Fhrtlnmlii'il REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. rroii uit jlfc: ' Made 1-t.Uay. flMj k'.,Well Man 15th I)ny. J ot me. THE GREAT ami, i)v. produces the ubove results ln !!0 dnv. It ncti powerfully and quickly, aires when all others tail "ui i'v.iu .iit-l, 1 uttli ill'Dl, (lllll OKI men will recover their youthful vitinr by indug r.vivu. it nmcKiy anu surely rewtoreH Nervous- lll'Ull t.riHt Vltaltfx V:. .!.!.. L...: , , ,,upi( j , ,,ii,.,jr j.iiiinniiiiiH, Lortt Power. Fallinu .Memory, Wastiiw Dlwasea. and all effects of self-abuse or en-ess ami indlaeri tton. which uullts one lor simly, business or niarrlaiie. It not only cures by nUrtlim at the sent of disease, but is a great nerve tonic and blood builder, oritur lu bock tbo pink (rloiv to imlo t-lii'elts and re storlnu the lire of youth. It wards off fiisanltv and Cunsuiuiition. Insist ou hsvini: ItHVI O, ui) oilier. It can be carried lu vest noi-Li-t liv moil It 1 .00 pur paekuite, or six lor sn.OO, Willi a ponl Uvo written Kiinrantee to cute or reruuil She money. Circular tree. Address MYAL MEDICINE CO., B3 River St., CHICAGO, ILL For aalo by Matthews llroa,, DrutijUts, kcranton, 1'a, What Is More Attractive Than a pretty face with a fresh, bright complexion? For it, use Pouoni'a Powder. Third Nationa BUSINESS AND JPR0FESSIONAL l-HY.su lAN.-i Al?VMiMs? I )K. . KIiliABljKAfrrinrr'euioved to tiia bl'r"UB,Ht',eet, tscrariton, I u. Uust ou puaite court-house Sqiiaraj A. J. COM Nfcl.L, oillco an WsshiUKtoo f atenue, corner Spruca street, uvur r ranclte u drtiK store, luidonco, Viue at. B Jll to 1.M p. in. ttuuday, 2 to a p. in. 1)1'.. W. K 'aI.IJ-:X. Utiles' cor." liki J wnuua mid VVusliiiurton lives. : over Loon, ard shoo store; oilicu hours, IU to 1:1 a. in. und W?..ht.p'i m,; "Vl!u'ulf i rusidoiice, Gil! N. vuslniiKtou eve. 1 U. C. L. FHKV. I'ructi.-o ImTilod tiTTiTi nini'"e"5 w tb" Lys' Kr- Nosu Throat; omoe, U Wyomiutf ava ltebidouco, is Vine l)Uv!e,- JA'1KS- la Washinifton Aveun-s hours, 6 tut a.iu.. l.boMo a aud to8 p.mKoMdonco;!!!!) Mudison avi-nu jOlI VL. WENT,, v. i Ollioos S3 audTl' trf ii n,1",,nw ' I'J'ildi.iar; residence 711 Madison ave; ..nice hours. iS to la, S to 1, 7 to ,' !','ay"1!,Wt'.H'.,!Vt'"i"t residence. A specialty mado of (Ureases of tho uyo, ear, noun aud throat and Kyiiecolo,? I.AVt YKHS. .1 I n AH ,,uw Rlld ;ll"ction of. tin, " U ,a F b,I,,ruo nPIK'Hite Forest thr .. i. "i",on' r"ltiiHia a specmlty throUKbout I'eniisylvuuia; ruliublo coirespoud eiits in every county. ' j ''iori1' l?t ,' ' t:' V""ruoy ami ;ounael." wXlSi a T.e3,,aaUaiU lioitACK li. HAWD, w. ii. ji:ksup, .in. I I ' II, I. AIU W A I.MM. T 1,'vai... ... " i , j, , "oys aud ( ounselors at Law, Kcpublicaa buhdmir, WushinKton av.. Seranton. i'a. IjATTKlWO.V '&'yiu':o'x. 'Attorne"y"7n4 Lulidin bcruutun, l'a. Himswpm. n. rATTBnso ll.MAM A. M'li.cox. A LFKKI) HANI), WILLIAM J. HANuTAtT J torneys and ounw.-llors. Commonwealth builihn Rooins ID, M and ::. 0! J?rr builclinjViiMhiii(,'t()n avenue 1 1 ''"'iVin, M ...''X : Lw""ollle,.s In Vrki Lttil.liiitf, im Wushinnton avenue. FKsA?KT- OKf.LL. Attorney t Law. toi f --.L"1,Li "-fhnnco. ISrraiiton. 1'a. : - " Vi!l!."" ' ton av., C. II. Wuare IAMKS W. OAKFoitO. Attomov ot Law," Jrooui9 lit, w and IIS. l'omii,weu'ltb bT SnraUE,-ii.'- 1'H)A,- Attorney ut Law." IJOMIee. J17 Kprucest., Scranton. Fa. I A. VVATltlis, Attorney t Law. tjj li. Lackawaiiuajtir-. .S.ranjon. I'a. I 1'. MIHTH, t ouii-.i-llor iit l ,.o.. rrwnsJjM, M Om.iunnwealth huiliiiiiB. a. l'lTfiiEii Att,.-,,.. ... i '"""Wealth liuilnitiK. Seruttton, l',i. UCUMKdVs, ;KI Snruee st. D li lii-.i'i.tiui.i.- a..". : A . ' ""woiry- lAt.tllS !1IK0' i!!. real estate security. 4IW Spruce. B i . KiLiijA.)!, Attornev at-Law, 1JU Vy oiuinu' avenue, Scranton. school. OCilb7TLuFTil K LACK A WAN NA.'seT; IJ ton, Fa., prepares boys und (jiris for collets or business: thoroughly truius vouun children. CutuUvutt ut iciiuoit. Krv. TnoMAA M. Cans, tt'ALTFII II. FlIEl.t,. MISS WOi;CF.STi:it'S KlSUEItOARTKJt and f-chool, il- Adams avenue. Fupil-i rccelvel at all times. Ki-xttorui will opou Soptetubor H. iikm i.v-r. rll. A. TAI-'T, U.D.S. HI North " WaslT invton Ave. Spi-cinltv in I'orceluin KoHtoralioim. Crown and Hridce Work. f ". LAUMACH, burguuu Dentist," Ko, 115 . W . Wyomini; ave. . M. KTIfATToX. iffl'- C"-il Fvflvin"' LOANS. rril.L HLiH HLIC baviuirs and Loan Asso J ciatioii will loan ou in .uev on eio-h-r terms nud pay you better on invustiuent than nny other association, ('nil on S. N. CAl.LI.N PKIi. IMnio Hank 1 u-ldinc- M-:i;ds. J. Ii. C'LAKK & CO., Seedsmen. Florists V-J aud Nurtervinen; Etoro 14ii Washintrtou avenue; preen horina.l3JJ North Main avenue; More lelepliono TV.'. TKAS. MKAXD UNION 1K t o.. .lones Hros. WIliK S( I1KI NS. TOR. KUF.TTKIj, 5i" I.nckawnnnn avenue ft Sel-antoli I'll n.-mol'.. ..r M'l... w- IIOTFI.S AND l;lTAl TtANTs 'PUB W ESTM IN Sl'Llt, 117 1:1:1 Wyommz L avn. Iioons heated with Pteam: ail mod ern improvements. C. M. Tmdmab. Frop. rpill-: ELK CAFE. I.iinl 1.7 Franklin uyo- uue. i.uies reasonable. I'. V.iMii.Kii. Proprietor. 1 Y L&XJil.jTr'.li IU I'ICIj. , - " - .zii-.il 1 i, Manager. Kistconth street, ono block eaat of llruadway. uiuu .iuai c, iev k OI K, American plan, S-Uuper day and upward. CU)NE lluLSIC. Luropean plan; (;(Kid ' rooms, open day ud uiiht. Lur 'ui piled uitu the best. I'. II. mvXF,. rronrl.'tnr. Wt 'KAN TON IiOL'SK. m ar J L. & . p.u. V7 aeniter depot. Com'.ucled on t!ie Europe 111 plan. Virviiit K'di-n. I roprlotor. JKANI) CENTI! Alt. '1 Ho i!iruo.-,t and Dei: J ennlono I lioL.-l 1a Allentovvo. ..ii... S- and per day. ii iiik i. r,iiNi:ii, i'1-nprietor. ai: i;rn: i s. IiAVISA- liOl'l'l, Armilteol.H. Looms -Jl, I ' "a and Commonwealth b'ld'ir. .Sera-itcMi. L. WALI'l'.l:, Architect. Lilnary i.iiikI I J inn. vouun aveinii'. Scvaiitou. ? L. HKOWN. Ar.-li It. Architect. Price l uildiiii.ll V ailiinttoii Ave.,Seraut'ei. .MISt'FI.I.AM OIS, Al'F.lfS OUCHKSTUA - 51CS10 Fnlt balls, nicnics. lartiow. reeeotion u-.ul. dines and concei t work lnrnlslied. For terms atldroffl K, .1. Hatter, comliu-tor. 11T Wyoming live., over liiilliert's music utoro. HOKTON n SWA UTS-WHOLESALE lumber, Price huihii.iii Scinnton. Pa. Ml-.UAliUEH LHOI'llI'.llS, PKINTKHS" supplies, envelopes, paper bu-,-s, twine. Warehouse, VM Washington avo., 8crantou, Pn. OHSK AND CAlililAUl'S l-'dli SALE I I at l.:i:l Cniiotts even-.ie D. L. FOOTF, Apent. jUAMv P. HI!OW'. & CO.. WHOLE I sain ileal. -rs in Wooihv.-uo. Cnribu'o un.l Oii Cloth, ;$) W. Lackawanna avenue. JZHA I'lNN .V M).S, liinlders and eoiitrnc J tors, ards: Corner t dive r.t. and Ad.inn live.; comer Ah st. and l'eiin aw., Siianton. The- GENUINE New Haven "Mathushek" Pianos ESTABLISHED 1SC3. Row York Vai ercioiiis No. SO Fifth Avcuuo. E. C. EICKEU & CO., Sole dealers in tbls section. OITICE-ia Adams Avo., Telephone BTd'tf Eareka Laundry Co. Con Linden St. end Adams Ava. COUKI Uouss ByuAitu. All kinds ot Laundry wotk KnHrnntl the boat. THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO. KCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., MANUFACTURERS Oif Locomotives ami Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office, SCRANTON, CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N. J, LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Ant'.racito coal used exclusively, insitriui cleuuliness and comfort. TIMK TA lll.u IN EFPECT MAV 'JO. 1S9I. Trains leave Srrnnton for Pittstou, Wilkes. l lS ' 1 ' - lUh "' "' unl'. a. iai I u", 2 l.i, i.lO p. 111. ' For Ailantic City. 8 20 a. m. for New oi-k, Nowark and Elizabeth, 8.' fexpress) a. 111., lli.M (express with bullet p"ni ta"' ("WOW P. nu Buuday, tli ll'''",.MAl'r" Ciii'nk, Am entown, Betri.i A ' 'i,S','V!,ai,l"d '""-ai.i:i.i-ii.a, .3i a ui . 1'"'" "' 1-ur l.oMi liiiAm-ii, Oi-rax GitovE, etc., at 8..11 1 with tiirotiKi! . m., u.-jj . m. I-or HeadiUK. Lebanon and llarrlsbniir, via :mi'p . Vnv"' "'- D'0a 8u"dft For l'ottsvllle, f.'.d a. m l'j.aip. m. Itcturuin Unvo New York, foot of LIbortr I T,M i 'a 1 a 'ti 1 J "vur' IU (""Press) a. in., l.i", 1.. , 4.. 11 (expross with Hullui parlor carl p. 111. Siiudav, 4.;) 11. m. Leave I'hiladolplua, rivalling .Terminal, HOJ a. 111.. ..hO and 4 M p. 111. Sunday, VS7 a. m. J lii-oiiKh tickets to all points ut lowost rato may be had ou application in advance to tu 4vv uiunnH lU'J ntllllHU. 11. P. BALDWIN, Ueu. Pais. Airout J. II. OIJIAt'SEX. (leu. Sllit. llELAWAHE AND IIIT1) SON ItAII.KOAD. Couimancnm' .May IU, ISHi, trains will run as follows: Trains leave Bridge Street Station. .Scrnutou, for Pitts. ton, Wilkes Barre, etc., b IX). :M'T. :i7, lu.tta. 1,,.. liiu l.-. - t. 4 hi. .l.r), S).l5 und II.: ') p. iu. For New York nndPhiln-. lloll.hia. h IHI11 01 l-i 111 '.-I. !-:!8. 1. in and M.W p. iu. ' For lionesdale(!i-oin Lclawaro, Lackawanna and wcitorn ip.-pot), 7.00, b.a.j, 10.10 a.m.. IS Dj in.. L'. 17, A. 10 ji. 111. For Carljoutlah' and iuteriuediate stations, fi. to. T liii, s.;io. w. Id a. 111.. luMMi m.,'l 17. ItiShL II .'.11 and 0:1.1 p. in.; Ii-miu Hriiluu Stioot lJtmoU a.in..S.I7aud lli-'Sp. in. v Frist express to Albany. Sarutoga, the Adl ri-udack .Mounlaius, Boston and New England, points. MO 11. in., arriviuir ut Albany h!.. Saratou'a 'J.ai p. iii .unii ieavinir Scruutoii at i.U p. 111., nri-iviu ut Jonnv atrt.ri' p. in., feara-tot-ii. 1. "ifi a. 111., ami B istou, 7.01 a. m. The only direct route le-tweeu the coal Molds and Boston. "The Leadiint Tourists' Botita ol Ameri'-a" to tho Adirondack ..luuntaili re sorts, Luk isUuortrouiid Chainplttiii, Montreal, etc TI1110 taldes showing local and through tralti soi-vico lietween i-tatioiis on all divisions Lei, w.u-o mid Hudson system, may bo olitainod at all Delaware mid lludhuu ti.-ket olltees. 11. (j. YOUNII, J. W. BUltUICK, Second Vice President. Ueu. Pass. AkU mi .11 AY l;t, in'4. Trnln leaves Sci-anton for Philadelphia anl New York viiu I). & H. K It. nt 8 a.m., 12.10, ten and 11.35 p. in. via D., L. Ai W. K. K 8 01L b.DH.ll.au 11. m., and p. 111. Leave KeruMon for Pittston and Wilts. Barre via U.. L. & W. H. !., 6.0U, 8.08, ll.aj a. m , l.lio, itfjo. o.U7. s. op. in. Leiivelcrantoii lor Whito Haven, Hazletoa, Pottsvillo und ull points 011 the Beaver Jleudnw und PottHvillo branches, via E. & W. V.. ti !'!. 111.. v.a 1). Sc IL K. K. at 8 a m., 12.10, 2.M. 4,lu p.in., via U., L, 4; y. li. K o.U0,8.0, 11. Hi) a.m., l.:m, :1.10 p.m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton. Readiiiu, Harrieburs and all intermediate points via D. & II. ICR., 8 a m .12.10, 2.38, 1US p.m., via L)., L. & W. K. H.,ti.00,b,08, ll.U a. ni, 1.30 p.m. Leave Scranton forTunkhannock, Towanda, Elmii-a, Ithaca, Geneva and all intermedins jiomts via 1). it II. K.R.,H.ij7 a. 111., 12 10 aud 11.31 p. m.,-ia I). L. ic W. H K., 8.0j .m.,l.:j0p. ra. Lhuvh Scranton for Kochostor, Buffalo, Ni agara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all points west via D. & II. K. R. U.07 u.m.,12 lO.d.l 'i.ll 8J p. m.. via D. L. & W. K. K, and Pittston Junction, p lw a.m., 1-30, 8. ij p. m., via E. Se W. B ti., 3.41 p. m. For ElmT.t and tin wet via Salamanoi. via D. H. It. It. H.07 u,ni liiO.ii.lo p. m., v,a L. & W. H.H., 08.i.in., I.:i0 and 8.07 p. in. Pullmnn psrlor and alecplng or L. V. chair cars on ull trains between L & B. Junction or Wilkos-Barru and New York, Phliadslplila, Bull'alo and Snspun'-ion Bndue. UOLL1N II WILBUR. Gen. Supt. East Dlv. (.HAS. S. LKE. G-'ii. Pasi. Aic't, Phila .P. A.V.NONNEMACHEK.Ass't Cljn.Pass. Ag-'t, South Bethlehem. Pa. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD Trains leave Scranton as follows: Expresa for Kow York and ah rmiuts East. 1.40, 2.50, 6.15, 8.1m and 9.. a. m.; 12 5i and 3.50 p, m. Express for Easton, Trenton. Philadelphia and the South, 51 8.0U aud V.5i a. lu.; U.jJ and -t..'iii p. 111. W uhiiiitt in and wny stations, S.3S p. m, 'l'nli hiuinu aceomiuodatiun, 6 10 p. m. Expr ss for BitiKhamton, Oswego, Elmlra. roi-ning, Hath. Duusville, Mount Morris aud liulVulo, 12.10, 215 a. m. and 124 p. m., making clone couriectious at Bulfalo to all points In tli West, Northwest and Southwesu Biith accommodation, 0 a. m. Binghaiutou and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nn-uol-oti accommodation, at 4 p. m. am) 6,10 p. 111. Binphaniton r.tiu Ehnira Fxpi-oss. 6 05 p. ra. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswea. I'tic.i uud Kicliik-ld Spriugs, 2.15 a. m. aud 1.2 p. in. Ithaca, 5.1.1 and Bath i'a m. and 1.21 p. m. For Northiimlierlund.Pittstoti.Wilkos Barril, Plymouth, l!loomsbur 11ml Danville, makinf cli so conin-ctions ut Northumberland for Willinmsport. ilarrisburi,', Baltlmora, Wash Intttoii ami tin) South. N.ii'thuinberhind mid Interiuedhito stations, 6.00. W in a in. aud l.iio and 6117 p. 111. Naniicono auu iiitermediiite stations, 8.0S and 11 .IN 11. m Plvmouth and iutorniedlat btailoiis, 3.5.aud 8.5: 11, 111. Pullman pal lor and deeping coaches on all t-spress trains. , , , For ilomilud Information, pocket tun itablsj, otc, apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket oftlca 32i Lu. liuwanuaavciiuo, or depot ticket oiliest VHIV YORK. ONTARIO AND WESTERS i RAILWAY CO. TIME TAIII.K IN I Fl'lU T St'NDAV. JI NE 21. Trains leave Scranton for Carbotidalu at 8.30, 10. ."i.l a, m . and 6 l'lp.m. For Hancock .liiiii-lion, 10.55 a.m. and 6 11 p.m. Trains leave Hancock June. ion for fcran ton. tin. 111. and 2 05 p in.- Trains leave Cai l onrala for Kcrant n at 7 2! u iu. and 11.31, 5.34 p 111. N!'HATiN nlVlKION. In lllfi-t June VMfh, I Sill. Korlli IIuiiikI. !0.- 20:1 iDl T nnutn Hound, "202 201 208 I P y. SliltlohS VtWii (Trains Dally, Ex X , - i cepl suuday.) ,1- M Arrive Leave .... 7 -.'.-i .... N Y. Franklin si I 7 M ... W-t 4'.'nd street M '! .... IV .... 1... 7iv ..., Weeliun ken i....810! p mi- m Anne Leave a ar m 8 -Ji'. 1 1.7 .... Banc vU Junction s 10 1 Oil ..... Ilaiiceek 1 ; ." !'.'."ii .... starlight 7 71 !2 :ii Prt'stoli purls !." 12 lll.l m I'onio :s 12 2, in 10. Povntt lie 7 !.' y Hi or lieliiiont 7 2v !2 13 ll.'.-.': Fli'i.-ant Mt. 7 I'lfrJ.-!', !I4S riilondalo 7 Of II Mi 11:1s l-'oi-M'l Cliy, ti .Mll :n 11 1:. Cni biuiilule 0 -P:l 1 1: 0 (i 12 While lirldilt fil-ll1 WO .Ma.Wleld' O iljll -J.-l 110: .leiiuyu Hl.ll is ;,; Archibald ll.'l-.'flll.l 8.7-1 Wlllloll 1121 II 11 8 ."si l't ckvlllf! 112.7 II Ii7 8 11 (JlM llllllt. li'.'l II 0'i s ii Dickson li IU I Ull H.V.I 'I 111 (lop (I n il i' s:iii Providence fil 13 110.-7 8.1:1 . Dark Place li 10; Ml .".V 8 :' H'tautou r ma ma m Leave Arrive 2 '11 .. 6 lb li 85 6 32 3I .... 41 r m 64 2 511 4 50 6 45 2 78 4 5S li 55' 316 S 05 III 58 3 I t) 5 08 7 lOj 3 lit, 5 18 7 !4 . 8 34l 5 31 7 87 13 SHj 5 Si fi' 32 13 43 f5 44 "31 3 45 5i1 7 4.1 8.11 6 51 7 3 8 M 5 51 7 48 S AD; 5 511 7 :2 4 0l 1101 754 4 07 6 07 7 56 4 10 II 10 8IK1 4 I I, 6 It K02TI 171 6 16 8 05 4 20. 6 20 A Ml' MP II All trains run dally except Sunday, f sonnies that truius atop on signal for pas Bcnuors. t-ci'iii-o rules via Oniarln Western before. Piiichnslnif tickets mid save money. Day ait Wlijjt Express to tho West. .1 ( Aiidci'son, Gen. Pass Aft. T. Flllmift, Dlv. Puss, Aft. Scrauton, Pa,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers