TKIltl'NE .SUHSCMBKKS gilng out of tlm city fur Hie summer eao have their fitvorlto paper lent to them without extra charge. IN XHIFlilSG CS to change the sutiUess please give the paper's old as well aa Its new destination. Aicjqi'fo)tt)g EIGHT PAGES--5G COLUMNS. SCR ANTON. TA.. TUESDAY MORNING. JULY 17. 1S94. TWO CENTS A COrY. Ti TRIBUTE HAS A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATION 1101 SGRANTON BUSINESS E9EN THAN ANT OTHER HORNING ?ME L EXPLOSION AT Four Hen and Eight Dorses Killed Others Wounded. Many BOULEVARD BATHED WITH BLOOD While Members of Battery B Are Out for Exerciso tlie Ammunition Cais son of a Hotclikiss Gun Explodes, Sending Shot in Every Direction. Mary of the Soldiers Aro Seriously Wounded and Several Women and Men Who Were Watching the Par ade Are Injured by the Flying Pro jectiles. Cir.c.vno, Julv 10 EXPLODING ehot and shell wrought sickeniug carmine among soldiers, civiliaua and horses this aftcr noon on Graud boulevard, one of Chicago's finest driveway. The bodies cf three United Status' soldiers were pierced ty projc.iles and torn apart no that tbey died iusttnlly, being blown fur from the scene of slaughter. Two of the wonude 1 soldier are not expect ed to live; eight more were turned and struck with leaden and wooden missiles, and half a dozen or more ci vilinns were injiro 1. KILLED. Edward Doyle, cannoneer, Battery F; blown from caisson or ammunition chest which exploded. Jjjkicmiah Donovan, cannoneer, same bnt- i.-rv. Joni:i'ii tiAi.i,i:n, farrier, Seventh cavaly; body riddled and torn by shot and pieces of gun earring". Filial Liitz, wheel horse driver, Battery E, Second artillery; body pierced by shot and wood, died at 8 p. ui. MORTALLY WOUNDED. Martin O'Donmei.l, cannoneer. Second ar tillery; body pierced by fragments of Wood. Skiwkant Lipot, same battery; Injured similar to O'Dounell. INJURED VV. I. Antii, bugler, Seventh cavalry, right shoulder shattered; recnAory Uoubtlul. J. V. Allen, eaniinuHer, ftjcoud artillery, upier part of body burned. E, George Huffman, sergeant, cliia ohot uwny. Anthony Kane, cannoneer, half of ear blown off. Dnivud Enke, Battery F, blown from torso to ground: head hurt. Driver Pixowhki, same battery, blown from borne; cut and bruised. Caxnonler Ur.yiiiART, same battery, face and l eek burned; right foot pierced by bullet. Trooieii HuvtK, Seventh cavalry, blown off horse and rendered deal, bruised aud burned. Eai.I'H M. Kvehs, boy of 877 Oaklan 1 boulevard, leg pierced and blown off bi cycle. Mi.s. F. A. Howe, 3,031 Grand boulevard, face aud head cut by flying glass while hiuinu at window. it us. !S. C. Ukiuhs, 3,950 Grand boulevard, kuocited dowj by explosion, cut by Unknown man and sister driving on Oakwood boulevard, blown from buggy; man's rose broke, woman's face cut. An unknown woman was seen lying on the stone sidewalk after the disaster, but she left the scene without waiting for medical aid. CITIZEN THROWN TO THE GROUND Other citizens who followed ths military column was thrown to the ijrouud, more or less bruised by con tact with the ground and their bearing temporarily taken from them. At bust $'25. 000 worth of damage was done to 11.0 property of the residents on botn sidts ot Grand boulevard for half a block north of Oakwood boulevard. Houses in adjoining streets were also damaged, principally by brokon win dows and door ulass. The ill-fated body of troops were proceeding south front tha lake front camp along Urund lioulavard at a trot. Having li o rioters to quell or property to protect, the soldiers were out tor drill aud exercise. Captain Dodd, of Troop F, Third cavalry, wus in command of the mounted column and was riding in ad Vai.c-?, Lieutenant Lyon, of the same troop, rode beside him. Captain Vttr mini, of Troop U, .Seventh cavalry probably owes his life to the fact that be had left his command temporarily and was riding abreast of Captain Dodd when the, terrible cannonade shook the around like au earthquake, Kelt to the three officers came Lieu tenant Tat in command of Troon F, Third CiVnlry, from Fort Riloy, com prising forty men. Tue Fort Riley cnlvarymeu, followed by Troop 11, of the Sixth culvary, Lieutenant Hyer and forty mon. Tao third detachment in the column wiig the ill-starred sec tion ot iiattery F, Lieutenant Gayle anu lourieeu mon. liesrintr two Hutch kiss held piecos and four caissons tilled with atntuiiultioa. LIKE A BURST OP THUNDER When Within 100 feet of Oikland Boulevard thure crashed on the ears of the soldiers and civilians a roar like bur9t of thunder followed in an in stant by a succession of sharp ex , N-1. . .. , II .1 ... plosions. uu nun uazju soldiers In the rear of the first timber caieion saw smoke and iljuie belch from the recent acle for too death dealing missiles Men, horses and wheels, caisson and other parts of the battery rose befon their horrified guze, high in the air, The exploding powder nnd shot ii. cliued to the rear, which accounts for the escape of all the Cavalrymen irom the Ibird and Nxt'i cavalry. The nr tillerymen received the brunt of the explosion. beinif directly in the rear of the deadly missiles aud ignited powder whloh burst from the caisson. Donovan and Doyle were doomed to a death which carried with it no sn faring, not even an instant of time to realize their fate. They wore sitting on the caisson which exploded. Dom van wag blown through tho air over trees nifty feet high, a distance of 000 feet across a vacant lot, dropping on the Union btock yards railway track. Part of one limb was torn off. There was hardly a shred of clothing left on FRIGHTFU CHICAGO his body and tho mulilntinn was so hor rible that he conld not be reoogniz -d. It was known that he was blown iu that direction. His companion, Boy to, wis hnrled SOU feet. The mangled lifeless body came in contact with a hign fence. The force of tlio explosion Carried a wheel and other parts of the gun car riage half a thousand feet away from the bloody scone. Gnller, the farrier, was riding in the second column behind the artillery. The shot an I shell, which hurled him to the ground u bleeding corps'.', en tered bis bend over the beads of the troopers in the front ranks. Part of the leaden shot which tore through GuIIt's head took oil half of Kane's ear. L ad and wood pierced the body of Fred Lotz, the wheel horse driver nearest the exploding ammunition, aud killed the animal. KIGI1T HOUSKS KILLED. All the eight artillery horses tire doad. The four which pulled the first gun were hurled In front of the ex ploding powder and shells to a grassy pirtofthe boulevard, 100 foot away. Three were killed outiigut, being shot through aud through. The fourth soon hud to be put out of his misery. The four horses drawing the second gun were hurled to one side of the boule vard on tho cram and all instantly killed. Gaiter's horse was shot from under him and his life had to be taken soon after. His master had been blown into eternity. The beautiful boulevard seemed to have suddenly become the scene of a bloody conflict between armed forcee. Wood from men and leasts lying wounded in the broad drivewav and he gramy plots on e.ioh side ilowed n rivulets nnd mingled with tho neap of blood stained trapping and pieces ot the carriages. COLLAPSE OF A BIG TRUST Receiver Appointed for "The Um brclla Company," Which Em braced Eight Large Firms. New York, Jnlv 10 Juice Gilder sleeve, of the superior court, appointed Arthur U. Calmer and Miles M. O'Hriea recti vera of "Tue Umbrella companv," under which name the $3,000,000 umbrella trust is known Gilbert M. Speir. ir.. has been ap pointed referee and tue eight compuni forming tho trust arerenaired bv Judge t-riidorsleovo s order to show c;use why the company should not be dissolvod. The order is m id" returnable before the ri:ree on Oct. 19. The dehts of the company are about t-l,200.0U0 apart from contingent lia- i ilili'Son 1ob. contracts, etc., but not exceed f'2O3,0O0 ontiidu this 000. COO of "debenture stock. The as sets are said to amount to $000,000 ou o conservative valuation. The commune forming the trust are Folmer, Clogg & Co., of Nw York and i'biladelphla; It jse Uro. & Ilartman. of Lancaster, Pa. ; Excolsior Manufac turing coninany. of New York nnd Boston; Wright Bros. & Co.. of Now York and Philudeliihin; William H. Rich, of this citv; Elias Knapp & Co., of this city; White, Howard & Major, of this city; Alvan Hall & Co., of this city; Brown Matzenbacker & Co., of this city, nnd Heitor, Glenn & Co., also of this city. In May last Messrs. Glen and Caw- ley withdrew, but Mr. Ileiter remained in the truit. Glenn and Cawlev im mediately formed tho firm of Glonn, Uawiey c2 Co. YALE EENAREJPEFEATED. No Match for iTu Crack A'.bUtes of Ox ford. London, Jnlv 10. The crack athletes of Oxford triumphed over the cham pions of Yale at the Queen s club, West Kensington, today, winning five of the nine events. Rain poured down al most unceasingly from noon until the programme was more than half decided and the sodden coudition of the track and infield played havoo with the form of the Americans, Oxford won the following events: One hundreds yards run. Fry in 10 2 5 seconds; mile run, Groenhaw in 4 mhi utes !T4 2-5 seconds; hurdle race, 120 yards; Oakley in 10 3 5 seconds; 410 yards rnu, Jordan iu 51 seconds: half mile run, Greenbaw in 2 miuutus4-5 seconds. Yale won the following: Hammer throwing, Ilickok. 110 feuc 5 inches: long jump, Sheldon, 22 feet 1 1-5 inches; puttin'' the shot, Hickok, 41 feel 41 inches; high jump. Swan- wick, Oxford, and Sheldon, Yale, tied at 5 feet 8 inches. PEARL BF.ARING CLAMS. Grass Blvar, Nw York, Promises to Become a Bur l3'nai z, OaPENsnuita, N. Y., July 10.- The village of Russell, situated upon the Grass river, about thirty-two miles southeasterly from this city, is excited over the finding near thereof valuable penrls in the common fresh water clams. A considerable Dumber of men aro at work in tho river. One man has sold four pearls at $800, nnd has another that be has refund 1 200 for. CAUGHT FROM THE CABLE. Admiral Snldaiiha Da Gama has signified bis willingness to sin render, Earthquakes still continue to throw down houses and kill the people iu Tur key. The czar of RueBia will pardon several political prisoners in colobration of the marriage of tho czarowitz. A cable from St. John's, N. F states that Dr. Cook's Arctio expoditiou touched there yesturday. All on hoard wore well. Cholera has developed in its worst form in Bt Petersburg. Thore are noarly 1,00!) cases a nay. lhe mortality is one to tnroo, A bust of Keats, the work of Anno Whitney, of Bostun, will bu unveiled in tnornanccl or tho parish church at lianip ttead toduy. The infant child of the Duke of York was christened yesterday and was given run name or I'.mvnrd Alport Ueorgo An drew Patrick David Christian. As a cab drove away op to St. Btophen's can yesterday wittt Mrs. Bands, the wire of tho Cambridgo university pnblio orator, a rough looking man sprang at her with a knlle and attempted to Btab her. Hur assailant was seized by some bv-standers as the woman fainted. The motive of the attempt u not kuown. DEBS STILL ATM FROST He Proposes to Conlinuo tho Strike with or Without Followers. RAILROADS TRANSACT BUSINESS Passenger and Freight Traffic Unin terrupted Upon Nearly All Western Railroads A Prophesy That the Rock Island Will Bo Again in Trouble Within Forty-eight Hours. Pullman Strikers Have No Intention of Going Back to Work Mission ary Work' to Bo Continued by Or ganizers. . Chicago, July 10. PRESIDENT DEBS, ot the Amer ican Railway union still claims to brt certain of coming out. ahead in his lUht with the rail roads. Directors Goodwin nnd Hognn, of tho American Railway uniou, left today to begin the work of organizing the uwn in tho northwest Htid the country west of the Misiis fjippi. There are now oight of these organizes out. "Oar policy, said Mr. Dobs, "is to keep these organ izes with the men, so the strikers will not weaken. We have everything solid west or tho Mississippi. That is our strong point. I claim that as loug as we have tramc stopped at one point wo have uot yet lost the fight. It is as if you stop the llow of blood iu an artery you stop the circulation of tho whole system. ''But everything seems to be runuing smoothly on the different roada, does it no: t Mr. Debs was asked. ''Oh, well." ndmittod tho labor leader, "the passengT business in and out is being transacted fairly well, but there are no freights moving at all to day, and thnt's where we have the best ot them. Inula where we expect to cripple the enemy." At the depots, Mr, Deba statement that freight traffic is naralvzed is not by any means borne out. Most of the roads are moving freight without th'.i slightest trouble. PULLMAN STRIKERS ARE FIRM. When shown a United Press dispntel saying that Mr. Heathcote, leader of th Pullman strikers, had asked him to call off the strike, Mr. Debs denied it flatly, "The Pullman strikers are just as firm as ever," he said. "They have no intention of going b.ick to work. If Pnllman is R-ttislind, they are. Mr, Heathcote has not made me any propo sition or that kind. On the contrary, he bns nosureu me of his continued co operation." Mr. Debs received areport.from La Salle, III., this morning declaring that the Rock Iilaud road is again badly congested at that point. Mr. Debs as serted that within forlv-eight hours be would have the Rock I-sland in as bad shape as ever. The. usual meeting of tho American Railway union was held at Uhlich's hall this morning. President Debs addressed a large nndience. Yesterday he spoke at eight different meetings. MISCHIEF AT OAKLAND. Troops Callfd Oat to Disperse a Mob at a Railroad Yard. Oakland. CaU July 10 Thore was intense excitement at Wen Oakland shortly after noon today. Tho Mendolu freight train had left the yard aud par of it bw crossed hovonth Btreot when the engineer discovered that some oue had cnt the air pipe. It was soon after discovered that a Dumber of coupling pins had been removed and an alarm was sent to police headqtiar ters. An immense crowd gathered around the engine, and soldiers from the Sec ond regiment were called out. They charged the crowd Bnd drove the pec pie back, several being prodded by bayonets. Twenty one persons were arrested. INSTRUCTIONS FROM DECS. LsrarrU Members of Amsrlean Railway Union Remain iu th Strike. Cheyenne, Wyo.July 16. The mem hereof the Ameucan Railway tunc here and at Laramie have voted almost unanimously not to return to work The following telegram was received from Debs toduy: CniCAOO, July 10. Rosdi in the hands of receivers occupy tho Fame position as all otiiers in wis HiriKo. i lie proposition- made to the General Managers has been refused; our position is doubly strong in consequence, tsonow every eifort aud car ry it out to a finish. There is nothiug to be utraia or. we must and will win, (Signed) E. V. Deus. TRCUBLE AT ROUftD POND. Two Bock Island Bridges Burusd In Oklahoma. Guthrie, O. T., July 10. Troubl between Round Pond people aud the Rock Island Railroad company broke out anew today. Two bridges were burned at Round Pond aud all trains stopped, governor kowe win otr:r500 re ward for the conviction ot par tie burning bridge s, und hits ulso demand cd of the railway company that they do thfir part toward stopping lawless ness and stop trains at Enid and Roun Pond iu accordance with city ordi nances. WHEELING AND ERIE RESUMtS. Blockade la Raised and Formor ployoa Are Rein? Re-instated. Em Tolkdo. O.. July 10. When 'th switohmun went out on the Wheclin and Lake Erte road, General Manug A. G. MMv discharged the 1.000 in. on the line in every opacity and siiu down the road. Today the compnr issued orders resuming operations i all branches. AU firemen who hav applied for reinstatement and Who were in good standing ut the time of the suspension will bo restored to thoi former positions. All former eroployos who. in the judgment of the omcia! are entitled to re-etnploymeut after careful investigation, iu ly bo put to work if neoded. All bnt two of the strikins men have gone back on the Ann Arbor road and till the roads have plenty or mn, old und new to operate In full. Everything is running nnd tlm freight blockade is completoly rais-'d. TIE-UP AT W-iST SUPERIOR. Man of I.ak Superior Trantfar Company Objt-ot to Northern Paoiflo Cars. West Sui'k.uior, Wis.. July 10. The mon of tho Lake Suporior Terminal d Transfer company went ont today tiuing tip all the switching at tho boad of the lake. Thev went ont because the coir, nan v handled Northern Pacitio cars. YHMT FAOTSaSH- The Aiiirrlciiu Yachc Itiaksa Butter Show ing; Than in Formal Rfioj. Eaxgou (B-dfast Lough). July 10 The big event of this, the first dav'g racing of tho regatta of the Royul Ul ster Yacht club, was the contest for tho County Down cup, opan to yacuts over forty rating, aud In it th American loop Vigilant and tho uniisii cutter Britannia alone competed. Tho cutter Cariuu wus entered, but was With- rawn, ns she bad no possible chance gainst Hie twocrncK racers. The tnno at tho finish was: Britan nia, 4158.13; Vigilant, 1 40 45. The uncertainty i i regard to tho al lowance that tue Vigilant gives the Britannia made it impossible for tho spectators to accurately determine how much the Vigilant bad been ue- eatod ou corrected time. They merely know thnt the British yacht had van qniahed the center hoarder by one min ute and thirty-three seconds actual time. English vachtsmon have reversed their opinion of tho Vigilant. They mit that she had moon the best of the race and seemed to bo a sure win ner uutii tlie Wind fell. They believe that the groat sea room at the mouth of tho Lough was in tin Vigilant's fa vor, but that the frequent turua in the course wero against her, pertictlarly n tho liKtit breezos. Ihoro was not n single fluke until tho yachts ran into the calm at the beg in mug of the lust round. KEGRG mm KILLED. A Large Body of Strikers Armed with Winchesters Shoot Down Their Victims in Cold Elood. Birmingham, Ala,, July 10 About o'clock this afternoon a large body of men armea with Winchester? were discovered near Slope No. 3, of Trott mines of the Tennefseo Coal, Iron and Railroad company, seven miles from Birmingham. It the hour when the men at work at tho mines come out. The men at work wero negroes who had taken tho places of strikers and the attacking party were strikers and their syinpit tliiz "rs. As the negroes came out the strikers, who were squatting aronud bonind bushes and fences, opened fire. Several hundred shots were fired before tho strikers scattered. Guards stationed around the mine returned the fire, hut they were few in number, The casualties are: U. V. Tierce, white guard, killed; negro miner, nome unknown, killed. Onn of the strikers, a l'renchman named li ic quet, was) badly wounded nnd will die, Several on both sides were wounded, One of the wounded striirers was ilrngged off by his filonds. It was delinerato attack by the strikers on the miners put to work in their places and they shot to kilt, lwo local military companies were harried to the scene i . ; .li l. A : i- auu are iu iuo ueiguuuruuuu tuuijjui,. MRS. HALLIDAV SPARED. Governor Flcw.r Commutes Eer Sent' enca to Life Imprisonment. Albany. Jnly 10 Uovernor r lower todav commuted the sentence of death passed upon Elizabeth llallld iy to im- prisonmont lor nie, uuti men kiiu iui lowing memorandum: "The defense was insanity, ana tue evidence to establish it was very Btrong. Dr. Sulden II. Talcott.mcdicii superintendent Of the Middletown State hospital, and Dr. Uenry ii,. Ain son. medical superinienuont or nr Mattewan State hospital, both men o: great expenonco, ttslihed that she im at different times some years before the homicide been under their onre as an insane patient, as which tirai she was nnnnostionablv insane, and that thev bad no doubt that sho was insane at the time of the homicide. "Three commissioners, appointed since the trial, have, after a careful ex amination, filed their report, stating that in their opinion she is insane. Under these circumstances, I do not think her s fit subjact for the death penalty. It will be much safer to commute the sentence to life imprison ment." DIVINES'S LAWYERS CHEATED. William Bartla Savos Expanse Attend lay a Legal Separation. Newcastle, Pa., July 11. William Bartle of Big Heaver township, com mitted suicide this afternoon by shoot inc himself through the head. HI wife from whom be had been separate for some time, was iu an iidjoiniin room at the time writing separation papers. A moment before Bartle bud tried to induce his wife to live with him airain. This she refused, and Bartle left the room savinir: "I love you and will di for love : vou will ueeJ no divorce. He then went into another room and in the presence of his brother and sister, shot himself. He was' twenty-seven year old aud leaves three children. CONDENSED STATE TOPICS. Charles Pierce, a miner, was killed by on explosion in the Williamsport coiliorios. A son of Hnion Leeds, at Highland, was Purned Jo ucatu; ue was jnuyiug who matches. f!. Donnelly, of Altoona, has lensnd tho Edou Iron works which have been closed for sevnral years, and within another week will put them in t operation again. DDI OF UTAH CERTA ;il to Create Aaoiher S'.ate Receives Vice President's Signature. ICELAND'S ACTION APPRTO The President's Promptness in Pre serving Law and Order During tho Recent Strike Is Approved by c Resolution Passed in tho House. Representatives Bland and Pence Object The Republicans Tako no Part in tho Debate Various Meas ures Awaiting Signature of the President. Washington, July 10. THE final touch to the act for the admis.-iou of Utah as a state, so far as the two bonnes of con gress are concerned, was applied y the vice presidnut today when he nnouncod his signature to that act. it was imnv diately afterwards sent to he president for his approval. J. he ouae Mil to regulate dealings in op tions and futures was advanced one tago iu being taken from the table, where it hus b'en lying for two or hree weeks, and retired to the com mittee on agriculture. The rapid progress which has distin guished the senate for the rast two weeks In connection with tho annual npropriation bills wa still further il- mtrated todav in the finishing up and passing of the legislative.executive and judicial appropriation bill, and in tin nassuge. with very little consumption of time of the District of Cohuubit bill and in tho reporting of tho agricultural nil to the sjtmto. This left the stains of tho fifteou appropriation bills at the 1.4....'. ............ I'.illmnj, in tho hands of the president, tho post cilice bill. Being enrolled, pen sions, military academy. Iu confer ence, fot tiHcatioin.diplomatio end con sular, army, navy. Passed both houses, but not yet iu conference, river and harbor, legislative, executive and ju- licial. Before tho senate, agricultural, District of CoIntnbi;i. Oa tne senate calendar. Indian. Not yet reported to the senut-i, sundry civil, gouoral defi ciency. I'residf.nt's course approved. With less than half an hour's discus sion and with practically uo opposition the hone to'lr'V adopted the following resolution fred by Mr. McCroary, (D-m..Kv.): . Resolved. That the bouse of representa tives endorses tho prompt nnd vigorous ef forts of tho president und his administra tion to suppress lawlessness, restore ord :r and prevout interference with tho en forcement of tho laws of the Lulled L-itales, and with transportation or tn- mails of the United States und with inter. suite commerce, and pledges tho pro ideut hearty support and deems tho success toai has already attended hu efforts for public and general congratulutiou. The resolution was opposed by Ponce. (Pop, Col.), and conditionally by Hland, (U in,, nio ), wuo denounced the action of the federal otuodals in bis own state as wnoiiy uunecp'sary. Pence criticised the attitude and Mo tion of Attorney General Olney to ward and upon the recent troubles, charging that he had selected a rail road nttorney of Chicago s special assistant district attorney to prose cute the strikers and their lead ers in that city. He also re ferred to the charges made in Demo oriiic papers that Olncy wis the representative of corporations nnd trusts, us a reason why bo should not be in the position he occupies, and why bis action should not be approved. The resolution was odvocated ny Mr. McCreary and Mr. Cutohiugj (Dem., Miss,) nnd passsd hy an overwhelming viva voc.s vote. Ellorts to secure a yea mid nay voto were nnnvuiling. The Republicans took no part iu the debate. Semite amendments to the unval ap propriiition were non-concurrod in and the bill sent to conrerence, Messrs. Cummitigs (Dom., N. Y.,) Geiden hiuer(Uera., N. J.,) and Dollivor (Rep,, Iowa), were appointed mnnugers ou the p art of tho bouse,. The rBt or the duys session vr. spent in discussing tho bill lvported tr in tho committee on judiciary, "to establish a uniform system of bank ruptcy." It wus purely voluntary measure and intended, as explained by the uuthor, Mr. Bailey, of Texas, to harmonize proceedings in bankruptcy in tho several states. Tlie bill as re ported by tho committee was ordered to be engrossed, but on its passage the vote of a quorum conld uot be ob tained. PITTSTON P.'.VING DISCUSSED. Engineer Burtl liinpowored to Correot Errors Iu a Suworaca Kap. fticrial to the MTiiiiton Triiiuw. PittstoN, Pa , July 10 At a moet ing of council tonight representative of yarions paving companies wore given a bearing. Asphalt aud vitrified brick agents presented their respective cluiuis, hut nothiug definite was de cided upon. Engineer Burtl. of Scrauton, reported th it the plans of a sewerage syetom prepared by Fowler & Co., of N-iw York, contaiued soiii-i Inaccuracies, which he Wat empowered to have cor rected, CRIPJ1E OF THOMSS PEACH. Colored Bntlor Hold for un Assault on a Yuung Girl. Sunrury, Pa., July 10 Thomas Pencil, a colored butler iu the employ of Qt. W. Crefghton, superintendent of the Sunbury division of the Pennsylva nia railroad at this place, wus arrested today and bound over for conrt.olmrgsd with having committed an assault on the p.TBou of Julia M. Hicks, a 10 year old white girl, employed in the sumo family as a domestic. The crime wns committed about a week ago. Mr. Crelghtou's family was away and only tbe negro and the young' girl were in the house. Peach is a married man and has bf en out of town several days to escape ar- rat. Tho commission of tho crime was kept strictly socret until the arresi, was uiudo at Williamsport. The pris oner was brought to this city on an oveiilng train. THE GOLD PcN IS REAOY. But the Fresidunt Hae Not Yet Ap proved the Admission of Utah. Washington, D. C, July 10 Tho act admitting Utah to statehood was brought to the white house this after noon and laid before tho president by Delegate Josvph L Ruwlins who pur chased a gold pen with which Mr Cleveland will affix his signature. Tue act was lei t with the president, who did uot designate the time whet; he would approvo ir. MINERS RSS.Uf.1E WORK. Employee of Wes'.morel&nd Coal Com pany Accopt Fifty Cent tiaeis. PiT'isiiuno, July 10. Toduy tho mtueiB employed by the Westmoreland Coal company and the Petin Gas Coal company, acting on the advice of the District officials, return to work at the 50 cont rate, the price paid by tho firm belore tho strike wus declursd. The men at both these works have been holding out for the terms of the Columbus compromise. TARIFF TIMERS WRANGLE. Conference Spends tho Day in Fruit less Discussion Mr. Wilson Is Suffering from Illness. Washington, July 10. The tariff conferees spnut the day in a fruitless discussion of ths ameudments bearing upon the dill-rent schedules of tho bill. An explicit denial is given to the report that a compromise had been made on sugar. No such compromise has resulted nor is any likely to result within the uext forty time hours. This schedule is the real oone of contention aud it will probably be settled last beo.mse of the concessions ou other articles which lnunt be u neoes snry part of any solnMon on the sugar problem. It was said this afternoon and for a time somo credit was placed iu the story thai the conferees had agreed to reduce the difL'rentiiil or.e uighth of a cent given to refiners one tenth of a cent, but this statement h denied on the authority of a number of tbe conferees. The senate is contend ing for the senate provisions and tae house still insists that lhe oue-eighth be striken oil before the talk of com promise. Mr. Wilson is ill nud his dntioB wero assumed to some extent today by Mr. Br' ckinridgo, of Arkansas, wiio is also one of the member. of tho ways uufl means. Mr. Wilson is suffering from au aggravated attack of neuralgia, but his physical enndiciou Is alarming to his friends who fear that if the confer ence be protracted it will result ju brcukimr him dowu again. Tho bouso conferees are op in arms over the senate selr-diile in woolen goods and will listiin to no argnmetit undo in its favor. They insist that it must bu scalded down, and just how to do this as a concussion on the part of the senate, un 1 yet not alfoct the miu who wove insufficiently powerful to get the schedule tbrougii in the face of tho most determined opposition iu the seu- ate, is a matter to winch iMr. Jones is applying himsolf with much zaal but wttn little apparent snccos.t. As soon as the conferees adj Hiroed this after noon Mr. Jones locked himself up ii. his room uud assisted by two treasury experts went over a lot of samples ot woolen goods nnd duta tbat had beer, provided, in the hope of reaching some sort of a solution to the problem. BRECKINRIDGE MUST GO. Kentucky afaoous Nut Willinar to Tolor- ate the Gay Colonl. Louisville, Ky , July 10 A special from Lexington, Ky., to the Post says: "The local lojgd of Masons will meet tonight and the question of expelling Colonel Breckinridge will com; up. "As a majority of tho members are opposed to the colonel it is said that 1 e will bo put ont." ALL QUIET AT SACRAMENTO. No Attempts Hav Hem Made to Inter-, fere with Tralni. S.icramicnto, Cain., July 10 Trains are running as usnal today. No at tempt was mado to interfere with thorn. It is reported that the railroad eom paoy intends to re-opn its shops to morrow. WASHINGTON GOSSIP. Tho rhipnient of tandard silver dollars during the lnsf. week amounted to f 3(6,1-10, n'ld of fractional eilvor coiu dnriuir tho first hull of tho pioteut month was f ITS, -Mi. The number of fuurtk-cl.ies postmasters appointed today was twcnty-ttiivo. Of fifteen were to (ill vacancies caused by retignatijns, six by removals and two by deaihs. The amount of the world's supply of tin for tho calendar year ItV) wn- 67,1)2 tons. The total value of tin and tin plates im ported and entered for consumption in the United Stated during the your was $Jd,-S0-.M6. The investigation of the Carnegie armcr plate frauds, which wa to have bioa resumed tomorrow by the house committee on naval affaiiv, wl'flie postponed till the coiumitteu has settled its dHtVreucos with tbe senate over the naval appropriation bill. Then is somo differeuco of opinion among congressmen as to whether the comnmaiou to bo appointed by tiie presi dent to iuvoHtignte Clio cause ot the Chica go striKe will iuterfore with tho investiga tion prupo-ed by tho house committee on tutor-state commerce. Measures to prevent the entrance into Mexico of the Vumu Indians, now ou the reservation in Baa Dieuo county, Cali fornia, nenr Fort Yuma aud the Mexican froutier, are sought iu a communication from the Mexicnn minister, forwarded by the secretary of tho state to the secretary ot tho interior. WEATHER FORECAST. Washington, July 10. Forecast for I'tiesdo;: for axtern i'eni, sufcania, fair; warmer tn east ern portion; taut ici'ik.. tor H't.itern Pennttylcania, pnrtiy cloudy; continued high leinperalure; ou(ieui winds. IciEAnj F LETS SPECIALS IN Muslin Underwear FOR THIS WEEK Four Specials in CORSET COVERS 15, 23, 25 and 39c. each. Three Spaciala in CHEMISE 29, 33 and 50c. each. Three Specials in DRAWERS 9, 33 and 38c. a pair Two Specials in CAMBRIC GOWKS 93c. and $1.19 each. Three Specials in Hie Shirt Waists 98c, $1.38 and $1.G3 each Special Designs in Umbrella Skirts Spscial Lina of (Mite's Untaists Frcm 10c, each in. 510 and 512 Lackawanna An MINERS' Mssale aM Retail H. A. Kingsbury 313 Sprues Street. Lewis, Rfiilly k Davies Comfort-Giving Shoes The only kind that giva it, for tlia sumnsr, u outf "Service & Sumfort" Shce3 in colors and black. Lewis, Reilly k Davies We Examine Eyes Free of charges. If a doctoj ig needed you aro promptly told so. Wo alao guarantee a perfect fit. LATEST STERLING SILVER N0VELTIE3 The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Streot.
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