TI1JE KU1SAJNTUJV 'I'UlUVMJSTVXiOUAX flUKmtt, -JUJI 17, lOifi. BASE ALL The Pbiladclpblans Fall Easy Yicllnu to the Scranton Sludgers. KAZLETONS VANQUISH ALLENT6WN Pottsvillo Taken Into Camp by the Harrisburg Ball Tossers Lancaster Takes a Game from Reading. Standing of the Clubs National and Eastern League Results Base Ball, Bicycling and Horse Notes of Interest to Respective Sport Lovers. TTfHILADE L P II I A'S rin' 1 LlJ J defeat by Scranton ;'VV yesterday enabled ifi-i tho latter club to LiisM fjj move up into third jilnce forcing Putts villa down into fourth position. Al lentown luit its) first gnme of this series to Hnzleton, there by blighting its hopes of being Rbleto win the number of games that Harris burp diil the first season. Lancaster and Harrisburg were also winners yes terday in the crimes with Reading and Pott37ille ruspectively. Tho followiug table gives the per centages, number of games won and lost by each club, and their standing in the league rase- Won. Lost. PerC't. Allentown 0 1 .S!"j7 Lancaster S " ."U f-'crnnton 4 3 .571 Pottsville 3 3 .5:i0 Harrisburg 3 4 -4'JS Hnzleton 3 4 .4:J8 lleadiug il 4 .:3 PhilmUlplim.... 1 0 .143 SCHEDULE FOR TODAY. Philadelphia lit Scranton. Allentown at Hnzleton. Iteflditis! at Lancaster. Pottsville at llunisburg. EASY VICTORY FROM PHILLIES. Viiltors Secured Ouly One Rua and That Waa a Fiaot ot Luok. Manager Randall brought his Phila delphia State leugne club up from tin Qaaker City yesterday and in the after iiuim exhibited the members thereof to a good-sized audience at the ball park. It was the team's tirst trip away from hocus and the players may have been a little frightened; at all events they did not put up a very brilliant article of tall. There was a lack of team work on the part of the visitors that robbed the game of much of its 'interest and caused it to drug. Bradley was the visitor's pitcher.aud for the first three innings he was a puzzle for the Scranton batsmen.Staltz being the only one to find him safely. His support was ragged anil he evi dently became discouraged. Iu the fourth Staltz knocked out a three base hit, Rogers following it with a single, and Westlake with a drive for two bases. SLUoaisa w the fifth. The fifth inning was Mr. Bradley's Waterloo. Wetznl opened with a sin gle, Hogaa bunted neatly aud reached first, Patchen landed on the sphere for three bases, Phelan for two bases, and Rogers for a single. In the seventh Phelan secured a three bagger and Rogers a double. Altogether the bom team secured fourteen hits and ten runs while the black capped sons of Philadelphia had to be contented with one. That run was an accident It was mndj in the fourth. Stephenson, the first batsman, found the ball for three bases, Garrett was retired on a foul Hy to Patcben and Lauer etrucic out. ChiMa poped up a Texas league hit and Hogan and Wetzel started for it at full speed. Ttiere was no command for oither player to take the ball and as they approaehed it they decreased their speed to avoid a collision and the ball f.-ll between them. That allowed Stephenson to score the only run Phil adelphia secured. Ilodton struck out six men, gave one a base on balls and bit another with a pitched ball, The score : SCRANTON. R. 11. P.O. A. K. Wetzel, s. s 1 1 0 0 0 Hocan, c. f. 1 1 8 0 0 Pntclien, c 3 8 8 0 SJaKsey, lb 114 10 Puclan, 2b. 2 2 4 1 0 Btaltz, L f 2 a 2 1 0 Kor.ts. r. f 0 8 2 0 0 Westlake, 3b 0 I 1 0 Hoilaon. D 0 I 0 1 0 Total. .10 14 27 7 .0 PHILADELPHIA. Rath, c 0 . 1 f. 0 1 Toy, cf 0 8 3 0 0 Foulkrod, 3b 0 12 4 0 sterjhensnn. rf 110 0 0 Horrett. If 0 1 2 0 2 Liner, lb 0 0 , 10 0 Child. 2b ;. 0 18 3 O'Brien. H. s 0 0 3 ' 4 1 Bradley, p 0 1 0 !4 0 Clark, c 0 o u l o Totals . 1 8 27 14 6 Pcrauton 2 10 14 0 11 (1-10 Philadelphia. .0 0010000 0-1 Earned runs Scranton. Gj Philadelphia. 1. Two base bits Phelan, Roiiers. West- lako. Toy, Child. Three base hits Patchen, I'tielnn, Htultz, Moronson. lilt l)v Ditcher netzeL Hoeors. (JMkls. Stoleu btscs Wetzel, Hopan 2, Patchen, JUassey. Staltz. Toy. BrrucK out iloil. rou. 6: Bradley. 4. Base on balls By Bradley, 1. Double plays Staltz to West lHke. Pasuort balls Ruth. Time of game a hours, umpire uorcorau. OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Hozloton Hnzleton 3 0 2 0 1 1 0 19 R-28 Allontown 2 2 3 0 0 1 8 0-14 Hite-Hazleton, 29: Allentown, 17. Er rors Hazleton, 2; Allentown, 2. Batter. lfs Ely, Moore and fcalrnnrst; JJonohue Milligau and Costello. At Lancaster- Lancaster 5 0 0 6 2 1 0 0 14 Reading 0 1000000 0-1 Hit Lancaster, 18; Rending, 4. Errors Lancaster, 1; Mending, t. iiattories Bclieible and Cote, Cummings and Otooil hart. At Harrisbare Harrif.burg....5 0200000 18 rottsviiip u 040UUU00 Hits-Harrisburg, 13; Pottsville, 8. Er rors RarriBburtr. 2: Pottsville, 4. Batter' ips Sprcgel, Kinluk and Wente; Fox and rous. umpire Kinn. NATIONAL LEAGUE RESULTS. At Philadelphia Boston 0 0000020 0- Philadelnhia..O 0 0 840200-0 Hits-Boston. B: Philadelphia, . 12. Er rors Bostou, 0; Philadelphia, 0. Batter les htivetts ana Kyan; warper ana MUCK ley. Umpire Stage and Carsey. At Cincinnati- Cleveland 0 0 3 0 0 0 S 0 1-0 Cincinnati.... 0 1 0 ,0 0 0 0 0 0-1 mis Cleveland, i;i; Cincinnati, tt, Er- rors-weveiana, u;. Cincinnati, t. flatter lit ies Young and Zlmmer; Parrott aud Mur phy. V mpire Hurst. At Chicaso Louisville 1 0 0 4 1 5 0 0 x-11 Chicago 3 1 0 4 0 0 0 8 010 Hits-Louisville. 14: Chicago. 10. Er rors Louisville. 5: Chicago, 4. Battprios Hemming and Urim; (iriflith and Kitt- redge. Umpire Hartley. At St. Louis Pittburg 0 0040000 2-0 St. Louis 8 0030401 x-11 Hits-Pittsbunr. 7: St. Louis. 13. Errors Pittsburg, 2: tit. Louis, 7. Batteries Killen, Colcolough and Made; Breitenstoiu and Twineham. Umpire Uaffuey. EASTERN LEAGUE. At Troy Troy, 13; Binghamton, 4. At Syracuse Syraiuse.O; Wilkes-Bar re. 7. At Spriugfleld-Erie, 12; Springfield, 5. ANOTHER SCHEDULE ARRANGEO. Th State League Meeting at Liacaater Endtd Earmooiously. Lancaster, July 10 The sun wis allowing its. If when the Pennsylvania State league mngnntes adjourned this moruiug. For u wonder everything passed oil harmoniously, and the dove of peace once more hovers over the camp. President Meyers banded in Ins resignation, but It was not accepted. Ins trouble between Lancaster and Harrisburg was patched up and the latter was instructed to pay Lan caster the guaratitee withheld last Saturday. The scheduler July 17 Philadelphia at Scranton, Read ing at Lancaster, Alloutown at llazletou, Pottsville at Harrisburg. July 18 and 1U Philadelphia at Hazlo ton, Alloutown at Scrautou, Harrisburg at Beading, Pottsville at Lancaster. July 2U Lancaster at liarrisourg. July 20 and 21 Allentown at Philadel phia, Hazlelou at Scranton, Reading at Pottsvitle- July 22 Harrisburg at Lancaster. Julv 23 and 21 Philadelphia at Lancas ter, Pottsville at Scranton. Harrisburc at Allentown, Hazleton at Reading. July 25 and 2U Harrisburg at Philadel phia Ueuding at Scranton, Pottsville at lluzleton, IjauCHxter at Allentown. July 27 and 28 I'hilndcluhia at 1'otts- villa Lancaster at Scrautou, Harrisburg nt Hnzleton, Allentown ut Ruading. July all and at Philadelphia at Ueading, Harrisburg at Scranton, Lancaster at liizlctou. Pottsville at Alloutowa. Aui;. 1 and 2 Philadelphia at Lancaster. Hazleton at Pottsville, Scranton at Bead ing, Allentown at Harrisburg. Aug. 3 aud 4 Philadelphia at Harris burg, Allentown at Laticaitor, Hazleton at Beading, Scranton at Pottsville. Auir. 0 and 7 Philadelphia at lieauiug. Alloutown at Pottsville, Hazleton at Lan caster, Scranton at Harrisburg. Aol'. 8 aud 9 Pottsville at Philadel phia, Reading at Allentown, Hazleton at ILu-risburg, Scranton at Lancaster. Aug. iu Uueu. Aug. 11 llazloton at Scranton, Reading at Pottsville, Lancas ter at Harrisburg. Aug. U and 14 Philadelphia at Allen town, Pottsville at Beading. Aug. 14 Harrisburg at Lancaster, Scran ton at Hazleton. Aui;. 15 and 18 Phlladolnnia at Hazle ton, Allentown at Scranton, Lancaster at Ueading, Harrisburg at Pottsville. Aug. 17 and 18 Philadelphia at Scran ton, Allontowu at Hazletou, Harrisburg at Keudiug, Lancaster at Pottivillo. Aug. 211 and 21-Hzteton at Philadel phia, Scranton at Allentown, Pottsville at Harrisburg, Reading at Lancaster. Aug. 22 and 2;i .''crantou at Philadel phia, Pottsvillo at Lancaster. Harrisburg at Ueuding, Hazleton at Allentown. Aug. 24 aud 2o tisncaster at Philadel phia, Harrisburg at AUeutown, Pottsville at Hazletou, Heading at Scranton. Aut;. 27 and 28 Philadelphia at Harris burg, Pottsville at Scranton, Reading at llazletoti, LaucsBier at Allentown. Aug. 29 and 30 Philadelphia at Potts ville, Laucaster at Hazleton, Harrisburg at Scranton, Reading at AUeutown. Sept. 1 (a. m. and p. m. Philadelphia at Allentown. (a. in.) Scranton nt Hazleton. Reading at Pottsville, (p. m.) Ilazleiou at Scranton, Pottsville at lieadlng. Lancas ter and Harrisburg are also scheduled for two games. Sept. 3 aud 4Phllapelpbla at Heading, Harrisburg at Hazleton, Lancaster at Scranton, Pottsvillo at Allentown. Sept. 5 and 0 Philadelphia at Lancaster, Allentown at Harrisburg, Scrautoa at Rending, Hnzleton at Pottsville. S.-pt. 7 and 8 Harrisburg at Philadel phia, Allentown at Lancaster, uazieton st KeiuUug, Scranton at Pottsville. Sept. 10 and 11 Reading at Philadelphia. Hazleton at Lancaster, Allentown at Potts ville, Hazleton at Harrisburg. Sept 12 and 13-Pottsville at Philadel phia, Scranton at Lancaster, Allentown at Ueading, Scranton at Harrisburg. 'ihe championship season ends on Sept, 20. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. McGraw and Bronthers. of Baltimore. have each ouly struck out twice this sea son. Donovan is again captain of the Pitts burg team. Lyons could not stand the Btraln. Fox. of Pottsville, lias an offer from the irmuiwrT of the Manhattan Colloge club of New York city. He is wanted as pitcher and coach lor the cluu. The Hustlers chidlenee the James Dova to a came or ball Sunday, July 22, on the James Boys' grounds at 2.80 p. m. Answor in tomorrow's Triiipnb. The Baltimore club has signed a now rrtchcr named Boyle, a brother of Jack Bo vie, of the Philadelphia. Ho is to be used in case Clark is injured before Robin- sou is able to play. Sweeney, of Allentown, and Rothormel. of Huzleton, are considered by many the two lending Bhort Btops in the State league Allentown Chronicle. What about our own Shorty Wetzelr Tho Haverhill is mannged by John Ir win, cf Wilkes-Bar re tame, and it con tains a number of well known plovers. Among them are "Snap" Lang, Tim Shin nick, Con Lucid and Fred Lake. Foreman, the old loagne pitcher, seems to have regained bis one time skill. He struck cut eleven men of tho Sioux City team, who are among tho Hardest hitters iu the Western league, in a gaino on Buu day at Toledo. The Scranton Stars challenge tho Scran ton Juniors or the Little Tycoons to a gamo of ball on the High School grounds next itnrday nlternoon at 2 o'clock, Bernard Dougherty, captain. Answer through The 'i mmune. Manager Hanlon, of the Baltimore Base Ball club, has announced that he hns com pleted a trade with Maniigor Tobeau, of the Cleveland club, by which John Clark' son and "Tony" Mullnne will exchange places. It Is understood that the trade is ou even terms. President Kerr, of the Pittsburg club, one or the league directors, has become strong advocate of moving the pitcher forward to where be was before the new rule was adopted. Ho claims that change mast be made as speedily as -possible, as the big scores are ruining pitchers and disgusting the public. Hard times have strnck the Erie Base Ball club so bard that it is feared that the injuries eustnined may prove fatal. In other words the Blackbirds may conclude not to nniBh t ne season. Hereafter when at home the Erie ball playors will have to People Don't Grow Famous in a Harry. Carlsbad Sprudel Salt did not become known in a day. It took conturies to acquire ita present fame. For all diseases of the stomach, liver and kidneys,' as woll as m conshpalion, rheumatic alicctions and diabetes, it is with out equal. Best results obtained when out-door exorcise can be had. Obtain the cenuino article which has the signature of "Eis ner & Mendelson Co., Sole agents, ' ' on every bottle. D PASKOLA What Pre-DIgested Food Is Doing for Dyspeptic People, ITS WONDERFUL EFFECTS Thin People Raplilly Gain Flesh bv Tak ing- l'UHkula, the Newly Discovered l're-Dicestod Food Itemark lllilo Cures of Iudtfrstlou. PtiBkola works wonders I That is what people who take it say, and the statement is repeated by the druggists who sell it. There has never boen such a demand for any prepara tiou as there now is for Paskola, the pre-digested food. The druggists say that a large stock of it is rapidly dis posed of iu moeling the calls that are constantly made for it. Dvspeptio sufttjrers who have tried Paskola as a last resort, after taking other remody tbey could find, havi been delighted to notice their symp toms soon disappearing. Pale, thin people who take Paskolo rapidly gain d'Sll. The fact of the matter U, Paskola is ii Rciontilio discovery. It is not an old-fashioned remedy like the greasv, evil-smelling cod-livor oil, a relio of u past age. rmkoin is the outcome or modern research and progress. It cures bvcausd Jtis based on correct princi ples. l'askou is not a medicine, but a food, pleasant to the taste and agreea ble to the weakest stomach. Being pre-digested, it is instantly aborbed by the system when it is swallowed, en tering at ouce iuto the tissues of the bodv to form now 11 'sh and blood. It builds up the strength, gives tone to the stomach, enables other food to be properly digested. Delicate stomachs cauuot stand sickening cod-liver oils and other fatty mixtures. Paskola has ropluced them. Children thrive wonderfully when they lire given P.iskola. Thev like it and cannot get enough of it. As a means of imparting health, strength aud vigor to the puny little ones, it is unsurpassed. iou can obtain Paskola of any good druggist and a free p iinphlet will be mailed by the Pre-Digfstei r ood (Jo., 80 lieade Street, New Jfork. roll and mow the Held themselves or qa it the game. This follows as the effect ot Utouudkeeper's JUmpby's releaso for the sake of economy. Murphy has been n- cagua in a biumar capacity by the Cleve land National league club. Champion Boxer Corbett has been play ing base ball to EuL'lish bleachers. He and his company have formed a base ball club in England and are playing the local clubs in every city they meet. " Five thousand people saw them beat the Sheffield team several days ago. The scoro was 18 to S. torbett plays short stop. Brady first base. Delauey pitcher, McVoy catcher, Donald son second base. Bud Woodthorpe third base, Wilson center field, Hendricks left UVld, and Fireman right Held. Tliey play the Music Hall team iu London before leaving for America, "There is no comparison between the Scranton patrons and those that attend the games in other State league towns." soys Centerflelder Hogau. '"Here a visitor receives as warm recognition for a good play as one of the borne team, and a bad decision that affects a visiting team is usu ally as ruundiy denounced as H it was on tue bcrantou cluD. lhis la very nice, but we sadly mis that kind of treatment in the cities we visit. Why, in some of the towns a brilliant play by a visitor is erected with a silence like the crave or an outburst of abuse, while a decision that seems to give a little the best of it to the visitor almost incitoj a riot. The result is that Scranton usually cets the worst of the umpiring both at homo and abroad. At home we only expect a square deal, and that is all a Fcrauton audience wantB us to re ceive, but while away we do not always got that or auytuiug nice It." LOCAL BICYCLE NOTES. George Pryor and Will Weichel, two well known local bicycle riders, had a half mile race at the Driving park last even ing. It was won by Pryor in 1.5'J. A large number of persons witnessed the event. The statement that Ralph Gregory, of me ureen tiKige uiuo, was outdistanced in thoracoat Berwick, which appeared in the Truth last evoniue. is incorrect. Urec- ory lluithed about one foot behind Heu- derson who was pressing Cor6er very close rnr nrst place. That was the position ol tue men m uotn races. ECHOES FROM MANY TIRES. Speedy class B bicycle riders are in great demand by manufacture:! at present. J. S. Johnson expects to make an at tompt to lower JJoiatjo's ono-hour record the latter part of the month. Although the international champion ship races will be held iu Belgium next montn tne jeaeuooi American wheelmen has made no effort to get a team together. Tho general impression seems to be that the league will not be represented at the meetiug. The Springfield Bicycle club intend to try a new and novel method of preventing loafing ut their race meeting, to be held in September iu the one-mile international race. The men will bo started ten pec onds apart and the winner will be the uiun who makes the best time for the distance. The chairman of the League of Amer ican Wheelman Racing board, Howard E. Raymoud, hns only started on a trip west au figuratively speaking, be has taken an axo on his journey as a part of bis travel ing outilt. Mr. Uaymond has partially couiploted the gigantic tusk of separating the pure amateurs from those whose purity has boen spotted by the acceptance of cash from manufacturers and others. There has been no improvement in the racing since this move was introduced. Satisfied tbnt they are professionals, the class B men do not hesitate to re sort to professional tricks'. The purely amateur racing has the genuine ring about it nnd invuriably gets all the attention. It is plain that had the LouKue of American Wheelmen made on example of a dozen of the leading rac ing meu last year, including Zimmermau, who is now a professional by choice, the Leaeue might start off with a racing sen sou of more promise than this one. 11 r. Raymond while in the west will use bis of ficial axe on those riders who are resort ing to subterfuge in order to ride with class A. The simple acknowledgment that all the class B meu are doing business on the same lines as those of last year has conclusively shown how low the spirit that should have governed amateur sport has falien among the 'cyclists and the men governing them. The racing board pre dicts the succoss of the class system, al though straight racing cannot be guaran teed except among the amateurs. NOTES ABOUT HORSES. Siilndln and Mascot will meet in. the free tor all pace in Buffalo soon. Seventeen-year-old Johnston paced a mile in 2.12 at Tiflln, 0 the other day. Mascot came within a quarter of a second of the Point Breeze track record of -.C! the other day. There is Kremlin, Arion, Directum, Alix, Fautasy and Pixley but which will take the crown from Muuey Hanksr Clipped from Canada Presbyterian, un der slKnaluje of C. Blackett Robiuson, propiietor: I was cured of oft-recurring bilious headaches by Burdock Blood Bitters. n Ml A Word. Wantt of all hinds coat that muc a etpt Situations Wdnted.vihich art inserU WEE. Agents Wanted. QTidu mi month, city or countk O to competent wide-awake iusnnincw solic itors; woll established iiuruianent Imsium. Address or inquiro Heroud Uoor, b-l Lack- wanna avo., eerantun, ra. Help Wanted Male. UrANTRl)-lP YOU AUB A CATHOLIC unemployed nnd will work for !'S per week, writu JlucCoimell Bros.. 11 Fraukliii street, Bovtun. Mhsh. Held Wanted Females. JAPrK?lM IK) D V (fii-1 lor geuer.d Lousework. (WjAduins avenue. UrANTEL)-A CiOOU STOUT WOMAN for lantwlrivisi- iiUii a trood cook am) lioiisegirlo. AjmlytJ M .S. C. V. hCHL'LLKK MAN, matron Pennsylvania Oral school, cor uer of Jetforson ami loetr c avenues. For Sale. f 1AB l-OIl SALE IN rlHKT CLASS OU der. can I n uenti at Kellers Carriam works Scranton, uowiy painted. L). L. t'OOTE agent. . HOKSKS AND CAKBIAOES FOB HALE at Lm'I Caio.iso uveutie, I). L. Fooic, u-rent. Lost. T OST-A GOLD HAJK PIN WITH WHITI' 1j pronto Finder will bo suitably re warded by retunilni tho same to Colonel t . II. hippie, Third National bank building. Instruction Musical. A MUSIC SCilOOL HAS JL'ST Ol'ENED for teaching violiu arid mandolin. Child run $1 per month. ALio various other insti n inents at reasonable prices. Ollica at '-'1' Franklin avenue, PROFESSOR S. J. FULL MAN. Special Notices. OFFK E OF TIIU SCRANTON STEKI Company. The annual uiectiug ot tin stockholders of tin above company for tin election of president ami directors will b held at the oliice of the company in the city oi fc'-'ranlon ou Thursday, the uecuud day of Au gust next, at 4 o'clock p. in. No transfer o: stock will be made lor twelve days next pre ceding the date of the above maetiui!. E. V. KiNUsBURY, Secretary. Sc antou, Pa., July 17, lain. II LANK BOOKS, "AMPMLETBjMAA 1 zines, etc., bound or rebound at Tut Tltmu.NE ollico. yiiick work. Ueasonable prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 114. corner Spruce streot and Fraukliu ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for i'S.M. Uood table board. Public Sale. T WILL OFFER AT PL'B 10 BALE O.N i. Wednotday, July 25, ItfcU, at 10 o'clock n. iu.. ou the proinisi-s, tho leasliold estate and torm of years ere ited by Indenture from . ii. Schooiiiuak rto Arthu- Frothititrhain and Laura Frotliinghaui, dated Juuo 1st, ISS, re corded in Mortunife Book No. til, pane if.'4, etc., as by reterenco thereto had will fully nppoar, in lot No. 8 in Square or block No llii. on Wyoming avenue, on which the "Frotliint'hain Arcade" stood. The lot is 40 feet wide and lo7 foi -t deep to an alley. Terms will be made known on dav ot sale. CHAS. H. WELLES. July 11, m. Proposals. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED AT 1 the ofllco of thn New York and Scranton Coal company, I'ei krille, 1'enna.. until July 'i Mil. for sulking an air shaft at the Ontario colliery, size lOilU, in the clear, and about 170 feet deep from the surface to the Dunmore vein. Company reserves right to reject any er all bids. H. CHAPMAN, Insido Foreman. Situations Wanted. U 7 ANT EL) -POSITION AS CLERK IN clothiers stor- or grocer or eollcctiug ac counts anv place of trust, can be well recom mended for any position. Address JOHN M. TAYLOR, Avoca, Pa. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOl'NU O married man as teamster, or any desira ble employment. Call or address "S. S.," Itill Cedar avenue. C1TUATTON WANTED BY A STRONG O man '.'5 yoars eld. Understands care of horses and is a Kood a-nrdner. Address Fred, M7 Cherry street, fccrantoii, Pa, TUATioN tt'A Vl'ElT BY A YOCNU kJ lady who speaks Uorinin and Eugisli. In ofllce or at looks prefon ed. Ad ire.i S. A. M., Oeueral Delivery. yANTED-A WOMAN WANTS WORK t by tho day. Address S. M., 611 Maple street, Scranton, Pa. 4Rlk Look Here! advertising matter constantly being distributed among the public. Not everybody has a taste for read' ing. Have your printing done in an attractive and novel style. Draw people's attention by .some thing catchy and rarely seen, THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE JOB DEPT. A is able to please you in every jGZwfr respect, MMa. nSSs 7Vic re are a great many cards, xs pamphlets, circulars and other The Great Bankrupt Sale The Great lew York Sheriffs Sale Great New York Clearance Sales Are now being disposed of at retail by us at Merciless Prices to reduce them into ready cash and make room for some changes we are contemplating at our establishment. We need more price is any object for first-class goods, Come Now. Bargains are awaiting you in all departments. GKROSS, FOSTER & CO. Connolly & Wallace i j i L-aaies tzJiacK r-ios QUANTITY ioo dozen. QUALITY The best value that has ever come from a for eign shore. COLORDyed by "Herinsdorf." That's enough. PRICE 25c. A PAIR. Our own stamp. Our own import. Taffeta Moires 12c. per yard. Others advertise them as a bargain at 1 5 cents. C01J0LLY & W Hotel Waverly European Plan. Firt-class Bar attsahed Iievut lor lisruaer ft Engol't Tannhuuwr Eoer. U Cor. 15tl) biiiI Filbert Sti, Ptillaii Host dcfliraMn for resMenta of K.K. Per.n lylvanla. All conveniences lor travelers t and from Broad Street station and the Twelfth and Market Btreat station. De iirablo for vteiting lorautoulau aad p lie in tee Anthracite Kegioo. T. J. VICTORY, PR0FMET0R. F3 F OUR STOCK DAMAGED BY WATER UR STOCK was damaged by water from the recent explosion and fire, which 1 occurred Saturday nieht, June 16, in the store of our neighbors, Messrs. ToviAo Rt. Oriffirv Thn damacrAs allnwftd ur hv thn insurance comnanies uermit US to offer GREAT BARGAINS TO BUYERS OF CLOTHING AND FURNISH INGS. All goods are appraised at 33 cents on the dollar less than cost to make. There is no smell of smoke or fire about them and they are equally as good as be- lore. SALE N and will last about 30 days, as the goods WILL and MUST BE SOLD as quickly as possible. Here is an unequalled chance to procure High-clas3 Clothing and Gents' Fur nishings at about one-third the wholesale cost price. Boys' Waists, 12c. MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold for $10. MEN'S SUITS, formerly sold for $IG. MEN'S PANTS, formerly so d for $5. BOYS' SUITS, formerly sold for $3.. 1 SIGN OF THE HE rSTNEXT DOOtt TO THE BURNED DA VIES & GRIFFIN BUILDIXG. FOSTER & CO, AND STOCKS FROM THE room for our steadily ALLAGE 2 209 WARNING. U'c lore lately had Feathtr Beds and Pillows brought to til by strangers who wished to dispose of the sain and from whose actions we believed the Jeathers didn't belong to them. W will have no dealings with such parties. We wish to caution people against giving into the hands of strang ers who claim to represent ti, any Feathers, Carpets, eto., which they wish renovated. Any of our agents can easily identify themselves, or if any one who wishes work done in our line, will drop us a card or call at our factory, we will promptly attend to their wants and will en deavor to merit the confidence of everybody. THE SCKXATOX HEODIXG CO., 60S and box Lacka, Ave,, Cor. Adams. WHY HOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Set! We sell Furniture as cheap as any house In tho country that in tends togivo honest value for the money. Try us. Hull 203 AND 207 -3 JSL - 1 i 1 230 Lackawanna Avenue. OW COIC ON Neckwear Given Away. .NOW $4.75 .NOW $8.25 ....NOW $2 .NOW $1.35 CLOTHING BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. increasing trade, and if iery WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Court Hous9. & Co. AVE. Boys' Suits, 74c, Underwear, Hats, Handkerchiefs, Outing Shirts, Laundered Shirts, Suspenders, Silk Vests and and alt goads that an damaged at your own prioa. HOUSE Your Watch Lies if it docs not tell the time cor rectly. We guarantee our Watcher to be TRUE TIME KEEPERS and UDliold them us such accord ing to the terms of our buildiug warranty. diamondTare trumps as a speculation these days. Have you seen the heavy tariff the Wilson bill imposes on them! Their rise in value is as certain as the shining of the sun in the daytime. FREEMAN, Dealer (or Cusli In Watcboa, Einmondt, Silverware, eto., Cor.Penn Ave. and Jprncu St. Ladies Who Value A refined complexion matt nse ftmonl'i Paw-I der. It prodnoea a aoft and beautiful akin,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers