- L "i. I- ffttif-iirrntt; trill "From the Ranks." "From the Ranks." "From the Ranks." EIGHT PAGES--36 CO LUPINS. SCIIANTOX. PA.. WEDNESDAY JIOKNIXG. JULY 18, 1804. TWO CENTS A COPY. S A LARGER BONA FIDE CIRCULATIOOtiONG SO SS MEN THAN ANY OTHER PAPER r THE TRIBUNE HA RANTON BUSIME DEBS QUARTET TAKEN TO THE L The Strike Leaders Refuse to Give Bail oi Charge of Contempt Will Remain Bshiud the Bars Until Hearing oa SOIfiE INTERESTING DISPATCHES Evidence Produced Before Judge Seaman to Sustain the Charges Against the Prisoners Attorney Gregory's Presentation of the Case. Mr. Walker on Part of the Govern ment Delivers Hot Shot in the Di rection of the Parties Who Inter fered With the United States Mails. The Strike Generals are Escorted to Prison by Marshal Arnold and are Assigned Roomy Cells. UiM'.wio, Jnly 17. TilERE was ii huh annual climax lute this afternoon to the truti Ides that have disturbed railroad circles west of the Allegheny mountains during the pit three week when President. Eugene V. Debs, of the American Railway union, anil his cab inet, Vice Presi lent George W. How ard, General Secretary Sylvester Keli ber and L. W. R ogers, chairman of tl) ex-cutive committee, were taken to Hid ciuaty jiil and incarcerated hs prisoners of the United States for vio 1. Mini of the injunction issued on July 2 "V Judges Woods mid Gro3cup, re straining them from combining and conspiring f i liiadar interstits com merce tralli1. or the movement of United States UHila. The iuinriaonment of the chiefs of th" NV-w Railway union whs no: in any sense nn arbitrary proceeding. Although predicated upon what the courts re garded ns an open and defiant violation .f orders previously issued from ira jurisdiction, an opportunity .vasjafford-d to the defendant of Dresoutiug bond for their appearance in court a week nenee. 1 Ins proposition, however, whs re j-eted on the (round, a emphasized by President Debs after the court had rvml'Tel iu ultimatum, and tlm princip 1 involved was one entirely too serion in its nature to admit of the defendants availing themselves of any technicalities that might he re garded iih loop holes in the laws. Rondsmen almost without limit offered their aid and support to the union landers, but tiieir ovtrtures were de clined iu a firm, although courteous niatiner, and the prisoners stiff-red tii-niseives to he taken to j til and locked up. TIi'tp, unless in the mean time th-y should tire of incarceration, th. y will remain until Monday morn ing of next week. TIIH CLIMAX r.EACIIKI). Tiie initiiiti v. jroc iedings that re suited in this (dim ix were inaugurated in the United States cirenit court this morning when special counsel for the United Stales Elwlc Walker and United States District Attorney Mil Christ before Judge S"am m, who had been socially summoned from Mil waukee for the purpose, to present their information against I'resi dctit Dabs ati.l his associates, charging them with willful. opn, daily and hourly viol itioa of the spirit and letter of tho injnno tion issued bv Judges Woods im 1 Grots cup on July 2, and wlncii, ho it wag ex peeled ntthe time, would so surround the officers of tiio union with the meslit of the law as to tiring tiio strike to a premature end. So far from this bwing the eaae, however, it was con tended on behalf of the government that ti e suhsi qivnt proceedings of the defendants wme simply initio nature of an aggravation of tuu alleged offense originally stated. . Instead of relaxing tiieir efforts aad intentions, so the information charged, 1h- doiendanls, by overy means in their power, h id endeavored to still farther increase llio obstacles in the w:y of f sufficient movement of rail road tr Trie an construed under the provision of the interstate commerce act, iiR wi ll ns the tranuportaliou of the United Si. .tea malls. rni.Koiurinc evidhscr. In support of the contention of the government several score of telegrams which had neon secured from a tele graph company under a ruling of the court were cited. These are specimens or the wnnie: To Court Head, South Rutte, Mont. : The general managers are weakening, If bU ike is not Bettled in forty-eight hon'ri complete parnlysis will follow. Potatoes and i are out of sight. Novo your money and liuy a gun. (Mgiioii) v. Dkrs. , To W. V. Smith. Gruud Junction. Col.: It. will take more than injunctions to move trains. Uet everybody out. We are Coining ground everywhere. (Signed) E. V. Dehs. The following telegram was sent to employes on tho dilurent railroads: Must win now or never. Our victory will ho positive and complete. (Signed) E. V. Derm. To Charles Fink. Oakland. Col.: To call out tho troops is an old method or intimidation, ('omnia no, violence. Have everv man Ktnnd pat Troops ran not move trains. No scabs In world to fill places and moro occurring hourly. To S. W. R.diis. Mount Vernon, Ills.: Call out Air line and let it bo understand this struggle is one of capital against labor, ibis is no contest In which chil dren or childhh men have a purl. Ktroeg men and broad minds only can resist the plutr.ornry and arroeant monopoly. Do Dot he frightened at troops, injunctions or a siinsiuizeu press, unit and remain nrm. Commit no violence. American Railway COUMTY Jil unicn will protect all. whether meuibors or not, wuen strike n on. ISigned.l E. V. Duns. To M. K'onigs, Olen Falls. Ida.: The unusual cannot injure you. lie ts simply assisting capital to enslave his brothers, tlo does not uuilerstanu his business. iSiuued. E, V. Debs. Jl'lMiE seaman's opinion. Only a few of these dispatches had been read when Judge Seamans inter rupted to remark that sufficient had been shown to indicate a willul and deliberate violatiou of the injunctions. in intoi matton, somewhat similar in its term", was then filed by lioonro U. Peck, general counsel for tho Atchi son, iopeka and Santa 1'e road, and which is in the hand of rec.'iv.ers ap pointed by tint court. This informa tion alleg.xl sp-cilic interruption to the traffic of the road after the issuauce of the injunction and made a separate and distinct prayer for condign punishment upon Debs and his associates. Attorney Gregory on the other hido took the ground that the informations failed to chi'.rgo eny ono of the four de fendants with personal participation in violence or destruction of propirty, and contended Unit no case had been stated that called for the cognizance of the court of iiuiuiry. lie laid great stress upon thu argument that tho gov ernment was moving for the protection of railroads and its power aud author ity was Icing frxreisod to vindicate the properly rights of railroads. In behalf of th government Special Counsel Walker declared that the gov ernment represented all tho people, the defendant included, and that it did not propose to protect railroud properly except no far as interstate commerce and transportation of the United States mtils whs concerned. WHITS 01-' ATTAUII.MUNTS HStKP. Further discussion w.n cut short by tho court, th-'jivlgo ordering writs of attachments to i;sn against Dbs and bis associates returnable ni'i o'clock Within fifteen minutes after tae re assembling of court in -the afternoon, Dabs, Howard, Keliher and Rogers wero ou hand. Atrorney Erwin led off the proceedings with a tierysp'ooh in which ho declared that the defendants bad been guilty of no contempt of court and stated point plank, that in the event of court ruling otherwise, they would refuse to give bail and accept the alternative af going to j lil. He in sisted that the injunction previously issued wonl.l not hold water. "The American Railway union," he said, 'as an organizition w.is fornw l to resist the unchecked actions of cipi talistic tyranny. Its members are the children of the republic who have no power to petition ti:e law to correct the wrongs which they believe have been done againat thcm.Tliey have laid down their tools, as their only wiy to cor rect their grievances. When these men did this, as the only recourse they bad, lawless men broke out and did overt acts that have worked against them. The is?uo will be raised at the proper time whether capitalistic tyr anny can introduce, the methods of a Dritisli monarchy. The conscience of tho court is being whipped to resort to extreme and unjustifiable methods. Counsel went on to sav that Presi dent I.) 'bj and his iisoni ifps were al ready under bail in $10 000 each to an 6Wer lmlictmeuU preferred bv th" grand jtirjyind that they could not and would not give additional ball on the charce of contempt. , counskl w'Ai.Kuii's srr.F.cn. Special Coii'isel Walker replied in behalf of fio iroverument by asking the court to pay no attention to the speech to the pnhlio that hud just been delivered. Hay by day, he said. these men had wilfully violated the injunction directed against them. luey cannot raise the question of jurisdiction ivjtil t!my luve purged itiouiselves of tneir contempt. liaising his arm and pointing Ihh forefinger dramatically towards the defendant, the veiierabln counsel con- tinuoa: it is no i x.:uo tor lmds or ilowurd to sav tliey are unable to give adJitional bail, ami tiiat if it is im posed that 1 1 - y must u-'Cisa irily go to jail. 1 Hoy filionlil Have thonglit of Unit on the third nil I rotirtli of July and on very subsequent day. They have ignored tho injunction and they must answer for it. Tho sovernmeut urges a speedy hearing and it asks that ihao defendants be held to hall inn sum wtiich the court may deem suffi cient, not only to insure their attend ance, bnt to prevent any further ag gravated violations of the courts' or der. As Mr. Walker resumed his seat Lawyer Irwin sprang to hii feet, said, We Ike remarks of counsel, he aimplv accentuate onr position. are in comtempt of an order which wo clulm ia a void order. A hearing should have been had on the temporary injunction today, but no notion was is sued. Njl paid any attention to it or would have known of it .only by no cidont; it was found in the'minntes of the court Judge ' Soamsns liore interposed: "This may be truo," he said, "that docs not affect tno violation of the or dor in itself because vou propose to move a modification of the injunction, that is no reason why the defendant should not be in contempt for viola tion during its temporary continuance. Tho matter now at issue is whether or not these defendants - have been guilty of contempt of the order of this court. HEAPING. FIXED FOIl MONDAY. Counsel for tho defendants asked that thu case should be set for Monday. To this Mr. Walker, who wanted to leave town on Saturday, objected, on tho ground that ho did not propose to be kept here all summer. Judge sea man, however, said that reasonable lime should be allowed, and thereupon fixed tho hearing of tho case for 10 o'clock on Monday morning. Ho fixed the hall of each of the four defendants at IfS.OOO. ' Dbds, Howard, Kellher and Rogers retired and hold a long consultation with their attorneys. When they con cluded, Lawyer Erwin announced that the prisoners would refuse to give bail. At half paBt four Marshal Arnold nnd two deputies escorted them to jail. oi meir arrival at the ill the pris oners wars courteously received by janor uarris and .lull Clerlf WUltmnn, No feature of j iil methods was, how ever, relaxed in their behalf, They wero deprived ot nil valuables and then ted to spacious and roomy cells in the debtors department THE HAZLETON T Id Eight Men Are Blown to Explosion. Pieces by an KARGLED BEYOND RECOGNITION Two Hundred Sticks of Dynamite Ex nt No. 8, Stockton Mine, with Shocking Miners in Almost to Results Unfortunate tho Tunnels Are Blown Atoms and Rocks and Timbers Are Dislodged The Shock Felt at tho Surface Three Hundred Feet Away. II A'.t.t.TON. Tn.. July 17. T THE np'st horrible accident which has ever occurred about tiie mines in this region took plaep at No. 8 htocktou mine this morning. Two hundred Hticks of dyna mite exploded among n crowd of men who were preparing to go to their day's work. All of the unfortunates were shattered and torn to fragments. Tho names of ths victims ns fur nished by the mine foreman are: CiiAin.r.s O'Ddxnki I,, aired 25. married. AmiUkw f-Aiioi., nged W. married. .I(Hi t'ldM iiiiNK. aged 2'J, single. .Ions K lami.Ki), ntied Kinule. AvrmiNv Jinlii'.uTi'Z, aged married. John KhiNurK. i,p,.-d 'Js married. .li'itN iMai-.toimu. aged -14, married. John Hiuzo.n, aged -25. uinglo. Tho true came of the explosion will never be known, ns none of the men are living. It occurred at about 7 o'clock. The men were descending the slopa at the time and distributing tliPduelves in their various chambers and gangways where they ure em ployed at the bottom of the slope. Charles O'Djinell, who looked after the explosives and supplies for tho loaders an 1 other company workmen, was busy dealing out dynamite and caps to the loaders and tho starters. The latter came to him in groups nsually, and between eight aud ten of these workmen were standing about at the time. The driver hoys, who had come down earlier, had already passed in the tnnloway and were donning and harnessing their teams in the stable, which is built in the Wharton gang way, ubont 100 yards from the bottom of the slope. These boys were the only persons in the neighborhood at the timi, and the first intimation of an accident they re ceive 1 was tho terrific report of the explosion, The concussion it caused was so severe as to knock the mules and drivers about in the stable. Tho place was filled with dust and flying debris. All lights were extinguished. The men were deinnraliz )d for the tiiii' and did not know which way to turn. Although the explosion took place ,100 yards below the surface, the shock was felt over an area of surface extending to the lumber yard, three miles south, and in the adjoining mines, No. 2. Stockton. THE WOUK Ol' RESCUE. From tho latter mine a rescuing party rushed through subterranean passageways to No 8 As those men approached the bottom of the ill-fate 1 slope they came up with the drivers and other laborers groping about in tho dirknoss. Pushing forward toward the bott. m, they came upon a scene which biilll-ij description. Huge tim bers were twisted and torn aud scat tered about promiscuously. Rocks and debris were everywhere. Over all wero strewn lmmsn flesh legs and arms of the unfortunate vic tim, nnd from thu jagged aides hung two shattered bodies. Not, one of the several bodies was ltt sufficiently in tact to permit identity. l!y this time the news became current on the sur face, the nature ot the accident was evident, and tiie wildest excitement took pos-'Sido'i of tiie villagers. Men and women flicked about the dark (dope's mouth in hundreds, Wives and sweethearts of the unfortunate mn ran aimlessly about crying for aid and for their loved ones. Rescuing parties were formed im mediately. A number of miners wero lowered into the pit, and on the re turn cage ascended the men and boys who h id oso ipi d the terrible catas tropbe. These wore covered with iirt and dust. Thuy were eagerly besieged by anxious friends, but lo the friends of tho men still below thoy could offer no consolation. Telegrams wero sent to Hazleton and surrounding towns. Many of the men emplovod at No. 8 lived at Hazleton, and the repor-t cre ated great excitement in that city Crowds of people hastened to the slope nnd added to tho excitement, which was already agonizing. HOIsVriNU THE JIAMII.ED BODIES. It was 10 o'clock before the workmen got the remains of the victims nil Hi ciently together to arrange for hoisting them to the surface, i. lit lit tough boxes were taken dowu the sfopo. From tho month of tho opening a high trestle work extends to the tower of the breakor. As the remains were too mutilated for the friends of the unfortunate men to recognize them, it was decided to hoist the boxes to the top of the tower ami carry thorn from there to the rail road, thus keeping them away from the crowd. It was 11 o'clock before the first black box was hoisted slowly up the slope, and as it emerged from the darkness a loud wail from tho lov- lug relatives arose. Iho scene was heartrending In tho extrsme. It was repeated until the last of tho victims was taken out at noon. The under takers took charge of the body. Sevon box's contained tho fragments of the victims, so fur as the portions of a body could bq recognized, while tho oigth box was lined with nieces or hu man fleah for which no attachment could bo found. CunrlcB U'Donnel was the only one who could be recognized. COAST TRAIN ARRIVES. Trnfflo on th North.m Pnolfio Opsnad Aftor Eiffhtenn Days. St. Taul, Minn., Jnly 17. The first Northern Pacific train from the coast HE ACCIDEN for eighteen davs arrived today. It left I'ortlaud on Juno 25 lidsi les 3D;) passunxers it brought Die tlio two couipaiii;a of re.;uli.r-i from Fort Suell ing who wont out with the that west bound train ton (lavs ago. Tlio Northern Pacific lino was de clared iu operation today throughout its entire length for pass nignr trtifii.: Tho,freiglit milliners of tho road bus to a greater cxt-nt beon rrsututd. THEY OPJICT TO T.-X3ri0N. The GouUa Th'if ferii N-i I.inicr Claim Ri-sirtenos ia N w Yuik. NewYohk, July 17. All tho chil dren of the late Jay Gould, in their in dividual capacity and also ua exocutors and trustees under the will of their father, havo taken proceedings Hi the supremo court for the pur pose of being leiieved of taxa tion in this county and city npon their personal estates. This is in ac cordance with their intention, ex pressed last your, when the commis sioners of tuxes und iissestiiprn'.s, made ::b they claimed, an exorbitant assess m -nt upon tho estate of their f.itiur, whic.i they strenuously oij-cteil to mid which is iitlll the subject of litiga tion. Tiie childron then annonncel that they woiild no longer uiako this city tin ir residence, and that they would take from hero nil their personal prop erty winch might become Bul.jeci to taxation und'.r thj laws of tlm city. They claim that this expressed in tention on th'ir part has been carried out, and that none of them are now, nor have they been this year, res idents of this city, nor have they hud any office in tins city or peiuonul plr.ee of business here, and therefore they in sist that tney cannot no legally taxed upon their personal properly, TASIFF isFEREfiEE. Full Meeting of the Committeo Yes terdayRepublicans and Demo crats Play Hide nnd Seek. Waiiinhton, Jnly 17 When the fall conference committee on tho tariff, bill met this afternoon nt o'clock, the room of the committee ou interstate commerce, ou the gallery lloor, which bad been occupied by the Democratic members of the conference for the past week, was lesorted and the conteroes took up their noode in tno room ot the committee on finanee. Tho session of tiio conference, which was tho first held since the conferees were appuiiit nl, lasted just 1 honr and 15 minutes, mid then adjourned until tomorrow after noon at 2 o'clock. Tlm entiro time was spent, in general discussion with no specific couelusion. When the Ropae- licana left the room tlley were as much in tlio dark as when they entered as to what their Democratic colleagues had been dosng all the time they have tho bill in secret ss-don. Immediately upon entering the room there was sumo good naturid chaffing tietwoen the Democrats and Republi cans, aud during tiie discussion a prod was occasionally shoved into the Dem ocratic side bv the Republicans, who were loath to let puss an opportunity to have borne fun over the dilemma in to which the Democrats found them selves. The Democrats of the house wanted to li n d out what tne Kepurjlicans thought of the situation and what their Democratic colleagues wa3 willing to do, aud the Republicans endeavored to draw out what bad been done In secret session. Iu neither ease wero there any apparent success. The Republi cans coiiteuled themselves Willi the simple announcement that they wero for the senate bill. There was groat disappointment among tliw Uomocrnts ot the house when the Republican conferees re turned aud reported their Democratic associates as saying that no agreement had been reached upon t ie anijiiduie.its in the bill.' Many of the lending taiilf reformer,) of tho house raisd Hie question whether it would not be hotter to hnvo no tariff, legislation at this session than to adopt the senate bill, which ia ut terly repugnant to their idea of tariff reform. Some of these gentlemen went so far us to say that it would be bet tor to kiii me mil nt once, iro before the country In the coming cam paign and show that the Democratic house, which correctly rithetod. tho swntiment of the people, had pissed nHialaclury tank bill, and that this hml been einnsi ulated aud thoroughly changed, buth in spirit and principle by u lew members of the sumitorml body. new bicycle records. Sanger's Astonishing Feat at Waltham Talk. Waltham, Mass., July 17. Six new worlds records wore established to day on tiie Walthaiii bicycle park Walter Sanger, riding for tho Spring- Hold. Mass., bicycle oluh tri d for a lnllo without paco inai;er.i, and with living start. The existing record was 2.10 for such u trial, and was held iu bVance The trial was delayed till late in t lib al'.enioon in hone that tho wind would Biibside, btii there was no sign of itH easing any nt o clock, so San.er ci.nu out linally iu the face of a stiff wind. Even thtu h broke, tint only tho milo mark, but also that for every fraction of tho milo without paco makers. Tim new records are: Quarter mile, 20 4-5 seconds: one-third, 4d seconds null'. 1.012 5; two-thirds, 1 21; three fourths. l.M 4 5; mile, 2.11 2 5. A claim for theoe records was entered im mediately after tho riding was iiutahed PENNSYLVANIA PARAGRAPHS. Pennsylvania railroad detectives hiRt utght captured Clarence Peters at Harris- burn. Several weeks ago Walls station wns badly wrecked by a dynamite bomb, and 1'eter is supposed lo oo tne culprit. Alfrod Folton. need 77 years, a marks man of national reputation, dropped dead lit Norriston yesterday, lie was a mom her ot the Montgomery game club and has won more prizes than any of the crack shots of thin state. The weather bnreatl furnishes tho fol lowing synopBis of the crop conditions for the week ended yesterday: PenuBylvouia, wheat good and hay fair, oats ripeued rai ldly and some harvested, drought injuring growing crops. Oil ILL SIDES Conferrecs Unable to igrce Upon tho Essen tial Feature of Tariff' Bill. BILLS CONSIDERED BY THE hcos From Present Prospects the Repub licans and Democrats Alike Will Stumblo Over Important Points in the Wilson Measure One Million Appropriated for the Extermination of Russian Cactus. Wasiiix THE senate gnlar i x-j of rat-id . which it Washington, D. C, Jnly 17. te today presented a ain- ption to the example I ilisc'wnrgo of business Lad given for tho last two weeks. It had, beforo Monday's adjournment, reached a point on tiie ag ricultural bill where it only remained for the vice pr-nideiit to put the qu-g-tion ou its passu g-. but at that point Mr. Jlaiiahrougn, orrsorth Dakota, ln- rposed an amendment appropriating million dollars to be used in tho ex termination of t ho Rtissi in enctus or thistle, and tho discussion upon it oc cupied tho whole dav's session. A preliminary point of order was made against it, but the senate, by a voto of '.'(i to 22, decided it to be In or der. The amendment was defended and urged by Mr. II ausbrougb, and it even found an advocate in so strict a constructionist of the constitution as Mr. George, of Mississippi. It was fVeiitually carried by a vote of 27 to 24, aud then the ugricultiiral bill was passed. As reported to the senate from the committee on appiopriatione, it appropriated for the agricultural de- p trillion t for tlio fiscal year $3,2US, 183, being -i. 10!) Iosh thin the amount in the house bill and stnS.miO le,s than the amount appropriated for lsfll. J ho Indian appropriation bill was iken up and is now tlis unfinished business. The upshot of tho meeting of all the conferees, Republican as well as Dem ocratic, on the tariff bill this afternoon was awaited with interest. The con ference, was adjourned, however, nnt.il 2 o'clock tomorrow without doing any thing beyond discussing the general situation. There is lit tlo liklihood of an agreement. The general impression of those who were iu the committee, room is that the report when made will be a dis agreement ou all the esseutul points in the bill. HOUSE I'ROCEEDIXOS. The day was accorded to the com mittee on tho judiciary, under nn order adopted by the house yesterday to present bills for consideration, but an hour and a half of the session was spent on other nutters before tho com mittee found its way clear to the 11 mr. In that period tho Itailer bill, to estab lish a uniform system of bankruptcy, which came over from yesterday, was passed yeas 127, nays 81. Senate amendments to the bill extending for one yew the time in which final pay. ineut may be made upon land entries under the pre-emption law, was ;reed to. Somite hill was passed authorizing the construction of a bridge over the Monongahela river at the foot of Main street, borough of Bellovernot:, Pa. lbe conference report on the bill fix ing a termination of time in which land entries under what, is known as the donation act of 1S1I1 mtiv bo cloaod u;, was presented by Mr. McRae, of Ar kansas, and agreed to. The. committee ou the judiciary suc ceeded in passing two bills, one auth orizing the appointment of a third circuit judge in the eighth judicial circuit, and the oth -r making Unite 1 States railroad officials, for the purpose of juris lietioii, citizens of any sht'.o into which t'.ioir traclis or leased lines may run or in which they do any busi ness aud in which the causa ot notion mav ocenr. MR. COOLEY'S APPROVAL. Fx-Chnirman of Inter-Slats CommlR.lou Snno ioiiK l'i t hidont'n Actlou. Washington, D. C. July 17, Hon. Thomas M. Cooler, ex-chuirinaii of the Ititer-Stato Commerce comniiafdon, whose eminent standing as an author ity on constitutional law gives great valtlo to his opinion, has written to the president us follows; Ann Allium, Mich., July 13, ISt't. President Hmver Cleveland: HiiNoiiKl) Sin Now that the great strike in which your oflieinl intervention became necessary has clearly been ohown to bo a failure, I beg to bo ellowed to express my unqualified satisfaction with every Blop you have taken in vindication of tho na tional authority and with the restora tion of law and order which has followed or is now in progress, Tho caution and deliberation with which you have proceeded are, I think, worthy, like tlio accompany ing firmness, of highest praise, and 1 am specially grat illtd that a greut and valuable lcsum iu constitutional const ruction has been net tled for ail limn with, remarkably little bloodshed. You aud the attorney general ul-o have won the gratitude of the coun try, not only for this ufnoration only, but for nil time, and that God may bless you, for it is the sincere prayer of your obedi ent servant, Thomas M. Cuoi.ky. GUTHRIE TERRORIZED. Authorities and Tim pn Ar Unable to Sub.ltH the Outlaws. GuTimiE, O. T.. July 17 Rioting nnd obstruction went on today worse than ever on the Rock Island rail road. One briilgo was blown up with dynamite, ono burned, and a dyna mite bomb thrown under a train carry ing soldiers, Telograph wires were cut, traiu gnards fired upon, and sec lion men driven from thtir work, nre snmo of the occurrences or the day at Euid and Round Pond. County Aitoi ny Asher at Round Pond was in the hands of a vigilance committee and roughly treated and only escapul hang ing by the interposition of several citi zens. A reign of terror prevails and tho local officials are afraid to act. The I handful of soldiers are scarcely able ' tako care of theiusi Ivvh, let alone pre venting any outlawry, and the secret band goes right along pillaging and burning. Governor Lmvs tonight Issued a pro clamation calling upon all good cili z -lis to aid in putting a stop to law breaking and offering $500 reward for tho arrest of any of tlm parties guilty of arson. TRAINMEN AS3AULTE3. Dtsohamad Strikers Entertain New Man at Fort Wayns. FoitT Wayne, Ind., July 17 The now men employed on the Fort Wayne railroads in the yards and ns trainmen lire hourly submittal to most brutal as saults from discharged men. Last night Arthur Baldwin, a Nickel Plate switchman, was found in the yards in sensible. Threo other switchman and a call boy were violently stoned. This morning Condnotor Mulcahy, of the Pennsylvania, was knocked down by a large rock and kicked in tiie face. The switchmen in the Pennsylvania yards were clubbed and relieved of lanterns. Until Nickel Plate and Wabash pissen-g-r trains were stoned. Christian lUss, tho only rioti r ar rested, tired two shots at Captain Bergman, of the city police, bsfore he surrendered. DOORS OPENED TO UTAH. The Polygamous Territory Is at Last Admitted to the Union as a State. WAfiiiiNrrroN, D. C, July 17. The signing of tne Utah bill for statehood by President Cleveland today closes one of the most remarkable contests iu the history of Alin iicau politics. The territory has been un applicant for statehood, and really eligibio in popu lation and wealth, for m my years. It has formed tho only break in the string of states that stretches from the At lantic to the Pacific ocuans. The strng gle over pniygaiuy and tiie Mormon church has deterred its admission until tho present time. President H irrison in 1802 issued a proclamation giving amnesty to all Mormons convicted of polyg.iintv and President Cleveland today completed the final step in the preliminary pro gress toward statehood. According to the operations of thw enabling net it will devolve npon the president in Novemo r or December of 18115 to issue a proclamation formally admitting Utah into the Union. Oae mil irkable I nature of the istter stages of the con test has been tho unanimity with which tiie two great political parties huvu MCted in favor of ndiuissiou. Neither party now knows which will gain it when a state. RIOT AT CONNELLSVILLE. Several Strikers Wounded in an Encoun ter with Deputies CoNNKi.i.sviU.E, Pa., July 17. A riot occurred at the C, Morrel works of tho Cumbria Coke company late lust night in which an unknown Italian was seri ously wounded. Imported men nro working at Morrell and the strikers have been trying to induce them to quit. Last night a crowd of strikers overtook a number of the new mon on their way to work and attempted to talk to tiiem. A number of deputy sheiilfs ordered the strikers away. One of the strikers fired a shot from his revolver which was answered by a volloy from the deputies. One of the strikers, an Italian, was shot through the legs. Another report says that three of tho striker were killed, Lu. there is uo evidence to that effect. PASSENGER TRAIN STONED. IiIt-ereaniB Fl K cii nt the Windows rf Railway Onoli. riTTMSUltrt. Pa., July 17. Passengers stid train crew on tiie waat bound Pitts burg, Fort Wayne ami Chicag) rail way, limited, which arrived in Pius burg on time this morning, repart an nis'iult on that train last night jtist ns it pulled out of the Fort Wayne yards. A volley of Rtones tttru.de the cars. Several windows were broken and the sides of tho coAches were badly scratched and (lnui.iged by tho missiles thrown. No one on the train was hurt. Tun nttuck caivkil considerable ex- citeni'iit among the few passenger! o i board. One sleeoer that had four windows broken and was otherwise damaged was sidetracked for repairs. TICKS FROM THE TELEGRAPH. Overturning a lamp while sewing, Mrs. John llon.-drul was burned to death at Wallace, Nob. Oklahoma Sam bus left Washington and tlio Cnxevites feel that the last of their stars has deserted. Having killed n fellow-soldier, Reginald Williams,!! colored regular at Fort Tot ten, N. 1)., hanged himself. New York city is getting Into the swim. It pronoses to i reinato gin hage, just like Philadelphia and oilier IjIlC citien. New York's attorney general will try to annul the charter of the Central Stamping compauy, ns this is a tinware trust. Poison in church social i?e cream killeil Mrs. Robert Dunham, at West Union, III,, and nnide tifiy-llve o.hers very sick. llosn Coghlnn's husband, Jehu T. Sulli van, is rear to death, as a result of un op eration lor appendicitis, in JNew VorK. Newsboys have boycotted at Cleveland and Pittslmrft 2 ami 1) cent, newspapers whioh they were not permitted to sell for o cents. a Loenl option nnd hhrh license are favored by ex-dovci nor Koine, lor aianni, as more honest than ihe preseut prohibitory law. Tho pouti'tlleo in the city of Mexico hns been robbed of -siiin.tHd, piecemeal, nnd Pusttiinsier Manuel Nava has taken JoO, 000 of tho plunder. Mexico refuses to extradite Algarco Frci-qticz, who is wanted iu New Mexico for murder. This may beconio a cele brated international case. False entries for f-lil.OOO in tho hooks of the Chlropee, (Mass.), National bank, caused Cashier Umilti C Knapp to be sentenced to five years in jail. WLATHER Fl-SECASli Washington. July IS. Forecast fur ll'c(liiec(ij: for huttern I'eniiHvlrrtnia. nhowert: utmthtast U'inrfjt. For II 'cdrern cniisjhniiin, shoiv ertia Soiilhern.vl'nir in norther portion; aw1 or ia donficnt portion; kiihiu FILEY'S SPECIALS IN Muslin Underwear FOR THIS WEEK Four Specials in CORSET GOYERS 15, 23, 25 and 39c. each. Three Spacials in GHEMISE 29, 33 and 50c. each. Three c. peciate in DRAWERS 29, 33 and 38c. a pair. Two Specials in CAMBRIC GOTO 98c. and $1.19 each. Thrae Specials in White Shirt Waists 08c., $1.38 and $1.69 each Special Dssigns in DinMa Skirts Spacial Lino of Children's Undarwalsts From 10c. each up. 510 and 51 Z Lackawanna" Aie." MINERS' Wholesale and Retail, H. A. Kingsbury 313 Spruce Street. Comfort-Gi.ing Shoes The only kind that giva it, for the sunimar, is our "Service & Kumfort" Shoes in colors and black. Lewis, Reilly & Dailies We Examine Eyes Freo of I'liai jre. If ft doctor ia ueeded you nro promptly told so. AVe also guarantee a perfect fit. LATEST STERLING SILVER NOVELTIES The Jeweler, 408 Spruce Street, Lewis, Reilly a. Davies
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers