TITE FCTAXTON TETJVtTNE--WEDNESDAY aMOENllTG. JULY IS. 1SM. j, OUTING COSTUMES. The Suniiiiir Girl rroiniscit to Present Very l'lrtimniiiio Aippar.inro. As oiiMuur spurts tiro lnnro faslilonnlilo In summer tli.-aii oilier iiiiiiisrmi'iits wlileli Hqulru vlulHiruto iltvss, I !io tivi-rajji) young tvomiiti etui ui'ipiit'n iniini vi'iil styli) and timl liersi'lf mum iiiirnpriti!ly ilivsscil on Various invasions if n!w possesses mil) kihkI Outing I'ostiiiiio than Willi any ether bluylu Till'. NUHT.ST VAI'liriNfl COSTI MKS. pnwn. The yarlitiiiK season will scm bo at its hi'iglit, ami pretty praelieal piwim Bltitril to the requirements of thi' sport, wlilrli ean nl.-o Iv maile to ilo duty on rIhhv, ntv a ujieeial phase of summer fash Ions as reported in tin1 New York Sun. The new liavana lirown shares honors with tlio o'nl dark lilne, wliirli lias lieeoinii Kiieh a staple eolor for yaehlint? purposes. These minis, with white ami red serre and the new linens, f-'ive a plentiful variety of MTVieeaUe materials ami suitable colors. The yarlititit; linen is very thiek and heavy In quality and is lnacle up exactly as if it were wool. Kvery eoneeivahle va riety of shirt waist, Mouse and vest, from u picturesque frilled ehitfoti concoction to a simple shirt waist of chamliray, is worn for inornini; as well as afternoon dress. A very "smart" yachting pnvii of Muo llllen, made with the rej.rllhlllotl coat ttlid wiilu revers, lias a shirt of white batisto Btriped with red rihlion. Kows of stitch ing finish th(M'dj,'e of the coat and trim the skirt. A s.'eoml gown Is made of the orthodox blue serge, and the waistcoat is of plain nil cloth cut tiulit lilting and opened over u vest of white cloth, barred C M STUIKINli IX KKSIOS. Bcrnssv. ith lines of red and blue. Tlio vvhlc sailor collar is also of white, rducd with the same colors. .Another gown, odd and striking In design, is made of white, F.crgu, with n full skirt trimmed with rev of rod and white stripes arranged on cither side of the front and around the baok to form a full basque. A short jacket of the stripe commences in front at the under anii seam and turns over In rovers fhaped pieces which form a collar nt the back. The anchors are embroidered with gold braid. Almost every style of jacket is worn cx sopt the very long ones wliich were used 111 tlio winters, and the little Kton coat is as popular as ever. Tlio Inevitable, black luiihn has found Its way onto blue linen frowns, where It is used for facing rovers nnil collars, and the Incongruous combina tion of white drill and wool serge is an other fancy of fashion. The drill is very effective for facings and vests, which should bo fastened with bright, button THIN GOWNS. Fa.thlnnalilfl Cninlin;itlmi of Mnslln or I.nim With Liter. If you have any old fashioned wido lacO collars, now is tlio accepted tlmo to bring thorn forth and wear them. Tho greater the number the better, for Instead of mnk lngono collar do for several gowns, as was formerly the rule, as many as can bo ob tained nro used for the trlinniin;; of ono costume. Ihoy form npaulets, cuffs, basques nnd yokes and am ruthlessly cut to Ixitter adapt them to tho particular pur pose for which they are used. Heavy qualities of lace are preferred, but a frrcnt, deal of Valenciennes edging ftnd Insertion Is employed to trim thin stuffs, such as muslin and lawn, for which guipure and kindred makes would bu too coarse. Kcru or yellow laco with white goods Is a fashionable combination and (rives a pleasing effect for a change, espe cially if tho white material Is thin and is made up over a lining of the wmio color ns tho Ineo. Whito muslins are shown hav ing a small embroidered dot of pink, blue, lavender, yellow or black, and these, too, ftro charming over a tinted lining. Tho costumo may lie m constructed that tho lining is separate from tho muslin, which of urso Nimplilles the laundering of tho TAFFKTA UOWtf. . latter nnd glws tho gown a wider useful ness. Several pretty ways of making mns lln costumes are seen. In some eases tho full uulliied skirt is ntted to tho hips by means of 11 sort of yoke composed of rows of shirring, the puffs lieing separated by Lands of lace iK-adlng, t hrough which nnr tow rlblmns aro run. Moro often a laco edged flounce, Is sewed nround tho lower part of a plain skirt to slmulnto a round orpolnbud oversklrt. Tho round bodico is full nnd is gathered In nt tho waist un der a belt. It Is decorated with a bertha, hretolles or a searfliko trimming, or it may bo muilo with a yqko or crossed ovor 41 ' serpentinn fashion, Kllxiw sleeves nro j often Keen, although the unlined gigot s'wvenpix'arson many transparent gowns. Of course, when short sleeves are u.vil for out of door costumes, it is necessary to wear gloves long enough to meet them. Silk Is greatly favored for summer at tire nnd in ,tlie thin vaVietles Is appropri ate enough, but jmiliu and peau tie soiu seem rather too thick and llrui for warm Weather wear. However, they aro worn, witness tlie costume of which n sketch is given. The first skirt is of pale green talVota covered with white lace; the second, of peau lie solo to mutch, trimmed with black moire and caught up on the left side by black moire ribbons. The blousccorsago isof peau tie soli' ami i mutinied on a black moire yoke. The epaulets, tlgaroand belt lire of white lace, the slctvve puffsof black nioiro nnd the deep cull's of peau tie sole. Jkdk: ClloLLUT. WOOD CARVING. A l'rotty nnil Very llusy Variety Is tlio Sunk t iirving or liiliiifliu. Intaglio or sunk carving Is extensively used for furniture, especially for finishing off those parts which are t'u be ornamented mid not too expensively. To do this Tho Art Interchange directs ns follows: Take u good nicely planed panel, and having "placed" the design then with a small gouge cut into the wood. ThlsililTi rs from ordinary carving, just as steel engraving or etching ilill'ers from wood engraving. As you go on have a piece of putty by you to press into the incision, and by thus tak ing proofs see how well you are cutting. This is the most cleanly of all cuts. It may be practiced with care in a drawing room. When finished on dark wood, the' effect may be heightened by taking gold paint or powder mixed with gum water and touching up the inside of the cutting. White, red and lljjit blue or yellow paints are also employed for such a purpose. In far ing a pair of bellows one side maybe ill relief. That which is to hang against tlie wall should be iu intaglio. With a little prael ice Intaglio can bo executed as rapidly as one can sketch with a pencil anil as easily. In carving intaglio many hold the gouge in the left hand and hammer it with tlie palm of the right. To carve a casket or box do so while it is in pieces or apail that is, make it or have it made in dovetail or tailed and mitred and al'twr ci.rving join it together. This rule should I.,.) followed as regards brackets or any other articles in pieces. Many beginners give themselves a great deal of needless trouble by working on made up articles. There are many things which can bo made elegant by carving. An ordinary wooden bowl, such as is used in many kitchens, when carved in relief resembles tlie ma.er bowls which were so much v .il .;t'il during the middle ages. Holly is an exquisite wood for this pur pose. When linislied, the whole bowl may be stained to a rich brown color. Then with a camel's hair brush, using the great est possible care to prevent thedarker lluid from spreading over the lighter, paint in tlie ground with ebony stain or very good jet black ink. Apply two coats of the lat ter, the second after the lirst is perfectly dry. Then when quite dry oil the whole. Hollywood spoons are pretty when deli cately earved. Panels can be made up into chests, cabinets, boxes, backs of chairs, dados or wainscots or doors. With very thin panels you can cane an album or book cover. If they arc very broad and thin, split it carefully into two pieces or Inuke it of two such pieces and glue thcin together after carving. A I'r t?y and Attractive t51nl Tho gold.tinch is a pretty little bird, about l inches in length, and witli a thick, conical bill, very sharp nt the tip. Its plumage is beautifully diversilled with black, red, golden yellow and white. It is a favorite cage bird on account of its soft and pleasing song, its liveliness and the attainments which ir, forms lor those who feed and caress It. It is also very in telligent and can lie taught to perform many amusing trick, such as to ring a bell whenever it requires attention and to drag a little wagon with food in it up mi in clined plane into its cage. A favorite trick with trainers is to teach the bird to raise water for 'itself in a bucket the si.eof a thimble from a little well underneath tho cage. All this it learns very easily. The goldfinch is u common bird in Great Britain and many parts of North Amur- fig;,' fJl " mmm .! .,e TIIK liOI.tH'ISnt. lea, is found throughout Kurope nnd In some parts of Asia. It, feeds on various Heeds, especially those of the thistle, of w hich It is very fond. The nest, of this pretty bird Is made In a hi dgo or bush unit Is remarkable for its extreme neatness nnd tho silkini hS of its lining. The eggs lire four or five in number, bluish white, with a few spots and lines of pale purple and brown. Clilcki iny, ( lilekciny, Crany Crow, "Cldeki my, cliickeiiiy. crany enm I Went to tho well In wu-.li my tin !" Oh, the lillss of tlio breezy dnyl flh, tlio scent of the blooming Mnyl Oil, till) mics where the siiulinlil shone! "When I got buck my chicken was gnnc!" Illngctli it out In tlie hliwm and the glow, "CMi'licniy, clilckciny, crany crow!" "Ohiekcmy. clilckciny, crany crmvl Went to thf well to wash my tin 1" Oh, the prltln nnd tlio joy ami gnico Of careless awngger and smiling facrl Oli, tlie triumph of on and on! "Wliea I gut hack my clilekon una gone!" Shrill nnd sweet a? a ti'iiiiiK t'n Mow, "Chickcniy, clilckciny, crany crowl" "Clilc.kcinj, chlckcniy, crany crow! Went lo il well to wash my loci When I buck my lilckun wiei gone!" Oil. tlio delight nf the fears that ilawtil "Cliickeiiiy, ehlckemy. crimy crow!" Follows tho question fierce, and low. While tho train pulls up with a vontiire- sonio switch, "What is tho thno hy your clock, old witcjir" F-xchuniTR. IT'S A IKSL1ST0KE About a young nan's nock to bo u sufferer from ner voni exhaustion, ner vous debility, impair ed memory, low spirits, irritable tem per, and the thousand and oiiodornngcmunta of mind unci body that result from, unnatural, pernicious habits, contracted through ignorance. Buch habits retult in loss of inanlv nowor. wreck tho constitution and sometimes pro duce softening .of tho brain, epilepsy, pa ralysis, nnd ovon dread insanity. To reuch, re-claim and restore Buoh un fortunates to health and happiness, is the aim of the publishers of a book written in plain but chaste language, on tho nature, symptoms and curability, by homo treat ment, of such diseases. This book will be tent sealed, in plain envelope, on receipt of. ton cents in stamps, lor postage. Ailiiross, World's Dispensary Medical Association, 0W jftttliiBt., uunuio,n, An Extraordinary F.xploilr. Among tho most wonderful and dnn RoronH of nil explosives is iodide of m trogeu. For many years chemuits hayo been trying to cV tennino itu pvooiso composition, nnil in iloiiiR soluivosonm timus fairly taken their lives in their hands, for the substance explodes on tho slightest provocation. A moro draft of air ptissing over it will cause an explo sion. Tlio hist shock or friction is equally disastrous. Hut Dr. Py.nhay of Budapest has not been deterred by any dunger from trying onco inuro to ascer tain what tlio iodiilo of nitrogen con tains, although ho lias hud soiuo of his apparatus pulverized in tho winking of an eye. Anil ho l.us succeeded, too, in his attempt, havinn recently establishoil tho fact that tho extraordinary explo sive, which ho produced in tlio form of a lino powder, contains hydrogen ns wi ll as ioilino and nitrogen. This fiu.'t had been suspected, but never proved. To thi) general reader it might seem hardly worth while to risk one's life in order to lind out a thiitg like that, but to tho man of seienco, devoting, all his energies to investigations that tho busy world never dreams of noticing, tho dis covery of such a fact is us thrilling as tho finding of a gold nugget would bo to n half starved mintir. And his reward itf (rveater than that of tho fortunato gold seeker, for his name goes upon tho honor roll of seienco to bo read perhaps hundreds) of years in tho future. Youth's Companion. Milllouairo With No l'ailli In Wills. P. I). Arimmr, tho inillionairo pack er, Ktvolleil into tt dining ear on tho St. Paul load tlie other day in bin usual breezy and wholesome, way. Tlio train t'omluetor emtio along, nnd Mr. Annum' handed over a comnmtatiim ticket to bo punched. Though ho lias a desk full of iiiimtal passes, ho never travels on a pass, even on roads of which ho is a di rector, 'i'l'.o lnilliouriii'o was bound for tho homo of hiit ton, V. D., Jr., at Oco liomovoi', v.-lvro ho tpciuls wliat few houM ho can tipnro from his business ilnring tho unnimer mouthy. After ho had given tho waiter his order Mr. Ar niour Uu'iicil to chat witli a friend. I To is a great talker tiinl keeps at it all tho time. "Yes-," ho raid, "if Ilivoafew years lo::;:er, ns I liopo to do, I shall tlio a comparatively pm r man. To my two sun:t 1 am turning over my fortune as fast, us they thowiibility to handle it. 1 don't tell you thiit for tho purpose of talking about my money, but to show you just win to I stand. I want to seo my money eared for whilo I nm alivo to direct the boy,'.. lain doing now what Field nnd tho others aro wailing to do nt their deaths. Thero can bo no squab ble over my estate in tho courts alter I am gone, as tho estate will be compar atively small. Tlio two boys nro shoul dering it rapidly, and tl ey aro demon titrating their ability to caro well for it. " Chicr.go Times. Died of Horror. A few mornings ago some herders on tho Clay Hank ranch, lying north of this place, camo across tlio body of a man lying in a lilllo hollow among sumo rocks. About his neck was coiled a largo rattlesnake, while another huge monster had crept iu tit the open collar of his llamiel shirt. The men attacked the lirst snake nnd killed it without bo ing aware i.f the presence of the second, but when one of tho party tried to slip his hand under the shirt in order to as certain if tin' man was really dead the snake raised its head and struck at him, giving him only time to hastily snatch his hand out of reach of tho creat lire's fangs. (in examination it was found that the man had only been di .ad n lew hour-, and from his healthy uppc;n"inee it is believed that ho lay down to sleep in lite hollow when the snakes, crawling from tho rock heap close at hand, had coiled themselves about him for warmth, tho nights hero being still cold. The body indicated no bite from tho reptile:', and the man's wide open eyes, full of it silent horror, give t'ni impression that he woke to find the snakes upon him and died of tenor. Tlio man was ile ci ntiy dressed and had a silver watch with the initials "W. J." engraved on the imiir side of the case. Del Rio (Tex.) Dispatch. Kilting and Working. Big eaters are seldom great workers. People who cat more than is needed to repair (he w.-vde and nourish the system fcpi nd the vitality in tlie processes of di gestion that otherwise might bo devoted to muscular or mental work. Nature is wise. She gives the greatest help to the hardest worked organ. The glutton is put to sleep after each repast by hav ing tho blood belonging to the brain sent down to holptho crowded stomach. Some of the grandest work in literature and art and noino of tho greatest vic tories in history lav'.) been won by men under the pressure of hunger. Thinkers, singers and lighters think better, sing sweeter and hit harder when they are a tride hungry. Overeat ing is a tremendous mistake. The sys toni only digests tho liest , material, and tho amount: meded that is, about sev en pounds of fm.d, all told, in SI hours. Tho rest is rejected. Then, too, people who gorge themselves show it. Matter predominates over mind; great corpora tions, double chins, overhanging cheeks nnd precipitous hips aro grown. They have tullnwlikn flesh and look and act like nniniahi. Give the stomach and heart as little to do ar, possible by ra tional eating and regular exercise, nnd the brain will accomplish tho tasks that business, professional nnd domestic life impose. Now York World. Mothsrs! Mothoml! Sfothtrtlll Mrs.W'inslow's Soothiug Ryrup has beou used for over fifty years by millions or mothers for their children whilo teething;, with perfect success. It soothes tho child, Boltons tho litnnB, allayn all pniu; curui wind colic, and is tho best remedy for di nrrhnm. Sold bydingaists in every part of the world, lie sure nnd ask for "Mrs. Wiuslow's SootuitiK Syrup," and take no no other kind. Twenty-live cents a bot tle. . . Dn. Wood's Norway Pine Syrnp waa used for years as u prorrlptiua by a uc cessful physician. It Is in all respects the beat eolith uivdicitlo mado today, bold by all dealers ou n guarnutee of satisfaction. When Tiahy was nick, we gave her rnstortn, Whon she was a (Hilld, she cried fur Cnstorla, When she became Mlm, sho chins to Castorla, When sho had Chili U-ou, sho gavo thdu CastorUv WEAK MEN your attention lircut Kugllrih Ronivcly, Gray's SpsciQc Medicine tt IF Vflll SUFFER 'rom Ner- k-ihih. uiu utui - - voiin w b lity, Weakness ol Bjily nnd Mind, Sperma torrhea, nnd Inuiotiiney, anil all iliHeanea that arisu from uviir iiidulgoiicii nnil self iilaise. an Loss of Memory u lid Power, Dimness of Vis iiiu, l'remntiirn O.il A;o and many oilier ills esses tlmt lend to bisiinity or ( unsiimptiou and an earlv grave, wrilelor a pnmplilet. Ailiiress liftAY MI UU'INK I.U.. Hiill.il.). N. Y. Tho Specilln Meilieiue la sold hy all driiL'tflsts nt 8 per iiai'kaxu, or six luickaiii-s tor Jfi.orwoit by mail en I'lieeipt ot money. anil with every J.r.(m order fk CUARA iTKh a cure or money refunded Cf-iin neeoimt of eouiiterleits wn Imvo ailoiteil the Yellow Wrapper, the only gouu ine. bold in berautoa bv Alal thews liros. Dr. ID. Grewer The Vlill.iiletplii-i FpeclnPat, and his nsoelatoi) staff of Kindisli ami flennnn phvaie'nns, are now permanently located nt tl Sl'ItLCK ST., KCKWTON. The doctor fa a graduate nf the University of Pi'iinsylvnnin.forinei ly ileuioiistrnter of iii vai oloi'y und Hiirgerv at 'the Jieilieo Chlriiriiieiil College of I'hikilelpliln. A apeejiilty of Clirmiie, Nervous, Sliin, Heart, Womb and lilood tlineiisea. DISEASES OF THE HERYOUS SYSTEM The Rymptoins of which aro dizziness, lack of coiiHilejn-e, sexual wenknesH iu men iiuii wo man. bull rising in the tliront, s,o!a (Uniting before the eyes, liisficf memory, unable to eon ccntrute the mind ell one aub.io.'t, cisilv ftartled when snildeiily spoken to. and dull, ilistressi'd minil. wlileli iinllts them for per. foimiui the actual ilntlrs ef life, loakiiitr ban- I pini'ss impossible: iti.tre.sii g the net ion nf the heart, i'husiih; llich of heut, depression of Hpirila, evil for, boitinus, eowanliej, fear, ; ilreams, nielani holy, tire easy of company, feeling as t ind in tint morntm: an when ivtir- I ing. hick of cie-rcy, nervoiiHiiess, tre.ubliui;, ', conl'iiHion of t!teii(,flit, itepression.eonstiteitioii. wer.k'iesn of the bnilis, et Those s, nlVeet 'd nil. mill consult us iuum diately and be restor- i ed to perfect health. LOST MANHOOD RESTORED, Weakness of Youiif Jleu Cured. If you have been (jlven up by your pliysieian call u on tho doctor anil be examined, lie cures Hie worst cases of Nervous I ie!,j lit y. Scro fula, I Ud Si i'i's.i 'at.'irrlil'iies.l'eiicili. Weakness, Al'rVetions ot tlm Kye. liar. .Vw and Throat, Asthma, lientie ss, 'I'uniors. Cancers anil Clip pies of eiery deseriptioii. Consultutions fi-eo and strictly snored nnd cnnlldential. utiiee houra daily from Utt. in. toll p. in. Sunday II tu in bb sir PAIN CURtD IN AN INSTANT. Let Hal way 'i Heady Keller lie uneil on the 11 rut Indication of l'nln or t'lieiinlncaii; If threatened with DUeuM) or Slvlineaa, the Cure will be made lieiovn the family diii'tor wonlil ordinarily veaeli tlie house. Cl'ItKS THE W'tVtST PAINS iu from ono to twenty minutes Not one hour after read ini; II, it advertisement nee.l any one iUi' IEU WITH PAIN. ACHES AND PAINS For hoadac'in fwh"ther nick or nervous!, t lothacho, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbiuo, nalns nnd Weukmas iu the had;, spin' or Kidneys, rains annual the liver, pleurisy, Hvelliuof the jniniH n ml pains of all kinds, til- aiipbeiit on of Hallway's Id aiiy Kelief will nfford aniuediat.'e'in-, and its continued use lor a few days t II cl a permanent euro. A CURE FOR ALL Dysentery, Diarrhea, Cholera Morbus, A half to n teaspoonfid of Iter.d', Iteliof in a halt t iinihler of water, repealed an oflon lis thodmcharp s continue, and a llaunol aat united with heady Kelief placed over tho Bioiiineh ami bov o's will afford lmmodinto relief and ma n olt-et a ear '. Internally--.i half to a tenspoonful in half a tumbler of water wi 1, in n few minutes, euro Ci'Hinps. H asms. Sunr Ml oaiaeli.NniiH a, Veiuitin, Heart biru,' rvousnc.-ei, Mceie IcssnefN, Sick Ileadailie, Flatulency and ull Internal mhm. Aliiliuin in Ita ViirioiiH I ei iim Cured and ITevi'llleil. I hero in not a rcMiedlal ,i.rency in the world That, will cure leyer and iikiih and nil other mnlarinii'., h IIoiih and all other levers, allied by HAuWAY's I'll I, .si ipuclily as UA1J WrtY'S KKAUY HE1.1KF. TravuloiH slioiild always cprry a hottlo of Hallway's Heady Itelief wiln them. A few drops In water will prevent swluiesnor pains train change of water. It 1 better than French brandy or bittern as nstiuiuiaiit. Miners nnd lumbermen sluiulU always bo provided with it. Price Ml cents per bottle. Sold by ail druff gistH, am heli'blf. purely veietm, Perfoe.tly tnsteleaa, olei;autlv nontnd.purBe, recnlnto, purify, cleanse and BtreuL'then. i RADWAY S I 1U.H for tho cure of nil dis orders o' the Htomaeli, l'e'i-els, hidn-ya, Bladile , Nonrous Diseaius, Dzaness, Var tlK'o, C'ostivenoi'S, Piles, SICK liKADACIMO, l'EMALU COBirijAINTS. HI MO USX ESS, INDIOKSTION, DlfSl'KI'.SlA, CONSTIPATION and Ala- i)isi)itin:Ks Ot1 TIIK L1VKR, Observo the tollowhiK syniptnms r,miltinu from diseii'.eH of tlio digesiive oi'Kaus' Con Htipiitlun. Inward pilei, fullness of blood in tho bead, aeniity of the stomach, nausea, heiirtlmrn. dliuuiit of foo l, ludueasof w eli'ht or the Htomneli. noiir eruelatiotin, aiiikiHKor fluttering of the heart, clink nK or ulloeat- iiir neiiHiitiena when In a lyuin posture, ilun nm of vision, dots or wolw b, fore tho si'lit, fover Hint dull paiu iu tho h ad, deficiency of perspli ation, yellowneiia of tile skin and eyi'H, pnin In the Bide, cliOHt, limbs, and Biul dell Hindu's of heut. buruiuir iu the flesh. A fowdciKenof HAD WAY'S 1'IL, .8 will free the eyatiim of all tho abuve named dlsorUuis I'rloo 83c, per liox. Held by drncKthta or sent bv mall. Rntid to DR. RAILWAY & CO., Lock Box lliiu, now XurK, tor HoeK (I Advloo. fr.WW I J C"tnilf Willi plaleil fttl wlwcll, ti Vtcu f iwn. kntl nm pc fitttin b nt huntlo. M vl nf hmt mnt- PHlildj'trnl. I tiMUMT I'AHMno luomT rvnulrcltB ItdVtnM.TS.il'JIaiu. Mount 14 Ohlfitifi-I WxknH J favSr Yun,l',l,ar,y,,w- WkilMll Boihiu(tlnt whl 'ftum. WIU1T. 1 1")-At fr ir Urr FW.i tUuMm4 ttulom oftkif lllmiBDlilTUl l.bblnhid. OXFORD MFC CO., 340 Wabuh Am., Chlvigo, Ul. A Summer Complaints, -M-'..rt E. Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturer! ot tho CelebratoJ PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, DUPONT'S 1II.NINO, HIjASTINQ AND firOUTINO llanufneturoil at tho Wapwnllopon Stills, Lu cerne county Pti and at WU uiinttuu, Delaware. HENRY BELIN; Jr, General Asent for tho Wyomlns Diitrlet. n8 Wyoming Ave, Scranton Pa, Ihlrd Natlonnl Bank Duildins. AnrNcirn. THOS. FORI). J'lilKt.m. Ta. JOHN II Jll'l'H & SON: Plymouth. Pa, IS. W. MLI.l.lllA.N, Wilkes-liHrro. l'a. Afcntn for the Itcpauna Cheinical Com tnnj'b llifli lSxpkmivea. Atlantic Refining Co. Jlanufacturora and Dealor.i In' maminating and Lubricating Llnnooil Oil, Nnpthan nnil Ga;ir. lines of nil (.Tildes. Axlo OreiisR. rinion Gretie nnd Colliery Com jinunil; also, a lnryo liuo OH Pur niftiue Whs Canillcj. We nleo hanfllo tho Fnmotw CROWI ACIdZ C1L, the only fnmily snfety burning oil in tlm ninrket. WILLIAM MASON, Mana3r. Oftico: Coal Exchanuo. Wyouilnj At orlia at i'luu llrwK. Urge Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. hunt k Shell co. milium sen ANTON, r.v. MINING andBLASTING Mode at tho MOOSIO and ' RUSH DALE WORK Iitifllin & RmuI Powilor Co.'j ORANGE GUN POWDEB Electrio Hattcrio", Fnsoi tor ntploi ing blau hnfety 1'use and RepaunoChemical Co. 's High Explosives Eemovea Frock! icHm, PlmplaiL L r JH . rjlickhoadi; V I Tn, ami ru- l k"' Liver Moloi Sunburn anil store tho eUIu to 5ts ori;;I ral frehnvii8. Droduoini o clear ami henltl'.y com-fi Tircpnm'ttoiis ami perfeetly rinrmleM. At all uruglsts,ormalleilforCOew. tieiul lor Clreulur. VIOLA 8KIM SOAP lmplr InnmiimlilK u a klii 1'iirlMnj B, iwit1iI r Iho WK wllbont rlfftl M III nurwrjr. Alwcliinly piiro axA deltoaulj wwu clod. M ilrniii, Prio 2S Cenlt. G. C. BITTNER & CO., Toledo, O. For Halo by Matthew lSroi. anil John II. Phelpn. POWDER Ms and Fertilizers MOOS C POWDER CO POWDER Complexion PrGserad DR. HEBRA'S VHAAiGREJUi m -tr -Jr if I, -- Mix ki. SUPERLATIVE AND GOLD MEDAL The abovo bra nu of flour can be had nt any of Hie following merchants, who will accept TiinTitimiNu flouu coupon of 23 on each one hundred poumU of flour or CO on each barrel ut ll.jur. f'cranton-F. I'. Prion. W'axhiiitoii aveuua I Uolil Milai liranil. Duiiuioru F. P. l'rion, OnM MnJal Urar.:!. loinmore 1'. U .Manlny. Supurlativo liran 1. llyilo I'lirk-l arwin ,te Davis, Wa'.hhurii Bt. (lohl iMnlal Il -aml; J w,li A. Meal's. Mailt Hvenne, Muiioi'lat ivo ISraril. Ori'eii lli'U'i A.I.n.'iii'iir.ilolil Metlal Brand. .1. T. Hi lh, Id, SiipiTlativo. rioviili n''e t'l'iuii'i & ijlirtpp'll. N -Main aw iiuo. Kiip'-'i lativi lirauil;!.'. J. Uille-.pi W. Markul atruot, Holil ."il - 1 1 1 HranJ. Olriihiiut-.laini'H Jonlan, Huperl.itivo Br.val Pwkvillo Sli.ill-r is Kila-T Siipertat'.v.. .IiTinvn l-'. U. Wintn i Co. Siipi'i'iiiatlvo. An Ulialil Junes, M mnann & Co.. (lohl Moihil. Carhonilalo-li. l.'hirk, liold Medal Hrand. , Ilunemlale- I. N. I'ojlur Ii Co. UoW Jlolal. ' Minookii M. H. Livullo LOUIS B. SMITH4 Dealer in Choice Confections and Fruits. BREAD AND CAKES A SPECIALTY. FINEST ICE CREAM 1437 Capouse Avenue. IRON and STEEL XOnWAY IRON BLACK DIAMOND SII.VKU ICXTK.V SPKCIATi HA. DKIISON'S KNGMSH jkssoits i:oiiisu CAS 1' STKEL lioiisu siior.s TOE CALK 'JI11I3 MACmXF.nY sruiXG SOKT BTEEL ANVILS iu;ll6av8 jioiisi: NAILS W1LKY & RUSSELL AND WELLS BROS. CUTTING MACHINEIIY. Bittonbender&Co.,S Vlioiciulo and retail dealers' in Wagonraakers' and Blacksmiths' SUPPLIED 00 That we will GIVE you bsautiful new pat terns of Sterling SILVER SPOONS and FGilKS for an equal weight, ounco for ounce, cf your silver dollars. All elegantly en graved free. A large variety of now pat terns to select from at ()7 LACKAWAWV AVKM'l "No star was ever lost we onco have seen, Wo always may ha what we might have beon," A HAPPY PATRON OF" Scranton, Pa. 2 and 23 Commonwealth Building. TRY US. "Tfl on'', '"I'll ii" Weak Momiiry, l.iisnf llruln l'ower, lu.iiil!irlie.Vukeiili,i'i. ri list MiinlxHHl, NSbtly l'nilsiliini, NorviuisiipHii.nllilni'niiiiiiil lo "I powur 1,1 ' li'iii'niilvtfOrBniiHtif citliermixeiuisoilljy over rxonlon.yoiilhiiil error. wUy I'xtHviflivniiso ot inimccn. t.EFOK AND F ftH USlrtG.uo oti.oi i "11 JL r Vmiipilnnoi iiiKiinlty. CnnliDciirrtoJ JjI7. Jiiyiinill iimpnlil. With a Slionlor w .'b'AA4ia.r.(.fiiiiil Ikpmnni'V. I'lr.'tilnrfrpu. For Sale in Scranton, Pu.,by II. C. SANDERSON, DniU, cor- VTushington and Sni'uco streets. l'irhi byC. M. HAUttlS, DnitL'Ut, EVERY WOMAN EomeUmsB nnodi rllnblp, monthly, rcnulatlnn niwllrlno. Only bnrmlwi 8x4 tlio jiuiestdruga should bo uJ. 11 jou want tho bct, get Dr. PeaS's PcnnroyaB PiSIs Thoy w prompt, ntit and certain n roeult The nninP (Dr. TmVn) nmraiaif QUilll DOUk KUJ Tl UUiU( fl,W For sale by JOHN H. PHELPS, Spvuce Street, Scranton, Pa. from ffleA. Y. Tritntnt, Kov.l,USX The Flour Awards "CniCAfto, Oct 81. Fh first official tnnouncement of World' Fair di plomas on flour bu been made. A medal lias been awarded by the World's Fair jndces to the flour manu factured by the Washburn, Crosby Co, hi the great Washburn Flour Mills, Miimrapolia. The committee reports the flour strong and pure, and entitles it to rank an first-clues patent flour for family and bakers' use." & CON fl ELL TTB0I.K8A1.K AGKNT& Taylor-.Tuihro & Co., Gold Medal; Athortop A: Co., .Suporlativ. Duryi'ii-l.ttivr.'iice Store Co., Gold Modal Mmisic John MrCrimllo, OolilMedaL l'ittntnn-M. W. O'lloylu, OoM Medal. Clark's Oreen-Kraro & Parkor, Kupnrlatlva. Clin k's i-nniiiiit-K M. Yuuiiu, Oold Medal. ti.oiau-?). a. i inn Mou, Uolil Jlodal Ilraad. No li ilsou-J. E. Harding. WaviTly-M. v.. lillss ,V- Son, (inld M"ilal. Faotnryville-Charlns Uardner, Gold Medal. I niiliottoiu- N. M. Film & Sou, Uold Medal. lohylmiina-Tnhyliaiiui Is LtlxiJ:i Lurabjr l.o, Uold Modal Hrand. Omiiikboro-H A. Adams, U'nld Modal Hraa'l Miwuow Oalne & Clements, Uold Modal. Lake Anel-Jimius A. Uortree. Oold MedaL iiorustClty-J. L. Moruan & Co., Gold Mods irAHLOP.S OPKK FROM 7 A.M. TO 11 P.M. SPECIAL ATTKNTiuN GIVKN TO SL'P (PLY1NU FAMILIES WITH ICE CHE AM. "WAGON WHEELS AXLES fiPP.INGS HUBS K POKES KIMS STEEL SKEIX3 II. It. sriKEs SCREW cranton, K! Ii "NERVESEECS, ThUwuntlrrtil risi-il fim" ftl.,llofurtllfriMilll Cnn linciirrlod In vont porknt. SF i p,rbox.fl 'r',s opium oritiiiiuiiiii, vfniou ii-rui 10 iiiuriuii., v.-,. ornor w ul vo n wrll low tfimrni-T ""': ..i., , ..ii.. ,.. a k f itrll. inns linrmunr,. . , , . in,,, , .,.,u i, ni i ill u wvti . AilitivM MiUVK KI:k,I('0., Masonic Toniplo, CB1CAU0.ILI, TWT'ifSt8' M S!',S. The only sift, snro anj a?iyfflS Ell I ft ever offorod to Ladlos, noun al riLU. rursi- 1 ' a. ,ijiuiv;jiu jVJi w XH 1'eim Atmiiua. AUUIUH A M Pharmacist, cor. Wyoming Avenue and
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