THE FCI? ANTON TRTBUNE-EDESDAT MOUXrNG. 1UI,V Severa! Summer Specials 50c. Women's Laundered Shirt Waists in a largo variety of fityles; turn-over collars and shield fronts. Reduced from iS,"c. and 29c. Womcn'sWovcii Cheviots and Shirt Waists. Several different styles and materials, tucked bad; and front. Sold earlier for s and $1.25. Jaconet Duchess A special lino, of choico styles and colorings. These hand some new lawns have been the particular favorite hero for a intuitu past and each day they are vhown adds to their opnlaiity. 12 l-2c. the yard. 'ually beautiful are I lie French Lawns and about one-third tho French price. Frinted Percales, 8c. Superior linisli and quality attractive coloring, made to sell for 12 l-2c. Lace Stripe Ginghams, 15c From Ihu best Scotch makers: brought across tho ocean to sell for 2.1c. Standard Black Hose arratueu not to crock; nor stain the feet or underwear Kvery pair not answerin;' this irunianteo may be returned and the purchase money will be refunded. 25c. the pair reduced from .'i,"e. Elack Japanese Brocaded Silks Extra quality. Price, 75o Kcgular ,l goods. ever neiore aui we snow so large a collection of Summer Goods to select from and at prices willunthe reach of all. GORMAN'S T lEYSTONE faciokyvilm;, im. A refined win ol lumn I'fct Hi 1 P. H Pfpiros for tho 'I linrmmh cours in Minin mhI Art Tf.ii litr.s' l lass ntvos bust rivpiinition fnr t'nnliiiiif. ConnniTPtul Ceiino liiclnd-s Typewriting l'usi mi.H s Tiiro.l f ,r (iradunlos. Vb:a t'(,r new illus ruted Hmilnr. K M. I.DiiMiS, A.M., Principal WAYEKLY. Annu Msnil. of PhilmlelphU. is ) iiiUK in tne Dome or ber uncle, Joan . M-n.. Dr. J. P. Conlt is recovering after an llness of u fnv d.iys. Clinrlos H. Lop, of tbe Wnverly House, mut willi painful accMsnt the other day while buying, runnings hay fork in his hand. J. (i. Carpenter returned from New loin city, where lis liud been on a visit to frit-nils. Minnie Walsh and Misg Birlh i Squlers have rotnrned a vinit to rela tives und friunds in Dunniore. Misses Stall and Emily Yost, of Philadelphia, are spendini? a few days if their vacation with their crond- luother. Mrs. A. Bedford, Miss Stella is an efficient teacher iu the Deaf Mute school Ht Danville, Ky., a position she has held for Dine year. Mis Emily hug a position in the office of the Pres byterioji at Philadelphia. Their pres tnce hero is a plextturo to n? all. MirH Lon Har.yen and Miss Derbv, of iJiuira, atter an extended trip to New York city and Trenton and Philadel phia, are the guests of Miss Hanyou's brother, Professor F. C. Hanyen. II- nry T. Koehler, register of wills, was tho Billet of his friend, J. M. Conrtrifjht, last fvitnrday. Mixses Jxnnio Ulickens. Mary Me ('ruclceti, Margaret Palmer and Mossr.,. Fred Lorinmer and Dunning Jay, of Kcranton, flr- the guests of Miss liertlia Hold at the Little Delmonico. .Mr. John Perry and sister Rntli nro viRidnif friends in Dumnnro. H v. F, II. Parson lit Id his n-gulur services nt tho Mwtho'liat Episcopal chnrcli Sunday inorriitit. OLYPIINT. Mr. and Mrs. T. E Williams, Miss May Hull, J. L. Knapp, Dr. Van Klclcle and C. S. Jones returned from Liiku OqwiKa y(Sl-rday. Mrs. liar iwira llltc'nlvr nn I km nil -fmuhtcr, Miss Dirtha Snydt-r, of Wilkes-Barrt'. nre visiting Burgess Iln chler. Miss Jennio Voyle, of this place, Is visiting hirBister, Mrs. Frank Orchard, of Cnrboudaio. C. P. O'Malley, of Scrnntoo, callud on Iriendt iu town yosterday. Mis Mary Shiwlds was in Archbald yesterday. Mrs. J. ' Millor and . d iunhtor, of Arculmld, are tho gnests of Mrs. J. Ferguson, of Lackawanna street. The Blakely Primitive Methodist church will bold an excursion to Fur view Ang 7. Mrs. VVinuio Pittew loft yosterday to risit her daughter, Mrs. Charles Law tsley, in Cm bond ale. Tun Ladies' Aid of tho Presbyterian church will meet at Mrs JI. Crippen's this aft'-rnooti, Mrs. Vaune68, of Brooklyn, is the guest of Dr. Kolley and family. Thriik ih uothing like Dr. Thomas' Eolee trie Oil to quickly cure a cold or relieve boarsHiiess. . Written by Mrs. M. J. Fel lows, Burr Oak, Hu Joseph county, Alicli. Highest of all in Leavening rowel. Latest U. S. Gov't Report ABSOIlifELY PUSE 1'ITTSTOX. Work on the long hoped for electric road through town was comm-mcud early yesterday morning. In addition to tho force ofdav laborers a niirht gang-will bo put on to push the work HH 1-jmiillv fta ttnlaihlu 'i'ha flw.inla av. peot, if everything- goes well, to have ine roaa compioieii within two weeks. uy noon ttie ro ia was torn np ns tar s Pino street. The horse cars are nnr- mitiod to run as far on each trip us me roaa remains untouched anil will continu) iulhis way until tho now road is complotod as far as Broad street. The trolley wirii will bi ex tended from the West End and the k'Ctric eais will m run tn that nnint. The cobble stones taken from betwoon tho old rails aro being piled along the w8t side of the street for the present. The apuce between the rails is being filled in with dirt unil will remain un for the present in order to allow it to Dtcoiuo somen. i he company will tlieu pave with vitrified brick. When the borough is ready to pave the street tho Traction company will then pave tile tis o feet on each nid i of the road an per their agreement with tlia borouuh. Mrs. Louis i L iuer. aueSOveur. wife of Frederick Latier, of Mill sireet, died yesterday moriiinir. She leaves a hus band and four small children to mourn her death. The luueral will tuke tilace tomorrow (Ihursdav) morninir. The remains will be borne to the Lehigh Valley station and placet on the 8 40 m. trim for WUkes-BArre. Arriv. mg at Wilkes-Liarro the remains will be conveyed to St. Nicholas' church, where the services for tne dead will be celebrated. After n protracted illness. Abh'nh S. Davenport, one of West Pittston'e best known citiz-ns. nassd hw.iv nt the family residence on Exeter street about 1 l!J o'clock yesterday morning at the age of 5."). Mr. Davenport whs the son of Simueland Levic.i Davennort. and was born in I'lvmoutu. Un to n few years ago he pnrsuml the milling busi ness when tho attack that nodod fata:- ly struck him, and as a result he was rorceu to reuuquisn Diisineas cares. He whs a nephew of Hon. John B. Smith, of Fortv-Fort. anil frn 1) i van port, a piominent resident of Ply in - oiuu. no leaves a wire and nve cim dron, one son and four daughters, to mourn bis death. The funeral will take place Thursday morning with ser vices ut me nonse ac it o ciock, niter which the remains will be taken to I'lvmontli for interment Thn Kt John's lodge, i:!3, Vtaj and Accepted iMaaons, or which be was a member, will have charge of tho funeral. Ino Jersey Central "flyer, which leaves ycranton at Vi 52. struck mid nstantlv killed a Polunder near tiie Ilcidellniri collierv Vrsierdav 'Ilia unforlunato man was n miner and win returning from work. The remains were picked up and taken to the Cork Lano lienor. They were inamded be yond recognition. Ldwin, the u year-old son of Thomas Hennur, of Oregon, while playing on the ledge of rock at the rear of the family home, accidentally fell off and tumbled to the bottom, a distance of twenty-five feet, fortunately, without breaking anv boues. He was budlv cut upabonttbo face and hands. Tbe Gas company have a gang of men at work laying gas mains on Par sonage street. The raployes of the Pennsylvania Coal cotmuuy were paid at the uriner end yesterday. Those of the lower end will be paid today. in ue puiu luuay. i All order was issued yesterday by the Lehiirh Coal comnanv eingn L.oal company ollicials to silf- . - .1 1. .11 .1 .t I nend work at all the mines for tho bal ance of the week. The order creaUd quite a surprise among the lurge nuin- a r . Ler oi employes. STKOUDSKUIiO. A marriage license was isined to Lu ther Molzgar, of Burtnnsvillfi. Hi pro-p'cti ve bride is Miss Nellie Swarts wood, of Stroudsburg. Mrs. F. J. Ga"iw has returned from Washington, N. J., accompanied by her eisler, Miss M. Anna Stiles, who will spend several weeks in town. A deed was recorded in thn rnnrl house by Mary A Evans, whoso house was recently rameu oy me ponce, trans ferrins: ber nronertv. tnnsi.stinir nf a double hmtse and lot in East Strouds hnror, to I. S. Case, of Tobvhanna. tor $1,800. It is inortiragnl for :W0. C. NV. Anule. of Brown's university. is homo on bis miinruor vacation. .Toll II S. Milletl'. of Pllil lilelnliin U visiting bis Darents, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Miller. Mrs. Georcre M. Weaver left on S it urday morning last to spend a fow weeks at Hopntcong. Miss Emm. i Hampton, of Brooklyn. is visiting tier friend. Miss Bessie Sampson, of Eiat Stroudsburg. Carbon county bud thirty-five stu dents at the Normal school dnrimr tbu year just closed. Layton Mussnllmnn.Harry Archbald, MinB Winona Shaffer and k'atin nnnu fpent Sunday in Bmgor, Mrs. Ida Walkins Hoherts and her sister, Mi8 Jonnirt Heinhart, both of Scranton, aro visiting relatives in Stroudsburg. Mms Nottie Bns'i is homo fmm Brooklyn, N. Y., nna snmmer vaca tion., She is residing in E ist Strouds burg. Y. N. Carr. of To'ivhnnnn nutnnrrar of the Lehigh and Tobylunna Lumber company's store, spiut Sunday with frinniis hero Edward Pennypac'ter. of Plilladel- Ilia, ig n uuest of the Annlomielr House. lie rodu from thn O i iWjr and intend-i returning on Ina bicycle. iJr. u. M. Keller, iiipsrinteudunt and surgeon iu chief of Il izleton hospital, is visiting bis pirenls on Main street. William Ike, tiie fcoaohman for Charles Collins, of Stroud township Who Was arrested nn u nhuro-n nf nn,.. ou Friday last In tlm nffl of the Peiioa B-foker, of Eist Strouds burg, while mulergolnj a hearing for enticing a 15-year-old girl away for immoral Dnrnoses. was a ven a ItAurinif on the second charge on Saturday af ternoon. Jadson Thomas and familv if Soranton, are visiting C B. Keller, on Main stroet. th nsrenti of Mrs Thomas. Dr. H. M. Killer. D. .ludson Thomas. Dr. T. C. Walton, li. H Klnliner and wr. ltowe lormea tnemelves into a r . . . m I . i fishing party and have gone to Swartz wood, N. Y . to try their look. At A hnalnens innntinir nf tba . Tm- carora Sooial club held in Uiller'i sum- mer uouse, the follownie tmw romu tiers were received: Miss Laura -choonovor and A. J. Zibriskie A committer comnoied of tiie Misen lilanche hiitarns, Ella Everel, Susie Beimet mid JiesHru. Do Long and bchock, were insli ueted to airango for a uncial in i ne, future. A marriage licensowns prrantnd to Allen II. Barthold. of Effort and Miss Aitneg Urecrory of (Jilb-rts. Horace lilake and wife, of Philadel phia, ure recent, arrivals at Springer Director of public safety, Abraham uuiiioriu i iiiiaiieipiiin, is nuildlng a handsome siiinne'r place at Silver lake, near innuman a b orrv Pa. Warren Dungaii, of Biugor, is shak ing "anus wiiii inoricU in town. Mill) (I Doild iind fiimile Imva r moved from Strond.simrg lo B.ilvidre J. u. Howell, wifn and children, of Wilkos-Birre, are guests of the Bur Uett tiousfi. Miss Allco B, Ilartland, of Wilkes- liirre, is tho gtimt of Miss Mae Pal mer, of Breezo L ovn, Alius Agues Daley and her cousin, ius .iinumgnam, or i'nildolphia. are iiiiiii enieriained tiv Jlrs. V. s. Yoler Miss Nelhe Gillespie, a Normal craiinate, lias been appointed to tim Freelaud, Pa., scbool at a sulary of jlo per moniii. Mm l'annie Shafer. of thin nl Ufa ia rp-juuiiig the summer with her uunt, Airs. J. A. I'rantz. ot HI. terry street, piston. Miss Nottie Brown, of A(m1mnv '.oruers, ra., is visiting Mrs. J. L Purrington, AYOCA. L. J. Baxter, attorney, spent Sunday with Wilkss-Barre friends. W. II. Manner's, the Avnen drnrriiiut who wus severely lunirsd m u runaway uuoih turjo weeks ago, is rapidly un w - - .j liiuvilli:. lie la n bi to mnU-H un n... casionnl visit to his storn i The Missionary socioty of the L iug- tiiii'j iresnvier an r mri'i. ivi w i.i their month V social tnimirr.inr niirlif aiiurs. ue. rier s. A mnr. u vin vited to attend. Charles Iloban, of Plains, called on Avoca friends ou Monday. Ihe Tiuintera upu lin.u tit- nr...'n I ' J .ujj vu Uii UA.UI J B uuiuuii and rectory. rrank Healev. of West Arnen baa accepted a position as sexton for Rev, rauier voitey ot Uarboudalo. ilartm I-arrell, of Scranton, and M. At. 1'lirral. of Pill ail -lnhin uraru n. guests or b r. Herbert ye'sterday. mm. i.icuarn ueerg.ot Hiciimondalo who has boon tho gu.Bt of Mrs. Jacob Webster rtiirine the nast wnk ra mmed homo yesterday. ueorge Dixon gnent Sunday with iriHinls In AlHlvale. P. II. Mc(4e.. L. T, D fin Attiinont proiessor ot Niagara university, is the i:uest or wuiiam J. Healev, of West Avoca. Join JMoruhan Tunn. n,1n. William Healey attended the game of unii in ncraniun on Monday. the Misses Klin. (l'T,,ll n r lfm,4i. Morton and Margaret Aikman were in Pittston attending to business ou Mon- uay. Mr. and Mrs. Cimrlea Aikman, of this place, spent lust evening with their Uuightor, Mrs. William White, of Moosic. Monday evening the unhnnl iHnin,. mot at No. 1 school and appointed the louowiiig corps or teachers: Principal Charles Hoben, of Plains; Mary Kear ney, Lvdia J. Connor, Alice Monuhan u. uuinir, iiiice luonall vi.ia a. uibiions, Ella U Alulley, Agnes - onaiian, ina i.'urraii, JIarv Ma ! ri.. n I 17 1 I .. t m. J loney and Ella Qniun, all af Avoca. Jijv. George iJrice visited Pittstou menus on Monday. Prayer meeting tonight at the Lang ciute church. A cordial invitation is extended to all. The conncilmoi should p iy a linU attention to t!i sidewalks on North Main sireet us they are in a very poor condition at pr-sent. Allen MncUmald, of North Main s, is spending the week at Lake V niola. The Helping II, nd Mission band will iioki a meeting at the Primitive Motbo out cnnrcii tomm-row night, All the mem ners are r,qn stud to In present. William Green, of Brooklyn, N. Y. who is visiting his parents in Moosic pleased tho congregation of the Pros prtenan church on Sunday uight by suigiuy u auio. Cure for Headache. As n remedy tor nil forms of Headache Electric Hitlers lias proved to be tbe vory best. It olTocts a permanent euro and tho most dreaded habitual nick headaches yield to its inlluence. We urge nil who aro ulllicted to procure a bottle mid pive this remedy a fair trial. Jn cases of habitual constipation Electric Hitters cures by civ ing the needed tone to the bowels, anil fuw rases long resist tho use of this medicine. Try It once. Largo bottles only Fifty cents at Matthews liros'. drug store. CARH0XDALE. Frank P. Duncklee. of Pittslon.speiit Monday evening with friouds in this city. Mrs. W. J. Parry ond sop, "Robbie, nre visiting friends iu Dnndaff. At tne m-eting of the school board on Monday evening the following teachers applied for situations and were occepted: II. J, Hockenherry, Maybert Hunter, Hattlo ilutuhins! Amelia Ponckert, Kstie Pace. Anna Murphy, May Pengelly, Lucy Josliu. Alice Rashleigh, Junot Brydon, E iz beth Thomnson. May Rdl 1 lie Shorrer, Jennie Fox, Catharine Jay Anna Kosengrant, LiUliau Jono.i, Amu Dunstan, Lillio Mullady, Katie Lyng, Lizzie Walsh, Anna Loftns, Mary Coo tran, B. T. Gavin, Nora Murpny, Alice Connor. Anna B'rry, Lyda Giliuartin, Dnrkin. Alex Bionnan.omployed at the Hmd rick Mauuf ictiifiiig company's works, received injuries yonerday "afternoon while on duty which will disable him for some time. Fmnk Berrv has ncceptol a sitnition with Munn & Avury at the Palace creamry. Mrs. W, D. Evans and two ions are visiting frieuds in Royal. Miss Luna Bronaon entertilnarl a party of friends at her borne at Canaan street on Monday evening in honor of uer guesr. miss uvelyn tattiJ. of Sid ney, N. Y. Miss Kate Bvrne. of Wanhinirtnn street, is on a visit to New York city friends. Dr. S. & Shields lrt yesterday for Niagara Falls to attend tbe annual convention of the American Association "f Railway surgeo i , wiiicli will be bel l at the Intoi'iinlio lal ho. el at that Jllace. 1 O.i Monduy evenin,' Mr. in I Mrs. C, C. Porter, of Silem ayonuo, appropri ately celebrated the fortieth anniver sary of their marring.). AKCHHAU). The excursion to Farview of the Knights of Father M itliew on Monday was a great success. About a thousand people went over the mountains and had a pleasant tunn at the popular re sort. The most intoreitiusr feature of the excursion was the band computl 'ion. Guth'g baud of Scranton and CilizMis' band of Jermyn competed for tho tint prize, a gold 'medal and SjiW. Tne Citizens' nand won by a margin of 10 points in mi) Tua Emt Side band bad uo competitor for tbu secoud prize, $15, and it was awarded to them. Pro- tossor Al. xinder. of the Ninth lt-gi-inent band, of Wilkes-Rirre, was mljii liicalor. The day was spent very pleasaut'.y and the excursion was most profitable from a financial point of view. Too funeral of tho late Patrick Ma hadv takes plact) from the residence of his mother at 10 o'clock this morning. Mr. Muhady's death was due to par alysis, resulting from a fail ha sai tained about a woek ago. The de ceased was born hero and was about. 25 years old. He was a brother of Mrs. William Brennan, jr., of this plnco.and W. II Muhady, of CarboinluUt. He was widely known on accouut of his rare poo ! n itnro and cheerfulness and his death will b generally regretted. Miss Jennie Kinney.of tho East Side, was married at 1 o'clock yesterday af ternoon to Michael Lvons. of Hill Street The ceremony took nlaeo in St. Thomas' church and was witnessed I y many friends ot the voting couple. Rev. T. J. Comerford officiated, Tiie bride wore a bountiful dres of white corded silk trimmed wilh lace and hat to iu itch. The bridesmaid, Misj Kuie Piuldoti, a cousin ot the bride, wore white cashuiere,trimnied with luce and a whito hat similarly trimmed. The uroom was attended bv hi i hrnthnr John Lyons. After the marriage the bridal parly drove to Crystal lake. Un their return a reception was bold ut tho homo of tho bride's parents, where lilnnv called to nonpratnlurn thnm Both young people are well known und every ono hopes their wedded life will be one of happiness. IIAUSTEAI). Fannie Simtnrell visited Bitiirhnmton to-lay. W. II. Duizan. nctini? na r Ynresa and ticket ngout in the depot in this place, caught a bass in the buquehantia river last evening which weighed -1 pounds and 3 ounces. Mis E lith Perigo. of Binnruamtoii. who has been visitiuor Airs. .Tnnob Brown, has returned home. Mrs. Charles Lawronco and son Tim. jamin, are vi&itiiK friends in Conkliu. airs, nomer njoinsou is visiting friends in Afton. Remember the ice cream festival on the river bank opposite the resideno of Dr. Lamb Saturday evening, July SI. Mr, and Airs. John Simpson visited Binghauitou yesterday, U;rtrulo Bead is visitinir Afton friends. MrB. Fred Rsss was visitincr friends in Foster yesterday. At Bmahauiton. N. Y.. on Sitnrdav July 15, occurred tlm marriage of Ar thur E. LaUar and Miss Mmnie Valon tine, both of this plac. The eeremony took place at the Chenango Street Methodist Episcopal p irsonage. Thomas Heath, of Montana, is visit ing at tho residetico of (ieori:e Wilcoit ou Clinsj avenue. Abraham Benjamin, of Duryea, is visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. liel'J mini. I he pay car visited this nlace yester day. William Adams visited New Milford friends yesterday. trod Snow is the bnppy father of a young son. Marthor Hill, of New York cltv. is visiting Mrs William Hill. Mr. and Mr, Michaol Dolan, of Brookdale, spent Snndsy with friends iu town. Clmrles Burt, of Bitiu'liamton. is vis iiing bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Low -. Secretary Adair, of tho Railroad Yonng Men's Christian association. visited Bitigli imton yesterday. Carrie Snmmertoii. who has bnnn visiting friends in F.ictoryville, has re turned home. I'lilKVILLK. On nnl nfter Wednesday eveninir. JtllV IS. the following merrbantn trill close their respective places of business at 7 o'clock every evening until further notlce.Sittirdav uiu'hU. nav tiiuhti nml one night after pay excepted: O-orge a. Bull, drv (roods and croeeries! Shaffer & Kizir, general store; S. W, Arnold, hardware; Roberts Bros., pro cerus; E. W. Squires, hardware; E E. Uuuuer & Son, uroceries. . , IIOXESDALE. The parade of tlieR d Men Mnn. day evening drew a large crowd ot p-o- pie out on tho streets. The parade was uniiiutt and did luunli credit to the Rid won. inv principal roatuves were the mounted horsemen iu the irarb of the red skins: the Jlonesdale Cornet hand which rendered excelhnt niURic: 1 iruo float, on which tbe tent whs pitched and tho fire was burning. A long procession of men carrying Chi- neso lanterns followed, Fireworks marked the line of the parade. Tho R"d M-'lt ai'Min imrade'l the street Saisapiullla is carefully m enai ed bv esnei ini 1 I vl tffl pbarmaeists from Saisa- t,M parnia, Hanilelion, Jlan 'id drake, Iloek.ripsissewa, Juniper Berries, and other well known vegetable remedies. Tim Combination, Pro portion nml Process are Peculiar to Hood's Sarsnparilla, giving it strength ami curat ivo power Peculiar to Itself, not pos sessed by other medicines. Hood's arsaparilla ures Scrofula, Salt liheimi, Soros, Boils, 'imples and all other affections caused by Impure blood; Dyspepsia, Biliousness, Sick Headache, Indigestion, Debility, Catarrh, heiiniatlsin, Kidney and Liver Com plaints. It is Not What wo Say, but what Hood's Sarsnparilla Does, that Tells tlm Story Hood's Sarsnparilla URES Hood's Pills are geiitio, mild and ettccUvft w Troon It a3 FACE LIB Bill Bloody Water Oozed Oat Constantly. SuflerlnKs were Terrible. No I'euce luy or Night from Itching and Hunilnjj. Doctors Fulled. Cured by CUTICUKA. My child's disease, which was the worst Itlnd ....,,..,.,,,,,,Ii.1,,.xr,liuarilli;wlll.111 i . i . . uracil Htl Lllll piHir little fellow bad no prate nii-ht onlay. Then it started on the o.lier cheek und eliin, until all were raw as a piueu of beet bum:, like a burn where von would rul oil tbe nkin, in,l bloody water ouiod out con stantly. Ui HtUleriiiK were ten- I ., 1 tic) his lianda that Ih! mild inn scratch, then ho would rub bin poor little, check fill lliv ... ....I. intense Itching. I had as rood a doctor as was in I'liilaileli'lna, but he lail 'd to relieve him. I read of the Ciitii tiia l:!:.Mi;nna, ami at linen pun h i.scd tiicm. Strange to say, tlmt vrnini)ht if rrittnl without scratching bis face, ami Irian that on he improved and tniinmimnlirrlynirrtl, I woulil like anyone MirlV.Minii from ibis lernhln disease to see my hoy now; hio eomplcxion isim clear and Hieooth :w can be. 'I bis is an unso licited testimonial, ami every word is true. I thank iod fur my child's recovery, and I thank Ihu uiuutilacturcr ol Ci m i ua. Mim. K. S. (I.AMRf.R, 8K! N. Korty-sccond St., l'liiludclihia. HTfnuni umrivir urn Aiid havn etTccted the most wonderful cures of torturintr and disllirurini; skin and scalp diseases ... imiiiiin timi i-Muiiicii ever rccoriicu. jncy afford instant relief, penult rest and sleep, ami iioint t.ia ilvciire when the best iliysicians, tosjiiuls, and all other methods (ail. hold tlirom-hnnt llm world. Price, Cmrtiu, Mc; Siue, ;e. ; Uksdi.vit, Jl. I'ottkii Ukuu ANn('in:)i.(:iiiti'.,(io l-roprk-lors, Kiutn. -"llow toCurulSkiii liisuasus," tuaiifd frre. BABY'S Hkln and Hi aip purllicd und beautified by Cuticuha ioAr. Absolutely pure. BACKACHE, STRAINS OrowlnR pains, and weak, ncsses, relieved In one minute by tho Ctitlcurn Anti i'nln 1'lanter. Dm firit and only Instantaneous, imiu killbiB plaster. Tuesday morning in their emblematio regalia. Fourteen car-lo.tdn of i-xcur-siotiists left Honesdale for Lake Ariel. r. A. Loiisarr lett yesterday for Ling unmton, Boston and other DomtB. Miss Alice Florey. of Scranton, is vismug ora uunneii nt Seeleyville. Paymaster H. B. Snviinr. nf tim n.d aware and Hudson Cnnal company.und xrucey m. lerwiiliger, or Koudiut, were in nonesunie yesterday. MIXOOKA. Mrs. Roland Davis, of Qmenwood. will leave this morning with her brother, 1 homas Morton.of Ilvile Park. for Now York city from which point they will take tin ste.imir for Linn. shire, England, and will De absent for .. ... ' it H. IHW Ill'llllllfl. Toil Anderson, of Grofnwontl lnuv..H 4t. t.. .... ; . a it mis morning tor iNdW Xoilc city on A pleasure trip. An infant daughter of John Fooney, of Main street, died yesterday morn ing. Interm-.nt will ba nude tomor row iu Minooka cemetery. Elmer Davis, of Greenwood, son of liauc Davis, wlnU picking berries Mon day in the woods near Tmklepaw's, stooped over at a bush when a huge snnlte iapod on ms shoulder. Tho boy instead of getting excited retained presence of mind stifiijieut to realize his danger and quickly knocked the repine oil wiui bis Hand. The snake, he says, was about four feet louir. tiual preparations are being made for the keg fuud nicuio which will on cur on Monday at tho Greenwood grove. Nothing remaius to be done but to erect the stands, which will be finished by Siturday night. i Tho Maflnvers B.isii 1! ill elnh will hold a grand social at Temperance II ill ... ... . iuoniiay, evening, wniun wilt be ouo of the leading events of tho season. The local Democrats are already bo ginning to send candidates for dele gates into the tiiild. Rev. John Loughran is able to be around ones more as well as ever aft.T a painful period of indiiposition. Mrs. Fasshold. Of (ireeuwmvl Inn sufficiently rec vorod and to be ablo to sit up. Tbe Presbyterians of Greenwood are considering tbe subject of erecting a church. The Traction company will have some doath clai nis to settle if the con ductors on the Minook.i lino nro not more strict wit h children, who haunt the cars at tho city lino sitice the new schedule took effect. roUESTCITY. The home of John Parkyns was made nappy sun 'ay ovor tho appearance of a new daughter. Samuel J. Jenning', a popu'nr yonng man or mis piace, is ueing congratu lated by bis many for having passed successfully the initio foremen's examination recently held in Carbon dale. Attorney T. P Wiilamnn lua t,on in Montrose the past few days on logal UII"lll0S3. Bert Blakesles and John Matey spent last evening tipping the light fantastic at the Pioneer rink in Dnndaff. Both gnntlomon report a very pleasant time. Supreme Secretary F. J. Osgood, of the Order of Solons, was iu Peckville Monday evening and addres.sid a large number of Solon ites. Miss Mary Walker, of Carbonduln, is tbe guest of her brother, James J. Walker, on Delaware Btreet. C. W. RessiKUU. of Sunnhanii was a busiuesB caller in town yester day. ' Charles C. Wells, a popular commer cial traveler from Bingiiamton, was culling on Forest City business mou Tuesday. Miss Mamie Ilullah. of Carbondale, is spending a few days at the home of her parents in this borough. J. F. Wellbrook is tho possessor of a spirited horse, and last evening about 7 o'clock bo was putting thn horsn into tho stall, the horse suddenly reared on his bind legs and witn one of bis front feet struck Mr. W-llbrook iu the face Inflict! ig a severe bruise on the nose. It was thought t first his nose was broken, Hit Inckily it is thought he es caped such an iujury ta tftnt portion of bis face. Last Snnday at 2 30 o'clock that por tion of the city near tbu nnr..i i,r...i,. er was stirred from its quietude by the ... . 1. .. . TT T . . nin i noiiry ttodiiey Ua I been brutally assaulted by his stepfather, Patrick McAnuky, who it seems was on the war Dath: for Ptri,.ir ,. slight provocation seiz nl a bowl from (be dinner table ami itruck Honry on the forshead, and it llicted two otlier severe gashet one uuder the eve and another on the upper lip. Dr. Knapp wus called and dressed tlm Chief of Poliee W. G. ReynoUls and Officer W. L. Bates were quickly summoned to arrest I'ntrlek. He was found iu a neighbor's h nilBA and aaenrt el to the city bastiie. He wasiziven a hiHrit g morniug before Squite W. J. lUnxev. on thn nb urira nt f Inn i In default of bail he was taken to Ho tel Leonard, at Montrose, at whloh place he will sojourn until tbe August term ui court oouveuos. IJBxiasiammmiisBiEiiiieiGmacssiREiBmiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiBiuimBiiEiiniEgirJ S I 1 : GREAT llandk THE FAIR 400 and 402 Lackawanna Avenue. Ml E have just purchased for cash b at 50c. on the dollar 32,228 doz. Ladies Handkerchiefs, the entire stock of an importing house retir ing from business. Sale Commences Saturday, July 7 5c. Hander chiefs, sab at 10c. Handkerchiefs, sale at . 15c: Handkerchiefs, sale at . 25c. Handkerchiefs, sale at . 39c. Handkerchiefs, sale at , 50c. Handkerchiefs, sale at . ii zL 1 'cpCT'd 400-402 LACKAWANNA AVE. rTSlSB:i2;iiKBii;E3IE29Blll3BISIiCSaiNI13BlialI!ll3IEIII3EISEIIEIIBKlIE;itIE2EEEII3I33l5: IF YOU ARE THINKING OF We can serve you well. All the desirable kinds are here, and at right prices. . Then we have other kinds of loor s Coirerings Linoleums, Mattings, Art Squares, Linen Crumb Cloths. k Byzantine, Smyrna and Oriental Rugs all sizes, from a single door to sizes large enough to cover an entire floor. 406 and 408 BRANCH STORE: Watt No tales or history we sell id You will find money by attending our Odd and End Sale It is cheap goodness . ness that distinguishes our Odd and End Sale Figures are eloquent cate the value we Odd and From a critical inspector you will turn an eager buyer at our Odd and End Sale Goods marked in plain, large, low figures at Odd and 1 erchief Purchase -BY- . 2J2c. 5c. . 7c. . 12c. . 19c. 25c. Lacka. Avenue. Building, Carbondale. goes with the goods at our End Safe not cheap cheap- when used to indi are giving at our End SaSe our End Sale FAIR
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