THE SCUANTON TMBIJNE-WEDNESDAY -'31UHNING. JULY 18. 1S!M. 3 Teachers of Cookery have critical audiences. 'Their cooking must be perfect. They can't afford to make any failures and in their work they must use the best. "I luve used Cleveland's llaliinjj Powder exclusively for seven-'. yc-vo, because I nave found it it .!a!i:ii. to be, pure and wIioU-miuk-. '1 In; results have been uuifur.uly .uii factory." Mary J. Lincoln, Author of t!u " Uosiou Cook Hook." " I prefer to use Cleveland's Baking Powder because I ci.nsi'l- r a per fectly wholesome and it has always given uiiii'oriu result-:." Carrie M. Dearborn, I.tiUJ'illi i.u'n- -.'i ll Ooi.'lg S.'itoi. "I r.m convinced Cleveland's is t'.e purest baking powder made, ami 1 lave adopted it exclusively ii yy roi'king schools a;id lor daily liou.wim'.d me." Snrzh T. Her, trincU.i! !' All on i:JiIiit: c'iv loading lynchers of Domestic Science Cleveland's Baking Powder. ji &" x'urc Norrman& Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenuo NEW GOODS ill DIMITIES, JACONETTES, DOTTED SWISSES, DUCK SUITINGS, PRINTED ORGANDIES. Hears k Hagen 415 LACKA. AVE, BOISFT Have your COM.AKS starched in the old way, w hen you ci-n hava thoin done with ofW tillable Buttouholes ror TWO CENTS EACH. Lackawanna THE LAUNDRY If you want Carpets, Draperies. Wall Paper 05 Window Shades, come to us. We have a full line of sroods, and our prices are very low. illiams k IMnulif 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. Trillium leailer Iv.i vlnjf fur llii'lr nltuinier4 vneiition run liave llirir favor- iti- iiiir flt-ni. to them 'without exlra nt, lv notil'vitn; this oltl,-,) of thv !- Hll'Hll cltUMUlM ill the lt:liur' H,lclrt:N. "From tho liaulcs." J. W. beck has bought from Arthur rrotlmichain a lot ou Columbia avenue, and is erecting a houso thereon. lianicl Farrell, who was shot in the arm bv Officer Snyder iu Olyphant on Monday last, is routing easily at the Lackawanna huspttul. A forco from the street department will be engaged for two days iu clearing nn nb structi'itt from the sewer in Moir court be tween Olive and Pine streets. The father and mother of thelato George I.utz, of O'Connor's court, Dodgotown, wish to thank their manv friomls for thoir kind sympathy in their recent bereave ment. Applications for accommodations dur ing August at the Young Meu's Christian Association collage at Ureat South Bay, Loug Island, should be made before July 25. A distinguished Japanese will deliver a lecture in the lecture room of the Elm Park church this evening at 7.45. lie will uppear in costume. Admission froo. All are invited. A special meeting of the Ladies' Aid so ciety of the Duumore Presbyterian church will be held in tho lecturo room tomorrow efteruoou at H o'clock to tnko action on the detitu of tho sister of our president, ity otder cf tho vice prn.ii.lout. The ladles of All bouls' churoh will givo a lawn social nt tho rosidenre of Mrt. B'.K. Loomis, 830 Jlifllin avenup, Thursday oven iu?, July 19. A pleasant and enjoyable time may be anticipated. Jiombers and their friends are cordially invited. Opn All Night at Lohman's Spruce street $40,000 Echoed Houii No. 27, E, J j. Walter, architect, bids to be opened this month, to be built on (.'olnfibiii uvetiue. Lots for tale on this aveuue at low p.'icei for brief period. Abthub Frotbinoham. Kutlo Box Exoluslvtly. Pet t nmdi". Play any denlred number of tunes. GautscUi & Sons., manufacturers, 030Cbetnut street, Philadelphia. Won derful orchestrial organs, only t& and 10. tpecialtyt Old musio boxes carefully re paired and improved with new tunes. "1 me Cleveland's liakinp; l'owdwji in my kitchen and class woik." ' Emma P. Ewing, ' J'riihih;.' Ci.uifii:niiii Cooking Sthool. "The results obtained by the use of Cleveland's llakint; l'owder have always been satisfactory.1' Fannie AU Farmer J'riaJful Potion Cooking School. "I prefer Cleveland's to others because it is pure and wholesome, it takes less ivr the s.ime baking, it never toils, and bread and cake keep their Ireshni'-s ;.nd Ihurr." Cornelia C. Bedford, Siifieriut.-HjiKt.V; ::' 1 'ork I 'ookiin'Stkool. " I wis'i to say that I use and re-' comnie-.i l one and only one bakini; powder, and that is Cleveland's," Marion llarland, . t n.'kor' C 'oi-iii.wt Sense in I'to Household. ' coukery and writers use and recommend ami " ovv. ID SECRET SESSION Cliiz.'us Suutisy Obsorvanco CDuimUtce Ga ting Doum to Woik. NOTHING FCR PUBLICATION That Is, in Effect, What the Commit too Told a Tribune Reporter Last NiKht An Outline of the Plan That Will Be Followed Obtained From Another Source When Work Will Begin to Enforce Law, Thero was a ineoting yesterday after uoon of the recently and preliminarily organized citizens' committee which proposes to continue Sunday observ ance prosecutiocs abandoned by Kv. V. A. Dony ami to also deal with grosser violations of the Sunday laws. J. L. Stello, the preliminary chair man, early yestorday afternoon told a Trwiunk reporter that a meeting of tho committee would, according to previ ous announcements, be held at the Young Men's Christian association building ut 4 o'clock. t lie said it was the purpose of the committee to con duct tiie meetings secretly and refrain for obvious reasons from divulging the proceedings. At 4 o'clock many msmbe.'s of the committee gathered at the appointed place and retired to ttie reception par- ; lor, where they remained for some tim WHAT COLONliL 1301E3 s.MD. ! Liet evening Colonel II. M. Boie?, : uin'ii asliel for information, replied, ; "We decided that no meeting was held." Further than this he would not discuss tlw matter beyond admittins that a number of the committeemen gathered iu the afternoon and that he could divulge no particulars for publi cation or otiior purposes. Colonel Boies ulsodeclhied to stale whether or not a permanent. orgunizitio,n had been per fected or to name the present person nel of the committee. From other sources it ban been learned that the real work of Uia com mittee will not begin until the latter part of August and possibly later, and ilui'-, the methods of proueedure will be entirely at variance with those followed by Mr. Dony. A member of the committee admitted to the re porter that particular attention would nu given to licensed saloons doing. busi ness in violation of the law and that unlicensed places would also be partic ularly looked after. The plans of the committee includes the hiring of de tectives and the "fighting of the dovil with his own weapons,'' if necesstry. "From the Hanks." VIEWING THElLECTRlC CITY. Coal Mn from Conntoiicut Are Here on a Tour of Inspection. A party of retail coal mou bere from Connecticut cities that is now in the city on a tonr of observation pertain ing to their business is composed of W. E. Pnyne, of liockville; b. C. Sperry, of New Haven; II. C. liergen, of Hart ford; Joseph A. Black, of Bridgeport, and A. L Potter, of Norwich. They arrivod tit 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon over the Erie and Wyoming Valley Valley rond and are stopping at the Wyoming. During the afternoon they visited a number of pointa of interest abont the central city and in the evening in spected the lower steel mill. Today the party will leave for MaucIi Chunk, but will return to Scranton tomorrow. when they will go into the minos of the Hillside Coal and Iron company t MnySeld and possibly a Kcranton mine. Two of the gentlemen who hud uave-r before visite l hcranton were warm fu their praise of its industry and air of thrift. I FELL BETWEEN THE CARS. Eraktmin Lyons Fatally Injured at Nay Aug Yaitarday Af.ernoon. John Lvnns, a briikemau on ConduO1 tor Aflthor.y (ierrity's on the Delawaro, Lackawarna and Western road, was fatally injured by falling between the cars nt Nay Ana yesterday afternoon The wheel passed over his left leg at the thigh, crushing it into a shapeless niRHS. IU was taken ti this cry ana removed to the Moses Taylor liopital, wher m died in tho uvenin?. His re mains were afterward convtyed ti his homo in Bellevuo. He Wi.s ubout 20 years of age. IN POLICE CIRCLES. Officer Quncll saw a good pair of shoes protrnillng from an ash barrol in Centre street early yesterday momiutr and when he drew thum out one Michael Kane came along v.-iili them, .Michael bad gone in head first atid but for the timely arrival of the officer ho might have suffered sorinus consequences. Alderman Fuller finod him rl, but he didn't have that much left. Sooner than burden the county with costs tl, nl,1.nn .11. .1 1.1... ' Alderman Fuller yesterday discharged three prisoners who had been given slignt fines for drunkenness, when he became satisfied they had uo money, rather than send them to the county jail, where they would have piled up the county's expense without benefiting society to any great txteir. Tliero aro no new dovolopmeiiH In tlio grovel pond bottle myitery una the police uow regard it us a hoax. BlGGESfpaiCGYET PAID. . Prent Top Noto"! Figure of Waihlna ton Avtuua Rnl Eatuti. A largo and important real entnto do'jl occurred yesterday when the fifty foot lot on the iiortnonat comer of Washington iivpiiu i aud Dickson court was transferred by Colouol II, 51. l;oi.'8 to Ueorge Li. Davidson and l'r. 1). B. Hand for a consideration of tj'.KO per toot front. Four years a,'?o it v,t pu relinked from Clwort L. Diclnoii for jll.'i.OWI. The fact that in this Huort nine the land bus increased iu vulu? ir'-'OO per foot goes to show that run! estate in tliut locality is unythint; but dead. This is the highest prion ever paid for Wnshintiton avenue pn prty. Dr. Hand told u Trihunu reportir that it is probable that he and Davidson will construct a fiv s'-'O' tore and ollli building on the plot during tus present year, lit feels col. lideiit that this block will be the great est business center, iu the city and feels that b.e has struck a bargain even at tho high water li;jtire of $1100 p-r foot. Ills conlidene in the locality U strengthened by the fact that the Katirt t property adjniuinir netted for hinm-lf and J. V. IVck tfl l.OUO ou a !fiO,l'.K) investment, only tnirty-threo iliyniu-t-irveniin; letwieii the time of yut chase and sale. GRADE CnwS STREET. Plans That Will Co Presented by City Engineer to the Com the mittee Tonight. The joint strnets and bridgis commit ton of council!, which meets toni;;!-,! will probably come to soma delink conclusion in regard to the grade of bwetlund street, which, rs an" ip proach to the Linden street bridge, has during the pist few months been quit bone of contention. rronerty owners nnv allege I that a decrease of tl.e established grade would occasion (laning by filling botweeu Seventh and Nimh streets, or by a via duct from the Swetlaud street bridJ to Ssvouth street. In accordance with a resolution of couucils.the city engineer has prepared and will submit to the committee meeting a drawing snowing the es tablished and proposed 7 or 0 per cout. grades. The present established grade from Sixth to Seventh street is on a decliue ot li.lG per cnt. At Wright court it inclines at 8.U per cent, to Eighth street and Ninth street. One of the new proposed grades is at an incline of 1 5 per cent, to beventn street wher the grade will have to be raised several feet. At Eighth street a bridge is proposed where a 7 per cent, grade will begin and continue to the Swetlan.4 street bridge at Ninth stroet. The 86 ond propose! grade starts from a lower than tbe established grade at beventn street ana wouiu con tiuue at au incline of 7 per cent, to Eighth street. From this point to Ninth street the grade would be 0 per cent. The proposed grades from bwet land street to North Main aveuuo va ne from 7.2 to 10 41 per cent. , "From the Eauks." ASPHALT OR VITRIFIED BRICK? That Is the Question Which Is Now Agitating the Property Owners on Washington Avenue. Tbe meeting of the paving commit tee of select council this evening will be attended, probably, by a large num ber of property owners wno are con tending among themselves on the su periority of sheet asphalt or vitrified brick as a pave lor t ranuiin avenue le- tween Spruce and Vine streets. The ordinance providing for nn as phalt pave was referred to a committee from select council June 21. The measure stipulates that the cost is not to exceed more than $ ' 05 p r suuure vard, assessed by ttie foot-front rule. Undoubtedly the ordinauce would have been favorably reported two weeks ago and be on its passage now, but for a counter petition signed by a large num ber of property owners, who pray that vitrified brick be the material used, the cost to be not more than $2.45 per square ynrd. . The petition lor a uricit pave was in troduced in common council July Vi. in the form of a concurrent resolution directing the city clerk to publish the petition with the names of tbe signers. Select council has not yet concurred in the resolution. Among the asphalt constituency are: W. C. Connell, the Dickson Manufact uring company, the Delaware and Hud son Caual company and Mrs. Maria Zeidler. Those who favor vitrified brick are: John M. Kiu merer, A. E. Bittenbender, U T. Hlack, Dr. John Burnett, Senator M. E. McDonald and Dr. B H.Throop and others. Nearly all who now favor brick hud previously petitioned for the asphalt pave. . RAN DOWN A CHILD. Berloua Case of Raokless Wheeling on Washington Avenue. A ,"i-year-old son of Dairymtn A. J. Stono was run down bv a reckless bi cyclist opposite his home at 007 Wash ington avenue yesterday afternoon. Doctors Hand and Kay, who wore called in the case, found the little one suffering from concussion of the brain. They do not fear any very serious re sults. The wheelman's name was not learned. "From the Hanks." . COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. The will of Hugh Geraghty, late of Car honuale, was yesterday admitted to pro bate bv Recorder ot Wills Koebler.and let ters testamentary were granted to Bridget Ueragntv. Tho bond of John Westpfahl, of tho South Side, as treasurer of the Harmony lluildiug and Loan association, iu the sum ?1,0"U, wns nieu yesteraay in tne piotliou otury's office. , The supreme court decided against the appeal of Attorney Cornelius Smith Riraiust tbe deoisiou ot ex-Judge 11. A. Kuann as referee in the case of K. J. Leon ard, receiver for Leonard Bros. Judgment against Mr. Smith was ordered iu the sum ot 11,700.07. , The nctition of John R. Jones, under the insolvent luws, wns tiled yesterday In tbe protnonotarv's oiuce. iiartin woysuner became sosurity iu ttie sum ot f iUO. Sir. Jones was sentenced on April 16 to two months In the comity jail, a fine of fit) and thn costs, being convirttd ou the charge of larceny snu rcceivmg. An action in assumpsit was begun yost reday by Contractor Uaulel Williams against Charles B, Scott through Attorney John F. Hcragg for a balance of t'i,5,)8.51 due on the contract price In which is iu. eluded M'Jl.B'J for extra work for t V con. strnotion of a 0-story stone buildtr? at 119 Franklin avenue. The bill for extrV. work was approved by Architect Fred J, Ams-dem. IK Board cf Associated Charities to Pursus Its Saving Campaign. HARPIES WILL BE PROSECUTED They Inveigle Marriod Men Into Spending Their Earnings in Da bauclicry to tho Neglect of Thoir Families Not So Many Applica tions for Work as Formerly Re port of Afjont of the Association. At last night's meet In;: of the board of associutsd charities the child Having committoe was instructed to continue its work mid the members and agent of tne board were directed to prosecute any cuses which come under their ob servation, iu accordance with thn n l- vice of Mr. '1 humus, tho board's attor ney. On motion of Mr, Cohen, Mrs. Dng- gnn was directed to secure witnesses i tul file information against a woman who kenps u:i unlicensed drinking ro- sort in au outlying ward It has been reported that nt this place married men are inveigled into spending their earnings, carousing uud neglecting their tamihen. The meeting was held in the poor board room nt the Municipal building, and Colonol II. M. Boles was selected to serve as cU iinium pro tern, owing to the absence of C ilonel E., H. Ripple. Attorney Y. Claylord 'I bonus served as secretary, vice He v. Rogers Inrael. Other members presout were W. T. Smith, J. Ii. Cohan, Luther K-ller, E J. Lynett, Philip Klrst, Thomas Moore and T, J. Kully. Mr. Moore, us chairman of the em ployment committee, reported that no work had been givau since last meeting owing to a decrease iu the number of applications for aid and from tho fact thut men seem to find Uss trouble than formerly lu securing work. yl'ESTlON OF I.NCORPOHATIOX. It had bseu the iutentlou at Inst night's meeting to take sora prelimin ary action toward an incorporation of tho board. The idea bss been ad vanced principally to give the board a legal status lu the prosecution of cases for the ubuee or misuse of children. r Thomas, as attorney for the com J r "vised that inasmuch as the board bud no home for the caring of children thore was uo good reason, for an incorporation, particularly so bo cause any individual or member of tho board has the right to uppear as proe cuter. In such oases the court can commit the little ones to incorporated Protestant or Catholio institutions ac cording to the religion of the father or mother. It is also the privilege of the court to indenture orphans ou the pe tition of individuals. In answer to an inquiry by the chair it was stated that the mayor has in structed tbe chief of police to dotail a police officer to assist the agent or mem ber of the board at any time. A summary of the report submitted bv Mrs. W. B. Duggan, is as follows: 30 cases investigated, 20 worthy, 1!) un worthy, ii re-visitd, 10 re-visited for work; total, 57; found work for 14, 1 child sent to the Home of the friend less, 3 children to the Orphan asylum 1 woman to the Florence mission; 1 girl to Home of the Good Shepherd, transoortation found for ,i persons, vis ited II families with children on the ad vico of the board's attoruoy. TO SECURE A LECTURER. Mr, Cohon was instructed to continue serving as a committee on information relative to the securing of John Walk, of Philadelphia, organizer of United Charities, to deliver a lecture here this fall for the bsnelit of the board. Fifty dollars wus appropriated to tbe may or's emergency fund, FICER GLEASOH REASONS. He Rssigns Sufldtnly from the Ecranton Fo'.io Foros. Police Captain Edwards was sur prised yesterday morning by tho ap pearance of Patrolman Frank Oleason bearing his uniform and accoutrements in one band and a letter of resignation in the other, lie gavo no explanation of his sudden quitting further than to say he had "reasons." Owing to the absence of the mnyor, who is iu Stia mokin, and the chief, who is attending court in Erie, the resignation could not be uoeepted. Mr. Glousou nevertheless refused to do duty last ovning. When seen at his borne on Four teenth street lust night by a Tltinu.Ni: reporter the ex-oflicer stated tuat it wus on account of false charges which were secretly preferred against him that be bad decided to resign. "Just as soon us I became convinced that I haud enemies at work trying to oust me by uufair means," said Mr. Oleason, "I determined to get ilowa and out aud thereby save theinai.v troublo. I havo a job at the Central shaft where I will begin work to morrow." Officor Gleason servod threo years and a half on tho force, during which time he made a good record. II) was assaulted by Oilicer Lewis in January, 18U11, which resulted in Mr. Lewis be ing removed from the fores. DAVIES WAIVED A HEARING. Wifs Says She Will Him Arrtatid on Aucthsr Charge. Reese Davies, of Providence, who was arrested at the instance of his wife for deserting her and refusing to con tribute, to her support, waived a hear ing Monday before Allerman Fuller Coursen's PRINT BUTTER ICE COLD The highest possible standard of excellence. Sold at 25 cents per pound. No waste. Go33 farther than any butter. Same butter brings 35 cents in Phila delphia and New York mar kets. Hundreds of pounds sold daily in Scranton. e; g. courseh, 429 Lacka. Ave. TO CO Mil and gave bail for his appearance at court. Tbe woes of Mrs. Davies were related lust Friday In the North End column of The Tribune. Another charge is about to bs pres ented against Davies by his deserted wire, who claims that his relations with another woman are not correct. PIAYED WITH A TORPEDO. A Little Poliali Boy Badly Lacerited by an Explosion. John Krasco, a 10-year-old Polish lad, wjis playing with a railroad tor p. -do in the Delaware, Lickawanna nod Western yard yesterday morning wb?n it exploded, badly injuring him about the face and hauiU He was taken to . the Lickawiinin hospital where it was found that his l'ftoye had been cut severely. It is not thought, however, that he will lose his sight, DEATH OF MRS. W. C. GALPIN. Funoral Will Ba Hli at Btiidenct of John B. Smith, Fiiday. Mrs. W, C, Galpin, eldest dautrhter of John U. Smith, of Dun morn. did ut her home in liinghumton, N. Y., at 3 o0 yesterday afternoon, after a iiu gtriug illuesi. The funeral sorvicas will be held at. thn residence of iier father at 2 UO o'clock on Friday afternoon. Inter ment in the Dunmore cemetery. "From the Kaiiks." cld forgeIiorTerIecalled. Friends of Medal a Figure in a Case Before Alderman Fitzsimmons. Held to Appear at Court. The cold-blooded mnrder of Euaauuel Loro at Old Forge was recalled yester day by a mixed no case tried before Aldorinan Fit.-iiiiiraoiiS. The defend ants, Louis Marmo, sr , and Louis Marmo, jr., cousins by relation, belong to the faction that offered no obstacle to the escap-t of Medala. but ttie charge is not clearly shown thut ineeo sym pithizers abetted in the escape. The bondmau who qualified in the sum of $1,800 for both, was Joseph Saloi, who ran u rival barber shop to the murdered Loro in Old Forge. Tbe facts connected with the case reflect less credit upon tho prosecution than upon the defendant. Bridget Radick and her busbund live iu Keyser valley. They went to Barbertown ou Monday night to visit friends and were received in royal style, hverybody became drunk and the natural rtsnlt, a free fight, ended tho festivities. The Radicks and the folks on whom they called are Polanders and the defendants are Italians. The latter are aceusod of having committod simple and aggra vated assault on Mrs Radick and, win subjecting her to this treatment, tul ing tho liberty of stealing her flO gold watch. They furnished bail, us above stated. Then the Marnios brought a eoutiter- suit against the Radicks for assault and battery aud bail was furnished by them to appear at court. During the hearing a friend of the Radicks weut through a military drill in describing the nssaiilt of the Italians, ou Mrs. Radick. She had n satchel with ber containing bloody garments which she said became incarnadined with her life iiuid on the night of tho light. Dr, John O'Malley, who attended Mrs. Rodick, stutes that the woman was roughly handled, as she had sev eral cuts and a number of contusions about her body. The woman told the doctor that one of her assailants wanted her to come and live with him and his chum agreed to shoot her btnbaud so that his frieud might not be troubled with his protes tations against her leaving his bed und board, bho would dot consent to this plan and as u consequence she was thrashed. "From the Kauks.'' erantor.'u Business IuUreats. Tub Ihihcnk win soon publisli a care fully compiled uud classiiled list of tho leading wholesale, banking, manufactur ing auii professional interests ot Scrnnton aud vicinity. The edition will be bound in book form, beautifully illustrated with photogravure views of our public build ings, busiuexs bloekii. streets, etc., together with portraits of loading citizen-, No similar work hnii eVT given an equal rep resentation of K.vuitou's many iudiin tries. It will In) uu invaluable exposition of our buniuess resources. bent to persons outside the city, copies of this Imnilsoniu work will attract new coiners tmd be an tiueqimlled advertisement of the city. TJIih circu lation is on u plan that ranuot fail of good results to thane concerned as well as the city at larse. Representatives of The Tiuuiixk Will Cllll UjlOU T1IO&K VIIOSf; NAMUS aro dksirkd iu edition uud explain its nature more fully. Those deniriiig views of thoir residoncoj in tnin edition will please have notice nt the ollice. Liwn Bazrr, IUfritrorator, Ice Cream Frenzer?. 1 have now ou bund and will sell at cost price: lit f.nwn Razors, 13 Refrigerator, 15 Ice Cream Freezers. Come aud ret on Ivfore they aro all gone. Titos. F. Leonard, o.'S Luckawuuua avo. And Right Up to Date. . . . STERLING SILV We have Artistic Designs in. Wed - ding Gifts and all the Latest Novel ties. W, W. BERRY, Jeweler -417 LACKA. AVE, Best Sets of Teeth,$S00 Including the palnleas extracting of teeth by uu entirely new fro tee S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. 180 WYOMING) AV& CONTRACT IS rank SiiiiLr Gave Aislgniiniits to Father Against tbe City. His EFFORT T9 STRAIGHTEN AFFAIRS Judiciary Committee of Common Council Struggled with the Prob lem Last Night Members Were Unablo to Coma to Any Conclusion and Will Meet Again Thursday Night to Further Investigate. Tho judiciary committee of common council met lust night iu tho council chamber to determine the stntut of af fairs between the city and the contract of Cirant fcihifl'sr in regard to the bal ance due on the construction of the Thirteenth sewer district. Shifter had til contract for building tho sewers in the Thirti-mtu fewer district for the sum of $'J,t0l). From time to time during the period of cou- traut ritiUler borrowed amounts of money from his father and gave as se curities assignments to the city. Oa these assignments there instill owing to the elder Shifter ftl.0U0.UI5. Luther Keller IMS a claim, approximating $200 aim i. A. t'lncb & Lo.. a claim of s,iOJ. From rough figures by Chairman Hickey and Cleric V. J. McLean thire is a balance due Frank ShiU'-jr of l,'j:ifl, an amount of about SlllO over and above the claims of bis father, Luther Keller and I. A. Fincu fc Co. There may be other sundry assignments on filo in tho city clerk's ollice and for the purposo of UBcmaining whether there are not, and also to have the original contract, all pnpors aud subsequent as signments, the committee unjourned without taking any action until uext Thursday night, to meet thou in the sity clerk s ollice. Attorney John F. Strain was nresent last nignt in tne interest of the Shiit;r family und furnished a scliednle of as signments betwe-n Frank Khilfer and his father, Mr. Scragg Explained to the committee tho injiwice it would work to the elder ribiffir to deprive hira of the money, for in order to ac commodate his son Mr. Shifter had en cumbered his propotty and it would be swept away from him in his old age, lue 3udiciary committee is in favor of paying Mr. Sniffer's bill providing Luther Keller's and that of French & Co. can be paid in full als3. "From the Hunks." TEACHERS NOT YET APPOINTED. Committee Met aid Diecuesed Work That li I'efors It. The teachers' cr.mmittee of the board of control met last night and the work done nt the meeting wus mostly dis cussing the estublishmouts of grades for the coming year. There was nothing done with the list of teachers to be appointed. Most of the numbers of tho commutes are ot the opinion thut there will be no changes to any extent made in the force of teachers. Miss Helen Potter, of No. 18 school, has sent her resignation to the commit tee. This is tbe only one so far. The committee will meet again on Friday LOUHGIHG I si NOT A Luxury Wo will sell you iin Im proved Mexican Ham mock for 80c. A line Cotton Pillow Hummock for . . . $1.20 Or Jet and Gold- Fringed Hummocks, $3.25 H. BATH & 126 Penn Ave. CO. Scranton' s Hardware Specialists, Bon 10 verioo That we , a re in some day in the ana see please you, both as to quality and price. Our Ladies and Gentlemen's S3. OO SIIOE)S are marvels of style and quality. Children's Good-wearing Shoes are our hobby. We warrant every pair. BANISTERS, PM SWEATERS 3 9g. eaoh Sold Everywhere at 50c. Each. ROWN' 224 LACKAWANNA AVE. night, and Chairman F. L. Wormier states that the foil report of tbe com mittee will be completed by that time. GREAT RALLY AT FARVIEW. Will. Be Conducted by Ifambtre of the Cbrlitiaa Endeavor Scelellei. A rally of the members of the Chris ian Endeavor societies of Wavne. Susquehanna, Lackawanna and Lu zerne counties will be held at Farview on Aug. ti. Tho movement to band tbe societies tngother for rallying purposes was nn uVrtak.n bv Rev. D. D. Jenkins, of Unioudule. When the iri-countv union met in this city May 21 an invi tation was exteudsd to join in the rally and it was unanimously acceptod. It is very probable that Tallie Morgan will have a choir there. 1 he committee on programme re quests that the Chriuiau Endeavor so cieties of the several counties prepare for singing the following hvmns. tak. Grospel Hymns "N'o.1. 5 uud C: "What uUutheriug," No. 27 General Klnairiff "Hallelujah for the Cross," No. i;ti Luzerne County "Throw Out tho Life Line," No. 205 fcunjuehnnna Couuty Manner Hymn" Wavne County "Faith Is the Victory," No. SW Wyoming Couuty "There's a Hoyal Eauner" l.ackawuuua Couuty There will be several addresses by men prominent in Christian Endeavor work, but tbe programme has not been completed. It is proposed to so ar range tho exercises that they will be enjoyed at intervals, and that the sing ing may bo participated in by all. SATISFIED with othine but the best. You will be satisfied if you call on J. BOLZ and get some of the bargains he is offering. A $5 Coat for $1.49. A $7 Coat for $3. A Fine BlackClay Worst ed Coat for $5, worth $12. Ladies' Capes.all shades, for 98c. Ladies' Tailor-made Suits for $4.75, worth $9. STORED and INSURED IF ALTERED BY US, FREE OF CHARGE During tbe Summer. 138 Wyoming Ave. NEXT DIME BANK. 128 "Wyoming Ave. MARSHALL. liKM) & CO.'S S T.UTTON ABBOTT, 4 BUTTON ABBOTT. I JT 7R Tonfi 4lJl'TTOX (1 EN' EVA. tal ' VwlliJ 4-BUTTON XBPTUNE, I a PaiF. BIARKITZ, J In White Black, Tana and Grey Former Prices, $1, $1 25 and $1.50. VvrV tVKSl BI rlV,'-VK. it mm wm HATS AT DUNN'S mm mm Shoe Business. Step now wen we can Cor. Lackawanna and, Wyoming tones. PA. HIVE Furs k the Fact BOYS' S BEE 1
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