4 TIIK SCKANTON .TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MORNING. JULY 18. 189. PUBUSHtO DAILY IN BCftaNTON, P., It THI TftllUM PUBtlCHINO COMPANY. C. P. KINGSBURY, ftlNIRAk MANAMA Niw Von Orrict I TmauMt Bonom. Quay, Mana.kn- Faana S. INIIMB AT THE PO.tOPPtCi AT .CAAMTON. tOUM'Wr. Jl-LY IS. lS'.U. RtPUBLICAN STATE TICKET. For Gui'vrnor: DANIEL II. HASTINGS, ir' I't.Vl'ER. For LUutmuiut llorrrnor: W.M.TEH LYON, or ALI.KUUUW. I vr Audita? Uenenil: AMOS II. MYI.1N, or LAMAsTUI. for Secretary of Ittriml .-iffnin: JAM F.S V. I. ATT A, Of I'llll.AUKI.I'IIIA. for ConyrfHiuft-at-lMrttr: UAI.lSHA A. (IROW, W srdyUKHANN A. UEOKUE F. IIC'KK. Ol' WLSTMUIIULANU. Klcctlou Time, Nhv. 0 Wr aki: sokuy that the Wilkes Uarre Times is angry at this journal for having tried to shield it from one of its blunders by not mentioning its name. Hut if it is disposed to be jeal ous of its reputation as a blunderer, we shall take pleasure hereafter in giv ing it a fool's full notoriety wheu we notice it at all. Archbishop Ireland Speaks. AVe bespeak the attention of those who have felt nettled over Thk Thiii UNii's outspoken comments ou the iH'bs' strike to the following wise and patriotic words of Archbishop John Ireland: "The fatal mistake which has been made in eonueetlou with this strike is that property has been de stroyed, the liberty of citizens inter ferred with and eiidangered,soi'!al order aeuaced, the institutions and freedom of the country put in most serious jeopardy. The mouieut such things happen sll possible questions as to tiie rights aud grievances of labor must be dropped out of sight and all etl'ortsof law-abiding citizens aud of public of llcials made to serve in maintaining public order and guarding at all costs the public weal. Labor must learn that however sacred its rights hc,there Is something above them and abso lutely supreme social order. "There is no civil crime as hideous aud as pregnant of evil results as re sistance to law and the constitutional authorities of the country. This is revolution; it begets chaos; it Is an archy; it disrupts' the whole social fabric, which insures life aud safety to the poor as well as to the rich, to the employe as wel as to the employer. There can be no hesitation to bring in the help of the powers of society when property is menaced. Only 'savages or men who for the time being are turned into savages, will burn or destroy prop erty, whether it be the factory of the rich mau or the poor man's cottage; a railroad ear or a national building. More criminal aud more inexcusable yet is the act of murdering human beiugs or of endangering their lives. "Labor, too, must learn the lesson that the liberty of the citizen is to be respected. One mau has the right to cease from work, but he has no right to drive another" man from work. He who respects not the liberty of others shows himself unworthy of his own lib erty and Incapable of citizenship iu a free country. Never can riots and mob rule aud lawless depredation be tolerated. The country that permits them signs Us death warrant. Hiots aud mob rule, such as have occurred iu Chicago, do immense harm to the cause of labor aud set liack its advance for whole decades of years. Labor thereby loses the earnest sympathy of thousands of friends and gives courage aud triumph tu its enemies. Worse yet, the principle of popular govern ment sutlers It is uo wonder that reading of the occurrences iu America, Europeans announce that the republic-is- a failure and that strong monarchy only can hold society together. No where ou earth has the poor man lib erty, civil, social and industrial, as that which he enjoys In America. Is this liberty to be used in tearing down the republic which blesses and pro tects them ? "I am. far from saying that labor has not had its grievances in America nor that redress must not be sought. I would not respect the laborer who seeks not to enjoy ull his rights or to improve his condition. But all this must be done within the lines of social order aud law. The iemedy for these ills is a healthy public opinion aud fair public legislation and all legiti mate eflbrut in these directions, wheth er by single act or united force, are laudable. Labor has made great pro gress in the recent past; it must not be too hasty. Time and patience are re quisites to final success." We make no apology for giving thus much space to words so wise aud time ly. They come from a clergyman who Is known throughout the land as a true champion of human liberty aud a consistent friend of all that makes for pure government aud honest citizen ship. Ho cannot be charged with any lack' of sympathy with the laboring classes, since his whole life aud pur pose and though have been aud are for their genuine hettermeut. The Tk) hunk Is proud to see Its position thus earnestly reinforced by one of the ecclesiastical heads of the largest Chris, tiau denomination in the country and u man who, iu his personal char acter, piety and scholarship, enjoys the respect of every American under the suu. , Ouk Altoona namesake Is entirely right iu surmising that the country Is ample for two news associations, with out either one feeling under the ne cessity of belittling the other. Indeed, f we could have our way we should cull into existence u third, which, at less expense should supply the gist of each day's news by telegraph, with out wasting iu padding the good space now occupied by the cumbersome lar ger ri-irts. Three papers would snap uta lively abbreviated service where one liow lakes ihe reduudautetl'usious of the older news oiganialious. Be sides, the coming newspaper will not be printed ou the shawl-strap basis. A reaction is bound to ad in iu favor of crispness and condensation. "II k who respects not the liberty of others shows himself unworthy of his own liberty and ineapuble of citizen ship iu a free country." Archbishop Ireland. Healthy Activity. "Lackawanna Kepublicans," re marks the esteemed Wilkcs-liarre Times, "cannot all'ord to light among themselves." That Is just where the Times Is mistaken. We know of no other county iu the state wherein the Republican party can better atl'ord to "light among themselves" prior to the nominating couveutiou, aud thereafter light like all creation for the fairly chosen party ticket. The Republicans of Lackawanna county are not given to sulking and to ticket stabbing. They bow obedieutly to the properly expressed will of the majority, and are ready to do as much for the majori ty's choice as if each one of them had hud his own way. We have been at considerable trou ble to ascertain by persoual inquiry among representative advocates of the various candidates who are jiwt now "lighting among themselves" how each element would behave itself in case its particular choice for the parly nomination should fail tu muster the necessary delegates; and we are stating no more than the literal truth wheu we say there has been brought to our attenliou not so much us one solitary kicker. It would Le idle to pretend that the Republicans of this county are agreed as to the best personnel of the ticket to be nominated Sept. 4; but it is tlit exact truth that they are agreed upon this one fact: that uo mat ter who those successful candidates shall be, provided they be fairly and honestly chosen, it will be the duty of loyal Republicans to give them earnest support, subordinating personal preju dices and private bickerings to the pa triotic necessity of whipping the Ivui- ocratic party out of its fraudulent old boots. Meanwhile, let the lively canvass proceed. 1 1 betokens healthy activity aud oilers a sure guarantee that the cause of the Republican party is not a moribund and hopeless one, certain to end in disaster at the polls. The Re publican party has outlived the per sonal disappointments of many an un successful candidate and it will be vi tal aud virile long after the scars of 1S94 shall have been healed over aud forgotten. Tun t-c'RANToN base ball club, after experimenting with the various other positions ou the list, seems verv prop erly to have made up its mlud at last to repose in llrst place. It will mot strengthen Senator Murphy's position before the people to know that he lias never publicly ex pressed sympathy over the murder of Robert Ross; that he has steadily held aloof from all cubits to punish his as sassin and that lie has apparently re garded these efforts iu the light of ier- sonnl aflronts. Murphy's strougest witness against Murphyisin in munic ipal politics seems to be no less a per sonage than Senator Murphy himself. To Tun disinterested spectator it looks as if the Democratic local aspira tion had been suddenly allli'ctcd with a chill. ' Mr. Depew Should Come. The invitation which has been ex tended by the Sheridan Monument as sociation and seconded by the Hcran- ton board of trade to Chauncey M, Depew to deliver ou oration iu behalf of the purposed monument to General Sheridan iu this city finds hearty in dorsemeiit umong all classes of our citi zens. No living American is better fitted by scholarship, personal gifts and eloquence to dojustice to the dash ing characteristics of our premier cav alry commander than is Mr. Depew Himself an American sturdy aud true Mr. Depew would bring to a study of Sheridan's career the sympathetic ap preciation which is the essence of justice; while be would clothe that feeling iu words well worthy of the oc casion and of the theme. It is, we are vain enough to believe, a mutual misfortune that Dr. Depew has never visited Scranton In his de lightful capacity as America's foremost orator. We .are sure that it is a mis fortune so far as Kcrantouiaus are con cerned; and it is a part of the true Hcran tonlau's creed to believe that the misfortune Is equally as real upon the other side. The felioity of an introduc tion which should have the Inspiring memory of Sheridan for Its origin does not require to le twice pointed out and we are convinced that Mr. Depew should a kindly fate enable him to ac cept our prollered welcome, would be sensible of this litness aud would show it abundant honor in the exqui site diction of his Bpeech, At the same time, should Dr. Depew bo compelled this time to decline, w shall venture to suggest the expedi ency of a second invitation that one, perchance, to such a social occasion us shall enable the distinguished visitor to feel, In a novel manner, the substan tial quality of Scrantou hospitality. A post-praodlal favorite of his pre-eml neut popularity might well seek relief from the conventional banquet and its accompaniments; but the doctor must not measure out his local expecta tions according to merely conventional lines. A city whose liberality is so broad und whose catholicity is so am ple that within its bounds there once spoke ut u New England dinner, by cordial invitation, aud for the tlrst time in the history of the New Eng land society, a leading prelate of the Catholic church, himself a descendant, but one generation removed, of a for eign race, is not a city to be ignored by an orator of the widened horizon of Chauncev M. Dcnew: and if lie should be unable to come in one capacity we must insist that he should, iu justice to himself, come some day in another. 1 N COM Jl KMOKATION of its dediatioll of a new it-OOO quadruple Hoe press the Uutt'nlo Courier has just issued a twenty-page special number, the cover to which is as handsome a specimen of the lithographic art as one could wish to see. The Courier Is at times ability Democratic; but that sin con doned it a llrst cluss family newspaper, well edited, well printed and well ap preciated by many thousand regular readers. "lh: who respects not the liberty of others shows himself unworthy ol his own liberty aud incapable of citizen ship in u tree country." A rchuisuop eland. Tin-: Syracuse lost very correctly speaks of Wilkes-liarre as a place "to uted near Hcraiiton." Tub Riii'uni.iCAN party of Lacka wanna county is not iu need of any body's sympathy. 'SoMKfu7.Y biloi'LU notify Urol her Debs that post-mortem threats arc in very bad taste. When we get a ball team we can lick, there is siuiply no limit to our teroeitv. AT THL ric vuiuuci. The first military battalion of school boys to be organized iu New York city, in accordance with resolutions adopted by I.nl'ayotte Post No. Hi), Urand Army of the Kcuublie. belongs to uramuiar School No. 87, nt Aiustoi dsm avenue and heventy-soveutU street, Edward II. Eoyer principal. It waded so well last Memo rial duy that Himonvk Post No. !2o9 pre sented to it a handsome silk Hag. Accord ing ti the New Yuri; Tribune "lliero are now UtlO boys in the battalion," who aro iii'iitlv uniformed, and uro equipped with breecu-loaUing rules turulsned oy uio state, and drilled la strict conformity with tho manual of arms ana tactical evo lutions adopted for tho United .States Mil itary academy at Wost Point, which are the same as those used by tbs regular annv. The boys aro or soldiery bearing, eutuusiastic, aud go through the evolu tions with remarkable ana praisewortuy proiiciency." w In Torkid July: Now comes the sudden thunder shower, Their thirst for blood mosmiitoos sate. The collar wilts in half an hour, The pesky rues exasperate; We slip on tin- banana skin, Tho tivnuteous maiden's luce gets tunned. Green cucumbers their work get in, Jamaica uiuger in demand. Tlio thirsty, fouming lagor drink, His little pile tho icouian makes. The small boy from the river's brink hucu day a nude departure takes. .Yfii) York Press. In promulgating your esoterio cogita tions aud iu articulating your superficial seutimentnlities and amicable, philosoph ical or psychological observations, says an exchange, beware of platitudinous ponder osity. Let your conversational communi cations possess a clarified conciseness, a compacted comprehoneibleuess, coalescent consistency and a concatenated cogency. Eschow all conglomerations of rlatuleut garrulity, jejune babblement and asiuius affections. Let your extemporaneous de canting and unpremeditated expatiutiong have intelligibility and veracious vivacity, without ruodoinontaue or turasonical bombast. Sedulously avoid all polysyl labic profundity, pompous prolixity, psittaceous vaccuity, ventriloquinl verbos ity and vaniloquout vapidity. Shun double-ententes, prurient jocosity aud pes tiferous profanity, obscurant or apparent. In other words: Talk plainly, urlelly. naturally, sensibly, purely and truthfully. Keep from sluug; don't put on airs; say what you mean; mean what you say, and don't use t-ig words. One Pessimist's Belief: 1 he groat World's fair is over, But, to our griof, we know, This country still continues To be a howling show. ' HWiiiiyoH Star. Wallace & Sons, of Ausouin, Conu, are, save tlio wiiKex-uarre necoru, rolling a plate of bronze 07 by '.Hi iuches, with which to cover tho door of the Wyoming mouu meut. This plate of bronze will be pre sented to tbo Wyoming Monument associ ation by Air s. Charles Law, of Pittstou. Dr. linkrs, of Wilkes-Harre, presents tbo lock, which will have three duplicate keys. It is the intention of some of the membi-rs of tho association to have the room inside the monument fitted up with cases to re ceive such relics and memorials of Wyo ming as the people who are deaceudants choose to send in, and tbe collection to be under tho control of the Historical society. A reward of (51) will be paid for the arrest aud conviction of any person or persons wriliug names or chipping pieces off the monument. The society is determined to put a stop to the people who disfigure the monument raised to the Illustrious dead. t "In the fall of 1777," writes a historical ly inclined correspondent of the Pittstou Gazette, ''the celebrated alliance with France was formed, and In tbe following year the Sieur Uerard had to leave to re turn, and a new minister was accredited to the United States. In congress, Wed nAttrinv. Nov. 17. 177'J. according to order. the Hon. Chevalier do la Lnzerue, minister plenipotentiary of his most Christian ma jesty, was introduced to an audience by iMesirs. Matthews aud Morris, whereupon I ha secretary of tbe embassy delivered to the president a letter from his most Chris tian majesty in which he highly recom mended Chevalier de la Lnzerne, to por form his duty, and for congress to place their entire coulldence In bim. The min ister wss then announced to the house, whoreupon be arose aud addressed con gress in a lengthy apeeou, in which he spoke of the wisdom and coursgs of tbe people of the United States, saying also that France was glad to be conneoted with such a people, etc From this gentleman is derived the euphonious, sweetly-flowing name of Luierue. Surprise might exist that the name of aforeigner, it auy.should have been selected for the honor, iu pref erence to mora distinguished foreigners. So early as May, 1784, the Chevalier . had taken leave and returned to Frauce. The matter is explained by relating that in 178:1 on tho birth of the Dauphin of France, the CboValier de la Luzerne gave an entertain inept In Philadelphia, then uever equalled, an t an account of It was published or re published about the time Luzerne county yk si c ted, which led to tbs stleotlon t'fe name." i ittily Told in Ruyius: r tig i yell low ace give wayf Your urijsA can't da you any good mm it iurui 10 uuy. Washington Star. He snlu big hone nnd bought a wheel, And now how ho does swear! He tays he'd rather toed that thing Thau to keep it la repair. . Sew lork Herald. The demnguguo he took bis stand, To bellow nod orate, But when the soldiers took a band, He straightway took his gait. C'lerWmid i'uiu Dealer. Though ne'er iu love la all his life, He's ever Iu bis glory When be can catch a victim aud Tell bim the old, old story. tivjjalo Courier. The su rumer last will havoo play Tho tale is doleful to relate Willi youths who bad bo much to say About the sweat girl graduate. Il'usiiiyto.i Mar. Cycling along with a girl at your side, Is the blisslullest fort of bliss; Hut it isn't such i'un When you bump ou a stoue, puy I'UUI uo ma puaq ei!t Exchange. WATERMELON TIME. For The Tridu.ne: De watermillion ripens on de green run nin' vine, An' de corn stalks a' tassliu' an' de green earripeuin', An' you can see it well in de color ob de rliiiie, W id its deppenlu' greed an' its orange gold stripin' O ! dat luscious borry ! It comes up sassy-like wid its gourdy lookiu' stems, Au' it runs all to stalk tili;.vou'd think it nought but leaves; But do little yallur blossoms peep like dew drop gems, An' you know de crop's n-coruln' for de irost don't hurt de trees Of watermillion fruit! De pickaninny watch dat watermillion patch. An' he wonders which will be the biggest iu de Held; An' when at last be can just es the tiny little batch Urowiu' bigger overy day then ho waits lorme yield Ob dut lucious berry I By an' by the stem begins to withor at its hold. An' tint luscious watermillion ripens day oy day; Den he thumps upon de rhine be does it awful bold- it jest sounded ripe, an' den he plucks it ngnt away Dat watermillion fruit! u. u. B PAINT cracks. It often costs more to prepare 'a house for repainting that lias been painted in the first place with cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to have painted it twice with strict ly pure white lead, ground in pure linseed oil. Strictly Pure White Lead forms a permanent base for repaint ing and never has to be burned or scraped off on account of scaling or cracking. It is always smooth and clean., To be sure of getting strictly pure white lead, purchase any of the following brands: " Atlantic," " Beymer-Bauman," "Jewett," "Davls-Chambera," "Falmestock," "Armstrong & McKelvy." For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, a nnopouiid can to a 25pound keg of Lead and mix your own paiutH. $ave4 time ami annoyance in mulching bliudes, mid insure tile licit paint tlut it is pos sible to put en wood. Send u a iiostal card and get our book on paints und color-Card. Iree; it will probably uv you a good many dollars. NATIONAL LEAD CO., New Vork. ICE CREAM Do you mate your own Creamt If so, boy TRIPLE MOTION Whits Mountain Freezer. "FROZEN DAINTIES" A book 6 1 choice receipt) (or Ice C'r.am. Sher bet's Water Ion art packed in every Freezer. ALSO, A FULL LINE OF Refrig erators,Water Coolers, Baby Carriages, Hammocks & CO. AYLESWORTH'S Meat Market The Finest In tie City. The litest Improved fur nishings and apparatus for keeping meat, butter and eggs. 823 Wvoinlng Av BUY THE CQUHSEN CLEMONS For many years this Tiauo has stood in the front ranks. It has been admired so much for its pure, rich tone, that it has become a standard for toue quality, until it is considered tbo highest com pllincnt that cau be paid any Piano to say "It rcseulbles the WEBER." We now have the full control of this Tiano for this section as well as many other fine Pianos which we are selling at greatly roduood prices and on easy monthly payments. Don't buy until you seo our goods aud get our prices GUERNSEY BROTHERS' HEW STORE GOLDSITH'S UP TO SNUFF All the people aro wiser than some of the people. To say that the public can be de ceived continually is to insult their intelligence. So business can be successful witbout the cordial co-operation of its customers--uo co operation can bo cordial without confi dence. That we have this iu so large a measure shows that we have carefully nurtured this "plant of slow growth" until it's big enough to give shade to all. Our methods of forcing growth were with Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests, all sizes, 5c. Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests, of Maco Yarn, Richelieu ribbed, neatly trimmed neck and shoulders, 12c. A very superior quality of Ladies' Jersey Ribbed Vests, made from double-combed Egyptian Yarn, Lisle Thread finish, 25c. See window. "N Gents' Summer Gauze Shirts and Drawers, 25c. Boys' Navy Blue and White Striped Blouse Waists, with Sailor Collar, Pearl Buttons, including Cord and Whistle with every Waist, 39c. Goldsmith With ths New Valves Out of Sight Our new Bicycles are now to be seen at our 31 Lacka wanna avenue store. VICTORS, SPALDING, CREDENDA, GENDRONS, And a full line of Boys' and Girls' Wheels. We are mak ing extremely low prices on Second-hand Wheels. J.OlLLIlu&BRO, SULacka. Ave. A Fall Assortment Letter Copying Books OUR SPECIAL: A DOO-page 10x12 Book, bound in clotb, sheep back and comers, guaranteed to give satisfaction, Only 90c. FINE STATIONERY AND ENGRAVING, Reynolds Bros, Stationers and Engravers, 317 Lackawanna Ave. Dr. Hill frSon Albany Dentists t ttb, S.VM; Ixwt aet, SB; for Roll cap nd teoth without platen, called crown and bridge work, call for priest and referenoea. TONAI.U1A, for oxtractlug uUi without patu, No ether. No gas. OVEtt FIRST NATIONAL BAKE. BLAIW B0OICS WEBER 224 V. M. C. A. BUILDING. 8 Items Lil5:e Tlieso Brothers & THE lllllllllllilIIIIIII!IlllSt!llllIIIISilligillSIIIIIIIIIIIBl!lillHIIIlllll3 1IIII1SI11IIIIHU I Shoe Store mm I Selling Agents, I 227 Lacka. Aye. art M M M " Ml g EVANS & POWELL, 2 PROPRIETORS. nsiiiiir iiiiiittaiviBiiESiiaieiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiisBisBiiciiiEiiiniiDiiiEiiiEicaiiiiiirs DON'T Throw away your money ou au ordinary Refriger ator when you can get an They will keep fresh meat for three weeks iu the hottest weather. We aro selling them at a reduced price to close out stock for the sen.1011. FOOTE & SHEAR CO, Ironmongers, 5 13 Lackawanna Ave. CHERRY CURRANTS iRod and Black), RASPBERRIES, CANTELOUPES WATERMELONS HOME-GROWN PEAS BEANS AND TOMATOES PIERCE'S MARKET and Get the Best. WYOMING AVENUE. BAZAAR Company. COLUMBIA BICYCLE AGENCY, Opp. Tribune Office, IU Spruce St. Having bad 12 yoara' oxperien-e In the Eleycle tmsU nebo nnil 1I19 airuncy fur leading Wheels of HI tradui, we arc prepared to gum aim-i vitisfactiun. Thaw In tending to purchase uro invited to cail aud eiatnine our complete linn. Open evening. Call or icud ataiu for catalogues. f&M ' JJV,a'i,' Poyntelle :: House AT LAKE POYNTELLE, WAYNE COUNTY. PENNA. Situated at suumiit of the Now York, On tario and Wtacoi-n Kailway, M feet above lea. Tho highest stoaai railroad point in tha state. Seven fine laltoi within from turej to twenty minutes' walk from hut) lor station. Two bass lakos oonviniunt-perch, pickerel and other common varieties of flsh. Several other lakes within half hour's drive. Kor a day's sport and recreation take New York.Ontario and Western railway train lea v. iugScrautoUat ts. SO a.m., arriving at Poyntelle at 10.10 am. Returning, train leave) I'oyu tollo ISO p.m., arriving iu Sorantou 6.20 p. in. BOATS FREE TO UUEST3. FREE EXCURSION and PICNIC U ROUND ? RATES FOR SUMMER BOARDDH ! $8 TO $10 PER WEEK. House accommodations, 50. McCUSKER BROTHERS. POYNTELLE. PA. DOCTOR JOHN HAMLIN Veterinary Surgeon and Veterinary Dentist. TRIKPHONE StOI'J. Prompt attention to calls for treatment of nil domestic animals Veterinary Medicines i aiefully compounded and for sale at reasonable prices. OfUce nt the Hlume Cnrriago Works, 121 DIX I'Ol'ltT, Scrautuu, where 1 direct shoe ing afternoons. Grnduato of the American Veterinary Col lege und the Columbian School of Compara tive Medicine, Well, Sir! "Spectacles I" Yes, sir! We have a special ist here to fit you who does nothing else. 5 Sit richt down T and, have your !v,1 U a scientific manner. LLOYD, JEWELER 423 LACKAWANNA AVE. Inserted la THE TRIBUNE t th late of ONE CENT A WORD. 13 I WANT ADS. J
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers