TITE SCTJANTON TBIBUITE-WEDNESDAT JIOlf-JNlMO, OVLY IS, ISiU. 3 MATCHLESS SHAW.FIAHOB. 8TELLE & SEELEY, 134 WYOMING AJ2. V.nK.u, si 1 AW, KM 1.1SSON, NliWKNOLAND FINEST LINE IN THE CITY l'OR Til 15 PUK B. Wl .YV AND ll'.COMi II AM am. ruici .s GOOD BREAD -USE THE And always have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AXr FOTl SALE TO 'I UK TltADE 11V Ilie Weston Mill Co tEWARE n riMiiirpn RFEITS ) THE nFNIUNE POPULAR Punch Cii rars HAVE THE INITIOS B. St Co, firprintna nn Each fi'ttnr. Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. Mil.lti IIOIM. .'(Jl,! li DR. H. B. WARS removed to 406 SPRUCE STREET, back of Dime Bank. i'IiWSOAL. "Emm tlio Ranks." Judge W. P. Sadler, of Carlisle, is at the Wyoming. A. V. Dickson was a visitor to Carbon- diilo yesterday. (ioci-L"' 31. Hallstead is 00 ft bnsinoas visit to Bull'nlu. William Morris is spending a woelc re cuperntine; at Luke Wiuola. Miss Alice I)eppen, of the health depart ment is spoudiui; her vacation at Hones dale. John J. (irmly, of the Spruce Btroct firm of tirady and iiowio, will nail for Europe 011 .Inly -5. James Watson, of Jefferson nvonne, re turned yesterday from a weeks vacation orient at .Marhlehead Neck, Mass. Mr-. Reese (f Brooks and daughter, Corn, have loft for Luke (J.iiii9i,'anvinl, Wayne county on n two weeks vacation. Tue rtuv. Richard Ilium is confined to his home for the second time within a few weeks. He now lias an attack of lum- liauo. Miss Nettie La (force, i.f Washington, D. (!., is a pnot at the residence "f Superin tendent ltichard O'lirien, on Washington avenue. .Miss Kntlirynn Hart, the well known V. calist, is visuin'' her sister, Mrs. Joint Burnett, of Linden street. Mis Hart now resides in flow York. Mrs. I). I!. Hand nnd children, of Penn avenue, will leave today lor Luke Qtiin- giK'iiond, way jim county, where they will spend several weeks. Mrs. Judson, of Chicago who has been iu the city for sometime past visiting her paionts Air. aim illrs. li. i. l.lnck leit yes ternny for Now York, where she will H.end a few weeks visiting f rious. dncoh snnitny, or I'ranKiin avenue, 111 compuny with throe friends tlsltod one day last week off the coast of Fur Korku Way, an:', linnled in 5: pounds of biuelish. many of them weijliin over twelve pouuils. Says the Washington Post of Monday: "Miss Mai'daret Evans, member of tlio Sicranton, Pa., Choral nnion, which won the a,ui)0 prize at the. World's fair, is pmM lit the home of Airs. J. A. Price, 1, 10-1 ennsyivatna avenue." Mr. and Mrs. (iourKo (i. Aiuli v and J. N Little, of this city, and Mrs. J.' II. Murtz, nnd 21 Ls Mary Weriz, of Med ilia, Mo., leave today for I i rent .South Bay, Lone; Islnmt where they will occupy aparttnents m 1 no lenng jueira christian association cottage. 1). H. Athnrton, secretary of the hoard or trane, lett yo-tordny for Atlantic City. Whuro he will spend a week rratherini? in. spiratloii from the wild waves for the work: tout will confront him during tho next year in exploit lug the Industrial and bust Hess advantages of Hcranion. iietiry P. Ivoenan, the brilliant author nnd journalist, of New York, is visiting William llnnley, of Monro avenue. .Mr. Koenan's latest call to Inino was his as figunieiit by the New York World in chionicling the actions of Kichard Crokor on shipboard upon returning from Europe. ( buries Hartley, of Now York, is visit ing relatives ill the city. Mr Hartlev for merly resided iu tbUcity, hut now lives in New York where ho is managing mi rnter tninment bureau. Mr. Hartley is a fine veiitriloqui-t and his pranks on olevated rniirond traiusiu New York have furnished mat erial for many special articles in New York papers. l)uy' ths Wbr and get tbe best. At Guernsey Bros. "Prom tho Ranks." rxicVlen'd Arnica Salvi The best salve in the world for Cuts Bruises, Bores, Ulcers, Slt Rheum, Pever Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It it guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfaction fr money refunded. Price US cents per box. Per sale by Matthews Bros. 0R6ANS " I Foe io Dyspepsia ( , Qsymw white onUn Will HE CQSS HIT MISCHIEF lie PunclureJ tas McGinn's Eir With , Revolver Bullet. HE WHS . CRAZEO WITH DRINK After Dcing Shot McGnnn Fell and Coss Fired Another Shot at Him, Which Fortunntaly Did No Damage. Coss Is Enamored of a Pretty Wait ress at the Boarding Houso of Mrs. Early on Spruce Street. Whilo half-crazi! by drink, William Cuss sent a bullet through ihn leit cur of his room-mate, Janus McOauu, at V.rs. Eurley'8 hoarding hotus oil Spruce -1 1 ut t, near Franklin avenue, about G o'clock last evenin;? The (hooting was undoubtedly a do 1:1 wale attempt at murder, and it is "'.',) by tlie luckiest chance that Mo t latin was not killed or seriously wounded. Two shota wore fired and n!,o of them wt.s at such short range Vi.it McUnnn's hair was singed by tho powder. Coss, who is 11 journeyman tnilor. employe. 1 by Captain Aloir.had been on u debiiiwii for several (lays and was in . 1 fair way to be affected with dt lr ui!!i treiuons yesterday. JlcU mu hud spent part of tlio day with his bed-fellow and toward evening thy went to tneir room to std.er up. They hxd not ie"ii theni very lung before C'Si ao c;.el lUcG.inn of having robbed him of si..), following tip tho act'usiltioii by ir.iuiug ii revolver and tolling Mc (r.iuu that he was goto.' to shoot him. The latter tl d from the room followed t'y CW, revolver in hand. cuss m:i His RKVOl.VKIt As McUann started down a'liirs Va3 s o', til" iuillct puistntf throngli Mc U.iuu'a left ear, gr, zing tho neck. Tho wounded man tumbled downstairs and us he wis rolling from stop to step Coss fired another shot at hiia which, how ever, mused its mark. Two of the hoardjM captured C033 as he was attomp i'lg to quietly mak his eseape by way of t lie ro.tr gate, lie was handed over to Officer Jones and taken to the stalion bouse whore the revolver oi US-caliber, with two cham bers empty, was found secreted iu his irouser's leg. McCcinti was usistedto the Lackawanna hospital, whore his ear was dressed, Mcllann when son pavo tho ubovo Version o( tho utl'air, which was cor roborated us to a number of incidents tiy several of the board. AleUatin says thut the money which Coss claims was lost was sp uit by them during the lay. The evening previous Mr, Hig- guis, or tii turn or wins x uiggins, took !f2G 2") from Cjs'J for saf-j-keeping, returning it to him yesterday morning. CO.-9 is IS LOVIJ. Frank Rothermel, ouo of tho hoard - era.told 'J iik Tkiiiunk reporter that Cos has acted v.tv riiie.orly of late, r, seems that he is itilatU'itod with one of the waitresses, Louise Hammond, a plump and pretty girl, and is insanely jealous f her. He threatened to shoot liotn Kothermel and McO.inn, who he thouuht were tryitig to win tlio affeo- tions of his girl. Coss denied that there was a woman in the rase. Ilm only reason he gives for his mtirderona act is that MeGann rohhetl him. NORTH END. fTlie TCorth laid offiee of the SiaiANTos Tiiiiiim: i" ! -:i t - I at the Lewis 1 Inn,' Store. and .leliu's stuns aue nvemi.i, Iumii suli' Her i.tiun.i, :elertis' lnetits and conimuiucatiun will ri.'C' ive prompt attention. 1 SPARKS CAUSED THREE FIRES. They Occurred In thi Fields Nonr Tiipps Crossing Yesterday morning one of the Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western en ginei was the cntne of throe fires near Tripp's homestead. The sparks from tho engine ignited the weeds near an oat field and soon spread into the growing onis. The barn in the rear of Benjamin L. Jones was in danger for somt time but prompt action of a bucket brigade con. (I tiered the fl uue. S me damiigs was done to the growing crop. The same locomotive gt fire to the stable in the adjoining field from which the hay had been gathered a few davs ago. The tire travelled some distance across the field, but water and the bri gade again stayed its progress. Still another fira was cansi by tin same locomotive about 101) yards further nn the truck, but tho damage was slight, No alarm was sounded and the fact may be mentioned that George Key nnd others were instrumental lu sub duing tho fl tines. They some time ago organized an excellent hose company in Patk place wiiero scores of athletic young mull are interested iu the new company and aro " waiting tho assist ance ot city councils. ' THE BOYS CAM BACK. Anthony Monahau's Sjna Wiis Enticod Away by Their Brother. List February while Anthony Motia ban was under arrest for dnikenuess his son Patricic, from Girurdville, vu ticed his brothers Thomas and John away to his home and 011 July 14 the father swore out a warrant for tho ar rest of Patrick upon the charge of fraudulently leading awny the two brothers. The warrant was served by Consta bio Cole, who proceeded to Giiardsvlllo and after a twelve-mile walk on Mon day, yesterday found one at Connor's Patch nnd the other at Wild Cat. Patrick was released and the brothers were yesterday handed over to their parents. NORTH END BRIEFS. Tho Posthenos lodge, of Odd Fellows will run an excursion to rarvicw tomorrow. Tho Marviue Accidental fund committee will run an excursion to Parview ou Aug ust 4. The home of A. P. Hegnett, North Main avenue, was brightoned yesterday by tho birtb ot a blue-eyed bahy daughter. Pray or services were held last evening at the home of the lato William Williams who was recently killed at Leggolt creek. At tho monthly mooting of tbe Liberty Hose company last evening Out. Ion Iiide'r was elected a momber of the com pany. A. B. Chase and family will journey west for a vacation. Mr. Chase will also visit bis brother whom ho has not seen for thirty years. , Class 11, of Green Itidge Baptist church, held a lawn social l.nt evening whim ice cream nnd light refrohments were served on the church lawn. The name of L. M. Morgan in the mine foreman list yestorday should read L. M. Evans, who resides ou Wayne avenue and who was successful in obtaining a certifi cate. Rev. P. J. McManus, of Green Ridge; Bev. W. P. O'Dounell auk Frauk McHugh will Bnll'from New York Siturdnv morn ing ou the Servia 011 a short European tour. They will disembark at (jueeustowu and will procco 1 direct to Dublin and pay visit to various Historical spots 011 too Emerald Isle. Afterward Eugland nnd 'ranee will be traveled. The touris main ly undertaken for tho purpose of health recruiting and tho return is expected to be made in beptemuer. An address of svmoathv has been sent by the Thomas Jefferson lodge of Ivorltes to the mother of the Into William f. L'vans, fO iK street, who was roceutly killed at Cayuaa shaft. W. B. Christmas and Miss Flynn, of West .Market street, worn yesterday called to Erie to attend the United States court as witnesses 111 tho prosecution of Welles, the counterfeiter. A meeting 111 connection with tho Sati ny closing closing movement was held last evening at the Puritau church. Th t proceedings were in Welsh and addresses were given by H 'V. It. S Jones, U. U and Thomas Watlcins. THE CONTROLLER'S CASE. Another Attempt Will Bo Mads by ths Fchuylkill Attorney for ReooBrnitlon. His honor, Mayor Nichols, who is at torney for tx -Controller Abedtiogo eese. left tor i'ottsvine on toe 10 Si) train this morning where lie has be.' 11 summoned to confer with the at torneys of tho Schuylkill county con troller, who propose to take further le gal action p. mi light the controller's casa to the bitter end. The mayor said that wnilo he was going down upon the earnest request of the Schuylkill controllers attorneys, be did not see how any action of theirs could ult'ect the decision of tho supreme court. Uut while ho thought it was bettor to let the ciiso rost whero it w, still, if there is nny chance of ques tioning tlio validity of tho decision, as conflicting with the new law, they pro pose inskiiiK another attempt. W Ukes- rro Times. SOUTH SIDE. All aclvertisiii','matter, news items and new Kiiliscripti"iis, if l"it at the followinir business will lie liroiniitiy utteiiili il tot .aim s burlier siion. Westiilahl's store. I). V . Humph- rey's pharmacy aa.l A, J. Mulderiis's.l FUNERAL OF FRED REIOENBACH. Many Sorrowing Frton.ti Followed Ba- muin9 to ths Oiave. Tho fnneral of Fred Ueidenbueh, of Stone avenue, took place yesterday from the resid-noe of his mother on Stone avenue. The cortege loft tho houseot 2.15 o'clock headed by the drum corps of lh Washington camp, No. i(), Patriotic Order Sons or America, which was present iu nearly full strength. Following ciime the rela tives, noijhbors and trietus to tne 11 umber of nt least oODi Tho funeral proceeded to the Lutheran church on Cedar avenue, tlio drum corps playing Abide With Mo." On arrivitiL' at the church the Patri otic O.-der Sins of America openeil ranks and the remains were carried up the aisle, followed by the relatives and friends. The Uov. P. F. Zuiz-Omniui preached a most impres-dvo sermon and spoke words of comfort to the mother in bor sal nflliction. The re mains wore Jhen taken to the Pittston Avenuo cemetery, whero the services wvre conducted according the ritual 01 the Patriotic Order Sons of America, and all that was mort il of this eeiip plary man was laid in mother earth. The following acted as pail iieamrs Walter Nape, Christopher Scheur, The' odore Gardner. Hiid Henry Doeler. The flower bearers were Thomas Snrnks. John Schull. Christian Neahr and John Dtliubacher. SOUTH SIDE JOTTINGS. Mrs. J. H. Brooks returned home from Dover, N. J., Inst Saturday. Miss Kale Nealon, of Prospect avenue, is confined to bed with rheumatism. Miss Rose Hiig.i leaves for New York this morning on an extended vi.sitod. William Langan.of Hawley, called on Andrew Best, of Cedar avenue, yesterday Robert Vanduzer had his foot badly crushed nt the lower mill early yesterday The Snoihjerrundo will compote iu tho musical festival at L.uirol Hill park on September (1. Michael Loftns fell into the basin at Nay Aug falls yesterday and had a narrow ea capo from drowning. Oscsr Helregal, August Ketnpo, James Bost land Michael Coar went tlshing at Schick's pond Monday. Tho Rnval Arcanum held a meeting nt Freuhen's hall last evening. Adolph .Miller and John Alcock were initiated into the order. Michael l!iiru. the Pittston avenuo bar ber. had the top of his lingers taken off with a razor, he was stropping yesterday morning. Miss Elsie Brown, of Taylor avenue, and Maud Powers, of Cedar avenue, leavo to dav for Buff do and Niagara Falls on a two weeks' visit. Frederick Boyor, tho assailant of Neil Ruddy, wns released yesterday. His friends paid the Hue imposed ou him by Aldermnii Storr. Ilenrv M.ihr and John Frav, of Beech street, went fishing on Monday at Rattle- snake pond and caught over twenty pounds of fish each. Honrv E. Brown, jr.. of New Y'ork city who has been on a vWit to L. V. Powers, of Cedar avenue, during the past two weeks, returned homo today. Weliman Singer, ot Cedar avenue, was walking in his garden on Sunday evening when h tripped and fell heavily to the ground, fracturing his kuno cap. ( The S'.ar Social club held tho first meet ing at their new rooms last ovening.a good time was spent 111 uaiiciuii iiuu music. the party breaking up at an early hour. A sliL'ht fire occurred at PntricK Donnel ly's hou.-o on Beech treet Monday oven ini? It wns caused by the explosion or an oil lnmn. and was soon put out. No alarm was sounded. Julius Moirer, of Willow Btreot, lias the contract for building the roundutioii wall of the new building ou Pittston avenue belonging to Dr. J. J. Walsh. Ho began work yesterday morning. The funeral of tho Into Mrs. Sweeney took place yeslerday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Tho services were held in St. John's church and interment was made in Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Miss Maggie Miller, the daughter of Peter Miller, of Willow street, will go to Buffalo today, accompanied by her mother, and will bo married there to James Young, who was formerly a motoruiau for the Trnctiou company in this city. A large delegation of prominent South Sillers attended tho funeral of the late Charles Kngol, of Petersburg, Monday aft eruoon. The Interment win made in tho Petersburg Herman Prosbytoriau ceme tery. The pall bearers were George Schultz, Jacob Saar, Jacob Waltz and John Schmidt. Fhom fl to 8 each evening, visitors will be Bhown Woodlawn Park lots. "From the Ranks." Rkat. MuitlT Is tho characteristic of Hood's Sarsaparillii, and it is manifested every day in tho remarkable cures that medicine accomplishes. Hood's Snrsopa rilla is tbe kind. Try it. Hood's Pills are the best family cathar tic and liver medicine. Harmless, reliable, cure. "From the Ranks." lob Work . I NBAT h r V" OATOHV Tho Scranton Tribune lob Dept. hi if WEST IE Peter H. Davies' Daughter Says Ha Yas Hot Drowned at rieaant Beach, BELIEVES HE IS AT BANTIC0K5 Mr. Moy Went to That Place Last Night to Investigate Call Has Been Extended by Plymouth Church to Rev. Thomas Bell Edwin Hughes Injured by Being Kicked by a Mulo Other Notes and Personals. "1 do not believe there is tho slight est foundation to the report that my father, Peter M. Davis, was drowned Saturday at rioasant Dead), near Syr acuse," said Mrs. II. V. May, of 120 South Main avenue, to a Tribune re porter last evening. "It certainly is not true that my brother, Harry P. Davies, received a tolegram stating that tlio body of father had been found on Pleasant bead), or that ho has gone to that place to identify tho re mains, for Hairy is at present in this city." Peter M. Duvios is an old man and resided with his daughter at 12(i South Main (ivifiiue. lie went away 011 Sat urday and us he had said something about going on the excursion of the Delaware, L ickawannu and Western Mutual Aid association to Syracuse, it was at first supposed that he had done so. binc9 then, however, thsy have be come convinced that he went to visit relatives at Nantiooke, and as noted above, Mr. Davies' daughter. Mrs. May, believes that the report in last night's Truth concerning tho old gentleman's death at Syracuse is without founda tion. Last evening Mrs. May's husband weut to Nanticoke to ascertain whether or not Mr. Davies is there. CALL EXTENDED TO REV. MR. BELL. Coiigreuration of Plymouth Conjrroga- tiounl Chinch Wants ntin. A special mooting of the member of the Plymouth Congregational church was held last evening for the purposo of extending a pastoral call to a minis tor. lhoinas hynoti, a deacon in tlio church presided. After some lengthy discussion a vote was taken. Kotiirt Savillo and Thomas Rey nolds wt-re appointed tellers 1 lie vote tiiiciu W113 nnauatn- 111 iniy in favor of Kev. Thomas Dell, of Dartmouth, Mass. Mr. Dell has officiated in tho etiurch on several occasions, each time with unbounded satisfaction. He id eloquent, and his discourse abound witii Tjr.ictic.il knowledge of theology. It is intended that the call will bo extended at once, as the church is now without a pastor. KICKED BY A MULE. Edwin Hughes Injured in tho Diamond Mine. Edwin Hughes, of Bromley avenuo. received a painful injury while ut work in the Diamond mine on Monday by being kicked bv a mule. Hughes is employed as a driver and while urging tho animal forward it became vicious and dealt him a furious blow in tho thigh with its hoof. Ho was removed to his home where it was found that although the injury is of a most paiuful nature no bones wi to blokeu. SERVICES LAST EVENING." Conduced Ovm- tho Remains of the Late V.'iUiMin Haycock. A large number atietidud tho fnnoral services held last evening over tho re mains of tho late William Haycock nt tlio home ot bis daughter, Mrs. David Harris, on North Garfield avenue. Impressive services were conducted by Rev. Hugh Davis, of the Welsh Calvinislio Methodist church. The remains will be romoved this morning on the 8 o clock train for Huzleton, where interment will be mado. LITTLE WEST SIDE NiWS NOTES. the est Side ollico of the Sokvnton T"l I'M! is located at. 1111 North .Main aw line, wlici-o subscriptions, advertisements nnd i'i laiiiiinieations will receivo prompt atten tioit. Mrs. Joseph Mathias, of Price street, is in. New telegraph poles aro being oroctod on Alain avenue and Jacusoii street. Mrs. D. I). Evans and family, of South Main avenue, ore sojourning nt Lake niola. Hay Morgan nnd Harry Mott, of this side, who are bunimering at Lake Wiuola, are in town. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Nicholls. of North Bromley avenue, are rusticating at a lake near Jiorwicu. Miss Nellie Beols will leave on Monday for a week's sojourn at ractoryvillo and Sheridan Lake. ... . . - v.. .... .uiss Annie j.vnns, ot I'tiiMiioiphia. is visiting her cousin, Mrs. T. J. Price, of Academy street. The animal picnic of Columbia Hose company No. fi will occur nt Wahlei's Grove on August hi. William it. Owen lai been elected superintendent of tho Jacicsnn .Street Jinp tist Sunday school. Rev. T. J. Collins nnd family have re turned from a two week's visit with friends in Virginia. Miss Anna Kennedy, of this side, will loavo tomorrow for a mouth's recupora tion at tlio stashoie. . Miss Grace Walker, of Division street, and Miss Bertha Jenkins, of Hyde Park avenue, are at Ocean Grove. Miss Jr.ne Uurlburt, of Meridian, Miss issippi, is a guest, at the homo of C. A. Burr, of South Main nvonue. Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 1). Morgan, of North Hyde Park avenue, left yeslerday for a two weeks' visit at Lake Idlewile. Frank Stet ter, of North " Main ; avenue, lias greatly improved the front of his hotel by having it painted and grained. Mrs. Thomas 1). Evans and family, of Fynoll street, have gone to Oakland, Cal., whoro thoy will rejoin Mr. Evans and re side. Frank Doud, cf Jackson street, and Thomas Heniiigson, of Tenth street, will indulge in a wrestling, catch-ns-catch-can match hi the near future for $'M aside. A. M. Morse and family, of South Brom- I. iv avenue, left for Luke Wiuola yesler day, where Mrs. Morse and son Arthur will speud tho summer months iu their cottage. The funeral of the late Mrs. McNnmara will tiiko plnco on Thursday morning my o'clock from the home of her gtaed chil dren, 4WI Luzerne street. Interment iu Hyde Park Catholic cemi tory. Last ovening a trout suj p r wns served at the homo of B. (1. ...organ. These feasts occur every year and are indulged in by A. U. ICynon, Dr. W. A. Pnluo and II. G. Morgan, whose wives are enjoying tho 8'imninr months in Heir cottages it LnkoWinalo. The menu wui nn excelloi.t one, piepnied by A, B. Eyuon, and was thoroughly enjoyed. Complaints are continually being heard of boys who nightly infest l ho streots and are of the greatest annoyance Jo people pnRsiiiR.f A lady complained to 'Lieutenant Williams last evening of a crowd who daily play ball on Division street, in close proximity to tho houses. In tact win dows are broked in all section", but aro never replaced. The gang that coutiuuully haunt the ond of the Washburn street car liucinuke themselves obnoxious by ring ing the bell or closing the gates on the curs. WE ARE glad to sec there are some who appreciate Re 3 1 Bargains. That is what we are giving you in Baby Carriages. At actual costDinner Sets from $7. 98 up. Toilet Sets all prices. Silverware, Cut Glass, &c n6 Wyoming Ave. Tlie Sick to Receive Medical Services FREE OF CHARGE. I'lKST MONTH'S NKItYICKS l to i;vi;i:yi5odv. FO ALL IMS CASKH r.vrno.N'Ts. AM) ALL The irreat Kie'lish Shin of Physicians. The Must DISTLN'HCI-HKO 81'KCIALISTS O.N TIIH CO NT INK NT The l'ro.ident and Chief DiairMostielaa call Lc found daily iu the pal lor at tho CONWAY HOUSE i:K mid ISII PKXN AVION UK. They como ivcnmm 'tided by loyalty and the tlrs' phv-d-eians of 1-nrop . Tlioy treat all l'is.-ases. Kuptitres oui'eil liy a new procss. A I'iisi 'I 1VI0 euro gimi-anteeil in all StXL'AL DIS EASES and Weaknesses of EITHER SEX liy our tifw trcatmout rrttlonrs trnatod by rnrri'sjinnili'MtM u:id mh'Iumiuh wmi tutl di 1'iTiionn sent ly t'xpiv.ss. Hut. when o -si-a lmrsonal cniisultnliou is lu-oferred. All coiisiitiat it ns tire A in strict privacy. N.li. -TlM'sr Spo-i;ilistR run euro all rrntit iis Y VA.lt ;w (til hiK- Htimtlini; clu'inic,lilUcnlt anl ob vuro v rises tliut Iklvc bpen ucilcctO'l or uiisliilltuily treritcil (alln uiinlo liy ap l.omtmmt ami p-itimitstrcateilat tlu-ir homiM when di'HiivfL Mourn, y to 4 and 7 to K ;u For Ten Days only to introduce our NEW brand of $4.00 PER BARREL $1.00 FER SACK C. DITCHBURH 4.7 LACKAWANNA AVE. Another Advocate of Ons. Ill NWOOl) li AVAUDI M,: l,i.r u.i. u l x It allords nm cronl pleasure in at ate that your new pi ocesi olrxtrartlou it-fth whs ii Rruiiil miccosn la my case, and I heartily recommend it t all. 1 slmteridy linpu that othcis will test Us merits. oura respertfiilly, CAI'T. S. K. 11KYANT. Scrauton, Ta, Hen wood & Wardell, DKMTSTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. Will on and after Mav 21 make n Rioat rednn ttou In the prices of plntea. All work guar antaed fli'tit-ctuis iu every uarticulnr. THE CELEBRATED ro at Pr'cnt the Mrwf Popnlar anJ rroferrcd by Irt'U.llHlI Al'tlnlH. Varerooms: Opposite Columbus Monument, Look Here! Th. J'- TJV n mr)pnt )t7,i, jfc iSS A,... A . .. ,.'.-.... J -il.. WW WW ' Weichel & Millar Special Sale Aneesthene Mtk sv- V, is advertising mailer constantly being distributed among the public. ' Not everybody has a task for read ing. Have your printing done in an attractive and novel style. Draw p-plc's, attention by some thing 'atch and rarely seen. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE JOB DEPT. A is able to please you in evety respect. MtM. You ieed Them And a visit to Martin & Delany's will be wilder you at their immense stock oi thin goods. Just the stuff to keep you cool. Our novelty in summer goods is a Nobby, Long-cut, Double-breast Blue and Black Serge Coat. The proper thing for tennis. Custom Tailors and Clothiers, WYOMING AYENUE. E252DEranSEa3Bersa51GI5C3'?3SB2asa5SESS21!!!3r;EnEIIE5:i!3:25SIS mm b&ar b AT 1 WL MiJli! If I 308 Lackawanna Ave, S 50 dozou Men's P.ut JJlauk Jlxse, I hi 5--BREAT VALDES-B rs 10 dozen Men's lialbriggart Shirts, were 50c. I TO CLOSE jjj 10 dozen Men's Fine Percale Shirts, slightly soiled, were $1.25, a 1 LM L75- To Close for 50c, 75c, 98c. 7 dozen Ladies' Fine Shirt Waists. Yoke- Hack, in Fink and 111 tie, were $2.2") 50 dozen AU-Liiinn P.imask frinw, were 25c. Scientific Eye It's a Great Shock to tho folks who aro clalmlntt thoy undersell ill others to Hull that without the lesst tuss or bluster n are iriving custom rs the bou tilt of such opportunities as these. A Mrioilv HIkIi Oradn l.lu'lit-woltrhlf IVlim'l, 1894 piitmrn, fur WHO nusli. l.NOS pattern, k1 r( Wheel, fur J?7. 1804 pattern, 100 M huol, for ar oasl' rUcse prices make tho basiuess at our store. FLOREY & HOLT Y. M. C. A. BUILDING. ViOTOR SASH. It Ss Correct!! AND JUST THE THING FOR THIS HOT WEATHER. onrad THE Sells llATTEU, Them. A. V. JUKiscn jioc onnnjsr oTrrr' tOJ jrtiUbc olnl-tl BICYCL1CS AM) SPOHTIXO GOODS. Victor, Gendrnn, Krlipse, LnvelU and Other Wheel Dlnmont "DON'T HIDE BUSHEL." WE mm 308 Lackawanna Ave. rnlar ni'ico, 2jc. TO CLOSE, 2 for 25c. Z 39c. FOR $1.25. a Towels, size 20 by 10, knotted 5 FOR 15c Testing Free By DR. DR. SHIMBERG, Tho Specialist on tho Eye. Headaches and Ner vousness relieved. Latest and Improved Style of Eyeglasses and Spectacles at tho Lowest Prices, Best Artificial Eves inserted for 5. 305 Sl'llt'CI-; ST., Opp. Old Post Office. N. A HULBERT'S City Music Store, WYOJUmO AVE.. ECBAMIO BTFTN'WA V SO DKCKKIl imOTHEM KHAMCJH & HACK SiX LIZ H BAULK dual 4Jir lu-n (took of llrit-lM MUSICAL MEHCHAMMSR ML 610, LTOs, Km NATIONAL CIRCUIT ICICLE RACES ALL DIAMOND PRIZES. Tni3 circuit includes Wash ington, Denver, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, etc. SCttANTON'S DAY, MONDAY Septembar 17, 1894 ROOP tlnnlnir and Rolderlnit all done hvrnr with by tho use ot HAHTMAN'S l'AT ENT PAINT, which con.sU of lncredl lira well-known to all It can be applied to tin, galvanized tin, sn st iron roofs, al so to briclc dwellfnu'a, which will prevent uhsolutulv any orumldiiiA cracking or breakinn of tht brn k. It will on k 1 ist tbiuliiR ot any kind by many yenrs.aml it s cost iloes not exceed otiif (trih thiitol , he cost of tlnuhiK. Is sold bf tho jol or pound. Contract taknn by AN'IUMU 11AIUMAISN, 6.7 birch 81 YOUR LIGHT UNDER A THAT'S JUST WHY TALK ABOUT
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers