THE SCKANTON TRIBUNE -WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 18, 1S94. ASE BALL Tlw Philadelphia Calls Defeated a Second Tini3 with Ease. THEY COULD NOT HIT YERKES The Lenders Turn tlie Tables on Hazleton and Win with a Narrow Margin Pottsville Takes a Game from Harrisburg and Lancaster Loses to Reading Standing of the State League Clubs Notes of the Diamond General Sporting News. ITM V-l,.-,0 nam or. lJH I iiuisitioo to tin Wf I nitouinu da u s r t- r - . . "... ineut ol tne ftcrnii ton club, in tlie box, tbu home club huii no diflicnlty in wiuuins tlie scoud guine fruiu tua l'liil ndelphiii ti)m ye trday, the visitor not beii:t "ble to olv liU erratic d- livBrv. Vv this vict ory mid the loss of a name by LaneHsti.r to Keadiiiff.Scranton u tit) with L ui enster (or second place. Allentown alto won a game from Ilazleton yesterdny, thu itrotiKtheiiing its position t th bend of the list. Should Allentown lose both today and tomorrow Scrau ton will be a tie with it for first pluc The other obuuges iu the stimdnig of the clubs is the goiug of RwUijk from eevoutu into fifth place. Philadelphia in the meanwhile is alsostreucthenint; its clutch on eitflith place with a game wou and seven lost. The l'ollowiug table gives the per centages, number of games won and lost by each club, and their standing In the league rase- Wou Allentown 7 crnutou 5 Lancaster 5 PottBville Kuadiug 3 HarrUburg 8 Hazleton 3 I'hilaclclubia.... 1 Lost. 1 a 3 3 i 5 5 7 Per C't. ,75 .ti'.'J .(W5 .571 .4-J8 .375 .T5 ,rj5 SC'HKDCLE FOR TODAY. Allentown at Scranton. Philadelphia t Hazleton. liarrisbiiri at Reading. Pottsville at Lancaster. ONWARD! STILL ONWARD 1 While Dcwa Into the Valley of Defeat Want Philadelphia. If Scrantou bad a few more snaps like Philadelphia to encounter ou the home grounds we would rapidly climb to the summit of the league column. Thoss Quaker City boys are not able to even make a game with "Our Pets" thoroughly intereting. Their greatest weakness is in the pitcher's box, but the team work is of u very low grade and calculated to dis courage any twirler in the business. When the game opeued yesterday Manager Randall put in McGuire, his little sonth'paw pitcher. While at the bat In the third inning McGuire was hit by a pitched ball and had to retire from the game, Brown taking his placa. During the three innings he held down the rnbber McQuire was found for two singles, a double and two three base bits, lie also sent five men to first on balls. Brown's pitching talent is located In bis right arm, but be does not appear to be much of an improvement on Me Galre. He was touched up for eight singles and a double, gave three men bases on balls and hit Pitcher Yerkes with a pitched ball. He bit the ball once for three bases. OUR NEW PITCHER. Mr, Yerkes, the latest addition to the pitching department of the Scran ton club, made bis debut before a Scranton audience. He looks like an overgrown boy, but possesses a good pitching arm, which will bring him considerable fame if uot more, ir that uiumber is properly cared for. Yerkes makes a great fuss over de livering the ball, but was very effec tive yesterday. He bus fairly good command of the ball, but seems to have a great partiality for high balls. He sent the majority of the balls over the plate on a line with the bataman's shoulders. Nearly all of the balls tbat were called on him yesterday were bitch. He has an abundance of speed, some good curves, and is cool and composed at critical points of the game. He faced the weakest team iu the league yesterday and with -the splendid sup port he received bad no trouble in winning the gums. What Mr, Yerkes will do when he faces the heavy hitters of Allentown, Potttville, Lancaster and Harrisburg remains to be seen. HIS WORK YESTERDAY. Yerkes struck out three men yester day, gave throe bases on balls, bit ono bttsmuu And was found for six singles, a double and a triple. He fields his po sition wull and keeps h close eye on ihe bag. He was given first base on balls twice yesterday, was retired twice on infield hits and once on a fly into right Masjev and Westlake made three base hits and Staltz and Patehen dou bles. Every member of the .Scranton team, excepting Hosan and Yerkes, so cured u hit. The score: SCRANTON. H. II. P.O. a. E. Wetzel, c s 1114 0 Moguii, c. f 1 0 4 1 0 I'ulcheu, r.f 8 8 10 1 JUwev, lb 3 8 11 1 0 Hielau, 2b. 8 3 S 1 0 Stnltz, I. f 1 U 0 0 Rogors, c 0 8 4 1 0 Westlake, 3b 1 2 8, 6 0 Yerkes, p 0 0 0 8 (1 Total 12 14 27 10 1 PHILADELPHIA. R. II. P.O. A. K Roih, c 0 1 0,0 0 Toy. cf 0 0 8 0 1 Foulkroil, Bb 0 0 14 0 S'ephonsoii, rf....... 0 2 8 2 0 liai rett, If 0 0 1 1 Liuer, lb , 1 1 13 0 0 IiiUk, 2b 2 2 0 4 OBrieu, M.S..,, 1 1 I) 0 0 ISIc(iuire, p 0 0 liiown, p 1 1 0 o 2 Totals 0 8 27 19 Kcrnuton 1 0 3 2 19 0 3 1-12 Philadelphia.. 0 0001020 2-6 Earned runs Scranton. 4. PhiladulDhia. 2. Two base hits Stalta, Patehen. Three base bite ilasey. Went lute. Brown. Sac ritice hits Westlake. Stolen bases Ho- can, Patvhnn, 2; Phelan, 8: Toy, Childs, . unen. tin uy pucuer rawnen. aio tiuire. Btruckout By Yerkes, 8. Urst Mnse on KaiiB nr xtu'ttex. 8: Jicuulre. c- Lirowu, 3. Time of gauis-2,05. Umpire (jorouran. OTHER STATE LEAGUE RESULTS. At Hozleton Hazleton 0 8 2 2 1 118 1-18 Allentown.... 4 0 1 S 1 2 0 1 x-14 HiU-Hazleton, 16; Allentown, 10. r t ill f v.. rors Hazleton. 5; Allentowu, 2. Battor ifs Lukens and Moore; Baldwin and iuiliiuan. i At Harrisburs Harrisburg... .u 1100000 13 Pottsville 0 0000200 24 Hit'-Harriftbura. 10: Pottsville. 12. Er rors Harrisburg, 2: Pottsville, 8. Battor ies Jleauey ami Wente; Wilson and Dig gins. Umpire Riun. At Lancaster Lancaster 0 0008000 02 Reading 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 28 Hits Laucsstor. 8: Rending, it. I.rrors Lancaster. 6: Reading. 8. Battories Jones and Uoodbart, Ploniiug and L'oto. NATIONAL LEAGUE RESULTS. At St. Louis Pittsburg 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 3 0-5 St. Louis 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 04 Hits-Pittsburg, 10: St. Louif. 10. Errors Pittsburg, 3: St. Louis, 3. Batteries Ebret and Mack: Mason. Peitz and Twine- ham. lTmpire Burst. At Chicago Louisville 1 0100800 0-5 Chicago U 0 0 2 2 0 8 0 07 Hits-Louisville. 1(1: Chicago. 14. Er rors Louisville, 3; Chicago, 2. Bntteries Knell mid Weaver; Siratton and iricbri Vtr. Umpire Hartley. At New Yerk Washington... 0 0 0 0 0 1,1 0 0-2 New York.... 4 0 0 I 1 0 0 1 x- 7 Hits Washington. 0: New York, 14. Er rors Washington, S; New York, 1. Batteries-Maul and iletiuire; Rusie and Par rell, Umpire Emslie. At Baltimore- Brooklyn 0 n 0 3 0 0 0 0 Baltimore 0 3 0 1 0 1 8 2 1- 4 l-i:i Kr- Hits Brooklyn. 10: Baltimore. 10. rors Brooklyn. 4: Baltimore. 0. liat- teries Kennedy and Dailey; Ulenson and Kooiusou. uuiplro ivicljuuid. At Philadelphia (Seven iuniugs) Boston 0 0 0 1 0 0 10 Philadeluhla 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 The Bostons refused to nbidn liv a do- cistouot the umpire and the game was given to Philadelphia by a score of 0 to 0. Batteries E. ytaluv and Teuuy, Taylor and Buckley. Umpire-Campbell. At Cincinnati Cleveland 1 4 0 2 0 2 0 7 0 111 Cincinnati.... 0 1114OUO0 7 Hits-Cleveland. 2(1: Cincinnati. 7. Er rors- Clevolaud, '.!; Cincinnati, 3. Batttir ios (frilliiu, Cuppy uud O'Connor; Cross aud .Murphy. I'inpiro-Ujtt'ney. EASTERN LEAGUE. At Bpringdeld Erie, 8; Springfield, 7. At Providence Providence, 7; Bufl'ulo, 2. At Troy Troy, 0; Biughauitou, 4. BULL GAMS IN RIOT. Enraged Philadelphia Blsachar Mangle Coaehtr Tuoksr's Jaw. Philadelphia, July 17 A riot oc- 11 r red on tha bull 11 Mil hr tmlnv ami only the plucky action of Gradv and uuyie, oi me local ciuo. coupiea witu serious injury beiug done to Tucker mm ouverai otuer uiemuers or tue vis iting club. As it was Tucker was struck and had a boue in bis cheek broken aud a squad of twenty-five policemen hud tn Iimtni't fha tllnuuM tn laavini Via grounds and until they got bsveral squares away. Tlie lr&lnn wna n i1naa anil Avltinrr one. and Umpire Dan Campbell, the luuai Buuauiuii) woo tooit tne place oi Stai?e. tftfhi) wua incan'mitafArl hv ill. uess, several times cautioned the Boa- ton, ii looKeu line ram wtien the eighth innincr startud. H.istnn nt tlml time led, tbo score being 2 to 1. The i'miues started In by batting oat seven runs, when the vis itors nsed every meaus to delay the game, nositivelv refusing to mftlraRU t(Vnr if. a nnl rtnf Vinallu Delalmuty went out on a foul strike .1 mi ... . . auu xuumpion was cauea out lor cue tin? sseond hafla. Bnatun tlinn rafnoAd to bat and Campbell gay the game to Philadelphia, The crowd then surged on the field and it was only by hard work tbat Tucker, who bad made him self particularly objectionable, was gotteu safely under the grand stand. Attendance, G, 100. GLINTS FROM THE DIAMOND. Hogan has very noor luck in hitlius the ball. Ue seems unable to land it in a safe place. Jloran. late of the Nashville club, liaa been signed by the Harrisburcr club as a pitcher. With a man like Toy of Puiladelohia in right field Scranton would be a very evenly balanced team. Tim Keefo goes to the Polo orounds nearly every day to practice. He says his arm is as strong as ever. Buck Ewing and Jiminie McAleer nrn both grooming Charley horsos that have bothered them this season. The other doy a ticket was Dresentfld at thu Cincinnati hall grounds that had not been u.sed since IhN'il. It had laid undnr cover twelve years. The New York cluboflicials are snri- ously thinking cf playing a benefit game for Jim Murtie, who ii at present in a hos pital at Corning, N. Y. The Actives, of Groon P.ldire. challantra the Union Stars, of Dunmore, to a game of ballon tno stove works grounds. Answer turougu 'iuibu.ns. w. loung, captain. Adrian Ansou is putting up ns good a game mis year as uny man in tbe loaguo, In 50 games he has been 109 times at 1 at, 48 runs, bti hits, 88 totals errors S-aver age M'l. Jlaunger Chapman is piping for a berth in the National league, Cbapman claims tbat the Buffalo club is playing to larger crowds than either the W'ujbiugtous or L.ouisvnu:i. Perry Wotdou rayn that Frank Gounls is tne star outtlplder iu tlie Western league, and that be is covering more ground than four-lifths of the league fielders and is battlug in fine shape. John Clarksou has mndo a novel objec tion to liis reloasu to Baltimore and nas refused to g tliero unless he is given a bonus by the Cleveland: thus the deal for tbo exchange of Clarkson for Uullauu baugs tire. Scranton and Lancaster are now tied for second placu. If we can defeat Allentown In the games we play with that club in this city today and tomorrow we will tie them lor first place. Let the Scranton players now make tbe effort of their life, McAlecr, of Cleveland, has given it as his opinion tbat Scranton is the strongest club in tbe State league, while Kelly bus doneuB tbe honor to fay that he bellevoi tbe struggle for tbe championship during me secuuu Bunion win narrow down be- tweon bcrunton sua Allentown. Pitcher Yerkes has a verv neouliar d lively. He stands facing the batsman with the ball poised on tbe lingers of bis right hand done to the cheek. Then he bends down aud backward, his left leg describes a circle in tno air ana as bis lorm again as sumes an upright position the ball is de livered. . Cincinnati will give Carney Flynti a trial. He is a luft-hander who has just returned from the south. JJartiu Alu Quald, the out-ilelder, has been released by t upiain uomiekey. lie did not play iu a championship game audlhis hordnit work has been drawing bis salory. Mctjnnid win ioiiuw um urotuer s example, auu nas been appointed an umpire on the Western Leaguu sum. Henry Chadwick says: "What nonsense it is to estimate a batemau or pitcher's skill who is In a minor league team by his butting average or ms pitching skill iu striking out opposing batsmen. In estl matint a fielder's ability in a minor loatrua team the case is different, as sharp holding hhowi itseif in any team. But batsmen who bave higb base hit averages iu a minor league clnb record, are, as a rule, uowhere when they come to face skilled strategists iu the major loagu. and uitch era who are alleged "cracks" in tbe box In the minor league tall lamentably when they come to face team workers at the bat. LOCAL HORSE NOTES. F. C. Hnzzml. ot Green Ride, who joined the Geutlemen's Driving club last week, has become enthused with tbe pleasure of racing and has purchased three new horses. Tbe stock was bought iu Poughkeepsie, N. Y.. and one may par ticipate iu Saturday s races. Nest Saturday may be seeu a team race in which J. L. Crawford's pacers uud trotters. Dr. G. E. Hill's bays aud Am brone bpeucer s pair will compete. It is not im probable, tbat Dr. Cbarles Hill will drive bis gray gelding. Jim Wears, and Charles Schudt's Johuuy iu the race. It would be difficult to pick tbe winner in a race which included J. H. Ladwig's Blew, Piank Seigel's Prank y, L. T. Payne's Duke aud J. L. Crawford's Coxey. .Net, also owned by Mr. Crawford, is eli gible to pretty fast company aufl might give an account of lierelf in such a clsssi- llcntlou. Wulter Jormyn's Magnolia has beeu a disappointment to many who kuow her renl i peed. Her failure, however, to be first or second iu the races of the past two weeks should not reflect upon the mare's quality. Slio was taken from tbe farm but a few weeks ago and as soon as conditioned aud hardened will probably give u better account of herselr. In her recent races she has not been rigged pro perly. One of the lluest family horses iu the city and consequently a horse deserviug of special meutiou is tbo blood-bav re cently purchased by Alexander Hunt. The animal weighs about luW pounds, is in good condition and safe aud has a free and easy action. Mr. Hunt has beeu the recipient of many remarks of congratula tion from horsemen about the horse. GENERAL SPORTING NOTES. Frank Craig.the "Harlem Coffee Cooler,' says ho will lii:ut Choyutki or Creudou fcr tl.OUO to 2,500atide. Cultured Boston is becoming a strong hold for lacrofse. She probably has some ot thu best players in the country ou her tenm. A cablegram was received by the Polica Ou.ette trom London yesterday tnyiug that George Johusou accepts Jack bUclly s challenge to tight for JCbM a side. The fas tost 2-year-old pacer to date this season is tbe brown colt Judge Hart, by William Al. Hill, who wou the Mist beat of a race for his age at Couucil Bluffs last week in 2.14.V From all accounts old Dallas, 2.14', the Kentucky bred pacer, is a faster borse than he ever has been. He begun the present campaign by witluing. This horse was sold for fc250. It is stated on pretty good authority that no more prize tights will be ullowed to take place iu the Can no, Boston, where Fitzsimiuons, Choynskl, Meyer uud Ab bott recently fought. The stewards of the Jockey club have granted the Brighton Beach association the privilege of having two races each day for horses 3 years old and upward of a dis tance of less than one mile. Dixon will not do any more severe work until this full. He has earned a good rest and it is sensible ot O'Rourke not to koop up the work. In the meauwhile, however, 'lboinas won't overlook any soft marks. Dick Burge, the English lightweight, is reportod to be duugerously ill at Newcas tle, England. He trained himself while training for his tight withNiekless, which, owing to this accident, had to be declarod off. Up in Buffalo tbe crauks on cycling think that Eddie Bald will demonstrate before the seaBou is over that he ii the fastest man racing today. He was never iu better con dition, und Asa Windle says that the boy ii full of pluck. Reflector has shown by bis work that the paciug record is uot boyoud bis reach. Ou June ill he negotiated u mile in 2.08. Steel Prince, in tbe same stable, can do the trick iu 2. 10 or better, having roc ently worked a mile in 2. 11. John Splan has the famous old gray trotter Jack, by Pilot Medium, in his ntriugon the Ohio and Indiana circuits. The old fellow is looking as slick and full of vim as ever, and Johu hopes to win a few shekels with Lini yet. Apparontly Leeds and McAuliffe are two of a kind. The Brooklynite has al ways been independent and assertive, and the New Jersey man possesses both quali ties, judging from bin answer to the prop osition ot McAuliffe for a light. Connelly & Quinn, of Pittsburg, the backers of "Jerry" Marshall, the Austra liau pugilist, say they will match the col ored man against George Dixon for 5,01)0 a side and tbe featherweight champion ship. They also offer to back "Ed" Smith against "Bob" Fitzsimmons or Jackson for a similar amount. Stanton Abbott, the English light-weight champion, says tha this only ambition now is to be matched with Jack McAuliffe for the light-weight championship of the woild. He declares that bis record iu this country aud abroad ought to bang good iu his stead. However, ho stipulates, he will not waive auy weielit to McAuliffe. He will tight Jack ut 133 pounds or nothing. Cmited from Canada Presbyterian, un der aigiintuje of U Blackett Robinson, propiietor: I was cured of oft-reenrriug bilious headaches by Burdock Blood Bit ters. Lost. 1 OST-A UOIJ) 1IA1H PIN WITH WHITE li prongs. Fimlor will be suitably re warded by rclurniinf the wune to Coluuol K. II. hippie, Third National bank bulldiug. Financial Statement. t3iam,Talht atesi etTik e'dal 1 t in Independent School District for tlie year eudltig Juno 1, 1 W'J 1 . TAXES. Amount levied for school pur poses IT01 93 Amount levied for building pur poses 850 U Total amount ot taius levied... $1,002 07 HECKll'TS. From state appropriation for iliuyi'sr unding June, luul . . . . 1 K Haluin'0 on baud (rum last year JNJ tli From North Abinuton township for tuition "1 01 Fnin H. A. (lay for tuition re- coived from pitid pupils 8 SU From collector for taxes col lected 892 70 Total rocolpts 82,070 21 KXI'F.MIlTUItFS. For repairs on buildings J 8" oil For toacherit' wages IWil 75 For fo s ot collector (8W.7UJ and treasurer 33.70) 711 Hi For loci and oontingsuciea Ti V' For wdury of aucretary '.11 IM For debt and intercut paid 3(l f0 For other expenses HW For school text book and sup plies EH " I Total expenditures. u:t Cash on baud i SOS 70 ItEtillUltCES. Cash ou hand i'W "" Amount due from collector 46 17 Total. t 330 VI I.I A HI UT KS. Amount of bonds ontstandlnir.S'J.OOO 00 'im on Liabilities In excess of resources $t,X)V 0U Witness our band tuts sixtn Uay or July, ,m" ' EDWARD MILES, President; A. B.VLL, Seorstary. Situations Wanted. WWeTSposition clothiera stora orgrooer or collecting ao- oountsanv pisceor trust, can o wen recom mended for uny posltiou. Address JOHN M. TAYLOIt, Avoca, Pa. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNli I' inarriud niau as tvnuisUr. or auy dusira bln employment. Call or address "S4. 8.," IS11 Cedar avenue. SITUATION WANTEIJ BY A 8TKONO limn 25 yours old. UuilemtaBds oiira ot bnwa itud is a Kood gardner. Addrcw Fred, 17 Cliurry ntrtt, tiurnntuu, Pa, tjT'rU ATION WANTED BY A YOUNU O linly who nmuku (Inrmin nnd Euglah. In oflli'e or at books urcferiod. AdJreil U. A. M.. Oenorul DrliYHry. w ANTED A WOMAN WANT'S W'OHKfl bv tlie dnr. Addrau B. M.. Ml Mauls street, bcrautuo. Fa. A Word. onfs of all kinds coit that much, ea tpt Situations B'aftd,u7iicA art insert FUSE. Agents Wanted. (jKLOU PEB MONTH, CITY OB COUNTRY M to compotont wido'Swuku insurance solic itors; well established permauont businesi. AddroiiB or iiamiro H"'ond lloor, 5"A Lack wanna avc., Scrunton, la. Help Wanted Male. VT A N TE u'-'l F YOll "arV A CAThViUC', unemployed mid will work for 1S per week, wrlto Slact'oniiell ilioa., 11 Franklin street, Boston, .Mass. Helo Wanted Female. UrANTED'-rA?)oij8 lor laundress; also a good cook anil houscgiils. Apply to MiiH. V. V. St'Rl'f, LEM MA N, mat ron Pcumylvaiiia Oral school, cor ner of Ji'lloi sou and Eloclric aveiiuea. For Sale. A ByUAHE 1'IANO. SCl'1'O.SKU T(J BE i v ttio property of JIUs Myrtlo II. Millard, will bo sold at uuct ou July ill. KU, at P.:w a. ni., at Ouornacy Brotlmis' Store, :.'J4 Wyo ming avetiuu This p.ano is Hold fur repairs. 1 ETAIiruiKM'ERY BUSINESS FOITsaTe It doing n piolllalilo business. Best reason given. Address or call on J. O. ACKERMAN. VVH SALE-A IiAR'llE SELECTION, A new bUR(rios, hurries, phaetons, carts, sloro and business wagons, whoiib; also Berlin coaches at Al. T. K ELLKR'S Liickawaunii Carriage Works. IjOHSKs AND CARKIAUEsi FOR HALE -1 1- at 1511 tai o.iso avoinie. 1). L. Footc, awnt. Instruction Musical. A MUSIC SCHOOL liAS JUST OPINED i V fur tuachiti viuliu and mandolin. Clolii run $1 per month. Also various oihor insti u moms at reasonable nricm. Olllco at la Franklin avenue I'K i n'l.'ssi il; s. .1 hill. MAN. Special Notices. OKFK E OK THE SCRANTON STEEL Coiunauv. Tlie annual lnectiiiLf of tho stockholders of tha above company for the election of president and directors will bo held at the oltice of thu coiniianv iu thu cltv of Scrautou on Thursday, thu ,ocund day of An (,'Ust uuxt. at -f o'cliH'k p. iu. No transfer of stock will bo made lor twelve days next pre codiuc tho date of tlio above ineutini;. If.. I'. KliitlsiiL K , Secretary, be antoii, Pa., July IT, 1WI. DnTO LIVERPOOL, LONDON, ULAS yl " guvr, tueeustowu. Londonderry and nviiast, on White Star Line. J. A. BAB BON.ugeut, PricoburK. rOlT Vn ANT THIS RELIC REPKIfT Frank Leslie'n Ulush-aUd Weekly War Illustrations ISljl-lSliS. Tin Vnlmneu K.illr, llli.fiil; payable monthly. iJ.UO. Del verwl by express complete, prepaid. Address P. O. anjuii.ui.uiusouatloet, Scranton, Pu. 1 LANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA it sines, ote., bound or robound at Tiia Tkiuu.nk otllce. Vidck work. Reasonabls prices. MEAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, coi ner Spruco street aud Franklin ave nue. Twenty meal ticKets for $3.50. Uuod table board. Public Sale. T WILL OFFER AT PUBl.IO SALE ON X Wedimduy, July 25, 1(U4. at 10 o'clock a. in., on tho prumia 's, the leasehold estate uud term of years creited by Indenture from C. U. .Scliooumak-r to Arthur Frothinifhaiu und Laura Frotliinaiiam, dated Juuo 1st, IMS, re. corded in Mortuaa Book Ko. HI, pao iiJ4, etc., as by retereuce thereto bud will fully appear, in lot No. 8 in Snuaro or Block No. 30, on Wvomiiu: nveuuu, on which the "rrothingkaiu Arcade1' stood. Tho lot is 4'i feet wide aud liiT tect deep to an alley. Turin, will bemadekunwn on day or sale. CHAH. H. WELLES. July II, Mil. Proposals. UOPOSAL8 WILL BE RECEIVED AT i- the oflico uf thu New Vnrlc uinl Coal coiiipanv. Peckville, IVnna., until July "A lHill, for sinking un air shaft at tho Ontario colliery, size luxln, in tlie clear, and about 170 leut ueep rroin the suriiy;o to the IJiimuore vein. Company reserves rlirht to reiei't am or all bids. II. CHAPMAN. Insiiln Foroman. Charter Application. "VOTICE IS HE1IEBY oiETrfATAN 1 npplicalion will be made to tho Uovur cor of I'ennsylv.iniu, on tho second lav of Auifuat, 1SUI. at,by Cbarlos McMullen, (teoreo K. Clark. William r I'm'v Will, ,,,, J. Buuniinan a-id Marion W. Finu, under Ihu Acto r Assvin biy.pntitloil "An act to provide for tho incorporation and rog illation of cir tain corporations," unproved Aord .'.. ls:4 and the supplements thereto, for tho charter oi an niieiiuen corporation, lo he calld "The Scranton Chfinuev an CunnaiiT ' Hi.. character and object of which is for Ihu pur pole of theinunutactnreor nnlrof iron orslo.'I or of uny other tuotal or article of commerce n oin metui. wood, or botn, and lor these pur poses to have, possess ml euioy all tho rights, lieneflt.s and privileges of said uct of asseiu bly and auppfotuonts thereto. U. M. STKEETEB, Solicitor. ATOTICE IS 1IEKEBY (II VEN THAT AN li application will be made to tlm Uover nor of the State of Pennsylvania, on Wednes day, the eighth day of Auulist, ls!ll, by Ed ward P. sturifcs. Frederick J. Plutt. Orlando S. Johnson. William T. Smith. Frank E. Piatt and JoMi ph C. I'lutt, under the Act of Assem. bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An uct to provide for the incorpor ation and regulation of certain corporations," approved April Ifli. 174, and the supplements thereto, for tho charter of an intended cor poral Ion, to be called "Tha Scranton fcleo trie Construction Conipanv," thu character and obj.-ct of which Is the namifa-luie. fur nishing, erection and installation (a1! or either) of ele trie or steam plants for light ing, drilling, baulige, ami pumping, or duc tile power generally, in and about mines or nuuiug operations uud i levators: and lor the manufacture or lurnishing of all kinds of electrical machinery, and of appliances used In- operating the same, and for these pur poses to have -lid possess aud enjoy nil the rightst lieiietit-i and privileges of the said act of ussemhly and Its supplements. THOS. P. WELLS, Solicitor. GROSS, POSITIVELY Bankrupt The balance of stock on hand will be sacri ficed without mercy to convert it at once into spot cash. Short lengths of Silks, Dress Goods and White Goods at any price to dispose of them. Now Is the Accepted Time. GROSS, FOSTER & CO. ' 816 AND 318 LACKAWANNA AVENDE. Connolly & Wallace i -i Laa ies QUANTITY too dozen. QUALITY The best value that has ever come from a for eign shore. COLORDyed by "Ilermsdorf." That's enough. PRICE-25C..A PAIR Our own stamp. Our own import. Taffeta Moires 12c. per yard. Others advertise them as a bargain at 1 5 cents. CONNOLLY & Hotel Wayerly European Plan. First-class Bar attsehel Depot for Berguer 6 Eugtl's Tanubwiuwr Beer. ii Cor, t5tti iodFIWSts., Philadi. Mcit desirable for retidenta of N.13. Penn (ylvaula. All eonveuiniicos lor travnloii tii and from Broad Street station sad tha 'Twelfth aud Market Strsot station. De tlrable for vlfHHig Sorsutoulanj and p lie In the Anthracite Kogion. T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR. Excitement Don't Delay. You Can't Afford to Wait. Xo let up. Biy; crowds at this "cnuine Fire Sale. Salesroom crowded all the time with eager buyers. The jam of Bargain Seekers wa3 immense last week. This week we've increased our force of salespeople. There will be no crowding now. The Chance of a Lifetime to Get Fine Clothing for Next to Nothing. The goods were damaged by water only iroui the recent explosion and fire in the store of our neigh bors, Messrs. Davies & Grillin. There is no smell of smoke or fire about them. SALE SOW QQMQ QU And Goods Sold at 33 Cents on the Dollar Less Than Cost to Make. Three Dollars worth of Clothing for $1 in money. That's what you get at OUR FIBE SALE. Every purchase a bargain and an actual saving of G7c. on the dollar. BOYS' PANTS. 13c. HEN'S PANTS, 50c. " BOYS' SUITS, 65c. THE BELL SIGN OF THE BELL. 230 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. MT.VUXT BOOK TO TH13 UfKNED li.WIKS & GKIKl'IN ItLILDIXG. FOSTER & CO. THE LAST WEEK OF' THE GREAT back WALLAC 209 WARNING. He liaee lately hail Feather lieih and Villowt Irovght fp us fcj sfrfliiyc'j 7io wished to dispose of the same and from whose action ue believed the feathers didn't lielunu to them. It', icld have nit di alinis with suchparlie'i. We wish to caution people against giving into the hands of stranj ers wlio claim to represent us, any Feathers, Carpets, etc., uhiyfc they v. ish renovated. Any of our agents can easily identify themselves, or i' un V one who wishes work done in our line, ivill drop us a card or call at our factory, we will promptly attend to their wants and will en deavor to merit the conjtdntec of everybody. THE SCUXATUX UEDIilSU CO., (Jul and box l.ucku. Ave., Cor. Adams. WHY NOT See our FIFTEEN DOLLAR Solid Oak Bedroom Set! We sell Furniture as cheap as any house In the country that in tends to give honest value for the money. Try us. Hull 209 MID 207 ? Ml H t"1 230 Lackawanna Avenue. Extraord CLOTHING Sale riosisrv WASHINGTON AVE. 0pp. Court House. & Co. ZONING AVE. It Costs Nothing to Look. Polite Attention to Everybody, inary Your Watch Lies if it does not tell the time cor rectly. We guarantee our Watches to be TRUE TIME KEEPERS aud uphold them as such accord ing to the terms of our building warranty. DIAMONDURE TRUMPS as a speculation these days. Have you seeu the heavy tariff the Wilson bill imposes ou themt Their rise iii value is as certain as the shining of the sun in the daytime. FREEMAN, Dealer for Cash In Watcliea, Dlamoud, Bilvorwaro, to., Cor. Peon Ave. and Spraca St. For Delicacy, For purity, and (or Improvement ot tha oonj pltzlon, nothing equals Poiioni's Powder. HOUSE
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