THE SCKATON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORKTKTO.' MAY 8, 1894. GORMAN'S GRAND DEP UNUSUAL VALUES IN DESIRAELE WOOL DRESS GOODS Ato among t!io prsttrlt Attrac tions Rt our establishment Anions tlie more pfOUitWDt fetuiVi nro All-Wool French PRINTED : CHALLIES The designs ar exceedingly t tractive and wore printed ts liccially for thil season's trad , PRICS 49 CENTS WOMEN'S Tailor-made Costumas The very MWtst styles anil every pnimble Utttrial, Worsted Storm Serifn nnd Covert Cloth in oboios mix tures btTfl perhaps tb( first hoi 1 on popular favor. A Superb Display of Spring and Summer MILLINERY Comprising magnificent linen of lat ported an.l Domes tid Goods in the vorv I Mt shapes. trtlStloalljT trimmed ml tiniihud In the uig!ist ityle of the aft Trimmed and Untrimmed Eats and Eonnets fat Leghorns, Laces. Fu Of Straw, iV.'. PES F JUST OUT Daseribes ami oontatnl the leading f iabioim, latest lrees material, it r . anecilotf", bntnoroni flltutrstions, vni nabls infortnation, tle?atlng and pitas lag reading for the home. GIVEN AWAY to those who call for it at onr ton OtrPrlAnl r Sit WS NOTIS. A li vely ftornugh i'icured bv an En-tar'alnlna- Cr rrpjndnt . -iu tn the Aciviafos Trl'maa, Oltfravt, Pa., May 7 -MlaaAnnU Carrol, o( Oarboadals,ls rial ting friends in 'own. B B simr-'r and family moved to S'ron dtbarg Batnrday wbtrt h will link1 it his fti'nre home. Michael Ifesslt, of Blaghaalon, is home on n vacation. I H. flooser. and family, of Hy.le Park, were ststtors In town yssterday, Waltar Van Kirk, of llazletoo, u visitintt in town A HOW ilrug ator will b ripened nett week in the building recmitly vscated by th prstofllee by W. L. .Sculager, of ATOM, I), f. (iibbons, of the Wait Side. Scrsntoii, was I caller in town yester day. Mrs. I, Kelly, of Gren Bldft, wm th glWlt Ol Mrs J. 1 1 Uuyls on Satur- tlaV. pnplls of the Bt, Patrick's I'aro chi n in-. demy re milking preparation for commeneampnt exerciees Whlth will tnkti place in dune. 0 B Carey's circtie will bain town on Wednesday. Miss Mama Fry, of Scranton, is vis iting relstiv If in town. Mr. and Mrs. U L B-rry and Miss Eva Williams spent yesterday at Car - bondala P. J. Homo, of S'-ranton, was call ing on friends in town yesterday. Miss J-nnis Ferguson made a busi ness trip to the citv yesterday. Mrs. Kllen Murphy, Mrs Ko-an, Mrs. M. W. Cntnmlngl and Miss Nellie Faddao, of this place, attended the funeral of James U'Malley at Scranton yesterday. Misa Magpie Dogging, of Baraoton, spent Sunday with her mother on Up per liiinmnre street. The Ladles' Aid sor.iety of the Pres byterian church will meat on Wtdnet day afternoon at Miss Huttm Mathews' on Hustpicbunim street. PENNED AT PECKWULE. fltrsy Hits of Local Onaalp Rpirtad for Hurried Rending ftpecinl In the Srrunton Tribune. Piukvillk. I'a., May 7 Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Whiten, of Cnrbondale, sp ut Suuday uitb friends in town Airs. Cuarlei Broni h Vilitlng friends lit dermyn. Profesaor II. K. Iiarnes called on friends at Hydo Park last Sunday. W. W. Prandow, of Scranton, was ailing on friends here in town yester day. Mrs. Jacob Depew, who has been very sick for the Iubc fuw days, is im proving slowly. Albert Frisbea movod into his new house at Plain K yesterday. Don't forget the bnnking social nntl frsu autartBinment undwr the anspioes of the Ladies' Aid society in the Meth odist Episcopal church next Wednes day evening. Ica cream and enke will he served after the entertainment. Pp'Oimm Cases. B. U. Clifford, New QaMtL Wis., was troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism, his atotnaob was disordered, hisiiver was affected to an alarming degiee, appetite lell away, and he was terribly reduced in llesh and strength. Three bottles of Eleo tric Uitters cured him. Edward Shephord, Ilarrisbnrg, 111., had n running i-ore on his leg of eight years' Handlog. Used three txiltles of Electric Jlltters and siiVon boxes of Uncle leu's Arnica Salve and lift leg is sound and well. John Speaker, Catawba, o., had live largo fever soree on his leg, doctors said he was incurable. One bottle Electric liitters and ono box Iiucklon's Arnica Salve enred him entirely. Hold by Mat thews itroa. B C JERMYN JOTTINGS. Hurried Views Caught Kera and There With a Hep-irtur's Kodak. frxriVi tn the fi-mnfoa IWOWM JlRinfN, Pa., May 7. Barnabas Carter, sr., who has boon suffering from an attack of rheumatism, is once mom sen upon the street. Williim Hunter Post, Grand Army Republic, and the Song of Veterans, have issued invitations to the different societies of tho borough, to take part In tho Memorial Day parade. Owing to the absouce of tho oper ator, It. A. WlUtnan, the Postal tele graph oflleu is closed for the present. The council has taken a much needed slop in deciding that a surveyor be engaged to grade the side walks on Second and Main itrocte and that the property hollars must build their p.ivouients to grade. At tho locil teachers Institute held at Arobbald lust Saturday, it Wai de cided that the noxt institute bi held at Mayfleld atiome titan next term date to be iUp, by tho committee. Friday night a l:trge number were present at the business session of the Epworth Itlgns, orta from the various committees were beard mid plaus made for future work. That the league is in a 1! urishing condition is shown by the constant addition to its numbers and the good work they are doing. Profeaior 1 1. J. Ilockenberry, of Cir bondala wns ia town on Saturday, Mrs. Bnrton Downing and little dangbtti are rlilttng nt the home of . S. Davis. Mr. Bert Warner, who hai been the guest of bll psrents, has returned to Ins home at Nicholson. C. D, Yintr bus returned from Now York Presiding Elder Thorpe will be here Wednesday evening and conduct ijnar terly lonftrtnoi aft-r tha regular prayer meeting at tho Methodist bnrcbi Another victim hr.s been added to those who have infferad from the death trap if the railroad bridge of Beat Jeriuyn. Mr and Mrs William Maynard, of UorgantOWn, are visiting at the home of his mothr. Mrs. Shields, sr., is visiting at Cir bon dale. Preparations for a Hi me Missionary lOOtal ara being made. 'I lie aocial will take place at an early data, Mrs. Carolina Uayoard, of South llain street, Is qnito aariouW ill. Mrs. Jenkins mid son, of Parsons, are the guests of ilis Waltai Murrav Miss Mary Jones, of North rOUrtb street is visiting frn-tulsiu olyphant .Misses Marv Bioberts and Bartna Utl Will be tha delegat" s-nt to the Sun day school convention uf the Ooogreg t tional obnrObSS that will be hl I a'. Proridanos May 18 and 18. ARCKBAID AND VICINITY. N'wa rf Or.a Dsy OtlUad and OarefaUl EDi'rm a d .';irfii In thr BCMMfea fWaSMa AlOBBAUt, Pa., May 7. GafdS are out announcing tha martiige of Al bar! E Niobol, "f Main slrewt, to Miss Xliiabath P. Phillips, ol Oarbondsls Tho ceremony will Use plscfcSl Trin ity ebnrob at s o'clock on tue sTonJng of May 1(1 lUv iir Lucas was In Scranton tlr.s afternoon. Mr H-nry Mavars. of Bl nth M tin street, cailxJ on friends in .N-raiitou to dav. Mr and Mrs. (ienr ie BsBBStantb, of (ol t BnttOO, ara mourning the loss of an infant. WOO died t'.is morning aft"r S Short UlOeaSi 1 he funeral will tak place tomorrow nftera 100, i iistmaster 'K' utKe is improving the appearance of th post ofliea V si Ilia Buishiag tOMhOS are on tire offlOS will Imi una of tha neatest In the oonntf, Tha teachers Institute in the graile 1 school building on Siturd.iv wss weil attend d. A programma of articuiar interest SO ttia instructors w is obSSrVSd nml was well m .reflated '1 U debate tiatween Profaasor Wblta, of this place, and PfOfMSdf BaTard, of Jar myn, aa tn the BSfitS Of OsBSrsls (irant and MoCtollaa, did not take place owing to tha in lis;ioiti n of ProfsOSOT Harar !. The forty hours devotion will begin in St. Thomas' church on Sun lav next at 111 !10 a. m. The evening sermons during it continuum- will hspras sd by some of tlie most b 'jilent priests in the diocese. A large delegation of base ball an thminsts want to sea King Kellv, of Allentown, today, and were disap pointed because tnev were not downed by Mart Bwtft's bra res. i B Caray's circus will bo here on Thursday. Tha tents will ba pitched on the vscaiit lot at Movies' bridge The Onr bondala Traction cotupsny i not going to run tho risk of losing its franchise in this borough. Under the terms of thsordlnsnos by whiob it was giv n the rigtit ol way ovar thes'reeia, tlie track must be completed lsfore t'l" middle of this month. At first it was thonght that the company wonld not reei lve the rails in time to hinsii tha road within the required period, but this will hardly OS the anse. Tne rails are hern and have bean laid purl way up the hill toward tha Pdakoty line. If the work is pushed right on ths track may be In opentlon within a week. It has been suggested that a penny collection be taken upon the schools for tne purpose Of defraying the ex piUSSS of decorating the soldiers' g avesoi Memorial Dsy. It has boon a practiR') in many of tlie schools of the large cities, and only a few duys ago Lieutenant .Isinos li. Stephens, P. (ir ind Army of H -public, called the nttentiou of Professor 1 Litis to the matter. The school hpard is expected to consider It at this evening meet Ing. Misses Meckman, Unttls Meyers, Annie Proof and Annie Hall spent Sunday with friends in Scranton. HOT, J. Q Rudolph was in Scranton todsy. Orltlelslng a Toung Ldv. "She would bo a pretty girl for but one thing. "What's that" asked Charley. lieon;e Her face Is nlways covered with purple and red blotches. Charley -(Hi, that's easily enough dis posed of. Used to be the same wav mv- elf, but I caught on to the trouble one day, and got rid of it in no tune, (leorgu What was it? ( barley Simply blood eruptions. Took a short course or r. r. r. l tell yon, it's the lews blood corrector. The governor had rheumatism so bad that you could hear him holler clear across the country every time lie moved. He tried it, and yon know what an athletic old gent he is- uow. is somebody would gi TS Jtiss uaisj a pointer, she would tunuk them SftSff ward. All the drug stores sell iL WTien Ttaliy was lick, we pave her fn-itnr!, Wlien slie was a Child, she cried fur Cast oris. Vi'heii stio lnvame Mine, se clang to Castor!. When alio had Cbildren, she garotbcui Castoi'ta, TFR5E TAYLOR TOPICS. All ths Nsws from a Llvaiv Borough Brl'flv Heportsd. Fjircial to 1'ie AntMafoa Tn'hane. Tayi.ok, Ph., May 7. Weber's new pnrk will be open on May 10. The season ol lectures and entertain ments has closed at the Price library, but the rooms will be open every even ing tho s'imo as usnal. Next Thurs day night a spelling boa will be held. Misses Edith Price, Annie Walsh and Maria Thomas visited Peckville on Saturday. Benjamin Harris, of Moosie, was in town today. J. B. Winslow and W. S. Decker wre fishing on Saturday. lleiijiiiinu J, K 'obp, of the Fifth wnrd, announced himself a candidate for delegate to tho Republican county convention. James BL WStkinS and John D Atherlon announce themselves ns candidates for delei-ntes to the Third legislative Republican convention. The reception committer of the Price library meet tonight to arrange for a lavs outing to Mountain Lake on Memorial Diy Ihe teachers of the l'orge township hel l a local Institute on Saturday, Hattia Miller, of New Jersey, is visit Ing her cousin, E litli Deckor. Qai rge N inatosl is home from a visi t to Mauch Chunk. The railroad ball club of Scranton defeated the hom team on Saturday by a score of SI to 2d. Gteorgs Winter burn is isrlonsly ill with pnsnmonis. 1 he cantata Uonevia will be given on ths 18th. A brilliant entertninmsnt will ba givn on Tnesdsjr, May 8,161M at Drnkss hall, Old Forgo, Pa., by Lady Wash ington lodge No '.". Amsrioan Protes tant Ladles' sssooiatlon, Tbs follow Ing programms has boon sslsotsdi Selection Urake Town Orchestra Bsdtation Oeorge Bafford Solo Morgan li. Iloigan Belectlon Mr. Johns ami Party Lecltatton Willis Llewellyn Dostl David Pickerall and Hiater Si iKtton Minstrel Trouie liii nation ltaclnd Steveus Belectlon Mr. John Crocker and Lads solo Margrstta Williams Recitation Nellie i barton Sdertion Inake Town Orchestra sin Robert Thomas Selection." Mr. Ji hnsand I'alty I sb san Rook of Ages Reoltatloa Lissis Harm Kslection Mr. John Crocker and Party RedUtloa .Mr Llasta Pbilttps Selection Miii-tn-l Troops 'labaau BtStsnof l.'Uaiity - CCRBONbAL CHAT. Ths Maws sf One bj i tha rioneer City Carefully SVOoTJed. fiftiitto the flmtaloa ?Weaae CiUOIDAU, Pa.. May 7. At the Baptlsl 1 sbernacl i Bnn lay sobool R n D .1. Williams, of lilaksiy, preached an Interesting sermon, 11" took for bis ten Key 19, r,;s. i in Wednesdsy evening of this weak the Epworth League of the Metho !; church will hold thair regular monthly businoss masting. Instosd nf ths tag' gular sntsrtainmsnt, as Is nsnslly sn joysd,a social will bs gltron an I all who KltOOfl are rsqUOStsd to bring lea I pencil A pleasant tlmo is nutlet wttod Miss Lena lil oa ts, of ll:rick Can tar. is visiting friends tn this city. 1 bis nftorUOOU a slight tue took plsce at ths residence of James Faulk liar on Dundair street A SOSall por tion of tha roof was t urned The ;.r" doObtlsSS originate I from a spark from a passing angina. Edward Dimook, of Osmstory street, this city, smploysd ss a brake man on C sd no tor Uuurtrlgbt's Delssrars and Hudson train, met wnh an acci lent on Sunday afierno.ii at reen Ridge which might have proved fatal. Ha was stsn ling 00 S box csr while the tram was cr OSing the slastHc road at that pi ico and tha OYStbOOd WilS caught bim nndsr tbs chin, throwing bun to the grounfL He was brought to hie home in tMacity, where bis in j hi i s Wi re SttSUds 1 to. Bsldofl Oathorools an I family, of Scranton, I pool tha BabbStb iu this city. Miss Mxtl Jadwin.of North ' BNk str tbs guest of friends in Blooms burg, R v. W 1 Illsir is In this city. called by the OsrioM IllttSSS of bis mother, Mi-. Is it illair, of Ears place. Mrs Barry W. Harrison will enter tain tha L 'lea' CI .ok ing club at tea on rtday SVOttlUg Of this week at her home on Canaan street R Psttersoo, of Bornntou, span I Sunday in tins city as the guest Of bis parents on Onrflsld v.-ini IN iHJ Ae 01) N D AVUCA. Tha Lightnlra's II. v c -OmaralNawa of In torts; to Ail. Aiennle rSe Srrnn'nn TVlSnae. A " . Mav 7 Mr John McQnSOO, a mno-r In I'i old PoTgS mine, was killed on Bat OT lay by a fall of coal, nml Andrew Hssley w.'s SSTonlf in juri'd TttO Bon were working f .ur hsndtd two minors and two laborsrs, but the two LabOTSrS escaped unhurt Mr Met' i"i-n w is a much rsspscted man, and n 7lll ta grieved U larn of his death, ts is inrrired by a wife anil four ohlidfi n, Tne funeral will occur tiiis msrnine with a high nasi t st. m.i. s oburoh, ntsrmont will bt made in St. Mary's Catholic cemetery. Mr. lUaley hut bis leg broken in two places mi l his liip die -located The storm which passl over this town last evening was very severe an I did considerable damage. Lightning struck 111" house of Mrs. John Hous ton oil School street It killed a dog that w is tying on IhO porch an I ent'Ted tlie bouse an I pass 1 1 ali around the room breaking looking glasses, pictures and tearing the plat ter from tbs wall, W. B. BolliStSt who purchased the lioso honsj will remove it to his own property on Maiu etrout and will divide it in ofiic.'s. The trustees or tho Presbyterian church bell a meeting on Mouilsy and decided to run their excursion to Moun tain Park on or about July 23. Barab, ths 12 year-old daughter of Charles Koran, of Lampman street, died of fright yesterday nlteruodn dur ing the thunder storm Bbs bus been trmilil d with Saint V it us dance for a Beecham'a pills are foi biliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, heartburn, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head aclic, bad taste in the month, coated tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, w hen caused by constipation ; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Hook free; pills' 25c. At drugstores,or write B.F.Allen Co.,3'15 Canal St., New York. short time. And that combined with the severe lighting killed her. The funeral will occur oi Wednesday afternoon, intorment in Saint Mary's Catholic cemetery. Hugh Jennings, of this place, who is playing short stop for IUltimoro, is do ing groat work this season, and his many frienda aro glad to bear of his snooess. A great many p"ord from hero went to Scranton to see King Kelly yester day. Clair Ilollistor Is confined to his home with a severe attack of mumps. Rev. J. J. MsOabs is attending fortv huure devotion in Duumoro this week. CLARK'S SUMMIT NOTES. Springtime Waifs of News from a De lightful Raaort. ttyertai to the flbrsafoa IWsnas. CLAU'a Summit, Pa., 5Iay 7. Ow ing to tho warm weather in March the SOUSOU C nt least two weeks in advance. The fruit blossoms which nave been not in gre it numb rs ara fast falling to the ground. The prospect for tn abundance of fruit was never better. Irass and winter grain look fine and all natnre has put on h-r gayest attire An unusually large number of early cabbage have been ael which look line. Ttio producing oapacity of tho soil in Abington hss hoen nearly doubled in tbs past twenty years owing to better motbo Is of farming. A severe thunder storm passed over this plans yesterday and tho much needed rain came down in torrents. During the storm lightning StTUOk a tree near Mr. Atlierton's residence and shattered it badly The new Masonic II ill will ba opened with a bouquet tomorrow evsoing, ,l' 8tb. Our Sunday school nnra'ir nearly one thousand in regular attendance We ar making progress spiritually as well as morally an 1 Bnenoially. Tbe meeting in the church lat even ing to organits an Epworth Leaf us was largely attended, and we were well pud by llstOUing to tlie touching an I el qUSOl ad Iress delivered by Kv Psrntns, of the Bingbsmton bar, who in 1 1 tho nudtenoo spoil bound for over an hour Ofli ra w -re elected and ov.-r iiorty accepted msmbersbin Edward Avers, of (ieneva, N V . a forui.'r resident of KsWtOU, is visiting Mr. K".rus David smith has moved into Ids new bOUSS and his UiO lumbSf on tue ground for SUOtbsr. . Ed. WlotSS h is a cdl ,r to dig and will aooii erect a bOUSS on tlie A'.llertoa lot HCNISUAlt 01BANIMI. The Heple cty In BpTiestlSM as Viawed bv a I.lee K"P rtar. A',n in iSe flfevvralsa 1'inv. BoRBSOAU; i'a. Ma) 7 A severe ram storm arc impouisd by lightning and had swept i VeT tins section shortly alter J p m Sunday afternoon. Itarns owned ly Nelson Meiutyre at BsSSk Pond wre etruc by lightning and w.-re lot illy d. siroyel by tire Ths Wool and rain did a gleal deal ol dam age to buildings, sto. I rank Ogden, an employe of the D.iawereai.d Budaou Csihal ootnpauy, die 1 suddenly at bis bOSM i0 Lwt (reel suiulay SVSOiog ol apoplrxr, aged 14 yearn Mr Ogden had always sss j ya.t good houlih nnttl within tits Inst tow days, wbeu be oomplsinaJ of fail Ing unwell, bnt still kopt at bis work Sunday in imlng nflOl arising b- went back lohed again. Wban in wife went to Ball blm tor dinner she sOUld n t aroose bun Bo WtBsluett WOOU IdonS n ii 11 1 7 p in.. When l.e f.ataed away Mr O.den is Survival b) a wile and two chit Iron. Funeral will ba announce I later. "ThS) Light on the Point," which las te..n pta Ing at the I per i H use. wis pf QOOunOed dOOf leliy po.r. A Small boy who had lieeu fad and sl itbod by Isaac Msyuard, a boatman, dining tbS psst winter, dttOTtsd bll mployof Ibis afternoon, alleging cruel treatment ns ths oanas, Mr. Mnvnard tt . I to t it- f r.'i I..- p .session of I he boy. but only since d d In gotling s .reds of his ClOtbeO 1 M stl sir caused tnnub sxsi toment lei CIO A f MlNOOKA. A I.lee Crrreap .rdoii's I)lly Dudr't of lataeiet ag n saeeSsf Is flte SVesMfea f.uaa MlXOOKa, Pa., May 7 Joe M x, a polish miner omnloyod tn tha No i alt of tne I IfSOO WlSM 0 1 d MMBfMnf, Snstalnod a SSVsrs lojury lodny by hav ing a miner's needle i mi into histoot M si M gts C tyl , "f By Is I'ark. sisltsd Mist Bomb Kelly on Bundty, P it Mangau, of Uilmora svnns,wns committed to Ihecouni) jail Saturday ulgbt in default of ball to await the noil term of court. Tne charge that of trep ssing. intent to kill and using dofnmnl y language. Tn- BlttSS Hssii Ball SlUb cliallenge the I! lardsrs to a gams on May Id of this month on tut Bios grounds, wn h a iu irmtlly, manager. A big row oeoaffed last nizht In Polanderville at lireeuwood, b-tieeen ths P lish r 1 1 Isnlt nf t:iat pltoe, who made th mgnt hideous y the aid of BVS kegs of t eer Willi mi Qormally, of Oroonwood, WM taken ill last night from the of frcta ol nramni TilROXV IT AWAY. There's no on cr any BtSd Of aring i luinST. (fating TriiSMS. wMeh lre mil) partial relief ni l t. in vi r can., tint niton hole i great lujury, in. In -ing Inflame stlou, strangulaiiou and death, mn'ter .d how long slan ling, or of what sire, la rrnmMlv Sad permnnerKly oUTCd without tho kuife mid wiiliout pain. Another Triumph In Conservative Surgnry Is the cure, of TTTVnPH Ovarian, Fibrnld nnd other A U iaViVO, sarletics, without tho perils Of cutllnc otierntl ms. PILE TUMORS, tend'Sa Clsearcs or Ihe lower bowel, promptly cured Wlliiotii pain or n.,rt In the Kline. without psln o KTONEI In the Bladder, no matter how llllue. Is Cl III hed. lailveri.eiL Slid washed out. Ilius avoi.liin; cutting. SsT'bi TfiTT'ftJl? '" urliiarv pes n-e , V I IVAtJ I UlUkahn r red without cutting. Abnndsnl Keferences, and rainph lets, on ntsive diacuses, sent si ule l, In plain en velope, 1(1 eta. (stamps). wonip'S Dmi'EN 8AKV Mkuical ASSOi lanoN, BuBalo, N. Y. Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Ave. cotter Boon iftQOstRa All kinds of Laundry work guarantee, the Cniitd:itly(mrfd in "II tn lil .le .a ha I - mhw rsc--ii I trlM. Inlrrrnsnnl. Iu.ea.1 l.s. t.., . .1 ",..,,,, I-. ("i:r piw, in istrntari trvjni I .esse viiuijim, nor mlfc,IC KOnit'fjy Will pur-itivejiy cutt IVP Hkunm xir iRtr-utrn, Ml.j A ..i 1 fttifS 't'j-A j.wnBlk&'i ', ft lr. A. AT. C. IHlwoith Bttnorton, i'a. That Tired Feeling All Run Down - Blood Poison Feared Hood's Sarsnpnrllla Permanently Cured AH Trouhlos. "('. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Ma.-a " I have l.een taking Hood's Sarsaparilla for level M more years as S spring; tonic. I as so ran down "itli hard work and female weakness that 1 Would go to bed thinking that I would sol be sole to get op In tho morning. 1 have sufli rcd severely with My Bnck and Limbs. I hare Just Inlshcd taking five bOtllSS and am fpeling w ell. I do DOt have that tired feeling and feel better In every way, I have an en-el-lent appetite snd slstp weii at night i have also (ilven It to my nineteen jeir-old sun with an 'cets. Last (all lie cut his It III I w 1 1 It a BOfTl tickle. It healed up tn ahimt two weeks, bttt In I short time after he was Selzocl With Chills, and Ihe limli swelled to tstiss Its natural sirs. He was not able to move and was obliged to tsks Ms bed. The swellings and swrea went up Into Ins body and I b STSd that bl.anl poison had set In. Alter taking Rood's Btfltptllllt be Hood's!i;Curcs Improved steadily and was soon able to be Shoot again. I have NSSSSSSSndsd Hood's Sarsaparllla to scleral and shall always have Ms if prSlSS l i It" Mas A bt C Dike w. itrii. Btraorton, I'a. Hood's PHIS e1 easily. y.-t promptly I .ll). on Uio liver and bowels. 28c. HE DIED THROUGH SHAKE 1 A Victim of Ovor-Sensitive-nes3 Joins the Great Un sean Majority. Thee were tittinr a' a tabic (n one of eran i s ro I-. i. ui t restaaraats the at ie r a .v, arhlmes an .'I r -dinner oigtr.while th- eUer'a It smS of yo-ing I any m.irt " a wecS ..r ten I' Hi. lbs lt man I l!..w did It a ilenf" Barl the old over airaln. At v Boeeltivo, and lis anlfai nfi frtal BlHiold saa tort nag psaa a life tt Me eleventh Dr. PC. Grower fa EiM fhiladelpliia Specialist, I'osiu.iy (tsraateas ss -ur ail larsss f .rttv.r mi run 1 1 1 mm , MaajataM tetaa! gets he ears hat all is .- is faeaves teisiireil th sveteva, rsjtnplete health and u..r r s'ur.Hl an-l tee o.lj terms of Ir ntmetil are N' i I'Rg, Vn TaY (r Qfaarss Is a radoaU of the I'alvesett a IVnnsiIianla. i ' in-, m. ii . t inrur steel i ..p. PalladalBale, h was llenienatnitfa' of I'I. ye.!.. 1 and Kurerr ii ae facts i ih- foctar la passssaiaa er the hirfh.sit rr ..I. titlals ae a phrslrlari i.f the rank and should ci runfldenco to ntSea Haa i k. M i v ' M. Dallr, StiM.lai. li n tit. I.. I in. I Oaaaaltstlea sad ssasnbMtiea ' tlr r.vst.-. Third National Bank of Scranton. ORGANIZED 1872. CAPITAL, - $200,000 SURPLUS, - $250,000 This l.nnk O ITerS In il.-p...ltrs eeery larllllv nurraiili it l.y I li.-lr bnUn. es, btiil. Hess ami 1 e. p., I It . . Special atteattoa ieen to aasleeee aa eonela iBteraet paMlaa Unie depoelis. wn i mi i President UKU, li i LIN, t Ice-President, v. ILUAM H, l i i K, aatale D1RKOTOBU viiiiiaiii Cooaall, Qaorsre H, t'aiiin, Alfred I. unci .liimea Arelibnld, Henry lieloi. Jr., William X. Smith, Lutlsee Keller. Icientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Specialist on the F.yo. Headaches r.nd Nervotmnoss rellovet. Latest and Improved Stylo of Eyo Ulassos and BpSShWlsS at tho Lowest Prices. Host Artlllcial Kyes lusortod for SO. SOS SPRUCE ST., op. Old Post Office- gHHinn.iii.ii.sM Everything for Everybody AT The 400402 Lacka. Ave. "Always the Cheapest" Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Notions, Fancy Goods, Infants' Wear, Cloaks, Curtains, Boys' Clothing, Boots and Shoes, etc. GRAND OPENING OF OUK New Millinery Department FRIDAY, SATURDAY and MONDAY MAY 4, 5 and 7 siiiiifititiiiiiiiiiiiinmiiiiiiiiimitiiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiMiiHiufiiiiufMiiiiM Japanese Rugs NEW LOT Hand-woven Carpets and Rugs 30xG0 inches, $1.75 Sinyrna Rugs All Sizes Easels Screens Baskets Tables Vases Shacbs Beaters Swespers Hassocks Rod3 Pads Fringe Piinh Cord Gimp Tacks KERR & SIEBECKE 406 and 408 Lackawanna Ave. With an Eye To secure 111 oro patronage, in addition to our already extensive trade, we have de cided to inaugurate the following Gift Distribution to all purchasers of - dj J C Worth of Goods I A I)inn(,r P B J or over. fcfZfa Worth of Goods I gift of an Eleganl Amerioan ayay v or over. Onys Finish Clock, W ITH KYEKY ) A c 1 : a fine fruil Bubjeci in Antique bidcDOfiErd j 0ak and (ioia Erame- WITH KVKKY BEDROOM SUIT WITH KVEKY Parlor Suit This advertisement must be presented in order to secure the above gifts. This GIFT DISTRIBUTION hold good for cash or credit sales. Goods delivered free everywhere. air 9x12 feet, $15.00. Coat Hooks Towel Racks Card Tables Bras3 Tables Music Racks Bric-a-Brac Umbrella Stands Rogers' Groups Curtain Poles Picture Iiook3 Brass Tacks Stair Button3 Bead Portieres Eamboo Curtains Step Chairs Blacking Boxes 1 A Pastel in Ivory nml (iolil, Km i piro Frami'; sometliing new. ; A heavy pair of Chenille Portierei in all culorR.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers