iUii SCRANTOJT TRIBUNE SAT URD AY MORNING. MARCH 17, 1894. ONE CENT. A word. Wants vf all kinds cost that much, ex cept Situations Wanted whivJt are inserted FUEE. Situations Wanted. bookkeeper, clerk or solicitor; four years' experience as bookkeeper! best of references, i'uliidiilt: last employers; hond If n.oesaury Address "ANXIOUS," Tribune office, city. OItOaTION WANTED A8 Si UCITOB IN 0 SoraiiUm hy young nmn with experience as traveling saloamau. Address J P., Tribune city. POSITION wanted IN BHOE 8TUBB BK young man with four und u half years' ex perieno. Address W.i rear MO Wajhiugton avenue, city. WANTED BY A BAKBEIi OP LAROE nnl varied experience, a position. Ad Iross A., Avoen, Luzerue county, l'a 117 ANTED-I1V MUST CLAB8 CH1EK T T cook, of eighteen yens experience in the test hotels in tbo north, sooth ana west, can furulah boar of reference. No objection going out i f city. Address, A. C room 17. 1'. O. budding. U-ANTED--N A FIK8T t'l.AsS BAR ber. u good job. AddisJ Smith, care of Brown, fct. Charles, I'cnn avenue. OIIUATION WANTED A FIRST CLASS n steam or hot water Utter who can take charge and lav out work, wishing position as filter, can furnish the very In st of references lri.ni past employer Address J. C. VAN FLEET. OU Adams avenue. Serantun. l'a. POSITION WANTED BV YOL'Nt MAN 1 with technical education, capable of do inn any work requiring energy and cumuiou pi nso Teaching, draughting or office work preferred. Adress M. N., Tribune, Scranton, Pi. 'ANTED - POSITION AS LADIi 8' nurse, best of rof.renevs. lorun. SI.-'O per day Address "W. E..'' Tribune OfnoC. SITUATION WAN fED MY A FIKST-t'EASS book 'keeper and stenographer; will start at moderate wages ; can furnish refcrenoes if needed. Address. .1. (' . Box ail. City. SITUATION WASTED BY A Yoi:nu man who is willing t do iny kind or w k; age, li; fair poniumi can lurntsn gnou reference. Address A, 0. (Post oftice i.Scrnn- tcjt "Y A YOUNG .MAN IN DUY 00OD8 OB iJ grocery store, or s-uuo business where he could work up. Horn i experience, kocm! refer erne, will work cheap. Address P.O. box 7.', M ntroee. Pa. Special Notices. F'EKTll.lZKB-lu.Ulu Bl'BUELS OYSTER shell limo at M per bushel lu car lots. We !o id it at price quoted, HAS1.AM EIME CO. UK Cliff street. i.A;k Books, pamphlets. Mama I mind or riibound at 'I Bl Quick work. Keasonalile GENERAL EW 'l'llllllNK oillci! prices. Vf EAL TICKETS CAN BE HAD AT 144, ill comer Spruce street and Fraultliu ave nue. Twenty meal tickets for $3.50. Uood table board. Money to Loan. y M TOlSPtO i?lVANfiTKiABLE I'KK O sous. Repayment $1.0.1 to 16.00 per week. For full Information uall at room 14, Arcade building. Office hours from n a.m. 1 1 0 p.m. JOHN F. HARltlS, Supt. Dissolution of Partnership. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION -TUB FIRM of Oarrison St Little, doing- business under name of Scranton Making company, have this day dissolved by iiiutusl consout, F. damson retiring All claims against said firm will be paid by N B Little. Bills duo said firm will bo collected by N. B. Little. SCWANTON BAK1NU COMPANY, 141.! Penn avenue Notice to Taxpayers. NOTICE TO TAXPAYF.US - THE TAX payers of the city of Scranton. Pa , will hereby take notice that th laisrd of appeals appointed oy the city councils of said city to lu ar sud deteruilne appeals troin city assets monts for the vear Itttl are bedding meetings daily at the oflloo of the city clerk between the li. urs of II a. in. luid p. m. for the pin poso aforesaid and that appeals will only Iki heard in cases of uew assessments for said year, the authority vested in said board not permitting the revision of assess! usuts for any year but that of IHH. The meetings of thu I .... .1 will cease March IB, lM, Bv order of beard of appeals. M. T. LAVELLK. Citv Clerk. Agents Wanted. IT ANTED MAN MTU LIFE AND FlllE T i Insurance experienoe as solicitor in Lackawanna county; good inducements to right man. Address US-JIB Btz building, l'lilladelphia. l'a. "ANTED- TWo YOL'XU MEN OF HOOD uddress to call on bus;:. w Steady employment lor good men. Apply national Arcade budd L.E.VN houses. TOWEL com Pa: Wanted. VANTc D - BY a"y"oC' tl MAN. PtJBlT ithed room centrally located, Ad dress J. F.. Tribune, e ty. U: ANTED -SMALL SECOND HAND outside show case in gojd condition. B. Tribune office. t V" ANTED A -IX OK EldllT Holt.-.!-: I power Bprlght boiler, second liand Ad dress, star Steam Dyo Works. Carbon dale, Ps. Helo Wanted Females. uo il) Ci " 'K AND ALS' i A WAITRESS I wanted at 310 Adams avenue. Apply 7 to ii p. m For Rent. "L,i R RENT Ft HN iSHED ROOMS. MKS. r W BITE, BM Vino street IuR- REN T RESIDENCE ON nL'VE htreet. No. 6.'3 Call at ood's college J-,OH RENT SINGLE HOCSE WiTBALL modern improveme ita. Apply ill North Main avenue. 1, OR RENT-IN GREEN RIDOE, EIUUT X room bouse. M Marion street. HOLSE FOR RENT NEAR PoSTOFFICE, contaimut: fourteen nsims nnd laundry, inn flue order. Spbn 111 locatiou fur rent Iju furalsbed . .... Apply at S87 Linden tr. et tf L'OR RENT THREE 9TQBY BBICK T house, Vti Adams ave. Apply MAURICE .OLLINS. aont. 7il West Lack. ave. L"kEN1' TWo STi'iRYBRIck HoI"SE, r No. 2 HaJIstead place. Apply MAURICE DOLIJB8, igent, Ttf West Lack ave. Foil RENT--SU1TE OF rOUR ROOMS i 'N 1 E Wood, Wood's College, FINANCIAL CUMMcKljlAL Stocks and Bondi. New YoiiK. March 10 Thero was an Impresfloo sftrr tho ol isinir of business yestorday that the pa-ia. of the Illaod -ei?iiiornge bill would result iu bringing out Ions stocks for foreiga account and oporutors for hiulier prices accordingly worn inclined to be somewhat depressed. Instead of selling, however, London bought a little. Tho bears met another disappoint ment when tho ennnemont of 11,300,000 gold for shipment to Londuu tomor row failed to exorciso the slijjhtust unfavorablo lniluonce on stock prion. So far at tho reports that the president will permit the illnud bill to Ifcoinu a law are concerned it may not be out of placo to reiterate previous statements that tho best opinion here is that the measure will nut receive executive sanction. The market dragged aloii',' un til uoar the close wbeu there wus u spread of activity but, notwithstanding this spurt, i he transactions for tho day were ouly 189,000 shares. There were some wide fluctuations m the Industrials, Cor dage moving up from 10J( to Lend inuged from 3:1 to 34'; American Sugar declined to 8e ex-dmdend, ami rose to and closed at VI i UblCagO UH was weak, falling after an early rise. The 'rasgers and trunk Hues were tirm, very little attention having beou paid to the re- due. ion in cast-bound grain rates from Chicago. Tho market closed neUTfl and strong. The following eomploto tabls sliowmi; the day's uuctuatious in active stocks Is supplied tnd revised dally by LnBar A Fullsr, stock brokers, 121 Wyoming avenue: Open- Hi h lug. Am.Cnt. Oil .'"W Am. Sugar A. T. A S. 9 IS Can. So 5IW Con. N. .1 JUJWt Chic. Si N. W Iljj C B. & Q Chic. Q as fSJ C. C, C. 4 St. L... J Col.. Hock.Val. Si T D. & II l;!7?4 D., L. W UR i). Ui r an Erie Lis .. 4H L'OR RENT -TWO STORY BRICR DWEL X ling house: modern improvements: 31 Forest place: ront, $'.!!. Apply to MAURICE COLLINS, agent, 7JI West Li.ckawanna avenue. TPOiT RENT -STORE ROOM l.ACKA JT wanna avenue 1mm April I, also rooms or. second floor irell sdapteel for business or housekeiping. Also bonae lib Capousoave hne with ail modern improvements, beauti fully papered. F S. I'AL'LI. 15M Sanderson avenue FOB BENT, APRIL 1ST, DOUBLE STORE known as Now York Store, duublo or sin gle. Apply to F. L Panll.S 1,1 LA KAWANN'A Enquire ot Henry avenue or at the L'OK REN 1'-h i ORE. I V nv..nue, by Apr 1. I. Fr. I' 4"! mites. Lackawanna T"oU 1 CENT THREE ROOMS, FRONT ON X Iff 00 on flcsir, over N. A. Hulburt's music store, UJ Wyoming avenue, from April L In quire in the store. Hou.-;e for rent one block from post office, containing fourt-en rooms and laundry, all lu rne i riler. Finn location to let furnished rooms. Apply at 63T Linden street. Ti LET FOR A TERM OF YEAItS- Part or all of three hundrod feet of vard room along railroad Apply at Franklin BV.-nue. 'po kknt-stohf. aaenoR furnished X hall on Oroen Ridgs street Very deslra rlo Irs ntion and on reasonable t rms. Apiily tr. f, F.. NETTLKTON or C- ti. WOODRUFF H"publicaii building. For Sale 7Q8 SALB-A FARM OF ElOilTY ACRES, Xr one and one half miles from Delton on the Delaware, Lackawanna and W-stern railroad. First-class farm hoiiso with a never failing spring neuby: two barns, go id iand and good orchard. Will bi sold cheap. Terms ens . Address B. F. VON STOIKTI or ISAAC ELLIS, oxocutors, Daltou, Lackawanna county, Pa. T?OH s ALK OR RENT-ONE NINE ROOM X houso nnd ono sli room house st Chin. ObUla. and ono six room cottago nt Coxton, nlyo building lots for sale on easy terms at Chinchilla. Apply JOHN HOLOATE. , Chinchilla, Pa. 0. E. Co Lake Shore L. & N Manhattan Miss. Pac Nat. Lead N. Y. ft N. E N. Y. Central.... N. Y O. & W... N. Y.,S. & W... IJ. S. C. Co North Pae North Pac. pf.,.. Omaha Pac. Hail Reading Rock Island R.T St. Paul T..C.&I Texas & Pac Union Pac Wahasn, pf W. Union W. & L E W. &L. E Kf.... II W4 in m2 UN 5 ItK 17 X4 71 . 4 m 'M Hi , IKtJ . m , 8iH est. m i I5u; HliWj lOnj Kile ,,i, mi l:'i7W Hi7 2K VH v.u, 27M MM 1 114 looii 11:14 ION m m 17!t 2TM ;o:M 4 11.114 1K? ffl Low est. m 51 U H, Iii.li M)C MM 4U lAHi 1'7 17 4-:i, 127 IS Cos. 11. g I6W IdVe 11 lite KI'B I ftH 1:17 167 im 1 127M 411)6 MM 3i II 10' s lovS i".i 7H Hi rat m m 1"M mi OF INDUSTRIES Duu's Review of Tradd Says Pricjs Are the Lowest Ever Know.i. BUT IMPROVEMENT IS STEADY Much of the New Activity in Building Circles Is Attributed to the Unex ampled Cheapness of Structural Materials, and to tho Cheapness and Abundance of Labor Belief Is General, Though, That the Bottom Has Been Reached and That Pro duction Must Be Renewed on a General Scale. WHEN PAPER WAS SCARCE. Tleuiie 21 mi 11 1. 1 I'M I0M lu',, MM W 19M 8KiH mi m 8M lUe m IHU m tSJs Chicago Grain and Provliiins. HciiAntoii, Mar th 'i -Tlis following quota tions are supplied and Onrreet id ilsiiy hy Lk liar & Puller, stock brokers, 121 Wyomiug are- nuc. WHEAT. Opening Highest Lowest Closing COllN. Opening Highest Lowest Closing OATS. 'ipenlng. tiluiinst Lowen Cl-sluir POHK. ' Ipenlllg., Ulghest... Lowest... Closing... LAUD. Opening.. .Ugliest Lowost CI -sing SHnltT BIBS. Opening , Hlgheet Lowest Closing J ar. May. Jniv. mm n um OHM tn4 fug fiiitl &S Ml rH i &! KM r7M m Mb, t;74 f.K' MH tm I7M 5H 7?e W II iffii 26U rn m m2 -a aitj ik)4 -"'n "7S 110) 1118 1117 LOI (iU 1117 10K7 111)0 1W7 me lwij iieo 1:70 m MO cj'i m eoo w w av, W2 B57 053 r.70 BTS r,;o 671) 875 DiU mi Mi otis ......... ta 067 6117 V3WIWILL IIUYA 850O-DOLLAU UPRIGHT ' piano, only a few mouths In use. UuDsP aware street, Oreon Kidge; owner leaving town. L'OB SALE - (Si -ACRE 1 and utensils J. M. Monroe avo. FAHM, STOCK SHEFFIELD, m 1?OB SALE OB EXCHANGE FOB SCRAN ton property A bearing orange grove Increasing In production and value yearly In ilin orango section In Florida. Addrcs V. E. Re 1 Estate. L-H.u0 WILL O of nine roonia; hi:Y A SI'LKNUHl 1H)L'.-E lmst lisiation in Green Ridge. If sold Mfor April 1st; all modern lin proTeinents. InnuirollW Delaware street. I'OB SALE SINGLE BOUSE, 06 QU1NCY . avenue: very deflrahls location. Anply M P. REYNOLDS, or W1LLABD, WARREN KNAPP. yviiO WILL liCY JloDERN NEW h ROOM ' . bouse, all improvement; terms easy; cor ner Madison avoiiue and Deloware street. Ap plv HARRY LEES Q1.4UI W ILL BUY IM DEHIKA RLE LOT DP corner iuarllson avenue ami Ualawai i itreet. Terms easy. Apply HABHY LKES. Business Personals. SANTAO -FOB MEN ONLY GREATEST restorer and devoloner known, i-tronght eni, inviirorates. Price 12. Guaranteed -Send 6lamp for confidential rlreular. Dr. H. T. MILLEB, 21 Qulncy street. Chli ago. 1 ADIE-. TONTE IS THE ONLY SI C. X J ccasful Bust Developer known. Nevor fails, is.'in Full confidential particulars senico lor ze. stamp, airs, n 11. I . allher, 21 vuiucy St., Chicago, Nw York Proauoe Marktt. New Vouk, March 10. FLocn Dull, steady. iikat Active, firm; No. 2 red, store nnd elevutor.lkiJiaOIMc.jf. o. b.,6lWaMMo: iingraded red, fxsaflio.; afloat, OnlVio; xo. 1 northern, nc, options closed tlrm, ,; sc. over yislerday: Marih OOJc. ; May, twic.: JUue, OJ'ic; Jnly Mc; Decern her. WHO. COHN Dull, but flrro; No.?.42c.; olovstor, 45o.; oiitions dull, lower: Murrh, Wic: April. ttVfll Mat, 42K&; July, He. Oats Dnll.steady; optlous ouster; March and April, 800.; May, 'Mc. July, 'Mc; No. 11 white, March, HSc. ; spot prioea. No. 4 8S3c.;No. 2, white,8c.: No. achioago, 6i;c.; No. 8, 34Hc; No. 3 white, 87c; mixed western, 37u3c.; white do., and white state, 89u42c. rtlKK Quiet, stendy. Hekf Rami Dnli TmOJUl llCRr-Qniet. ( ut Mkatk Dull; middlep, nomlunl. LAUD vuiet, easy; western strain, I7.ISMI fOW.JB.00MI March, 0 70; May, fti.w; rrnnen, quiet; contluont 17 85 South America, .5.U8; compound, Static Pork Qoltt HUTTKlt 1'irni; western dairy, 12a 15c; eiRlus, 22c ; Pennsylvania cream ery, nana Ciikkmic Firm, unchanged. Euuh Weak; l'ennsvlvniita, 1B!c; wrstoru fresh, IBfMJfo "uturn, Ilia iM0 Criticising a Young Lady. "sho would bo a pretty girl for but ouo thing." "What's lhatr iiskod Charley. George Her fnce Is always covored with purple anil rod blotches. Charley Oh, that's easily enough dis nosed of. Used to hi the same wv mv i-elf. but I caught on to the trouble 0110 day, and got ml of It in no time. Ueorgn What was It? cuarloy Simplv blood eruption. Took a short course of P. P. IJ. 1 tell you, It's ibe boss blood corrector. The governor hail rheumatism ho bad tbat you could hear til in holler clear across the country every timn ho moved. Ho tried it, and you know what an athletic old neiit ho la now. If somobody would give Miss Daisy a pointer, me would thank them after wards. All the drug stores sell it, ' Week by week, says Dun, it is found possible by un iuereasiug number of concerns to revive production with a general range of prices the lowest ever known As old stock giva out, orders for replenishment are first fur oheepsr goods than nave before been chosen, traders therein representing; consumers vrlionre omn polled or desire toltve more cheaply. Then the quantities ordered art so much smaller than tho industries have been accustomed tosnpply.aud so (ar bolow the v ipacity of works that the competition drives prices in each grade down to or bolow nottul cost, Miueezing out profits and forcing down wages. Yet the proms a id the wages are the fund from wbieli future pur chases for consumption must be made. 1: is under ructi conditions tint more works ure goint; into operation, many with n doubt how long they my b" able to operate. Thus ths measure of restnuptnn by works or hands or hours of labor is not a measure ot the revival iu business, either 111 to (juintity or valuoa of goods distributed. Prices of commodities nre this week on the whole the lowest of which there is any record, having declined per omit. In Marchandnveragi11gll.il per cent, lower than 11 year ago. Six mors iron furnac's have gone into blast this month, in pitrt because pries of lin- ished products are a shale lnwir, and" further contracts have tbus been se cured. Pittsburg gats the lion's share, Hud bus mort of its work in operation flails aro inactive and deliveries every where arii the lowest for many years Cheapness of material and labor stim ulates the erection of many buildings, both eatt nnd wear. I'ig iron does not change In price, but sales are some what more easy. Th volume of business repr-scnted by all clearings tLis week li 81 9 pf r cent, less than a year ago, nn 1 al all cities, outside New York, 31,4 per Oent. less, ugaiust 17 4 per cent, last week. Baifroad earnings nuke a bat ter comparison, falling but 10. G per cent, below last year's for the first week of March against 10 7 per Ceu'.. in February; but kbagaiu is in pirt because trunk lines have cut rates and secured, for the first week in a long time, a larger east-bound movement than was recorded a year ago. Tile west-bound movement is also largoriu dry goods and groceries. Railway stocks have beoa remarkably steady, and havo slightly advanced the uast week. Monetary conditions have hsen grow ing more favorable, though it is im- powble to say now lur thev mny Le changed by the passage ol the seig morage bill. Ibo treasury has been improving its condition, for while customs revenue this month has been l") per cent, less than last year, there is some recent increase in internal revenue through removal of spirits torn bond to avoid -01 higlir tax. There 1 is no demand for commercial loans. Exports of products ars 40 per cent above and imports 39 below last years for the month t'.iui ir. railnres for the week is 201 iu the United States against 10!) last year, and 5 in OaUada gainst 11) last year The absn.:e of important embarrassment is still mod encouraging. A careful investigation of th op$n- tioue of mills and gl ill ho ists In the Pittsburg region, show ab mt 75 pir cnt of the operatives working nnd not many of the remaining 2) per cent, are dependent upon public charity. Many of the iron, std and glass workers ure in such circumstances Knit they conld live comrortnbly in Idlenesj for several years without assistance from any source. Within the past ten days there have boen frequent notios of resump tion of work at various industrial es tablishments in the Put bur..' district, and other indications are that a general improvement has set in. Independent coil operators tell the Philadelphia Times that there has been a drop In coal prices, due to the warm weather. Ihe decline has bsen on dis count of spring prices, which will b fixed on th 20th instant. The demand for broken and egg siz-i is better than that for stove nnd chestnut, owing to the fact that lb to is not sufficient to meet the demand for p. a ami buck wheat siZ'S. The trade, is in u waiting condition and with tho olfl Mat estab- lislim.'nt of a lower baiis considerable business is expected to result. Priueu at New York are nnoted as follows; Broken, ftl 40 to :! 50; egg, $3 50 to $3 00;stove, 43 75 to $1 ; chostnu., $3.75 to . l An Appeal of 11 Century Ago to Save Your Kags." Paper was so scarce when the American army entered Philadelphia upon tbeevao nation of the British troops that there wnH n want of paper fitted for t he construction of cartridges, it was advertised for nnd but a small quantity procured. An order was then tuned di niandiug its Instant production by nil the people in tbat city who bad it. Tills produced but little more, very prob ably on account of its scarcity. A file of soldiers was then ordered to make search for it in every place when- liny was likely to be found. Among Other places visited In July was n garret in the house In which Benjamin Franklin bad previously bad his printing office. Hero were discovered about 500 copies of a sermon which the Kev. (iilhert Tenant had written printed by Franklin npon "Defensive Wur" to arouse the colonists during the French troubles. The were nil tuken and used ns cases for musket car tridges und nt once sent to the urniory. Most of them were used nt tbo battle of Monmouth. The requisites In cartridge paper wore, of course, thinness, strength, pliability and inUamuinbility, and such paper then was necessarily scarce. In 1781 paper was so scarce that in New York thu journal of the second sasHlon of the assembly was not printed, tho printer being unable to procure the ile- ssnry pa per. Ilorner, in his "HibliotLrcu Amer icana" 170 informs us that "at this tiuio the people of North America manu factured their own paper find in sufficient quantities for home consumption, but the price of labor was so high as to discourago publishing beyond their own laws, pam phlets and nt'wspnpcra. " Some two years after this date David Hull, postmoster of Troy, N. Y., publlsheri the following homily under the bead " i'lense Save Your lings;" "The press contributes more to tho dl fTu sion of knowledge und Information than any other medium. Hags are tho primary requisite in the manufacture of paper, nnd without paper the newspapers of our coun try, those cheap, useful and agreeable com panions of the citizen nnd fanner, which in n political and moral view are of the highest national importance, must decline and be extingnisbed. The paper mills of the state, would the poor nnd the opulent, tho filmi er and the mechanic, be persuaded into the laudable frugality of saving rags, would turn out ample suirpilcsof American paper to nUswer all demandi. "The people of Massachusetts and Con necticut, with true American zeal, have Introduced this exemplary saving Into tho economy of their houses. Thu lutter, by fair calculation, makes yearly a saving ot rags to the actual amount of 160,000, The ladies in several large towns display an elegant workbag aa part of the furniture of their parlors, In Which every rag lluit is Used lu the paper mill Is carefully pre served. Were this example initiated this state would not be drained of its circulat ing cash for paper and other manufactures which American artists can furnish. "The poor by the mete saving of rags may be enabled to procure paper und books for schools Bud family Use nnd more agree able articles of dress and consumption. The rich w ho regard the interest of their country will direct their children or do mestics to place n bag or box iu some con venient place ns a deposit for rags, that none may lie lust by being swept into the street or lire, the sales of which ravings will reward the attention of tho faithful servant nnd encourage the prosperous en terprise of prudence nnd frugality." The industries of tho country grew so fast that in 1 sio the number of paper mills in t he United States was estimated at 188, ofwbieb Rl were in lVnusylvnuin. St. l.(,u:s d lobe-Democrat. Chinese Poetry In English Verse. For many centuries the Chinese nntion has closely cultivated the poetic nrt nnd stiil turns out annually more poetry than nil the rest of the World put together. All modem Chinese statesmen are poets move or less. The l.ite Marquis Tseng, who taught himself English with only the aid of a Murray's grammar and a Nuttall'i dictionary, began early to drop Into poe try. The following Ode at Parting" wns bunded by him to mi English fellow trav eli r on ono of the local steamers: When we reached the mouth of the river, l?ee now the ocenn red! Very glad to meet you And talk on tbo captain's bed. Poets, properly so called, are not to bo found in (,'hina at the present day. A poet is, In ChlnCee trrms, n "wind man" tlint is, one whose spirituality is quickened by the divine Aura. He is, emphatically, born nnd not made. I.l T'al-po (A. I). 0!)9-7fiy), thegreateatof the "old masters," positively lisped in numbers. At 10 years of age he indited the following Impromptu) TO A F1KKFLY. Rein Cannot quench thy lantern's light; Wind makes It slilno more brightly bright. Oh, why not fly to heave n afar And twinklo near the moon a star? Nineteenth Century. onnolly & Wa Some Special Things in Spring OPENED TODAY. Most Attractive Line in the city. Our line of these popular goods is now complete. LACES Are used largely for trimming. Before you buy see our mag- nificent line. CONNOLLY & WALLACE ?wsSSN4vt RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILROAD OF N, J. LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Authincito ronluaol cxcluuively, laboring HleanHnen and comfort TIMETAULU IN BITBCI I KU. 1, UM, TraiUH leave Sirnntoii for Pittstou, Wilkes Harre. etc , at 11H, B.1&, II :J a. m.. 12.30, '2 00. 3.:J, f. en, T.fA 11.05 p. m Sundays, 0.U0 u. m., 1.00, g.00, 1. 10 p. m, For Ailuntie City. 8. W a. m. Kor Now Vork, Newark and Elizabeth, H.10 (express) a. m.. 12.30 (sxpress with Buffet parlor can, 3 30 (express) p. in. Sunday, 2.W p. m. Von Mai cii Chink. Allintowh, BMBLS BJOL KAMpa und PUILABILPHIA, 8.10 a. m.. UU0 ,8,8a (..no (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 1.80 p. m. For LOMO Brakoh, Ooiam Qbovb, etc., st Mil a. iu.. I.:;o n. n. Kor Uendmg. l.eliiiiion nnd Iiurrisburg, via Allen town, 8,10 a. in., vi"u, "1.00, p.m. Bandar, -.10 p. m. For PottSVlllr, S. 18 a. m 12.30 p. m. KetnmlnB, ItSVe New York, foot o.' Liberty sire. t. North river, at '..10 (...pren) s. m., l.H', 1.30, 4.31 (express with Boost parlor car; p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. ni. Leave Phiuuelphi, Usadlog Termlaal 0.00 a. m., 2.00 nnd 4.3 1 p m, Suiidny, U.27 a. u.. 't hrough tickets to nil points at lowest ratei may hu had on sppltoation iuadvauuu to tho ticket agent U !. Itatii n. a v. Baldwin, , Otn. Pass, Agent J. II. OLHAUSiX, Ghin. sunt. I EHIQ3 valley uailkoad. Xj FBB. II, IMM, Train leaves Bersnton tor Philadelphia an I New York Tlx. 1). .V H It H. t.t s a.m . 12.10, 2.88 and 11.85 p. 111 via Dl, L. & W. H. It , li U0, l.us,U.20a. m.,und 1.30 p, 10. Leave Krranton for Pittstou and Wilkes Bsrre vis I).. L & W, B. K., 0.0.1, e08.it.2J u. in , 1.8,1, 3..). 0.117, p. m. Leave Scranton for White Haven. Uazleton, Pottsviua nn 1 nil jioiuts on tbo Heaver Meadow and PottsvUke branches, via E. W. V., . 40 a.m., v,a D. ft IL It. R. nt H n in.. 12.10, 2.IK 4 10 p.m . via 1)., L. A: W. K. It., 0.11O, b.OS. 11.20 a.m., 1.30, 3.600.0. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Esston, KeudmB, Unirihliur and all iutennertint 1 points via 1). ft H. li. It., 8 a m. .12.10. IBB 11.85 p.m.,VisD., L. ft V. H a.&OutS.UI, 11.20 a. m L8U p.m. Leave scranton for TuukhxnnpsX, Towanla, Elmlrii. Ithaca, Qeneva and all informed let points viu I), ft I! U.H..1I.07 a 111..I2 10 und 11.81 p. ni. vl.i D, L. ft W B R.. 8.04 a.m.,l.:l p, m, Leave Scranton for Hnchester, Hnfr.do, Mi- Bgxra Falls, Ustmit, ChleagO and all poifits west vis D. A ii B, 1". m.ot i.m., 12 lo.w.i i 11.31 11. m . Via l. L. & W. It. Ii. and Pittoi Junction, HON ii.m., 1.30 0.88 p. m., Via E. ft W. K U. 8.41 r. 111. For Elmira and til 1 nest via Sal on mo i. viv I ft It K R I'.uT 11,111., 18.10,8.13 p. m . v.n O . L. ft W. U.K., ,8.08 s.m., 1.30 and 0.07 p. m, Pullman parlor and sleeping orL. v. cbslr cms on all trains between U & B. Jnnotioa or Wilkes Bxrre und New York. PhlladslpMs, Biiifiilo and Baspension Bridee ROLLIX II WILBUR. Uen. Sunt. Bast Die ' HAS S, l.KK Hen, Psm Alf't, Pblla,Pt. A V.NuNNEJl.rilElt.Ass't O.u Pass Ag't. South Bethleli im, Pa. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA AND WESTER W RAILROAD rratna leave Scranti n aa follows: Fxpro for Mew York and all prints Knst. I.M 2.50, 8. IT, 8.00 and tM S. m. ; 12 41 und Up p, m. Kxpresa for Easton, Trenton, phuuslphla and th.. South, 51.1, 8.00 and 8.50 a. m.; 1255 and 3 51) p. m. WMHUnBtOB and way Btatioiu. 2.40 p. m. Tohybunna nc oismodatton, 0 10 p. m. Expr ss for UlnKhamtou, Oswego, Elmira, Condng, Buth. DaOSViUe, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12 10. 2 15 a. tt and 1 21 p. m.. mxklni cloue connections at Buffalo to uii point! in th 1 Weet northwest spa Southwebt. Buffalo iiccoinmodatloii. H.00 a. m. Btaxbsmton and way stations. 12.87 0. m. Xiciiolwni an J wsv stations. 5.45 p, m. Blnbumton ;jid Eiinlr lixprivs. 0 00 p. m. Kxprow for OirtUnd, Syracuse, (hwejio. Ctteaaad RlehBeld Bprtags, 2.15 a. m. and LSI p. m. Ithaca, 2.15 and (JO a. m. and 121 p. in. For Northnmberlsnd.Pittnton, Wukes-Barre, Plymouth. Bloumbburj; and Danville, making close connections at Northumberland for WUHamiport, Harribburt', Baltimore, Wusu Inutnii and the South. Sortbumherland snd intermcdlato stations, ti.OO. MO s. in- and ISH and 0.07 p. m. KanHcoke and Intermediate stations, 8 ns and 11 20 a. in Plymouth and Int.-rmedlat stations. 3Aiaiu! 8,88 D, m. Pullman parlor audi xleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed information, pocke t tiin 1 tallies etc, apply to M. L. Smith, city teknt olBo , 328 LacBawannaavenne, or depot ticket oiUcj. ACADEMY OF' .MUSIC. SATURDAY, MABcW 17. (ST .PATRICK S DAY.) Fun! Fun! Snch as Hoyt Furnishej .. HOYT'S. . A Brass Monkey INCLUDING MR. GEORGE F. MARION And n treat company. Psle opens Thursday, J7RIE AND WYOMING VALLEY RAIL XLl LOAD Train l.-ave Scranton for New York nnd in termediate poiutii on t!ie Erie railroad al MS u. 111. and X24 p m AImi for lluwley sad local isiints at 6 85,0.45 and 3 24 pm. Train leaving at 0.45 a. in. snd8.8t n.m. are through trains to and troin houeadale. Trains leave for Wilkes-Barro stfl.IU a. m. and O. U p. m. WE ARE V.v.k commcncJns SfONDAY, StAB( U 13. ThiB week, while tbo Wonderland Theater Comianyise tortsning the citizeas of Car tonaalc, we shull present ONE OF WONDERLAND'S OLD TIME variety Shows RENOVATORS The Best Artists Money and Experienco Can Trocure. Minor Indl'striai. Notk3: Orders liavo been booked whereby tho Bethlehem Iron roinpaiiy'e steel mill will continue tiiniiinu day mid night until tho end of the month. Tho coal operators of the American, (lenrge'a Creek, (.'onaolidxtion, New Cen tral, lliiryliind, Darton, Frnnkliu nnd other uiiiiea lu the ('umberlaud, Mil., region will meet in 1'bilailelphla today to determine the wage rnto for the ousumg J oar. Tbe 10-incb mill of tbe Pennsylvania Bolt and Nut works will mart work today nf tor a ibut down of two weeks. Tho two other idle mi. Is of thin city are expected to follow suit Bpeedtly. All departments of tho Fisbbnck mills of tbe l'otthvtllo Irou and Steel company nre now workln;; full blast, Thero will be work for tbo men for some time to come. A director of the (teueral Electric nays tlis company It earning ut tbo rate of fs, nou.Wn a your. Epecimen Casus S. EL Clifford, Now Unmsl, Wis., was troubled with neuralgia ntid rheiiiiiiitijin, bia stomach win dieorderesl, bis liver was Hffected to 11:1 itlnriuliu; dojroe, appetite fell away, ntid ho was terribly reduced In IleBh ami atrengtli. Three bottlea of Eloc ti io Bitters cured kim. Edward bliopheief, 1 1 hi i 1 .burr, 111., bad a ruuniuK norn on his leg of eight yeara' xtnudlug. Used tbre-e bottles of Kluctrn.1 Bittera nud seven boxea of Buck Ion's Arnica Salve and hi; In;; is Hound ami well. John Speaker, Catawba, O.. had five larire fever sores 00 his leg, doctors aald ho was incurable. One bottle Bleotric Bitters and ono box Buckluii'a Arnioa Salve cures! hnn entirely. Buld by -Mat thews Bros. Fcranton Wholsials Blarksts. Fcrantoh, Mar. Id Vwitl aho Pao OUCX urled aples, per lb., 6u?e.i evap orated applet, lna Ho. per lb.; Turkish prunes, -I , F-nnlish ( ra 1 anls, ' 'x u- 'tc.; layer rxldiua, tl.i&al.HO; muscatels, (1.20a 1..1U per box; new Vulrueias, 0x7s. per In. Bbans Morrow-fats, I0.i5x8.59 per bushel; mediauia, ll.T0al.Bd. i'axa uresn, ll.16al.2u per bohel;apllt, t2.50a2.AI); Isntels, Haloc per poand. . I'OTATOXa .VistiOc. per bushel. Onions eOaTOc. pur bushel, Buttbii ItlaDSo. per lb. CnxxBB 10x18c. per lb. Eoes Froah. KialTc: pickled, 13al4c. I'odltby Chickens, dressed, lxaloo. I turkoya, lal3c. MxxTa uanit, l(ite.j lsrgs. 'lOc; skinned bauu, lOa; California bams, HHe.; fhouliUis, s'.,c. ; dry salted bellle 1, ' V'.; laiuksd breakfast bacon. H.c.; fresh pork loins, U'sje.; "Wyoming" porx sausage, llo.; Wyoming home made sail sago, :i pound pall, larded, 11c; butch ers' snusngo, 8)0., our own make; fresh pork shoulders, 8c.: fresh pigs' feet. He.: fiesh pie,g' heads, 60. 1 fremh eiare rilK. Sc.; fresh lest lard, tic; tresb kidneys, Be. doa.1 rough sausage meat, 8)c.: tonguo, HHciplncks, .Icenctt; w hole hogs, 7Jic. POM Mors at 117; short cut, $18. Lard Leaf In tlsrees at Be; In tuba. c. In 10-pound palls, 0c.: m .V pound palls, BC k-pouud pails, inc. per pound. BKxr Choice sugar cured, smoked beof. lie, Flouii Minnesota patent, per barrel. M.40ai.U0; Oblo and Indiana amber, at fu.SO; Oiabam at ID.50; rye flour, at S.2i. Buckwhbat Flour 2.7i) per cwt. Fixii- Mixed, per cwt., at 11.00. Graix ltye, uos,; corn, 47 to 4 lie.; oats, UM.V. per bushel. Bra Etbaw Per ton. fiuais. Bay-116 to in. . . Luck leu's Atnlcx Ealv. Tha best salvo In tbe world for f'ati Bruises Bores, Ulcers, Salt KheutrL Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Ilniuls, Chilblains. Corns nnd all Skin Eruptious, and posi tively cures files, or uo pay required. It it. guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or niouny refunded. Price 25 cents per uox. i' ur sole by Alutluewu mod. It Occnrriel Too Late. Wbnt n pilv John Y. McKane did uot think of tiin insanity dnde,o before he got into that striped suit. QtmtIT troubled me for twenty yenrs Kiuce I started using I Jr. Thomas' EdeC' trie Oil havo had an attack. The Oil cures sore throat ut once. Mis. l.etta Conrad, Standlsb, Mich., Oct. 24, 'S3. I'ELAW ABE AND BCD SON KAILULIAD, Commencing May 20, Iiii2. tiuiiis will run us follows! Trains leave Bndao Btrest Station, Berantun, tor Pitts ton, Wilkes Bin re, etc., B ill), J.07, OUT, 10 42 a. in.. 12.10, 1,25, 8.38, 4.10. r.Ii, tl.15, .li und 11. Do P. m. Kor New York and I'hilt delnhia. 8.00s. m . 1210. 1.2.V K, 4 hi mill II. Wii. m. For lloiiesdale ( Irinn Delaware, Lackawanna nnd western depot), 7 0J, HLSX 10 10 n.m., 11UJ .. .'. II, D i p. in. For carl o idaie and Intermediate stations. 5.40, 7 00. C.J0, 10.10 a. in . 1200 m ,2 17, ;i.2'i,,1 u, (1 20 and 9 85 p. m ; from bridge street Depot .ol s. m., 2. 1. and II 15 p. m. Fust eix in ess to Ailisnv. ?ai utosa. the Adi rondack Mountains Bust ui and New England Points. 5.10 a m , airlvmr at ABmny 12.41 Mir.itiit'a -:j p. 111, una leuvina hcronieui at .i p. iu , arriving nt Aliinnv nt Si' i. 111., hsra- toga, 1. m , anil a mton. . 11. m. ....i.. ;., ... , I.. -....,. ,.. .....1 1...1.1. nd Boston "The Leadinir Tourists' liouto of Auu'i ica" to the Adirondack Mountuiu re sorts, Lukes Ueorge and Chsmplalu, Montreal, ote. Time tallies thonrlnt local and thr.mkh train sorvice betwoen stations on all divisions Dola ware slid Hudson svstom. mav be obtained at all Deluwsrs and Hudson ticket otrlces. H. U. YOUNU, J. W. BUKOICK, Swond Vico President. Oon. Pass. Agk, No Dust left iu your carpets. Xo Moths, Feather Lico or im purities in your feathers when we get through with them. Don't hesitate to give as your work. "VVe CAN and WILL please you. No oi;l machinery. All new, and thu best. Mattresses thoroughly renovated and made over gool as uew. Furniture repaired aud uphol stered. ( nine and see one of BcKUlton's newest industries and see how we do t he work. You are welcome. THE Scranton Bedding Co. 602-604 Lacka. Ave. Cor. Adams Ave. N.B.- We are Retailing "at Factory Prices. ADMISSION, 10,50 r.nd no CENTfV Opera ensltseea bo reserved, hy mimler. every a'- ternooD, from i;:u to 3.;.o. fer the tTenlWi entertainineut. rerir.rmar.ci si v, iv iifterui.. n except Mondays and Thursdays, ut :'.;. and OVI ry erealngat b.li. Doors open at 1.3U and ..IjJ P.M. ("USHMAN'S . . BIJOU FORMER 1Y MUSIC HALL. Scranton. Dsto Bockafeller,LesMe; Fred, Psndeil, Man. N'ltATN !1VSI0N. In BOtel .Innunrr 88th, ISill. North Buiind. am v;o? io: i 111 lis & Stations Kuuth Bound, 1(02 aii4 os 5?a P H 8 VI l 8 10 Til 7 1.1 T."H ra in li! M i ri ID 47 lli !. ia Ill II! nw ... nam, oar MUM e ri mu.'iii 4 1 ies'tM 11 mo f4!lif3Vl! ....I 0 4ii in 11 n B 14,11 roan b iikuvA. e J BV7I1I 'J 1 a ev . in 1 1 1 tr 0 Ml 5 0 em so re m 4. v 0 ir.i 4 &i fit it ti a ft 10 4 tin r h'i 1.. M u raniH uoJIT, lix- te 1 eopt Sunday. ) p ip a Arrive Leave, j i B N Y. l-'rankllu St. . 7 livWest 4a:id street 7 00i Weelmivkeu Is ii Ariivo Uiive I ni:,. .luncilon 11. in. . Bthrttshl Preetoo Perk I omn Poyntelln Belmont Pleasant mu 1 inioodsle Poreet tity t'liihuidaie W hite Bridge Mil Held .If 101 J 11 Archibald lutou Peoki mo Olvphanl Dickson Tbiooi Provlilene.i link place sci anion 11 1 II W II 1.1; II 10 1 1 0.-. A M I.PIIVC ... i . i ... . y g s. " -j 2 I I M 73J 7 BJ BH0 r m ... aim ... Kll ... 2 -4 ... a si ... 2 41 ... 2 BO ... 8 M ...la 01 B UO ;i It tlCl 1 I ft e ix r. n e.u U4.j 1)4.1 IIIBHl .... 7 II' A M 7 M : li 4.1 :i .11 7 7 l 48 1.1 3S 1' as niMtMa 7 31 IU 3 II 7 40 II) M I 91 7 4.TIOOWH S4 WEEK COMMENCING MARCHJ2 HIGH CLASS ATTRACTIONS ' AT POPULAR PRICES. James and Ida Gilday, Jliss Lottie Barnard, Miss Florence Leroy, La Petite Edith Carlton and Andrews And by Special Request Onida, the Marvel. McMahon and King and a host of others. TWO PERFORMANCES DAILY Afternoon at 2. Ui Eve&l&c at 8.13. Popu lar Prlcej, 10, ao nnd IU Cents. IH in 10 7 r.s 10 ib 7 V4 IU 17 7;o,ioi 8 mi 10 24 8l2l0U;l 4 17 8 u m m 4 it,) ,1 ..9 1 M 4i7 I 1,1 I II DON'T FORGET Thst we aro hendquarters for everything In the line or WAlDllKs, If yon have any Iden of pwrchaslni: anv kind or a Watch, lauva or Rent's. Hold or Silver, you will make a uriev 0111 mistake it you do not give us a call und Ret our prieos, which you will And far below all otners, especially in all the nigh grades of nlfihi Wnltham and Uampden BeVetteats, If you have any doubts and nre at all posted on prirM Kit o usa call and w.i will havo no trouble in convincing you. We still haveu largo steek to dispo o of, nd will offer you won riYriul lnductniciits In Jewelry, Silverwares flocks nnd all other foods winch wo have in stock. C W. Freeman Penn Ave. and Spruce St. Arrive a iu M r ' All tinlns run dully except Sunday, f. signifies that tinliia stop on signal for as senu'ers. Adilltl'n ul trains l ine cnrti uidide for vcrnn. ton 1. 111 and 0.1.1 p. ni., arrliiiig at scranton 1 5S and 7 00, Leave Seriuiton fur I'avbondale 11 U and ,s 30 arriving at i iirhoudsle at 7 M and 3. IA p. m. eeure rates via Ontario Western before purchuslug tl kets nnd save mouey. Day auily Klhgt H. press to the Wcsi. (.0 Anderson, lien. pas AirU V.IUtOrott, Dlv rose, Aft scranton, ra A Handsome Compleion la one of the greatest charms a wnian can possess l'ouom'a 1,'oMeLBXtoN T'ownna gives it. SCIENTIFIC SHOEING. lluviiiir secured Ihe SliOElNli I'll RUT. ot illli in Illume it 8 11 for 11 pel iniinoiit l.nsl in km stand. 1 shall conduct ieiitinc aim 1 ,1 1 .,. Shoo ng for the l'levontii n, He hot end Cn e of ugSienese and other ,;, ,! mcnts in the iiioTonientN nf Horses Incidental or due to tetperieet sBoelnc. 1 shall give thu work my pereonel nttenti p end gearenjeene extra charge, except for immovciii.-iit. La US Ueee.ole. will lievieaieil afternoons. A troe clinic ami tirote-i-iiiiiHl advice given every Monday Iron 1 to - e. H, JOHN HAMLIN, D, V. S. L Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING Ca Manufacturers nnd Dealer Burning lubricating OILS ani Also SbaftlQg and Journal Greasa. 01 1' lCli: ?:i West Lackawanna Ave. W OUKS; -Msrldlas Street
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers