If you dou't see what you wanl in today's TRIBUNE, advertise Cor it. That's what the "CENT-A-WORD" column is for. WT "u,,',l w .U I 8WS K1 emnton ribime There are THIRTEEN more days of the ENCYCLOPEDIA offer, but this number will tipiove unlucky if you or r at owe. TWELVE lAGES--s i COLUMNS. SCIJANTON. PA.. .SATURDAY M()RXIN(i. MARCH IT. 1S4. TWO CENTS A COPY. THE ILUlr turn E'ER RE GRET THEIR WEARING IF TH BEE I CALLED HIM DEAR Ml Usual Bundle Ol Letters Kppsai in the Breck-Inridiit'-Pollard Case. WIT UPON CROSS-EXAMINATION 1'he Fair Plaintiff Causes Much Laughter with Her Sharp Answers to Mr. Butterworth -Old Jim Rodes Was Not a Conventional Man Many Proposals of MarriageColonel Breckinridge's Manner of Introduc ing Himselt to Fair Women. Washington, March to TEIE eligible who managed to run the gauntlet of doorkeepers Into the circuit court thin morning were unusually nntntrotu end distinguished in appear Mioe, They were able to get an esrlv slant of th prineinal In th ea. for lis Pollarl and Colonel Breckinridge appeared earlier than bM been their custom. After the lawyer had rustled their papers for a quarter of an hour thr whs iv ripple of gre-u inrpriee, for no less appro'iag then the plaintiff her self walked aroun 1 to the witness stand, took a. neat directly facing Colonel Breckinridge and the whole roomful of men. The plaintiff gsve t'ie detail of hr acquaintance with Colonel Breckin ridge and their IntintnOT ut) to the time of separation in 1S92. THE LOVB LETTERS APPEAR. Such a case ia not complete withont the conventional p ick lire of love let ter, and they were produced for Mi" Pollard' examination. i?he ilentitied the letter and twelve telegram a troui Colonel Brcokicridffe, The let ters were not all of the amorottl kind, they were friendly but not; too much o. They were si sued "Yonr. " or "Yours truly and sincerely," and ha I no heading. Sotn of the letters were read at the trial the other day. The next question came near bringing 01 a icen. "Miss Pollard," said Sir. Carlisle, "what were the conversation yon had with Colonel Breckiuride about going to a sanitarian?" "Oh, Mr. Carlisle. I hardly know how to gay these things before o many i l 1 1.1 ri . -1 . 1 - : . uiMn, mm .film roimrti yiHiiirivei v, in rimer nign voice, l can t siy tnin There was a snsDicion of teirs in Miss Pollard's eye. "Never mind don't say anything don't answer, " aid Judge Wilon, her principal connsel. Colonel Breckinridge mad refer ense in some of hi letters to lendinc omo papers and Miss Pollard ex plained that "some nepers" meant money they did not like to refer to money in their letters. After reces a Utter was read from Mis Pollard to Colonel Breckinridge acknowledging that she had published the announcement of their engagement and that she was sorry for it. This was evidently in answer to a letter from Colonel Breckinridge taking her totaik for the public ition The letter began "Mr deer Willie" and was signed "Yonr loving Madeline." The question askd bv Mr. Carliile wns as to how Ion? the illicit relation hip existing between Colonel Breckin ridge ami the plaintiff and Miss Pollard answered, loudly an! distincily em phns'zing every syllable: "From that night wlien he took m to Sarah Gregg' in 1884, there never was any sugges tion of the discountenance of that miserable sin, until Colonel Breckin ridge, with all his protestations and promisei and vows of affcHo i, left me on the 17th dav of Msy. 1808 " FUN ON THE CROSS-EXAMINATION. Major Butterworth began the cross examination. He persisted in saying that Miss Pollard was 12 when her father died, and Miss Pollard became annoyed She had ald she wai 10 then. "I wish you would not repeat that, Mr. Butterworth." she said, "It's very annoying." Her father had told her fairy storiea. he had read her Shakespeare, history and pr-tty little poem. She was fond of all these thine. "You say your father tanjt)t ?i u history," aid Mr. BottSf worth. ''Did be teach yon much history?" "Not so much a Colonel Breckin ridge told me afterwards," wa the an swer, and it took the crier noarlv twenty minutes the stop the laugh. Miss Pollard's answers wero bright and somewhat witty and kept pace with the keen minded Major Butter worth Nearly all her answers began with "Now, Mr. Butterworth " It was while at Frankford that James C. Rides asked her to marry him after having seen her two or three times, ami Mis Pollard told of the bargain through which her education was obtained. "Mr. Kod,"he aid. "was not a conventional nun." Thit cansxl a laugh. "Wag this yonr Meat offer of mar rigger ' "No, I had one the year before from a Mr. Wooda; but I bad no more to do with that than you had, Mr. Butter worth." Colonel Breckinridge joined in the langhter over this gaily. Miss Pollard admitted that she wag engaged to a Mr K gll while she was st the Wegleyan college in Cincinnati, during the continuance of her con tract with Ilodee. Mr. Butterworth gpoke of her contract with Bodes as "the engagement" and Miss Pollard objected to haying it put that way. Mr. Kcde had loiined her the monev to get her education on condition that she should pay him bHck or marry him. There was one sally that created a roar. Mr. Butterworth asked Miss Pollard if Colonel Breckinridge bad recognized her on the train at their Brat meeting, and Miss Pollard said: "He crossed the aisle and asked if he did not recognize meand by the way, that's a common trick of big, recogniz ing people he does not know." Mr. Butterworth tried to make the witness sny that on the first night Col onel Breckinridge came to gee her, he bad brought a csrri ige at her suggest ion, but Miss Pollard met it with, "now, Mr. Bntterwortb, you know I never Mid anything of the kind." Smile more questions wore met with earnest answers that mailt the specta tors laugh, and then at 8,15 o'clock tho court adjourned until Monday. THE CASE OF JOHN y. mckane. Hli Attorneys Still Working fjr Rsleaee -Further Developments New York, March in. Farthereflort wn in id this Afternoon toaeenrethe release of John Y. MclCm from Sing Sing, peudiug the consideration and derisions of his appeal to the supreme court of the state ol New York The convict attorney appeared 111 the office of tho clerk of the circuit court, and tiled an application for a writ of error from the United States supreme coiirt on sppeul of McKniie to tho highest tribunal of the laud. The first official announcement of the amount of bonds that M -Kane has failed to account for to the town of Grravesend was made today by the board of audit for the town. They Bnd that IfoKane hud failed to account for at loan il0,000 Moreover, it was slated the board had discovered that McKme had illegally disposed of some of the proceeds from the sale of tli.'s. bonds not accounted for. Late this afternoon Judge Lscombe granted McKaue's appeal to the su preme court. THE METHODIST CONFERENCE Important Business ol the Sessions Held at Rtrrlsborg Yesterday. RECEPTION BY THE GOVERNOR An Entertainment Given by Fifty Pu pils of tho Carlisle Indian School. Speeches by Dr. Breckinridge, Dr Rittenhousi; and Others - Anniver sary of the Veteran Ministers In teresting Sessions. STROODSBIJttG LYNCHING. Coroner s Jury Censures the Sheriff and Commissioners Puryear's Body Will Be Dissected. StROUDSBORO, Pa . Msrcn 17 The coroner's jury finished its deliberations in the lynching of William Puryear this afternoon and brought in a verdict that the murderer came to his death by beiug hung by parties uukuown to the jury. Many witness-s were called, bnt the jury was unibl to get any evi dence. Those who admitted having witntssed the lynching refuted to give information as it might tend to crimi nate th"m. The sheriff was censured by the jury for his grots Carelessness in permitting Puryear to Sleeps from the juil and the county commissioner a!o cants In for their share of censure for their econo my in discharging the watchman pre vious to the escape of the murderer. The eouaty authorities made prepa rations to bnry the body in tne eeme try here in the. afternoon, but found that it would hav? to be kept, accord ing to law, twenty-four hours, an I if ot claimed by friends in that time to be turned over to the board of medical authorities at the state college. 'Ihe body was put in a neat coffin last night and placed in the corridor of thejiil, where it was viewed by thousands. Tneboly was sent by express at 7 o'clock this morning to George Willir, Philadelphia, to be used at the Univer sity of Pennsylvania for disstcling pur poses. The negro a week ago made a con fession of the murder of Christian Eclers, and said h alone did the crime and that he intended to kill all three persons. Christian Khlers. his wife and John Sliotzuian. The motive wa rob bery. The escape of John Shotzm in prevented him from carrying out his desperate crime. As there was no donbt of the guilt of the negro and the careleisness in the handling of tho prisoner by the jail au thorities, the community generally sanctions the action of lynching and seemed pleased that, the desperado is placed where he will do no further harm. District Attorney Williams will bring the matter before the grand jury when it session in tho April term of court Monday. 4 - AN INTERESTING WEDDING. The Bridegroom Kills Two Men and Then Iklpl Out. BlATTYTILLB, Ky., March 16 - News was received tortav of a wedding in thi(Leei county yesterday that ended with a double tragedy. Miss iihoada May, a popular young woman, was the bride. Grant Cecil, the groom, be came insanely j taloni because Joseph Douerel, a former snitor of the girl. wns among the gnestS, After the cere mony be met Doner el, who wag ac companied by John Burns, n yonth of 10, and began firing. Both were killed, but it is claimed the shooting of Burns was accidental. A bystander was also slightly wonn leu. Cecil fled, leaving his bride, and ha not been arrested. The young wife is prostrated by the excitement caused by the tragedy. s- - . GRIM REAPER'S HARVEST. William Frysing'T, an extonsive carpet manufacturer, at York, Pa. At, Paris. Ueneral lldephmie Fave, a noted French artillerist, aged S2. .Vl. Monchicourt. judicial liquidator of the Panama Canal o i npiny, at Paris. Coloael A. t Hei r, one of the oldest members of the Dauphin county bar, died suddenly at. his boms on Front street at M5 last evening. Neuralgia of the heart caused his death. He was birn in (Iruen castle in 1888, He represented Dauphin county in the house and senate several terms nnd was a leader in both bodies. " - IN OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. faqner Henry Pauth hanged himself to a fence rail at Yorkana, York county. Fifteen suit of clothes wore tolen from Joseph MoudCIWOiSl store at Tremont, A railing limit from a tree hn wns trim ming at Lebanon ctushed young John TreuVi aknil. For an alleged threat to blow Jnp S. L. Ijohn's house at Palmyra with dyusiuite, D. Heilman was o 1 tad. g Letters patent, were inud fur the c.ni- goliilation of ' ' n ! 1 i 1 and II inker Hill boroughs, id Westmoreland county. Within a period of twenty minutes Thursday 11. snowed, rniued, hailed, thun dered and liglitninged at HnrrUhurg. Attorney CMssVSil BciMel says there Is no truth in the report that Uoorge F. Parker, consul at Uirmiughaiu, is .lying uf consumption. When Uoorge Kau's family, at Heading, were nearly Onoonsctotts from Inhaling coal ga, n child was nivageneil, asked for water and all escaped. Pension oertifleate-i have been issued as follows to Peonsy Iranians I Renewal and Increase, Alexander Dodsou, Hunloek Creek, Luzerne; increase, .Smith L, Nich ols, Burlington, Bradford; John Ward, Urent Bend, tiusqiichamia; original wid ows, Hannah Cole, Sheshequln, Bradford. Kins-prom- HsYRHISBURO, Mnrcb 10 I TI I bnsiuess, s rcisl mid musical ntt'sirs the members of the Central Pennsylvania Metho dist conference have been much engaged today. jThe morning snd part ot in- afternoon were con consnmed in routine matters. At 8.80 Governor and Mrs. PattiSOO gave a re ception 10 members and visitors at the executive mansion and this evening titty ln. and girls from the Indian In dustrial school at Carlisle gave a mini cat entertainment at which Governor Pattison presided mid made a speech. Captain K. H. Pratt, superintendent of the school, and other alo made re marks Dr. Breckinridge, of the Methodist Episcopal hospital, of New York, rep resented that Institution, For four year two ladies of the conference, re siding at Bsrwiok. have given $250 each year to maintain a child's crib, and a mother during the same time has given $3t33 each year to maintain a bed. Dr. Rittenbouse, (uperiuteudent of the Philadelphia hospital, stated the needs ami work of that institution. In twenty-two months tines opening tbey have treated 3,700 patients from six teen MetbO list conferences mid nine teen other denominations. Ninety per cent, of the treatment has been free .Mrs. J.ickson, of Uerwiclf, has given S, 000 to endow a bed, and Mr low, of Newton Hamilton, has ise l 1 like amount. At 8 o'clock this afternoon the anni rersary of the Preacher's Aid society was held, Rev. W A Stephens, D. D., of Clearfield, presided. Rev. J. Benson Hamilton. D. D, of Now York, spoke in advocacy of the veterans' movement, an I was followed by T.M.B. Hick, of Williainsport, who spoke of the poorly paid preachers, the average salary In this cmforence being $700. The reception ut the executive man ion Was a deligbtiul affair, and this evening's coneert by the Indian girls and boys was a treat. 4 1 M'COOK WAS ALL RIGHT. Hie Action at Doivr Is Approved bv the Prsiideut. Washington, D. C. March 10. Late this afternoon instructions were tele graphed to General IfoCook by order of President Cleveland in substance as follows: "General McCook was only authorize 1 to ne the troop for the protection of government propsrty un less the representation was made to him by governor of the state that the state authorities nre unable to suppress the insurrection This i in effect an approval of General McOook's nction 111 ordering troops from Fort Logvi to Danver, but not to the extent of giving bun dis cretion to pres-rve the peace, or of rendering assistance to the state militia in enforcing state law. s PORTUGUESE HARBOR DAGAMA. er by the laws of tho commonwealth mid the rules of thi court provision ig made for the admission of women to the practice of the law, but ss the an -premo court of our gtnte has admitted a lady to its bar, we sre not disposed to refuse the prayer of the applicant, slid now, the sixteenth day ot March, the rule granted in this case it made 11 bsolute. " s IHE FOURTH BODY FOUND. R-mnlns of Richard S. Davis Are Taken from Oaylord Mine VYii.KKs Baiuie, Pa., March 10 The excitement at the Gaylord mine among Ihe relatives and friends of the victims yet left in the mines continues una DStld, The fourth victim, Richard S. Davig, could hardly be recognized when brought out toduy, the body beiug in the worst state of decomposition of any of tnose yet found. After beiug prepared the remains were taken to the Baptist obnrob, where the last sd riles were performed by the Rev. John llngue. The interment took place in the Forty Fort cemetery. Mr. Peter F McLaughlin, a widow of one of the unfortunate men-found this week, is dsngeronily ill and one of her children may die almost any mo ment. The afternoon hift of rescuers who came out of the mines about 8 o'clock report that they loaded and removed thirteen cars of debris today and that they have reached a point now where they can work with more safety. It i thought that the other nine bodie are all close together and will be found within the uext two days. Wn kks-Baiike. Pa.. March 10 -The fifth body was discovered at 11 80 o'clock tonight, it wiil tske an hour or more to remove the debris under which he ie buried. The body may reacli the surface at 1 o'clock, a. m. The rescuers at work in the pit are unable as yet to identify it. THE TROUBLE AT DENVER Governor Waite Admits That He Made a Mistake in Calling Upon the Federal Troops. THE NATIQNA L Makers A Quiet and Uueveollul Day in Hie House of RtpieuntttiieSi RIVER AND HARBOR BILL THERE The House Votes Not to Direct a Spe cial Investigation on the Coast Sur vey as Provided tor in the Sundry Civil Appropriation Bill Proposed by Mr. Enloe The Provision Or dering a Reduction in Compensa tion Is Fiercely Attacked by Mr. Hopkins -Private Pension Bills to Be Considered, Th InsuiRtnt Admiral nnd His Officer on Hoard the Hindello. Rio Df. Janeiro. March 16 Adtni- rn 1 Da Gama and his eight "fficer are atill on the Portuguese corvette Min lello, to which they wero transferred from th" French cruiser Magon. The government applied yesterday to the Portuguese minister for the surrender of the insurgent admiral and his t. tl Ihe minister declined to give Da Gaiua up, and the cabinet then sent a SispatOb to Lisbon repealing the appli cation which the minister had rejected. Admiral Da Gains was described in this diapitrh a n military criminal and defaulter, having nothing in com mon with the ordinary refugee - AFTER THE BONOSMEN. City of Wilkse-Birre Wants $61,000 Lost In R ckuf-llnw'e Bank. WiLKBS-BaRRB, March 16.- An im portant snit of the city of Wilkes Barre against the bondsmen of F. V. Rocksfellow, ex-city treasurer, was begun in the common pleas court here today. is to recover ifol.OUO in ciish be longing to the city that was lost when the defunct banker closed the doors of his bank. The bondsmen are John Welles Hollenback, Robert Mitchell and Isaac Livingston, who refused to make good the loss after Rockafellow railed. BOTH FATALLY BURNED. An Attempt to Rmiie n Child Result Dieastertiimly. Hazulton, Ph., March 10. A fire of unknown origin broke out in John Eonisko's house at Stockton this morn ing and the inmate were obliged to lies for their lives. Mr. Konisko, in hor excitement, forgot hr babe, which was nsleen on the second floor and ran back to get it. While thus engaged her clothing took fire and before she escaped to the street both wero fatally burned, tho In fant dying shortly after. The mother cannot live. LADY LAW STUDENT. k The ApDlloatlon of Mite Ida Koit I Favorably Roived. Cahusi.k, Pa., Merch 10 Th appli cation of Miss Ida K' at, of Median icBburg, ns student of law, and which has attracted great attention, has been decided in her favor. Judge Sadler in banding dowu an opinion today said: "We have grave doubts a to wheth- Dbnver, Col., March 10. Governor Waite admits today that be made a mistake in calling upon th federal troops for assistance and the result bag been followed bv Hn attempt to place General McConk in the light of having joined with the political faction op posed to Governor Waite's following. This ig a wrong conclusion. General McCook is too old in experience to be go entangled. Governor Waite tolav wrote to Gen eral McCook asking (him to withdraw the federal troops as he (General Mc Cook) had expregsed the opinion that he had no right to co-operate with the state troops. General McCook made the following statement: "I with to say that mch an inference wa never authorized by me and I never tated that the troop were placed there at his call, I never stated that I would place troops or auy gpeci fied number. In my statement to him I Baid I conld take no further action with the United States troops, nor could 1 take any further steps without order from the president. The atateiuent was msde in the pregeno of Colonel Merriam and two other officers. " General McCook added that in his order to the Fort Logan troops, the only purpose he had iu view was to prevent any destruction of government property which authority is aiveu him tiy the armv regulations. There wgs no idea of aiding either party in the ity hall fight and the ole object was to preserve the peace and to prevent bloodshed. V ststemont has been forwarded to Colorado representatives in Washing ton reviewing the situation here and requesting them to uss their influence to prevent the withdrawal of th federal troops. The telegram asserts that hloolnh'td will immediately follow the removal of the United States army from tho city. I Ins is gigued by lead- citisens, AN ACTRESS SHOT. Tu Sav Her Husband Trouble Katherlne Wbtr Pluckily Kopt It a Secret. NABBVILLE, Tenn., March 10 The American's snvcial from Hnntsville, Ala., ays: Katherine Webster, of the Frits-Webster Comedy company, wa shot at Florence, Ala., Tuesday night by ex-Policeman Jim Green while at tempting to shoot her husband, H. E. Fritz. There was a difference in settling the company s hotel bill and ttroen inter fered. Fearing the srrett of her hn bund Mrs. Webster did not make known her wound until they reached Tuscum bla, Ala. She Is still playing and ap peared here Inst night. A warrant is ont for Green's arrest. WILLIAM BECK'S POTPIE. Arimal Whu Partook of It Lived Not to Tell the Tale, Susquehanna, Ph., Karota 10 - Mon- troe is greatly excited over an attempt to poison the family of William Beck. While Mrs. Beck was temporarily ab nent some one entered the house and put a large quantity of strychnine in a kettle of potpi. It wss discovered nml the potpio was t In own out. Several animals ate it and died. Arrests will follow. ' HANDS ACROSS THE SEA. Kossuth is again said to be growing weaker. Immorality among Japanese soldier is rapidly Increasing. .Mrs. Orr-Ewing, of the Chiua inland mission at Kiu-Kiang, is dead. Spain's new cabinet will propose special laws, dealing with socialist outbreaks. N ice MiiMirUrubl has been elected to succeed the late Dr. Prix as mayor of Vi enna. The empress of China has giyon birth to a sou, assuring the succession of the dynasty. For having killed her husband, a Cuiueso woman and her paramour were sliced to pieces at Hoo Chow. The great extension of the Tieu-Tsln rsilway, in China, to tho eastern end of the Ureal Wall has been openod. Employes of the Adriatic railways, in itaiy, nave sirncK tor more pay and sul diers have been ordered out to prevent rioting. Washington, March 10 boils today voted not to di et a p-cial investigation of the coast and geodetic survey, as provided for iu 1111 amendment to the sundry civil appropriation bill, proposed yesterday by Mr. Enloe (Dm.,Tenn.), The proviiion in the bill as reported, directing the georetury of the treasury to reorganize the office force of the sur vey and roduce its numbers and com pensation to within $188 000, was at tacked by Mr. Hopkins (Rep., Itl.i as a '.ptrfuge by the committee to accom plish what Mr. Enloe wis seeking the abolition of the survey by throwing the work on the secretary of the treas ury. It wns so amended as to with draw the authority to re organize th force and to make 1 188, 000 the minimum limit of the expenditure (or the office foroe. The paragraph of the bill carrying an appropriation for the Missouri river commiation gave rise to an animated discmsion, in which Mr. Wilson (Rp., Wssh.) inveighed against th discrim ination mads in this bill and in the river aud harbor bill against the great west and northwest. After a reply by Mr. Catchings (Dem., Mis. ). chairman of the commit tee on rivers and barbir, in which he defined the action of the commute- and the policy under which appropriation for these improvements were made, th" house at 4.55 o'clock took a r until 0 o'clock, private pension bill only to be considered at the night ses sion. AT THE NIOHT SKS8ION. At tbe night session of th house about sixty members were present. Tbe only iucident of note was a verbal pas sage of arms between McKelgan, Pop . Nob.,) and Talbert.tDjm.. S. C.) ,A bill wag under consideration to relieve W, H. Cohorn from tbe charge of desertion, which the committee on military affairs reported bad been nnj.istly placed on tbe record sgsinst mm. Tatbert moved to lay it aside witb an unfavorable report. whereupon McKeighan, for himself and iu the name of hi comrade, pro tested ugaiiKt the luauifeitation of a spirit that would refuse to do justice to a gallant bnt unfortuuate soldier. Talbert retorted vigorously, asert ing that he had no objection to voting pensions to any brave, honest soldier, who fought against bun. out he in tended to prevent, so far as it was pos sible for Ol in to do go, to aid in any way men who were deserters. '. Apparently considerable feeling wa engendered by th remark of the two gentlemen, but the episode pased off with little excitement, and upon fur ther elucidation of the matter Talbert withdrew his motion. After passing favorably npou seven bills, the committee at 10 '.'0 rose and the house adjourned lawyers iu front of the judge' bench, and throwing their arms around Mer rill, hugged and kissed bin, the girl also embracing him. Tbey then rushed into the jury box and began hugging end kissing the jurors. The jurors rushed from the box in wild confusion Foreman Armstrong had uot re ceived his kis yet aud mad a dash for the door followed by the women. He succeeded iu escaping into tbe street. Th women uext rushed upon Judge GarrtUon to ihow their appreciation of the girl' acquittal and attempted to kiss tutu Tbey wre prevented, how ever, by the court officer, who forced them to leave th court room. During thi scene the crowd of spec tators went wild with excitement. Judgs GitrretBoii bad tonslderble dif ficulty iu restoring order. S 11 ACCUSES BAT SHEA. Adam Rose TeetitWe That He Killed HI Brother at the Troy Election Titov, Marsh 10. -The coroner's jury continued the examination of witnesses In the Roe election murder cues thi morning Adam Ross seuoud, a broth er ol tbe murdered man, was exam lned. He testified in detail a to the killing, au l testified that bis brother was shot by "Bat" Sbsa. NERVOUSNESS AT MEDIA. Firebugs and Lunatics Render the Existence of the Citizens Too Exciting for Comfort. FINLEY'S BLACK Dress Goods HK demand for Fine Black Goods this season is un precedented. Our as sortment is now very complete, having just received our second importation ol Exclusive Designs In French and Ger man Novelties. Also a new stock of the PRIESTLY BLACK GOODS The name of which is the guarantee of Mkpia. Pa., Marsh 10. The ca of John G. Smelly, obarged witb setting fire to nine different building iu Media aud vicinity, was given to tbe jury to night after being on trial for four dayg and attracting widespread attention Each case was taken up separately and whil the evidence in most of thsm wa of a circumstatial character, it is believed that sufficient evidence ha been produced to convict Smedlsy of firing the Black Hore hotel barn aud that of Joseph Taylors, in fact tbe judge' charge implied as much. Tbe jury retired at a late hour and a sealed verdict, should tbey agree, will be re turned, a the court ba adjourned till Monday. Duriuir the trial this afternoon the court room wa tbrowu into a gtate of I f L. tii r pwollfinr'o A a ..,!.,.. h. Ik. . nl r- .nd tl.o i LlltiL CAV.CUCUI.C. X Z3 riuging of the fir bell. Iu vain the court ordered tbe door oloeed. Tber wag a rush for doors and window and tbe interruption onttuuel until it was digcovered that burning grasa threatened the destruction of a lumber yard. Just ag quiet was restored a crazy man from West Cheater crested a second seuiation by declaring himself to be John tbe Baptist, and be was turned over to tbe sheriff. BAFFLED THE DOCTORS. JACK SAPR'S DEATH. Said to Have Been Caused by Blowe Dealt In a Boxing Katoh. Lurk Haven, Mnrch 10. -Th au thorities have started an investigation in the causes that led to the death of Jack Sapp, a pugilist who was found dead In bed yesterday morning. The previous nighithero had been a boxing bout at Renovo in which Sapp wag a contestant He was n cripple but he gave his opponent many hnrd blowg and got stunning ones in return In the niorti ing he wss found dead and it i said the injuries he received in the fight killed Dim. A HEART ON THE PILOT. Canted Feventy Mi -t All .1 the Victim Wa Killed. AtXIHtOWN, Pa., March 16.--A human heart lay on the pilot of the locomotive that drew the Jersey Cen tral flyer reaching her last night. Upon Investigation it wn learned that it belonged to the body of a man who had been killed by the traiu at Bound Brook, N. J., seventy miles dis tant. -e BABY FATALLY SCALDED. Left Alone the Little One Fella Into a Boiler of Hot Water. BtROUOSBURO, Pa., March 10 -During the excitement yesterday at tendon: the lynching of Puryear, Mrs. Allen Fable, wife of a merchant, forgot her babe and left it alono in a room. The child climbel upon a chair and fell Into a boiler of hot water, horribly hi" tiding himself. It died a abort time afterward. KISSES FOR THE JURYMEN. Defendant and Her Lady Frlende Show Appreciation ef a Verdict of Arqultal. Brooklyn, n. y., March 16. There was an unusual scene iu the (Queens county court of sessions, in Long Is land City, today, when Anna Wou zowlaaka, 10 years old, wag ucquitted upon a criminal charge before Judge Garretson and a jury. As soon a Fore man Joseph B Armstrong announced the verdict of not gnilty there wa a great commotion in the rear of tbe court room by a lot of women, friends of the girl. The girl est beside Lawyer J. B. Merrill, her ooungel. The woman ruabed into the apace occupied by tbe A Peddler Cboae a Strssge Form cf Sui cide That Worked Admirably. Indianapolis, March 16 Clinton Cooper, a peddler, died at the hotpital laat night, and his death developed a strange method of eif -destruction He wns found ill in his room and gnt to the hospital, where be wa found in a low state of vitality, but no apparent cause existed for it. He was conscious, but refnsid to talk, and be (wallowed medicine with great difficulty. He got no relief from the treatment, and it soon became apparent that he could llv but a few hour. When tnken to the hospital he bad a handkerchief tied loosely around bi neck, and this was removed by an at tendant just before he died Under neath the handkerchief und almost buried iu his neck was a small cord, i and it dawned upon the authorities that be hud been slowly dying from atrangulatiou ever ginoe he wag found at his boardiug house. There is no doubt but be tied tbe cord, and that he contemplated thi method to kill himself, THE PLAGUE AT DANVILLE. Thirty-four Cat of Small pox ara New Rsported SBAltOKIN, Pb., March 10. -Secretary Smirk, of tbe board of health, bag re turned from Danville aud reports that there are thirty four casts of imall pox at that place. A gtrict quarantine has been estnb hshed. i WIRINGS BOILEO OOWN. A little earthquake shook Woodward, Iowa. By the ditching of a traiu near Mountain Home, ., the fireman, mail clerk and three tramps were killed. New Orleans anarchists threaten to blow up tobacco manufacturers If girls are not discharged and meu hired. Robbers murdered miserly Anthony TuontaS and wife, of Elba. Ala., aud then burned the house over their head. In her will bequeathing 000,iXl worth of property, Mrs Hemenway, of Boston, gave Hauiptgn Institute a valuable farey. Trying to arrest Rich Gordon, a negro desperado RCCUted of murder, hetectlve Will Wallace was shot dead at Suspension, Al. deny Rorlberk was hanged iu the Berk ley county. S. C. jail yard yesterday morn ing for th murder of bob Hazel, a con stable, last spring. AT THE FEDERAL CAPITAL The president has signed the Kat river bridge bill. Kx-Senator Dawes was taken sick on tbe street at Washington from indiges tion. Supreme court decisions have bom foundsliowiug that salaries of federal and state judge are exempt from an Income tax. Admiral ltenhnm has boon ordered to proceed to Blueflelda with one ship to pro tect American interests iu the Mosquito territory. The expenditures of the gnyerumeut for the eight months and a half of the pres ent fiscal year have exceeded the receipt (u2,Ut)U,000. the quantitiesare lim ited, an early inspec tion is advisable. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave, IHE EUTTA PERCHA L MM M'PECa'S FAMOUS Maltese Cross RUBBER BELTING AND HOSE. CHAS A SCHIEREN & CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIO And Oak tunned Leather Delving. H. A. Kingsbury AOENT 813 Spruce St., Scraoton, Pa. Lewis, Reillj & Davies 1 , Our i it it. - nml UvntiPiuetVi Shoe t SI 30, niii S3 art. nn top Tlief ari imtotl for Sor Ice? Hint Kumfort.t LKWIV RK1IXY A DAV1KS. 114 Wyo ming ftwiitu'. holeniile timl Krtull. I CLEAR a WEATHER FORECAST J Washinotoh, March Id. Pore cunt Jor Saturday: for eaitern fVafttylvantn, asaeraftil fair 9 varibtr icinoU. For tefSfcrs Vninnfrunia, fair, fullourd fcy eRCtWsfttO ctominesK, slightly irarmtr, sontienst winds. We Examine Eyes Free of charge, If a doctor li needed you uro promptly told u). We also guarantee a per- bad lit. WATCHES AT COST for one week ouly. i j. mm ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE.
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