REMEMBER, Only fourteen more days mnaiu of the Encyclopedia Britannica offer. to ; l .OiuqiI m fmntiiiY Sft 3tri him SUCH An oiler may never be re peated. Jletter order at once. BIGHT PAGES A6 COLUMNS. sril.wrON. PA., FRIDAY HORNING. MARCH 16, L894. TWO CENTS A COPT. UT THAT E1F A0VERT18E1ENT WHERE IT HILL REI LYNCHERS FOIL AN ASSASSIN'S RUSH FOR LIFE RIM Puryear, tlie Slayer of Christian Eulers, Mobbed at Stroadsburg. BROKE FROM HIS CAPTIV1T1 Aad. n Dripping . th ttic ky Water of tttt PlMM, be U lynched. NO ARRESTS ARE YET EFFECTED B a Clever Ruse, the Colored Mur derer Whom a Mob Once Before Tried to Treat to a 0;uick Applica tion of Impromptu Justice, Escapee ft 01 the Monroe County Jail and Is I Pursued to the Bank or the Pocono. Here, While Yet Wet from His In voluntary Bath, the Fugitive Is Overtaken and Seized, and the Next Act in the Frightful Drama Is Per formed Under the Limb of a Con venient Tree For Two Hours the Murderer s Body Sways to and Fro in the Sight of the Bloodthirsty Moo Pieces of the Rope are After ward Sold as Souvenirs, and the Tree Is Denuded o? Its Bark, tor the Manufacture or Mementoes No Arrests Yet. Bea.ha raajlvcd aatnethlag from Dearly nil .mil one gtntlem in pleated with hie work hatuled him a flvr. tlolUr note, The rope WBtOb was ustui to hiintf Pvryeai wi cold during t tic iluy ill twenty- Rveeeata fur small piece and fonuil a reaily sale. Tii oak trc from winch tiit aegro was eoapeaded is be lag itrlpped el it limbs it rtUo hunters. Tbty were stoiteiI by the owner No ai rests have a yet been made riul those .nmuijnl m the hanging are uIIIqsj and keeping their month's shut. Jndge Craig will doubUeee or dtr the arrest Of all the trtlM oon- oerned, but it will i lotpoaslble to UOtrlatn who th fallt one arc. Ex eittmtal daring tii entire day ran alga, tBl vVKoNKit'a JOKY, After the body 0( I'liryear had been eat down ami taken charge of by the authorities, the coroner riupanneled a jury and repaired to the jail. The jut y heard the sheriff noottnt of I'ar year's escape from jtil anil then a tt- eeee waa taken natu o'clock la the itternooa. When the jury met at that h 'ur one or two aildreaer were heard auil then 10 adjournment wa lakfii uatil tomorrow The feehujc la the community is fa vorable to the lynohereol Porvear, and unless those who disbelieve in mob law should persist in patblog the case egainat the lynchers. It la probable that noue of them will ever be brought Into court for their net. Not more than twenty uieti were In the crowd that hav( tbe uegro, but no ou ifientious auy uamee, although it i generally kaowu who some of the lynchers wr WiSS POLLARD'S CHARACTER. Testimony Presented In the Famous Suit Against Breckinridge to Pro.e That It Was Clean. Sptnul to the Scranton Tnb'trie. STRuCDSBCRi). Pa.. March IS PSNiCHAKD PURYEAR. tne con Li fse'l murderer of fa Italian C P" Enlers, escaped through the U U bands of a buaid;a' saen J early t .is moraia, w is captured about ous qaarter of a mile from town and htuared from a tree iimb until he was dead Puryear, the niarierer, was eiren his breakfast tins monin?. and it wis soon after tint he left ;the jiil by the front door, baring in some war made hi escape from hi cell into the jail corridor. s-ol then closing the door on tbe sheriff. He made a hasty retreat throojU the street into the ootsicirts of the town. The sheriff, hat off and no coat on. im mediately raa in pnrsmt, veiling "Tbe mnrdersr has sse.ip-t.i The cries of the sheriff attracted a large bnmbeai who wre on tbe street at the time and all ran in pursuit of tbe aegro, who waa making towards: Palmer's island, titnated aoout one iparter of a mile m a southeasterly direction of tbe jail, which it sitmted r.ear tbe center of the town, near tb? island. Ben Par lngton, a eoiorid man, who w around with a rsvolvr. joined tbe citizens in pnrsnit Thesaenff about this time eooelnded :nac ae would retarn to the jail for his hat and coat. Ben and his associates, nowerr determined to cap ture Pnryer, who only a short dia -tanee ahual of tbesa jwin rocowo an To make bis escapi good Porrear was compelled to s.m across Pocono creek, wnicn runs Ibfoogh Psimsr's Island. This he atternp'.od to do, hnt the excitement ws too mnch for nim Tbe hot pursuit ma le by the el tl Sena made his passage across slow, an1 he wsa out of the water only a short line before th crowl was upon h.m. ari l told him that if he attempt l to go fnrther thy wonld shoot. The frightened darkey surrendered cnngingly. The crowd in pnrsnit at this time was not large, butgr-atly ex cited, and cries of "Hang him!'' "hang him I" came from the lips of osarly erery one of them. It was r.o lawless mob who were trying for awi't rn geanee. but an excited lot of peaceful eiticens. who thongnt only of the hor rible murder that had been committed so lately CoaetlMo Meysrs tnd 10 reason with th excited crowd bnt was told that it wonld not he well for him to interfere A latga rope was secured from a slaughter house near by. no w.ea pom racy, Pnrysar, balf frOCeg, half crzd, looked upon the scene specnlasi. H had not word to say and not once did he plead for mercy. The poor wretch did not seern to realize his position for there wa no expression of f-.r on his faee. It only took a few moments to adjust tho rope and a few moment more the confessed murderer of Chusha V. Eblers wn hanging In a stalwart tree not foursquares from the borongli limits The scene was one nersr to he for gotten by the two scores or more woo witnessed the hanging Life had nesrly passed aw iy from the colored I or ui hanging from the tree whn rather a laughable scene occurred The sheriff and his posse were seen coming in tb distance for the escaped prison er. Those who surrounded the dead man, on spying the aheritT and bis men, at once sent up a loud yell which in formed the sheriff that this time his prisoner was beyond the proteotiofl which hu hnd given the inui only a few eveninirs a)(o, when a howling mob surrounded the jail nnd wanted to bang Pnrrenr. For two hours the negro was allowed to remain hanging and orer 1,000 people visited the island, among them nearly 200 women. A large number came in wagons from tbe country. THE BOUY CUT DOWN, About 11 o'clock tbe body of Pur year wa taken to the jail and placed in tbe corridor and then view. ! by hundreds. Before he was removed a locnl pUotogrspner secured a photo graph of tbe banging man. Ben, tbe oolored man who affected Pnryear'B capture, baa received congratnlations all day long from nearly every bo ly. A collf otion was taken on the spot for WHITE ALUS T ASSASSINATED Washington, March 13 Iu the Breckiurldge-Pollard trial this morn log Srah U-S'. a colore I woman, over waose deposition iu IC-ntuckv there wss much diaetuotoa nt the opening of the trial, was placed ou the witness stand. Soe tetiti-d that ten years ago Colonel Ureckiu riJge bad buuu to visit her house of ill repute ou Broal street, in Leung ton. with Miss follard. They met there many time At the close of her testimony she sai l that Colonel Breck snridge had called upon her last sum mer after the uU had been Sled, au 1 told her he bopdd she would have uoth lag to do wita the case, to which sue - id replied that she must tell tne truth. The reading of Mrs Kstchatn's de position, Mrs. Ketehem being Mis Pollard' Lexington landlady in 1884 83 and '6, wa finished aft.r resess It wss shown by the deposition that an attempt had been mads through ques tions asked tbe deponent during ner examination to implicate Colonsl Swope acd other arisen of ;Lxmgton with Mies Pollard, but Mrs KetobauVa ans wers were all to the f-ffect that Miss Pollard had acted in a molest manner, as a chaste an 1 good girl. The deposition of Major H B Mc Clellan, principal of the Sayre Fumale institution. whr- Miss Pollard w a pupil, wss next rad The deponent did not know of Hny acquaintanceship between Colonel Breckinridge and Miss Pollard and he had never seen any thing about br to excite suspicion The court adjournal uniil tomorrjw morning. MAO DOG'S BITE. IS FATAL. On. of Thr.e Chtldrin Who Were Blttsn Is Dying CaKUSXI) Pa , Mareh 15 People in the southern end of this county are wrought up over the pissing of what was thought to be a mad dog Three rnildren, eijjht hogs and lour dog were bitten bef re the dog was killed One of the children Is heiievsd to be dying from the bite. Nearly all the animals that were bitten hare been shot. - If OUR OWN COMMONWEALTH. Forest fires are devastating mountains M Camtnal, on the Fall Brooh railroad. Frank f,ro.-r ws bsdi "lasliod by a straniter, while on his way to work in Reading. Attempting to board a roel train near Minervnle, .form 'Jury fell and wss out to pieces. Charge of Conspiracy end bribery were brought, agsinst tho school noard of Haplio towesbtp In default of bail, John W Ueamsdefor, who eloped with little Cora Fisher, is now in Lebanon Jail. While shifting a Northern CeDtfal Oaf near York, Flagman James Taylor was fatally mangled Judge Albright of ly-high, Is holding Mart In IWioylkill eonaty, owing to the lifBOOl Of Judge Cyras L Perilling. Annville folks are puAiPil bv the ac tionsof ftotte Kramer, Who frequently, it Is alleged. Indulge, hi n len.gihy tranO". H mer Cniwfurd, president of IJie Htat.e I'airyinsn's as.oriatioii, has pur'.bii.ed t,h i I'enii.ylvatiia Farmer, published at Meitd Ilia. By throwing red pepper In s deputy sheriff's even, two rittsborg prisoners were enablsvi to n-rape, but. were rei;np tnred. Bz-Goeaty Treeenret 1,1, (Jramley, a grocery dealer, of lillefont.n, wa. dosed by the heriff on judgments aggregating 110,000. Thieve, broke int., the postofllo st Tun Iruln, carted the ofllco Safe eway In a wagon, and blew it open, getting nil its contents, The Central Pennsylvania Methodist conference at Harrlbnrg listeund to llat tertag reports of eharOO progress in all directions. The Common wealth Kieclric company, of New Jersey, has aei:ured ptrmlsSloO from the state to open a branch ofllco in Philadelphia, djotaat Ueeeral Oreealud win go to HettVhburg today to make arrangements for Hie next division eiicnmptineut of the National guard. The parole system Is believed to be working admirably nl the Huniiiigdon re formatory and to produce heuetlcial re sults by appealing to tbe honor of the young men. In nu exiiaurttivpopliiion Judgy Met.gor, at Williiim.port, decided ibai the eohool board lias full power to refuse admission to pupils who fail to comply with the order ri quiring vaccination. James VVllklns, a well known product) dealer, was found dead In the bath room of his Philadelphia home with the door and window tightly closed and the gas from two burners turned on. Colorado's Popullsl Qofernor Narrowly Averts Open Conflict in Dtnvir. PUTS HIMSELF ABOVE THE LAW Having Assumed lo Pack Boards ot City Government with His Own ravorities, He Meets with Opposi tion, Snubs the. Courts, Orders Out tho Militia, and Conies Within a Halribreath of Paying lha Penalty ot His Obatlnacy with His Lite. li n i n. Col , March 8 Mill I I ll'ltl lik'lll. YV.lL.retl llV ii IV ernor Wait uulmiosted today in most exciting scenes and mob violence was Imminent many time during the day. Fortunately the prompt action of lending citiz ms iu leaving their business and upp.iii tug in solid bodies to beg for time to con sider the situation carefully, caused R delay that probably prevented bloodshed, rioting, aud the assassins ttonof Governor Walte lu ail prob ability bad a shot been Qred, a mob would hsve qniokly formed that would have oeptureu the governor before of facial assistance could have rescued bitn. At t; o'clock the Intelligence that the governor had caded on Ceueral McCook to preserve the peace, settled all fear of a contest betwen the militia and the police. From 0 clock until long after dark a dense mass of humanity was packed in front of the city hall ami upon th streets adjacent. Ou Fourteenth street the First Regiment of the Colo redo National Guard stood flanking the chaff light artillery, consisting of four galling guns, with caissons lilted with solid shot, grape and cannisttr, ami gatling ammunition. Their position commanded Ibe entire front ot the hall, and at one time the militia was uuder motion to attack the hall when the arrival of Secretary Lorsnz with message from the governor stayed the attack. ALMOST A BATTLK. This was for a half hour's delay to ermit another conference looking to ward a peaceful settlement. From that tim" on until the United -States troops werecalled out the moat intense anxiety prevailed All sorts of rumors floated about The sheriff ist-ned an order to arrest the militia aud take their arms away. A friend of the deposed mem bers ot the tire and police board went out of the city hall to apply for a warrant to arrest the governor Ciumitte of the most influential citiz'ns were arguing with the board, with the militia, with the governor, and with the police, but nothing was scromplished. The governor declared he would order the militia to fir upon the city hall regardless of the crowd, of spestators, and the polic board within as solidly maintained their posi tion to resist attack. The police stood with guns in hand ready to charge if necessary and Chief of Police Stone said he would die be -for he would surrsnd. r Meanwhile business was suspended and the crowds gathered on every corner and iipou the tops of adjacent buildings THE TKOCBXa'l URIOIN. The history of this tr table dates back some weeks and was delayed because th" governor preferred to wait until the extra session was ended bo he noted. To understand th" situation it must be known that, some years ago the citizens of Denver askad th" legislature to give them a new charter that would lake Ilia police, fire and public works tie partmente out of th hand, of th" municipality and put itin the hnnds of the boards officered by appointments made by tlie governor It was believed that tin wonld re.uit m removing lh matter trom (tie corruption of politics ()ovrnor Waiie had shown adasire to make these d"- partmeots snbsirrlent to hi. polltloal ambition, and has tried to make nil of them political board' tilled with Pnpu list followers Th hoard of fire and pol ice has been changed repeatedly to tilt bis whims Two resisted, but the gOVCTftOf won his case before the su prnine court, wtiloh declared that he could remove for cause. Whan he du mau led th removal of members Mar tlniand On recently they refused to go until the courts should so deride. QoVernor VVaitn relying upon the decision of the supreme court In the fir. a case, did riot ask of the courts how to proceed, tin declared thai the members had violated their trust by placing policemen nt iainhitig lions"., Contrary 10 law, and he Hp pointed two new The deposed members applied to the district, court mid obtained a temporary Injunction to restrain the governor, the mayor and th" BOW members from taking posses .ion of the OfflOS of th police and ftra board by fOTOS, This was objected to, but after arguments bad been heard Judge 'iraliam decline to remove th injunction Then after several days deliberation, the governor decided to ignore the Injunction, and sn Issued Inst night his order to the militia. The troops, (I )0 strong, arrived at the Union at B i by a spscial train from Fort, Logan The mill tin were sent back to the armory at !l o'clock. General lloOook ordered tbe troops to bivouac, at th depot until morning. II has held a conference with Governor Watte. The monster crowds nru dispsrslng, and the polics have gone on their regu lar beats No violence is anticipated. No effort to cause the arrest of Oov SrnOf While was madS tonight, and hostilities have ceased STRIKERS ARE RIOTING. Deputy Hi o ill Hit with a Atone Retures Assault with Mullet BaffON, March IB -At 0.20 this evaalng while number of deputy sheriffs were escorting girls from the Standard Silk mill, Phillipsburg. to tneir homes, Deputy Sheriff John Ksl ler was hit in the face with a stouo. Keller discharged bis revolver at tbe ulnnl. tine or the girls rnliitxi and had lo be can led into a dwelling. I'.tlli'A.n,. ., BtAlnft hi,.. led Ivullm- dlssrmsd htm ud placed him In th lockup, to which he was followed by an excited mob making angry threats Hu was alterwarda liberated on bail for shearing tomorrow, it is reported that the shot from his revolver hit a Mill nil boy QUAY IS AN INFLATIONIST. Blend's inn to Ocla u Vacuum i'u.aas th geneto, Wasmimiiun. March lo At IV !' the t II n n I Seigniorage bill was taken lip, and Mr ( aiev. Wyoming, charac lei ed the bill as the worst blow aimed at eilver lnceJthedamonetlaatlonot sil ver hi 1878 Mr. Duuols, Idaho, aaul that ha took no comfort in voting for the bill Air Mlloliell. Oregon, luld lib should vote tor the bill tint because he believed it went ho far u it ought to go in the interest of silver as a money metal, but because it was a move on the legislative clieckar board lu the right direction After omo further debate the vote wa taken aud the bill wae paeeed, yeae 44, naye 81 All the Popullstl voted yea When the result waa announced there was hand (dap ping in the crowded galleries The Republicans who voted for the bill were Senator. Dubois, Benebrougb, Mitchell (Ore.), Psttlgrsw, Power, i'ii iv, Slioup, Stewart, Teller and Wol cott. The Democrats who voted Hg.nnat it wore Senators llrioj, t'affrev, German, Mcl'tierson, Mitchell (Wis , Murphy, Palmer, Smith and Vilas: Hill i.N V. I announced his pair with Mr. Dixon (li. 1.) Tho tight inaugurated avHiust the coast and geodetic survey by Represen tative Enloe I -ti. Tenn.) two years ago, was renewed in tne house today, but was not conclude I. THIRD VICTIM RECOVERED. The Crushed Body ot Thomas J Jones Is Taken from the III Fated Gaylord Slope. WlLKES-BaBRB, Pa, March 15. A picture of glojin prevailed at th (iay lord inino this morning wheu Word came up the shaft that a third body had been found. The body recovered was that of Thomas J. Jones, and it w is witii considerable diilicnlty that it was idsutltied. When fouDd he wss lying face downward, and from all in dications bo had evidently started to run when the o.v-in took place, and wus kuocked dowu by the fall The remains were placed in a neat casket and then removed to his let- home in Plymouth, where an anxious widow and five Children with sad and tearful faces awaited the arrival of their ouly support. His funeral took place at 4 o'clock this afteruoon an.l the interment was mado in the family plot in the Forty Fort cemetery The rescuing party received a set back this afternoon and tonight, which may postpone tbe finding of auy more Lodies that still remain under tlie rock before morning. As fast hs they re move the debris, musses of loose coal comes tumbling down, so that very little progress can be made. An srm of another of the Gaylord vp'tims was uncovered this morning at 12 30. and tho body w ill be brought out before morning NOMINATED f-OR GOVERNOR. Prifsssor Alonso Williams, nf Brown University, R publican Candida'.. PgoVIDtnCE, March 10. -Th He publican state convention today noiui aated Professor Alonso William., of Brown university, for governor. Ll wsrd C. Dubois for attorney general and Samuel Clark for general treas urer OerJrge Poaboly W'tmore was re quested to become th candidate of the party for I tilled rtt"a senator FLASHED ALONG THE WIRE. Knnoas city EtepabltoiM will meet in state convention at lopeka .lune 0 St. I.ouis police are making war on the slot machine, as violating llio gninniiiiii Kearehnrs are milking In Minneapolis for n H.OO.i St. Hernard puppy stolen from Meoige I lolllll Charles Thntnmni and wife were killed by h",hi uint! while driving to church near Damnum, Ala OoBcocfetton of Bsv P. '. Donobue, of Hull ninii", na i of W heeliiig. will lake place Apl il I liolav t F. A Dm i. bile of Philadelphia, has been made publisher of the New York Mail nnd l',preas llei ansa bin sou wss arrested fur abduct log a servant girl. Diuggl.t Frank Ti lori, of New lork, took atrychutnn. it.-.. i ii, F.ll Ayleswortb, Vi years old and president of the W'e.tmin.ter bmik al I'rovldetice, It. I, lias liecoine iieinenteil For the loss of hi" ateam yacht Alva, W K. Vandei bill gets liUK, noil from tho Met rnpolitan company, of lloslon whose steam. hip i uti tin down. Pleading guilty to stealing fc 'l.lioo from tie. defunct HI. rsicliolss dank or Mew York, Faying Teller l ewis A Hill waa MUteaoed to prison for four year FLASHED FROM WASHINGTON. The president yesterday signed the Bail river In idge lull. M, F. Corcoran was yesterday appelated poHlmast"! at Iniiyon Thoimiioi" has confirmed the nomine tloUOf J. II Miilliii to be postmaster at. I'll laton. I'romotors of anil option legislation iu t hohoiieo predict success when the Hatch lull comes up. The 'Providers' Protective association oppose! the bill before congress to tax (or etgn drummers, A lull to relieve llrigailier Ueneral J It llrooke of two New Mexico judgments against linn has passed tlie limine. I'.x I oiigreiisuiaii ami ex Clerk of the House Uoot'gM M Adams half been ap pointed pension agent at leiulsvllle, Ky. The hotiHo committee on the subject will report a constitutional amendment la fa vor of electing Hulled States senators by the people. The Chilian claims commission, which has been In sesslnu allien U.'.l. U and will die ou April W, ha. (letlnitely settled but one chum. The French government has formally demanded ITU.UW tor goods of Krenoh SI hibitnrs bumod In the manufacture's building at the World's fair. BOMB FIEND IS BLOWN TO DUST llju MtSSlle WIim h Hu IntulitlHl lor Otlieis ProvM His DaitructloB. CHURCH DOOR'S LUCKY LURCH Ho Hurls tho Weapon Iroin Ho. (i.i-.p Before His Plot H.m Ripened, and the Many Lenten vVorabipperi '' tbe Parisian Church Ot La Madtdame Are Prest-rved trom a Frightful Sceno Tin.- Viciiiii Proved to U a Noted Anarchist, and a Fa.oritc Disciple of Raacbol. PSBIB, March 16 fjl T t 80 o'clock this aflernoou a A bomb was exploded just inside Ml the main door of the church of lu the Midaleino. The report ot the explosion wss so loud aud far reeoblua that mimt people thought at me lime that another explosion hnd jicuried in the chamber of deputies, but Ibis notion was quickly dispelled by a rapid ipresd of accuraie informs Hon hs to its locality. When the bomb exploded the crowd iu front aud in the vlciulty of the church scattered in all direction psnla stricken, but seeing no further danger returned in great numbers hvery one was trying to git lut-o the church and the crowd ut literate, became so dense that every passage way was lightly blocked until the police sic-coded iu forcing them back The pecuniary damage to the chnrch is n ot large. jgBEKD to'i.viit ritoM pocKEr. The Abbe Le Kebourc, who is at lached to the church of the Madeleine, was standing n hi the inner swinging doors when tbe explosion occured His version of the affair is this: Tbe man carrying the bomb had passed through the main entrance with tbe stream of Worshipper! who were pouring into the church and Was about to pas the swinging doors. He had his bauds iu his coat pockets Une of the doors re leased by a person passing through, re bounded vio.ently aud struck the man on the arm The blow upon his arm cansed him to jork his baud from his pocket nnd witu it came the bomb, which fell upon the ttojr. Then came the explosion, which hurled persons near by in all dirsc tion. When order was re stored to enable an investigation to be male the body of the man who had carried tbe bomb was found lying inst outside the swinging doors. His clothing had been torn into shreds aud his entrails were protruding from a great hole in his abdomen, th most of which had blown away and wss scatters I about the space in the lobby, while the walls, the door and the clothing of many who stool near were bespattered with blood and frag mnt of the man flesh. Upon ex amination of the horribly mutilated body a number of BSileand bits of iron, witii which the bomb bad been cnurged, were found embedded iu the tlsch and in the abdomen. WAS A NOTED ANARCHIST The in h ii was miserably clad and bad few nrticles in his pockets. 1'pcn tbe body was found a pocket book, which contained a Dumber of clippings from newspapers. together WitD photographs of the anarchists RaVSObol, Vaillant. l.epinp and Rnyoal I'll men arrested have been arraigned before a magi? Irate and are now undergoing exsmina lion The body of the dead man having been fully examined, the perfect, of police expressed Ills belief that the bomb tbrOWef was none other than the notorious Anarchist Pabardv, who wss reported to have planned the recent bomb explosion in the Hue St. aTaCQUCC, on which oeoaalon the landlady of th small hotel which was the scene of the explosion, was killed. a TWO MINEMS KILLED. Another Katally ti Jur.d in en Accident Willi" Kngnired In Con variation. Wn i.tiw Usuiu-. March 18 John Bteney, Hiobael Probkoekie ami John BrndeO, employed in the No. 1 shaft of the Kingston Goal Company, were tending alongside of a platfoi in near the bend of tbe plana this sftemOOO 111 converaetlonlwltb each other t'srs of coal were bring hoisted at the time, nnd not thinking of the dniigsr ahead they were caught, Tim two former wr Instantly IQUeeasd to death, III" latter was fat ally injured and cannot recovei I . MIKE KELLY CONSULTED. aetata htaanet Pat row.r. Went AUenlown In Ki.tein l.oaaua. A 1 1 .kn row N, P.,Marob 16 Patrick Powers, president of the RaatCM league, visited ttlloatowu today for the purpoee of Inducing the local ball dub of which Mike Kelly is manager to join that organisation Nothing dsfi into was arrived at. Among llui players With whom Man agar Kelly is negotiating am CHIT Carroll, Hark Baldwin, Sam Wise and Pltohor Dsvlei, of lust year's Now jfork team. TWO VOUNG ELOPERS. The Orooin t V.ry Yonna- and tisuapo tils atethre Vigllano BHAUOKIN, Ph. March l.'i Lillian lliirnbnigsr, a comely miss of 88 years, and William Welker.Ju youth of 17, last night oviuied the vigilance of the Utter' parents hiuI eloped to Philadel phia. Tho pair hail been frustrated earlier lu the day by the boy's mother, who loundly lectured the couple aud cent the uronm prospective to his home. s -ADVICES FROM HAWAII. President D.ala'a Plan for Constitutional Convention of Many Nationalities. San Fkani'Iscii, March 19 Tbe stvaiiisliip Maihosa arrived hen this i e Du.ImIm i.. , : n.l Iliorillllg iroiil Honolulu, uiiugiuit nu- ! vice from Hawaii up to March ti. At THE TEI AIT YOU WAIT Hie cabinet council on March 7 Pies dent Dole submitted plans for a con Itltntlonal convention The convention ahull consist or eighteen membcrc of tbe present council, and an equal unui her of elected delegates It shall be lOmmODcd by proclamation of the pr ident. Bvery residsnt of Hawaiian American or European citizen, ahall b entitled to vote under the usual former qualifications, if douiiciled for one year, rgistrd and sworn. Tlie oath for voters and delegates is in effect to support and bear trua alb-glance lb the provisional government and ii, oppoaaany attempt to rector the qnseu to tbe throne, or to r.-:tab- lish uionurchlsl gOVemmeot la any form in the Hawaiian island. THEV DON' F WAN T MUCH. AlKa-.d Heirs to Sua Tar SjfSO, 000,000 Worth PropertVi COLOMBOS, Ind , March 10. Heirs of Daniel A Kandolpn, a Revolutionary soldier, who owned eighty acres of land, now iu the heart of the city of Philadelphia, declare that by the expi rulion of a ninety-nine year leaae they have come into possession of tbe prop rty It is said to be worth Vi,Wi 000 The heirs, so far as known, are about foity in number. They will sue to re cover BIG JOE'S SUIT MISCARRIES. dudt Woodward Holds That a Min ing tngniter Is a Go-tmploye. Case to be Appealed. WilkeS-BaBRE, March 18 The BSae of Josepn Matuskowilz, belter kuowu a "liii: Jo,'' who brought suit against J C Harden dc 'Jo a few dsvi ago for 198,000 damages resulting from his in carceration in the Jeansrille mine for nineteen davs without food, was taken from the jury this afternoon and a ver dict for thedefeudant orderel by Judge Woodward. It wsa shown at the trial that Joe agreed to exonerate the company from the payment of all claims in considera tion of 80. The judge gave bind ing instructions to bud for defendant company on the group i that damage was caused by tbe negligence of A J.. Wolemsdorf, mining engiueer. whoae survey and map wa inaccurate, he being a co-cmpioye. Some of tbe jurors protested against the ruling, bnt as the case was taken out of their hands, the protest was unavailing. It is sail the case will be taken to the supreme court, as it furnishes one of the best tests of the present mine law ever brought into the conns for decision. The question whether a min ing engiueer .- a co-employe of a miner or laborer, is an important on, and if Judge Woodward's ruling is upheld, it will la? very difficult in future to se cure a verdict in suits for damages against coal companies. INFORMED HE IS DEAD. The Pension Departai.tit Telia Veterat Spraeue That H la Aurora, 111 , March IB. aire Julia L Spragua, of this city, has just re ceived the startling information from t i Pension department at Wash ington that she is a widow, and that, therefore, the pension claim of her 1st husband cannot be allowed. About three years ago br husband. Horatio S Sprague. a member of tbe Second Massachusetts infantry. applied fur s pension under the act of lune J7, 1890, he beiuu then totally and per manently disabled Ample proof of disability, service and dietitution were tiled This wa the last heard of the application until last night, whn sprague, who is alive, but disabled. t OeiVed word that he is deal and hence lua claim is rejected i DEMOCRATS DAMAGED THE BILL. Unwise 8uiraatti-na for Chandra In Admli l.irative Featurea. WASHINGTON, March l. The senate finance committee consumed all of the morning hour in a disi uision of the sdminiirstiv features of the tariff bill. The Republicans say they expect to ls able lo show that the Democrats have damaged the whole bill by the changes in th administrative features they have laggeated, and hope that certain amendments which they today pointed out will he mad Nothing WSS aut a. lo the time when the bill would be reported or when the debate would begin alter the measure reached th senate FIRE ON NORTH MAIN AVINUE The Broecry store of Mia. Mten Morton Ousted At u ltd lastntghl ftra wa dtsooversd In the rear nl the grocery tore of Mr. Ellen Morton OH North Main avenue. West Sid li buined ftercely for time, and be fore the lirenien obtsined control of It the interior of the lore was gutted and the stock destroyed, rue loss i covered by insurance. Mrs. Morton is at present visiting at Denver, Ool The origin of th fire it unknown. . -IRON WORKS RESUME TWO Blast Furnaoee Started anil Mere to Follnw. Sot ui Hi i in kin m. Pa., March 18 No. 'J blast furnace of the BethlehetB iron company was started up tonight, after having been Idle fot a year. Em ployment is given to 10d men. No. (1 furnace will start up shortly. HANDS ACROSS THE SEA. Fear of prosecution will force Der f-'o.ialist, an Anarchist organ, of licrlin, to have Qermtny, King Humbert, of Italy, celebrated, bis lift icth birthday in much state, holding a grand review of troops. Socialists in the reichstag declared vehemently that they would not vote a cent to build a monument to F.mporor William I, but tho appropriation was ordered. WEATHER FORECAST. yuu Washinotoi. Match IS. Fore I cast jor fWdoy: For cattem I VViHS(i)iniu, ruin, probably fallowed by fair by nocni rari tibe iciads. FINLEY'S LaceGurtains We call attention to our lago Spring Stock, comprifing Brussels, Irish Point and Not tingham Laces. ALSO Plain and Dotted Swiss and Tambour Goods 1W0 GREAT SPECIALS IN Irish Point Lace 8J di long at S.8tl and b W a pair- 1 he Greatest Drive Ever Shown. The (juautity is limited and cannot be duplicated. 510 and 512 Lackawanna Are. THE tUITII PERCHU fiUBBED Iff (11 FAMOUS Maltese Cross Rubber belting and kosk. CIIAS A SCH1EREX &- CO '3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tanned Leather Beliiaj. H. A. Kingsbury 513 Spruce St , Scruttt Pa. Lewis, Reilly & Oavies Reliable Footwear. Ft of every deeorlptloo fUicii at Lewis. Reilly & Davieg. win ekM ever evee)aa t f M p.m. SXOpl Saturday We Examine Eyes Free of charge, li n doctor u needed you are promptly told ho. We also guarantee a per irt lit. WATCHES AT COST for one week only. i mm. II UJLU11UXJ! ARCADE JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE L
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