1HE SCRANTON XiUBUNE-SATL xtDAY MORNING. MAKCII 17. 1894. 3 mm OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch HAVE THE INITIAIS Cigars G.. B. & Co., Inn"-'"'1"1 fi Eifi O'nnr Sarney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. -i.lt AKK WARE DR. H. B. SPECIALIST. EYE, EAR, NOSK ANO THROAT. I TO luo A. M. OFFICE HOURS : 35 WYOMING AVE. FEUSOXAL. Miss Sarah MoL.iue has rlurutiJ from New York. Mrs. E. S. Kecd, of Irving aveuue, is seriously ill. J. K. Koyuolds, of Berwick, wns iu this city yesterday, B. v. Camming, jr., cf Pottsvllle, wa hero jmU rday. Ed Eiselo ami Charles HOOM spout last TOdng In Taylor. E. S. Whituoy, of L'arboudalo, was m thiS city yesterday. B, B. Ackerly, of (.'lark's Green, was yesterday m Bcranton, Mr. and Mrs. V. Davis, ot Cat skill, N. Y., are at the Wyoming. U C. King, of Pittstou, was yesterday angagsd m buHiues here. Miss Nellie CoanelL ofTowanda, i visit iu her sHter, Mrs. Keeau. W. D. Johusou, of I.eraysville, was a Visitor lu Boranton vesterdav. NEW FROM WEST SIDE Happenings of i Day That Will lnterast Hyde fail hutou THE DEATH OF A POPULAR LADY Italians Held on Charge of Assault. Miss Stella Stubblebine Tendered I Delightful Surprise-Funeral of Thomas Lloyd John J. Lewis In jured Batch of Interesting Notes, Personal and Otherwise. Miss Edith Mead, of Bmgunuitoti, was I in tuis cuya few hours yetterdty Mrs. A. K. Schwartz, of AUoutowu, is Visiting Mends on Adatm aveaue. Mrs. A. B. Burns and daughter, Hattie. of Moutrose, were m tvrautou yesterday. L. C. Lark and (.ieorga V. Hall, of W ilkes-Barre, were iu Scrautou yester day. Miss Mails George, of Pittstou, is vmt ln iiiss Aunie O'Doanell, of Brick ave nue, Q, M. Hughes, ot the Now York, Ontario and Western railroad, is at the Valley House. Miss Mary D lersam, of Penn aveuue. has accepted apositioa in the Colliery Engi neer office. U. K. Stiles, of tfre.it Bend; K. H. Wells, of Elniira; W. S. Heury, ot Saratoga, are at the Westintuater. J. B. Hinton. of Otrego; A D Luudy. of WUltamaport; J. J. '.'urtis. of Ilouesdale, are at the Valley dome. Mr. Robinson, of N'ew Y'ork. treasurer of the Asphalt Trinidad company, was calling on fneuds yesterday. Miss Mollie Weiss, of Uouesdale. who has been visiting friends in the city for the past two months will return hooie Monday. Rv. J. S. Breckcnridie, superintendent of the Methodist Episcopal hospital at Brooklyn, X. Y, Is at the Valley House. He will leave at noon for Syracuse. Dr. Keys, of North Main avenue, left yesteiday for southern Italy, where he Intends to sojourn tor a Don pie of months. He will make an extended tour through Europe and Via teYeral of the leading medii al universities of the nations through which he will pass. He will return m June. V. H. Lyman, one of the editors of the Tuukhanuock New Age. accompanied by lis brother-in-law, J. B. Atkinson, of Lenoir, N. C, was lu Scrautou yesterday. The two took in a few of the sinlits of the City, were for a time interested observeis of the proceeding of the Woman's Chris tian Temperance union convention in Elm Park church. Rev, J. (i. Whitmire, of 1014 James street, returned Tuesday evening, after an absence ol two weeks. The first week he improved in attending the annual session of the central Pennsylvania conference of the Evangelical association, which was held in Eat Prospect, Pa. The second week he visited friends and relatives at iarrisburg, New Berliu and Oraogeviile, ?a. TOMORROWS CHURCH SERVICES. Saint lckf.'s church Rev. Roger israel rector. Jfifth SuLuay .Palrui it Lent. a.m. Holy communion, service una ser non, U':) a. m.; Sunday school, 3 p. m. : evening prayer and sermou,7.3o p.m.; nursery open at 1(1 a. m , at 888 Washington avenue, where children will be kindly cared for while parents attend service. Sai.nt Luke's DtftlMOM Mission -A. L. Urban in charge. Fifth Sunday in Lent. Sunday school Up. m.; evening prayer and sermon, 4 p. m. Second Prkshterian CHURCH Be Charles E. Robinson, D. U , pastor, service at 10:30 a. in. anil 7.P.0 p. m. The pas tor will give in the evening the third lecture on "(treat Women of the Old Testament, " subject, "Esther ' All teals free In the evening. All welcome at all services. siMrsoN MtnoviST Episcopal Church -Sunday, March 1 preaching in the morn ing by Lit. Peck; in the evening by Rev. William Parsons. Sunday school at noon. All welcome. Washhurn ht. Przsbttibia Church Services at 10;80 a. n, and 7:20 p In,! morning serv.c in commemoration or Palm Sunday. Th'm "The Aoasement of Self and the Exaltation of Jeans." Eve ing rvir ihein" for ycinng men, "A Clean Record. Bible class at IK; junior, at 4; senior, i:iOp. m. A cordial welcome to all. Church or Christ, Scientist- Sncer hollaing. olS Adsms Street, Bible lesson at 10:1(0 a. rn. and church service nt 7:. p. m. D. N. McKee, speaker. All are wel come. Seats free. First Baptist CHURCH Pastor T. J, Collins will preach Sabbath nt 10.80a m., 7 p. m. Morning (home, "A Pattern of Love." Evening theme, "A Wrestling Match. " Seats free. All welcome. Ei.m Park Methodist EPISCOPAL Church VV. t(. I'earce, pastor. .Morning service nt 10.80 o'clock, subject, "The Lnml) Shiin." Evening servie" at 8.80 o'clock, subject, "Saul Soothed." Sunday school at - o'clock. Kpworth league at 0,80 o'clock. Park Place M k r iiooist BPISOOPAti Church Rev. J. F. Jones, pastor. Prarh ing at 10.80 a. m. Bubjeet, "Danger of Appointing the Work of the Lord." Even ing, 7.80, the servic will he of especial interest to the Epworth league. Trinity Evangelical MuaiOir corner Luke and Kurtz streets Rev. .1. (1. Whit inire, pastor. ('reaching services. IOiSU a. m. Prayer and testimony 11,48 a. in. Hun day school, 8 p. in. Preaching 7..I0 p. m. DUNMORE 1'RESIIV TEIUAN CllUltCII-Sllb- jec, of the morning service nt 10.80a. m.. "The Value of the Words of Christ." Sab bath school nt Vi noon. Evening service at 7.8U. christian Endeavor at MliOp. in. Calvary Rekormld i'iiciich -Corner of Monroe nvenue and Gibson street. Rev. W. H. Stubblebine. pastor. Preaching 10.30n. m. and 7.30 p. m. Morning sub ject. "Epistles of Christ." Evening sub ject, "Are There Degrees in lleuvonf" Strangers always welcome. Pknn Avenue Baptist Church Rev. Warren U. Partridge, pastor. Services ut 10.30 a. in. and at 7.30 p. in. Sermon in the morning to the "Boys Brigade;" in the evening, "An Immortal Eulogy from Christ." All are welcome. Grace Reformed EPISCOPAL Church Babbsth a. m 10.30, nod p. m 7.30. Morning subject, "Failure in the Trust," I Kings xx, 40; evening, "Philemon's Gos pel," Philemon xvili, 19. (The West Side olllca of th SnmsMI TitnicNK is located at IJs S.mtu Main ave nue, trharasubeetipttons, advertisement and COOSmUnloatiOUS will receive Drompl attentiou.l Mrs. M V. BarTf, nee Miss BIDS O'Mallfy, di-J at lior home Id South Wilkss-Barre on Thursday morning after a short illneis. Mrs. Harry was a well known and popular young lady Sue was a former resident of tins side, where she has many friends who will mourn her has The remains were brought to this city yesterday after noon to the home of her mother, Mrs. (.)' Malley, i f 8,000 JilCklOO street. The funeral will occur this morning, A solemn high lines of requiem will be ceUbrate I iu St. Patrick s church nt o'clock, liiterin-iit will be made iu the Hyde Park CatholU cxmetery. Assault and Bittsry. A oonpls of Italians wre arralgnad before Alderman T. T. Morgan yester -day momlng on a ohargeof assault and battery eoututtttad on the parson of Michael Ross, a fellow counuy man, by saragaly attacking him with a shovel, Inflicting a gash on ths bead. Tnsman were employ '1 on the Erie and Wyo ming railroad as taction hands and were working near No. 0 when the as sault was luada. Constable JoluiDi vi.'S made the arrest. The names of the aggressors are Mitlnel Haveron t and Dominick Monchona. They wars heM to bail in the sum of f.'JJ encn for their appearance at court. An Evjniuu Party Tue borne of Miss Stella Stubblebine. on Eyuou strset. was the scene of an enjoyable surprise party, which occur red on Thursday eveuiug During the ev-ninjj the Apollo Banjo, Mandolin and Guitar club raudered several ex Otlltnt seltctious. Miss Stubblebine jilaved the piano very skillfully. Games and other diversions assisted in makiu the evening n most pleasant o:ie. R-freshmeuts were served at nidn! bt. Xbose present were Misses Emma ; Sloat, Ti'.lie Havard, Gussie Sloat, Car I rie chafer, of Michigan. Stella and Liura Stubblebine, and Dannie Jones, ElgarDavies, Will Cadwgau, George Sanders, Harry Hall aud lieruert Hall, Thomas Lloyd Birltd. T'ue funeral of Tiiomas Llyd. who died on Tnesday eveuiug. was largely attended yesterday from his late borne on Divisioo street. The many friends gathered at the residence, where they g.iz .'l for the last time on one who was loved und respected by all who ltusw liiui. Impressive servics were con ducted by Rev. D P. Jones, paitor of the Tabernacle Congregational church The fl ;ral offerings were nntnrons and of neat design. The K'liglita of the Golden Eigle lode, of which he was a memb-r, attendei. The pall bearers w-;r selected from the lodge. Miactllaneoui Niwi Notes. Mrs. G E Fling and son, Jo, of G?rmantowu, Philadelphia, are gues's at the nome of Dr. P. F. Struppler on South Main aveuue. Mrs Kate McGill. of Tenth street, has returned from Nw York. NEW STOCK. Gent's furnishing goo Is, collars, cutT, neckties, suspender', shirts and underwear at MfcAKSii: H.mikn'S. Bargains in ladies', gent's aud chil dren's fait black hose at MlARS & Haoen's. Mrs. John Lining, of Plttston, is vis iting Mrs. James Barrett on Tenth strset. Mrs. P Itenker. of South Bromley avenue, is seriously ill. Rev. D. A. Evans, of the North End, will occupy the pnlpit at the Plymouth Congregational church tomorrow morning at 10.80 and 7 p. rn. William Gorman, of the Continental, is ill with plenro-pneutuonia. Mrs. Howell Harris, of South Main avtnOa, baa returned from W'ilkes Barre. BpRI)KI DNDIRWgAR, A full line of ladies' and gent's un derwear at MlARS & BaOBN'8 Mrs Iisac Keese, of Peckville, called on West Side friends Wednesday. Robert Jones, of Academy street, is rehearsing the Simpson Methodist Episcopal Chnreh choir for the Katar music during the absence of Professor W, Jone, th chorister, who is sick, A French Model corset for 80 cents at MlAM & Hauls t lit L C. Floyd, D. I) , past or of the Simpson Mstbodlst Episcopal church, has returned from Baltimore and will occupy the pnlpit on Sunday as usual. Mrs George Martin, of Academy street, has been called to Sayre by the illness of a relative. SPECIAL SALE. We open Saturday morning a new lin ot figured China silks nt 800, All new styles mid prettv patterns. Mkaiis & HaQBH, John J. Lewis, n team lielpvr em ployed in the rock vein at the fjSponiS mine, received a kick from a mule while at work yesterday. Tho blow was recived on the thigh, and al though painful, is not of a serious na ture. The Ladies' Aid society of the Simp son Methodist, Episcopal church gave a free missionary sni.per last evening to their fri-mds. Cake, coffee aud ice crenin were served. Miss Ida Phillips, of the North End, visited friends here yesterday, KIP QLOTM Imogeno, guaranteed ijsl 00 Alice " J 25 M. & H. " 1 85 Jouvin " 1 50 Jouvin, fancy " 1 75 Wears & Hacjun. and Mrs Heury Frey, Dr. and Mrs Abbey, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Halde mao, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Lindly, W. D. Evans, of Carbondale; T. Uolthatu, of Wilkes Barre, J. Saodo, of Wilkas Barre; Mrs. Moses Thomas, Mrs E. K. Crothiimel, Mrs. Jentiio James, Miss Jessio Wilbor, Miss Jones, Miss Dolcy Haldsman, Frnuk Evans, Charles t'obb, ( s Baldaman. Mr. and Mrs. Wood will leave iu a few days for Santiago, California, where t hoy will live. Mrs. Wood's mother, Mis. Mary Ferbrr, will ac company them as far us Laramie City. Wyoming, SAVE THE THOROUGHBREDS. A Un j io Address to Be Q.ven at th Y M. C. A. Ella Clementine Rodgers, of Now Yiok, will addrast the young men's masting at the Y'oung Men's Ouriatlan association on Sunday afternoon on the subject, "Save the Thoroughbreds " Miss Rodger is well known as a forcible lectin r and author of the ''('lover Leaf Pledge," The usual in (tasting ksong service will precede tho address. MR. WILLIAMS DROPPED DEAD. He Was a Brother or Justice Williams, of the State Supreme Court. A man about 05 years old, with a full beard, of a brownish color, fell dead on the Delaware and Hudson railroad tracks on South Washington avenue, near the Steel Works depot, yesterday afternoon aoout 5 o'clock. HS proved to be Joseph L. Williams, of Harford. Susquehanna county. Cor oner J A. Kelly was notified and he arrived soou alter. After viewing the remains he ordered Undertaker Owen Cnilok to remove the body to bis estab lishment on Washington avenue. In the pockets ot the dead innu were found papers that identified hiiu us a brother of Justice H. W. Williams, or the state supreme court. A pocket book containing 13,18 was nlso found, which, together with the papers, are iu possession of Undertaker Owen Cu-iok, It wns learned that his wife came to the city with him aud that they had taken temporary quarters at 1917 Vine street. Undertaker Cusick communi cated the news to her, aud she visited the establishment and identified the remains as those of her husband. She stated that the funeral would bi held In H irford. An inquest will bo hold Tuesdav night. A jury has been impaneled. The dead man was well dressed and an empty laudanum bottle was found lu his pocket. NORTH END. Tne musical entertainment at the North Main Avenue Methodist Epis copal church last evening was a thor cugh success. Mrs. Caroline Smith, of Mylert ave nue. died March 14, aged 'JO years. Her remains were conveyed yesterday at 10 o'clock u. m. to II izletou for inter ment. The pupils of St. Mary's Parochial school will bold an entertainment at St. Mary's hall tonight. A masquerade social was hnl 1 at the home of Albert Caseline, of Chnron avenue, Thursday night. Miss M. T. Burns arrived home from Xew York yesterdav. 1 i.i'M made butter 22c. eggs at Rein hart's market. Strictly freBh Y. W. C. A. GLEANINGS. An enjoyable and profitable occasion will be the qiitrterly ssserably or the mem bers of the Yoong Women's Christian us so' intiou next Tuesday evening, March 80 The president desires to meet every mem- b-r f the association nt that tune. Un Sunday at 4 o'clock Rev. D. W. skellenger will speak before tho members and friends of the association in tho rooms at Mj aud 808 Washington avenue. The Juniors will meet today at 4 o clock f .r their llible hour and on Monday at sam- hour win givo an enteitaiiim-nt In both of these they will iuvite their girl friends over lb years or age. A musicale will be given for the benelit ot the iiswictation March 20 at the resi denceof Mr. aud Mrs. C. H.Scott. The admission will bo a silver offerliig. The best talent m the city will be upon the programme. The Gospel meting at the South Side louug Women s ( hnstlan association, to morrow, will be lend by alissuliV" "use All women and gir:s aie invited, but start early to get a seat. The attendance on 'li meetings Is very large slid the chairs limited. Monday evening a conversations will be given to members only at tho South Side rooms, which promises a good time to each member over 12 years of age. UNIVERSALLY PRAISED. Rsad WhatThsy Sav of li (In comparison of The Triiiunk edition of the Encyclopedia untanuioa with Scnb tier s, for which I paid il25(Kl I Hud that they are the ss inn throughout, plates and engravings mid all, except that I he Trih unk edition has the American articles and siiili'inentl matter written up to date, ami later maps; making it, with tliue ad ditaons in history, biography, science, etc. more desirable us a wnrk of reference than the expensive edition. No One Will qiles Hon the superiority ol llio llriiannica over all Encyclopedias, Its merit, together with the phenomenal prie,, and easy terms should place it In every home. IIoraci: H Hanp, Attorney and counsellor PLEASANT FAREWELL PARTY. Ttndrd to Mr. and Mrs. N. Z. Wood, of California. A farewell party in honor of Air. and Mrs. N. Z. Wood, of California, was given Wedneslay evening at the home of Mrs. Wood's sister, Mrs. Samuel Haldeinan. of 51 1 Wyoming avenue. Tim e present were Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Ferber. Jacob Ferber, Mrs. Mary Ferber, Mr. and Mr. Jacob Hetsel, Mr. and Mr. Robert Haag, Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Haag, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Lnnning, Mr. and Mrs. John Hockel, Mr. and Mrs. John Harvey, Mr. and Mrs. Mathas Robeling, Mr. I have carefully examined the reprint of the Edinburgh edition of t he Enoyalopadta uritHuuica ortereo ny thi i tiucne, iu volu ne-, and Hod it. thoroughly reliable being i copy of the original with American artii'1-s nnd supplemental matter written to dsle nnd later man1, besides being iu volumes more convenient to linndle. CHARLKS E RoIiinson. Pastor Second Meinoiial' Presbyterian Church, I am always glad to rcoomiti"iid a good thing. I have used wltli great sutisfatioii the ninth edition of tho Encyclopedia BrltannlCa, and it would be among the very last of my books with which I would c piisent to part. Its ejtieles are written by men entitled to Mieak with authority Itisa storehouse of information which one riindv ronsultv, in vain. The oppor tiinltv to consult, such a work daily Is cei tainly valuable, and association with such men as its Index cntnmgties can be put ennobling. Wai.teh n. mimll, Prim ipal SObool of the Lackawanna. Annual Statement of the Mutual Life Insurance Company. ( lur advertising columns contain in to day's IsSUfl the annual slntement of tho Mutual Life Insurance company, of New- York. This company celebi nteil its semi centennial last year, and idllioiigh the business depression which prevailed throughout, tne enure country sheeted many other companies, its business was Inrgur than any other year since Its fonn dMion. HSCasnnsSSta have steadily in creased during the llfty-two ynnrs of its business life until now they amount to more Ihnu f IWI.non.tXK). Its payments to policy holder SZCSSO u;,ihi for every iniKine-H day m the year. iNn withstand ing its largo payments to policy holders its increase iu assets last year was more than $11,000,000, and its increase iu surplus nearly f8,OOM,nOO. Such lesulls as the above may indeed be considered wonder ful when accomplished during u perl of wide h mil, i ml disaster. , s Flowers! Flowtr! T. U. McCliucock has opened a Mower store at 4df Spruce street for Luster trade where the choicest (lowers can be pur chased. NOTES OF SOUTH SIDE appouiDiis ol a Day Tbat Will Many Tribuuu Kuadurj. luterest HIEVES ARE AGAIN AT WORK Broke Into a New Building on Pros pect Avenue Mozart Quartetto Will Give a Complimentary Concert. New t-oot Bridge at Elm Street. Neptune Hoso Company to Ban quet Many Brief Items. AMUSEMENT NOTES. Contractor P. J. May, of Bellevne, is putting up a frame building on Pros pect avenue for a man named Thomas llarley. Last Thursday night thieves broke into the building and stole a keg of nails, s nue carpenter tool and a lot of pine flooring. Mr. May has a clow to the identity of tho raseals and in tends to prosecute them if they do not return the stolen property. Complimentary Concart and Soolal. The Mozart quartette club will give a complimentary concert and social on hiiistor'Mondav night at Uormaula hall. It is an organization, of which Pro ssor Karl It Saft is leader, and is composed of very prominent people of the South Side. It was organized ou Sept. Ill lH'.i '. The object of the club is to cultivate a taste'fer high class music among the young men. Will Play a New Pisse of Music. ITie Forett band will play the now "Forest March," a piece composed and written by Brian Byron, leader of the band, tor the hrst tune in public to morrow in the Ancient Order of Hi bernians' parade at Wilkes Barro Byroti 1 a musical geulus of no mean ability and his first etfort atcouiposi t urn is a success. I lie piece bus an original uud catchy air. Nip'unss Will Banu.ut April 7 The Neptuue Fire company will have banquet on Wednesday evening, April 7, at tho room In the Neptuue building. This is the first atfair of the kind held by the boys since the orgau isation of the company over fifteen years ago. Only the members will partake of the spread ou the occasion, unless dilYerent arrangements are made between now uud then. VJsiUd the SUel Work Laat Night. 1'. H. O'Donuell, th brilliant Georgetown orator, who delivered th address at the entertainment of the Young Meu' Institute, and a convoy of young men consisting of John J. Murphy, Michael T. Hawley, P. H. Gilleran, Frank McCann, James J. Scott and P. J. Gilligan, visited the South work last night. The visit was made for the purpose of sight-seeing. It was toe first time Mr. U'Donnell eaw the workings of rail making. A N-w Foot Brldg for Elm Street A new foot bridge to replace the one now falling into decay, will be built on Elm street between Prospeot and Stone avenues. Select Councilman Weet pfhal will have the expense of building it churged to the ward appropriation. Nwe in Briefer Form. The employes of the Greenwood Coal company will receivo their monthly stipend this afternoon. NEW STOCK, Gent's furnishing gooJs, collars, cutis, necties, suspenders, shirts and underwear at Meaks & Hauen S, James McCoy, a bammersinati at the Scranton Axle works, who had his leg broken h m time ago by slipping on the ice, was able to get around on crutches yesterday. i 'si nek Weir, of Birch street, is bnilding a very fine family residence next to his home. It will be one of the handsomest building on this side when finished, Bargains in ladies', gent's nnd chil dren's fast black hose at Mears St Hauf.n's. Patrick Lynch, of Crown avenue and Birch street, and Miss Mary Davitt, of l'ar street, will be married on April ID in St John's church. Both have a large circle of friends and congratula tions are being showered upon them BFRIKO UHDHtWBAB. A full line of ladies' and gent'i un derwear at MlARl A Hauen 8, Mrs Barbara Morgan, whose illness wsb noted iu this column on a previous date, died yesterday morning at 2 o'clock at her (laughter's home in Mlnooka. She was the mother of Michel Morgui and Mrs Barbara Davis. The funeral will b held to morrow afternoon at ii o'clock. Intel msnt will be made in St. Joseph's ceme tery. A Fiench Model corset for 50 cents at Mkahs cV HaOKK's A metting of the excursion commit tee of tho Scranton Athletic club will be held tomorrow afternoon at the rooms of the clubat 8.80 o'clock. Jacob Klein, of PittStOO avenue, has been stricken with an attack of typhoid fever John Kouenbtfgfr, of Beech street, died Thursday afternoon at 'i o'clock at the ag ot 05 The funeral will take pliice this afternoon at, 11 o'clock. In terment in PittSton avenue cemetery. BPIOIAL bale. W open Srturday morning anew line of figured China silks at 20c. AH new styles ami prettv patterns. MlAM A Hauen, Florence Surgennt, 14 months old, n daughter Ol Kdward Snrgeant of 1810 Prospect gtanns, died yesterday from iiiflsmmatioii of the luugs. The funeral will take place tomorrow Tonight Hoyt "A Brass Monkey" will be seen at the Academy of Muiio tor the hrst time. Many of Mr. Hoyt s laughable eouceit have been seen and appreciated iu this city, aud there is little doubt that "A Brass Monkey" will be greeted by a large audience. The company preHeutiug it contains many excellent actors, who interptet the lines aa Mr. Hoyt intended they should he. MR AND MRS. KENDAL The engagement of Mr. and Mrs. Kendal at the Acadsmv of Music next Thursday evening is justly regarded its one of the first dramatic events of the current ssason. The Kuudala occupy an exalted position iu social as well as professional circles in London, lu this country their succris has been nu less notable. As this will be their only appearance in this city, they will pre sent til moat popular play iu their ropertoiro. "lhe Ironmaster. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE ll'leler tins lieadlllU' short letter of Interest will be I'liLllshed wllvn at roliipulilod, for pub llr.it Ion, by thu writer's name The Thmiunk will not he held responsible for opinions here expressed.! An Objection Opposed Editor of Tru TRtBVHI Hear SIR: No doubt Bezaleel llav u ' ideas of propriety are exact and COUSCleu tious, hut the fact or Ids trying to oppo-e the granting of a license to an old and established house like Mrs. Jones', a poor widow, who is trying to make an honest liviug, shows that gentleman up iu his true colors. We, living in tho Fifth wnrd, do not object to the grauliug of u license to a reHpeetable and orderly houae like that of Mrs. Jones'. K (j.'Craniml. March lb. Ill Musi Boxaa Exclusively. Rest made. Play any desired number of tunes. Oauischl A Sous., manufacturers, 10.10 Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Won derful urrheetrlal organs, only 10 and $10 Specialty: Old music boxee carefully re paired and improved with now tune. McHripk'k uow Turkish bath. Every thing new. oUti Spruce street, opposite Court House. Housekeepers, Going through our stock we made a careful selection o) CHILDEN'S BRAND NEW SUITS . . . To close out these odd lot we will sacrifice them, Our Bargain Counters Filled with Surprises, Martin &. Delany Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue. S ATTENTION ..Clock oetnetery, Interment iu afternoon at Hyde Park Imogeno, AUce M. .V- 11. Jouvin Jouvin, fancy KID OLOVgft guaranteed . $1 (HI 1 I 1 1 Mkahs ,fc Haokn. Dunlap Hats SPRING STYLE ON SALE THE HATTER CHRISTIAN Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. CARVING SETS KNIVES FORKS SPOONS DINNER SETS TOILET SETS LAMPS SILVERWARE, &c Largest and Best Line in the city. CHINA ! HALL MICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. PRING . . . Styles of HATS Have arrived. Best quality and lowest prices. COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lacka. Avenue. iuiimmiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii: 5 The GENUINE New S I 'IMTHUSHeF FIaNOS I S ESTAB. 1866. New York warerooma, No. W Fifth avenue. Z I E, C. R1CKER & CO., 1 Si sjsi g Sole ueAleri In toil notion g m Ofitce IS3 Adam! Avenue niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiii: Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, Ttin Sitriiilist on tb) LCft Ilt'nilnohtvs. nnil Ni'rviuiHio'w iftiiubi Littont nnd Improved Stylo nf Kyn QbsdM nnd SmtncUw at tin LOWWj PHOM. Bust Artitlciai Kyes loterttd for 5 SO& SPRUCE ST., op. Post 0 flic. Easter Opening OF Capes, Jackets AND Wraps For the Spring and Sumnitr of '94. Stock Large and Attractive. Prices the Lowest on Record. VISIT US, BUY OR NOT, G. W. OWENS 8c Co. 508 Cloak Makers and Furriers. D 1 'Kl :CE ST.. O COCKT HOUSE syilAHl Union for Ever 1 WE ARE ov OFFERIN'Q THE FIENBT LINE OF BIOYOLEI AND TR10YOLB81 FOR KEN AND BOVS IN THE CITY. WE ARB BOLE AGENT! rou THE LEADERS, UNION 0, T. ROCHESTER and PREMIER HELICAL Special for This Com ing Week. Lulies' Kid Button, pointed snd Philadelphia toes, patent leather tips; special price, H 91 worm, o. ou. Ladies' Dongola Kid Uuttoii.hand sewed, special price, $3; worth $4 50. j Misses' Kid Button, plain tees, spring heel, special price, Si. S.' worth w Boys' School Shoes, Dongola top. llaetJH to 5 k, snecial price, S 5: worth " S-00 Men's Calf Patent Leather Luc-, pointed loes, special price, S3 00; worth . 00 Men's Calf Blucher, hand sewed welt. Piccadilly last, special price. Sa. 8g; worth P M l.itlla Hova" Shoe, button and lace, sprinic heel, made "just like papa's, " sizxs B to 104, special price. Ji. 50; worth fl-M Youths' Calf, button and lace, spring heels. Uoodvear welts. sizs 11 to II, special price, $a; worth, $2.50 SCH AUK'S Arcade Shoe Stow. WYOMlXd A VI'. HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS J AST EAR he had saved $300. V He bought a house worth $1850 - paid 1800 dowu, gave a mort gage for ILSSO. Today he esti mates as follows: Kent saved Intercut on morttFatfe 1 it.xtt- Alio repairs Net nn ihi on rent Saved ou salavv Toiipil on mortgage $Mi its 00 . -x sa 119 so $iii W 150 00 82TOM Florey & Holt Y. M. C. A. Block. KKt lbci ion - iu rot u an tht hOUSci will bI fr r nron t t i and 1 fthftU 1. t m hoiuv of ni own.' URKKN RIPQK it th pAiadUe fr lu'UU'i I 1 un Son I . m 1 - . v . I 1) flu Ulu'il a btftUttfal Vtllft, which they offer, on any pAytUODtt, ut S1850 tn ut thulr ottoe, between Wswhto.fc .a HUd Ad A Oil on OltVC ti''t. EZRA FINN & SON THE CELEBRATED SOHMER PIANOS Arc it Pmtnt the M.wt Fopalar mil Trtrwrcd b Ldm AriUti. Wtrerooms : Opposite Columbu Monument, 20B Washington Av. Scranton, Pa. The Great Marvel of Dental Science Anssthene A recent discovery and the sole property of anunnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMniiii I TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON, DENTISTS, 316 Lackawanna Ave. WHAT J O. SEAMONS SAYS ABOUT AN JESTHENE. IIRR RXNWOOD A WAHIIELL: Aftoi- Imvlnir rleven tet th 4xtraetfl at on Hitting hy tli palnlp nieihotl, I pm iioiinoe It cutlrnly aatUfaotorr lu ,.u particular. J. U. SKAMOMS. FOUR of tui t'OUPONS, prc SMteil at Tho Tribune 'OUI. e, cor ner IVim aveuue aud Spruce street, Btltleethe holder to all the priv ileges of the uupuralleled offer lor (llatrlhiitlnK popular book aiming; our reader. The offer luude by The Tribune uianaKemuut are as follow: IS CKNT8 and Four Coupon for any voluuie In the i lemt.ui Se rin. Over 100 title toielect from. SS. 7B and Four Coupon for a 10 volume aet of UlokeD' complete work. 80 CENTS nnd Four Coupon for any hook In the llngby Serie. 6 CFNT8 and Four Coupon for any book In the Oxford Series. IMIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIimillllllllUR
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers