TIIE SCHAjSTON TmBUXE-TlIlJRM)iv.r SiORNlSTG, MARCH I. IS:)!. ONE GENT A Word. Want of all Macti onej thai muea, tx rrjit MfauttUnw Wanted, which arc inserted FREE. Situations Wanted. tflTl "AThWANTKU -BY A DKI 188 O maker to no out by the day. Adam A. it.. Tribune otuoe OrTUATION WANTED P.Y A 1'K At THAI, n diessiiiaknr. work either nt home or ant by the du or week. Address, Miss Esther llonlleld, 111(1 Rook street, Hyde Turk, atru ton. " . ifTASTED- SlTl'ATIoN 1'Y A Ki I.1AP.LK V rounfl num. Reasonable wage Ad drees 'TP' Tribune office. CirUATlOM WANTED BY A VoU.nu E5 man who is willing to do my kind of wo k;sge, Ufi fair penman: can furnish good reference, Address at o. (Poet office i.serun ten. BY A YlH'NU MAN IN 1)1! Y 11UOD8 OB grocery store, or some bualnsss where he could work "up. Bone experience, good refer eiice. will work cheap. Address P. O. box Montrose, Pa, Agents Wanted. i" ANTED MAN WITH LIFE AND FIRE insurance expenenen as so'l-ito.' in Lackawanna county; ,t.sd inducements u ris;ht man. Address lLM-ti Beta building, Philadelphia, Pa. 'ANTED- HOYS AND 0IRL8 WHO wish to make money when out nl school; eend name and we wul tell you how; i ui ,.uey wanted. P. 8'1'AYXLU, I'rovlileuee R. L 117 ANTED TWO YOUNG MEN OF 0O0D t address to '-all on business hotuea Steady employment for cod men. Apply NATIONAL CLEAN TOWBL COMPANY, Arcade budding. w Hclo Wanted- Male. ANTED AN OFFICE BOY AT VU. lard. Warren Kuapp. ' ANTED A COMPETENT ADVEUITS- ltiK solicitor. Jiu.t be of no. -d address abd thoroughly sxporieoced. Oood thing tor r giit party. Address s.. Tribune Omee, Stating where Interview can be had. w Wanted To Kent. 11 "ANTED ONB OB TWO FURNWHED rooms for light house-he ping. Address to H. A. Care of Dr. E. Drewer, No. 811 Boruce stre--. Proposals. Orrioi oriai Pennsvi.vama commis i siim ok DobDiiR'aOnPHAa Bonoou, - 1 1 A it it tiii i' :. l a.. Miii . li I, INK I QEALKD PROPOBALB ABE tNVITBDFOR 17 the erection and completion of tbo Ad- ministration Build tag for the Pennsylvania soldiers' orphans industrial .boo), at Soot Intnl. Franklin oonnty, Peuna. Plans and spDi-Hieaiions may bo soon, blank tonus of piopoaal obtained and any Informs lion hail, at tin- ottionol thn architect, Thomas P. Lonsdale, Manhattan Ufa build Ing, earner Fourth and Walnut .tr-ots, Phihv delphla, Pa, Complete sets : blue jo ints and neolfleatlona can be bad upon appucatlon to the architect, upon payment of tho sum of ten dodar.s one half of which will be refnnde I up.'ii return of said prints and specini attona Plana and apielflcatloni canals boeeen aid blauk form of proposals obtaloed at the otllce of the Commission of Soldiers' i phan schools, Capitol Buildings, Hnrrlaburg, l'a. ; utile, of E. II Hippie, Secant, n P i : Henna.-. U, Sam ple Allegheny, l'a.; Battler's Bxohange, Philadelphia; Buginpor's oflloe, c. v. it. R,, Uhamberaburu! l'e., and utlii". of Qaorgg.O. Boyer, Chaliman BnUdlna I ummlttee, oorner Beeond and Market itreau, Uarrbiburg, Pa, Propoaali to l delivered at tba ofBoa of the Commiialon at or before ll o'clock p, m, Tues day, ktaroh Ut i, ihim. buob propoagl to be aeootnpauied by u eoi ti tled obeek for three thoosand dollara The contractor will bare to furnbin aeenrity to no approrod oy the exeeutive eomiuittee of raid Conunlsalon, lVr tb. amount of twenty live thousand dollar-, and will bo reouirod tofu.lv complete the bun ling lor use arid ooeopaucy by Oct 1, 1(91. For each a .d eemry dav a do- lav two hiiiidrod dollars will Da deducted from the omtraet price ga liquidated dam- tj'i. Twenty per oanti will be hold in re serve from ittcn payment on account, ut.t.l tii.al eompletbn ol the Inuldliih' I ids of irresponsible parties or poraonacot P s, ssin- tbe requisite skill and knowledge to properly perform their oontracl w u be rejected, ihe Commission reserve the light to reject any and a I bi Is. nEOKDE O, BOYEB, Obairtnan Building Committee, FA LED IMMl'HSAI.s WU.I, IE KE eelVed at tlleoltleo ot the 1 It V l lork' Beranton. Pa., until ; BO o'clock p. m. 'Ihurs- day( March 1j, IBaHi to oonstrnct twoUneaof sew rs with the neeessary manholes, lamp holes, basins and fixtures, as follows: one of said lines is to be laid from the main sewer on Poplar srmet along Bpelunauconrt, a distance of about 1,041) feeti the other to be laid f roxa the main sewer on Poplar stttsd along Roche COUrl and Ash tn at a distata-e of about I,10 feet. Proposals shall be separate on caon line ol sewer, il.il tecs shall cncloso witli each proposal the sum of live p IT cent of the amount 1 1 1 as a :uarantee in execute a on- tract within ton days if awarded the same. I'ropi sals shall be to oonatrncl by the lineal foot complete, Including all basins, branobea, in. in holes, UUUD bolva and nXtUTSe, and ajao to furnish sttmsDnerof tabor and supplies, ami ahull be to finish the work m sixty dftys Trom date of commencement. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. By order of City Councut. M T. L.WEI. I.E. City Clerk. Beranton, l'a.. Fob. 1801. GENERAL NEWS Rate Discriminations Am N)t So Fltl) As The) Once Were. IHE BITUIIR MEN ARE HURT flWaWi OF INDUSTRIES W Now W m For Rent. .OK KENT T KUi'MS oVEH STDKB OF A. J. Thomas, corner ebst r avenue and Mulberry street. F t. WOOD, Wood's Culiege. 'ok BBKT-STOBE BOOM ta LACKA wamia avenue Ir -in April 1. also rooms on second Door well adapted tor business or housekeeping. Also house 1I0S t'apousoavo huii with all modern Improvement -. beauti fully pap-red. F B. I'Al'LI. l.V4 Sanderson avenue. ""OK KENT -8TOBE. I LACKAWANNA avenue, by April. I. Lneuire 01 tMttry Frey. ISl Lackawanna avenue or at the F an I' ot hi hi ft I T". n. s. LOK KE.VT- X Inston o -IN BL'KK UlTLDINii.YAll- i aretine. a ten- desirable5 m a id tlats. Kent very reaaocablo to desirable par ties, (.anbeseen by applying to janitor in building. For tersu apply to t'UAKLES A. bCitK, l North Main avenue, BOOMS, i i.O.NT ON sic In- TOB KENT -THKE r lecond door, over N. A. Uulbert'a music store, 117 yominavi nce, from April 1. '4Uire in the store. -TWO-8TOBY BBICK DWEL- m- d'TTi improv .uieuti. ,,l.i Forest court. Apply to MACKICE COLLINS, lireiu. is,t . ' - , . . i a .ei.n... VO LET FOB A TEBM OF YEAIt.S J. Fart or all of tbrw Uiindnsl feel ol yard room along radr oad. Apply at .-to Franklin avonua, BENT STORE Oxftj OR FURNISHED hail on Hrwn Rides street. Verv di-sira- cle Ir.eation and on reasonable terns. Apply r."OIt KENT- r lintr house; to F. E. NETTLETO or U Repnbliean bnildimr. WOODRUFF, FINANCIAL AND COMMEHCIAl f ticks ani Po-adi. New Vorx, Fob. S8, Buslneu at the Stock Excli iulv today was better distrib uted than of late. The railway H-utu met with oood support, while th) Industrials contributed their usual quota to the total transactions, a much tinner tone ctutrae terizjd the dcaims. The bulls were ainv piy leellng their way, They had in their fuvor some buying for l,omon KOonnt and considerable suffHnnx for the short no ronut. ljoudon came hiirber tor St. l'aui, ami this with the purchases for the short account led to n rise iu the stock to 5s- .. Tbe foreigners alio bought a little New York Central. Tm res lit WAS an advance of IX, Uenernl BleetriO nf tracted attention, risinti toiOH J'i of resumption ot dividend on the preltrred took, and improviog business. Covering of bear contracts pitWe-t -r i L'.noti up to The market in too last hour was stronger than at any otb-jr time for the day a-:d the best prices of tilQ. tension were made then, closing s'.rou";. Total sales were 159,000 ahnra. The full ,wnT compwo table Kowin: the day's Suctuationa in aetivo stocks is supplied and revised dally by LaBar x Fuller, stock brokers, l-l Wyoming avenoel Dpen- aitOr Low Uloj. T.-iiIl BALE X an. Monroe For Sale taVACBB i' AL U, sruc-c SHEFFIELD M L'OR SALE OR EXOHANOE FOB BOBAN ton property A hearing orange BTOVW increasing in nroouetion am! value yaany in Tlii nranee section in Horiila Addres F. E. NETTLETON, Lake Helen, Florida Money to Loan. f iNEV To LOAM 110,00ft. 18,000, tAOO1, IVl J4,i, SdiUfl. jO'lbli and I.OU)i on first aortgagea. D W. BROWN. Att rney, .'iOH Spruce street. Srrar.vn Special Notice. P"a uty 'wit if 'ntl51s 'ed i . Xi foS and experience lias from &I.0O0 io fjil ihni tn invest with services i a business. Address too in tii . Commonwealth bnlldinz. BCBAVrov. Feb. 8L im, Tnn NNDAL MEBTINO OF THE stoekllolderi nf th Lackawanna Iron and steel enmpsnv for the Election of dl r -etors and tr.im-attion of such other business as may prnporly co-ne bof'Tn th't mnetin. will be held at the office of the com panj In the city ot rtrranton, Pennsylvania on Wed needay, Ifarob 7. UtM, ' - o'clock p. m. The pulls w ill remain open for one hour. The transfer books will In cloned on Feb. '.'I, UM, end re-open on Man n s. ,- J. P. HIOHINSOX. Secretary. flOOKs. PAMPHLETS, MAA bound or rebound at Tin-. Titint NE olBco. Quick work Beaaonable jirlcea. TtlfEAL TICKETS ( AN- LB HAD T 111. AVI corner Sprueo stre.-t and Franklin ave inn. est. est, big. Am. Cot. Oil Am. Sugar. M KB 8!9ii tfWi A. T.&S. F I "i, 1 !', SU t'an.So 0 I 4T 0 On. W. J lit Uf lbi list (hie. AN. W MX IV4U ll)li Km .'.. B. & Q T'.u "'fi I'Aj "7 Chic Sat m him cfji f-"s CC.C.erBt. L... :0?s Wl 87ft Col, II ick.Val. iT. D. & II B. , L. & W D. at C. F NM MM it Si! Er.e IOH IHI I6M ISM Q, F.. Co WU t r 1 ' SUM Lake Shore I94 IWli UM ISTt L. &N 47 Jt 4VM 474 Manhattan lit 1-1 Til 124 Mia. l'a.: VH QM BM C '-i NaELead 2 4 "7M 17 271 N. Y.AN.E HIM PH ION in-v, N. Y. Central W) 10 I!) I'M N'. f.,0. St W Ill 10 ISM IS's N Y., 8. & W O. S. c. Co 15 l.'4 II ISM North Pac North Pan. pf is IMS is lsWj ;miha wss -rM, Baj Fae. Alnil l'i, lJ 101 , lefj Readlr.B tH DM I1M If I Si Rock Island Lis tm ITtjj tstj K. T 4U H m IU St. P.anl f.t"4 Mi f f.,0, fc I H"i 1W 1 1 Ttxaa Pac m m 8M svj Union I'r.c lc5 W MN W Walsn, pf W, Union Mkj t.jl f4)i R 's W. ,fe L F. W. IE. Of 17)4 47)4 47)4 47-14 J LANK Ji Z;nne. etc, ira... Twenty meal table board tickets for ti:t. Oood R2i : v TOR SALE-SINGLE HOI SB. BTB QOINOY J aver.ne: very d.nlraMn loention. Anply U. F. REYNOLDS, or WiLLAUD. WARREN KNAl'P. 2,660 WILL rcy modern NEW b room O honsn, all improvements; tnrma easy; cor ner Madison avenue and Delewsro street Ap ply HARRY LB KB .1.400 WILL HUY VERV DLSIRAI1LE LOT S1 street. Terms easy. Apply II All R Y LEES. Charter Application. 'pyicrTiT m;K KB V GIVEN' THAT AN' Is application will bo mad" to the Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania on Saturday thn 14th day of March, A. D., I'i by OeorK" M Carpenter, .lames W. rtinitn, Albert W. Reynolda. lieOTfS .1 Oiainplln, Edward J, Northup, Jerome Brittoa, John w. Miller and Albert H Turner, nndei tbeAotof the Aswmbly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, ' entitled "An act to provide for the :n"orporstion and revelation of certain corpo rations ' approved April ft, A. D.1RT4. and the .p: iien thereto for the charter of an in tended eorporatlon to be Qalled, the"Seran ton Dairy eomrmny" the character and ob ject of which is tbo iirorluelng and manufae turing milk, buttor, rhie-se buttermilk, and other dairy prodncta male from milk and ee ling the same, nnd f -r ihaas purp.aios to have, p.moss and enjoy, all the rlkhta, i. ,.. i nnd prTfUegM of the said Act of Assembly, mid its supplement HORATIO It, PATRICK. IN THE COL'HT OF COMMON PLEAS FOB .1 the County of Lackawanna Notice is hefsby given tint an application will be made to the said ivmrt on the 12th tiny of March, A. l) Ittl at nine oolock, under t ho "Corporation act of Me thousand eight hundre l and seventy four," and the snnprn "mints thereto, by James Archbald, sr., F. W. den-eke, H. W. Bowlsy, U t:. Ooekling, A. II Storra, W. A. May an 1 it. J. Foster, for lie charter of an Intended corporation to be .ailed Tim Hcrantoii KiiRinaTS' Club, the rslinracter and object of which Is the adraace inrut of Enfiineoring In It i SSVfl si branelies, land iw the professional Imptovenient ot its ' 'lieiubers, ami for t lie purpos'ta to have, pos- - ..mil enjoy all His rights, le-nedts ant privileges o mferre.l by the ssid net and in nuppl'-reeats. The Chart If is now on (lb, i; he rrotiiouotary'a otlles to No 4le Mared orm, 1WI. JulIN M. 11 A R Ills. Solicitor. Wall, Now. W- Should Baff So. Sttgas. Irti it Srtnt-titahr. ljuzcrne's 3,400 majority for Urow Is n passing surprise, but Lacknwnnna's 6,000 sn the same line is a Htupondotisone, And in both conntlaf, wo apprahand there will bo some effective work retinired to bring about reversr.l of these ma joritio) uext full. Chicaeo Orsir. and PrnvUiini. CftAMTM, feb, 2-!.-Tle following rjuota f ions are supplied and e .rrecbvl dally by La Mar (t Fuller, stock brokers, 131 Wyo.nia.' ara- nne. WHEAT. Opening Highest , Lowoet Closing CORN. Owning Highest Lowest Ciiwln.r. O.VT3. opening nhest Iiwest i CLtlnv FORK. Opening i lllZhcst Lowest Closing LARD, Opening , Highest Lowest Cb sing -il BT II I Its. 'ipentng Highest...,. Lowest Closing Hw York 1'rodncs Uarkat. Naw York. Feb. -'s. Fcoon-I'.isierj model ate demand. Wbkat DolL Xnfc. btgbar, closing steady; nk. i rea store nnd Rievator, OiaOlXC.I iillont, niHC. They Had a Good Time of It Among Themselves Durinp; tho Coxe Suit, but Now That the Evil Has Como Home to Roost, They're Not Feeling; Quite So Ciay--Ei)courapinp State ments ot R lilway Earnings -Minor Pickings of Industrial News and Gossip. it. II. Wigton A Sons have be-juri proceedings in tho United States cir cuit court nt Philadelphia ngninat thn Pennsylvania, liuilroad company for alleged discrimination in iates for the carrying of bituminous coal, Jndue 1 'alias grunted i writ of ultor nati vo iimniluiiiiis romiuuiuliug the OOtnpany to cease doing th mailers alleged, und if nut, for its agent auil oQiuers to at peur to lay anil show cause why the order has not been obeyed, It is. as serted tlmt sines April 1 last the railroad oomptny Ims made secret rates and thereby given adrantaga to tbo lUrwvBd White Coal Mioing company with its subordinate concerns known an the Aleiiiindria Coal OOinpany utid the l'nuxsutawnv Coal oomdany, the Starling Coal oontpMy, W. 11. Piper & Co , and J. C. Huott Sous. Tin wm li dtreotad against tho Pennsylvanl i railroad's general freight agent, William Joyce, 'i'ruasnrer Max Raibeneck, Treaanrer Bobagt W, Smith end Caahier Denjamio V. Crawmrd VVigman & Sous are exteusive mine owners in the bituminous coal ration of Pennsylvania. It is the general ex pectation umjug coil m?u that this salt will i gpots uo ng'.y seorets in the bi t ami no ns trade as were diaoloiad with reference to anthracite iu the litigation Instituted by Eckley 11. Coxe. Then tho bitnmlnons people atood back and laughed, They aio not so hilarious now. I'ollowing is the monthly statement of bnainesi ot tba Pennsylvania Rail road company; All linos east of Pitt.u bur and Kiie for January, 1894. es compared with the same month iu 1803, siiow a decrease In gross earning) of $7ii!i.-liii; a dsoroaM in rspsoaes ol 1377,610 kii Inert) ise in net earnings j! ?1! I '.' id, All linos west r: Pittsburg and Erie for January, 1894. as com parsd with the snne month in 1808 ,how a decrease in gross earnings ot $425,011, a decrease in expenses of 114.009. A decrease in net sarnlngs Of ilO.'Jl'i The January statement of th Read ingrailroid anil Coil and Iron com panies were issaed yestardsy. T;ie rvoss rsotipta of the railroad wars $1,894,803; gro ezpendltnras, 887,447, and profit for the month, in cluding nt. receipts from other sonroes, 59S,920, Eqnipmsnt piy tnenta termiual trackage, im provements and lixid charges nggre guto $890,280, thus leaving a drfiuit for ihe month of $808,890 Tbs total ds licit tor itvMis-'i j ear isaw.lel. a decrease of $81,703 from the defloit nf the oorfespourting periot last year, 1, 1st year the gross r.'fijipts, Coil and irou com p hi v. wer $1,084 HS i, and grosn expenses $1,000,848, The loss from mining aii'l tbe regulnr fixil ciiares make the deficit for the m mth 1 1 -787. Tn. 'lefieit for the (ic:il year io date ll $14,034, II decrease of $74,073 from the d licit of thesam? period last year. The committee of Schuylkill coal ex chang" has (It id tho rate ot wages for mine employes of ths region for the Isst half of February and the first half of Mnr.:!i at 2 p"cent. heiow tho $2 60 biisio, winch ii a reanotioo ot b per cent, as compared with lat month. Vic President Voorheoj, in Sp3lklng ab.mt the chati?o frm anthracite to bitnmlnons f net on i'.ali ig looonii tives, laid that bitnmlnons coil would not be ititro,luc"d on snch engines ns were not adapted to the burning ol small anthracite h'iz's, liki pin n n 1 buckwheat ; nor on passenger engines WOWEM WHO 3MFFES5 liatu saoh month, can Sndrenef und cine iu m: litiMis Pavorlta Prescription. i regujateasnd rastoree tbo monthly function, braces np the exhausted, run-down, overworked und delicate: allays umi hanhM nil Nervous Weakness, Bpaama( Bysteria, Kits, Chorea, or 1st. v itus's Danost cures rVeak Dessos. Bearing Down Sennntion.;. Backache, Ctitarrlud Intlaiiiination, Ukera tiou nnd kindred nwladiea H'or those aUmt to lun'omc mothers, it, is a prieeli.s liisui, for It less,'iis the pain and perils of childbirth, shortens "labor" and the ri(sl of confinement, end promotes the Secretion of nu abundance of nourishment for the child. Thomas Timti.ww.t., of fieoerfsrfnr, lt,, says: "I cuunot BiiHIoleiitly eipnes to you ray (iratltuile for the ts ni-fit your 'Knvorlto Prescription ' baa conferred iiion my unugh ter. Of late she lies suffered no ui whatever. it laaiinpiy narveloua. BUSINESS ANI) PROFESSIONAL 1IYSU 1ANS AM) SI ON.. II B. UMAX. 1'iM-usi'B of tbo l.yo, -oss Thiout uml l.ar, . i Hdiucj btreut, . , site court bouse, PltaJ V 1)';. O.N N 1.1,1,. uttbit Mil WiistuuKtun loru.ir Siirme str.-it. ovur Dli. 1'. L 1HKV. chs.'s of tile Kye A J, IrHiielie a uriik' Mor -. Kesblme'e. iZ! v mo st twice hours: id Jl to IU a. tn. and - tul and CCU to 7.1) p. in. Humbiy, " to ll p. m. DK. w. k Aid. UN, Uffloe .or. Laba waiuinnnil Washington avea i over i.eun srd shoe store; oitic e hours, iu to a a. m. and 3to 4 p. m.; evenings ut n-bld.-iieo, 512 N. v .-ihlilliKtou live. Practice limited to In e. Ear. Nu i.i uml I lirout: hIUi e, 1 w yuuiiiuf ave. I: . . :t Vine street. Ilt. I si GATES, nu Washington Avuuui. If litllco hours, s to 0 a.m., l.Duto B ana f to s p.m. IOII.M L WKN'l'a, M. D.. UOJoes und il tl ( ommonneiiitii buibling: rentdenae vu bUtdiaonaves of&oe honra la to i j, 8 to I, 7 to si Bundaya 8.80 to 4. evenings at residence. A specialty made of diroaees of the eye, ear, noes and ttirout amt gynecology, li. (i. l. ItuHhVAY. BDeeialtT made on ilia- eas, uf rye and hKJn.il:.' WVOQlIng Ave. ( ilflee 1 1 ..ii: i mil In a in - to I and Ttoj n m. KIRKIMABV RIJRGKOMs, A FEW HINTS FROM OUR Groods Departraent: Novelties and Fancies in great profusion daily ar riving. The Crow's Foot andShep herd Checks are new ami tlecidedly pretty and neat. See them. Our stock now presents a remarkable offering that will meet with a very ready sale: Ten pieces Scotch Heather Mixed Cheviots, 54 inches wide, 50c. per yard. double. Worth Five pieces Uedford Cord, fortv-eirdit inches wide. ma la We are showing a reaMo r.ell at $1.75 per yard. Ou bargain in Hudd c rs ft el d price now, G!5c This is a Ifieges, 42 inches wide, at ! great bargain. 75c. Never before sold un der $r, SOME BLACK Our line of ENGLISH j SERGES, 54 inches wide, is, without doubt, the greatest value ever shown in Srr.-tn- Several pieces of Merino i ton. Three grades, $1.00 Guipure, formerly sold at $1, j $1. 12, and $1.25. These now 50c. I must be seen to be appreciated GOODS SPECIALS. CONNOLLY & WALLACE 209 WASHINGTON AVE. Opp. Couri H0U33. )' I.1 sTi'KUK, Veterinary Barcaon, l)eu li. tintry ii Riioeuilty: cold medalist nf On- uouefo. umce. nnmnier's near Keller's OBfrlace hUoji. tarlo etevlnarif livei y, BBS 1 ix St.. T lepbone No, 4. LAU 1 Kit I, KANUK'ti Law and foil.- ittan of. I Hi 0 l;- ,1 flee, No. lili bpruco Ht., opposite i'oret House, Befanton, Pat collections a i-peci.-dty inronahont Penneylvsniai reliable oom pond cute In every county. JKMaUt'U Al iia.mj, Attornove and Uonnsot. tors at Lanti Connionwealtn ieiiia:iu, Wuclnnton avo. W. 11. JaaSDP, HoRACt B. IlAvn, W. II JKSSUP In. UriLLAKD. WABRKN A KNAPf, Att- nets and Counselors at Lav, RcpanUeaa linildtne, Waablngton ave., Beranton, t'a. IjA'l "I'hltMv'N i: WlLcVX, Attoraeyj and 1 (.'iiutiei Uor.i nt Larr; oinceso and i L,ilir.iry LUHUIKK, bntldl i Beranton, l'a. HOaWELL n. Pattbihom. W1LUA M A. WtUtOX WILLIAM J. HANI). At- l oiumoii .v.-alta lt..,i, 'i. tl ,,th1 II BEELY Law offices In Prira liti Wasbtnaton avenne. LPUUD11AND. fa torneva and ronn-eiior RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CENTRAL RAILKOAD OF N J LEHIGH AND SUS'.IUtHANNA DIVISION Aatkraette coal u."i ezolnslvelv, Insnrins oleanliness and . omtort TIMK tahi.k in 1 1 1 , i ;l I, INIU Trains leave Beranton for Plttston, Willie-.-Barra. ate.. atftVlA ),IS, 11.30 a, m., um, 'Jiij. aao,s,niL .n ii.os p. m Bundaya 0,00 a a., 1.IK', 2.00, 7.10 p. m. Kor Allantto I it y, H ID n. m. For New York, Newark und Eligabetb, 8.10 (express) a. m.. is.:i (ezpross with Huii.-t parlor car), II -Kl (e.iprei-j p, m. Sunday, MW p. in. Ton UADCtl CnCMK, Al.l.KNTiw.,l;u:ii.i. I1KM, BAWORand PHlUDIILPRtA, D.l'l a. in.. IU0.&80. B.iS) fejeept l'liiiadelpniaj p. in. Boeder, Mo p. m. For Loaa Brahcb, ui ibah Qrovb, etc., at Mil a. in.. IJ :) p in. 1'or lteadin. I.elmiien and HarrlMmrft, via Allentown, n,10 a. m., lido, t.OO, p.m. hunday, 2.1 0 p. ra. Tor PottSViHe, 8 IU a. l".. KM p. in. Retnralna. leave New York, toot of Liberty street. North river, ut l.io (xprisnj a. m., I.lo, 1.110, l.:il (express wlt.i l;uir..-i lue-lor caiv 1 . in. Sunday, 4UKI a. in. Leave I'liiliidelphia. Ki-uiIIiik "YrndnnL t.0l a, m., .w ana 4..n p. m. Honaay, 0.27'a. m. 'i IiioukIi tickets in h imiiitaue lownat rates may be hud on anplication in ndlvamw to ilie ticket nxent nt ;h i statii D. Ii. i: BAUownr, .... Ui n.,1 asa Aaent J. VL OLHAUBEN, Qon, Bnnt, DELAWARE, WESTERN LACKAWANNA AND RAILROAD TrulllH louV.I K'TUTlt.,11 ns follolVfi. rynr, o for Now York unit all pointH Ktst. 1..V), :;..'), 5 ir, 8 (Xlandv.fiOa. B-i ftoiandTJop, m. Kxpiesi lor lluetou. Trenton, PnUadelpbla aid (be Boatb, I.U, )-.U0 ana a. m.i 1H.59 unn -.yi t. in. Washington and way stations, 2.40 p, m Tobybanua aoeommodation, 0.10 p m. Kxpr m lor Binghamton, Oswego, Klir.ira, ' Corning, path, Danavllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 'J It a. n. and 1.34 p. in., making close connections ut Uuiiulo to all point.-, ;:. tbs West. Northwest and Bouthwsat. Buffalo seoommodation. 0.00 a. in. Blngbamton and wuy stations, 1J:;7 o. in. Nicholson und wav etutions. fiA't p.m. Blngbamton and Blmlra Express, OOJlp, tn, Express for Onrtland, Byraense, Oawego, Dtioaand BlehfltM Hprlngn. IIS a. m. unii UN p, m. Itliuca, IMS and I'.'O a. m. and 1 '!! p. in. lor Nortbumberland,I1ttaton,WlIke8-Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsbnrg nnd Danville, making ejoae eonneetions nt NortlminbiTland for wintanuport, Harrisburg, Baltimore, Wash ington and the Hontli. Northumberland and Intermediate stattoos, 01, M0 in- and i.M und IB1 p. in. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stati-e.s. (ton and 1I.S0 a. in Plymouth and into rated lata stations, BDOand Il8sn. in. Pullman parlor una sleeping coaolieu on all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket timetables, etc., spnly to n. L. Smith, city ticket offles, ;ci Lackawanna avenue, or depot tick..-: office. T?RIE AND Ij Iioa)1 L1 UBNBV M. building, p RANK T. OKKLL, Attornoyat Law. Room f ft. Coal Exchange. Beranton, l'a. MILTON W. LOWRY, I Att'va, 227 Washing c. 11 VON BTOBCH, I ton ay.. C. H square AXB8 W. OAKKOKD, Attorney at Law. I rooms 08 as and 06, Commoawealth bl'g. SiMUEL W. BDUAH, Attorney ut Law Office, "17 Bprucest., Beranton. Pa, r A WATHES, Attorney at Laic 4JI Ij. Lackawanna ane.. Beranton, Pa. L'onneolior at Law. Qffiea, rft Cotnmnn wealth bntldlna. Fell. Miv .Iiilv. vnt M r, w e7i Him ml rn mm tnif r,;ij !Mi ml pi ttU ;t:i4 M Smt n7 4 fff itN tJ-'-i K't4 2il mi 13 ".sni t ; B9 M I1U ISM 1J10 lid Itil 1210 M yj. i Kin 11H bill U10 115 "10 70"i ;ii ;ii ",o-i tio jio no 7io ;io "in mi two - i tn r,ir m - IU t:5 - f. 0. b.. riSnB."! nncreded red, ."aO.'c No 1 nortto-in. 6BMaG8)(jO,i option olosed staadf at. Kaj tinder yt-atorday; No. '.! red March, Gllfc; Msy, OHXo.; dnlv, r,r ,'.; Doromber, 71c. i (ikn Dull, (inn; No. g. tl Kadi MO. I ele vator; tt)MxK0n afloati trpuoaa tniot and steady; .March, May, iSVo,) .Inly, tike. UATB Dull nnd lower, yeak; opt lone ittiet, Bfm Marrii, .'l4H.c; May, tfXtLl No. 'J white, arch, MM0.spot prices, No. 3, :t7a3?)4jr ; No. 1! while ml No. tt (.IhiCHgo, MtMHC.j No. s MJajjiNo, a whltn, S7c. mixed western, toawa,) whlto do. nnd white state. S'.i.ti'J;. riiKi'-'i ii' t, staad. Bta Hamb Dull nt 110,10, Tibaoko Bur inactive. t'UT MkaTs Dull nod emy, iincbnoped. LiilOQolet aad lower; lit)-, 7nXc; Hard), 7.00; May, f7.50; rsllned dull und Unchanged, Pont - tul"t. nnd Steady, Bmtn Lower; stnto dairy new, llaMO.1 do. old, MnlSr ; do. rrentnery, new, KtOk) i'eniiBvlvanla do., UoO.; western dairy, now, UIhITc. Kiginn. J.'ic. ; luiitntion cri ninerv, l lnlS.:. ; roll-", lliilftc. Ciikehk 1'irni, fair demand; slate lame, Dnllc; fancy, ll;'.:a!l;,'c; juirt Kkini', SslOa KodS Moderate" demand, idendy; Ice house 8,ftOaA,00 per case; weitern Iresh, BOa; duck, USidJlc; limed, llal'Jc. ; Bouth uru, IH'au. 0 , Philadalpbla Tallnv Mirlte. I'niLAnri.l'HlA, Feb. !, Tallow win in fslr demand and Htcndy. Prices were. Prime city,ln ho)rshead-",4Je.: prime coun try, in bofftbeada 4Wc.; do. dark, In hug-t-bcads, 4c.;cnkes, Sc.; BfoBC, 4,'c, Minor Isdobtrial Notmi No. 1. slope, Drifton, which was ntinn- doned .ii ii mIi. n," owing to n heavy fall of roc, is tubs opened. Now machinery for the Mill Creek (Vial company will be purrhmed In Pitt.bura. Apsistant Secretary BalrtV of the Lehigh Valley railroad, is back at his desk after a trip south nnd west covering :l, 300 miles. Tho .Midvam ntoei company nns aur- Hclent orders on hand to keep the plant. bny at its full capacity for the next four ten month'. Tho Leliltfb Valley Railroad company is nb int to take possosslon of ono of its big properties, nnd will erect n large m-idcrn ofi, o building in Pottsvlllo for tho iicc tn modaiiiiti of its olllcos anil the Lehigh Valley t?oal company's ofllcea in that re gion. Tbo Southwest Cnnncllsville Coke com nan" bat fifed dp 000 OVtbl at the Mar- wood and Alice plants, giving employ mont to fiHi men who have liecn idln since duly last. The American Flint (Hash Workers union, at Pittsburg, decided to modify tho summer shut down to threo Waflla The llelblehein Iron company linn just, received tho Pottsvlllo coal roglon's l,v g. st iodlvidtml shipment sixtv-two enr loads Freight Conductor William llookman, of Columbia, wns iiaruiyr.ed, wlnle running bis train on the rennsy near Home It, In understood Mint, the Now England will is no I, VXI, 'XXI rccelVnrH' certificates within 0 week or ten days, in order to meet pressing obligation. I-;?-Senator King, WOO Inst week re wived the contrite, for tunneling through the Iluck mountain for the erection of the electric road of Cox llros. K. Co., will be ats work today. The new shaft of tho Delaware and Hudson Coal company hour Huston lllll is down '200 feet nnd n Vein of excellent coal I. is been struck. A now Riding a half mm in length has been Milt, The breaker Iibh been marked out by the engineer) near lilte Wnin Work ou tlustru'- lure with all modorn muchinerv will bo liegun tt once. i'ho fuftin of the leiiigli Steel nnd Iron company nt Alneyyillo has resumed 01 ''rations al ler an laltnaat of two mont lis. Tlie direclorsof Hi . Delinvuie and ll id a hi t 'aiiul c intpaay have declared IhS ri"( iiiur qaartarly dividend of payablo March is. Iy4j per cent. ClJrTBTJ from Canada 'Trosbytcrnn ' under signature of C, lllackett Itobin ofl I'lopr: 1 was cured of olt-recuriing bilious headaches by llurdock Blooi Hitters. tVhc-i llaliy was nick, we gave her rvtnrla. When she was a Child, she cried tl aCorla. When gat beoasnS Mies, r.he ttasfl to C.rlorla. When tho Lad t'ulldrcn, she cave them Cutorta. ) P. BMH ll . rooms IH. oil It. PITCQEK, Attorney at Law, Com monweatth bellfllag. Beranton. t'a. ciiMKtlYS. n Spruce st. DU REPLOOLE, Attorney Loans im-o- Hated on real estate erurity.40S ttpruce. 11 I KII, LAM, Attorney at i.iw, IM Si y Di omlng avenue, Beranton, AVI. YOLK DEEDS AND MORTOAGKH written mid acknowledged bv .1 KHOWN'INU. Attorney eill.li.ll.Ve-illli ,ri- bv and Notary l'ulil c, 20 SCIIOOIA (( BOOL Or THE LACKAWANNA, HcraE O I in, Pa,, prepares boys and cirls forcolloiri or lii",ine-.s: thoroughly trains vounx chihlrea (.uttlo .; is at leijuc-t. BEV. Thomas M. CAtft. WAtTKII II BUBl.t. WORCEBTl'.R'S klNDEROARTRN ,.!n avenue, ruplll all tbnea Next term will ,;-n M received anrv EHIOS VALLEY Hailkoad. i ta n. UBl. Train leaves Beranton (or1 Philadelphia nu New York vi.u 1). A II R A. r H ajll . &10, -'.;iH and 11.09 p. m via D., L. v. li. K.. 0.00, s.ih, u.10 a.m., and 1.3) i. o. Leave Beranton for Cittston and Wilkes Harro via I)., L &- '. 11. it., 0.01 HOB, 11. -I a, in , !.:. ntO, H.II7, 1.t8 p. m. Leave Beranton for v bite Haven. Ilaslflton, Pottaville and all points on the I; .,, . - araaaow ana rottaville braacbee, vial I v. V . a We.m., via D. A 11. il. It. al s a m., ljll I, 138 I It p.m. via n. L. A v.. U, R., 6.00, BUB, 11.20 s.rn., 1.9H 3.30 p.m. Leave Beranton for Bethlehem, '.' I m, Reading, Rarrisbnra nnd all Intermediate . -iints via 1). A- II. It. It., tt a in ,13.10, "Is. ILr, p.m.,vlaD., L. w. It. K..ii.oo.h.iis. u.30a. 1 1 , I.rtl p.m. Leave Scran ton for Tuakhsnnock, Towan 1 1. Llmlra. Itha -i. Oeneva and all lnvrmedl im points via D. A ll R R.,U.7 a,m..LU0and 11.3J p. m..vi-i D. U & W. It, H.. 8.04 a m.,lJwp. ra. Leave Beranton for Rochester. Buffalo, Ni agara Falls, Detroit. Uhlnago and allpoiiti west via D. a H. n. R, ii.OT r.m.,li loo ivn 3', p.m., via D. L. W. R. R. end Plttf.to.1 Junction, tOI a.m., l-'Mil ;.s p. m. ,v.a F. ,V W. It It. :ui r. ir. Foe Elm ra and tl) we-t via .-alanin e i. vi i 1. A) II H R ;'.u7 a.m., ls.10.tt.iA p. m . v.a D L. ft W. K. H,, 0 S in.. I.ailand I.'I7 p tn, l'uilman parior and sleeping or L. V. ehalr cars on all Era ns between L ft is Junotiou or Wilkes- Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo and SiisisMi -ion llndire ROLUN II WILBUR, Gen. Sunt. East Div ( 'll as. s. UKE Oen. Pass U't, PhiU.Pi. A.W NONNEMAf'Iir.lt As,-; O -n I'a-s Ag"t. South Bethlehem, l'a. V.'YoSilNa VALLEY BAIL' Train leave Seronmn for Now York and In termediate points on the Erie railroad at LOJ a. in. and v m. Also for Hnwloy aud local points at 035,0.43 aad 8.24 p.m. Train leaving at 0.43 a. m. and 3Jtt pm, are through trains to end from Honesdale. Trains leave for Wilkes Barn .I'.o.Hi m. and ii. ii p. m. ACADEMY OF MUSIC. W;d. and Tfm-sJny, Feb. 23 and Mir. I, Walter Kanfo'ii's superb production ot the scenic luelodiiima. THE STRUGGLE OF LIFE A new story i f thrilling nd arcusin? incl dims it, ami around the nrat e etrop olis. New Y'ork City. Illuiitrated with a One series of beautiful Mute pii-tures. Battery Park In winter. Kut er's Slip in a snow .-orm. Exterior of Bt. Patrick's Oathedral Tyj i--al Dane- Hull in Walter St Deathtrap inadteirted celhr. Kalo openi afondajr, ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MONDAY, MARCH 3. Cyril Norman's Scenic Production, Blie ss A Dr.' nia with a Kentucky Setting. lELABORATE EFFECTS. A COMPETENT CAST. opens Friday. c c LAOBACH, burgeon Dentist, No, U3 Wyoming ave. R. M. STttATTUN, ollien ( nal Bichette LOANS MIL BKPVBL1U Snviniri and Loan Aim- latiofl will loin von manoy on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association Call on B, N CALL HIN DER, Dime Hank Imildinz I HOir.l.s AM) RBSTACItANTV, MIL WESTMINSTER, UT-SUI Wyoming with Meiuii; nil inisl em Improvements C M TaOMAI, Prop IEOLKB'8 GfOTEL, W Lackawanna m e- uue, Scranton. Hates reasonalil ". p Sfaoaaa, Proprietor. EB'fMiNHTKH HOTEL W. tl. siilKNfK. Manager. Sixteenth street, one block east of ItroeinTay. at I mon txpiare, ,Mw Yoik. American plan. tfM per day and upward HlYNl'l HviLSli. Kiiropeaii plan. K'miI I z W tt llt'HT. I c Dlled itn thu ll. ill, r. rrnprii-Tor L A W as i eniiu.-teu on tie. isnronaau plan. VICTOW kocii. I'reprieim j LAM) CKNTRAU i li largees and o- eipili)il hotel in A lion town. Pa. rates J' and U9aar day. Victoh 1. IlAliN'rn, rroprletnr. tu RANi'o.N HOUBE. nenr I), I 1 F'-!l"r depot V. AucRiTKcrra avis iidi "l" r. Architects it es 4i. a nnd n I ommonweaitn n at g, Heraoton, I, WAi.il.it. Architect. Library bulid Inir. Wvomlnit avenue. Seranteti. L. RROWM. Areh II. Anhiteet. PrloS building, las Vtaahlngtan Avs Beranten, DELAWARE AND HUD BOM RAILROAD. Commonplng May v 1892, trains will run as follows: Trsins leave Bridge Street Btsl on. Beranton, for i'itts-1 I t'l V, liL-e 111,, v s III O 0.4 I.MflV. '.Mia. 4 hi. .M i, .l ma and ll.U p. m. For New York and Pbila delehia. DOOa, m . 110. iA BUS, lid and 11.80 p. m. Kor linneeuui). 1 1 r un Di Inware, Ln ikawaann and western depot), T.00, 8.30, I0.1U a.m., 1S.QQ m.. 17. .'..in p. m. For Carbanualn and intermediate stationa, "1.411, 7 On. s.;4). RID a. m., HOD m ,,'J 17. B.lii.S m, 1. 'Jo sad 0 85 A in.; (rem Brldgi Street Depot, IM n. in.. Itlnsnd ll 81 r. in. Past express to Albuny. arst.a. thoAdl readaek Boantalns, Beaton and New England points, 3,40 a m.. arrivint at Albany Kt48 Saratoga 1.10 p. m , and tnavlnn Beranton nt d P m, arriving at Atbaav at AW p m,Bara tega, I'i Via. m . ai d Benton. f.00 a. m. The only direet route between the coal Holds nnd Ronton "The Leading Tourists' Route of Amen, i'' to the Adironda ck Mountain iv- aorta, Lakes George ami champ! a in. stoutroal, ate. Time tahi.. showina local and through train service between stations on all divissona Dela ware and Hudson s stem, may bo obtained at all Delaware nnd Hudson tieket oflVfa. H. (4 Ydl'Nd. .1. W BURDtCK, Second Vice President. lien. Pass Agt. It's in Your Bedroom Alone That you really bsv i a chance to display your Indlvi lualtasteand humor every little whan as to v.-hat youconsidor nice, Your character is revealed iu your bedroom funuahtags. As tbey are, so iu nine cans oat ot tenia the person who occupies i . By this we tio not moantosay that only thorn whobave nicely furnished rooms have line naturea we refer merely to th keeping of r.a I tat displayed in your room. It fa becoming easier every day tor one ta have a nice bedroom, whi.-.i with little ex- pense may x fitted np no as to make it a com- fortable, cosy, inviting roetin place or sane, turn available at any hour of ;b- day where ono may retire for a little while fit any hour of the day, safe lrom intrusion and be I lo . The modorn bedroom is not buttt on the old cramped np 6 by 10 plan, nor i- t fnrnltare designed in tbo-'. dumay, ungalaly styl at tweaty or thirty j-.-ars a'o. Which co.i Id only !i" des'T bed aa Ugly, These fr.et.s will 1k better Illustrated and substantiated by a viaft to the third floor of Messrs Hill A-i.'oiinell'-new furnitnr store on Washington avenue, near Sprue street some nity or maty now style iiMiroom suits nr. there lafd out for your Inspection. They coma In oak, uh, blidaeya maplo, sycamore, curry birch, rosewdod, walaut,mahogany,ete.. and ovoryonn i them left th factory this v.-ai MM. Besides thSSe snits tbeie are countleas pretty tlutifrs on the third Moor, nil meant for the -omfort and adornment of your bedroom- and say. if you want to ks the daintiest sad met fasctnatittTof bedroom drapertea, stop at the sscond floor. There's no doubt of it, HILL & C01ELL Are leaders when it comes to pretty now furniture of aay kind, bat perhaps it's vi ii to confine euraelves th.s week t the fur- nisbinic . f your bedroom, which iehy nil odds the Boat important in all the hoiv-o, so tar as. you are cuttoerued 1 Week commendnt HONDAT, PMfl, sr. Tin- AecemplisheJ Actress, MI38 HTHEL FULLER, 10IDE klAod' ' Da rdw compaky. Ma-iday, Tu?stisy an; Wffnp!ilay. 1 b -tv t sorji'ty conudv clramn, Stricken Blind. Thurtday. Frithv an Sat'jrday, UNDER THE GASLIGHT. ADMISSION, 10, to and rot EXTs Opern el aiis ran lie reserved, by nttmbt r. eve: -- if. iriio.n. fn ni:l..H to e.iii. I, r tie nmhci entertainment. Performances evei v .-.ftweo. n arm i nurMiays. hi : ,v. ana uoors opei at i.si and MCHASiTDIN oivi-lir s In Rflecl Jaaearytgih, istii. IVorih it., unit von :m too Nnuin iimiiKi, .02 'Jin tO4 SLItlens a a cl a n "a aa u ,Tr,.l,w l,llv 1-,. J S 5? i j , ccpt siiiirtiiy i -1 f ,e m A i rive l,enve i 7n y praaaln s; .... ... 7 7 in West Mnd itreetl . ; ; ee Wechanken i . c ai Arrive Ltavels DUPON S 1 1 oit'fi iN I 1 linnlier. 1M1 MIRCF.I.I.ANKOUfl V. BWAKl'H - WRoT.IWALR b and u 1 limn Hank IiuiIi1I.il-. Beranton, l'a. KOABtlF.li IIH(iTHI:R.S. PHINTLHH' hiipidiiin, envelopes, paper naga, twine. Wnrehoiise, I'M Wnnhing'un ave, Scranton, I'll f.'OtiTK'rt I Ivi'.IIY. IVW I apou nvenun. I nvat alaasearrlattM. d 1, POOrM, Agt ranefsj Mraotor nnd Bmbatmrr sRANX P. BROWN . tt). WIIOLH MAI I It'S Ot J talla picuio I sale dealers in Wttodsrartti CetdsgS and oil cioth, 7'io w. Lackawanna a venae OKI IIKSTHA MUIUU nuj SaVtlea. leeelitiotls. Wed- duinandoonoart Work furnldied. For lermi aduram R, Jk mraar, ooadaetor, n wyoaatao live .ev.il' irttlhort'n mil le store 'ffZ&A PlNN H4Ni4, build -ra and eoiitr" J J tors. Yards: Ci i ner ( dive at. and Adams nve. ; vomer Ash nt. and Pttfln are., Scranton. sRlties. I K. CLARK CO.. S-eelsmeu. i.ei.t, ll, and N iirserye.."! : store I Id lohtnuton uremic; prcon unUBB, lllll North Main aVttfiaaj ,tor, telepheeie 7H'.' UHA.NU UNION 1 kam. n. en.. foaes lir-H. J I III: mi inn ns. oh kitktteu rni Lasts wanna svenua beranton, Pa., munuf'r of Wiru Heioena s -Jill x in 7fi. 7 r.t 7 It ; .'1 I I.Vilaiiece'j .lut.elliin 1 1H1 ' :,s lil '..' IJ47 PJ!K If III III!" 11 e 11 M 1; in ?osp (t ri rM 11 is-'.-, ir. fiidi f 1 nlnaa, ....I n 111 snti hi mil .1 14:11 '.' M.'Wl S llfllSS ll 34 li 07 n lift ii 0; aot! so rs isi 1 bi 1; is 1 :. f.i 1:1 ri .v. II 10! 4. Villi OR II 11 17 II l.'i II II 11 li 'p aU I Leave lllinee, ( Htarllghi Preston park Comn PqyntaUo Belavjnt Flcasanl mi. : 1 .in Porsel city 1 'arbendale wane RrMge Main id Jaratyn Archil) ild V.iiilon Peckvilla ou shant IMeksilU TBTtttm ri'.v,ldene Park Place M'rontim line sen 11 is HAY 11 us: ii 4 ! 1, 1.1 ll ."IN1 inn . 1 Q l M .1 7 3.1 . 7 B I .1 anil '' M . 'JOS ' I " . (81 . ill . : s m . !l M . I 3 0 1 MIXIXO, PLASTIXtl AM) BPOBTIKO POWDEe Manufactured at the W.ipwallopen Mills, L seme cotmty ra.. snd st Wil 1 ,..;.; . D la ware, HENRY BELIfM, Jr. llrncral Agent for the Wyoming District, 118 Wyom ng Ave, Scrjnton Fa. Third Xa'lonal BankiBufMlng, pt Mondavi v eveninj:.-it I P.M. COSHMAN'S BiJOU THEATRE, Formerly Mnsk Ball, Beranton, Pa. Dava Rookafeilor. Lesswe; Prod I'. rtndcii, V..r..;cer; Prank aide.:, .-t ..- Manager. URAND OPENINli MAI C"I B O ntlnuous performsnce from S P.M. tc 10 m I BS. n.oiy. introducing vii.era, high-class Vaudeville and Minst.-el Arti-: . SU table for in-iy Bttdteneea. Tho following will poaRivelv appear: Mr. Frank Ctisbman, Prince of Comedians; "unda. tbe Wonder of the Nineteenth 0n tnry, from the Cifone (''llivor. P.iri: Mr. JnlesJordon. th Metropulitai Pavorite: L.n and Mamie L. Diamond; the s;scrs Monroes Misa Mabel Stanley. Vecsl Comedienne Par Excellences MoManonttttd Kmg, direct from Tony Pastor's r heat re, Nowsork; Mr. Oeo. Raason, Americsn Pramaer Male Sflpranoi Mr. Frank Csriton, ScraJnton's Favorite and Well-known Comedian,; The rrimrns-. Ouar- tettt ash on SlmdrickjJattMS Goodman.alnhii hart. Qeo. Hale- intmjQtti in.; n new ;;ud otlg. inal comedy art. e.ititt d. "A Stannu Tour:" The Croat nnd Only l.tesell, BoTnum's Kfilfl noveUy, aad late of If av r tadon and W. S. Cleveland'. Mini, t : .. A teflni d enrertnn mtnl I- promtaad and we intend that ladies ml ehi,dre-i can at tend w ithout eacorts and will be arena ovei'y attention snd courtesi by the attaches, nn derthe personal attention .; Slaiac- Rm dell. Prices of ad n s-ioe, o, SO and 30 cent.-, with a few rarer red seats icr .m cen. THF. LARGEST CHEAPEST snarl etna TIIOS. KORD, Pittst ui. Ta. .K'llN 1 SIITII A MON"; Plv.neutlv l'.l. K. W. MULLIGAN, Wftzee-Harnv Pa. Aiteiif, for the Hspauno Chemlcnl I'om rnny's Hitfh Banlaatvtttt The Tribune S3 t 'i it :t :ii ; K ntsttsa .' Sfl fAKItl 1.1 ." "I !i -in :i 7 10 10(8 t Bt 1 13 10 05 't '.I 7 is PI hi 3 vi 7.-'.' in i.,, t ill 7 M HI 17 1 1 7 i M to an) i is Mih'. Ill St I It is nam ml 1 17 MO', in 90 4 si MATTHEWS 111 Arrive a isa m r N All iiniiis run dully oxooOl lundsy. f sliti.lilcs that trains step on Signal for patt gangers. Additional trains Ii me carbondalo for ei'y.. tun 1,10 and 0.1B p. m, attiring at BorantOo I ts a "I . Leave Roranton for Carbondala B.U and s:to afrtviaf nt carbandsle at , m and .)!., p. nt. n enre rates via Ontario ,v Western hfltortl pnicba-liii; ilekets in d say.) money, liny and Ninct Bipress to the nVcsi .1. C AOdi-s ill. Cell. Puis, Agfa T. 1'llternfl, Div. ra.su, Agt. Norauton, Pa For Delicacy, For purity, snd forimprovenioWhecom-1 plexion, nothlnir equals Posszovt's Powder. BROS. Drygfists .KiiS IX 4a"1 I mm S AND Dffi&LBRB IN iurning and LUBRICATING Atlantic lead umi graneh zinc, I'lire 1. 1 lis. ed Oil, Turpentine ami famishes ReaeTpsmtattd Paints in aU'colora, GIMara' whiting, 1'nrls tVliito 1111,1 lalsoinlii( Oil- Vltrol, Marble Una! ana n indow Qiaai Ceevni DON'T FORGET That we are headquarters fof everything in the line ol W ATOM HR ll' i on bsivo any Idea of purchasing any kind ot a watch, lady's or cent's. Hole or Silver, you will mate n griev ous mistake it yott'do adt giVO us a call and get Our prleoa, whloh POU will find far below all otners, especially la all tbe liiith grades of i::. n. Widtham and Hampden nn-vetneots. If you haveany doubts and are at all posted ou prlttett give una call aadjaa will have no trouble in oonVlnolag you. We still haven largo stock to dlspoo ofi and will offer you won ricrlul Inducements in Jewelry, rdlvrrware, Otoeks and all other goods which Wtt bsvo in eteck. C. W. Freeman Pcnn Ave. and Spruce St. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers