t TTTE SCTtANTON TRTBUXE-THURSDAY MOBNING. MARCH 1. 1894. STELLE &SEELEY PS FRQ1 WEST SIDE MR. J. L. STELLE will continua tha business under the tirm uuuie of btelle & Seeley. THF. KVKR POPlTLATt WEBER and SHAW PIANOS IN UltlCAT VARIETY, ALSO PIANOS AND ORGANS EMERSON PIANOS Popular, reliable and witbiti your reach. HALLET & DAVIS PIANOS Have taken over 100 first premiums hi the past titty years. Ot:ior maks of Plan-vi. Four males of Organs In beaOtlful uew deniiiifc See our ftock beiore buying. Wo have the goods. Uur prices are nkjut- lively Ihuitf m lbs BiS6ic hue. STELLE k SEELEY IS4 Wyoming Ave., Scranton. Pi BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS ! THE GENUINE POPULAR Punch Cigars HAVE THE INIT1US G.. E3. & Co , ImprinlH on E ioh Cipr Garney, Brown & Co. Mfr's. i in 1 Hul '.' 'K- DR. H. 3. WARE! SPECIALIST. EYE. EAR, NObE A.NU TI1BOAT. OFFICE HOURS : iSPTWl!k 35 WYOMING AVE PERSON AL. R. Mr Bailey, of Wiiliatnsuort, is at the Wyoming. Martin Haloney, of Philadelphia, was in the city yesterday. P. M. Whitesell and ti. VY. Taylor, of Bethlehem, arc at the Westminster. Miss Teresa Carey, of North Main ave nu, has returned from a visit with frieuds in Eltnira and Uinchamtou. Walter A. Wood, of Honesdale, clinit muu of the Wayne county Kepnbltoan committee, was in the city yesterday. H. G. Spaulding, route agent of the Le high Valley division of the United States Eipress cinipauy, Is at the Westminster. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Casey have returned from their wedding tour to Florida, atid are stopping temporarily at the Wyoming, George W. Eugle, who has been absent from this city for seventeen years retained Tuesday, and is stopping at the home of hig aunt, Mrs. J. (.'. Kibble. 487 Penu ave nue. Sir. and Mrs. Sidney Broadbent and Victoria Broad bent suii from New York this afternoou for New Orleans. From that place they will take :he Southern Pacitk railroad to California, Attorney R. J. .Beamish has returned from BarristfttTg where on Tuesday he appeared before the board of pardons and made an argument for the pardon of Wal lace Snow, of this city, convicted of hav ing assisted In robbing Spencer's pay of fice at Danmore. Happenings or a Day That Vill Interest Hyde Park, lteaden. ST. DAVID'S DAY ENTERTAIN WENT It Will Be Held This Evening at the Tabernacle Congregational Church. Death of David Jenkins, of Keyser Avenue Joseph Summerhill of Bauer's Offered the Leadership of a Band at Erie Interesting News Notes. DELAWARE AND HUDSON WILLING. Certain Conditions the Company Want Complied With The following letter is self explana tory: Joseph P. Philips, Esq., City Engineer, Scranton. Dear sir I am in receipt of your letter of the thirteenth instaut, to Mr. A. II. Vandling, superintendent of mines, in le gard to the proposed bridge forming an extension of Linden street across Dela ware, Lackawanna and Western and Del aware and Hudson tracks to Swetland street, and after referring the matter to the management of this company, am authorized to state that this company is not opposed to the proposed improvement, providing that the uecersary height, 21 teet or over, is guaranteed in all cases. Of course no llnal decision can bo reached until finished plans of the proposed struc ture have been submitted for approval, but. in a general way, we would require the full road bod of the track leading to the new Scranton depot, and the roadbed of our main line to he bridged by one sin gle span in t-acb case. It has been sug gested in connection with this work that n pier might be placed on the division line between the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western Diamond branch and tho Delawa wareand Hudson spur to the new station, also one between tho uew depot tracks and our main line, then just west of our right of way along the Luckawanna river, thns spanning the Delaware and Hudson prop erty from the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western to the westerly boundary line of the main line with two clear spans of about 100 feet each, which would be an acononncal design for the structure con templated, Yours trniv, k II. Brown, Assistant Engineer. Albany, Iff, Y., Dee 19, L THE NICHOLS WILL CASE. Another Hearing Bfor i' .-. ,-:,r of Wills Koshler YssUrday. There was another hearing before Register of Wills Koehler yesterday with regard to the will of tho late Sarah Nichols, of Clark's Summit. Sirs. Nichols died, as was believed, intestate, but some time after her death James Nichols cited George P. Warner to produce a will of Mrs. Nichols that he alleges was in Warner's possession. Mr. Warner when on the stand yes terday testified that he never hud the will of Sarah Nichols in liiH pnssnssinn and had no knowledge that she had ever made one. The hearing was then continued to a time to be agree 1 upon later by the parties. SUIT AGAINST A BONDSMAN. County Wants Widiam H. Harris to Sot tli as Jol Staokhouot's 9urlv. County Solicitor II. A. Knapp yes terday bsgan nnit against William II. Harris to recover on a bail bond. Mr. Harris became Rtiretv in the sum of $100 that Joel Stacknouse would ap pear at court to answer a chargs of desertion. On Oct. 11 last the case was called but Mr. Suckhouse failed to appear und his bail wag forfeited. Don't Worry Yourself and don't worry the baby; avoid both un pleasant conditions by giving the child pure, digestible food. Don't uso solid preparations. Nature intended Infants should bo raised on milk. The Oail Borden Eagle Condensed Milk is the safest solu tion of tho problem. m Pabst Milwaukee lager beer on draught and liockaway oysters fresh from the shell at Joun Loiiuan'h, 219 Lackawanna avenue. The West Sltls olnce of the Hcbynmm TlUBUXE la located at t'Js BoUth Mam ave nue, wharf subscriptions, advertisement and communications will receive prompt attention. The annual St. David's day supper mid entertainment of the Tabernacle Congregational church will be held this evening in the ohurob. These :iffaiis given by the ladiel have always been very successful. Elaborate prep arations have been mads for this year's rapper and au enj yable time will be given those who attend. Among the features will be tin address 00 "St. David's Day," by Judge ElwarJs ttusieal selections will be rendered by Prof. D Protheroe, Richard Thomas, "Llew Herbert." Mrs I J Lewis of Providence, Miss Fannie Jones an 1 Mist Cora Storms, Mrs. D. B. Thomas will prssids at tho piano. Death of David Jenkins. David Jenkins, of K.yser avenue, died at an early hour yesterday morn ing after i short illness with pneumo nia. Mr. Jenkins was a member of Panoka Tribe, N'o 140, Improved Order of Red Men, and was seorstary of Ca pouse Miners' Accidental Fund. He tigured prominently in poUtiOJ in the iwonty-tirst ward for a number of years as a stauuon Republican and an earnest worker in all campaign!, He was held in high esteem by all of his many acquaintances. Mr. Jenkins is survived by hit widow and four child ren. The funeral will take place on Saturday at 8 o'clock. To Lend a Band. Joseph Snmmtrbill, the cornetter of Baur's Band and Orchestra, n in re oeipt of an i ft'er from EL 0 Hoicotube, of Erie, Pa., to take charge of a band it Massasssuger summer resort, oU Lake Erie. Mr. Summerhill tilled a similar engagement at thi famous resort in the summers of lS'J I and 1S'.H and gave great satisfaction. Tae band will consist of twenty professional musicians from Cleveland and Buffalo, The oiler is yet under his considera tion. Dsath of a Y ung Lair. Miss Bridget O'Brien, agl .'1 years, died at the residence of hr sister, Mrs. Pacha, on Tuesday morning after a brief illness of pneumonia. She c;ime to this city two years ago atid had since resided with her sister. She was an earnest, Christian young wo man and was a member of St. Patrick's church. Th funeral will take place this afternoou at 3 o'clock from the home of Mr. and Mrs Pughe on Lu zerne Btreet. Interment will be made in Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Funeral of Mrs. Jitns. The funeral of Mrs. J hu h. wife of sx-f once omcer wniiaui James, ot 1109 Eynon street, a brief mention of whose death, w iiea occurred at 12,80 o'clock yesterday morning, was m ide in yesterday's issue of this pspjr, will take place tomorrow afternoon. Mrs. James was it worn in of estimable qual ities and was much loved by ull who knew her. She was a devout member of the First Welsh Congregational church. She is survived by h-jr hus band and live children. An Evening Social. .1 rv .-i.i i - !r vv.ia fliaanpinl given last evening at ths home of Mr and Mrs. John Frank on Swetland street. A large number of gu'.sts wer present and games and other diversions were indulged in up to a late hour. Refreshment wera served at mid night. Short Nexs Notes. The funeral of the infant child of Mr. and Mrs Hone.ll Harris, of South Main avenue, will tak- place this after noon at S o'clock Rv. EL J. Morris, of Wilkes-Barre, and It v. J T. Morris, of the Calvlnistio Methodist church, iisllevu. Wilt officiate, Interment will be made at Forest, Hill cemetery. A child of George Mackreth, of Tenth street, is criticilly ill. Michael Maloney.of Sixtoenth street, was committed to the ouuty jail for thirty davs by Alderman Blair on Tuesday for assaulting and threaten ing members of his family, The Twilight Social club will hnld its seventh snnual ball i': Mears' hall on March 'J'i Alex MoTaggart, of the Taylor lino, is on duty ugain afUr au illness. UNITED STATtS COU7 ROOM. It Will Bj Rsadv for Occupanoy Nxt Monday. Workmen engaged yesterday in plac ing the furniture in the United Stntos Court room on the second floor of the Federal bull ling. The judge's chamber has beon car psted and furnished, and the same is true of the district nttorny's and United States commissioner's offloes, Commissioner Oolborn transferred his effects to his now office. Though considerable work is yet to be done In the court room it will be ready for the opening ot the United Status circuit court next Monday. EXCEPTIONS OT REPORTS, City Solicitor Torrsy Think That thi Vl' wsrs Errd Exceptions wera filed yesterday by City Solicitor James H. Torroy to the reports of the viewers appointed to as sess the dainsgo done to property by the construction of the Fourth district main and tho grading of Totith street and Bromley nvonuo. All three reports are attacked for a variety of reasons. BLUE GRAiS AT THE ACADEMY. A Romantic Melodrama f MualInterest to bs Her Nsxt Monday. ''Blue Grass," n romantic melodrama, will be given n tine scenio production at the Academy of Music on Monday evening. The Philadelphia North American says: "With scenes laid in the most picturesque regions of Kentucky, with characters aptly representative of the genuine residents of that country and with B story of diroot purpose and con siderable dramatic interest, the roman tio play, "III ue Grass," presented at the Chestnut Street theater last night, af fords an entertainment of good quality. The pieoe is not entirely uew in Phila delphia, but it has been furnishol this season with a fresh and appropriate scenic outfit, and it is c ir dully and plensautly interpreted by a company or earnest auu caption) puiyers. CERTIFICATES OF ELECTION. Showiiitr the Vot Cast for Select and Common Councilman. Prothonotar Pryor brought to the city clerk's olhVe yesterday the certifi cates of election for the members of select and common council wno were chosen ut the recent election, Following is the vote as shown for select councilman: Wad M. Finn, 820; JamSI J. Flynn, 498) W. S. Thomas, ttor. ; W. C. Vetter, 894 ! M. E. Clark, 876; Patrick Golden. 17(1; F. J. Durr, 810 j E.J, Walsh, 885; C. F. Wagner, 187; J. J. Munley, 848; J. F. Kearney, 818; P. F. MoCann. :(03 : G. F. Kellow, 888; William Kellow, JUG; .Michael Burns, 181; John Cawlsy, 148; A. T. Council, mil; Thomas MoUrail, 801. The vote for Common council was as follows: Simon Thomas, 80S; W. H. Roe, 873; John E. Regan, 880; M.J. Roane, 189; F. s Godfrey, 809; M. Bohwartikopf, 179; Charles Weniel, 184; Morgan Sweeney, 231 : II. W. Coyle, 838; P J. Nulls 888; H. L. Krigbanm, 889; C E Sclnidt, 800; J. V Browning, 880; James F. Noon, 177; B, M Williams, U'J; M V. Mor ris, 171 ; A. L. Francois, 45!); Dauiel Rattle, JUII; P. J. Rickey, tilt); August Franz, 3UU. s NO FOOTSTtPS BACKWARD. Sohool Controller Wormstr'e Views on a V-..I Question. A very interesting discussion oc curred in the Mnnioipal building yes terday because of n rumor that was in circulation to the elfect that there was a tiotcibilitv of the sctiool district of the city going back into the old ruts that were operate 1 before the districts were merged, Mr Wormssr, who is perhaps as well versed in sctiool matters au any other insu in the city, said: "There IS no possibility of any such contingency. The city is not operating under any statute that has been enacted. There may be a possibility of making the dis trict elect six controllers at large, but this would be unwise. I ho board might possibly consist of partisans and the result would be most damag lng. The district should nave repre sentatives from each ward who would be responsible to their constituents Any other system would be unsatis factory. . . THE STRUGGLE OF LIFE. A Good Scenic Melo-Drama Preuentsd in Excellsnt Style at the Aeidamy. The audience that was at the Acad emv of Music last evening, while not very large, was treated to an excellent production of a good melo-diauia "The Struggle of Life. I iio scenic effects were first-class and served to maintain mucti interest in the produc tion. There were several cool actors in the cast, particularly William Stafford, Linealn A. Wagenhals, Frederick Sa ville, Miss II i.se Stahl and Miss Mabel Florence. The outer members of the company were fairly go-id. "The Struggle of Life" will lie re peated at the Academy of Music to night. Persons who care for the melo drama will euj y this play. ANOTHER AGENT ARRESTED. Frank Gramb) Enters lloil for His Ap pearance at Court, Frank Grrambo, of the South Side, agent of the Ainericin Brewing com pany of New York, yesterday entered bail before AMermau Wri.'ht to an swer a charge of having violated the liquor laws, The charge was pre terred by the Brewers' association of this county. Charles Falkowsky be cauij Mr. Grainbo's security in the sum of 800, Warrants have also been issued for John Neary, driver for the Koehler Browing company of Now York, and John Ford, an agent. . PROF. ALBERT BOLLEK'S LECTURE. He Will Spsak on the World's Fair Nsxt Monday Evening;. Professor Albert Hollar, who will lecture on "The World's Fair," at the Young Mou's Christiau Association hall for the benefit of the Young Women's Christiau association nest Monday evening, is a member of the faculty of the famous University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Boiler has a well earned repnta tion as a lecturer, and it is anticipated that this will bj ono of the most euter taining lectures ever given here. - NEW VORK PEOPLE WEDDED. Came to This City and Hid Riv. Dr. Fearce Tie the Knot. H. E Armstrong, ofPlainflsld, N. Y and Mry Arnold, of Winfleld, N., Y were in the city yesterday. They interviewed Clerk of the Courts 1 homas and secure I a marriage Iicoisd and then proceeded to tile residence of Rev. Dr. Pearce, pastor of tho Elm Park church, where they were m ide ru in anil wife. Il ith bride and groom have passed the first fl ish of youth. . - TO ARRANGE FOR SPRING MEETING. Eastern Pennsylvania Trotting Clroult to Meet Next Tuesday. The Eastern Pennsylvania Trotting circuit, composed of Reading, I' .its- town, Allenlown, lluthloheiu, Wilkes Barre and Scranton, will meet in Al- lentown next Tuesday to arrange tho spring and fall meetings. The purees fnr the two evonts will aggregate (85, 000, Appropriate, "That Lord BronsoO who married Jenny Simpson was nn awiiu DOOr. lie was mui rieil actually in a business suit." "Well, why Dot? The wedding was a pure matter ol business so far as ho was concerned. I'erplexsd. GMotWO Inh'r Ooean, '-No, I haven't th) faintest idon of her nee." "I thought you had bnou friends since cnlldnooar "That's just why I am so mirtertiiiu ion see, ten years ago she was 18." A Difficulty. Atthmon (lUthv. The troublo with people being religious is that they are too conceited to imagine they have any Hung to repent or. - Music Boxes Exclusively. llestmade. I 'lay any desired number of luues. uantOCni nous., niauutactureis, lCiliii liesti.ut, Htieiit, I'liiliulrli.liia. Won derful urrheatrial organs, only W and 10, Specialty: Old music boxes carefully re T.fimvl und nnon.ved w in new In. ma. DE ('. Q Lai-uapii, dentist, (Ms Wnter eiiniTiA.iv lni.lili.it tVr.uiil.iif J .'y .... nue. Latest improvements. Eight yours i Hcinnti.u. and nve- ln i m iot: sells furniture this afternoon on Penu avenue, next door to Windsor Hotel MuHiudk's new Turkish bath. Every thiug new. 5UU Hpruce street, opposite v,ourt House. NOTES OF SOUTH I Happiuiugs of a Day Tha! Will Inlerost blauy Tribune Readers. WORKING ON THE NEW SEWERS D. J. Healy and Corps Taking Levels and Measurements -Prompt Action of tho Board of Trade It Will Save Much Future Embarrassment The Ball That Entered Rentschler's Face Has Not Boon Discovered. Shorter Paragraphs. Levelman 1) J. lloaly, with his corps of assistants, was oil the South bide yesterday taking measurements und levels preparatory to making a plan and profile of the contemplated uewer llstriot, The South Side boird of trade acted wisely in this matter. Their attention being c tiled through these columns to the serious plight they would be in if a separate district should be created in the Eleventh ward, they set to work to overcome the objections. rbo Klfcvetith ward people urn de termined to build a sewer aud if their neigh bors on the west do not come to their way of thinking they propose to go on without them. This means a great expense to Twelfth and Nine teenth want residents at some inline time, owing to the great length of dead territory through which the sewer will have to pats, which expense will have to be borne by the district em bracing those wards. This portion of the city so progress ive in other respects is behind the age in this matter. Peyple have been tim id lest the expense Incurred would be ruinous to th. in. There is always time to retreat and tho people of the district can rely on Mayor Oooncll sufficiently i) that no burdensome legislation will he enncted He owes that much to the Twelfth and Nineteenth wards. He can be trusted to do what is right by them The Bullet Not Discovered. Dr. O'Brien ami Dr. King attended the young man Rentaobler who w is accidentally siiol on Tuesday, but the whereabouts of the bullet that entered his face, has not been discovered, not withstanding the fact taat the probe has been freely used. Dr. King informed a Titinr.vK re porter yesterday that the wound would require a mouth in healing. Asked us to whether the wound is serious, he re plied that possibly an abscess might be formed, owing to the nature of the wound, iii which event it might prove very serious. Shorter Paragraph. P. J. Messitt, of the St. John's Cath olic Total Abstinence society, will oe a candidal- for secretary at the diocesan convention to be held in May. Mr. Messitt is a very popular young man, a thorough abstainer and would accepta bly meet all the reiuireuietits. The funeral of Mrs Fred Hamm will take place this morning Interment wdl be in Petersburg Calhohc ceme tery. E. F. Blewitt was electioneering on the South Side yesterday. The engagement of Miss Rose Hol riegei to Henry J Sunday is announced. Miss Helriegel la daughter or Mr. and Mrs t). L Helriegel, of Ceiar avenue, and is a talented and accomplished young lady. Mr Sunday is one of the reliable inotormeu employed by tho Scranton Traction company. - SEWAGE COMPANY AT OLYPHANT. Charter Granted and Borough Council Qivts Very Desirable Concessions. Tha State department at Harrisburg on Tues lay granted a charter to the i hy pliant he wage and Drainage com pany, and at the meeting of the Uly phant borougu council the company was given permission to construct and maintain sewers within the limits of th borough, The members of the company are as follows: W. W. Patterson, president; William Mahou, treasurer; John F. CummingS, secretary; T. Frank Jor dan, William J. Bcbubmsbl, James J. CummingS, M. J. Laviu and C. P. O'Mallsy. HARRIS sells furniture this afternoon. Penn avenue. ee LOOK, Best patent flour $4 '20 feed, meal or corn l.uo 81 lbs trannlated sugar l.uo Stower's hams 18 stower's bacon 11 Hood butter 80 Fresh creamery batter 8s (iilt-etlge dairy butter U 4 cans peas 2." 1 can best com la 4 cans good corn 25 6 quarts green peas 25 i quarts medium beans 2a Fresh eggs . . 2(1 J.iseiiii A. Mkaiis, lilt South jMniu avenue, Hcranton, i Anhensnr Ilusca Beor. Louis Lobman's, ik. Bprnce-ai, New Bicycle. A new bicycle worth 175 will 1 sold for (85. Tho machine is guaranteed nud is n rare bargain. Machine may be seen at the Tribune eflico. If you want the later styles and finish in photography, you can get it at Qrlffln's, Wyoming avenue. We are introducing now novelties constantly. Beadleston ft Wonrs's and Ballantlno'x Ales are the best. E.J. Walsu, agent, 3 Laciiawanna avenue. Dunlap Hats SPRING STYLE ON SALE THE HATTER CHRISTIAN, Sole Agent, 205 Lackawanna Ave. MARCH 1, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your choice of Hutu Loiiuliful plol inch, "Telephone G irl," "1H liverinfl Chrlstuiai Preients'' und "Maidens Swinging." Bend by until or nicssi-iicr or biinjr coupons like i ins ii three dillcr- enl dites, with to cents, stamps or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St NEW UNES Progressive Euchre Prizes . Tall Flower Vases, WHITE CHINA. JARDEHIERS. m .A H- P B P L R A I A I N A A N Q N M C U 0 P EE S S T S Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Clothes for Almost Nothing? Do You Want Cloth 3s for Almost Nothing? pRlCKS on brand-new Suits and Over coats in our windows will convince you that we are about giving them away. . '-.. -pe Wire lamp Frames for Covering. CHINA!-HALL WEICHEL & MILLAR 116 Wyoming Avenue. HOW LIKE A MAN HE FEELS r AST YJ-'.Al; be had wived $300. Ho boughl it house worth $1850 paid $300 down, ' gave a mort gage for $1, 550. Today he est i mates ;is follows: Rent saved interest .m mortgage. . Taxes and repairs S'.MO 01 .$111 Ul ,. -.ii M IK CO Met saving on rent jilm n Kayi'.i on salary USO no To apply on mortgage Ji70 jtl REFLECTION "In MM It ...irs Unit house will be free from debt uml I shall liiiv. In. nn-of my own." 6RBBN RIDGE is tin. paradise for homes, Finn A sons have recently fin ished ii beautiful villa, tvhleh they offer, on eitsy payments, al is.-,o Rail ni their office, between Washington mui Adams mi Olive street. EZRA FINN & SONS. sMiiiiiiiiMiiiiiimmgtui: S The UENUjNE New B Haven " 1" PIANOS I I ESTAB. I860. g Haw York ware rooms, No. S g mi Fifth avenne, S a E, C. R1CKER & CO,, gg Bole dealers In this section I j Office Its Adams avenno, S giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiuiiR The (i real Marvel of Dental Science Ansesthene V recent discovery and (he sole property of Henwood k Wardell, DENTISTS, 31G Lackawanna Ave. WHAT J,G, 8EAM0N88AYS ABOUT AN.KSTHliNE. DR8 III NWOOD viti.i i i Altar having eleven leeth extracted nt one sitting by the painless method, I im nonaee it entirely satlsraqtorv in every particular. ,j. f si amons i! vj) m elJ SLEDS AT COST FLOREY & HOLT SPRUCE ST. Scranton, Pa. Martin & Delany Coal Exchange, Wyoming Avenue. THE COLUMBUS II HOUSE Is tho most popular musical establishment in Northeastern Penn sylvania The highest grade of Pianos and Organs. The lowest prices obtainable anywhere and the most liberal terms ever offered to purchasers are some of the leading inducements. Look at tho list THE CELEBRATED Sohmer Pianos, Everett Pianos, Vosc & Sons ' Pianos, Mehlin Pianos, Popular Pease Pianos. THE WORLD RENOWNED Esiey Organs, Story & Clafk Organs, Chicago Cottage Organs, Palace Organs, And all kinds "f Musical Merchandlsi coustttntly on bantl. Tli Ifoliilnys aro hr-ro, and this is the place to buy Pianos for a CbristmM Present. Prices aro lower thnn tiny other music stor-i in Scranton. Special Attention Remember always when you start out to search for a Piano or Or Kan that Christopher Columbus points with bis tight hand to tbe exact plaoa you want to K"- Nowhere it is: oppositf: columbus monument, SORANTON, PA 205 WASHINGTON AVENUE, J. W. Guernsey, Prop. QPRING . . . O Styles of HATS Have arrived. Best quality and lowest prices. COLLINS & HACKETT 220 Lacka. Avenua. AT Special for This Com ing Week. Men's Cork Sole Lace Shoes, Goodyear Welt, $4 grade, J") r A to be Q-.OV Men's Corlc Sole T.aoo Shoes, band-sewedwelt,$5 grade, to (JO fio be O"' Ladies' Dongola, Kid Button, Patented Tip, Goodyear Welt, Common seusu last.all OA f I.."h) grade, to be 0-'CV Ladies' Kino Kid Button, cork soles, hand tarn, Common Sense lai t, only a few pairs Q' OK of tbem, 3 grade, to ud... 0 J Ladies' Dull Dongola Bui ton, double soles, Common Benss J") " only, 4 tjr.itlii closed out at 1 J Misses' Straight Goat Button, spring heel, sizes 11 u 8; f& d1 j Q ra.lo will soli at O'' Boys' School Shoos, l uttonand lace, siaea 11 to 2; 1.23 will t sell at U C. SC HANK'S Arcade Sboe Store. WYOMING AM. $5.00 AT MM AT $12.00 A Rich CLOTH JAC KET, Full Skirt, Bill loon Sleeve, navy,blaok ami tan. Cost to make, io Now We will givo you the choice of 40 Jackets, all this season's make. Not one in llio lot lliat cost loss than $12 lo 20. JACKETS, CLOTH CAPES PUR CAPES and WRAPS. Tli will paj you to sec this offering of Tailor-madd Garments. Wc need room for new Sprin Stock. Visit us, 6 6.W OWENS 8c Co. Ladles' Tailor, ci.mk Makera and Furriers, KfQ B' R' ST., DUO COURT HOUSE BQUARS Scientific Eye Testing Free By Dr. Shimberg, The Sporlnlint on tlio Kyo. Beadashas nntl Nervousness relieved. Latest and Improved Stylo of Kyo tllsssos ntttl HpootaoleS rtt tho Lowest PrlOeS, Ui-t Artlllclal BySS ins, rted fur $. 305 SPRUCE ST., op. Poat Office. SIIIINIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIilillllllllUIIIIIIIIfU I TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON, I 3 FOUB of thM OOUPOK8) pr si'iitt'.i At The Tribune 'iHcp, cor twr I'lMin nTenae mui Bpraee itMeli ntitls-s lh- liohtcr in nil lh j rlv lltitn o( h ntipiii al!t'N i oflVri ftor Atotribntlai pop! book! it tn nut ,,,r trMlri'H. Thf OsTtft muttrt b The Trlbant nieUiitfettitnft iih follown: IB f KNTs mui Four Con peni fr S utiy volume in tho CdlumliDH So- rleis Over ioo titios toMleet from, m m 21 H'v.7A and 1 our Coupons vohimo Kt ot Dlokbns1 BBSl Ull THIS. for it 10 oomplvte 90 CKKTS mnd Pour Cotipom for any book In tlio HuUy mtipr. UftCTMR nud Four Coupmift for nn) book lit tho Oxford MerlMi. RlllllllllHUIIIIIIIIIlllllilllHIIUIIIIirs
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers