Spring Trade, 11 is conceded4, will be rel atively brisk. Strait Sribuwe. Make it Doubly So by judicious publicity through THE TRIBUNE, fti z I EKJHT PAG'j--ou UUliD'HNS. SC RAXTON. PA.. THUB8DAY MOKMNti. MARCH I, 1804. TWO CENTS A COPY. LET Elf Elf II (T CIT1ZEI PUT iS n LIE BUklD SECURES THE QUORUM After a Struma or IfO Weeks His Hopes Are Realized. 90S THOMAS RAISES A BIG ROW Senato; Frye's Speech on the Ha waiian Chapter He Characterizes It as Discreditable to the Adminis trationA Gray Shadow Is Cast Across the Speaker's Pathway. Mr. Tracy and His Tally Sheet. ceived two despatohei asking that Btate troops be sent at ODD to the (em. Ha ordered Company K to hold itself in readiii"ss to move at A mo ment notice. The latest ia that a bloody battle ii ntijl being waged, Tba Payettenounty sheriff is at Eagle with a posse defending Wyant men. The governor will send militia uuder Major Bankl at 1 HO. 10-48 p. m. A telegram just re ceived MtrttvH that tii situation ia growing mora serious and implores quick action from the governor, The itrikere are on the mountain and tho sheriff's poise at Wyant 'a in the tipple. Huntington troops tmvo Kuu ordered THE ENIOMHSD MINERS. It Washington, Feb. 88. TIIF, open session of the senate to day lasted from noon until 2 o'clock; an executive aeaalon oc anniad nearly half au hour and then came an adjournment, The only item of anyiintoreot was a propoaitlonon the part o( the chairman of the Bnanoe committee. .Mr. Voorbeee, to legitlrun tize Senator Mill's rather anomalous position on that committee, which he has held as a substitute for Senator MePhersou. who is hims"if. and ha been for lomo weeks, au active mom bar of the committee. The expected soe'-ch of Senator Free, Maine, on the Hawaiian question was begun today and will be conolnded to morrow. He characterised the Hawa iian chapter ia oar diplomatic hiitory as "diacredltable to the administration and iuter.ixiy humiliating to the peo ple," and denounced the diplomacy of Miuister Willi as cheating, false pre tenses and wicked jugglinif. Puriug his speed! Mr. Frye was fre quently interrupted bv Mr. Gray tDd ) who claimed that President Graut'e order placing thetUet at Siu Domingo at the disposal of Miaister Babcock was similar to President Cleveland's order placing the fleet at Honol-lu at Mr. Blount's disposal. MR BLAND HAS SAINED A POUT. After a period of filibustering ex tending over two weeks, a quorum was secured in the house today to vote upon the question of const lering the Bland eeiguiorage bill aud to close general de bate thereon at a specified time the vote being yeaa 177, nays 7. The quorum, however, disappeared when it was attempted to pass n order reported by the committee on rules making the bill the pending question, to the exclu sion of other business, anil limiting de bate, both general aud under the live minute rule, to two honrs The vote cu thiit was three .short of a quorum. This bung shown, the house adjourned until tomorrow, when a disposition of the order will be the first business. Immediately subsequent to the an nouncement of the vote upon Mr. Bland's motion a scene of excitement was precipitated by Mr. Reed ill -p.. Me. j. who suggested upon the author ity of a statement made to him by Mr. Tracy (Dam., N.Y. i. that aquorum had not voted on the question, despite the announcement from the chair. After an angry discussion relating to the count anil the righ t of a member to make the point r Fed, Mr. Tracy atated that while his tally showed but 174 Totes he did not wish to attack the official count and the matter was dropped. -e FIVE CHILDREN AT A BIRTH. Mrs. David Kosanbarger A.tonishts Ror Liitls Husband KiTTANMNK, Pa , Feb. 'ii. All pre vioiid records in 1'ennsylvania, if not in the couutry, were smashed to smith ereens when Mrs David Rosen berger, a diminutive fanner's wife, gave birth to five bounciug babies, at her home here. The children, all of whom are well developed and full of animation, are three girls and two boys. They appear to be strong, and the attending phy sician says that all of them are likely to live and grow up. But the astounded father, who is 4') years old an l five feet tall, has by no means recovered from his surprise, though Mrs. R senbsrger is quite as well as could be expected. "I thought," said Farmer Rosaberger with a sigh to a neighbor today, "that we were coming to a time of astonish ing pluralities when they began to count up the vote for Grow a week ago But oh, my! 1 didn't lojk for anything like Una -hard timos, and five babies at ouce !" - -e- . SENTENCE OF A CRANK. Joseph DonJ!a Gts Eighteen Months for Sondlng Threatening Mali. Baltimore, Md , Feb. iiS Joseph Donjiu was tried In f h- United States court today on the onare of Violating the postal laws by sending a threaten log card to Vice President Stevenson. The jury returned a verdict of guilty Is Thought That the G ivlord Vic tlras Will Nevsr B- R covered. Wit .kks-Barre. Feb. 88 All is quiot at the (i ivlord mine in Plymouth today. The explorers are at work and unking slow headway. From present indications it is be iieveil that the tliirteeu victims will never be reaohed. AT THE INdW SCHOOL. Interesting Exercises at the Carlisle Training School Yesterday Afternoon. Carlisle. Pa., Feb. 88. Tba first exeroisai at the Indian Training school were attended by people from all parts of the Cumber) ind Valley, and from Philadelphia, Now York Washington, Baltimore and other cities, Tne exr cues oommenoed at l.iio o'clock with gymnaatiea in the gymnaaluin Aapeo i ll train from Washington brought the following nereis: Secretary of agn ooltnra Morton. Senator Teller, wife and ion, or Colorado; Indian Com missiouer Drowning and wife, Control ler Mausur and wife; Representative Lynch, wife and daughter; Rspresou tativee Ballshoover, English, I'eudle ton and Sherman ; Dr. 11 iliuan, super intendent of Indian schools; Dr. Priestly, Dr. Sheldon Jaokson, (tjueral Wbitolby, Mr. Brilaley and General Booker, wife and sou. There are at the lohooll also the fol lowing prominent Indian chiefs :Ju inih Pask, of the Comancbei; Loae Wolf, a celebrated leader of KiOWts; Cloud Chief, of the Cbeyennes; and Black Cbyoto of the Arapnoes. Tomorrow will be commencement day when the awarding of diplomas to the graduates will take place. TROUBLE IN PITTSBURG. IHREE BULLETS III HER HEAD A Terrible Tragedy li Enacted ill a Hotel. Pittsburg PITCHER NICNABB'S AWFUL ACT Louise Kellogg, an Actress in Alvin Joslin's Theatrical Company, Dying in a Hospital The Well Known Case Ball Player Found with Two Shots in His Brain Tho Affair n Mystery. The American M-chanici Object to tht Employment of Nuns ia Pub 1c Schools. PiTTSBL'RU, Pa.. Feb. 23 The in stallation of the fiv Sisters of M.rcv an teachers in tha Riverside public school has stirred up considerable feeling throughout tho city and state. The legdity of their employ inent will he speedily tested. Stale Councillor W. J. Krr, the executive head of the Junior Order Cuited American Mtcbsnlca, has employed threo of the bust constitutional attor neys in the state to inquire and pre pare an opinion in tno matter, with a view to testing the legality of employ ing the nuns who wear tho garb of a religious order. h is claim.-d that tnis ararb is in it self an objeot lesson in religion and it presence in the school room is in vio lation of state law prohibiting all sec tarian toaching in the public schools. . SIX FATALLV IUJURcD. A High Walk Qivss Way and Fifty Peo ple Go Down. Linden, Mich., Feb. 'J. A serious accident oocurred m this village yester day afternoon bv which six persons were fatally injured and a dozen others were more or less S'-riously hurt. An immense crowd had gathered in the vicinity of the court, house to At tend the examination of three young men charge I with hurgiary, The crowd was repeatedly warned that hign sidewalk loading to the court house was unsafe, but they paid no at tention to the warning and when the doors were thrown opens (rustic rush was made to gain an entrance. Sud denly the sidewalk gave way, pfsjelpl fating about fifty persona to the ground. HIS ASHES TO THE WAVE 3. Chlosaoan's Strange R squeal to Be Oar iled Out at Atlantic City. Atlanth' City, Feb. 88. An inter esting ceremony will be witnessed in this city on Friday, when J, Werner, of CbtoagO, will arrive here and from one of the ocean piers scatter over the waves the ashes of Henry Newgarden. Tho latter was also a resident of Chi cago, and in his will provide 1 that his laxly should be Incinerated and cast into the waves off Atlantic City. Werner is tho executor of the estate and has had the body incinerate I as requested and the ashes planed In a and Judge Morris seutonced Donjiu to l)" J"r preparatory to his trip to this the penitentiary for eighteen months. l-llJ' When brought into court Donjin told Judge Morris that ho nedod no coun sel and that he wanted Vice President Htevenaou, Senator Sherman and several others summoned as witnesses. Tnis request was refused. The postal card addressed to Vice I r sid'-iil Stevenson was mailed in Bal timore on Dec. 20 last and rends: ''Doomsday." If von do not send mo my expenses $2." then you will be one of the first to be kicked out; but if you do, then I will se you first before I do anything else. Bend quick. BLOODY RIOTING. Four Bnndrsd Strikers Are Uaklna Thlng-i Lively at Eagle. Pittsulrg, Feb. 28. A special to the Times Irom Charleeton, W. Va., says: Late this afternoon about 400 armed strikers from New River. Montgomery and other points met at Armstrong Branch, and after a riotous meeting the drunken and exited men marched to Eagle to make the Wyant miners come out. As tbey tried to climb tho bill to the mines tbey were met by a volley from the Wyaut men. who had taken Winchesters into the tipple with them A bloody fight ensued. A private .telegram received at 9 80 o'olock atstes that one man was killed and eleven wounded. Another makes the number killed three. Governor McCorkle re- IN OUR OWN COMMON W ALT H. AllentOWn'l heavy lire losses last year will result ill raising local Insurance rains. Hare-blownrs got tl4 cash and etIO check from J. F. Kressley'e coal olflco In Kastuti. Pittsburg's tax rate will be thirteen mills instead of eleven, bh promised, for this year. Tho Pennsylvania World's fair commis sion lias turned over to tho stale its sur plus of (1,1100. Coal gss stphyxiatlon almost killed the families of Jonas BbSftSf and William (Hick, at Allentown. A mass of rock tell upon and killed Michiuil Tianchaii.li), wlnlu at work In Highland colliery, HasiSton. Jassea Qlvens, of Bskley, was found l Ingdted bv the roa l-tido b'lweeu Kitkley and Foundryvllh) yesterday. Indications are that he Was murdered. Samuel P. Md'addou, who snccessfully transported caiisl boats from the Psnnsyl VaSia csual basin ut i i.vsburg over the Allegheny mountains, by way of the Old Portage railroad, to Pittsburg, before the construction of the Pennsylvania railroad, died at llollidnysburg yesterday, aged 74 years. Peter Pearson, motortnan on the Pleas ant Valley electric oar, Pittsburg, while crossing a high bridge, leaned over the sides of hi. car to see if the mind pipes were working. The car was going rapidly aud Pearson's head struck against a trolley pole. He was removed to his home in a dying condition. Pittsburg, Feb. 28. f TF.URIBLE irng-ly was enacted A ui the Hotel Eiffel at 808 Smith U field street at 8 80 o'clock to uu night, irnm which Pitcher Mc NaobjOf the Baltimore club, la dead, and Ldulte Kellogg will likely die from the result of the woutl l received from a pistol In ths hands of McN abb. L niise K lloag was a ttietuher of the "Alvin Joslyn theatrical company, and came hro from New York today. She met UcKabb a short time before 8 :td on Filth avenue to night and they both went to the Hotel Eiffel, when a room was engaged. A vming man liillen, a friend of both MoNabb and the Kellofg woman, went up to their room about 8 HO to call on them He heard the Woman groaning and calling for help. As it is right aorosi from the eity ball, inspector McKelvy and several officers were soon on the scone. a GHASTLY S1T.CTACLE The door was burst open and a bloody sight met thair gsz I, On the floor lay the woman with throe bullet wounds in her head and neck Mo Nabb whs lying beside her with two shots through the he 1 1 that killed him almost instantly. The woman was taken to the hospital. She can hardly recover. McN'abb's body was removed to the morgue. There was a tire a few ioors above the hotel at the time Mc Nabb did the shooting. This caused much excitement In the vicinity and the hotel people did not even hear the shots tired McN.ibh evidently meant murder when he went to the room for he was only there a short tiun before he did the shooting. Louise Kellogg'l right name is Mrs. R E. R k well, an I she has a husband living at Seattle, Wash. K.Hogg was her stago nam1). Her parents live at Braddook, near this city. Unless she regains consciousness, the cause of the shooting mnv never be known. Louise Kellogg, or Mrs. W. E. Rock well, the woman's right name, is tho wife of the president of the California Base Ball league. From what could le learned from young 'iilleu after the shooting, Miss Kellogg was ondeavor ing to break off her relations with Mc NamS. A number of letters belonging to Miss K-llog.' showed that she had bean keeping McN'abb supplied with money the past few months. The company she was with dis banded sotiio time ago and she came here with the probable Intention of ither staying with her ptrnts in Braddook, or getting money to tide her over until she procured another en gagement, MoNabb met her here, and na the woman was likely trying to tireak oil her intimacy with him, this probably prompted MoNabb to shoot the woman and himself. e RUN DOW.M BY THE MOTOR. A Serious Accident to n rfllahina Party nt Harrison's, BaRRISBDRO, Ph., Feb, 28, A large sleigh containing twenty young men and women attempted to cross the tracks of the Citlzsus' Street railway in Steelton last night. When ncrois the track the sleigh stuck aud the horses coiil 1 not pull it forward or to either sidn on account of banks of snow by the trucks. While the horses won lugging on the track u train of two curs swung in sight, and bore rapidly down on the crowded sleigh. Tne young men and Women stood up and shouted to the motormaU to stop, but the cars came on and just lis the driver had gotten his horses off the track the cars struck the sled smtdeblpS and eplit it in twain. Miss Simmons was QUI t and her con dition today was regarded as Herions. Several others were more or less in jured. SALAMANCA HAS THE STUFF. A Syndicate Will Put Up $10,000 on thi Co'bstt Jackson Kigh'.. Buffalo. Feb. 28. The Mount de mons' syndicate has telegraphed "Par sou " Davies in this citv, that it is pre pared t put up if 10,01)0 cash guarantee of its ability to bring olT the Corbntt Jsckson light. A syndicate of Salmanca proposes to have the fight on the Indian reserva tion near there, over which the Itata authorities have no jurisdiction, The syndicate will allow the lightors the gate K0 itpti up to 100,000. e SOUTHERN DIVERSIONS. Bullets Slnir and blood Fl .ws at Spll! corn Crssk. Asheville, Feb. 28 On Splllcorn creek during a frolic Sunday night Weo Heiisley told his wife to go home. Riley Shelton, jr., told Mrs. Hensley she could stay ns long na shewauted to. The men got into a fight. A bullet from llensley's pistol went through Shelton s heart. As he fell Shelton lived at Henslay who took to the woods. It ie belivol Henslor was wounded and is now dead In the woods. e LYLE'S STRANGE 3T0RY. Says Hs Was Forced to Marry a Si rang Woman at tha Pistol's Point. Fort Worth, Tex., Feb. 28. -By a divorce filed here a very strange storv is given to the public The plaintiff, Thomas L Lyle, a dry goods salesman, alleges t hat on Feb, I I he was urgently requested to call on Mrs. B. Fontelsur. He went and she insisted that they be married, Ho deollned and the woman, the pntitionr states, drew a pistol, leveled it at hla bead, a ml a minister, who had ' beeu soul for, arrived and they were married, he nil the time being secretly threatened with instant death if be demurred, The petitioner alleges that he has not seen the woman since the laarriuge and asks that it be declared void. I'he Rhv. J, Morgan Wells, who mar ried tin tn, eavs both p irties seemed to ho willing, and he saw nothing like in timidation. The grand jury is iiivci tlgating tne els-. DVNAMIT . HENO'S ACT. An Unknown .. i t Wrecks a Real d ine it Lsnenstnr. Lancaster, Pa., Feb. 28 --This city was thrown Into a terrible state of ex oltement shortly before midnight by the explosion of a dviiamitu bomb in the heart of the cily. About half pnst 11 Luther Haasler, connected with the revenue olli.ie, was on his wuy home on North JLimo street and when approaching the corner of Grant street he saws man stun ling at the gas light. The man lighted a match and then walked down Grant street to the residence of Dr Baker. In a mo ment there was a deafening roar which rocked the houses of the vicinity and almost knocked Haasler olT his feet. Investigation showed that the un known miscreant had placed a dyna mite bomli on the porch of Bali er'i residence and set it off. The Baker house was terribly shattered by the ex plosion ami the family, who were in lied, had a narrow escape from fatal injuries, the force of the explosion be ing sufficient to hurl them from their iivds, Tiij front of the residence was badly damaged. This is the thirl attempt at bomb throwing within four weeks, all taking place lu the heart of the city. TO THE 1EI IF BU8IHE8S . FINLEY'S dams' i a. i wast. - w SANG TO THE LAST. Mine Pa'oy, DlittiiKuishstd Contralto, Oisa Aft'tr Rasp indinff to an Kr.cnre. London, Feb. 88. Mine, Janet Mon ad, Patev, the distinguished contralto Hingrr, died at Sheffield today. Mine. Patey was dosing at Sheffield a tour of the provinces, and last night, after singing nnUSUally well, was twice recalled and sang "The Banks of Al lan Water." After leaving the stage Mme, Patey fainted and never regained consciousness. Mme. Patey was born in London in 1H42, and made her debut at Binning hum. In 1867 she sang at tho Worces ter festival, and in 1871 made aprofes aional tour of th 1'nited States. ar :-' MANUFACTURES ANO LIBERAL ARTS BUILDING-MIDWINTER INTERNA TIONAL EXPOSITION. ANOTHER MINE HORROR. Seven Miners Imprisoned at Ashland. The Rescuing Party Saves Two of the Men. PUSILISTS AT THE BAR. EMBEZZLING CASHIER. William Burr, of St. Loui', Makes Away with Fifty revrn Thousand St. Louis, Feb. 28 For several weeks the officers of the St. Louis national bank linve been aware of a discrepancy in the balance of their cashier, William E. Burr, jr. Being absolutely secure from loss they in vestigated aud found a shortage of $.",000. Mr. Burr has released to the bank tunds and gilt-edged securities amounting to over $60, 000. Late this afternoon a warrant was sworu out for the arrest of Burr for embeislement of the funis of the bank, - A SECESSION THREAT. French Canadians Stsri"d Up Over the Northwest School U irstion. QUKBM, Feb. 88 in view of what it terms prosecution which is driving its oorellgionlsts out of tiio northwest the Ultamoutane org in here, the Verite. Bays ' Only two things remain to bs done , either to insist upon our rights in the confederation being respectol or to leave the confederation altogether. For men of heart there is no middle course." mm in. FLASHES FROM THE WIRES. Guard! at tho World's f air aro now armed with guns to shoot firebugs. lb rdes of miner! aro pouring into the gold tields neai Albuquerque, N. M. Ihe average American statesmsn is a poor lot, says ex-Mayor Ahram n. Hewitt. At 10 o'clock last night a sharp shock of earthquake Wat felt nt llonton Harbor, Mich. Because of danger from ginnt icicles falling, tho Hroiklyu bridge had to be cloned to pcih'StrinuH. Passengers on the Puris, when she broke her rudder, reached New York on the Aurauia and Berlin, Tiie Iowa sennte ye.terday morning re jected tho woman's luffrsgo amendment by n vote of ayes, 20; nnys, 20. Charging intimacy with his wife, W. N. White, a Seattle roniractor, shot J. B. Holt and then killed himself. Fully 1,(101) persons greeted SX-Presidenl Harrison us he passed through Kansas On J-, and he made a brief speech. lor alleged murder of Mi-s Harriet Kra- r, her rival id love, .Miss ,M, I,. Havens, of NloholSI county, W. Va., is under arrest. At a banquet or jNewtork insiirani'o men, at Delnnniico's, OhSNei Binory Smith and Joseph ANhhrook, of Phtladslpbls, were speakers. Attacked by two negro brutes, near Brenbam. Tex., Mrs. Lena Behrees and Artelta Mohrll ponnded tbem with spades mid one will die. Alleged forgery of note, and deeds, which won ttl, IMHI, caused Ihe arrest ot F. S. Barker, B OhloagO attorney, and ,). B, Dallas his clerk. Charged with embezzling deposited slock, ex-l'resldent W. P. I'm nam, of the National Uranlte State bank, of Exeter, N. II., was locked up. A now Catholic church will be dedicated St Belmont N. CI, April It, by Cardinal (iihbolis, who bought the land when ho was a bishop there. Kx-Onvernor Heaver, of IVunsylvanin, ami Major O.W. Balrd, of the army, will be orator and poet lor the Army of the Poto mac, at Concord. N. 11,, in Juno. AlonSO Phillips, who was finally shot while ss a menilier of the hari vsi i part y he was serenading Duncan Parker and bride at North Afton, died yusterday morning. Samuel LsUlis and John Martins have qualitlod in the sum of - '... i ntch as re ceivera for the Auburn Woolen oompany, The liabilities of the company are placed at t'1! 0,000, (leorgeS. BlXby. of New fork, and llnd ley Jones, of Little Palls, have been ap pointed receivers for the Butcllffe llrew iug company, Anhurti, by Justice Davy at Canniiilaigus. Tha iiideliteduess of the company Is IUOlOOO. Bdward linstock, of Dover, aged lis yeare, living near Lebanon was shot, and in tant ly killed by his little tf-yoar-old brother yesterday morning. The little fellow did not know it was loaded and took deliber ate aim before pulliug the trigger. Asm. and, Pa., Fei. 88. While seven miners were at work in the west gang of the Boston Run mine an avalanche of crop and surface coal swept down upon them und Imprisoned them in the dark passageway In which they were labor ing. The rumble of the mass of coal and dirt ns it swept down the gang way, mi l dust that arose from mouth of the shaft were ail too familiar signs of a disuster to the surfacemen, and an alarm was given that an accident had occurred. Man, women and children flocked in crowds to the mouth of the .shaft and for a time confusion pre vailed around the yawning hole that might be tho entrance to the tombs of sevon men Some of the experienced in the crowd soon brought some order out of the ex citement and a rescuing party was formed. The rescu-re entered the shaft and after a short time a cheer from those nearest the entrance of the gang way announced that soiim of the men had been found. Two men emerged from the shaft and they proved to be John und Joe Wicks, brothers. They said that five more men were mill imprisoned In the gangway and that thev Wi re 1,'wis White, Charles Molien. Elwood Mingle, J imes Kramer and William Brvine. All the men live in Frackville and are well known min ers. Since o'clock this afternoon lb I rescuing party have been at work clearing away the debris in the gang way and th-y hope to reach the snut m men tonight. A crowd of anxious womeu and Ohil Iran are congregated arouud the shaft's mouth awaiting the end of the raseuing isrfies it ist.Tli(. Boston Hue nrue be longs to the Roading company and is one or the largest in tne .uauanoy district. A special from Shenandoah, Pa., says that tne five men imprisoned in the gangway of the Boston Hun mine were rescued at 9 o'clock this evening uninjured. -e- THE HENRIETTA GIVEN UP A Olouea'r Ftslilntr S:hooner Supp S'J ti lb Last in the GjrKes. Gloucester, Mass, Feb 38. Tha schooner Henrietta, which sailel four teen weeks ago on a handllne trip to the Georges, wns today linailv given up by her owners. Messrs Oakes and Porter. She reached I anso Jan. a ror bait, and since then nothing ha. beon heard from her and she is supposed to have foundered in the gale of Jan 18 Sue carried n crew of fourteen men. The schooner Henrietta was 71 sts tons burden, built in Essex in 18s,:! She wnsiusnredln the Gloucester Mutual for ;j.l .123 AGAINST AMeRlUN MEAT. German Expert! Declare Against Our Mode of ln.pictlon. BERLIN, Feb. 88. At a meeting of the Farmers1 league Professor Mueller and Hen Werner, director of the agri cultural high srhool, denounced the manner in which American meats wre inspected. Tho two exp-rts referred to said that they based their judgment iqion personal studies made in Chi cago. It Is probable that Iho government will take lotion UpOU the reports of ProsesBor Mueller and Director Wer ner. JAMES WILSON M'OILL. A Western Ex-CoUK-'essman Joins the Silent Hosla. Washington, d. c , Feb. 88, James Wilson Mclhll, of the inter-state com merce commission, who died at Ores ton, la., this morning, was bom nt Monroe, Butler OOUnty, O, March 84 1NII He was n law student at the Miami university at the same time ex- President Harrison was attending that Institution, He served in the forty-third and forty fourth congresses, declined re election and was appointed a state railroad commissioner by Governor Gear. " - e . ' -HE WANTS TO GO TO PRISON. John Y. McKsnn QHVoM Up tha Etrus ab Aus i 'i Justice, Nnw Tors, Feb 88. John Y. Mo- Kane was brought to the court room to testily before Justice Sutherland at 2 o'olock. Bofore going on the stand ho saiil : "1 liavo made up my mind to go to Sing Sing at ouce I don't care to stay in Brooklyn longer. 1 have made ar rsngeinouts to say good-bye to my wife just ns soon as 1 get back to jail. After 1 tell her good bye I want to leave for Sing Sing prison.'' , KILLED IN A FIGHT. A Skirmish Between Charlsa MuCawlay and H. C. Taylor Ends in Murder. RtOGIWAY, Pa., Feb. 38 Charles IfcOewley, aged 60 years, was killed on the main atreet of this place by H. C Taylor, a prosperous lumberman of the town. Taylor was driving along the street in a buggy aud was slopped by Met ' iwley. The latter claimed some wages of Taylor and after words the tmm came to blows. Eye witnesses say McCaw ley pulled Taylor out of the buggy and that Tavlor kicked McCawloy until he was dead. Taylor has beeu arrested. Champion dames Corbett and His Satellites Are on Trial at Jack sonville, Florida. Jacksonville, fu., Feb. ss. The criminal Conrt of record was crowded this morning at 'J 80 o'clock in antici pation of the trial of Corbett and Mitchell. Besid'-s the boxers there were arraigned for trial .Ton Vendig, J. B, T Bowden. Harry Mason, Charles F,. Richardson, Lou Sihler, R H. Mc Millan, B. F. Blsko, of the Duvnl Athletic club, and Billy Thompson and William A. Brady ns aiders and abet tors, The trial of Corbett was first begun and the result of this will decide the balance, Ti.e champion is charged with engaging in a fight and meeting in pursuance of previous appointment, one Charles Mil obeli, whom he did then and there beat, bruise, wound and ill-treat. John L Hartriibge, at torney f,,r the c'uh, waivad arraign ment and, plead uot guilty The witnesses were called and answered. The entire morning was consumed in creating a jury, and at 12 o'clock five had qualified, three white mon and two negroes. The general Impression is that the men will eventu ally be acquitted. Attorney General Lamar is present and will assist In the prosecution, f, K ' At i v ; ; If U PrT : ' 1 inn ; SIGNOR CRISPI EXPLAINS. Ha Gives Rsasons for Proc'aimina a Stats of Si.ge at Sicily. ROUE, Feb. 2s In the chamber of deputies today Signer Criapi explained the goverment's reasons for proclaim ing a state of siege in Sicily. Docu ments which came into the possession of the authorities at MaSSS Di Carrara proved tho existence of socialist aud !.ni.e.-!iirt pi is to repeat thi- pnsin.j on a scale approaching the proportions of a revolution. With this view for eign anarchist leaders were flocking to Sicily. At a meeting of foreign nnurchists recently held in he said, it was resolved to uprising of the peasants promises then to be made to Giving additional space and special attention to this department for one week we offer handsomely made GARMENTS at prices sel dom met with. These goods are of superior qual ity and at prices usually asked for medium grade. The Embroideries used in Trimming, the Muslin, the Sewing, all have been carefully examined, and nothing unworthy is of fered. During this time wa sell the "Queen" Night Gown, Tucked Yoke Val encienes Lacs Collar and Cuffs at 98c, regular price, $145. FINLEY'S, 510 and 512 Lackawanna Ave, and Italian Marseilles, foment an iu Sicily, the peas antry to divide the lands among them These revelations having been dis covered, the government promptly seized all anarchists' property and doc uments to be found aud proclaimed a state of siege. LOST ON THS BANKS. A Fulling Steamer Ob lgtd to AbaLd.-n Four of i n Crsw. Qloucester, Feb. 28 The steamer Resolute, which h is just returned from a fishing trip, reports that Tracy Bres son, William Ferguson, Alexander Stewart and Augustus Christensen, mtmbers of the crew, trot astrav from th vessel while attending trawls. A heavy g ile came on and it is feared the men were drowned Two others ot the crew who lost the steamer were picked up by the schooner Lizzie J. Greenleaf. THE CLIENT MUST SUFFER. Judge TJrubikei's Decision In the Case Against Kenn'dv. Lakcanstib, Feb. 88 Judge Bru baker rendered a decision hero today as a result of Attorney G, O. Kenne dy's crookedness, to the effect that the person who employs a dishonest lawyer must snfler lor his wrong doings. Kennedy had pocketed the csish re -allied from a mortgage held by Mrs. Sarah Blues, and the court refused her petition to have the transfer stricken off. SALYAROS TO SWING. Arrangamantn for the Hanging Are Al ready Completed CARLISLE, Feb. 88. The arrange ments tor the execution of Charles Sal yards, the condemned murderer, to morrow are completed. The gallows have been removed to the prison yard and were tested this afternoon. The murderer has partially recov ered from the effects of his attempt at suicide. Seeing he must die. he asked for ministers who attended him. NEW MOVE AGAINST HAZING New York L-gislature Proposes to Pass Severe Laws. Aiiivny, Feb 88 -A bill wis Intro duced by Senator Coggesball, In the legislature today, making hazing iu schools or colleges a misdemeanor. He also Introduced another making tattooing or disfiguring the body by nitrate of silver or other substance a crimo of tha degree of mayhem. IN A PARIS HOTEL. giefan Tisa, of New York. Dying from the Effects of an Alleged Assault, Paris. Feb. 86 Stefan Tisa, who gives his address at No. 10311 Second avenue, New Yoik, is dying tin a hos pital here of fracture of the spine, caused by a railroad offlotal, who, it Is claimed, pushed Tisa luck as the latter was trviug to board a moving train. The United States embassy is inquir ing into the matter. THE EUTTft PERCHU 4 RUBBEfl ITS 111 FAMOUS Maltese Cross ROBBER BELTING AND HOSE. loan WEATHER FORECAST. Warhinotosj, Fob. 28. foiYcusf for raarettoil Fur eastern I'enn eVtettHeO, fair, ii-armer, fwiesst cm notiioa, mmiM unlaaTA -"i4 11'e.sfera i'ans(i'aniii, fair, ofoici'if by iiomiy, souls Mr fade. CHA& A. SCHIEREN .1- CO. "3 PERFORATED ELECTRIC And Oak tanned Leather Beltinj, II. A. Kingsbury A OF. XT 5(3 Spruce St., Scranton, Pt Lewis, Reilly & Davles Reliable Footwear. i . r i i j , 1 0 Own Feet of every description fitted Lewis, Reilly & Davie3. Will cdMM ovcry BTMliAg it VW P.M. xi'i.t Satunliiy. WeExaniine Eyes Pi co of oharge, v If a doctor is; needed yon arc promptly told so. We also guarantee u per feot at. WATCHES AT cos t inr out week only. I. J. WEICHEL, AHCADF. JEWELER, 215 WYOMING AVE. 0
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