r i THE SCK ANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7. 1594. 1 1 if "FEEL LIKE ANEW MAN!" who has tried it llesh -forming it for building flesh, eurlchiug luiparting n s sa s everyont Paskola, the gre food. Nothing equal m sound, hetilthj the blood and Btrength. it is just tiu thing for thin, wreak people, li gel n honetll from tin' food they eat. Delicate stomachs eannol stand sickening nils and other tatt lui tines. Paskolu has replaced thorn. It is easilj taken ami pleosanl t the taste, Being pre digested, it is instant lv absorbed into the system, Ask your druggist for a bottle, and try it! pamphlet giviug fttll partio ulats respeotiug Paskola will lo sont on applicatiou to the Pre-Pi gested Food Co., 168 Pnane St., N. Y. City. LIVE NEWS OF W PITTSTONS ;Tn BcajLinoa Tkibvnk ruutoa tie p.iriueat U m chaise J M. Feby, to wLhu newu iteai an 4 complaint m.iy b referred. A P3ETTY CHU-1CH WDJING. C. 3C-.4J S). .'; ;!, A U'.t :o Mr A. Chsns, ol Sup'rijr. One of th prttitt nuptial evnt wbich baa taken place in tni vicinity i ineoaetiine soUmniz'd t the j First PresDvt na enure. i. Weal Pitta tca, yeeterdey nornlnf at 11 o'olock I: was ti; marriage of Mm Kellie, the I ceotnp'.ibtJ diu.;!nr ol Mr anJ ! Mrs John D. Green, to C A C.i,m, ot Sa;erior. Wis. As the hour for the 1 oeremoay drw fries is D tue naciter of nearly 800 gathered town- ; newt::? riew-" ev-.t. The palpi t wrtUttoii.y icr.i:e.l wit 1 p..ltus. frrne and potted plants which burin n iz.l beautifully. Upon the entry ot the bri Jl pir:y the strains of nu encatntin wedun march pea!l forth from the lri- or- ! S in i.res;i -l vr by Profunr South worth, of Scran too. The brtd.il party comprised the IflSMI Hattie. Florence ad Natalie Green. listen of the bride: ! bridesmaid, in iid of b-nor and tbwer girl, respectirsly. and the bride, woo entered leaning on the arm of her fatnsr. The bn le wis attired ia a pretty we'Mina eoetume of heavy wnite corded tiiic, with bnial Tail, and car ried a bouqaesof lilliea of the vality. Upon th arrival A the party at the siur railing -.iny wr- met by the oS catin clerjym in, R-v Dr McL-tol. psstor of t'a-i Firs: Pr-sbyteriin chareh of Scrantoa, the gro.jmaai the b-s: utn, Harry Chaae, of Cnioajo. Th-; ceremony was brief, not neat and im prese;e. The bfide wsa given away ty her father, and the marriage tows wre eal-d by a nn. A recepti jq and weddinu dinner fol lowed at ;n Q me of toe bride, oraer of Exeter and Liaien streets, anl was a-.tea led by about tasrty gae's. Mr and Mr Chata left on the 13 23 train ia th Lieiawar-?, Lsekswsona and Wsatern rosd for their fatnre home in Superior, Wis., where the bnle his 1171 for a y-;ar, an l where tns ft ion occupies a hia position in buiatss eocil circles. PIITSTON CONDENSATIONS. Kwa of ths Two Cities P.inoiled In Trenchaut Manner. A meeting of the hospital stulV was lirlil at tliu hospital yesterday ufter- noon at K p. in Jacob Nnlnob., pitisnt at the hos p trtl, hn.il two ti n yr-rtr of the loft hand a iipntattd Monday aiinrnoou. William Barry and his rxoolltnl lOinpaiiy appeared at Music hall last evening in his Istest success, "Tits Riling Qanaration,'' Th etar was greeted by u 1 iro and critical uuJi -eiice nu t if the applause which greeteil the prodnotion It any criterion to judge by, they weui awav w '11 pUifsd. The scsiury was plotorMO,nS and woll staged, Hpooially In thsisaondaol Mr B'irry Improrai with years and hit latest play it btiud to prove "a winner." Mrs, John Riohardi, fortntrly of this pltot.stu is word from s.ndoTr,M us , of the death of bar mothsr, Mis Bnsto H. Ohadwtok, widow ol tiie lute Dr (loorgt Cliadwiok, of Button, wtiicn oo onrrtd at indover, on Pah, 'J Mrs Ohtdwlok WM SS yens of age. Tba marriage ot Mlai Nellie Law an I Mr. Barman 11. Warner will be sol mniitd at tha homt of the brldt't paranta rt ID :to today. The West End Host company cleared ftlN BO at their recent fair all. I festiv.il. Today, Ah Wednesday, tiiere will ha services in Trinity obnroh at 10,30 a in and fSOpUt. On the followlug ias of tht week larvlosa and madlta Uon ai 4.80 u m . MOOSIC M I WHO RED. Uaii'fuilns the lv 'I'ereely Uei.rteil by Our Oorratpoadant Knartat tv th SwnahM IViaMa Moastc, Pa., Pah ti Mr. and Mrs P. H. Johnson oama ui from Psnoh wottto sttand tha Blltar Lakaqnar tatts oonoert bald iu Aooa Saturday STening, and spent tha Btbbath with Mr. au.l Mrs Qaorgs Tragallls. The Mttboditt Epitcopal cottage ; river masting tonight will bt bald at the homa of Jamas Mmr Joim Hailstone. Kobsrt Burlaigb, Thomas UatlatOOS were among the cur leri wii.i left yastarday for New York city to play agaiutt th rbistis club of that plaee. Mrs William HutobiUgS, of Msin street, wit a caller in the BlMtrlS city Tuesday. Homer Warner of Sath Main street, ins issued a 1 ire number of invita tions to bis frien !s for a party to be held at bis heme Friday eTeuiug. Am h Young IsTititiug at the home of Mr M H Bosall, of MluooKa ave uue. Mitt "visie Ziagltr, of Wllkaa-Barra, i visiting at tae bomeof a cousin. Miss Bums Moatellar, on Main street. John McCrindla, of Mtin street, is visiuug Xrw York -it Jirs. rhomat Hulstoue. of South Main atrast, is visiting at the h.me of ier sister. Mrs. W 111 tm Hailstone, of Friiviuenoe - Esther Pirfrv, of Main street, called on fr. ends iu Danmors Wednes day. MINOOKA NOTES. M:vm'nts ia Po it.cil O.rclss A Salt leg Ma'oh frjOTal Topics. $pcttii to the &:miton Tribune. MlXOOKA, Pa., FeO. 0 Jouu J. Gal laghac t-tu work y-etrday after a few months sickness Mic . tal P. Judge visited tha fair at Dickson City. Wiliiam Kaine, of this d1 ice, got bis h tal smashed at the Pyue shaft Saturday afternoon whiie iu tne act of coupling cars. Jononte Coyne, of Maine street, who was bnrnel about three weeks ago, it slowly recovering. James V W ,i. ace visited friends at Plymouth Su-iday. If y u wish to hear the news of this town subscribe for The TMBOMK Patrick Hugms was all smiles San day. His wife presented him with a daughter. Edwari Campbell has returned homo after sojonrning a week at Suare Top. Patrick Higgins is in the tiel i at a candidate for school director. George PaSSbold has withdrawn as candiittefor supervisor, and it now booming his campaign tor supervisor in the Soutuwett district. MANY WEARY MOTHERS Tirod Women Whose Nervous Energy Is Not Enough. Tha Santa of Kshaustloa of timt Palna's Celery Conipnund Ueadlli and Permaa ntnt'li Cuvai Tha Ktittrlanae t Mm Utll let as she i ells It, There are iiihiiv weary BSOtharS anil tire I young woman who never havt enough, nervous energy to oarry titeiu through ths day. A tense of exhaustion ooroei from protraoted in-door labor, the absenoe ol pure air a ml SUUlhlllS, T meet the needs ot these spend tin itts oi nerve force ami vitality, An It toc have mud up ynr mind lo bay Hood's barapari.la, do not be persuaded to take any othrr. Be sore lo get Hood's arsapariila wbich poisesees peculiar curative powr. BOOB'S Pir. r.a rare all ties, jaaadir.e, indigestion, sick headache. CRUSHED BiNEtTH SiHEELS. Ar.dre-sr Stlk DE4TH OF THOMAS EVANS. Old Rstldent of the Pioneer C.ty Rn.i Ott by Carl oa the Cot-Off While on hit w iv to work, Andrew Golic, a Honearian laborer, was rnn down by a Lhi,". Valley west-bound train abfiit 7 .Jo o'clock yesterday morning and had both lgs btdiy rnsn gled. The am lnt DOenvred at a point above tho I.,sc!cawn:ia and isloomt bnr? junction, near the enf-off branch. The unfortunate mm was walking along tha enst-bo-iri 1 trio 4Bd sUsppsd across to the wa'.-hoiind tra:k to avoid an aprroacMrg train In doing so h committed a f s'.al mistake, for be had no sooner started on his way when a train approached from behind and bors bin to the ground, with toe above re suit, (iaiic w,ih removed in sn ambulance to the hospital, wb:rn after an exami nation by the pbysieians, it was fouo I necessary to amputate both legs mid way irfitwoen the krip'-e and ankles The operation was performed by t. (J. J. fcarrett, assisted by fJts lub ,n, McKadden and Smith. The UofortO nate man was niiffenng greatly from the shock last evening, but the physicians feel assured ha will recovor. a Fou Bran, BOALDS, BaUIgSS and all pnln and soreness of ttm lleh, thx grand household remedy Istir. Thomas' Kclectric Oil. lie sure you get the genuine. UNKNOWN MAN KILLED. Bun Down on Lihlirh Vallsv Koad Ntar Mill Craek. An unknown man supposed to be n Hungarian was run down and killed last evening by the Lehigh Valley east bound pHSHetigor train whiun leaves here at D 08 o'clock. The uccidont hup pen i- I near Mill Creek, The body was pi iced aboard the train and takon to Wilkea-li irxe ivlutro it was plaeed in charge of UapU y 'Jor oner J. K. Perkins until such timo at friouds identify him. S'id-l.ilv F.aslree flkjselal to the flaraiifen Tri'iuii. ( iraoSDAM, Pa. , Feb. 8 Thomas :. Evans, a reei lent of Terrace street, I an ) a merchant tailor, doing business liver ills, bilious- r,r' Msin street, died shortly before noon lousy, .tir. r.vans wfni 10 rna place of unsinets as usnalland wat sup i posed to be enjoying his usual good health. About 11 o clock he complained that he had a slight pain in his Iti D ICb, A few moments later he VIS tsk-n with a stroke of apoplexy, from which he di'd about 19 o'clock Mr F.v.ins was bom in Wals iu lltrch, "'' He came to this country In 1848 For a while he lived in PlttS hurg, bnt soon came to this city, where h has resided since. He was one of the oldest and most, active members of the Metboditt ehurob, having joined hat faith In 1657 In that isme year he wss nttlttd in msrtlagn to Miss Mary Wilsy, who still snrvives him Also surviving him an his two sons, Chaney BiVMS, of this city, and Wil Item It- BVBOS, f"f Chicago. Vhen r.aliy wns Fltr, we pave hor Pastorta. ghtO she was a Cliild, Rh(i cried for ('listeria, IHicn sh became Miiw, she cluni? to ( Vixtorta. VIku sho hod (.'hilurcu, she gave thc-ui Cuatorla, f HOM UUHriA. Evan's of In'rst (narllv DttOtlbtd In an K.itertalnlna Manner. StotesjJ to ttt '"ho,h TVftantj In iiyka, i'a., 0, The Silver l,uke quartette oonoert gives at. the Ustbo diet F.piscopai pnurob Monday svsnlng whs a decided SUOStSI, and was largely ittended by th people of this place and lUrrOUndlng towns The excllenl, tinging of the quartette, and the bu merooi sneodotesrelsted by Rev Mead, the leader, made an evening of enjoy ment. The Ladles' Aid society of the Pres byterian Qbspel win meet Prlday after' noon at the homo of Mrs. .1. P ilich ard, on Mnlti street. Work Iimh bvgiin on the new Baptist oburob, and is ludng rapidly ptisbed y (he contractors, ilsrslumer iV. Grillin, of Pittston, Mils i lit TI KI!. Palna's celery OOmpOUUd ha been pre pared. New Strength, new life anl new health come to the whole system I'liine's celery compound is tho n suit of tlx life-long study and expe rience of one of the ablest physicians Of hie dav, Prof Edward E Phelps. M.D . LL D . of Dartmouth college His SZperlenoe was one of the larg est, his scientific knowledge surpassed that of ,iuy practitioner of this gtmer.i tion, Prof Phelps tirst prssorlosd Paine'i celery compound, the remedy that giVOi Btrength to the weak, that in ikes the lick to he well, that givvs fo.id to the nerves, that enriches impoverished blcibd, that cures rheum ttism, kidney complaints, liver troubles and all die e.ie- tbatariss from an Impaired ner v us syt'em, the rem-dy that is incom parably the greatest in the world. Thousands it bat made well. Here ItwbatMraE D. Butler, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "I have used Paino's celery compound for headic it audit gives Immediate r.dief. I had used several ki..ds ot headache drops and powders, and hi last tried Puins't cilery compound. which r-.-lpe l me at once. 1 think it is tne best remedy for the tierv-s that I have ever tried, and 1 ll ive I use 1 sev ers' kinds " am's nills are for oiliousness, bilious headache, dyspepsia, In artbuni, torpid liver, dizziness, sick head ache, lal taste in the mouth, coaled tongue, loss of appe tite, sallow skin, when caused by constipation; and consti pation is the most frequent cause of all of them. Hook free; pills 25c. At drugstores,or write B.F.Allen Co.,365 Canal St., New York. Closing out the bal ance of our at following prices: Rnsslan I.yiX Circnlar Cup . -Jl Inches, Jt.HS Electric Seal Circular Cxpes, 21 In S I'S Aitrnkhaii Orcnlar Ctptt, Nln nw Wool Seal Circular Cap a, 24 In 14. W Btoot Mart-ii Clvcttlaf Capet, SJ l'i 40.IHI Brow ti Marten I lrmil Capet, 21 in 4.MH Otter Circular Chik, 2l in 60.(10 Seal Sacques f-'esl Setii"s. .'Is iro-'es lung 1110.00 H.-nl .(acketa, SJ Inebtt 1011.00 -el .ln k"N ':( i ra'-tioi Iriiig IU 11 Attrakbaa Jtckett M utehai tnn SI.U0 Circular Capes Hr-ni Clrealar Cape, 30 Inebtt long, w.thj Hut ferity 'i.. tH,',.lKI Otter drooler I lapa ' me bet I'.ng.witii Batterflt Capo ,.I0JM Bable Circular Cape, SDInobtt long 0500 Astrakhan Circular Otpe, 00 lh--li"- long B DO Klectrla Seal Otronlar Ctpe, W In. long . 2" 00 tirv fjrlfomor Ctroolar Cape, lOln long BD lOdneen Amerlean n-ai Ualft at...,l IB each i lot i febildren we 'at hh.-. earh 1 lot ,r Hkriga Bobte, phish Hnsd 8 ' each Ladioa' Plush and Cloth Coats at Your Own Price. J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Avo. The only I'rnctiral Kurrier in the city, THt GEM COUPON, I ML MOSI UNIQUK OF ALL. A Trip Through (lie Colum bian Exposition. I't leaves), printed n nii' side only. Showing nil the plaoei r Interest on main grounds nnd Midway Plaisanoo, size, r.7. EiHibogsed paper oover or lull clot h. TwoCJupnns and 25 CENTS lakns in ii . i cover. Twi Coupons ard 40 CENTS takes c'nth oovpr. AM i cent, fur iiuHtiiKe If urilnreit by niutl. The Scranton Tribune. ELECTION PROCLAMATION. In ecmnliiini-" with law ami the urdiuanei' of tbeolty of BerantOD.I, W L. ('(.imi.ll, mayor ef mty.do hereb give Qotioe that an Mai nen will in. in-ill al lin- piauee m ni.iuin i n moniolpal eliirtlima 111 salil rity mi Tm I.v tli- twiiiitii-lli day uf 1'iiliniiiry. lieiiiK 1 1 Utlrd Tuestday ofrebraary, ism. fur the pur pate f obtain tne the aaeool of the I'li-etnrM ,if Hunt rli v tuan locreaet of Indehtadneie t bereof D tin-iasili. of IhiimIh In tliu alil.mlll uf SaSUtOOO fur khepnrpoee o( bnlldlnB bHageaoeer ttm Laokawanna river at LiDdtnafcraei aaaovee Ituariaa brook fiuiu Spruce Street tul-'mnt Mtl'lKlt, I.H ll,iVlt.'l( III HI-I ' 1' IU Htllll l-lty, Die of oomrooi anoll n.i. 12. ISH, entitled, "An ordinauoe provldtns for iaoreaeins the city debt for Ibepurj of buUdlng bridget tua eubtnlttlns tbtQuettlon of nihIi Increase in a vote of tim aleotort thereof, approved .) im 11 in-v I. ISH. v a rtottlrvd by biw, the ' . ' - - . InforniS' linn in Klvon Iu clit -.Ufa i-'iiHt 1 iii, amount of the lait hhihumiu.iI valtiuttoti of tax inii. property In mi'l -ity In IT,tS)l,NM, geoond 'fin' smonut ol the esietlng debt uf -.anl i-ily in IAU0.H34 IS. Inird Tin anoiinl ul the propoeed ln pi aase uf debl bt 111 ',noii. Kourtli Tne prnpotml Inoroeeo of debt Ih 1 and i.ii,'.' 10,0)0 ier cant of the .it y valua tloa HWi exelntlve of ootupatlona Plfth Tin, pufpotes r.'i' 11 pll ' lie iietnlil t nett la in bt iLoarred art uorelnbefort stateil. Annoied lerei" lathe riu controller's otfl i-iai statemonl ol Indebted stand reeourett of 1 Ii" elty. also eonv t .-it v rrlinanae, W tlliiiMN in liaii'l .-tinl III" 1.. il uf tliu city nfHortututi, 1 ii Im 17th day of January, A L, UWt. w. u OoNNKLI Mayor. H4nAHTON, Pa., I)i' 80, lam. Oil n 1. ut 1 ill 1 1 1 1 UOH Him. 1.1 11 Btatementof the Indebto-luote uiei reeonr dos uf tli" city uf Morauton at tbu ciuau uf business Deoembei HO IW SONOI l) 10 ST. Coitaolldated loan (atooud serial) dueOmi I, UUS, tt par onnl . III INPHOVBUSNT miv ISSO, t PSN III Duo Jul) I, ISO!, endennuellj to year IHtltl ut rate ol ;l MM S4,UU 00 Duo Jul) I. 1007, and annualij toyoaf lOOU, si ratu uf i'J.UKJ 2it,tHi nil DuoJuly 1, 1007, and anunull) toyoar ISlOtl rateol UNkl 85,000 00 11 NDINQ MlAM, lot-ti, I PSH USNTi lii" July I, IMSI allium hi Due July 1. ISO) Ift.OUU ihi Pue July I, IV00 16,000 it mi mi IPAL 111 II.DIN4I MAN, 181)1), I PSR i SMTi DUO full. I, I0S1, Nu. I In l.i inclu sive f 10,000 11 Due I-', ti. I. iihi. Nu. in in US luulu' lite 10,000 iu Dna I'uii 1. iihi. No. in in 00 Inolu Hive S',,ll l Dm- Pob. 1, lull), Nu. ill tu DO lucra tive , au iao 00 HVM1CIPAI, IMPttOVKStKNT U)A, iMU, 4H, CI. II I KM. One Dec L mil J 22 000 00 Inn- Deu I, I DUO 2 I. mil mi Dm- Don 1 mil 22 mi mi Due Deo, I, lulu 2ii,(HR) no KIDSMPTIOM LOAM ki nil It I, ISH, 4I PSB CB T. Due June I. ISOS, Nu. 1 tu M Inclu sive JI.IIXI III Due June I. I DUO, Mo. 84 u OS, iuelu- live M,OO0 id Due ,iiinu 1, lots, Nu. t u tu tiKi Inclu sive IIK.UOU 00 Duo June I, im No. 107 tu 111 Inolu- tiuivo 88,000 00 Total DSS,fiO0 uu II MUtV CLAIMS. LTnuaid srarranta 1 ton 80, 6 i.Mi Uontraol ami other uc-i-i iiiiH tnbjeet to at jiistuu-iiiH 1110,018 4H 1110,248 h"i Total Indebtednete of olty, iM'.Tio OS Ritoutn t -. or , 'i tv. Cash in general elty fund SIIT.IM II Caah in Intertet huI .-.llililiilf filinl 24,7.1s u DeUnqnent taxes and other Items estimated collectible a' r,.i)ii in 51411.1112 07 Net itiil.-bteiliic-ei uf city. Jv'iili.'vll 7H In addition to the above sta:--il taaett tne city purchased bondt ot lis aua uf isi, 4 ii.-r cent, tu the amu nt ut il21.W) fur tliu bum-tit nf lt siiikiiii; flllul Btatementof ths amount of hud proceeding a-"...... 1 valuation of the taxable property ot the city ol Bcrsn'ton, Pennaylvaaw, buinif the asht-HNiuent fur year bi' l. Ocenpatiobe ji 1,000,710 lii-,,1 estate anil uersuiial I7.V01,8U Total 118,088,5(5 Thepropoeod Increase of debt amonatate i2&0,iai, for the purpose of bnlldtas bridget as per ordinance attached, and is equal to I 11 dSOU 10,000 per cent, ,,f t hi-city valuation lt'Ai egclutiva ui ue -upat s HlKU J. WTDttAYBR. ciiy Oontroiler. CoMliONW KALTTt Of PrKRSYLV am A, i COUMTT 10' I. At K iw INS . - City oi Bt rantoh, On the fifteenth nor of Jannary, A D. 1804, pers nally appeared tiufureme.the subHiTilier, LheMiyor uf the city of Beraaton, Fred J. Widmater, who Jbelng dulv swum, dotb dt p -' endaay, thai bt is the Controller of the City of Scrantuti. and that tu the best i if Ins knowledgeand beliefttio foregoing statement of the Bnanrwi of the City of Bcranton la Just, correct tad tru ,sud that the nth -r fureguniK tatemeot is aleo correct Bworo ami labtcribed before me the tif- teentb day of January. ISM W. L OONNBLL, Mayor. FILE OP COMMON COUNCIL NO, 12, LOW AN ORDINANCE Providing for Increasing the olty debt fur tbe pin p s- uf imililiiiK bridges ami submit liui the qneetlon of such Inert ate iu a vote nf tne eleetors tlioreuf. Set mis 1. ite 11 ordained by tbe Beleut and emu run Cuiiii' lit ol tho City of Scran ton ami it is hereby ordt ned by tbe authority uf tliu lamii That fur the purpuse uf uon atructlne a bridge over the Caikawanua river at Lindea street, end bridgeover Roar, lin: hru'ik from Spruce street tu T-'i uiit street, together with the purchase of such iikIii of irayat timy tu- neeeetary fur tlm le.t up p roaches to Bald bridges an increase uf tin, city dtbl by the bane ol -i t bonds In thi nmonat uf two bnndred end Rfty thontand dollar! it hereby tuthotiied, tnbjeet, never theism totheeonetnl ol tht tluewre of the City 0181 ranten, as herein provided. Hr.r 2. -Tim question ut iMtnttng to the above proposed Increaee ol the elty deld cliall be submitted to a vote of the electors of the ritv of Scranton, at the next enealng general eleetion ocenrring me less than tortj days atl.-r I he 1 a- sae uf I Ins ui ditiaiien. Sn .1 After Hie i n sae ul this urdlna'ice and at I ust tMrt ibivs hi-'mn said el -i tiun the Mayor ehall pnblltb a notice nf the wee lion hereby aotb ri.d, in three daily newt papers of thn city ami the statement required tobepnUlehod iu inch notice simii be fue iiistieii by tho City Controller! si 1 1 if 11 lectors shnil agree to In rease the Indebtedness ol ih eltj for tha pur puses nf IniililiiiK roafa laid In idee-i mid procOf log the right of way. there nhall ba ipproprl 1 ted iiinlsei apart for tbe Linden street bridge aotl purohRtins the rightol waytherei .the mm of ono hundred and twent Hvc boueaud dollar and for tbe spruce street bridee tbe equal ram of one bnndred and twenty Ave thoutand dnliare. Approved Janaary i-'U W. 1, CUNNRLU Mayor. Spring Ginghams. We have placed on sale our line of Ginghams for the coming spring and summer. Finer Goods, More Tasteful Colorings and Lower Prices than ever before, are what will recommend them to our patrona GLOBE WAREHOUS PITTSTON, PA. Ei ANNUAL CLEARING SA JJJJ 10 Days, Beginning Thursday, Jan. 18, at 10 A J. A. B. Brown's Bee Hive, Pittston, Pa. Thousands Remnant of Dry Goods, cloaks and Par Capes during hale ui less than oosl of material, Every Inch of counter room covered with the greatest bargains eve shown. Ladlae' Pelt Hat-, this nea.otrit itylen 10c. each. Boyt winter Walata ,o0 ,,n0li '.80ft each. OlOaKl 4 I 50 eacli. HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR AND NOTloN.s AT QUARTER OF VALUE. comr it will pay yoy. Great Clearing Sale. A. B. BROWN'S BEE HIVE, PITTSTON, PA. Till Thatcher IS THE BFST. (..it prlON BliU in. t im furnaea and ba run vinootl. A (nil lin ot HEAT ERS, Aiiimll') and Qtuaa Door Rangaa CONLAFSHARDWAEE IMTT8TON, PA. Seeds anil Fertilizers Largo Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT & CONNELL CO. MOOSIC POWDER CO Booms 1 acd 2 Commonwealth Bld'fi BCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER Hade at the MOOSIO and KUdli DALE WOBKa Llfflio iV K.m.l Powder Co. 'a ORANGE GUN POWDER Klectnr KattoriAs, FiiBoi for I'Xtil o-l-iK blasts, Hataty Knee ami RcpniiooChciiiiral Co.'s Hih Explosives PUZZLE. THE GREATEST NOVELTY OF THE AGE. Valnable as a Souvenir of tbe Fair. QUITE EASX WHl.s 'H KN'iW M.V ISOO IN PRIZKH WILL BK DISTRIBUTED TO THOSE DOING THi: PUZZLE IV THE BHURTKS1 BPA 1 Ol TIME FOR BALE BY ALL NEWS COMPANIES STATIONERS AND AT Tr,Y STORES, OR sl.M TO ANY t DURESS L'POJi KECEIPT OF I'lllii , j." BNT8, BT COLUMBIA MANUFACTURING CO. lt AND 111 SOUTH EUTAW BTKEET, BALTIMORE. MD AUCTION, AUCTION AT THE Hotel Wavcrly I'llM'IH'Hl I'lflll I l f eat clffli I'.lf ntt inhml ! pui for Btrgnw a i iigtl Tuinhn mi 1 Cor, Iftt and filbert l a. HmK dftimblti f"i rmtiltnti ol n R, rnn tyhithln All CHnVlllnicil lof tfAVttori In fttid from Itrnml Htiftl ulatini mi'l tbu Twelfth Mild Mnrltp. BtfMl lifeMon D lirftlilo fof vtittlng HorMilonwiM huiI if in tin Antln iirlto Itouloii. T. J. VICTORY, n III KM Hilt 111 i i u sum-' CO., im 'i t'eeltel.ll.OOfljOOO. Ii i.si mi. r.o HliUH in tin: WORLD. "A iiiiir l(19d in l (lniir nimril." , 'riiiai iiiM'-K'siiiiii Pronrh u-1 Mil Hut t.ltl ll.Mlt llilllvliil liri' iiiwll'-i- ill lin' I'.S. iit iiiCimii, ueney Order, ir miM9i the limit itoree Ibf IhU hunt itmtr t iri-.ir. Mlitlltd ki'' y 1 il 'it' lln ti', t, ; .Mi FREE Dexter Shoe fSSiJSs it ffllM f' tletitt4. SNOW WHITE FLOUR IS THE HF.ST. THE WISI0N MILL CO.. BCRANTON, FA. 'Bargain Stores 1 33 Penn Avenue, COMMENCING MONDAY EVENING, JAN. 15 SURDAMS A CHAXC1; to buy at your own price 1 Hardware, Saws, Hammers, Tinware Lamps, Hosiery, Gloves. Notions. Fancy and Other Goods. Sign Red Plag. B. l. i. RESTORE LOST YIGOK Abit Al.i i P4U '1 O.AN "1 to ' ir S.i too PfViltti . 1 of Senl lVwr m eillui ct. ltirolunUiT KouaaioBr. inn If RlMte) IM trnblM ll id t ' CMiunipl,on oi Hiaftritl, ft A' vt Kn M mml . iMlHm fiM S With tftl m.i.i . c t. niion pirWt la cm)! itf.in.1the smi. R4dttM Por ni by JOUH 11 BfiNeUton. r4 teV PUBLPS, v'l, .oUl.1, v'bi. PkariBaeiett oor, Wvomlag Ave. and BprooaSt THE Upholstery Department tutatthews OF For Delicacy, For purity, ami for Improvement of tbo com plexion, niitliiiiK ciu:i1h rottoNI'n i'owdrr. William : Sissenberger t'iniiiiln r.niiiHt Obnrob, Penn Avenue, Is replete with fine and medium Parlor Suits, Fancy Rockers, Couches and Lounges for the Holiday Trade. Prices to Suit all. Also Bed Room Sets, Din ing Room and Kitchen Fur niture. Parlor Suits and Odd Pieces Re-upholstered in a Substantial manner. Will be as good as new. lITv-c' A MANHOOD RESTORED! 'NEKVK SEEDS. . tt,; hint Wrnk Mcuorr, LoMjA Ht:n IV' i Vmiin-aii. N lattatl) BmtMiont, Ntn bimm ner it ' - totWV lltMMMt 4lt illaiAUlrtllUiilvrol pi'wtr (rUon.emiftiIrrrir. i.-. i. .t.t ... , .in . . u t.i Mi'til f.t InflimllV. I i rf Ion or In mi, it t. I'm be (MtrrtiMln vi DOokH M r bCX, 9 f.ir ft t.iFOFi AN0 AFTER USINC For Bftli In Bcranton, t tuiiil imvpIi1 W Hh : A . 'tli ni'ulfi'itn t -1 lieu u imiKiilcc ic cure etr rWiiMl llic moncY. I'ntMi'nr irrc KoMbl n ;l ilnii t;leli. A 111. no other AJtlm V:u K KKKUGtl., M i W mupMi i'uuaoo. U byU.C. BANDERSON, Drvjist, .w Wiwhlnton S BROS. iruggists AM) DEALERS IN BURNING and LUBRICATING OILS H ml i, Laai iiii.I Kr'm'h .Ino, rum Llntvad oil, farpeotiae mui Tavalahea Beadvamliad ruintt in nit ni-n .. Qlldere1 Whlllag, I'"' I" White mill KiiNiilillno, "1 Mtn.l, M. ,,1,1,. Iluat ami UIdiIow liliwi M l PLEASANT A r RETAIL. fVnlof tln tn'nt iinnlitv for ilom 'stii- uiMiiirl rf nil ni7..w. AoUvered any part of tbe city lit Ion .--.t prloa uiiiciK loft t my niiii-iv HO, lis. WTOMIMQ AVKMT. rtow room, llmt floor. Thirl Vntl.nul Itmilt, or wilt b) uinil or t.'Iiplioiio lo tliu uiliiN will reeelve prompt aWeaMbn. BMdMeanireetewiU.be node tot tiio eale mui daliveri "( Boekwaaal ! WM. T. SMITH. blood poison In 2d to (..' ! brl mrif, utnlcr k laraiily, t'artf l hi :mH1 ."' rt.Al. I fiilif pmfc M IMt-pw book, illiibtnittd trJB I tiwiiom '..;il.T'iirml r-.t by rnoil WIimi ll.'t jriliT I tod Mutviir) fail, ptilivmr,.,', (IHk HI T1K1H (HI. ( hl-twn. MUI
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