THE Sri?A"NTON TRIBUNE-W KL ES DAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 7. 1S94. Ht USED HARSH WORDS ttiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiintiiiiiiiiiiiimiiig! 5 M i Pine 1 Valves Pitt Sucre I HE RECEIVED A SPIRITED REPLY i THE SCRANTUN SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO. s fnlllliiiiiiiiillliiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii" Norrman& Moore! FIRE INSURANCE .20 Wyoming Avenue Lackawanna Holgate Referred to John M. Harris Id mi Uui'oui)liuieutiiiy Maimer. 1 he Trouble Caused by an Efl'ort lo Ascertain the Standing ol Bellevus Republicans in the Third Legisla tive Convention F. M. Francis, of North Abington, Chosen Delegate to the State Convention at Harris- THE tC8 Fenn Ave. Laundry A. B. WARMAN. ( rrand Display OF Laces and Embroideries AT MEARS & HAGEN S, 415 Lack. Avenue. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades, Draperies, Mattings, Rugs, etc. WILLIAMS & McANULTY. 127 Wyoming Ave. CITY NOTES. ILis it Aih Wedueslay. Belle Archer ia "An Arabian Night," will be lit the Academy tomorrow evening. T here will be a meeting of the bridgn committee at the tnard of trade rooms to night. The Sevan ton u cycle club will hold a social at it rouim on Washington avenue Friday evening. Iu a pool tournament in I'hiladelpei VrSterday JeroBIS Keogh of this city beat Stacker, or1 Reading, by a score of 150 to i J. Biarrv I rob and lanie-i Littleiohn, wh. w. re arrested for fast driving Monday. : wvro liberated yesterday upon payment of IB each. Ulerk of the Coortl Tboiuaa vesterday . i marriage licenses to Howell I). Phillips and .lane v:ranton; John C'ooney and Norn Kearney, iiauiuore. An entertainment M given at Com pany H armory, F'rovldence, last night by the i.olumbi in Literary and Athletic club. It was attended ly a large number of per- bqbs. A very tine programme will bo carried out at the rooms of the South Side Voting Women's Christian usouatiuo oa i ndav SVSning, 1 be OCCaaiOO being tbe second anniversary. Misses Hannali Jenkins, Susie Morn and Jennie Morgan, formerly with l.eah Jones, Milliner, areiu New lork city purchasing goods for their new millinery store whlcb tbey will open shortly on sprnce street In the store room formerly occupied by Wat kins, the druggist. - ABOUT WUL KNOWN PIRSONS. l;urgess T J. Duggan, of Ixiniuore. is a bnsy man. Besides being en grossed ty bis law prsetloi in this city he is doing tome stalwart work to en sure bis re-election as burgess of Dun -mora. He lias active arid well organ ized opposition tins year, but neverthe less, stys lie will win. J J. Wagonburst, of Clifton town ship, was a delegate to the third lefts latlva convention vrhlc'i mat in this cits' yesterday. Mr. WiiRoutntrst Is a lumberman and one of the wott in flu enttal citizens In the eastern portion of the county. He has three sons who have cut a wide swntli in college ath letics. Two of them were members of the boat crew of tlia I 'nlversity of l'ennuylvania last yenr. and rowed in tbe great race with Cornell at Lake Minnetouku. There nre t-w butler people In the city then Tallle Morgan the probibi tion editor; character and sight music teacher." Jle it a bundle of compressed energy and is imtautly working at bigh pressure. Another man who possesses a surplus of energy is Thomas Harlech Jonet.the West Side druggist. Atllle from hit duties as druggist he finds time to look after his oxtemive coal interests, net as treasurer of tbe Soranton poor dis triot and cultivate bis legislative boom so that it will be In goo! shape two years hence. The Hepubllu Savings aiid Loan association, of New York, liav. lug sold over li,uuQ ahares of its stuck in Scrantou, has called a meeting for Friday, Feb. 2 at 4 p. m ,, at its office, Dime bank building, for the purpose of electing oth1 cert and directors. New rbares will also be offered for sale. Y. H. Case, manager agency department, and L. If Uadd, gen eral manager, will be present and explain tbe plan and purposes of the association. Come and bring some one with you. There was uti abundance of. ti re works at eouvoutiou of tne Kepub he ins of the Third legislative dis t net iu the arbitration room of the court bouse yestordsy aftarooon. At 9.40 the con volition was called to order by T. J. Matthews, of Spring Brook, in the absence of John MoCrln dle, of Mooalv, the chairman of the district standing uomiuittee. K J. Northup, of Gtlenburn, secretary of the committee, read the call for the con vention and B E DaPno. of North Abington, was ObOMQ assistant secre tary. The convention was ready for luui MM and credentials we.'e called for. The secretary read the list of districts entitled to representatiou and the (ol- lowing hiiuded In trtdentlaU: Btnton L. K. tides and Thouias I'atter- sou. I'litton J. J, WagKDhurst. Covington- i'. E. Hodson lilenburu -K. J- Nortbup Qooldsboro- K. UilUauel Ureeiilleld K.ili'h Ncwtou. Lackawanna Soiuii district, lieuiy Hood I Beat district. K. B. l'avts. i'avld K. JOUOS, it.!.. -1 Brass uud Hsese An thouy; West district, John DaMI and W. S. AuthOQ' Nortbeut district. Charles It. t.iuul, Johu Hughes; -.'.lt Invest district, P. l tlechoeL La i'lume H II. Holgate. Lablgb- Krauk Lewis. Madison- '.'barbs M. Lancaster. W. A, De Pew. Wewtou C. J. Thomas. North Abington 0. K. Stoue, O. W. Mason, f, I'.. DePue. P. W. Slade. i!d Forge -First district, John Cook aud P. P. Wlltou. Saoond district, James A. Salmon: Third district, Thomas Cr. Thom as, William llaskius, lr. E Westou aud David T Jones; Fourth district, Jolm A. Wood. Boott OeorgC F. Miller. South Abmgtou U.S Oraves. (iilbert OnrHu, J. D, Aylatworth and John U. Cook. Spring Brook T. .1. Mathews Waverlv- K. J. Carpenter, CaOSE OF i'HL TROL'Bl K. After tbe list bad beau called, J. Willis ReetJ, a delegate from the north district of Licktwanus. wauted to kuow why that portion of the town -ship had not been atked to preteut cre dentials. Mr. Holgate iu reply said that It was no longer io tbe district as it had been annexed to tbe city. Attorney John M Harris hogan a speech iu defense of tbe north district, but Mr. Holgate interrupted hitu aud Mid he bad no right to speak iu tbe convention, as he was not a resident of the Third Legislative district. This Mr. Harris denied, but Mr Holgate persisted that at tbe last election Mr. Harris bad cast bis vote in this city. This angered Mr. Harris aud sprmgiug to bis feet he said: "1 say yon are mistaken when yon sty 1 voted in this city at the last elec tion. That is as mild a way as 1 will put it. " Mr Holgate still objected to the ad mission of tbe North district delegates into the convention on the ground that It wa6 now a part of the city. Mr. l'.eese then succeeded in getimir tbe j floor and explained that it was the ' East district and not the North district that baa bee u anaexad to tbe city. Mr. Holgate thereupon withdrew his objuc i tions and Mr. R?ese hau led in the ere j dentinls of himself, John M. Harris, j G. J Powell and William Jertnyn. Mr. Holgate immediately entered a j protest ngsinst the Eist district deb ; jjat-s beiug given a voice in the con : veution. MR. liAiihiS fKoTEslS. Mr. Harris entered a protest. He sill Heilevus is still a portion of the Third Legislative district and that nothing has been done to disturb its 1 relations with the district. Mr. Hol gate claimed that owing to the peculiar situation of affairs in the East district the voters bad abstained from holding primaries and that therefore there could be no duly authorized delegates from that district in the convention. "7 bey kuow enough to protect their rights, " continiiid the speaker, "with out seeking the advice of a pot-house politician and fourth rate lawyer " These poiuted remarks drew forth a protest Mr. Harris indignantly de nied the npellations aud challenged Mr. Holgate to point to a single inci dent iu his I Harris') career that would Justify such statements. He said that be found it dithonlt to Terrain trom us ing something stronger than words in answering. I Jr. Weston raised the point that the legislative district was fixed by tbe state legislature, and can only be changed by tbe legislature. At the re quest of Mr. Hoisiit", a committee on credentials, consisting of Prank Hod 100, K. I',. He Pnennrj J. A. Wood, was appolntsd. The Mist two nsmd pre sented a majority report refusing the delegates of the East district admission to thi convention Mr Wool pre itnted a tniuority report grsntiug them admission. MINORITY RtPOBl ADOPtlD. The minority report was adopted by a vote of It) to 81, aud then n commit tee of resolutions consisting of it. H. Holgate. John M. Hunt and J. J. Wagonhurst wns appointed While the committee was preparing the reso lutions the temporary organization was made pormaneat. Tbe resolutions were as follows 'I In- RajmMIOMI of the Vfaitd Lacks waunA Legislative district, In convention nnsnmbled, renlllrni their devotion to the ordinal principles of the Republican party. OOnulood in tbs platform adopted at the Minneapolis conveuliou. Ki-olved, 1 hat wn denounce the Wilson tariff bill, with all Its heresies, abomina tions mid iuiquities, as a direct blow at the workiugmen of the entire country, and particularly of the Laokawaaoa vulley. Resolved, That tho lack ol' work and wages, which is parulyzing every iuduatry In our midst, ru:I pauperizing our own people, is due eulircly to the worn -out un American Idea of f i ee trsdo in coal, Iron aud other materials Vrhlcb lie ready for tho labor of the masses in our section. Resolved, That WO believe lOOUS SOUS' ttj, OSS Republican party, one tariff, and that such au one us will warrant our miSrl iu working to the full capacity, set our nulls tnd t-piudles la notion, an 1 give steady employment to our own people at reniuueruilvn wugus. We also bidieve in one home helongiug to every worklnmau WBO Is Willing to Work and euru it, and such a public policy as will afford every laboring man tho means to possess aud enjoy It. OENIRAL RA8TIHJB8 INl'OltSEU. Resolved, That we heartily indorse the osodldsoy of Qsnsrsl D. B, Hastings for the head of the ticket ut the geueial elec tion. We believe that by character, train Ing and fitness he is pre emiueullv lb iri'pdr man tor governor of tbo cotnuiou wealuh ol Pennsylvania, and that his nom ination will .be triumphantly mulled ut the polls. whereas, Tht policy of tbs Dsnooratlo party, at present lu complete control of all lmiuehes of onr national n ivsrnmsnt, aims directly at the destruction of oa, Is Just i ml system created uud fostered by the genius and patriotism of Republican stutesuieu of Blaine, llarrlso.i. Reed uud McKluley nut Which industrial system, properly stvll the American system, has proanced suoh phenomsnsl results iu the building up o( tho nation's wealth aud prosperity after the demoralizing und ih strnctlva ravages of the greatest rebellion ot all time, uud which commands the uue qulVooal iiidorsement and aitmiration of every great uatlOB, England excepted. Whereas, Just at this time the Kepub II can party in congress is In great uoed ot lueu of ttlstiSgnUhSd abilities, of rle el perience, of profouud scboUrship and elo onant address to moot aud defeat, if possi ble, the sffOI ts of the Democracy to it Drive American workingmeu of the just rewards of tb-ir daily toll by thetiutuu THB DEPUTY COLLECTOR Deputy Sberitl' Williaui Craig's Appoiutmaut Said to Be a Certainty. HE WAS INDORSED BY ROBINSON And Poun In the ut the OOmpetlttOD Ol foreign pauper labor NBKP9 UBR AhLEsT BON. vVhtrSBS, Th common wealth of splvanla mors thau any other state union fee's the deadly blows Stmull great industries, her coal, her iron, her glas- her wool, her nil, her lumber and othei -manufacture needs the orOtSOtloO of her ablest SO ns iu the halls of uutiouul legislation, And Whereas, Hon. Qslusba a. Qrow Is emi nently fitted to meet the domauds of the hour, be It the seus- of this conventlou, therefore, that the Third legislative dis trict, through its representative, doull in its power to aid iu the re-nouiluatiou of IL n. lalusha A. Urow. The resolutions were unanimously adopted, Dr Weston, in au eloiiustit spasch, presented the name of J. Willis Useie as delegate to the Republican state convention which meets iu Harrisburg on May 28 John M. Harris seconded the nomination. K H. Holgate placed F M. Erancis. of North Abington, in uominatiou, and said that this year the country portion of the district was en titled to the state delegate. A vote was takeu aud Mr Itesse received S3 votes an J Mr. Francis S3 Mr. Kiese was then chosen alternate. e . JOSEPH OTT, THE M0015T MAN. Be U-aded an Excellent Comoauy at tbe , (..ii. v Last Night. C'OSgrova and Grant's comedians evoked much laughter ut the Academy of Music last night with that enter taining farce comedy, 'The Hsz.ler." Jos 'ph A. Ott, a modest young man, and Miss Aooll Lewis were tue bright particular stars of tho aggregation. As an eccentric comedian Mr. stauds aloue. He has no duplicate ou the stage today. His every uppsarance on tbe stuge last evening was the signal for an outbreak of laughter. Miss Aunie Lewis assumed in n clever manner the character of "Kitty Starlit-lit," which Kate Cattletou and An nie Boyd made famous. John P. Cur ran, Albert Hart aud Miss Jossa Hatcher contributed materially to the enjoyment of the evening CAMBRO-AMERICAN CHOIR. Rthaarsal to Bi H id at Usual Flacs Tblt Evsninir. A rehearsal of the Caiuhro American choir will ba held in Young Man's Christian Association hall this evening. Several communications of interest to the welfare of the choir from protni cent musicians will be rsad. Eight large choirs have been or ganize! in Wales for the purpose of competing with the Ssrantou choir in the contest at Carnevon iu August next, whicn will be tbe greatest of its kind ever known. - - - KIN D WORDS OF FRIENDS. Livy B, Richard, for tliu pant two years Msoelat litor of the BfRANTOM THlBUSE, baa Inst been advanced to tbs editorship of that piper, a place mSde vacant by the re tlrement of Dr Usete, The Thikunk is one of the ablest and most influential journals In Interior rV'finsvliuni-t.iuiil It wlllcrtalnly lois neither In ability orueethje by the selection of Mr Richard as its controllluir head. Al t.bougli ciiinpirutlvely yuuiiK lu years. Mr. Richard thorough training and Hps SSperlMOS in the ueld or modern joiirualism. aid this, coupleil with the posses! in In all exceptional degree of thai faculty for this peculiar work which Is Inborn and cannot be artiriViuiiy orsated, will fornlsh sn efBclsnt Snd eomwsts equipment for thedlsebarge of the duties of the respouslblo piHltlou to which he bus so Worthily Leeu called jUiiimiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu I TRIBUNE BOOK COUPON. i tii u a ii.. COUPONI, MOtd Ht Tht Trtbuni 'Ollloe. -nsr I'i'uit iu rinif hikI Kpfuot ilft( ntltlo Ihr Iiuldur to ull th iri ot tho unpiirnlltili1 offci tor i . - i 1 1. ii 1 1 1. - i ' " i 1 ' 1 ' . i, .... ulimiiL utir it uili'l 'llu ulVfll iinnlf by 'I h Trlbun nirtiinic'"ut Mi r 10 CENTS mill Potti Conponn for nny vol Utile tii tb Ovtottibtti Hi rli'M. Ovr loo i n 1 1" to Uot frott S7fl mtit l our CdQpOQI br n 10 "j valuwt hvt ut Dloktaft' ooniplAk jj WOlkl m m m SO CENTS Md Tour COttpOBN fOF nity book In tbr Kugby Hrrii". I M j itinl four CoQiOM l"r 5 uiiy boolcln tbUxTurd ftsrlei. I iiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir Kind WmiU from Catlondals. Darbontfiili tttnht, Tbs Herald notes wtib pleasure thai Llvy s. Hlehaid has keen promoted from a SSbordM at" pOSitlOa on the SCRAMTOS TSISVSS to that of manntlng editor Mr Richard, tboagh yoong In years, is recogalsej ss a faithful, eontclentloQi ami papabls lournallst, and Till: Tltiut'NK dlmotors ere to I on gratnlsts i on their good Jndgmesl in selecting blm as a SnSOSStOf to Dr. best, lie will Ull the push 1011 with credit niike to himself mid the Jonriitd Over which he preslUs. The Herald predicts for Tbs Tribomi highly sacjessful and honoiahle career while it remains under the iddaiicei.f Its new editor Thinks Hh Tdacerns a Chauge. lyVltst func Timn. Po) ii short lime past tbeio bat been n no- tloeable ohangs for the better In the Bohar- Ton TsiBDKB, not only In appsaranos, hut in th natter thut has gone lots it. Ther. seems to have bstS a thorough lnjictloo of up to datly.'iiehs in its sdttOrlSl uttsraucst through OSt! TBetS Iris bSMI more of that. tfSnohant and telling f"ic.. that tin. is the best saprsssjon In par hki wd lell, erei.c is and epigrammatic snots always attractive and interesting. The old tjms picturesque and lal ured edito rials sro inlwed, but In their pluci, huv some ciisp and breezy csmp isltlous, full of die and SBSTgy and possessing a potent graOS thai revealed clever liaiid llsOS Llvy 8 Richard assumed editorial BMBSgSBSnt, THE Thi BUBS has been th.- gainer in respect to thus.) eesntial attributes that uttruct aud hold the reader. K prnsentatlve Fan's Olfsrlny. Ilyilt Fail CbHrlVr oerii. Editor Leete, of the Sobabtom Tbisobs, has resit li I'd his position en thut paper l.tvy 9 Htchard, who has been associate editor ou TrsTRIBOBS, hut been sdvanoea to the edl torslilp This Is a merited ptomntk.n. Mr Klchard. though a most tUasansn'Bg MBtls- man, is rich with jonrsallstle knoWBMMand a w riter of grace mi l atiillty. lie has already done . 1 t tii servliufor TMBTSISOMS, hat In his new p sltlon. for which hu is admirably titled, his anility will he more fully shown Anbeuisr Butch Beer. I.oull Lehman's, 3SS ripruce ou S. L. Lacier, of Wilkes-Barre, Filed His Bond as Deputy Collector of the Third District Many Applications for the Position of Peter Ginter ns Chief Clerk Collector Herring's Position Not Lnviable. S. L. Lacier, of Wilksi-Burre, was in tho city yesterday Mr. Licier has been deputy Internal revenue sollector of the Third district aud bis object iu vititiug.lhu city yestesday was to tile his bond and take out a new commis sion. It must uot be iuferred from the foregoing that tho new collector in tends to retain the old attaches of tho ofiics. Of course, it is uot expected that the changes will bs made at once, but Mr, llernii' has declared that it will rsquiro six weeks or two months to make all the necsasary trausfers, ami pending the obaogSS, the new col lector wishes to have himsslf protected by having everybody connected with the department take out new bonds and tile them with him for the faithful performance of their dntisa aPPLlCANTU koh position. 'I here are a acute of applicants for the various positions, but the plum is the dsputyiSip of the Second or l-uran- ton district, This offies( pays $l,bUu a yeur.and ex Commissioner W. J. liurke and bis immediate friends aresaugnine of that gentleman's appointment to that particular berth. There is one drawback, however, and friends of every other candidate point to it as bs int; very significant. Everybody concsdes that eg. Sheriff Charles Hobinsou will dictate the policy of Mr. Herring iu all appoint ments, and it is a fact that with tho many letters of recommendation pre sented by Mr. Kurko to the new col lector, none is to bo found from the jolly ex-sheriff. Mr. Burke's friends endeavor to ex plain that uwuv. but the friends uf one other candidate assign as the reason that Mr. Robiusou has already indorsed William Craig for the position and these latter cotiti lemtly predict that the plum will full iu that geutleman's Up. Indeed it i reported ou the best of au thority that his appointment has been decided upon. toll AKOTHIR POSITION. The position of chief clerk, that has been filled by Peter tiiuter for several successive terms, will probably be warmed by a Democrat. W hen Mr. tiinter asked Mr. Herring as to the possibility of his rstention it is reported that Mr. Herring's reply was "lJeter, there is nobody looking for your position." Pster very un wisely circulated this story and now the woods are full of Democrats, gun ning for Peter's place. It would seem though, that when the offices are no full and the npplicauts so many Col lector Herring's lot Is unytbiug but pleasaut APPROVED BY THE MAVO R. Several Ueasurss that Wers Acted On Favorably. Mayor Counell yesterday affixed his signature to tho following ordinance, and they became operative. They are as follows: For lateral sewers on Silex, Mineral, C'arlou and Gordon streets ; for riprap ping the bunks -of the Lackawanna river at Albright avenue bridge; trans fertng i" from appropriation tor build ing Carbon street bridge to thut of Seventh!ward street repairs, appropriat ing funds from the appropriation for paving intersection ol Lackawanna aud Washington avenues to maintenance of street light iu the Ninth ward ; for lateral sewers in Tenth district, Ssveu teenth ward. These resolutions were approved i Directing tho city solicitor to appeal from award of viewers la gradiug Ox ford street, and using discretiou ia the award ou Cartield avenue, permitting tbe civil service commissioners to oc cupy council chambers for holding ex amiuatiou, directing city engineer to name certain streets, directing the city solicitor to appeal from award of view ers for gradiug Lincoln avenue. . f EACHERS' MOfUHlV CONFERENCE. To B Held ia Future ou ths First Tues day of Each Month City Superintendent U. W, Phillips yesterday inaugurated a nswdepsrt urn In the methods heretofore in vogue among principals in the city schools. Mr. Phillips presided ut a meeting of principals held yesterday afternoon at the board of control rooms In the city ball. The meeting was called by Mr. Phillips for the purpose of discussiug and settling nuy questions that might arise or that might distress a tousher who Rt tempted a solution Mr. Phillips' idea Is to solidify the system, to iuiitruut the principals in tii w nutter of school regulations so thut they may impart it to the teachors in their buildings A similar mseting will be held in future on the first Tues day in each month, and much good is oxpectod lo result. NEW WORLD'S FAIR OFFER. One Fart Each Week of the Ctlsbratad Wanatnaker Panorama Owing to the extraordinary dstuund of our readen for the World's Fair Art Portfolio in four parti, wo have been unable to get a sufficient supply. In its place we, therefore, take pleasuro in offering the Wnnamaker edition or original photographic views of the fair, showing its treasures of art and repro ducing the iuimit.ibls coucsrts along the Midway pl.iisanoj. We have received five hundred copies of Part I. A new part will 1) I placed ou sale oacu week uud a supply ordered sufficistit to meet all demands. This la the celebrated Wanain'iker edi tion which iiss created such a furore iu Philadelphia, and it is far and away tbe beat photographic panorama of the groat lair yet issued from any press. Two Titllii.SK coupons of different dates aud teu cents in cash will secure the 11: sl part. One new part will bi issued each week, and cm be secured ou corresponding terms. Order at tilled in the STRUCK WITH AN UK once. Orders will las order of their receipt. SAMUEL MOORE'S AWFUL DEATH. Struck by a Locomotive and Cut Pieces at Cliff Street Verdict of the Coroner's Jury. to Mumnel Moore, aged W, was instantly killed in the Delaware, Lackawanna uud Western yard near Cliff strtet crossing about 0 o'clock yetterduy morolng, He was horribly mangled and parts of the body were cut loose mid Kcattered Young Moore was employed iu the copper department of the Machine shops and left home for work about H o'clock He was walking on the track and stepped out of the way of an ap proacbing locomotive oulv to step into tbe way of locomotive No. 13, which was coming from an opposite direction. The boy was knocked to the ground and dragged for about twenty feet, liith legs were crushed 11 it and the tody was otherwise injured while the ioteatlntl were scattered uloug the track. Uudertaker Kaubtook charge of the remains aud removed them to his es tablishment on hprnce street and later they were taken to the home uf tbe boy's mother oa Jackson street by L ndertaker t'nce. Coroner Kelly tm- paunelled a jary consisting of Martin bird, Simon Coffte, W. A. Ksub, U Frank Sqniter, P. O. Knight and Charles B Danisls. The remains were viewed uud tbe jury met iu the court house last evening. The jr.ry after listening to the test; mony of a number of witnesses decided that Moore was accidentally killed while walking on th Delaware, Lacku wanna and Western track at the Cliff street crossing. " BARTENDERS' DNNUAL DANCE. Large Altsndano at Oa of the Beaton's Fleasaut Allure The Sciuntou Bartenders' association entertained its many friends last even ing at it annual ball in Tarner ball. The hall was tastefully decorated aud presented a very attractive appeurence. Promptly at I), lid o'clock Hayes Bros, orchestra, which was furnisliiug the music, struck up the "Belle of Chicago" march, and soon lji) couple were mov lug over the floor to its accompani ment. The bull was one of the most successful ever held under the bartend er's auspices. Arthur Evant was master of ceremo nies and hn wat ably assisted by John McNay. The rscsption committee con sisted of TnoniM May. Arthur Evans, Johu McKay, Thomas Boland. William Thomas uud George Karl. The floor committee consisted of John Banford, Oeorge Karl, William Thomas, Thomas J. Morau, Thomas May, Thouias B laud and W. J. Fahey. Joseph Hetliulis May Die from His Injuries at Aity Minute. OPERATIONS TO BE PERFORMED Henry Smith and Joseph Judge Are Accused of Being the Ones That Caused Mathulis" Wounds Appli cation for Writ of Habeas Corpus to Have Smith Released from Jail. Hearing Will Be This Afternoon. Attorney A. A. Vosburg and ex Judge Stanton applied to court yester day for a writ of nab"a corpus to have Huury Smith released from the county jail, Judgj Aid, bald granted the writ and the hearing was set down for '.' o'clock this afternoon. Smith aud a man named Jos. Judge were received at tho county jail early Sunday morning on a commitment 1b sued by Alderman Williams, of Provi dence, on information which was sworn to by Dr. Sulllvau, of Provi dence. It set forth that one Joseph Mathulis was suffering from wounds which might cause bis death and that Smith aud Judge were respousible for th wound-, Joseph Mathulis resided on Blair avenu- with Smith, who runs aboard ing boose, uud is u sioglv mau. A week ugc Saturday Matnuli uncle, who resides iu Pittstou, cams to visit him. The visit was made an occasion for a celebration, and Mathulis pur chased three i. -g . of beer iu order that READ THIS LIST Feed, Meal aud Corn .. $ 93 Highest Grade Minnesota Patent Flour (sacks) 90 Highest Grade Fmuily Flour I! if. Graham Fiour, 50 lb. sack 78 Rotobsgsa, per bnsuel Soda Crackers, per ponnd 1 Bods Crack-rs, per lb bv the bbl 1 1 lb box Baking Powder f i lb. box Biking Powder 1 i lb. box Baking Powder - liriar Wood Pipos Ii 5 lb. psll of Fruit Butter 10 Lead Pencils, per doz 2 Pure New Orleans Molasses, per gallon 12 y 59. per gallon 19 lialr Brushes j Socub Bruthes 8 Hex Stove Polish, per bottle 0 A First-ciass Tea that we can recommend Same Tea, pounds for Choice Coffee at A First- class Coffee "t Smoking Tobacco and a C'jb Pipe with each ponnd Seonrioe, per pound can Callie Powder, per pound Bluing Puddles, worth luo Canned Baspberrise, worth loc , Preserved Blspkberrita, worth ic'j 2-lb. patksfe Fancy Ksletni', worth 18a, nt ' Currant?, per pound Soused Msckered, w.,rtn io Large Jar Preserve., worth $j 39 Tumblers Preserves, wortti 'JOc Mtuwna iviuer, per doz. quarts "c'win naier, DOr 001 III 00 1 13 theguestt might propsrly enjoy tbo i $4 Shots at : Shoes st i Bboeg at festivities. BEEKCAL-KP IHI TBOCBI.g. The liquids were for the use of fie 4 I 9'i fly 8 1 boarders iu tho house and a few invited guests, but during the evening there were several outsiders who came in and helped themselves. This brought ou the light aud in the melee wbica fal lowed Mathulis was struck ou iht heal with an axe. The wound is ou the lift side of the head, an 1 there is a piece of bone depressed on the brain This caused paralyzation of the organs of Bpeech aud als i of tbe arms. This morning Dr. Sjllivan and Dr. Donne will perform an operation which may save Mathulis life, or he may die under 4o 89 ; less than ! value. one-half their THE HOLVEV TO lector:. ITALIAN Many BAND BALL Participate In th Dancing nt Muslo Hell. The ltalo-Americati band, BOOtnpBr tlvely new musical organization, held its flrtt annual ball in Music hall lust evening. The affair was very largely attended and enjoyed. The music for dancing was furuithed by the band, under the directiou of itt leader, Professor tlnlseppe Morena. an accomplished musician. Tho commit, test in charge of the affair were: He ception committee, Victor Sartor, John Carlucci, 8 DeMsrtino, D Sauoblrloo, J. Buven . floor manager!, G. Obiei, N. Pierro, G A, Pirro, G. Petavento, sec rotary, Johu Morena, manager, Nlcbo las Carlucci. e Heaxtleston ft Woera'e and Ballantlne'e Alee are the beet. E. J. Walsh, ageut, Bs Lackawanna avenue. Somtthttii' Mew I u jiliototat Orovos', 1ST, Spruce street. READ Tlit1 new offer made to Tribune readers on page 7. It is the best one yet made public. MRS She Will Speak in Dunmore Odd fel lows' Hall. Au entertainment aud lecture will be given Jin the OJd Fellows' Hall, Dun more, nuder the sat pices of the L).val Legion, this evening. The lecture will be delivered by Mrs. A. M. Holvey. of Wett Pittston, who is the lecturer for the Woman's Chris tian Temperance Union for the state of Poniitylvanla Mrs Holvey is one of the most forcible temperance lecturers in the state. She Is not a stranger in Dunmore, hnving lectured iu tbe Meth odist Episcopal church to a large audi ence a lew months ngo. Vry Styllth. The new process photos at Groves. Fcranton't Butlntti Irjteratti The will soon publish a care fully compiled and clattuhcd lint of tho leadiug wholesale, baukiug, mauufactur lug and professional interests of Scrantim and vicinity. The edition will be bound lu book form, 'orautlfuhy illustrated with photogravure views of our public bnild ings, bloc's, streets, etc. together with portraits of leudlug cltlfOBS, No similar worit has ever given au equal te piesoiitatiun of BcfantOU't many Indus, trios. It will be uu invaluable exposition of our business resources. Sent to persons outside the city, copies of this handsome work will attract newcomers and be an unequalled advertisement ot the city. The esca lation Is on a plan that cannot fail of good results to those concerned as well as the city nt large Uepresenta'.ives of Tiir TmnuNK will all upon nOBI wboki RaMM are dksikid In this edition and explain its nature more fif.iv Those desiring views of their residence!' In this edition will please leave notice at the ollice. D ou want the later stylos and finish 111 photography, you can get it nt ilriffln's, Wyoming avenue. We are lutroduclng new novelties constantly. Second Clttrlct Republlcaua In pursuance uf a resolution of the standing committee of the Republicans of the Second Legislative district, n conven tion will be held lu the arbitration room at tho court house, city of Bcranton on Tuesday, Feb. 13. 1SIM, at 8 o'clock p. m., for i he purpose of electing one delegate to represent said district at the state conven tion to be held at Harrisburg, I'll , on Wednesday, Mav 88, 1H1I1. Vigllauco com mittees will hold primaries ou Saturday, Feb, 10, between the hours ot 4 and 7 p. ni. W, S. Mii.i mi, t'hairmau A. J. KoiiB, Secretary. BcraBton, Pa, Jan. So, 1891. Krglltb, You Know Themetsotype aturovus', 4 Bpraoe. Shoes nt j L-trge Clothes Hsset, worth 9 h . , Medium Clothes liatiiet, worth We Small Clothes Basket, worth 70c ' vvuue wash brushes, worth $l. Z'j And a great many other ; things that we will sell at about one-quarter of what they are actually worth. , W will nflTor o viivVn. P the scalpel. He has been In a coma- I "w " uuaiauwi ui lose condition ever since the injuties j fixtures in about a Week at iiuiivi.'. .in.. ' . j . .'..-7i un less todiy's opiration ii successful. It is maintained that Smith did cot inflict toe injuries Mathulis is suffering from. He says he endeavored to act as a peacemaker and got belweeh Judge and Mulbiili. who, it is c intended, were engaged iu a struggle. These reasons will be urged for nil release at the bearing today. LENTEN SERVICES TO BEGIN. Hew Lutherans and Epl .comliaa Will Observe This S ason. During Lut servicis will be held in Trinity Lutheran churches follow Sunday morning at lo 80; evening! at 7.30; Wednesday evenings at 7.-10 at North Scranton mission in the chapel on Short avenue, Friday evenings at 7.30, lectures on the Catechism; Satur day afternoons ut 4, address to chil dren. Dnrlng holy week services wilt ' be held at 7.43 each evening except on Good Friday, when tbe seivice will be at 10.30 a. in. At St. Luke's church thessrvicss will be held accrdiag to the following Ash Wednesday. 10 3U a. ts.. 7.43 p m. , Sundays. iO.SOa m., 7.30 p. m , Mondayi", iu a. m., 5 p. m. , Tuesdays, lit a. m., 5 p. m. ; Wednesdays, 10 a. in,, 7.45 p. in. . Thursdays, Ida. m . 3. p m. ; Fridays. 10 a m , 5 p. m. , Saturdays, 10 a in., 5 p. m. Books by Express. Any person ordering ten or more books at one time may have them ssnt by ex press prepaid. BUHOTOS Typewriters and Edison Phouograpbs for aide uud rent. Copying work executed. I'honograpbs rented for sn evening's entertain'mett. Telephone JlMii. saw, itunster Jr., 4!c street. SCRANTUN CASH STORE Dr. Hill 2- Son Albany DENTISTS Pet tenh. $5.3(1; beat set, SS: tor puU raps and teeth sv:tDout plates, called crown an! bridpe work, call for price snd referer.eo TONALOIA. tor SStlietlBS tvetli without pain. No ether. No k'i. OVEB Stagl KATIOKAI. HANK. Spruce McBridi'i new Tarkish bath. Lvery. ttqng new. (00 Sprocs street, opposite Court House. Price List Wi lt I N C E R S Daisy, $1.75 Reliable, $1. Househ'd, Si.uo Novelty, $2.10. Universal, $2.10 Have you ever HuotiogioB tried For oysters stewed or oyster? fried? At Lackawanna avenue 413 You'll find the nicest yon have seen. Open Until Midnight. Best Sets of Teeth, $8.00 Jccluding the pnlulens extracting ut teeth by uu entirely new pr cess. S. C. Snyder, D.D.S. 1& AVYUMINU AVTu Henry Battin & Co. 126 Penn Avenue. Eureka Laundry Co. Cor. Linden St. and Adams Avt?. Conn House Sqcahi:. All kinds of Laundry work guaranteed the best. e) j, 1 This Is Inventory Weel r Small lots, in all departments, to close out cheap. Dr. Jaeger's Underwear (slightly imperfect) at 15 PER CENT REDUCTION. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE.
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