THE FCttANTOX TTUTWNE-WEDXESDAY "MOBN1XG. FKBtttTAUT 7. 1804. BEST FRIENDS n Our Series ol tlie World's Choicest Books Eagerly Sought After, mUCH DELIGHT IS EXPRESSED The Splendid Quality ol the Bindings and ttie Remarkably Low Prices at Which the Various Volumes Are Sold, in Connection with the Tribune Coupons, to the Headers ot This Paper, Caue Admiring Comment from Thousands ot Book-lovers. The popular intermit BMifHtod "i the mai;iiitieiit cluup bojk otTor made by The Tkibcne aontlooai wWb no lisn of abateuieur tfTuril imtaltueuti of the rarioiu uprtr haa bctn ordered aud rxbauttaj, but the lUmaud still continue. Mnoli appreciation is (I pruned for the btulntll enterprii wbtoti anablta raadart o( this paper to secure, a t price ordinarily lfd for papeoboood booki, standard works of itie hisnut literary quality bound huuud la a maimer OOnSMBItt rate with their worth. The baudsoiue seta of standard auth ors, in superior : ,-iifli Tellum cloth bindings, are greatly ndmired, auJ are being purchased witn an ai Jity that !.!. i au early selection advisable to all who have not yet availed theuiselvos of this unprecedented Opportunity to eqoip their libraries witu the word's atiiiidard literature Clip your oonponi out aud s!ec: from the following titles: STANDARD SETS. Uejrg Kiliot 5 Toluuies $ J 00 Cooper 9 volumes 1 S5 ooir, better blading -J oluun ... 1 73 Dumas I volumes 1 W l'ickeus - to volumes S Saaeker 10 volumes- very tl'.e 5 00 OXfORO EDITION. You Lave generally paid W ceut for a paper covered bcok We propose to give you aa elegantly bound took, stamped lu sold, fresh froiu me press. l'.rinte.l in lire, clear type, for 95 cents. You can got almost any title In this series Over 1,000 hiv been told in the uast few days BOOKS IN THIS klKllS Cfcesfauts, Old ana Lynn Dute Secret. Children of the Abbey. Effle Ognvie. Tom Cringle' Loc. Vicar of WakehVld. Arabian Nhts Eu'.ertaiuaK-ut. Deide or the Iron Haud Ejgeue Aram The Couutees Eve Tue (.'oafesaum ot a tVomau. Znnoni, Si Eutaw. Baled hav vVooed aud Marrwd. Two Years Before tue Hm:. Zcuobia. Alt sorts and Cuaditiou ot Me:i Red Rover. TumBrjwa at Oxford. Red Gaualett. Tom Brown's School Uays. Shirley. A Strange Story. Oliver Twist. Monsieur Leco, Kill on the fide. Dick i sweethear:. John Hu.i.'ax. Kenelm Chillingly. Last Days it PumpaiL The spy. Pilgrim's Progress. The Foragers. Dangaters ot Ueth. Fedl Holt. Heart of Geld. Kescell of Greyitoa. Fair womea. The Bondman. CbapUc of Pearls. Frederick the Great aad H.s Court. Armor -Jl uf Lyonesse. CbarletaoDt. Self Helo. Blasohnampe Lime Kiln Club. An April Lady. Aurora Floyd. A Marked Man. Criops, The Carrier. Ruffiao. Tue Hinorabls M.f. Lady V i . M.iu.a. Marcta. The Pariiiaas Border Beagles Brideof Lammermoor. Life of Daniel buuae The Rival Princes. Molly bawa Murdered in the Kae Morgue. Reproach of Annersiey. Keuilworth. Last of the Mohicans. Shandon Bells. Old Myddieton's Money. Homola. The Mysteriooa Island. Mystery of OrcivaL The Second Wife. Monastery Search f r Basil Lyndhurtt. Rob Roy. The Hone uf the Sevan (MUM. Violet Vivaa. Tbe Waara of Sin. Vivan Grey. , Strange Adventures of a Pheaton. Beyond Pardon. Tbe Antiquary. Birds of Pry Tue Firm of Uirdieston, F arn Leaven. j CnariM Aochaster. Fon! Play. .M Elsie. Martin CbVtllsWtt. ( handos. i ntherlne. Pathfinder. OM Mutual Friend. Pickwick Paper'. A Pair of Hlue Eye, Tns Prairlu. The Human ai.d Liiviue. yeaeaate 7h Btnry of an African Farm. Cdasln Pon i. Crown of Wiid Olives. Life of Kit Carsoa. Lavld Copperlleld. Child's History of England. The Fairy of the Alps No Name. Mv Loid and My I. adv. Tour of the World In M Days. 't wenty Thousand I.sagues L'uder the tea, The Phantom Ship, lane Eyre. Judu. lloickerbork'.-r History of Uw York. Lady Audley's Secret. A Hardy llora'tnau. House on the liariti. The Owl House. Old Curiosity Shop. .Nick Ot the W. mI. Wit, Humor and Putlios. taueeti Hortmice, In the MchilliiigHCourt. Piuusers. My Heart's U.irllng. Llfeot Oaf id docket. Lady C'aaUemaina DW. ice. The Sin' of Joost Avellogb. Woodcraft. Hull Hour with Ureal Humorists. Half Hour with Great Story Tellers. Silas Waruur. Half Hour with llreat Novelists. History of the (J utted States. Southward, Ok, Her Dearest Foe Ureat Extieciatlons. Orlmm'a Fairy Tsle. (illded Clique. The Vendetta. .'K-tou's Fabies. Wnverley. Vixen. Fnlth aud Uofaith. The Deemster, a v.ib Surt. Scenes from clerical Life Charlotte Temple. Urimth Qaunt, Vrscouselos. ' Mint, Tin. in lieudy. Master Pussiou. Old Mamsella's Secret. The JLiorongo Case. Mnrch in i lie Raaks, ' Sloiuie Sijuare Scaudal. The VYigWatt) and Cubiu. lluy Mamieriiig. Flying Dutchman. Alacleod ot Dare. Marry l.orreipier. Sollderoy, Don Quixote, Donald (Jrnnt. Cast Dp by the S,u. Other People's Money. Othnmat, baraabj Rudga Denuis Duvah ikth Tborne, The Dove In the K.igle's N'ost. The First Violin, Madcap Violet. Mollicuampe. Kichard Hurdis. The Partieg of the U ays. Forty Liars and other Lies, The Vicoaite's Bride. En taw. Far From the Maddening CrOWd, Aurellan, Dranai of Life, famous r Infamous. Mary st Joba, Alice. Shadows and Sunbeams. Alas' 1'iira, ihe Pboenielan, HWiea Family Kotiiusou. Rory O More. Ladies' 1'iiiuiiv PhysloiaBa An Kgypttaa Princese, Anderson' Fairy Tslea, Vault y Fair. The Hoonetoae Brie Birghtayes, 'J'wentv Veara Alter. The Scarlet Letter. The Partisan The HCOUt. Merle's Crusade Rsron Munchausen. Kathartuu W.titou. Coalgsby, The Arundel Mote. Is Life Worth Living. Princese buaebioe, larda Wi!!y EtelU) Thaddeui uf Warsaw, The vTootnr O t Syrlm TVioe Told T'ale. Khoda Fleuimtug. The Vouur Duke. Stiauge Case of Dr. Jekvll and Mr. Hyde. RUGBY SERIES. This series OOBtaiOJ over U'O titles aud is peculiarly adapted to boys. The authors ate among the most noted iu tbs land and the books are all literary gems. Fifty cants would be a good bargain, but four coupotis and MO ceut takes the urue. HOOK? IN THIS SKK1K1. Deep Down. The Boys iu the Forecastle. Roanoke Island to Murfreesbro. Popular Natural History Barbara's Triumph Stories from Americau history. The Smugglers' Cave. Erltug the Bold. Adveutures Amouthe ladiatii. The Rule aud the Houud. (iubert the Traveler Parents' Assistant Audubon the Naturalist. Harlte's Letters Banff's Fairy Tales, Fort Sumter to Roanoke Ulan I, School Life, ur Three Years at Wolver 'on. ocean Waifs. Tbx White Eleplaut. My Tour la Eurooe. Nature's Young Nobleman. Gas Coyne. Frank W'ildmau s Adventurers on Laud and Water. Aunt Diana. The Oolden Magnet. Round the W orld. Stories About Animals. Yoong Yoysgers. Uracie Uoodwin. aerman Fairy Tales. Famous Men. Boys' and Girls' Story Book. Eoy Conqueror. Young FuUs History of Greece. Adventures of Famous Sailors. BoyS A the Bible. The Ad ventures of Rob Roy. Young Folks Bo'.lc of Bird. The Young Foresters and Other Tals. Salt Water. Boy Slaves. YouLg Adventurer. Old Mrrv's Travel on the Coutineat. Tom Tracy. Abbott's Stories for Children. Stanley Orahame. Orey Hawk. Fntry Tales from Bretao i. Wild Sporu in the Far West. Eastern Fairy Legends Current in South ern India, cuff Climbers Pirate Island Edgeworth's Moral Ta'ei. I iUOg Acrobat. Dick Cbevelry. Perils of the Jung's Throngh the Looking Olais. Ijielt Rodney. Oar Young Soldiers. B'ish Boys. Oriental Fairy Tales. Young Folki' History of Rome. Spanish Fairy Tales. f.ric Danv Elgbt Years' Wnndarlngs in Ceylon. Fort Pillow to the End. The Flra Brigade. Grandfather's Caalf Jackaoaps and Other 'i slet. Young Folks Hittory of Orrmauy. Malfrboro to Fort Pillow. The Mountain Cave. Plant Hunters. The W r 'I iger. Paal (Hake Baron Munchausen. Kdgewnrth's ClagtM Tales Jsc k Wheeler. lOUOg Folks Natural History, Young Folks History of Francs. Woantrsof the Oteat iJeep. The Wolf Boy in China. Th Ma-irlan's Show Box. Mark Beawortb. Luka Bennett's Hide Cut. Adeeatursaof Famous Trafslen. Raadford and Mertoa, In the Wilds ot New Mexico. The Titrer Prince. Tin Red Iric. Number W. COLUMBUS SERIES. This series is t ho triumph of the aga. All the popular books, over 1,000 title', bound in cloth, stumped in goi I. ut B cents One young man look forty bock of this series, had nil of Dickens', all of Hint's and a splendid line of miscellaneous woiki for only 8. The print Is large, the books ar new and for the pleasure of reading tliny do the work, Airy Fairy Lillian. An Old Mans Darling. Allan (juartoriiiain. As in a Looking OlSSS, Arabian Nights' Kutertniiiiiisut, At the World's Mercy. Bonn io Dora. Bride of the Tomb. Cainllle. Child's History of England. A Dntclft'S Barcnin. '1 be Deer SlaVf r The Duke s Secret, Dsdlee, or Ihe Iron HainL Dick s Wandsringi. Doutdy Wronged. A Desperate n'onian A Drradful Teiiintatioo, A Doathrx-d Marnage. East 1 j in Essays of Ells. The Frozen Pirate. Grimms' Household Fairy Tales. Ouy Kenmere's Wife. The Houso on the Marsh. The Hon. Mrs. Vereker, Handy Andy. Ivsnhoe. Jacqnelma. Jane Eyre. John Halifax, Clentlemea. Lady Audley's Secret. L ist Days of Pompeii. The Latt ot the Mobicaus. l.o run Doouo. A Life's Remorse. Little Ooldon'a Daughter. Little Nana. Mr. Forteaque; an Andreau Hoinsuca Tue Master of the Mine. Matt ; a Tsle of the Caravan. Molly Buwu. The Nun's Curse. Old Miim'Kvlle'a Secret. Oliver Twist. The Patutlnder. The Pioneers. The Prairie. A Prim e of Dai knea. QnorauVa Terrible secret. 1 he Reprost'h of Anuesley. i. i i. Crusoe. RoBola, Rery Qf Moore. The lisbbi's Spell. The Rom and ihe Lily, She. The Sketch Book. The Swlat Family Uobiusuu. Second Thoughts. Strange Case of or. Jeykyll and Mr. llvde. Tom Brown's School Days. Toi'r of the World in Eighty Days Twenty 'thousand Leagues L'udor the Sea. The Two Orphans. Two Years Before tho IJndorOurrsatSi A Vagrant Wife, Tbe Vv itch's tleud. Willie Iteilly. on by Wslting, A Woman's Face, A Wife's Crime. a dam Beds, Crooked Path. Cardinal Slu. Blind Love. Horle'i oainos. Wife in Niiine Only, Janet's Kepeutauee. Master or Bsliaiiiiae. Ivau the Serf. Ludy YalsWOI th e Liiauiouda Far Fait band Freedom. Wee Wide Christmas Stone. Col Qaariteh A Family Affair A Mental Btrngfle, For Auothvi s Sin Mysterious blend. Redeemed 1 v Princess ol i We Two. At War ttl ll ID i'-i If, Ml-SlUtf llUal .1 III. Between i s.n , Baron Munchanaeu, Evil Oemus. UNIVERSAL SERIES. The books embrace the works of trie west renowned authors on subjects of Science, history aud fiction are really among the recognized standards ntid i ure worth more than double the amount t which the readers uf Tin: TbIBDBI have to pay. They are bound iu a uuique cloth cover with gold top; BOOKS IN TU1S SEUIK-l Horse Book. Humphrey Clinker. Hyt eriou. Irving' Sketch Book. Irving' Life of Washington, lvanboe. Jeremy Taylor's Holy Living Juains' Letters The Koran. Last Days of Pompeii. Legends of th Patriarch au Proshetl Lives of Celebrated Men. Lives of Celebrated Women. Maeanlay's biographical Essays. Middle march, Mill on Liberty. Mrs Caudles curtuiu Lectures, Natural Law in the Spiritual World. Night Side of Nature. Noctes Ambrosianue one Hundred Years of a Natious Life Outre Mer obiter Dicta. Pas", aud Present. Planetary and Stellar World. PlUtarcb'l Live, iu one Volume. Pr so Writers of America. Foe's Tales. Pres:ott's Mlscellani.s. Realities of Irish Life. Religion of the Ancient World. Rochetoucault s Maxims aud Reflec tions. Birra I'rivata Sartor Kesar ui. Sayinis, Ita au 1 Otherwise. Scuiniu -t Aucieut History. Schmit2's History of Euglaud. Schmltz s History of Greece. Schmltz's Hiitory of Rouio. Seekeis Aftsr Ood. Self Help. Seneca' Morals. Seven Lamps of Architecture. Smith's Rejected Addresses. The Spectator. Speticpr on Education Sterue's Sentimental Journey. Story of aa African Farm. Taiue's History of F.nelish Literature. 'Iliackeray's Early and Late Papers, 'liiles for the People. The Epicurean. Tn Rein of Lawi Tbe L'uity of .Nature. Vanity Fair. Vatr.ek. ' Westward Hn vVllhelm Meisler's Apprenticeship and Travels, Ainer.can Humorists Ancient iteiigious Art ami Life. Artie Disrofsry, Bacon's Essaya, Bavne's Essays. Bede's ( harity. Blooraphla Litarari My Literary Lite and Opinions. Brawn's Bible Dictionary, Brown's loooordanoe, Baffon'i (fatnral liistory. Banyan's Holy War Butler's Analogy of Rligiou. Sutwer's Wit and Wisdom. Carlylo'i Remlnlsceneee, Chwvasse's Advice to a Wife and Mother, Confessions of aa English I iilum Eater, ( on f 1 and Menclus. ( ook'a Vovages. , Cratsy'l Derisive Battles of Ihe W orld Curious Mylh Classic Comedies. . Cla(Si0 !lays Cyclopedia of F.niiueut ('hrijtlans Daniel Dsrood David CoppeiOeld. Don ,:: Early Days of Christianity, Eliot's (worgej Essays, Euytit and Babylon. An Rgyptlae Princess. Elect ve Allitiities. Emerson's Essays. Flint and Second (Series. BmlflCBl Ainerluans. Essays of Ella. 1'iiinoiri Warriors. I ... i Book "f Mintvr. Oelkle's Ufa and words of C'htist (Irrat. Ganerala. Great, Thought from Greek Authors. Great Thoughts from Latin Authors. Highways ei Llteralurs. 'I he Hermits. Hemes and BaO Worship. Historical Evidenre. History of All Rollglous. Hi"tory of Middle Igwi. History of .Norway, Sweden and Denmark History of the Oltomau Empire. History of i he Pilgrim Fathers. History of ttussia. History of Spall and Portugal illstoiy of I'raure, History of u,ii mnoy. History of Holland and Belgium History of India. History of California. History of Charles XII. History and Poetry of Finger Rings MISCELLANEOUS SERIES. This series OOatelos over Itw titWs. embracing the brat works of all the famous authors and covering th fislds of science, art, philosophy, history, and Bdtioo, Boh book lsprinlud froiu large type, ou lino patter, aud U sub stantially bound. The regular price Is 75 cents, hut you may have them at 39 cents llnuks of this class usually re tail from i lo 1 23 Uv sendoio 7 renf f.rru r,jr , . .in ;. uiil oj th tuuA uill tt inil i'u mnll. WEAK MEN fir 4C 7 HAi YOUR ATTENTION I" ' .1 l.i.n u (HK (lioat English Itcmedy, Gray's Specific Medicine IF YOU SUFFER Ner MM twim. una nisa m m ssvoua Ol- hility, ',.4i,i B.el and Mind, Mporiuu torreee, unit unpoteaoy, and all ,, .. .. that mine from over indulgennt ud self atnme, ns I, use of Memory i uU Power, Diiuuesa of Vis Ion, Premature o rt Ae;e and iiiuiir other ills eaaoe thut .. , i to lusaidty or ( IbaanmpUoi and inieaih' L-raVe. wntefor a paiuphlot. Address CtRAV MEDICINE CO, Uullalo, N. Y. The Keelfle Mrdlrlne la sold liy nil d' Uk'kflsts ut t l'r ia kai:e, or alx riaekuites tor to.,, r sent by mull ell receipt ot money, mid tt), wry iKnordir W GUARANTEE it cure oi- motley t hnul'Mi iaas.s smn, mmmm nrOfl Mcpnoi "i t iiiiiiiiTfriti w imvo udoptt'U tin Vt'lloW WriipMr, tlat only m?liu tilt. . ill In Si ritiitnii bf .Mutthuwa pfufl D RICK TIL! DRAIN F RONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW. VITRIFIfiD, FIRE AND COMMON URIC K Best in the market, Brandt Clay Product Co OFFICE Blnghomtoo, N Y FACTORY: Brandt, P E. Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers of the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO. Haanfaetarars and Dealers Lost Manhood UlUdOo mnMdl With MrUtafuti-Bts.iirurt. BoU by M w l a i-iit.a lMU(Si,t; ikruiluB, H. una Vigor quickly i t itDUOA ariiuctltj, i.lif fitiV t litlbalulls. i b) I.Nli.lM. the tfftui nil ft i Also Sbafting and Journal Greasa. OFMCK:-:-l Wasl Urkawnnna Avs. WilKKB: -MarldUn it".- WANAMAKER'S Photographic Panorama OF THE WORLD 9 FAIR Now Ready -4T ej sis SUPERLATIVE rium Ihe K Y. Tnt,iini, Abe, 1. H'S. The Flour Awards "Ciucaoo, Oct 31. -Fhe first ottkial anuonncemcnt of World' Fair di plotnas on Hour has been made. A medal lias been awarded by the Woild'a Fair judce to the flour uiaiiu factum) by the Washburn, t'rosby Co , in the great Washburn Flour Mill?, Minneapolis. The committee reports the Hour strong and pure, and entitles it to rauU as first '.v- patent rlour for family and bakers' ua." MEGARGEL & CONNELL WHOl.KSALt A ll-: N T AND GOLD MEDAL Something new. It is a reat Education tor any Man, Woman and Child who reads The Tribune and takes ad vantage of its Grand Offer. It consists of Over Three Hundred Photo graphic Views of the Sights and Scenes of the World's Fair and Midway Plaisance. It Is Issued in Weekly Parts, or Portfolios. Each Portfolio Contains 16 or More Different and Distinct Pictures. Over THREE HUNDRED Views Shown. No Two Alike. All of the pictures are of equal interesl and importance to complete this beautiful and exhaustive pictorial history of the World's Columbian Exposition. The above brands of flour ran be had nt any of the following merchants, who will accept THKTriBONI FLOOB COUPON of 01 oa each oae huudred pounds uf flour or 50 on eac h barrel of Hour. terastoa-F. P. Prlea Watblaaloa arcane. Uold Medal Brand, Myilt-Park l arson Pavia Wiu-hbiirn St. i iold Itedal Bi iiiiJ; J,eih A Mrum, Main aranu, Bnperlativa Brand, Oreen Hidtro Ldtpenoar.Qeld Medal Brand. Dnntnor r P. Prlea Gold Mads! Brand, ulvplmui Jnuiea Jordan, SiiimrlariVf Hraml pnninore F, L Manl,y. Sutirlktivu Ur md. rroftdaaea Feaner i Obappejl N Main vc nne, Knp,,rltlv brand :('. .1 UtllMsiiit, w Markvt ulniur, lluld JltM il brund. I). Pkiii:o--,iftf?r Ri iinJ jet nivn (', Irand ( ai Umilale lloiiesdiilu lirnn,) Hniiuitdale Rslaer, W'interi 4: Ca Snni?rlativj Bnpsralatlre U. B, Clark, Oold Merlal Brand. ,t N, Foster Jt Co Hold m.h: W.P K,-tinrw,k Mim..rl:ilU-A n..,l i ,,i iuii ,7. c. rum . son, uoia iphi Krano gonldstwro- y A. Admin.. Bold Medal bran 1 Tuliyhsnna- Tiitiyhaunii l.cliiuli Luiuba Co . Uulrl Medal brand VSercereau & Connell aor LACKAWANNA AVUMVU DIAMONDS, and Fine Jewelry, Leather Cioods, Clocks, Bronzes, Onyx Tables, Shell Goods, Table and Ban quet Lamps, Choicest Bric-a- Hrac, Sterling Silver Novelties. Ice .'. Skates, All Prices and all Sizes. AT CHICAGO. Illinois, on the Bhore of Luke Mirbigaii. from May I to October 30, lisJ3. stood the MajrJc City tbe Dieaui City that caused tbe wbole world to ban and v iu wou aer and auiazeuiHit. Tbis was the crowning achievement iu America's history of 400 years. Every uation iroiu "Greenland's Icy Mountains to India's Coral Strand," from darkest Africa to tbe islands of tbe sea poured forth their riches aa tribute to the World's Columbian Kxpoi tion, that it sbyuld be tbe most marvelous display of ancient aud mod era times. All that the human brain had conceived, that human skill could execute, was there. All this wealth ol the earth aud genius ol mind was concentrated there within an are oi 633 acres, of which 250 acres were covered with buildings that aloue cost Twenty three Million Dollars. Only the spirit and the pictures of this, the eighth and great est wonder ol' the world, remain with us. The spirit will make our nation greater and all humanity better, while the picture-, make a pic torial history that will tell the story to all the children ol men. The Photographic Panorama of the World's Fair is designed la I iwrotno.fa trip ctIaiHas nf ttm fnr;.. i -it.- r,,,. ,i, . . .v.. I v.. ii , iv. liir cuivl 1 .1 1 iiUiCiJ L 'i inr multitudes and for the enlightenment of posterity. It presents vivid aud realistic views ..1' (irand Exposition Buildings, with their towers, pinnacles and glittering domes. pictures of Slate and Foreign Building, of massive Arches, of Colonnades and Peristle, of noble Statuary and Egyptian Obelisks, of Sculpture and Mural Decorations, of jetting Fountains, Of beautiful Interior Exhibits, Of Venetian Gondolas, glid ing over the deep LagOOUS, of Pavilions, of Foreign Villages, of Cams, of the Wooded Island, uud man other attractions "I ihe Dream City, including the famous Midwaj Plaisance, the btscaai of uatious, or the side-shows of the World's Fair, Every vestige of the World's Fair is fast passing away. Already Ore has played havoc amou the buildings, while a small army of men are at work removing everything in the form of Buildings and exhibits that was dear to the sight of the World's Fair visitors. But thanks to photography, ii remains for the entertainment ami edification of the multitudes and lor posterity. The "Wananraker Panorama of the World's Fair" is a voloui inously illustrated history of that great event, it is a history that is both highly entertaining to ihe young and old. and instructive to all. It is such a volume that should be iu every patriotic home. In order to have a complete, continuous and connected history, ii will be neccs sary to have all the parts. illllllllllilllMlil!UIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIinilllilltlltllllltl!MSIttl lillllllliMlinilUIL CUT THIS OUT. . The Tribune Order KOR THE s WANAMAKER EDITION OF am an I World's Fair Art Portfolio! 513 LACKAWANNA AVE. LUTHER KELLER KING'S WINDSOR CEMENT FOR PLASTERING. SEWER PIPES, FLUE LININGS. LIME, BIT I IN WEEKLY PARTS. COUPON, February 7, 1894. Office, 813 West Lacka wanna Ave. Quarries and Works, Portland. Pa. 'OCZSt Tho only aafo, aura and a"3" . 1 1 V . 1 "TV, - 1 . , t : ver oflfarad to LadleH, especially recommend ed to married Ladioa. Aak for fill. MOTT'S namiOTIL Plf.tS aud tike no othnr. HT Bend tor olroular. Frlt-u 1.0l uor box, livc Jor $.".00. UK. MOTT'H CHK,M1CAL(X)., - Oevt-lnnU, OUlo. al Uy t M. 11 Mill is UniKKlit, 1.' 1'Biin Avenue. PENNYROYAL PILLS. Send or briiifj 2 Coupons of different tiate. to- s crethcr with 10 Cents, and receive each part of Mao- 5 nificent Photographs. No delay; no waiting1, rart lirst is now ready. A new part each week. THE TRIBUNE, Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St, CUT THIS OUT. iiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiimiiiiuiauiiiir Kach part can lie obtained by cutting out two coupons of different dates, in this col umn, and sending 1() Cents (not stamps) with each two coupons. The other Art Offers are still open
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers