I I TflE SCflANfOtf TBIBTJE-SATrBDAY MORNING, JANUARY 6, 1894. Or eat BANKRUPT SAIE Worth of Dry Goods, Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods, Millinery, Cloaks and Notions, Curtains, Boots and Shoes, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Infants Wear, etc, etc., of a large Brooklyn, N Y., house, bought for cash for 50c. on the dollar by the Fashion Store. Not having room in our own store to accommodate this immense stock, have rented the laro'e and commodious stores, $100,000 400 AND 402 LA CKAWANNA AVE. Opposite Wyoming Avenue. Will open up on MONDAY. JAN UARY 8, AT 9 A. M. With the LOWEST PRICP2S ever seen in Scranton. - . ;i -. v , : : ; -i in r- i ; Below we will mention a few only of the many Bargains to be had. ' PnnnC? I IMCMC Cn as Ilrnssel. Irish Point, Tambiiya, I Man's fine Calf Shoes, Congress 1 75 Men's Hats ni 96c. Ladies' Kersev Jackets, ell New CUAAI Q I UUUUO LILlCllO, Lib. Kottlne-naftM etc oi Lace: worsh3.33. At SI. 26 2 2S Mon's I lata at &I.U6. Styles, ware (16 iQ to Sr.' 50, at til OIIHW LO i 00 Men 'a Hats at $1.76, DRESS GOODS S3 C'ashtnere at 12c. 810. Cashmeres at 21c. BOO. Cashmere at 31c. .oc. lasnuuerea at -4 tjc Aud all otbac Urea Woods in proportion. like ! n VELVETS anil SILKS LINENS, Etc. c Toweling at 2 l-2c. Co. Toweling at 3 l-2c. Hie. Toweling at Cc. l'Jic. Toweling at 0 l9 i ISj, Toweling at 9 1.2c. Cable i.inan at 22r. 48a, Table Lilian at 29c. 50c Table Linen at 02c. . Table Linen at 44c. $1 Table I.tunn at 03c. 7Sa GOc. '75c. iM Velvets at 89,-. , Blankets and Comforts Velvetsat 45c. Velrets at 25c. Surah Silk at 45c. China Silk at 26c DOMESTICS 8o. Muelln at 5c, 00, DomestU Flannel at :i l-2c. Bo. Calico at 4 l-2c, (Jo. Calico at : 3 l-2c. Wortb !;. at 59c. ; Worth $1 iat 79r. ; Wortb $i -to at $1.60 l Wortb j;; 50 at $2.25 ! Worth fiat S3. BO . Worth ijsat $5 These aid only a few of the bar gains CURTAINS 10,000 pair the chance of a life tiuio. All goods ate the very best, such or Lace, worth 13.33. At SI. 25 Men's Heavy Tap Sola Shoes', Con (real or Lice; worth $1,59, At 98c, 85c. Youths' Pi 08 Calf, Hixli (.'at, Knttoti or lace, worth .00. At $1 ftottinghafiis, et Those worth y.' 50 are !t 1.35 TMM v.'ofth : 93 are 1.75 Those wortb 4.00 are 2. 25 Those worth 6 00 ar 3. GO , By , "auia na above, at Those wortb 10 00 are 5.50 j Those worth t 00 are 8.00 Tnoso worth 80 On nre 10.60 ! Those worth 40 00 are 16.50 j Those worth 50,00 are 25.00 BOOTS and SHOES Woiuens's Pitt Dottgola ( ipera Tip or Common Kinse Button Shots, were $i S lie at $1 1 Same as alnve, with Patent Tin, spring Heeled, Unttou wore Id. 50. Now 41.20 MUm' drain Tip Button Shott, Spring Heeled Worth $1 VI At 75r. Misse' Fine Dongola, Patent. Tin, Spriug Hesled, worth $1 .50. At 8Dr. ChiMV, same as abve. sin 5 to worth tiOo. At 34c. All tinsr grades of Shoes iu liki pro portion Clothing and Hats liiy Paula at 19c. f'i.Vi Boys Suits at 98:. 3.00 Boyi' Citae Overooate al SI. 26, 5 00 Men's Pee Jack Is at ... . S2.26. 0.00 Men'a urereoata at S2. 76. 10 n6 Men' Overcoats at S4.5U, l ioo Men s uvercoatsat $8.75. 1.7,". Men's Pants at 98c. 'J. 00 Men's Cheviot Panti at. $1.49. 5 00 Men FineD.-esa Punts at S2.7r,. S 00 Men's Suits at S4.25. 18 50 Men'a Suite at 47.25. ooo. Boys' Hats at 25c. CLOAKS. CLOAKS. I v.r 110,000 worth of Ladies' Mi-8es' ' and 'hildren'a Ooalts. Children's E derdown Coats, Tiim tn"rt With Angora Fur. worth t'J.M. At SI.44, , Children's Eiderdown Utat&,Btt Uhality Fur TriminiuR. wire 15.75 to $o.U- At S3, 98. Missts' l.onrr Cloaks i Wooii, -i. 10 and 19 year ; were 50 to$? 50. At $3.98. Ladies' liavor Jackets: were J7.08 to iO.OO, at $4.50. Ladies' Beaver J tickets. Cape Collars, Fur Trimmed, Wert H?5, at $r.. 75. Ladies' Beuver Jacket.tho Latest Slvli-s, all colors ; werj $13 to IAi At , $7.50. NOTIONS Clark's 6. N T Spool Cotton at 2l-2c. Coats' o. M. T. Spool Cotton at 2l-2c. Sc. liewiig Silk at 4c. 3d Button Hoie Twist at Ic. Ribbons. Buttons Soipl, Pins, Cor ssts, P0cketbor,k9, Jewelry, etc , at 1-9 price, LADIES' WRAPPERS Cashmere, Flnni?!, Calico, Oateon.i: J. , from 5i iw, il ,50, Worth double. CHENILLE COVERS 4-4 alio, worth W:. . at 09c. 5 1 size, worth $1 as, at. l.44 From?5c, to$6eaoh. Thisaisortment ti very complete and great values HOSIERY lie 500 do?.. Ladies' Fast Black Hose, regular S3o. quality, at 450 dozen Gents' Wool Hose, reg ular 3S& quality, at 16c. Ladies' lieavr Hibbed eats, worth D5u , at 17 l-2c Ladies' Natural Wool Hose, worth '.'oo , at t I5c Ladles' Heavy .Merino Under wear, worth 50c, at 33c Cents' Natural Wool Underwear, worth 5oo. $1.75 At .. 36c. 75c. $1.25 Ladies' aud Chi'dren'a Fur Mutfs and Sets, from 60c. to 3.60. Wortn double. ackawanna Avenue. NEW STYLEo IN Dark Calico 4,1410.410.410. BEST INDIA BLUE CALICOS 4ic4ic4ic41c WEST SIDE HappeniGgs Dl a Da; tint Will IntlNSt Byd hit Readsi'i, BWTERTAINIHEN1 AND SOCIAL Gr.en Last Night in Wears' Mall by Division Mo. , Ancient Order of Hibernian-3, Board of trin Funeral of Patrick Gurrell Death ot Mrs. Hannah Walsh Many Brief Items of Me.vs fTha !st Side office of the 8oaatIO! Tkibu.sk is located et 186 South Mum ave- 1 ri up, where subset iptioun, edvertisemaats ; and eouiinumcatious will receive prompt I attUDliou J BEST APRON GINGHAMS LADIES' JACKETS Half Pike. $'2.75 upward. Misses' Gretchens hall Prlcf. 19, 75 Upward, 7-Yard Dress Patterns All Wool. 11.96 bpward. Conil'ortahles 45 rent:? upward. Down Quilts ::.'.is upward. White Blankets r3 cents upward. flADODWO r",u- Cortali for B9e, WUUUUlUtl0i) Corsets lor 8I0. Kid Glove Bargains at 45c, 69c. and $1. A grand entertainment and social waa (liven Inst evoninc in Hears' Hall j by divifion No 1 of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Board of Erin. The programme opened with an nddreas by Chairman T. J. Bilbow, and waa fol lowed by a piano solo by Mrs. Frank j Malntte. A vocal solo by Mrs. Kate I Sullivau was well rendered Lawrence Ketnck rendered an excellent ong, and r s'inj.' with a double clotc dance was mveu by P. J. Wiilsh aud Frank Mulotte. Remarks were then glvmi by J. H. Carrolle, of Fall River. Mass. Mise Mmne Boland tave a rocitation. comic eketch entitlfd, "The Btt?a,"e Room," was civen by It. J. Coyne and Mr. Flynn. Doting the sketch M. J. Coyne whistled the "Mocking Bird," Miss Lorettii Fahey receited. and a vocal lolo wus rendered by Miss Mat ft'ib Jordan An addteU waa given by Hon. T . Powdorly, which was verv Interesting John P. Kelly aho spoke Miss Maud MoHngb Kavi- a re, itation and a solo by Lawrence Ketrick closed the entertainment A social followed and Aabotttfl WM continued for several houis. Mrr. Muhitte furnished the music for the ocoasion home at Ji'Jd Washburn street on Wednesdoy nlglit from pneumonia. The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at '1 o'clock Gent's Fleeced Lined uuderwear Oil cents at Menrs & Hfcgeni, Rev. D. P. Jones. pHStor of the Tab- oniuclo Gooffregatipnal church, will adjudicate at an eisteddfod at Given, Mo., on St David's Day. Rev HUtfli n,iVio is til at his home on South Lincoln avenue. Miss Citrrie Dicker, daughter of Rob ert Decker, of North Sumner uveuue, is very ill. A 90 inch Si'k umbrella for !I5 oents at Mears A Hngens. W K Rirkart, nf North Main ave ¬ nue, and William B. Buchanan, of Philadelphia, were iu Honesdale yes terday on a bnslness trip Mrs. D. B. Pease and three children have returned to their borne at Cohoes, N. Y., after an extended visit at the home of her parents, JMr. and Mm Lewis Morse. She was accompanied by her mother as far aa Nlnoveb. We guarantee our $1 uO Kid Gloves. Mears & Havens Mrs 3. Long find son. CiMtlta, of North Bromley nveutte, will spend the Sabbath with Mrs. Martin Bold, ot Waverly. The funeral of Mise Winifred Hart, of Sherman avenue, who died after a long ilinose, took place at J 'M o'clock yesterday afternoou. Services were conducted in lit Patrick' church by Rev, Fattier Lianue. Interment was made in the Hyde Park Catholic ceun tery. Our M& H Kid gloves for $ .: . gives pprfect satisfaction. Mears a; Hagan. Misses Cora Edwards and Maggie Lynett, of Cirboudale, visited friends on this side ssterday. Mrs. Simon Uetzei and sou William, of Philadelphia, who have been visit ing at the home of Mrs. Adam Schoen, of North Linoold avenue, will return liome today. Gents tine white (birts tor DO iients at Mesrs A Iiugens. James Li, Langan, of Little Rock, Ark , is ths guest of relatives on this side. Mrs. M L. Dtvita aud daughter Liz lit, of Nauticol.e, are visiting friends on this side. Robert Duher and Kllas Thomas, of Plymouth, visited friends on this side yesterday. Miss Emma Williams and Jessie Evant, of Pittstou, are calling on friends in town A petition Was circulated among the merchants on this aide yesterday Hik ing them to close their stores at . :: each i -veiling, Saturdays exepted Bargains in Ladies and Misses Fine Wool Huse at Mears A Hageus. HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS. List tin AT WALTER'S, 128 Wyoming Ave. BUSINESS NOTICES. Belnbkrt'a IXarktet, S3 and 8i Lackawnnna evenne. Kverv day from t) a. m. to lu a. a. Reunil steak, lie; sirloin steak, He. ; standing rib roast, iOc. ; uhnck roast, be; boiling meat, 4c.; fresh pork, c. ; park sausage, itc uotial of Patri.vlc Gtiirrdl Theluner.il of Patrick Gurrell. wbo died at the homn of J. J. Healy, of Ninth street, on Weduondav, occurred yesterday morning at o'clock' The reinatni were conveyed to fit Patrick's church where u solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated by Rev. Father Whelan. Rev. Father Lmnn acted na deacon, und Rev, Father Me Nally na eub-deaenn. Durlhg the aervice Rev. Father liealv, of FlcHsant Monud, tat in the tauctu- ary. ttev ratlier wnelau unring ins remnras apol:e highly of the good traits of the deceased, wbo was a devout Christian and a faithful worker in the Cbttrdh, Tbl pall bearers were Jamoa Gurrell. John Gilzalloo, Hugh I -at km. Michael Larkin, Lawrence Rooney and Patrick Sullivan Interment was made at the Wett Side Catholic cemetery. NTf la fthort rariafaphs rl'lie tuueral of Thomas B. James oc curred yesterday afternoon from his late reaidence on Eynon street, and was attended by u larae number of friends. Rev. J. T. Morris, pastor of the Cal -vinistio Metbotlist chnrch of Eellevue, or wnicu tne uaceaseil was a tuemoer, i NU,i Mvia h Ink ley. of liickson City, bv omcinletl. 1 ue aei vices were conducted cierk n( the Uuu: ts i na, rt-sterdny. at the borne, Interraeht Waamadeatl During the year JSW ibi clerk ot the the Washburu street oemstery. courts granted 1,311 marr iRg.' Ilreue COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES The shenrf veaterdav tonk pussMion ot the groei-ry atore of Charles B. Tropp Co. on Wyoming avenue. The acizure was made on UMoUtlUll issued at the iustance ot M. Lehmau nud Charlua Troop. Itejjuter of Wilis K oehler yesterday ait milted t pthbaM the will of John T late of CarUoudala, and grantud iKtters testauieutnry to Theresa A. Junes, The Will of Patrick V. UnrTy, lata of Car bondale, whs admitted to probate arid letters testamentary granted to Margaret Duffv. Marriage licensee were granted to An I drew Muran, ot Pfckvilltt and Mary i li.ivle, of bcranton, end James ' i,v,lei L-idies' all wonl Black Hose for 90 cenli at Menra liagena Tbe Welsh Phisopblcal snoietr will elect officers this eveuing for tbe ensu ing year. Mrs. Hannah Walsh died at her Arbitrator. W K Lewi", ,lohn V. Cam miligf and U 11. Tarlor i.-i-l. . filed an award -.ft. m the caie ot B A.Walsh against W, M. Hull. It la not likely Dial the grand jury will be able lo diapose today otall t ha cases that yet remain to come betere it. cf Persons Who Kemembred ' lnatltution During Decamber. The Home for tbe Friendless was bountifully rememberod in December and tbe Christmas donations were e.r ceedingly liberal. Gifts from the fol lowing donors for the month of Decem ber are here gratefully thankeJ Mr s. Frank Stanley Barker, Guild of St. Hilda, Mrs. Simon Rice, Second Presby terian church, Mrs. W. W. Watson, Mrs. J. P. Dickson, Zeldhrf'a bakery, Mhs Mul ley, Mm. Allied Hand, Mrs. W W. Win tun, .Mine Wicka, Mrs. Oosnph K IS line, Miss Susan Jermyn, Miss Llglie hherer, Mrs. Geoigo Sandersou, MrsJ L. Steele, Doctor Hill. Hint A Swuie, Mrs. R W. Oj land, Miss Pickering, Lcouomy t'uruiture Co., Miss Duval, Mrs. E. N. Willard. J. D. illiiims - Co., fifteen tons of coal Dela ware St Hudson Coal company, five tons of coal Lackawanna Iron & Coal company, desert Mrs. F. W. Mason, Dr. Montgom ery and Dr. Coolrulge in Attendance dur ing the month Mr. M. Norton receipted bill of.4IS6.OO. The Cnristmas donor Wire ae fol lows Clelland, Simpsou ft Taylor, of the Globe wareUouae, furnished an elegant Christ mas dinner; Mrs. A, M. Decker, Mrs. Charles Schlatter, Mrs. H. H. Crane, Mrs. W. D. Kennedy, Mr. 0. E. RoblnsonIiss Jermyn ! - -' ,-un Jermyn, Mrs E. B. Jermyu; Mrs. A. Coleman, Mrs. John Coleman, Mrs. W. H Perkin. Mrs. 0. B. Scott, William Sisseubereer. James Arcli- bald, Mrs. W P Hallstead. Mrs C S. Weston, Mrs F M. Spencer, Mrs. W W. Watson, J. Banister, M.Norton,4-cent store, Mr. Mclatyia, Mrs. J. 1 Connell, C, 8. Woolwortb, Mrs William Counell, Mrs. W. W. Scranton, Goldsmith's Bazaar, Mrs Robert Clark, Mrs Reese G. Brooks, Mrs P, Laugstaft, Mrs E. S Moffat, Mrs W. k. McClave, B.Taylor Lacey, Mrs. J. A Robertson, Mrs. 0. B. Penman. Mrs. Tripp, Mrs. O, P. Jalwin, Mrs. N. V. Leet, Mrs. Broudbout, W- T. Smith, Mrs F. Gerioek, Mrs J. P DioRtOBi 9. R. Clarke B Do., R. M S-rantou, Mrs. Slowe, Storr & Conrad alias Coslett, Mis. K. N. Wil lard, Mts. M. A. Friedlauder, Missi'laik. Mrs. Thomas Moore, Mrs. Joseph Uber, Mrs H. A. Masser, E'.. G. Coursen, Mrs D E, Taylor, Mlsies Bestnce und Trystine Morris, Hine Bwltjie, Mils' Unmane Hay bolt, I'niveraalist ohnrcb, William Vney, Miss L'Zoie Snerer, Miss Height, Mrs F Haztaftl, Miss Junto Doo, Mrs. U. 1., Dickson, Mrs. C I' Mutth.iws, Mrs. G. B. Hand, Mrs. William Welsh, Mrs. John Veuter, Mi - C'nerles Sehlager, Mrs Bur .lick. II. Bevaj, New Vork Market, Huiiar & Warnke, D. D, Evans, Miss Lois Sauc ton. The cash donations were: W. T Smith tlO.OO Mrs. L. B. Powell 5.00 Gladys aud Law Watklua li'.Uu .Misses F.veivn and Marlon Jones Itl.OO Charles F. Joues So.WI B. Finn tt Hons..., 5 00 Mrs. W. W. Wlnton 1.00 COMING QUARTERIV CONVENTION. It Will Ba Held In St. John's Hall, Fin Brook, Jan. 11 The quarterly conventiou of the Sec ond district of the Catholic Total Ab - etluuuc union will be held iu St. John's hall, Pine Brook, on Sunday, Jan 14 lu connection with it a fine entertainment nnd rally will be held by St. John's society. The board of directors 6f the district desire the secretaries of loual societies to fill out credentials of delegate,) aud have societies Instruct delegates bow to vote on the itisurnnco project. VERV ENJOYRBLE SURPRISE. Sir. and Mra. J. J. Woodling- Buttrtaln In Honor of Tbslr Daughter. A most enjoyabl surprw w.is givsn last evening by Mr. aud Mrs. J. .1. Woodling in honor of their daughter's first wedding anuiversary at their home, 4iS Olive street. Among tboae present were Mr. and Mrs. Scuiiupf, Mr, and Mr. Wilcox, Mr. niid Mrs. Turner, Mr. nnd Mrs. Gee, Mr aril Mrs. VVoolling. Mr. and Mrs Mclntyrp, Misses Titus Tokowsky, Long, Thropp. Snover. Fannie L r d, Lillie S hlnte. E IDh Woodiing, l),-r am, Muller, Krowtber, 8chltbtf, Doud, Bnrt Woodling. Arthur Van Gorder. Will titans. Jolin S Volk - 1 mandt A. Grusner, Ling, Miller and Reil I After maslc, social gatnas and dtne iug, rafreshments were ssrvjd ARGUING FOR A NEW TRIAL the Anolhsr Har.ring- Aslf-1 for la Thrice Tried HartUy Case. Judge Sittser. of Wyoming; county, cam to this city yestord.iy to hesr nr gument on a rule to show cause why a new trial should not be wanted In the ejjetmont suit of Silas Hartley against John P. Hull. Tho case was tried be fnre Jndga Sittser last April. A tract of forty acres of farm land ia Madison township is the property iu dispute. Ex-JliJge Jessup appsared at 1 1- ar gnmeut yesterday for the plaintiff and Attorneys W. W. Watson and U. B. Garner for the defendants. The case h s bean tried three timet in our courts, it was triod tho first timi bsfore Judeo Gunster and a verdict for;tho ylaintiti returned. Anew trial wan granted and the case waa nrst tried before tbe late Judge Connolly, resulting In a vordlct for the defendants Again a new trial was ;ttranted and last April Judge Sittster came over bre and triad the case. if he refuses to grant a new trial tbe case will go to the suprsmi court, . - SYRACUSE UNIVERSIiY CfUBS. They Entertain a Lares Audlmoe at the Elm Park Chuiob. The Glee. Banjo and Mandolin clubs, of Syracuse university, gave a vry successful entertainment at the Elm Park ehutch lasteveuin? The i.-olleg -ians wre greeted by a large audience, and thair efforts were rewarded by very liberal applause. The matagement of tho GUe club exhibited good judgment in rendering only popular, jolly college songs No attempt at rendering classical selections was made, und as a rnsultthe audience was entortaiued aud amused etceed - iugly well. The Glee club consists of twelve members, and is well trained, giving the songs with much spirit. Thu BaOjo at:d Mandolin clubs played very well. The quartette for guitars, "Scottish Bell8,"as performed by H. H. Wads worth, W. P. Grab am, C. S. Ciager and W. 0. Gavltte was one of the best numbers on a programme ot htteen selections. SEVENTEENTH WARO Rf PUBLif AmS Frank S. Barker Momlnatad for th Of Uea of School Controller. The Republicans of the Seventeenth ward caucused iu Alderman Post's of fice between 7 and o'clock last eveu ing. The otbee was school controller an d the candidate wre C. B. Penman and Frank S. Barker. Mr. Barker reueited 'l 1 1 votes aud Mr. Penman M 1 . a 11.,- Y w c. a. Notes. KILLED BY A MULE. Tbe Animal Objured to Baing Poked with a Stick. William Scott, aged 14 years, a driver bov in the Clark vein of the Marvlne ahaft, was kicked by a mule and Instantly killed yestsrday after noon about 1 o'clock. Ho was returning home from work nnd was poking the mule with a slick when it kicked bim cansing death His remains were home of his parents iu the stomach, conveyed to the ou Brick avenue The Oetn Coupon. The Most Unique of All, k Trip TtaMgb th? Colum bian Exposition, PLEASANT SURPRISE PARTY. It Was Held at the Home of Dalphine Caviea on Thursday A pleasant Surprise party was held at tbe house of LMphine 13avies on Thursday evening. Those who were present were Sophie and Minnie Leuth ner. Mary Kearne, Sadie Baldwin. Lillie Price, Grty Hampton, Edith Rridenbacb, Jane Kav, David Roche, M. D. Roche, Arthur Price, Bertie Caldwell, POLITICAL NOTES. Ohavles M. Trunan. tbe arlabla best at tho Westminster is a candidate for select council in the Eighth ward. Tbe csusus will bo held Mouday afternoou, from 4 to t o clock. Mr. Truman is a Republican ot euercy, abonifaceof unvarying amiability I and hospitality, and a hustler from the headwaters of hustlersVille. His selection would please a host of friends, who are giving him loyal support. A caucus ot tbe Bepubhcan voters of the Eighth ward will bo held next Mouday afternoou betwoen the hours of 4 and 6 o'clock, at tho reenlar polling places, to nominate caudidatee for the office of select and common council, aud sucb other ward officers as the law direct. W. A Kaub, 8, A Lackey, J. L. Roeslr, William Shifter, vigilance committee. CURKS HEADACHE CURES HEADACHE HEADACHE 72 leave.i, printed on oue side only. Showing all tbe places of interest on main grounds aud Midway Plaisunce. Sire, 0x7. Embossed paper cover or ft 11 doth. Two Coupons end 25 CENTS takes embossed cover. TwoCupjns and 40 CENTS takes cloth covjr. Add i cent j lei 1 sta?s ir ordered fcy maai SCBAHT0S TRIBUNE. mswsm N. H BKOOKf? Supt and Lecturer HAKRY THyRl. E thgeMapaji)r. r7ek commanelai MOWDAlf. JAWilTT 1 Hatrv Thpmt'i Comic Pantomime, Hankey Pan key AND A ws (SHOW VACE.E- Rp1 OVfiP i,T3 Lptth CAnsoa.of Star Htsiivioi. Aii. n ..in.. 1 hat keen troubled with a nriioU hradarhe lr abont two yrs roul rould nor get anyrhini! t. ham mr. but ar lusf 11 r 1 1 saTMMBM Mtakevour Bl K ... j no.i; Bl-od BllTl.ns, wliU a Hpnlth I and alUi takiuu two UaalT-.i I bat ftei UJ I headache sinea " Lost Tbe tneetlnii Tor woman at tbe oiuiBt. Woiuuu'a I'hristiau asjociation rooms will be addressed by Kav, K. 0i Logan. Plnct-s iu tho drawing nud sewing classes are still open to those WDO wish to enter. BiMo classes liieet f nosrtay at S K p in . nnd Thuraday, Friday and Saturday at a p. in . in which new members will be welcomed. As tuteiiieut of the past ynar'a work has hei-n issued. Members and friendjean Ob tain copies at tbe rooms. fpHE DUTHE1L STUDIO, 1 315 till ICKAWANNA AVI M P S II VTO IM AVlNil HADE n rnhtract iiitb a tram factory to tmn out I, ran liani a betwiien now nnd rhl at ,ti mas 1 wUa l.mniiuiu,'i to the uub - Ih'H'St 1 Will IUI.W- II I i F.N 1 IN I c ua 1 u s I'uiti n s.i i rupicu rrom Kv email uu AHsHH.I lHM FKEE OF UHAKQI UATSSaX RTttKfl 1F FRAMKfl HilHI SJ I BO I I'WAKli. Workmanship laarantasd. Framed ') per reut. less than regular price Ra IIFiHFII, Artist. THE LARGEST CHEAPEST BEST The Tribune I mi ktBDAY AFTttRNOONHI RECEIPTS Are to t given to the POOR FUND Ti. lets to all parts of the house, -".cants. Oat t u .tin i the pjHo otBi.vr.. Kit. tu Lact .,f Ulcorij ; -Oi-. to front of balcony and rear piu.uette'. ,'Oc opra cbaira- Peitutaaaa at It aud Ml p a, Dors open at l.Jn and '. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, MONDAl, .IAN. 8. FOURTH ilEAMC'N UP CONTINUED SOC PE8S. Comedian James B. Mack ie, US "bill MESEV Mc" fiflV fH - Grimes' Cellar Door. A Ref Ised PWOk, A New atd l.arjer Com pany. Novel and Heauriful Ideas In Ureas and Dan. e A Laugba bio Faroe Comedy. Bale or seat opens Friday, Jan I, ACADEMY OE MUSIC. TUESDAY, JAN . A fipKCT ACl.'l. Alt TRII. MHH. A UhKAT KOVPLTY. First presentation In this city of 1 ,1,,. 1 Barbour a LandoFTHEMidnigtitSnn A l.'troup liramati,' I'ompuny. h6aded 1.) u William Kamourt, .,1,. May Wheeler Katie Gil Oerr and oilivre A Barbaric P.ouiaace of Arctic Z ne Elaborate Scenic Effect Sal of seats opvti Saturday.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers