s THE SOU ANTON TTJTBUNE SATFT?DAT TVrOIWT"NTG. JANUATIY 6. 1894. Stationery In great variety at prices to Suit the Times. C. B. PRATT. JANUARY Modes and Fabrics OU.R FASHION MONTHLY Just Out. Describes and contains the Leading Fashions, Latest Dress Materials, Stories, An ecdotes, Humorous, Illustra tions. Valuable Information, elevating and pleasing read ing for the home. GIVEN AWAY to those who call for it at our store. Modes and Fabrics Bound at the end of the year will make a book of 384 pages or more, with about 500 illustrations, describing gowns for calling, shopping, weddings, receptions, balls, parties and other occasions. Every lady wishing to be well dressed, and dress econ omically, should have it. THE NEWS OF GORMAN'S GRAND DEPOT CARBONDALE. NEARBY TOWNS rout or town oorraponaents of Thi TMI UNE should siju Ih'.'lr MRWI in full to MOB nuns fattor, nut fur publioatlOQ uut to (MM utfniiiot decuptiou.i Yesterday afternoon the Younif Ladies' Cookinc ciub were entertained at tea by Miss Lilian Baker at her home on Church street. On Sunday evening at the Baptiat tabernacle, the third in the serif of sermons on the conversions in the New Testament will be preached by the preachsd by the pastor, Rev. T. E Jep son. Tbe subjsct of this sermon will be "Converted on a Journey." The two previous sermons preached of the series have beon very interesting und large and attentive audiences havd been present each evening. After the sermon the ordinance of baptism will bo administered to several converts. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Pat rick Cookan died yesterday morning, Hud tbe remains were interred in St. Rose cemetery. Miss Jennie Annger,of Terrace street, is visiting Miss Sally Johnson, of Kingston. The funeral of Mrs. Edward Mledv, who died at her home on Dundaff street on Thursday afternoon, will oc cur this morning. The remains will be taken to Deposit, N, Y. , her former home, where interment will b.i made. They will leave on the Erie flyor, leav ing at 9.20 a. m. Branch No. 549, Catholic Knights of America, installed the followiug of ficers on Thursday evening to serve during the year 1894: Spiritual direc tor, Rev. T. F. Coffey; president, An drew Pidgeon; vice-president. Mark Campbell; corresponding secretary, P. M Campbell; financial secretary, John P. Campbell; treasurer. James I'. Maxwell; Bergeantat-arms, James Uerritv; sentinel, John Uarne; trustee, John Mulrauey. Cottage prayer meeting was held last even i hi; at the home of Benjamin Decker, on Archbald street, under the auspices of the Baptist Christian En deavor society. Yesterday afternoon a very inter esting meeting was held in the Presby terian church bv the local branch of the Women's Christian Temperance union. Among the matters of business transacted was an arrangement made for the distribution of temporence liter ature. Charles Morris is confined to his home with the grip. A Household Treasure. ' D. W. Fuller, of Caiiajohurie, N. Y., says that be always keepH Dr. Kiugs New Discovery in tbe bouses mid liia family has always fouud tbe very bent results follow Its use; that be would uot be without it if procurable. (4. A. Dykeuan. druggist, t'otiskill, N. Y., says that Pr. Kiug's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best cotwh remedy; that be has nsud it in bis family for eight years, and it has never failed to do all that ts claimed for it. Why not tro a remedy so long tried aud tested? Trial bottles free ut Matthews Bros1, drug story. Regular size Mc. and $1.00. DR. WARFI ELD'S LECTURE. The Institute Adjjurun Sine Die After the Election of Ofli?rs. Honkspau:. Jan.. 3. At the court house last SfeninS a liuto solo was played by Edward Rued, accompanied bv Mrs. Rechtmyer on the piano, and Jefferson Freeman on the violin. Tbe hearty encore was responded to Dr. Warfield, president of Lafayette college, lectured on the subject, "What's in a name" ' He briefly told of the origin of names, which at first bad a moaning particularly relating in the occupation of a person After tiie middle ages names wero invented that had a moaning and have gradually passed on unlil the present time, when they simply denote the individual. 1! -cpoko of the peculiarity of m my nam -e in. d gave many ttintMiuif illustrations Professor Albert, and Professor Twlt rnyti gave short a ddfessoa this m ull ing. Onic-rs were elected, oommitleea appointed and the institute adjourned sine die. The, institute this year wa characterized by good attendance and attention of the teachers, by good lec turers on practical subjects and by the tborougblittfj witn which th work at bund was covered. Sunday chui;;:h services. Times and Sal vie a iu the Various Ma p'e City Cburobea. HOSfltSDtfLlti Jan. 5 - (trace church--Rev. George 0. Hall, rector, Morning prayer aud sermon, 10.80 a. tu . ; Sun day school. 12 m. ; young people's sr-r-vice, 0 48 p m. ; evening prayer and sermon, 7.80 p. in. Baptist church -R-v. C F. Hal), pastor. Morning s u vicj an 1 simou, 10 'M h. ui ; Sunday school, 11 4") a. in, ; Christian Kndeavor, 6.80 p.m.; even ing service and sermon, 7 80 p. m. Presbyterian Cuurou Uov. William II. Swift, pastor. M irning service and sermon, 10 I'd a. iu ; Sondav school, 19 in.; Christian Endeavor, 0.80 p. ta ; evening service and ISmiOO, 7.3'J p. in. Methodist Episcopal Church -Rev. M. D, Fuller, of Providence. Serantoo, will exobange pulpits with Riv, O. A. Benjamin, Sunday morning service and sermon, 10. 80 a, m ; Sunday school, Vi 111. ; Bpwortb league, 6.80 p. m. ; evening service aud sermon, ",,'M p. in. Ceuuau Luther ju Church Rer. William Schmidt, rector. Morning prayer and sermon, 10 80 a. m. ; Sun day school, 1 80 p m ; evening prayer and sermon, 7 p. m. LAST NIBHT'S BURGLAR. This Play of Thililinf Pathos GrnetcJ by Crowd id Hcnme. HONISDALE, Jan. 5. "The Burglar" at the opera House last night was an exceptional)!? good show and was greeted by a crowded house. The fact that anntanaa was neither heaw nor freonent can be accounted for when tbe character ot the piay IS laweu into consideration, which, witii the excep tion of a few characters, is the inter mingling of crime aud sorrow. "The Hnrirlai is a pathetic play. deeply stirring the emotions. BucUlen's Arnica Salve. Tbe best salve in tbe world for Cuts n...ia,.a Kbtfliaa lTlc.rs Salt. Rhwnni l-'evor Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and nil kiu Emotions, ami posi tively cures riles, or no pay required, it it. guaranteed to giro perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 20 cents per box. For sale by Matthews liros. ee REDUCED TO SMALL COMPASS. Maple City Affairs Chronicled la Crisp nnd NeW3y Note. Honesdalk, Jan. 5. A wojk of nenvar sill lie oblerfed in the Metho diet church, beginning Monday. Jan. , and ending r rMuv Olgnt, Jan. i Hon. E. B. Harder, hergh, W. W. Wood ami Nicholas Louis returned home yesterday from the Harrisburg convention. An itimr.rtaint mpotillL' of the Bx change club will be held tomorrow (Saturday ) evening at V BU o cock, W. S. Lambert returned home today after a sojourn of two weeks at Thorn asville, Ua. whero his family is Spend ing tne winter. W. B. Bnonanan, of Philadelphia made a business call to II mea l ilo to dV. Invitations are not for tin reception and ball to be given by Division 1 An cient Order Hi'oernians at the armory Friday evening Jau. 18, The music will be furnished by Metljar'e orches tra. A line time is anticipated, Thomas Kallighan died SU Jdeilly ut bis home here tins morning. A wheel eame off from the heavy laden wagon of Mr. Ordnnng, of Sseley ville, ou Main street today, causing considerable annoyance. Miss Est die Hilleck returned to her home in Cumpville, N. Y., today. JEKMYN. Mrs. Henry, of the But Side, is very ill with typhoid fever. Yesterday, while at work on his new house on Second str, B-rton Park I lell twenty feet, seriously lojoring himself, Tlio cans - of his fall was a splice in tho scaffolding, which Wai being taken down. Dr. Davis has strong hopes of his recovery. A horse and wagon belonging to Al -exander Shlsnta, of Mavfield, While standing iu front of the Jermyn phar macy, was struck by an electric cr. The wagon was upset and the horsa dragged for some distance. No dam age was done except tbe ruined har ness. Mrs. J. Mitchell, of Fifth street, who has been seriously ill, is slighly better at the present writing. John Kennedy, of tbeEnt Side, is suffering from a sovero attack of pneu monia. BdwardNeary, of Ma field, while at play, suffered a fracture of his collar bone. Michael Fick, tbe supposed mnrderer of John Page, returned yesterday. He says that he bad been visiting at Ply mouth and knew nothing of the 111111--der. He is now iu custody in Ser. 111 ton, having voluntarily surrendered himself. When Maliy won sli-k, we Rave her Castorla, When she was a Chilil, k)i cried fur ( 'astir i. When she Uvanie Miss, she StttBg SO Custorla. When lihu had CLlIdrt-u, lbs gat S them Castui'la, FACTORYVILLE. The L nlies Aid society of the Bap tist obnroh will asrre a snnpr In the lecture room of the church Jan. 17 for tho small sum of ten outs. Thi so ciety was but recently organised and should receive the hearty support of the congregation Tb- members of the Bpwortb league and Christian Endeavor societies joined in a union "watch meeting" at the Methodist church Sunday evening. There was a large congregation pres ent, and as the old veHr slowlv died tlios-i present realised that l!'.l with her opportunities was gone forever., and many were the resolves for a more consecrated Christian life and lxtt,r service for the M ister in tbe year that is before Us. As the old year died and the new year was born the congrega tion knelt in silent nr aver, after which they sang "Praie Q id from W'nnm all Blessings Plow." Thus ended a meeting that certainly was a blessing to those present, Miss Louise Small, a young daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs F. B. Small, white at play Wednesday evening found a small bottle of Iodine and drank it. Antidotes w-'ie I mm 1 liatelv given and a doctor summoned who brought the littl" lady through with nothing m n serious than a burned throat. The tifth quarterly meeting of the "Keystone union'.' of Cbristiau E i doavor societies, comoriaing tne sooi -ties of Factoryville, Nicholson, I niton and Waverlv. will meet In the Baptist onurch of this plaos Jau, 19, afternoon and evening. Mrs Irene Seam ins, widow of the late Dacon James Seam in, die 1 at ar horns near here yesterday at the ag-- of 80. She had b0 a victim of la grippe for about .throe weeks, Son was a faithful Christian and a strong advo cate of temperance, The fnueral will be b'ld next S'inday at 11 n in In the Six Principal Btptlst church, of whloh she was a member. Rv D, L B'i nett, of Washington, R T. will offi ciate. Charles M Walter, of this pi ice, end Miss Nettle Sin ill, of Mintrose, wars last Sunday unite I In the imi of mntrlmony at Blugh untm s. Y tit 1 young people are well known and highly respected here. Mr Walter is the honored prinolnal ot our grsdsd school and Mrs. Walter is a sister '. Jeweler P. B Small, of litis pitted W extend our congratulations and bij them a hearty welcome am ing ui, l lie wee!; of praver will bs obsirved at, the Baptist churoh next waek, when special meetings will probably bacon tinned, lor several Week 4. PRICEBURG. The fiiir is still in progress and scarcely a night passes that the lull iu not crowded to lis capacity. A good entertainment is provided each even ing and visitors have lots of valuable articles to select from A barrel of 11 mr is tho door prls 1 all this week, a dlffereut barrel each night. The infant child of Jeff McConnell, which died on Monday, was interred at Prlcebnrg cemetery on Thursday afternoon. Mathew Donnelly, of the Ki.!a, cir culated among friends here ou Tunis day. Master James Lewis is going to at tend a business school. C. II. Donovan, of the Boulevard, has moved to Shenandoah, where ho will 1 ng age in tin- mere intile business Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Logan, Mrs. James J, Logan and son, Patrick, nnd Mrs Marv Welsh attended the funeral of Mrs. Martin Hart at Carboudale 0:1 W--dne.i la','. A Polander was brnl illy as tnltod by two of his fellow conntrymen the other niu'bt. He appeared before Justice of tho Peace Logan an l had warrants Issued for them, A case was called, but the 's(uir-' soted as pei cetu ik r mid the case wai settled by lue de fendants paying the costs. Some time during Tours lav night or Friday morning thieves gained an en trance into William Moses' barber shop on Main street and succeeded in relieving that gentleman 01 thirteen watches, nine ragors and a number of othc-r valuable articles Mr Moses, who is a practical watchmaker as well as a first-class barber, bad .a number of valuable tickers on haul for repairs, all of which were Stolen aud lie will have to stand the loss. Tho police have a clue. A few policemen on night duty w uld be a blessing to the community, CCBB FOR CllOCP. -Use Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil according to directions. 11 is th best remedy for hiI sudden attacks of colds, pains and inflamatloni and injuries. TAYLOR. A number of (lis Daughters of Atnei i pa number of I hi town visited their sister lode.i ut Hyde Park last night. Earl Decker, of PitlstO0,Waa iu town yesterday, Professor M J Loyd and an 1 bride have returned home from their Wed ding trip, and will go to housekeeping nt Olyphant Tho officers of Laokawanna Valley Council, Junior Order United Amsri Can Mechanics were Installs 1 Thursday nuh!. The Loyal Knights of Ainric-i had a public installation of officers last night. A large attendance was pres ent. The entertainment was rich in culture and evoked much applause. The repeating of the cantata by the Sunday school ot the wbls 1 Congrega tional obnroh at the rink on Jan. in should not b forgotten and a large audienc" should greet them. The Knights of Golden Eagle held a public installation Tniirsday night. It. vv. Heeso was chairman of the en tertainment, S. J. Phillips read 11 paper on "Luck," which was interest lug. The cltlSSns will no doubt SOCK call a caucus and nominate a tioket for the borough election in February, M, M Williams and Thomas B iwen were in PittstOU on Thnrsd iy. The Price library reception commit tee mot Thursday night Among its routine of business it derided to hold an entertainment and reception on Thursday night, J in. 10 Tim nft'iir will be unique, An admission 01 10 cents will be charged and nil who at tend will be served with a free lunch, wbicn the lady friends of the associa tion will furnish and s-rve. The en tertainment will be short and tbs re mtiinder of the bight will be spent in merry making. H. Riob, of Gravity, was a recent caller iu town. Oar chief of police should by all means endeayjir to break up the habit of loafing on the corner of Union and Main strud ts. Siniuel Gordon is bpnftasd t his home with the i illienzi W. (1. Fry was in Olyphant ou Thursday visiting friends. Thr- 0 new members were ndded to the Price library membership at their last meeting. The directors have also resolved that the games are only for members and a list of those are posted upon the book case for reference. August Fisher wiisin Wayne county yesterday, Kob-M't Burleigh, chairman of the Republican c mferr s of Lackawanna township, has called a meeting of the conferrees for next W-.lnesdav night at 7 o'clock at J. E Davis' hotcd. PECEVILLE. The manv friends of Mabol Day will be pleased to know that the prospects of her recivery ara Very promising. Thomas Swales is still conflaad to bis home with rheumatism. At the annua election oi trustees for the Plrst Methodist Episcopal church of Peokville A U. Tnorpe and S F. White wets el-cted for the ensuing tbr"e years. Work on the New Meth odist Episcopal ohnroh is lo begin early in Marc 1. The church will oc cupy lawn iu front of the present edi fice and will also 00 Vera portion of the site of the old church, whloh will be moved back to serve the purpose of a chapel and lecture room. When com (il ted it will In an ornament to onr town ami afford a commodious audito Hum for the accommodation of tho people of Peck ville aud vicinity Bev, Dr. Penrce, pastor of the Elm Park Methodist Episcopal church of Surnnton, will deliver tne olosinglec' ture in the People's Lecture course at tii Methodist Episcopal obnroh next Tnesdsy evening, Admission 80 cents, Dr. E. Grewer T IP, PbllflflAlnhifl Sri! few jnn.es lit ber Dorman of Shy He uer, Pa, Cured of Scrofula Tho IPoopiu will have Mood's Mr. Vorman'a J'.jrprrlrnrc "My boy, new n years old, had Bcrofula In one eye from the tune bo was .1 babyi dlsebarg in : t'.ie tuna, f late we have been giving htm Booil's Hnnaparllla, anil it has done ail thai medicine can uo. Ths Borofulu has dlsap pound, iiini hii eye Is healed up ami welL 1 Hood's Cyres fully believe Hood's Barsaparllla is the heni mod 1 in'- in the 111 irkot 1 keep a general suae, ami it is nut a trick lo sell flood's Barsaparllla for the people will have it. 1 sell more ul Hood's Barsaparilla than all other modlclnes tosetber atel UlS store would not he com, ih le , iod'ss Cures Without It. My wife hr.s al-io been entirely cured ot Bcrnfulabj Hood's Barsaparllla, and 1 am lienrtllj lhankful tor what 11 has dunu for us." John DoHltAN, snv lieaver, Pa. And Ins HSHeolatml itaffot Entdltib and Gcr man I B)rWlailS,ara now peruiaiiuntly located Temple Court Building ;u I BPRTJCn ST.. SCR ANTON Where iLu,- may bo consulted U.VlLY AND SUNDAY. The Doctor is a graduate a tbe Uulvursity or Fenneylvanta, rormerlr demonstrator of pcyeiolugr and sargerv at the Medico-Oblr-urBloid Oollege, of PbfladelpbU. Be is also iii hiiiioraiy n ember el the Medieo-Chirur-Ileal Aieoalatlnn. and was physioiaa ud ui-geoo-lu-cbiof of the must nntfd American and 1 1 man hospitala eomos hivhiv Indorsed bs Iholeadlns profoseortol Philadelphia and -New ork. Hie runny years of hnitntal nXierienoe on sblee Ibie emlneut phyalolaa j-nd snrneon to correctly dlatmoee end treat all defen<lei nii-i dieeaeee w:th the most flattsrinffsnocesa ami bin l.uh atatidtnn m tbs state will uut d w him to aecept auv incurable casn Ills. HAMKltm IlKsTOUKD. WEAKNESS ill-' Voi'st; SIKJi cnitr.n H you nave ooen civon up i-y vonr pnysl 1 an call upon the doctor ami he, examined, he cures the worst eiiscsof Nervous Debility, Hrrnfula, "Id Sores 1 atarTb. Piles. Femilo Wi nknes. Affection! of the E-ir. JC'-e. No-s) nnd Threat. Asth-n-. Deafneee, Tumure, 'an cere and CrlKples of every desorintloa. Con- attltatlou la Bnultab and llerraan Fr,o. which eball be considered sacred and strictly cuun i 1 1 it 1 ftli-H Honrei n A. M, to u r. .11. Daily. Sunday, a.ro. tu p m. Fertilizers Lge Medium and White Clover, Choice Timothy and Lawn Grass Seeds Guano, Bone Dust and Phosphates for Farms, Lawns and Gardens. HUNT CONNELL CO. Hoon,f5 PILLS ro t! bit ewftarlnnar Pllls nU ' lie Trv :i box 'ftc. Look at This for a New Year's Bargain. It Will Interest You. At These Prices You Cannot Help Buying. Electric Seal Gapes, is Inches, H. I9j formerly 10. Astrakhan ('apes, is lnches,$6.49; former' $13. Uinli Capes, 18 inches, $12; for merij $45. Crimmer Capes, is inches, $6.40; formerly $13. Rue Ian Lynx Military Capes, Inches, $5.98; formerly ,.12. Electric Seal .Military Capes, 22 inches, $9. Hi; formerly is. Forty dozen Assorted Mulls at $1, 19; formerly $3. Fifteen dozen Assorted Children's Sets at Use.; formerly $-'.50. A fine lot of Sleigh Robes, plush lined, at each. Plnsh and Cloth Coats sold at your own price. Millinery almost given away. HtGHEST PRICES IB FOR RAW FURS. I M IB II Mdl UI cu Bank of Scranton. stiiii iiii-ut Deo, l!. 1803, esllsd for bj IIil Colli lltrollvr Ol lh l iu rc-ucy. UESOUBCE8. tonne 8l,3fl4,4':.40 OvordrufU T40.S8 I nllvil Statee Uouile snn.oon.no Other Honde 448, 1ST, 7ft Hanking Houee 88,074.48 I' re in iu mi on r. s. Iloiids,,., 17,443.78 line from t - S, 1'reneuror io.iioo.iki I uo 1 1 ii in Uuka 881,130.00 i inn i7:i.uuu.u8 8,403,098,06 LIABIUTIES. Capital 8-jno.onn oo Xnrrlue 840,000.00 Unillvlded HroUte 80,888.88 i Irculatloi if. Ulvldenda Unpaid l,8'i .",0 Depoelte.' 1,788,388,80 Hue iu Baoka 86,884,07 8'j,ni:i,i;os.ijG WILLIAM CONNKT.t, Praeldent, olio. II. CATLIN, Vlro-Prraldanfe WILLIAM H, lIS k, t u.lilcr. UlItKCTOHS. Wllllara onnetl, George li. fntlin, Alfred Hand, Henry Uelln, Jr., James Art-llbald, IIUhiii T. Smith, Luther Keller, Tllla banll nMVis to (ltMmltora rvrry faclllt) uiiri-itnt.-d by tlu-lr baluiu-.-H, busl ueaa ami reaponallilllSsr. Nio-, -iiil uit.-iitloii ale-en lo bnstneas ac eounta Internet taii on time depoelta, II n C National Bank of Scranton, CAPITAL $250,000, SURPLUS $25,000. tear 09 eloifi ".;. 138 Yyomin": Ave. Kotol Waverlv I tiu-p- hi Plan, l'n ! chin. liar Htt ctiod. Pepoi tor Bergoor si Bngel'a Tsnnusosu l'.ix-r. ii Cof, 15th and Filbert SU,; Philaii fii i-t deaofabla for reatdenta of x.k. Ponft ijflvsbta. All oottTtniencM lor trsTelars tn ami tron Broad Street tatl"n ud tbo TweUth .'mil Market Str'-t Nation. Do ftllulilofor vi-iiin Seruiiloiiliiua aud oou-Ik- in lliu ....... in i;.. Ii,. ;i -,, T. J. VICTORY, PROPRIETOR THE BEST? buy THE TKLBUNE BAilCEL. HINES.lPreildent. v. W WA rsON, lea President, A. IS WILLIAMS. Oudiior. DIHKCTORf, BAMtrSti 11iNr-. 4A1TSS M BrSRRART, InviNd A. FlM ll. PISBOBBi Kinikv, JOSKPH J, JSIUITN, M Kl.MI Hi ll., Cbas, i'- Mai mbws, J.iiin t Poktsh W. V. WAThUM. PROMPT, ENtRGETIC, CONSERVATIVE and LIBERAL Tins bunk InyitSSthS p:itruna(; of bunliiusa nun uiul in n. ,.. i, i . , , HOW TO MAKE MONEY There are hundreds of youug men und young women iu this country who have splendid ability, but they have never been wakened up. Wood's College of Business and Shorthand lias been an Inspiration to hundreds of young people, if you are tired of inactivity and want to do something tangible, come to the College. COMMON ENGLISH COL' USE. BUSINESS COUUSE. shorthand course. p E yOOJ), Proprietor. NEW YEAR OPENS JANUARY 1. DKTTKB siioi: r.. in. . mpitai. st.onn.ooo. BEST 81. BO HHOK I N THE WOK1.W. ".l M!.tr lead la t rf-'ter aarnao. ThlaLatllra' Soldi i ronch Dongola ml nut tm itout dcllvurod tree anywhere In the I -., on r-r tec.'il nil inh, Muni-y Ordrr, j i,r r,iK hi oio ior ai..i. every was tho biiota nil reUll uliacs fur Wo make tiii 'Hint lliert-for,' wo guar fit. ntylf and wfitr. iy one lfl tiui Hutienrii rclund tho uionoy laiiollioriiair. ()icrn or I'liniiuun Hoaao, Idllw (', I. K, It UL h 1 to H nnd hall e. jlead uonrttUt; 6 wilt fit you. 1 llnetratf-ij Cntn-loitue S FREE oyecMI lermn id avasMrs. tr- . a Din 'i-lv,-, BL.Vi.-7 a ""' H'u u,"i " '" nif s -vAsa KERR & SIEBECKER 406 and 408 Lackawanna Avenue. E have completed our inventory and naturally have found some odd lots of LACE CURTAINS, CHENILLE PORTIERES and TABLE COVERS, which we will close out at actual cost. They Must Be Sold In our Carpet Department you will find bargains in Tapestry Brussels, Ingrains, and in the finer grades, such as Moquette, Velvet and Axminster. Dropped Patterns, Remnants and Old Pieces will be sold regardless of cost. Special 30-inch Smyrna Rugs, $2.50; reduced from $3.50, STORE CLOSES 6 P. M. RUBS A DESIRABLE STOCK OF Dry Hemlock LUMBER! NOW ON STICKS AT WHOLESALE TO THE TRADE) ONLY THE RICHARDS LUMBER GO. 22 and 23 Commonwealth Building, Scranton, Pa. TELEPHONE 421. TAKE ELEVATOR. "VXTHILE many manufacturer nnd dealer aremakins? extravagant state nients concerning tho merits aud durability of medium or low fradj piano, iutt'udiug purchasers should not fail to examine the famoui STECK PIANOS. Illustrated hook containing vuluable information on pianos ou application E.C.RickerfcCo. 123 Adams Ave. mm 2-. " Odds and Ends And Remnant Sale. You who have experienced the Dol lar Saving Virtues of these sales will be the first, as usual, to get the ben efit of our offerings. To you who have not tasted thereof, let us advise: Look in our show windows during the next few weeks and note the goods and prices, but they are only a hint of what can be secured inside. It will pay you to investigate further. OUR EVER-LIBERAL CREDIT SYSTEM Deals comlort to all with a lavish hand. Our Heating Stoves are being sold at big reductions. We only sell the best.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers