THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE -SATURDAY MORNING, JANUARY G, 1S94. Daily Chronicle OK Pittston Events. TnE BCBAHTON Tripuse's Pittston offlco, No. 8 South Miin atraat. ii in tharga of W. E. Tooko and J. It Fuhy, to whom complaints and news itoms may to referred by any subscriber. J SPECIAL SURVEY MADE. Burgjsa Malouty Proposes to Fross cute a Thorough Investigation. Surveyor Bartl, under thw direction of Burgee. Malouey, has rnudo a sur vey of Railroad street, the extension of La GrfanffS and the recent work done in opening Daley street. The nip-inner states that liis figures fell elmrt about ouf-lmlf in the amount of work that the contractors claimed pay for on Railroad strest. Since the investigation was beun tii.. civil engineer hat discovered that the tii-st figures on the Daley street opening were not correct, and has ac cordingly advised council that his fig ures for the excavation should read cub'o yards instead of 7i"i cu'..ic yards, which would show an ov-r pay ment of 60; also that lull cubic yards of stone should be deducted from the costs. However, Mr. B irtl will in a day or two forward from Scvuuton a carefully prepared statement of the recent meas urements, which are to be submitted for the consideration of council at the next meeting, OFFICERS DULY INSTALLED. V -una Lode and Falling- Springs Lodge Installed Now Olrhart. On Jan. 2 1894. Venus Lodge, heights aud ladies of honor, installed officer as follows: Protector, Ann Thompson; vice protector, Margaret Daniels; chaplain, Margaret Haatle; guide, Sarah Stewart; guardian, F'ran ces Keddie; sentinel, William Olivers; treasurer, Thomas Hastit; secretary. Samuel Fear: trustees, Margaret Has tie. Mary E. Wilson, and John B. Mil ler. At a regular meeting of Falling Spriuge lodge. No. iiSO, Knighti of Py thias, Jan. o, the following officers were in ttal led for the ensuing term: P. C. John P. Stroh; C. 0 , Will Deii dall; V. C, W. R. Thomas; prelate, D. P. William. M. of F, II. Oliver; M, of E , J. B Smith ; K. of R and s , C. E. HoWltl; M. at A., D. R Ed munds; 1. O., John Grover; 0. G., T. B Tvans; trustees, R. T. Smile, L, Goodman, D. Arnot. MINOR PITTSTON MENTION. Items of General Interest U the Trib une's Local Readers. The enspeii9iou of five freight crews running between tloxtonand Packer ton has excited not a little consterna tion in Pittsou, George D. Morris is the new Pittston correspondent of the Wilkes-Barre News Dealer. Ticket Agent Carpenter of tne Le high Valley station, continues to be quite ill. Prof. Robert Shiel has returned from a visit to Honesdale. Mrs M. L. Perrin is convalescing. Miss Gertrude Brittain has resumed her studies'nt Vaster. The Misses Eva 0. and Mamie M. Howell are visiting friendt aud rela tives in the metropolis. W. W. Youngs, business manager of Tub Tkiblne, was in town yesterday. The strikers at Stevens' colliery re turned to their places yesterday morn ing at usual. Intelligence has been received of the death of N. P. Setter, who ha9 for a number of years ocenpied and man aged the farm at Coronton, belongiug to the Wyoming Camp Ground usso ciation. The special services at the Slocum chapel last evening were conducted by Davis aud Warburton, of Wyoming seminary. Beginning with last evening, the topics of Rev. J. H. Brittain's Friday evening lectnres at the Luzerne Ave nue Baptist church will be the subject of the International Sunday school lea son for the ensuing Sabbath William Sirnmont has purchased four lott on River street, Oregon, of Joseph Longford for quarry purposes. The St. Mary't fair at Avoca will be reopened after pay day. New songt and dances were furnished in the play "Grimes' Celalr Door." It appears that the reporters of Pitts ton were victims of a lake storv rela tive to Jumet Clark, who claimed to have been attacked and robbed of his pay Saturday nieht. An investigation of the boroueh officials proves tho story to be without foundation. William Smith, aged -lb' yeirs, of Cliff street, died yesterday morning of pneumonia superinduced by l i grippe Rev. Frank S. Dobbins, formerly a missionary to Japan, but now one of the secretaries of theAmerioin Bap tist Missionary nnion, will preach in the Luzerne Avenue Bsptist cliurch tomorrow morning, and in the evening will speak on Japan. Mr. Dobbins hag written extensively on missions and is one of the best informed men on that subject, besides being an easy and graceful speaker. Mr. and Mrs. N. Ferree Lighlner, who were wedded at Eat ton Thursday, passed yeeterday iu town. They were enroute to the west. Mr. Leightuer was a former Pittstonian. The tubjectof Rev. Dr. O H. McAn- ultv'fi Sunday mornini discourse will he. "The Outlook." Eveuing theme. "Their Rock and Ours." The following officers have been elected by the Ladies' Aid society of the Broad Street Methodist Enttoopal church: President, Mrs. John Vinder burg; vice-president, Mrs. E. W. Mil ler; secretary, Mrt. E. Smith; treas urer, Miss Maggie Shelleuberger; as sistant treasurer, Mrt. Hubbel. Four Big Succetsoe. Having the needed merit to more than make good all the advertising claimed for them, the following four remedies havo reached a phouomenul sale. Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, each boltlu guaranteed Klec trlc Bitters, tbe great remedy for Liver, Stomach aud Kidneys. Buckleu's Arnica Salve, the heat in the world, and Dr. King's New Life Pills, which are n perfect Sill. All theseremedies are guaranteed to o just what is claimed for them and the dealer whose nnme is attached herewith will be glad to tell you more Of them. Sold byMatthews Hros . drug store. local agent of the Metropolitan, wis around yesterday distributing one of the prettiest and most artistic calen dars that that enterprising company uiih ever issued. What, with the Water company breaking up our roadt laying iu mains aud the thaw that hass-it iu, our roads never prmunte:' a worse appearance. This does not mean any rsfleOttoQ upon our supervisors, because they ar not responsible for this bad state of affairs, but it makes an eloquent pies for dif ferent matorial to be placed on tho roads. The Old Forgo Cornet band gave an excellent rehearsal on Thursday night iu their well kuowu style. MOSCOW. John II. Edwards died at his home near hero Friday, funeral to take place Suuday. Services will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church. B. J. Cameron left on Thursday for Wuterbury, Conn., to visit bis brother, G. M. Colville. D. I) , of Bingham ton, was the guest of Mr. aud Mrs. W. F. Clements on Friday. Mill Minnie Fancher. of Johnstown, N. Y., is Visiting her parents, Mr, au I Mrs. 0 H. Stratton Married, by Rov. S. ( Simpkins, Mi- Lillian Wardell. of Daleville, and Mr. Freil Abbey, of Salem Mr. J. M. Bfaok returned Friday from a visit with friends in Boranton 11. Loreu Clements returned to Wes -leyau university after ipendlna a two weeks' vaction with his parents Misses Jennie and Minnie Jackson, of Camden, N. J., are guests of their sister, Mrs. S C Simpkins. , . TRIM is NoiiiiNii like Dr. Thomas Eolectric Oil to quickly cure a cold or re lieve hoarseness. Written by Mrs. M. J. Fellows, Burr Oak, St. Joseph county, Mich e MOOSIC. The Patriotic Order Sons of Aiuer:c;i contest came oil' Tnuriday night, The contestants were Miss Blanche T regal las, who had $70, and Miss Katie O'Hsra, who had $5.(0, The evening was made enjoyable by gingiug and recitations, after which the watch Was awarded to Miss Tregallas. Mrs. A. 0 Stone is sick at her home on Main street. Mrs. Ellas is recovering from nn at tack of the grip. Master George Thomas is sick with the mumps. S. J. Hinds visited tho Electric City Thursday, Our business men are beginning to feol the effects of tbe Old Forgi breaker aud the Moosic powder mill being shut down. Dow to Hoke Turkey Scallop, Marion Harland's recipe fur turkey Ecnllop provides mi excellent ending for the meat cut from the bones of u cold turkey or chicken from yesterday's dinner: Remove the bits of -kin and gristle and chop up the rest very fine, Put in t ho be t tom of u battered dish a layer of cracker or bread crumbs. Moisten slightly with milk that they may not absorb oil the gravy to be poured in afterward. Then spread u layer of the minced turkey, with the bits of the stuffing, pepper, salt and email pieces of butter. Another layer of cracker wet with milk, and so on until the dish is nearly lull. Before patting on the topmost layer pour in the gravy left from the turkey, diluting, should there not be enough, with hot water, ami season with Worcestershire sauce, catsup and butter. Have readv a crust of cracker crumbs soaked in warm milk, seasoned with salt and beaten up light with two eggs. It should be just thick enough to spread smoothly over the top of the scallop Stick bits of butter plentifully upon it and bake. Turn a deep plate over the dish until the contents begin to bubble at the sides, showing that the whole is thoroughly cooked; then remove the cover and brown. A large padding dish full of the mixture will be cooked in three-quarters of an hour. This, like many other economical dishes, will prove so savory ns to claim a frequent appear ance upon any table. OLD FORGE. William Holler, in, of Rendliam, one of our most promising tonsorial, artists, hat rented the Smith barbor't thop here. On the night of Jan. 17 a mock judge and jury trial will come off at Mcln tyre'e hotel. Several of our local celeb rities will take part snd it will be an enjoyable occasion. Morgan Morgan, the well known The it O'ClMk Tvi Tulile. Tiie return of the tete-a-tete hcrviee to the 5 o'clock tea table is one of the small changes of the season. Heretofore har lequin sets or silver and china combined have been the most popular furnishings of this small but most hospitable and so cial board, but the complete sets, Inclnd uig the ctnna tray ot a lew years ago, are now to bo seen in the high class drawin rooms and, it may bo added, iu the big class shops which being the cause and which the eff ect is not knewn. Some of the most pleasing services are those of a clear, cream porcelain, With handles, spouts mid cover tips, in the case of tea pot and sugar bowl, of gilt. Walnut Cream Candles, Two cupfuls of coffee crust sugar, two thirds cupful of boiling water, one-half saltspoonful of cream of tartar. Doil until it threads, cool slightly until it be gins to thicken; then stirin chopped wal nuts aud drop on oiled paper. Business Mouses of Pittston, W'Sof people who visit the Invalids Jn -v Hotel and Surgical Institute, id BUf L" fulo, N. V., are many who arc tent there, by those who have already, lroiii Sersonal experience, learned of the great "Humph in Conservative Surgery achieved by tho Surgeons of that tamed insti tution. Little heroic, or cutting- surgery is found necessary. For Instance, TIIMHRQ Ovarian, Fibroid (Uterine) and I MIIIUIlw miiny others, are removed by Electrolysis and other conservative means and thereby the perils of cutting operutiont avoided. PI C TIIMHRQ however large, Flslula rlLX lumund, tod other diseases ol the lower boWSLarc permanently cured without pain or resort to the knife. RilPTIIRF or llreseh (Hernia) Is radii ally nuriunt) cured without the knife und without pain. Trusses can bo thrown awayl CTHNP 1,1 tuo Ulsddtr, no matter how wl writ lame, is crushed, pnlveii.ed. wash ed out and untidy removed without cutting. CTPIP'filCrQ of I'rinarv Passage aro al OlnlwlwriLdgu removed without cut ting In hundreds of cases. For Pamphlets, numerous references and all particulars, send ton cents (in stamps) to World's Uispemiary Medical Astociutiou, Otto Main Street, Dulfalo, N. V. GLO WAREHOUSE, Pittston. Jill M uuu . MS WE OFFER THE BALANCE OF OUR V tit I li At greatly reduced prices, At tides of art mid utility. A fow i id tires will go tit HALF PRICE. 9 NORTH MAIN ST. BUY THE Happy Thought Range 'v.- - ''-.-r W, -r T " frfRH I gLANK Books Stationery Pocket Books Wrapping Paper Paper Bags Wholesale and Retail. RUM MM I G VS. w D I I Music Hall Block. ID S Kl . The Strike Over $5,000 WORTH OF MZT PITTSTON STOVE CO. N KV PHOTOORAPIBVALLERY, Plrtt-clast Work, Superior Artist CHILDREN'S PICTURES A BPECIALTT. Now Styles of Panel and Boudoir Picture, nnMirpasted. Cabinets IS.U) per dosett. Otber itylee eqnt ly Inexueniive, W. t. FRYER, li SO. MAIN' sr., PI'lTSTON, PA. if y. a i?e-irj timt tbe remains of your rrlearts be well preserved, have Jir. Klrby do yoar UndertaHins, as b- lms just rt turned from tbe U. 8, College of Embalming, New York, where be bat learned tbu lutes- Solen till-: Methods of Esubabnuiff, and Is iow pre I un d to i secnt - a 1 work in the best manner, very low prlaee, 1 VERY URGE sf&ckQI&FIHE FURNITURE COMPLETE LINE OF FALL CARPETS at lowest prices J. 13. KIRBY, odd fellows build. u-, PI CTSTON. PA. OaI IFA11H f 1AN to tne l I r RlTTl li t! H. Pittston's only STEAM LAUNDRY, mid bare itlauti drled properly. t9"A TOSTAL will bring our wagon to your door. HOLIDAY And other seasonable goods were tied up on the road and delivered to us now These mnst bo sold every article is marked with its lowest selling prica in plniu Bgurl We will deduct au extra Cash Discount of 20 Per Gent, Thus ofl'ninj a grand variety of fine presents at pric invariably less than coat of transportation or manufacture. Cash is king you hear all sing, Fine Holiday Goods are just the thing. This lot compriseS'Toilet Cases, Manicure Sets, Shav ing Sets, Glove and Handkerchief Boxes, Select Indian Baskets, Albums, Etc. Each article is a piece of art, ornamental aud useful. Our aiinox is located on William street, next to our lliliinery Department. See the windows. They contain hundreds of dollars worth of fiuo wares, such as Quilts, iiod Spreads, Silk Umbrellas, Curtains, Linens and many other use ful selsot articles. These constitute our Annual Holiday Greeting Every articlo is a prnjont to you if yon patronize the Pioneer Establishment of warranted goods aud low pricas, A. li. BROWN'S BEE HIVE. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. CentraI railroadu LEHIGH AND SUSQUEHANNA DIVISION Anthracite coni useA exclusively, insurinn cliunliinwa anil comfort time (ABU XI tmn DEC ft, UBS, Trains Iphvo Soranton for l'ittston. Willcos Parro. eto.. at Kill, 9.15. ll.: ft. m., 12 30. 2.00, . m i& U,UB P- m- Sundays, t' 00 o. m. 1 .(W, J.00, v.tU p. m. For Atlantic Citv. R.10 a m. For Now York, ffowarlt anil Elizabeth. S.U (express) nrr, Ijsn (exprees with Buffet PMiior cur), 8. J) (express) p.m. Sunday 2.00 p m. J For MAccn Ciiunk, allextown Betri k hem. Laston and Philadelihia. a m U M J.30. i a (except Philadelphia) p. ' m' Sunday MO p m. - e For Lono BBARCB, Ocean Grove, ota,at au a.m.. u.;) p.m. For Beuung. Lebanon and Harrisburjr, via AllSntOWS, 8.10 a.m.. 11 30, 4.3 p.m. bun duv. tin p.m. For Potteville. 6.10 a. m . 12.30 p.m. Returning, leave Now York, foot of Llbertv ? h?Vil"?!L,Rive, at b W fexpress) a. m.. U0, 1 80 4 80 (express with Buffut panor car) p m Sunday, 4 80 a.m Luavo Philadelphia Reading Terminal 8 40 a. in 9 On ..I i ji i. ,,, u.....i- ,-. . , .. v utiuutt, u-. a.m. 1 WongS tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application in advance, to tbe ticket atrimt at the station. a. P BALDWIN, J. O. OLHAUSEM, 0W-HklTOt Oen. Supt. We will and can show you n larger f took than any other concern in this section. Remember, we are MAKERS; tho ordinary factory garment has no room in our Cloak Department and as to prices, we invite comparison with any concern in tho laud aud kuow wo are the cbeapest BROWNS BEE HIVE 33 N. Main; 8, 10, 12 and 14 William St, PITTSTON, PA. Headquarters for Winter fees ana Underwear. RKKETT THE HATTER. THE Finest Line of Slippers Ever Shown tn Pittston. Velvet, with Silk Embroidered Flowers, 44c. to $2.50. SSMg i n i THE B 3 IS THE BEST. Get prices and ee the luruace and be con vinced. A full line of HEAT ERS, Appello and Uauzs Door Ranges. o r mm LSmmm . . w i ,W. . i ,v 1 iii CONLAN'S HARDWARE BUSINESS AND i) PROFESSIONAL l lisi I ins AM M KOI ONS, Ui U. E, DKAN, Diseases of tbu Eye, 3'ose Thiont anil Eur, uoi Bpruoe ttreut. oppo- 'ite court house. K A. ,1. luS.VKI.L. OlnYn ail Waahmtrton Frsnaks's drag store, Rcsideuco, "22 Vino st. Otlic- h'ltirs: 10 3U t.) 12 n. m. anil I to 4 and i , i p in Siindav. 2 tn 'I i m. DR. W t AI.LEN. OtHco cur. Lucks w.iiiua an'l Washington aVeS. i over Leon Md shoe Store; otiico Lours. 10 to 12 a. m. and 3 tu 4 p m ; evci.n, . . at .1.1. n Mil. Wiiahinpton iivu. I II. 0.1. KBEY, Practloo limited to Die Jl' easse ol the Eye, Ear, Horn uiiil Throat; offico, 1 Wyoming eve Residence, 32S Vina street MISS WORCESTER'S K1NDEKGARTE.V anil tcbuol, 412 Adams avenue. Pupil recoive,l at all timea. Pall term will opeu Se"tpiiitier 1 III N I IMS. c. LAUBACH, aiirgBon Deatlst, Mo, nl " ' . Wyoininu ave. li M. BTRATTON, offico Coal Exeiianne LOANS. CTOP PAYING RENT OWN ' YOUR O li.m. Money to loan on eaav inuntlily laymeuta. S. M. CAJXENDER, Dime B:ink Bnlldlns rpBK WESTMINSTER, 2IT-S1D Wyoming 1 ave. Rooms heated with uteuur. all mod (i n iiiiiirovoinonla HOTELS AN II RKHTAI RANT. C M T ii i man, Prop ZIKULhR'S HOTEL. l.aekawanna ave nue, Sci antuu. Kutea rsasftnsjHti P ZlBOLBB, Proprietor UES'f SUM STER BOTKL. W. O. SCHENCK. Manager. Sixteenth street, one block eaat ot l i .1.. .v at L'nion Square. New Yol lt. Amerlean plan. E;l 50 ir ila- ai d upwaul ttOYNE HOUSE. Europuaii plan: ;good rooms. Upon day and night liar eup plied with the heat. P. H. COYNE, Pronrietnr SCKANTnN HOl'SE, ne.-i.- O . L AW pa. enger dupot. Conducted on Una European plan. Victor Kocii. Proprietor RAND CENTRAL. Tho inriroit and Um: vJI equipped hotel in Alloulown. Pa. ; ratal J2 and :'.eU per day. VtOT0H D Plnvrp, Prnprletr JEHIOH VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Scranton for Philadelphia and Now o,k via D. & U r. r, at m., no eonusctioa for New Yorfc, jtR). (M and 11.35 h9vu- L W. It It.b.ud, 11 10a.m. and rU, . 50 n. m. I.eavoSeiuuton for Pitt.ton and Wilkoa 1.0, o-.Vi, 0.0,, K..18 p.m. Leave Scrantonfor White Haven.Haxletoa, Pottavdlii and all pointa on tho Beaver Meadow and I'nttaville brain hea, via D 4 n It. it. at I a.m, 1U.10,, 4 16 p in , via b L it W. R R.. S.0K, lia)a.m., I.H5.3.5ip m Leave Seranton for Bethlebcni. Eaaton Readlna, Harriaburs and all Intermsdiata pointa via D. & H. R. R.. t a m ItM, MS p m via D., U & W. it. It., tM, 1120 a. m.. i S3 l.M p.m. Leave Seranton for Tunkliamioek.Towanda, Elmira. lthui-a. Oeneva and all Intermediate points via 1) & H. R. 11., 1.25 and IMS P. ra . via D.. U & W. R.R., Oa.m., l.:i.'ip.m. Leave Boranton for Rochester, Buffalo Niagara Pulls, Detroit, Chicago and all points wist via D. R. R . 1 i 1L8B p. mT VM D.. L. (t W. R. It and Pittaton Junction (,( W a. in for Buffnlo only), US p.m., via E k W It. R 4.1(1 p.m. For Elmira anil tho west via Salamanca, via D. 4t H. R. R. at 0,18 p.m., via b., L. & W. R. h.. 6. 8 ri a m aud o.OT p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair ears 011 all trains between L & B. Junction or ilkea-Barro, and New Wk, Philadelphia, Buffalo and Snapci slon Bridge ROLL IN H. WILBUR. Gun. Supt. East Dlv CHAS. B. I.I-.E.Oeu. Pasa. Ag't, Phila . Pa A W. JjONNEMAC.HER.Aas't Oen. Pass.Ag t, South Bethlohom, Pa. ) Mr DELAWARE AND HUD J9 . SON HAlLROAIi I Commencing Mav aM.lWJ, Ulr I I ,nii!3wlll run as follows: aZ I J 1 Trains leave Bridge Street M 5pt4r Ir ''ution. Seranton, for Pitta W, tCCr. ton, Wilkua- Barre, etc. ,3.00, n 1, 0,, 10.1. a. ni i 11. 1.1, Lie. e.ia, e.ia, v ij, and ILSt p. m. For Now York and Phils- ut ipniu, u m ,1-mo, Mt tXt, 4 Kl and 11 HO p. m. For Honesdale ifrom Delaware. Lackawanna and Western depot), 7.00, S.30. 10 .10 a.m., I2.U) 111., 2 17, 5 111 p. m. For Carbon dale and Intermediate stations, 0.411, 7 HI, h.;w, 10 10 a.m.. T-'UI m.. 2 17, i .25, 5 10. I.. '.11 and 11 00 p. in. ; f 10111 Bridge Street Depjt, tUB a. 111.. 7.M und 11.85 . 111. Fast express to Albany. Saratoga, the Ad I fondack Mountains. Boston and New England points, 6.SD a. m . arriving at Albany 12.45. Saratoga 2.20 p. m., and leaving Seranton at J p. 111.. arriving at Albany at S..VJ p. m., Sara toga. IMS a. tn . and Boston T OO n. m. The only direct route botweon the roal fields and Boston The Leading Tourists' Route of America" to the Adirondack Moun tain resorts. Lakes George and Champlaiu. Montreal, etc. Time tables showing local and through train service between stations on all divisions Dela ware and Hudson system, may be obtained a: all Debtwareand Hudson ticket ofioea H O. YOUNG, J. W. BL'HDIOK. Second Vice President. Oen. Pass, Agt A lit Hit ICCTS. I) AVIS i IIOUPT, Architects. Rooms 2t. ! and 2fi Commonwealth niiif peranum. L' WALTER, Architect. Library buRd , inc. Wyoming avenue. Seranton. L. BROWN. Arch B. Architect. Prico building. 12ii Washington Avo.,(-crnnt in. Dli 1 M OATHS, lie Wasbincton Avenue. Ofllca lioura, 8 to 9 am, I SO to J and 7 toe p.m. I 1 i , WBNTZ, M. O., Ollices H aiid")l 'I Commonwealth boRding; rrsidnnce 7U MadlsonaTej offloshonvs, id to 12. 2 to 1. 7 to I; inindavii 2.89 to 4, evenings at residence. A Specialty made of diseases of tbu eye, ear. nose an 1 throat nnd I'vuecologv. OU. i; I). Xic UK AY, specialty made on dis eases of eye and skin.21s Wypmlng Ave. OfBce hours: Cntil ill a m..2 to 1 and '. to Up ra. MRS. DH Kl NO.'&llI M U LUKRH V STREEf. At Cerlxiudale on Fridays of each week. iPiiasli 1 & yM The Great Financier, Russell Sage, (lives the following sood a Ivioo to lys wniou tin pareutj lxiitjlit also road with profit : "Boys, go tosolwolas long aiym ow, aal rsraimbir svjrV hoar spent In study in your youth will he w rth ni in'y to you in after life. Bui good books, maksyonrsslvss acquainted with h'ntory, stuly th prorisi of n ttloni and tlio careers of uieu who h ive tn ule nations treat. "Study religion, Hclenri, stttcr,ift and hiatiry. Lur i to read i n tall i -gently, so that yon cun turn to practical me In after life th3 readings of your youth. lie sure you be;?iu risjlit. D not waste time in reading trusliy books." Mr. Btge says farther! "The boy -who Is wanted In the,bailfteai world of today must be sdno tted, If hi- parents cannot a'Tird to givj him a olloge or high school ednoatlou, he must ham to stnly withoat tht all of a teacher In the early morninsrs bsfors bnslnsss begins, and In the arenings utter buiiness hours. It oan no longer ba trnthfally said that an ednntlon U out of anyona's reach." This is tho advico of a muit who is 0110 of themut conspioti nn business Kuccossiaof our time, and wliii hits amassed ono of the lirg-et fortunes In America. It cannot possibly bo charged that ho is iu tho pay of the Kncyolo pedia Britannioa, aud yot tliose words, given iih the conviction of life of un usual observation and fxp:riorici, aivisi us strongly ai word an, that you hasten to aooept the offer of T!1K TRIBUNB and secure thll urreatest of books. Tho edition of tho Kncyolopedta liritaiinics offered bjf THE TBIBTJKB fills every rsqulranient of Mr, Sage's rsoipi for i&OOSSS, Who will bt without these books now whon ten cents a day will secure them? Oil receipt of only $4.80 tho entire sat will bo delivered to your home th e balance to be paid on easy monthly paymonts. It is an actual tact that those books aro inoro strongly bound tbnu the original at $S per volume, of which these are 11 copy. The books csn n-en any day nnd Tuesday. Thursday uud Saturday even ings at 407 BPAUGB BTBBET, near Washington aveuuu. 1.1 I.I.INAKV gTJBOEOMS. t7 BTURQE, Veterinarv BnnNOn, Den .1 j. tn-trv 1 specialty; cold medalist of On tario eterimiry Culleeo. Oftlco. Summer's livery. ;Ui Dir. st.. near Keller a carriage shop. Telctihone No. 41 1 LAM t:us. I M 6 RANCK'8 Law and Collection of. I . Bee, No 817 Spruce St., opposite Forest Boose, Boranton, Pa,i collections a ipodsltf throUffhoUt Pennsylvania; reliable correspond cuts 111 every county. BUttia 11 a.n d, Attorneys and Counsel- 1 EM 1' lore at Law, Wnshinijtuu ave. Common wealth liulldiut;, W. 11 JBSSUP, Hun A11. E Hand. W II Jkssj c In UriLLABO. WARREN A KNAPP, Attor neys and Oonnsalors at Law, ItepnbUonn 1 ulldine. Washington ave.. Sci aiiton. Pa. FattersuN A- wfLcoX, Attorneys ami Counsellors at Law; otticos 0 and I Library bulldinif, bci nnton. Pa. RpSWKLL H. rATTBItso William a. Wilcox. LFRF.II HAND. WILLIAM. I. HAND. At .'V torn. -vs and Counsellors, Commonwealth hnlldlng, Roonn IB. 'Jl and ii. I RANK T OKu-LL, Attorney at Law. Koom I fi. Coal Exclianite. Seranton. Pa. Slll.TtlN W. I.tiWliV, 1 Att'vs, 2T? Washing c. 11 VON BTORCH. I ton ar.. 0 H. square AMES w. OAKKORD, Attornev at Law, fl rooms SB, St suu 65, Commouweiuth bPa. OAMUEI, W. EDUaR, Attorney at Law. p Olfloe, :tT Wnrucejrt . BcrniitoB. Pa. I A WATRK8, Attorney at Law, 42J I i. Lackawanna ane.. Bcrnuton. Pa p. SMITH, rooms 54. M, r 1 1 U PrrOHEH, AtloriKiy v . mnnwen'th bnuolng. t-( 6 coMKOYS. IBI Bprnes t. Counsellor at Law. otllc. .ii Commonwealth building. at Law, Com- DH. RF.PI.OOLE, Attorney -Loans nego listed on real ssjtata security. 40s Spruce. B I Ml. I. AM, Attornev at Law. VAI Wy- ' omiaa avenue. Seranton. n AVEVUl i: DBRD8 ANDMuRTOAUES . written and aoknowledieu by J. W. RROWNINU. Attorney and Notury Public I'oininoiiwealth Hulldlmr. Ml C1CHOOL HI THE LACKAWANNA. Scran I ' ton, I'n . prepares boys and ulrls for ODjiSajS or husinnss: thorouehly trains vuunic children Cataliuu at reiiuest. Rkv. Thomas M. Can. Waltku B, Uckll. ,ills KLLANKUVK D. 8 W ARTS WHOLESALE s and V Dime Rank building. HORTON luinber, Seranton. Pa MEUARUEE BKOTHERH, PRINTER8 supplies, onvelopos, paiwr hairs, twine. Warehouse. 130 Washington uvo., Seranton, Pa TlACFK S ORCHESTRA - MUSIC FOR dings andooncert work furnished. For terms ailllross K. .1. Jiaucr. rnniHicior. ii, TTuiuiua ave . over Hulnert 9 music store. EiZRA FINN & SONS, builders and contra j tors. Yards: Cornor Olivo st. and Adams ave ; cornel Ash st. and Penn ave., Seranton. SEKIis. 1 1 K. CLARK & CO., Seels 1. Florists It. a,,.t -,.,.,.,.,.,,,,,, ....... lilt Wnchin.rl.m avenue: green iioiise.iajO North Main avenue. store teiepnnns ,s.. TV AS. OHAND UNION TEA CO., .Ion. - Bros W'llIK RCKEKNS. JOS. KUETTEL, iij Lackawanna aVeUUS Seranton. Pa . niauuf 1 of Wire Screens. E. Robinson's Sons' Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers ot the Celebrated PlLSENER Lager Beer CAPACITY 100,000 Bbls. Per Annum, DELAWARE. LACKAWANNA AND WESTERN RAILROAD. Trains leave Seranton as follows: Express for Now York and all jioints East. 1 GO, 150, S.1S, KVU aud B.60 a. m, : UU6 and S.&) p m Express for Easton. Trenton. Philadelphia and the South, 5.15, 6.O0 and Uixla. m.; uUi and MO p 111 Washington nnd w ay stations, S.4n p. Ul. Tobihanna accoinmoilation, n. 10 p. in. Express for Blnghsmton. OWfSO, Elm!ra, Coining, Path liaiisllle, Jh unt Morris and Butfalo. U In, '.'.15 a m and 1,(1 p 111.. making close l unncctions at buffalo to all points in the West Northwest and Southwest Hurfaln arconiniodation. P On a. m. Hmgii.-.intou and way stations. 12.87 p. in. Ntcnohon and way stiti. ns. 5 4ip. m. Dmyhsmti 11 and i.imira Express, 6.05 p m lxpres lor 1 ortland, Syracuse. Oswego. I tics ami Kitcbneld Springs, 15 a m am 1 :.'4 B. m. ItLaci. " 18 and 1.00 a m. an 1 1.14 p. m. For N i thumberiand P.ttston, Wilkes Barri, Flvmouth, R.oomsburg ami Danville, makimt . tosi m u. notions at Northumberland for Wil Ihunsnoiti Harrisburg, Baltinioro, Washington and the South. ...i tbuasberlspd and Intsrmediate st.-itionj. C 00, 0 50 a in. nnd 1 .0 and 0.1.7 p. m. iianttcoKd aim lnteruieiilate stations. 8IH and 11 20 e m Plymouth and intermediate stations. J.oO and ,3S p.m. Pullman parlor and sleeping eoaehes on all express trains tor detailed mfoi nation, pocket timotabUw. etc apply to SI. L Mnith. city tickot ofllCSi 'S-s Lachawnuna avenue, or depot tickot olllcj. -IVTEW YORK, ONTARIO AND WESTERN IN Railroad. Seranton Division Tuno tabU id effect Nov 18, 1SS3. Trains leave Seranton for Carbondalx u.50, S.3U. 11.0") a.m . 4.50, 610. p.m. For Hancock Junction aud main connections 11.05 a. in. 8.10 p.m. Trams leavo Hancock Junction for main Una connection for Seranton: 6aJ a, m. 2.03 p. m. Tra:n leave Carbond.ile for Seranton " 3t t.45, a. m 1.10,8.81, o.l'ip m. J. C ANDERSON. Gener al Passenger Agent, New York. T. FL1TCROFT. District Posscngar Agent, Seranton. TRIE AND WYOM1NU VALLEY KA1L Vj ho ad Trains leave Seranton for New ork and in terim diat points on the Eriu and llawley aud local points at 0 35, ! 45 a.m. and tM p. in. Train" leaving at USB a in. and 3 24 p. in. aro through trains to and from Houcsdalo. Trains leave for Wilkes Barre at u 40 a. m. and 1,41 p. m. RICK DRAIN TILE, FRONT, WIRE CUT, HOLLOW, VITRIFIED. FIRE AND COMMON BRICK Best in the market, Brandt Clay Product Co OFFICE: Blnghamton, N Y. FACTOR V: llrundt. Pa, Weak Men ir... Seali-il Sum r IB D Can otitafn i nl.. Ii-li o in isj inepuldier awenaer- tul rlasl rdy "In. li ( Kill 'A I.N I.V. QI'KKI.V unci I'tllMA NKKTLV carts all ro.-tut of ncrvnu ilebllity. Ut manhooil, , Hut low, i trophy, uhyttciil wculnviH. ate. aiiaioiUUHCNTAL IIElilCAL CU.,Chuea.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers