Til K SCRANTON TKI BUN ft-S.Vii ftDAY JAjYILARY H, 1894. 6 aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiniimiiiiiviiiiiii: I P'P6 1 I Valves I Fittim service Bt Ilia Dunmore Presbyterian church tomorrow afternoon Are requester! to reach the church not litter tunn !i o'clock. Books will be furuiahetl each linger and Tallie Morgan will conduct, FERSOiNAL THE SCRANTON SUPPLY AND MACHINERY CO, SimmiiifiiiiiitfiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitaiiiiiS S. V. Hal), of rniirsday. Eev. It. C. Hughes Scranton, wa? in Taylor yesterday Nbrrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE 120 Wyoming Avenue Lackawanna POOR MS OFFICES "Ml 508 Penn Ave. Laundry A. B. WARMAN. HEARS & HAGEN Offer for This weel A new line of 4o inch ali vool Bourette- Stripe Cheviots, niade to : ; yards you 2.o:. or per yard or cc?t sell will cniy :9c. Carpets, Wall Papers, Window Shades; Draperies, Matting's, Rugs, etc. WILLIAMS & McANULTY. W yamir.g Ava CITY NOTES. Un Urisvrold. mother of Deputy Siisr iff Id, died yesterday. Ha-ea Brothers' orchestra will hare a benefit at Tamer hHli Jan M A 7-month-old child of Mr. r.ud Mr). Charles H. C'brieu, of Petersburg, aieJ yotcrday At the Bescue aiistion cn Sunday ITtn lc the aervices will be coudiioted'by Mr. deiderwolf, the former euoerlntendeut. Mayer Conceit hag approved Mr. Du Liggs resolution that directs tho police to tuep all curbatonu vender.! of fruit in ma tiOB. Mr. Blockman. of Willow street, died yesterday. Her children are reported as being badly in need of some one to care for thein The proceeds from the benefit oerform t.nce given at Wonderland on Thuraday ufternoon for the benefit of the poor fund will amount to K300. David Davis, who was arrested by fcer geant Spelltnan Thursdav night for steal ing two watches was held in W0 ibail last evening by Mayor Connell. A Sag ballot will be used at the Four teenth ward caucus The voter will put a cross before the names of the candidates far whom he intends to vote. Ueorge Marshall, an apprentice In the Dixon Manufacturing company's muchlne shop, had his foot badly crushed yter day. A cylinder head fell on it. William Brown and Joseph Woergei, of Providence, wore before Mayor Conueil Isst evening charged with stealing ti-i.'U trom Mrs Newton of Wells street Martin Gibbs, of Locust street, a year old boy, was picked up by the police yea wrday. He claims that his father is dead nud that bis mother has deserted him A deaf and dumb woman came in from New York on the Jersev t.'eutral iast ovhu Inf. She was sent to the Girl's Friendly t-ociety at 1 Mulbeiry street, by the po lice. The Baker Opera company will present "Fra Dlavolo" at the matinee at the AcKdemv today. "Robert Macalre, or The Two Thieves, will he sung this even ing. Ayonng man was last evening accused ot paaaing u counterfeit dollar at Ziealer's hotel. He tol d the police that he had not civeu the bar tender a dollar, and his story was believed. Today will be children's day at Wonder laud theater, and all nuder 14 years of age will be admitted tor A cents aud given a seat. The show is rlrtt-claas and pleaies all classes of people. At the Methodist preacher's meeting in the Elm Park church next Monday morn ing. Jan. 8, Rev. George Y. Price, of Avoca, will read an article on "Liivine Providence and Human Ageuci ' A woman nr.med Healy called down maledictions on Mrs. W. H. Duggau's head in the city ball yesterday because Mrs. Ditggan, acting for tbo Associated obari ties, decided she could not help her. The ordinance for opening Fillmore ave cue on land donated by the Delaware, Lackawanna aud Western compnuy has been approved by the mayor. The com pany will beotempt from grading aud paving assessment along the portion given to the city. Attorney J. 8. Ooartright, of Montrose, Is itt the city endeavoring to get Chief Fsrber to enter a contest against the ohlef of Bingharnton for a belt. The Montrose company Is the Rough aud Ready aud ex Judges Hand and Jeisup were among its organizers. The free lesson in music sight reading at the oung Men's Christian Association hall this afternoon at i o'clock will be at tended by children and youug people from every part of the city and neighboring towns. School teachers are espsuially in vited to be present, The members of the Sacred Music society who will sing at the Ralph Gillam revival retnrnari from New York Dr. McRraw. of Oarl.ondnlB, was in the city lust evening. Judge Sittser, of Tunkhatinock, spent yeBterday in tne city. A. D. Powers, of Wllkes-Barre, was a Scranton visitor yesterday. John Durltln, of Rcrnnton, called on friends in ( arbondale yeterday. W. K. Rirkert, of this city, visited Honnadale acquaintance yesterday. Mrs. John Lyman, of Scranton, is visit ing friends and relatives m Moscow. ilrr,. Spall, hns beon withher parents, Mr. and Mrs. James MoAndrew, of Haw ley. Alderman S. S. Jones, of Oarbondale, called on friauds ia the court house yester day. C. J. Jforler. of Sonfh Morjtrose, has 'been visitiuif frisods in S-rii'irou rc- , cemlr. Miss Anna Clark, of Fittstnn, is the guest of Miss Annie Kennedy, of Fraakliu arcniie. Henry Williams, of this city, passed part of the holidays vrith his friends in Hawley. Tallin Morgan takes charge of the music at the First I'.eebyterian church tomorrow morning. Attorney John S. Ccmrtrlght, of Mon trose, shook hands with friends in the city yeBterday. K. W . KeiloT, of Green F.idgo, nttended the funeral of the late William Roasor at Carhondnle. 0. W. Scbndt attached biijautcrraph to the repister of the Allen aon3t.' Honea dr.ie. yesterday. Misses Alice and Anni9 Burke loft yes terday to resume their studies at Edea Hall. Philadelphia. Mrs. Sj. O'Doanell. recently patted a .veek's vacation with her fnend Mrs. John Eroderick. of H;; ley. Professcr B Fercy -Jaaiej. of Harletca, vrho has beeu ia town for a icw days, re turns homo this morciaf. 0. 5?. Handrlok having sold ti Montrcs? lot business will, it u raid, take up his res idence la Scrautoa again. Mr. aud Mrs. Thomas F.oach and Will iam Moriarity, of the South Side, have re turned from Sparrows Poiat; Md. Patrick Muihenu, of the firm of Mul lierin i Judgf aud J. M. Pihodes, of Eim huist. left for the South yesterday. JoMpbin Luxenbsrger, Who has been visiting the Youngbloot t family at Tay lor, has re'.urucd to her home in Hyde Park. Says the Pottsviile Miners' Journal: Miss Arcbbald, ot Scrantou.is visiting her brothers here, who are interested in cual tuiuiug at Llewellyn. Mrs. Munco Vi'iiiiaras, of IK' Monroe avenue, Who has been laid up with a severe attack of grip l ... tho past three weeks, is convalescing. Rev. August Lr.nge pastor of the Hick ory Street Presbvteriau church leaves this morning for Germany. Philip Bram bacher will accompany him. Mn. E. A. Scull, of Ash street, was in tionesdnle yesterday. She visited the Maple Citv to install the new ofilcers of aptniu Ham Circle, Ladles of the Grand Army of tho Republic. This is bow the Wilkes-Barr Times puts it: "Miss Nelile Beamish, a bright Scran ton musician, ha3 composed a marca Which she has hamed 'Thirteenth Regi ment March. It has a catc i, brilliant swing and bids fair to strike popular fancy.' S. A. McMullen, one of the trustors of the Masonic Hall association, of Carbon dale, was in Scranton yesterday morning and concluded the negotiations with John Jermyn for the puichase of the latters bi'jci: on Salem avenue. The consideration wa3 24,000. Says the Montrose Democrat: "C. P, Bell, of Scranton, was iu to.vu Monday. Mr Bali Is busy these days looking after tne interests or the Heeley Institute, a: Scrauton, of which he is mauager. He says the institute is well pstronicel and is making remarkable cures.'' ndwofd T. Thomas, of Scranton, at one time n.-.u.-. superintendent for trie Dela ware Lack&r.-unna and Western Coil com pany, was a visitor here yesterday, ' says tne Pottsviile Miners Journal. "He was accompanied by his son, Daniel, who Is successful druggist in the same city." Aii Were Filled at tbe ABunal Meeting and Rwrganiralion, ARJA WILLIAMS IS COLLECTOR T. H. Jones Choten Treasurer for Another Term, and Five Out-door Physicians Elected and Their Salar ies Fixed The Other Officers of Ihe Board and Home All Re-Elected, after by a reception committee consist ing of M. F. Brown, H, J. Butler, John Gibbons, T. J. McGouldvick, M. T. Howell, P. H. Gllleran. J. J. Scott, Jamea McDonald. M. J. O'Toole. Dr. P. L. McGraw. Dr. J. F. Sultry. At torney H. J. Murray, Attorney M, A. McGinley and John H. Jordan. The committee in charge of the dance was F, H. Jordon, E. O'MalW, James Clifford, Frank McDonald, John J. Coyne, James Gay nor, P. J. Cole man, John Bulks, Jamos Flynn, M. E. Hanley, R. J. Murray. P. J. O'Reilly, Jauiea McCurty, Joseph J. McNully, T. J. White and Peter Snyder. RF.V. RALPH GILLAM AT DUNMORE. B. F. PICK SURRENDERS HiSELP. Denies That He Murdsred John Fate of Hatfield. Michael Fick, tbe alleged muruerer of John Page, of Mnyfield, came to the city yesterday and surrendered himself to County Detective Shea who had u warrant for bis arrest. Fick wns accompanied by his attorney. Jo seph O'Brien. Detective Shea took the prisoner before Alderman Wright. who committed him to the county jail pending a hearing on Monday after noon at o'clock. Fick save that he went to Yonkera, N. Y., on Dec. 27 to visit relatives and w.-ia first informed bv n letter sent to him by his wife that he was Buspected of tbe murder of Page. He returned at once and gave himself up. dt denies liaviru; murdered Page U.i the night ot Luc. Ml rick says that Page nine to Ins house and in suited bis wife. He put him out and that was the last he saw of hini. There are witnesses, however, Who olaito to have seen Fick assault Page A few hours after the time Fhk says be vi'cted Pnue from his house, the latter was fouud ia an unconseious con ditioti in a coal shed a short distance from Fiefc's house. County Detective tibea has been prosecuting au active aearoh for Fick for several days past. THIRTEENTH WJKD DEMOCRATS. Attorney Thomas F. Wells Chosen Noml nas for School Controller. The Democrats of the thr e iiistricts of the Thirteenth wnrd met Thursday oveniug at Wettleton's (nil on Green Ridge street. Mr. r. t. Plarau wus chairman and James Kearney was secretary. T. F. Wells received the nomination for school controller by acclamation. The following election otlicers were chosijii for the dift'sreut districts. First 'District James Tompkins. re gister of voters: James Maloney, judge of election; Peter Lynn, inspector of election. Seoond District P. H. Kearney, re gister of voters , M. G. Jackson, judge of election ;E H. Long, inspector of election. Third District James Pace, register of voters, Joseph .Sharp, judge of eleo tion; J. F. Hollerau, inspector of elec lion. FIRST SERVICES IN NEW CHURCH The first regular session of the poor hoard for the year wi was called to ordor by Director Gibuons. President Liuigstaff.who has been very ill for the past thres months, was present for the first time since he was taken 111. Direc tors Tropp, Shotten, Williams, Mur phy and Mn. Swau wen present. Under the heed of director's report Mr. Lynett reported that he had kc ceptsd 30 from a men named Hestine in settlement of case. H ;!eo road the report or the directors for the year, which was adopted. Superintendent Bseraer's report for December showed that the number of inmates in Hillside home Dc. 1 was 103. admitted, 13: discharged, 10. Total number of inmttes Jan. 1,100; male?, 117; females, 4S. Hesident Physician Evans report stated that the nnmbsr of prescrip tions filled was 43S; deaths, 4; sane pa tients, 90; insane. -13. Number in asy lum Dec. 1, 131; admitted. 7; di -ehurGed, 3, remaining Jxn. 1, 135. The out-door physician, Dr. Ganster, re ported having visit-"! 14 old esses. 46 i;e cases, zay.de 193 visits, examined 4 insane cases. XELiS? AQgNTS REFOiVi. Mrs, George Pettlgrew. relief agsat. reported that she had investigated 123 out of 152 cases and found a lout three fourths of them very worthy. The case3 had been btlpod by the charitable societies. II K. Ciivanaugii. of the Car bond ale Poor district, presented a bill for .$13 : for the cart of John Loftus. whom he claimed was a charge on this district. Loftus lived here twelve years ago and has since established a reti lonce no where. The matter was referred to Director Shotten aud Attorney Scragg for investigation Dr. Paine reported 5 old OAtM, 1C new oues, n visits made, i birth, 1 death t'nder the head of new business Mr. Gibbons thought that the new men s buildiug would bej too small in a few years, and that it would be better to put tne women in that building und the men in the building now occupied by the women. Mrs. Swan believed as Mr. Gibbons did, hut Mr. Shotten and Mr. Willinnis fought the project. Mr. Gibbons moved that the matter be referred to the home committee and such action was taken. MYMQ out ADVBr.Tisisa. Director Tropp asked for information about publishing the annual report of the directors, rla wanted to Have it printed iu tbe Free Presa and Wochen dlatt. aud Directors Shotteu and Wil liams sustained bim.Mr. Gibbon3 mov ed to amend that Thk Tribune, Re publican Truth and Times be udded to the list of papers Mrs Swan seconded the motion, and it was carried by a vote of 4 to 3, Langstaff, Gibbons, Murphy find Mrs. Swan vot ing aye, and Shotten, vwllinms and Tropp voting nay, immediately upon aoiournment of the poor board. Director Gibbon moved that the bonrd proceed to re organize at once aud Mr. Murphy was callml to tne chair. Irs. Swan nominated W. 3. Lang staff for j. resident, and there being no other names mentioned he was elected by acclamation. J. Lynett, tbe present secretary, whs retained in that position Mr. Williams nominated 1. tl. j ones for treasurer and Mr. Gibbons placed the name of J. J. O'Boyle before the directors Mr. Jones who was iruaatrer last vear was re- elected, the vote being 5 to 9 in his favor. The nume of Arj YYilliuius tor collector of poor tuxes was proposed by Mrs Swan. He was the only nominee and was unanimously elected as was John F. Scragg for the position or attorney. I'M home otfi cera. Ueorge w Heemer, superintend ent. Mrs. Jennie Lieemer, matron Benjamin F. Evana, resident phvsi ciac, were all choaen by acclamation FIVE OUTDOOR PUTSICUSS- Wheu the order of electing outdoor pbysieians waa reached Director Shot ten Btutea that be had a sobome which would be for tbe benefit of the poor people who were taken ill. It was to appoint nve pbyaiclans aud divide the district up into five sections. He would divide them iu the following or.ler First Wards one,two,tliree,flrst dlitrlot twenty first: secoud Wards four, five, six, fourteen, fifteen, eight een,econd district twenty hrst . third Dunmore borough and Tenth ward ; fourth- Wards eleven, twelve, nine teen, twenty, fifth wards seven, eight, nine, sixteen, seventeen. He proposed to pay the physician the same amount they received before ouly divide it into five party. Mr Tropp suggested that they be paid as follows- First district, $180 Second district, $3u0; Third dis trict, 100; Fourth dutrict, 000; Fifth district, yM This was agreed upon and tbe elections of physicians pro ceeded with. It resulted as follows: First distriot, Dr. W. A. Donne; Sec ond district, Dr W. A, Paine; Third district, Dr. J. R. Murphy; Fourth district, Dr. Manley; Fifth district, Dr, P. F. Gnuster. On motion of Mrs Swan the salaries of all other officers were ti:d at the same rnte which prevailed last year. Mill.' Assistant to Bsgln a S tries of Evangsllstlo ftlestinfts. The evangelistic services to begin in Dunmore Presbyterian church tomor row morning promises to be of great interest to all who may atteii'L'- Rev. Ralph Gillam, the asafKtant of B. Fay Mills, will conduct the services. Mr. BroiltOD, well known to many per sons of Surautuu as a ;;ood eoloist. will nocompHny Mr. Gilhim in his work. A special inviturion is extended to all. HCHURCH The City and Scranton Gas and Water Company Given a Hearing Be fore Judge Gunster. Th 'So iwauu-alicai; CanBreaalton Will Ocoupr Their New Building. The first services in tho Zion Evan gellcal ohureh, at l-l':.' '.spouse ave nue, of which Rev. J. W. Messinger pastor, will be beld tomorrow. Preach ing uy me pastor at iu.au anu oy uev, A. H. Irvine, presiding elder of Lewis burg district, at 7.30 p. in. Commun ion after evening sermon. On Sunday, Jan. 14, the ohureh will be dedicated. Bishop W. M. Stanford will officiate. A number of miniaters from a distance will be present ARGUING INJUNCTiON CASES, OFFICERS OF Nay AUG COMPANY Thsy Wsrs Hld EUcied at a Usetlng Last Evsnlng. At the annual election of the Nay Ausi Hose company held last night the followidg officers wer elected Preai deut.G. R Suydum; vice preaident, W. Seeley; recording secretary. W. E. Gil boOl; financial aecretaty, N. L. Griggs, treasurer, J. J. Kline; trustees, D. Schoonover.M H. Horu.G. R. Suydatn, W. Schoonover, G. Shay; property clerk, P H. Weitner, foreman, M. H. Horn ; first assistant, P. H, Weitner; second asslatant, W. Scboouover, pipe men, D. Sohoouover, H Brown, W. S Kreealer; engineer, E. Page atoker, N. L Griggs; driver, !'.. L. Mayer. ANNUAL INSTITUTE SOCIAL. It Was Held at M-ssl's Academy Last Evening. No more pleasant social event has been beld in Siegel'S Academy this season than last evening. It wus the annual social of the Central City Conn cil of the Young Men's Institute, and drew together a merry party of yonug people from this city and its vicinity. Professor Saf t furnished the music for tbe oarefullv arranged programme of dancer, arid John J. Naltlu was master ot cereinouita. The pleaaure ef all present was looked Judce Gunster yesterday afternoon in chambers listened to arguments oa rules for continuing the preliminary uianctions obtained "by the city of ;f!ranton BMlnttttM Snranton Gas and Wafer company and the ?:ranton Gas ;.u w ater coinnanj Against- tne city t Scrauton. City Solicitor Torrov Kppeared for the city undoes-Justice Alfred Hand and Attorney I. a. oarua for the company. The matter at issue is the power of th city to pass no ordinance defining tbe manner in which the company ball lay its pipes Tho ordinance pro vides that before opening aay ctrosv the company shall obtain a permit from tbe street commissionsr. uud if it be a paved street deposit a sufficient sum ot money with tne city treasurer to enable the atreot commissioner to repair the pavement. The company openea a atr?.jt in v;o lotion of tbe ordinance nnd was en joined by the city. Another injunc tion eniomed the city trom interfering with the company in opening streets which is a right said to be granted to it by its charter Mr Torrey made the hist argument He said that it was uecesaajy for publio safety to have regulations with regard to the opening of highwaya to make improvements and that such regula tions have to be general, he Ola not deny the charter rights of the com pany, but hold that the ordinance does not contravene tnese rignta. tne ordi nance hhving brien passed in con formity with tbe police powers granted to municipalities by the legislature- All legislation granting charter privileges, he held has the implied re servation that the privileges are sub ject to reasonable police regulation The city had to pasa a general ordi nance with regard to the regulations prescribed and could not pasi one for tho Gas and Water company and an other for other companies and indi viduals. The permit is required that the street commissioner may know what streets are beinc opened and in what condition they are left after the improvements are completed. Mr. Burns nrgoed that by the terms of the Gas ccWater company a charter, the city was debarred from imposing such restrictions as are set forth in its ordinance He declared that the city had no right whatever to compel tho company to obtain a permit every time it wanted to open n street and pay money into the city treasury to enable the street com misaioner to do work that its own skilled workmen could perform in a more satisfactory manner. Tbe company wonld not object to reasonable regulations, but this ordin ance was not what it purported to be, a regulating ordinance since it does not attempt to regulaie. Tbe taking out of a permit he said was uot a regu lation, for the very word permit sig nified the granting of a right from a superior to an inferior power Ex-Justice Hand said that the char ter of tho company gavo it great pow ers, but they were necessary to carry out the purposes of its incorporation. it the company fail.; to perform in a proper manner its duties in connection with the laying of its pipea the city might have an action against it to compel it to do so, but by its ordinance it ia endeavor ing to shift the responsibility of seeing that the streets are properlyj repaired after excavation! are made by tbe com pany from the shoulders of the com pany on', to its own. The pipes hava to be repaired all hours of the day and night, and it Would be burdensome, the speaker said, to compel the com - pany to have to seek the street com missioner whenever it It necessary to open a street tor any purpose. Judge Gunster reserved tbe deci sion. i ftsr fcsnr.tr OS How many have taken vow9 of absti neuce with the birth of the new year is perhaps hard to estimate, but we now know that such efforts are futile agaiuat inveterate habit, a habit which has become a disease. There was a time when it tvculd have been easy to quit, but having neglected to do so the habit continued un til by the coustaut or fr (pietit use of the poison there was forced a change iu the nervous system whiuh madx it uot only possible to drink, but necessary. Then you could drink a good deal and not seem to get drunk, but you also found it neces sary, to keep you feeling gnod and you 'craved liuuoi" because yon had become diseneed. Now (bat swearing off does no good and the pledge can't be kept, go and make your resolution good for all time by taking treatment at the Keeley institute, rti Madison avenue, Srauton, Pa. Tbe RuJIdliip. is Compietfd and Ready tor' Dedication Tomorrow. COMMITTEE HAS ACCEPTED IT An Excellent Description of the New Congregational House of Worship on the West Side The Auditorium Will Have a Seating Capacity of Fiye Hundred, The new and magnificent building of the Plymouth Congregational church nu Jucltson street between Main and Hyde Parle avenue, is completed and will bo formally dedicated tomorrow. Tho church building committee met Architect John A. Duckworth and th contractor, William R. Williams, in the auditorium of the uhuroh yesterday afternoon rnd accented the bnlldini; as I completed. ! The oi mansions oC the bftUtliOff aft i0 by SO feet with mi auditorium on the westerly tide of 10 by i feet. Tne tower on the northwest corner ia 13 by 13 feet and is 7" feet high. There is also a tower un the eastern corner whicble llibyTD feet and 00 feet in height. B.-twoan these towers Is a large portico, by wiiich the visitor en ters through two massive oak doors lending to the auditorium and gallery. The vestibule is covered with inlaid linoleum. " 2 - DON'T FORGET Thiit woltro hoadqliartors for pvrrj-thlng In the line of WATCH KM, If you have any idea ut pntfthaalno any kind o! a Watch, lady's or Kent's, itold at wilvor, you will maken Krtev MU mWtaln it you do not give us a call and fit our prices, which you will find fr below all otners, especially ia all the high grades of KIkIU, Wnltliam and Ilnnipdon movements. If you hare any doubin aud are at nil posted on prices (ti urb cull unci wa will have no tr-ctilili m corTlnrlu: on. v e n t ill hp-vr. Hr.-ru i stock io ulspo o of. "anC will o'itr you von- 1 er.nl le.'jucomeitsj in -Towflry, Silrervero. ' Cloeks Md r.ll ofh-jr goods wblca we have m C. W Freeman Pi nn Are. and Sprnc9 St. lllUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHiiiiiiiiiiiiiii OUR CHAINS 3 Ti'ILL 83AT FITS HUNDRED. The interior nf tho aulitornin room is 4.S by 6" fee, with aoating capacity ot COO There is also -. gallery between the tower which has a tiag capac ity of fifty. In tho easterly tower lend ing from the gallery is a very cocy room for committee rajotings. yery neatly furnished. In the auditornm on the westerly tide is the choir plat form with a seating capacity of thirty three, adjoining which is tbe pulpit platform two feet high, estonding :nto tho av.ditotum ;n r. circular fcro. Adjoining the pulpit platform is tho pastor's study, a room 9 by 15. neatly finished in oak. The auditorium is finished in ash. Tho pew; ure set in a circular form and are of a very hand some design substantially built of quartered oak. The windows are all of stained glass of pretty design Cn the e;;-teily side of tne building is a very large circular window represent ing the landing bt the Pilgritni on Plymouth rock in the year 1030. Oa the front window ie a scene represent ing Christ and tbe two disciples on their way to Emaus. On tbe westerly aide is a pretty window representing a leacemllng dova. lhe auditorium is covered with carpet of nu attractive design. The building is heated with hot air, and is lighted with gas. in the centre is a large chandlier with thirty jeven lights, while scattered about the build ing are eighteen brackets with three lights each, making a total of fifty-four tide lights .- FTLF1T. The pulpit is a very hundsorna de- sien.in quartered oak handsomely hand carved. in the rear of the pulpit Stand two largo oak chairs beautiful upholstered, while iu front of the pul pit stauds the communion table of oak and ot a very substantial puttern with two chairs on each tide. The chairs are the same pattern as the ones on the platform. Tbe church buildinc committee con sist! of Thomas Eynon, chairman alter wilkins, secretary: M. P. Dm- iels, treasurer; T. E. Reynolds. A. B. Eynon. Richard Owens; T. D. Evan David Richards, jr., Arthur G. L.'wis T. W. Phillips. W. J. Morgan, Eliaa E Evans, S. B. Powell aud James Car penter. Kasic nam Ezclusivsiy. Best made. Play any desired number of tunes uautseni ar sous.. rnannraciurer!, 1080 Cbestuut street, Philadelphia. Won- derful orrhestrial organ?, only to and till Specialty Old music Doses carefully re paired ana improved with new tunes. We guarante Meak & HAQtN . our h .j.i Eld Glcves Storage For Furniture, Etc. 119 FRANKLIN AVENUE siiniuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiisimi 2 2 5 Are worth going a long distance to 9 38 peo. No such collection can he S S found nearer than New York or S m Philadelphia, and then it in notsur- 9 S pasd in the matter of unique and 3 E exclusive designs, or richness, 3 S daiutiue.ss and delicacy of mate- S 3 rial. Iu a word, our Curtain atock Sj 3 this fall reaches our highest ideal ofwhatia should be, nud cannot 5 B fail to meet tbe approval of the 3 H molt refined and artistic tastes. 3 3 Yet all this does not mean high 3 prlcoa. On the contnry.the value-, ffi we now ofier are submitted for si your inspection. Of course, we' vn I every roske. end pmont them wil! I he fevind the vry choicest crea- I flora in Brussels, Irish Point, Swiss. S Nottingham and other Lace Goods; S also the New Snowfiake Swiss, 3 with fcllk Stripe in contraatiu- 3 coIctp. Also fnll lines of Silk g ftiippp, Tapestries, etc, made to 3 rrdor. m iliiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiliiillliflig j HILL & CONNELL SCRANTON, PA. linilfiiigiiilliliiiiiiiiiflilliiiliiiiii7 yon ever Huatmgton tried mm or oysters At Lackawanna avenue 413 Youil fond the nicest po nave seen, Open Until Midnight, Don't Forget Hull & When Co. Looking for j . r urniture, Hull's Furniture Store 205 MD W POKING W D r Oui Remnants of remaining Ok. C C. LACBxcn, denti3t, Gas and Water company building, Wyoming ave nue. Latest improvements. Eight years in Scranton. Our 11 ft H kid perfect satisfaction. gloves for gives HUM 2. Haqen. The regular sessions of the School of the LaokaWaoM will be resumed on Mondav raornins at the usual hours. Dr, Hill & Son Albany DENTISTS Pet teeth, KM: be! sst, 6; for gold caps and teth without plates, eallod crown and bridge work, cull for prices aud . :.-i .. TON ALGIA, for ettraetln leeiti withont pkin. No father. No gas OVER MUST NATIONAL BANK. (ient's Fine White Shirts .Mil & BaOMMi for 20 cents at Clam Chowder and Frst Luuoh all day at tbe St. Cloud Hotel. lUrgains iu Ladles' und Missea Wool Hose at Mkars Haoeji, Fine JANUARY 6, 1894. TRIBUNE COUPON Your ohoictf of three beautil'ul pictures, "Telephone (lid," "Do litwikg Christuias Preseuts" find "Miihk'us Kwlugiug." 8eud by mail or uiessouger or iirinp; coupons like this of three iliffer t i.i dates, with 10 cetitB, ntamps or coin, to TRIBUNE OFFICE, Cor. Penn Ave. and Spruce St. H0LLY WREATHS. BOXWOOD WREATHS, R0 PI NC MISTLETOE, ek Prices very reasonable. Space will not permit us to rneutiou the pood things for a i'bristtuas din ner. Stock is complete. Anything to be found in a first class market, W. H. PIERCE, PFjNN AYR MALONEY OIL AND MANUFACTURING CO ilHUufacturerj and Oealeri BoioiiUj All Aani lubncating U I L V Cjy5I llso Shafting and Journal Greats. OFriCK:-m West Lackawanna Aire. WouKt) -Msridlan Slrat'. Best Sets of Teeth, JS. 00 Itclnding the palnlen ettractlhg oi teeth by an entirely new process. S. O. Snyder, D.D.S, 18(1 WYUattNU AVf- You can have at Cost Price This Week. THE GREAT STORE 310 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. FOR JANUARY 11 Per Cent, Discount allowed ia Cloak aud Fur Department. Special Reduction on all Winter Goods. Prices on Millinery cut in 1 Agency lor Dr. Jaegers Woolen Goods. Store closes at C.30 P. M., except Saturdays. M. BROWN'S BEE HIVE 224 LACKAWANNA AVENUE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers