DECLARATION OF WAR By tbe Confederate States• 1 , ..r.Trr1181 Or MARQUE AND REPRISAL• MONTOOMICRY, Ale , May 6, 1861. Ile following act has boon passed by the Con gregg of the Confederate Stabil in scorer eeseion• The iujanotion of secrecy hes been removed there. from AG ACT RECOGNIzirte TEI ExlsTaitcli or WAR BS TITSER TOO Cr/Men TTTTT 9 AND TEE COOPEDZ• RATE grArze, AND COOCERDIDO LIITTERB Or aseerE, reuse, Alin Pales GOODS : Whereas, The earnest efforts made by this Go- vernment to establish friendly relations between tee tiavernment of the United Suites and the Oon federate States. and to Settle all questions of dfs agreement between the two Governments upon prieelples of right. Justice, equity, and good faith, hey. , proved unavailing. by reason of the refusal of the Government of the United States to bold any In tereourse with the commissioners appointed by tble government for the purr/lea aforesaid, or to Helen to env proposel they had to make for the peaceful Relation of all canoes of diMoulties between the two Governments; and whereto, the President of the United States of America has issued his pea:denim lion, making requisition upon the etates of the Amerioan Uniou tor ?5 000 men, for the purpose, as therein indicated, of cantering forts and other strongholds within the jurisdiction of and belong log to the Confederate States of America, and has detailed naval armameute upon the octets of the Confederate States of slinerioa, and raised, cirri. piss& and equipped a large military force to execute she purpose aforesaid, and has issued his other proclamation, announoing his purpose to set on foot a blookade of the ports of Confederate Stater; and whereas, the State of Virginia has seceded from the Federal Union, and entered into a oen volition of alliance, etreneive tied defensive, with the Confederate States, and bas adopted the provi sional oonstitution of the said Staten, and the States of Maryland, North Carolina. Tennessee, Kentucky, At and Missouri nave refused, and it is be lieved *bat the State rat Delaware, and the inhabt tante of the Territories of Arizona and New Mexico, and thedndian Territory south of Kansas, will re fooe to co-operate with the Government of the United States in these seta of hostilities and wan ton aggro/win, which are plainly intended to over awe, oppress, and finally subjugate, the people of the Coefederate States; and whereas, by the acts and means aforesaid, war exists between the Con federate States and the Government of the United States, and the States and Territories thereof, ex cept the States of Maryland, North Caroline, Ten. neosee, Kentucky, Arkansas, Missouri, and Dela ware, and the Territories of Arizona anti New Maxie°. and the Indian Territory south of Kansas : Therefore, Seerzos I. The Congress of the Confederate .Mates of America do enact, That the President of the Confederate States is hereby authorised to two the whole land and naval force of the Confede rate States to meet the war tithe commenced, and to issue to private armed vessels-commissions, or letters of marque and general reprisal, in such form as he abaft think proper, under the seal of the Confederate States, against the veseele, goods and effects of the Government of the United States, and of the citizens or inhabitants of the States and Territories thereof, except the States and Territo ries hereinbefore named : Protracted, however, That property of the enemy (unless it be contraband of war) laden on board a neutral vessel, shall not be subjeet to seizure under this act: And pro vided further, That vessels of the citizens or in habitents of the United States, now in the ports of the Confederate States, except such as have been since the sth of April last, or may hereafter be, in the service of the Government of the United States. shall be allowed thirty days after the pub lication of this act to leave said ports and reach their destination; and reek vessels arid their ear goes, excepting articles contraband of war, shall Hot be subject to oaptnre under this act, during acid period, unless they shall have previously reached the destination foe which they were bound en leaving Reid ports. Sec. 2. That the President of the Confederate States shall be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered to revoke and annul, at pleasure, all letters of marque and reprisal which be may at any time grant pursuant to this act. Sao. 3. That all persona applying for letters of marque and reprisal, pursuant to this act, shell state in writing the name, and a suitable descrip tion of the tonnage and force of the vessel, and the name and plane cf residence of each owner concerned thiretn, and the intended number Ol the crew ; which statement shall be signed by the per son or persons making such application, and filed with the Secretary of State, or shall be delivered to any officer or person who shall be employed to deliver out each commissions, to be by him trans mitted to the Secretary of State. Sic. 4. That before any commission or letters of marque and reprisal shall be issued as aforesaid, the owner or owners of the ship or vessel for which the same shall be requested, and the commander thereof for the time being, shall give bond to the Confederate States, with at least two responsible sureties. not interested in midi vessel, in the penal sum of five thousand dollars; or if snob vessel be provided with more than one hundred and fifty men, then in the penal sum of ten thousand dol lars, with conditions that the owners, officers, and crew, who shall be employed on board inch com missioned vessels, shall and will observe the laws cs' the Confederate States, and the instructions which shall be given them becordiog to law, for the regulation of their conduct; and will satisfy . ail damages and injuries which shall be done or committed contrary to the tenor thereof, by snob vessel, daring tier commission, and to deliver up the same when revoked by the President of. the ClonfederateStates. Sac. 5. That all captures and prizes of vowel(' and property shall bo forfeited, and shall accrue to the owners, officers, and crews of the vessels by whom such captures and prises shall be made; and, on due condemnation bad, shall be distribu ted according to any written agreement which shall be made between them ; and if there be no snob written agreement, then one moiety to the OWilele, and the other moiety to the officers and crew. as nearly as may be according to the rules prmaribed for the distribution of prize money by the laws of the Confederate States. Exc 0. That all vessels, goods, and effects, the property of any citizen of the Confederate States, or ref persona resident within and tender the pro tection of the Confederate States, or of persona percesnently within the territories, and under the protection of any foreign prince, government, or State in lenity with the Confederate States, which shall have been ciphered by the United States, and which shall be recaptured by vowels commissioned as aforesaid, shall he restored to the lawful owners. upon payment by them of a jest and reeacnable salvager, to be determined by the mu tual agreement of the parties concerned, or by the decree of any court having jurisdiction, according to the nature of each case, agreeably to the pro visions established by law. And such salvage Ebell be distributed among the owners, officers, and mews of the vessels commissioned as afore- Bald, and mating such captures, according to any written agreement whioh shall be made between them ; and in case of no Snob agreement, then in the same manner and upon the principles heretofore presided in case of capture. r so. 7. That before breaking bulk of any vessel which shall be captured as aforesaid, or other dia. posal or conversion thereof, or of any articles which Ehsll be found on board the same, nosh captured vessel. goods, or effects, shall be brought into some rove at the Confoderato Platte, or of a nation or state in amity with the Confederate States, and shall be proceeded against before a competent tri bunal; and after condemnation and forfeiture thereof, shall belong to the owners, officers, and ere., of the vessel capturing the same, and be dies tribured as before provided ; and in the case of all ' captured vessels, goods, and effects, which shall be brought within the jariediotion of the Confederate States, the District Courts of the Confederate Matte shell have exßluetve, original cognizance thereof, as in civil o.uses of admiralty and mari time jurisdiction ; and the said courts, or the courts being courts of the Confederate States, into whiob each eausra shall ho removed, and in which they snail be tinciy (resided, shall and may decree rail PtilittiOD, in whole or in part, when the capture *hen have been made without jest (muse. And it made without probable cause, may order and de cree damages and costs to the party injured, for which the owners and commanders of the vessels molting such capture, and also the vessels, shall be liable. Sac. S. That all persons found on board any captured reosti, or on board any recaptured yea. sal, shall be reported to the collector of the port in the Confederate States in which they shall first arrive, and Shall be delivered into the custody of the marehal of the district, or some court or mili tary officer of the Confederate States, or of any State in or near such port, who shall take charge of their safe keeping and support, at the expense of the Confederate States. Sec. 9. That the President of the Confederate " &aloe is hereby authorised to establish and order suitable instructions ter the better governing and directing the eondtiot of the vessels so commis sioned, their officers and crews, copies of which shall be delivered, by the collector of the customs, to the 6oemeneederit, when they Anal give bond as before provided. Sec. 10. That a bounty shall be paid by the Con federate States, of twenty dollars, for eaoh peruse on board any armed ship or vessel, belonging to the trolled Orates, at the Commencement of an en gagement, which shall be burned, sunk, or de stroyed by any vessel commissioned as aforesaid, which shall be of equal or inferior force, the same to be divided as in other eases of prize-money; and A bounty of twenty-five deltas shall be paid the owners, officers, and crews of the private armed vessels, commissioned as aforesaid, for each and every prisoner by them captured and brought Into post. and delivered to an agent authorized to re -661t-e them, In any pert of the Confederate Stalest. anti the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby autho rized to pay or cause to be paid, to the owners, • ffioers. and crews of gush private armed vessels, oommiietioned as aforesaid, or their agent, the bennties herein provided_ Sic 11. That the commanding officer of every vessel having a oommiasion, or letters of marque and reprisal, during the present hostilities between the Confederate States and the United States, shall keep a regular jmrnal, containing a tree and exact account of his daily prooeedin,qa and trans actions with fetch vessel and the crew thereof; the ports end places he shall put into, or oast anther ID; the time of his stay there, and the cause thereof: the prises heAhall take, and the nature and probable value thereof; the times anti places, when and where taken, and in what manner be shall dispose of the same; the ships or vessels he shall fall in with; the times and places, when and where he shall meet with them, and his observe- Ilons and remarks thereon ; also, of whatever else shall Occur to him, or any of his officers or marines, or be discovered by examination or conference with any marines or passengers of, or in any other ships or vessels, or by any other meane r touching the fleets, reeved., and forces of the Uelteakiltitee; their posts and places of station anti destinatien, strength, eamh ers. intents and designs; and snob oommand ig officer shall_ immediately on his arrival in any port et the Confederate States, from or during the eertinuance of any voyage Or eruiee. produce bin o .uniseion for sty h vessel, and deliver up such jour nal SO kept as aforesaid, signed with his proper name and hmidieriting to the colleotor or ether thief offilcr of the customs at er nearest to such port; the truth of which journal shall be verified by the oath of the commanding officer for the time being. and nth collector or other chief officer of the customs shalt, immediately on the arrival of such vend, order the proper officer or the Castillo to go on board anti take an account of the °Mears sect men, the number and nature of the guns. Red wherever rile shall occur to' hull on examination, material to be known; and no such vessel shall be .permitted to sail oat of port again until such Jour sd s hell have lesen delivered up, and a certificate *brained under the hand of snob collector or other chief caliper of thv customs that She is manned and armed according to ter commisnen ; and upon der livery of such certificate, coy former genitivale of c line nature - irDEet: have been obtained by 11 , e commander of so , :h Terstl shall be delivered up. dxe. 12. That the ()Glum enders of vessels having lettere of manane and reprisal, as aforesaid, ne glecting to keep a journal as aforesaid, or wilfully making fraudulent entries therein, or obliterating the record of any material tginseotions therein where the interest of the CC%federate States is ooneerned, or refusing to produce and deliver snob partial, commission, or Certificate, pursuant to the preceding section of this cot, then, and in atioh motes, the commissions or letters of marque Bed reprisal of snob vessels shall be liable to be re voked; and each commander, respeotively. shall forfeit for every such offenoe the ruin of $l,OOO, one moiety thereof to the nee of the Confederate States, and the other to the informer. Sec. 1.3. That the owners or commanders of vessels, having letters of marque and reprisal, as aforesaid, who shall violate any of the note of Congress for the eolleetion of the revenues of the Contederate States, and for the prevention of smuggling, shall forfeit the commission or letters of marque and reprisal; end they, and the vessels owned or commanded by them, s hall be liable to all the penalties and forfeitures attaching to mer ohant vessels in like Well Sac. Id. That on all goods, ware", and merchan dise, captured and made good and lawful prize of war, by any private armed ship having 00100316111011 or letters of marque and reprisal under this sot, and brought into the Confederate States, there shall be allowed a deduetion of 33; per oent. OD the amount of duties imposed by law. - Sac. 15. That five per eenturu on the net Marmot (after dednoting all charges and 'expenditure') of the prize money arising from captured vessels and OargOtte.'on the net amount of the salvage of yes eels and cargoes recaptured by the private armed vessels of the Confederate Stater, shall be secured and paid over to the colleotor or other chief officers of the customs, at the port or place in the Confede• rate States at which such captured or recaptured vessels may arrive, or. to the eoesel or Other !tubule agent of the Confederate States, residing at the port or plane, not within the Confederate States, at which such oaptured or recaptured vessel may arrive. And the moneys arising therefrom shall be held and are hereby pledged by the Govern ment of the Confederate States as a fund for the rapport and maintenance of the widows and or phans of such persons as may be slain, and for the support and maintenance of such persons as may be wounded and disabled on board of the private armed meals commissioned as a`oregatd,ic any engagement with the enemy, to be assigned and distributed in snob manner as shall hereafter be provided by law. Origin of the " Essays and RevieWß" Controversy. In 1854 an enterprising publisher in London, with an unfortunate passion (se we oannot but think) which exists at present for the multiplies- BOA of periodical literature, started a aeries of " Oxford" and " Cambridge Essays," to he eon• tributed, with their names, by members of the two Universities. The speculation answered fora time. Dot, after the appearance four volume's, the de mand or the suppty fslled, and the series came to an end. In this conjuncture it occurred, we believe, to one of the contributors that the publication might be continued, but in a more contracted form. For many years past there had floated be fore the minds of the more liberal-minded English Churchmen the vision of a journal which should treat on theological subjects in a manner resem bling the free and scientific tone in which they are handled in France and Germany. Such a scheme was discussed in 1835 between Dr. Arnold and Archdeacon Hare. Whateley, Hampden, and Posey were proposed as possible contributors. One of its main objects was " to make some beginning of Biblical ori tioism, which, as far as relates to the Old Testament, was in England almost non-exist ent." The scheme of a liberal Theological Re view, thus long delayed, fructified in the minds of three OP four of these who bad already furnished essays to the extinct series, and the result wan a volume, which appeared in the early spring of 1860, under the title of "Essays and Reviews." Many scholars and divines were invited to contri bute ; but the number was, through varlousoausee, reduced to seven, Who were mostly unacquainted with each other. The first essay booth; been preached, in substance, as en Oxford University sermon in the previous year, was naturally ready before its companions, and hence itspeouliar place. The last in the volume owed its position, no doubt, to the delays arising.from the scantiness of leisure at the command of its able but over-tasked author. The order of the rest was equally accidental. The volume. as we shall afterwards have occa sion to remark, was as varied in character and as Unequal in execution as might have been anticipa• ted from a series published noder these auspices. It was read at once by those students who took in terest either in the subjects or the writers of the respective essays; and a few notices of it, contain ing the usual mild *dud:Hire ofjraise and blame, appeared in some of the weekly ournals So pas sed the spring and summer. o sound of alarm broke the peace either of the universities or of the church. It was not till the Pleas of the autumn that there was heard from an unexpected quarter the first mattering of a coming whirlwind. It is not OUT practice to allude directly to our contemporaries; but, on the present occasion, the justice of history requires that we should, in more than one instance, break through this rule. In a well-known review advocating the extremist opinions, both theological and political, an article appeared, on which we do not hesitate to fasten the main responsibility of the whole imbezquent agitation. It evidently proceeded from the hand of a writer who, whilst retaining a certain amount of religious sentiment, repudiated all belief in Christian revelation, and who com bined with a profound ignorance of nearly all that had been written on the question at issue, an almost fanatical desire to Inveigle those who stood on more secure positions to the narrow ledge of the precipice on the midway of which he himself was standing. In an argument, net destitute of pathos or ability, but poisoned by a sinister intention too transparent to have escaped the : notice of any bat those who were willingly de calved, the reviewer first parodied the book by exaggeration, by amplification, by suppression, by making every writer responsible for what every other writer. had said or not said, either on the subjects disenseed or not discussed, and then raised a cry of mingled exultation and remonstrance to the phantasm which he bad conjured up,—of exalta tion at the supposed novelty of what be watt pleased to sell a system of Nee-Ohristienity of plaintive remonstrance at the reluctance of the -writers to abandon all the truths which they most cherished in order to adopt the mixture of Paganism and Catholicism in which the followers of M. Comte have found a refuge. We know not . wbat results the writer exposited from this measure. Not by inch arts, he may be well assured, not by Binh pre sumptuous ignorance, not by ruoh unscrupulous misrepresentation, not by snob malignant mations- UM. will the wire or noble-minded of . any . Qom uzrnou he tempted to surrender their belief in the justice and mercy of the Hebrew Prophets, the love and faith of the Christian Apostles. —Edinburg Retneu, PEILAOZLPIII4. BOARD VF Wht. C.,CEEHMIL.E. HOS. j_NO. E. ADDICES, N, COA E LIIITTE OF TUB Moira. T 8. FEILre LETTEIIi EMUS At the Mercitamts' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Tepearons, Deelevy Liverpool, semi Ship hissie tree fore. Eldridge—.-......Liveryirot, soon dam Viototia steed. Pre Ole . Loudon. soon ebip eßrgigng.pWßS_.••••• •••••••••"•••••• Liverpool, sooht §nip Calliope. (Kid . zoo Ship Eloriensia. tking.„, L iverpoo l , ",. b nip tbald i; Emery —.—..Bt Peal de Loando. soon Brig QllOlll4 Bethel', Card-- . Barbados,, goon Brig y . F O'Brien. Lausee---- Buenas Ayres. soon Behr lieo J Jones. Gr0W011..........-.......Dernervit. soon MARINE INTELLIGENCE. FORT OF PHIL,ILDELPHIA..MaT 13, 1861. FUN 11,115115-..........-4 83 -Uri 6816..........,,7 8 Mutt woes.o/ ARRTVED. BhipJered, McGonagle. 20 riari from Lendoriderry. pi with g iron and SI mow , Hobi Taylor lk Co. Brig Joon Welsh. Fikekl:l3 days fro r. Trinidad de Cube. with once, and gooloortio: to it & Cif Welsh. belled in company wi h bark Prankbe. Mitobell. end' brig Tllll6llO. Mulligan. for Boston. and sorer J H Moore. In minion. for Philadelphia. Left harts 'Mary. ft 6 W Dodge, Jarvis, and brig Chesapeake, JEtans, all for 'New Tort peat thiy brig Gen Dailey. twin 0101 r york, dig ; boric Charles Keen, from Sc. Thomus. orrived 2ith Brie Abby Ellen. Gilmore. 48 dare from Bordeaux. with brandy. &c. to H tiohlen & Co. April SO, lat 6 Mi. long 65, spots Bohr Firing Dragon. from New York for bk. Kam 11 dare out- Brig C H Frost. Hoskins. II days from Barna. with anger toB & W Welsh. Brig Sarah Bernicei'Clark. 12 days from Matanzas, with sugar and molasses to John Mason & Co. Brig Altavela. Reed. 12 dais from Mayaguez, with mazer and mnlasses to John Mason & Co. Brig Plot Fish. Beard:lBldays from Boeton, with 3i' nrireviix to e: A Bonder kCo. Rohr ?swan. (Br) Shelton', from Ponee. P R. with sneer to Thai Wattson & $O5l. Left sohr W L Montague. Jr. Csrrnean: for Philadelphia. loading. On the 7th toot. let V. leek '73.20. spoke bark Joe.Maxweil, Davie. benda'fcir Leirruarra:. , Behr lierathnsr,lnitssroll days from Havana. with auger to Webiford Ranieri & Co. Bohr J H Moore; logereotl, 12 dare from Trinidad de Cubs. with mammies and honey to 8 & W Welsh—vessel to D 8 filinson - lk Co. Bohr Al 3 licrogion. Coleman. a dare from Boston. itb hemp' &o , to Weaver. Paler & Co. Soh, Bent Vendives r. Bstridse. Ides. from Baltimore. ith mdse to Thee Wooster. Jr. Behr Ashland. OreVes, 3 days from Baltimore, with sae to Thom Wetriter. Ir. B o h r Go o mongeins. Scudder, 3 days from New Ark, ballw pt D b ateison & Prhr W 11/Atiltfahl gear. t data from Nedt,Ar. with doe to Taos Webster, Jr. . . Sohr Venus, ?doGreedy. 3 days from Baltimore. with molasses to Levering it Bro. Boor Jae Sattertnwaite, Finlay. 4 days from N York. in ballast to N Sturtevant & Co. Soh, M M Freeman. II io aerstm, T days from Portland. with mdse to Crowell k eOllll3l. Behr Amelia, Lane, 3 days from New York, in ballast to captain. Behr Smma Amelia. Harding. 2 days from New York, with rodse to captain. Bohr H W Morse, Benton, 3 days from Fall River, in ballast to ea tats Bohr Boas Winans. Henderson,3 days from Baltimore, with mdse to That Webster. Jr. sehr Chaloedony, Apwe.3 days from Baltimore. with mdse to Thoa Webster. Jr. Bohr Geo P Bedlam, Mit:3lAl', ? days from Baltimore, With ahlio W I'm Wehster, Jr,f rom moor Motlvo. ANIOLADmar, days f tireorgetowri. D C, with oesil to captain. Behr Ivy, Bendetson, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to E R Sawyer & Co. Bohr Robert Corson. Ludlrun. from Ceorgetown. 8 C, with pine lumber to J R Bank & Co Rohr ',savour., &soft. days from Portland. with X plaster to Baker Folsom, Bohr Telegraph, Nickerson, 6 day* from Boston, with moss to Crowell & Collins. Bohr Anne Virdin. Chambers, 1 day from Lewes, Del, with cram to Jan L Bewley & Co. Bohr Mary fiend.iekson. 1 day from Odom. Del, with ro beele, Co. Behr Barab Lavinia. Bast's. Iday from Camden. Del, with wheat and bark to Ma J. Bewley & Bohr Sallie J Alien. Godfrey. 3 days from Boston, with me top 8 Stetson* Co. Behr Bagel, 014•013. 3 days froni New York, is ballast to i) B Stetros .fs GP eotir J Clark, Bonn. from Poston Bohr Bolivar, Dalton, from Boston. Rohr Beulah E Sht'e. Jerrold. from Boston, &lir friary_ I/ Crammer. Cranmer,,BostOn. Bohr W 132 H. Rowe. Barris, from New Bedford. Behr 0 P Rawls!. Bnotley, from Dativerseort. Behr DI /Idr Diamond. Young_ from fireenport, 'temner Taoony, Ely. 26 hours from New York. with moss to w Jt Baird & Co. CLEARED Steamship Delawars . "Torris;77ii York. J Alhierdiee. Ohm (Mritosidi, Emery, et Pam de Loando, Workman Brig Billow. Ha:laden, Salem. Noble. Hammett H. Cowmen. r onr Pusan F Abbott, Ludlam. Boston. do Bohr .11 Curtis. Hassell. Bowes', do SourG Willard, Parsons, Portland. Van Horn. Woode) th & Co Boor W H Rowe. risrrle, Reppl:or & co. Bohr B Binary—Jerrold. Itoeion..l it White & Co. Bohr J Satterthwatte. Milos, Boston. N eturtevant & Baer I Clark. Bevil. Boston. Co Behr Ivy. Henderson. Boston. 1 0 . R Bowser & Bohr South Wind. Mitchell. BRItIMUM Norton k. Co. Bohr blame W Dyer. Cox, Portland. do Bohr Wells Lows, Gray. bisect. do Bohr Mary D Creamer." Cranmer, Salem, do rola Bolivia, Dalton, frovidenoe, L Audeurted &. Co. Bohr einitimee..Ylolll.3encer 49 StisciouhrirriT°CW"....linwernY'..l"l""l' Dnilve"'"rt ß ' C" Bl:k e i r s: Bohr Black Diamond, Yottor. GlooOdater. ton t. Co. Soto. W_B F or t mouton, W Badger. Bestir R Poll. Townsend. Key Went. do ohr Yeoman, Cannon. Concord. Del. CitPU4lß oche,/ I:Snooty. itionsreion, Laurel, Nea!l & id errtroori. Sehr I. & K Smith. Smith. Boutrinji Coorer. Behr W Sonar. Jones. Baltimore. T Webster. Jr. BOOT Geo W Krebs. Emmett. in. I:I Itimore. do. flt:r Louts!. Cures r a w W Glide *." natter. Pisi.mnre, (Coneeixindenee of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LbIN ES. Del., Alit , ii. ' The tble Perrin, , Irina Liverpool, in courealli w3ll a b ony tins, come 18 yesterday and preeeeded up Ib• bey, Ih. tork 8 "Tarb,....x. Wore r•Portea• remising et two ! u lk, calm, with fos. Yours. ko. N. W. 1110XMAX. (Correspondence of the Ma D Prete.) 180, Ma, 10. The following bouts from the Union Canal. peened into the eotius Unit Canal to-day. bound to P1u18.401- Naos. vi:: 438001 k Charles, grain to thintahreya• 1 1 0tfmAn & Wright ; H I Durrell, lumber to Trump At Son; Geo 8 Bros . boards to twill Dolton & Co; Sarah Ellen, do to C & it 8 ()co walader. 1111 MINANDA. Stile Fronk Haynie, Randellroleared at Boston 10th lest. for boo Bohr Wetherlll, Linnekin. from Remedies, at New York 101 h inst. Bohn L eudenrled. Bartlett; Mary Haley. Haley. and Black Bird. Comecon. for this port, and White Frinall, Sharp. far Camden. N J. cleared at Boston 10th illy, SOW' itingeold, Crowell rowers. Jeceaway, and La mont. Decant. clearetat IdOittO hence st. for this port. Pohr C P St.ekney. & Fall Rorer 9th instant. tichre Charles Carroll. Pratt. and Evergreen. Potter, hrnce at Providence 9th inst. Bohm A Townsend, Townsend, Sea VITRO. Tyler; L B ' M. ere. bonier.; and Maid queen, Hulse, for this port. ',ilea (-mu Providence 9th inst. Bohr Vermllhen. Avery, gelled from Providenee 9th inst. for Port Jefferson. Bohr Julia Pruitt'. Orlarlo. from Elizabetbport for Arr• pi wall. at New vork 10th inst. tiohr Theresa Cr bmith. at New York 10th ins!, from Richmond. HAIR REEITORATIVS. THE ONLY PREPARATION THAT HAS STOOD THE TEST OF YEARS. AND 01/OtVR 110Rit AND NUDE I'OPVLSS tVI2I2T DAT. And teetimonia is, new, and almost without riumber. might be given. from ladies and gentlemen in all grades of society whose united testimony none cto.ld rout, that Prof. 'Wood's Hair Restorataye wilirestore andgray, and preserve the hair of the youth to old age, in all its youthful beauty C.R7111.. Minh., Dee.2l. 1814. PROP. WooD: Thee willt please accept a line to in form thee that the hair on my head all fell o 8 over twenty years ago, caused by a complicated °tumuli) dis ease. attended with an eruption on the dead. A con tinual course of suffering through life having reduced me ~o n state of dependence, I have not been able to obtain etulf for caps, neither have I been able to do them up, in consequence of whioh my head has seared extremely from cold. This induced me to pay Briggs & Rouges almost thy Hair cent I had on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy Hair Restorative about the let of August last. I have faithfully followed the directions, and th• bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though short; it is also eoming in all over ray head. Felllls, confident that men her lerje bottle WOUili restore it entirely and permanently, I teal einxions to Persevere in its use,_ and being destitute of means to purchase any more, I would use thee if thee wouldst not be willing to send me an order on thine agents for • bottle, and reeeiye to t°yseif the Scripture declaration The reward is to these that are kind to the widow and the fatherless!' Thr friend. SUSANNAH KIRBY. LIGONIER. Noble co.,.indiatia. Feb. 6, MM. PROF. 0. J. WOOD: Dear Sir: In the latter part of the year 1862. while attending Me State and Rational Law School of the State of New York, me hair, from a cause unknown to me. commenced falling off very rapidly, so that in the short space of six nionthe, the whole upper Part of my scalp was almost entirely bereft of its cover ing, and much of the remainingporlion upon the side and beet part of my head shortly after became gray ; so that you will not be sari/ruled when I tell you that, upon my return to the State of Indians. my more casual ac quaintances were not so much et a loss to discover the cause of the change in my appearance, as my mor e in timate nequoinunnoes were to recognise ma at all. &tonne made applieation to the most skilful physi- Mans in the country, but, receiving no assuranoe from them that my hair could again be restored. I was forced to become reconciled to my fate, until,fortunately, in the latter part of the year 1867, your Restorative was recommeniled to me Dy druggill.t. aa being the most reliable Bail' Iteetomtwe in WM tried one bottle, and found to my great satisfaction that it wee producing the desired effect. Binge that time. I have need seven (Mi lani' worth of your RestOrative, and as a result. have a rich coat of very soft black herr, which no money can any. Asa mark of nty gratitude for your labor and skill in the pmduotion of so wonderful an arum., I have recom mended its use to many of my friends sod acquaint/ie .:ma, who, I am happy to inform you, are rising it with like effect. Very respeotfunr, Yours, • A. M. LATTA, . • Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and sold by all dealers through out the 'regd. The Restorative is put up in Bottles of three inners. viz; large, medium, and en all ; the small holds half a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle the medium holds at least twenty per 0011 t. more in proportion than the small. retails for two dollars a bottle; the large holds a quart, 41) per cent. more in PmeortiOn, and re tails for 1118 a bottle. 0. J. WOOD de 00... Proprietors, 444 BROADWAY, New York, and 114 MARKET Street, Bt. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Deal ers. Sold in this Mt. lir B. A. FAIINESTOCK & Co.. Nos. 7 and 9 North Fir CR Street. and HAIIIeARD & Co.. T 32 WELFTH and'C N D ift.STl'l UT Streets ; DVO dc CO.; 2 North est.CO Street. nolg-mwhowWrf PUBLIC SALE. PUBLIC! BALE or VALUABLE PRO PERTY. THE EhIPORIUMiEAL ESTATE AND MAN U FAcru NO COMPANY." Of Mound rigs. alaski County, Illinois, Will offcr at PUB C SALE. on the premises. On WEDNESDAY. the Ilith day of May next, A Largo Number of DESIRABLE BUIL DIMS LOTS Eligibly Located for Stores, Enscoce, and Residence*. A SPACIOUS BRICK tra n w FOUNDRY, WITH MA SKOP, the appurtenances neoesaisry for the Filminess o numninuturmc rukipentoiol Policia far liltsaroboata, Sugar, and all other MILLI. used in the Southern and Western country. The Eatterns comprise a n d complete improvements in machinery, with a tall and complete set of patterns for Stoves, adapted to both wood and coal. This proper, from the advantageous location of Mound City, ii one of the most valuable in the Southwest. Aliso,at the tia.rwtinte, A FIRST-CLASS TBRBE.OitY FRAMS MO DERN-BUILT HOTEL, Containing some fifty rooms. with a fall set of torn. The Hotel is now going a large and profitable but assn. Also a number of BRICK S TOKFS AND COTTAGE RESIDENCES. Teen? or Sat.s.--One- fourth (30 cash; the remain ing payments in 12. 24, and 3So:booths from date 01 sale. bearing interest at the rate of six .per oent. per annum. The cash payment may be made in the Bonds of the Company. and the time payments will be mien in the Stook of thet Gilman! at par. except for improved pro- Pony , for wawa three-fourths of the puronase-money met , remain upon mortgage. As the Company propose to dispose of aU their im provements. cam tabus have a rare opportunity for pro fitable investments in one of the boat located and most Sourisking cities in the great Southwest. For_partion lags, Dianire of or address JESSE E. PEYTON: • Preeident E. R. E. &M. Co, miati-bots 2211 WALNUT Street..Ehilada. WRITING AND . L/IDGER We have now on hand, and are wanalsoturing to o rder, at the I"-re ie d . rp t o lowllTENGvprput aVER, which, forin color and quality, are not excelled by any M other M u is the United Steens. We would call attention to a new article of Paper Letter. by us, and now for sale, called Buetneelt Letter. Which hem been fatten no to Meet the wants of business men and others, who object to Commercial Note as being too narrow, and do not wtsh to tee part of usual letter sheet. This overoomes both the above object: i ra ; a per fect cheat, pure wove ; plate finish ; rul on one aide ; stamped in rove near the top; made fr om best ma teriel (roe am adulteration, end oaf. eV In neat-boxes, conveinont or use. We also have a paper called Bank Letter, similar to the above, except it tine bat half the - number of lines on, so m to allow a printed blank or heading aboTe, Iti3NLPTOI 4 Mount golly borings, Cull/be:land Coq rs 'ne above Papers can be hied of Mows. J. 11._;.r a - PINCOTT ft (1 0" and. ALEOARGES BROTHEL, Nos. 3 end 6 DECATUR Street. • nibs-Ent II EVANS & WATSON'S SALAMANDER SAFES. IBTOZZ 304 CIitXBTI9IIT STREET, FauALD.E.L,FHIA,. PA. A large variety of •FLILK-FROOF SAFES always an hand. mea-tr COTTON SAIL LOCH and OANVAS,. of aall numbers and brands. R..eleig Duck Awning I walls of all desorietions, for Tents. Awnings. Trunk' and Wagon C o ve n .. Also, Fewer neco electoral - a' Drier Twine, fm Ito Igo wide. Taryaulins. Beatan‘, earl ace. JOHN W. INF:RICO. is CO., narl-tf 103 mai Ka Aline. OPAL DENTALLINA.—We speak from prantioal experience when awing that the OPAL. PENTALLIfin made by My- Bfilatft. of .138ttAil and r eaucE de.1.1.11, Gs Bleed far the mouth tine teeth that we have eve a r n iWa believe it fulfils all that ie claimed for ' commended by the mon eminent dentists we aU to give it a trieti.—Bainst•ia. . • . DYSPEInCLA. REMEDY. Dr. DARIO HAMM AratOMATIC INVIDoRATIPD3 Dr 111.17. This Aleasciles Aces born *sect by lA. public for six vast. rifle increasing favor. - IS is rscornsnradod to Curs D , vasty _ Nypeowsisus.. ifsari•Burrit - Cotta "ill!. Somacre k or P a is in 54/ BsWeit, HlladriCAS, DTIMP:1111113S, Sidlwv CompkilltS, Low Spirits. DelifilOit GoRATIV, IV? WILL.•I(oT.~sOSIC~TB as a - Medactine it is 'esiok and effectual,- melts. the Stoats/graveled oases of Dygpepei a,. Kidney Complaints, and all other derangements of the stomach and Bowels in a speedy manner. , It will instantly revive the' moot -Melancholy and doie . piog storits, and restore the. Meal : he peens. Ind sickly to health. strength, and, vigor. Personaviro,frow the injudicious use of honors, hays become dejected, and their nervous systems shattered, cionetitstions broken down, and subLect to that horrible curse to humanity. the DiLlEtll7lll TIIIITSIIs. will, al most immedlateih_fintlttokhasS7 and , healthy invigo rating elTiosoy or ur, nsm •irsoretang Spirit. WHAT IT • 11... L. DO. DOlll.-47ns wine glass full as often as necessary. One dose will remove all Bad Spirits. One dose will mire Heart-barn. Three doses will cure Indigestion. OnA dooA will sir. pm a Geed AmiAtita e dose will stop the distressing emu of Dyspepsia, One doge will remove the distressing and disagreeable effects of Wind or Flatntenoe. aria as soon as the stomach receives the Invigorating Bnt.. the distress ing load and all painful feeling' will be removed. One dose will remove the most distressing palm el Coll, al therm the grionssa or bne6l.. A for doses will remove all obstructions in the lidner, Bladder. or Urinary Organs. Persona woo are seriously afflicted with say Kidney Complaintso are motored of speedy relief by a dose or iwc, god a Tadioal oure by the use of one or two bottles. NIV tITLY Wel YATIort • Persons who, from dissipating too tench over night, and feel the evil effects o. poisonous liquors, lk violent headmhes. sicknegs at stomach, weakness. giddinells, will find one dose will r emove all bad feelings. Ladies of weak and sioklT oonstitutione should take the invigorating Spirit three times a day; it will make them strong, healthy. and hero T. remove all obstruo bone and irregularities from the menstrual organs, and restore the bloom of health and beauty to the careworn During pregnancy It will be found an invaluable met eine to remove Ohms - roes/Mr sensations at the stomach. All the proprietor asks is a trial, and to ,odooe this, he has pu t up the IN stoosegoto Seism in pint bottles at 50trits, quarts 81. lieneral Depot, 4 S WATER Street, flew York. DYOTT A 232 North SECOND Street, Wholesale Aiente niladeC - led for We hr 10E114 EATON. SS OHTH Street. end ail Druggists. THE WEEKLY PRESS T}:S WE/SILLY PRICBI3 been eetabliebed en amours and permanent foundation. butit M reality, a marvellous example of the decree pi" if i vor Irtp,94 a riFhtly-conducted LITERARY, .FOLITIOAL, AND NNWIS JOIIItHAI can receive at the hands of a hberal and enlightened public. Our most grateful thanks are tendered for the ec tr o i.cia already boatowad upon as; and we shall spare no efforts which may serve to render the paper even more attractive. useful, and popular in the future. The POLITICAL course of THE WEEKLY PRESS need not be enlarged upon here. Independent. armed!, and fwarleisa. xi has battled. nueraverillitlP and !Mang 17+ in defence. of the RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE apiarist EXECUTIVE USURPATION, and unfair and tyrannical legislation; Doer declaring and adhering to the dootrine that POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY multi- Wee the fundamental beeis'of our free institution", sad t h at t h e i n telligence and patriotism of our aitisens till always be preservative of a wise • just,andaslutary Gov ernment. These are the prinelplgi to Irjuoh TEX WEEKLY PRESS has been oomuutted, and to thee° it will adhere. TERMS Me CODY% On TOE-- $ll 08 Throe Copieas one year...—. a 00 Five Cowes, ono Year.. 8 00 Ten Cortes. one year..-- U CO Twenty Copies, to one eddreee. at the rate of 21 per 8.111111,..........0060,.11 t 300 Twenty Goole& to one address of each rub- Mt scriber_.:... 00 Specimen Copies will be forwarded to those who re quest theta. Any Denton lending tie a Club of Wang OT Morel will be entitled to an extra copy. We continue to lend TUIt WEEKLY FREW to Clergymen for V. 311140riptioni may oommenoe at any tuna. Terme &wet a yeah, iu warmth All letters to be Mare:DlA la JOHN W. FOR,NEY No. 417 CHESTNUT STORT, v. Aux za As. ri Zit IP at THE PRESS.-PHILA.DELPHIA, MONDAY, MAY 13, 1861. CEPFEALIO• PILLS SICK HEADACHE, XIl Ercr OUS f4l.CAl3_4_ , 011 E, JP:AD A CTITIE I ! Or the we of thegarllligthe periodical attacks of Mr sort DT flick lieteltarAs inay'lm prevented ; sad if taken at the commencement of an attaat Immediate relief from pain sold Mohnen will 'be nhteinea. They, seldom feiLin removing the Mena red Reart_ sae fa wilted, females are eagablect. They act gently on the boweda, removing Costiveness, For Literary Mill, iSteeteats, Delicate Female, arcs all neurone of Sidman habits., they are valuable as "a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving rose and vigor to the digestive organs, and melon: Ng the natural Ow tioity and strength of the whole IMAM The CEPHALIC P 17.421 ere the result along inveeti- Cation and oarefally ocordnoted experiments, having neon in we many years, dories" which thhe they have Prevented and relieved a mint amount of pain and suffering from Headache, whether originating in the efftrows ,stem or from a deranged tests of the no- Whey are entirely vegetable in their eonnweiklon, and may he taken at tell times with perfect safety without making any change of diet, and the elisente of asp diger gralabie isaft rendere it ease , se administer tame to eaeldren. B%WAIiI OP 001JNITOAMI I The 'engine nage ITO wigwam, of near] C. Spalding 011 each Box. Bold by Drugende and all cdtker Dealers m Madtoinea. A Box will be sent by moll provolA oi receipt of Bo PRICE, 25 CJENTIS. All oilers ologiold be HENRY tl. SPALDING. 48 CEDAR VERRET, NEW YORE VIE FOLLOWING ENDORDEMESITII,OIr CIEPHAIiIO PILLS' WILL OONVINCE ALL WHO HOFFER ?EOM IIEA33AOHE. SPEEDY AND - SURE. CUBE IS WITHIN THEIS. REACH. As OM. Tsetimostais sr* wocsotietsed DY Mr.SPALD- Ine, ;Mr afford immarioxabio roof cif tA, gl om (ISMS Irak Setifilajle diseeotry, MI. SPALDING. , I have tried' 70IIT eel:ltalie DIU, sad I film sawn an Well that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a few of the first box I got from rm. lend the Pill by mail, end oblige Year en Servant_ B'S JAM IiBIiTIEDY• Ma. gleam:ass; en I Ind' taa to amid fah One lama tax of gear &NAILS Mr. Them widow! a grail dial oa f YOUTllmweethally, iteMY 4.C4r1 STOLICHOUSII, § Cute. Nerwroustan Maine, Pe.. Annan - Lk 1861. i. o. oPA,IDING. Bin_ You will please send me two boxes of your Cephalic' Tills. send them Immediately. iteIPOOMI tasa 0.13, and.oll2. P. S.—/ heed roamed eff. box of yew , Pia*. fee 4 fled tlset 0.20/1411it. . . . itimmt Irsitton, Ohio, Jen. 111, UM 111. C. 8341.151144,42 i .. .. . . , ~, . Please linden° twenty:Are pinta, tar whloh mad me another bort of year Commtio rms. They are truly the best Pills I lees sear snot. - Direct A. AMER, P. At., Belle VensentrWrannotaon 43. H BMValtla, Mee. Dee. U. IEM - . D. Bea. I *lib for some mambas or large showhilth to bring year Cephalic some more, partiaule.rly wore my ena tomer.. if you hare earthing of the kind please send One of my customers. *Mils subject to steer, Diet Headache. mamas lasting two gesso WO. awed Cer Era grauk se ems hoer by yews which I sent her. Resseellsfir roam. D. WLEJLED. H=A=T EIPALDINO2 No. 4X Cedar et Y z • . Irani : . Inclosed tad *inapt:is ante/Ja ff a .witioh lead box Of •• Cepluilio Paw send address loam Wm. C. Filler, Reynoldibarg. Franklin Co. Ohio. Your Piiis work tubs akarra—eurs Headache a cmes: isesteater. Truly 701111 k WNL 0. FTLY.RII. Entbute. en Not long innoet myth to you for s box of r Omplutbe PllL for tbe cure of the Herron" Heimbo:be itO2 WOUTOIIOIIIh sad re*erred the emus, and shay - had -so rood as ergo tsar I war inctutsd to mut for more. now Read by return mall. Direct to _ A. A. WHEELER. beilenith Milk. c e ph a n o Au x eeeetteptieh the object for mrluob titer ware wade. otz.l Cote of headeuthe an Itafenes. /Vein the Exerniner, Nor ftik, Vs. t . Wet have been tested in more than a thommid sases. With entire amen. From the Domorrat, Cloud, Mirka, If Ton are, or have been troubled with the hesdaoho, send fora box, feephallo Me.) so that you may have them m cue of an Warta. Ilenn rho Ade/friss , Proetdatts, The Cephelio Pills are said to be a remarkably effee- Sive remedy for the headset's, and one of the very best for that very ,fretnent oomplaint which hew ever been discovered. • font Ms Waiter,' R. R. Ossesso, Catcall's, JU. We heartily endorse Mr. Spalding, and his unrivalled Ceshaho Prom ik. ltuae,eke SW/es, Stew. EetaidiA4, are sure that perilous suffering with the headache, who try them, will atiok to them. • Prom iAi arnokirm Nth Yogurt Not (Priem'', I" Try them you that are !Mitten. end we are lure that your testimony can he added to the already samarium hat that has received banerita that no other medicine oars produce. Prom MN St. Lora Donocrit, The in menie demand for the mild, (Cepbslie Pill.) ii rapidly =reaming.. • ; From 1111 damns, IMorooort, fowl. aDahhne Would not [tanned hie =no with an u• bale he did not know to 'mew real Writ. IVom rlls Advertiser. Prov idence, ft.l. The teirtimeny in their laver Ls strong. from the meiS plepactatitt SUOTWM Prow as Doily Newsom Q. J. (Meliallo Ma are taking the plus of ell AIM& iron the Gbetestrotol BlrihlMh Vorbeh !bid to be Terr ellioseioes for um beeeeobe. linen tee Commercial, Oissfismati, OM% Buffering frainaltir 0111111,011 or ♦' Smile bottle et lIPALDINIVII EREPAILISD etirE will save ten times &WIT edit annuals:WO SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE I SPALDIRCPB PREPARED GLtrz SPALDING'S PRSPARED GUTS ECONUAIY Air" A eviveS tx Thal &vas Illiss q "12111 As accidents willtze m i. wrest wenzregulated families, it is vinyl's]. •ap have seats damp glad +realest* *AY I t ittr &oak!, ry, Pte. • TREPARED 67.U8 . . met! altonApi t mzeiselps, And no household eee =Ora to Sri t it . to reedy, end up ;he otwkint Po t• " 80/WEIL in NVISAY HOBBS," - Bcents B.—A Brush a A rk Ikea bottle. Price,N . , HENRY O. SPALDINC3r. As eeitsiii]uniortnelpied-peisene , accattelaiiiinsite palm -off 0r.+.64 xlmmoopea' tlag luta to, Is a i fta t...,6l P RE:PARED 011111,. I wouldroatiort stl Poisons to es-. emilm beforeiTsbn y llinf t end Bei Olaf les- sir 4.PALL 1 1146"11 PREPAIIRD 91,LTX,V11 WI ihe MM.* IFT SOW id) *Miro Ape I 111110416 talo4l CUBE SINDIS OI SPALDING'S saw: MANCIIVILLIII Conn., ; Feb . lea HAVIRPORD. Ps., Feb. 8, MI ItsinMeuse, Fsar g,uar Co 9111011 January • yreikurrx. Mim i Jul. 14. lea Hoot tke Nomptiser. Norfolk. ►a SAVE Eft PINCIES NO. 49 CEDAR STAMM NEW YORK. CAUTION: THE I'iELIANGE MUTUAL INSUILANCX 0014. PANT, olr rall.AnsZSE74. OFFICE, No. 308 WALNUT AutEBT, I mmo aca c co c LOO5 OA DAM4OE BY FIRM on Rouses, Mores, and other buildings, limited ornorgetual,and on Fqrniture. ',goods wares . and mar obludise, in town or coon CAR CAIITAL , .131,110 A&SETS 1617 . 142 06. wide! is invested as (olives, viz: In first Mortgages on 0111 property, worth double the amount-I. _ vein) ce Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'e 6 per cent. first mortgage loan, at par —.....—. cap 0 0 Pennsylvania Railroad Co.'s 6 per cent. se cond mortgage load, caramoo)— _ 17 . 900 eo- Flnktingdon an a Br oaa woe Railroad and canal CO.'. mortgage loan— -- d,83100 °mond met, first-ohms —....— -- 1.4611 86 Collateral loans, well mowed —...—. Lego co City of Philadelphia 6 per cent. loon-- ssmo 00 ; du mmy . county 6 per cent. Fa. RR. loan._ 10,000 00 mmermal Rum Mook— —..— .—5.1 M eohainos' Bang stook.— —— 2.8171 00 tenusylvania Railroad Co.'s stook— . 4,000 WI be Relotnoe Mutual Ineuroooo Co.'s stook sopa 00 County Fire Insurnnoe Co.'. stook.— Lig 00 he Delaware M. S. Inekrance Co.'e stOkk— IV mon Mutual tasuranoe Co.'s early-- NO 00 ills receivable— . --- 11.306 74 ok amounts. scorned interest. &c.......—... 7.104 65 hon hand-- ...—..— ~........ -- 11.84461 ------...- 0317,141 011 The Mutual p rin ciple.r combined until the rectally of a Stool( Capital; etintles the insured to, pa rticipate in the preitts of the Company, without liability for foam. Losses promptly adJusted and paid. DateCTOBS: Clem Tingley Samuel Bisphalllo wi Male irhonatison. Robert Steen, Preen& Brown, William Abuser, William Stevenson, Ben). W. Tingley, John R. Worrell, Menthol] Hill. U. L. Carson, J. Johnson Brown. Robert Tol and. Charles Leland. G. D. BOOOlnarbee, . Jacob T. Bunting, Charles 5. Wood. Smith Bowen Jamee S. WoodwardLel T niaL Joln Bissell, pttsburg. . a BkW, reeldent. B. M. IITINCEMAII, Beorerorr. February 10. 1801. MI ENTERPRISE INSURA.NOE COMP.&NT 01 PECELADELPRA. (FM INSIBANOII,EXOLUSIVELY.) (OMPANPS BUILDING. S. W. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT STRESTS. DIRECTORS: F.ltxrcalon ISTARis MORDICILI L. Damson. wizapooicluns, • Gio. H. STUAU, DNUMO gilLetWitt JOUR H. Bzowrii iionmrd. TWOOD, Di A. PAUSirZoToC/4 BIM. T. Tunics., nnstw D. CASH* RINEY WHARTON. A t . ERRINOTR. • F. DATCDFODD STARR, PrisradenL =AILED W., COXE. Deoretaiv. DfrlS pztlN MUTUAL Lill INSITR,ANOR COritrAWYk_ No. 919 CHESTNUT Street Philadelphia. CHARTER PERPETUAL. ALL THE PROFITS DIVIDe. D AMONG THE IN SURED. 'metre Liven for abort terms or for the whole term of life ; grant Annuities end ,Endowments; purchase Life Interests in keel Estate., and make ell °entrants de pending on the contingencies of life. They act. as Executors, Administratorsqieligneee, Trustees, end Onardtane. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY. 'Annan 1.19 E. Mortgages. ground rents, real estate— .S3MOII 97 United States stacks. TreasurT notes. loans of State of Pennsylvania, oily of Phan deighia, seven 34 finremin notes, loans on oollaternas, &o 937,694 le ennsylvania. North Pennsylvania Rea roads, and County six per cent. bonds— 106,80 g 60 Bank. insurance. railroad, mist stook!. &o. 97,647 49 Cub on band, agents' balances, &a.„ 38,106 14 . . . . 41,071,128 OS DANIEL L. MILLER, President, - ISAtiIUEL E. STOKES, Vise President. jogN W. Rog NOR. Secnetam mh22-tf DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY MI DURANCE COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA. Ineoreersted by the Loki.latnre of Pennsylvania, MC Mee N.B. Darner of THIRD and WA1.14V7 atm% PHILAD.ELPHIA. MARINE INSURAN9E. On Waal D Cargo, To all parte of the Werld.. Freight, CES On Coed s by' i lti l ioro.CEE, Lakes, mid Land Car nage". to all ports of the Union. FIEF. INSURANCES On Mershandure renendly. . On Moroni Dwouni Mouses, .fts. •SEI4I OP THE COMPANY, November 1,1800. VOWf sa elted Auto( Unix 0071 .t., 1030--: -. 1 1 0) 4 10 0 0) MAO ted States aw. dent: ..earary Notes, (with monied_ interest)__ 1 1P.146 31 Dome Fermium= ittato nve ill' oen loan. 6,070 te SI,OOO do. do. six do. do. 71,910 00 110,010 .Philadelphia City sixfl' cent. Loan. 1X,103 or io .Oli - Tennessee State five Gent. 10an... IMMO 00 00,000 Yennsylsoale Bali r Id mortgage SIX IF cent. bonds 0,000 00 11,000 SOO shares, Monk Germantown Gas Company. interest and Villeins' guaranteed by the City of Philo-- ' del 1,130 WO shphia ame Penintylvama Railroad 111.3°0 00 Company- LIM 00 LON 100 shares north PneVnia Kan road Company., ._. .. 1,210 MI shares Philadeipida Ica Boot Me= Tug Company.------ 1,300 00 3101 snares Jew Weights end 116170 do- Ocoee Steam Ton-boot Company. 440 01 100 0 shares Philadelphia Exchange • C --. IS 1,000 .1 sh ompan ares Co y ntinental Hotel C 0,......... 000 0 00 0 b 1 .310,713) par. Cost 41647,335.34. Market va1.41564,356 n le redelTeblep rerineereecee 11 7 11 1/ 0 ---- 1/740) 41 ds and xaortesses.--. --.--- .114.130 co Beal estate {iren GLIM U Balances du -itiiiiiiti . eirllV rine Policies. interest. and other debts due the Company _t•:-.*"'="l "' IN 11 /aria and Mona of sundry . Insur a nce and . other C0M111041100................... .! 111411 B 0 Qua en pana-in,Ma is in drawer-.-. - 435 115 11,101 11 ' - 0001.1414 51 DLEECTONE. -W WIZ Mamas! K. Nakao. il A. n_er, J . F. Penigton, .I%lllolllg, ray. Sloan, - eti . same, rd radon. 13._Bavis,_ . anew who, atnell `17641161t, ender 'llTamer MILO bil i lib dfil mem Q. liturgy J , Hebert Damn, . udwig, Jacob P. Jones, Iss-h I . i. N.M.IL .11 3.1. anon, James 13.31 , Farlasok Joshes P. Eyre, eO. Leiper, John B, Semple , Pittpb'g, D. 'F. Morgan, I ! IBUTlOrie g il i , A. 41. Berger " ! . , - iptlumikaLmAKTlN,4.lsmnent, WHOA Q. BAND, Vice M•ddent,. .- IiECKP APLBC.K.N. Beerehirr. . norINK .. VIRE INETURANOE 117031,IISrVELY.- -IL i ipwI'ENNSYLVANIA FME L IIItU r R Et Ang AL -N 1 o:AiroantN n lN l =Mogrtrtbidogood. , eanere. - , ._, - . • - 4 - Company, favorably knioni•to the pommunity thl f a metelrleant. coptinuee to niourP Ilit,airmt /or s or ifire• on repo or private annum'''. either -permanenty or for 6 Med ttgle, Also. OD Furniture moon .of °ode or erobanMee generally, on liberal . ) Theis Capital, together with a large Surplus Fat &is invaded in the. meet ostefel manner. which enables them totem to the infused an undoubted aeourity in the case of lows. Jonathan Faits 11"66191 . . . ntion limo Has lehund t Quiniin Carnaha , Thomas Bobina, William Benson,.- , • Daniel Smith, Jr .• wink's= hlnite,r 4 a o . mal . a_ eliohn Dever.=* John . . JONATilitilttiONt rrarident, BEAMONEInunt, Secretary. - IN SUSAN OE 00 Id P A NY,OF-14111 -R. STATE OF FB.NNEIYLVANLA—FiIitE ADD NU 111•Zirgauipuvws —Kos. 4 DIM 6 =CHAIM B l ieillen. . mm a 114-4:1.0.1ap1. 61660560—Veb. i, MM. mu& • se e 11138.792 4 Au In in• ;mod angl imitable mount' 111190 to • i Italie on Velma" .and • Onmer, Dll=6 - 1 it take of aberalienduak a oz ..A liberal terms. F_ D.*(sireri. GOONS IL &part, eon I ra - - Onannel Want, Jr, ir . I. afar, Miltan S. 'th, Toth" Warners Vibras B. Wartime& ii#l3ll. Dad4ll, _ .llenry G. Fromm, 2.. wins, Mamma D. Lewis. ..KEN9I/ c, Vim D. 6 BRREAD, Prealtleato 1111111.1.1116 BATOR.% &cretin. . ell-ix IMINSURANOR. HECIIA.NICIE4' ITRAR . gb comnaff Of - rtallymontoi nee ice North-XIXIR St - met, 1?elow Rees. uprose ziwkl insie, Goodar,_and Mere handise gene r ally from loss or damage by Fire. The Company guarantee to minst all Imes promptly, and thereby hope to merit the patron age arts pablie. • •-- ,' " sniacroes. Willisnl Morgan. Robert Flanigan. Franca Cooper t Motile) Komar. *cone L. Dougherty, Edward Mogorern, • amen Martin, , lANTlh'omas C G B la a . rlMc C orm . iok , sines Dome jmmß rr e ktthew McAleer , Prauoial retard Rafferty ttr°rnali.l.h..l etitlmaman, 0141 Fisher, CbA ms mamanAcilelVEi:2erident. BEIMAXD .111AFFRRTY. Secretary. • oat-1Y PAE TiIERIG LIAI6 AN FIRE INSURANCE 00., _INooaPoRaTED Ism CHAKTER _._ Mo. 310 WALNUT Street. above Third, Philadolntaa. Halm a large. pald-up- cenitai stook and Invested in sound and avallatdo Securiuee,oontinnep to hums , en Mores, Farnitsuw. mereheadies Vessel, In mg and thew cargoes. and other persona! property. all loom Ilbentll, and promvtly-adlwiled. InalC7o3l.e. John T. Lewis, {ernes R. Campbell, kdmend G. Datilk, Ohm. W. roaltne7. Israel Morn ß. s. 71101013 MARIS, President. ALBERT C. R. CRAWFORD. Secretary. MIA( Thos. R. Mario. Jhn Wohi_,h g o amma C. marton. Patriot Brady. "EXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY —Moe No. 409 WALNUT Street. FIRE IIIISURANCE on Houses and Merehandise geenus'. nerally. on favorable terms. Ether limited or par- DIRECTOR/I: Jeremiah DoMali, Thomas Minh, ohs f. j.O innodo, charism Thompson, James T. Hole, ftimnel L. medley, Joshile 'P. Chien. Reuben 0. Hale. John J. Orimths. SER9mIAH. BorsiliALL. President. JOHN Q. GINNODO, Vice President lrertun Coi.Searetuy. Jai TILE NRW JOB PRINTING OITIOR ..THE Elt SS" tivistoret Or snorts neatly,oheav end medidese* PAMPlttiNill, FORTrita, SLAMS OP EVENT DESCRIPTION WIPOVIOPIENAO, LAW2I3I! =oX•ion , RAILROAD AND INBURANOR DORIDANEED PLAIN AND onawiturr,a.b PRINIXNG •• stir All 'rims lettAtititl4oll9sto4 iiiel X.- 411.7 IiPMIVIIIINV *trams. vrAl lr.H wtls Is • NOTICE. -The Citizens of Ake rfiffereut Cities and Towns throughout the /Bata are wetted to admonition for the "plane at' whltid the atontArt- BUM. trreag ;FAIR shall 0, 1 . 1 ., 1 i mps. rro r g e r oOutateitiß IMPOomeppf,„ gkgid tuts, di ow Ito trie undiningned.C p cunatee. ap ted brthe sondes Committee, Hill be - itioemed na" to ' and 111 eluding Mas:3lst next. conirrunioationy should be ad • drotortrot tonna; of the foll'"vieg r i fetet: NNW COLD Lim.. wig( F . a lIERFORD. JACOB JOHN R zifiubEß, AMORY., Har P ri , sburg, 114, Illorthiunbarft ml , ill* 1.01 .1011 PRINTING. ?APE' BOONS. 1MP.13.14A3, RILL 11.1414 EANDHILbI. pdizacHMlTS, MANUFACTIM MEOBJUIRCR, BABIS, RUMOR ARRANGE DAANI34.IB—Tor 11 w 1 N 1. A K D A LL E PE D A: FON GIZA WANT° WN. al 3 I 8 1 t n .11 "rrl I I n A t I 1: 1 T WWI. Leave Philsoelphie. 8.7, 8,9, 10, 11. 13 A. M., 1,5, 3, 3.38.4,1. 6. 6%, 7.6, 9, 101,1„. and 11% P. M. Gertnant.•wn. 6 OM 8 8 ID, 8, 10,11, 32 A. Mt 1, weave 5,6, 616, 734, 1.9. 144 P. ht. The 820 A. M. and 333 P. Al. Tram atop at German town only. ON SUND AYR. Leave Philadelphia, 05 A. AL, 214, 3.;‘, 3, TX, and 1036 P. M. Leave Germantown 8.10 A M., 1. 4, tOi. and 93S P. M. CHESTNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Phtledelnhis, 5. 8. 10, 12 A. 51.1, 135, 4,5. 9,9. and 10% P , M. Leave Chestnut Hill. 7 10. 8. 8.41, A. 310. 4 0. 3 3445.40, 7.10. 8.40. and 10.10 P. M. The;B A. M. and 3,35 P. M. will make no.otops on the Germantown road. ON BUNT" Al 51. Leave Philedelehla, 9.03 A . M.. 9. 1 ,1.5. end 7% M. Leave Chestnut Hill, 7.80 A. M:, 12 40. 6.10. and 9.10 P. M. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philedelehia. el 31), 734, ex& um A. 70.. 1.05, 3.08. IX. 654.8. and 113‘ P. M. Leave Norristown, 6, 7. MB, 9,11 A. M., 136, 434. 674, and 934 P. M. 070 SUN DAYB. Leave Philedelphia, 9A. M., 3 and F, M. Leave 7.l oTr u l town, 7,fi 14.0 and 6P. M. POE. NI ANAY11(111{, Lvov* Philnd &N. 7% 9.05, 11.05 A, 31.. 1.06 308, 3.66,431,63‘,8. and 113 E P. 51. rave Manar_unk, 6%, 7%, 8 35, 934. 11% A. M., 2.334 5, 7. and 10 P. M. . ON OUNDAVI. Leave Philadelphia 9 s .6, and nti P. M. Leave Mango ADA. 73{ A. and P. 51. It, K. PULA K. (lent ial duperintendent, Depot, NINTH and ettEhiN 15treets THE PENNS ILVANIIik UltlefTKAL RAILROAD, 060 MILES DOUBLE TRACK. 86 atittAMEN . I 1 1 861. • . F THE ...ciTy OF TRles Rued le P(11 , 1W Et UAL TO ANY IN THE COUNTR Y ." THREE THROUGH PASSENGER TRAINS 'BETWEEN PHILADELPHIA. ND PITTSBURG. Connecting direct at Philadelphia with Throurh Train, from Boston, New York, and all points East. and in the union Depot at Pittsburg with. '1 trough Trains to and from all points in the West. Northwest. and Southwest —thus furnishing facilities for the trsnaportation of Passengers ntomrpasarid for speed and comfort by any other route. • • Enemas and Fast Lines run through to Pitteberg, without change of Cars or Conductors. All Thron g Passenger Trains provided with Loushridge's Patent Brake—speed under perfect control of the engineer, thus adding much to the safety ortravellers. Smoking Cars are attached to each Train ; Wood mfi'eSieepirig Cars to F ess and Fast Traine. The EX PO ERB RUNS DAIL Y Mail and Fast Lines. Sun days excepted. Mail Train leaves Philifelphla at 7.10 A. M. Feat Line 11.16 A. M. Enema Train leaves '` 10.43 P. M. WAY TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: Harrisburg Accommodation,via Columbia, 2.30 P. M. Columbia 4011. P. M. Co rtesburg " at Leo P. M. West Chester " Ho L '•et 8.15 A. M. • Of " NO. t at 12 90 P. M. West Chester Passengers will take the West Chester Nos. 1 and I and Columbia Trains. Passengers for Bantatry Williamaport. Elmira. Hut fate, Niagara Falls., and 'intermediate points, leaving Philadelphia at 7.80 A. M. and 5.80. P. M.. go directly through. Tickets Westward may be obtained at the offices of the Company in Philadelphia, New York, Boston. or Baltimore ; and Tickets Eastward at any of.the impor tant regular L i ne in the West ; a Mi s sies oard any of themegular Line of Steamers on the ppi or Ohio rivers Fare always ea low, and time as gulch, es by any other Route. For further information apply at the Passenger Sta tion. Southeast corner of Eleventh and Market streets. The completion of the Western connections of the Pennsylvania Railroad ro Ohloagoonake this the DIRECT Llfild BETWEEN Tab BAST AND THE GREAT WEST. _ The connection of tracks by the Railroad Bridge at Pittsburg, avoiding all drayage or ferriage of Freight, together with the saving of time. are advantages readi ly appreciated by Shippers of Freight, and the Travel- Meng/ants and. Shippers entrusting the transports.- Oen of their Freight to this Company, can rely with confidence on its speedy transit. TILE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any Point in the West by the Tenitillivania Railroad are at all rimes as .. .favorably as are charged by other Railroad C-orneaniss. NW Ile partiot a ar to mark packages " via Pennell vania Railroad. For Freight Contraets or Shi_pping Directions, apPIY V. or address either of the following Agents of the ompanyi D. A. atewart, Pittsburg H. S. Pierce & Co., Zanesville. O. J. J. Johnson. Rip ley, 0.; R. lifoNeely, Maysville, st i r • t/roishy & Crop per, Portsmouth, O. t Paddock & Co.. Jeffersonville. Indiana • H. W. Brown & Co., Cinoinnati. /anent & Hibbert,Cincianati, 0.; 4. o._lneldrum, madumn, Ind.. Jos. B. Moore, Louisville, Ky. ; P. G. O'Riley & Co., Evansville, Ind.; N. W. Graham ft Co., Cairo. IIL R. F. Saes. Stealer & Glass,_St. Louis. Mo. • John R. Harris, Nashville, Tenn. • Barris & Ettiog, 'Mem phis. Tenn.; Clarke & Co.. Tenn .; ; W Koonts, Altoe, 111.3 or to Freight Agana, of lautroads at different points 111 the West. S. B. KI isGSTON, Jr. Philadelphia. MAGRAW & KOOK S. 80 North street. Baltimore. LEECH & C0..1 Astor House, or 1 S. William et.. N. Y LEECH & CO. No 77 State street. Boston. H. H. Freight Agent. -Lb L. HO PT, Gaul Ticket Agent, Phila. E: LEWIS. Gen'l autet Altoona. Pa. Jettly 1861. aimaimig 1t461• afar ASPANUBPIENT. -N&W YOU LINES IneNtt AND AlaßOx Arai FII.I.LA DELP AND TRENTON RAILROAD CO.'S JUNES ROM PHILADIA TO NEW ' YORK AND WAY PLACES, 1711• X WAmtur-an. 'column AND AntisinaVon DIVOT WILL LZAVE A 8 FOLLOWS, VIZ : ItAltli. At I A. 31.. via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ac commodation -....---12 At 6A. M., a Camden au - In d Jersey City, (N. J.) Accommodation . ~- 3 If At 8 4. M., via Camden and Jamey Cite, Morn ing Mai1._..,..-.... 606 At UN A. M., via Kenetegton — end J ersey C ity, Western Ewen .II 00 1 At OM F. AL, via Camden and Amboy A00012131*- dation ..-- 2 20 At 2 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, C. and A. Ex press— —.___...— -._._ —3OO At OM P. M., vie Kennington and Jersey City, ETV clo Ex_p_rena. 1 00 At di d P. AL, via Koneington end Jamey City, Id I •_ Cluolleket.....- • 721 At 8 P M., via Camden and Jersey City, Evening Mail.-.--.. . ~.-.......- 8 00 At 11M.F.112.. via Camden and Jeniey City,Bouth ern Mall .-,-; ' ~...,-.-t ~,,.-,., ........, 170 At aF. M., yuk Camden a nd Arum'', Acoommoda tiOn., (Freight . alid_ressenger)-Ist Olga* Ticket_2 M Do. .de •_. Id Clue Titiket- 1 00 The GP M Nail Line rang &ally. The /IN PM, South ern. Mail, Saturdays excepts& For Belvidere; .Easton, Lambertville, Flentineten, &a.. at 7.10 A. AL from Kentdanon, and IS F. M. from Walnut-target wharf. • • For Watereisp..l3trendsbarg, Barignon, Wilkanbarre. Montrone, Great Bond, fcc.,7.10 A: M. from Kensington, vie Delaware. Lukewarm& and Western it. R. For Manch Chunk, Allentown, and Bethlehem at 7.10 A M. ROM Keli/nIRM ', : ertAttit iP, AL Mon Wal nut-west snit i one .. OA. . line oonneoto N with train leaving Buton MAN P. M) ' ' glior Mount Belly, at e and BA. M., 2 and dif P. M. ' t For F W Freehold, at e A. AL. and 3 P. M. - AY LINE A. Per Bristol, Trenton, ma.. at 7.10 A. lt.. dALtlnd 252 P. M. from KengingtOn, and El?. AL. from Walnut inmetprt. For Tea, Riverton, Delano, Beverly,44farllng rTense, Bordontewn,, &e .. at um. 1, and, I itteautbast Trenton, for Bordentown and Intermediate . ,la at 234 P. M. from Walnut-street wharf, fir For New York, and Way Lines letve Kuehl/ten Depot, Bake the caroy on Filth Munn, above Weilllbt, nantan Cony before °aperture. Trm ca re run into the illin i lig u a n a d mra each train ; run ' from the depot. am, only allowed each Amen snare are prohibited fr ont . Mt an y thing ma gage lint their wearing mann. All baggage over .peunda le be paid for entre. The,. Company limit the renown billty for baggage to One Dollar per panne, and will not be liable for any. amount b0Y 0 22 1 1107. an ent try menial enamel. . . . WIN wAL N. "AISNE!. Anat. NO it H I'SNNBI4. VA N l 6. BALLMOAD. FOB _DETRLE M _BOYLES PO V 716. WI • VON • CHUNK, EARL N. EASTON, 'CORLEY. WILRERBAERE; an:. • • WEEK -•Ettuottati On .and after MON DAY. 'Mi. y_lsopm. Pmensager Trninswill leave FRONT mut WILLOW Streels,,Phfla delnhia, daily, (Mindoro excepted", as follows : At 66) A. m.,(Exereas). for Bethlehem, Allentown, Manch Chunk, Healeton, Wilkeebarre, itch At 1.41 P. M., (Express), for Bethlehem, glisten, Ito. This train rehabs, Easton Mg P. BL. and males chute •entutobon with New James Central for New York. At LW P. M.. for Bethlehem. Allentown. Itimoth Chunk. as. At 11-11. M. and 4 P M., for Doylestown. At 10.30 A. M. atd LSO P. M., for Fort Waslusgton. The a 4. A. ammo close connection with the Lehit t ki l =r e lai tt ror l 4 at Bethlehem, being the aborted an moot danrab e route to Wilkeibarre, 4414 WM NB I 111 FOR P /11/1/I RILA OI 00DELe111101/QUoniA, - P Leave Bethlehem at 170 A. M., 9.'8 A. IL, and 633 Lease Doylestown at tzt A. N. and 4 la P. M. Leave Fort Washington ate 90 A. at and 970 P. M. ON .SMNDA.VB.—Phtlooletelos for Bethlehem at $ A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 3 F. Id. Doylestown for PhiMdelphia at 6.40 A. M. Bethlehem for Philadelphia at o r. Fare to netmehem-111 601 Fare to 'Mauch chunk.ll 63 ore to 805 t.% 166 I Pere Wilkesbarra-. 444 _Through Motets must be prooured at the Tieset oen, st WNW BONS in BERMS Street in order to mum the a ve ;Mugu are. A.ll Passenger ranus (cgoept Sunday Trains) oonneet at Barb .street with. Filth and Bixth-streets, and Second an Third.itreeti Pantenrer Railroads, tweets MULUVIIIMIITINWPsi Mpg" /Street. • , ELLIS CLARE: Agent. f. I .;I,IVAING 41.8103-NuX ,9IRENT:-PRILADELPHIA, ___MlTo7ot/ t - AN 0 .041•T/1+40_E_E RAILROAD, d after MONDAY_, APRIL is. ton, PAEEREIREE TRAINS LEAVE PHIL 4DELPKIA: For Baltimore at &I 1 A. AL, 11.5 A. le., (Emerson). and MAO P. AL P For Charter at 6.16 A. M.. 3.1.38 A. AL. 4.lland ELM nb M. Fo ll r_ Wth nington at 1141 A. m M.. t.ll and a Pad. 2. - for New Cantle at- ale A. M. and 4.11 P. M. or Dover •at RUA. M. and 4.16 P.M. or Milford:at 8.11 A. M. For Baluthary &la A. M. 'mums FOR PMILABBLEECIA LamPte Baltimore at die A. M. 6.44.. M., and 4.45 P. M. Leave Wilmington at 6.50 and 9.10 A. M. 1.10 and SP.M. Ere Vishnu at , uta Milford at 4 P. M. We 'Dover 6.M A. M. 11.40 P. M. Leave New Battle at 8.211 A. M., 7.20 p. leave Oneida at Le A. M.. 9 en, 1.81 and RR p.m. Leave Baltunore for flidintauf and Delaware Rail road at 6.15 A. M. , TRAINS. FOR BALTIMORE: .beaviehmitir MILLI A.M.,ILOS and 11.16 P.M. A . M Leave VI ihnington at L3l A. M., 11.31 P. AL. and is , FREIGHT TRAIN. with Paaaanger Car attaelted, p eat u al t r i td 3o lad p eih l i ll a intermediate Leave WilininAtan far PaPf7l/114111kil intermediate IP t i rrrir l ite e tosto . a for Philadelphia and niterme ditraersligLlU-Graoa for Baltimore mid intermedi ate stations at 6 A. M. Leave Baltimore for Nnyfe - do - VZIAMI and informed ate istattens as ON MON DAYS: • • Only at MO. P.ll, from Pluladelahia to Ballanere. Onk at 4 46 IL Mama Malthnore to Fluladelphia. "e1....ctir..46. M. FELTON. Preadent. ' I `'ItILADIALPIIiA AND READING RAIL, ROAD.—PAI3B GER TRAINS for POTTSVILLE, READING, and HARRISBURG, on and, attar -Mae 11, 186 L , . all 'LINEA, DAILY A (aendaye ixotroted,l_ aire New Dent. corner of isxcup and gAtifigVr- Mt! $ teieW.PALLADDLPlLlA;(PesseTrezdeeneet on inirtoonth and on Callowhilt rioo B ,M i titl x " LIE 1 1 P. Ir r traTt i guigingto Pittsburg; the MBE ND VALLEY LOP P t Pt. tram muniouto boralrars, Carlin ,ie Ao. i _and the NORTEARII TEAL RAILROAD I r, hi. train , minim to Bu g= illiT, MI. AFTERNOON LINES. 4:New Doke, _t c ornet ef_BROAD and CALLOW- Arse% PHILADELPWA.(Paeat i ngar entraa VlLLE=An d litnane l LlSTl4lll Mi: REA.DINO only. at LP. M.. DAILY. Mondani an- MEG= VIA PRILADE OAD LPRIA AND MUMMA ILAILI, Plt_new Pan- tentrsta. Miles, we eenixwme—.— M Readmit— —.— to E Philadelphia entßee l ly ...—. Leaman le and bawls V lea newig..—..lll . es ,:. ' —us wn_ _.-.....11i 7110 %=B/Ilie EeVoretrapinotioa..lsB . unbar —"S orttouareguiT.--m Mlii0)1-......--. - ......-ARI Jerek lltrir-- - —121 —.- 1 00 11....--.......... 1811 ray, n —c.. 7 .................M1i WIDISMIArt and Malin The II A. A . l.s — .riiis P. Ai . irelrfirellAi d a ily. s o Opal! teinn i liVOir k rhlrllidtkita in 4 P ini elonritiont ions rota nun to Mama F el / WS I. i l l ' d i A: Corner of ROAD ill' A _ _ .'}i A wear... ~ ailaiEriNEY. lecraterr ILABELIS •••• AIL •Y 9 • - • r. 4,„ FRNIORT JANE TO NOR • - tE ; ttral, A A., and to the pnnoi VoCitire and -Towne qn the eouth eoutawes • sent to the Devoe. corner get OA.O Street an , ItRINGTON Avelino,. will be torwarded daily, an at as law TONI aeht jug other line.. mh2l4litti U .ottinueie , 5e7 e..... ' 7 2"114- 711L5 T e1?r1in 41.414611 11' trir . , • , v • 1,1/131. FURNESS, BRINLRY, RKET ! 00., No. 4 2 , 4 MATREAT BALE OFOn IMPORTEDorni DRY GOODS. Tursiar Mng. Mao IC at In Volook. for cash, by °Matinee — MI packages and iota of rumor and staple imported dry goods. LYONS BLACK OROS DE RO INES. On Tuesday Morning ggengeeh euper high-Were Week' gime de Rhinos. Also— Printed Inconel' and lawns. grissaile monism de laMes. Brilliants, bloat organdies. Needlework sets, Moe voile, Mantillia nets, fancy trimmings. French doeektne rowing milk. Steno and primed ossbnir rc ehwwla NNW STYLE BON NET RIBBONS. On - ruesday Mornlng• 155 lots Nov. grad plain, plaid, and broohe-figured bonnet ribbons. cream:lmm goality, for MAI trade. FANCY FRENCH. CASSIMERES AND SILK VEST IN ON. 60 piece' 6 4 fang _y French otiesiMeratli 70 pieces Lyons fancy silk castings. 30pieces Lyors feinorsilk grenadine vesting's. SATIN PLAID &LK B F.ONANI AND AROCHE Reit EOM. nob satin plaid silk H 0012 an'. rich second mourning Plecriani. bruehe bungee. Feremptory_sale for cash of a LARGE 8 COCK LIR FANCY GOODS, lAt the store -formerly mowed br MEM PORAF lc ROBERTS, NO. 4:19 MARKET &MEE 4', - On Tuesday and Wednesday ?du/lungs Mar el and S, oornmsneing at 10 o'olOdir each day, eons sting of • Wool shirts end drawers, cotton and wool hosiery, gloves, gauntlets, patent thread, spool cotton, atm bind ings, silk handkerchiefs. suspenders. steel-spans hoop. skirts, merino w• of coats, go!dicwelry, combs, brushes, book and leather purses, portmonnama• pocket books, paper, envelopes. buttons. gaitera, fans, pipes , pipe stems, cords, pins , books and eyes. pistols. neroassion oaps, baskets. soa p, Cologne water, perfumery, and a great variety of f ancy goods, Also. large size jewelry thief-proof safe. 4 large size show oas-s. large NIZO German sihar-mounted show oases. N. B —Goode Ma y be open for examination on Mon day morning. May SO, with catalogues. leJ. WOLBERT & 00., • 519 ARCH STREET, DRY GOOD. ANO Kl^l, CLOTHING. On Tgoodar Morning• 14th inst. at 10 e'elnot, at 019 Area street, for oath— A genera l resortment of myriad:and summer dry 1010di, in lots, adapted to retail MAIM Also, in single sernienre, ISO late superior city-made coats, vests. and pantatenns. /inter) 414 Erie 1. -le, PHILIP FORD It 00., ATTOTIONEERO, A. No. an MARKET Street end Cal MINOR St.. POSITIVE SALE OF 1.000 CASES BOOTS. SHOES, AND BROGANS. On Thursday Morning 3 16. at 10 o'clock precisely . will be mold, by eater tonne.- 1,011, oases men's, boys' and mate calf. kin. and grain boots, self, kip, and , grain brogans, Congress gaiters, WI and Pat lea Oxford ties, walking shoe!, &o.; wo men's, misses' and children's calf, kip. goat, =am mo and kid heele d and shoes, gaiters. slippers, bus kins, &a.; also, a large and desirable &assortment of first-class city-made goods. OP Goods open for examination, with astsicrww. early on the morning of sale. IP. PAM:MAST, AIIOTIONEER, Sue • censor to B. Soott. Jr.. 431 CHESTNUT Et. SHERIFF'S SALE OF FURNITURE. OR Monday MOrILIILIG May 13th. at 10 o'clock, at the salesroom, 431 Chestnut street. the balance of furniture of Jones" liotnt, com prosi us beds, straw matte/max, bedding, bureaus, sofas. and other lUrnltUre. a SHERIFF'S RALE OF GROCERIES. On Monday Minium May 15, at ealegrOon) 431 4..hestnut Street, the ba'anoe Of two stooks of groceries, comprising a general assort meet. Bale commeneing at 10 o'clock preemely: 'EASE OF PREMISES REVERTII AND PINE, Also. the lease of the promises southeast corner of Seventh and Pine streets. SALE OF EMBROIDERIES, HOSIERY, MILLI ASHY GOODS , by catalogue. On Wednesday Morning. May 15, sale commencing at 10 o'clock crecisalr. M FITZPATRIUK & BROS., A.134J -MR TIONEKIa. /504 uayarrnws litniat. Own BALES EVERY E VEXING. At I e'elook, of Books, stationery and fancy reeds. watches. Jewelry, aloakp, silver elated wars, setlery, painting., reGiutal iimtniements, aco. Also, WOW dry [coda, boot& ani ahem and itOT "tamale of every description. DAY 19A_EXIS every Monday, Wel/needle, and Fri day at ID o'oloolt A. at.PItrATE At private sale several lazed conicenments of watches, Jewelry, books, stationery, .l ater-plated ware, cutlery, fancy goon. &o. To which le oolituted the attention el fit/ and country merchants and others. Consignments solicited of all kinds of moraltandia• for either public or private Wes. our Liberal cash advances made on eansientionta. Out-door Pales promptly attended to. MIFFING. WEEKLY 1:10bildIMICIATION BY STEAM BBTWEBN NEW YORK. AN LIVERPOOL, Palling at VhErlSTOWNlre limn,' to land and embark peseerntalg zinc despatches. The Liverpool, New York, and Phfladelabia Stearn ship Company's splendid Clyde-built iron screw steam ships, are intepolea to sail as follows: pitom. N KW YORK NOR LIVERPOOL. CITY OF M ANC HERTER, Saturday, May 11 CITY OP BALTIMORE, Satu , day, May is KANGAROO, Saturday. MaZ 5 An every Saturday throughout the Yew. from Pi A K No. R. RATES OF PASSAGE THROUGH FROM PHILADELPHIA. Cabin, to Queenstown, or Liverpool, —..... Do. to London, via Liverpool---_— - 90 Steerage to Queenstown, or ItverPool• • • 30 Do. to London. 33 Do. Return tickets, available for six months, from Liverpool.,...-__.,..__-... - .. SOO Passengers forwarded to Havre, Parts, Hamburg, Bremen, and Antwerp, at through rates. Oe i tificateis of poewago lamed from Liverpool to New ce— fioates-of passage issued from Queenstown to l!ew York hese steamers have superior accommodations for passengers, are omen:noted with watertight compart ments. and carry experienced Inman For freight, cr peuwage,apply at thee ea of the Gore- Palar. JOHN 431." DALE, Agent. 111 Walnut &tree_ ,t Philadelphia. In Liverpool, to WM. IIrmAN, Tower Buildings. In Glasgow, to WM, INMAN, 13 Dixon eras/ THE BRITISH AND NORTH AMERICAN ROYAL MAIL STEAK- SHIPS. PROM NItTI TORT TO LITIMPOOL. Chief Cabin Plume - Besond Cabin Passage...». ._ /1011( BOSTON TO LIV ERPOOL. Chief Cabin • • Second Cabin ressage--s-_----- The ships from New- Yoek ealfat Cork Harbor. The ships from Boston oall at Halifax and Corkltar bv ift l ieUlt, C ett p Ai t i . :( l .l3 ki to n :e . 63:1 1 44. 1 % 1 C Ca PiAl R o l .a al il i gek2n Capt. n . Lott. * Alder ASIA. Capt. NIAGARA; Capt. Mo odie. Capt. E . M. Hocdiley. EUROPA. Capt. J. Cook. BCOTIA, I now beliding_.) These vessels carry a ucer white light at mint-Lead ; green on starboard bow : red on port bow. allAßAltd,hloodie.Jeavea Boston, Wednesday, May 1 ASIA Lott, N. York, Wednesday. May 8. AHAtlik, atone. reton, I :ednesday, NAT 111. tli 104=011 " O r te 11 1 ..40= May a ;if ' . .T.E &MA , Judima, " York, Wedneaday, Juno b. Aka:RICA, Moodie, " Boston, Wednesday. June 11. Aala, Lott. " N. ork,Wednesday, June 11. Berths not seonn9d until paid for. • An experienced Burgeon on board. The owners of these ships will not be a.mmunbable for Gold. Silver, Hellion. Awls, Jewelry. Premeds Stones or Metall, unless hills of lading are signed therefor, and the value thereof therein expressed. For freight or pIiaTISTOi apply to F.. CUNAJIB, snha-tf Bowling Green. New York. RAILROAD LINES. • ' - MEM ROUTE.— VIILLADELPHIA AND RI, Q IL RO .U (IKP RA II7 is PE to Vantaottqatatriam.....- pert, Willesbarre. flOrantOn_, Dan , spittol4 MI . riprik a itnt a ttati e On t c yg e tz. d l ial i rti l nt: 4 tio, ono, Pt. Lotus, Milerat r altee. and adeointriort o k sal Ziemer Using Hill In'!" thi) us" Depot pf the nil ladelplps spa Xoa4lng Ra.lroad, oornor BAOAD ao , e OALLOWHILL Street., (Passengee entranoo on Ca,- knrhill street.) daily (Bandar@ excepted). for above Mir s: i •4 , ) 2255............. _tile A. Id. :4 0 • REJ1:15......., .-...-,—.J.30 P. M. The LSO A. ' .'train conneeia at Ito ,t, for Wilkes harm Pittnon, B o rantipn. and all itatione, talle LACKAWANNA AND BLOOMBBURCI. RA1.....,,... The above triune make direct oomeetions at Elmira with the train. of the New York and Erie, Canandaigua and Niagara Fella, and Buffalo, New York and_Dne,ana clir York CengiAltpitroada. front all points North and rifro l febWrotimira, Buffalo, ant itinendos ir t 13 • Vitt 41 idi al t r e oeu e l at t i t r e iti Philadelphia and El va Railroad Lir es Ticket Officio, northwest corner of 8 .ITH and CB. i iiiN LIT Iftrtiets, and at the Pewees? Dopoti l t t rnoro i THINTELN TM WI 04.1.4d0WHILL. OUG EXPREB3 FRMOBT TRAIN IMis the Phil ... (Lipkin and Reading Depot, Broad and Oallowhill titre t &daily (Brindave excepted), for all point, Westa 1 North, at OP. M. Freights mt..' be deuverel before II P. N. to imam :It gam the tarns day. or ,tar Mer inforniatio A ; rofil at Proffitt likroat. ATEENTIt and (LILL 0 LL, or to ORA& K. T P . Tenors, Agent. Tartkven earner ancvm and I °warn+ wire to•tir. 4.11-tr ehliadeleeta IikeRwmAIZDI PHILADELPHI A LCIA JWI JiAILROI:b: VL MEDIA. SPRING ARRABGBMENT, On find after Monday. March 11,1861, the trams will leave rhi , oclelphia, from the Depot, nonnettill earner of Eighteenth and Market streets, at 8.00 A. M., end and en° P. M. The Freight Train. with "assentor ear attached, will leave Wert Philadelphia at 6A. M., running as tar as the Baltimore Central lunation. On Banaaye, leave Philadelphia ate A.M. and SP. M.; leave West. Chester at 7.30 A. M. and 4.30 Y. M. The train. leaving Philadelphia at 8 A.lll. and 4 P.M. eonneiot at Penr.olton with trains on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad. Mr Kennett oxford, ate, 113111tY WOOD, rub/I °enema Roper ntendent. WEST CHESTER and PH LADELPHIR RAIL— ROAD, Via al RD A. NOTICE TO PERSONS sE.Eznvo , umpf.64l PQABPIIIV,—In order to far.is4 lncroceeit during the comingliuminer, the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad Compraly intend ronring not lean thanux daily trains each way between Philadeiphia and West Cnester, one of which will be at night, connecting with two daily trainegaoh way on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Rail road (except Sundaes, when, there tmn trains each way between ytoliweiplos and west Chester.) Persons desirous of being in the why early and bite. will be accommodated by Wm arrangement roarding for the summer can now he obtaine d at the many de sirable localities haying high and health' , situations on the West Chester and Philadelphia am Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroads. For ate. for sea son Coupon Tickets. . apply at the Ticket (Ace. in the Dern, it E. corner EWA .E.ENTH and PdA ET Streets. HENRY WOOD, apL3-mwe 1m General Superintendent. NOTIOE,-4311E5TER "VALLEY RAILROAD.—YAII - TR_AINB FOR DOWN /NGTOWN AND IN TERMEDIATE BTATION/3.—On and after Nov. ith. IMP, the Paseenper Train. for DOWNINGTOWN ~iil'tart from the new Passenger Depot of the Phila delphia and Reading Railroad Company, corner of BROAD 3d CAI..LOWHILL Ryan% ()Anteater en- Mulct! Da 0110yrrull.) - MORN TR.A'OI for Downingtown leaves at 8.00 A. •.• • • A ' 0011 'TEA ut for Doirningtoarn leaves at AIL' {Bu y e nl l aro l7Lirted), . o magrms a: th e tali l4l l- aka and ng Railroad Comparq. wm9 • W. Id. Moll H I,N PI V. Aa.t.r. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF ; JAMAICA GINGFJLDREDURIcis BROWN. Choir l ist and Druggist, nertheast corner of Chestnut and Fifth sta., Fluladelphis, sole manufacturer of Brown's b - ssencie of Jamaica Gleger, which is recognised and presoribed hi the medicaffsoul_i_y, and has beoome the standard family medicine °idle United htvae. This boomer Is a prep 1 ration or %nugget excellence, In ordinary datirrhcee, incipient chotens. in short. in sli pages of prostration of the digestive fonetions. it is of Inestimable value. During the prevalenoe of epidemic cholera sod rummer oomplsints of oblidren, it is pecu liarly ellbraoious; no family, individual, or traveller should be without it. NuTlCE.—rro ...scent this valuable IKeastse ham being counterfeited. a new steel engraving, executed at a great omit. will be found on the outside of the wrap per, in order to guard the porobseer against being int iedTel anon by wro th less 'notations —Mt timbres only by FRk.DlitrICK SHOWN, ppd f or 3 , hie plug and crbegniesl more , Pr 011:11er Of 'lite sad Cb•steat otseetei knilesielphia..od at F AN _ liEltloE 8.R.1A 14. XL' s. Drug and Chemical Store, 8. E. corner o fNinth and Cbegmat streets. •• Cr nectar' Bole . Prilladelphla. Also for sale by a re .....,,,,h,,,, mimesis in the United States, mr m pIAIJRO-PNEII24OIdIA, OR CIATTLZ A.. ErIDEMig. CATTLE pIBEASE, CATTI.E DIKEAsiE, cATTLE DIBEAa cermis DISEAaz. N, An urtfaillukremedy for ;me ditenap can be had D 7 a.plying Las D. ft. 4.11-ok, No. 401' ViNti Pm>lett illtdielrhia. .11140. tnedioine• forall kind. of dimmer, - U ll R"g." W""lv". va t wi " M Tul-' 1 0 - ' iiii i . i i a rt y N n U 6 I s p l' , ' RP gi ;WA ttgu IE wits BA.LBS BY ABOTIA:ny --- fin I. I .IIOMAS & SONS, • Noe, 1311 and 141 Synth .F 4 Antirin A (Formerly N 05.67 and 09.1 ISTOOKEt AIM REAL BETATE—TUReDta NL Pamphlet 05.teltylle4 newtead3.. gerippong 0 1 all ,2e property to 90 MOW 14th. met., et. 13 o'olooli 7 4, 0 n. at the Ex o h,, B lint or roes 31ff end Rat ii;l4llnt. e, vdth TILE NEAT filoaannt .azati,;.:NcE, n o , ev ,. Fifteenth /great, Will ba bald Dritrati 1 61 a tor 1 115 ay day', at a moderate In, !TM= AND REAL. EItrATE. BALES AT T HE EXCHACIGE EVERY I,lEzio 4 ,. Oar Hafidbille of each Rroperty limed neuarm A i.: addition to which we publish, on the Bater!hty pr e to each We, One thOLIOB/01 OaiAiOgnew, pn llan form, giving cull deeoriptiona of all the pr e " '"Pillat t t , sold on the follo_wing Tuesday, REAL klfctATE AT PRIVATE SALE. mr. have large amount of real estate at sale, including every deeorketion of otty and nnan property. Printed hats may be had nt the anutini e.."" PRIVATE SALE RESISTER, 1151 P Real estate entered on our private tele regim— /mil advertised occaalonally in our nubile gala abet r a , (or whioli one thousand *ovine are printed Prokakr -- ' free of charge, STOCKS BODIDB, S•e, On Tuesday, may IC at 12 0',01002 noon, tit the l'hiladatahlt change. will be sold— postpoemens— nement, of withou t ,itestm, reserve for non es, shares Bohemian Mining Company, Without reserve. for account of whom it yeti *ern -40,000 firetMOrtgage bones gUntinadon and Top. Mountain Railroad aud oval company. Kraal Without reserve, for account of whom It may Germ -80 snares Bank of the northern Liberties. Win b e eotd lots ro omit purchasers. 61 180 Delaware Mutual insurance On. Feria, 8860, Without reserve, for acocont ot Whom It Mat: t corn— et. 60 shares stook Girard Fire arid Marine loran Company—par slolt, full paid. anis REAL ESTATE SALE—MAY 14. ELEGANT COUNTRY RESIDENCE, With and eoaoh-houset t " Burnout street. northe ast () tar,. Chestnut Rai and Slants House turnpike. Tut meennd ward, Chestnut HAI. Lot 100 feet by Ng. Lo r. C HILL. odimnine the shove, e t , talon= in front. on t ummit street 100 feet. THREE-sn CRY BRICK STORE ABB DNuE L , ING. 2106 Cagowinll street. Lotl6 fee% ". THREE STORY BRICK DWELLINI,, adh inini tbe shove on the west. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. No. Cadton street. din THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING, No. m it Carlton street VERY VALUABLE FIVE-STORY BRICE BTOPE, No. 607 Market street. REAL ESTATE SALE—MAY 21. Orphans' Court Rale—lrate of Elizabeth Farges deceased. —LOT OF GRuUcID. north tide o /treat, 230 feet east of Seventeenth St reet.lB by 100 f et . t notes Same Estate . —LOT OF ENDURE'. adintsm Ole . above on the east, 15 bY PO feet. s am e peratP.-4 ANTI E SQUARE OF GnOttin divided into it building lout. beginning at tho honhse't emner of Brown and Sixteenth street', the rehole lot tu oonining in front, on Sixteenth and Seventeen, atrium, 160 feet. and on Brown etreet 395 feet 8 motet The lot, DA divided, will have fronts ma Brown street' Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets, and a our street 40 feet wide. Lithographte plane may be had at the ductlnt Store. HANDSOME MODERN THREE STORY BRICE A - VFW r.NCE. N 0.1612 Chestnut etreet. flu all the modern improyemente and conveniences. Lot 2e HO feet. Terms-89100 may rems..n nu morteags. ' VALUABLE LO f, FBA ME DWELLING, ATA. BLE, fee., northeast corner Broad and Yenansasnw s 40 feet by 116% tan—toren front's. • kureentor's Peremptory 14.1.. THREE -ST ORI BRICK DWELLINbI. No. 1613 Wood street,vith ble in the rear. Sale absolute. REAL, ESTATE SALE—MAY :IS. Orphans , Court Mats—astate of &ergs P. dee'd,—YEßY vALUABLN DELAWAR: WHAM and LARDY, LOT AND BUILDINGS, fronting es !mamma street, ' , axle street or landlna . , and river h e . !aware. Bounded on the north to the on,, property. By order of Anetrnees. HANDSOME reOD ERN RaeiDENO E , North Thi r , teenth street, bet*tett Ara and Filbert etreeN, motet Pale No. 1720 Spruce street. ELEGANT FURNITt, RE. EXTRA LARUE 51111 HORP. CURTAINS. PIANO FORTE, WILTON, VELVET A ND _ BRUSteb.LO CARPET% SILVER PLATED WARE. CHINA. RORNES AND enx. RIAGEO, On Tuesday Morning. 14th mat., at 10 o'amekby catalogue, at No. 140 Sri ace street, the elegant Furniture, &a.. of a ;mule man declining honeekeeping. The entire ferenute, carpets, lko., has been in nee but a law menthe. end comprises Crewing room, chamber, daunt- mom us halite:MAMA, in rosewood and walmr; very anew Wilton velvet and Brewed" oarpiebs; motels, exty , large size 'mantel and mer mirrcoe• rosepoej min fore; mantel ornaments; silver-staled ware; spies; beds; mattresses.':&e. 119 MAY be examined with catalogue on the MAIM of the sale- at evht o'clock. Alen, immediately after the above. at 13 ev ee k. at the coach henna and stable in F tone street. east of BM teenth street, between Pine and Lombard streete.vill be sold, a pair of handsome long tail brown essinnee horses, about six rears old. kind and goad under the saddle. Also, handsome Vermentown carriage in eeriest or. der, - made by Wtoson. Also, elegant phaeton for two or four tenons, made to order bY A>no, handsome sleigh, with robes, bells, 44e. Also. handeome harness, gentlemen's and ladies' sad /Rea. bridles. stable fixtures, ko. S The horses, StuAlwee he area et en, biota.- lions to sale at the !table, Stone street. Sale at Nom. NS and 141 South Fourth street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, FRENGR-I'LATE rot, RUBS, PIA/40-FORTES, BRUSSELS CARPETS, un Thursday Morning. At 9 o'clock, at the Auction thine, an aavortment et excellent second-hand furniture, elegant fusso-forlst. fine mirrors, carpets, eto., from families donut howsekeepize, removed to the store for convenienbe sale. MOUS HATUAIiii, AI7()TIONEtIi AND COMMI93IOII MERCIAIm, e4lithemi corm' of SIXTH And RACE 4t-,eats. AT PRIVATE; SALE. *tome of the _frnest GOLEI_PATEN7 LEVEN end CHRONOMETER WATCHES manes:awed, at eV! the mina' gelling pnoes, gold lever and letting trAtobtai raver lever and lepuie Iran:thee, Eugiqii, Swin t an French wstohes at astonishingly low prices ieweir9o. every descri a lltioll, very 101 r ann., pietOlS, fennel /11- ointments. rat ellelltY of Havens eirmersl Olt importation prioe, in Inatitinee to suit ponshasers, See venoms other bands or g ood,. SPLENDID BET OF DIANONDIA AT PRIVATE BALE. flonetsting of diamond and opal breatWs au4 ett rings. Price OHM. Omit in Petrie 'Le*. A splendid single-stone &mond breut-els. /sly OM. oast Int, ODT WWI EANsis Attended to personally or' the Auutiousvr. Consignments of any and every stud of 034 ofit , sited. AdOBEB NATION!, MONEY TO DOAN HUS,OOO to loan, at the lowest rates. on ditatto. vetches, jewelry. silver plate, dry geode, °lethal. r . aeries, mars. hardware. ontleryi stenos t ilt nature, bedding, and on goods of "ever, desorpor , large or email amounts. from one dodo: to tarctal'l• for auliength of time agreed on. W be Oldest Established House in this mar' nvate entrance on RACE Street scr Business hours from 9 A. Al. to d 9 P. M. HAW, otirarseee ONLYbenefit PE R dogitot CHARGES TWO CENT. glOr Advarmee of 81111) and upwards et two pet cegt. Advances of 99100 and upwards, at one ow cent.. ter short loans. EXPRESS COMPANIES. artaimil THE ADAMS EXPRESS co.. Moe no cflEB7rin7 trrset• forwards Parcels, Paoltages.lllerahandits, Banalities, and 11,4%4.ChM 137 . 14 own . Linn or in oonlitonn wink ornor =Mu Companies, to all Us risme , lows, ant sits' or Isaitat Autos. E. G. 111.1113101. P. frIACMINICRY AND IRON. NOW STEAM MOM AND ear 1 4 ° 41 T w altilifFiANS A ILER-MAK , LICLIVeri and Druce. having'. for =SU roam . reoeeeetal operattop, end been egoturively engst ed i/ building end repainng Marine and River Engines. and low pressure Iron Rents, Water Tanks. ?rove rriS he., &theopeoasity offer their aervices to the aebtt Ge m moltbei prepared to coot - mat for Ennees ormelt. Menpe, and . , LACE! bd_ aaterne of different nres. are prepared to eXeOp tr term Intl" allot despaoh. Every aesetiot.ion of gar" soaking made at the shorteut nonslip. HO and Prewar., Floe, 'Sabo-tar, and W li p der BrilSre, 1:41 beet Positurylvaniaeharooal crop,Fergints, of &Lime IV kinds t iron and iirala Claattrn oall desatirldi; Ant i Turning, eorew stjtqr re f aeoted with the above basinerL Drawings and sgeoilioations for all work liens at ilein ortabiiiihment, free of *harks, and work 'careerist. Who niteoribers have ample irearf doek roan foLry pairs et Desti 4 wliere they eau lie in RecU 4 tiaf, tali are prom aoll with skeane b alibi, fa • • for rabdet heavy er wooit.i. 11. 1103i71X. /UPI P. 4EVk. MAIM JIM rimer:" ars"' 7. VAVOSIAII PIXBIL/CI. 701771 a. CO'rz WILLIAM SOUTHWARK. FOUNDRY. FIFTH. AND WABRINGTON . B7II FEU. BRICKRLPIII & ONIS, ENGINEERS _AND MACIDNIETB. Manufacture Riga and Low Pressure Bream Antal , . for land, river, and marine service. Boilers. Geaometers, Tanks, Iron Boats. &t: Ces , Inns of Frame da ther 'tr_ brass. Iron Roofs for Gan Works, Workshess• Roll road Mations, Re. Retorts and Gas Maohinery of the Latest and molt Proved oonstrontion. k, very description of Plantation l'ilaohiserv , sug Pinar Paw , ricd Grist Milo, Vacuum Pans, Pet &eon:Trains, Defecators, Filters. Pumping &o. Bole Agents for It. Rillienx's Patent Suter 13. ' it ' t Apparatus riesmzta's Patent .team Rammer, sad a/ pinwall & Wolsey is Patent Centrifugal Sugar Machine sui.l POINT PLEILIMAT FOUNDRY', Po. 90 BEAM Streit, lenantetoe, ~,. easel TIERS Informs his friends that, it 1, 1 1 7),. sassed the entire stook ttf Patterns at the above ,9 1, „ err, he is new prepared to reverse orders fem. Radtp Srit. and eld. Mill Csitinsi, Amy, Chemical , d adds Wash. Ctutheer Ok AA a NED f it " l , WM' sr Civet' Mused. St dry sr IPti, BUSINESS CARDS. BUSINESS MEN ARE ADVERTISIN G in the Best Newspaper of City and Gonna, al the Office, of JOY. COE, Ss Co.. ADVERTISING AGENTS. FIFTH end GREVNUT STREETS, Phadelvlits. TRIBUNE BUILDING. New York• 6 9/ 1 ti A LFRED D. DRJOICIS . UNITED STATrag AND E r pOPEAN F Na ra 1 . 0 1 611 l FOIJETH reitent Lima enitt."4:lVd Europe ego DD Maned gratin. epll-01 H Q. DLL M AN,. ATTORNEY - A T ‘ • LAW, JERSEY SHORE, Penneylviw s. Hallsmisal sosnse, awls is Clistan and WI" °spatial, n INTIM TO Mellgrit. Walter & Raab. Philadelphia J• H. FaeuJereal Shore t Cu. Sarerort It Co., Phia_. • 'Manner, Ziegler, & Cmad.; ehmulh LV4Aitven' Howell dreP. I m JOHN ELLIOTT, WINES and LIQUORS , floe. 317 and 319 wv,r4UT Street, k triserne,r* 11. he 'ird and r north, north mae.l vbil vt.. . B.— Fine tad stweve 05 il 4 t . ( etabliebed in tau.) " o)-)7 __--- pAWEION & NICHOLSON, BOON BM DERE iioff, 0/9 end 621 1111/YVA 9tre et. Ahtween Martin ettd Chestnut r4r404. jowl PkiLA DELPHI A. pAwBo JAL'. B. Pr ICE9I,I*. 717GUZT & 80148, • aim:amis.= trr Nutv.e.ele. No. Ole trough FRONT Street . lemma regularly a lull saaoruuent of 1. mini , . whiolt that cSer at low rates, for 'Nth Or P. " wawa credit. MricritY-WiItIVLS !nor' BRIIX4f, Nprif.. UI6LEY & o, 333 WALNUT STREET. PHILAPELPRIA. Pet leave to inform Railroad Compantee, add Mt y an WAN(' laminae. thattl x j "YIN a connection in laminae. JOEN . 01,11 Engineer, (author and tnventnr of the above known plan of iron bridge,/ and antsy,ard to auclit.. orders, from any part of the a/e fiord Ws denim. and personal superintendence, All letters relating to pions and_ es4isnatse Beanie t• addrorod JOHN W. M Y, Civil &treks' vau.-or. IRVINE!. 0 & Rlll (•_II24IPAGNE.-17e. Lallen; ;Dd. Grape. arid all of Da VIIMOICOok CO. ' S CiteTT Vi e lEtt f t? 44 .. 4.7r, 'ATT. r . li cHE . t ittrj". f it th -- 11. --Order, for 010 MTN , amMiltirtriNFl. •m e.— Rh 0•1. hrknO• normillm.ll. •It.ndpel .11k FliF4slyll ZLNU—Pure SNOW kw , d a y u.. monvitow HI ea
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers