r i v c the easeng slimmer. The following 1 40 6 - 13- t h e offi,:ers: Captain, Wm. W . Bland; ha it - L Moss; second lieutenant, fll"te?!%3 • krat rerceallt, Stn. R Cooper .• Halv:rt Barber ; sst corporal: 9 ,4 ,,, ; ',":c• • -sscsn oqp..ral, W. 11. Voornetie rir i,1,1,1zie 3 F. k . roll ; tout oorporal: tig 44g * P 4i n 4!02e1 Imiamitax's itsountar sa on Friday night. They rf:ith 11...giment.:,d ;0 d ll.4wi': Thir Brismte, Past Di ri:%infs. ietlar. , n c, i pt Smitil; company B, Capt. E ex , ?l ls l ,Y ra d ; 0, Capt. Gibson ; °mu g °''') opt. Cioorge %To:award ; company E, 04 P ra.6:l9 company F. Capt. Fay ; company pitchanison ; company 11, Capt. K(mble; k j,t- o w ; Oros's; company K. Capt. Finnie. Icr'.l:s;ira Battalion of this regiment was re -7 ZdSjOr Stets on Saturday afternoon, prev being mustered into service. • Ta r MST CITY TROOP. F> in City Troop paraded, SOterday in their new l egatation.-4 u tior ma , " ittro, ea v as handsome airA i spa Ttai , 4, a t4.l 3 : c l3 pTa y have supplied it'.l4lfelns with homy . eaa txPonBe- sine Thursday last, When orli.?avon . , ITAP refused, .they o. Faron''''"s fast class quad reped s I , in itg illeY bq muttered tato lovA 1MP0r..,12,11T %celesta that a thipment of 1 000 full uniform ~ 4:lr Etc ec,itcdoram army was seized by our 52:15.g.t jot on the eve of their beingseht rear A d. Ile officers arc on Eta track of 1:5 pal' otaermg and stpplyieg the goods, end w r i ei pest. in a few dame, ncYna important ar rip ell be made. Tnc uniforms were of the moat .essire kind, oonsisaing of pante and Coats, the I „sr sa k n-A i lied with brass shoulder knota. 1.118 GARIBALDI LEGION, • Romsbe Lujeane commanding, her row • upTC .ot eight hundred prime teen, t;:ch-,-,,heinacre Italians and Hungarians. Col. teas) h a s associated with him a in of 1.F41 e2 t stiff cfficers, and be will muster in his ssd for three years or for the war. A very , 1 . -In me D in addition will be reteised, as it is the of Cc!. Lojeane to have only piaked • the legion. Assetrarteas hare been re as Harrisburg that the legion will be ie '55"• hots into the United irst h-. mu ta tea GEX• :MALL S seyra I.letianre to the admirers of thls „ire off i etr to know 11:int his men are at last tier to he saeopted by the Governor of the State, la s t they will Fie murtered into service to-day Linall and his star were the first sisoter-, to the Etovorament, and they • the to be appreciated by the Owen . g ee. Th 4 , first blood shed of the war was from ? ; :esksr,c this brigade, and while regiment after ont has been enrolled, this eitme--the moat iotri - . 4.—bas been discouraged and kept back. yoi, of the °Boars of this regiment have almost , :ftatisbed memsolves to maintain their men, EA it hes been a great aatittaction to Gen. Small *Dow that all his offiaers have adhered to his tr os from the beginning. The men will be L . 7. . 6 i sad equipped on Wednesday. SOADAY AT SUFFOLK PARK. De gate at this park was thrown open all day , lei d a y, and several thousand persons, on feet c :A s teams, availed themselves of the opportn i3 tu inspect the arrangements of the camp and ir i v ,o the manoeuvres of the men. At 3 o'clock I .te Memnon we bund not less than three butt carriages upon the ground, and probably five t tt .and people were present at one time. The . ; cm:a of the men have been, made comfortable olcrieg . the stables and shads with plenty of o r. and in some cases the open roofs have been r afer.boardeti and floors have been raised above ttlerel of the ground. All the soldiers profess :ithaiified with their, laarters, and- state that aei erjoy meet more comfort at Suffolk PATH A s a they alreliat.44. at Camp Dennison. The las onthe race grounds has been named CARP M'CIALLAN. Jo Mitzi)slty for purposes of drill, ttc., is more giant exery day. To the mutter of food, there cons sbe great dissatisfaction. The men state dot ttAir rations ere inadequate, in both quality ui quntity. Prior to yesterday, they bad been s•Alisd with fresh bread, or pilot biscuit. Bat a 'Dill quantity of dour was served out to each man ye-army morning, leaving it to his option to bake Mon bread or to go without food. To bake kW, under the eircumetances, was a difficult mem for there are neither ovens nor cook pens ron the premises. A little salt was distributed, tot to lard. The consequence was that some el:Mears ate no bread during the day, and asters fed their hunger with a quantity of dough, - 'all stoked upon their tin platters. Unless nailed, mob neglect upon the part of the Com •iasties of the regiments will lead to open mnti :!aod desertion. The soldiers aver that their eke rations do not cost the commissary depart :at daily more than ten cents, while Govern mt. allows those worthies thirty five cents per t for each man in toe regiment. A few kind tnirial persona heard of the necessity of the :lc. sod brought to them in the afternoon imp of fresh bread. Uniforms were distributed he soldiers yesterday, and it was amusing to are the faces of the Men at being encased in a:3 many sizes reo large. The men cook :ti: pork and 'need by suspending their camp itirt upon Warm rails over fires built in - i4. 1111017 . plts. A row of these kettles oom -1:hlY florets the pit, and a clay chimney at one oitriles off the smoke. A man preached to hoops daring the day, and the men seemed...to :de gnat delight in stogies the hymns Rev. J. R. Imam was on the ground distributing religious r.;..lintions, and we remarked girlie a number of holding, converse with different groups of cis. Pions words dropped in an encampment dan fill on virgin soil. A large number of fa. meet etre spore the grounds yesterday, and 'lty milted to enjoy themselves vastly at ihr smile of barefooted men lounging attst Its - ,:ter, boxing under the sheds, and :anis; net , upon the green. The refuse matter tt fire ritr ce is thrown into heaps and burned. A cros!re of soap fat collectors have been upon the int - a; rnettiro beginnina, to secure the surplus ef:: pork_ Certain dealers in ice cream were C...., present, and many et the visitors treated vas of volantoste to saucers of the congealed :lam At 4 o'cllsk a temporary panic was 'used In the enclosure by a torts taking fright' Ei dashing at full gallop through stacked bay eu end over rows of pit-Gres. lie was brought I. after a great deal of confusion, and mimeo.- -"oly escaped with but little injury. Every one rotated that I , e would run a bayonet into his VaiL .l.z.oug the curiosities of the camp, we remarked train excellent sketches made by one of the vo .iritem. These were pegged in front of barn. .a of them was tilled Toe Soldier's Dream," a;-resealing a barefoot volunteer sleeping upon te maws, with rats at his feet, nibbling certain ?jested saces of mess beef and scraps of pilot r..ead. In the rear, encompassed by cloud aba ter. fr. outlined a vision of the soldier's home, 'ii certain arid faces bent over the tea-table ; Countiftd cloth suggests to the volunteer the notices of his comp-fare, end the untenable :2:1I6ou of his place of rest. The artist might :Ve filled in the picture by developing the sleep :omi of the dreamer's rough comrades in con- Zilimiretion to fair faces which thronged the IX The aurbor of the sketch, we were informed, to David G Wilson, of Dayton. Ohio. He has tr..n a similar pic'ure to New York, which will !zrzly appear in Ha7per . s Weekly tae troops will remain at this camp ptiobably =ring the whole of this week. OPEN COMMUNICATION TO BALTIMORE. Ye Felton, president of the Philadelphia, Wil rzitos' and Baltimore Railroad, on Saturday "':Ted a telegraphic despatch from the superin szist of bridges, stating that he hoped and ex rsi to have toe road between Havre-de Grace cantimore entirely repaired in time to enable trains to start from Philadelphia this zs'zg. GRILLING AT MI HIGH BCHSOL. ile war spirit has seised the youths at the Oen- High School, and nearly the whole school, ..." 7 .74wing between five and six handsel, are pat -41 1 and drilled in the facings and company without arms, by Master John Sward, !=sinew of Captain Parry, of the Washington reiL Thy boys are apt scholars, and are be rapidly proficient in the duties of the sot- Ler PRESENTATION. ...UR" and beautiful regimental flag, with ap, ' , 4113te insignia, is about being presented to the ':4 &limn t, Second Brigade. ray the lady reel "e:! of the Eleventh ward (in which it was raiaed)- ?! prompt enrollment and gallant tender of services to the Secretary of War pending - .. 6o nbardeiont of bumptor. The regiment has the appropriate name of " ttoverner's :TM,' and has passed under the command of fdagilton, an experienced and'relia fin Dr. and I.mutenant Colonel James Brady Richard Will:ley, major, has the assurance ..t Raper authority that it two regiments be vi from this city fer three Teare, or the war, ; in will be one. Sudsy night, a handsome sword and sash Presented to Capt. Wm. blePerran of corn ',lll es, National Guards' Regiment. T h e p resent 4 loan by the oompany, and Corporal Palmer organ of the donors. Colonels Lyle and rtl tti,l wore prosont. Captain MoFerran made & ticellent speech on the oemision- MATTERS GENERALLY. :!serday being Sunday, the usual military drills Equines were emitted. • . •Most of the churches .41 welt attended by the volunteers during the 1 ? - -..The second company of National Grays, 'Vila Stowell, paraded yesterday afternoon to :•tsd the funeral of J J. Spellman, a member of i le c 4l 4- 1 17..• telegraphic despatch from Col. F. Smell. at Harnsbarg, was received here '` , :atterday night. He says hie regiment will be to in to day, . ••The Kinds. Rifles have opened i s. , tnictrous In Sixth street, above Market.... Warren Rides have also opened books for re al their arniity. northwest corner of Fourth rtate meat. , the Philadelphia Grays, be 'llg to Cal. Patterson's Regiment of Artillery, ti en r e cruiting TOT the purpose of forming a "Eklmull. The armory of the corps is on Itteet, above .R.gton....oaptain Bring Company - E, Governor's Guards, aro about l •06 their quarters from American Mechanics' Chsnater's old church, Pgluier street, 1420i1/1, •)a,sormc Cite.—On Saturday night; a n 29.11 'Vmq v . "werah, fr o m Baltimore, was allot is during a fight in a tavern n ea r s Seventh :tz4tits meets. The Buffeter was taken to bus the wound is not considered dam , tr. l The wound was inflicted by Edward ;TN, ' 4 t , pr6primor of the tavern, who was iLd committed to prison to answer. - - ; 47 , z Gz Orriczus.—Within the last week v.g 4 u been made in the officers of the Rule street road. Martin Thomas, Eaq hwa ,; 11 0 presidency, and been Succeeded in thenharpies;, of Arch street. Mr_ Thomas ra9 way men in the city, hay -I:litzurl:4.l4..neirtd.:FithA Mr Campion, the pioneer ited iti k • 111-health, however, has ret! t jarowttbie for him to attend to the bum :.,s46tme 24r. Arrison, the stable boss of bsen appointed superintendent of the 116, t 3 / 4 , /111 CAsEs.—On Satunlay evening, !...i,•414,ed Robert Brown had oue of late Lege 4: dQi ing a :mark. in a tavern in Seventh below ohippen mem named Tbomas Walters, was se -1:14454441 b.; being kinked ID the aye in Bed bttween ki th and Eighth. ''''Cd t :e °4ol :l aged 35 years woe •abbed in the 1149' %rale eammijos e Pt i Bowler', in ChiP ‘,,'Faat, between South and Lombard. The a not toriotte 1 6 11 a bove person s were all admitted into the sF aa /ttri D OwL—During the alarm of fire, 114) ill," Rope Rose steamer was wreaked No t 411,11 0 g (if a hind axte, at Tenth and Pine PRoBABLE Hosirem.—Yesterday afternoon, three Garman officers, attached to one of our veina• tier companies, were walking up Thir d sheet, near Master, when they were aocested ay a g ang of rowdies, who insulted them. The faerM3llB re plied in the same spirit, wh9n the leader of the rowdies, a man named Baker, struck one of the Elermans a violent blow. Theacturadeit of the let ter interfered, and the row soon became general. Baker finally drew a knife, and made at the lead ing officer, who also drew and stabbed the would be A.SBCEISiII twice, in the abdomen. -The letter wont about the neigkLorliood for Some time, hold ing up his entrail; but his reputation lb the fetch b°rhmd was 6 9.. - Cad that he could find no physician for some ;AO : Meats to sew up the wound. 2t was though' last evening, that he Would not recover. The 'Gentians were Arrested, and aten to the .saventearitti-ward station-horse, 'out subsequently diaeharged, it having beta proved that they acted solely in self-deferle. Baker had been implicated in several illegal transactions before. AB EXCITEILENT DI TUX TtrEttilET.R WARD. —On Saturday, a seen, of an exalting nature oc curred in the Twentieth ward. It seems that a German. homed Valentine Vollmer, who lives at No 1317 Warnock Street, and who has volunteered to defend his adopted country, Lund himself two months behiodhand in the paynient of his rent, which debt amounted to SIP 50. Re was mad by hie landlord, aMr Pabst, before Aldermen Clark and Devlin, !;tho issued a warrant for the seizure of Ma goods When the constable went to make the seizure,Vollmer claimed the benefit of the $3OO exemption law, and the only action left far the constable was to put the goods of the volunteer into the street, which ho did. Vollmer then collected a party of fellow soldiers, and, returning to the house, fell en the &testable, Beat him se verely, and replaced the furnithre in the house. A posse of policemen then came on the ground and arrested Vollmer and two of hie otazipsnions, looked them up, and assisted the ward /mutable to empty the house a second time. By this time a large crowd of Germans and others bad collected, who threatened revenge on the landlord and his agent. Mr. Edmund Binges, a briokmaker of the Twentieth ward, seeing bow the matter stood, started a subscription for Vollmer, heading it with $5 out of hie own pocket. The salt of $l3 50 was soon oollectedy and the Wrerdue rent of the lour aerated German was paid. The arrested partite were soon aftertrards released, and the whole affair, which at one time looked serious, was ami cably settled. Fire Marshal Blackburn and De tective Franklin, who were present, eherted thew salvo to pacify the exalted crowd when threats were made to tear out the landlord's house. A MEETINO IN BEHALF Or THE INDIANS.— On Oaturday aftentoon a meeting in behalf of the Indians was held at Mechanics' Hall. Father Dimon, the missionary, cited instances of many uncultivated Indiana who gave proof of the pos erasion of extraordinary powers for high oultava tion--capacities which the habits of forest life are calculated to strengthen Whole tribes are supe rior spscimens of physleal and Mental power. Father Beeson showed that outrages by border ruffians have been fully attested by generous and reliable agents, settlers, and traders on our fron tiers and the Pacific coast. A highly-interesting family of Indians, of the Penobsoot tribe, were presented as representatives of the nations whom we ought not to permit to pass away through our cruel neglect, but save, as our high profession must prompt us to do. Two children, of an uncommon ly-attractive appearance ' gave force to their mother's song and their father's musical effort. They all wore the Indian costume, which was ap propriate and beautifully charaoteristie. Last evening Father Beeson delivered an interesting sermon at the same place. The attendance was good. FIREMEN'S ManEns.—On Saturday after noon a special meeting of the Diligent Engine Company was held, when it was resolved to tender to the authorities at Washington the use of their large and powerful steam fire-engine, and the men necessary to work it. The Diligent Bose Company will meet this eve ning to consider the propriety of offering their new carriage and 800 feet or new forcing hose to the United Suttee Oorernment for the roteetion of Washington city. This is a commendable -move, and relents credit upon the patriotism of our fire men The United States Eogiye Company and the desistance Steam Fire-engine Company have also offered their apparatus to the Government. .et a stated meeting of the Delaware Engirt* Com pany it was unanimously , resolved "That, through the Chief Engineer of the Philadelphia Fire De partment, David BS 141 e, Esq , we tender to his Exoellency the President of the United States the use of our first-class steam fire-engine. its horses, hose•carriage, hose, and all appliances thereto be longing, and the eervieee of our engineer, driver, and twenty men, for the engineering of the same, and far the performance of molt other duty, mili tary or otherwise, as may be required of them (in Washington city) for =eh period as the said Pre sident may require snob services " Philadelphia is - so well supplied with fire appa ratus that we ban spare a number of them for our neighbors, and still have enough left for home use. STABBED.—A volunteer, named Joseph Dean, got into a controversy last night, about 11 o'clock, in a drinking ealooc, on Chestnut street below Fourth, during which he received a severe cut with a dirk knits, in the bank of the head. It appears Dean had an altercation in the saloon in regard to one of the female attendants of the esta blishment, when his opponent inflicted the above irjary. Dean walked into the Central Station and en tered complaint. The police officers repaired im mediately to the saloon and demanded admittance. The proprietor kept silent, however, and the officers considered they had no authority to break open the door West a warrant was issued. The case will be heard, this morning, before Alderman Saltier. • MOSTUARY.—During the past week, the Board of Heath report two hundred and ninety seven deaths. A - DISGRACEFUL FIGHT.—On Saturday evening ; si fight ensnared. in the " Palls of &amyl kill" eiloon, near Sixth and Chestnut streets. ins tween a party of the Rangers and some others who were there. -A Mr. Fleming was knocked down and badly hurt Solite rowdies have at tached themselves to the above-named organisa tion, and It would be well if they woreilleared out. Tax LATE POISONING CASE.—An investiga tion has been made of the raots-in the case Of the poisoned •roleateers at eermantown. hain.been shown that the men were made sick from drinking coffee prepared in a copper vessel, and that no wilful attempt on their lives has beat; made. An ADVANCE OF Waoss.—The wages of the; drivers on the Arch and Fairmont - it — Railway have been raised from $1 06 per day to $1 26. The travel on this road has improved considerably of lato,and additional oars have been pat on. F&iu. REsurer.---ALtred keanird, colored, aged 21 years, who WIV3 injured, a few days sinoe, by jumping from a window at Eleventh and Lom bard streets, while laboring under an attack of toe mania a-pots, died at the hospital on Saturday_ An inquest was held by the ooroner. HORSE STOLEN.—Some time during Satur day alight a lot of thieves broke into the stable of E A. Warne, in Wen Philadelphia, and stole a valuable bore*. Tim have not been smutted. Review of Troops at York. THE NORTHERN CENTRAL TRACE TORN TIP HARRISBURG, May 12 —A grant review of the troops took place at York to day. The Governor and many members of the Legislature were pre sent. Fire regiments were on the ground, but the Thirteenth Regiment, for some reason not known, did not parade. The First, Second, Third, and Twelfth Regiments made a fine appearance. Thirty one freight oars, with rough seats, are stationed Immediately opposite Harrisburg, OR the Northern Central road, and there are twenty-two similar cars at York, evidently intended for the immediate tranenortation of troops in large bodies. The camp at York is, in many places, filled with water from the recent rains, and the quarters for a number of the companies are extremely loath some and filthy. A armlet train, which conveyed the Governor to York, returned with him this evening. Great numbers of the citizens of York were present at tbe review, and the Governor was received with enthusiasm by the troops. An attempt was made to tear up the track of the Northern Central road, fourteen miles this side of Baltimore, but it wee detected before much da mage was done. Great indignation prevails, and there is a determination to take summary ven geance on the parties implicated. - Movement of Transports NEW Yowl, May 12 —The tramped steamer Roanoke hair arrived from Warthington be paased the gunboat Pawnee and steamer Bientalle in the Potomac. Toe latter had the First Connect tient Regiment on board. Passed the transport Matanzas in the Chesapeake, bound to Washing.. ton. The steamer transport Cakawba., with the Be. cond Connecticut Regiment, wee even yeeterday Egg Harbor by a brig arrived here . Tbe steamer Col wrnbia bee aleo arrived from Washington. A email tug wee eeen this morning off Binaegat towing a three masted propeller, bound north, apparently broken down. !FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. The Money Market.' PeuaneLraza, May 11, 1861 The Stook market to-day was languid and dull. Race and Vine-streets Passenger Railway deelined to 3.1; Reading Railroad shares to 15 31-100 Long bland sold at 81 City and State loans re main about the same as yesterday. The Miners , Journal game np the anal trade Of the week as follows: The quantity sent by rail road this week is 32,470 13 tons; by canal, 29,976 10 ; for the week; 62 447 03 tons, against 60 664 for the corresponding week last year. The shipments from all the regions sum up this week as follows ELM= P. &R. R. R.... i Sebuyl. g'anal- Labial Valit.R Lehigh C4nal aerano. Northson St% .. g-. Pa Coal Pet. & H. C 0... Wyoming' So-, Broad Top.-- Treveflon 811. Mt., 11. T... Lykons Valley. 68 967 27 , 4 I 12.670 193 2991 239 li ,469 9 5,479 0 2 29.342 6 r. 834 41.279 3477 T E 6 918 50 736 1 911. 81,406 17 6+5 6669 4.291 5 90 7 764 2 927 2.392 The quantity sent tOrward this week from all the regions Only falls short 214 toes of the quantity sent for the corresponding week last year. This is an extraordinary result, and quite unexpected to many. under the circumstances The shipment, however, for the corresponding week last year was much lighter than usual. The Delaware and Had• son Company, end the Pennsilivania Coal Coin pony, only sent last year 14;53l tout--this year they scut, for (La week, 51,218 tons. This ex plains it satiefsmorily . The demand for lump and steamboat coal is fair —prepared drags—bet no coal is ran through the breakers if it can be avoided. This operates ad vantageously to the producer sea also the land holder, as at least ono-fourth of the product is de stroyed by the proems of breaking, while the pre pared article commands no better price in this re gion than the lamp, except some oholee ]duds of stove coal, which fa sold 10 cants a ton higher. Tbl3 fdlieWieg is a comparative statement of the I_94lorta of foreign dry goods at New York for tee week, and since January 1 For the 'reek. 1859. 1860. 1861 ' Entered at the port ...81.732.246 11.210 149- 0/0 Thrown on market 1,709 313 1,14378 T 200,5 51 Sn ce the 1. Entered at the pnrt— .$4l 477 ; 023 040.70.983 827 3 SH Thrown on market... 42,4.18,685 26124 ,179 Philadelphia Stock Eichacee Sale°, May Rev:rid-v.° 9t 1.2.44A:bin.] FIRST 200 Penna 'sa --..... 75 6CO do 7434 8100 do 705 513.13 95 do ._ 74ti (.3t. 55 Gas. New., 87 1500 da..B‘ ale.. *ash 87 I Cam & tt.__:- 107,1. 10 Lehigh Nay.— liE7 7 f4trEßY 400 City 68 Gas- .new 8/' I SECOND 25 Race. & Vine-at. R. 4 60 d- -.--..- 4 . cLospe PRP Ail. Asked Phil& 6s 21.--. . Ihila Cie ...new_ it 904 Penna. 54...._.- 7414 75 Read It .151 3 18% Eead bd6 'To__ 76 80 Read mt 60 70' Penns R 3.5%. 3614 - Penns R 2d mtds 81 83 IlloMie Can 000. 40 .44 Norris Can rid .182 106 Rob TV 63'84 57 54 Eldora ft Prefd. -. 10 Eloura is '73 - 08 The Flour market is quiet to day ; there is very little export demand. and sale. comprise 250 bbla standard superfine at 80.50, and p 0 bbla Oily Mills do at 8.0 4551 FY bbl. The sales to trade ranee at from 8&150 to 85 884 for superfine, cc 750 , 6 for extra se 230650 for extra family, and $676®7.25 gfir bbl for fancy brands. as in ou4lity, and the demand is moderate. The reminds. however, are very light, and superfine is rather seam at quotatiens. Rye r lour is dull, and freely offered at 43.50ift" bbl. Cant Meal Is in fair demand, end scarce, the lent sale of Penney lvama was at 82,8734 bbl. GRAlN.—Wbent—the receipts are m, dorate. and the demand Mid at fully former quotation. ; sales are to the extent of about 5 Oat bus at 81 920t,56 for food to prime red. and 8i:40a1.50 for fair to good white, mind ing 2 51.0 bus of the former on terms kept private. Aye is quiet. and (mired at 60068 o; 500 bus.pnme Jersey white brought the latter once. Corn is ins autive ; Sham is not much prime offerme. and sales reach about 4.600 bus at 650 for Penns. sound 3 &low, afloat. and Om 6331,0 for lots in store, including 500 bus red corn at Om, afloat ; buyers now offer lees. U is are dull, and can n 4 be quoted over 930 for Penney lv.tot a afloat, although some s.eail sales ere. reported at 93340 , 363 in store. Lissa-- Mere in um tong doing ie Quersitruu, and Ist NO 1 is keen" but quiet at $26.66 IP' ton. COTTON-Folders Are very fo m in their views but time is little or no de.nann from mar ufacturers, and tne market continues almost at a srand-still. GROCSallis AND rNOVIOONS.—There is very little movement and no chance to note in prices. 5 'Val Low —A sale of 90.0.0 The Western was reported IN it SKY continues dull and neglected at 174217iie for Penns and Onto bble, about /5750 for drudge, and /7e for blum, ANNIV2RPARY or A FIREMIIO9 PRAYBIt MUM sci.—Yesterdir afternoon, at four °Week, the thud anniversary of the grayer meetings, held in the hail of the United States Engine Company, was observed with appropriate religious services. The ball was filled with the friends of the cause. invited strangers. and a number of firemen,•some of the latter hams been converted through the hirelings here referred to. An interesting annual report wee read by Henri A. Bower, Esq., alio has been very zealously connect ed with thin enterprise since its inauguration. May 16th, 1869. Among other remarkable facts stated in the report, was that, in the meetings for firemen, held in the hall of the Diligent Engine Company, Tenth and Filbert streets, during this period, ear hundred sad taartLY--four men. belonging to that company, and othera, had been converted ; and a number of other en couraging facts were given. showing the mivortanee of eoJtinning these Christian efforts. Among the waken; who participated, -was the Rev. T. J. Nheprard. panto! of the Buttonwond•etreet Pretbiterfan Church. whose remarks on the oesasion were also full of encourage meet, and highly appropriate. This meeting, we be lieve, is now iegsrded, like the NOOII-0.117 Prayer Meeting, aa " a permanent institution." We have omitted to state that a beautiful original hymn was written for this tioession by one of the brethren moment, Mr. Ross: WALBORN'S FURNISHING Goons-It is now uni versally conceded that the best place to nurehate Gents' Furnishing Goode its.: bat taste, in greatest va ne ty, and at the lowest pikes, is at the old-estan hatred house ot Alessi& It. C. Walborn & Co., Non. 5 and T North sixth street. BY referring to an advertisement in /Another column, it will be observed that Messrs. Naughton. Saw) er, & Co., of Boston. are c Waring to the militarY all the various articles required for the full equipment of the arm , and navy. They have just comehted a contract with the State ondasesehnsette. forAtia thatt stud all-wml blue mixed garments, neatly trimmed, and siitable for a warm limate. They Imre also pro duced the favorite style of military Sett Felt Bat, which is highly approved by Oen. B. F. Edmonds and other military men, and for Which they have already received very large orderii. Tag RECEPTION OP COL. ANDERSON Was GO• served tribtve to a gallant officer. The wands filled the highways. and cheer after cheer rent the air. Every b oey andhis wfe appeared upon the streets, and it oo ourred to nit that if the aforesaid and his good lady, and alt equally Writing, secured their clothing at the one-price Gift natal) isbmentef Granville Stokes, 1109, Chnitnut street, what a degree of happiness there taus; be in our city. The garments purchased at this fe 'Movable depot cannot be equalled in durability and fineness. A handsome gift accompanies each rale. COL. ARDEBSON IN TOWN—A 'ISTRINING laol ngtvT.—As the gallant Andersen was bring escorted down Chectmit Street, from-the Conten-ntal Hotel. to the Ball uf IndOROTRICNIOR, on Baturdor, his counte nance WAS seen to light up suddenly, *hen just above Sixth street. Be explained the eirenms Pace by point tng to a mgm'and &Miring that it reminded him of much comfort and elegance be had been enable° to SIIOY through the agency of the Mehl eldnent Indi cated by the sign referred to. The painted words which caused the episode were as follows: " Rookhitl & Wit son's Brown Moue Clothing Ball, N 05.603 and 605 Chest nut street." U: S. Fa sea —Bunting for sale at No. 719 Chest nut, . street, Philadelphia. W. B. CARRYL & BRO. WINDOW BLURB —All styles cheap and goad— No. 7199hestnut street, Philadelphia. W.' H. CAIRTT. &lbw. . , Font TROUpAttn UNITID STATES MllEricaTa can be fereiabld, if immeitiate application to nude to.A. W. Garry & Co., Tl 4 Chetnnt atract; , SEE FOURTH YASE ARRIV ED. ySehr Knight, Gage, Os from Boaton. with ',taster to IS A Sender. '- BY TZLlcsallit. (Correapondence of the Press flaw Yong. May M. Arrived—Ship - City of Brooklyn. from Liverpool -ea Mobile; elnp Whoa Sea. from Rotterdam; bark South ern, from Segue; brig Beirear, from Proon; brig We nona. from Cardenas; brig Etaldasser. from Antwerp; brig Mary !deltas.. from Bogus; sax Ann C Loyerett. from new tirleans. MEMORANDA. Bteamahip -Northern bight. Tinklepaugh, oleared at New York filth test for Aspinwall. Dohs • melee. .13 , 00 k; Ads Awn, Ames; L W Rird sali. Loper; ft it. Willem. DAM' Umbria. NAM P Leer, Muth, cleared at flow fora Bill matt fur !tura delphia eteamers Beverly. Pierce. and Concord. Norman. cleared at New Voik iltti bun. for Philadelphia. • echr Ilarah Cohen, Cullen, from Cardenas, arrived at New York I Rh mat Steamer II Barden. Looper, hence, arrived at N York rth inst. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS CONTINENTAL HOTEL—Ninth and Chestnut. W P Gould, Cinoinnati J V Donnell, Vrash, D C Jl3 FUND, Philadelphia W D Weed, Mem phis B Bowen. Boston It bl glower,p W Jemmy, Montrose W W Gabon, New York Miss k. hatpin, Boeton D earhs. kirooklen C Gibson, Brooklyn C Bates Br Louis W B rtes . it Louis Mos Pi Bates at Lows Mien M. Bates. St Louis L J Mayer. Mercer co. Pa Loins slhulman. new York G 1 It Ferrell. W header Ira Athearn. Jr. Cincinnati P X Mitchell, Cinoinnatl L Davenport. Indiana fi 0 kusipson. New York Chas Ja.Mion, Boston P S Cot, Brooklyn. ri Blsor, Onto W E Schnook Phil* fill Col Mcoball, New Jersey R Van Rensselaer, N J W Hawthorn. London R A Hawkey, London W McClain & ter,phro A Shipman, Wilm, N C J Burden', Cincinnati CL Bo . lt, Ohio P Corbin. COanaOtictit G st Corbin, .ieW York Levi Matinee- Port Carbon Chas Bab-r. C R t laves, New York D Kennedy. Roxbury Miss M. Ha sey, Windsor Geo Rogers & ra, Boston W K s, ending L Marx, New York J Emanuel, New York R. L Robertson Detafie.d. Memphis nos oixoske. New York Mrs Wagtail & eh, Newp't M Conrtright, New York Robt H Morrie, W whir gton Mal W Townsend. B Y Cowan & son, Penns Mrs Cowan, Penna. M F Merritt. Die, York 0 W Dunham, New York Geo Wartime!, new York H W r tiderback..n York J B IldcF .ddeu, Pam urg Cart W A Howard J r Molar) re, Washington J N Jackson. New York Geo Ta. lot, new York P K Borman, New York W W Fairbanks Wm kurroughs. Jr. N Y Attn. ingram. Cincinnati Geo H DanCirth, X York W u Bartlett, New York Julien • ruistrottri,N Y 1-1 W Crawford, New York Chas TPolhetnna.N York Mrs Chapman, New York C J Wilson &- la, N York T B Feddre, Newark. N J Durand. Conneet out Jon G - orge , Delaware co, Pa l B Crows.. hew York P J Trimly J 13,r0e10, New York sal Lrout N Ferris. Jr. Wash E W Eisner, Wash J irt Plume Washington H W G Clements, St Loam JO Pratt. Baltimore F Co, bin. hew York Col .1' t? Rider, New, York B Pientl.. Ohio Copt N Chamber-in ,Pa Lou; w Gibson. VS ti Ron Wm M Francis- Pa John Chahbertson, Pa Hon A n Reeder, PINUP Mr Croft & la. England W n Banal. new York H C bb. leassaohusetts John B .Lien, New York R Didt)ViD,NeW i ork Mr Kimball, Boston hi r Kau ball, r atom 0 E Downing, Boston M i, .I Martin, hew York M Lawrence. N York P W pia. t, Boston C F Colborn, &Alton M M sander.,Boston Mrs Provost, New ork s Rer , ves.New York Dr J Gilman, Balti Sa more Ea Sanford New York M V B Buell, puff .lo Robt Young. 0111/1101, John Young, London C T et.gg. N York Miss H ctagg. New York J M Requa.New York J carney, NOW Y L A Will MO. U ES A mini M A;lieoa. t.hio Josiah Runt. famouri C C y. Cincinnati Major Febeger. lIJ n A B /lemon Cincinnati W M PletAing Sand F Barn.e. Wash Sam Norso. it Island D Mo..mos. Karam Gordon M. Newton, N V C .1 it cowo in, Boston Ii A etell Washington .15 00aren. Wean), gton x a Chem mush. Wash tf. Sheppard, Wsetrington R Elonglh Memphis H C Meyer. Barnhart • I has P Penns 14 G roos, Lirioa p Stetson, N.iir York C M Coadiry, New York Geo D Cowles, New York Mrs H thindiqs New York Mrs ai Palmer New York 1 Kimberly, Chapel Bail W A Cook Weeh,_. , ll C ' I Mot.matd.Ptula . Persil, New Bedford HA, jPierce Dorchester EA Jones. Fbda *II - J Preston &la J F Speed, Louisville. KY J A Brown & la, R Island J B Culver. Jams, City PI 0 Fisher, Conn El Mead New York A B Cook. Abode Island Evan William!, 111 L L H cutlass. X 0 II Milliken C Adams USA J ilernek. New York Dn Penfi el d w York 1 Mut F Franker, Ohio". H. . Washington Capt W Pease, Ohio 18. Shreve, Philadelphia H Lhapman, Ohio TOTAL TOTAL. INC 92.471, 663,76 1 , 29 277 181,271: 13 761 s2l 30 795 51720 19.1 1 41 237.226 4.5521 69 696 26 +[ B 17,7001 25,060 26 526 4.718' 64 364 4 ler 50.649 724 15 006 d 90.205 d 59 002 8 Beo dS 579 d 21 227 1,095 20.679 36 968 ME CHANTS' HOTEL—Tonna arrest. below Arch. D Thomas. Jr, Penns, Samuel Wetberill. Penn& Cleo v apolt, Penney luania Win at Platt, Wyonit oo J M Thomism, tiumpter, . 1 7 J. Grail', Potobara T MeGowen,Oulapter, 8 C Sea Kinnear Kenton SmoH W Wu ler, Keaton E B Smog, Harrisburg Jill Sherwood, Camp Curtin It el Pratt, Beryline% 141 iw Aden. Camp Curtin H Lee. Jr, Walsh co. re Lt. W W Woodward.llal ton Jae Steele. Dot ton L .14 Chandler, Deuoit J Boynton, Clearfield A.l Bo‘nton. Clem field It G arrest , oast . itlmnre It wr . eaver. Ohio .1 nP Stover, Ohio C 1 4 hoi h, - h Fa. oL A Rolle,. liarnaDUT 48.5 it DIM , ON, itaryistingkrvme_ PM's , eIFIIOI. Liens W A anotho. leeward'. C Akxenoee. Ohio J .ti; Wheeler uteviskaul, 0 P$ 10140. Manideld. 0 186 d s s7O 1 .3 0 O. 81 5 531 2 920 15 S IB 2 732 20,696 AMERICAN NOTEL--Gtieetant street. above Fifth D K Telor,Trentoa J Mall bare. Philadelphia D X ..nrt.n & wi, Ohio )1111:18Y Br.vrtu,Sittsse A rd DoPop. Aileen D n 'Joker, New York johtl 0/I , li,ans. W ashingtin 1.: P Brenner. vremodepou Joe T Bauder, Phila Mame. Chester cst Joe Penbr. New ork fi WNi le , New York PII Field, New York W Joh IJILA Thoe W home, Nem York P Plunkett. Wilut,Del Duey , Wilm Del ,lAegusibiew J a Worm. New Jane, i French. MOW Jersey Briek, New Jersey 0 nays New Joreer ET. LOUR BOTElrChaMiut Moos, enure Third. Alex Caropfield, Neer York I. Theo EstUTE., Plias Lewis RotherrOPhile W Jones. Phrggelphis A Potter. r *lens W P Pammegti. J R TQTPMOO. _o.ladelplus .lehit Ogden, vasttare John Johniosassas 's' 31 Pingo, P ~ BEL tisi,itozW.antst Renhanio. BOARD 4 Lehigh Nay..-- 483 10 0 Ai Co os.. merle, 28 2ter Lone Is , and 6r.--. 75 gl Ro.ding R.-- 16% 10 da, . . . ... 11136 600 Lehi 4464 ...100 Stal North Penna 6 - 3..... 68 N BOARD?.. 1400 CAT 60 Oat ......... 81 I BOARD 20111 North Pennaoe... IC 110,0 City 63 tiao.....notv 87 . . CEN—writADY. • 344. Asked. Long Island It :... 836 8X Leh 01 & rt.. .48x 48% Leh C"& N'io 323 i Korth Penns it K. aX 6% NPa II 6o..intod BOA 66 IN Fennel R 10x. ~81 00 Cansaissaoref_ 7 Frank lc South K... 41 2d/tSd. st R d1v0t1.37 8 IRace&Vine-st.tt. IVI 4 Went Phila 11.--6 IR% /brace& Fine.— • 5 6 Green & Coates 10 • .. Philadelphia Marketet. CITY ITEMS, IRA - INTEL LICENCE. UP To 12 O'CLOCK LAST MOUT THE PRESS.-P/1111ADELPIDA. MONDAY, MAY 13, 1861 . . , THE UPlON—Arch streei. above Third. n McDonald. Ohio M MoDania...4 0 WD W Mlllhouse. virbeelitis,Ya H Martin mho 0 w lasso $, Tamaqua .1 E Wharton, New York E R i wad Ile, Hancock NY Thai:ldeas &book, Easton E iaa Ayer is, NJ- raey J Beaver. Vllarnesuoro tirG Harrison _Wlrrielmrs J A Monool. U A LT - Tanner. New York Adam Oat, Oswego. N Y 11 Black, New York A Herbruek , CanOn , J E Moramotith °hid STATES UNlON—Market street. above F Chbboray. Harrisburg J B Wentzel. Reading .err ill. Jr. Philadelphia Jos Sanderson. • omerset Somerset W B Watt Latrobe. Pa H. It W ile n. Jrullaysoo M.l Vniefield. Patina Icier WakinebnrE D Pax ton. Perna , lintnla J Fryer . Pennsylvania Gil.s. New Yotk Mrs Moran, , obw York T Nesbit..lllElleriao o M Neirhle. Ohio W Benin dr. earl. Penns B•ilei. Penrsylvanla Joel Bailey, Penne Geo AloAipin r hila Ji.e Wesel,. Pima Andrews Pennsl lvania Thoii bldtr, rittsbeig H H Dunbar, New York lase 7oharon , gamine 1, Lewis, New York r 1 eine. flew Vo.k Joel Miller. Lano.iter 00 T Watt. Latrobe. Pa A Wolikill, Lewietown W H Orove Pottstown J Willard, Chime , Wm Br, ggs:Craoago REVBRE 110(.33E—Third street. above awe. John Levering, Indiana Dr Al Applatomh. Backs 00 Dr Jos Thomas. Bucks oo Mrs B C Cutlet. ItUriersv Miss 'Pallor, Miner:mileß A 1. Roberts, New: liars WC Go dm, Rohogi mi Wm Newhs - t, Monroe oo A is Sharp C. 4 B C Christ. Wnhh Mrs C Taylor. M morsvi Ile Wm C Grissom. Reading Miss A n trhsads. Allentown Mum C Sailor. Penne M S Guth, Allentown 3 Rogers Reading Wilartman, Hemline F oads.'nlinegavale 3 Poopenhiner, Indiana N R Ritter. te.inscrove Huhe, Allentown " Z Heebner, Allentown N Jameson, C.ntrsville T V Rhoads. Pototeille Jt F Meson, Ferry . 0 Rahn, Perriville CONIMERCI /IL HO EL-LSixee at. above Chestnut,. Bantiam...Peaneibtania S Marion. Delaware Jame! Irring , Cheater. l'a R Thomas, olembuS. 0 ole Morey. Pliihnielphie, M Dakar; Paanallrania L O tiara, BIRIIIIIII4BIII I I n t 'Mote. Rochester, NY J Jeokaon, Chester co. Pa W H Baddleson, Pews P L H iteheosk. Harrisburg Jobe 3 Bonen. Penns Jos Tberuis. I. aro ao, Pa Jag Soon, t hestar oo Truman Coates. Lano co, Pa John Trainer, Charter co AB Breeehhy, d, Bos to nL o. n Pa Jesee A Nam", Cheater oo 3 Haywar NATIONAL HOTEL—Ram stoat. abnra Third. John !mobs, A 'bur, NY JB Fisher, Monte oot B ightießer, Rear:mg g W Ronk. nhantovn, J 0 Hoover, Ashland Maxon, Manland BARLEY BREAP.—Seoond street. below Vitilb. J 1.1 Miller, Weisssort, Pa A N Wolf W Mirk, Da,rrisburg -71 g Patterson,. N Joe Bib. Penn-, Wants . -D Henn's', PirdsdelpilAt Dr Y 7 13 - Watson,Stroodsb'sWakernab , Lace.ville J L Jobneon, Yardlervt lie M Paxton, Baltimore fez E Paxton, Books co Jae Bind. Pntladelphia MOUNT VERNON HOWEL—aeoona et.. above Arab. OwnPOinerap Philedellhis R A Ornvae. Pbtladelnbia Bayonne ,Bone.tla!e I) H wikatne. peons J G Smith, Penne nos hLn in.thirlinatAn.NJ A 13Arnow.AtJantin Cy; NJ John Bibansn, Btaltn'n.DlJ C Lippenoott , Burbecrij J W Bush, Wayne 00, Pa James Rey Daida. Praia BLACK BBAR—Thuct sirens, above CalloirbilL Rev 9N. grobitt, Allbistomn 1. Ratenhold. Weigenlparg. trinVer, Pennsylvania J Rupert, lig beau A eneeman, Philadelphia M I 70 Rd 1,4110. Z Oa 11101410f--41 NOTICZ. The following Order, mimed by the Davy Department on the Nth ultimo, it now made public for the benefit of all whom it may °mom: NAVY DIIIPARTMENT, A11r1196,1801. To THE FOURTH AUDITOR OV THE TRHASUILY : The amounts found to be due to resigned MINT Offioem from the Stales which claim to have seceded will hereafter be paid them front the United States finds heretofore sent to or deposited in those States, exoept in oases where the Department shall otherwise &rout. I am, rimpsotfully, your'obedient servant. 6111E0h wr.LLES, Secretary of the Navy. - - SUFFERERS with Dises,seg of the Madder Kldneys, Grovel, Dropsy, Weakness. &to., read the'ed "'enurement in another column, headed " Belmbold's Genuine Preparation," myle fmwCt OAK ORORARD ACID brECING WAVER,— . Pamphlets containing the opinions of celebnsted Qom nits sod Physicians reemeeting the use of this WATER in the OEM of many diseases of the human system, will be supplied erste on application to PRhDERIOK BROWN, FIFTH and CREPTNUT Streets, or FRED ERICK DROWN, Ja., ruzira and Clilklt3T24UT Street. CALT. AND 08T A PANETBLBT6 aplS-tf Bamoromoit's HAta tnrg.---Tius celebrated and perfect` Hair Dye is the but its the world. All others are mere imitations of this great original, which has gained snob extensive patronage in all parts of the globe. The geriuhle W. A. Itatoheleee Liquid Watt Dye instantly produces a splendid black or natural brown without staining the - akin or injuring the hair, and will runes the ill dicta 4/ bad dyes, invigorating the hair for life. Sold by all prergesta and Perfumers. Wholesale by FAHNHOTOCK & CO., DYOTT & CO.. Plulaslelphis. mkt-0' , ORB PBIOII ULOTHINO OF WS LATEST Ervin, made in the beat manneriexpressly for RE TAIL SALES. LOWEST selling shoes marked in Plain Figures. All geode made to order warranted astaefaotory. Our ONS-PRICE system is strictly ad hered to, AU are thereby treated alike. sets-11 .1011E5 & CO., 604 MARKET !Street. GBOVEIt & BAXBIeft ORLBBRATBD NOISELESS HEWING MACHINES. The Best in Use for Family Hewing. No. MI CM , wriirr Street. Phibuielehin. nail -IT WI I SON—GRA FF.EN.—On •the awning of the 7th instant. by,the Be.. Richard 'Newton. D. D„ Willißtt M. Wilson to Mary 8., youngest daughter of Robert. Orsifen. eq. * BOPKINB—GLYIT.--On the 9th instant, by Rev. B. M Tillotson- Mr. John O. tioplons; of New York to Mime osephine Ebrwit, of this o ty. Id EL, UOT 1' R.—tin the Bth instant. by Rev. F. C. P17817011' Ur. John F. Maley, of Hamilton, Ohio, to Miss loop Ann Punter, of West Philadelphia. FR.FY-AILARIC.—In this city, on the 18. h ult.. ty Rev. W. Mullin, Mr. John C. t.rey to Miss Martha D. Clark. both of Beaks county. Pa. RABB ELL—M aft I IN.--On ihe Bth instant. by Rev. P.O. Pearson. Mr. John 8. klunssll to Mum Marzaret Mann, b,itts of Philadelphia. 1711,E—PEARL , ON.—On the Bth instant by the Mew J. C Clay, Per.. anus' Vile to o,..iss Rebecca'''. Tear- , son, all of Philadelphia. DIED. W H PPE —Oa the 11th inet., John Alexander White, in the 30th year of his age 1 he relatives and friends of the family are 'respect fully invited to attend ins funeral, from the residenoe of his father in law, Charles F. Lead, No. 1110 ! frown sneer, on Tuesday morning, the 14th inst., at 13 ooloa.k. funeral to - proeted to Mount nab N. J. Ihe 11th Indent, 343, Mary MO /Allan, in the maiyear of tier are. -. The relatives and friends of the fam i k eh arasegfeer= fully invited to attend the funeral...No e rmaence of her son-in-law. Wittiem , F. Young. a.. 1503 State street, below-Irlingwihlat Monday) af‘srnoon, at 4 o'ol'ir. To proceed .o tee Union Bailing Wound. - • B B. DE.—On bunday Afternoon, Mar Mb, Alma Beatrice. youngest mold of Edwin and Lavinia Ana bender in the 3d year oI her age: ARTMUIL n the Bth instant, Nettie. wife of John Arthur, aged 621 ears. Funeral from the residence of her husband, corner et Tamer street and Trenton Railroad, Frankford, this ( Mender afternoon. at 2 o'olook. lilATHalL—ort the 10th instant. Hannah 8., relict of the late George H. Mather, and eldest daughter of Janice and Niizaheth Davenport, in the slat year of her age. either& from the residence of her brother-in law, James a. Phil fps, No. 1162 South Tenth street, on Tuesday afternoon, at Po`okolt. RICKARDB.—un the 9th instant, Miss Catharine Henwood, daughter of George C. and the late bliss both Riot arde, aged /9 years. r uneral fr in tee residence of her grandmother, M re. Catharine Benwood, 3.0 Monroe street, on Tuesday afternoon, at 3 o'clock. se EIMITIL-AM the 10th instant. Amanda, wife of David M. Smite in tue Min year of her age. Funeral from the residence of her mother, Mrs. Mari ner, back of rug. 931 New Market street, Gus( mondty) alter OM, at 3 o'olook, 111X0&.—On tbetetti instant. William Dim. Funeral mom ills la te residence, No. 114 Shlsten street, this ( Monday / , artwork at 2 o'olook. IC a LLY.—on ttre 10th Met-, Luoie, anshier of John W. and 'mak A. Kelly , in the 6.h year of her age. Funeral trove her percale' rendsnoe. No. =6 Now street. this (Monday) morning, at 10 o'clock. linWr.o.—Verr enddenir, on the wit instant, Mar tha A., second daughter of George F. and Ann Jane Bewes. Funeral from the ?evidence of her parent!. Fortieth street, five dorm above Market. east side. West t bile delphia,this (Monday ' afternoon, at 3 o'olool. ' GOdabilt.—On the 10th instant, /Llama, daughter of Jacob and Mary Gasser, aged 19 years, 8 months, and 9 days. Funeral from the residence of her parents. Otas street., above Girard avenue, this ( Monday) &Ingmar, at 4o dock IiART - On the 9th inland, Letitia C. wife of Wil liam Hart , Jr., and only el Balmer oewperuiwait, of this our. Funerm from the residence of her father. No. •••• Lombard street, that ( Monday ) morning, at 10 o'i:rustic.' TOELAOK GRENADINE BAREGE Mai m Blum Grenadine Barege Points. Mace Barg Mantles. B sok Ruffled Bare se Points Black garage bowls, Silk Borders. Black Baron naafis, Crape Burdens. Blum Ella Piet tih‘wls. Black Orenadine nem% Bleak Meese Mavis. Satin Borders. N. s.—Bnepoords' Piald Chevrea, only 1b cents. Wide Dart Gray Mohalris, ItrX cents. ec EON, 91.ournInK Store, 918 CliEskralT street. WA . NNUAL MEETING.—IN ACCOILD ziNCa with the protium@ of the charter and y z awe the A?nuel Meeting o' the Aite.BICAN SIM% LI/N.BOEO l h, UNION wilt be bed at the Bo enety's honse.ll22 Gamut u r street. on th B GOND TUENDAY OF MAY, iris rAN r, being Um 14th day of the mon.h. M A. WUR re, It Recording neoreterg. ErrCARD OF THANKS. —MESSaig. EDI TURN In our rapid movem.nts and oamp ex citement we have neglected a dm- we owe top num ber of cit me of your city. When we mulcted at lukuirlphsa, en route for tutu plane, lye Irn , a.‘notheMt food, and remained so until UM o'olook. at wh i chhrune we were formed on Chestnut street, opposite the Con tinental. waiting for Fewer (not having had anything to eat since I. awing Harrisburg 1 when Um a gentle men (Phi adelph ans) stepped up, and, dividing our Company into mmads, marched term to eat.ng houses. anti gave them good suspers. '1 he names of two 1 have—vic. Mr. Carr)l, of Masonic Rsll. Mr..fr. untie. Gas office; the other .I. cou'd not Were. Through your kindne.s. we go WI to return t• em the heat tr thanks of the wending Stone Beards Ll' Runt'ngdon t Pa. First Lieut. B. F. Mc BE. Beo'nd Lieut. JAB. D. CAMPBELL, Capt. B. F. per Third Lienttonclit, INO. B. CAMMSALL. Headquarters fifth Pennsylvania Regiment, Wash ington: atty. u lt WLUOFFICE OF THE COMMISSION FOR TH el; ff I•LIVF 111 ed.MILle el OF THE INTEERS OF THE CITY OF IPHILADEL- PhIA, in the envies of the United State°. Wegner:4lra' goI. DINGS. No, 272 third Street., near :spruce. Notice is hereby given the' the Commission has been duly organized. and figs en.eted upon its duties. It is necessary that the stmt.'s:tut shall be a Phil devhian, and sash have been who ly or partially dependent for suppo t neon a volunteer actually mustered into tb service of the United elates, which r nitstment must be evidenced by a company muster-roil, duly certified and in .Sion of the Commission. The applicant will be visited by a Commissioner, or br some competent person nobler/zed by a Commis sioner, whose favorable report will be requisite before relief eau be extended. It is toot intended by the or dinance of Counoile to encourage idleness or pauper ism through the agency of this Commission; bat only to aid in the support of its benefiotaries, and to sun pigment, so far as peso ioable , the support which has been reduced or lost by the enlistment of the vo lunteer. Great care well, therefore, be used to prevent ion°. mutton. and it will re required wherever practicable. that the soldier shall bansfer to his family as muon as can possibly be spard from his own necessities out of the pay allowed him by the Government. Citizens and associations of citizens, are earn. stly req.reted to aid the Conimussio , by their eoutribations, whi.m may be sent to the • Mee, and amo to giving notice of any cases of imposition WWI may come to their know- ledge Those grilles and entitled to relict are ee -1 ant Med to apply at the °Moe, in Third streilt.where blanks for appi icetions are provided. This Commis-ion is comp mod as follows : Hon. ALLX DER HENRI, Alai °rot' City, Pre sident. nor, oust &CR PINNEY ' Vice President. P &PER WI LI. la u floN,li sq.. Treasurer. CtfAbL - 8 E i.i X, ,` S • Olt, Bolin tort Tll l, O. CUP LER, E.. , President of Solent COltheil. LIHAe, B. TB.EGO, Bea., Prearier.t of Common Coun cil. DANIEL B. BETDEM N, BSC. No. 209 Vine street. A. tdc NT Yaw. Inert. Germantown. PO r TER, hiss , No 16 a Green street WM. LOUGILLI le kaq., PO Ma tan street. r" , e.L.Eil Esq.. Ventinspsal Hotel. JAS. IS wavior N 0.717 N. Fifth streq. bon JOBN RIDBDINIe• ea , P 0.10 115 ti soh street. M. wy, N, Bet., No. Mot fiance at. myll of FARMERS , AND MECHANICS , BANK, PIIILADELPHIA• Mae 7,11 M. u ell, nr e_Direccora have tem day declared a Dividend of KIM rzit Coda., payable on demand. mvio-st lillaaTuN. Jr.. Ceadder. TCoMMEMOILAL _BMW OF PIEMNSYL- Vanita. .I•IIILADXLMIL, May 7, MI. e Board of Directors hove Una day i seta annual uivrdend of TIZBAB Pair CENT., verable orql an nd e fir,FRIDAY teat , the 10th instant, 'clear of to aira4St L C. PALMER. Maiden MARRIED. Irr - "I:llll4l : Altiti Pta l ec r icnrs,Nlay T,lBBl. he Directors* bare a this day declared Dividend of FMK Pa& OENT., parable o p dAT myB St AW,L. Cashier. MECIIAMICB9 DAMN. fIitadiELPSITA., My t, ge l ßoard or Diredtara h P ave this day dec lar a ed a Diet dead of THREE AND A HALF iha O.Hver.. n 78- ble on the 17th lasi., agreeably to the provtaiona ate. oba , ter. note at J. WIEGANn. Jr.. Cashier. Tr — BiTifiliorllOTLT lON BANK. ' , vont PUMADELPIIIA. May 7.1861. -J ae Board of Directoralave this slay deolareti a Divi dand of TR Kr IE, PER. CENT., for the lest six months, paYable on the 13th inst. na3B-witeSs* , JOB. 7 PEITML. Cashier. tirWESTERN BANK OF PRILADEL PH I ek, FILILAPELPIIIa, Key 7.1861. g_ 1 irentors of this Bank have this day dm:flared a Dividend of FOUR PAR,CENT.,DayanIe on ana biter the 17th humane. en73-6e U. Ia..'TREIUTNAINT, Cashier. rrOFFICE PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, Philadelphia, April 17 , 1861.-1 he card of Direatore have Ole day declared a econi-an anal dividend of THREE PE tt cENT. on the capital stook of the Company, clear of State tat, PaYatda on and alter Ma, lath, 1851. Powers of attorney for collection of dividends can be had on application at the office of the Compant, No. 259 4. Third street. THOMAS T. FIRTH, WM Ire Treasurer. itlltArAttl tiOODS. ATTENTION ! MILITARY ! ARMY EQUIPMENTS ! lIAUGHTON, SAWYER & NO. 516 28 rzArtb STREET BOSTON, Astor Bosse, New York; Continental Rome , Phila do villa; Binge Bonze, t-tintago ; Neil noose, Colum bus, Ohio. SAMPLES SEEN AS ABOVE. Kilassaoks6 listrersanks. Canthens,Cartridge Arias. Wagon and florae Covers. Cams B lankets . Meets' Cloaks,Overcoats. ?Cataluna and. ItidinL Lamaism ClOttnne Bags. Cue Cases, Beim column' nettty tees. °inners' Boota,tne famous Milits , y Bat. Fatigue Caul. army and lsasy Blankets. Heavy 'I wiled Flan nels, Ligat and Dark Blue Clothe. Flannel Snirte, Flannel Stti , a JOT a warm elintate.fiartba l di.Zooave. and Regular Army Uniforms. Army Tanta, United States Mass. Re. ml3-3c MILITARY . CLOTH,' BENJAMIN BULLOCK & BOI3S, Ito. 26 SOUTH FRONT STREET. " PHILADELPHIA, Are now manufacturing. at their own Mins, near Conshohocken, Montgomery county. Pa., 6-4 CLOTH, FUER ittp 'GO DmirS Adapted - expressly for ARMY CLOTHING. The mai enn be seen at their store as above. mylo-112t M . .11.41.TAAY . QUOTA. CADET~ CLOTH OF EItTPERIOR FABRIC, silitable for ARMY AND HOME GUARD UNIFORMS, NIANUpACTURIID BY GEORGE P. EVANS. Avele at Noe. 10 and 12 North FRONT Street JOHN THORNLEVS, 311 CHESTNUT e Street, north side—the oldest establishment in the United States. INDIA-RUBBER CAMP BLANKETS, For *nut and Jrau Fdinipmente. e..affr 6NT' ILLIBB.Pat CAM P AP 8M KNAPSACKS KNAPIIAO HAVERSAy n be BA VERSAC 8, CANTKE 5. . - TENTS. EION COVERS/ GUN COVERS, I, IP.KS. CAPEO. CAPS. CO oITS, . CAPS. COATS, And every other article that us manufactured of India Rubber—ie of the beet material. _...... taja-im it JOHN THORNI,r,x. MILITARY NOTICES. lAT "ENT ON !-001k1PANY 1, GAR t- BALM LEGION. Col Do Korponsy . commsnd‘ . Themeuthers, and others who wigs to juin, will meet for drill in hasemont of FAILMMLo' MARKET, this afternoon and evening. B SERRILL, Jr. UNITED STATE MARINE CORPS. WANTED: 200 able-bodied men, between the ogee of 21 and 32 jeer's. not lees than five feet four and a hay inches bitch, aim of good character. Moldier+, serving in %hie nom perform duty at navy fard' and on board United State' shims- of-war on oreign Marione. All other infoimanon which may be dewed will be given at the Rendezvous, No. 211 South FRONT Etreet. Find Lieutenant W. STORES BOv1), Recruiting Officer. BURNER RESORTS. BEDFORD SPRINGS.-A. G. ALLEN respectrully informs the public, that this well esta blished and prioulsr watering place is now open for tne teen ton and accommodation of visitor., and will be kept open until the smt of October. Persona wishing Bedford Mineral Water, will be sup plies at the elptote, at the feilewing For 1 bbl oak/ —•-- • • •—••••.4" UU (ma' berry 3 . 00 " " OD Bottleß..lf, pint, per d0z—..,., . .1. ....... 00 Parties wishing rooms, or it , Ly information in regard to the plane, will address the B Ilford Mineral Springs Company, Bedford. Pennsylvania. mla-360 urrON mu?. E, NIAGARA. it LLB , C CABAHA.—This Hotel will open for the season on the Ma hist. Families wishing board by the week can be accommodated with Cottages or Rooms_ in the Howe. calibers' rats . • JOnLIPI k DUNHT.EE, Proprietors. Niagara Falls. (Canada.) ?day 6,-1961. my 9-61 SODA. WATER TVIARLES M. BREAKFR'S N.-/ ICE-COLD SODA WATER. FRESH FRUIT 101,11711,_ AT NONTENANT RUMP AND tilißtlT ' NUT Britt. Bei. ,_The Veda 'Yrat-r is drawn from porcelain-lined rFounrains. mare and sparkling. well charred With oar ' bow fund gee. the syrups are prepared with the highest regard to retaining the NATURAL ITLAV , U r TES ream _lto pains -wilt' be spared -t1 maintain the hip oltareeter Whtott this Fountain .has already at- Bottled Elishillirister at AK ,AkseermerWifter, fresh from the fferiscs. COnetantly , on hand. mill.3mr CLOTHING. VABSIONABLE TAILOAItie Et3TA. BI.IB}PdENT, 328 GELUSTPILIT Street below Fdirth, south aide H. BTEVIshISON lespeottully informs his numerous customers and the 'eulnio in general that he has just reoeived his Baring Mein. which he will be pleased to sell on the most semonable terme for oath, mb22-fmw 2m SPRING. MILLINERY. INEW YORK STORE 47 South TENTH Etre, . above 04,84:mt. Miss WA T eRB wotrd 'Worn eistottotants or Phi ladehploa that she-will open at the above 'tore on TRUE NBA Y. Bleg-kti, came assortment of MILLINERY BEAU-DEE/Mk E. BERTHA ..ts 2E 44 . Ests.. which, owing to the dullness of the season, she will offer at a:seediest, low prices. . Ladles. to fusions themselves of this f,ot, will please call early at 27 EouLb TENTH street, a few doors Shove , intiB-40.* FREIGHT NOTICES. Nonoz TO SHIPPERS OF PRIHOHT. —ln pursuance of neldoe from the regnlar authori heti, all Rode forwarded by way of the Ptl I LAD EL, PAL& AND a BADLAG R AILLROAD to the States of 10.1.ShOHIfI L KEIJI UCKY, TENNEBBnE, ehn YI OIN I Must be distinotly marked "'Not Contraband," and, underneath *hese words the name of the rhipper. The Shippers' Receipt must also be marked ea above. and no g..ode of any description wall be forwarded to States South of the above named. my 4-Ira ASA WHITNEY. President. RPEVIAL NOTIOB.L-1511EPPSES WILL please tote notioe Unit the South Carolina B. ft .80. hose discontinued forWardlog all through freight and that erode formerly consigned to them moat now be conengn to a city agency. Blears. . B. & T. G. BUD will forward all goods to their address. A. HERON, sag Pre 108 North WEI A EVKE. POSTPONEMENT EDUCATIONAL CONVENTION. THE EDUCATIONAL. CONVENTION. Proposed to be held at HARRISBURG ON THE Met, MI, 231. and Kith OF MAY, MCC is hereby POSTPONED, At the request of a pine number of the pinions who were expected to be wittiest. It will, however, take glans at game more gettable time during the Bummer or Autumn, of which due PUBLIC NOTICE WILL BE GIVEN. M the objects end order of hulloes will then be the same u those set forth in the original aircular, all who reoeived that document will plasma ATTEND THE MEETING, When the time shall be stisommed, mitbout further inintation. Tao: H. BURROWS, Superintendent, Common Schools. SCHOOL MIPAIRTIVEMT. tt Bauxisetrie, May 184. s mll-3t 5; i2 $25 REWARD.—ZtoIen on Eatur . asY MOT - Oth, from the planners of R. W oRN 6, PENIS anent. West of Fortieth. West Rtoletdoo-bia, A. BLACK NOItAN,- black no-top WA GON (Watson make)rliarness,-DalfaloAltobe, Lap Bianketi, Blankets, se. Worse ban M 1 •irlyte stripe in facie. white ne-r an or-Welt foot, and ben a quarter creak in near tour toot parnrgrown out. - It* •' FOR LIVERPOOL—The steam ohm GREAT E.ASTIRAN, lion. Captain Cernagie. N. N., Commander, will sail from New York FOR LIVERPOOL SATURDAY, MAY 25 rAISSAUrE MONEY, First Beoond Cabin, with very meaner eeememodatione. 74 GRINNELL, MINTURN. & CO.. Aienti, New York. ttlylo-t2Ot iNg 446.1111 A rA E M C EP I E L XPR O EU C C E VO A 1 :110111.1hr o nomunieation having been eatsb hehed with Baltimore, by rail to Perryville and th.mee by boat, a debt t XeR bag will be dempatohed to wet oily, 010S111! G . Bum se meth BHA BING H ANL bawd rtendent. 3110 CKeßTNUetltrett. P - d,oLItAISTINArE NOT, but go while it 11 Yet to-os nod got ei colored ebogogrtirid for el. at Ith Ildhltoil complete and' extemova 00l or,. bbCO Os root, above Green. • It• IStAJP SERVED UP EVERY %„/ city by tl JAMES PRIMMER, niOR MAN wtrart. JVAIN WELSH. PRAO 11(411. SLATE ROOFER, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWN' Rood , U oreoaredto put on any amount of Roofing. on the roost nioderop terra& Wial guaranty to maga oven building neneatly water.tish Orden preppy attended to. not LI "LIMIT QUALITY IariMING !SIAM al -11.1 warn on harotand for sale at u vwr .BEACR Street, tiroonit. ray7-Ir SU WALNUT Brant; COMMISSION HOUSES BLUE KERSEYS AND CLOTHS, Buttabto for Military or Eaval parpottoo. For rale by FROTHINGELAM & WELLS, 33 LETITIA 13TREET. RETAIL DRY GOODS. LACK SILK COATS. GORED MANTLES. POPLIN DUSTERS. FRENCH SACQDES. eILK BA6Q.UINES, E*Ef3T DESIGNS. READY MADE, OR MADE TO ORDER. COOPER ik CONARD, myll-t26 8. E. corner NINTH and MARKET CONTINUATION OF GREAT SAT.F, OF CLOAKS, LACES, TRIMMINGS, Ezo., In liquidation of the Estate of J. W. PROCTOR iSc Co., . NO. 708 CHESTNUT STREET. The Stock consists of SPRING CLOAKS. ENGLISH TWEED maKs. SILK CLOAKS AND SACQUES, tHWE MANTILLAS, MANTILLAS, LACE FLOUNCING-5, . FRENCH LACE MANTILLAS, FRENCH LACE POINTS, FRENCH LACE BOURNOUX, TRAVELLING- SUITS, , FLOUNCING L WE% DRESS AND CLOAK TRIMMINGS, AO., All in immense variety, and to be sold at about one half the usual :mom for the benefit of creditors. PARIS MANTIL.LA EMPORIUM. my&-Im 70S CHESTS UT Street. NEW MANTILLA STORE. The most splendid SILK. MANTLES in the oity. noverx & CO., S;S: FOIITi/ TENTH STREET. a9lO-/m, SILK MANTILLAS, In every new style, the richest qualities ever seen, at the elegant New Store, 2 SOUTH TENTH STREET. HOUGH & CO. ep2o-1m Rfi PER CENT. LINDER COST EPA" PRIC SAVE TIME AND MONEY. Persons ono do both, by going at ones and bnYing their Dry Goode of U. "TEEL *. 80N, No. 713 North TF.NTII. &hove flostes, Who have a lar e and well-assorted stork of NEW AND bESThABLE GOODS, Whioh they are now closing oot at THIRTY PER CENT. UNDER COST. Rioh and blow Moak Bilks. at 900. Great bargains in Good Sleek hilts, Rich Rtyles of Foulard Bilks, from 37% to 62%0, wo r h oil%) Goods for Travelling Dream. lowa Gray . Poplins, at 100, worth leKe. SPEOTA.L NOTIOE ! Oa &ad after this date, EVTPETtYPOtSI & L UIND M OO.O 4 ff 8 r 7 TO CAM PURCHAIID/t8 OF DRY GOODS! Beinsdeteritined reduce their Stock they sill sive Good Bantams ! Beautiful PaeLoy Silks for t 5 mute, worth *1.12 Heavy Rusk Fancy Alike for $l, well Worth $1.22. Grenadine and Dame Goode, about one half their value. Gray mixed Goods, in every variety, from 8 oasts per yard to BLACK BILKS, RICIT AND LUSTROUS, VERY CH AT. Neat Bleak Brocade Alike, double faced, he.. &o. De Leine!, Calicoes, Caesimeree, Clothe, Vesting.. &a. Linen& kleshus, Flannels. Quilte. Covens, Ao. SHAWL D CLOAK-ROOM EXHIBITION French Lace mauves. ?mutes t dew's, tupeors: Camena Lace mantle.. Chantilly Lace Goods, Ac. Black Bilk Coats Mantles., &0.. in every style, At TOORNLe.‘ & CHIBAI _ O. N. Garner EIGHTH & faiDEN eta. rar2-tf ARElifEs Rioh Phrased BAITOININ, 19.28. and 93 cents. B -rose Robes. $3BO. 114.. ad $5. Mosambuitia Roues. M $5. Travelling Dress Goods. Pkerhenis' Plaids, Mohair Plait'''. Gingham, Lawns. mints , Challies. Gray Figured tiood, COOPER a ndONAD, a. E. Cottvtr NINTU TIIARKbT. .13.—Heirt hoop Skirts, 84 coots to 63 35 roy3l DRE , 43 GOODS GREATLY REDUCED. To snit the times All of our Fa,. ay Dress Goods Have teen marked to very low prices. anay Barese'. Challis, Mozon.biques, Barece Analaie, Poplins, Organdie. Lawns, anoyAllk4, Fonlar B. Ira oi and Pain tiny 'I ravelling Goods, Mildest, Calicos, Plaid G ode. New styles or a oaks in !Mews Silk, •rweq d and Pa , oy • loth Mantles. Lace Mantles, Motes and Shawls; Men's weer and Bop,' wear. utitsimeres, Linen Drills, Si ankinettes. Summer Studs. /MAK PLESS Bittalth.RS. inyyl CITYSTNIJT end SIGHT.II Streets. BLACK DRESS GOODS —B ARGAINS.— w ic k- Wo o l usiabea, 28 and 38 cents. Slack Wodl Dalamas. 45 and t 0 ovate. - Btaokikanekaa, 20, d3l cent& 01301 i Crape naretzt Oant34l Sta k Tamartuaaa, a' cents. sok Mika. alpacas, Bon,baenea, afelinoes. BlaulnFigured lialamaa,_ awns, and Chintzes. mlii CuOPER & CONAR 11, S. E. Corner NINTH end MARKET. QPEOTAL NOTIOE.—A RARE OBANOE FOR_E&RO UNA ! THU: ENTIRE gTOCE TO BE CLOD OUT! On account of the unsettled slate of the oountry. and depression in the mercantile line, 1 am determined to close out my stock much below the coat of lin coraVon. Great inducements will be offered in Dress Goods, Shawls. Silks &c ., and 1 would invite those wishing Dry Goods to examine it. One hundred Shetland Shawls Stoma& to Re. not halt their valve. at JOAN R. S ORM'. ap7B-ti 702 ARCH Street. CHARLES ADAMS 85 SON—EIGHTH AND ARCH STREETS— Will offer, t i e morning, a fine arisortment of STELLA &RAWLS. purchased at auction, and for malO IL e at a very email advance. ranging is price from 84 Also, a fine easorhnent of DRESS GOODS. Chalk Divinities. every variety from '12340. to M. Chen. Mohair. , nest styles, f rom 19a. to 260. Ottoman, My rteline. and Diagonal Poplins Silk, Embroidered, and Embroidered Diagonal Xs:m ilt liten Bilk Check Mohair, Ifki. and Me. tyCLOAKIrIiG6, in stripe! and plain colon. The latest shave of ROOF SE titTS ior Ladies and Misses. of the best quality, both tied, and vi ido and nem, ta_pe. FRENCR COLLARS AT HALF PRICE. A small lot jtuit purchased, which we will guarantee to be so'd at one-half tile usual prioe. Grenadine Veilr,ell color, end qualities. Veil Bantam all colors, including Wrenn° and drab. Particular attention in requested to our House Fur niehinit Goods. Shirting Linens, the beat article for Mo. ever offered, and betteransaties in proportion. Ballard Vale Flannela„a full line. base 4-4 unideached , whin, fine. 90. lease 4 4 nnbleaohed Mtudin heavy, M. I ease 31i °leached Al cairn, dlfo. tome 4 4 bleached Machu. ea.—splendid. loses 4 4 C. Adams & Bon, 10a. 1 use 4-4 C. Adams & son, ago. 5 4 Boott Mille Amoekeag and Dodgeville. 1 owe 10-4 bleached cheating, 160, recalls lows A 2-4 bleached Sheeting. 300, flimsily 400. spl3-tf PYRE & LANDELL OPEN THIS MORNING anew lot nt the Psishionab:a Flispberdo' Plaid GoodaJSM eta. Shepherds Plgud Valanoiaa. kbepaeros' Plaid Goat Nair. Bkapheria' Plaid 81Ik Good' ma .11LAGIC SILKS—Very superior grade of quality . .—As there is eo very httte difference b.- tween the pries of ordinary Blain Bilks and our fine gra d es , we invite buy era to &tontine our Blask Grade impend, Blue Edge Slack bilks. Heavy Wide Bilks fur Sacks. Black Corded/hike for Nooks. my 9 EYRE & LAHDELL. VYRE & LANDELL, Fourth and Arch, wiuorEN THI• DAY Ladies' awing Beek Clothe. Pliti 8.1 xnues. Mixed and Ylain. Bleak Mixed Wirer-proof Tweed,. Full assortment of Made•up Beaks. gPRING CLOARS, IN , EVERY NEW et 'VEDIC ai474m ' ' No. SS 8. Ninth street SPRING CLOAKS, IN ENDLESS VA riot,. at IVENS'. apt7-Ira SPRING CLAAR S, THE CHEAPEST ever neon, at IVENS', seer-lm No. 93 S, Ninth street, NSW STYLE ULOAKS, EVERY NEW style, every new material. at prices that setoniah every one. at the , large nor*. N..E. corner of Eighth and Walnut Waste. KW-1m CITY CLOAK STORE, No. 142 N. C Eighth street. above Cherry, are now selling even now style of the sewn, superb qualities, in even new shade of color, cheaper than any other store in the city. CLOAKS.—Wholesale Merchants are in vited to inspect the stook 14 IVENS', No. 23 Booth NINTH &rest, corner of Jayne et., apft-lat Between Meiket and Chestnut TOILET AND FANCY ARTICLES. DO YOU WANT WHISKERS? no you WANT WHISKERS DO YOU WANT A NLOVOTACHE: DO YOU WANT A MOUSTAORE BELEINGTIAM'S ONLEBRA.TED STIMULATING ONGUENT, FOR THE WHISKERS AN" HAIR The rabocribers take oleseure in aurioimeing to the citizens of the United States that they have obtained the Agency for. and are now enabled to offer to the American publin the above justly-celetirated and world-renowned artiole. THE STIMULATING UNGUENT Is rimmed by Dr. C. Y. BULLINGH AL an eminent ohymoian of London, and ii warranted to bung oat a Oink let of -.f130 WHISKERS. OR A MOUSTACHE In trom three to tax weeks. This article is the only one of the kind used by the French. and in London and Paris it le in universal use. It is a beautiful. economical. soothing. yet stztrittla ling compound. aeons as if by magic Upon the monk oansies be.ett fel growth or luxuriant hair. If ap• plied to the scalp wi itwill mow baldness. and cause LO atirtnit OP in the p la ne of the bald spots it fine growth of new hair Applied according to direotions, it will turn *ED or TOW! bait MIMI and restore gray hair to its 2riginal calor, leaving it *oft, smooth. and flexible. The " ONG VENT" is an indispensable attic*, in every gentlemen's toilet, and otter QUO wwilt.atuta they wont Illfar any consideration, be without it. e sobsoribers are the only Agnate for the article in e United Mates. to whom all orders Maid be ad dressed. Price one dollar a box ; for sale by_ all ,Denggists and Dealers; or a box of the " ONGUEIs T.' warranted to More the desired street. will be sent to any who desires it.by mail, direet. seourely peeked, on receipt di price and postage, 'Lee. Apply' to. or address HORACE L. KEGIEMAN &So.. 'Druggists, 4ke.. S 4 WILLIAM Street, New York. OYOWS lb CO., N 0.1132 North SECOND Street. Phi iteehphia Asento. sohatiko NEW PUBLICATIONS THE . DOCTRINE AND POLICY PROTECTION, WITH TIM HISTORY OF OUR TARIFFS, MOH TUE ofteArfiZATION OF TELE FEDERAL GOVERN MENT TO THE PRESENT TIME. BY DR. WILLIAM ELDER. Now that a desperate assault hi being made upon the new Tariff to oreindiee the public in advance against it, and, if possible, to have it repealed, it is important that its friends eh - uld be prepared to oombat the specious arguments of its antagonists. Nothing will better eerye tilte purpose than the oiroulation of the Pamphlet whose title is quoted above, which is one of the ablest and most Interesting documents that have ever appeared in support of the true American policy of loitering the treat Industrial interests of our country. It will be forwarded by mail or exprera for 10 cents eer single copy; 75 cents per dozen 85 per hundred. Add rem RINGWALT & BROWN, aPII-tf N 0.34 SOUTH THIRD atreet, Philadelphia. pI:OI3O4I2TIONAL DIA GR AMQ.—The at ' s Motion of 80boobs, AnEltnlnical Claetee. &c.. is called to the followi• g series of to gamma prepared under the direction of the English Governn ant for the D-partment of :lemma and Art in the Government .of Great Britain : __PHYSIOLOGICAL DIaGRASIS.--Prepared by John Marshal, F. R. C. 8. Nine Diagrams, life size. co lored. mounted on canvas, with roller. ZOOLOGICAL MAO R A M 8 —Pronared by R. Patter son. SQ.. M. F. I. A. of Belfast. Ten Diagrams. MILT colored, on rollers. BOTeNIOAt. DlAGRAMS:—Prepared by Professor Henslow. Nine Diagrams. fa ly colored. on rollers. oisTRONOM IC AL LIAGR A Milf.—Pie pared by John Drew. Esc. Twelve Diagram!, fully o.lored, on rollers. XT IN 1T ANIMALS OF THE ANCIvNT ORLD.—Prepared by B. Waterhettre Datieltine, P.G. 8.: P. L. 8. SLY Diagrams. double-tinted litho graphy. on toiler,. leachers and Leaturers will find the above superior to ant thing of the kind heretofore published, and In emty respect accurately drawn and col red. IVI c • LROY A. CM. .I.o:parterre of Enslakh Books. &a.. Mil St No. 27 8. SIX 131 -t., above • home.. TOOKB, LAW AN!) MINUELLANEO US, new and old, bought sold. and exchanged, at the PEILLADEI PHIL BANK BOOK STORK, No. 419 gRESTDI UT Street. Libraripp at a distance purchased. Tboae hawing f3ooka sell, if at a dietanoe, will state their mamas, bindings,dates, editions, Runes, and conditions. WAIITEDBooIre panted ty Benja min Franklin, an well as early Rocas pnnterd in and upon America- Autograph Lottors and Portraits Pur chased. Pamphlet Laws of Penns) 'wanks for sate. Cata logues. in press, sent free. Libraries appraised by reSs-tr i JOHN flan sini.l„T„. GREAT MILITARY SUPPLEMENT TO TEE PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. lIARDV..E'S TACTICS FOR THE MILLION, CONTAINED In an eight-page Supplement to THE PHILADELPHIA litorrinsu—embracing the School for the Soldier. School for ihe Company, and Instructions for Skirmishes for Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics. complete—illustrated with 24 engravings. and three correct maps of the Seat of War. Published by remission of Messrs. J. B. LIPPLIWOPT & Co. (Copyright scoured_) This valuable work for the rank and file of the Arum is now ready for delivery to News Dealers and Periodi cal Agents. Pride for 100 copie ....eB.OO " 20 " 1.26 Single copies 6 cents. Cash to accompany the order. Three or one cent stamps will be received in payment for amounts under one dollar. FPM_ W. HARDING, Philadelphia Inquirer, No. 121 S. THIRD Street. in , lo-3t-if PHILADELPHIA. WANTS. MANTWAOTURERS AND WHOLE ISdLiS Conmernial Traveller. Who will leave in a few days for toe Comedies, would like to add one or in re 004.MISSIO1 a to those already engaged. from gorkd and reliant-a houses rolleations made. Unexeeptiona le raferer one furnished. Ad dress "0. W. M.," .00X 1.5 t, P. 0.; Emiaunis,nia. int-3t* WANTED—.A Lad to do Errands. Ad drne " T." Press offiese. WAINTBD—,SIikiNTeI to sell PAtAfaL -OEB of STATIONERY and JEWELRY. at prbues one third less than can be purchased elsewhere. Call on or address (stamp enclosen) J. L. BAILEY, No. 164 COURT Street, Beaton. Mess. mh*-3m EMPLOYERS Men, Eto., a re invited to address the" Emilor ment Committee,' at this Rooms of the Young reen'a Chnetian ./leeomation, 1009 and 1011 CHESTNUT Street &T3-6m WANTED--A VESSEL. of the caps olt7 of from 1.000 to 1.000 barrels, to load for the West Apply to JAURETCHE & CARSTAIRR, mon 110 e and 404 Bomb FRONT Street. BOARDIN G. BOA ItDIDI G.—Desirable Rooms, with BOARD, at MRS. POLLARD'S, No. 1634 SPRU E street. myte4t* Araw FAMILIES can obtain comfortable BOARD. and be pleasantly situated derma the Bummer. in BEVoNLY. N. J Toms. $6 per week. 'SLRrticulate. apply, by letter. to C. 8..244 South TEriTa at. rele-wfm4r BOARDERS will be received at a, retired but pleaaantls-situated Farm House, in CHES TER COUNTY. but a abort distanoe from tee Fail road. The dwelline is beautifully eheded. which. with lane Vegetable and Fruit Oa -dna, will rurgigh,bnara ere with even lord the Gauntry can afford. Mama "ff.s 13.." office of The Press. spro-im* LEVAb. TN TELE ORPHANS ) COURT FOR THE .•-• CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Mamba of P errEft JACOBS. deceased. Notice is hereby Men that the widow of the said de • 'tiedint bee find in arid Court her petition and appottaa went alai ming to retain the pereonal property therein mentioned of the value of $3OO, ender the sot of 14th Apia 15.51. end 'hat thermion , at I be approved on FRI DAY. the 17,h day of MAY.IB6I, unless exceptions be filed theret.i. THORN, sopa-Milt* for Petitioner. N THE ORPUANS' COURT FOR IHE I CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPRIA. Fetate of THOMAS B WORTHINGTON, deceased- An apprairemer.t under the athreetion of the aot t.f 14th aprit.lBSl. and supplement. hewing been dray filed in the sato Con , t , no.too is hereby given that Itebeaea Worthington, widow of es.id dooedeot, clause to retain the nereouai estate therein referred to. to the value of SSW, and will apply to the °rant& Court for approval of said appratement. on Ftt AMY, the 17th day of May, A.D. MIL, atilt d'olook A. al. N. D. & T. P. POTTS, inh-fm-4t* Attorneys for the Widow. IN THE OBPaANS' 0 MET LeOit, Tits CITY ANO COUNTY OP POI I,AtIELPHIA. t state of JOHN RbYNE R, dedeseed. An avvral« ment under the Bth sectom of the sot of 14th Ansi,. 1861. ana suppler , ant, ha. int been duly Mee in the said ...mot by the widow of said decedent. no tice is hereby given that mei widow &limn to retain the personal property referred .o therein. to t , value of sBo o a 6 and writ apt}, el the Or_phausi Court far an 'royal of rigid sepraieement on 1R DAY. the 17th day of May. A. 11.1861, at 10 o'clock a. M. - Yr. B. & I'. POTTS. Attorneys for the Widow. 1N THE ORPHANS ' UoURT FUR THE CITY Antcopry 0E.P13 I kik DE:L 1.11 lA. - . /state of JA.r..E deo'd. The auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court to an dd settle. and adjust the first bud heal account of W ILSON K r KR. r dministrator of the e.tate of JAN 1..; NICHOLAS. declassed. and to report distrioution of the balance in the hands of the accountant. will meet the parties mtereeted, for the purposes of his appointment, on THUMB ',AY, the Slid day of May . D lOU, at 4 o'olonic P. M., at the whTIIERILL, libUtiE. in RANSOM Street, above Sixth, be °Ay of Philadel phia. TWO. r. rOT to, m le. fuiW-et Auditor. SHERIFF'S virtue of an or gl/4.7 der of sale, issued out of the Court of Comm' n Pleas of iv. ontsomery county, and to me direoted. will be exposed to sale. by public vendee, on AI P/i Y. the SOth day of May. A. D 1861 at 1 o'clock I'. m., at the sheriff's tiftee. in the Court House, in the borough of Norri town, and county aforesaid. the following de scribed Real 1 , rate: A-1 that messuege and tenement end tract of LAND. situated in the township of Lower Marion. in, thp afore aid beginning at a stone (a oorner of this lend) of Lesher. south tweoty-eix degrees and fifty minutes, east twentu to even perches and anl-one hundredths ..1 two , a stone. a corner of this and said land of William Sher, in line Id lands of Samuel sanders ; thence along said 'mid of Samuel modern, south seventy•two degrees and seven minutes. west thirty-four paretic', and ten hundreoihs of a perch, to a stone, a corer of this and said land ot &must ganders, in line of of Bennis Kelly ; thence along said and of Dennis Kelly. north twenty- air. degrees fifty minutes, west twenty-two percuen and tour hundredths& savanna. & stone a corner tis and land of -ammo! Sanders; thence stens laid tend of dallbuOl nandor., nor'!' 4nx y throe dowel, and i en minutes, e ar-tee perches and seventy-two hundredth. or a part h. to the pleas of beginning— obtaining. according to at recent survey. five acres, thirty•one perches, and eighty-nine hun dredths of a perch. The improvements are two-gory frame Dwelling Bonne. irerne Barn. draw•welt ot Water. II O. To be gold by virtue of certain proceedings, in par tition in the t'ourt of Common Pleas of Montgomery county. wherein Jacob IL Hodder and others are de maudants. and dame i Fiss aid others defendants . JORN M. oTaLlFFtqc Sheriff. SE vltlYT'a PFPICE. 111011 , 18L0*11. April 26, 1861. ame-maye. 13 at IN THE DISTRICT COURT F•4l. TI E . CITY AND COUNTS/ OF PHILADELPHIA. WILLIAM. DIVER and ELIZABETH. him Wife. vs. Wet CLAYTON and Charlotte,his Wife,(for merit Diver,) and JANE DIVER. June Term, 1861. No. 17. Pursuant to an order of Court, made in this case, the writ of ummona leaned therein is published, mg Coy and County of Philadelphia, sy. EageL.l The ommonwealth of Pennsylvania to the - Sheriff of Philadelphot onno t v wenn' William Diver and Elizabeth, hue wife, moire you secure of prosecuting their Maim, then we command you that you sumuion. by good and lawful etimmonere. sio illiam Cloy ton and tlharlotte. his Wife. fornierly Charlotte Diver.) and Jane Diver, late o' your °ono •, t ro that they he and appear bef-re our Judges at Ph fa der 11% at rior District Court for the Cup and Coon of Philadelphia, there to be held the let MON AV OP JUNE NEX I`, to show wherefore, whereas they. tie said demandant and the said datendant. together and undivided. do bold all that certain mos nage or tone meet and lot or piece of ground, .ituate Manay nag, bon. deo. limited and deserab.d ea f Bows: beitinnino at the northwestern oorner of a lot sold by the Sheriff o the City and County.of Poi.adelphus es the eropprty Of William Diver. that is. in the line of a street laid out by the Penni thin Navigation Comps ". called ...°r street 96 beet 6 tootles northwestward), foun tee corner of Market and Tower streets, thence extending alone the eastward! r hue of 1 ower street north 37 deg. and so one. went 16 f ee t g inches to a earner of a tot sold to John 41. Stephens, thence north 63 deg. 30 min ,east a nog said Steptiens' lice 95 fest II inches to the west erly aide of Ellis street, thence along the said line of k evert south 30 deg. 39 min., east 18 feet 2% inches to a corner of the lot sold by the Sheriff as atoreasid. thence along the line of the same 94 feet 2i inches to the piece of beginning. with the appur enmities. The same defendants partition thereof between 'heal to be mace (according to the laws and customs of this Com monwealth in each ease made and provided), do gain en.. and the same to be done. do not permit, very un- Instil , and against the IMMO laws and customs, as It is Baia, ito. And nave you then there the names Of those summoners and this writ. Witness the Ilonorab'e Geo. Shorewood. Doctor of Law, Premidest our said Conn at Philadelphia. the *.h day of march, in the year o our Lord MIS . apta mat F. A. TRr 00. Pro &CAW/. ntFSOLUTION OF 00PARTNERSIl1 P. Tho Copartnership heretofore ex iving between the Iv dereignett. under Ibe unmoor tdANUI. Nt ItlB. & cOo la the day diavolYed be n 17.1141 careen.. 411 "" C419 hide: o oo to the to firm ere reeoeste to make payment ot their accounts to nal% DY., who tomtits authorized to reeei t for the memo, lad to nee the name of the brain' wo , the t r i ii aer . u. C. W. 11101 ALP, Philadelphia, Mel 7, 28 1 11. NOTIC ft.—The undervisned roneetrally inionhe the eaIITAMOVII of the late Min of HANDY, MO R Et, & et , . that he wi.l oonttnue th. same clench of business as his own name, at the rid stand. 113 South Po t, H Eicieet, and Wiens the continuance HEN or th R en. patrocat e. Y HAN DY. Phaaaelphia , Mai 80881. mil et 130TATOK13.- 1,000 Bbls. of good vari °tie. In gore, and lots oomnif forward daity. WOODRUFF TA YLOR. Oonanuainon Me•ohanta, raylo-a - rich 4 ARCS arrest. AIMS ratErirTs IVADEMY OF MUST!). CONCERT UT Ilia PIIP - .1..i OP THE kNF.-eTRF.F.T G H.LS i.k 1 1 .1.nAlt 1301100 L, For the formation or a Fund for the HELD. F OF Tit v. Vow NTFL'Ffg, On • TiffiFOD VENING, May 16th 1861, at 8 We! k. Prot'. JUNK BOWER has ki. Irby volunteered egrvinne am Concluotor nn the occasion end will tie ea e..ted to Prof BA PUS and (ahem Who have bhp volunteered the r tierviots. Tiara. 16 Gents; Gan be yr. oared at the Fit. ar° Stores sea also as The Acad•iny of Music the day and evening of the Concert. myla et WALNTJT-STREET TUEATRE. tole Levee.— Airs. 1W- .B,GARRETTBOYI. Mige m abater W M. A. CHAPMA.N. nose Agent . -_Mr. JOS. D. NMI-PRY. THIB hlO NDAY 1 EV t , NINO. May 13 /. Will be presented a now and original Igati,,nat ursine. entitled • TOE P ATilltEr DR Or, The Past, the Present., and • he Future. Adam Gray, M r. f.dwl a Adams s Revert - indsan J. IS. Wright; Kate Gilmer, Mrs. A Cowell. dna Le ca PRICES.—) ress carom (Beate NeOUred With out extra charge.) 30 ciente; parquet. Oteatileetlred al 60 ciente.) 3734 ciente; family crate, gents; private boles, *Sand 19S; orchestra. 7a cents. Doors open at quarter peat 7 o'clock eurtain will ruse at a quarter to S .1.0.3016. U 0 DONOCGH'S OL MPIC THEATRE, RACE Street. below Third. THIS (biSON O V r E a) 818 EvrEfteEiltrio, Mit 13. g• , oEvt.N BtB vgits Pam-The Msnajtomeot bop lean to ehuouotie the fre•Oyeninir of the Oiy mom Thetre, when the 8 nVEN Will be performed wait many ami. cone. GRAND REVOLUTIONARY ACT. EnKtled NI() CHER BATLEY, or the DAYS OF 76! Will be ,ntroeueed. welob oeol,ion h KY OIiArA2AII will appear. The .1,48 r etcpNE, THE Bt*TEI oF'THE BUTTERFLY Will be brought foTilt rwar m d. . NO{ FON. f tale Manner._ SANFORD'S OPERA ROUSE, ELEVENIR STREET OPEN_ FOR THE. SEASON NEWLY DECORATED AND PAINTED. MR. SiNFOiLD Res meowed one of the LARGEST COMPANIES MY Presented hovetvlore who will appear nightly. Sanford will perform every evening. Doors open at 7 ; Commence at 7%. Admisomn 25 coots. Ch ,m 15 nest,. 'ragGERMANIst OROHRSTRA. AN -I+loUri''E their three la.t Pub . lie Rehearselig the Memel Fe , d Halt, the last one or the eras= to lake Dime an Sal UR Y, May the 26th. 'lietete to be obtained at the usual place. mlB 1,124 pENNA. IWAILMSIY UN TEIN FINE .ABTO-1025 OfIE"ITNUT EITBIBBT. The TAirtv-eightli BNB AL EXHIBITION of I'AINTIN6•I and &CULP MICE ta now apon Admittanoe 25 cents; Neiman Ticket/ 50 ()ennui Obit dren half price. Oatalcknee ID cent/. btookhwdept m will receive their tier.' at the academy ' FOE SALE AND TO LET. ag A. HOUSE TO RENT TO A SMALL AIL f.mily in exobange for Board. Address "Logan," ea tide office• n MAP in FOR EJAI E OR TO RRNT—The vain. 11-M able four-story iron front store. No IN RACE street, through to Pemoroas Pl• ea from Peound street to tha west-18 feet I root. and lle reef deep, °Mar is ed for aehre or a I.rge roanulaorPr.. Inquire • n the b• Mises. or t 3 PO a's 3 & CAMERONS, tiering Garden, elow Seveo'h. ml 3 at* gmFAR biilll3—Feveral very desirable Three-strory BRUIN. ID sir ELLING 11011 4 ES, with 01re-story back but dints, eneinsed verandah., and summer kitch.ne; built with the very heat material and to workmanlike manner w th °trout+ r m Ode door ways. most approved heaters and tames may b e .an tes, hot aid road water, water in chambers; hen I comely papered throughout, fmi hod in the latest style. Sanded on tit. cam std. of -.:V.,firn etmet a ova Thompson street, Twent eth ward. Apply on the P MEM MY I lit GERMANTOWN PROPERTY TO inaLPT -*A eornmodiona 191491F10N, rbaded by lame trees, within a abort dietaries from tth.temaiter Lane ;tuition. inquire of IT. , tot:SA L 1,44 my 9 15 South SECOND street. Ng FOR [ ) RdALE a TO RENT--Three latqlcommodions brick DWELLINGS in Eaddonii_eid, New Jersey , centrally located, • well seeded, WO., within two equates of railroad depot CA,EL BRINK, a .28-tf ilg2 W /Ma UT SW et, ITV RENT WITH FUKVITIJRE.—A handsome Pouss, with every modern conveni ence, in arch street, west of vevionteenth. ARply to A. P. .t . MORRIS, ap9o-Im 9 1 6 ARCA btrest. T o LET-BKOOND•STORT ROOM, 802 QHFSTNLIT fotreet. over LEWIS L.ILDOMUS & Co.'s Jewelry Otero, The best location in PhiWel phis for any kind of light business. Apply in the , Jewelry !More. Rent NM. fetO ql4) RENT—A very desirable 1.310KE, • on the Ninth-street front of "The Continental Hotel." The Store at Ninth and Sansom streets lOW OitillT adapted for a Sannix and Harness Maker. Apply to JOHN MME feb-tt Southwest 'NINTH and RANSOM &treats. im TO LET—A DESIRABLE DWEL ma. LINO. NO 123 North THIRTEENTH Btreat. Apply to °VETE ErtlL & HROTHAR, 47 vmd 49 North SECOND Rtreet. mhl4•tf CHESTNUT-ttTR.KET HOUtiR and JCL STORE to rant,—The denirable Whim location. isa 011E9 If UT Mmes. with awaiting attaghod. Apply at 431 Off EATNUT *pa GERbI AN 'D •WN PROP CR'rY TO RENT.—To Rent. the large and oommodioue modern- bat House. corner of AAMAT Otreet end WILLIQW Avenue, 7.th gas, oath, hot end Dolt waters and ah the modern Improvements. DPI; to mot x B. TARR, 710 IG ft.s.bil treat. rhilattelenta, or ou tbe grerdiamr. e tr it TO RENT TWo COUNTRY FFOUSFEI,..one mile from TO*01:13. %%rip. Wiki,l3ok - Mreet. PO KENT—TES LAR . iN AND CON- ArEffIENT Coed Wharf and Lumber Tardt Mayjandville. Twenty • fourth ward. Apply to 0, it vt' untthl or. the uremisea. irikalcd pelt EXOLLABOE.—A i.31010E ThMJT ofgoou uslingroveu farm land in the State of New lereey, convenient to the city. will 60 excbenged_ for sitg_luourty. Andy at No. 11 , 11 FEDERAL, S treet. e4=- tf RtJUICSUN,ILEAL.E6TATE BKOKBR 0 AND CONVEYANCER, rionfunowri, PA. Deal Estate bought and sold on reasonable terms. Etores and dwellings tor sale Or rent in Nornettiwn and country. Dam mortgages negotiated, Volleotions MAW. The best referenems MIT!. 424.60 SAY ES . 111 LILLIE'S SAFE DEPOT REMOVED to No, 41 South SEVENTH Street. near the flint fin Tantalite, :she undermined, shameful for part Sworn' and balite determined to ment future patronage, has secured elegant and convenient,etore. and has now on hand large assortment of Lillie's Celebrated Wrought Mulled Iron Fife and Burglar Proof Setae, (the mnotly fire and burglar pmof safes made.) Also, - lie's Unequal led Bank Vault, Safe. and Sank Islibee Bank Vault Doors and Looks will be furnished to order on short notice. Thu 1e the strongest, best protected, and dampest Door and Look yet offered, Also, particular attention is called to Lillie's! Hole Cabinet Safe for Plate, Jewelry &a. This Safe is oort cedeg to surpass in sty!o and elegance nitrating yet oU fared for this purpose, and is the only one that is strict ly fire and burglar proof. Nc rzcis.—l have now on hand say twenty of Farrel, Herring, & Co.'s Safes , moat of them nearly complete 6011340 Torty of other makers. comprising a assortment as to sizes, and all Lately ex changed for the now Celebrated Lithe Cafe. They will be gold at very low prices. Please call and examine, lass.igir e• nr . ..Fr • ,••••lk. INOVALANCis t%t)mf 4k re f l 5. VAMIC INSURA.NOE 004 PANY T /8- - No. 406 -CEEMNUT Street. FIRE AND IND AN° ItiaußANCli. DIRACTORN. *gorge W. Day-_--ot Day. & Matlack. Samuel Wright - " Wright Bros & Cy. J. E. Eirr.sy " Drone A. Ninon. Minty Lams, " Lewis Bros & Co. C. Richardson- " J. C. Howe ea Co. Samuel T. Bodine.- -Preset Wyoming Canal Illermer Dm W. Evermatt.--ofW. Emmen & Co. Geo. A. Went " W est & Fobs& 7. S. Martin-. " Savage, Martin. & Co. 0. Wilson Davi s.-.-.. Attorney-at. law. B. D. Woodtur---of Sibtex, Molten, Woodret Jno. Under, Green Street. GEORGE W. DAY,_Freendent. FRANCIS N. BUCK. vice Freeiden_t. WILLLAMS I. BLAN CHARD. Secretary. jaal-itti A NTHRAOITE INBI3ILA.NOS OOMPA z - -s- . L-Antherised Capital *4OO4O2O—GRAJLTER PERPETUAL. Moe No. 311. WALNYII7 8 tre•t. betwoon glint snd FOUT.th Street, Philadelphia. This Ccompisuy wlli 11.111 re *plias}, lots or Luang* 10 Fire, on BoUdinico, Pnnutare. and Merebandise gesso ugly. Also. Marine Inrarenees en Vessels. Cargoes. and Freights. Inland Ingsranee to en parts a Mellon. DIFEDFOIge Jaeob Esher, Joseph Miiiine)d. D. Lather., John f[otohaat, i. h.ndenried. John B. 13hhhisten. Davie Fesnen. Win. F. Dean. Peter Diegsr. JACOB F.exeß,_rredient. WK. F. DEAN. Vise Freddie& W. M. EIMIIII. Seeretarr. gle-gt FIAT LNG FITNDS. SAVING} FUND—UNITKIJ IST &TSB TRUST COMPANY, corner THIRD And CREST NUT Streets. INTEILESS FLVE PER CEN T, S. R. CRAWFORD. Prez,dent. JAM R. HUNTER. Secretary and Treeimer. Office boars. trom /0 until 3 0 . 0/OCA. This COMpiny is not Joined in any ADDlioation to the Legislature. fee AMEXICAN SAYING NIA 11, 8. Z. cor ner WALNUT emd FOURTH Streets, continue to receive deposits and eayenam on demand pp it Las always done. M.EXANEER WHLIALDIN. , Jose B. Winsole. Treaaaree. r reaid eae PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND Dab. 8t.411..a0A • —PUIL•DIELPII lA. Ma, 4.1861. 111.A1Pilll FOR WAS INO VON. On and after loonda.r. May 6. iBlll. l rains for Wash ington, via r rinapolus, will leave Pititadalptua at 11.66 A. M. andlOBOY.M. RKTuarallo, Wil' arrive at Phi l a4e'plipn Prom Washington at 10.18 A M.. aaid alro at 9.21 P Throuth rickets so d at 'the depot, corner of Broad and Prime atm.:ire, l'ililadelpois mi 6 8. M. FFLTON. F'BII4AUELPHIA AND a-temi R FADING RAILROAD CO.. (Office 2:11 South Fourc. street.) PIIII.•DELPITIA, April 17, 1861. SEASON 1 WAETS. _ - On and after May 1 18at. galleon tickets will be issued by this corupany tor th periods of three, six, nine, and twe.ve months, not transferable. Beason inibutd-tickets may CM) be had at 33 per omit. discount. 1 hese welters will b+ sold by the Treasurer at No. d 27 South FOOftT H. Street, where any further information oahheobtaiued. S. BR•DiOnD , ap29-tf Treasurer. irgaruse FUR NEW YORE, /YEW DALLY LINN. Tilt Mow , " an d Renter, eenaL Phi indelphis end New York Express 'Rumbaed. Cote. van, %via raceme freight on and after MONDAY. inn instant, and leave daily at! P. al delivering their °m int% in NOW York the following days. Freights taken at "irti"atP No. 14 BOU'ruW DAa VEB. P i JAMEB` 4 11 1 Agent, Piety 14 and la zaor New York. . tog NEW YORK. —ME Plohirhirt Steam Propeller Company will cammeno o Mar Maness for the season on ?done ey . Wu gnat. • Their Bummers are now rooming freight at Second Pier above Or &lut street. Terms soOomMMISUDI. AgplVo w. . BAIRD & CO.. 424 Month Delaware Avenue. 0 DR. J- WlBlit, No. 3e North FIFTH lirreet, YUMA DFa.PfloA—Treats anoneastu.ly. if allied to in tine . Ml Mirmes o, the LONGS. t. 41 0 rw ti al .Ihn ft 1. and frequently °taps curl:Arm lON in its [turd andpsat stave. lie Wm. remotes an eatable dieseeos of dmKy. IK and EAR. be bas given th em hie entire attoutiori Mr t* Uri nest 20 sewn. Wm punt patients. when d _9l4 9mcreai• st their residences. HaVANA large acid splen d.d e.rsortenwiet orAil leiSel and aaantlu. to 'tore Ant for Call verr low f ar " In DT OBA Ri f y ' VTR, moo tat .1a • u Armor ' l ' - '•,l-•;,- - Idanufacturtd and for j sale bi 47 a tT8 4,4 8 R v l ott L h Jos ta.BCPo°NDatEtrilet. hoßo.-1.25 tierces extra Leaf Lard., for gala by Q . G. SAMBA k CO.. 103 ABM MT% mboo tinny . AD./. Fmrr, rl7 t ribra OlL—Pure Olive Oil, Wont" kitBitlearMa t urstlik iftaiNW tr-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers