Tllll - 1 2 11255 , WOWED DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) BY TORN W. FORNEY, OFFICE NO 417- CUESTNUT STREET. DAILY PRESS, Phrase Ccirs psi. Wszl, ignible to the m a iled to eubooribere out of the City at Six Detzaue psi Asrmt, FOUR Dormase You. Emir fdotrrue, w iz poLtalks rya aucal . ormns—invniiably in ad .none for the time ordered: TRI-WERELY PRESS. ono to Subeoribere out of the City at Taxis Dia- Wes Psi. Murex, to adesuee. GOODS. - b.-WRNG OPENING OF CHILDREN'S GOODS. THURSDAY, APRIL LINCOLN . , 'WOOD, & NICHOLS, y ll.a; No. TO§ OILESTRITS MEET. --- 111 41 u 561. ROSENI-1E1241, BROOKS. NO. 431 MARKET /ITEM*, North: side. near Fifth. Invite the attention of biters to their 'bowl AND RANDOMs inumenme ow 8113130N5, .1 1- LOWEBS. STRAW AND FAIWY BONNETS , MIMS' AND CHILDREN'S HATS AND FLATS. taILULEB.HOODS, NUCHEs, lAD AIL ARTICLES AP.PHRTAINIfidi TO WE MILLINERY 1411 E. watalm FRAMES, FRENCH. FLOWERS, sTR4 Vir GOODS. 1110; LATE S 7 MIAS CONSTANTLY .RN ONITMO. THOS. It' iiINNEDY 8c BRO zw. 729 CIINSTNUT Street. below MONT& salt-Sat CABINET FURNITURE. CaI3iNIIT FURNITURE AND BIL LLAIth TABIAM. MOORED CAMPION. SOBECOND STREET. oonnootioa u xi t tli 4Leir extennive Cabinet Business. are now man Mal a nuffortor baled° of ILLIARD TABLES, d haws now on heed a fell suliolly. finhed wi An ll 3100ILS A. CAMPION'S iMPROVE D CUIDIM & M Mash proananoed. at all who have weed tame, to tOt MOMt to all ahem. For the axiality and finish of thew Tables the wan retrilireAte r°ll4trt watt LOOKING GLASSES. LOOTUNEH}T.IVSSES. Mow daily exhibiting and completing new and Magian styles of - • LOOK.ING-GLIISS&S , Gianbinuts ail the latest improvements end futilities in Gansfacturst direst novelties in %%hint and Gold and Itoessread sad Gold Fame. for MIRRORS. TM most infamies and ruled assortment to GO ssentty. .lAXIIB S. BAHL& & SON, BAK I. Eff' GALLBEISS, =_Bl6 OlLarnirEnr israxsT GROCERIES. EXCELSIOR HAMS- J. H. MICHENER & 00.. REZISKAL PROVISION DEALERS. AND 1■ OP .CELEBRATED. uE E S I.Q it" SOGAR4U.RED HAMS. NOL 14 AND 144 NORTH FRONT MEET Maws= Arch, sad Rao. &meta.) PHILADELPHIA. i r •1•11 .441Stratad Excelsior flaws aro oozed by J-11 & -On &style pasha to tlieumetrom), ex itDiafa i s Zatraimai l =reerz. onzoonapowo ,_ any now offered i Voale. apiCtot ew . Vibe ELINUTON HBICELNU. , . F/1127 OF THE MAXON. . ALBERT O. ROBERTS, DKILLEN IN FINE GROORRIES. alas CONES NI•EVIEWiII AXD YWE. .r -- JEWELItY, aq. PATENT STUDS! Ai - PATENT STUDS: the Improved Patent Lever Ibiral 'Ming AAFETY trrIIIIN, andl , the Patent PEA ..OnnTan. , having been thoroughly tested, and possesinng advantages over every other invention, are being very generally adopted by Gentlemen of tide. Sold Wholesale and Retail ONLY, by - TWAT HOLDEN, 708 MARKET STREET, Importer of Cdooka. Wekohes. and *weal Nl l .3== prisoza HAVING FINE WATCHES that hove hitherto given no satisfhotire to the wearsrs. are invited to bring them to our store, where an dentate can be remedied by thoroughly ski lful sad SolentSe workmen, and the watch wvmsnted to give dizkitwe satiaaation. Msatel Clocks, Blesical Boxes, /so., carefully cut in complete order. FARE Is BROTHER, mmortsre of Watches. Muntalßazes. Moir& lbe, tht-tm WM. Clatintt UT Street. below Fourth. GENTS' RIIHNISHING GOODS. BAWIAINS BAREMINS! BARGAINS! 839 CHESTNUT STREET Raying reduowl our exneneee to a very-krw Azure, by renting a *intim of our store for le limited period, ere are enabled to mate great reduntioni in the idea of our. Goode. - We would cell your attention to OUR LARGE AHD COMPLETE STOCK o 1 SHIRTS, COLLARS, UNDERSHIRT& DRAWERS, HOSLERY, GLOVES, BUSPENDbRB, TLES, HEIM; 01 7 " THE LATEST STYLES, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICER, Wjdok lIXI WO realm:tinny invited to examine, at SPENCER'S, SIWOSESTNUT STRISET, OPPOSITE TES CONTINENTAL. ADIS-irks-OM FLOOR. OIL•CLOTIIS. AUSTIN BROWN. WHOLESALE DEALER. IN FLOOR OIL-CLOTHS. 1« In neat stook by throe times in Phibmielpilint PRWES LOW. At Earth 7EIRDIST/LBEt. otainki `7` - -- " ' BANKING. R ic / 4 .24 ER & BANKERS, No. SO SOUTH THIRD STREET. TIME PAPPA NEGOTIATED. COLLECTIONS MUIR ON ALL ACCESSIBLE POINTS IN THE UNION: lIVCAS AND BONDS BOUGHS AND SOLD O 2 COMMISSION Sir eurrent Bank Notes bought at the lowest rateg fo r ismonnt, Drafty We On 'England and Ireland. [myB satathim AUGUST BELMONT iL 00., BA.NFLEB.B, 6 0 WALL STRERT, NEW YORK, lams etteriot or dls to tritlrOnOTl, avanable la $ MU Itaroge.thanugh the Moms. 7totbsokuld of Pao Na. London. Frankfort. K.laaa. Inours. and their tor BlioFatifAFEßß, & /nue. rancrs, Oil& AIID VAR. 0115111.611, .011141‘ FORD atii /k/011111 UMW _.„ . _ .; ,:: st • '' 4 5. '. !'.,:: • .. . - - ' *.:, t i I'l . • ... ..,.. - - . .' , - . , - • • . . - • -- _ . . . • • - -- :" - '.., • __- + '" \\ i t i t ~',' '. •.,- iI y '''''. I, .. -.- ._, - . . . . _,.....„ .:.•;_ . 1 4........... ~, . _ _i 1 iiti.` 0 ,;,•••,, i‘.. . ..1•111 . -(_ s., .• - -, ~ a raL, - - - •"'''' !" ''' 'l4 t!" '''' s .,'":;" A', I t .'" "trtt tt . . ' ../,' . &I .... n - .. ".., .4 ...,,,.. . .--".: ' ...., ' -----,-,..-..,__ ... r, - . - • . .., -• ti_ .•• --' • i- '"-- t 47-1 6117 '--•. -- - 1 liff .A.m.1 1 ,"..Z, '"4OINAL - :7,- - -;' • - :,--,--' _, r . '...'. ~ • ~• ...___., ? - • ~._ • , _:. i ,... ' -- '"- - --4 - 4, . . . ~,..- • Z, ' T- - ". ' - tie '....1. 11 :;• ' I '4 i l,' * .- .. ~ - ' ---,- ..: ' posi -._ -:,-, -- -_ : :::i: .„1 ,,,: . oi l. ig r itA 4.! dil . .?-. .„, . 1 , ....... .I\-. _,. 7 . ~,. ..-.1- • -•-",- ..,...,„..,.... - 0. 1 :04.•„,... L ...,i-Enlir„,,. _ ~,,.•::.,.......... i „, ,, ,,,, 1 ,.. ...„ 744 ,„,„,,,,....,„„,....„„,.. -- 77 .- .v, . , - - ""- - ' , 2',tt:71, ,!--- - , :,,,,_.....,- - - '--',... _____.• - _ --4-.-."1" . - •ti ti _, , ... . ..x .._.... -- 3 -; ' '' -. 70rtz.21.7,7 . ,JAI .... r: . . .. . '' • ' VOL. 4.-Nth 243. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. JOSHUA L. DAILY, NO. 913 MARKET STREET. Invites the special attention of CASH BUYERS TO HIS CHOICE STOCK FANCY AND STAPLE _ DRY GOODS, OOMPRIEINO ONE OF THE BEST ASSORTMENTS OF • FRESH GOODS IN .THE PHILADELPHIA:MAREET. apR-tf 1 4 6 I *PILING. 1.14501. RZEQ EL, BAIRD. & IMPtiBTXRB AND JOINERS Of DRY GOODS. No. 41 rioa , ra TILIR? BwitNEW. Merchants viaitiug this city to purchase Das Goons will and our. Stock large and admirably assorted, and -at Low Flatness. In certain classes of Goods we offer inducements to purchasers unequalled by any other house in Philadelphia. mhl3-3m CHAFFEES. STOUT & Co. No. St 3 MAJUT Joinuaus IN FoAwes AND DOMESTIC 131t . 'k (x)op : Uu stook being 'stun AND compLETE, We are enabled to offer extra ladatataitata to *ASH AND PROMPT-PAYING MEACHAM% sr Btook 'kept up throughout the meow% end geed& ttention given to order!. =MO-ft SPRING OPENING CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTING% T.A n_rES , CLOAIKINGS, And goods suited to MEN AND BOY6'. WEAR, INECOPRIF* AND RETAIL, 41T 0_ SOMERS & SON'S, bus CRBSTNUT Ntrest, under JAYNE'S HALL. lobb-gat spiuNG, _ .1861. J. T. WAY di 00... • no. on soArtingum ininurars, = INEPtOLTWitit AND JOIBID4 DAT (*pops_ 0111: VSOale fingsliAiLY smuts naue MO S= OMELETS. , 1861. - • -DALE, ROSS, Lis - LA DALE, & WAILERS, iitt.4s;l airatiog onairr, Rave now open their full SPRING IMPORTATIONS or -S I I, S AND FANOY DRESS GOODS. . The attention of CAR BITERS is enemallyktn. 11361. WURTS, AUSTIN, & KoVEIGE, DIEPORTERB AND JOBBEIU! 12t L~RY GOODS. No. Ell ISLADIEZT 011111251, Above Third, HLULDIELPIEL4... C_hariedi Wuft. Deers Jumble, , Memilton T. McVeigh, John 5. Warmer, /work Dessau. - tell t* COMBIIOSION 11017t3E9. A. & W. SPRAGUE& PRINTS. UNION PRINTS. HOYT, SPRAGUES & NO. 236 CRESTNIPS STUNT. mO4 WELLING-, COFFIN. - 43: 00. Sipe 116 CHESTNUT STREET, AORNTS pOR TIOVRALR OP BUNNELL 111S1 (X1:15 ilium AND LAWN& aItRENE 14F43: 00.93 MILT RED AND STAPLE . Eine _Bleached Cottons, • LORSDALIS HOPE, BLACKSTONE, EUATEsiii- MLLE, JAMESTOWN. RED BANK. OREENE, AND DSTiVIDEAS. Brown Cottons. ETHAN ALLEN, ET. ROPE, FREDONIAN, IST TRICK. ORIO, GROTON. IT/ROLM FAMILY AND bIEOHANIOW AND FAREERIF. fIRAFTON, SLATE SAVILLE, AND /EWE'S", CITY DENIMS AND STRIPES. LONSDA.LE CU.'S NANKEENS AND SILESIA& GLASGOW CORSET JEANS. , BOTTOKLEY'S BLACK AND GLENRKM CO.'S FANCY MIXED CLOTHS. STEARNS AND SAXTON'S RIVER 'cessistuntra. GREENFIELD CO.'S BLACK DOESKINS. RODMAN'S FOIE JEANS, DOUBLE AND TW CITED CAESIMERES, NEGRO CLOTHE: Re. . IdINOT. BASS RIVER, CRYSTAL SPRINGSIVEE manaz, BRIDGEWATER. AN D BRISTOL SATINETS. " SHIPINY;, - ILIZABH, It HUTCHINSON, NO. 112 OBJERTNUT COMMISSION MERCHANTS; FOR THE iSALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE SEWING - MACHINES. 'HEELER & WILSON SEWING MAOHINES. PRICES REWORD, Novzscovat Wm. IMO. (040 , 4 in 61% cworkNuT fltribet. &mond Floor. fflimuutn. IDIRRING. MAD, SAL UFM. MON, 1t.0.-1.000 bids. Bleu Nos.l, i, and a bu c k_ ore Large,mednun, and alma% in assorted pankagen Of Anion Intl-oar Plish. Ls* bbla. New slims.. Eastport. lad Labautor Mar. tila a. =t4ii n aa al aaaleaMrrins. COM boxes extra rz i : 0.1 lierrwa. Boa bust wal low deilaelitemara. 710 bias. ii. ' bi rders had io bbla. near Ifgaut e r sunon. . 10 MAL new- UM gailt s Z t =allank Cladlik. Ma bacon arkinier-ponnt7 Chaim In Nero Imp En ais tnn_ l iny ir nAto lei Ir. is. Agit Ica. JJuta EIVJGD; per' . Annie Mitaball, 21 from Liverpool, Mender; Weicrig% & Ntieder's Preetrattoni 164 . t . 11 . 4 . 21.144,00nitt. in 1 amp nY9l . lol 4 Vni. 2bj lb le OSIM 110 t Bat 'bier% 100 De Hairnet Tanned, ml 15 00 Ittit Mil Rol Oololuoiin 1 lb bottle , . ite OL Elnoobn met: Lai lb bottler. Mg. Or]. & bottle% - dre46oll l ll M rt e - a sat • ed fdS GOODS. RETAIL DRY GOODS. WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS WHITE GOODS ANP AND AND AIX EMBROIDERIES. EMBROIDERIES. EMBROIDERIES. EMBROIDERIES. EMBROIDERIES. TEN TEIOUSAND PIECES WHITE GOODS AND LINENS, HALF THEIR USUAL RETAIL IMMENSE BARGAINS. IMBINNISR'BARGAINS. .lIAMBASE BARGAINS. IPAMBNEIR BARGAINS. -211 MIC R BARGeJIis. istMENSG BARGAINS. NNSIS BARGAINS. lIIRSIKPRIE BARGAINS. BNSR BARGAINS. IMMI3NSWBARGAINB. On account of the interruption te, and al-, most total anapenaion of the wsor.asame SAME, consequent upon' the ca war panic." now raging, the Large and freshly Imported Stock of NVEUX GOODS, LININS, 14.0138, BRodwarso, of Price, Ferris, 15. Co., will be. offered for sale at Emu., REGARDLESS OF 003 T. The greater part of this im mense: stock has been purchased very re cently, in the different European markets, by a member of ..,the firm personally, and the Inducements' to those wishing to pur chase anything in this lino *lll - be unsur passed. To this end, we have •takettl the store No. 807 CHESTNUT ST; No. 807 CHESTNUT ST.. N0..807 CHESTNUT ST., No. 807 CHESTNUT ST., No. 807 CHESTNUT ST., (LATELY OCCUPIED BY cnicsrsiNG BONL MONDAY, 29th INST., MONDAY, 29th INST., MONDAY, 29th INST., WILL OF FOR THE INSPECTION OF THE PUBLIC AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK, CONSISTING OP WHITE Gr6ODS, LINENS, LACES, & EMBROIDERIES, IN lINDLEBB VAILIEVY. To thew who purchase by the enViie ‘z r e lce of irM dozen a libenn deduction 'be is, - addition to the immense reduction made in retiiiiing.,lßotnil merchant* from all _sec,- tip frurchasing cull, will Sul it greatly to their advantage to give us a cam We respectfaily.invite the apecisdOintiow °Lib* ladies,_and the -public *generalin'to'. the- ab tro PRIDE; FERRIS, 8c CO., No. 625 IiARKET STREET, and No. 807 CHESTNUT ST QIIEPPARD, VAN BARLINORN, & AR- N- 7 - BISON, • 1008 CHESTNU T Invite the attention of purelmere to theit nnnenaliv large and wall-eoleated stook of LINEN AND HOUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS, CURTAINS AND CURTAIN MATERIALS, HOSIERY, EMBROIDERIES, CAMBRIC HANDKERCHTEES, ETC., ETC., which, having been imported under the old tariff, can be sold much bolo* the present market rate. They beg leavesloo to inform their anatomerg and the pnblio Rae? that they will from thug date DEDUCT Vildfognadalrvery..9u g oods bought of them faENTIV AND BMW WEAR.-LARGE, 1101191#. add ospoolitly ahem:3 stook of Men's slid Boys' seasonable wear. - - pec.i attention devoted to Cloths. Csasimeres; Widnes, and to gOods for Boys " ' III& 000PSR &:001 4 1BRIt_ B. B. oor. NINTH and MARKET. . CARPETINGS. FRAM. OMTON MATTINU. J. F. & ORNE, • • OPPOSITE STATE HOUSE, /Imo now *Ten that SPRING - IMPORTATIONS OF i - DOUBLE EXTRA, IMPEIMAL • WRITE. • PURPLE, and ' RED CHECKED CANTONMATTING - IN ALL THE DIFFERENT MUTER:- AT • . MODERATE -_PRICES J. F.. & E. B. ORNE, BIOS-Aof • OPPOSITE STATE ROUSE' TO BUSINESS MEN.—An excellent chance for »liable business men so mum a pro fitable mannfaotaring bummer. requiring : but a small cling in ate establishment and promotion. he manefaature the apeboation of a pe cutler oompositioa 'or enamel to common red bricdra, and a variety of. other building: Metarial, ornardentel aostiteotor humming'. ceding& um for nom aad for ' ru 4 l la i tentunel may be tinted of any color. from the Meat white to the deepest Mack. with all the colors and shades between.. It imparts to the article" to which it applied' hardness and durability. almost utoredi- - ble, and a Omar eureasoing that of the rarest and most costly of the variegated marbles, and, imbue them. is impervious to moutmre(and will never. fade. Main. or. deterierate, coating oat a fractiorgArytetappiejtrioe of ordinary marble. , - ...Untitled valuable flit table end Maud tong , 'Mtwara pieces. monuments en d an endless variety of other aruo s, of-ensp e d ' i'e.-The proms of splines the enamel is simple, while the articles enameled w com mend a ready ma, affording lam profit& ii eeponeible parties may ardente homed for msnufsetnrmgler the patent for' US city or imminent town in the U ti s te4l Mayes, by aspirins to the subscriber. A small W. Oil • the articles manufactured will be required for the use or the icorentton. Chronlara giving IWI particular. will be forwarded to all applicant& the superior merit and beauty of this enameled building materiel to anything is use has the unqualified endorsement of Mal of the Moat eminent architect and scientific men of this and other cities. For perneolani. address .1011N5DN & .PRALL. General Agouti' tor Fumnesed Building histerirla, ase-dem 915 NASSAU Street. New York. PHILADNLPHIA TAR B A-00 T T A. _WORMS, Wise and Ware Rooms. 1010 CHESTNUT Street. Ornamented Cluiturem Tope. Garden Vases era statuary. Entiaustio Flooring Tile. elLsobiteesural Ornamental. Ventilating and Smoke Pines. rot Tile and Sanitary Wars. team-greaseed Dram Pipe. Water Pipe, warranted to stand br:l%,cheap anddurable. , supplied on liberal terms. rilmeaeu Catalogues sent by Mail on aPPEOIHISE I)7 bttIas 7 41. 1010 R. UW Rural. fSINE SHIRT MANINAOTOILY.-4. W. .11COTT easmin stress, tat: tha t ; a l o t glatieztimpatiar 0 ti1f.2844 , 11 grrv.titVt,F.l.."`"u'r• n.SAYE-BTONES, URAVI-STONES-- ....A My stook Of Grave Mang l er s Moriumenta to be mid at very red ue "rice& salt exaguna, ware purobeaum &Needle:l4M VlVolrk lf IL. NM fasOhe • !MOB Avenue. fraer. avgWji WILE MANIISAOTORY_ , ell fiTRERT. •ant,esid Reeve of evert description, and goo d ty,,intide to Atitehr i i i t tle m rsblishment, al.:.:43olll;l7:l7l:llraling7fflupina. mulaser. i. iligni• I I ATURDAY, MAY - 11, 'lB6l. CONTINUATION OF TIM GREAT SALE OF CLOAKS, LACES TRIMMINGS &a., Inlianidation of the Estate of , J. W. PROCTOA.BO NO. 708 Off SeTIitOTIIITREET. The Stook consists of SEEING CLOAKS. ENGLISIL TWEED CLOAKS. SILK CLOAKS AND SACQUES, ' SILK MANTILLAS, MANTILLit",3,. LACE . POUNDINGS, MEM LADE MANTILLAS, FRENCH L AOKEPOINTS, • - - FRENCH LACE BOURNOUX, • - TRAVELLING-SUITS. rittitilYN 0 [NAL% DBMS • At F.D. ,- CLOAK TRIM/_ &Oh Ali in immense satistnvand.to_be at about one half the usustprices. for the Naafi a radttors. •-.8.&818 MNTDAA , EI 4 4I UAL • g. .111178-1 M 708 CU truT S N et. rEW MANTILLA itp,— 1 ... _... .. ......._ . .... , The most evientlaßLLlCSlANTLlfilinike titi. ' . . . . . . • HOUGH -8a 00 an*l-liii ' 25 - FOUTS TENT 1 ISTREET. SILK MANTILLA In every new styli, the rillhe4 . qualitlii rift itkili. at the elegant New Store. `'• - _ 45 MITTS TENTH wrRE ' 4 . .• 1-IOUGH *co . '- Exam PRICE I PEOIAL NOTICE I t • y -.......... 2 .3 On and after this slate ' . • - •••• TBORNLEY & Opiate will EVERY POSSIBLE POSSIBLE INDUCE 57 1 CASE'PURCHASERS OF DRY GODS: BeinEdeterinitled to ridges their Singh y will hire; (rood slargasse . ! • .. Beautifui Fancy Silts for re cents, wo MY Hammy Pok Fem., Silks for 1;1, wen • Sit. M- ; Grenadine end Barege Go ode , about o half their; value. . . -"'''' : Gray Mixed Goods. in every variety, frojet 8 cents per- Yard to 60 cents. il &ACK SILKS;, RIVE aNtr - LOSTRO, VERY • . °REAP. 000. Neat Mack Broaadelliiiks; double faced , . &o. " I - De Lames , Calicoes , .Cassuneres, Cl .. yeetints,' &a. Linens. Mullins, Flannel,. gealts. Covily i Ro o ' MO.. SHAWL: rd 0 CLOAK - ROOM =HI lON. French Laoa Mantles. Pointes, Shoals, Eugenes. Camena Laos Mantle,. Cheadle - Lees Goods, ie. .. ...Black SilitCoate,Mantlem, & oaln every-style, -- • -- ATRORNI,Eic kORISIVVE '• A earner...gloom it spitimi HA sui, ini 2-tf • . ... .............. _.. ._. ; B • ....... , . Chests Gina/Lams at 12)i cents. . . LTravetis' la; emu at sitcoms. Bhapherdj_flauds. titotutir_Dheaki, Rack 81.11, 0 800 p 'Skirts. collars, :- :J -Llintlkers fai_thoWlffittte Goods, t. 'al cootie' ono saizeto_ i _vitorth BO cents:. - ' . -. — , COOP- N it: CIONARD_, i 7 11. it. cor,,ISIJITH and 1114ttlibT. _. . - PEOIAL NOTIOR—A 'RARE •OH &NON FOR BARGAINS:- - THE ENTIRE - 'STOOK TO SE CLOSED_OUT Ortaraponet of the nradittledateragg of the eelmtTP+ and deprogram in the morowettarline am doOprixdooll to Close 'pot .my...stpok injusitApolowt post of importation . Great inducements will be offer in - Dress Goods, Stog_wte, t rao.and=r wOold , quvito those wuraigur Drz Goods to examine it. a hindrg Shetland Shawls limn $1 to SS not half the oaths. at . • , JOHN 8t EEO, ; aaNg-tf . 7l* ARO : treat. , . . CHARLES ADAMS it, SON-4101111 'kJ AND ARCH STREETS— . - _ Will ores., this 'morning, a fine- sesortineni of STELLA SHAWLS, purchased at anotron, and for eel at a very small advance, ranging in mile from $4 Also, a fine assortmentof DRBSII 4900110 n Chalk Detainee, every variety, from 1134 e. In Cheue Madman, neat styles, Dela 190. to M. Ottoman, Sly:saline, and Diagonal Poplins. Silk, 'Embroidered, and Embroidered Diagonal yo* Neapolitan Silk dheek Mohai r e 75e. and Sfe. . LA DI.. CLOAKIN OS, in etyma and Polv• ThAlatest shape of 1100 f. SKIRTS to mes and Misses, of the best finality, both tied, lide and narrovtase; • :_. FRENCH COLLARS AT HALF PRICE.. -- A Lotjeetpurchased, which we guersetes to be soil at .pne-half the usual price. fitrenadine Veils, all colors ' eil. Baseges, all colors, including Self erine and Yards:inlay atteritidn ia -reguelted to our rifbuie - Fur. aushinit Goode. &trims Linens, the neet article for Mewevs: offered, and betterunaiities in proportion. ' - - - - Ballard Vale Flannels, _a full line. • 1 ease 4-4 unbleached Muelm, - fine, te. 1 ease 4 4 unbleaohed Muslin. heavy, leo. lease yi bleached Muslin, Mt& lease 4 4 bleached Mashrt. pa.—splendid. 1 ease 44 C. Adams & Bon, leo. lea 4-4 C. Adams tr. ton. 1134 e. - 6 4 Scott Mins Amoskeag and Dodgeville. 1 ease 10-4 bleached Sheeting. Ito, usually MAC 1 ease al-4 bleached Sheeting, Me, nasally gbh apla4f • SPN: l .ri? t MOANS, IN )i;YrigN;l7. NEW 5027-102 No. $ - 3 & Nin • • Q,PRING CLOAKS, IN' ENDLESS- VA= NJ fiats. at IVENS'. 140-31:12 R G PRIN CLOAKS, THE OHNIW' N-7 aver POOD.Okt tert-ivu-- _ .. . v etu,-raar the Emperor avast deal more than I can ever do." The. Ohpelli of the Invalids, it was asserted; would be the' best place, be causeltlvas not a parish church, was not un der the" centred of the • clergy, and was well. sititedcricirefore, for a ceremony which was. rather than religiouri. No, said Napo.. leen, ssfNotre Dame is the better place, for, as a Cathedral, it has a solemn character, worthy Of a ceremony, in a certain manner Divine. It is - , moreover, consecrated by long tradition to - this use,...end there shall be no chance of ttunult, for Twill limit the number of persons prefent." ' _ - : Accordingly, on December 2, 1804, he was crowned by Pope Pine-VH., In the Cathedral Church of Notre Dame at Parie—in the same Cathedral where, ten years before,the Goddess of Reason had been enthroned amid crowds of revolutionary admirers : In point of fact, after taking the proscribed oath and receiving the Papal benediction, the Emperor, with his, own hands, took the crown and placed it on his head ; and then crowned Josephine, who knelt before him. . • - One of "the discussions in the Council of State related to the subatitute to be chosen in place of the Gaßic-,cock of the Republicans. One member proposed an elephant, another a _lion couch:int, with the legend /neffeeeni qui tacit .(it is quiet when-unprovoked), but Napo leon preferred the eagle; suggested by the director of the Museum, and already associated in all trion.'sririllids tio; art inseparable emblem of,..the imperial power. •.. . tit course, when Imperial etiquette Il itipplented epublican ihnplicitl;it was ne. _ cessary,to'have every thing done according-to strictlride. Living in retirement_ in the' coon , . try, was a solemn old gentleman, formerly one of the pages of Louis - Xit. awing ot him, Napoleon had him brought up to Feria to ex- . pound the -traditions of Versailles. Except upon_the stags, such a person, so powdered. 1 and frizzled; had, - not been seen for many years. In , the salons of the Ttillellite he *an welcomed, and his recollections mainly helped to revive the forgotten 'ward Coert etiquette. "A. voltune agitate ae -the: ‘t Code Civil" was e,onOeteti at once. Chamberlains and equer ries,,as siaii as a grand huntsman and grand ~ . master of the : ceremonies , were nominated offlani. Instrt ctfoCii were given .to--each : person SA to the,placeiiewas,to 'occupy, 'and -the work he was tto do, in the long suitei of I 1 halls of the pease; A., distinctive . costume . was fixed for every functionary, at every stage of work, itiNapoliion -personally supervitting every detail, and even regulating - the dress of the Empress, and making her exhibit before ,him 1 : - • - . Napoleon had as little liking for lawyers as. Peter the Great, who declared, during" his visit to Engiai - A; that he had only four in the etude of Rusita, and intended hanging.two of.,' them' on hirridurn. Napoleon especially die illted the lawyers of Faris, accusing thorn of tendency to intermeddle with political affairs. 1 hat would he have said in this country, S „ pigimAL Noynag.—BßlppSß2 WILL *here nineteen - twentieths of our leading pub please take notice that the South Carolina it. It ile me n are k ay o s Cu. ? bsve, discontinued forwarding all through freight , ~„.. and that all scads formerly consigned to them must now _Napoleon I, like his reigning nephew, had be consigned to a city a s suoy. Messrs. T. S. & T. 6. BUDD will forward all gOOdo to 0 love for the liberty of the press. In 1815,' their address. A e.RO, Ja,, & co,,_ s mall Ea ins North Wu Ale v Pim tiring-the Hendrix' Days f he had to submit to but, N. Pelet says, ss Napoleon existing in T° BRIDOE BUILDZItki.—The Presi k de l a. Managers, and Commie of-the Bohn.• , ' p ,,,, Pm , ii . ee at the same time with a free .press ,_ snare at Norristown wilt receive Sealed Proposals to CUM be compared to nothing but Gulliver in the rebuilding of their Bridge across the rivor &ADA kill at De Kalb street. Norristown, until THURSDAY Idlliput, bound doyen by a multitude - of petty the SOth instant. The new Ntructure will have Four Spans, waryin cords, which rendered it impossible to move from lit to 195 feet, with double roadway. and a contra hand or foot." ' , way for foot plutsengers. requiting four distinct d m frames. of the Barr erasean. • , Nothing appeared . . too great, nothing -too The contractor tO Curnistrthe necessary motorist, and to execute the work in accordance with plans and see- small, for Napoleon and his Council of State cifications which may be nomad the Wismar B. F. Dan cook, lieu.. in Norristown. at any time after this das h . to take into their heads. He wrote the code Premeds maim mete toe pros per foot hnisai, for t en ire ornstplettnn of the Bridge. the mealurementirons ty which the gaming -houses of Pella were li ens ofv o lt a tli the lower chords to be considered the tensed and conducted, Not until 1836 was a see woo: to be eommenced immediate:7. sil ky the Mt passed, 1 to take effect from the ISt of execution of the contract, and completed With wit raw- 1 ,.. 1 ~. sible despatch. A. siAtUCLAYI. " — "`"ztrje .1888,- -to suppress t h ese haunts of B. . E ANCL. ',lra JOIIN B. swam, -si They were farmed out to a contractor oominwe. ta u . .. • „ . ittoaaerrowe. Mar 11,1661 .- My1i,1348,16,212336 '-',. "‘o Government for six million francs 71 ") ( k) aear, which revenue was then °net Ittand ay ' . ti l° no Q t asi an rin drepriiig Napoleon's Italian descent, it that hetWas fond of the opera. giEt is the veryttionl of Paris," he eXclaimed in itnue% its as Pize is the very soul of France. I cost the Goveitraent eight hundred then d francs (about Eie(1,000) a year, but it is establishment which flatters the national ity, and must be-kept up; This can easily accomplished without laying on any new arniroiDAlKE4, EVERY NNW styie, every new material, at PIUS* that astonish Oner Witte-lane shrna IC IS: corner of Eighth and Walnut streets. CITY OLOAK STORE, :No* 1.01 N. Eighth street, above ClierrY. are now, Whig every new atria of the season, superb qualities, in sleeks new shade of color, cheaper than any other store in the city. ap inLO9KII.--Wholesale Merchants arg in-: vital to inwikeot the stook at I VE N S No. 23 South NINTH Street., corner of Jayne et, apft-bra Between Market and Cheetn t. BL AOR. BILE. MANTLES.- Black Silk Coate, Gored Misotlea—Polotoot. Gammas of Cloth. Fine didplnT in OVE. TIEw. LARGE, 'WELL LIGHTED SOO. COOPER & COMO. 8. E. oor. NINTO and MARK F 4 YEN & LANDELL OPEN WAS hIORNING a new lot of the Fashionable ; Shepherds' Plaid goods. 18K eta; Shepherds' Plaid ValegOiaa. Obentairde Plaid Boat Wair. Bheakerle Plaid Bilk Goode. int 9 ntdAOIIBILKS—Very superior -grade kof there is am very little difference 'as 'tweet' the price of ordinary Bison Silks and oar Ate grades, WO invite Wiens to examine our • Black Grade Imperial. • Bine Edge Black Silks. Heavy !ride Bilks for Backe. Black Carded Bilks for Sacks. my 9 EYRE & LANDEL E'T!fIAZ pfLL, Fourth and Arc will OPEN L a ding) spying Sank elothf...._ ll Plaids. Eitnsea. Mired an net . Black Mixed Water-proo Tweeds. - Fall spottatent of Made-up itaete.:- maY E 0. THOMPSON, MERCHANT TAILOR, , : N. E ,CORNER WALNUT AND MIME 82 • Annousosa a New Stook of . FINE SP.RtNG AND SUMMER MATNRIALG. FOl- . GENTLEMEN% WEAL Consisting in Dart of very desirable stria of enrol French and Engbah . fdelton CLOTS'S, COATINGS; 'CASSIMES.NEI, - Ne.. selected with sued& oare sad' reference to the wants of a -DISCRIMINATING ANS FASTIDIOUS CUSTOM. . ' NO offers the following inducements for your os- 1 , tronage Good Materiel. s Perfeot Garment, and Panottudity. and :Precision ,in`, execution of a) orders. , INSPECTION NI RESPECTEOLLY INVITED. spl3-taths-lm , MEW : 4 ZOILK . - Earitg' - • ,' WY South TENTH litres.; above Chestnut: i i Miss WATtlltfl wen inform to e inhabitants or PM ladelphot that cue' l'• oven at the above store on TEAM eDAY hlay.9 a come assortment of 1.111,141 , 1ERT as AD-DRESEibB, . . •BB A OAPS% AO., am., ....: whieh, owing to the qinlipeu of the season, IMO will offer at exceedingly to. price.. -.. !Ashes. to mare themeless of t hi s fact. wilt pleat* "call 'early 'at Wr South' TBriTli Strew% a few doers above Chestnut. ' -- - . utrit-et* • LiOTIOE •TO SHIPPERS OF FREIGHT. —ln pursoonce of notice from the rainier anthori- tiemall Loads forwarded by way of the PHILADKL. PH' Le wPD ijlDIMtiF the Blame of M iatouuewaa it ismilucK Y. TEritflOYMßlitt atm yi ROI rd 1 • Mot be ilieueetly marked " coetrabaue," - didi .nnderneatti I ilaSe words the name of Me obleperr.Thi. Bhnnanne Receipt mum &WO be marked ee above. and no g.txls of any description will be forwarded to States South of the above named mil-Jiff ABA WHITNEY. President. JOHN WELSH, PRACTICAL EILA.TE ROOFER, THIRD Street and GERMANTOWN th o m m os t rmamrda to sa er mn W i m nou nara nß nmate every building Perfeetly water-ugh Omen pronistl7 attended to. met -tv 1.1.10:1T QUALITY ROOFING !SLATS id- L. ways on brand for sale at Union Wharf, 1421 BRAG Et T. THOM AB, m 17,11 217 WALNUT Streetabiladelphm. H' . AVANA OIGARS—A large and aplen did asaortraent Of all sizes end qualities. in Stare and for salieverz low for ease by - gy ~ g • mete-ISt - 130 Street I = MERCHANT TAILOR. I ==== FREIGHT I!FOTICES. • t' ,•- 1 4 - rtss4i _ BATI4II,DA7T, Napoleon COUlieli. Cvgr twenty4ve yeah/ - ago; retaarkable• book ,was paid:died le' which, thou& triealated by Cagoidn. poi Mall, into eiteel-. lent English, melted little interest in England, and still lesein this country, This. la ." Na poleon in Connell; or, the _opinion's -Ex pressed by. Bonapluto.irt Cennell of, BMW.", Theauthor was -Baron telet (de la Loiere), , member of the Ohimber et Deputies, and rate Mild:for of Public:lnstruction: The -Baron; servhfes,:-et the age of = seventy-six, Wierlaiditer cif -- the , ii Of btate.„ . 1806, n l64.o.2 "tis:_ifili.on LI 40'6,62**,1'6n iiia" 440 ~.("f- tile d t* . of a under Loo OultOno.Onanfli z e.ii eat in the Chamber of Deputise for tattle:mi. was Minister of Pub lleAindencition noder ; _Louis ::Phi in 18856, ant was Promoted to the-Chamber of Peerein 1887. In 18(17, for O short time, he ,Sur `'r, titer of tinaiteer under Tide* and soon atter , tlndginxi. Sineti'the Bevan 018;11aritiVil'Ot has taken no' iliti priblie at e atii: At the time that 14 firm attended the dis i*Ons in thepeuricil of State, Baron Pelet itas only twenty Yeers old, Rio book, Written front eetionanetes Wien si.tba time!: is frill of interest, and:records what, took _place ;the '.Council of State from the,espedition of;Egypt te the -11:;iiiidort of Frauee by :Ithe 'Allies.; •nierly 'the =whore of NtipolOttls- career,- in facet: -his . 'revel:diens ecantkits in kb; giving ivapoieon'S , 1 is great man's visit werds., records _that 4 even in- the pride of his Moat prosperous •time,:liapoleon had the idea that what he had donaleouldl not be perum-, neat. -In - full Ctorinicil,-.he in:claimed one day :i "All this will hid:gage:lig as I hold out, but , •WitenitOM tone ) my ton raaycall hiniaelf a tellmi if he lids a couple of fienisande a 'yttir:" 'that' eon died in' i 82, In 'Splendid: captivity, in Vienne, witisl,liblitleefanAna titan dike; and with the Willitify rink of an. Little did-hie' - illnetribus fatheitinagine'thet the , empire iris 'to be revived by the . talent and in the person Jo. sePtilie!s graii`dson: — The'ablest'men in trance were members of Aar:aeon's 'CorifiCifiitatilts. Not mere poll Miami, nor legislators, nor jurists, not diplo _ . . matiats but,also,-men of brain and or fake _ vitince othervirsnits. The ablestnaval and military-officers, and the character of this body maysbejndged-from the tact that it contained such reen'of science as Pomeroy and Ohaptal. *Eirery member hade'right to give his opinion freely, and'uos encouraged to'give it ;'but any thing like apeech-making or mere wordy dis play (that cheapest and lowest of acquire ments) was sturdily ignored. Napoleon him self, generally occupied in Cg whittling" the tablelmfore him, or the arm of' the chair upon which he sat, would listen to all that was said, and then give his own opinion, which was 'often overruled. When it- waa discussed where the Corona tion should take place, some suggested Notre Dame, sonic were for the Church of the Inva. lids, and some argued that the Champ de Mars was the preferable spot for this imprea. sive solemnity. Napoleon's 'strong good senile soon settled the matter. The Champ do Mars,•he said, ftwoniti he occupied by twenty or thirty thonisand mgaumilina, and the Em- Perm and , his falsity, in their imperial robes, *Mild be;exposed to the inclemency of the weather, and•covered with mud, dust, or`rain. What fine fun iliii would be for the Paitsians, who delight In turning everything into, ridi eae, and witO - aris accustomed to see Chiron ORE. fair for we have only to protect the opra by` giving it certain privileges at the eXpense of . the 'other theatreit."- ' The number and specific ditlea of the thee tree in Paris were personally regulated by the' Emperororlio also: decided how many Should be allowed' to each of the great towns of the erripire. Ile said, 41 I do not conceive the trovernment can fairly be required to pay any thing in the shape of indemnity for the theft- ' iris, which are to be suppressed or shifted from ' One place to another. It is quite enough, I think, ti:Phave twelve hundred thousand franca ($240,000) to pay annually for the support of • the stage. It shall not be said that I. spent the people's money on mountebanks (pours des histrions). A decree will be sufficient to effect all these changes." Yet; though Napoleon bas disparaged the actor's profession, he admired no Man more warmly thin Telma, the tragedian, with whom, he lived on terms of the most intimate Wadi , ship from the time of his marriage to Josephine Beauharnois until the fall of hisidynasty. We could extend this account of Napoleon an his 'Council of State, but have said sufft- OentiUShow hew completely his mind grasped the 'Minutest detail as well as the most migniA ficent result..*HelvaA, indeed-s Nap: 431St4UE REAL GIOUS INTELLI itieeessions from the Northern Pulpit. Two . .prominnit Baptist ministers evacuated their pulpits iu this city on last Sunday—Rev H. Cuthbert., pastor of the First Baptist Church, 'ser um' of -Broad and Aroh streets, and Rev. Mani. gather Winston, of the Fifth Baptist Church, late Saneom street. Both these , gentlemen are; -Southerners, the former being a of Dr. Fidler. of Baltimore, BP:then/ten for the Y. M. C. A. .committee which recently .waited . upon Pressident .1 1 4.noolti to plead the cause of a murderous mob.' Mr. Cuthbert's resignation on Sunday last was; unexpected, unexplained, and, we learn, was re ; calved with surprise and regret by his congrega tion. Mr. Winston, we believe, returns to the :Bunny. South.. at this time to reornit his health. The unceremonious departure of Rev. Henry A. Who from his charge in West Philadelphia, on the day that he. was helped oat of a barber ehoptin Chestnut lama for uttering offensive Beneeion sen timente, has already been made public. We have :sines learned that this distinguished son made hia way to Dover, where, under an apuniemi name, he obtained a private conveyance to.carry him to Assam's" county, Va., that delectable spot; the -pride of which his distinguished father once boasted was,- that there was no newspaper published-in it. QUASARS AT Tan Barri:The oompatatlielj oeueerrative character of North Carolina, wedged in, as the is, between two mad State% has long been remarked, and -hi unquestionably attributable to the large Quaker element still retained among her ,".people. Recent events, however, have well nth overpowered this element, in consequence of which many members of the Society of Friends are pre= paring to leave tho Stated in fact, many of them have already gone. The latter express their con dation that their mission as a religious people among slaveholders has ceased—that the door to their further usefulness has been closed, and that the time for them to retire has come. From South Carolina they have long since entirely disappeared for the game canoe, - and , from Tenneco% whore they have now but three yearly meetings, they are also said to be rapidly removing. DI NH a CATHOLIC —The Union, an English Pu. suite paper, publishes the following : " It is cond. - dently tasted that the Duchess of Rent, (mother of Queen Victoria,) died a Catholic. Site was attend ed, the day before her death, by a Catholics priest from Claremont, and the Duke d'Aumale called' upon the Queen and announced the fact at the same time.t, Tit . 13192Naft OE CHANTEY of St. John's Hospital, Cincinnati, have, by letter to his Boner Mayor Satoh, tendered their services as nurses, " at any time ; or in any place where such services may be needed." TEN TE1513 ANNIVERNANN ON FIENIINE'S PRATER, Moutons, held in the hall of the 'United States Engine Company, corner of Crown and Wood streets, will be held to-morrow afternoon, at four . "O'clock. This meeting is one of the relics of the evjailLos t iontentied in the relief .150 . 7, and has been vontinued up YO duie TEN Two Now.fianoor. PENSBYTENIAN ORGANS of, this city, the Christian Observer and the Avie- Presbytertan, are not - on the most loving Aortas, judging from what they say about eadh Other. The editor of the latter, in speaking of the want of patriotism in the former, uses such epithets as the following, in rebuking the editorial course of his 'brother " disguised traitorous inuendoesi" "artful attempt to crawl out ;" "unblushing . effrontery;" " unscrupulous;" " the editors of the OArtstiast Observer are adepts in the art of misre. presentation," and so forth. Letter trom Camp Havre-de-14race. CAMP lievaa-Da-Gaacw, May 8, 1861. EDITOR PRBSS : Last Bight, under oommand of Lient CM. Birney, seven companies of the Phila , dolphin City Guard were ordered to invest and garrison Havre-de-Grace and protest the road to Bush river. The ,gallant Colonel soon had ids companies on the steamers Arta and Georvanata, anti landed them at the old depot. Before sunset the stare and stripes, that swung in Third street during April, flapped in the Bay winds and were greeted with shouts of the brave Philadelphia. boys. This morning Col. Birney, with his duff, re viewed the battalion on the principal street of Havre-de-Grace. Daring the parade two com panies were detached to invest Perrymansville, ..and.were despatched up the road The camp is kept in strict disoipline, and the men are subordinate_ The regiment is without overoosts, • cartridge-boxee, or belts, but the boys stand the pelting of the storm! without and except a curse occasionally at the ftsvorith4m. • displayed in equipping other regiments not .on' duty, not a word is heard. Col: Barney deep etched a trimly party of twelve brave men, to catch and take, dead or alive, the noted Trimble. Bid the man was nl4i the Simon Pare, and was discharged, after a hearing • before the Colonel at his quarteirs. . Thera is but little sickness in the camp. The quarters are good compared to Perryville, and the men are well provided for. The Commissary De .Partment is wofpfly neglected. taiwever, and salt meat and stale bread' ? and hisonit the only diet. The men all wish to " move on .I,!' the Colonelseems nothingloth to active duty— Although a strict die. ciplimartan, he is popular with his command, and 'they *lll follow him to Dixie, or to death. _ isv.PClalizioNah. -r Union in Cecil County, Maryland. Below is a petition which is circulating through Cecil county, by order of Hon. Alexander',Evans, Hon. James T. Moen Hough, and Joined W. Clay ton, Committee of Safety for Ceoil county : To the Legislature of Maryland: 2.-The undersigned, citizens of Coop county, repro tient : • , That they solemnly protest against the sending by the Legislature 'of ambassadors under the style of ootnmisidoners, to other. States, am n clear and palpable violation of the Coutitution of the United Siete'. • . That they further solemnly protest against the' call of a Convention, to determine, what Isiah a body has no legal or constitutional power to deter- Mille—namely, Whether the people of Maryland. shall remain oltiaona of the. United States. And we.bere solemnly repudiate. the ao-oalled right of i.eoeition, and will resist it to the last extremity. That the right of revolutioa implies the right tif toilet revolution,• and that we will resist it; by, arms if mummery; mad-that •if unfortunately the riot of the State Noah!, secede, °coil elialllreznain Maryland and in the Union. Tint we expressly" and deliberately repudiate 'the action of Heckert, Senator ' from this county, who bas misfepresented his constituentei . endeavored to hand us over to a military despot.' ism, end deserver! and hereby receives, so far as we can give it, oar thorough disapprobation. That our thanks are due, and are hereby tender ed to those Senators who have so nobly resisted the bill, wrongfully denominated of " Publics Safety," bat really intended to impose upon us a despotism,_ and we assure those noble and patriotic Senators of our grateful remembriume. That, in our opinion, the delegates chosen under & reign of , terror, in Baltimore elty,,ehould at once retire permanently from the positions the bold. That we request Senator Heckert. of Cecil, im mediately to retire from or resign hie seat. That we warn the delegates from this county that their publio conduct is observed, and, if in consistent with the sentiments herein expressed, will - draw upon them the lasting exaltation and reprobation of our people. • That, in our opinion, the Legislature should im mediately adjourn sine die, and that, so far as we have thepower, we call upon it to do so; and that, without further legislation of any kind, except to repeal what they have already enacted. 'I hat we protest solemnly against the so-called bills of ratifleation of the outrages lately commit ted in Baltimore city, and demand that the laws shall, as existing, be-strictly and impartially ad ministered against the persons engaged in the com mittal of those outrages, without respect to per sons. DISTRESS OP NATIONS.—India is the scene of a desolating famine, after having gone through a desolating rebellion Austria is on the verge of bankruptcy, and about to lose Hungary and Vene tia. Italy is preparing for war. Bo is Franoe. p rusi a* is about to sauteed with Denmark. Tur key totters to its base. Bonilla in arms, Rome is in its last agonies, and Poland appears to be on the verge of revolution. TO this we may add our own civil war. TWO CENTS. PENHSYL MESSAGE PROM GOV. CURTIN. VOLIFETEZEi TO ,BE ASKED EMI -7/IB,BE TEARS The, following message from the Governor, in response to the sumoninanying resolution, was delivered to.' the Legbditure, Wednesday, May 8, Exaourivz Casmatm. flettataeurta..4lay 8, 1861. To the- Senate. and House of RepresentativeB of du, COMMOnwea2th of Penury:van= : Gaimucart—i-reoeived Yout Irresolution of the ild-of May, of which the folio sing is a.copy, on afternoon, at five o'clock : -i t van SAYS* OF REPRIISMNIAVIVICS, =I.. FRIDAY May 3, 1851. Resolved, That the Governor be requested to Worm this House how mnoh of the moneys appro priated liyctise act of 12th April, IEO3I, for the purpose of organizing, equipping, and, provision ing the militia of this State, has been dis bursed,. and how' and in- what meaner the same has, , ltsen 7 expended, what ;oontiaata,. if any haye hen :made, with whom , made i thropgh what agencies, for Ashat articles - Of " aupply, in what quantities,-and at what prices, and also what num• ber of ;public agents:has:been +some°. tion,with (the ,Quarterniester Copnigary's De partiatitit'establithed ,hy the said apt for the prit , pose lat dairying:mit. the, objects thereof, and who 3 e 1109:10LA411 "Litl - ti v o r. /ai rk La -- `?fo t ieldish iftir4 the hendito reply. : I-rasognisertei - ts fullest extent, at all flutes, the necessity of prompt and satisfactory answers of all Departments of the Goveroment to the require :Scants of the sdpredentatives of the people, and especially where they are entrusted with the die biirseinent of labile money. -7 :When' the call Was- made upon Pennsylvania to Uwe ,part of. her.. people• in the l:treble of the General. Governmeat, to meet a midden and extra emergenoY, we had not Butt an Organiza. alotret our military forms as was ready to answer ..epallieto native service.. Your resolutiou of ilk ,ilt4y eCallea. to me, when all the Departments of the Government, and all -persons Galled ;into its uteentirely engaged. In,. the. organization And seutpreent of the quota of militia froso Penn aylviintattnder the requisition of the General Go verninent. • - ._ In answer to interrogatory towhat agen etsii, have beien,eutployed, I have the honor to reo '• ply thee' appointed_ E Biddle adjutant gene-. o.,`Nale quarterinaster :general; and Win. -W, l lewikutinuxtuisarygeneral; and that all pur bases and disbursements have been made through ''their'various •dcPartments, and so far as it Was itedible, under nisi• immediate linpervision..: The ; reports of- these oineers, , made to me on a request for that erid„which accompany tind are made part -Of thhiciommttnicitionorill present to' you the de :tails of the adfitbehlectltion of: their office, so far as preeticable ; and it is due to - _these gentlemen to dinds_e.. that - 'their conduct of their restiectire de ineetif my unqualified approbation. . I /sailed to my nesistanee poi. Thomas A. Scott, to whoiavaluable labors I act much indebted. lie ' iliatiritted to Resist me until he was oalled into the eisithleis 6f the - . Federal Government I then invited Col. John A. Wright and It Biddle Noberts to active service near my person. Except COI. Gideon - Who served me in the same capacity during the "wigs of the Legislature, L have not employed. any Other person in the Execntivit De partment beyond the constituted and ordinary 'officers of the Government. No compensation has been paid these gentlemen:- Borneo( themaknow, will not. accept of any ; and I oannot too. highly commend' to yoia, and the people of this* State, their.patriotism and fidelity. Although your resolution of inquiry was di rioted to me, and it might have been suffudently answered by my referring you to the aueiting and paying departments of the State foe particulars of expenditure, I have obtained, through the kindneas of the Auditor General, copies of ail his vouchers for dishnrsetnents anti a statement from the State Treasurer of the'amounte paid by him. _ A large , amount of bills has been furnished to the Commissary General for the oamp at the seat .of Government. The prices of articles-furnished have only been settled in the bills - furnished by the Auditor General; those unpaid will be super vised, and,-if necessary, oorreoted by the Commie eery General and Auditor General before paid, under a system to which I adverted in my message presented to, the Legislature at the opening of this 'special session, as being calculated to protect the interests of the State in these transactions. For the number of persons employed, and other details, I refer you to the reports of these officers. It was necessary that Quartermaster. General Bale should tranater the largest and most eaten- Alva of his operations to the city of Philadelphia, and for that purpose he, opened an office in that' city. •.tie was furbished with rooms, rent free, by- Singleton A. Mercier,;"Esq..,' pfesident of the Farmerii and Mechanics''Bank, and, att fully set outisrliis report,. accepted. the - voluntary service of. a number of patriotic gentlemen,whome by their auntse, he basproperly commended. During the time he was in Philadelphia he was, 'vim Ile ceOsity, duties of commissary in that city, as wallets those of his own office. I am JuitenYteruiditthet.thatrenesactioes sof -that Depart ir,ent are 'fully 'before yet in the report of General. Hale ; and bearing-in mind the .Iml:entity for immediatanetion and the action of previous organiestion, I cannot too highly commend the conduct of these patriotic gentlemen who loft their private affairs and devoted all their time and ener gies to the service of the State. No arrangement has yet been made to out:teen fitga the gentlemen referred to. Many of them refuse to receive any compensation. Some of them ought to be reasonably paid for their services, and if I have the power, compensation will be made to teem. In answer 'to interrogatories which I put to the Secretary. of War, and which answers were con tained in a former message to you, I learned from the'War Department of the United States thrall= • accounts of the - Commissary and Quartermaster's Department of this State would be mainly reim bursed by the' United States Government. To a large extent these claims have been already Tor. malty recognized by the officers of the National Government. And the, accounts have been, ad will be so keet, and audited, as to establish their Validity beyond all question. - I deem it proper to communicate at this time to the-Legislature, as no other opportunity may be I afforded, the fact that the Cinonmati Society of Penneylvania have sent me a- *hook for five lien dyed dollars, to be and towards arming and equip ping:the volunteers of Pennsylvania. It is proper that some official notice should be taken of this pa- triotic munificence; 'and if it should be the plea sure of the Legislature, I will be much pleased to be directed in its'appropriation I take this occasion to nay that the period of time has arrived for prompt and daddy* sotto* and the Governmeat should be equal in alacrity and seal to the spirit which animates the people. We are now called upon to meet the most causeless and wonderful conspiracy recorded in history.;. in the name of eimetientionei liberty, and for the pro gross of eirilisatioa. and Christianity, this great people are to vindicate• before the world that our Government has inherent strength for its own per petuityi and that we have ..•theTower and will to -transmit to' posterilyeler"bleseings. The unity of the millions of our free and loyal people presents to the world a feet without a parallel in moral sublimity and devoted patriotism in the history of the put or the present. •Letus all got in harmony, and so adminieter.this State Government that our brave people may go to the field organised, armed, and equipped, and in SUatkßtuoer.s as to assure the speedy overthrew of thisrattroolons conspiracy 'andrebellion, and thweendiger punishment of the guilty.; and may we, by prompt and eouragaaus settee; avoid - the culpability of sending - companies to the field-without - that: fall preparation which the futursrwili Inevitably Gentlemen., you represent a loyal constituency ; you are called upon to legislate in a trying emer gency, for a• State whose: history is without stain ; our annals and our traditiona exhibit Filth and rare examples of - true "Chriallan herolini, and, leaving the honor 'of • the State in yonrharida, I pledge to you the • full- performance of -every duty imposed upon me by the Constitution - and the laws. • A. G. CURTIN, • . • . 82( van west. FOR Governor Curtin has, after correspondence with the SeeretarY of-War, issued the following circular to the colonels of the Pennsylvania regimentit, mug.; tared into service for three months; under the first Call'brthe President: - " • • • • - Sin : have been requested by the Secretary of War to lot. the regiments =Win the service of, the State know that It preferred to have all the reginients. idready mustered into service for three months which are 'not actually-sent forward, re. mustered into service for three years or , during the war, should they be willing to do eo." Ttherefore deem it proper to direct that you immediately sanrtain the preference of your regiment upon this question, and oommunioate the result forthwith to me Those who do not desire to re-enlist for this id ditional period nn be formed into regiment!, or have such, arrangements made as to enable them to retire With honor, in accordance with their enlistment. I•oannot refrain from saying that is would afford me much - pleasure to see the regiments so promptly and patriotically offered .to the State give this additional and more enduring evidence of continued devotion to their country. Very respectfully yours, A. G. Crrartir. Governor and Commander-in-Chief; IFor The Pram] Being a native of Maryland, though for nearly fifty years a resident of this city, I feel a strong at. tiehment to my native State, and Llook with tit ter amazement and deep regret at the -mad her nity of those who fora single moment countenance seoeselen. The ,Baltimore mob are a scale on the State easily eradicated, but the men of pwiperty of any kind, in that city, have everything at stake upon continuing steadfast to the Milan.. Virginia is anxious to force Maryland out of . the Confede. racy, because secession will place§ her as a barrier against ineursione from the North, if attempted, and make Maryland the battle ground, In which owe the State will be destroyed, for the South cannot,. and will not, protect thews. But if she remains firm to the Union, fifty or one hundred thousand troops will be ready at any time to drive beak any piratical incursion from the filotith, and the probability will be that the Old Donitnsom will be rendered kelpies:. Gov. Leteher ought to be hung for hie hat lying treasonable proclamation, and nothing but the elemenoy of oar Governifient will prevent the 'de of of Richmond. G=s. MEAIIBEGAB.D., with Mr. Russell, of the Loudon Times. had arrived at Montgomery on the sth inst. Tim owner of a line of propellers from Bal timore to Richmond says he is entirely ruined and be line worthless. THE WEEKLY PRESS. Tils Wzirxxx Pans will be sent to subscribers by mail (per annum in advanoe.) at— --- $B.OO Three Copies, " 46 0.00 Five " 4.4 8.00 Ten " " " 12.00 Twenty " " (to one address) 1 10.0 0 Twenty copies, or over (to addrem of each subscriber') each— 1.90 For a Club of Twenty-one or over, we will send an extra copy to the getter-up of the Club. Poatmasters are requested to act as Agents for Tit Wiraxxx Panne. CALIFORNIA PRESS. lamed throe time! a Month, in time for the California Steamer!. Weekly Review of-the Philadelphia WAR Markets. Pemensx.rare, May 10,1.881. Trade in all departments continues dull and ne• gloated, and the markets for most of the leading stades have been Inactive during the past week. Qaereitron Bak meets with a limited demand. In Breadatuffs there Wu moderate business doing, and most kinds are bringing full prices. Coal is Sather more - active, but Iron le dull. Cotton is not inquired for, and belt above the TteWS of buyers. Groceries are quiet, and priaet. of Coffee and Molasses favor the buyers. Provisions—Very little doing, and prices generally are lower. Fish, Fruits, and Umber are very' &ill. Naval Stores are firm, but quiet. Oils little or no ohange. Rice sells slowly at the advance. Self and Seed—Very little doing. Tallow is lower. Tobacco is held with more firmness, Whisky Is lower, and for Wool the demand eontinnee of a very limited oharaoter. In Dry Goods there is no new feature. The epring trade, which has been unusually light, Is pretty - Much over. All staple articles, how ever, are well held, and there is. no . disposition to sell, except fetr cash, in.lls priant unsettled state of the times.' : The The Breadstuti market has been quiet this week, but without much , alter4tion to note bathe price of any sdeseriphon. Thbie is . 'Ceti little export ;demand 7foir Flour ; and. only:sower ugtop , Soon hbls found. berare,,partfor oliiesaant,.atsslso, pfit32* for Wetaigißtnd - ronnsilianie Suporilue, and the latter -iteWri . _ll7osaft.ter,autarothlasilion dwlnikk-briallit'aetwf - quality, - ilielading 700 bbls Brandywine at $6 25, and 500 bbls Western extra family on terms kept private. The receipts are on the increase, and holders generally are free 'Were at the above figures. Rye Flour and Cora Meal are not much inquired for ar.d dull. We quote the former at $3 .50, and Pennsylvania Meal at $2.7512.871 per bbl, with small sales, ehising at the latter figures which lean advance. , WHEAT — The - receipts have fallen off, anti hold ers, at the close, realized rather Maher 'Prices, but ,the demand ie limited;. about 25,000 hotels sold, mostly fair to prime Pennsylvania. red, 21a 1.35. closing. at $1 35 afloat;' and white et from $t 38a1 55, including some choice Kentucky at the highest figures: B.Tit has been selling inlets, as wanted,4 t 85s88e for Pennsylvania. Corn is firm and active, with sales of 30,000 bushels, mostly prime Southern yel low, at from 1334850, in More, and afloat; closing at our. highest figures for dry lots Some inferiPri which is very unsaleable, sold at 55a600, and white at 049680, its in quality Oats are dull. and about II 000 bushels were disposed of at 32a33s for lion- Ahern; the - latter for prime Delaware afloat, and 31134 a for Pennsylvania, in store and aihat. The closing sales were at 33.3 for Pennsylvania afloat. Barley is dull, the season being over, and edit' gales are 003. Of Mill Feed we noteli sale at $143 50 per ton. PROVISIONS.— is quiet, with little or nothing doing " in barrelled Meats, and prices are nearly nominal at $18.50e19 for Mess Pork, and $l5 al4 for city Messßeef. doll, -Hams sell ing in late as wanted, at Heine for Waits and fan cy cured ; inalOo for Sides, and 7.lsSe for- Shen'. dare, usual terms; the• demand is very small. Green Meats are also-very quiet. Sides are held at 9a9,10, and Shoulders in atilt at 7e without sales; Lord is quiet, and held above the views of buyers ; about 250 tieraes and bble Western sold at 10.10,e, Cash and time; kegs are quiet at 'Hanle But , ter is but little itquired tor, and prime roll sells slowly at 1203 a. Cheetee,is steady at Fit Ate per lb. Eggs. are plenty and dull, and whole lots still at Se per dozen 11l scats.—The Iron market continues at a stand, with a small business only to note in Plg Metal, at $20a22 for No. 1 anthracite, and $20‘21 for No, 2, on time. Nothing doing in Beata' Pig. Menu. Geared Iron is dull and neglected. Lead--The receipts are light. hat there is no demand, and Galena is offered at $5.50 the 100 lbs, cash, without finding buyers A small sale of Virginia. was made at $5 371. Copper is dull and neglected, and we hear of but little doing in. Sheathing or Yellow Metal. Bang —Queroitron continues quiet, but let No. 1 is steady at $26 50 per ton, and tae receipts light; a sale of No 2 was made at $22 50. REBSWAX.—There is very little offering, and good yellow is scarce at 320 per lb. BREAD.—There is a fair demand for the supply of the troops, but otherwise there is very little doing, and prices are firmer. Cattnnaa.—No change in Adamantine and Tal low Candles. and a limited business to note. Sperm continue dull.. COAL meets with a fair demand, to go East, at about previous quoted rates. For home use, the receipts and sates are moderate, and prices the CoarET. -The demand is less active, and prices favor the buyers; sales Include about 0 000 bags, mostly Rio, within the range of 10fral4o for low grade and prime quality, including 4.700 begs sold by auction yesterday, and some small lots Laguay. ra, by private contract, at 14C4150, all on the usual terms, the market closing dull. COTTON market continues inactive, and prices firm and in favor of the seller, with a few email sales, only of about 180 bales to note, within tke,range of 12a15ie for Uplands and GO., outs and time The spinners are not buying, except to supply their immediate wswata, and, many et - the mills are 'Stopping Oreiratinnt. The following is the movement since the let of September last, as compared with the previous three years: 1861. 1660. la6p. 1616. Receipts st_ports. 3,383 000 4143 000 3 5 5 000 2 777,100 _ Export to Britain..l.9lB MO 2.324 MO 1,615.010 1833E00 Export to France— 681,000 sa.OJO 368600 383.000 Export to other F. P._ 31 1110 414.000 AWN 2112,011 Total export.— --2167.0e011,274 r wat 000 ;.911.006 !Reckon nano_ 276.0*1 376,000 422000 00,000 Of which, during the past week, included in the above: Receipts at porte..-... 25.000 32.000 40,000 NOW Export to 4o't cs,oooas.wo 73,000 33,000 .t.- , cport to France.. MOM 8.000 11,0IXI 8 050 Export to other F. 16,000 14.000 11.000 •19 000 Tosatexporte.____.— 01.001 ' 874.000 05000 10,000 Summary.- Receipts Deorease at tbe ports compared with last year 860 000 bales. Esports-- Decrease to Great Britain 375,000 bales; increase to Franes 16.000 ; decrease to other foreign porta 78.000 Total exports 4.37 000 bale* alsas Axis DYES are quiet. Among the sales we note a cargo of Logwood, some Soda Ash and Bleaobinu Powders, on terms kept private. 60 bbls Venetian Red also sold at 20 per pound, on time. Indigo is scarce, and held above the views of buyers. Panic -Sicily Oranges and Lemons are arriving freely, but the demand is limited, and a few small sales only have coma under one active, Trithin the range of $175x2 per boa. Nothing doing In other kinds, and domestic Dried Pratt is very dull. Fran -There is a fair country demand for Mackerel, and store prices range at $14114 dium and lerge No. ls, $17.50 for extra de, le •60a 7 and.slo 50411 for medium and large No. 21t, $6 for medium, and $8 per bbl for large No. Es. No wharf sales are made public. 'Pickled Herring are quoted at $2.75a3 per bbl. and the dentand limited. Nothing doing in Dry Akod,i Fano:mtg.-Tiler. is very little movement in foreign Freights, and no new engagements to Lon don or Liverpool have been made rattle. To'the West Indies a brig was takeu up to load from-the north side of. Cuba home at 38c for Sager and $3 25 for Molasses. Boston Freights are steady. To the South there is nothing doing. Collie/ears more plenty. The going rates are ,$135a1 40 to Boston, which is a' deoline ;' 51'2001.25 'to Reedit Island ; and 95e per ton to New-York from• Port Richmond. - • (luaao.-The demand is -less active, and•there are no changes to note in prices. ' • Byer is quiet, the stock being nearly all in- the hands of tee manufacturers, who are doing very little business. . • -Hors -The sales continue limited, 'Mises ring ing- from 1648340 for new crop Esetern and West em Old Hops are very dull. _ • - Mince and LEATHER, especially the former, are very Inactive and prises the same as last quoted. Lnoista.-Trade is extremely dull': W Waiting -Boards range at $l2 50e17; yellow impost° at slla - 12, and .114rmlook raft Lumber at'-s4a7 - per M. Laths are abundant and low, and Shingles steady, the stock of Southern being all dosed out.: MOLASSES oentinues• dull; with sales of Cuba, in lots, at 18a2lo, as In quality •Somellinsitovado Molasses sold' by auction at 16Sa19e, four maths, and Cardenas at leo, °soh. A *alp of Cuba was made by auction at 16a17e,_ on Oink Naves STOEBS are firm but quiet, with farther sales of:Spirits of Turpeutine at 86105 e per gallon as to lots. Of Rosin, Pitch and Tar, the sales are limited at thesidiranco. ' Oins.-30erm and Whale move off skaily at pre . vious quotations. Lard oil is dull at 88a900 Of Linseed- the sales continue moderate at , tota6Set *eight, and 57e- monks . - " Imports• of Oil and Bone into the 'United: States, for the week ending May 0, - 1861: - • Sperm. Whale. New Belford—. --_-_. 1.370 . . Nantes:kat— 900 New - 4.230 Total. 2,2 7 0 6,210 3,000 .PutariiiilairiGg islets freely, and prime are tumusttled and lower, with sales at $2 62km ten. Eta .-Ttio'salegi mostly in a small tray, ed Rolfe perils, the latter fax ettiatly prime. ' BAIT is unchanged; and an import-of ; 5,500 sacks Liverpool ground yea arrived sold' taaliorme kept private • - . • Scans.-There is nothing, doing the seamen be. ing about over; we quote nominally at $4 2554 60 for Clover, s2a2 25 for Timothy. and $145a160 par bus for Flastseed, and -very little': efforts% or selling. the and Gin are firm but dull, and the sales limited at about previous Was New England Rum is steady at 30.320. dell and rather, lower, with sales of bbla at 17/180 for -Penny and Western, drudge at 16‘16143, and hhds at 17e. • Banana have been quiet, and moat holders are Storing ; some 900 hhds, however, have leen dis posed of, chiefly Cubes for reining, `sat- 41, and Porto Rico at bistile, on time , Tannow. Is dad. City_ quoted at 9a 920, and country 810, and very little selling. Tees are firmer, and very quiet, and there is little movement in either Blacks or Greens.. The latter are scarce and advancing. . - TOBACCO -The market has become quiet, most of the deelers being well supplied with both leaf and manufactured. • • Wool. -There is some little inquiry for the mediam and low grades, for army clothing, but there is very little movement in the market as yet, and prides generally are unsettled. 'lois Frost NOve. • Savannah Arews'announoes with fealiop of griat joy the ar rival at that port of a Nova beotia'brig with a ear go of Joe from that colony. The,editor remarlu that " this arrival of ice from a place nearer the North pole than New England, •aemonetratts the fact thaqwe are Independent of TaukeedoMiledom, even for Its . great staple. LA them clue their "W - ports—let them freete n p . a eau do without their foe." A PIIOTOGRAPII of the bottom of the sea in Weymouth Bay has been suneesefolly taken, tby means of an Ingenious apperatue. The utility of this attempt is that the condition of piers, bridges, cites and other structures under water, may now be restilly ascertained.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers