. . ' • ~ ..1.7?1, - . - .. . . .. ... - AititiviL6o-1 1 1TE-PlillittPAL yr To 12COCTAXIeLAST . • . ~. • AWARD XooBE—Chestnut et., beloW Noah. - 'W C)IM; Culla ton Dr Patton ,NY ..), N hear, PI Y I, J Young & eon, -Middleton . 0 hompion,patolittai AllesJ 0 Beni, Ma , 81..Woodford, 1. , ',. -. %Thomas, Mon W IVTliomas, 111 i • - '-a Poindexter, Ky ftl.i rtuanutor, Russia • gemple, Del kerma dr lit, /3tieton M. Bina , 8.3".3 C yysporettrarleston , - w , Batton, r,.0 - T Lpget. P,, ~. , „... I MothliJs 0 irW. Wall 14,1§T - 7 . :/.4,, Mrs Etc!Fros Tyler it eon, rs lirdher, Pe 'l'T-7 Tit, , n ~., • - g Miss EdscoLds, Va . ' 4 % Jai -II miry C lil,rlt4' ''', NI ' , '' D r Ch u C G4rett Ala P A Preenlan, NJ ' , geB garer ti N iclfr Kl i i: ` ,,, l f,' s ous Ft'syel/r, e re, Nub „ GeQ W I,le, Ilifl,ldielt , LIN p o or t i f,g, That 'oP l""Ii -9r Witt v: t T ash &.% a ~.• . :, - _ rn . 0 , rr§o§ 4 ff„sy,t , f g.d.f,..,,,crtp,* B 4 ii i ikeiltalt. B H arnme ir:vili ii i ' ,;11 - W DIXOAI. Jr,England ' 4 4 ; rt r u b ion e t r a l Y 111119re an y l d a . ile la, N Y SW-Manhunt . , Vs E B Addison, Jr, Vet j kuwoodwar &w. Tenn Major lazy, U SA O .nu ,H d H aitgra,,tl.l..ton Totgiu,ggirlizii,s,, Moore, Aja , ' ,HN Gray, Va atm Goolriek. Vs Dr.T A Fronton & la, Va W_ll.2rooton. Va Mu trocton,,,lfs G W Trico, Jr, Pa Jas A Rudasell. Va Robt D Ward, Cm, 0, A C Weaver, Qin, 0 E M CI mir fa la Misa A Clark Pep W Beardslee, N Y , JONES' HOTEL — Chestnut S treet, above Oath. I) Al Hunter. & t la, N.Y W 8 Lewis, Vs ,15 Aliker, 3t Lome Samuel - Branch. Va ea H Houthcomb,_Va Alias, H Lewis, Vs NS Mary Gould, Tenn Too W Wright, Va . I,E Doll, Albany D James lc In v ldd L TSmith, N Y -IV 8 Lewis. Va . j .l 9 iltrg N lFleeling Miss H M. Robbilut,Wheerg C &book „gi t t A M Adams , Wheeling II K Mat, heeling oit Hubbard, Wheeling W E Dean, 8 C ' E (3 Ray, fil C A G Hams. 8C W Allen, S C . : Robe._ it Little., SO . RSA Pearson, 8 04: J F Noland, 8 C 11. Beaty, 8C . A 8 Randolph. La J Cooper, Miss J Condon, Jr. & Is, Md r Doty. VaE Fish & la, 11l .1' W Wall & la, N J ' .1 N Woodruff, Jersey City Geq_Park, N J F T Smith, Vs Er W Pruitt. Va E Pendleton, Vs Bhipperson. Va Atrial 0 Webb,N C rs Kerr . lows Miss Kerr, lowa W E Spencer, N V 7M Mann, Balt A Thompsoni_N Y F ?artist & la, N Y ) P %range, memphle --Ti' Aydlett, aleTphis F M , Etr, " if ' iTgr, RI. - B ENZ:VAL pa A Murphy, Balt jobriShermai4 l Balt RIOS A Woodbury, Boston NW. Brown rov, It I FM m MentgomerY, N Y A Claflin, . Wm Miles, N Y i. • .1 Moor! ? Watifutton, , D C t O. 7iiiteks`hlaiwY, Yo rk . B .- prings rit t einiorTbalt • F M Alye, Nl3 • ' Applewhite. N C , J : 6 Gerger, Md. Than 0 Montanus, Ohio JAMBS C Adams, Ball Chaa A Carroll & la,Albany MERCHANTS' HOTEL—Fourth it,. below Mott. Jae M Burchfield, Pittsburg E C Johnson; Cons' Ilia 8 Miller, Wash, Pa, 8 Gregg, Ripley,- 0 13.8inith, Erie Renard Rear, Mustard's E L. Cllehener, Pa 0 bborly, Columbus. 0 Ira .H Rakers. N Y Mrs Geo II Brown, N Y ali Knuth. San ,Fmneisco W Elwell, Towaada Espy, Atlantis City TM Davis & wf, Pall Itiv,pr Miss Ling,Fall River D C Dolan& Mansfield, Pa Jame" llama., Ohio John Hagan & la, Pa P WI hard, ra - . 3 Thompson,Allesbeny D 3 Churoh, Canfield, 0 A II Rosenholm, N Y 8 Ward & la, Harrisburg F.l Holtman, Lewietown 8 M Rusaell. VsL P Culver, Waterford, OJ 0 Cooper & Is, Vs L 0 George, Va ' FRANKLIN HOUSE—Chestnut Street, above Third. P W Hanson, Balt DD H Emory,Balt lN Johnston, lad C B Caldwell Brooklyn James. Wilma. Del Miui HMO JiT6ll,Del , oht Whidden. N Y 0 Allen, yew Brongsnek Montan Barker, Atigneta Mrs Dale, Wilton, Del 8114 art. N Y 8 P Round', Ohms pD ay, Cincinnati, 0 .1 D titration, Look lleven belts, &buy) Haven T A Welat t i N NlVtluoliiitrielitiler Thos 'Ling THE UNION ROTEL —,Aroh street. ethers Third. Gen W Shank, Md John Killer, Pa t ri free, N maetn, Corm ' Jan li Moms, Memphis , T Wass. Ilmehtille k i llaspet, Ch i ron _M i t,nr r3 .- E i gi l s . ;:nT o fismi•WC*Fras. Phil ohn M e Lanning, N I K -Moore. cepa • 48tronr. Ohio ir ft Mucdgli k i w r i reS Mason. NI ,_ • • • urs ahaw, rr -L H ffuebensr.Bethiehem ejt. IP' Baba. er,Ps Et_ G ßl74ll'4 ' ? 4 , "i°6 - - Urght, P Hri...7,2„„ 113 Coop wnslcilti - N J'.,- E ,1 Branner, r 4 C . I D Coop?, NO ' P B &mil, lingersinern 4 Knodlo , lbgerstawn . - - - NATIONALROTEL—Race direst, above Titra. a a Ramsay, Lebanon E Either, Lebanon 1t A Thayer, Allentown Thos Reltsayder. Cheater os prenman, Sellersville Geo P Kama, Bolton - B /Ninon; Lebanon W pir. N j Eptkihrgair.jub.-innat kroik,gfA.E, ewraße:. ..p ti D Saoksoni, rerryinrills T MoKee,Yenanso no, Pa Thies li e n r . AMC • a Fry. Train*, DI JPIAS Itelehter, Easton. • • ' N Y MOUNT' VERNON VOTEG—Resimal ort., aboia Aroh. kutt,l r nfey Shore':Vilit t eggz m Thorn,l as yam g dyer , r „ n James Brown, Mllleratown,i, ititiOßANTB' HOUSE—l i gird- ob. above CABasitill. A Hainnan & Is. Hazleton' Di A I Cratzei & ior, Philo f e C Omuta, MAO Chunk ' P_Wit*A. Jeakeetivara t torel n Ycht f illfiZr ggiMonestown, Pa .TB fro l it k rat, -.0 . ,-: ortfooigelail.t.. iihnOillA 4 ,lolo'ilitr-4311,..5ith_sciA11" . !.*ve Fifth. W 0 Tio;MpaA,Willo, Del tTriqtibbo, Oa i 0 coy i letuts,:, , . , wi y i , pu, v om. , - 9i n 0,.., T Dolor:1% 6 ."A G. Vigor a tr, la, N J Inc i o,ft, W arren, ba 11 ,,,,,. p H Hill.. C , 4 9 Law 6, Ni, - "..::, V" ( OTILms N C NY' John Youn, Boston . - • ; ' ' Wm Hates, lsoston . peo"W Bell, N Y -, i ' Y R Mau:. Mompirle.'"Poor, • W W- k Vs ~ ,r- •J W Whithact i nits . # Jones: NY :• . W LoWill,'N ~, M SteiVild k la, Baikal i t OROOIC & ,M 0 , B. Witham ec der, Ma , - - Om St lankisa, Del -It DBM.dds,Dol , , . 2 , 1 urray.. yt Jaw A Lovett, N.Y -, ,,,,,r ' .. Rea J 11., McKim, N J , Geztannonner, Jr, Mo , . - , - -' - - ' - - • - • • STATES UNlON—Market at.. above nixtre.' 8 s lri Imaluarisa. nosym -., -, 141 Dorman) , Cram' ' ,A_Birliacts, rrbila ._ . , , r'A Pltagemrd, Pomeroy, 0 i Wm Ketionecal t glr ' lookout. Pa , ' ~ -11 Befiloaturagle, ~ ~ ;:. , Cunningham, ComlL2l,l' psmour.En.. ,:.: ~, liars, itorrota, , Ya ean,,P mommior. - Mc ior,httalarra ~,_ al t wax, no. iv . e_ " ^, i t mii, W, I.III4IWIMP ORdAWIIo Wisoolllll.lr '' ' Mill ; 01 . ` r 8 E - WOOdnlllll & Obi V*li''.-' ' !Pr & all ' B Dun; Inclita'ayp Vow Pay or/uw, - i win moVity,Darriaborg ,9 W .Hankle, ;,.1 Berott4ia, DintOorak, Ps - • ' • ~ ~ , , . CWO e i rnr - aultik 514: - store mut an t. Vn g 4,1 1 17 - Kits t"de6 (14 1 1 7 4 ;. 31 Vo re , 1:1 11raldon .1 N co, Pkilt - - E.Tastor West Chester Mire foe, West Chester Wells:Pottstown ~,. 8 .1) Let 4 Wouth, D C.I 8194%, Cheater co, Pa itipApt,upikiwr4—Thud csmoirtuu. sontbaropton Casper H Oeonu r W ggß l iberry: MaraLhoing r sosiq, kffujks:ffai gain &lumen Pittler j P Bruner. mlests:4n AbrairaniStaufter,Rearliss , iu' Jacob.Cl9turneimaa' . „ . BALD EAOLE 110 TFAr—fhirAit, oh: Callowinit Me Christman, Pa , Richer on, Bunks on H ittqder, N - elitsh, Jesse Latta, Del - .018 Ro a ns..UP° e t • Saint Smith, Busks Q. tom D an ppia • Win Beans, Bank* on. Pa Bent Beano. %mks ca, ;tzimidit3nrit64,:toi sax FOURTH PAVE, . , AREE . . Bark 'White Wma. Ealing M ,. otn ' Laguayra Bert IT, with hides to Whitt Problem ell hsrk flowens, WA amt. from and for Philadelphia, dlephp 'eohr trine, Peterson, from and for 11,sitimotek_dp, , The W en countered heavy wind/ from iv to NE INftween ttprais a d iae. H lll:Bll,ZATaltgeolig,r b ? nitni "11.. • - (Correepondenee of ho_kreect ew YOlll, Oct 7, ' The 17 iS midi steamship Fulton arrived to-day from Havre' and ilouthameton 21ilt WU With 144 malingers. !Savona having eXperseneeli strong westerly wind. du ring the entire panne. Friday. Beet with 1001 AM. 4,9 13.10ng m Ag, exchanged eignem eteamshiv Ocean Queen, Sunday. Oct2d, at ) a tat x 623, 10ng44, exahantedtuilliola with Br ship Lemeenoisteenng . kvrox, Oct. 7. Arrived, Br hark ifindoo, from Caerneryon. Below, bark Mary Broughton, from tlormatn. - kt.AIA. steamship -Mtwaraih, r Cop an , Tenoe, arrived at New Irv* yesterday. • mean:whip vonderblit, Lefavre, for Havre, cleared at Now York' rester ay. tltetrtnahip Oaf of Italtintore, Leitch; cleared at New Yorkyesterday tor idverPooL Ship hireatinOlisht, Samuel+, cleared at New York yen tardity for Liverpool. ?eta David Faust. Mental:vier hence, arrived at Wi • nlaato n 6th inst. nst. Was kapott - tom Cave Hanle nMo r °w F nd. Peterson, cleared at New York yes terday forYkiladelphis. • Behr Hookinsham, Talpey, bents, arrived at Ports mouth 6th Int Beh Mary ,tone. ee. Bits zarit, cleared at Roston 6th inst. for New Yew • Bohr A Crandall, Fitch, train Cohaiitnq fOr• Portland at Monomer dth hist, at bossrs Uenok Rowe, nst. Harris, end Amelia, Rookhill, hones Provid Sth i ALL-ENGLAND ;ELEVEN. MS GERMANTOWN PASSENGER RAILWAY CARS RUN NEAR PAMAP'S ESTATE. Upon which,the GRAND CRICKET MATCH Is to be played TBE OARS OF THR GERAIANTOI_WN POSEN •tri • ".1 GER RAILWAY COMPA NY will commence running rorigh to' Germantown on SATURDAY, Ootoher Bth, PARE: ..To or from Germantown, or to or from the • • city, via Fourth or Etteh streete......l2 cents, •or apaches?, of ten tic to fort. - To or from Logan a Rap iffiestownt, or ,to or from the Mtg . , vie Fourth or Eighth streets..". .............. cents, .or a package of twelve Mugge .... Gl. _ Way travel to or Irom Hieing Hun, or to or from Osman towm ....... ......... • .... 6 islets. es-ofPackag Tickets fop toile o the Depots at DIA MON,QI Rye nr GERMANTOWN, or at the Conitia ny's uffice,l2B DOOR Bonet, •Br order of the •Board Aloofoters. • • WI M. GINGERLY, HERRIN fi. —270 blilw Pickled Herring; .a ale boxes Smoired Nerrini. ror eels by O. O. SADL t. ER re CO, ARCH Street . second door above Fron MACKEREL —725 bbls:Nos. 1, g, and 3 hiookorid, soacirted Orrenal - Paykiltel bteld , ostok, for side by aC. sAvbmit, 11 ,5, o lt the fl btree second door move Front. ' 08 G . UANO—OTIANO—GUANO —in Store l and for isle in lots to suit eurehasers.' Ferman ..- W O lll dQ. POO to ors:rune it before_ pureliesing else : tither : 2 Pried .20 tier LIM - pounda, JOHN mammy, ;4403-st,w , , - . wiLLOW' street. below Seoond. IVIAOKEREL —125 1)1)1$., 1801)ilves, 115 , av , and guteis 2oglcit tt ts l tln, ale iOO bidshi. . a J d gd d%i lixt w. _oB ',gALMON: 2 4.2S bbla: prime new No. 1 Sal :nett, Maim from ateainar Itanahrefon„and pypiln Y nr*M. J.:WA LOtt 4,00,122 and 4,N,WHA RVFA • 200 138L5, -, No.l, lIERRINO-1.00 half bble. extra alacianalsi Fish, In ante end trv w . g M. J. TAYL9R & 130022 and 124 North 08 • lIORLEr.S - E! - tfOr :, POP.. OATTI,E. : •-•.-. -, •votIRAEs i I .-..•.-.::..- r . , ~ ', O- • • ' . lro , .. ... ' FOlt XOS :1 , T•• '. ',-,- ..2:17 St onc e ; tp_nivill ins it AIWA'S ,• racte overcame ,--.--, tiro ddioeik For norseeric le indieeenesehe itUproylotttlit .--, :' , ' , at euetaining alt -the animal funotinhel In health and vigor. par Coved le inyelneble,lnereeijnit the quahtity --- - ' r s '- andinumovting the SUilitt, of:milt: , Fer Bheap sod Pip ''' ' s . ,' the * eyite prodneen 1n one. Thonth win whew en ox- - - :,,. - 4.,- , ,„T JiVe-FOOD FOR OATTLEhasbeen awarded , , :, -- 4,-• e •-lk _61,0„ Ity the l'enneylvams State Asrt n it ura i '- P' ,-.- " ay et the • Znhibition at P,owetton, _tete. , ''''- 'l ' -4 “' - :'437-tei'!-`.,1,f- 4, -" , --,- ,1 : rihringtfir t it,, , - N'Ewt.A l 4l l = o 4' LOOkittd-44.46ti Atitil , nortrßE-yßpa . - moruflerruptip riA , v 0101141.11 " 2,,... 11 m os me All at sitsale' Olk reti t l,ur save tigery. 600.14.4, • I a t owmaii r :)MiI'FURS G RAND ' 1 . 4 E lq:jl4 G PARIS - LONDON CLOAKS OF ELEGANT LADIES' FURS. FO - R ONE WEEK, COMMENCING MONDAY, 00TOBER 10, 1850. The subscribers bet to mimeo that they will hold an EXPOSITION OF THEIR IMPORTATIONS AND MANUFACTURES FOR THE FALL AND WINTER SEASONS, ON MONDAY, OCTOBER 10Tn, AND DURING THE WEEK, On which occasion they will exhibit the largest COLLECTION Of ELEGANT GARMENTS EVER OPENED IN PHILADELPHIA. J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. THR PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM, 708 CHESTNUT STREET. GRAND. OPENING ELEGANT FURS LADIES' DOSTIIISIE, IN THE PUR ROOM OF THE PARIS MANTILLA EMPORIUM. TUE SUBSCRIBERS Dee also to anrottnoe that, In oomplianco with the tvielma of several milted etuttOmms, they have added to their establishment a I!'UR DEPARTMENT. In whioli will at nll times to found the largest display of well seasoned Garments, made up by the bast French workmen, and at PRICES which will COMMEND them to the acenomleal as well as the moat luau/loci purobasor. EVERY GARMENT May be relied on as being exactly whet is represented, ea It is no pert of the view of the subscribers to obtain nn ephemeral notoriety by offering imitative manatee tures for the sake of selling cheap—but, on the contrary, a reputattoa band on the permanent cad durable foundation of public confidence. J. W. PROOTOR & Co., IMPORTMB Alin BIANUVACTURERS CLOAKS, MANTILLAS, AND PUNS, N O. 7 0 8 CHESTNUT STREET. i I ifILADELPRIA, NEW PUBLICATIONS MARIAN GREY; ' OR THE lIEIRESS REDSTONE HALL, CELEBRATED MRS. MARY J. HOLMES IS NOW READY IN THE NEW YORK WEEKLY. PRICE FOUR CENTS. FOR SALE EVERYWHERE'. IMPORTANT NEW BOOKS, JUST PUBLISHED D. APPIAITON & CO., Nos. 340 and 301 BROADWAY FIJI AND THE FIJIANS. HY T1i0741,14 'WILLIAMS and SAMSyALVY.RT. 1 vol. five. Illustrated with Colored P ales and Maps. Price Algae. (From the New York Observer.] " This is a most valuable works eon a new 'midget. It is the result of patient and intellig_ entresearch by the Rev. Thomaa Williams and the Rev James Calvert. The facts are reliable ; the deduction. are the fruit of long personal observation and inquiry. The history, government, wars, agricultural advantagee, manner. end customs, religion, language& and literature ef the islanders, are carefully and sciehtlfically treated in the first part of the book, while the second part Is devoted easel''' . interesting armour of thrdichionaryiolpera tmde commend rtci gii n era c iin e ost o gl i seirL alike t o tthse i s la nds. dent of races and nationaiities, and to the friends of Christian missions. BREAKFABT,_DIE EDE NNR, AND TEA, vIW CLABSICALLY,,OETICALLY and PRACTICALLY. CONTAINING NUMEROUS .DISHES AND FEARTS OF ALL TIMES AND COUNTRIES. BESIDE THREE HUNDRED MODERN RECEIPTS. I vol. Small eto. Gilt Top. Price °LSO. " It in altogether the beat book for a genteel house keener that we ever met."—lN. Y. Observer. "The beau-ideal of a Cook Book."—i Portland Trans.cript. A more acceptable bo ok for a young housekeeper it would be difficult to find. —lChicazo Record. We commend this boek to literary cooke and person, in search of food for mind and body—particularly the body,,—lSt. Louis News. Every housekeeperwho - would deserve the beet cos pliments of her gowns should owp oopy.—Nity Item. " The romp s which comprise Fish, Flesh. Fowl, and Fruit, are none the less practicable from the abun dance of anecdotes With which they are garnished,"— (Cincinnati Gazette. PARTIES AND THEIR P_RINCIPLES; A MANUAL OF POLITICA!, INTELLIGENCE. EX • HIBITING THE ORIGIN, GROWTH. AND CHA- R_,ACTF_R NATIONAL PARTIES, WITH AN APPENDIX, _CONTAINING VALUABLE AND GENERA". STATISTICAL INFORMATION. By Alt2Hus liorAtze. I vol. I2Mo. contains a eucciaet exposition of till questions of national interest, past or present, with the view. of mutant statesmen, the action of Congress, and the bearings of those questions upon the country at large. While the work Is condensed, it is at the tame time clear in its delineation of thi l origin, growth, character, coil condition of parties. int strietly h istorical. it com mends itself to men of al shades of politica at work of referents, and as a safe guide to the inirionciet of American politica and the past action of our Govern ment. IV. THE gISTORY OP BERODOTUH. It new English version, edited with miens notes and iallappendicies. 'll,l 4 oaorge'Rawlinson. M.A., assisted by Col. Bir Henn Y Rawlintion, if. C. 8., and SirJ. G. Wilkinson, P. R.B. With Maps and Iliustratione. To be oompleted in 4 vols.. Vol. Lave. 82.80.- The object of this work is to present the English render with a correct yet free translation, and to collect and motbodige the chief illustrations of the author. which T 11 0 ,10711 learning and research have accumulated, Pa rallel with the progress of the work, a wines of fresh diseoverie• have been made upon its Ito us) more im portant sublects—the ettinottmpliy of the East, and the history and geography of Babylonia and Assyria, The result. of these discoveries, up to the latest, have been inoorpontr in the illustrative part of the work—great port of It !wing been. from tim doub t ful , rewritten, as new light 116,1 been thrown upon points. Y. HIRTORY FR_ANCE, FROM THE EARLIEST TIMER TO MDCCCXLVII. IT THILItIiV. JAME. Win TR, Author of the Etrhteen Christian Centuries." This history I vol., Bvo. Price 83. ie believed to be especially adapted to the benefit of general readers who are anxious for historical as well as other kinds of knowledge, but who, in respect to the /Votary of France, are repelled from the attempt to aeon re it by the dryness of the narrative, and the un interesting style of the smaller volmnes devoted to the /tibiae, and by the time and labor resnired for the pe rusal of the more extensive and valuable works. VI. THE NEW AMERICAN CYCLOPJEDIA, PORMINO A COMPLETE DICTIONARY OF GENERAL KNOWLEDGE. Edited by Cig MI. A. DAHL and GEORGE Timm. The work will be publiehed exclusively by suleiorip hon. in 14 large octavo vOluMO4, 'nett containing TtO two column pages, and in extenor appearance m at once elegant and staitantial The volumes will be Issued se rially In clot 43; library style. leather 83.40 ; half tae 0000, ; Ruseht extra, 194.60 each pat able on &divert . . Vol. Vik jut read. IF rore t e Indepenuont of.lane 2.) A isymeathieing andappreciative spirit peryades the articles; so that, instead of mere frigid narrative, or an exacting and rigorous criticism, we have an animated and hearty style, both of conception and easdnasicin This is noticeable, for example, in the article, on Chris thatntY.Chrodmse. on Coleridge and Fenimore Cooer, ton Cookery, too/ and on such living men an the l i on. 8. P. chase of O nlo. A genial and reverent temper im bues the book, while the merely literary incaution of it I. worthy of all praise. In the sphere whiolt it stooges to fill a, s Popular Dictionary of General Knowledge, it moires after and achieves a noble awes,. 08-3 t MADEMOISELLE TITIENS. The steel portrait of this popular eametrioe, with memoir, nnd the Sept.:lth number of the ILLUSTRATED NEWS OF T H E WO4LD, published in London and Bolton, and containing. no usual,lll payee or choice rending and beautiful wood eneravines. Is now ready. Price Fifteen cents. N. B.—Tbe portrait of illhes. Diokeng, 1. K. Brunel , or any of the back portraltr, with memo! r. nun always ha had, together with back Welt of this favorite journal. In any form, from the beginulng, an d sent carefully packed to any part of the U.S., on receipt or orders and . aublerltiers by the earor nuerterly can arays Ls thew portraits In wince, if preferred, an free from folds, Circulate wi Ibe sent free to any address, If applied for. -HENRY Age n t .OWN & 00.04 Hanover street, Pub lishers and t for the United States. o 8 St wirillE BIBLE TIMES V' THE PEOPLE'S -N. RELIGIOUS PENNY PAPER! Belling foot! Newa P te tt l itgo ß ruv„T t ialll r vi i"y. 1010, 0 . 0° ,54 es to v h i t s } ; B , e " d 'i n u js u e ttirak d rtl y ; publication u umce foor u ton's e olulo noolue 103 South TENTH IStreet,jus ' t elm , ' Chestnut. It* DUX AND HIS FRIEND FIDUS. THIS DAY PUBHED. DICK AND H-I8 FRIEND FIDUN. By Catharine M. frowbridge, author of " Edward Clifford," ko., wiat illuetmtiong. Ilmo, ddeepts. ear some young reaer oft t it; little story egolaim " hat a Lucky fellow that Dok wax! How I wish I Woad a friend ea Ilidus. to winner la my ear what I might to do to become good and happy !" You holm such it friend; you know him well, but you have iticus known him by annther name. Pnbhaned by WAL 8. & A 1. 1 711130 NAIIIEN. 01 0011;IBOTNUT Street, THE PRESS.-PMADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBE NEW PUBLICATIONS CARD.- SAMUEL HAZARD. JR 724 CHESTNUT STREET, Has the pleasure of announcing to his friends and the Publio, that haring succeeded to the business of ' He has made extensive and beautiful alterations in he Store hitherto ooeupted by them. The Store having been lengthened and more light introduced, it will now, compare favorably with any similar establishment in the country. THE ARRAIVGEAIENT OF THE STORE AND STOCK Ma boon made to resemble, as much as possible, tho of LARGE PUBLIC LIBRARY, The Bimks having been arranged In divisions accord mg to the charaoter of their contents, and over each division is lettered the subject, thus offering an our end clamant method for persons to select at their leisure snob books as they may wish to purchase or consult. TOE LARGEST AND BEST ASSORTED STOCK OP BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITE RATURE OP ENGLISH AND AMERICAN EDITIONS IN EVERY STYLE OF BINDINGS, Is kept constantly on hand. liming connections with the prytunpal Publishing Houses in the United States, THE NEW BOOKS Are received as fast as issued, and THE NEW ENGLISH pUBLICATIONS Will be revolved by every steamer. A stook of BIBLES, PRAYER AND JWMN BOOKS le always kept on hand. uneurpateed in the VARIETY OP THR EDITIONm AND TIIR RICIINEas OP THE BINDINGS, At the request of many customers, A STATIONERY DE&ARTMENT, Under the charge of a special clia, has been added All the new ell lea (if PAPER and TN VRLOPPA always on hand, and the latest novelties will be received from London and Paris. INITIALS, CRESTS, CORPORATION sad COMPANY SEALS stamped on Paper without extra charge. 'Weems° and VIsITINO CARIxS written, printed, Or engraved. A READING TABLE, On which will be found the Daily Papers. Foreign and Literary Periodicals and Alagazines, has been fitted up for the benefit of customers and their friends, and espe cially for those from out of town, who are frequently at a loss, whim in the oily, how to pass an hour. THE SCHOOL BOOKS In use in the different &hoots can always be had, and ft LIEF:RAI. DIBCOUNT Is Mlll'llll4 made OCIARIic3IEN and marmites. Hating A BINDERY Connected with the establishment, particular atten tion will be paid to the Binding of Books, Memo, &0., in the best and cheapest manner, SUBSCRIPTIONS RECEIVED For all the current Magnimes, English and American Will be ea low as those of any house in the oity, from whioh n liberal ilmoonnt will be made to Thus offering to purchasers the advantages of the LARGEST ASSORTMENT LO WEST PRICES. Every effort will be made, not only to maintain, but to 'novenae the well-known reputation of thin krtuae for ELEGANT EDITIONS AND MD/NOG OF THE BEST AUTHORS, And to make it an well THE METROPOLITAN BOOK STORE A 9 A PLEASANT LITERARY RESORT nc3•6t THE GREATEST BOOK of the SEASON, Jost published. lip • GEOR CEA?, EVANS. ' GI FT•BOOKSELLER, 1 , 10. 439 CHESTNUT Street. MEMOIRS OF ROBERT 11011D1, MEMOIRS OF ROBERT MOUTH , MEMOIRS OF ROBERT HOUDI MEMOIRS OF ROBERT HOUDIN. Ambassador, Ambassador. Ambassador, Ambiuisior. Ambassador. Ambassador. Ambassador, Ambassador. Ambassador. Menem, or, Ambassador, Ambassador, Author, Author, Author, Author, Author, Author, • Author, Author, Author, Author,hor Author, Wizard, ' tr u iiiird'. Wizard, Wizard, Wizard. Wizard, Wieard, Wigan!, Wizard. lymph Wizard, Wizard, Conjurer, CoMurer, Conjurer, Conjurer, Conjuror, Conjurer, Comurer, % j r u er, gooprer. •. Conjurer, Teri "n1p4r,..,---- Magician, h an Magician. clap. - ` - 'axi arl , as man, meant/1m grarri h , ....an Magician, 1a..........n.0i, - resaaneer, Eeerotnancer, r e p rim maer, poromancer, edrOManaer• commencer. earortutheer, eeroinancer, Necromancer , - loromenper. Necromancer, Sorcerer, inereerer. proffer, Sorcerer. Sorcerer. roarer, Sorcerer, Sorcerer, Orcerer. Sorcerer. Sorcerer, Sorcerer, Enchanter, Enchanter, Encha nter, Enchanter, no enter, Era enter. Enchanter, hathanter, Eno tenter, Enahenter,_ Inter, Enchanter, PISW ERSOK OF SLEW T-OF-HAND, Mo., eto., et c . Written y Himself ; Edited lif . . DR, R. SHELTGIif h ACKBhZIE. With a copious Index, carafe ly arranged. This book is full ol Were king and ordaining anecdotes ref the interviews of the great 3 wird wi l b the moat distinguished perionages of the nreeent Sep, and gives descriptions of the manner of performing Many of hie meet curious trial and transformations. ® Bound in one volume of 446 pages, limo., cloth. Price, And reconoot that a Handeome Present, Worth from hd f; liras To 6100, 18 OVEN WITH EACH BOOK. [From the London Times.] " It is admitted that Robert-Houdin did obtain great eininonca in his vocation, for he was sot by the Prop!' Government on a sort of political Whir l° astomeli the Arabs and counteract the influence of eir blare bouts. Be was thee an Embassador among onjurers, and a Conjuror among Enthaesadore. Ile now add, the triple t rick of authorship to his professional pages and personal transformations.' I From the Westminster Review.] " Without any sarcaetio intention, we Inlaid ahoy that the Conjurer was really a man of greater ability than ninny a successful author. On the whole, we can recommend thee° • Memoirs of Robert-Houdin' as PI VI "I' RTORteORS AT F.VANS' GIFT-ROOK .EsTABLIBIIMENT. whore ou as gin 430 CtIESTNUT Street, ln BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERA TURE, and A HANDSOME PRESENT, Worth from 60 cents to 81100, is given with each book sold. Call tn, and (MP trial will aware yor that the only place in the rate where to pure GE ORGE hare BOOks at, is 0. EVANB' GIFT-BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, No. ass CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. Two doors below Fifth, on the upper side. iliti" Strangers, visiting the city, axe respectfully in vited to call and examinee the large collection of Books, and get a Catalogue. o 7 9t T PORTRAIT OF HON. EDWARD EVERETT, beautifully engraved on steel by D. J. Pound, will be published October Bth, NEWS sened gra WO RDe ILLUSTRATF,D OP THE of that date; ready in Boston, October 18th, price Ply- Ens Crate; postpaid to any art of the Unir talon. Thes portraits, all engr ed on Reel, in le finest style of the art, combining curacy with de i may of finish in engraving rarely attainable, except by the best and most practised artists—ma) be sub aeribed for an follows: With the weekly numbers of the USTRATI,II NEWS OP THE 'WORLD. A favorite family Journal, replete with news and stem dard information from all parts of the world. profusely illustrated with fine wood engravings, and in connec tion With the DRAWING PORTRAIT GALLERY, The wonder of the age for cheapness and beauty. Yearly-42 Papers, 82 Portraits and Minnoirm $7 Half " " 25 3 9 80 0 Quarts " Z 643 " 13 " 2CO d to any part of the United States. SubsertPHOfis may commence at en) dote, as back clock of an the portraits are constantl) on hand. To vervain Iniury in passing through the ;post, the Pathan* luny be sent separately, (not prepaid.) neatly packed.. siterly In advance; or a selection nifty be made fro those already published, if preferred, for the whole, ar. The postage on the weekly numbers, with or without the portrait, is alwayspreliaid by the publishers. Precis $1.25, and India moon, $2.00, oil large paper. of theiportrait of Mr. Everett, or coy of the portraits _ yft elan be had. m lgow ready, the heat and second series (40 Post ails and Memoirs in each, benuttru)ly boned), THE DRAWINU ROOM PORTRAIT GALLERI . Price 86 BO ach *oriel. Add e ress HENRY A. BROWN & COMPANY, 14 HANOVER Street, Boston. DEALERS SHOULD ORDER EARLY. se2o-24,rie8.18. 17.18,19-7 t RENOUARD'S (of Paris) IIIeFORY OF I vol. Bvo., pp. 720. Sheep. Price 03.50. No student of Medicine 'coo pursue hie studies with genuine zeal, without the information conveyed to renders of English only in this volume, Every Physician and Student of Medicine should be acquainted with the history of his science. • • • A compendious,,well-arranged treatise by Dr. Ren ounrd, etc.--1 Prof Jnesson. Univ. of Penn. no It is a work of great erudition. accuracy, and Abdo 'melded! Imminen,—(lianvEr Mai:mixt', M. D., Wash ington City. This work of Renouard is one of great merit, well calculated to fill a void in this department of medical literature.—(yror. Onos*, Jefferson Med, Col., run. hest history of Medicine extant.--I Ani. Jour. of Pharmacy. Prom its pages a very accurate acquaintance with the historyof Medicine may be obtained.—(ling es Ain. Jour. of Med. Science. Wo are sure that the work will be received with the favor which it so truly denerves.—(Roston Med. and Sorg. Journal. It is a work which is greatly needed. Some such worli ought to form a part or every liberal and extendeit course of Medical education. • • * • • no similar modern work in our language.—(London Med. 'limes and Gnzetto, MOORE. WI LSTACIL KEYS. & CO., Publishers. For sale by nil Medical Ilooksellers In bPlultulolplux, LINDSAY & ISTON SIXTH Street; .I. 11. LIP PINCOTT & CO., FOURTII. Street, etc. ot-tu& sit A BISTORY OF ALL RELIGIONS, Containing A Statement of their Origin. Development, Doctrines, and Discipline. BT SAMUEL. M. SMUCKER, TA. D. This work prosente in a condensed form the most valuable Information in reference to the subject which (veld be desired. It contain', also, select Biographical Notice. of Eminent Divines anil Theologians. "um" 336 9 ltn e t ifITB3II, Publisher. 527-tutheet. N 0.33 South TNIRD Street. WILLIS' POEMS ILLUSTRATED.— Willis' Poems. richly illustrated by more than clue hundred engravirs, from original designs. In tur- WEtb u iliaVall t il e dekr. ECONOMY and othor Papers. Br De 11 nineoy, Ittino. 75 mita. AL7ilOB . l A HEROINE. By the author of Charles Aueliester. 12 ino. Pti YARD TAYLOR'S TRAVELS IN GREECE HAND R SHIA, with two steel Illustration& 12mo. " ICI( AND HIS FRIEND I'IDUS. By the author of Edward Clifford. limo. 45 mac ELLIE RANDOLPH ; or, Tho Good Part. limo. 75 rent.. *LITTLE wiLLIE. fly the author of Union. 16mo. 26 cents. For gale Itty WILLIAM B. 6t ALFRED ISIARTIEN, o 6 No. 600 Clll.lBl NUT Street. O LD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS—OLD BOOKS The undersigned states that he lies frequently for side books printed between theyers lin and IWO; early editions of the Fathers k r the R eformers and of the Pu ritan Divines; in Lair, /Stardom, ittleton, l'ufloodortf Fret Me, Dowat, Coke, Hale, the Year Rooks, Reports 0., are often to be found on his shelves; Cyclopedins axioms., Claim authors, History, - Poetry, rhthisophy, Science, Political Bconotny, Government, architecture, Natural History. Treatises upon these and other kindred pullouts are bein continually dealt in by him. Books , in large and ema il queintities,iitrehasqd at the Custom- House avenue liqokstall, CHESTNUT Street, above rogr** l l44o l , llll l. AMA. 0/01P114LL. HAZARD BROTHERS, THE PRICES CARR BUYERS, NEW PUBLICATIONS N EW BOOKS For Side by (TAUT & yol,Kmit, Successors to H._Cowportlisrait & Co., No. 602 CHESTNUT Street, stb North Ando. BREAM. AST, DINNER , TEA: Viewed chisel cabby, poetically, and practically, Containing nutne roan curious dishes and feasts of all tunes and noun tries. TILE WHEAT PLANT: tts origin, culture, growth, dank:Montt couloositlon, varieties, diseases. &o. uy J. H. Klippen. THE SCIENCh OF EDUCATION, and Art of Teaching. By_John Ogden, A. M. DE _QUINCY—THE LOOlO OF POLITICAL ECO NTHE and other FIELD; , c.ItIBRETor, the History and Sci ence or urinket. PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATES.Containing elsotoliesOitigraphical, Personal. and Political. of pro minent Landidates for the Presidency in 1860. By D. W. Bart iott. BORDER WAR. A tale of Disunion. By J. B. Jot. MHISISAIPPI BUBBLE. A memoir of JOHN LA . By Adolph Thiers. To which are added au thentic ..Qoonnts of _the Darien Expedition, and the Soutli Sea &lime. Translated and edited hr Frank S. Fiske. SYLV4'I3 WORLD. Crimes whioh the Law does tot tench. • • • . FIF:ULATI. Amule WINDOW MIBB BLIMMEN'S, and other pa are. By Mrs. Mark Peabody. With humorous dine tratlono. . AGUECHEEK. Sketches of Foreign Travel. KNITTING WORK. A Web of ninny Textures. ` wr ltrail l ,72l l l gi r t t aF t g l i U RODGE Rs. ALMOST A HEROINE. By the author ol Charles Auchester, kn. BMOOTIPSTONES, taken from Anoient Brooks. By Rev. C. 11. Spurgeon. Being a, collection of sentences, illustrations, and auttinA llamas, from the works of that renowned Puritan. Thomas Brooks. A PRACTICAL, TREATISE ON STREET OR HORSE: POWER RAILWAYS: Their location, con struction and management, with general plans and rules far their organization and operation, are...kc., inclu ding copies of Municirptl Ordinances relating thereto. By Alexander Engin, L. E. Also, a very large assortment of Books of every ile nprion. in plain AMERICANyI ng ENGLISH and STATIONERY. BIBLES, PRAYER and HYMN BOOKS, of every variety rtno style. OUR. TABLE, containing all the daily papers, with many Magazines and Periodicals, oars an advantage for st:ending a spare hour. N. B. TEACHERS will do well to call at the TEAcHERS' HOME. No. 609 CHESTNUT Street, and gramme our large and complete assortment of School 'Woks. oca-7t COUNTRYADVERTISING.-TIIE AME -126 RICAN RERUBLIC N and CHESTER COUNTY DEMOCRAT, entabisli OW, and published at West v Chester, Pa.,s sir elt to the Merchants and busi ness men of Phil 6pha. as a first-class medium for advertising. Int 6 county ' of Cheater. where it mainly circulates, there are four railroads terminating at Phila delphia, and these roads annually carry to that city hun dreds and thousands of persons, all of whom no there to make purchases. Advertising solicited. GEO. W. PEARCE, 03-6 t Proprietor. POLITICAL. CHARGE' AGAIN! Up (WARDS, AND AT THEM! ANOTHER RALLY FOR THE RIGHTS OF THE PEOPLE AOAINST THE VANDALS! ONE MORE BLAST OF THE BUGLE! AND TIFEN TO VICTORY! The citizen. of Philadelphia who are opposed to the existing Notional Administration, and its swindling Lecompton policy, and who are in favor of the people governing themselves by laws enacted by their own Representatives, and who are opposed to the corrup tions of the miscalled Democratic party, and who are opposed to the rule of the Killer tribe in the criminal courts of our county, and who are in favor of the purity of the ballot.box, and the election of honest mon to office, will hold a GRAND MASS , DEMONSTR ATION INDEPENDENCE SQUARE, SATURDAY EVENING. OCTOBER Brn, AT 8 O'CLOCK. Come with your Banners waving—come with your Mu lie—come from your Stores—come from you r Dwellings end your Workshops—nnd show to the people of your State and Country that l'hiletlelphie, the HOME OA LIBERTY, to still determined to preserve the glorious Institutions bequeathed to us from the Fathers of the ReVolution. Let there be A GRAND RALLY FOR 00CIIRAN! A GRAND RALLY FOR REIM! A GRAND RALLY FOR MANN! A GRAND RALLY FOR )(NIGHT! A GRAND RALLY FOR SMITH! A GRAND RALLY FOR CONNELL! A ORAND RALLY FOR THE lIROLE LEO IS ME TWEET OF THE PEOPLE! Remember, Philadelphians, that "He Who Would be free himself must strike the blow." Addresses will bo delivered by 'ON. E. JOY MORRIS, -110 N. WM. D. KELLEN._ --- sse:-........-”ssisizo-OTLYIN. HON. A, G. CURTIN. HON. HENRY Al. PULLER. HON. JAMES COOPER, HON. HENRY D. IMOORE. TROMAeR. EINLETTE ft, Eq. GEORGE A. COFFEY, Eeq. WAL D. MANN, Esq. PHILIP S. WHITE, Emu. JOSEPH R. FbANIGEN, EAU. LEONARD R. FLETCHER, lie. WM. MORAN, Esq. EDWARD GRATE, Esq. MORTON M'MICHAEL, Esq. FRED. M. ADAMS, Esq. WAI• D. I.MER, Esq. 8. J. REA, Eau. JOHN M. BUTLER, Eeq. GEORGE CONNELL, Esq. WAL F. SMALL, Esq. LEONARD IG BYERS, Esq., And athorq. orb-6t INDEPENDENT PEOPLE'S TICKET SECOND SENATORIAL DISTRICT HIRAM AYRES. THIRTEENTH WARD INDE ENDEN T PEOPLE'S TICKBT EMIITH LF.OIBI,ATIVE UNTRICT. HENRY L. ELDER. TENTH WARD TENTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT JOHN C. KELLER, DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE. This District is cotnanned ni the FIFTEENTH WARD. and the SECOND and SIXTH DIVISIONS of the FOURTEENTH WARD. oot--7t• pEOPLE'S TICKET. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL. THOMAS E. COCHRAN, FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL. WILLIAM 11. KRIM, FOR DISTRICT ATTORNEY, WILLIAM B. MANN FOR PROTHONOTARY OP THE COURT OP COMMON PLEAS, CHARLES D. KNIGHT FOR STATE SENATOR—Second District, GEORGE R. SMITII. FOR STATE SENATOR—Fourth Dietriot GEORGE CONNELL. FOR ASSEMBLY Fleet District—PAßSON EDMONDS. Second Duitriet—WlLLlAM B. TURNER. Third District—CHAßLES HORTZ. Fourth District—RENßY IC. STRONG. Fifth District—JOSEPH htOORE, Jr. Sixth District—CHAßLES O'NEILL. Seventh District—J. 11. SELTZER. Faxlith District—JACOß E. RIDGWAY. Ninth Distriet—NATHAN SPERING. Tenth District-8. 8. PANCOAST. Eleventh Distriet—lSAAC A. SHEPPARD Twelfth District—RlCHAßD WILDEY. Thirteenth District—JAMES lIOLOATE. Fourteenth District—J. B. ALLEN. Fifteenth District—J. F. PRESTON. Sixteenth District—GEOßGE WILEY. Seventeenth District—CHAS. F. ABBOT. mekl-tlloo G RAIN MILLS GRAIN MILLS— For the Farm and Flaetation. The I RoN-PURR MILL has no equal for Grinding Fine Ideal, Feed, Coffee, Spt one, eta. by hand or Power. Fnoe Oth ano, and lea ow In operaton at 128 South SECOND Street. Agents wauted In every county .nd State b 1141/-3M rola 4 IA RETAIL DRY GOODS MOURNING GOODS. THOS. W. EVANS & CO. Would respectfully call attention to their well selected stock of the best makes of BOMBAZINES, TAMISE CLOTHS, MERINOES AND cAstutrimEs, SILK WARP CASHMERES, MOUS DELAINES, POPLINS, FOULARDS, 4.c., With a full assortment of all Goode suitable for 's MOURNING. 818 AND 820 CIIESTNIIT' STREET. ocU-3t WINTER STOCK, STAPLE AND FANCY. EYRE & LANDELL, FOURTH AND ARCH, Are prepared tomtit familias with their WINTER DRY GOODS. - FRENCH MERINOES, LADIES' CLOAK CLOTHS, WIDE SILK VELVETS, BROCIIE LONG SHAWLS, FINE WOOLLEN do., 4.4 ALL WOOL PLAIDS, FASHIONABLE DE LAINES, Do. PLAID SILKS, SUPERIOR BLACK SILKS, UNSHRINKING FLANNELS, FANCY SACK FLANNELS, FINE STOCK OF BLANKETS, CASSIMERES FOR BOYS, BLACK FRENCH CLOTHS. N. 11.—The above Goods are all at the low rates of the season. 0c.31020 CLOTHS I 1 C3LOTHS 11 I SNODGRASS & STEELMAN, IhIPORTJERS AND DEALERS IN CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, &c., NO. 52 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ABOVE CHESTNUT, Are daily receiving additions to their already large 'wicker FALL GOODS. Comprised in part or Acic. AND ‘;OLURED CLOTHS, BEAVERS, " CASSIMERES AND DOESKINS, PLAIN AND FANCY CASSIMHR FS, SILK, VELVET, AND CASHMERE VESTINOS,&.c. N. B.—A Partety or Cloths and Beavers suitable for LADIES' CLOAKB and MANTILLAS, all of which will be sold at reasonable prices. sZt-lf VALL AND WINTER CLOTHS, CAS. A.: SPHERES. AND COATINGS. CURWEN STODDART A, BROTHER - Call attention to the large find sned stock of goods for MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. fit low prices. Which are principally purchased at Auction and sold Boa. CM, 452, and d5l North SF:CONY/Street. n3-4t above Willow. AUCTION SILKS, FALL AND WINTER STYLES, At 66, 70. and 75 cents. Frioas very much rmluced. CURWEN STODDART Sr. BRO., 450, 452, told 454 North SECOND Street, above 'Willow RICH FALL AND WINTER 'BTYLEB DRESS SILKS AND {MCDADE ROBES, CITRWEN STODDART k BRO., 460, 452, and CH North SECOND Street, oaft-1t above Willow RICII FIGURED AND lIAVADERE SILKS, of choice style,. MIMI/RN STODDART & BRO., 150, 432, and 454 North SECOND Street. above wAlow BLANKET SHAWLS, LOND AND SQUARE, In French. Scotch, Engludi, and Ainerican fabric', of 411 the leading at lee CURWEN RTODDART k BRO., 450, 453, and 451 North SECOND Street, og-It above FRENCH MERINOS AND CASHMERES, of desirable colors, At 70. 70, and SO cents. With a full stock of in choice ordered shades. LUPIN'S FABRICS, CURWEN STODDART & BRO., 124), 452, and 4 North Second Street above Willow poULARD SILKS, In Binalc RN Colored Ernunds, choice denqnt. CURWEN STODDA RT tc Non. WI, 452. and 01 North S.KCOND trnot. 01-41 t shove Willow. IRISII POPLINS— In Black and desirable Colors. CIIRWEN RTODDART & BRO., 460,133, and 154 11°" a b Xe C WiltVirikst 03 -At LONG PROCHE SIIAWLS, Of Paris and Viennese Fabrics, in now and elegant designs. CURWEN BTODDART A. BRO., 460, 452, and 454 North SECOND Street 09-it ohcore street. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VEST (NG 8 . Fano) , Enslish Caasime rem tbr snits. Gray do, do. for Boys. Preneh, German, and American Cassitneres, in great variety. Pine Mask Preach Clolha and Doeskins. Silk Cashmere and Velvet Veatirigx. BHA RBLEBS DROTHERS, or CHESTNUT and EIfiHTII Streets. QUARPIASS BROTHERS are offering for Fall and Winter Styles— IRISH POPLINS. FANCY SILKS., RICH DE COWES. SILK RollES POPLINE VELOURS, , PRINTED CASHMERES, BRAWLS AND CLOAKS, EMBROIDERIES AND GLOVES. CHESTNUT and EIGHTH Street,. SILKS, SHAWLS, and DRESS GOODS! H TIIORNLEY & OFFRR THIS DAY Very rioli fancy Silks (or and EH cents. ExceollinslY rich for &I, worth Altl 23. Mae% Bazaderes bpd Plain color tlkp, & 0., &c. THE BESI BLACK SILK'S IMPORTED ! ! Over $3,000 worth of Broohea Shawls. Stella Shawls, in black and colored centres. French. Scotch, and American Woollen Shawls. Plain and embroidered Crape Shawls. New styles of Cloaks openl 15 All the above roods limns BOIRIOT CLOSE FOR CASH, WE CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. Our store, hems centrally located, it I.lleiiiq of access rem all parts of the cits and country. N.E.corner EIGHTH and SPRING GARDEN. „01 THORN LEY h 0111Wd. RAPSON'S, CORNER OF EIGHTH AND CHERRY STS., Have now open a fine assortment of BERLIN ZEPHYR WORSTED, • SINGLE. DOUBLE, AND SPLIT. The whole from the celebrated manufacturers. Hertz & Wegener, in Rerun. Our oustoiners can depend on settlaz the best article ever uttered at retail in Phila delphia, at the lowest price.. A semi:coin AssOETKIENT lEMDRoInERED A VARIETY OF BLACK CLOAK TASSEL , . .1140KIII CROCHET CLOAK FRINGE.. NEW AND DISAUTIVCL DEES. TRIMMING.. WOOLLEN KNITTING YAUNa, ALI. COWES. ZEPHYR KNIT TALMAII AND CAP, ZSPIIIR KNIT CAVITE. AND SLEEVE.. A KULL !YOKE or STAPLE TRIMMING.. AT R A PSON'B LADIES' TRIM MINHS AND ZEPHYR STORE. Our. OF muirra AND CHERRY STS. Off 2in BOYS' WEAR. MEN'S WEAR. Casauneres especinllv for lines. Coatings for Doe' fall and winter wear. Caseunerns of extra weight at al cents ; Finer g riules in Fanny. Plain, and Black. Black Doeskins, extra quality and cheap. Auction lots Black Cloths 81.30 up. Ladies' Light Colored Cloaking*. COOPER eg CONA RD. NINTH and MARKET. 11.—iinduceinenta to the Tailoring trade. ee3n DRESS GOODS AND SHAWLS FROM NEW YORK. Will tic arranged this morning— Printed French Merinos, high colors. Printed French Merinos. Polka Spots. Printed French Merinos. Chintz Figures. Printed French Cnshin' Printed inutation Cashintiren. All WOlll 1931113. Satw Tr at ore. All Wool Moue do Lames, Printed in great variety of styles, and litany other kinds of firms Gonda. Also. a full line or Bay Stnte and Washington al ills Blanket, Long, and Square Shawls, of entirely new de m?ns and tine g nature:, equal to French tilneket Shawls. Alen, tricorn) et) Ins R0.311;11..18 and Stella Blanket Shawls, of entirely new downs. Black and Brown Centre Stella Thibets, from 13.60 to 513 each. Brodie Long and Square'+hawls. A now stock of Gents' Neckties. Bayou's dark Kid Moves. SARIF.S ADAMS, 09411 mi EIOIITH and ARCII Streets. WALL SHAWLS AND CLOAKS. Auction lots Shawls. at M. to 81 00. tiller grades Stella Shawls. at coat and Lou. FAL!, CLOAKS. Ladies' French Cloth Cloaks of Light and Dark Shades habit Clothe. Prices range from RC to 88.60. Cloaks made to order, at one day's D 1 se2o N W TH C MA AR E T. HOARDING. rip PIIYSICTANS.—An elegant OFFICE, together with n lino Chamber, to lot to a good ten ant. ling been occupied by a VII) SIC tail (or Be% and )eant Location la a desirable pall of the tots. M amma 11. 1). W., Petit office. oc3 It . 1 110ARDINtl—To ho had, with elegant Booms at the Southeast corner of EIGHTH and SPRUCE, No. 301. .4-3 t • J3OARD vv . ANTED.—SI,2OO per year for it Private Table. Parlor, and Chambers for a identletnan and tde Wife. Loral on ;tenth of Mar ket and North of Pine, between Eleventh andNine teauth streets. Address "Y X.," this °thee. Hofer eneen exchanged. Communications strictly eronlidential. 07-3 t NEW BOARDING ROUSE.—A few Gen- Hemet) can be accommodated with Itoard ; also. A few Day-Maude re, at 16(13 SUMMER Street. ofo-at• BOARDING. —On largo Second-story Front Room vacnnt, 1215 CHESTNUT Street. Alen, ono Thad-story. auitablo for a lanlitv. 04-St' B OARDING.—EIe g ant and airy Roo, m innate and in suttee, can he had with first-clam Hoard, for the !Summer, F all, and Winter, at 131 e WAL NUT citreet. aus-2m EYE AND EAR. DEAFNESS. DR. VON MOSCHZISKEE, OCULIST AND AURIST. Dr. M. gives his exclusive atten i tinto the inedical and "ireAdi;t:,lvaNTO. the E 11: both by medics cad surgical operations on the latest soientifio „ c omplex, Dr. would be pleased to receive mem bers ot the medical faculty who wish to witness his milled of operating for the removal of Deafness, or any ope at ion on the E r E and EAR. AItTIFICtAL EY.E_II INSERTED. Office Sift South NINTH Street above SPRUCE. Office hours from SI A. M. to 1r 111., and from 4 to b P• M. I)ERFUMERY, FANCY SOAPS, &c.-10 per cent. err for Cash, at PARKER'S Notary and Depot, 117 N. SIXTH Stmt. oat 34 8)011-lit• SAMUEL CHUBB, Agent for the Purchase and dale of Real Estate, and the Collection of Rents. 05-lm' N 0.216 NV A LN tyr Street. AIENTON LEMONS.-250 boxes Menton ANI. Lemon,. 414itI n %modidlyttoidelettberet. WANTS. WANTED—An Out-door Salesman. ac quainted with City Sobbing and Retail trade, to cell by sample, A permanent situation to a compe tent and satisfactory' man. Address ; with name. re ferenoe, ho., J. Alanufaeturer, ' Blood's Dis patch. lt• FARTiLER WANTED.—SingIe Man to do work on ten nom, 1114. Ac. Wagen,Bloa month and &Ant. Addrcu, with referencos, ltox 1 • Ciermantown, Pa. WANTED.—A Second-hand Card Press, in good order. Address "P.," Blood's Dispatch.. WANTED—A good Second-hand Stand ing Press. Address" G., Blood's Dispatch, It• WANTED ON A FfRbT $lB,OOO Mortgage on first-class, unexception able security, without other incumbrance. Also, fir3 . ,000 wanted paid.od security. for which liberal LIBRARY will be Address "R. A. Baiter," 403 LIBRARY btreet. for full particular. o 7 -3t A YOUNG MAN WELL VERSED IN AL the rt mail Trade, with a thorough knowledge of goods, desires a Situation either In a Retail, Wholesale, Jobbing, or Coninuction House. No objection to Ding West. Good city references can be given. Address t• Business," No. nYt South Second street, Philadelphia. or-3t. WANTED—By a Young Nan, a Situa tion in thein mains, shinning or Couuniesien House, to learnbusiness. Andreas " A. A.," at this office. o7•St• WANTED—By the Ist of November, a T T House with all the modern improvements. a eated between Vino and Brown, and Fifth and Twelfth. Address '• Box 231.2." Philadelphia Post Office. lA-70 WANTED—By a Young Man 19 years of are. a Situation in a Wholesale Store. Is in telligent and writes a fair hand. Compensation not so much an object as employment in an establishment where he can obtain a knowledge of business. Beat of reference given. Address "J. P.." at this office. 03-6 t• W ANTED—A Situation as Assistant Clerk in a Wholesale house or Factory, by a Yonne roame character. can furnish the officed-testimonials na to Adaress " P.L.," of this paper. 03-bt• FOR SALE AND TO LET. FLOUR MILLS, SAW MILLS FA As cannot attend to them, I offer for salethe follow ing properties. viz A superior Flour Mill. with 3 run of stones, and ample water power. The, profits of the mill. well managed, would soon pay for tt. There is a Store and Revers! hun dred acres of good land connected with it. Alan, another water-power, with Saw and Grist Mill. situated two militia fr o m the beautiful and healthy town of Smithfield, Isle of Wight county. Virginia. Also, adjoining the town, a very superior estate of SOU acres. one-halt under cultivation. situated immediately on the water; with a large brick dwelling, It rooms, and eery requisite nut-building, all in perfect order. Also. a beautiful farm of over 30u acres. good knd. tm methately Nanneninnd river, near village of Chuck a tuck. lO miles from Bmithfield..oysters, crabs, and fish abundant* Will be sold together or in parts to suit purchasers. Terms easy. If tho Flour Mill is not sold soon. I wish to get a m -0031111, wtlierperitnted, to tube char ge of it. For further particulars, address , MAI S. JUNIUS WILSON. Smithfield. Isle of Wight Co., Ye Reference—LIPPINCOTT Si PARRY. S. W. corner Market and Second qtreets. 08-stnt him Philadelphia TrIST COMPLETED, AND FOR SALE CHEAP—Several of those tinnilsome and eons's vient DW ELLINGS, south side of STILES Street, be low Thirteenth. Gns. troth. hot and cold water. nine yard, and built in the most substantial manner, Terms elms , to these within[ to provide a home, and a rare Minns.° Ibr ins estment to capitalists. Apply to ocS 30' JAMES W. PACKER. N 0.1211 award avenue. COW FOR SALE OR TO RENT.—Part Durham; cnit Dr. Goddard ea. Apply nt Carpen ter and Gresheon road. Germantown. Price Q4i. It • SECOND -STREET STORE TO LET, No. 105, one door below Chestnut. Suitable fnr any busi ness. Also To Let. fine. well-lighted Room, fie. WI CARTER Street. below Post Office. It. - FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE.—A hand- Immo Cottage mad grounds on LOCUST Street, between Mary and William Streets, West Philadelphia. will be exchanged for a pleasant and convenient city dwelling. Lot sa by 186 to a taobetreet, stable on rear. The house has nil modern conveniences, and in in perfect order. Possession given immediately. Apply to ROBERT REID. on Premises. oS-6t• or N. AV. corner HACH and JUNIPER., FOR SALE—The Beverly (N. J.) Drug and Prescription Store. Also. Ilia practice or Physician. Apply on the I/YerhNes, or 13ort WALNUT Street, Ph le pi la. It S6,OCK) - SIX WELL-SECURED OVIJ• Ground Re❑te. SI MD each for Rale at a fiIIICOUTIL Apply to JOHN it_ COLAHAN, ad-stunt:lo Hi South EIGHTH Street. $l,OOO TN CASH AND $l,OOO IN Merchandise. to be loaned on security. Address Box en. Philadelphia Post Office. od-7t • FOR SALE—The desirable dwelling at the N. W. corner of FOURTR Ilad BUTTON WOOD Streets. Lot Pl feet a melaes, by 85 feet deep. Has all the modern enncentenees. JHORAOH FRITZ. Conveyancer, A. W. corner NINTH and SANSOM Streets. PO RENT—Desirable Dwelling, with GU and BATH. No. MI North FIFTH Forret. HORACE FRITZ. _ Ir B. w. corner NINTH and SANdOM Streets. TO RENT—Convenient Dwelling, No. Sll North FIFTH Street, with all the modern convenience/. HOIIACF FRITZ. It' Si W. corner NINTH and SANSOM Streets. TRENT—The ._,Four-story Store, rfonn 'HMO Street. ITORACH FRITZ. S. W. corner NINTH end SANSOM Streets rro RENT—The line new Store, No 112 South EIGHTH Street,Cheorint. VOA SALE—A medium size Fire-proof Safe. Farrel & liernnes make. Will be and eta low price. having no furtheLuse (or It. by REHN dt VERETT. No. lei North FRONT Street. n7-et.ii' aFOR SALE-1924 CHESTNUT Street, Handsome Pour-dory TheeHine in complete or der,. Immediate possession. Thres-story Doable Bock (iuildioss. Lot .135 feet deep to Ransom street; 22 feet ront; 2 Heaters; Gas in army Room; Hot end Cold Yates, with all modern Improvements. Terms seer. Apply to :desire. GUAISIRY & SON, Ntd WALNUT Street. of tit A PE R SONAL CHANCE—The Store to rent and Fixtures for vale. otLA. B.A.LOVE'S vplenthd Fanny Grocery SIOXS, SEVENTH and BROWN Streets. Insitire on the prennves, or at their Tea Store, Vaunt, and Coeetnut. ot-fit oil A NEAT AND UONV EN lEN T MI/Dwelling to rent, No. 824 North SIXTH Street. $4OO per annum. apply' at No 4.30 Market street. 04-6 t ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE.-A Tory superior Trotting Mare and Patcben Colt pill lee sold at Public sale, at the house of STACY B. CAMPION. Mount Holly,Burlington county. N. J., on SATURDAY. Oct. 8, at I o'clock. The above Mare is p }we old ,sotted and kind in all harness; has trotted in public 2 into. 45 sec. The Colt is j months old, and is pronounced by competent judges to be one of the most prouusisy Mare Colts ever sired by "G. M. Patel ' s... , Pale lenutive, to close the Estate of late D. B. PEA COCK. THOMAS H. MOOR, 08 81 . Administrator. - - FOR SALE. The Subscriber will Anion of the entire Stock of FINE MONUMENTS STATUARY, HEAD AND FOOT STONES . , &o, tt e. AT THEJONUMENT MARBLE ARD, o. lab ARCH Street, eat of Eighteenth street el-lin WM. HII.L MOORE. FOR SALE OR RENT—A large atv.A. Mantic Brick HOUSE, with all the modern no. proceine is ; hot and cold water, gas, heaters. &c.. al in complete order, No. 96 Union street, Burlington, N.J. Apply to E. P. 1111 tiDLETON, IS N. FRONT Street, or to THVNIAS UFO DALE, se2l.tf I3URLINUTON, N. J. gs, Al' PUBLIC, SALE—On SATURDAY, ...T..oct.=, 1359, on the premises " A Valley Farm," In Cheater county, ruljotrunc Cain Station. on Penn sylvania Railroad. three miles west of Downingtown. containing 1 Acrea of excellent quality of Land. with good Buildings. and possess= sunny advantages of water, wadi, end other conveniences. For further var. ttculare call upon J NO. E. FOX. Executor, e21.1m• No.ll South THIRD Street. Phila. ADJOURN'D SA LE OF ORIZABA IRON WORKS, AND SOPHIA FURNACE. hNEW CASTLE, PA.,) &e.—The sate of Ho+ psepe rty as been adpoirned until the Third TrESPAI of Ski tobor, nt 11 o'clork, A. M., nt the I)derchants* Eir• Pittxharg, rennt)hranta, with the billow:1m modification of the terinnol sale, viz.: One fourth of the vurchnno sciAney payable to hand, and the residue in one, two. end three Sean. with Interest , to be se cured in ouch manner as the trustee, may determine, in addition to niortsase en the prenown. se2l sit RNA)), WILKINS, & CO.. Trustees. TO LET—A Second-story Room, conve nient to the State House, suitable for a Lawyer's Office. Apply 431 CHESTNUT Street. ale fgi FACTORY PROPERTY FOR SA LE.- /la The subecnber, in concentrating his business on Chestnut street. west of Tenth street.odern for sale. upon reasonable terms, Molarse manufactory, with out buildings and large lot of groom' froottng on Sixth, Mar shall, and Master streets, suitable for almost any' lugs manufacturing business. For particulars inquire ALFRED FITIA.R. Conetlanear, N 0.31 N. SIXTH Street. or to the subscriber, No. Ific9 CHESTNUT St. WM. L. ROGERS. AT LIT ABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. The Subscriber will offer tot see et public auction. on 'TUEBDAVthe 1411, day of October nest. at 13 o'clock, at the 'Howard House. in the town of Elkton, In Cecil county, in the State of Mari laud, the lollow - fli f.cMi l ge l i% a fine timber and wood lot, consast 'nUtrlV. ri e l s an 'l it ls sixl r a ch ac es ies of fine cleared arable land, the balance in timber, and being in the whole 2:4) acres and 13 perches. Lot Nct. 3-13eing a good farm, with suitable build ings.Co.l6llllK of 203 acres 2 roods and 21 perches— lou acres good wood and timber, and the rest cleared land. lot No. 4—Consisting of a fine wood and timber lot of lot acme 2 roods and 25 perches. Lot No. s—Also vets tine wood and timber I Ind of 124 acres end 20 perches. 1..0t. No.6—Contisting of 74 acres and 2 perches—SS acres cleared, and the balance in fine timber. No. 7—Being 133 acres nod 33 perches or whir' are cleared, except nixed 12 acres. No. B—Being a farm consisting of 1.41 acres 1 rood and M porches, u ith all suitable buddies upon it-100 nee. Milt aced land, nod Si acres in wood. easily cleared. 9-11eing a Curio of 197 acres 2 coals and .11 Perches. of n loch there 120 Wes of cultivated land, with good buildinse, the rest fine timber. Ni,. le—Consisting ol 1.3.1 acres of very fine land, with mutable buildings. No. 11—A very fine wood and finite lot of 23 acres MO 6 perches. N.. of excellent farm, 'with good buildings, con noting of IS2 acres and 15 perches, all cleared except 40 acres tlf wood and timber land. No. 13—A very fine term connoting of about 200 :acres, with an excellent fatin-houge and mutable outbuild ings. N o , 11—Containing 114 sores 1 rood and 19 perches of InnJ, and has upon it a large steam saw inili in gaol roßair. Yio. wood and timber lot of 53 acres 3 roods and Iperches. No. 12—Alen, a lot of very fine timber and wood, con taining 193 acres and 31 porches. This property lies in a body, and is situated in the low er or southern part of New Castle county. Delaware: it is about equally distant from Philadelphia and Balti more, between 61) anal 711 miler.. The mad from ant X road to Smyrna runs through it. It is distant from Smyrna about 6 Hides in a northwestern direction—ilia about 8 miles from Middletown. and is sttunted between Sand mica from the Debawa re Railroad. Thin proper ty has on the highest portion of the peninsula betotsen the two bays—the waters on the one side running into the Delaware, and on the other into the Chesapeake. The situation of the property is believed to to very healthy . and there is not an acre of awnmp land in any art or it. Its natural soil is very fine, constattng of Intim of clay and sand, and when worn, easily tuacepti de of iniprovement. Every lot or farm has an outlet upon a public road. The woods consist for the tarot part of t v he various kinds of oak, chiefly the white oak, which isvery fine. The terms of the sale are one-fourth the purchase money to he paid in cash, and the balance in equal in stalments of 1,2, and 3 years from the day of ode credit payments to hear semi-annual interest. nod to be smeared by the bonds or notes of the purchasers. Those who wish further information will apply to the subscrtber. or his agent. Mr. 7. H. DELAY . who ra nkles at Millington, Kent county. Eastern Shore of Ma ryland, who will show them the land. 0. 1,. DtiI.ANY, No. 59 Courthind street, Baltimore. $50,000 TO LOAN, IN BUMS TO SUIT APPLICANTS, upon Diamond., Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Mel ohandme, Clothing, &0., on moderate terms, by JONES & CO., Brokers. northwest corner of THIRD and GAB KILL hareem, Wow Lombard. Established for the lim n year.. Offum hour. from T A.M.to7 P. M. Geoond-hand Gold tvi4 Stlvet atohos, eirdirml rltaka e, warranted germane. ( or eater heap, at one-half thserissnal ono. .1%144n-sr L PVERING'S SYJI'UP, in hhds. and Ws., at ietluaad yriael tar aVr JAhißB & co., 630 Win* &eel, AMUSEMENTS. "WA B, II I : , T , U L T-S e TREET H TIIKATRE. THIS (A ... Y) RNlkkame. Oct.?". • CAPTAIN CHARLOTTE. Charlotte Chaplet . , Alias Massie Mitchell KATTY SHEAL. Katt,. O'Sheal. as Maggie Ilitehell. To conclude with UGOLLNO. Count Cgolino, Mr. H. A. Perry. Scats chants it.—Dress Circle, (Seats smeared with out extra) ceatt ; Panne!, (Seats sacan at 60 cents )37X ; Second Tier acid Panuly Circleiand Third Tier. 23 cents ,• Private Boxes. 'wording to their ltemle, ft!and SS; Single Seats in Orchestra, and Pnraie xes, ZS cents. Box Office open daily, from 10 until 2 o'clock * when seats can be secured in advance. fVATIONAL THEATRE, w WALNUT Street < totween THEATRE and Ninth. THIS (SATURDAY) AFTERNOON. Oetober it() (Commencng at two o'clock) Will be presented the Opera of bINDERELLA. Cinderella, Little Jenny. - THIS EVENING. JEMMY TWITCHER IN ENGLAND. Jemmy Twitcher, Muter G. W. Marsh. And the new fares of A TRIP TO CONEY ISLAND. Septimus Singleton, Master G. W. Marsh. Doors open at 7 o'clock; Performance to commence 7%. Admission 3 Seents, a over M. house; ChtlAleen 13 cents. WiIEATL EY & CLARKE'S ARCII STREET THEATRE,. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING, Oct. 8, Y O'MORE. Rory O'Mote , Mr. ROR Collin& To conclude with THE DUMB MAN OF MANCHESTER. Tom, the Dumb Man. Mr. Wood. &kir or Parca..—Adnuesion, 33 cents ; Secured Seats in Dress Circle, .17.% oents; Parquet, no cents. Doors open at 7 o'clock; Derformanoe to commence at 7% o'clock precisely. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. RAVELS AND MARTINETTI FAMILY. THIS (SATURDAY) EVENING. October S. THE MAGIC TRU3LPET. Clown. Gabriel Itsuel. TERPSICHORE; OR, FETE OF THE MUSES. Terpsichore, Mlle Maria Remiecart. THE DEFIANCE. By Julien - and Philippe Martinets. Grand Evolution's on the TIGHT ROPE, by Marietta Zanfretta, Young America, and Mons. Lehmann. Pa mgr.—Parquet. Parquet Circle and Balcony, 00 eta.; Family Circle and Amphitheatre.= cents. Bon Office open from 10A. :liL till P. Doorse Seats can be secured without extra charge. open at o'clock. Performance to commence at 71,1 o'clock. THE INIMITABLE DOESTICKS MORTNMHRTHOML,PHNA. ESQ. SQ. I" Doesticks."/ Will deliver his humorous Poem on " Pluck" before the IR VINO LITERARY INSTITUTE. on THURS DAY EVENING, October 13. Dcd, at MUSICAL FUND HALL, commeacans at S o'clock. Admission es cents. TWELFTH male at HAZARD'S., N. W. cor. and CHEST NUT. SPENCER'S, No. Me CHESTNUT. - HOOKER'S. W. con EIGR TH and CRETTNUT. HAZARD BROS.. NO. T 1,4 CHESTNUT. M A RTI EN & CO.. N 0.604 CHESTNUT. PARRY & AIcMILLAN, FOURTH and CHEST NUT. CALLE.NDER & CO., THIRD and 'WALNUT. G. C. ROWER. SIXTH and VINE. H EN B E W SER,S IXTCHa IGwEENT H. McI.:2 O N w 'C T ILT H -190.111 D'S GAIETIES—RACE ST., GREAT 817COES9 Op T. GR. o ORIGINAL " JIM chow." - - HERNANDEZ THE WONT ER. EVERY VARIETY OF ENTERTAINMENT COMPANY IN BEST COMPANY IN PHILADELPHIA. 10. 13 Jou, CENTS. THE 511RTYR11011 OF HUSS is st , D e aV t aL w E iti eria° l l ? lU n c„,V,t e , - P= ,: of the ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. Oven daily, from 9 A. Ai. 101 l II P. AL, One _ P.M. Admuorion SS oonta. , • SANFORD'S OPERA ROUSE, '-:.,104= kJ ELEVENTH stmt. between Chestsat and ChliinktS, fIt tb. A.STILOUPE. HAREV e R n A r the *nest Companr IR th e wodd. In their exeellenmea entry sonsatat. 84.11FOILD appears -- Ent,' arming in luiArass Sole of Charistera. Doors an. Commenoe at Admission s cents. Chuhtran U loan.. oct-Int CRICKET.—TIIE GRAND INTERNA TIONAL CRICKET 11ATCH between the beet Eleven playere of all England. and Twenty-two of the Potted Stateam It take place nu the St. Game's Geoand. at the Northern terminus of the Tenth end Eleventh dtpad. on MONDAY. Wk.DNESDAV, and P 14 1 641 6 1 4 . 1 , October 10,13, end 13, Commencula M o'clock A. M. BECK'd BAND has been entered CO? the (*mien. Comfortable seats will be provided for the aocanunods non of ladies. OY ADNISIIJON.—Day tickets cents Season tieliete. 81. To be had at the gate. or of the Seaman. By order of the Committee. CHARLES H. T. COLLIS, Seer. 6LI Walnut syre*S. N. B.—Carriage.domn heads North cm Twelfth Meet. 03.11 SPORTING. SUFFOLK PARK. TROTTING. MONDAY, Cletober nab. — 8 300 PREM / 8300! A GRAND HANDICAP sWEEPSTAKES. MILE ligATB. Three in fire. between L.ADV- . TOWN, WILLIAM WHEATI.K.T, end SNEAK. George Nugent names Wm Wheatley, to wagon. IG. Goadin names Lady Town. in herpes. G. Whi na ha hardrest or wagon. uente. N. B. e gates of the Park are open roans pat iii, free. at all times, except premium dsys. It. JAMES H. KM ,LY, PP:indent. CARPETIAGS, OIL CLOTHS, ste. BALLY & BROTHER. IZ:=3l WILL OPEN TO-DAY EEIZZI ENGLISH TAPESTRY CARPETS. OF NEW PATTERNS, AT ONE DOLLAR A YARD, ENGLISH INGRAINS SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS TO MERCHANTS BUYING OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. BLABON & SMITH. MANUFACTURERS OF OTL CLOTHS, 146 NORTH THIRD STREET, PHILADELPHIA We tante the attention of deCets to our large stnek o{ FLOOR. TABLE, AND CARRIAGE OIL CLOTRe, GREEN GLAZED OIL CAMBRIC, a beautiful arncle f,r shades. The largest cock of WINDOW SIIAI)E8 and BUFF HOLLANDS in the market. at prices which defy competition. att3l-2m REMOVALS. TAYLOR, GILLESPIE & CO., =l3 UNION STEAM SUGAR SEFINERY No 33: ST. JOHN STREET No 119 SOI•TII FROST STAFIEr RI9 mwflOtte REMOVAL. The Subscrlher hsnng REMOVED TO 265 MARKET STREET, (The store far merly ozeupied by 3. B. Ellison A SOCIO. Would tall the attention of 1 are to kill }Aria. alri3ll*. • selected 'rock of CLOTHS, OYERCOATINOS, C,ASSIAIERDI, BATINETT:I, VESTINGS, TAILORS' TRINLI:ING-3. And CI other goods adapted to Men and we. JOHN V. TERRY, 235 MARKET STREET. REmovAL._-MARTIN Li: WOLFF have Removed to Y,'. 331 Al ARK ET Street. South srda below Fourth, where they oiler n ehotre !ma k :Tumor of Fall sad Winter Goods. at very tow hums. vl.l-2ra MILLINERY GOODS. BVAIIBURTON, 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH 300 S. SECOND ST., BELOW SPRUCE ST Has lust received a beautiful supply or COIFFURES. CACIIRPEIGNES, CROWN PIECES, AND BARB,; In real and imitation, of the newest Paris Paih,ors WARBURTON. 30G SOUTH SECOND ST., BELOW SPRUCE ST 1004 CHESTNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH ocr-tt•it IRS. M. A. KINO will open Winter 31i1 13 linery on THURSDAY. Octobor 13th. at No.r SECOND 6treet, above Chestnut. oc3-6t• MEDICINAL. SCROFULA, WHITE SWELLING, k7HIP DISEASE. TETTE% SCALD READ. Eruptions of the Elkin generally. and all Humors and Inas:armee of the Blood. are radically and permanently cured by the oelebrated IMPERIAL DEPURATIVE. It bas been a very important agent in the cure of CANCEROUS DISEASES by Dr. Lounsberry A C0...f0r a number of years past. and itsgreat value in the cure of Cancers is abundantly established by the many cures effected be it. In SCROFULOUS affections ita remarkable cure tire effect has never been equalled. It cures the most ol.in riatesnees. TE.TT.E.R. SCALD DEAD, and all Eruptions of the Skin, resibly yield to a moderate use of th:s 1f ed.ame. Malignant Ulcers and Sores are 'readily cured by the see of a few bottles. Preyetred and sold bl hIncNICROL Late Loonsberry .t No. 50 North FIFTH Street, below Arch. • .• • • . For sale by the following Draseists: J. F. Long & Co.. Lancaster; C. W.Eptins. Fotts , 7 l le; I. Raaer, 4esding •S. S. Stevens Read.. T. &. McClintock, Liston; Yu. Given, West Cheater; &abler. Norristown ; Simon Ran,Bethlebem ; Dr.Lire sey, .Mew Ho.e ; Dr. Leslie, Bristol; Schmidt & CO.. Allentown • Lllis & Bell, Atunk, Fa; J. D. Trenton ;La Cour, Ha md en; Brewster & Bridgeton ; obertson & panicott. Salem. N. J.1.M0- Wilmitiaton ; L. 8. Hoopes. Wilmingtoa ; T. E. Haminersly, Milford, Del.; and Druggist, tanoraal. isl)-atutbdinic FIRST PREMIUM AT THE LATE 11 STATE FAIRwAs awarded to ALLMAN A ZEHNDER. for the Lest Extra Fano Flour and In - dian Mold. alt of which are forts!, at lowest cash nu n, at taw Flour Depot, FUVRTH and VINE. .4 - t4'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers