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' -s t•iii:iiiiikiiilitPP.• '....),10.1iii*,,ftA.,,,1!''''"•\.:". '' '' ' .. ..+.,,,___ iiiiii4ii!„. 'i1)W,M47,1",-._,2"• • • . , e r Jo it ifili , ll.op6E l4- Tit • .t: ':.'•.4.- , 414.1? -j°olls/8 JaT. - PF '.= - • 11 P 6-14040,-; • 6. ' 4 Inc nanuiriVhO'AP .cgr0,64:14 tioa. The sto46;:tiv elti:l:::.P94.t4derieiol44ll;';•r,e!l.l7- • rje, c't • ,.. • •"-• f -. • 't'-• :" • • .; -7:1511"100-08-' 411.0'1' • • . 6 9 9 n. '• -4thßdWittli4 • IMOTBZ • • • "•-• • • t'(TAßaMilaßt4 - 4/11). VigiV • • Auo : . • s w T' • • 1 . , • ' .24'4" 44.7 i'V4:OlO Mt* titian • , rt014.11%10X-IdONTIIp 9VYBA2I 4111'4.3t!- KURTZ, yAI.II),OI.I.MORE, & CO., sixEsT, • 11060$111* AND'DBALIISB IA • 811.04#119if9.11018a.0 . 00.1i8, • • • - • , ke. fioar,4l"; 6LOVBB, UIITB,AND figAW/a• LAIN.S3/kmAGINNIs. • adroltitalifiD•WHOLßELALß DEALZE B / 2 1 SPalAgUi et I+o :T RAE'lek 3 , 11r11,./divsNaraßill,Al3lllloB, AND BsOSAtruikAoVititlat's , -AET/OLEO; -151,,,*111211tOrTECIVIIIIntiumi au-,r,ilimiil'ATßNl' BOOT T BEM • .SOWER , BARNES, 'it 00.; PDDLIBHBBB din) DIALERS Lti . 418DELLAgEDIID SCHOOL AND BLAWItOORS iIIifBTATIONERY, r4O 37 NORTR THIRD STRERT. BELOW ARON, sA ri" DR; Anzi.o 8!) rnsw , Amiv.a.l%....,oF renk.orNik,4o era,— lad Bro9loo thqil3,ko wmppmg, rudtt. atm wall Pas,m , . , • ,aviOnt , CC T am .••• s :MAT ID bß i rtißl 4 • • 11 GictV,Ell, - SHIRTS; DRAW -111.8, , 14 PNTICL 81301/t, WM. S. BAUSD. loux Loor•RtsaZL, - • • - 1411.21AV-3N, RIEGEL, BAIRD, ift: CO., (Late eleget,'Ldunb, C 0.,) LEPORTHRS JOBBERS 1 -12vit'Y''. - 43. 0 0 D S , . noirrNoith UMW =SET. PRIZ4DI?URIA. OUR FALL STOq K' lanow r 4ompiete in all its aevarumitir awl repgrioi SuPsigi -41 =r14• 11 40“014 .04tiot the traipik. ore etiotitl to eau, and "Hallo for Thenstolvelp. t ,P "s_aie• sijt Baoltrias• WIT.IIEAq FETERSON, --I • .- - STOOK BROitEES„ • NO. 89 SOUTH TIIIRD, STREET, PRLLADELPII4, , RAy's tiott - dud. , STODE.AND:RONDS OF ALL TEE, LEADING PASSENGER RAILWAYS IN: rmuunLpDiA, totvhipkthesinvite the attention oretDiteLatiL Btool/4,-1361:45, obed-Corporition LOAM bousht *id 'old on 00111111441:1111 at 4* of Bl Akers sel-pn; FERTILIZERS.- ' .T9 : i;.: :: . - v. ; .#.4*.i , x,* , ...... 'l"Hb9lll4. TW GUANO PROX k3INERBBRO MOD, WEST INDIES TRXRIOREST FORMATION OF PROf3PPIAR OP LIAfE KNOWN IN TM WORLD. Irecataicir Dyer eV wit cent. of Boas Phoephate of Linie, -- being 60 per cont. 'richer . iePlie4heteoft,inie . . . . FOg OALD B t: THE TON OR CARGO, AND TO ' .TARbiERA AT - • SO flit .1 ' ON'OF 2,000 LBs, JOB. B. lIMIBON. BolkAierit ' No. NO ifortit WATEICBtriit. 'VENTlP:7llllllflBlinixt 60008. - - - T W. ISOOTT7:;-Itott oflhe firm; of Wiri ii. • onfp&. Ekint—ogNTIAMEN% • FURNitta FINI ~,,, Aol Mina - _to.O,NuFA.cTORY, si , -mTOl4.(OOllTif. 0000ette the e,Mlfti Hones p . ... T 74-9. 13. W OU )6 FeriOtrUnt , II A. Atientio l of his ,former ost4pee auk lettebt .Ite now the , And is pre oared to OlVtalltair forAftlltTS at short otottee.. A tertect Ed ewmtathat. :Whoheestle Trado supplied with Inc Bttitte anti . Ilate.,* ' .. . : TCNIT- JACKETS, the Cheapest in the ettr, stem Maoafamoom ela_Par:doPidi • sopsriorartiole . limbed from Vorlm apd, 'Aped Jadkepp, A "' 4°. " 17.114 . d&llit*, No.lo YETTER , Lano.. alrd. above Arch: T• •••,- •• • Jr , - :.tainitirAotuna of • _ • bIEVISM - 161eIEN ane k ti, Asl I.A igILLNIS A Lite Zllll emeottletaVs wail tune, al. , ' emelt oeiettil. - ttate.erhiett I eetthatiletty mite the et teeom u °ice reavmeet•epayete sentit-titta lettere ,';!iVV'T,°l-I,BEOOND Red 4,11.011 Streets. • C - A . :W.)l:r ' 8- •, - •• , • • : , C).T•••T• 0 N Just:4o.ond, •, : , • , • A pvi.4.. ! .41062.Tztilsilcr .ni viA.x . * it, tAcilt; D oLons, vo ! ..de bt s 210 20 sciwrit SIXTIE STREET, kIIENTINDIL TRIIADELFRIA. . . 43)1tONOK(P.'' , .SNIQKING TOBACCO, Opinion of the' BraOltinx Bulbar!' of - Toney 'a Press : “Verdict , -.4sett to - te .excettlies Jfa UM% arid mildness or At i l quirtrir t anratiolle.:•4•A f , •- - f thtl.‘ti t eeN a dar , WhtllNtired tied gwrivicl 44411 - l ei* " T ree " .4l wiles RUST ,D Whnt flO Bstaa tar r. 21 4t" : %:7-1.1/.Rt 1. ism Clitir'BTS4 in Bub NDSOAIE.2;I3 I ARD%NINGif tot RittroilfuiiiilWyo ars "to No mini yosra of gpreaml ' es . Perlencf! Orde9l,purre him serv/oeir ilkt 4 , Want trktt d 1 , 3 • • _ otrlßeisAs,llrldo ekr vett 44 atlrsttett o i, AT*, iisVlSatiDtki9tl±. faEO,II2B .~.,. r ltdiitifOlVßOPl",tfirset.' Ffyinonei-of Ormint"4- Ineni Abp., °Hari for *MA, in Bond oar, tne:topnynlng•ni!.l).?lkit , o,itr.gtarAnil ,•; n IhigisAlPt?!.?=.[l* - C° " rtswgelet, Zi l . l . l t t , gif 6 '..j. i ; e -ii , , ,, \ 1 , 7 „._ - . V irt acto,n l il l . l Pr .sh .,,Z i '. l. 4 :-.J ot:im • es.pr..4!:e urn _o ..flarluady and innt,!"• - _ *Sm.:Tole .0111 Jouneuns-Asitn: Banta "inn* 110riin • 1 . 10:4 kdr 142 A ,-,- 104. A nti -To Rtotliv.g.gvEßy , ilmad Doviestid Grozide hiAing iliii3O , *- ri' ,- :. 31so t h,,,beipna lt uNctuten ! o f 6.40:1h0 It liTer d,n rati - ticiI ,;:i,ida;:;&i , lii:lnarlair_,':"-: $.6. - , - 50:. EWEN ' ..111ILLINERY: GOODS. ILLINERY' OPENING. "IINCOLN, WOOD , k..NLCAOL~y 725.OII1CSTNUT STREET,: 1: . ....W1LL niv.gllo 7 / 1 " WINTER OPENING OF BONNETS, 410., 4 - 0., • ON rTIWESDAY, - OOTOBEE Ont. This display, io variety, style, and similar, is intended . THE . -OPEN . IN•G Of "the Season, and is especially commended to the no tice of the Ladies of this eity and vioinitY• 21. •, . • — 7 - 7 •._Norr:OpOIL itko oliesivest eAtsottinent of MILLINERY GOODS , in ttkill oily, sold foi °nab, or on abort hire, as only. • ' • RIBBONS,. FLOWERS, FEATHERS, BUCKLES, VELVETS; BONNEP MATERIALS, and - . STRAW GOOPS, . • To whiob we 903 f eientloition 14 the Ind.s. ea wo are otos FALL AT UNUSUAL LOW PRICES, No. 21_ M. BERNREIM & CO., No. 21. , , NO. 21 SOU7K SECOND STREET. THONIPSON & JENICINS, DBALSRS IN SILK, CASSIMER, AND. W.OOl, HATS, CAPS, i;ADLES, AND vittt,DnEws rASOI` FURS, SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, FEATHERS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, RUCHES, kc. 52S M.dRSET. STBRET, 'scow sIXTII, 80IITttlf DS. The attention of buyers is invited' to an examination of oar Stock.' el4-1m 431 AtARICET STREET. . 43 1 Ix; B O,N 8.. 'or every kind; in immeneervotlely; tom BONNET MATERIAL% . , BONNET VELVETS, SATINS, 4RO DE ENOLI3II. CRAFES, of inn beet inekes, FRENCH dr-AMERICAN. ARTIFICIAL , FLOWERS, FEATHERS. RUCHES, /to . • Also, newest Pail elTles of OTRS.W AND FANCY BONNITS, And.STRAW GOODS,rof every desenntlorn • Neer oven and preemating Oltosether the moot or/m -illi% stook o f MILLINERY GOODS in this: market. Ffirobonts ond Milliners from every notion of the tositri ore inviied to can and examine our stOok,vido4 . wo,oFer at tins • . CLOSEST FOSSIBLE PRICES, . , •13,00ENLIE/YL, BROOK% is 00., -- —431-MARKET STREET. FALL TAM),Ei 1859 • do CO., .343 .. MARKET 13711t.E8T, ' , ' ' WgOLIPALIA DEALERS , ' syt kers, OAPs, . ' - soloisTp, BUtairm. FLO n z•Rig, Save now in store a fall stook of Gloo4, to : which .the, invite tbs'itttenticm 6f first-abuta aul6-2m• , 4LLL,BORN- , JONES. • Itnopttoilond Monnitaturor of • , • VAI4.OY . t 3ll -4 W BONNETS. 0.11v941., zycrw:Bits; , /cc Tb,,triktitintkout of Oity.tobd. Cooottr,34alori u Undo* to watt and vfried oftaa aDore foods,* •.• . .130, ItaRKET STSEET rim : ••• rtg ISIII§..II.:3VOIGIPP, 137 PINE St., wow will tmen . Feahlopkble Millinent, on TIIURV DAY.vot.6tlt.lBs9. • , pa-Gt. . . . J,IIAISIBMGER," No. 116 North VAIIiSECOND Btract,lB prepared to exhibit Bps most eompleto stook nr.Millinery Boodle, oomirielng Kt bhone, Flowers. Feathers': Lticee,' lichee, Velvets, and other Bonnet Materials. • Ateo. andeoine assort ment of Pattern Bonnets; to altar which he would in villenhe attention of /Bombards; and Milliners. ; N B.—Boode daily reoePred Crony Auction, And .Ipold at the limpet prides.: ; . ; et?-2m• D - tIGS, CHEMICALS, &c. DRIJGS, GLASS, PAINTS, &c. ROBT. SHOEMAKER & CO. NORTHEAST COSIER FOURTH AND RACE STREETS, :WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Itrigartere and Dealers in WINDOW GLASS, PAINTS, fca, invite the attention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS To 'their large stock of Oooda, whieh they offer at the lowest nawkat rates. . oog•tf BOSTON ORAOKERS. ::—...... . - BOWE'S EXTRA DRAOKERI3 FOR FAMILIES. FA , „ I ca/milli, 1 78 y tt BIBOUI7, moNlio zoo ..,. rF.l,,Lyt.. eirsi.inecurr ..._ GKA B BNII4Ib!, EXTRA 712,0 T BRZA11). WO We oonststitll reeelvies this celebrated mete of °makers, 1114 from the. Saes In barrels, boxes, and tire, * R. XL TRENOR, ha/Err, anl-Ir : 140 801./TIE 'WHARVES. SHOE. FINDINGS. WM. JOHNS it SON. LEPORTERS, AND DEALER/3 IN SOOT, 8110 E, AND GAITER MATERIALS, .APITINGS, GALLOONS, • SHEETING% PATENT LEATHER, RENON lUDS, SLIPPER UPPERS, LACETS, Oka, N. N. OORNEII'EOURTII AND AROU BTB. au4l.4in LOOKING-GLASSES. LOOKING GLASSES. Now in 'tore the most extensive and elegant omit wont or LOOKING GLASSES, For Gym eßsoe 'and ey'er7 Poottidn , and at ( Ito moat modes - Me !moos. LOOKING OLAE4I3EB In the moat elaborate and the most ennple frame& LOOKING GLABSES . . , . Premed in the best taste, and in the moat irubetantia LOOKING GLASSE& Furntt t al l a n tlya manufactured by OnmelYell mar own LOOKING GLASSYS yd.&O.OOANY and WALNIJT fitunesi for Conntz7 7ADINB S. EARLE & SON, 16 OHESTNUT STREET, move : ,PRIL/41)ELPRUt; SLEEPER Be FENNER, • waolaskus mAilistrAcTußßas Vii.BRELLAB AIM PARABOLA. : • "ASS MARKET STRIBT, PHILA., . Mg now moiripsimoo than viva 1117NDUED carnal:NT VITITIZS of umoratias, of Wien" else, from 9to 40 leer who have not had 8. tr. F.'s make of goods will ;findthew time well soma In looking over thin well-made stook. whien 1110112(100 Mir I! 1101 , 1117125. not to be mot 'inn dams/ore. aus-9m HEITER. L.:. iirROLESALE MANUPAOTATRER. OF ITI[SBELLAS AND PARASOLS, NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIRD AND MAR -1111,65011 to aow veationiptete in every department I awl will be rotted - to offer itidueements to Ewers tient llo,ll"l2l'l4trratkee.boutie. ' • loill-7m_ . . Tl l o.43ltooEfiS AND DRUGGISTS.-500 Cosesitakent borer Concentrated Lye, Inoue pound air-tiaht jton boxes, t the only well-established nod re - lielnefFtlaLbtesett'settATed..by the Pennata t nia_lialt Dlannt liglttnattyitted r ror sale to t he t ra de as T./16.PM' pound ; 10 to 20 Osseo. sl2no. • ! .! xtratA,N,E.s, Soap idnonfeeturer, 09 - int . oyerth ?Blair Biriget. CRACKERS. unsitELLA.s. COMMISSION MOUSES. WELLING,' COFFIN, & COMPANY, • 1 16 CHESTNUT STREET,' AGENTS FOR THE SALE OF A. & W. SPRAGUE'S PRINTS. In great variety, inoluding C1100°1(0..11,, Turkey Reds Greens, Blues, Shirtingr, and Fanny Styles. BLEACHED SIIEETINGS AND • BLUNTENOB. Louden., Mascarale, Ellater/villa, Rona. Washington Union Mille, Blaokstone, Cohannst. Johnston, Belvidere. ' Pbmnix. Smithy!lle. BROWN SREETINOS, SHIRTINGS, AND • OSNABIIROS. fdatesen, Virginia Family, Groton, • Ettrick, Eagle,Manottester, Men's tr. Farm's, Blsoklaerk, Meroer A, Warren A, Farmers', Riverside, Carr's River. Elwell. CLOTHS. Bottomley's, Pomeroy's, Gleuham Co.'s, and other Makes of Blank and Fano, all wool and *often warn Clothe n 2 great variety. DOESKINS AND CASSIMERES. Greenfield Co., Sextons River, Lewieton Falls, Steam's M. Gay lc Bons, Glendale, Berk/shire Co.. and others. SATINETS. Stearn',, Ayrea & Aldrioh, Taft k Capron, Minot, Charter Oak, Crystal Springy, ' , •kwift River. Carpenters', Florence Mille, Carrara, • Duhrinee, Converne . Ati: SlLESlAB.—Lonsdato Co.'s.Smith's, and otherrnakee, plain and tvnllod, of all motor". Fanny Negro Stripes and Plaids. Jewett airy and Irene Stripes. Denims, and Pickings. Rhode Island and Philadelphia Linsey', Apron Cheeks, and Pantaloon Stuffs. Shepard's and Slater's Canton Flannels, Fieberville Co.'s Corset Jeans. 40. auti-dtsepl--sepl-fmkwtf SHIPLEY, HAZARD, HUTCHINSON, NO. 112 CHESTNUT ST.. COMMISSION ISERCEIANTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE se-di GOODS. xt T. R. GARStD & CO.. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COTTON, COTTON YARNS, SPERM, LARD, AND WILLIE OILS, FLOUR, DRUOS, &c Er The attention of Mattufeotnrers is i.n4cialty caned to our SPERM OILS. ann-sm No. 22 N. FRONT BTRRET,PLIZA. • HENRY D. NELL, ,CLOTH STORE, NOB. 4 AND 8 NORTH SECOND STREET FRENCH FANCY CASSiMERES, And Mixturna suitable for snits, VELVETS, CASHMERES, &c., &e., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 211-thm SMITH, MURPHY. da 00. ' 437 MARKET ST., AND OW/ CIIIIRCE. ALLEY, Are now opening their TALL AND WINTER ROOM 07 STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. To which they invite the attention of OAHE AND PROMPT BitORT-TIME BUYERS: Parr.An►., Auxuet, 1869. au6-1m WANCRES, JEWELRY, .I<c. SILVER WARE. WM—WILSON Sc SON Invite spooled attention to their atook of SILVER WARE, whirl is now unusually large, affording a va rlet,' of pattern and degign tingurgiassod by any house the United States, and of finer quality than La inanufao tured for table undo any part of the world. Our Standard of Silver Se 9354000 . parte pure The English Sterling 926.1000 " American and Franoh 900,•1000 Thnilt Wlllbescett,that wetlie thirtl-dee earls glues then %hit tlinerierin Snit ream% ooln, and teo pub, poll "thee the Englieh Bterling. melt all our ctrl end our Foreman being connected with the Refining De partment of the. United Mateo Mint for ee ver el years, wa guarantee the quality 611 above (936), 'which is the /meet that ran be made to be serrivable, am) will resist the notion of aside much dwar than the ordinary &ten manxfacttwed: WIC WILSON Zt. SON, S. W. CORNER BERTH AND CREARY 13T8 N.M.—Any fineness of Silver manufactured as agreed upon,,bat positivety none inferior to Franck and Ameri. can standard. Dealers supplied with the same standard as wed in our retail department. Fine %lee; Bars, elle-1000 pate pure, oonstantly ea hand. au244.:en BAILEY & CO.. IFORMINULT BAILEY it RITOBEEN, are removed to the DOW Piro proof, White ISsrble Store, 819 CHESTNUT STREET, NORTH BIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOWSE. Now opening their FnU Stook of IRPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARE& ARV FANCY GOODS, To which they Invite the attention or the public, lIILVYAR-WARB, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND YEARLS, LT vimoillattai ANT Amax, JS. JA RDEN & . a. *MANUFACTURERS AND ISIPORTERS OP SILVER-PLATED WARE N 0.30 CHESTNUT Street,•above Third, OM slain,. Philadelphia. Cot:Mantle on hand and for sale to.the Trade._ SIP-rA,KETS, COIIf!KUNIGIV SERI/IUL SET/ URNS, PITCHERS, GOBLETS, CUPS., WAITER BAG KE:I, CASTORS KNIVES. SITU S, FORKS, LADLES, /to, tr.o. Gilding and plating on all kinds of metal, ILAitDWARE. TRUITT, BRO.. & CO.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS HARDWARE, CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, Ac., 529 MARKET STREET. 529 BELOW BIXTH, NORTH BIDE, PHILADELPHIA. MOORE. HENSZEY ITANDWkRE, CUTLERY, AND GUN WAREHOUSE. NO. 497 MARKET, AND .iIG COMMERCE ETA., u6-Sta PRILAAIRLVRIA MEDICINAL. MRS. WINSLOW, AN EXPERIENOED NURSE AND FEMALE Physioian, presenta to the attentionof mothers her SOOTHING SYRUP • FOR OHILDREN TEETHING, which greatly fewilitates the preemie of teething,by soft ening' the _going, reduoing all inflammation ; allay ALL, PAID and Spearft(Xll . 9 tiotiok r ond la • SURE TO REGULATE THE DOWELS. Depend upon It, mothera. give raid to Yourselves RELIEF AND HEALTH TO YOUR INFANTS. y Z , V ra , hze i r c iat Igi y o , rie n so ‘ l , d Vigil ['diete d for ger f trai what we have never 1:o 3 ellit rihrePteo end olunay of ar maMeine,_NEVER HAS IT FAIL • 1/, in a SN OLP:INSTANCE, TO EF FECT A CuRE, when tmoly used. Never did t o 4 we know an instance of dissatisfaction by any one ho used it. On the DOD trary. alt are delighted 02 with, Its cp4mt,„,, and Ilypik in terms of hisbi . el 4 ,... couirnendetion elite magi cal effeets,and imedniai v/r s.w toes. _We speak in tins Matter ' what we do lA know," attar ten years' expeneuee,end pledge our reputation for the ['MAl ment of what we here de mare. In almost every Instance where the infant 14 is Buttering f rom pain and carbonation relief wilt ito found in fifteen or twenty 'minutes aft er the Syrup is administered. ''Phisvaltiable preparation 0 is the prescription of one of the moat. EXPERI- 0 ENCED and SKILFUL NURSES in New Eng/and and has been used with euoccsairt never-fail DB OF CASES. It not only relieves the CO child from pain, but .In- Vigorntestbe stomach and " bowels, console acidic; } ud gives tone and energy to the whole system. will almost instantly_re Neve GRIPING TH DOWELS AND Villa' 0 COLICand overcome can. vulsions,_which, if not, speedily remedied, end In death, believe it thebeets nd sorest remedy in the world , i n all eases of On DYSENTERY and IHAR WHCRA iN CHILDREN. x whether it arises from teethingor from any other copse. We would say to every mother who brut n — child suffering front any of the foregoing °complaints.. lit do not let your prehtdices, nor the prejudices of others, r stall wilt trtt, lal u /Wy e e r t i r n io4l/ 4 4. 1 •SU the RE—to foll o w row the nee of' this medic ns, if (1 2, timely need. Full tient for using will ecoom party each bottle. None Ernine en"l the feetitrttfgtTrFE ßr New 1 tlCsirrapEr sold Drugsjsta throughout the WOTIO. Prinel i Pea Dame. N 0. 13 CEDAR Street. New York. fria-lyr Price i s ...t. a t.t-tia. GREASE. 200 bbls., 300 half bbls., 140 Q uartet Mac, 2,C0Z1 cane Patent Tallow Orman, suitable fnr wagons. cart., onro, drays, for sale ho RovnAlt, ABIiIIURIZER, it Co.. f10..1a Rooth MANILA ROPE.—A large stock of Ma nila Roe, ell else*, manufaotnred end for sale at the lowest New York nricee,;:t NYEAWR of No. 2111% WATS& awl= P.ELAWAgE PHILADELPHIA, MPNPAYA OCTOBER 10, 1859. DRY-GOODS JonaAns. 1859 FALL IMPORTATION..IBS9 JOEL J. 3AILY ' & N. 211 "MARKET STREET, AND 208 01102011 ALLEY, PIULADELPIIIA, Have received bp recent arrivale, And WI continue to rowdy° during the season a toll and complete wort meat of FALL AND 'WINTER GOODS, Consisting in tort of HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND GAUNTLETS LADIES', MISSES', GENTS , , ATM BOYS LJ.MBB•WQOL, MERINO, 81LX AND COTTON SHIRTS AND PANTS GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS., Blaok and Fanny Bilk Snarls, Tips, and Cravats. Linea, Cambriooillil Silk lidVA. • BI3ETLAND WOOL ZEPHYRS. &c Alen, a lutndiretne dock of WHITE, LACE, and MILLINERY GOODS AND EMDROIDERIESi .r. COTTON, MARSEILLES, and LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, a large and cheap variety. "JOUVIN'S SYSTEME." BEST QUALITY .KID GLOVES. A aplondid aseertmont of colors and him'. WOOL COMFORTS, HOODS, JACKETS, NtnilAS,Ara Togothor with a huge nvortmont or CLAWS aline perior lix-eard "Bilk-Finished" and " Enarceliod " SPOOL COTTON. Also, their Bowing Machine Cotton, fN 7 n sPisar24° 1 3 f ch't° ; h r b theat6 4ii irtlncenenlMtaoturo: prrton4 reau6rted. CASH AND PROMPT WC-MONTHS BUYERS are invited io exeunino our Btoclrcwluch ie one of the (moot atoll tuoit etttractivo ever offered to tho 67-2rri W. S. STEWART & CO., JOBBERS OF AUCTION GOODS, 305 MARKET STREET. ABOVE TRIAD, Have now en Store a felt line of BLACK AND FANCY BILRB, BROCRE AND OTHER BHAWL9, BILK MANTILLA VELVETS, Of all grades, and all the new fabrics in Drees Goode', to which we invite the attention of CASH AND PROMPT EIX•TIONTH BUYE.R9. se-em SITER, PRICE, & CO.. MOWERS AND JOBBERS OP FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY COODS 815 MARKET STREET. *B-Sm J . W. GIBBS Sc SONS. NO. 43 MARKET fiTREET, Are now opening them FALL it. 'WINTER STOCK OF GOODS ADAPTED TO MEN'S WEAR,. In whloh will be founds full await - meat of CLOTHE, DOESKINS, VESTING% TRIMMINGS, 4e. suaSia -"Ls, WOOD, MARSIT, k, HAYWARD, * IMPORTERS .I.IID WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND 9LOT.HINO. P 0.300 MARKET STREET. PHILADELPHIA. Pall and Winter Stook sow oomplataand rudy far boson. 11.11.5-3111 noCLINTOCK, GRANT, & CO., IMPORTERS AND VtIiOLESALP. DEALERS IN GLOM CASOCALEREB, VDMINGO, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. NO. 333 MARKET STREET. (UP /3tairs.) PHILA.DELPHIA, A W. LITTLE & SILK GOODS, NO. 32S 441.A..11.)itfi T. aul-!m IMPOIi.TERB OP LINENS WRITE DOOD ' ili, - LACES, and ENLDRUIDERIES: . SO. 329 MARKET STREET. IP Our Stock, ',elected in the bed European market* by ouraelvee. ittarge and ocaaPbste. auil-Strt M • WILLIAMSON & CO., WHOLESALE DEALERS AND JOBBERS IN DRY GOODS, . . NO. 425 MARKET STREET, (And 414 Commeres, greet.) VOURT7I AND pfVTlt, NOILT1( Our stook, emmoially adapted to Southern and West- ern trade, is now large and complete in every parti cular. Aural 1859 PALL IIIiPORTATIONS.IBS9 DALE. ROSS & WITHERS. 041 MARKET, AND 018 COMMERCE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, 'MOWERS AND JOBBERS 07 SILK AND FANCY 000:D8, Rove now nocanotete stook, to vhiol. they tovltottio wt. tention of huyere. self-0m lIOUSE.FURNISDING GOODS. GREAT BARGAINS PIE ST-CLASS HOUSE-FURNISHING G 0 0 D S. TO REDUCE STOCK, et NO. t 22 CHESTNUT STREET. JOHN A. 14f URPHEY & CO. tv3-6t CLOTIIING. RAPHAEL P. M. ESTRADA, MERCHANT TAILOR. FINE PABIIIONABLE READY-MADE CLOTHING SUPERIOR FABRICS NOR CUSTOMER WORK, NO, 21 SOUTH SEVENTII STREET, PHILADELPHIA, RAPHAEL I'. M. V.STR ADA, baying Associated with him as ARTIATIC CUTTER. Mr. JOHN HoBSON Cato of Granville tttokost,) respectfully invites tho At tention of tho public In line now estsl , l.brecnt, and his splendid stook of FORNItiIIING trOund for Gentle mon's wear. Ho lout on hand a choice seloction of Yobrice ospooinl ly for customer work. and a vouch aeeortroont of to. shionable READY-MADE CLOTHING, to wluch he invitoetne illtuntion of boyere. Bach ortlolo warranted to give entire satisfaction. JOHN lIOBSON, Artist. LIPTINCOTT, HUNTER, & SCOTT, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBERS. Of COMMON, .MEDIUM, AND FINE CLOTHING. Wa invite Eptoini attention to onr complete line of MACIIINE-MANUPAOTURED GOODS. NOS, 424 MARKET. k 419 MERCILANT STS. nub-llrn MARBLE IVORIiB. MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORILS Hm oonatanttY on hand a very )arge assortment o MONUMENTS, ENCLOSURES, and GRAVE-STONES, Of parlous designs, made, of the fittest ITALIAN AND AMERICAN MARBLES, Which he will sell at greatly reduced Mines. br ales prepared to execute orders upon the most favorable terms, and respeolfully invites the publie generally to Dianne hie stook belkno pure/ming elsowlere, ADAM STEINMETZ,. Monumental Marble Works, ETUGE AVENUE, 'Wow Itleventbstreet, ap/8-m w tem DitX.GOODS JODBEIRS. DRY ,prooDs NOTICE. tTOSHUA GAILY, IMPOATIIR AN JOl3 13 213 MARKET STREET, nuLADELPIIIA. Invitea erigni attention to one of tha !argent and ehotoeot ataertinonta of WINTER DRY GOODS %,SAIiiCET,y,MIIRAC . II , IC4 ALL TUE NO VELTIEB IN IMEN6II, ENGLISU, AND GJRMAN DRESS GOODS. d eaperh assort:neat BROOKE, STELLA; AND BLANKET SHAWLS. Of ltie tiowdlit mid ciltnicazt eityles. E11;QLIH•11 AND ADIEUICAN BLANKETS. misizestm4ultltturt. - • - SCARLET, YELLOW, GREEN, ►en BLUE WOOL FLANNELS. tIELCII FLANNELS A. OENERAL AKKIRTMENT CLOTHS, CASSIMERES. SATINETS AND VE,STINGS. The newest Printings in 111ANOZIE$TER DE LAINES =MEE Stavancd mskes SWEETINGS AND SHIRTINSH, CHECKS, TWKIN6S, AND STRIPES, AND CANTON FLANNELS. A FULL LINE ENCILISH AND AMERICAN PRINTS, AND TIM LARDEBT ABBORTSASNT UP MERRIMACK PRINTS TUX :UNITED STATES. JOSHUA L. 13AILY. NORTH SIDE OF DIARKET STREET, ABOVE SECOND, 06 tf , SPECIIAL NOTICE DRY 'GOODS DEALERS. We bee leivefo Quit Opooini attention to Our etoek of DAt SFS GOODS, Now ex pasod fur;sle Y R . RTAILR2i Who nay riuibiltr.W 101K_ wilt be erupts' titpttd the expens, of btu tit 'ill folooting out of our splendid viit. tott4 ut a ltu diritb o ttt (tom Was too bb found in abut tuerketts , • • ;t: `.. Wit AR ° amv opunflub: - • • ll* elt,Bl,4l)gliA.lN Eli new sad really bgautlfai " SVAMOZITTA 4 4 1 . 1 . 100 " ' wARnEN - nurrs. totro 4.:L.0AK5,f5A01.13. AND I.IANTLES. '3,600' SHAWLS. Itnuortid expressly for us. 'We have a rich BUDDIY Or DRESS GOODS AND DOMESTICS, OF FOPULAR BRANDS, Hut ID the above we ask your notice in particular. We 1,11.11 not:aunts. at ices. but tutelars it to soy, that by tbie Advertieernent we mean to arrest your attention, and The Oman tuut Prices wit enable you to arrest the at tention of Your iirstonfers the country round. 1;5E1 FOREST, ARMSTRONG, & CO., CIIAMBERB STREP.T, SPECIAL NOTICE. For tits accommodation of many of our crry CVSTO MILIie Pk/ cannot leave their 'Mime during the neon husinesebouraiit thin salmon, ea well ea to accommodate eon star %intim ANTS Who wish to eoonomi zo time, an r r ore will be own during the month of OCTOBER. Eve7ytreek day erening excopt Saturday. Th. atleemen will ho in attendance to show buyers through the atoek until 10 o'clock P. M. JOSH U. 1%. L. BALLY. y.MPORTLit AND JODDFAI. ov FANCY AND RTAPLE DRY. 1D ODR, 213 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. 003-S FANCY DRY GOODS JOBBERS. H e DUHRING & CO., Nos. Al and 213 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Ara sort receiving, SY 4110011151Ve arrivals from Europe, THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS or ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, WOOLLEN YARNS. MACHINE SEWING SILK AND THREAD, Acid goLicit an inspection rt of stock their oornohao and won assoacl , jr,H-gm • HSPECIALLY ADAPTED TO SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE. SCHAFFER, Sr. -ROBERTS. 499 MARKST STREET, IMPORTERS AND JORSIMS 11081ERY, OLOVES, SMALL WARES, CONIEg , BUSHES, LOOICINO.OLABSEO, /ERMAN and FRENCH FANCY 000D8, AND TAILORS' TR/MMITIOB. nus-Bm MARTINS, PEDDLE, & HAMRICK, importers and dealers to HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY NOTIONS, O. 30 NORTH FOURTH STREET, Five doers below the Merchants' Hotel, Oicer for side the inost coinvleto slosh of Goods In their tins to ho found in the Untrue 8 rA TEA , consisting Of HOSIERY, of overy grade. GLOVES. in three helidcod varieties. HNOtIifSHILITS and DRAWERS, LINEN-1308011l 8111 furs end COLLARS. LINEN CAMBRIC HUM'S. d, SHIRT FRONTS. LADIES ELASTIC BELTS, with clasps of en- Bride new designs, with an endless variety of NO- TioNs, to which thee invite the attention of FIRST-CLASS WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS, isult-3m ItioOAULEY, BROTHER, ec BREWSTER S 3 NORTH 'FOURTH BTRBET HOSIERY, GLovr,s, Ann FANCY 000D8. We have a fine otoek of Iniyortod and Dotnestio Goods partiouterly adapted to SOUTHERN TRADE, To*hiolt we invite tho attention of find-olaos buyers. 0101-3ni COAL OIL. PHIL ADELPUIA pUO'I'IO COAL OIL WORKS BURNING AND LUBRICATING COAL 011,8 Manufactured and for sale ny , RELME, MORRIS, & 00., TIOR'InTII, NORTH OF MARKET WFRRST INDErP•ENDENT PEOPLE'S TICKET. HIRAM AYRES. jNDEPENDEN T PEOPLE'S TICKET EIGHTH LEGISLATIVE DISTRICT. HENRY L. ELDER, TENTH REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT JOHN O. KELLER, DEMOCRATIC CANDIDATE. , This Dietriot is compoied of the FIFTEENTH. WARD, end the SECOND end SIXTH DIVISIONS of the FOURTEENTH WARD. oe4-7t. PEOPLE'S TIOT:CET. FOR AUDITOR GENERAL, TIIOMAI3 E. COCHRAN, FOR SURVEYOR GENERAL, WILLIAM FOR DIZTRICT ATTORNEY, WILLIAM D. MANN FOR PROTHONOTARY OF THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS. 'CHARLES D. KNIGHT.' FOR STATE SENATOR—Saoond Distnot, 0 - BORGE'R. BMITH FOR STATE BBNATOR—Fourth Diotriot, GEORGE CONNELL. PHILADELPHIA First Dtettiot—TAßSON EDMONDS. Sewell Distriot—WlLLlAM B. TURNER. Thlvtl Distriet—CHAßLES HORTZ. Fourth Pis triot—HENRY K. STRONG. Fifth District—JOSEPH MOORE, Jr. Sixth District—CHAßLES O'NEILL. Seventh District—J. H. SELTZER. • Eighth District—JACOß E. RIDGWAY. Ninth Diatiiai—NATHAN SPERING. Tenth Distriet—S. B. FANCOAST. Eleventh District—lSAAC A. SHEPPARD. 'twoHth Distriot—RlCHAßD. WILDEY. Thirteenth District—AMES HOLGATE. Fourteenth District—J. B. ALLEN. Fifteenth District—J. F. PRESTON. Sixteenth Diatrict—trEOßDE WILBY. Storenteenth Dietslnt—CßAß. F. ABBOT. S :A D a'.4 . - PMELPARET:!i GLIIETI- SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE'. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE! ECONO3re!!! Wr " A STITCH. iN TIME SAVES NINE."-VEI As ateidons eoill haven frets in well-regulated fami- ies, it is very desiratio so have some cheap and con- voniont way for ro pairing furniture, toys °rockery, e SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meats art tech emenencies, and no household can afford to be without it. It is always ready and up to the stickingi °int. There is no longer a necessity for limp ing chairs, splintered veneers, headless dot's, and broken cmdles. It is Suet the article for cone, shell, and other ornamental wotk so popular with ladies of refinement find taste. The admirable preparation is used cold. being chemi cally held in solution, and possessing oil the valuable 1/0% Wes of the best cabinet-makers' Glue. It may be used in the place or ordinary mucilage, being vastly more adhesive. USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." NEW YORK Price, as cants. N. B.—A brush acorriPsniee sash bottle NO. 30 PLATT STREET, NEW YORK Put up for Donlon; in Calm oontaining four, eight. and twelve dozen. a beautiful Lithograph Show Card accompanzing elsoh paokage. ETA mozla bottlo of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times ita cost annually to every houselsold."Etl Sold by all prominent etationere, Drug gists, Hardware and Furniture Dealers, Grocers, and Fancy Stores. Country Merohnota should make a note of BPALD- M3'B PREPARED 6 littE, when molting up their list. t will stand any olirunto. The following is a list of vlaces in Ph:lade:Ain Whets t is sold : Wetherill & Bro.'a, 17 and 49 North Second at. Ziegler & Smith, Southwest oor.liecond and Ocean sts Fradorick Brown, N. E. oor. Firth and Chestnut eta. Woe. H. Maurice, 53.5 Chestnut at. John A. Murphey & Co., 923 Chestnut Bt. 11, Riohardeon, 117 South Second at. E. Drummond, cor. Elovontli and Chestnut ate. Strickland & 8r0.,159e South Sooond 11. A. J. Philter, 700 South Socond at. W. K. hloudenhall, N. W. cor. Second and Spruce eta Goo. W. Henry, N. W. nor. Ninth and Market ate, T. Magee, N. W. nor. Second and Chestnut ate. E. P. Fortiori Sc Co., 8. W. con. Second and Dock eta, Callender A Co., N. W. nor. Third and Walnut sta. Joseph Nutty, 407 Chestnut st. Ambrose Smith, N. E. cor. &wean and Cheatnut ON. Chne.Bunainig, oor. Eighth and Filbert eta, J. Magee, 916 Cheetnut at. Scholz & Janentzky, 11s South Eighth Downing & Dayly, 129 South Eighth et. Blair & Wyeth, B. W. nor. Eighth rind Walnut ate. Ina. McCarthy, nor. Tenth and Sans= tte. Foul G. Oliver, 1331 Chestnut at. Wit,. Yarnell, 1070 Cheatnut at. E. W. Carryl & Co., 719 Lhestout et. Hassan' & Co., car. Twelfth and Choetnnt ate. John A. Murphey A Co., 7220 Chestnut at. J. W. &meg & Son, S. E cor. lath and Market ate. Thos. Eittlack, Jr., cur. Eighteenth and Market ate. Onliiaril Or Marshall, 1621 Market at. A. H. Yarnell, 1436 Market et. Geo. Boil, cor. Thirteenth and Market ass. Robert Shoemaker & Co., Fourth and Race eta. Jatnea Barr, 1100 filarkot at. John C. Savory, 907 Market at. Wm. Killion, 136 North Second at. A. E. Griffiths, 200 North Second at. T. W. Dyott A Bons, 218 North Second at, R. Paine, 301 North Socond et. John S.Wi ate rs, 920 North Second at. H. K. Logan, 016 North Second et. Ilendorson & Co., 629 Arch at. L. Carlton, WS North Eighth at. J. B. Johnson, 6 North Eighth ed. lean° H. Kay, nor. Eleventh and Arch ate. M. Wanner, 1003 during Garden at. R. Haskins, 921 Spring garden at. Beehanan, cor. Seventh earl Spring Garden. 11. A. Bower, N.E. em. Sixth and Green ass. 0. C. Bower, N. E cor. Sixth and Vine ats. Edwd. Christman, 702 Cheatnut at. John Alexander, 61 South Fourth at. W.M. Christy, 127 South Third lAA A.D. K. Moore, 1318 Chestnut at. J o hn Wilcox, Girard House Book Stand. William Mann, 43 South Fourth at. W. B. Zieber, loft South Third at. cic7-IM-2t SKELETON SKIRTS NEATLY REPAIRED ar THE PAcTORYt N 0.140 NORTH THIRD STREET, ocilwfm-W POLITICAL. SECOND SENATORIAL JUSTRICT THIRTEENTH WARD. TENTII WARD 01 , 10AX COVIITT OP MINA COONTY FOR 'ABSEMBLY HAVE THE PIECES! DESPATCit ! ! WEOLEoALE DEPOT, IL C. SPALDING, BOX No. 3000, NEW YORE TWO CENTS. Vrtss. MONDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1E:59 PERSONAL AND POLITICAL. Tue DUEL vs CALIFORNIA:A telegraphic 'an nouneement from St. Louis brings us the sad in telligence that, in the duel between Senator Brod erick and Judge Terry, the termer reeeived a mor tal wound, and died a few days after. We are not surprised to learn that in San Francisco the commu nity was profoundly excited by this ,melancholy event, for it will arouse intense feeling throughout the nation. A correspondent of tho N. Y. Tribune writing from San Francisco, undo date of Sept. 12, 1859, gives the following account of the circumstan ces which led to the duel, (then anticipated i) " Terry is a Texan, and an ultra Southern .Denc erratic politician, and during a. long residence-in the State, he has, of course, been a bitterpoliticar enemy of Broderick; the leader of the Northern faction of the Democracy. This political hostility prepared the way for the personal quarrel which arose about the let of July, and led to this duel.' Broderick, *bile at the table of the International Dotel, maid that Terry, who had formerly been Chief Justice of our Supremo Court was a corrupt man. A ' friend of' the latter ' 'a Mr. Parley, re.' quested Broderick not to speak in .that style at a public, table; Broderick, repeated the language. For this, Perky ohatteoged - him; but Broderick refused to fight, first, because Mr. Perley was 'a British subject,'not an American; - secondly, be cause Mr. Perley was not his equal in political Teo-. sition, and, thirdly, became° the interest of his patty demanded that he should'net fight lentil after the election. An account Of that katir may be found in the Trsdnne of July 28. " Between the Ist of July and the 7th Septem ber, the political canvass was accompanied by. the . bitterest personalities, and Broderick ; in his speeches doi not spate the name of Terry. The latter was nitra-Southern 'in his morality, as well *as in his politics. Oa the - morning of the Bth, the, day de.y after election, before breakfasti while. Breda rack was still in the height of his rage aridniortiti cation over the first news of the overwhelming de feat of his party, he received a polite little note from Terry, to which none of the objections made to Perley's challenge would apply. " David- S. Terry is a lawyer, about 40 years.of age. The only public' position which he over held here was Chief Justice of the Supremo Court, a position far which lie was not fit in either learning, talent, or moral oharaeler. De was on the bench during the Vigilance Committee time, and he was for a long time bold a prisoner by that body for having stabbed a member of the Committee. He Is very -bravo, but coarse, and big general reputa tion is that of an honest man, who, while on the Lena, could never he approached with offers of bribery. "Rumor says it was understood several weeks ago between Torry, Gain, and. Eienver,.that they should all oballonge Broderick in succession. Owl°, ie no shooter, and it were better for him, if he name;fight, fight, to be third on the list; but Denver is reputed ; to be a formidable antagonist in a duel—cool, and a' good shot. lie killed Ldward Gilbert, 'the editor of The Alta, in 1852, for ridiculing Bigler, to whom he (D.) was then Secretary of State." Sournertm ELEcrioNs.—ln Georgia the present Governor, Hon. Joseph E. Brown, is said to be re elected by a majority of some 15,000 votes. The Legislature is Democratic, in bolh'branehes. The Opposition have elected two Representatives—to Congrers'and the Democrats six . , being the same politically as in the lest Congress. The names of the members elcet are Peter E. Love, Martin J. Cranford, Lucius J. .Gartrell, J. W. it:Under wood, James Jackson, and John J. Jones, Demo crats, and Thomas Hardman, Jr. and Joshua 11111, Opposition. In Mississippi, as them was Mit littlo opposition to the Democratic ticket, it may he safety assumed that Hon. John J. Pettus *as elected Governor, and that the following gentlemen were elected to Congress, viz: L. Q. C. Lamar,- Reuben Davis. Wm. Barksdale, 0. R. Singleton, and John. J. Me- Rae. A State Legislature was also chosen. In Florida the election was for a Chief Justice and two Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the State, and for ctiouit and county officers gene rally. For Chief justice, the Hon. Themes Baltzell; the, present incumbont, had no opposition, but for the two assoelates there were seven candidates. The people were also to decide the question of the cession of West Florida to Alabama by writing on the back of..their tickets "Annexation". or "No Annexation," . • . Dommiss 05'ESTAnLISn /Kc ISGM'F.IIV IN THE PRISE. STATES.—TIie Plairigoat4 , suii.: - .Mte atention to the :following choice -specimen - of Nottorirdity,ftem a _nano.r.Abat Xefleots the views - and sentiments of the (mations trrare m claim to be Democrats. - emi.of the righkbow., ore of the Washington Constitution, and joins that paper in its crusade against Judge Douglas.. It is us thorough a disorganizes as, its coadjutor at Washington: "The Black Republicans and temporizing Demo crats of the North are becoming very mach alarm ed at an interpretation which is beinggiren to the dechion in the Droll Scott ease, that shivery exists, under the Federal Constitution, all the . States of the Union. They ere, however, needlessly alarmed. Although the Constitution nog require the recognition of , stases as property sit the . Northern States, and although in portions of Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, slave property might be vary profitably employed, yet the South has nlt the sla tes to spare ; and therefore, for many years to come, the border Northern States most be de prived o fi the benefits arising front the institution of slavery. The great difficulty now in the South is the procurement of enough laborers."—Lords• rifle Courier. And this abomination is atterapted to be en , grafted upon the Democratic platform by those ni t mists, these Administration organs par excellence ! The recognition of davery ix the free States was advocated by the Washington Union, and tba doc trines of its successor aml those of the "Black pamphlet" lead directly to the same point. Every honest Democrat, Nor th and South,repudiates them na infamous heresies. John W. Fornoy, of The Press, will address the State Rights Demooracy of Berks county, this even ing, at Bonding. REOPEN'S° Or TUE Steve TRARE.--At a meet ing of the parishioners of St. James' Santee, re cently held in South Carolina, the following, mai- Miens were adopted : Resolved, That our safety in tho Caton makes it necessary to ineroase the supply of slave labor. Reso/vrd, That all restrictions upon the African slave trade shall bo stricken from the statute, hooks, and that we wake this a test qaestton at oar eleetzoits. A correspondent of tho Charletton Mercury is opposed to the above resolutions, and gives the following reasons for his opposition: The African slave trade can never be re opened by the legislation of Congress. It can only bo reopened by the Southern people in a Southern Confedornoy. The Union can never be dissolved ; and a Southern Confederacy (mob lishref on the issue of reopening the African slave trade. Does not every . dictate of patriotism and duty, therefore, retinue us to abandon this issue, and to seek a union of the South on other issues more in conformity to the general feelings and interests of the South? Mr. Editor, I 11111 op posed to the proceedings of the parishioners of St. James' Santee, because I am in favor of re opening the African slave trade, The policy these proceedings indicate will defeat-it forever, and drag down the South in ruin." Wno (divas it ?—ThePittaburg Daily COM mercial, in speculating upon the action of the Charleston Convention, says: "The position of the New York delegation is doubtful. Unsay be for Douglas as is claimed, but it would be the first to desert him, and though numerically strong will not have influence in per portion, in their State is given up as Republican." Who gives up New York to tho Republicans? Not those who are well informed upon New York politics, certainly. If the Presidential election depends on New York, we advise the Commercial not to bet on the Reptthlican candidate.—N. Y. Journal of Commoce. Mr. Clay, inn speech, May 10, 1848, upon the question of the power of Congress relative to the Territorial, said: "That the true principle for Congress, in all future Moo, is to abstain from all legislation upon the subject of slavery in the Ter ritories." The funeral of Charles M. Leupp, the wealthy leather merchant of New York, took place last Fri day. Some men commit suicide for want of money. and others because they have too much. The lat ter wee Mr. L.'s trouble. • The Rev. J. S. KOMI addressed the Young Men's Christian. Association, of South Boston, on Sunday night Week. • La Mountain, the aeronaut, was received onj his return to Watertown, N. Y., with great ent.husi arm. There was an illumination at night. It is stated that lion. John N. Wood his put , chased tho temperance journal which is published at Portland, Maine. Blondin, the great rope walker, bus pun. chased a handsome house, completely furnished, at Niagara falls, for $4,000 cash—which amount is a portion of the profits of his feats across the chasm itf the Niagara during the summer. LADIES' LIESINASIIIM.—A nctv gymnasium, for the ladies alone, watt inaugurated at Now 'York on Wednesday evening last, by remarks from Henry Ward 13 e eche r and others. Mr. Beecher thought that ladies had no occupation except sweeping the streets, now that their owls avvoep ing had. boon given over todomesties, and that they bad better drive their horses for exorcise if they could find nothing else to do. The gymnasium to opened by a luxe .11411, and 15 located on Atlantis street, nearly opposite the Alhenteum- WELL PAID FOR HIS Staxattatz.---The Ba tonitouge (Lm.) Gazette, epeaktug of the effuse of Su.- perintendent of Publio Education in that State ; sa y s 6 , This is a very - onerous office, reqnirin,g the oceupent to sign his name as many as lour times during the year. Now, tho salary is - $3,000. to that the lucky incumbent got.l $7OO every time he signs his name," THE WEEKLY PRESS. wigractavie. , arA4•At-41k.§50FAir e i.w., mail (per annum, in advanced Zino &Plea. " " - 6.00 Five Copies, 1110 Ten Copies," :" "•—• • • 12.130 TimatiCopiel; - " " (to one address) 90.00 -Twenty Coptei,or over (to .address of each Bubseriber,) ..... ........ 1.36 For a Club of Twenty-one or over, we will send as eiira copy to the getteitUrof the Chib; . Paitmasters are reguegted to goCes as tor Tits WZBILY nesse. cAugoitNlA MERL Berri - tdoctlAT in . time for the. Oftblonds Stetunera, 'lettere from New York,. SUCCESS OP: Tns STATE: rAin.-...egptereg grAgy ok"ros ANDES"—nIE CALIFOESIA MAIL SQUAD. /ILE—ESTIMATES PO/1. CO . IIMOM SCHOOLS—BYE' PBEIVS TO'SS • EXECCrtgV , -X9. ORSELLTIS A YA:t OP PIJSCSUALITT: [C , oireiDondence of The i'reas.l , NEW YORK. OCk 7, MS The State Fair. at Alban'', lett groat ancessa. Ue to Thursday night the receipts were VATS 1 .1'14{ 4 1154 $4- 472 iftduring the alme time in 1852, a gain of 613,102 69. A large meeting was held yesterday In Wteting Mill. at which Josiah Quincy, Ex-Gov. King, and other hard working fanners, talked any amount of rota bilge, pump kin, immesh and things. Church's picture," The Heart ofthe Andes," bee re turned from London, and ia now on view at the artist's etuiho in Tenth atreet, greatly to the, delectation of the Public, Its( success abroad wee worthypf its merits, end has placed Mr. Church amongst the very first landscape artiste of our time, . - The California mail excitement was at fever heat yes terday, and the 'temporary triumph of Vanderbilt has rather added to than: diminished the excitement. The Price paid for carrying the wills between New York. New Orleans, San Francisco.' Oregon, and the Pacific coast, twice a month. from the -Ist of October, instant. to the Ist of July. 1860, is 5187.1.00, divided as follows: For the New York mails 837.44.0 and for the New Orleans made This is for nine months only, exclusive of the transit over the Panama Railrosil,w hieh receives from the Government, for its portion of the same., at the rate of 8100,000 a year. The railroad had offered to perfoim its part of the service for the price named above, or twenty-two cents avonad. The Postmaster General yesterday accepted the former—the $lOO.OOO year. About I,6oOpeasengers. an told,sailed for California in the Northam Light end Vandorbdt. One of the leading items of expenditute, in our num ciesl an'airs, the amount,to be rind to meet the ex Pensiof Common School inetruction, came up for eon sideration yesterday in the Board of Educetton. For the information of legislatore and teachers in Philadelphia, ainand the keine: ' • • Salaries of Teachers and Janitors in the Ward donovis 4630.000 Incidentalexpense!. 100 For Pinllo6.. •• • • ' ...... • ........... 10.000 Support for the Aeneemy ... .. . . • ••• to tat }repairs for the At edam), ........ -7.000 .ti orinal Sohnola so- ' .final So riots support.... " Appointment to the corporate schools. • 20,00 U Repairs in shops ~ • • 10 Ouo BllPport of evening .. . ... 7000 Boolm, stationery, and oLberatipp/les 06 OW Bantu!" school premises.' 16 OW Balanes err:Amnia connected with the Board.. 21000 Incidental expenses of the Board, it:minding Pri a tin ...... . ....• • .. lO.OOO For building and repairing Schoolhmes—.. . 320,000 Deficiency of nah, •• , This is an Inoreaao upon the estimate for laat year, of: about 610,000, which is accounted for mainly by the crease in the number of schools, and a consequent it , crease in the amount required for teacherentdariem„,.. Steehens, the wife poisoner , whose case has sliaitini: mom interest than usually attaches ,to warden: and ' whorl, case has until yeaterday been pending in the Court of Appeals, has at last met his final doom, that court having affirmed the judgment of "guilty" brought in by the General Term. The day for his eseaution hissi not yet beenfixed. The eccentricity of the diatinsuished editor of the Tribune, Mr. Greeley, wan never More humorously illostrated than on his arrival, last week, from Califor nia. HO arrived on Tuesday evening, and was an nounced to deliver the address. before the I - Viet:tang county Agricultural Society on the follonnng day. He, therefore, merely called at the Tribune of f ice, chatted is few moments, took his carpet bag in band, and started for the care, without even seeing bin family, from whom he had been macerated nearly five months. Such prompt ness is bound, in the long run, to - win a reputation for Punctuality, if nothing else. . THE. ANTI-TADDANy, ADTI-170013 DEHOCIIATIC MOPE HENT A PITDLIC VESTING 70 DE DELL—SIZE CRICKETERS—PRICE, THEPRIzE-PIGHTEn, GUMS IN DEOADIYAY—THEATRICALS—THEATRICALS-DE-, VIAL OF TRE HEAD OP 4 1 . 11E•PIRE DOPARTHENT. ICoirespondenee of The Press.) • ' Now Yeats, Oct.B, 18M The anti-Taminany Halt. anti-Idozart Hall. anti.co silietic IJemocracY, to which allusion has been here toliire made in tine correspondence, are endeavoring to iirrunge something hire an organisation. for the our lose of giving practical force to their views ; bat, how ever desirable some of Pre 'reforari Ozer greeds& un doubtedly are, and salntarr as would be the inflames they would exert linen our municipal affairs, it is more a then probab'e that the whole thing will result in nothing mote than the passage'of slew resolutions, the ventila lion of a tittle respectable rhetoric, and a few editorials in the daily press. The great obst ac le th a t k ne ed. s their efforts in the difficelty, it net the absolute impoe ribilitY, of perfecting working organizations in the dlr.- ferent wards. To produce practical action something more ie requisite than a, may gathering. and enthusiastic chat over unexceptianable potables in the parlors of the E;:etett linage. Nevertheless, the movers in the matter are doing something, At their meetiag. lent evening, Watts Sherman. tof the banking' house of Duncan, Sheri:lan, C 0.,/ in the chair, com mittees Were appointed on finance nod invitation& A 'circular wan road and ordered to be printed, which wilt to - sent to the leading merchants of the city, inviting them to a meeting at the Cooper inatibite. on Tuesday evening nest, at which time' aeveral.popitlar epeakeri will ventilate their views, and urge upon the iodepen dehiDeinocracy of the city. Such action ah abaft tend to c Ikea theWartyiu ataxia' rfigteeter iesceolabilitY Led efficiency. The cricketers bevelled r‘ capital time here. Biel been ,41 , eith att pesaible hoidseitelity. They lesTe. bear , • b, enet i . ion ostred and exeereionett. 'when not praCeas rellEnTl • iikr E 1 0 1•13 - • 10. the ground to witness their tap o • .. week to have them amongst YOU, which readers further' . atquedoe from roc unnecessary. Amens the artists of 'distinction who availed them= solves of the churning weather yesterday afternoon to. Promenade Ormulway.irns " Ed. Price." the victor in the prise-fight, at Point 1415itir1 on the day Previous. lie left Suspeneion Bridge on the express train at 6 o'clock on Thursday, (four hours after the scrimmage,/ and arrived here at half past 10 this morning, after a ride of four hundred and fifty miles. I understand be was escorted through portions of Broadway and into several promitipnt bar-rooms by Alt. White, proprietor of the Dealer House —a noted resort of the "fanny"—in Broome street. With the exception of a slight diseolcr mama under one eye, he appears as clean and sound as a freshly-washed baby. It is given out that hie friends and Lechers heir* have won tar. a some of money. Theatricals, though prosperous, are, as the oornmer cial reporters say, without change. At Stuart's Winter Gatden, the audiences continue crowded. A g ends man, who has the 'best possible means of being posted as to the finr.ncial affairs of the house, tells me that, entice the opening night, the receipts have not varied twenty dollars each night. It tray, cense...meetly, be taken for granted that the manager is begging =mo rons dollara A notable instance of self-denial °courted &day or two since in one of our city otlieiala.atr. Barry How ard. Chief Engineer of the Fire Department. The' Common Council having voted him a gold medal ea & badge of office, he replies that he declines accepting it. and " raspectfullY recommend& that said medal be dis posed of at public, axle. and the proceeds banded to the Treasurer of the Fits Department Fund, to be applied for the relief of nick and disabled firemen. Instances of self-abnegation like this are so rare as to deserve a pas sing reference. By the Are department tt is spoken of with especial satisfaction. TUE Ncwburyport (Slam) Herald Biqa that Salute of nine guns was fired in ward one, in donor of an hair Nvhich was born unto a married couple who had been for some yeaachildletis, and whore mother was formerly belle of the ward. Ono gun was fired for each pound of the claire weight. SINGULAR DEATH.—Major H. Welty, a re eldest of Pleasant Units, Westmoreland county, Pa., died the other day Wittier the following strange circumstances : It appears that while threshing buckwheat with his son, be was struck with a flail on the forehead, but worked on, as the injury was not worth minding. On Saturday he complained of headache, but worked until noon. After dinner bo grew chilly, his speech failed him, and as he was staggering towards the door, be was caught by his wife and laid upon a lounge. Be fell into a stupor immediately, in which state he continued until Sunday, when he expired. A NEW RoortELLE correspondent says that the great oyster bed hae already given out, many oC tho " dredges" bringing up nothing but stone. Ile gives the names of the Now Rochelle boats al ready returned as the sloop "Exceed," Pert;" also the vessels "Anna Eliza, "Leader," "Grati tude," and "Jedda." In further reference to the oyster bed. Mr. Maillefert, whose success in re moving the rocks front the Hurl Gate gave him a wide notoriety, proposes to build an immense diving bell, wherewith to operate the mammoth oyster beds recently discovered in Long Island Sound. The dredges now employed destroy large numbers of all that are now scoured; whereas there ap pears to be no reason why this boll should not ope rate with perfect success. YOUNG ADVENTURERS. -- TWO boys, each about thirteen years of age, arrived in Fredericks burg last night and stopped at M. King's near the depot, without either money or baggage. They first went to Baltimore, and after stopping there awhile, worked their passage on the Pocahontas to" :Richmond city. They left Richmond last night in the Central ears, and got off at the Junction, where they took tho Fredericksburg train. ' They seemed in very good spirits, considering !bey were four hundred miles from home, in a strange place. with out either money or A change of clothes.—Frede eieksbn re (Va.) Herald. A. MONSTER STEER.—There Is on exhibition at the New Hampshire State fair a monster steer, owned by Nelson Stevens, of Newbury, Vt.. are years of ago, girting nine feet and weighing 4,000 lbs, It is a very large framed animal ; its bones large enough awl strong enough to sustain six or seven thousand lbs. The animal is in thin flesb, is a small enter, and has not yet attained his fall growth. He is from a native cow, of small size, and a Barham hull, middling sized. He stands at pre sent about six feet five inches. His owner antici pates that he can easily be made to weigh 6,000 lbs. CAMELS TN TME UNITED STATES SERVICE.— Superintendent Beale in his reports to the War De partment speaks very highly of the effeloney of camels in the United States service. lie says, that notwithstanding, the allegation that when your/ they must bo very carefully treated, blanket'h, wet-nursed, .tre., they aro as easily bred as cows and calves. He adds: " I have lately tried effectually the comparative VatUo of tunics and camels as peek animals. The experiment leaves , the paint with camels. Both trains receiving the order to start at the same time in the morning, the carnets invariably arrive at the camp, in a distance of twenty-five miles, an hour, and sometimes an hour and twenty miuntee, ahead of the mule train: the mules carrying a. burden of two hundred pounds, the camels packed with foes hundred, beeidee a rider, armed with his rifle, revolver,. and ammunition, and his bedding laid over the pack to sit on. The young are great pets in camp, but very mischievous—poking their noses into every bag. pot, and pan about the camp arcs. .Their great aim In life at present seems to t 6 ape the manners and habits of their sires— kneeling down and growling, and complaining precisely as the old Ones do whenever the train is peeked. We have entirely discontinued the cum bersome Oriental apparatus used as a saddle, and have In its place One of light, useful, and simple construction, ' . 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers