-' "PUS.IBHED + UAILY ( BUNDAY6BXOEPTED) oFFficai t ite?„4l.l- *Nis tit tilt* ;:e - AtaniX4Elßlßligi'''' • " • • TWSLV! lattlittl'ik*metloyable to the Carriers. Mailed to 9pl wriblti iiit4o,l:ll4); at 8/X D'or:r.'sas Moira's ; /./ji"84',111101:1014,*&!AT in ad csiolo-014.01•1.4,4.;:,t rues. 0 601 bit bf PIO City st 'DIEN DOL , pisit ii•iltlgtrit; ii4vistee. = • • • : filiptintErk JomuNd Itorsts, 009. : ; ' i19:t t TR A DE 1859. ; 'BUNN, RAIGUEI 4 & Co; INLP,ORTNRB ANIf.JOBBENS IN FANOYCRY ;GOODS, 137 NORM THIRD STREET, :Are'prepired to exhibit at their raleirooke the most complete stook otitoodi ever offered by them, Present ing unusual attractions to the trade generally. The stoolgoomnrigel ointrybrte ,assortment of every ,vartetyg " BILKS, RIBBONS,. WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, CLOTHE!, OASSIMNSES AND VESTING'S, IROISE* 0L0V,28,, AND TRIMMIitOB, Aka, d fall and gentiral assortment of Fall and Winter SHAWLS; To all of which they invite the attention of OABWAND P,ROMPi 81X-MONTBS BUYER f B. M. RUNN, H. R. RAIGMBL, H. F. BUNS YARD, ammoß.E..ed CO.. NOB. 40 AND 40 NORTH THIRD STREET, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN BILKS, RIBB0148,1)0288 GOODS, WHITE GOODSIMOIft LINENS, MinitOlDgßlite, ecc , „ 1108DIRY, GLOVED, MITA, AND BLIAWLD . „ , LAI:NG' 84' - MORT-SRO AND WHOLESALE DR4M6 rf 7 r.mmvir..l , mo l -7.4,4 , 0. 4 - ' ij 4. S H E — FRENCH AND iaIiTINHEt, AND_ 811.43.11,1AANUD AOTHHERE ':ARTI CLIO; ; Deering hiaehine silk, Thread and Needles. - ' for(O. 3O NOM% THIRD - • Agents , - - aes 'UPFIEL,DII PATENT BOOT-TREEIII, - SOWER, BARNES, & CO., PUBLISRERS AND DEALERS IN MIBOELLANBOUS, 80.1100 L, AND - • . BLAME BOOKS AND STATIONERY, NO. ET NORTH THIRD STREET, BELOW ARCH, Pubßohan 4EPeiti Ern(lid Series ' Dit:':I*BO I :I.IIAI.4 N OWRITUAL OP Mere N ew' Rearii.Vs• endear's' and Bionics' Arithmettat &a. • Blank - Boas ',Writing ' Wra.pin Curtain, goci Will hors: ' ani•gra6' r 398. .; wriLolt do.. 110. 8 NORTH THIRD firßEErs . XNumpx; FRANcif, BIND gERRIAN - , O:Vi ;-'13:11:11.111, 1 - 1114,11 r. ER E!, - - . TIMM align, Wilt. B. Zan, Jogs Wi /icon b. B. , Eartm. RIEGEL BAIRD; & 'CO., - (LAW 1314er, Limb, 04) • Ilq ORTERS AND JOBBEIte os , ~,i144Y1lo4,1 7 1 1111 ) irr l t q4l l u , ADEl ,l l l fx _ I:II3II':—FATeL"'SITV,9IL" hia* ,iiiipeptaintr o 144 itte.di f qo DAnk v ii, Inott.mmtl4)holisiod*akali pikta ot satiliiriaMorskoW44'o/414140 eximine foi 33 / 4 Alic istioltEks: WI 4 IIR-R , B k .P , ETE R 0 N • ..-STOCK BROKERS. .„ 3011.141 THISD STREET, - =is cos aus " ' • , T.,001- 4.15 D BOND S " OF ALL" :THE r .:PASSENGER RATA7p tOwidedi 6001;0: the attention of napitaliatet titookiV,ltendei-buil - Cornotatiol: UMW, bought and tbe 13444 of.l3Plieirs. • gel=Yni rgittg,igxlis. TO: V : 41 : 10 - AtElig B ' o * - . . PHOSPHATIO - • Ci U•A N - 0 FROM SOMBRERO. ISLAND; WEST INDIES. . , THE RIMIEST FORMATION OP PHOSPHATE OP LIME KNOWN IN THE WORLD. It contains °Pei 'pier Oa: or Boas Phosphate of Lime, being 50 per „ oent, richer in Phosphate of Lime then Bone Dust. , • FOR SALE SY THE TON OR CARGO, AND TO FARMERS AT S2O,PER TO OE 2,000 LBS. JOS. B. HANSoN. Sole Agent in Philadelphia, still-them Int • N 0.105 North *ATER Street. CHANDELIERS, u ArtORNELIUS & BAKER, • MANUFACTURER/3 OP LAMPS, CHANDELIERS, OAS FIXTURES, &c. STORE, 710 CHESTNUT STREET. ,MANUFACTORIES, SOl CHERRY ST., AND FIFTH AND COLUMBIA 'lO/-oui tu-2rtil 'AVENUE. ‘_, GDNTS!, FUIDOSIIING GOODS. SCOTT-"—lite'of the Ann ,of Win '''''' ll, .'iditsder & too' tt—ITEINTLEMEN'S FURNIEH TOLE and -SHIRT' • MANUFACTORY. 81 ro uttitteet,tneempOrd!te in° u'"' ' lf htB " - eneo - fe r can the attention 'of hie '.-. 4 446°4 t d r ori t do li to his new wore , an 4 is Pre, - ' ::Inenlif r'lntAltu,,,„an.„,-• 104011178 at abort nn i tic,e. wit i l ,--; : - ... Pfi lre c ria tu f T ilarid, • boiesale Ttade 09P, 1 1 0 1 ./y , .... 'liellnitteind Collar': _ ' y-the-Oheapest in the At-mt oite. st Itennfoototy, from .10 per dozen lie, Arziriti=sthig;rilbnbEisgpmpt find Lined "jackets. 9 f 4 404 ° 8 Wig, • - FETTER tone. Third, above Arab. J'NIOIIOLBON, . • " ' 1 17 , • Mannfacturer of and MARARILLES - BOSohlB.and CQ A LARR. A large acid 13110106 aziortment l ,and YAM!, M ime on hand, unto whioti Particularly invite the at tentionof calor and Prompt-paying snore-rime buyers. corner of sy.cor4D and ARCH Rtreete, - - PAILAWMPHIA. 410-Im. REIM Co TT6 N. 4114 ffoeivad, A PULL .eIBBORTMEDIT IN , BLA(OK, AND OOLOR POP ;tag by 0 ;4 ~4.14 E - tE D - -20 ,7 SIXTH tiTIMET, s. AGISIMIOII,IIIILADELPIIIA. . . . .. . ; , -..ri:Ofbliol4oKO'l SMOKING, VOB AO 0,0 i - -.'„, ~, , , ,, ....r 4 0 ,0.firti c audo ifito.hitoophirc... a ' ~..- .. >IA PE ii PAYSINITA., ' it,Piultin atitretf d.-11f; et riyuei, 's Pre.,sl :. 4 ! etdiet,-Strfite. 41+.-11f; fiir l tptd,Tyagesta arls 44omm t " - ii.,; old h the use r ' - ''' 4 rla " 1 "1° a 1 . 1 - wn° .., ..,.., 0 4..... RO O t li , ea t !FILL e a tr:r v eers ta m -,,...;'- 4 tll,lll3o4ll°4l9olßilbaßAcco'f , 3;,..ther with , •-•Ygro j tv ...:,...a...., ata w r . v ..... m orup_ont. s ,. ..„ R . p ut5,, ,. ..0-laasle a ti.417 , . 1 1 7 t "- '''.,-, ''' ''''' -' ii *Y r ia llitraginilS l TNPr Ak , 110 Pf.' . ___ friroM, 1450 .. . 1 344t0iXr149-1 - 1111, ;44? , ,-Lic rdrit Ars/rater 44 if, "SF And ov9r rpors 0 0180t1011 experience :14 , 1 4 1 113 t fitit fold' 'l •4f4 iriatiaS Lki.E9-44t*ra t infifi ' Mir' ta-zt* - • tratirl42s 0 jiltßool A' (4 7 IrNitTle4' "P i et I *gai , 1v pioL } lSp OW Kn. 471'and A" (10 c'iratore.„ 1 74 74r , Pry litgt • ' VOL. 3.-NO. 59. MILLINERY OPENING .LINCOLN,' WOOD, & NICHOLS, 725 ORESTNUT STREET, ' WILL RAVIt TIMM VAINTER*ENENG: OF BONNETS, dm, he. ON THURSDAY, MUER" 6vit. This dies's!, in variety, style, and quality, is intends( to be THE OPENING Of the &mann, and is especially commanded to the no tine of the Ladies of this city and vicinity. ritl Gill Now ripen; the cheapest nastrtment of MILLINERY GOODS in this city. sold for each, or on short time, at wholesale only. RIBBONS. FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, VELVETS. SATINS, BONNET MATERIALS, and STRAW GOODS, To which we call the attention of the trade, as we are c losing out our FALL IMPORTATIONS AT UNUSUAL LOW PRICES. No. 21. 31. BERNHEIM & CO., No. 21. 525-1 m NO. 21 SOU] II SECOND STREET. DRESS. GOODS, V. C. BUM, W. W. KURTZ. TI-TOMPSON & JENKINS. • DEALERS IN SILK, OASSIMER, AND WOOL RATS, GAPS, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FANCY FURS, SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, FEATHERS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, RUCHES, ke. NO. 628 MARKET STREET, BILOW SIXTH, BOUTS BLDG. The attention of buyers is invited to an examination of onr Stook. alddm 4 3 1 Dp.RIEET STREET. 4- . 0 A 11. RIBBONS. Of every kind, in immense variety NEW, BONNET MATERIALS, BONNET VELVETS, SATINS, eito DE NAPS, LINING SILKS, MOURN CRAPES, of the bed males, FRENCH & AMERICAN ARTIFICIAL Now open, and presenting altogether the mom com plete stook of MILLINERY GOODS in this market. Merchants and Milliners from every section of the conntry'ire cordially invited to call and examine our stook, which we o d or at the ROSBNIIRIM, BROOKS, & 00., aulO4oovlo 431 MARKET STREET. 185 9 . FALL TRADE, 1859 • AGARD • (Yc CO.. - MARKET STREET. WROJASALE DEALERS IN RATS, CAPS, FURS, BONNETS, RUCHES, PLOWERS, ece., 11e , Ve nowin store ►full stook of Deeds, to which they invite the attention of first•elms borers. -21n* J, HILLBORN JONES, lalporter and Manufacturer of •.; VANCY SILK ISTAA.NY 'BONNETS. FLAWERth PRATHER% RUCHES!, &c The attention ofcitywnd Country' Dealers Is invited to s large amt varied stook of the above goods, at 432' MARKBT STRENT, sa9-3m ' ' Below FIFTB. DIRS. 11. IVRIGIPP, 137 PINE St., will oven rasnionabte'Alillinerb on THURS. DAY; Oat. etti. ISSIL • - nltt. J. lIAMBERGER, No. 116 North VILSECAND Street, is prepared to exhibit tie mod complete stook of Millinert ;aids, comprising Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers.- /Soo s, Laces, Ruches, Velvets, and other BonnetAllatene Also, a handsome assort ment,. of Pattern Bonnets, to all of :1( ch ho would in viWtite attention i of Merehants and Milliners. B.—Goods daily received froin Auction, and sold at the lowed prices. es7-2in. 1114 , MISSES O , IIII.YAN, 914 CHESTNUT Street.will open I , ..erie Millinery for th e Fall. on TH. RBDAY, the 20th nat. a 26 12/* DRUGS, GLASS, PAINTS, &C. RO BT. SHOEMAKER & CO. NORTHEAST CORNER • FOURTH AND RACE STREETS, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, importers and DMllere in WINDOW 01.A88, PAINTS. he., Invite the attention of COUNTRY MERCHANTS To their large god( of (locale, which they offer at the loweet market rates. ocAs.t f BOSTON CRACKERS. BOND'S ,EXTRA OBAOKERS ,FOR FAMILIES. rgraC hr RAOICHIS. 1 pat Bisourb it rlC RIO ii %we :trx . BISCUIT " Ok.AHAPT/PRRE. . , AXTRA , PILOT BREAD. We &re 00132tantil TOOIIiVIIIff this oelebreted make of Croakers, .reah from the Bede In bumble boxes, end 80. H. H. TEENOR; Amy, . . sill-ir - lie SOUTH WHARVES. WM. JOHNS ea SON. IMPORTERS, AND DEALERS IN SOOT, SHOE, AND GAITER MATERIALS, . MINOS, GALLOON% REEETIVS, PATENT LEATHER, RENO KIDS, SLIPPER UPPERS, LAOETS, &a N. E. CORNER FOURTH AND ARON RS. su6-3m • LOOKING GLUSES. . . For every mom and every mmition, and at the most moderate 'mom LOOKING GLAI3BEB In the most elabo W rate and the G most simple frames. WOKING LASSES Framed in the beet taste, and in the most substantia 011111120 t. LOOKING GLASSES Furnished by us, are manufactured by ourselves in our elm establislusent. . LOOKING GLASSES In MAHOGANY and WALNUT frames for Country Samoa . JAMES 8. EARLE lk SON, 16 OHERTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. SLEEPER & FENNER. WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS or HMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, 336 MARKET STREET, PHILA.. Are DOW make Wife than 'Mg HUNDRED DITTERINT FARIET11:11 of Umbrellas, of every size. from 23 to 40 tnohei. Hoye/ who have not hid B. & P.'s make of goods 'Will find their time well spent in looking over this well-made stook; widish illub1(101S RANT NOVILLTINS, COI to be Intl Via stsewhera. nun-3m SI N 11EITER, - WHOLESALE MANUFACTURER t r IaRELLLS AND PARASOLS, SORTRWEST CORNER OF THIRD AND MAR SET STREETS. My stook is now yen ooraplote in wry department, wid wilt I* Youndla °Sot inducements to buyers uusur iiimfd tsi alt pales Sausii. 0011-2ro rre PIRO OE RS AND DRUGGISTS.-500 Cases asioni tier or Vonoentratod Lye.in ono pound lu,son. I tho only welt-established and re ttleleJ • Nano Enoto red by tho PennOYlranin Salt fTralrauftuzlig=rny,trd ,tr c , l2 ,, „as - R. rItUIPP T : ' FI. Roan MU nol"! . ,e . turo. V 9-04 • • • , tto.9 North !TON r Strout, • , /I//, • • , at „ I / 1 / 1 ,4/, ' " ' "/ •,• teg, --. _ , v it . . t •L. ,"" I MI - • rie 1.11 • .- 4 47., O •• ' • ' • N. . • 17 4 HU • • • • '••-• • . • ..•,41 cr /Ai P• - • " • <, 1 0 ' • _ . . . MILLINERY GOODS. FLOWERS, FEATHERS, RUCHES, &a Also, newest Fall styles of STRAW AND FANCY TIONNET3, And STRAW GOODS, of every deaanytion, CLOSEST POSSIBLE Pitlol3B. DRUGS, CHEMICALS, &c. CRACKERS. SHOE FINDINGS. LOORINt4-GLABBEB. LOOKING GLABBEB. UMBRELLAS. COMMISSION HOUSES. FROTHINGHAM & WELLS, 34 SOUTH FRONT AND 35 LETITIA STREET, Aro AGENTS for the sate of boodo Itlanufaetuted by the following Companies, viz: MAGIACHUNRTTA, LACONIA. GREAT FALLS, LYMAN. CABOT. DWIGHT, PEREINB, Ips BARTLET. Drown, Bleached, and Colored Shootings, Skirtings, Jeans, and Dolls.. _ ROBESON'S BLUE PRINTS, JIAMPorN COMPANy's TWEEDS AND COTTONADES in great variety WASHINGTON MILLS (Formerly Day State) Shawls, Piano and Tab'a Covers, Printed Peltinve.' Malmo's. all-Wool and Cotton Worn Cloths, heavy bik and blue Beavers, Cassimeres, and Tricots. Alen. Ker• seys, Satinets. ed.d Tweeds. of stutlt-thn WEST, FOBES da LLOYD, 219 CHESTNUT STREET, Invite the attention or the trade to their Stook, con sisting of various makes and grades of SATINETS, TICKINOS CHECKS, CASSIMERES, BEN I al 1, +WEEDS, DOESKINS., AI A RIN . ERS' STRAPES, Woollen and Cotton (16NABURG LIMEYS, CENTREVILLE BAUM SHAWLS, &a— &o. Also, agents for the WINNIPAUK COMPANY'S FELT CLOTHS, TRICOTS. BEAVERS, km., In full assortment of grades end colors au3-sr s-tf SHIPLEY, HAZARD, & HUTCHINSON, NO. 112 CHESTNUT ST.. COMMISSION MERCHANTS FOR THE SALE OF PHILADELPHIA-MADE GOODS. T. R. GARSED & CO.. GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. COTTON, COTTON YARNS, ' SPERM, LARD, AND WHALE OILS, FLOUR, DRUGS, &c Sr The attention or Manufacturers is especially called to our SPERM OILS. No. 22 N. FRONT STREET. PHILA. SMITH. MURPHY. & CO. 237 MARKET BT., AND 228 CHURCH. ALLEY, Are inow opening their FALL AND WINTNIt HOCH op STAPLE AND FANCY DRY GOODS. To which they invite the attention or CASH AND PROMPT SHORT-TIME BUYERS. Pi ,Ana:, August. 7869., , - and-Sni WATCHES, JEWELRY, &c. SILVER WARE. WM. WILSON & SON Invite special attention to their stook of 811,VER WARE, which lo now unusually large, affording a va• riety of pattern and design unsurpassed by any house the United States, and of finer quality than is mouufso• Lured fur table use in any part of the world. Our Standard of Silver le 935-1000 parts pure The English Sterling ...... —9254000 14 American and French 900-1000 " Thus it will be seen that We give thirty-five parts purer than the American and French coin, and ten parts Darer than the English Sterling. We melt all our own Silver, and our Foremanbelng connoted with the Refining De partment of the United States Mint for several years,we guarantee t h e e nm i ty n. above (MO, which is the Ante , that can be made to be seTrictable, and will resist the action of acids much, bitter than the ordinary Silver manufactured. WK. WILSON & SON, E. W. CORNER FIPTIL AND CHERRY BM N. 13.—Any Arlene/5 of ililver manufnotureii eg agreed upon, but peeiiirely none inferior to .Renck and Afneef- Can Madan!. _ • - I/seders Stirptied With the aimestandaid as used la our retail department., Pine Bauer, Baru, arre-le(P parte - pure. ooratantir on band. nun-6m BAILEY & 00, ToSKS BAILEY hi KITCHEN, eve removed to the new Fireproof, White Marble Store, - 819 CHESTNUT STREET, BORTH BIDE, BELOW THE GIRARD HOUSE. Now opening their Pall Stook of IMPORTED JEWELRY, PLATED WARES, AND FANCY GOODS, tro whieh they hinge the attention or the pain*, SILVER-WARE, WATCHES, DIAMONDS, AND PEARLS, AT WOOLNIALI AND RITAIL. atiMittr• J S. JA RDEN & BRO., I I.*MANUFACTURERS AND hIFORTERS OF SILVER-PLATED WARy t N 0.204 CHESTNUT Street, above Third, (up MAIM Philadelphia. Constantly on hand and for male to the Trade,_. TEA-BETS, Whim UNroN SERVICE SETS, mom, PITCHERS, DOBLETS, CUPS, WAITEHS, BAS KETS, CAS'PORS, icsavEs, srOotid. • FORKS, LADLES, An., &a. !Riding and ',tailor on all kinds of metal, se9-ly HARDWARE. T RUITT, BRO., & CO.. IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS HARDWARE. CUTLERY, GUNS, PISTOLS, Ito., 529 MARKET STREET. 629 BELOW IHXTIL NORTH BIDE, PHILADELPHIA. MOORE. HENSZ 8,3 00., HARDWARE, CUTLERY, AND GUN WAREHOUSE. NO. 497 MARKET, AND 416 COMMERCE BTB., PUMA DELPHIA. MEDICINAL. MRS. WINSLOW, AN EXPERIENCED NURSE AND FEMALE Physiman, presents to Um attention of mothers her SOOTHING SYRUP FOR CHILDREN TEETHING, whieh greatly facilitates the enmg tlhegums, rocessor teothing,.by soft- ALI. PAIN rnitiT d og aR t inflammation ; will allay SURE ' lo a ldatiLATW, 4 l.lM ' IIOWELS. Depend upon It, mothers, it will give rest to yourselves RELIEF AND HEALTH We have put up and cold • in con Px never Mani we tees ir be en medicine, NEVER H ASAS OLE INS FANCE, TO EP timely titled. Never did r' lesatisfitation by any one Iran', ell are delighted t speak in terms of highes oal effects and medical vir ~• ;0 matter " what we doh, experienee,and pledge our meat of what we here de N' instance where the incite exhaustion, relief will be Ey minutes alter the Syrup is Thisvaluablepreparation (:) of the most F.XPERI ri WISES in New England never-failing success in THOUSANDS It not only relieves the , sigorates the steinach and nd gives tone and energy trill almost instan_tty re BOWELS AND WIND vulsions r _which, if not , death. wei believe it the the world, _in all muses RHISA IN CHILDREN, teething or from any other every mother who has the foregoing complaints nor the prejudices o tritigreeri:,l4B l , 4 lJlTV use o thin medieine, i Dons for using will name genuine unless the fact HIES, New York, Is on, IstOold by Druggsts..o 11•Igitelticialen'tsit TO YOUR INFANT& thus intiole for over ten fidenee and truth of it, the to say of any Inbar IT FAILED, in a PIN FECT A CUR Pi, when we know an instance of who used it. On the con with its operations, and commendation of its magi- Mee. We speak in this know," .after ten years' reputation for the Mare. In almost every is margins from pain and found in fifteen or twenty administered. nithe pieee;ipti n of nne ENCED and ifILILFW, and has been used With OF! CASES. child from' pain, but' fa bowels, correets acidity to the whole spited,. have GRIPING IN TIIII COLIC and overcome con speedily remedied, end In boat and sorest remedy in DYBENTERY and DEAR whether it arises from cause. We would say to °hold suffering from any of do not let your p ref udi oes, other e, stand between the relief that will be LY SURE—to follow the timely used, Full d_iree pen) eaoli bottle. one simile of CURTIS& PER- O(' outside wrapper. ughout the world. Prinel set, New York. irSO-1, DOUSE-FUDNISIDNG GOODS. HOUSEKEEPERS, AND THOSE COMMENCING HOUSEKEEPING, Will find by far the largest and most useful stook of housekeeping and useful artlelos in the city, comprising many new goods, juet renewed from Europe, of a kind never before for sale in Philadelphia, at the wareroome of JOHN A. MURPHEY & CO., 922 CHESTNUT STREET, SCOTCH WHISI{EY. 125 puncheons lames Stewart k Paisley Malt, in bond and ,' to•sale by aitalt.Mt . lett-am eI.REASE.-200 Ulm., 300 half bble., 140 quarter bbls., 2,000 cans Patent Tallow Grease, sullablq_fer wagons, carts. oars, and Brace, for sale ROwI.EY, ABiIItURNER, & NO. 211 Small WIIKRVER. n. 9 NI AMA ROPE.—A large stock of Ma nila nll eises, manufactured end for sale at the lowest New York ink,:ev, by WEAN , jat,EITER& of No. 33 N. WATER and N. DEItAW ARE Avt PHILADELPHIA, SATIORDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1859, DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. 1859 FALL IMPOR , AT10N.1859 I JOEL J. BAIf f Y & 00.. No. 219 MARKET STREET, AND 208 wunton ALLEY, PIIILADEEPRIA, have rope yod by recent uric*, aid will continue to receive daring the season a Mend complete watt moot of FALL AND WINTNIt GOODS, Consisting in part of HOSIERY, GLOVES, MITTS, AND GAUNTLETS. LADIES', MISSES', GENTS', Arta BOYS J,AMDS•WOOL, MERINO, SILK AND COTTON SHIRTS AND PANTS GENTS' FURNISULEO GOODS. Blank and Fanny Silk Sours, Ti4 ' , and Cravats. Linen, Cambria, and Silk ildkfc, SHETLAND WOOL ZEPHYRS, &c. Also, a handsome stock of WHITE, LACE, and . MILLINERY GOODS AND Egpßor DER IEB. COTTON, MARSEILLES, an LINEN SHIRT FRONTS, a large and cheap variety.' "JOUVIN'S SYSTEMS." BEirE QUALITY KfD GLOVES. A splendid namortment of coidrapndaJsaa. WOOL COMFORTS,HOODS,JACIAIM.NMILAS, /co Together with a large assortment of CLARIV,B, wipe parlor sir-cord " Silk-Finished " and " Enamelled" SPOOL COTTON. Also, their Sewing Machine Cotton, psi up on spools of MOO yards each, to which the'attest lion of Shirt Makers and Manufacturers is particularly requested. CASH AND PRONWT SIX-miATila 'p.VYVIRS are invited to examine our Sleek, which id one or the largest and most attractive ever offered to the trade. ar-2.m W. S. STEWART & CO.. JOBBERS OF AUCTION GOODS, 305 MARKET STREET. ABOVE THIRD. Have now in Store n full line of BLACK AND FANCY 811 M. BROOM , : AND OTHER SHAWLS. ' BILK MANTILLA VELVETS, (K nll giftlieS. and nll the new fabrics in Dna! Oeods, to which we invite the attention of CABII AND PROMPT 81X-MONTII BUYERS. 0.3 m BITER. PRICE, di CO., IMPSRTERS AND JOBBERS POREION AND DOAIRSTIO DRY GOODS 816 MARKET STREET. J. W. GIBBS & SONS, NO, 531 MARKET STREET, Are now opening their PALL & WINTER STOCK OP GOODS ADAP3D TO MEN'S WEAR!. In which will he found It full assortment of CLOTHS, DOESKINS, VESTING% TRIMMINGS, /cc. tub-Sin 1? R. WOOD, MARSH, & HAYWARD, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DRY GOODS AND CLOTH/NG. NO. 309 MARKET BTRERT. PHILADELPHIA. Fall and Wintor Stook low complete and ready for Worm MoOI.INTOOK, GRANT, & 00., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ()LOTUS, OASSIMERES, VISTINOS, AND TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. NO, 339 M tu A ; R I LE I T TL I3 )P TRE ILA RI'. sub-$m DELFHIA, , A W. LITTLE & 00., • 0 - NO. 325 MARKET T. SHAPLEICi - H, RUE. it CO., IMPORTERS OP LINENS ,_ WRITE GOODS , ACES, an EMBROIDERIES. NO. 329 MARKET STREET. Our Stook, selected In the best European markets by ourselves. is large and complete. sub-gm M WILLIAMSON 00., WHOLESALE DEALERS AND JOBBERS IN DRY 030 01)81 NO. 425 MARKET STREET, (And 414 Commerce street,/ aryvvgari 1/013RTII AND VIM, NORM BIM Our stook, especially adapted to Southern and West ern trade, is now large and complete In every partl outer. auP-tr 185 9 FALL IMPORTATIONS. IBS9 DALE. ROSS d'a WITHERS, 521 MARKET, AND Siff COMMERCE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF SILK AND FANCY DOOTS, }MVP now a complete etook, to which they Invite the at tention or buyerc sue-Sin HOUSE-FURNISHING i:OODS. GREAT BARGAINS IH FIRST , QLAti S HOUSE-FURNISHING G 0 0 D S, TO REDUCE STOCK, AT NO. 922 CHESTNUT STREET. J 0 11N A. DLURPIIEY & CO. .303-et cuirrAint lIIATERIALS. 6 3 0 WINDOW SHADES, 630 CURTAINS, AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS. GILT CO R NIC ES AND CURTAIN OR NA MENTS, At prices that will not admit or comootaion. W. HENRY PATTEN, 630 630 CHESTNUT STREET. 630 octi-St RAPIIAEL P. M. ESTRADA, MERCHANT TAILOR. FINE FASHIONABLE READY-MADE CLOTHING, SUPERIOR FABRICS FOR CUSTOMER WORK, NO. 21 SOUTH SEVENTH STREET, PHILADELPHIA, II APIS AEI, P. M. ESTRADA, having assooiated with him as ARTISTIC CUTTER, Mr. JOHN HUDSON (Into of Granville Stokes',) respectfully invites the at tention of the Dublin to his new establishment, and hie splendid stook of FURNISHING GUUDS for Gentle men's wear. He has on hand a choice selection of Fabrics especial ly for customer work rind a varied assortment of fa shionable READY- M ADE; CLOTHING. to which he invites the attention el buyers. litUllt artiste warranted to give entire satisfaction. s2l-3in JOHN HOBSON, Artist. I=Ml3 LIPPINCOTT, MINTER, it SCOTT, MANUFACTURERS AND JOBBER/5 COMMON, MEDIUM, AND FINE CLOTHING. We invite special attention to our complete line Of MACIIINE-141ANUPACTIJIIED GOMM. NCH. 441 MARKET, Sr 419 MERORANT sub-Sm CLOTHING. DRY-GOODS JOBBERS. DRY GOODS NOTICE. JOSHUA L. BAILY, IMPORTE'It AND JOBBER, 213 BIAREET STREET, PHILADELPHIA, Invitee special attention to one of the largest and choicest assortments of WIN PER DRY GOODS IN THIS MARKET, EMBRACINO ALL THE NO VELTIES IN ENGLISH, AND GERMAN DRESS GOODS. A auTheth rtsisortmant BROOMS, STELLA, AND BItANERT SHAWLS, . Of the newest and choicest at los. ENGLISH AND AMEAIOAN BLANKETS. All nizas and qualities. WHITE, SCARLET, YELLOW, GREEN. AND BLUE WOOL FLANNELS. WELCH FLANNELS A GENERAL ASSORTMENT CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATINETS AND VESTINGS% The newest Printings in MANCHESTER DE LAMES 111ME32 Standard makes 811E1 TINGS AND fiItIRTINGS, CITECKS,TICKINGS, AND STRIPES, AND CANTON FLANNELS. A FULL LINE ENGLISH . AND AMERICAN PRINTS, AND TEE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF MERRIMACIC PRINTS UNITED STATES JOSHUA L. BAILY, NORTH SIDE OF MARKET,STREET, ABOVE SECOND, SPECIAL NOTICE DRY GOODS DEALERS. We beg leave to call special attention to our stook of DRESS GOODS. NoW expoood for Wu EVERY ItETAILEIt Who Mt rlsit NRW tORK trill be amply repittd the expense of his trip, by seleotins out of our splendid ta ❑etr *ries different from those to be found in other markets. WE ARE NOW orENINO 00 CASES DRUMM new end really beautiful. 000 " WAMSUTTA PRINTS, new styles. 100 " WARREN PRINTS. 1,000 CLOAKS, SACKS, AND MANTLES. 3,000 BRAWLS, Impelled expressly for on. We have a rioh supply of DRESS UQODS AND DOMESTICS, OP POPULAR BRANDS, Bat to the above we ask your notice in particular. We shall not quote prince, but suttee it to say, that by this advertisement we moan to arrest your attention, and the floods and priors will enable you to arrest the at tention of pour customers the country round. DE FOREST. ARMSTRONG. & CO.. 80 AND 82 CHAMBERS STREET, SPECIAL NOTICE. For t h e accommodation of many of our CITY CURIO 'AIMS 11110 cannot loupe their stores durirg the usual business hours at this season, net well as toaccoinnuidate COUNTRY MERCHANTS 1010 wish 10 000R0mae 00, lit store toll be °yea during the month of OCTO I 3 E R, Et ~r ll week day evening except Snnnnln). The salesmen will be in attendance to show buyers dlirough the stock until (0 o'clock P. M. JOSHUA E. BAILY. IMPORTER AND JOBBER oy FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. FANCY DRY GOODS JOBBERS. H. DUHRING & CO., N0..26 and 29 NORTH FOURTH. BTR RET, Are now receiving, by moon= ve arrivals from Europe, THEIR FALL IMPORTATIONS on ENGLISH AND GERMAN HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND SMALL WARES, WOOLLEN YARNS, MACHINE SEWING SILK AND THREAD, And solicit an Inspection of their complete and well assorted stook, Jyll.3ln ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO SOUTHERN AND SOUTHWESTERN TRADE. SCHAFFER & ROBERTS, 429 MARKET STREET, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS HOSIERY, GLOVES, SMALL WARES, COMBS. BRUSH ES, I.OOK 1 NO-0 LA SS EL •ERMAN and FRENCH FANCY GOODS, SIID TAILORS' TRIMMINGS. nab-Sin MARTINS. PEDDLE, & HAMRI.CK. Importers and dealers in HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY NOTIONS, N 0.30 NORTH FOURTH STREET, 'Vet, doors below the Merchants' Hotel, OLler for sale t e most complete stook of Goods in their line to he found in the UNITED STATES, consisting of HOSIERY, of every grade. ()LOVES, in three hundred varieties. UNDERSHIRTS and DRAWERS. LINEN-BOSOM SHIRTS and COLLARS. LINEN CAMBRIC H UKFS. 8. SHIRT FRONTS. LADIES' ELASTIC BELTS, with clasps of en tire) f i new designs, with an endless variety of NO TIO _ to Ia d they invite the attention of F RST-0 •ANS WESTERN AND SOUTHERN BUYERS. nua-am ArAMY, BROTHER, & BREWSTER 23 NORTH FOURTH STREET HOSIERY, GLOVES, AND FANCY GOODS. We nave a line stock of Imported and Domeatio Cords partioularly adapted to SOUTHERN TRADE, To widen we invite the attention of firet-olass buyer". au6-gin COAL OIL. PHILADELPHIA PIIOTIO COAL OIL WORKS BURNINO AND lUBRICAIINO COAL OILB Manufactured and for IWO by HELMS, MORRIS, 1 1 / 4 CO., THIRTIETH, NORTH OE MARKET STREET ri)-sux “Th e Good Time Coming.” "Thor,'" a Good Time coming, coming," Walleye often heard Heald, But in vain we listen for it. As It comes with noiseless tread: We can only count the monde. , Which will mark the recta - eon light Of the Heaven-directed coursers, • That are known as Bay and Night, Ilrom which the Good Time coming Will, with blessings, mounted be, Speeding onward from the Present To the vast Eternity. In its joutney, ever onward. To the Future's distant shore, In Columbia's rand of freedom, May it knock at ev'ry door. With some comprehensive blessings, In which all may take a part, • So that, in the homes of freemen. There may he no &shins heart. We shall welcome its arrival, When ourselves we strictly school In the precept and the practice Of the Saviour's golden rule; When an honest son of labor. A mechanic poor, commands More respect than wealthy slugsards, With their jeweled, Idle hands ; When a worthy man, in homespun, Shall be honored more by all. Than a knave in shining broadcloth. Though it came from Tower Hall. Where a Bard, in wings and sonnet., Rave for Clothing all he eau, Vet believes with Scotia's poet, it in woLlb that makes the limn." Men of wdrtb Are always prudent. And, in buying clothes, will all On, whore Prudence point', touide them, To the Mammoth Tower Ha ll, Where the Nery best of CLOTIIINO Firm in fabric. strong in stitch— Is secured by prudent pntrnne Who, by Sexing, would be rich. While we wait the Gorki Time coming, To the world we rive our sons. With a eraser. to Heaven directed, That our waiting he not lone ; And, if those unskilled in innate, Cannot sing it, let them, then. In de sentiments rejoicing, Clap their hands, and cry, Amen ! The largest and most complete assortment of Clothing in Philadelphia, now on hand. adopted to the present and approaching season, and fur sale at the mond low prices. at TOWER HALL, No. 518 MARKET Street, Shiladelphot. BENNETT & CO. CURTAIN MATERIALS. 9PsO NIO HALL, 719 CHESTNUT ST., helve• EIGHTH Street. PHIL A lief MIA. NV. 11. CARRY!. & BROTHER will sell— Curtains of Wide French Satin. Curtaine of Wide French 1.a1111411. Curtains of Wide French Tapestry. Curtains of Wide French Drocatelle. Curtain, of Wide Plain Satin. Curtains of Wile Turkish Cloth. Curtains of Japanese Cloth, Curtains °Nairn De tame. Curtains of Damask De taint.. Curtains of Woreted Damask. Curtains of Turkey Red. Curtains of Chintz. Curtains of Material], of every desCription. EMBROIDERED LACE CURTAINS. Lace curtains, g 3 a pair. Lace curtains, 4us pair. Lace curtains. $460 a parr, 1 Lace curtains, 5 a pair. Lace curtain., 6 a pair. Lace curtain,, 7 a pair. Lace curtains, it a pair. i Lace curtains, 9 a pair, Lace curtains, 10 a pale. Lace curtains, 11 a pair, Lace curtain., 12 a pair. Lace curtains, $l3 a pair. Lace ourtaine, 114 a pair. Lace curtains, $l3 us pair. Lace curtains, Id a pair. I Lace curtains, 17 a pair. Lace curtains, 19 a pair. Lore curtains, 19 a pair. Laos curtain', 20 a pair. Lace curtains. 25 it pair. Lace curtains, 30 a pair. Lace curtains, 40 a pair. Lace eartalna, 60 a pair. WINDOW SHADES—Painted and Gold Border, in store and for eale at the following prices, with a good Fixture complete for each shade. Gilt Bordered Window Shades and Fixtures, 1.60. i Gilt Bordered Shades and Fixtures, '45. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, 1.50, Gold Bordered Shades and Fixture., 1.75. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, 2U). Gold Bordered Shadoe and Fixtures, 2.2.5, Gntd Bordered Shades and Fixture., 2 60. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, ty2 75. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, gain. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, 83.25. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, a 3.60. Ooh i Bordered Shades and Fixtures. $3.75. Gohl Bordered fillindes nail rturov. 84 W. Gold Bordered Shades rind mum, 14 its. Gold Bordered Blade. and !stores, link Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, . 4 75. Gold Bordered Shades and Fixtures, esao. Gold Bordered ((hellos nails to order.any style or size. 1 Muslin curtains, 116 a pair. Muslin curtains, •1.25 a pair. 111ushn curtains. 160 a pair. • luslin curtains, 175 a pair. halal curtains, 2 011 a pair. Wolin ourtans. 945 a pair. Muslin curta i ns, PPO a pair, Muslin curtains, VIS Pair. _ - _ liwiltn pair. cu ~.."„.,. , U a pair. laPlia OUrtaiall. a.au a pair. Muslin curtain, 1.75 a par. Mullin curtains, IN apa r, Aluslin enflame. &OD a F. (lilt cornices, die each. iiilt cornices, 69a each. (II t cornices, 760 each, I , tit t cornices, 1.11(/ each, (Ji l t cornices, 143 each. (iit cornicee, Ltd each. Gilt cornices, 1.75 each. 4iilt cornices, 21M1 each. Gilt cornces. 2.N1 each. Gilt cortices,i 1.75 each. Gilt cornices, 9.00 each. Gilt oornieer, LOU each. (tilt cornice., 50u. GILT CORNICES, VERY IC I. OF ALI. /I PYLE. 6. W. 11. CARRY(' at BIRO. CURTAIN STORE, 719 CIII•II3TNUT St., cat It below EIGHTH, North side. PHILADELPHIA HAZELL & HARMER. MANUFACTURERS ♦ND WHOLESALE DEALERS IY BOOTS AND SHOES. NO. 128 NORTH THIRD STREET. A full assortment of City made Boots and Bhoes con stantly on hand. B e P. WILLIAMS & NO. 15 SOUTH FOURTH. STREET. WHOLESALE BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSEO Have now on hand a full nanortment, of Eastern and Philadelphia work, to which they invite the attention of Southern and Western Merohants. autY-Int NEW YORK KEENE, STERLING, & FRANKS, WHOLESALE DEALERS BOOTS AND SHOES. 1 , 10, 413 AHCII trritEET. Purchasers visiting the city will please call and exa mine their stock. sun 2m 381 CHESTNUT STREET, (11 FLOOR.) LADIES', MISSES', AND CHILDREN'S HOOTS, Manufactured exprestle for tire Retail Trade. cull-3m FALL, STOCK BOOTS AND SHOES. JOSEPII 11. TUOM BON & BOOTS AND SHOES EVERY VARIETY, EASTERN AND CITY MADE Purchasers visiting the city will please cell end ex amine their stook LEVIOK„ RASIN, & CO., BOOT AND SHOE WAREHOUSE AND MANUF AOTORY, No. OS MARKET STREET, Philadelphia. We have now on hand an extensive Stock of Soots and Shoes, or all desoriptielle, Or OUR OWN and EASTERN Manufacture, to which we invite the attention of South ern and Western buyers. JAMES STEWART & CO.'S PAISLEY MALT WHISKEY Importer of Brandy, Wine, Le., 133 SOUTH FRONT Street, offers for sale, in bond only, STEWART'S CELEBRATED AND UNEQUALLED PAISLEY MALT WIlib'KEY. e27-3m CARRIAGES OF THE MANUFACTURE CF WILLIAM D. ROGERS. REPOSITORY, 1000 CHESTNUT STREET. 101 ■lB-Ln NEW YORK SYRUP-300 bids. assorted for sale by JAMES ORAIfAM LETITIA Street. CIIEESE. —320 Boxes Herkimer-County Cheese, in store and for sale by C. C. KAMER & CO. of ARCH street, mooed door abovo Front. BY THE BARD OH TOWER HALL. BOOTS AND SHOES, DIoOURDY & SON, SHOES, AND GAITERS, 114 MARKET ST RENS, Have now on hand n lane stook of GEORGE WIIITELEY, TWO CENTS. Cljt Vjrtss. • SAUJIIDAY, OCTOBER .8, 1859. PERSONAL AND POLITICAL., B. DONNELLY BTILI. lavEs.--A waggish cor respondent of the Mobilo Register having con structed an ingenious argument to prove that B. Donnelly, the individual to whom Gov. Wise's let ter on New York politics had been sent, had no real existence, and this argument having been re published in the Now York Eventitg Post, B. Donnelly concleeively shows that ho is a veritable personage, by tho following communication to the latter paper: "The sceptical correspondent of the Mobile Register, whose last effusion you have printed, is laboring under the impression that ' B. Donnelly Co., No. 3 William street, New York,: is a myth. Such is not the ease, we are happy to inform you. Our business has been in successful operation since last May, and is daily increasing. We are im porting an article of gin (being in the liquor bust new)-.[o- M e -nailed the. • Begone,. Gin. Details will he givali in a few days, by advertioement, In every paler in the United States; and we only de sire to say, at this time, that it will be of a supe rior quality, Intended thr the use of politicians at conventions. One bottle will carry a primary election, two will ware for a county conception,. and ten, it is guarantied. will control a State con - volition." 11Lerriox iN New Mecteo.—A correspondent of the St. LOlll4 nflndohlall. writing from Santa Fe, New Mexico, under dale of September 11, 1859, svys : "Our Territorial election for delegate to Con gress and both branches of the Legislature came oil on Monday, the sth instant, and returnseuough have been received to insure the re-election of lion. Miguel A Otero, the candidate of the Na tional Democratic party, over Jose Manuel Galle gos, the Opposition candidate, by at least 2,000 majority. Loth branches of the Legislature are also largely Democratic. Mr. Hugh N. Smith, who abandoned the National Democratic party. was beaten for Senator in this district by the lion. M. Ashurst, by about 400 majority. Thus our people have approved of the law passed by our last Legislature, protecting slave property in this Territory.•' SENATORS BRODETtICK AND Gill:T.—The St. Louis 1? (pit, ran says: "Senator G win left San Francisco immediately after the election, or in the first steamer thereafter. No challenge had passed between him and Senator Broderick, •a wo learn by a gentlemen who come through as a passenger in the overland mail coach. The report from San Francisco is, that the meeting between the two Senators, Id win and Broderick, is adjourned to Washington city, but no challenge has passed." Nor CAROLINA ANT THE PRESIDENCY.—The Raleigh (N. C.) Standard, in an article upon the Presidency, says: We North Carolina Democrats are not affected to any extent by the feeling which prevails in the other States with regard to men. We agree on principle, and will not fall out with each other on men. Some are for Douglas, some for Breckinridge, some for Wise, some for Hunt, some for Lane, some for Dickinson, and some for Dallas—but are are all for du; nominee " DOUGLAS IN INDIANA.—The Democrat* , of Mont gomery held one of the largest Conventions that over assembled in that county, at Crawfordsville. on Saturday last. The following resolution was adopted : Resoired, That no power can or ought to pre vent the people of the Territories from passing each lows upon the subject of slavery as they deem pro per, and that by this we mean to :mien the doc trine of popular sovereignty as It was understood by James Ituchanan in 1850, and now heroically maintained by Stephan A. Douglas. WILL SUPPORT Donntas.—The Richmond Ea-. amine', an anti-Douglas paper, thus emphatically answers a question : " In the Richmond Whig of Friday teat appears an article which absence from the city has pre vented our noticing until this time. In that arti cle is an argument leading up to i ii- n rigi t- Va r Mr;;;r can and will support Mr. Douglas in ease he shall obtain the nomination at the Cherlesten Convention. We reply, unequivo cally, we can, and we will." MCIII.IO - BEINTIVHNT iX TRYT149916 AND MIKAN ace.--A correspondent of the Memphis Appal, writing from Athens, Tenn...says : " Is the Memplibi Appals Douglaa paper? A few of us here have stood alone for Douglas, and until within the past few months he had no ammo in this Congressional district. However, now. I be lieve, a majority are for him. / will be at the Charleston Convention, and desire to do anything I honorably can to advaneeThis intone. **a' Another correspondent of the same paper, wri ting from Fort Smith, Ark., says: " I have been for the last twelve months or more an humblo eu-worker, and am gratified to know that while most of the noisy partisans of Arkansas elenounoo Alr. Douglas as a traitor to the cause of Democracy, the people entertain no such opinion of him, and that already some half dozen papers arc out in his favor." The Augusts Age publishes complete returns or the votes for (lovernor at the recent election in Maine, the footings of which are : Morrill, Rep., 50.318 ; Smith, Dem., 41.348; Morrill's majority, 11,970. The Charleston Mercury, in a recent article de nouncing the Northern Democracy for their hereti cal flews on the slavery question, also bitterly denounces the high-WIT heretics of the party. and concludesas follows : '• If our readers have gone with us in this brief analysis of a protective tariff, they will see ample reason why the Northern people are intent on push. thil policy to the utmost extreme upon the ; and we trust they will also see that it strip them of all that liberty which they inherited at so touch cwt from their bravo ancestors. If they are content to lit e under a moneyed anti slavery despotism, they will submit to it—but if they resolve to be free, they will resist and over throw it." Wendell Phillips, in opening the Fraternity course of lectures, in Boston, made a characteristic attack on Daniel Webster. lie 5.3iLl that the man who would strike the head from the statue recently erected would do a great service, and his name would lie immerMlizml. If Mr. Phillips desires a cheap immortality. he had better attempt the en• terpriso ho recommends Box. A. Cl'ltTlN.—The Clearfield (Pa.)l:aft, ,n✓n ', .1071111 a, says: By a reference to the proceeding= of the county meeting of the People's party, held in this place tact week, it will be seen that a reaalution was adopted in favor of lion. Andrew 1.1. Curtin as the candidate of the party for tiovernor in 13410. This is not the mere laudatory expression of a few vr sons: it to undoubtedly the sentiment of the united body of the Opposition of Clearfield county." (leer,—AND ITRFECTLV Tape.—The Rock Island Ars ur relates a good story of a discussion between a Democrat and a Republican at that place a few days ago. They contended for the superiority of the white race over that of the negro. The Re publican claimed that, naturally, the negro race was fully equal to the white race. and cited as an instance the great abilities and talents of Scipio Africanus. Tho Democrat replied that Scipio Africanus was a Roman. and tHrefore could not bo used to support his position. The Republican, as he thought, triumphantly declared that ho t,/.11 an African, for I,it name war .4fitran us ! This was a clincher, of course, and the Democrat grace fully yielded; but he had a sly twinkle in his eye, which caused some of the bystanders In hold their sides. NEW JERSEY POLITICS.—Tbo anti-Lernmpton Democracy of New Jergey appear to be fully sa tisfied with the platform of the lite Iletimeratio. State Convention, and the position of General Wright, the nominee for Governor. The Sussex Democrat Eva: "The Democratic Convention at Trenton also passed resolutions reiterating in the most emphatic manner their adherence to the Cincinnati platform, cc explained in the preceding part of this article, thus showing that the entire Democratic party of Now Jersey occupy the AMC position that the anti- Lecompton portion of the party has maintained throughout. This action of the Convention removes all Causes of difference between the two wings of the party. If the anti-Lecompton portion of tho party would continue to support those principles for Odell they so earnestly labored last fall, and which the action of the State Convention has de clared to be the platform of the party through out tho State, they must necessarily support the action of that Convention by supporting its nomi nee for lloverner." Tho Ilackettstonc, Warren co., N. J., Gazette says: " Some of our Opposition cotemporaries appear to he considerably exercised as to what course the anti-Lecompton Democrats will pursue in Warren and elsewhere. In order that their minds may be relieved from any uncertainty on this subject, we will distinctly state for their information, that whatever the local differences may be between the Democrats in Warren, arising purely front neigh borhood feeling, on State and National issues, so' long as anti-Lecompton Democrats aro fairly treat ed, and the platform adopted at the State Conven tion Is faithfully adhered to, we cannot do other wise, under the circumstances, than support the nomination of G eaoral Wright. ' 'inn TEXAS ELECTION.—The Clarksi Me (Texas) Btandard, (Democratic paper,) in commenting upon the recent defeat of the regular Democracy in that State, remarks that the late defeat is at tributable, in a great measure, to the slave-trade issue, which, though partially denied, was suffi ciently pressed to produce a wide-spread and dis astrous effect upon the result. EVERETT ERR PRESIPEET.—A correspondent of the New York Evening Po , t suggests Edward Everett for President, " free from allmty con nection and party machinery." Me as " Where shall we fina a man so fitted for the proud position Where one of such eminent abili ties, such pure patriotism, and such unimpeachable integrity f" THEIEI virEEKLy imEss to . WELT Pause trill be sent Subsertimm mail (per annum. is adinace,Tat—... erti 0 Three Copies, " nie Five Copies. " Ten Copies, " Twenty Copies." (to ova addresi) Twenty Copies. or over " (to address of each Subscriber.) each— 1.3) For a Club of Twenty-one or over.we trill send an extra copy to the getter up of tbe Club. tait- Postmasters are requested to act as agents for TIM WIIILT PRIM CALIFORNIA. PR Sl. • L " ned 8 " 4- Monthly in tithe for the Callthrata Steamers. RELIGIOU hla ti /I WM Sdeq English View of the Irish Revival. Since the cessation of the Italian war, one of the most absorbing topics of the English Press is the re ligious revival in Ireland. That it is a very re markable work in all its phases is unquestionable, whether judged from the trans•Atlantie printed accounts, or the oral statements of those who hare recently come from where the revidal is in progress. It would perhaps be quite as difficult to estimate the !mount of true Christianity, as it would be to determine the proportion of self-deception and practical imposition which may reasonably be sup posed to enter into this singular movement. It would therefore be equally unjust to charaeterise all that passes under the name of revival as the work of the Doty One, as it would be to denounce it all as a work of the Evil one. That both powers are represented, may he inferred, we imagine, without disparaging in the least whatever good there may be in it. Indeed, it is accepted as an axiom, that no great work of the Spirit has ever been commenced among, men without evoking, in some form or other. increased demonstrations of the adversary who, as theologians tell us, is still the accredited " Prince of this World." As regards the accounts of the present ease of things in Ireland • it can matter little whether they are penned by those who sympathise with. or de nounce the movement, so far 23 they relate f.trts as the mere opioionr of either class. as to whether it is God's work" or the "Devil's work," are equally good, because both ate good for nothing. By their 100511 ye shall know them," is the nosy test of any value that can be applied to this movement, or to the thousands who, on its are professing their faith in - Christ as the Son of God. A Belfast correspondent of the London Tiswr, under date of September Mtb , whose !flied is evi dently not Mated in favor of the revival, de scribes, with much minuteness. a monster revival meeting which had been held at Armagh two days before. This writer says: " The old machinery of politics is put in motion again in the cause of religion. The platform on this taxation was not inconveniently crowded, and the ' unusual excitement,' described in the local / report., existed . orily in the prevailing, disposition nu * in all to see an excitement in everything- - ea a congregation that exhibits the ord . _ appearance of people in a place of trorelilp - ye glee described as 'solemnly impressed_-rie t :Air count to be taken off all these il ' _. isfillhe agi la tion is very large. The people, tely, in this instance, could not keep the centre of intel ligence and piety combined. They broke into se parate audiences round more violent and more ex citing preachers. There were, at one time. 6re smaller circles in the geld besides the main body. The display of internal suffering, on these ocea• stens, is regarded as the proof of the 'operation of the Spirit,' whioh is not supposed to triumph en tirely till the patient is • struck down.' Just s'sort of this are those ' deeply effected,' and it was in the circles round the wildest and most incoherent preachers that the greatest number of 'deeply af fected' ones were to be seen; where 'divine reli gion' was actually being made a 'rhapsody of words.' In one group I counted twenty-four wretches on their knees at the feet of an ill-look ing. vulgar, and evidently ignorant man, who was consigning all the universe to perdition with ex treme energy. At every sentence the prostrate creatures groaned and grovelled in the earth, anti shouted ( amen!' and 'Jesus!' in constant repeti tion : another batch of sinners (indifferently look ing on) were sent to hell, by the preacher. with great distinctness, amid groans and Osculations or ' awn P Many go out to see this display of mi sery, as they would to sae any other sight, and are accessories to thisworse than murder—the extinc tion of reason in their fellow-men." . The London Timor, in attempting to philmo phhe upon this unwonted state of things in the north of !71stt1 : !,mti1, 8 11.e - the mi enscrt rtalTttetz7toWthan usually line, nions, and psychologists have brought them under a partleular head—the gems hysterical. The feel- • ing which throws the victim into this Itt Is said to he an intense sudden conviction of sin, which is as saddenlyibllowed by a momentary glare of light. The sinner starts back in Itemsr al the cavern of death straight Wks.. him; the of Divine wrath i too much the the mortal frame to bear, and he becomes insensible. .•This is called 'con version.' Miraculous effeets, marvellous cointi dances, second sights, and :mysterious visicings from the invisible world accompany these occa sions. [Some of these, it may here be stated. have been exposed as deliberate impostures.) The Dis senters., it must be remembered, have a different standard of conversion from that of the Church ]of England.] These sects, and especially the Meth.- diets, look upon 'conversion' as a sudden thing. not as a matter of insensible growth in the course of time. For this reason a Church of England could. of course, never become a scene of this demon strative sort; its standard of conversion does not allow- suddenness, and hence no room for ,the 'action of sympathy, from which all these religious excitements spring. After alb how ever, even the fanatical excesses of ouch a movement bear witnko, amid their extravaganee and delusions, to the deep power of the religious principle in human nature to it , reality and life The fault appears to be. when we An the matter, that they makes opirit wt.! ht.r:fry and a drrcar, it e.reitt men: of a principle which was implanted in human nature as a moth-, is action. - Hest. in brief, we hare the ‘• Thanderer'o" views upon a solbj,.2t of which, perhapa, thou son Is who read them will conclude it knows as little about as sumo leas pretending oracles. To the mass of the religious community this subject is at present a matter of interest. The world-wide dif -1 ference between the external manifestation's of the deep work of gra c e which has visited out own coun try within the lost two yeah. to the lasting comfort of thousands of souls.'and the work now going on in Ireland, is strikingly sporent ; though it would be wrong to say that, therefore, the latter was ne erooority a mere work of men If it is. -.it will asoureslly come to naught. Het if it be of God:* not even the London TIP.' can •• overthrow it " Las ton or CORNEN-SIONF.—Tbe corner-stone of a new mission-house will be laid this afternoon. at o'clock. in Reed street. above Second The building is designed for the use of a mission of the Protestant Episcopal Church, which was organized some years since, under the supervision of Rev George A. Latimer, and has hitherto been known so the '• Boone-street Mission, - A chur c h h as nu , been organized. with the name of •• St. John the Evangelist. - and the congregation desire to erect this building. at a cost of about $2,00: 1 , in which they can hold their own church services, ant the large Sunday school which has been gathered to g•ther by their efforts. The congregation has met, for some time pa:4, in the hall of the Shiftier Company, and we congratulate them on the pros. pect they now have of being able, in a short , ime, to continue their labors in a building set apart co nt,!, for the sera ice end worship of God. Tho efforts of the members of the congregation thetwelve4—prineirally laboring men and their farnilies—have been praiseworthy, and as they non appeal for aid in the accomplishment of their be nevolent object. it ought, and we doubt not wilt, meet with a liberal re:ponse from the Chri4tian public. Rev. Drs. Morton and Newton, and Messrs. Lounsberry, Pratt, Cracraft. and others, bare been invited to participate in the exerasta thi ,, afternoon '• Tun Meta: Ttara."—The second number of this new "one cent " religious weekly has been received. it is one week old to.dat, and has had a week of trying erperienee. and we are happy-to add that in the essential of pr;eipt 11/Mt-.711 . 1 . 711. , it has not been '• found wanting." one r_rtra edition having been issued during the interval, in order to render available the surplus reports which the re ligious doings of the week, in this city. were cal culated to accumulate. From this can=e also the current number is largely devoted to n;O7/r. Many of these wo know to be admirably correct in eabstance, and the fact that we detect the graceful hand of the editor, Rev. Dr. Stockton. in them, is sufficient endorsement of their Jtvle. A ‘• penny a week " religious newspaper is a novelty, and should be heartily sustained, especially as it will be tho roughly anti-sectarian in its tono. We wish the editor abundant success in his new enterprise. CHAN, SINS TO CONGRESS.—We hare received the National litcordlr—a religious periodi cal published at Washington. D. C.—eintaining several articles relating to a return to the election of Chaplains to Congress. showing, reasons for re turning to the old usage of baring but two Chap lains, and the decline into which the Chaplaincy has fallen under the present system. We shalt examine carefully the arguments advanced, and probably refer to the subject again when we have more space. REMOVAL.—We have been requested to auncunee that the Church of the New Testament. Rev. T. II Stockton, D. D., pastor, has been removed M the ball northwest corner of Girard avenue and 'Thir teenth street, where there will to preaching by the pastor to-morrow morning at 191 o'clock. SERMON TO YOUNG MIN .—A distoum ripen the death of the late David S. Jacoby, Esq.—an exem plary Christian young man, favorably known to many of our citizens—will be delivered to-morrow evening, at i i o'clock, at the Lutheran Church. New street, below Fourth, by the pastor, Rev. E. Hotter. SERVICES AT THE LOG AN-S(lr ARE CHUB, Li ---MA understand that Rev. D. Lindley, et , Fneces , ful and lahoriou4 an a inimionary for many yearn arcon4 the Zulu , . of Africa, will addrm the Loral square. ~,,ngregation to-morrow el:exam. The stmera pill Vd of A rer7 intercalin4
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